The followi ng table lists the screen forms in which you can
enter parameters:
Screen form Parameters
SELECTION Ger man, English, French
SELECTION Module, program file, SYSID file, path file,
path name, configuring, plant designation ,
generation date, interface
CONFI GURATI ON Link type , comme nt on inter face
OPEN DRIVER CPU No., receive mail box, coordination flags
STAT.PAR. 1 Transmi ssion mode, baud rate, parity, bits
pe r charac ter, stop bits, flow control,
character delay ti me, 1st end identi fier, 2nd
end identifier , fixed message length on
(PRINTER) Wait time afte r sending, lines per page, left
margin, placeholders for page number in
header and foot er , number of headers /
footers, line end character
(HEADER) Placeholder for page number in header and
footer , li ne no., col umn no.
(FOOTER) Placeholder for page number in header and
footer , li ne no., col umn no.
PROCEDURES CPU No., receive mailbox, coordination flags
STAT.PAR Transmission mode, baud rate, parity, bits
pe r charac ter, stop bits, priority, character
delay time, acknowledgement delay time,
attempts at establishment, number o f
DYN.PAR Job No., job, data destination/sour ce, CPU
No. , DB No., desti nation address/source
address, coordination flags
T able 7 .1 Pa ram ete rs in the scre en form s o f COM PP
COM PP Parameter Assignment Software CP 544
7 - 6 C79000-B8576-C191-01