CTS-420 Series – Position Transmitter System
CTS-420 Series Rev. 6 www.meas-spec.com 2015-July
• 4-20mA 2-wire current loop operation
• Linear stroke ranges from 0.25 to 10 inches
• Rotary vers ion 0 to 90º
• Wide oper ating temperature range
• Compact size
• Remote sens o r operation up to 35 ft [10m]
• MS style hermetic connector on the sensors
• Rugged splash-proof electronics housing
The CTS-420 Series is a 2-wire current loop position transmitter system especially suited to measurements in process
industries. Each system consists of either an HCI Series LVDT linear position sensor or an R36AS RVDT rotary position
sensor, along with an ele ctronics module which provides a 4-20mA current loop output.
The CTS-420 operates on an unregulated 10 to 36VDC supply voltage. The electronics module provides the position sensor
with the required AC voltage excitation voltage and converts the AC voltage output into a smooth 4-20mA signal. The zero
and span adjustment potentiometers, as well as the sensor and loop supply connection terminals, are all conveniently
located on the front panel for easy installation and calibration.
The HCI LVDT is constructed of stainless steel and is hermetically sealed. Like in most of our LVDTs, the HCI windings are
vacuum impregnated with a specially formulated, high temperature, flexible resin, and the coil assembly is potted inside its
housing with a two-component epoxy. This provides excellent protection against hostile environments such as high vibration
and shock. Both the LVDT and the RVDT sensors feature an integral welded-on electr i cal h ermet ic connector.
The CTS-420 is ideal for applications where the sensor must be remotely located from the electronics (up to 35 feet away)
due to environmental or space considerations. In addition, inductance and capacitance levels are well below the levels set
for intrinsic safety requirements.
Also see our other 4-20mA position transmitter models; PTS-420 (rugged housing, IP-65 LVDT), HCT (2-wire LVDT
transmitter), GCT (heavy-duty gage head), and RVIT 15-120i (Rotary Variable Inductance Transmitter).
Measurement Specialties, Inc. (NASDAQ MEAS) offers many other types of sensors and signal conditioners. Data sheets
can be downloaded from our web site at: http://www.meas-spec.com/datasheets.aspx
Measurement Specialties acquir ed Scha ev itz Sensors and the SchaevitzTM trademark in 2000.
• 4-20mA 2-wire current loop operation
• Linear or rotary position sensing
• Remote, oil field valve position monitoring
• Zero and span adjustable
• Ship-board turbine throttle position control
• Hermetically sealed (LVDT only)
• Paper mill head box position
• Imperial or metric threaded core (LVDT)
• Rolling mill roller gap feedback
• Cable assembly up to 35ft. (optional)
• Damper control on fossil fuel power plants