Continuity of Specifications
Continuity of Ordering Part Numbers
For More Information
Data Sheet
Publication Number 25685 Revision BAmendment +2 Issue Date July 29, 2002
This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information
is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed
product without notice.
Publication# 25685 Rev: BAmendment/+2
Issue Date: July 29, 2002
Refer to AMDs Website (www.amd.com) for the latest information.
128 Megabit (8 M x 16-Bit/4 M x 32-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous
Read/ Write Flash Memory with VersatileIOTM Control
128Mbit Page Mode device
Word (16-bit) or double word (32-bit) mode selectable via
WORD# input
Page size of 8 words/4 double words: Fast page read access
from random locations within the page
Single power supply operation
Full Voltage range: 2.7 to 3.6 volt read, erase, and program
operations for battery-powered applications
Simultaneous Read/Write Operation
Data can be continuously read from one bank while
executing erase/program functions in another bank
Zero latency switching from write to read operations
FlexBank Architecture
4 separate banks, with up to two simultaneous operations
per device
Organized as two 16 Mbit banks (Bank 1 & 4) and two 48
Mbit banks (Bank 2 & 3)
VersatileI/OTM (VIO) Control
Output voltage generated and input voltages tolerated on the
device is determined by the voltage on the VIO pin
SecSi (Secur ed Silicon) Sector region
128 words (64 double words) accessible through a
command sequence
Both top and bottom boot blocks in one device
Manufactured on 0.17 µm process technology
20-year data retention at 125°C
Minimum 1 million write cycle guarantee per sector
High Performance
Page access times as fast as 25 ns
Random access times as fast as 70 ns
Power consumption (typical values at 10 MHz)
38 mA active read current
17 mA program/erase current
1.5 µA typical standby mode current
Software command-set compatible with JEDEC 42 .4
Backward compatible with Am29F and Am29LV families
CFI (Common Fla sh Interface) complaint
Provides device-s pecific i nformation to the system, all owing
host software to easil y reconfigure for different Flash devic es
Erase Suspend / Erase Resume
Suspends an erase operation to allow read or program
operations in other sectors of same bank
Unlock Bypass Program command
Reduces overall programming time when issuing multiple
program command sequences
Ready/Busy# pin (RY/BY #)
Provides a hardware method of detecting program or erase
cycle completion
Hardware reset pin (RESET#)
Hardware method to reset the device to reading array data
WP# (Write Protect) input
At VIL, protects the two top and two bottom sectors,
regardless of sector protect/unprotect status
At VIH, allows removal of sector protection
An internal pull up to Vcc is provided
Persistent Sector Protection
A command sector protection method to lock combinations
of individual sectors and sector groups to prevent program or
erase operations within that sector
Sectors can be locked and unlocked in-system at VCC level
Password Sector Protection
A sophisticated sector protection method to lock
combinations of individual sectors and sector groups to
prevent program or erase operations within that sector using
a user-defined 64-bit password
ACC (Acceleration) input provides faster programming
times in a factory setting
Package options
80-ball Fortified BGA
2 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
The Am29PDL128G is a 128 Mbit, 3.0 volt-only Page Mode
and Simultaneous Read/Write Flash memory device orga-
nized as 8 Mwords or 4 M double words (One word is equal
to two bytes). The device is offered in an 80-ball Fortified
BGA package. The word-wide data (x16) appears on
DQ15-DQ0; the double word mode data (x32) appears on
DQ31-D Q0 . This dev ice can be pro gra mm ed in -sys tem or in
standard EP ROM programmers. A 12.0 V VPP is not re-
quired for write or erase operations.
The device offers fast page access times of 25 and 30 ns,
with corresponding random access times of 70 and 80 ns,
respectively, a llowing high speed micro processors to oper-
ate without wait states. To eliminate bus contention the de-
vice has separate chip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#)
and output enable (OE#) controls.
Simultaneous Read/Write Operation with
Zero Latency
The Simultaneous Read/Write architecture provides simul-
taneous operation by dividing the memory space into 4
banks, which can be considered to be four separate memory
arrays as far as ce rtain operations are co ncerned. The de-
vice can improve overall system performance by allowing a
host system to program or erase in one bank, then immedi-
ately and simultaneously read from another bank with zero
latency (with 2 simu ltaneous ope rations oper ating at any
one time). This releases the system from waiting for the
completion of a program or erase operation, greatly improv-
ing system performance.
The device can be organized in both top and bottom sector
configurations (see Table 1).
Page Mode Features
The device is AC timing, input/output, and package compat-
ible with 8 Mbit x16 page mode mask ROM. The pa ge si ze
is 8 words or 4 double words.
After initial page access is accomplished, the page mode op-
eration provides fast read access speed of random locations
within that page.
Standard Flash Memory Features
The device requires a single 3.0 volt power supply (2.7 V
to 3.6 V) for both read and write functions. Internally gener-
ated and regulated voltages are provided for the program
and erase operations.
The device is entirely command set compatible with the
JEDEC 42 .4 single-power -supply Flash s tandard. Com-
mands are written to the command register using standard
microprocessor write timing. Register contents serve as in-
puts to an int ern al sta te-m ac hin e tha t con trols the er ase and
programming circuitry. Write cycles also internally latch ad-
dresses and data needed for the programming and erase
operations. Reading data out of the device is similar to read-
ing from other Flash or EPROM devices.
Device programming occurs by executing the program com-
mand sequence. The Unlock Bypass mode facilitates faster
program ming times by req uirin g on ly two writ e cyc les to pro-
gram da ta inste ad of fo ur. Dev ice eras ure occ urs by e xecut-
ing the erase command sequence.
The hos t sy stem ca n de tec t wh eth er a pro gra m o r era se op-
eration is complete by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling) and
DQ6 (toggle) status b i ts . After a program or erase cycle has
been completed, the device is ready to read array data or
accept ano the r comm an d.
The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors to be
erased and reprogrammed without affecting the data con-
tents of other sectors. The device is fully erased when
shipped from the factory.
Hardwa re data protecti on measu res incl ude a l ow VCC de-
tector that automatically inhibits write opera tions during
power transitions. The hardware sector protection feature
disables bo th program and erase o perations in an y combi-
nati on of s ec t or s o f m em o ry. This c an be a ch i ev e d i n - sy ste m
or via programming equipment.
The Erase Sus pend/Erase Resum e feature enab les the
user to put erase on hold for any period of time to read data
from, or program data to, any sector that is not selected for
erasure. True background erase can thus be achieved. If a
read is needed from the SecSi Sector area (One Time Pro-
gram area) after an erase suspend, then the user must use
the proper command sequence to enter and exit this region.
The device offers two po wer-saving features. When ad-
dresses have been stable for a specified amount of time, the
device enters the automatic sleep mode. The system can
also place the device into the standb y mode. Power con-
sumption is greatly reduced in both these modes.
AMDs Flash techno logy combine d years of F lash memory
manu facturin g exper ience t o produ ce the highest levels of
quality, reliability and cost effectiveness. The device electri-
cally erases all bits within a sector simultaneously via
Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. The data is programmed using
hot electro n injec tion .
Bank/Sector Sizes
Bank Number of
Sector Size
Word) Bank Size
16 Mbit
31 32/16
2 96 32/16 48 Mbit
3 96 32/16 48 Mbit
16 Mbit
31 32/16
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 3
Product Selecto r Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bloc k Diag ra m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Simultaneous Operation Block Diagram . . . . . . . 6
Connection Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Pin Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Orderin g Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Device Bus Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 1. Am29PDL128G Device Bus Operations ...................... .....10
Word/Double Word Configuration......................... .................. 10
Requirements for Reading Array Data ................... .. ..............10
Random Read (Non-Page Read) ................. .......... ................10
Pa ge M o de R ea d . .. ... ..................... .......................... ...............1 1
Table 2. Page Select, Double Word Mode ............................... .......11
Table 3. Page Select, Word Mode ..................................................11
Simultaneous Operation .........................................................11
Table 4. Bank Select .......................................................................11
Writing Commands/Command Sequences ................. ...........11
Acc e le ra t ed P ro g r a m O p era t io n .... ................. ............ ............12
Autoselect Functions ..............................................................12
Standby Mode..... ........... ........ ................................................ 12
Automatic Sleep Mode ........................................ .......... .........12
RESET#: Hardware Reset Pin ...............................................12
Output Disable Mode ..............................................................12
Table 5. Se cto r Ad d re ss Ta b le .......................................... ..............13
Table 6. SecSi Sector Add r e sse s................................................20
Autoselect Mode..................................................................... 20
Table 7. Autoselect Codes (High Voltage Method) ........................20
Table 8. Sector Block Addresses for Protection/Unprotection ........2 1
Sector Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Persistent Sector Protection ...................................................24
Persistent Protection Bit (PPB) ...............................................24
Persistent Protection Bit Lock (PPB Lock) .............................24
Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB) ................................................24
Table 9. Se cto r Prote ction Schem es ... ............................................25
Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit ........ ..............25
Pa ss w ord Pr o te ction Mo de ............ ............................... ..........25
Password and Password Mode Locking Bit ...........................25
64-b i t P a ss w o r d ..... ... ..................... ................. ................ ........26
Write Protect (WP#) ................................................................26
Persistent Protection Bit Lock .................................................26
High Voltage Sector Protection ............. ............ .....................26
Figure 1. In-System Sector Protection/
Sector Unpro tection Algo rithms....... ............................................... 27
Temporary Sector Unprotect ..................................................28
Figure 2. Temporary Sector Unprotect Operation........................... 28
SecSi™ (Secured Silicon) Sector
Flash Memory Region ............................................................28
Se cS i Sec t or P ro te c t io n Bit ...... ... ................ ................. ..........2 9
Utilizing Password and SecSi Sector Concurrently ................29
Hardware Data Protection ......................................................29
Low VCC Wri te In h ib i t ....... ............ ............ ................. ........... .29
Write Pulse “Glitch” Protection ...............................................29
Logical Inhibit ..........................................................................29
Power-Up Write Inhibit ............................................................29
Common Flash Memor y Interface (CFI). . . . . . . 30
Tabl e 1 0 . C FI Que r y Id en tifi cat i on S tri n g............ ................ 30
Table 11. System Interface String................................................... 31
Tabl e 1 2 . D e vi c e Ge o m e try De finiti o n... ....... ............ ........... 32
Table 13. Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query...... .. ... 33
Command Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Reading Array Data ................................................................34
Reset Command ................ ........... ............................ ........ ......34
Autoselect Command Sequence ............ ........... .......... ...........34
Enter SecSi Sector/Exit SecSi Sector
Command Sequence ..............................................................34
Double Word/Word Program Command Sequence ................35
Unlock Bypass Command Sequence ....... .......... ....................35
Figur e 3. Progra m Oper a ti o n...... ................................................... 36
Chip Era se C omma nd S e q uen c e .. ................. ................. .......36
Sector Erase Command Sequence .................................... .. ..36
Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands ...........................37
Figure 4. Erase Operation.............................................................. 37
Password Program Command ................................................37
Pass w o rd V e ri fy Co m mand ....... ........... ................. ............ .....38
Password Protection Mode Locking Bit Program Command ..38
Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit Program
Command ............................................................................... 38
SecSi Sector Protection Bit Program Command ....................38
PPB Lock Bit Set Command ...................................................38
DYB Write Command ...................... ..................... .......... .. ......39
Pass w o rd Unlo c k C omma nd ..... .. .. ...................... ...................3 9
PPB Program Command ........................................................39
All PPB Erase Command ........................................................39
DYB Write Command ...................... ..................... .......... .. ......39
PPB Lock Bit Set Command ...................................................40
PPB Lock Bit Status Command ..............................................40
Sector Protection Status Command .............. ........... .......... ....40
Command Definitions Tables.................................................. 41
Table 14. Memory Array Command Definitions (x32 Mode) ..........41
Table 15. Sector Protection Command Definitions (x32 Mode) ..... 42
Table 16. Memory Array Command Definitions (x16 Mode) ..........43
Table 17. Sector Protection Command Definitions (x16 Mode) ..... 44
Write Operation Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
DQ7: Da ta# P o l lin g ............. ..................... ..................... ..........45
Figur e 5. Data# Polling Algorithm.................................................. 45
RY/BY#: Ready/Busy#............................................................ 46
DQ6: Toggle Bit I ....................................................................46
Figure 6. Toggle Bit Algorithm........................................................ 46
DQ2: Toggle Bit II ...................................................................47
Reading Toggle Bits DQ6/DQ2 ...............................................47
DQ5: Exceeded Timing Limits ................................................47
DQ3: S e cto r E ra s e Time r ............ ............ ............ ............ .......47
Table 18. Write Ope r a tion Status ...................................................48
Absolute Maximu m Ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 7. Maximum Negative Overshoot Waveform...................... 49
Figure 8. Maximum Positive Ov ershoot Wavefo r m........................ 49
DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Test Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figur e 9. Test Setup... ................................................................... 51
Figure 10. Input Waveforms and Measurement Levels ................. 51
AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Read-Only Operations ...........................................................52
Figure 11. Read Operation Timings............................................... 52
Figure 12. Page Read Operation Timin g s... ..................... .............. 53
4 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Hardware Reset (RESET#) ....................................................54
Figure 13. Reset Timings................................................................ 54
Word/Double Word Configuration (WORD#) ..........................55
Figure 14. WORD# Tim ings for Read Operations. ........ .................. 55
Figure 15. WORD# Timings for Write Operations........................... 55
Erase and Program Operations ..............................................56
Figur e 16 . Progra m Oper a tion Timing s....................... .................... 57
Figure 17. Accelerated Program Timing Diagram........................... 57
Figur e 18 . Chip/S ec to r Era se Oper a tion Timings........................... 58
Figure 19. Back-to-back Read/Write Cycle Timings....................... 59
Figure 20. Data# Polling Timings (During Embedded Algorithms).. 59
Figure 21. Toggle Bit Timings (During Embedded Algorithms)....... 60
Figur e 22 . DQ2 vs. DQ6................................. ................................. 60
Temporary Sector Unprotect ..................................................61
Figure 23. Temporary Sector Unprotect Timing Diagram. .............. 61
Figure 24. Sector/Sector Block Protect and
Unprotect Timing Diagram............................................................. 62
Alternate CE# Controlled Erase and Program Operations .....63
Figure 25. Alternate CE# Controlled Write (Erase/Program)
Operation Timi ngs................................................ .......................... 64
Erase And Prog ramming Performance. . . . . . . . 65
Latchup C haracteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
TSOP Pin and BGA Package Capacitance . . . . . 65
Data Retention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
LAB08080-Ball Fortified Ball Grid Array
10 x 15 mm package ..............................................................67
Re v is ion Su mmary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 5
Note: See AC Chara cter istic s secti on for full spe cifi cations.
1. In double word mode, input/outputs are DQ31-DQ0, address range is A21-A0. In word mode, input/outputs are DQ15-DQ0, address range is
2. RY/BY# is an open drain output.
Part Number Am29PDL128G
Speed Op tion Voltage Range: VCC = 3.03.6 V 70R
Voltage Range: VCC = 2.73.6 V 70 80 90
Max Access Time, ns (tACC)708090
Max CE# Acce ss, ns (tCE)708090
Max Page Access, ns (tPACC)253035
Max OE# Access, ns (tOE)253040
Register PGM Voltage
VCC Detector Timer
Erase Voltage
Chip Enable
Output Enable
Cell Matrix
Address Latch
Data Latch
RY/BY# (Note 2)
A3, A4
6 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Bank 1 Address
Bank 2 Address
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank 3
Bank 4
Bank 3 Address
Bank 4 Address
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 7
Special Handling Instructions for BGA
Special handling is required for Flash Memory products
in molded packages (TSOP, BGA, PLCC, PDIP,
SSOP). The package and/or data integrity may be
compromised if the package body is exposed to
temperatures above 150°C for prolonged periods of
B2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 J2
B3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 J3
B4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4 J4
B5 D5 E5 F5 G5 H5 J5
B6 D6 E6 F6 G6 H6 J6
B7 D7 E7 F7 G7 H7 J7
DQ8 A16DQ25DQ27DQ12DQ14DQ31/A-1A20
DQ23 A7
B1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 J1
B8 D8
C8 E8 F8 G8 H8 J8
80-Ball Fortified BGA
Top View, Balls Facing Down
8 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
A21A0 = 22 Addresses
DQ30DQ0 = 31 Data Inputs/ Outputs
DQ31/A-1 = DQ31 (Data Input/Output, double
word mode), A-1 (LSB Address In-
put, word mode)
CE# = Chip Enable
OE# = Output Enable
WE# = Write Enable
WP# = Hardware Write Protect Input
ACC = Acceleration Input
RESET# = Hardware Reset Pin, Active Low
WORD# = Word Enable Input
At VIL, selects 16-bit mode,
At VIH, selects 32-bit mode
RY/B Y# = Ready/Busy Output
VCC = 3.0 Volt-only Single Power Supply
(see Product Selector Guide for
speed options and voltage supply
VIO = Output Buf fer Power Supply
VSS = Device Ground
NC = Pin Not Connected Internally
RFU = Reserved for Future Use
22 32 or 16
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 9
Standard Products
AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is
formed by a combination of the following:
Valid Combinations
V alid Combinations list configurations planned to be supported in
volume for this device. Consult the local AMD sales office to con-
firm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on
newly released combinations.
Blank = Standard Pr ocessing
N = 16-byte ESN devices
(Contact an AM D representative for more information)
I = Industrial (40°C to +85°C)
E = Extended (55°C to +125°C)
PE = 80-Ball Fortified Ball Grid Array (FBGA)
1 mm pitch, 15 x 10 mm package (LAB080)
See Product Selector Guide and Valid Combi nations
128 Megabit (8 M x 16-Bit/4 M x 32-Bit) CM OS Flash Memory
3.0 Volt-only Read, Program, and Erase
Valid Combinations for BGA Packages
Order Number Package Marking
Am29PDL128G70R PEI PD128G70R I
Am29PDL128G70 PD128G70V
Am29PDL128G80 PEI,
PEE PD128G80V I, E
Am29PDL128G90 PD128G90V
10 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
This section describes the requirements and use of
the device bus o perations, which are in itiated through
the internal command register. The command register
itself doe s not occupy a ny address able memo ry loca-
tion. The register is a latch used to store the com-
mands , along with the ad dress and data in formation
needed to execute the command. The contents of the
regis ter serve as inpu ts to the intern al state machin e.
The state machine outputs dictate the function of the
device. Table 1 lists the device bus operations, the in-
puts an d contro l levels they requir e, and the resultin g
output. The following subsections describe each of
these operations in further detail.
Table 1. Am29PDL128G Device Bus Operations
Legend: L = Logic Low = VIL, H = Logic High = VIH, VID = 11.5–12.5 V, VHH = 9.0 ± 0.5 V, X = Don’t Care, SA = Sector Address,
AIN = Address In, DIN = Data In, DOUT = Data Out
1. Addresses are A21–A0 in double word mode (WORD# = VIH), A21–A-1 in word mode (WORD# = VIL).
2. The sector protect and sector unprot ect f unctions may al so be i mplemente d via programmi ng equipmen t. See the “ Sector
Protection” section .
Word/Double Word Configuration
The WORD # pin controls whether the device data I/O
pins operate in the word or double word configuration.
If the WORD# pin is set at VIH, the device is in double
word configuration, DQ31DQ0 are active and con-
trolled by CE# and OE#.
If the WOR D# pin is set at VIL, the de vice is in word
configuration, and only data I/O pins DQ15DQ0 are
active and controlled by CE# and OE#. The data I/O
pins DQ30DQ16 are tri-stated, and the DQ31 pin is
used as an inp ut for the le ast signific ant address bit
(LSB) function, which is named A-1.
Requirements for Reading Array Data
To read array data from the outputs, the system must
driv e the CE # and OE# pi ns to VIL. CE# is the power
control and selects the device. OE# is the output con-
trol and gates array data to the output pins. WE#
should remain at VIH. The WORD# pin determines
whether the devic e output s array data in words or dou-
ble words.
The internal state machine is set for reading array data
upon device power-up, or after a hardware reset. This
ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory
conten t occurs durin g the power transition. No com-
mand is necessary in this mode to obtain array data.
Standard microprocessor read cycles that assert valid
addresses on the device address inputs produce valid
data on the device data outputs. Each bank remains
enabled for read access until the command register
contents are altered.
Re fe r to th e A C Read-Only Operations table for timing
specifications and to Figure 11 for the timing diagram.
ICC1 in the DC Characteristics table represents the ac-
tive current specification for reading array data.
Random Read (Non-Page Read)
Address access time (tACC) is equal to the delay from
stable addresses to valid output data. The chip enable
access time (tCE) is the delay from the stable ad-
dresses a nd stable CE# to valid data at the outpu t in-
puts. The output enable access time is the delay from
the fall ing edge of the OE# to vali d data at th e output
Operation CE# OE# WE# RESET# WP# Addresses
(Note 1)
Read L L H H X AIN DOUT DQ30DQ16 =
High-Z, DQ31 = A-1 DOUT
Standby VCC ±
0.3 V XXVCC ±
0.3 V X X High-Z High-Z High-Z
Output Disable L H H H X X High-Z High-Z High-Z
Reset X X X L X X High-Z High-Z High-Z
Temporary Sector
Unprotect (High Voltage) XXX V
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 11
inputs (assuming the addresses have been stable for
at least tACCtOE time).
Page Mode Read
The device is capable of fast page mode read and is
compatible with the page mode Mask ROM read oper-
ation . This mode provides faster read ac cess spee d
for random locations within a page. The page size of
the device is 8 words, or 4 double words , with the ap-
propriate page being selec ted by the higher address
bits A21A2 and the LSB bits A1A0 (in the double
word mode) and A1 to A-1 (in the word mode) deter-
mining the specific word/double word within that page.
This is an asynchronous operation with the micropro-
cesso r supp lying th e specifi c word or doub le wor d lo-
The random or initial page access is equal to tACC or
tCE and subsequent page read ac cesses (as long as
the locations specified by the microprocessor falls
within that page) is equivalent to tPACC. When C E# is
deasserted and reasserted for a subsequent access,
the access time is tACC or tCE. Here again, CE# selects
the device and OE# i s the output control and should
be used to gate data to the output inpu ts if the device
is selected. Fast page mode accesses are obt ained by
keepi ng A21A2 constant and changing A1 to A0 to
select the specific double word, or changing A1 to A-1
to select the specific word, within that page.
Table 2. Page Select, Double Word Mode
Table 3. Page Select, Word Mode
Simultaneous Operation
The device is capable of reading data from one bank
of memory while a program or erase operation is in
progress in another bank of memory (simultaneous
operation), in addition to the conventional features
(read, program, erase-suspend read, and erase-sus-
pend program). The bank selected can be selected by
bank addresses (A21A1 9) w i th zero late n c y.
The s imultane ous operatio n can ex ecute multi-fu nc-
tion mode in the same bank.
Table 4. Bank Select
Writing Commands/Command Sequences
To write a command or command sequence (which in-
cludes programming data to the device and erasing
sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and
CE# to VIL, and OE# to VIH.
For program operations, the WORD# pin determines
whether the device accepts program data in double
words or words. Refer to Word/Double Word Configu-
ration for more information.
The device features an Unlock Bypass mode to facil-
itate faster programming. Once a bank enters the Un-
lock B ypass m ode, onl y two wr ite cycles are re quired
to program a double word or word, ins tead of f our. The
Double Word/Word Program Command Sequence
section has details on programming data to the device
using both standard and Unlock Bypass command se-
An erase operat ion can e rase one sector, multipl e sec-
tors, or the entire device. Table 5 indicates t he addres s
space that each sector occ upies. A bank a ddress is
the address bits required to uniquely select a bank.
Similarly, a sector address refer s to the address bits
required to uniquely s elect a sector. The Command
Definitions section has details on erasing a sector or
the entire chip, or suspending/resuming the erase op-
ICC2 in the DC Characteristics table represents the ac-
tive current spec ification for the write mode. The AC
Characteristics section contains timing specification
tables and timing diagrams for write operations.
Word A1 A0
Double Word 0 0 0
Double Word 1 0 1
Double Word 2 1 0
Double Word 3 1 1
Word A1 A0 A-1
Wor d 0 0 0 0
Wor d 1 0 0 1
Wor d 2 0 1 0
Wor d 3 0 1 1
Wor d 4 1 0 0
Wor d 5 1 0 1
Wor d 6 1 1 0
Wor d 7 1 1 1
Bank A21A19
Bank 1 000
Bank 2 001, 010, 011
Bank 3 100, 101, 110
Bank 4 111
12 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Accelerated P rog ram Operation
The device offers accelerated program operations
through the ACC function. This function is primarily in-
tended to allow faster manufacturing throughput at the
If the sy stem as serts VHH on this pin, the device auto-
matically enters the aforementioned Unlock Bypass
mode, temporar ily unprotects any protected se ctors,
and uses the higher voltage on the pin to reduce the
time required for program operations. The system
would us e a two-cycle pro gram comm and sequence
as required by the Unlock Bypass mode. Removing
VHH from the ACC pin returns the device to normal op-
eration. Note that VHH must not be asserted on ACC
for operations other than accelerated programming, or
device damage may result.
Autoselect Functions
If the system writes the autoselect command se-
quence, the devic e enters the autoselect mo de. The
system can then read autoselect codes from the inter-
nal register (which is separate from the memory array)
on DQ15DQ0. Standard read cycle timings apply in
this mode . Refer to the A utoselect Mode and Autose-
lect Comm and Sequence sections for mo re informa-
Standby Mode
When the system is not re ading or writing to the de-
vice, it can place the devic e in the standby mode. In
this mode, current consumption is greatly reduced,
and the outputs are placed in the high impedance
state, independent of the OE# input.
The device enters the CMOS standby mode when the
CE# and RESET# pins are both held at VCC ± 0.3 V.
(Note that this is a more restricted voltage range tha n
VIH.) If CE# and RESET# are held at VIH, but not within
VCC ± 0.3 V, th e device will be in the standby mod e,
but the standby current will be grea ter. The device re-
quires standard access time (tCE) for read access
when the device is in either of these standby modes,
before it is ready to read data.
If the device is deselected during erasure or program-
ming, the device draws active current until the
operation is completed.
ICC3 in the DC Characteristics table represents the
CMOS standby current specification.
Automatic Sleep Mode
The automatic sleep mode minimizes Flash device en-
ergy consumption. The device automatically enables
this mode when addresses remain stable for tACC +
30 ns. The automatic sleep mode is independent of
the CE#, WE#, and OE# control signals. Standard ad-
dress access timings provide new data when ad-
dresses are changed. While in sleep mode, output
data is latched and always available to the system.
Note that durin g automatic s leep mode, OE# m ust be
at VIH before the devi ce redu ces curren t to the state d
sleep mode specification. ICC5 in the DC Characteris-
tics tab le represent s the automatic sleep mode current
RESET#: Hardware Reset Pin
The RESET# pin pr ovides a hardware method of re-
setting the device to reading array data. When the RE-
SE T# pin is driv en low for at lea st a period of tRP, th e
device immediately terminates any operation in
progress, tristates all output pins, and ignores all
read/w rite comm ands for the duration of the RESET #
pulse. The device also resets the internal state ma-
chine to reading array data. The operation that was in-
terrupted should be reinitiated once the device is
ready to accept another command sequence, to en-
sure data integrity.
Current is reduced for the duration of the RESET#
pulse. When RESET# is held at VSS±0.3 V, the device
draws CMOS standby current (ICC4). If RESET# is
held at VIL but not within VSS±0.3 V, the standby cur-
rent will be greater.
The RESET# p in may be tied to the system reset cir-
cuitry. A system reset would thu s also reset the Flas h
memory, enabling the system to read the boot-up firm-
ware from the Flash memory.
If RESE T# is asser ted duri ng a pr ogram or era se op-
eration, the RY/BY# pin remains a 0 (busy) until the
internal reset operation is complete, which requires a
time of tREADY (during Embedded Algorithms). The
system can thus monitor RY/BY# to determine
whether the reset operation is complete. If RESET# is
asserted when a program or erase operation is not ex-
ecuting (R Y/BY# pi n is 1), the reset operation is com-
pleted within a time of tREADY (not during Embedded
Algorithms). The system c an read data tRH after the
RESET# pin returns to VIH.
Refer to the AC Characteristics tables for RESET # pa-
rameters and to Figure 13 for the timing diagram.
Output Disable Mode
When the OE# input is at VIH, output from t he device is
disabled. The output pins (except for RY/BY#) are
placed in the high impedance state.
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 13
Table 5. Sector Address Table
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
Bank 1
SA0 00000000000 4/2 00000h00FFFh 000000h0007FFh
SA1 00000000001 4/2 01000h01FFFh 000800h000FFFh
SA2 00000000010 4/2 02000h02FFFh 001000h0017FFh
SA3 00000000011 4/2 03000h03FFFh 001800h001FFFh
SA4 00000000100 4/2 04000h04FFFh 002000h0027FFh
SA5 00000000101 4/2 05000h05FFFh 002800h002FFFh
SA6 00000000110 4/2 06000h06FFFh 003000h0037FFh
SA7 00000000111 4/2 07000h07FFFh 003800h003FFFh
SA8 00000001XXX 32/16 08000h0FFFFh 004000h007FFFh
SA9 00000010XXX 32/16 10000h17FFFh 008000h00BFFFh
SA10 00000011XXX 32/16 18000h1FFFFh 00C000h00FFFFh
SA11 00000100XXX 32/16 20000h27FFFh 010000h013FFFh
SA12 00000101XXX 32/16 28000h2FFFFh 014000h017FFFh
SA13 00000110XXX 32/16 30000h37FFFh 018000h01BFFFh
SA14 00000111XXX 32/16 38000h3FFFFh 01C000h01FFFFh
SA15 00001000XXX 32/16 40000h47FFFh 020000h023FFFh
SA16 00001001XXX 32/16 48000h4FFFFh 024000h027FFFh
SA17 00001010XXX 32/16 50000h57FFFh 028000h02BFFFh
SA18 00001011XXX 32/16 58000h5FFFFh 02C000h02FFFFh
SA19 00001100XXX 32/16 60000h67FFFh 030000h033FFFh
SA20 00001101XXX 32/16 68000h6FFFFh 034000h037FFFh
SA21 00001110XXX 32/16 70000h77FFFh 038000h03BFFFh
SA22 00001111XXX 32/16 78000h7FFFFh 03C000h03FFFFh
SA23 00010000XXX 32/16 80000h87FFFh 040000h043FFFh
SA24 00010001XXX 32/16 88000h8FFFFh 044000h047FFFh
SA25 00010010XXX 32/16 90000h97FFFh 048000h04BFFFh
SA26 00010011XXX 32/16 98000h9FFFFh 04C000h04FFFFh
SA27 00010100XXX 32/16 A0000hA7FFFh 050000h053FFFh
SA28 00010101XXX 32/16 A8000hAFFFFh 054000h057FFFh
SA29 00010110XXX 32/16 B0000hB7FFFh 058000h05BFFFh
SA30 00010111XXX 32/16 B8000hBFFFFh 05C000h05FFFFh
SA31 00011000XXX 32/16 C0000hC7FFFh 060000h063FFFh
SA32 00011001XXX 32/16 C8000hCFFFFh 064000h067FFFh
SA33 00011010XXX 32/16 D0000hD7FFFh 068000h06BFFFh
SA34 00011011XXX 32/16 D8000hDFFFFh 06C000h06FFFFh
SA35 00011100XXX 32/16 E0000hE7FFFh 070000h073FFFh
SA36 00011101XXX 32/16 E8000hEFFFFh 074000h077FFFh
SA37 00011110XXX 32/16 F0000hF7FFFh 078000h07BFFFh
SA38 00011111XXX 32/16 F8000hFFFFFh 07C00007FFFFh
14 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Bank 2
SA39 00100000XXX 32/16 100000h107FFFh 080000h083FFFh
SA40 00100001XXX 32/16 108000h10FFFFh 084000h087FFFh
SA41 00100010XXX 32/16 110000h117FFFh 088000h08BFFFh
SA42 00100011XXX 32/16 118000h11FFFFh 08C000h08FFFFh
SA43 00100100XXX 32/16 120000h127FFFh 090000h093FFFh
SA44 00100101XXX 32/16 128000h12FFFFh 094000h097FFFh
SA45 00100110XXX 32/16 130000h137FFFh 098000h09BFFFh
SA46 00100111XXX 32/16 138000h13FFFFh 09C000h09FFFFh
SA47 00101000XXX 32/16 140000h147FFFh 0A0000h0A3FFFh
SA48 00101001XXX 32/16 148000h14FFFFh 0A4000h0A7FFFh
SA49 00101010XXX 32/16 150000h157FFFh 0A8000h0ABFFFh
SA50 00101011XXX 32/16 158000h15FFFFh 0AC000h0AFFFFh
SA51 00101100XXX 32/16 160000h167FFFh 0B0000h0B3FFFh
SA52 00101101XXX 32/16 168000h16FFFFh 0B4000h0B7FFFh
SA53 00101110XXX 32/16 170000h177FFFh 0B8000h0BBFFFh
SA54 00101111XXX 32/16 178000h17FFFFh 0BC000h0BFFFFh
SA55 00110000XXX 32/16 180000h187FFFh 0C0000h0C3FFFh
SA56 00110001XXX 32/16 188000h18FFFFh 0C4000h0C7FFFh
SA57 00110010XXX 32/16 190000h197FFFh 0C8000h0CBFFFh
SA58 00110011XXX 32/16 198000h19FFFFh 0CC000h0CFFFFh
SA59 00110100XXX 32/16 1A0000h1A7FFFh 0D0000h0D3FFFh
SA60 00110101XXX 32/16 1A8000h1AFFFFh 0D4000h0D7FFFh
SA61 00110110XXX 32/16 1B0000h1B7FFFh 0D8000h0DBFFFh
SA62 00110111XXX 32/16 1B8000h1BFFFFh 0DC000h0DFFFFh
SA63 00111000XXX 32/16 1C0000h1C7FFFh 0E0000h0E3FFFh
SA64 00111001XXX 32/16 1C8000h1CFFFFh 0E4000h0E7FFFh
SA65 00111010XXX 32/16 1D0000h1D7FFFh 0E8000h0EBFFFh
SA66 00111011XXX 32/16 1D8000h1DFFFFh 0EC000h0EFFFFh
SA67 00111100XXX 32/16 1E0000h1E7FFFh 0F0000h0F3FFFh
SA68 00111101XXX 32/16 1E8000h1EFFFFh 0F4000h0F7FFFh
SA69 00111110XXX 32/16 1F0000h1F7FFFh 0F8000h0FBFFFh
SA70 00111111XXX 32/16 1F8000h1FFFFFh 0FC000h0FFFFFh
SA71 01000000XXX 32/16 200000h207FFFh 100000h103FFFh
SA72 01000001XXX 32/16 208000h20FFFFh 104000h107FFFh
SA73 01000010XXX 32/16 210000h217FFFh 108000h10BFFFh
SA74 01000011XXX 32/16 218000h21FFFFh 10C000h10FFFFh
SA75 01000100XXX 32/16 220000h227FFFh 110000h113FFFh
SA76 01000101XXX 32/16 228000h22FFFFh 114000h117FFFh
SA77 01000110XXX 32/16 230000h237FFFh 118000h11BFFFh
SA78 01000111XXX 32/16 238000h23FFFFh 11C000h11FFFFh
SA79 01001000XXX 32/16 240000h247FFFh 120000h123FFFh
SA80 01001001XXX 32/16 248000h24FFFFh 124000h127FFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 15
Bank 2 (continued)
SA81 01001010XXX 32/16 250000h257FFFh 128000h12BFFFh
SA82 01001011XXX 32/16 258000h25FFFFh 12C000h12FFFFh
SA83 01001100XXX 32/16 260000h267FFFh 130000h133FFFh
SA84 01001101XXX 32/16 268000h26FFFFh 134000h137FFFh
SA85 01001110XXX 32/16 270000h277FFFh 138000h13BFFFh
SA86 01001111XXX 32/16 278000h27FFFFh 13C000h13FFFFh
SA87 01010000XXX 32/16 280000h287FFFh 140000h143FFFh
SA88 01010001XXX 32/16 288000h28FFFFh 144000h147FFFh
SA89 01010010XXX 32/16 290000h297FFFh 148000h14BFFFh
SA90 01010011XXX 32/16 298000h29FFFFh 14C000h14FFFFh
SA91 01010100XXX 32/16 2A0000h2A7FFFh 150000h153FFFh
SA92 01010101XXX 32/16 2A8000h2AFFFFh 154000h157FFFh
SA93 01010110XXX 32/16 2B0000h2B7FFFh 158000h15BFFFh
SA94 01010111XXX 32/16 2B8000h2BFFFFh 15C000h15FFFFh
SA95 01011000XXX 32/16 2C0000h2C7FFFh 160000h163FFFh
SA96 01011001XXX 32/16 2C8000h2CFFFFh 164000h167FFFh
SA97 01011010XXX 32/16 2D0000h2D7FFFh 168000h16BFFFh
SA98 01011011XXX 32/16 2D8000h2DFFFFh 16C000h16FFFFh
SA99 01011100XXX 32/16 2E0000h2E7FFFh 170000h173FFFh
SA100 01011101XXX 32/16 2E8000h2EFFFFh 174000h177FFFh
SA101 01011110XXX 32/16 2F0000h2F7FFFh 178000h17BFFFh
SA102 01011111XXX 32/16 2F8000h2FFFFFh 17C000h17FFFFh
SA103 01100000XXX 32/16 300000h307FFFh 180000h183FFFh
SA104 01100001XXX 32/16 308000h30FFFFh 184000h187FFFh
SA105 01100010XXX 32/16 310000h317FFFh 188000h18BFFFh
SA106 01100011XXX 32/16 318000h31FFFFh 18C000h18FFFFh
SA107 01100100XXX 32/16 320000h327FFFh 190000h193FFFh
SA108 01100101XXX 32/16 328000h32FFFFh 194000h197FFFh
SA109 01100110XXX 32/16 330000h337FFFh 198000h19BFFFh
SA110 01100111XXX 32/16 338000h33FFFFh 19C000h19FFFFh
SA111 01101000XXX 32/16 340000h347FFFh 1A0000h1A3FFFh
SA112 01101001XXX 32/16 348000h34FFFFh 1A4000h1A7FFFh
SA113 01101010XXX 32/16 350000h357FFFh 1A8000h1ABFFFh
SA114 01101011XXX 32/16 358000h35FFFFh 1AC000h1AFFFFh
SA115 01101100XXX 32/16 360000h367FFFh 1B0000h1B3FFFh
SA116 01101101XXX 32/16 368000h36FFFFh 1B4000h1B7FFFh
SA117 01101110XXX 32/16 370000h377FFFh 1B8000h1BBFFFh
SA118 01101111XXX 32/16 378000h37FFFFh 1BC000h1BFFFFh
SA119 01110000XXX 32/16 380000h387FFFh 1C0000h1C3FFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
16 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Bank 2 (continued)
SA120 01110001XXX 32/16 388000h38FFFFh 1C4000h1C7FFFh
SA121 01110010XXX 32/16 390000h397FFFh 1C8000h1CBFFFh
SA122 01110011XXX 32/16 398000h39FFFFh 1CC000h1CFFFFh
SA123 01110100XXX 32/16 3A0000h3A7FFFh 1D0000h1D3FFFh
SA124 01110101XXX 32/16 3A8000h3AFFFFh 1D4000h1D7FFFh
SA125 01110110XXX 32/16 3B0000h3B7FFFh 1D8000h1DBFFFh
SA126 01110111XXX 32/16 3B8000h3BFFFFh 1DC000h1DFFFFh
SA127 01111000XXX 32/16 3C0000h3C7FFFh 1E0000h1E3FFFh
SA128 01111001XXX 32/16 3C8000h3CFFFFh 1E4000h1E7FFFh
SA129 01111010XXX 32/16 3D0000h3D7FFFh 1E8000h1EBFFFh
SA130 01111011XXX 32/16 3D8000h3DFFFFh 1EC000h1EFFFFh
SA131 01111100XXX 32/16 3E0000h3E7FFFh 1F0000h1F3FFFh
SA132 01111101XXX 32/16 3E8000h3EFFFFh 1F4000h1F7FFFh
SA133 01111110XXX 32/16 3F0000h3F7FFFh 1F8000h1FBFFFh
SA134 01111111XXX 32/16 3F8000h3FFFFFh 1FC000h1FFFFFh
Bank 3
SA135 10000000XXX 32/16 400000h407FFFh 200000h203FFFh
SA136 10000001XXX 32/16 408000h40FFFFh 204000h207FFFh
SA137 10000010XXX 32/16 410000h417FFFh 208000h20BFFFh
SA138 10000011XXX 32/16 418000h41FFFFh 20C000h20FFFFh
SA139 10000100XXX 32/16 420000h427FFFh 210000h213FFFh
SA140 10000101XXX 32/16 428000h42FFFFh 214000h217FFFh
SA141 10000110XXX 32/16 430000h437FFFh 218000h21BFFFh
SA142 10000111XXX 32/16 438000h43FFFFh 21C000h21FFFFh
SA143 10001000XXX 32/16 440000h447FFFh 220000h223FFFh
SA144 10001001XXX 32/16 448000h44FFFFh 224000h227FFFh
SA145 10001010XXX 32/16 450000h457FFFh 228000h22BFFFh
SA146 10001011XXX 32/16 458000h45FFFFh 22C000h22FFFFh
SA147 10001100XXX 32/16 460000h467FFFh 230000h233FFFh
SA148 10001101XXX 32/16 468000h46FFFFh 234000h237FFFh
SA149 10001110XXX 32/16 470000h477FFFh 238000h23BFFFh
SA150 10001111XXX 32/16 478000h47FFFFh 23C000h23FFFFh
SA151 10010000XXX 32/16 480000h487FFFh 240000h243FFFh
SA152 10010001XXX 32/16 488000h48FFFFh 244000h247FFFh
SA153 10010010XXX 32/16 490000h497FFFh 248000h24BFFFh
SA154 10010011XXX 32/16 498000h49FFFFh 24C000h24FFFFh
SA155 10010100XXX 32/16 4A0000h4A7FFFh 250000h253FFFh
SA156 10010101XXX 32/16 4A8000h4AFFFFh 254000h257FFFh
SA157 10010110XXX 32/16 4B0000h4B7FFFh 258000h25BFFFh
SA158 10010111XXX 32/16 A48000h4BFFFFh 25C000h25FFFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 17
Bank 3 (continued)
SA159 10011000XXX 32/16 4C0000h4C7FFFh 260000h263FFFh
SA160 10011001XXX 32/16 4C8000h4CFFFFh 264000h267FFFh
SA161 10011010XXX 32/16 4D0000h4D7FFFh 268000h26BFFFh
SA162 10011011XXX 32/16 4D8000h4DFFFFh 26C000h26FFFFh
SA163 10011100XXX 32/16 4E0000h4E7FFFh 270000h273FFFh
SA164 10011101XXX 32/16 4E8000h4EFFFFh 274000h277FFFh
SA165 10011110XXX 32/16 4F0000h4F7FFFh 278000h27BFFFh
SA166 10011111XXX 32/16 4F8000h4FFFFFh 27C000h27FFFFh
SA167 10100000XXX 32/16 500000h507FFFh 280000h283FFFh
SA168 10100001XXX 32/16 508000h50FFFFh 284000h287FFFh
SA169 10100010XXX 32/16 510000h517FFFh 288000h28BFFFh
SA170 10100011XXX 32/16 518000h51FFFFh 28C000h28FFFFh
SA171 10100100XXX 32/16 520000h527FFFh 290000h293FFFh
SA172 10100101XXX 32/16 528000h52FFFFh 294000h297FFFh
SA173 10100110XXX 32/16 530000h537FFFh 298000h29BFFFh
SA174 10100111XXX 32/16 538000h53FFFFh 29C000h29FFFFh
SA175 10101000XXX 32/16 540000h547FFFh 2A0000h2A3FFFh
SA176 10101001XXX 32/16 548000h54FFFFh 2A4000h2A7FFFh
SA177 10101010XXX 32/16 550000h557FFFh 2A8000h2ABFFFh
SA178 10101011XXX 32/16 558000h55FFFFh 2AC000h2AFFFFh
SA179 10101100XXX 32/16 560000h567FFFh 2B0000h2B3FFFh
SA180 10101101XXX 32/16 568000h56FFFFh 2B4000h2B7FFFh
SA181 10101110XXX 32/16 570000h577FFFh 2B8000h2BBFFFh
SA182 10101111XXX 32/16 578000h57FFFFh 2BC000h2BFFFFh
SA183 10110000XXX 32/16 580000h587FFFh 2C0000h2C3FFFh
SA184 10110001XXX 32/16 588000h58FFFFh 2C4000h2C7FFFh
SA185 10110010XXX 32/16 590000h597FFFh 2C8000h2CBFFFh
SA186 10110011XXX 32/16 598000h59FFFFh 2CC000h2CFFFFh
SA187 10110100XXX 32/16 5A0000h5A7FFFh 2D0000h2D3FFFh
SA188 10110101XXX 32/16 5A8000h5AFFFFh 2D4000h2D7FFFh
SA189 10110110XXX 32/16 5B0000h5B7FFFh 2D8000h2DBFFFh
SA190 10110111XXX 32/16 5B8000h5BFFFFh 2DC000h2DFFFFh
SA191 10111000XXX 32/16 5C0000h5C7FFFh 2E0000h2E3FFFh
SA192 10111001XXX 32/16 5C8000h5CFFFFh 2E4000h2E7FFFh
SA193 10111010XXX 32/16 5D0000h5D7FFFh 2E8000h2EBFFFh
SA194 10111011XXX 32/16 5D8000h5DFFFFh 2EC000h2EFFFFh
SA195 10111100XXX 32/16 5E0000h5E7FFFh 2F0000h2F3FFFh
SA196 10111101XXX 32/16 5E8000h5EFFFFh 2F4000h2F7FFFh
SA197 10111110XXX 32/16 5F0000h5F7FFFh 2F8000h2FBFFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
18 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Bank 3 (continued)
SA198 10111111XXX 32/16 5F8000h5FFFFFh 2FC000h2FFFFFh
SA199 11000000XXX 32/16 600000h607FFFh 300000h303FFFh
SA200 11000001XXX 32/16 608000h60FFFFh 304000h307FFFh
SA201 11000010XXX 32/16 610000h617FFFh 308000h30BFFFh
SA202 11000011XXX 32/16 618000h61FFFFh 30C000h30FFFFh
SA203 11000100XXX 32/16 620000h627FFFh 310000h313FFFh
SA204 11000101XXX 32/16 628000h62FFFFh 314000h317FFFh
SA205 11000110XXX 32/16 630000h637FFFh 318000h31BFFFh
SA206 11000111XXX 32/16 638000h63FFFFh 31C000h31FFFFh
SA207 11001000XXX 32/16 640000h647FFFh 320000h323FFFh
SA208 11001001XXX 32/16 648000h64FFFFh 324000h327FFFh
SA209 11001010XXX 32/16 650000h657FFFh 328000h32BFFFh
SA210 11001011XXX 32/16 658000h65FFFFh 32C000h32FFFFh
SA211 11001100XXX 32/16 660000h667FFFh 330000h333FFFh
SA212 11001101XXX 32/16 668000h66FFFFh 334000h337FFFh
SA213 11001110XXX 32/16 670000h677FFFh 338000h33BFFFh
SA214 11001111XXX 32/16 678000h67FFFFh 33C000h33FFFFh
SA215 11010000XXX 32/16 680000h687FFFh 340000h343FFFh
SA216 11010001XXX 32/16 688000h68FFFFh 344000h347FFFh
SA217 11010010XXX 32/16 690000h697FFFh 348000h34BFFFh
SA218 11010011XXX 32/16 698000h69FFFFh 34C000h34FFFFh
SA219 11010100XXX 32/16 6A0000h6A7FFFh 350000h353FFFh
SA220 11010101XXX 32/16 6A8000h6AFFFFh 354000h357FFFh
SA221 11010110XXX 32/16 6B0000h6B7FFFh 358000h35BFFFh
SA222 11010111XXX 32/16 6B8000h6BFFFFh 35C000h35FFFFh
SA223 11011000XXX 32/16 6C0000h6C7FFFh 360000h363FFFh
SA224 11011001XXX 32/16 6C8000h6CFFFFh 364000h367FFFh
SA225 11011010XXX 32/16 6D0000h6D7FFFh 368000h36BFFFh
SA226 11011011XXX 32/16 6D8000h6DFFFFh 36C000h36FFFFh
SA227 11011100XXX 32/16 6E0000h6E7FFFh 370000h373FFFh
SA228 11011101XXX 32/16 6E8000h6EFFFFh 374000h377FFFh
SA229 11011110XXX 32/16 6F0000h6F7FFFh 378000h37BFFFh
SA230 11011111XXX 32/16 6F8000h6FFFFFh 37C000h37FFFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 19
Note: The address range is A21:A-1 in word mode (WORD#=VIL) or A21:A0 in doubl e word mode (WORD#=VIH). Address bits A21:A1 1 uniquely
select a sector; address bits A21:A19 uniquely select a bank.
Bank 4
SA231 11100000XXX 32/16 700000h707FFFh 380000h383FFFh
SA232 11100001XXX 32/16 708000h70FFFFh 384000h387FFFh
SA233 11100010XXX 32/16 710000h717FFFh 388000h38BFFFh
SA234 11100011XXX 32/16 718000h71FFFFh 38C000h38FFFFh
SA235 11100100XXX 32/16 720000h727FFFh 390000h393FFFh
SA236 11100101XXX 32/16 728000h72FFFFh 394000h397FFFh
SA237 11100110XXX 32/16 730000h737FFFh 398000h39BFFFh
SA238 11100111XXX 32/16 738000h73FFFFh 39C000h39FFFFh
SA239 11101000XXX 32/16 740000h747FFFh 3A0000h3A3FFFh
SA240 11101001XXX 32/16 748000h74FFFFh 3A4000h3A7FFFh
SA241 11101010XXX 32/16 750000h757FFFh 3A8000h3ABFFFh
SA242 11101011XXX 32/16 758000h75FFFFh 3AC000h3AFFFFh
SA243 11101100XXX 32/16 760000h767FFFh 3B0000h3B3FFFh
SA244 11101101XXX 32/16 768000h76FFFFh 3B4000h3B7FFFh
SA245 11101110XXX 32/16 770000h777FFFh 3B8000h3BBFFFh
SA246 11101111XXX 32/16 778000h77FFFFh 3BC000h3BFFFFh
SA247 11110000XXX 32/16 780000h787FFFh 3C0000h3C3FFFh
SA248 11110001XXX 32/16 788000h78FFFFh 3C4000h3C7FFFh
SA249 11110010XXX 32/16 790000h797FFFh 3C8000h3CBFFFh
SA250 11110011XXX 32/16 798000h79FFFFh 3CC000h3CFFFFh
SA251 11110100XXX 32/16 7A0000h7A7FFFh 3D0000h3D3FFFh
SA252 11110101XXX 32/16 7A8000h7AFFFFh 3D4000h3D7FFFh
SA253 11110110XXX 32/16 7B0000h7B7FFFh 3D8000h3DBFFFh
SA254 11110111XXX 32/16 7B8000h7BFFFFh 3DC000h3DFFFFh
SA255 11111000XXX 32/16 7C0000h7C7FFFh 3E0000h3E3FFFh
SA256 11111001XXX 32/16 7C8000h7CFFFFh 3E4000h3E7FFFh
SA257 11111010XXX 32/16 7D0000h7D7FFFh 3E8000h3EBFFFh
SA258 11111011XXX 32/16 7D8000h7DFFFFh 3EC000h3EFFFFh
SA259 11111100XXX 32/16 7E0000h7E7FFFh 3F0000h3F3FFFh
SA260 11111101XXX 32/16 7E8000h7EFFFFh 3F4000h3F7FFFh
SA261 11111110XXX 32/16 7F0000h7F7FFFh 3F8000h3FBFFFh
SA262 11111111000 4/2 7F8000h7F8FFFh 3FC000h3FC7FFh
SA263 11111111001 4/2 7F9000h7F9FFFh 3FC800h3FCFFFh
SA264 11111111010 4/2 7FA000h7FAFFFh 3FD000h3FD7FFh
SA265 11111111011 4/2 7FB000h7FBFFFh 3FD800h3FDFFFh
SA266 11111111100 4/2 7FC000h7FCFFFh 3FE000h3FE7FFh
SA267 11111111101 4/2 7FD000h7FDFFFh 3FE800h3FEFFFh
SA268 11111111110 4/2 7FE000h7FEFFFh 3FF000h3FF7FFh
SA269 11111111111 4/2 7FF000h7FFFFFh 3FF800h3FFFFFh
Table 5. Sector Address Table (Continued)
Bank Sector Sector Address
Sector Size
Kdoublewords) Address Range
(x16) Address Range
20 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Table 6. SecSi Sector Addresses
Autoselect Mode
The autoselect mode provides manufacturer and de-
vice identification, an d sector protection verification,
through identifier codes output on DQ7DQ0. This
mode is primarily intended for program ming equip-
ment to automatically match a device to be pro-
grammed with its corresponding programming
algorithm. However, the autoselect codes can also be
accessed in-system through the command register.
When using programming equipm ent, the autoselect
mode requires VID on address pin A9. Address pins
must be as shown in Table 7 . In addition, when verify-
ing sector p rotection, the sector address must appear
on the appropriate highest order address bits (see
Table 5). Table 7 shows the remaining address bits
that are dont care. When all necessary bits have been
set as required, the programming equipment may then
read the corresponding identifier code on DQ7DQ0.
However, the autoselect codes can also be accessed
in-system throug h the command register, for instances
when the device is erased or programmed in a system
without access to high voltage on the A9 pin. The
command sequence is illustrated in Tables 14 and 16.
Note that if a Bank Address (BA) on address bits A21,
A20, and A19 is assert ed during the t hird write cyc le of
the autoselect command, the host system can read
autoselect data that bank and then immediately read
array data from the other bank, without exiting the au-
toselect mode.
To access the autoselect codes in-system, the host
system can issue the autoselect command via the
command register, as shown in Tables 14 and 16. T his
method does not require VID. Refer to the Autoselect
Command Sequence section for more information.
Table 7. Autoselect Codes (High Voltage Method)
Legend: L = Logic Low = VIL, H = Logic High = VIH, BA = Bank Address, SA = Sector Address, X = Dont care.
Note: The autoselect codes may al so be accessed in-system via comma nd se quence s.
Device Sector Size (x32)
Address Range (x16)
Address Range
Am29PDL128G 128 words/64 double
words 000000h00003Fh 000000h00007Fh
Description CE# OE# WE#
A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6
A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
DQ31 to DQ8
Word) DQ7
to DQ0
Manufacturer ID:
VID X X L X L L L L 000000h 01h
Device ID
Cycle 1
LLLH 22h/
222222h 7Eh
Cycle 2 LHHHL
222222h 0Dh
Cycle 3 LHHHH
222222h 00h
Sector Protection
Verification LLHSAX
000000h 01h (protected),
00h (unprotected)
SecSi Indicator Bit
(factory locked),
00h (not factory
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 21
Table 8. Sector Block Addresses for Protection/Unprotection
Group A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 Sectors
SGA0 00000000000 SA0
SGA1 00000000001 SA1
SGA2 00000000010 SA2
SGA3 00000000011 SA3
SGA4 00000000100 SA4
SGA5 00000000101 SA5
SGA6 00000000110 SA6
SGA7 00000000111 SA7
SGA8 000000
X X X SA8 to SA1010
SGA9 000001XXXXX SA11 to SA14
SGA10 000010XXXXX SA15 to SA18
SGA11 000011XXXXX SA19 to SA22
SGA12 000100XXXXX SA23 to SA26
SGA13 000101XXXXX SA27 to SA30
SGA14 000110XXXXX SA31 to SA34
SGA15 000111XXXXX SA35 to SA38
SGA16 001000XXXXX SA39 to SA42
SGA17 001001XXXXX SA43 to SA46
SGA18 001010XXXXX SA47 to SA50
SGA19 001011XXXXX SA51 to SA54
SGA20 001100XXXXX SA55 to SA58
SGA21 001101XXXXX SA59 to SA62
SGA22 001110XXXXX SA63 to SA66
SGA23 001111XXXXX SA67 to SA70
SGA24 010000XXXXX SA71 to SA74
SGA25 010001XXXXX SA75 to SA78
SGA26 010010XXXXX SA79 to SA82
SGA27 010011XXXXX SA83 to SA86
SGA28 010100XXXXX SA87 to SA90
SGA29 010101XXXXX SA91 to SA94
SGA30 010110XXXXX SA95 to SA98
SGA31 010111XXXXX SA99 to SA102
22 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
SGA32 011000XXXXX SA103 to SA106
SGA33 011001XXXXX SA107 to SA110
SGA34 011010XXXXX SA111 to SA114
SGA35 011011XXXXX SA115 to SA118
SGA36 011100XXXXX SA119 to SA122
SGA37 011101XXXXX SA123 to SA126
SGA38 011110XXXXX SA127 to SA130
SGA39 011111XXXXX SA131 to SA134
SGA40 100000XXXXX SA135 to SA138
SGA41 100001XXXXX SA139 to SA142
SGA42 100010XXXXX SA143 to SA146
SGA43 100011XXXXX SA147 to SA150
SGA44 100100XXXXX SA151 to SA154
SGA45 100101XXXXX SA155 to SA158
SGA46 100110XXXXX SA159 to SA162
SGA47 100111XXXXX SA163 to SA166
SGA48 101000XXXXX SA167 to SA170
SGA49 101001XXXXX SA171 to SA174
SGA50 101010XXXXX SA175 to SA178
SGA51 101011XXXXX SA179 to SA182
SGA52 101100XXXXX SA183 to SA186
SGA53 101101XXXXX SA187 to SA190
SGA54 101110XXXXX SA191 to SA194
SGA55 101111XXXXX SA195 to SA198
SGA56 110000XXXXX SA199 to SA202
SGA57 110001XXXXX SA203 to SA206
SGA58 110010XXXXX SA207 to SA210
SGA59 110011XXXXX SA211 to SA214
SGA60 110100XXXXX SA215 to SA218
SGA61 110101XXXXX SA219 to SA222
SGA62 110110XXXXX SA223 to SA226
SGA63 110111XXXXX SA227 to SA230
SGA64 111000XXXXX SA231 to SA234
SGA65 111001XXXXX SA235 to SA238
Table 8. Sector Block Addresses for Protection/Unprotection (Continued)
Group A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 Sectors
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 23
The Am29PDL128G features several levels of sector
protection, which can disable both the program and
erase operations in certain sectors or sector groups:
Persistent Sector Protection
A command sector protection method that replaces
the old 12 V controlled protection method.
Password Sector Protection
A highly sophisticated protection method that requires
a passw ord befo re chang es to certain sectors o r sec-
tor groups are permitted
WP# Hardware Protection
A write protect pin that can prevent program or erase
operations in sectors 0, 1, 268, and 269.
All parts default to operate in the P ersistent Sector
Prote ction mode. The cus tomer must then cho ose if
the Persistent or Password Protection method is most
desirable. There are two one-time programmable
non-volatile bits that define which sector protection
method will be used. If the customer decides to con-
tinue using the Persistent Sector Protection method,
they must set the Persistent Sector Protection
Mode Locking Bit. This will pe rmanently s et the part
to operate only using Persistent Sector Protection. If
the customer decides to use the password method,
they must set the Password Mode Locking Bit. This
will permanently set the part to operate only using
password sector protection.
It is important to remember that setting either the Per-
sistent Sector Protection Mo de Locking Bit or the
Password Mode Locking Bit permanently selects
the protection mode. It is not possible to switch be-
tween the two methods once a locking bit has been
set. It is important that one mode is explicitly se-
lected when the device is first programmed, rather
than relying on the default mode alone. This is so
that it is not po ssible for a system pro gram or virus to
later set the Password Mode Locking Bit, which would
cause an u nexpected sh ift from the default Pe rsistent
Sector Protection Mode into the Password Protection
The WP# Hardware Protection feature is always avail-
able, independent of the software managed protection
method chosen.
The device is shipped with all sectors unprotected.
AMD o ffers the option of programm ing and p rotecting
sectors at the factory prior to shipping the device
through AMDs ExpressFlash Service. Contact an
AMD representative for details.
SGA66 111010XXXXX SA239 to SA242
SGA67 111011XXXXX SA243 to SA246
SGA68 111100XXXXX SA247 to SA250
SGA69 111101XXXXX SA251 to SA254
SGA70 111110XXXXX SA255 to SA258
SGA71 111111
X X X SA259 to SA26101
SGA72 11111111000 SA262
SGA73 11111111001 SA263
SGA74 11111111010 SA264
SGA75 11111111011 SA265
SGA76 11111111100 SA266
SGA77 11111111101 SA267
SGA78 11111111110 SA268
SGA79 11111111111 SA269
Table 8. Sector Block Addresses for Protection/Unprotection (Continued)
Group A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 Sectors
24 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
It is possible to determine whether a sector is pro-
tected or unprotected. See Autoselect Mode for de-
Persistent Sector Protection
The Persistent Sector Protection method replaces the
old 12 V controlled protection method while at the
same time e nhanci ng flexibi lity by provid ing thre e dif-
ferent sector protec tion states:
Persistently LockedA sector is protected and
cannot be changed.
Dynamically LockedThe sector is protect ed and
can be changed by a simple command
UnlockedThe sector is unprotected and can be
changed by a simple command
In order to achieve these states, three types of bits
are going to be used:
Persistent Pro t ection Bit (PPB)
A single Persistent (non-volatile) Protection Bit is as-
signed to a maximum four sec tors (see the sector ad-
dress tables for specific sector protection groupings).
All 8 Kbyte boot-block sectors have individual sector
Persistent Protection Bits (PPBs) for greater flexibility.
Each PPB is individually modifiable through the PPB
Write Command.
Note: If a PPB requires erasure, all of the sect or PPBs
must first be preprogrammed prior to PPB erasing. All
PPBs era se in para llel, un like program ming whe re in-
dividual PPBs are programmable. It is the responsibil-
ity of the user to perform the preprogramming
operatio n. Otherwise, a n already er ased secto r PPBs
has the potential of being over-erased. There is no
hardware mechanism to prevent sector PPBs
Persistent Protection Bit Lock (PPB Lock)
A global volatile bit. When set to 1, the PPBs cannot
be changed. When cleared (0), the PPBs are
chang eable. Th ere is only on e PPB Lo ck bit per d e-
vice. The PPB Lock is cleared after power-up or hard-
ware reset. There is no command sequence to unlock
the PPB Lock.
Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB)
A volatile protection bit is assigned for each sector.
After power-up or hardware reset, the contents of all
DYBs is 0. Each DYB is individually modifiable
through the DYB Write Command.
When the parts are first shipped, the PPBs are
cleared, the DYB s are cleared, and PPB L ock is de-
faulted to power up in the cleared state meaning the
PPBs are changeable.
When the device is first powered on the DYBs power
up cleared (sectors not protected). The Protection
State for each sector is determ ined b y the logi cal OR
of the PPB and the DYB related to that sector. For the
sectors that have the PPBs cleared, the DYBs control
whether or not the sec tor is protec ted or unpro tected.
By issuing the DYB Write command sequences, the
DYBs will be set or cleared, thus placing each sector
in the protected or unprotected state. The se are the
so-called Dynamic Locked or Unlocked states. They
are called dynamic states because it is very easy to
switch back and forth between the protected and un-
protected conditions. This allows software to easily
protect sectors against inadvertent changes yet does
not prevent the easy removal of protection when
changes are needed. The DYBs maybe set or cleared
as often as needed.
The PPBs allow for a more static, and difficult to
change, level of prot ection. The PPBs ret ain t heir st ate
across powe r cycles because they are Non-Volatile.
Individual PPBs are set with a command but must all
be cleared as a group through a complex sequence of
program and erasing commands. The PPBs are also
limited to 100 erase cycles.
The PPB Loc k bit adds an add itional level of protec-
tion. Once all PPBs are programmed to the desired
settings, the PPB Lock may be set to 1. Set ting the
PPB Lock disables all program and erase commands
to the Non-Volatile PPBs. In effect, the PPB Lock Bit
locks the PP Bs into their c urrent s tate. The only way to
clear the PPB Lock is to go through a power cycle.
System boot code can determine if any changes to the
PPB are needed e.g. to allow new system code to be
down loaded . If no c hange s are ne eded th en th e boot
code can set the PPB Lock to disable any further
changes to the PBBs during system operation.
The WP# protects the top two and bottom two sectors
when at VIL. These sectors generally hold system boot
code. The WP# pin can prevent any changes to the
boot code tha t could override the choices ma de while
setting up sector protection during system initializa-
It is possible to have sectors tha t have be en persis-
tently locked, and sectors that are left in the dynamic
state. The sectors in the dynamic state are all unpro-
tected. If there is a need to protect some of them, a
simple DYB Write co mmand sequ ence is all tha t is
necessary. The DYB write command for the dynamic
sectors switch the DYBs to signify protected and un-
protected, respectively. If there is a need to change
the status of the persistently locked sectors, a few
more steps are required. First, the PPB Lock bit must
be disabled by either putting the device through a
power-cycle, or hardware reset. The PPBs can then
be changed to reflect the desired settings. Setting the
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 25
PPB lock bit once again will lock the PPBs, and the
device operates normally again.
Note: to achiev e the best pr otec tio n, its recommended
to execute th e PPB lock bit set command ear ly in the
boot code, and pro tect the boot code by holdin g WP#
= VIL.
Table 9. Sector P rotection Schem es
Table 9 contains all possible combinations of the DYB-
DYB, PPB, and PPB lock relating to the status of the
In summary, if the PPB is set, and the PPB lock is set,
the sector is protected and the protection can not be
removed until the next power cycle clear s the PPB
lock. If the PPB is cleare d, the sector can b e dynam i-
cally locked or unlocked. The DYB then controls
whether or not the sector is protected or unprotected.
If the user attemp ts to p rogram or erase a pro tected
sector, the device ignores the command and returns to
read mode. A program c ommand to a protected sector
enab les status polling for ap proxima tely 1 µs be fore
the device re turns to rea d mode without having mod i-
fied the contents of the protected sector. An erase
command to a protected s ector enables status pollin g
for approximately 50 µs after which the device returns
to read mode without having erased the protected sec-
The progra mming of the DYB , PPB, and PPB lock for
a given sector can be verified by writing a
DYB/PPB/PPB lock verify command to the device.
Persistent Sector Protection Mode
Locking Bit
Like the password mode locking bit, a Persistent Sec-
tor Protectio n mode locking bit ex ists to guar antee that
the device rema in in software sector protec tion. Once
set, the Persistent Sector Protection locking bit pre-
vents programming of the password protection mode
locking bit. This guarantees that a hacker could not
place the device in password protection mode.
Password Protection Mode
The Password Sector Protection Mode method allows
an even higher level of security than the Persistent
Sector Protection Mode. There are two main differ-
ences betw een the Persistent Sector Pro tection an d
the Password Sector Protection Mode:
When the device is first powered on, or comes out
of a reset cycle, the PPB Lock bit set to the locked
state, rather than cleared to the unlocked state.
The only means to clear the PPB Lock bit is by writ-
ing a unique 64-bit Password to the device.
The P asswor d Secto r Protectio n method is otherw ise
identical to the Persistent Sect or Protection method.
A 64-bit password is the only additional tool utilized in
this method.
The passw ord is stored in the first eight by tes of the
SecSi Sector. Once the Password Mode Locking Bit is
set, the passw ord is permanently set with no means to
read , program, or era se it. The password is used to
clear the PPB Lock bit. The Password Unlock com-
mand must be writte n to the flash, alo ng with a pass-
word. The flash device internally compares the given
passwo rd with the pre-prog rammed password . If they
match, the PPB Lock bit is cleared, and the PPBs can
be altered. If they do not match, the flash device does
nothing. There is a built-in 2 µs delay for each pass-
word check. This delay is intended to thwart any ef-
forts to run a program that tries all possible
combinations in order to crack the password.
Because the password occupies t he first eig ht by tes of
the SecSi Sector, the password must be programm ed
before either the password protection mode is se-
lected or the SecSi Sector protection bit is pro-
grammed (to use both the SecSi Sector and Pas sword
Prot ecti on at the s ame time ). S ee Utilizing Password
and SecSi Sector Concurrently for more information.
Password and Password Mode Locking
In order to select the Password sector protection
scheme, the customer must first program the pass-
word. AMD recomm ends that the password be some-
how correlated to the unique Electronic Serial Number
(ESN) of the particular flash device. Each ESN is dif-
ferent for every flash device; therefore each password
should be different for every flash device. While pro-
gramming in the password region, the customer may
perform Password Verify operations .
Once the desired password is programmed in, the
customer must then set the Password Mode Locking
Bit. This operation achieves two objectives:
Lock Sector State
UnprotectedPPB and DYB are
UnprotectedPPB not
changable, DYB is changable
ProtectedP PB and DYB are
ProtectedPPB not changeable,
DYB is changeable
26 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
1. It permanently sets the device to operate using the
Password Protection Mode. It is not possible to re-
verse this function.
2. It also disables all further commands to the pass-
word region. All program, and read operations are
Both of these objectives are important, and if not care-
fully considered, may lead to unrecoverable errors.
The user must be sure that the Password Protection
method is desired when setting the Password Mode
Locking Bit. More importantly, the user must be sure
that the password is correct when the Password Mode
Locking Bit is set. Due to the fact that read operations
are disabled, there is no means to verify what the
password is afterwards. If the password is lost after
setting the Password Mode Locking Bit, there will be
no way to clear the PPB Lock bit.
The Password Mode Locking Bit, once set, prevents
reading the 64-bit password on the DQ bus and further
password programming. The Password Mode Locking
Bit is n ot erasable. On ce Password M ode Locki ng Bit
is programmed, the Persistent Sect or Protection Lock-
ing Bit is disabled from programming, guaranteeing
that no changes to the protect i on scheme are allowed.
64-bit Password
The 64-bit Password is located in its own memory
space and is accessible through the use of the Pass-
word Program and Verify commands (see Password
Verify Command). The password function works in
conjunction with the Password Mode Locking Bit,
which when set, prevents the Password Verify com-
mand from read ing the c ontents of th e password on
the pins of the device.
Write Protect (WP#)
The Write Prot ect f eature provides a hardware method
of pro tecting sec tors 0, 1, 26 8, and 269 without us ing
VID. This funct ion is provided by the WP# pin and over-
rides the previously discussed Sector Protection/Un-
protection method.
If the system asserts VIL on the WP# pin, the dev ice
disab les progr am and erase func tions in s ectors 0 , 1,
268, and 269 ind ependent of whet her it was previous ly
protected or unprotected using High Voltage Sector
If the system asserts VIH on the WP# pin, the device
reverts to whether sectors 0, 1, 268, and 269 were last
set to be protected or unprotected. That is, sector pro-
tection or unprotection for these sectors depends on
whether they were p reviously prot ected or unpro tected
using High Voltage Sector Protection.
Persistent Protection Bit Lock
The Persistent Protection Bit (PPB) Lock is a volatile
bit that reflects the state of the Password M ode Lock-
ing Bit a fter power-up reset. If the Passwo rd Mode
Lock Bi t is also set after a hardwa re reset (RESE T#
asserted) or a power-u p reset. The ONLY means for
clearing the PPB Lock Bit in Password Protection
Mode is to issue th e Pas sword Unlock comman d. Suc-
cessful execution of the Passwor d Unlock command
clears the PPB Lock Bit, allowing for sector PPBs
modifications. Asserting RESET#, taking the device
through a power-on reset, or issuing the PPB Lock Bit
Set command sets the PPB Lock Bit to a 1 when the
Password Mode Lock Bit is not set.
If the Password Mode Locking Bit is not set, including
Persistent Protection Mode, the PPB Lock Bit is
cleared after power-up or hardware reset. The PPB
Lock Bit is set by issuing the PPB Lock Bit Set com-
mand. Once set the only means for clearing the PPB
Lock Bit is by issuing a hardware or power-up re set.
The Password Unlock command is ignored in Persis-
tent Protection Mode.
High Voltage Sector Protection
Sector protection and unprotection may also be imple-
mented using programming e quipment. The proce-
dure requires high voltage (VID) to be placed on the
RESET # pin. Refer to Figure 1 for detai ls on this pr o-
cedure. Note that for sector unprotect, all unprotected
sectors must first be pro tected prio r to the first sector
write cycle.
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 27
Figure 1. In-System Sector Protection/
Sector Unprotection Algor ithm s
Note:These algorithms are valid only in Persistent Sector Protection mode. They are not valid in Password Protection Mode.
Sector Protect:
Write 60h to sector
address with
A6-A0 =
Set up sector
Wait 150 µs
Verify Sector
Protect: Write 40h
to sector address
with A6-A0 =
Read from
sector address
with A6-A0 =
Wait 1 µs
First Write
Cycle = 60h?
Data = 01h?
Remove VID
from RESET#
Write reset
Sector Protect
= 25?
Device failed
Temporary Sector
Unprotect Mode No
Sector Unprotect:
Write 60h to sector
address with
A6-A0 =
Set up first sector
Wait 15 ms
Verify Sector
Unprotect: Write
40h to sector
address with
A6-A0 =
Read from
sector address
with A6-A0 =
Wait 1 µs
Data = 00h?
Last sector
Remove VID
from RESET#
Write reset
Sector Unprotect
= 1000?
Device failed
Temporary Sector
Unprotect Mode
No All sectors
Protect all sectors:
The indicated portion
of the sector protect
algorithm must be
performed for all
unprotected sectors
prior to issuing the
first sector
unprotect address
Set up
next sector
Sector Protect
Algorithm Sector Unprotect
First Write
Cycle = 60h?
Protect another
28 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Temporary Sector Unprotect
This feature allow s temporary unprotection of previ-
ously protected sectors t o change data in-system. The
Sector Unprotect mode is activated by setting the RE-
SET# pin to VID. During this mo de, formerly protec ted
sectors can be programmed or erased by selecting the
sector ad dresses. Once VID is removed from the RE-
SET# pin, all the previously protected sectors are
protected again. Figure 2 shows the algorithm, and
Figure 23 shows the timing diagrams, for this feature.
Figure 2. Temporary Sector Unprotect Operation
SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector
Flash Memory Region
The SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector feature provides a
Flash memory region that enables permanent part
identification through an Electronic Serial Number
(ESN). The SecSi Sector is 128 words (64 double
words) in length, and uses a SecSi Sector In dicator Bit
(DQ7) to indic ate whether or not the SecSi Sector is
lock ed wh en sh ipped from th e fac tory. T his b it is per-
manently set at the factory and cannot be changed,
which pre vents cloning of a factory locked par t. This
ensures the security of the ESN once the product is
shipped to the field.
AMD offers the device with the SecSi Sector eithe r
factory locked or customer lockable. The fac-
tory-locke d version is alw ays protected w hen shippe d
from the factory, and has the SecS i Sector Indicato r
Bit permanently set to a 1. The customer-lockable
version is shipped with the SecSi S ector unprotected,
allowing customers to utilize the that sector in any
manner they choose. The customer-lockable version
has the SecSi Sector Indicato r Bit permanently set t o a
0. Thus, the SecSi Sector Indicator Bit prevents cus-
tomer-lockable devices from being used to replace de-
vices that are factory loc ked.
The system accesses the SecSi Sector through a
command sequence (see Enter SecSi Sector/Exit
SecSi Sector Com mand Se quence). After the system
has written the Enter SecSi Sector command se-
quence, it may read the SecSi Sector by using the ad-
dresses nor mally occupied by the boot sec tors. This
mode of op eration continues u ntil the system iss ues
the Exit SecSi Sector command sequence, or until
power is removed from the device. On power-up, or
following a hardware reset, the device revert s t o send-
ing commands to the normal address space.
Factory Locked: SecSi Sector Programmed and
Protected At the Factory
In a factory locked device, the SecSi Sector is pro-
tected when the device is shipped from the factory.
The SecSi Sector cannot be modified in any way. The
device is preprogrammed with both a random number
and a secure ESN. The SecSi Sector is located at ad-
dresses 000000h00007Fh in word mode (or
000000h0 0003Fh in double wor d mode). The device
is available preprogrammed with one of the following:
A random, secure ESN only
Customer code through the ExpressFlash service
Both a random, secure ESN and customer code
through the ExpressFlash service.
Customers may opt t o have their code pro grammed by
AMD through the AMD ExpressFlash service. AMD
programs the customers code, with or without the ran-
dom ES N. The device s are then shippe d from AMDs
factory with the SecSi Sector permanently locked.
Contact an AMD representative for details on using
AMDs ExpressFlash service .
Customer Lockable: SecSi Sector NOT
Programmed or Protected At the Factory
If the security feature is not required, the SecSi Sector
can be treated as an addition al Flash m emory sp ace.
The SecSi Se ctor ca n be read any number o f times,
but can b e programme d and locked o nly once. Note
that the accelerated programm ing (ACC) and unlock
bypass functions are not available when programming
the SecSi Sector.
Perform Erase or
Program Operations
Temporary Se ctor
Unprotect Completed
(Note 2)
(Note 1)
1. All protected sectors unprotected (If WP# = VIL, sectors
0, 1, 268, and 269 will remain protected).
2. All previously protected sectors are protected once
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 29
The SecSi Sec tor area can be prote cted using one of
the following procedures:
Write the three-cycle Enter SecSi Sector Region
command sequence, and then follow the in-system
sector protect algorithm as shown in Figure 1, ex-
cept that R ESET# may be at either VIH or VID. This
allows in-system protect ion of the SecSi Sector Re-
gion without raising any device pi n to a high voltage.
Note that this method is only applicable to the SecSi
Write the three-cycle Enter SecSi Sector Secure
Region command sequence, and then use the alter-
nate method of sector protection described in the
Sector Protection section.
Once the SecSi Sector is locked and verified, the sys-
tem must write the Exit SecSi Sector Region com-
mand sequence to return to reading and writing the
remainder of the array.
The SecSi Sector lock must be used with caution
since, once locked, there is no procedure available for
unlocking the SecSi Sector area and none of the bits
in the SecSi Sector memory space can be modified in
any way.
SecSi Sector Protection Bit
The SecSi Sector Pr otection Bit prevents program-
ming of the SecSi Sector memory area. Once set, the
SecSi S ector memor y area conte nts are non-modi fi-
Utilizing Password and SecSi Sector Concurrently
The password must be stored in the first eight byt es of
the SecSi Sector. Once the device is permanently
locked into the Password Protection Mode, the erase,
program, and read op eration no longer work on those
eight bytes of password in the SecSi Sector. Once the
SecSi Sector protection bit is progr ammed, no loc ation
in the SecSi Sector may be programmed. To use both
Password Protection and the SecSi Sector concur-
rently, the user must always program the password
into the first eight bytes of the SecSi Sector before ei-
ther the Passwor d Protec tion Mo de is sel ected or th e
SecSi Sector protection bit is programmed.
Method 1
1. Enter the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Entry comm a nd.
2. Program the 64-bit password by issuing the Pass-
word Program and Password Verify commands
3. Lock the password by issuing the Password Protec-
tion Mode Locking Bit Program command.
4. Program the SecSi Sector, excluding bytes 07.
5. Lock the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Protection Bit Program command.
6. Exit the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Exit or Reset command
Note: Step 4 may be performed prior to step 2.
Method 2
1. Enter the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Entry comm a nd.
2. Program the entire SecSi Sector, including the first
eight bytes contain the 64-bit password.
3. Lock the password by issuing the Password Protec-
tion Mode Locking Bit Program command.
4. Lock the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Protection Bit Program command.
5. Exit the SecSi Sector by issuing the SecSi Sector
Exit or Reset command
Note: Step 4 may be performed prior to step 3.
Hardware Data Protection
The command sequence requirement of unlock cycles
for program ming or erasing provides data prote ction
against inadvertent writes. In addition, the following
hardware data protection measures prevent ac cidental
erasure or programming, which mig ht otherwi se be
caused by spurious system level signals during VCC
power-up and power-down transitions, or from system
Low VCC Write Inhib it
When VCC is less than VLKO, the device does not ac-
cept any write cycles. This protects data during VCC
power-up and power-down. The command register
and all internal program/erase circuits are disabled,
and the device resets to the read mode. Subsequent
wri tes are igno red until VCC is greater than VLKO. The
system must provide the proper signals to the control
pins to prevent unintentional writes when VCC is
greater than VLKO.
Write Pulse Glitch Protection
Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE#
or WE# do not initiate a write cycle.
Logical In hibit
Write cycles are inhibited by holding any one of OE# =
VIL, CE# = VIH or WE# = VIH. To initiate a write cycle,
CE# and WE# must be a logical z ero while OE# is a
logical one.
Po we r - Up Wri t e In hibit
If WE# = CE# = VIL and OE# = V IH during power up,
the device does not accept commands on the rising
edge of W E#. The intern al state machine is automati-
cally reset to the read mode on power-up.
30 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
The Common Flash Interface (CFI) specification out-
lines device and host system software interrogation
handshake, which allows specific vendor-specified
software algorithms to be used for entire families of
devices. Software support can then be device-inde-
pendent, JEDEC ID-independent, and forward- and
backw ard-compatible for the specified flash device
famil ies. Flash vendor s can sta ndardi ze their existin g
interfaces for long-term compatibility.
This device enters the CFI Query mode when the sys-
tem writes the CFI Query command, 98h, to address
55h in word mode (or address AAh in byte mode), any
time the device is ready to read array data. The
system can read CFI information at the addresses
given in Tables 1013. To terminate reading CFI data,
the system must write the reset command. The CFI
Query mode is not accessible when the device is exe-
cuting an Embedded Program or embedded Erase al-
The system can also write the CFI query command
when the device is in the autoselect mode. The device
enters the CF I query m ode, an d the syst em can read
CFI data at the addresses given in Tables 1013. The
system must write the reset command to return the de-
vice to reading array data.
For further information, pleas e refer to the CFI Specifi-
cation and CFI Publication 100, available via the
World Wide Web at http://www.amd.com/prod-
ucts/nvd/overview/cfi.html. Alternatively, contact an
AMD representative for copies of these documents.
Table 10. CFI Query Identification String
(Double Word
Mode) Addresses
(Word Mode) Data Description
0059h Query Unique ASCII string QRY
14h 26h
28h 0002h
0000h Primary OEM Command Set
16h 2Ah
2Ch 0040h
0000h Address for Primary Extended Table
18h 2Eh
30h 0000h
0000h Alternate OEM Command Set (00h = none exists)
1Ah 32h
34h 0000h
0000h Address for Alternate OEM Extended Table (00h = none exists)
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 31
Table 11. System Interface String
(Double Word
Mode) Addresses
(Word Mode) Data Description
1Bh 36h 0027h VCC Min. (write/erase)
D7D4: volt, D3D0: 100 millivolt
1Ch 38h 0036h VCC Max. (write/erase )
D7D4: volt, D3D0: 100 millivolt
1Dh 3Ah 0000h VPP Min. voltage (00h = no VPP pin presen t)
1Eh 3Ch 0000h VPP Max. voltage (00h = no VPP pin present)
1Fh 3Eh 0004h Typical timeout per single byte/word write 2N µs
20h 40h 0000h Typical timeout for Min. size buffer write 2N µs (00h = not supported)
21h 42h 000Ah Typical timeout per individual block erase 2N ms
22h 44h 0000h Typical timeout for full chip erase 2N ms (00h = not supported)
23h 46h 0005h Max. timeout for byte/word write 2N times typical
24h 48h 0000h Max. timeout for buffer write 2N times typical
25h 4Ah 0004h Max. timeout per individual block erase 2N times typical
26h 4Ch 0 00 0h Max . timeo ut for full chi p erase 2 N times typical (00h = not supported)
32 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Table 12. Device Geometry Definition
(Double Word
Mode) Addresses
(Word Mode) Data Description
27h 4Eh 0018h Device Size = 2N byte
29h 50h
52h 0005h
0000h Flash Device Interface description (refer to CFI publication 100)
2Bh 54h
56h 0000h
0000h Max. number of byte in multi-byte write = 2N
(00h = not supported)
2Ch 58h 0003h Number of Erase Block Regions within device
Erase Block Region 1 Information
(refer to the CFI specification or CFI publication 100)
Erase Block Region 2 Information
(refer to the CFI specification or CFI publication 100)
Erase Block Region 3 Information
(refer to the CFI specification or CFI publication 100)
Erase Block Region 4 Information
(refer to the CFI specification or CFI publication 100)
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 33
Table 13. Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query
(Double Word
Mode) Addresses
(Word Mode) Data Description
0049h Query-unique ASCII string PRI
43h 86h 0031h Major version number, ASCII (reflects modifications to the silicon)
44h 88h 0033h Minor version number, ASCII (reflects modifications to the CFI table)
45h 8Ah 0004h Address Sensitive Unlock (Bits 1-0)
0 = Required, 1 = Not Required
Silicon Revision Number (Bits 7-2)
46h 8Ch 0002h Era se Sus pe nd
0 = Not Supported, 1 = To Read Only, 2 = To Read & Write
47h 8Eh 0001h Sector Protect
0 = Not Supported, X = Number of sectors in per group
48h 90h 0001h Sector Temporary Unprotect
00 = Not Supported, 01 = Supported
49h 92h 0007h Sector Protect/Unprotect scheme
01 =29F040 mode, 02 = 29F016 mode, 03 = 29F400, 04 = 29LV800
4Ah 94h 00E7h Simultaneous Operation
00 = Not Supported, X = Number of Sectors excluding Bank 1
4Bh 96h 0000h Burst Mode Type
00 = Not Supported, 01 = Supported
4Ch 98h 0002h Page Mode Type
00 = Not Supported, 01 = 4 Word Page, 02 = 8 Word Page
4Dh 9Ah 00B5h ACC (Acceleration) Supply Minimum
00h = Not Supported, D7-D4: Volt, D3-D0: 100 mV
4Eh 9Ch 0005h ACC (Acceleration) Supply Maximum
00h = Not Supported, D7-D4: Volt, D3-D0: 100 mV
4Fh 9Eh 0001h Top/Bottom Boot Sector Flag
00h = Uniform device, 01h = Uniform, 8 x 8 Kbit Top and Bottom, 02h =
Bottom Boot Device, 03h = Top Boot Device, 04h = Both Top and Bottom
50h A0h 0000h Program Suspend
0 = Not supported, 1 = Supported
57h AEh 0004h Bank Organization
00 = Data at 4Ah is zero, X = Number of Banks
58h B0h *0027h Bank 1 Region Information
X = Number of Sectors in Bank 1
59h B2h *0060h Bank 2 Region Information
X = Number of Sectors in Bank 2
5Ah B4h *0060h Bank 3 Region Information
X = Number of Sectors in Bank 3
5Bh B6h 0027h Bank 4 Region Information
X = Number of Sectors in Bank 4
34 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Writing specific address and data commands or se-
quences into the command register initiates device op-
erations. Tables 1417 define the valid register
command sequences. Writing incorrect address and
data values or writing them in the improper se-
quence resets the device to reading array data.
All addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE#
or CE#, whichever happens later. All data is latched on
the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens
first. Refer to the AC Characteristics section for timing
Reading Array Data
The device is automatically set to reading array data
after device po wer-up. No c omma nds a re re quired to
retrieve data. Each bank is rea dy to read ar ray data
after completing an Embedded Prog ram or Embedded
Erase algorithm.
After the device accepts an E rase Suspend command,
the corresponding bank enters the erase-sus-
pend-read mode, after which the system can read
data from any non-erase -suspended sec tor within the
same bank. The system can read array data using the
standard read timing, except that if it reads at an ad-
dress within erase-suspended sectors, the device out-
puts status data. After completing a programming
operation in the Erase Suspend mode, the system
may once again read array data with the same excep-
tion. See the Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Com-
mands section for more information.
The sy stem must issue the reset command to return a
bank to the read (or erase-suspend-re ad) mode if DQ5
goes high during an active program or erase opera-
tion, o r if the ba nk is in the autoselect m ode. S ee the
next section, Reset Command, for more information.
See also Requirem ents for Reading Array Da ta in the
Device Bus Operations section for more information.
The Read-Only Operat ions table provides t he read pa-
rameters, and Figure 11 shows the timing diagram.
Reset Command
Writing the re set command resets the banks to the
read or erase-suspen d-read mod e. Address bi ts are
dont cares for this command.
The reset comm and may be written between the se-
quence cycles in an erase command sequence before
erasing begins. This resets the bank to which the sys-
tem was writing to the read mode. Once erasure be-
gins, however, the d evice ignores reset commands
until the operation is complete.
The reset command may be written between the
sequence cycles in a program com mand sequence
before programming begins. This resets the bank to
which the system was writing to the read mode. If th e
program command sequence is written to a bank that
is in the Erase Suspend mode, writing the reset
command returns that bank to the erase-sus-
pend-read mode. Once programming begins, how-
ever, the device ignores reset commands until the
operation is complete.
The reset comm and may be written between the se-
quence cycles in an autoselect command sequence.
Once in the autoselect mode, the reset command
must be written to return to the read mode. If a bank
entered the autoselect mode while in the Erase Sus-
pend mode, writing the reset command returns that
bank to the erase-suspend-read mode.
If DQ5 goes high during a program or erase operat ion,
writing the reset command returns the banks to the
read mode (or eras e-sus pend-re ad mod e if that bank
was in Erase Suspend).
Autoselect Command Sequence
The autoselect command sequence allows the host
system to access the manufacturer and device codes,
and determine whether or not a sector is protected.
The autoselect command sequence may be written to
an address within a bank that is either in the read or
erase-suspend-read mode. The autoselect command
may not be written while the device is actively pro-
gramming or erasing in the other bank.
The autoselect command sequence is initiated by first
writing two unlock cycles. This is followed by a third
write cycle that contains the bank address and the au-
tose lect c ommand . The bank th en ent ers th e auto se-
lect mode. The system may read any number of
autoselect codes without reinitiating the command se-
Tables 14 and 16 s how the address and data require-
ments. To determine sector protection information, the
system must write to the appropriate bank address
(BA) and sector address (SA). Table 5 shows the ad-
dres s range and bank num ber asso ciated with each
The system must write the reset command to return to
the read m ode (or erase-suspend-read mode if the
bank was previously in Erase Suspend).
Enter SecSi Sector/Exit SecSi Sector
Command Sequence
The SecSi Sector region provides a secured data area
containing a random, eight word/four double word
elec tronic seri al number (ESN). T he system can ac-
cess the SecSi S ector region by issuin g the th ree-cy-
cle Enter SecSi Sector command sequence. The
device continues to access the SecSi Sector region
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 35
until the system issues the four-cycle Exit SecSi Sec-
tor command sequence. The Exit SecSi Sector com-
mand sequence returns the device to normal
operation. The SecSi Sector is not accessible when
the device is executing an Embedded Program or em-
bedde d Erase algorithm. Tables 15 and 17 show the
address and data requirements for both command se-
quences. See also SecSi (Secured Silicon) Sector
Flash Memory Region for further information.
Double Word/Word Program Command
The system may program the device by double word
or word, depending on the state of the WORD# pin.
Programming is a four-bus-cycle operation. The pro-
gram command sequence is initiated by writing two
unlock write cycles, followed by the program set-up
comma nd. The program address and data ar e written
next, which in tur n initia te the Emb edded Pro gram al-
gorith m. The system is not required to pro vide fu rther
controls or timings. The device automatically provides
internally g enerated program pulses and verifies the
programmed cell margin. Tables 14 and 16 show the
addre ss and data req uirem ents for th e pr ogram c om-
mand sequence.
When the Emb edded Progra m algo rithm is comple te,
that bank then returns to the read mode and ad-
dresses are no longer latched. The system can deter-
mine the status of the program operation by using
DQ7, DQ6, or RY/BY#. Refe r to the Write Ope ration
Status section for information on these status bits.
Any com mands wr itten to the dev ice during the Em-
bedded Program Algorithm are ignored. Note that a
hardware reset immediately terminates the program
operation. The program command sequence should
be reinitia ted once th at bank has return ed to the read
mode, to ensure data integrity.
Programming is allowed in any sequence and across
sector boundaries. A bit cannot be programmed
from 0 back to a 1. Attempting to do so may
cause that bank to set DQ5 = 1, or c ause the DQ7 and
DQ6 status bits to indicate the operation was success-
ful. However, a succeeding read will show that the
data is still 0. Only erase operations can convert a
0 to a 1.
Unlock Bypass Command Sequence
The unlock bypass feature allows the system to pro-
gram data to a bank faster than using the standard
program command sequence. The unlock bypass
command sequence is initiated by first writing two un-
lock cycles. This is f ollowed by a third write cycle c on-
taining the unlock bypass command, 20h. That bank
then enters the unlock bypass mode. A two-cycle un-
lock bypass program command sequence is all that is
required to program in this mode. The first cycle in this
sequence contain s the unlock bypass program com-
mand, A0h; the second cycle contains the program
addres s and data . Additional data is pro grammed i n
the same manner. This mode dispenses with the initial
two unlock cycles required in the standard program
comman d sequence, resulting in faster total p rogram-
ming tim e. Tables 14 and 16 show the requirements
for the command sequence.
During the unlock bypass mode, only the Unlock By-
pass Program and Unlock Bypass R eset commands
are valid. To exit the unlock bypass mode, the system
must issue the two-cycle unlock bypass reset com-
mand sequence. The first cycle must contain the bank
address and the data 90h. The second cycle need
only contain the data 00h. The bank then returns to
the read mode.
The device offers accelerated program operations
through the ACC pin. When t he syste m assert s VHH on
the ACC pin, the device automatically enters the Un-
lock Bypass mode. The system may then write the
two-cycle Unlock Bypass program command se-
quence. The device uses the h igher voltage on the
ACC pin to accelerate the operation. Note that the
ACC pin must not be at VHH any op eratio n other tha n
accelerated programming, or device damage may re-
sult. In addition, th e ACC p in must n ot be l eft floating
or unconnected; inconsistent behavior of the device
may result.
Figure 3 illustrates the algorithm for the program oper-
ation. Refer to the Erase and Program Operations
table in the AC Characteristics section for parameters,
and Figure 16 for timing diagrams.
36 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Figure 3. Program Operation
Chip Erase Command Sequence
Chip erase is a six bus cy cle operat ion. The c hip erase
command sequence is initiated by writing two unlock
cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two additional
unlock write cycles are then fol lowed by the chip erase
command, which in turn invokes the Embedded Erase
algorithm. The device does not require the system to
preprogram prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algo-
rithm automatically pr eprograms and v erifi es the entire
memory for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical
erase. The system is not required to provide any con-
trols or timings during these operat ions. Tables 14 and
16 show the address and data requirements for the
chip erase command sequence.
When the Embedded Erase algorithm is complete,
that bank returns to the read mode and addresses are
no longer latched . The system can determine the st a-
tus of the erase operation by using DQ7, DQ6, DQ2,
or RY/B Y#. R efer to the Write Operation Status sec-
tion for information on these status bits.
Any commands written during the chip erase operation
are ignored. However, note that a hardware reset im-
media tely termina tes the erase o peration. If tha t oc-
curs, the chip erase command sequence should be
reinitiated once that bank has returned to reading
array data, to ensure data integrity.
Figure 4 illustrates the algorithm for the erase opera-
tion. Refer to the Erase a nd Program Opera tions ta-
bles in the AC Characteristics sectio n for parameters,
and Figure 18 section for timing diagrams.
Sector Erase Command Sequence
Sector erase is a six bus cycle operation. The sector
erase command sequence is initiated by writing two
unlock cycles, f ollowed by a set-up command. Two ad-
ditional unlock cycles are written, and are the n fol-
lowed by the address of the sector to be erased, and
the sector erase command. Tables 14 and 16 show
the address and data requirements for the sector
erase command sequence.
The device does not require the system to preprogram
prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algorithm auto-
matical ly programs and veri fies the entire memory fo r
an all zero d ata pattern prior to elec trical erase. The
system is not required to provide any controls or tim-
ings during these operations.
After the command sequence is writte n, a sect or erase
time-out of 80 µs occurs. During the time-out period,
additio nal sector addresses and sector erase com-
mands may be written . Loading t he sector er ase buf fer
may be done in any sequence, and t he number of sec-
tors m ay be from on e sector to all sectors. The time
between these addi tional cycles must be less than 80
µs, otherwise erasure may begin. Any sector erase
address and command following the exceeded
time-out may or may not be accepted. It is recom-
mended that processor interrupts be disabled during
this time to ensure all command s are accepted. Th e
interrupts can be re-enabled after the last Sector
Erase command is written. Any command other than
Sector Erase or Erase Suspend during the
time-out period resets that bank to the read mode.
The system must rewrite the command sequence and
any additional addresses and commands.
The system can monitor DQ3 to determine if the sec-
tor erase timer has timed out (See the section on DQ3:
Sector Erase Timer .). The t ime-out be gins from the ris-
ing edge of the final WE# pulse in the command
When the Embedded Erase algorithm is complete, the
bank returns to rea ding array data and address es are
no longer latched. Note that while the Embedded
Erase operation is in progress, the system can read
data from the non-erasing bank. The system can de-
termine th e status of the erase oper ation by readin g
Write Program
Command Sequence
Data Poll
from System
Verify Data? No
Last Address?
Increment Address
in progress
Note: See Tables 14 and 16 for program command
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 37
DQ7, DQ6, DQ2, or RY/BY# in the erasing bank.
Re fer to th e Write Operation Status section for infor-
mation on these status bits.
Once the sector erase operation has begun, only the
Erase Suspend command is valid. All other com-
mands are ignored. However, note that a hardware
reset immediately termina tes th e erase operation. If
that occurs, the sector erase command sequence
shou ld be rein itiated onc e that ban k has retur ned to
reading array data, to ensure data integrity.
Figure 4 illustrates the algorithm for the erase opera-
tion. Refer to the E rase and Program Op erations ta-
bles in the AC Cha racteristics s ection for parameters ,
and Figure 18 sect ion for timing diagrams.
Erase Suspend/Erase Resume
The Erase Suspend command, B0h, allows the sys-
tem to interrupt a sector erase operat ion and then read
data from, or program data to, any sector not selected
for erasure. The bank ad dress i s required when writing
this com mand. Th is comma nd is v alid only during th e
sector erase operation, including the 80 µs time-out
period during the sector erase command sequence.
The Erase Suspend command is ignored if written dur-
ing the chip erase operation or Embedded Program
When the Erase Suspend command is written during
the sector erase operation, the device requires a max-
imum of 20 µs to suspend the erase operation. How-
ever, when the Erase Suspend command is written
during the sector erase time-out, the device im medi-
ately terminates the time-out period and suspends the
erase operation. Addresses are dont-cares whe n
writing the Erase suspend command.
After the erase operation has been suspended, the
bank enters the erase-suspend-read mode. The sys-
tem can read data from or program data to any sector
not selected for erasure. (The device erase sus-
pends all sectors selected for erasure.) Reading at
any address within erase-suspended sectors pro-
duces status information on DQ7DQ0. The system
can use DQ7, or DQ6 and DQ2 together, to determine
if a sector is activ ely erasing or is erase-suspen ded.
Re fer to th e Write Operation Status section for infor-
mation on these status bits.
After a n erase-su spende d program ope ration is co m-
plete, the bank returns to the erase-suspend-read
mode. The system can determine the status of the
progr am op eration using th e DQ7 or DQ 6 statu s bits,
just as in the standard Double Word/Word Program
operation. Refer to the Write Operation Status section
for more information.
In the erase-suspend-read mode, the system can also
issue the autosele ct comma nd seque nce. The de vice
allows reading autoselect codes even at addresses
within eras ing sectors, sinc e the codes are no t stored
in the memory array. When the device exits the au-
toselect mode, the device reverts to the Erase Sus-
pend mode, and is ready for another valid operation.
Refer to the Autoselect Mode and Autoselect Com -
mand Sequence se ct ions f or details.
To resume the sector erase operation, the system
must write the Erase Resume command (address bits
are dont care). The ba nk address of the era se-sus-
pended bank is required when writing this command.
Further writes of the Resume command are ignored.
Another Erase Suspend command can be written after
the chip has resumed erasing.
Figure 4. Erase Operation
Password Program Command
The Password Program Command permits program-
ming the password that is used as part of the hard-
ware protection scheme. The actual password is
64-bits long. Depending upon the state of the WORD#
pin, multiple Password Program Commands are re-
quired. F or a x16 bit data bus , 4 Password P rogram
commands are required to program the password. For
Write Erase
Command Sequence
(Notes 1, 2)
Data Poll to Erasing
Bank from System
Data = FFh?
Erasure Completed
in progress
1. See Tables 14 and 16 for erase command sequence.
2. See the section on DQ3 for information on the sector
erase timer.
38 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
a x32 b it data bus, 2 P assword Prog ram comman ds
are required. The user must enter the unlock cycle,
password program c ommand (38h) and the program
address/d ata for each portion of the password when
programming. There is no special address ing order re-
quired for programming the password. Also, when the
password is undergoing programming, Simultaneous
Operation is disabled. Read operations to any memory
location will return the programming status. Once pro-
gramming is complete, the user must issue a
Read/Reset command to return the device to normal
operation. Once the Password is written and verified,
the Password Mode Locking Bit must be set in order to
prevent verification. The Password Program Com-
mand is only capable of programming 0s. Program-
min g a 1 aft er a c ell is programmed as a 0 results in
a time-out by the Embedded Program Algorithm
with the cell remainin g as a 0. The password is all Fs
when shipped fro m the factory. All 64-bit password
combinations are valid as a password.
Password Pr ogramming i s permitted if the Sec Si sec-
tor is enabled.
Password Verify Command
The Pas sword Ve rify Comman d is used to verify th e
Password . The Passw ord is verifiable only when th e
Password Mode Locking Bit is not programmed. If the
Password Mode Locking Bit is programmed and the
user attempts to verify the Pas sword, the device will
always drive all Fs onto the DQ data bus.
The Password Verify command is permitted if the
SecSi sector is enabled. Also, the device will not oper-
ate in Simultaneo us Operation wh en the Password
Verify command is executed. Only the password is re-
turned regardless of th e bank address. The lower tw o
address bits (A0:A-1) are valid during the Password
Verify. Writing the Read/Reset com mand returns the
device back to normal operation.
Password Protection Mode Locking Bit
Program Command
The Password Protection Mode Locking Bit Program
Comm and prog rams the Pa ssword P rotection Mode
Locking Bit, which prevents further verifies or updates
to the Password. Once programmed, the Password
Protection Mode Locking Bit cannot be erased! If the
Passwor d Protection Mod e Locking Bit is verified as
program without margin, the Password Protection
Mode Locking Bit Program command can be executed
to impr ove the program margin. Onc e the Passwor d
Protec tion Mode Locking Bit is prog ramme d, the Per-
sistent Sector Protection Locking Bit program circuitry
is disabled, thereby forcing the device to remain in the
Password Protec tion mode. Exiting the Mod e Locking
Bit P rogram co mmand is acco mplish ed by w riting th e
Read/Reset command.
The Password Protection Mode Locking Bit Program
command is permitted if the SecSi sector is enabled.
Persistent Sector Protecti on Mode
Locking Bit Program Command
The Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit
Program Command programs the Persistent Sector
Protection Mode Locking Bit, which prevents the Pass-
word M ode Lockin g Bit from ever being progr ammed.
If the Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit is
verified as programmed without margin, the Persistent
Sector Protection Mode L ocking Bit Program Com-
mand should be reissued to improve program margin.
By disabling the prog ram circuitry of t he Password
Mode Locking Bit, the device is forc ed to remain in the
Persistent Sector Protection mode of operation, once
this bit is set. Exiting the Persistent Protection Mode
Locking Bit Program command is accomplished by
writing the Read/Reset command.
The Persistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit
Program command is permitted if the SecSi sector is
SecSi Sector Protection Bit Program
The Se cSi Sector Protection Bit P rogram Com mand
programs the SecSi Sector Protection Bit, which pre-
vents the SecSi se ctor mem ory from bei ng cleared. If
the SecSi Sector Protection Bit is verified as pro-
grammed without margin, the SecSi Sector Protection
Bit Program Command should be reissued to improve
program margin. Exiting the VCC-level SecSi Sector
Protection Bit Progra m Command is acc omplished by
writing the Read/Reset command.
The SecSi Sector Protection Bit Program command is
permitted if the SecSi sector is enabled.
PPB Lock Bit Set Command
The P PB Lock Bit Set command is us ed to set the
PPB Lock bit if it is cleared either at reset or if the
Password Unlock command was successfully exe-
cuted. There is no PPB Lock Bit Clear command.
Once the PPB Lock Bit is set, it cannot be cleared un-
less the dev ice is taken throug h a power-on clear or
the Password Unlock command is executed. Upon
setting the PP B Loc k Bit , th e PPBs are la tc hed i nto the
DYBs. If the Password Mode Locking Bit is set, the
PPB L ock Bit status is refl ected as set, even after a
power-on reset cycle. In the Persistent Sector Protec-
tion mode, exiting the PPB Lock Bit Set command is
accomplished by writing the Read/Reset command.
The PPB Lock Bit Set comma nd is permitted if the
SecSi sector is enabled.
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 39
DYB Write Command
The DYB Write command is used to set or clear a DYB
for a given sector. The high order address bits
(A21A11) are issued at the same time as the code
01h or 00h on DQ7-DQ0. All other DQ data bus pins
are ignored during the data write cycle. The DYBs are
modifiable at any time, regardless of the state of the
PPB or PPB Lock Bit. The DYBs are cleared at
power-up or hardware reset.Exiting the DYB Write
command is accomplished by writing the Read/Reset
The DYB Write command is permitted if the SecSi
sector is enabled.
Password Unlock Command
The Password U nlock command is used to clear the
PPB Lock Bit so that the PPBs can be unlocked for
modificati on, thereby allowing the PPBs to become ac-
cessible for modificati on. The exact password must be
entered in order for the unlocking function to occur.
This c ommand c annot be issued an y faster tha n 2 µs
at a time to prevent a hacker from running through the
all 64-bit combinations in an atte mpt to c orrectl y match
a password. If the command is issued before the 2 µs
execution win dow for each portion of the unlock, the
command will be ignored.
The Password Unlock function is accomplished by
writing Password Unlock command and data to the
device to perform the clearing of the PPB L ock Bit.
The password is 64 bits long, so the user must write
the Password Unlock comma nd 2 times for a x32 bit
data bus and 4 times for a x16 data bus.
Once the Password Unlock command is entered, the
RY/BY# pin goes LOW indicating that the device is
busy. Approximately 2 µs is required for each portion
of the un lock. Once the fir st portion of the pa sswor d
unlock completes (RY/BY# is not driven and DQ6
does not toggle when read), the Password Unlock
comman d is issued agai n, only this time w ith the next
part of the passwor d. If WORD# = 1, the second Pas s-
word Unlock command is the final command before
the PPB Lock Bit is cleared (assuming a valid pass-
word). If WO RD# = 0, this is the fourth Pa ssword Un-
lock command. In x16 mode, four Password Unlock
commands are required to successfully clear the PPB
Lock Bit. As with the first Password Unlock command,
the RY/BY# s ignal goes LOW and reading the devi ce
results in the DQ6 pin toggling on successive read op-
erations until complete. It is the responsibility of the
microprocessor to keep track of the number of Pass-
word Unlock commands (2 for x32 bus and 4 for x16
bus), the order, and when to read the PPB Lock bit to
confirm successful password unlock
The Password Unlock command is permitted if the
SecSi sector is enabled.
PPB Program Command
The PPB Program command is used to program, or
set, a given PPB. Each PPB is individually pro-
grammed (but is bulk erased with the other PPBs).
The specific sector address (A21A11) are written at
the sa me time as the p rogram command 60h wi th A6
= 0. If the PPB Lock Bit is set and the corresponding
PPB is set for the sector, the PPB Program command
will not execute and the command will time-out without
programming the PPB.
After programm ing a PPB , two additional cycles are
needed to determine whether the PPB has been pro-
grammed with margin. If the PPB has been pro-
grammed without margin, the program command
should be reissued to improve the program margin.
The PPB P rogram comm and is permitted if the SecSi
sector is enabled. The PPB Program command does
not follow the Embedded Program algorithm.
All PPB Erase Command
The All PPB Erase command is used to erase all
PPBs in bulk. There is no means for individually eras-
ing a specific PPB. Unlike the PPB program, no spe-
cific sector address is required. However, when the
PPB erase comman d is written (60h) and A6 = 1, all
Sector PPBs are erased in parallel. I f t he PPB Lock Bit
is set the ALL PPB Erase comm and will not execute
and the command will time-out without erasing the
PPBs. A fter erasing the P PBs, two add itional cycles
are needed to determine wh ether the PP B has been
erased with margin. If the PPBs has been erased with-
out margin, the erase command should be reissued to
improve the program margin.
It is the responsibility of the user to preprogram all
PPBs prior to issuing the All PPB Erase command. If
the use r attempts to erase a cleared PPB , over-era-
sure ma y occur making i t difficult to pr ogram the PPB
at a later time. Also note that the total number of PPB
program/erase c ycles is limited to 100 cycles. Cycling
the PPBs beyond 100 cycles is not guaranteed.
The All PPB Erase command is permitted if the SecSi
sector is enabled.
DYB Write Command
The DYB Write command is us ed for setting the DYB,
which is a volatile bit that is cleared at hardware reset.
There is one DYB per sector. If the PPB is set, the
sector is protected regardless of the value of the DYB.
If the PPB is cleared, setting the DYB to a 1 protects
the sector f rom prog rams or erases . Since t his is a vol-
atile bit, removing power or resetting the device will
clear the DYBs. The bank address is latched when the
command is written.
40 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
The DYB Write command is permitted if the SecSi
sector is enabled.
PPB Lock Bit Set Command
The PPB Lock Bit set command is used for setting the
PPB lock bit. Dur ing Passwor d Protection mode, on ly
the Password Unlock command can reset the PPB
Lock Bit to 0. Otherwise, a power-up or hardware reset
resets the PPB Lock Bit to 0.
PPB Lock Bit Status Command
The program ming of the PPB Lock Bit ca n be verified
by writing a PPB Lock Bit status verify command to the
Sector Protection Status Command
The programming of either t he PPB o r DYB for a given
sector or sector group can be v erified by writing a Sec-
tor Protection Stat us command to the device.
Note that there i s no single command to i ndependent ly
verify the program ming of a DYB or PPB for a given
sector group.
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 41
Command Definitions Tables
BA = Address of bank switching to autoselect mode, bypass mode, or
erase operation. Determined by A21:A19, see Tables 4 and 5 for
more detail.
PA = Program Address (A21:A0). Addresses latch on falling edge of
WE# or CE# pulse, whichever happens later.
PD = Program Data (DQ15:DQ0) written to location PA. Data latches
on rising edge of WE# or CE# pulse, whichever happens first.
RA = Read Address (A21:A0).
RD = Read Data (DQ15:DQ0) from location RA.
SA = Sector Address (A21:A12) for verifying (in autoselect mode) or
WD = Write Data. See Configuration Register definition for specific
write data. Data latched on rising edge of WE#.
X = Do nt care
1. See Table 1 for description of bus operations.
2. All values are in hexadecimal.
3. Shaded cells in table denote read cycles. All other cycles are
write operations.
4. During unlock and command cycles, when lower address bits are
555 or 2AAh as shown in table, address bits higher than A11
(except where BA is required) and data bits higher than DQ7 are
dont cares .
5. No unlock or command cycles required when bank is reading
array data.
6. Reset command is required to return to reading array (or to
erase-suspend-read mode if previously in Erase Suspend) when
bank is in autoselect mode, or if DQ5 goes high (while bank is
providing status information).
7. Cycle 4 of autoselect command sequence is a read cycle. See
Autoselect Command Sequence section for more information.
8. The data is 80h for factory locked and 00h for not factory locked.
9. The data is 00h for an unprotected sector group and 01h for a
protected sector group.
10. Device ID must be read across cycles 4, 5, and 6.
11. System may read and program in non-erasing sectors, or enter
autoselect mode, when in Program/Erase Suspend mode.
Program/Erase Suspend command is valid only during a sector
erase operation, and requires bank address.
12. Program/Erase Resume command valid only during Erase
Suspend mode, and requires bank address.
13. Command valid when device is ready to read array data or when
device is in autoselect mode.
14. ACC must be at VID during entire operation of command.
15. Command is ignored during any Embedded Program, Embedded
Erase, or Suspend operation.
16. Unlock Bypass Entry command is required prior to any Unlock
Bypass operation. Unlock Bypass Reset command is required to
return to reading array.
Table 14. Memory Array Command Definitions (x32 Mode)
Command (Notes)
Bus Cycles (Notes 14)
Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data
Read (5) 1 RA RD
Reset (6) 1 XXX F0
(Note 7)
Manufacturer ID 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 (BA)X00 01
Device ID (10) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 (BA)X01 7E (BA)X0E 0D (BA)X0F 00
SecSi Sector
Factory Protect 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 X03 (see
Note 8)
Sector Group
Protect Verify (9) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 SA02 XX00/
Program 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 PA PD
Chip Erase 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 80 555 AA 2AA 55 555 10
Sector Erase 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 80 555 AA 2AA 55 SA 30
Program/Erase Suspend (11) 1 BA B0
Program/Erase Resume (12) 1 BA 30
CFI Query (13) 1 55 98
Accelerated Program (15) 2 XX A0 PA PD
Configuration Register Verify 4 555 AA 2AA 55 (BA)5
55 C6 (BA)XX RD
Configuration Register Write (16) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 D0 XX WD
Unlock Bypass Entry (17) 3 555 AA 2AA 55 555 20
Unlock Bypass Program (17) 2 XX A0 PA PD
Unlock Bypass Erase (17) 2 XX 80 XX 10
Unlock Bypass CFI (13, 17) 1 XX 98
Unlock Bypass Reset (17) 2 XX 90 XX 00
42 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
DYB = Dynamic Protection Bit
SSA = SecSi Sector Address (A6:A0) is (0011010).
PD[1:0] = Program Data. Password written in 2 portions.
PPB = Persistent Protection Bit
PWA = Password Address. A0 selects portion of password.
PWD = Password Data being verified.
PL = Password Protection Mode Lock Address (A5:A0) is (001010)
RD(0) = Read Data DQ0 for protection indicator bit.
RD(1) = Read Data DQ1 for PPB Lock bit status.
SA = Sector Address where security command applies. Address bits
A21:A11 uniquely select any sector.
SL = Persistent Protection Mode Lock Address (A5:A0) is (010010)
WP = PPB Address (A6:A0) is (0111010) (Note 17)
EP = PPB Erase Ad dress (A6:A0 ) is (1111010)
X = Dont care
PPMLB = Password Protection Mode Locking Bit
SPMLB = Persistent Protection Mode Locking Bit
1. See Table 1 for description of bus operations.
2. All values are in hexadecimal.
3. Shaded cells in table denote read cycles. All other cycles are
write operations.
4. During unlock and command cycles, when lower address bits are
555 or 2AAh as shown in table, address bits higher than A11
(except where BA is required) and data bits higher than DQ7 are
dont cares .
5. Reset command returns device to reading array.
6. Cycle 4 programs addressed locking bit. Cycles 5 and 6 validate
bit has been fully programmed when DQ0 = 1. If DQ0 = 0 in cycle
6, entire command sequence must be issued and verified again.
7. Data is latched on rising edge of WE#.
8. Entire command sequence must be executed for each portion of
9. Command sequence returns FFh if PPMLB is set.
10. Password is written over four consecutive cycles at addresses
11. A 2 µs timeout is required between any two portions of password.
12. A 100 µs timeout is required between cycles 4 and 5.
13. A 1.2 ms timeout is required between cycles 4 and 5.
14. Cycle 4 erases all PPBs. Cycles 5 and 6 validate bits have been
fully erased when DQ0 = 0. If DQ0 = 1 in cycle 6, entire command
sequence must be issued and verified again. Before issuing
erase command, all PPBs should be programmed to prevent
PPBs overerasure.
15. DQ1 = 1 if PPB locked, 0 if unlocked.
16. For all other parts that use the Persistant Protection Bit (axcluding
PDL640G), the WP address is 000010.
Table 15. Sector Protection Command Definitions (x32 Mode)
Command (Notes)
Bus Cycles (Notes 1-4)
Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data
Reset 1 XXX F0
SecSi Sector Entry 3 555 AA 2AA 55 (BA)555 88
SecSi Sector Exit 4 555 AA 2AA 55 (BA)555 90 XX 00
SecSi Protection Bit Program (5, 6) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 (BA)555 60 SSA 68 SSA 48 XX RD(0)
Password Program (5, 7, 8) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 38 XX[0-1] PD[0-1]
Password Verify (8, 9) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 C8 PWA[0-1] PWD[0-1]
Password Unlock (7, 10, 11) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 28 PWA[0-1] PWD[ 0-1]
PPB Program (6, 12) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 (SA)WP 68 (SA)WP 48 (SA)WP RD(0)
All PPB Erase (13, 14) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 (SA)EP 60 (SA)EP 40 (SA)WP RD(0)
PPB Lock Bit Set 3 555 AA 2AA 55 555 78
PPB Lock Bit Status (15) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 58 SA RD(1)
DYB Write (7) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 48 SA X1
DYB Erase (7) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 48 SA X0
DYB or PPB Status 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 58 SA RD(0)
PPMLB Program (6,12) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 PL 68 PL 48 XX RD(0)
PPMLB Status (5) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 PL RD(0)
SPMLB Program (6,12) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 SL 68 SL 48 XX RD(0)
SPMLB Status (5) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 60 SL RD(0)
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 43
BA = Address of bank switching to autoselect mode, bypass mode, or
erase. Determined by A21:A19, see Tables 4 and 5 for more detail.
PA = Program Address (A21:A-1). Addresses latch on falling edge of
WE# or CE# pulse, whichever happens later.
PD = Program Data (DQ15:DQ0) written to location PA. Data latches
on rising edge of WE# or CE# pulse, whichever happens first.
RA = Read Address (A21:A-1).
RD = Read Data (DQ15:DQ0) from location RA.
SA = Sector Address (A21:A12) for verifying (in autoselect mode) or
WD = Write Data. See Configuration Register definition for specific
write data. Data latched on rising edge of WE#.
X = Do nt care
1. See Table 1 for description of bus operations.
2. All values are in hexadecimal.
3. Shaded cells in table denote read cycles. All other cycles are
write operations.
4. During unlock and command cycles, when lower address bits are
555 or AAAh as shown in table, address bits higher than A11
(except where BA is required) and data bits higher than DQ7 are
dont cares .
5. No unlock or command cycles required when bank is reading
array data.
6. Reset command is required to return to reading array (or to
erase-suspend-read mode if previously in Erase Suspend) when
a bank is in autoselect mode, or if DQ5 goes high (while bank is
providing status information).
7. Cycle 4 of autoselect command sequence is a read cycle. See
Autoselect Command Sequence section for more information.
8. The data is 80h for factory locked and 00h for not factory locked.
9. The data is 00h for an unprotected sector group and 01h for a
protected sector group.
10. Device ID must be read across cycles 4, 5, and 6.
11. System may read and program in non-erasing sectors, or enter
autoselect mode, when in Program/Erase Suspend mode.
Program/Erase Suspend command valid only during a sector
erase operation, and requires bank address.
12. Program/Erase Resume command valid only during Erase
Suspend mode, and requires bank address.
13. Command is valid when device is ready to read array data or
when device is in autoselect mode.
14. ACC must be at VID during entire operation of this command.
15. Command ignored during any Embedded Program, Embedded
Erase, or Suspend operation.
16. Unlock Bypass Entry command required prior to any Unlock
Bypass operation. Unlock Bypass Reset command is required to
return to reading array.
Table 16. Memory Array Command Definitions (x16 Mode)
Command (Notes)
Bus Cycles (Notes 14)
Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data
Read (5) 1 RA RD
Reset (6) 1 XXX F0
(Note 7)
Manufacturer ID 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 (BA)X00 01
Device ID (10) 6 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 (BA)X01 7E (BA)X0E 0D (BA)X0F 00
SecS i S e ctor Fa ctory
Protect 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 X03 (see
Sector Group Protect
Verify (9) 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 SA02 XX00/
Program 4 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 PA PD
Chip Erase 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 80 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 10
Sector Erase 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 80 AAA AA 555 55 SA 30
Program/Erase Suspend (11) 1 BA B0
Program/Erase Resume (12) 1 BA 30
CFI Query (13) 1 55 98
Accelerated Program (15) 2 XX A0 PA PD
Configuration Register Verify 4 AAA AA 555 55 (BA)AAA C6 (BA)XX RD
Configuration Register Write (16) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA D0 XX WD
Unlock Bypass Entry (17) 3 AAA AA 55 5 55 AAA 20
Unlock Bypass Program (17) 2 XX A0 PA PD
Unlock Bypass Erase (17) 2 XX 80 XX 10
Unlock Bypass CFI (13, 17) 1 XX 98
Unlock Bypass Reset (17) 2 XX 90 XX 00
44 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
DYB = Dynamic Protection Bit
SSA = SecSi Sector Address (A6:A0) is (0011010).
PD[3:0] = Program Data. Password written as four 16-bit sections.
PPB = Persistent Protection Bit
PWA = Password Address. A0:A-1 selects portion of password.
PWD = Password Data being verified.
PL = Password Protection Mode Lock Address (A5:A0) is (001010)
RD(0) = Read Data DQ0 for protection indicator bit.
RD(1) = Read Data DQ1 for PPB Lock bit status.
SA = Sector Address where security command applies. Address bits
A21:A11 uniquely select any sector.
SL = Persistent Protection Mode Lock Address (A5:A0) is (010010)
WP = PPB Address (A6:A0) is (0111010) (Note 16)
EP = PPB Erase Ad dress (A6:A0 ) is (1111010)
X = Dont care
PPMLB = Password Protection Mode Locking Bit
SPMLB = Persistent Protection Mode Locking Bit
1. See Table 1 for description of bus operations.
2. All values are in hexadecimal.
3. Shaded cells in table denote read cycles. All other cycles are
write operations.
4. During unlock and command cycles, when lower address bits are
555 or AAAh as shown in table, address bits higher than A11
(except where BA is required) and data bits higher than DQ7 are
dont cares .
5. Reset command returns device to reading array.
6. Cycle 4 programs addressed locking bit. Cycles 5 and 6 validate
the bit has been fully programmed when DQ0 = 1. If DQ0 = 0 in
cycle 6, the program command must be issued and verified again.
7. Data is latched on rising edge of WE#.
8. Entire command sequence must be executed for each portion of
9. Command sequence returns FFh if PPMLB is set.
10. Password is written over four consecutive cycles, at addresses
11. A 2 µs timeout is required between any two portions of password.
12. A 100 µs timeout is required between cycles 4 and 5.
13. A 1.2 ms timeout is required between cycles 4 and 5.
14. Cycle 4 erases all PPBs. Cycles 5 and 6 validate bits have been
fully erased when DQ0 = 0. If DQ0 = 1 in cycle 6, erase command
must be issued and verified again. Before issuing erase
command, all PPBs should be programmed in order to prevent
PPB overerasure.
15. DQ1 = 1 if PPB locked, 0 if unlocked.
16. For all other parts that use the Persistant Protection Bit (excluding
PDL640G), the WP address is 000010.
Table 17. Sector Protection Command Definitions (x16 Mode)
Command (Notes)
Bus Cycles (Notes 1-4)
Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data
Reset 1 XXX F0
SecSi Sector Entry 3 AAA AA 555 55 (BA)AAA 88
SecSi Sector Exit 4 AAA AA 555 55 (BA)AAA 90 XX 00
SecSi Protection Bit Program (5, 6) 6 AAA AA 555 55 (BA)AAA 60 SSA 68 SSA 48 XX RD(0)
Password Program (5, 7, 8) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 38 XX[0-3] PD [0-3]
Password Verify (8, 9) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA C8 PWA[0-3] PWD[0-3]
Password Unlock (7, 10, 11) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 28 PWA[0-3] PWD[0-3]
PPB Program (6, 12) 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 (SA)WP 68 (SA)WP 48 (SA)WP RD(0)
All PPB Erase (13, 14) 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 (SA)EP 60 (SA)EP 40 (SA)WP RD(0)
PPB Lock Bit Set 3 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 78
PPB Lock Bit Status (15) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 58 SA RD(1)
DYB Write (7) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 48 SA X1
DYB Erase (7) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 48 SA X0
DYB or PPB Status 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 58 SA RD(0)
PPMLB Program (5, 6, 12) 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 PL 68 PL 48 XX RD(0)
PPMLB Status (5) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 PL RD(0)
SPMLB Program (5, 6, 12) 6 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 SL 68 SL 48 XX RD(0)
SPMLB Status (5) 4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 60 SL RD(0)
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 45
The device provides several bits to determine the st atus of
a program or erase operation: DQ2, DQ3, DQ5, DQ6, and
DQ7. Table 18 and the following subsections describe the
function of these bits. DQ7 and DQ6 each offer a method
for determining whether a program or erase operation is
comple te or in progress. The device also provides a hard-
ware-based output signal, RY/BY#, to determine whether
an Embedded Pr ogram or Eras e operation is in progress or
has been compl eted.
DQ7: Data# Polling
The Data# Polling bit, DQ7, indicates to the host system
whether an Embedded Program or Erase algorithm is in
progress or completed, or whether a bank is in Erase Sus-
pend. Data# Polling is valid after the rising edge of the final
WE# pulse in the command sequen ce.
During the Embedded Program algorithm, the de vice out-
puts on DQ7 t he comp lemen t of t he dat um pr ogr ammed to
DQ7. This DQ7 status also applies to programming during
Erase S uspend. When the Embedded Progr am algorithm i s
complete, the device outputs the datum programmed to
DQ7. The system must provide the program address to
read valid status information on DQ7. I f a program address
falls within a protected sector, Data# Polling on DQ7 is ac-
tive for a pp rox im ate ly 1 µ s, th en th at b a nk retu r ns to th e
read mode.
Durin g the Embedded Era se algorithm, Da ta# Pollin g
produces a 0 on DQ7. When the E mbedded Erase
algorithm is comp lete, or if the ba nk enters th e Erase
Suspend mode, Data# Polling produces a 1 on DQ7.
The system must provide an address within any of the
sectors s elected for eras ure to read valid s tatus infor-
mation on DQ7.
After an erase command sequence is written, if all
sectors selected for erasing are protected, Data# Poll-
ing on DQ7 is active for approximately 100 µs, then
the bank returns to the read mode. If not all selected
sectors are protected, the Embedded Erase algorithm
erases the unpr otected secto rs, and ign ores the s e-
lected sector s that are protected. Howev er, if the sys -
tem reads DQ7 at an address within a protected
sector, the status may not be valid.
When the system dete cts DQ7 ha s changed from the
complement to true data, it can read valid data at
DQ31DQ0 (or DQ15DQ0 for word mode) on the fol-
lowing read cycles. Just p rior to the com pletion of an
Embedded Program or Erase operation, DQ7 may
change asynchronously with DQ31DQ16
(DQ15DQ0 for word mode) while Output Enable
(OE#) is asserted low. That is, the device may change
from providing stat us inf ormation to v alid data on DQ7.
Depending on when the system samples the DQ7 out-
put, it may read t he stat us or v alid data. Even if t he de-
vice has completed the program or erase operation
and DQ7 has valid data, the data outputs on
DQ31DQ0 may be still invalid. Valid data on
DQ31DQ0 (or DQ15DQ0 for word mode) will ap-
pear on successive read cycles.
Table 18 shows the outputs for Data# Polling on DQ7.
Figure 5 shows the Data# Polling algorithm. Figure 20
in the AC Characteristics section shows the Data#
Polling timing diagram.
Figure 5. Data# Polling Algorithm
DQ7 = Data? Yes
DQ5 = 1?
Read DQ7DQ0
Addr = VA
Read DQ7DQ0
Addr = VA
DQ7 = Data?
1. VA = Valid address for programming. During a sector
erase operation, a valid address is any sector address
within the sector being erased. During chip erase, a
valid address is any non-protected sector address.
2. DQ7 should be rechecked even if DQ5 = 1 because
DQ7 may change simultaneously with DQ5.
46 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
RY/BY#: Ready/Busy#
The RY/BY# is a dedicated, open-drain output pin
which indica tes whether an Embedded Algor ithm is in
progress or complete. The RY/BY# status is v alid after
the rising edge of the final WE# pulse in the command
sequence. Since RY/ BY# is an open-drain output, sev-
eral RY/BY# pins can be tied togeth er in parallel with a
pull-up resistor to VCC.
If the output is low ( Busy), the device is actively eras-
ing or programming. (This includes programming in
the Erase Suspend mode.) If the output is high
(Ready), the device is in the read mode, the standby
mode, or one of the banks is in the erase-sus-
pend-read mode.
Table 18 shows the outputs for RY/BY#.
DQ6: Toggle Bit I
Toggle Bit I on DQ6 indicates whether an Embedded
Prog ram or E rase alg orithm is in prog ress or c om-
plete, or whether the device has entered the E rase
Susp end mode . Toggle Bit I may be read at any a d-
dress, and is valid after the rising edge of the final
WE# pulse in the command sequence (prior to the
program or erase operatio n), and during the sector
erase time-out.
During an Embedded Program or Erase algorithm op-
eration, success ive read cycles to any address cause
DQ6 to toggle. The system may use either OE# or
CE# to control the read cycles. When the operation is
complete, DQ6 stops toggling.
After an erase command sequence is written, if all
sectors selected for erasing are protected, DQ 6 tog-
gles for approximately 100 µs, then returns to reading
array data. If not all selec ted sector s are prot ected, the
Embedded Erase algorithm erases the unprotected
sectors, and ignores the selected sectors that are pro-
The syst em can us e DQ6 and DQ2 together to deter-
mine whether a sector is actively erasing or is
erase-suspended. When the device is actively erasing
(that i s, the Embedded Eras e algorithm is in prog ress),
DQ6 togg les. Whe n the dev ice enters the Er ase Sus-
pend mode, DQ6 stops toggling. However, the system
must also use D Q2 to determine which sectors are
erasing or erase-suspended. Alternatively, the system
can use DQ7 (see the subsection on DQ7: Data# Poll-
If a program address falls within a protected sector,
DQ6 toggles for appr oximately 1 µs after the program
command sequence is written, then returns to reading
array data.
DQ6 also toggles during the erase-suspend-program
mode, and stops toggling once the Embedded Pro-
gram algorithm is complete.
Table 18 shows the ou tputs for To ggle Bit I on DQ6.
Figure 6 shows the toggle bit algorithm. Figure 21 in
the AC Characteristics section shows the toggle bit
timing diagrams . Figure 2 2 shows the differences b e-
tween DQ2 and DQ6 in graphical form. See also the
subsection on DQ2: Toggle Bit II.
Fig ure 6. Toggle Bit Alg orithm
DQ5 = 1?
Toggle Bit
= Toggle? No
Operation Not
Complete, Write
Reset Command
Operation Complete
Toggle Bit
= Toggle?
Read Byte Twice
Address = VA
Read Byte
Address =VA
Read Byte
Address =VA
Note: The system should recheck the toggle bit even if DQ5
= 1 becaus e the tog gle bit may stop tog glin g as DQ5
changes to 1. See the subsections on DQ6 and DQ2 for
more informa tio n.
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 47
DQ2: Toggle Bit II
The Toggle Bit II on DQ2, when used with DQ6, indi-
cates whether a particular sector is actively erasing
(that i s, the Embedded Eras e algorithm is in prog ress),
or wheth er that sector is erase -suspended. Toggle Bit
II is valid after the rising edge of the final WE# pulse in
the command sequence.
DQ2 toggles when the system reads at addresses
within those sectors that have been selected for era-
sure. (The system may use either OE# or CE# to con-
trol the read cycles.) But DQ2 cannot distinguish
whether the s ector is activ ely erasing or i s erase-sus-
pended. D Q6, by comparis on, indicates whether th e
device is actively erasing, or is in Er ase Suspend, but
cannot di stinguish wh ich sect ors are select ed for era-
sure. Thus, both status bits are required for sector and
mode information. Refer to Table 18 to compare out-
puts for DQ2 and DQ6.
Figure 6 shows the toggle bit algorithm in flowchart
form, and the section DQ2: Toggle Bit II explains the
algorith m. See also the DQ6: Toggle Bit I subsection.
Figure 21 shows the toggle b it timing diagram. F igure
22 shows the differences between DQ2 and DQ6 in
graphical form.
Reading Toggle Bits DQ6/DQ2
Refer to Figure 6 for the following discussion. When-
ever the system initially begins reading toggle bit sta-
tus, it m ust read DQ31DQ 0 (or DQ 15DQ 0 for wor d
mode) at least twice in a row to determine whether a
toggle bit is toggling. Typical ly, the system would note
and store the value of the toggle bit after the first read.
After the second read, the system would compare the
new value of the toggle bit with the first. If the toggle
bit is not toggling, the device has completed the pro-
gram or erase operation. The system can read array
data on DQ31DQ0 (or DQ15DQ0 for word mode)
on the following read cycle.
However, if af ter the initial two read cycles, the system
determi nes that th e toggle bi t is still togg ling, the sys-
tem also should note whether the value of DQ5 is high
(see the section on DQ5). If it is, the system should
then de termine again whether the tog gle bit is tog-
gling, since the toggle bit may have stopped toggling
just as DQ5 went high. If the toggle bit is no longer
toggling, the device has successfully completed the
program or erase operation. I f it is still tog gling, the de-
vice did not completed the operation successfully, and
the system must write the reset comm and to return to
reading array data.
The rem ainin g scena rio is that t he syste m initia lly de-
termines that the toggle bit is toggling and DQ5 has
not gone hi gh. The system may continue t o monitor
the toggle bit and DQ5 through successive read cy-
cles, determin ing the status as described in the previ-
ous paragraph. Alternatively, it may choose to perform
other system tasks. In this case, the system must start
at the beginning of the algorithm when it returns to de-
termine the status of the operation (top of Figure 6).
DQ5: Exceeded Timing Limits
DQ5 indicates whether the program or e rase time has
exceeded a s pecified int ernal pulse cou nt limit. Under t hese
conditions DQ5 produces a 1, indicating tha t the program
or erase cycle was not successfully completed.
The device may output a 1 on DQ5 if the system tries
to program a 1 to a location that was previously pro-
grammed to 0. Only an erase operation can
change a 0 back to a 1. Under this condition, the
device ha lts the operation , and when the timing lim it
has been exceeded, DQ5 produces a 1.
Under both these conditions, the system must write
the reset command to return to the read mode (or to
the erase-suspend-read mode if a bank was previ-
ously in the erase-suspend-program mode).
DQ3: Sector Erase Timer
After writing a sector erase command sequence, the
system may read DQ3 to determine whether or not
erasure has begun. (The sector erase timer does not
apply to the chip erase command.) If additional
sectors are selected for erasure, the entire time-out
also applies afte r each a dditional se ctor erase com-
mand. When the time-out period is complete, DQ3
switches from a 0 to a 1. If the tim e between addi-
tional sector erase commands from the system can be
assumed to be less than 50 µs, the system need not
monitor DQ3. See also the Sector Erase Command
Sequence section.
After the sector erase command is written, the system
should read the status of DQ7 (Data# Polling) or DQ6
(Toggle Bit I) to ensure that the device has accepted
the command sequence, and then read DQ3. I f DQ3 is
1, the Embedded Erase algorithm has begun; all fur-
ther commands (except Erase Suspend) are ignored
until the erase operation is complete. If DQ3 is 0, the
device w ill acce pt additio nal sector erase c ommands.
To ens ure the com mand has been acce pted, the sys-
tem software should check the status of DQ3 prior to
and following each subsequent sector erase com-
mand. If D Q3 is high on the second statu s check, the
last command might not have been accepted.
Ta ble 18 shows the status of DQ3 relative to the other
status bits.
48 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Table 18. Write Operation Status
1. DQ5 switches to 1 when an Embedded Program or Embedded Erase operation has exceeded the maximum timing limits.
Refer to the section on DQ5 for more information.
2. DQ7 and DQ2 require a valid address when reading status information. Refer to the appropriate subsection for further
3. When reading write operation status bits, the system must always provide the bank address where the Embedded Algorithm
is in progress. The device outputs array data if the system addresses a non-busy bank.
Status DQ7
(Note 2) DQ6 DQ5
(Note 1) DQ3 DQ2
(Note 2) RY/BY#
Mode Embe dd ed Pro gra m Algo rith m DQ7# Toggle 0 N/A No toggle 0
Embedd ed Era se Alg orith m 0 Toggle 0 1 Toggle 0
Suspended Sector 1 No toggle 0 N/A Toggle 1
Suspended Sector Data Data Data Data Data 1
Erase-Suspend-Program DQ7# Toggle 0 N/A N/A 0
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 49
Storage Temperature
Plastic Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temperature
with Power Applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65°C to + 125°C
Voltage with Respect to Ground
VCC ( N o te 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5 V to +4.0 V
A9, OE#, and RESET#
(Note 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5 V to +12.5 V
ACC ( N o te 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5 V to +10.5 V
All other pins (Note 1). . . . . . 0.5 V to VCC +0.5 V
Output Short Circuit Current (Note 3) . . . . . . 200 mA
1. Minimum DC voltage on input or I/O pins is 0.5 V.
During voltage transitions, input or I/O pins may
overshoot VSS to 2.0 V for periods of up to 20 ns.
Maximum DC voltage on input or I/O pins is VCC +0.5 V.
See Figure 7. During voltage transitions, input or I/O pins
may overshoot to VCC +2.0 V for periods up to 20 ns. See
Figure 8.
2. Minimum DC input voltage on pins A9, OE#, RESET#,
and ACC is 0.5 V. During voltage transitions, A9, OE#,
ACC, and RESET# may overshoot VSS to 2.0 V for
periods of up to 20 ns. See Fig ure 7 . M axi mu m D C inp ut
voltage on pin A9, OE#, and R ESET# is +12.5 V which
may overshoot to +14.0 V for periods up to 20 ns.
Maximum D C in put volt age on A C C is +9 .5 V whi ch m ay
overshoot to +12.0 V for periods up to 20 ns.
3. No more tha n one outpu t may be shor ted to ground at a
time. Duration of the short c ircuit should n ot be greater
than one second.
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum
Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This
is a stress rating only; function al operation of the device at
these or any other co nditions above those i ndica ted in the
operational sections of this data sheet is not implied.
Exposure of the device to absolute maximum rating
conditio ns for exte nd ed per iod s may affe ct dev ice relia bili ty.
Figure 7. Maximum Negative
Overshoot Waveform
Figure 8. Maximum Positive
Overshoot Waveform
Industrial (I) Devices
Ambient Temperature (TA) . . . . . . . . . 40°C to +85°C
Extended (E) Devices
Ambient Temperature (TA) . . . . . . . . 55°C to +125 °C
Supply Voltages
VCC for full regulated range . . . . . . . . . .3.0 V to 3.6 V
VCC for full voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . .2.7 V to 3.6 V
VIO (see Not e ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.7 V to 3. 6 V
Note: For all AC and DC specifications, VIO = VCC; contact
AMD for other VIO options.
Operating ranges define those limits between which the
functionality of the device is guaranteed.
20 ns
20 ns
+0.8 V
0.5 V
20 ns
2.0 V
20 ns
20 ns
+2.0 V
+0.5 V
20 ns
2.0 V
50 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
CMOS Compatible
1. The ICC current listed is typically less than 4mA/MHz, with OE# at VIH.
2. Maximum ICC specifications are t ested wi th V CC = VCCmax.
3. ICC active while Embedded Er ase or Embedded Prog ram is in pr ogress.
4. Automatic sleep mode enables the low power mode when addresses remain stable for tACC + 30 ns. Typical sl eep mode current is
200 nA.
5. Not 100% tested.
Symbo l Paramet er Des cri ptio n Test Cond itio ns Min Typ Max Unit
ILI Input Load Current VIN = VSS to VCC, VCC = VCC max ±1.0 µA
Input Load Current VCC = VCC max; VID= 12.5 V 35 µA
ILO Output Lea ka ge Cur r en t VOUT = VSS to VCC, OE# = VIH
VCC = VCC max ±1.0 µA
VCC Active Inter-page Read Current,
Word/Double Word Modes
(Not es 1, 2) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH
1 MHz 4.5 9
mA5 MHz 20 40
10 MHz 38 45
VCC Active Intra-page Read Current,
Word/Double Word Modes (Note 2) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH 1 MHz 9 18 mA
5 MHz 37 45
ICC2 VCC Active Write Current (Notes 2, 3) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH, WE# = VIL 17 35 mA
ICC3 VCC Standby Current (Note 2) CE#, RESET# = VCC ± 0.3 V 1.5 5 µA
ICC4 VCC Reset Current (Note 2) RESET# = VSS ± 0.3 V 1.5 5 µA
ICC5 Automatic Sle ep Mod e (Not es 2, 4) VIH = VCC ± 0.3 V;
VIL = VSS ± 0.3 V 1.5 5 µA
ICC6 VCC Active Read-While-Program
Current (Notes 1, 2) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH Word 30 45 mA
Dbl. Word 30 45
ICC7 VCC Active Read-While-Erase
Current (Notes 1, 2) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH Word 21 45 mA
Dbl. Word 21 45
ICC8 VCC Active Program-While-Erase-
Suspen de d Curre nt (No tes 2, 5) CE# = VIL, OE# = VIH 17 35 mA
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.5 0.8 V
VIH Input High Voltage 0.7 x VCC VCC + 0.3 V
VHH Voltage for ACC Program
Acceleration VCC = 3.0 V ± 10% 8.5 9.5 V
VID Voltage for Autoselect and
Temporary Se ctor Unpro tec t VCC = 3.0 V ± 10% 11.5 12.5 V
VOL Output Low Voltage IOL = 4.0 mA, VCC = VCC min 0.45 V
VOH1 Output High Voltage IOH = 2.0 mA, VCC = VCC min 0.85 VIO V
VOH2 IOH = 100 µA, VCC = VCC min V
VLKO Low VCC Lock-Out Voltage (Note 5) 2.3 2.5 V
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 51
Table 19. Test Specifications
2.7 k
CL6.2 k
3.3 V
Note: Diodes are IN3064 or equivalent
Figure 9. Test Setup
Test Condition 70R, 70, 80, 90 Unit
Output Load 1 TTL gate
Output Load Capacitance, CL
(including jig cap acit anc e) 30 pF
Input Rise and Fall Times 5 ns
Input Pulse Levels 0.03.0 V
Input timing measurement
reference leve ls 1.5 V
Output timing measurement
reference leve ls 1.5 V
Changing from H to L
Changing from L to H
Dont Care, Any Change Permitted Changing, State Unknown
Does Not Apply Center Line is High Impedance State (High Z)
3.0 V
0.0 V 1.5 V 1.5 V OutputMeasurement LevelInput
Figure 10. Input W aveforms and Measurement Levels
52 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Read-Only Operations
1. Not 100% tested.
2. See Figure 9 and Table 19 f or te st spec ific ations
3. Measurements performed by placing a 50 ohm termination on the data pin with a bias of VCC/2. The time from OE# high to
the data bus driven to VCC/2 is taken as tDF.
Description Test Setup
Speed Options
JEDEC Std. 70R, 70 80 90 Unit
tAVAV tRC Read Cycle Time (Note 1) Min 70 80 90 ns
tAVQV tACC Address to Output Delay CE#, OE# = VIL Max 70 8090ns
tELQV tCE Chip Enable to Output Delay OE# = VIL Max 70 8090ns
tPACC Page Access Time Max 25 30 35 ns
tGLQV tOE Output Enable to Output Delay Max 25 30 35 ns
tEHQZ tDF Chip Enable to Output High Z (Notes 1, 3) Max 25 30 30 ns
tGHQZ tDF Output Enable to Output High Z (Notes 1, 3) Max 25 30 30 ns
tAXQX tOH Output Hold Time From Addresses, CE# or OE#,
Whichev er Occ urs First Min 5 5 5 ns
tOEH Output Enable Hold Time
(Note 1)
Read Min 0 ns
Toggle and
Data# Polling Min 10 ns
Output V alid
Addresses Stable
0 V
Figure 11. Read Operation Timings
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 53
Figure 12. Page Read Operation Timings
Data Bus
Same Page
Aa Ab Ac Ad
Qa Qb Qc Qd
54 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Hardware Reset (RESET#)
Note: Not 100% tested.
Descri ptio n All Speed Optio ns UnitJEDEC Std
tReady RESET# Pin Low (During Embedded Algorithms)
to Read Mode (See Note) Max 20 µs
tReady RESET# Pin Low (NOT During Embedded
Algorithms) to Read Mode (See Note) Max 500 ns
tRP RESET# Pulse Width Min 500 ns
tRH Reset High Time Before Read (See Note) Min 50 ns
tRPD RESET# Low to Standby Mode Min 20 µs
tRB RY/BY# Recovery Time Min 0 ns
Reset Timings NOT during Embedded Algorithms
CE#, OE#
CE#, OE#
Reset Timings during Embedded Algorithms
Figure 13. Reset Timings
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 55
Word/Double Word Configuration (WORD#)
Parameter Speed Options
JEDEC Std Description 70R, 70 80 90 Unit
tELFL/tELFH CE# to WORD# Switching Low or High Max 5 ns
tFLQZ WORD# Switching Low to Output HIGH Z Max 30 30 30 ns
tFHQV WORD# Switching High to Output Active Min 70 80 90 ns
Switching from
word mode to
double word mode
Switching from
double word mode
to word mode
Output Output
Figure 14. WORD# Timings for Read Operations
Note: Refer to the Erase/Program Operations table for tAS and tAH specifications.
Figure 15. WORD# Timings for W rite Operations
The falling edge of the last WE# signal
56 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Erase and Program Operations
1. Not 100% tested.
2. See the Erase And Programming Performance section for more information.
Parameter Speed Options
JEDEC Std. Description 70R, 70 80 90 Unit
tAVAV tWC Write Cycle Time (Note 1) Min 70 80 90 ns
tAVWL tAS Address Setup Time Min 0 ns
tASO Address Setup Time to OE# low during toggle bit polling Min 12 15 15 ns
tWLAX tAH Address Hold Time Min 45 ns
tAHT Address Hold Time From CE# or OE# high
during toggle bit polling Min 0 ns
tDVWH tDS Data Setup Time Min 35 35 45 ns
tWHDX tDH Data Hold Time Min 0 ns
tOEPH Output Enable High during toggle bit polling Min 20 ns
tGHWL tGHWL Read Recovery Time Before Write
(OE# High to WE# Low) Min 0 ns
tELWL tCS CE# Setup Time Min 0 ns
tWHEH tCH CE# Hold Time Min 0 ns
tWLWH tWP Write Pulse Width Min 35 ns
tWHDL tWPH Write Pulse Width High Min 30 ns
tSR/W Latency Between Read and Write Operations Min 0 ns
tWHWH1 tWHWH1 Programming Operation (Note 2) Word Typ 12.6 µs
Double Word Typ 16
tWHWH1 tWHWH1 Accelerated Programming Operation,
Double Word or Word (Note 2) Typ 10.5 µs
tWHWH2 tWHWH2 Sector Erase Operation (Note 2) Typ 0.2 sec
tVCS VCC Setup Time (Note 1) Min 50 µs
tRB Write Recovery Time from RY/BY# Min 0 n s
tBUSY Program/Erase Valid to RY/BY# Delay Max 90 ns
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 57
555h PA PA
Read Status Data (last two cycles)
Status D
Program Command Sequence (last two cycles)
. PA = program address, PD = program data, DOUT is the true data at the program address.
. Illustration shows device in word mode.
Figure 16. Program Operation Timings
Figure 17. Accelerated Program Timing Diagram
58 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
555h for chip erase
10 for Chip Erase
Status DOUT
Erase Command Sequence (last two cycles) Read Status Data
. SA = sector address (for Sector Erase), VA = V al id Addr ess for readi ng sta tus dat a (see Write Operation Status.
. These waveforms are for the word mode.
Figure 18. Chip/Sector Erase Operation Timings
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 59
Data Valid
In Valid
Valid PA Valid RA
CE# Controlled Write CyclesWE# Controlled Write Cycle
Valid PA Valid PA
Read Cycle
Figure 19. Back-to-back Read/Write Cycle Timings
High Z
High Z
Complement True
Addresses VA
Status Data
Status Data True
Valid Data
Valid Data
Note: VA = Valid address. Illustration shows first status cycle after command sequence, last status read cycle, and array data
read cycle.
Figure 20. Data# Polling Timings (During Embedded Algorithms)
60 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Valid Data
(first read) (second read) (stops toggling)
DQ6/DQ2 Valid Data
Status Valid
Status Valid
Note: VA = Valid address; not required for DQ6. Illustration shows first two status cycle after command sequence, last status
read cycle, and array data read cycle
Figure 21. Toggle Bit Timings (During Embedded Algorithms)
Note: DQ2 toggles only when read at an address within an erase-suspended sector. The system may use OE# or CE# to toggle
DQ2 and DQ6.
Figure 22. DQ2 vs. DQ6
Enter Erase
Suspend Pro gra m
Erase Suspend
Read Erase Suspend
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 61
Temporary Sector Unprotect
Note: Not 100% tested.
All Speed OptionsJEDEC Std Description Unit
tVIDR VID Rise and Fall Time (See Note) Min 500 ns
tVHH VHH Rise and Fall Time (See Note) Min 250 ns
tRSP RESET# Setup Time for Temporary Sector
Unprotect Min 4 µs
tRRB RESET# Hold Time from RY/BY# High for
Temporary Sector Unprotect Min 4 µs
Program or Erase Command Sequence
Figure 23. Temporary Sector Unprotect Ti ming Diagram
62 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Sector Group Protect: 150 µs
Sector Group Unprotect: 15 ms
1 µs
SA, A6,
A1, A0
60h 60h 40h
Valid* Valid* Valid*
Sector Group Protect/Unprotect Verify
* For sector protect, A6 = 0, A1 = 1, A0 = 0. For sector unprotect, A6 = 1, A1 = 1, A0 = 0.
Figure 24. Sector/Sector Block Protect and
Unprotect Timing Diagram
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 63
Alternate CE# Controlled Erase and Program Operations
1. Not 100% tested.
2. See the Erase And Programming Performance section for more information.
Parameter Speed Options
JEDEC Std. Descripti on 70R, 70 80 90 Unit
tAVAV tWC Write Cycle Time (Note 1) Min 70 80 90 ns
tAVWL tAS Address Setup Time Min 0 ns
tELAX tAH Address Hold Time Min 45 45 45 ns
tDVEH tDS Data Setup Time Min 35 35 45 ns
tEHDX tDH Data Hold Time Min 0 ns
tGHEL tGHEL Read Rec ov ery Time Before Write
(OE# High to WE# Low) Min 0 ns
tWLEL tWS WE# Setu p Time Min 0 ns
tEHWH tWH WE# Hold Time Min 0 ns
tELEH tCP CE# Puls e Width Min 35 ns
tEHEL tCPH CE# Pulse Width High Min 30 ns
tWHWH1 tWHWH1 Programming Operation
(Note 2) Word Typ 12.6 µs
Double Word Ty p 16.6
tWHWH1 tWHWH1 Accelerated Programming Operation,
Double Word or Word (Note 2) Typ 10.5 µs
tWHWH2 tWHWH2 Sector Erase Operation (Note 2) Typ 0.2 sec
64 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
DQ7# D
Data# Polling
A0 for program
55 for erase
tWHWH1 or 2
PD for program
30 for sector erase
10 for chip erase
555 for program
2AA for erase PA for program
SA for sector erase
555 for chip erase
1. Figure indicates last two bus cycles of a program or erase operation.
2. PA = program address, SA = sect or addr ess, PD = prog ram data .
3. DQ7# is the compl ement of the data wri tten to t he devic e. D OUT is the data wri tten to t he devic e.
4. Waveforms are for the word mode.
Figure 25. Alternate CE# Controlled Write (Erase/Program) Operation Timings
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 65
1. Typical program and erase times assume the following conditions: 25°C, 3.0 V VCC, 1,000,000 cycles. Additionally,
programming typicals assume checkerboard pattern.
2. Under worst case conditions of 90°C, VCC = 2.7 V, 1,000,000 cycle s.
3. The typical chip programming t ime i s consi derabl y less than t he maxi mum chip programmi ng time lis ted, s ince most bytes
program faster than th e maximum p rogram t imes l isted .
4. In the pre-programming step of the Embed ded Erase algor ithm, all bytes a re prog rammed to 00h befo re eras ure.
5. System-level overhead is the time requir ed to execute the two- or four -bus-cycle sequence for the program command. See Tables
1417 for further informati on on c ommand defi niti ons.
6. The device has a minimum erase and program cycle endurance of 1,000,000 cycles.
Note: Includes all pins except VCC. Test conditions: VCC = 3.0 V, one pin at a time.
1. Sampled, not 100% tested.
2. Test conditions TA = 25°C, f = 1.0 MHz.
Parameter Typ (Note 1) Max (Note 2) Unit Comments
Sector Era se Time 0.2 10 s ec Excludes 00h programming
prior to erasure (Note 4)
Chip Erase Time 100 sec
Double Word Program Time 16.6 330 µs
Excludes system level
overhead (Note 5)
Word Program Time 12.6 210 µs
Accelerated Double Word Program Time 14.5 120 µs
Accelerated Word Program Time 10.5 240 µs
Chip Program T ime
(Note 3) Double Word Mode 69.6 208 sec
Word Mode 105.7 317
Description Min Max
Input voltage with respect to VSS on all pins except I/O pins
(incl udi ng A9, OE#, and RESE T#) 1.0 V 13 V
Input voltage with respect to VSS on all I/O pins 1.0 V VCC + 1.0 V
VCC Current 100 mA +100 mA
Parameter Symbol Parameter Description Test Setup Typ Max Unit
CIN Input Capacitance VIN = 0 TBD TBD pF
COUT Output Capacitance VOUT = 0 T B D TB D pF
CIN2 Control Pin Capacitance VIN = 0 TBD TBD pF
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Unit
Minimum Pattern Data Retention Time 150°C10Years
66 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
LAB08080-Ball Fortified Ball Grid Array
15 x 10 mm package
0.50 BSC.
15.00 mm x 10.00 mm
LAB 080
10.00 BSC.
15.00 BSC.
9.00 BSC.
7.00 BSC.
0.60 0.70
1.00 BSC.
0.50 1.00 BSC.
1.00 ± 0.5
φ 0.50
1.00 ± 0.5
2X C
φ0.10 M
July 29, 2002 Am29PDL128G 67
Revision A (October 29, 2001)
Initial release.
Revision A+1 (November 13, 2001)
Simultaneous Operation Block Diagram
Added drawing.
Table 13, Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query
Corrected data for 4Dh and 4Eh addresses (dou-
ble-word mode).
Physical Dimensions
Added LAB080 package drawing.
Revision A+2 (February 8, 2002)
Added 90 ns speed option. At this spe ed, tDF is 30 ns
and tOH is 5 ns. For all speeds, changed typical word
programming time to 8.6 µs, and typical double word
programming time to 12.6 µs.
Simultaneous Operation Block Diagram
Deleted BYTE# input.
Revision B (April 26, 2002)
Added 70R (regulated voltage range) to speed op-
Orderi ng In form ati on
Added V to package marking.
Device Bus Operations
Corrected sector size references in sector address ta-
Password Protection Mode section: Clarifi ed that first
8 bytes of Se cSi Se ctor sho uld be reserved for th e
password. Added description of using pa ssword and
SecSi Sector concurrently.
SecSi Sector Flash Memory Region
Adde d section on u sing password an d SecSi Secto r
Table 13, Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query
Corrected data for addresses 4D and 4Eh.
Comm and Definitions
Deleted PPB Status Command section.
Password Program Command section: Modified first
Password Unlock Command section: Modified second
PPB Lock Bit Set Comm and section: Modified entire
Substantial modifications were made to the comma nd
definitions tab les and notes, inclu ding the following:
delete d the PPB S tatus comm and seque nce; added
bank address requirements to SecSi Sector com-
mand; s eparated m emory arr ay and sec tor protectio n
command sequences for easier reference.
DC Characteris tics
In Note 1 of the CMOS Compatible table, changed typ-
ical ICC current from 2 to 4mA/MHz. Changed ICC1 typi-
cal and maximum read currents, added currents for 10
MHz operation. Added specifications for intra-page
read current. Changed ICC6 typical current to 30 mA.
Revision B+1 (June 7, 2002)
Changed data s heet status from Advance Information
to Preliminary.
AC Characteristics: Read-only Operations table
Changed tOE for 90 ns speed from 40 to 35 ns.
Changed tOH for 70 ns speeds from 4 to 5 ns.
AC Characteristics: Erase and Program Operations
table, Alternate CE# Controlled Erase and Program
Operations table
Changed tASO for 70 ns speed from 15 to 12 ns.
Changed tDS for 80 ns speed from 45 to 35 ns.
Changed tOEPH from 20 to 10 ns. Changed all typical
values from t WHWH1.
Erase and Programming Performance
Added or modified typical and maximum values to all
parameters in table except for typical sector erase
Revision B+2 (July 29, 2002)
Changed Simultanous Operation Flash to Simult anous
Read/ Write Flash.
Changed all references to DPB to DYB.
BGA Package Capacitance
Repla ced TS OP Pin C apacitanc e with FBGA Capaci-
tance data.
Table 7. Autoselect Codes (High Vo ltage Metho d)
Changed the A5 to A4 and A3 Sector P rotection Verifi-
cation fields from L to H.
68 Am29PDL128G July 29, 2002
Table 9. Sector Protection Schemes
Added field: Unprotecte d-PPB not changeable, DYB is
Figure 1. In-System Sector Protection/Sector
Unprotection Algorithms
Added Note
T able 14. Memor y Array Command Definitions (x32
T able 16. Memor y Array Command Definitions (x16
Added SecSi Sector Factory Protec t and Sector Group
Protect Verify fields to tables.
Added Notes 8 and 9
Changed the Autoselect Sector Group Protect Verify
command variable from SA(3A) to SA02.
Table 15. Sector Protectio n Comm a nd Definiti ons
(x32 mode)
Table 17. Sector Protectio n Coma m nd Definiti ons
(x16 mode)
Changed variables in Cycle field for Password Pro-
gram (from 5 to 4), PPMLB Status (from 6 to 4), and
SPMLB Status (from 6 to 4).
Added Note 17
FBGA Ball Capacitance
Changed table from BGA Capacitance to Fortified
BGA C apacitanc e and m odified val ues within table to
DC Characteristics
Deleted the IACC specification row.
Special Package Handling Instructions
Changed the instructions to include molded packages
Modified wording of last paragraph to read reading
array data.
Copyright © 2002 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
ExpressFlash is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.