For more information
applicaTions inForMaTion
Use of Ceramic Capacitors
To minimize losses in low power systems all capacitors
should have low leakage current. Ceramic capacitors are
recommended for use in LTC3106 applications due to their
small size, low ESR and low leakage currents. However,
many ceramic capacitors intended for power applications
experience a significant loss in capacitance from their rated
value as the DC bias voltage on the capacitor increases.
It is not uncommon for a small surface mount capacitor
to lose more than 50% of its rated capacitance when
operated at even half of its maximum rated voltage. This
effect is generally reduced as the case size is increased for
the same nominal value capacitor. As a result, it is often
necessary to use a larger value capacitance or a higher
voltage rated capacitor than would ordinarily be required
to actually realize the intended capacitance at the operating
voltage of the application. X5R and X7R dielectric types are
recommended as they exhibit the best performance over
the wide operating range and temperature of the LTC3106.
To verify that the intended capacitance is achieved in the
application circuit, be sure to consult the capacitor vendor’s
curve of capacitance versus DC bias voltage.
PGOOD Output
The PGOOD output can also help with power manage-
ment. PGOOD transitions high the first time the output
reaches regulation and stays high until the output falls
to 92% of the regulation point. PGOOD can be used to
trigger a system load. For example, a current burst could
begin when PGOOD goes high and would continuously
deplete the output capacitor until PGOOD went low. Note
the PGOOD pin will remain high if the output is still within
92% of the regulation point, even if the input falls below
the lower UVLO threshold.
Inductor Selection
Low DCR power inductors with values between 4.7μH and
10μH are suitable for use with the LTC3106. Inductor vendor
information can be found in Table 5. For most applications,
a 10μH inductor is recommended. In applications where
the input voltage is very low, a larger value inductor can
provide higher efficiency and a lower start-up voltage.
In applications where the input voltage is relatively high
(VIN > 0.8V), smaller inductors may be used to provide a
smaller overall footprint. In all cases, the inductor must
have a low DCR and a saturation current rating greater than
the highest typical peak current limit setting as listed in
the Electrical Characteristics table. If the DC resistance of
the inductor is too high, efficiency will be reduced and the
minimum operating voltage will increase. Note the inductor
value will have a direct effect on the switching frequency.
Table 5. Inductor Vendor Information
EPL2014, EPL3012, EPL3015,
LPS3015, LPS3314, XFL3012
SDH3812, SD3814, SD3114, SD3118
NR3012T, NR3015T, NRS4012T,
VLS3012, VLS3015, VLF302510MT,
DP3015C, DB3018C, DB3020C,
DP418C, DP420C, DEM2815C,
DFE322512C, DFE252012C
WE-TPC 2813, WE-TPC 3816,
WE-TPC 2828
Maximum Power Point Threshold Configuration
There are two methods for maintaining the maximum
power point of an input source on VIN. Already discussed
in this data sheet is a resistive divider on the RUN pin
monitoring VIN. This is useful for >600mV MPP set points.
The LTC3106 also has a dedicated MPP function that can
be used over the full input voltage range as well as input
voltages between the UVLO and RUN pin thresholds. Note
that the LTC3106 IQ increases from 1.6µA (typ) to 10.6µA
(typ) if the MPPC pin functionality is enabled.
The MPP circuit hysteretically controls VIN by setting
a lower voltage threshold on the MPP pin. If VIN drops
below the MPP threshold the converter will stop draw-
ing power from VIN and force a sleep signal. If VSTORE is
within the proper operating range, the output power will
then be taken from VSTORE. If however there is not a valid