For more information www.linear.com/LT3086
applicaTions inForMaTion
The master LT3086 is connected exactly the same as a
single regulator where its output current monitor voltage
seen at its ILIM pin is used as the common current tracking
signal. The slave devices connect this signal to their TRACK
pins to make their output current equal to the master’s.
The TRACK pin has an internal pull-up current that is
typically 15µA at 0.75V. When the TRACK pin is unused,
the pin is pulled up and clamped at 1.25V, disabling the
current tracking amplifier. When the TRACK pin is con-
nected to the master current tracking signal, the TRACK
pin voltage is pulled below the 1.2V threshold, enabling the
current tracking amplifier and disabling the slave’s 50µA
reference current, ISET. Disabling the reference current
ensures that the master is the only device controlling the
output voltage. Set the maximum master current tracking
signal to less than 0.8V to prevent external current limit
from triggering prematurely. To prevent the slave current
tracking amplifier from ever being disabled, the slave
TRACK pin must be tied to the master ILIM pin. The master
ILIM pin has an internal 1V clamp that is below the slave
1.2V current tracking amplifier enable threshold.
When multiple slaves are used, a smaller master RMON
resistor should be used to compensate for the pull-up
currents from all the TRACK pins of the slaves. For ex-
ample, a master sourcing 2.1A typically has 0.697V at its
ILIM pin with an RMON resistor of 332Ω. Referring to the
TRACK pin pull-up current curve in the Typical Perfor-
mance Characteristics, with 0.697V on the TRACK pin,
each slave typically adds 15µA to the master’s 2.1mA
IMON output. For an application with 3 slaves connected,
decrease RMON’s value to:
[2.1mA +3•15µA
( )
The closest 1% resistor value equals 324Ω.
All slave regulators must have their SET pins connected
to the master SET pin. The TRACK amplifier operates by
adjusting the slave internal reference voltage slightly as
a function of the difference in master and slave current
monitor voltages. This has a strong effect on the slave
output current, which forces the slave output current to
match the master.
Mismatch between master and slave internal reference
voltages and current monitor outputs, offset in the slave
TRACK amplifier and TRACK pin pull-up currents all
contribute to output current sharing error. In the case of
negative offset, a slave runs less current than the master.
At very light loads, negative offset enables the slave output
overshoot pull-down circuit, forcing the master to supply
current to keep the output voltage within regulation. As a
result, quiescent current may increase for very light loads
in the master/slave configuration.
In some applications, multiple regulators may be spaced
some distance apart to optimize heat distribution. That
makes the use of low resistance traces important to con-
nect each regulator to the local ground system and to avoid
ground loops created by load currents. Ground currents
can be as high as 30mA at 1.5A and 50mA at 2.1A, for
each regulator. Limiting differential ground pin voltages to
less than 10mV minimizes tracking errors. Ground trace
resistance between master and slaves should be less than
10mV/30mA = 0.33Ω at 1.5A load, and 10mV/50mA =
0.2Ω for 2.1A load.
Output Capacitance
The LT3086 regulator is stable with a wide range of output
capacitors. The ESR of the output capacitor affects stabil-
ity, most notably with small capacitors. Use a minimum
output capacitor of 10µF with an ESR of 0.1Ω or less to
prevent oscillations. The output load transient response is
a function of output capacitance. Larger values of output
capacitance decrease the peak deviations and provide im-
proved transient response for larger load current changes.
For applications with large load current transients, a low
ESR ceramic capacitor in parallel with a bulk tantalum
capacitor often provides an optimally damped response.
For example, a 47µF tantalum capacitor with ESR = 0.1Ω
in parallel with the 10µF ceramic capacitor with ESR <
0.01Ω reduces output deviation by about 2:1 for large
transient loads and increases loop phase margin.
Give extra consideration to the use of ceramic capacitors.
Manufacturers make ceramic capacitors with a variety of
dielectrics, each with different behavior across tempera-
ture and applied voltage. The most common dielectrics
are specified with EIA temperature characteristic codes
of Z5U, Y5V, X5R and X7R. The Z5U and Y5V dielectrics