VKA100 www.murata-ps.com 100 Watt Adjustable Output DC/DC Converter RoHS Compliant mpliant Operation to +100C Ba Baseplate asep Temperature Teemperature Primaryy Remotee On/Off,, Ch Choice of Pos/Negg Logic Adjustable Adjusta able Outp Output put Voltag Voltage ge Continuout Continu uout Shor Short-Circuit rt Circuitt PProtection Thermal Shutdown Case Ground Pin TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE 33 - 75V Input Ra Range ange High Efficiency: 87% 87% Typi Typical ical at 5VV 100mS Transient ransientt Response 50- 100% Loadd Step 420 kHz Fixed-Frequency Operation Remote Sense The VKA100xSC Series DC/DC converters present an economical and practical solution for distributed power system architectures which require high power density and efficiency while maintaining system modularity and upgradeability. With the ability to operate over a wide input voltage range of 18 to 36 and 33 to 75 volts, these modules are ideal for use in battery backup applications common in today's telecommunication and electronic data processing applications. The output is fully isolated from the input, allowing for a variety of polarity and grounding configurations. The VKA100xSC's proprietary control circuitry responds to 50-100% load steps in 100mSeconds to within 1% nominal Vout. The patented fixed frequency architecture combined with surface mount technology results in a compact, efficient and reliable solution to DC/ DC conversion requirements. Safety Per UL1950, EN 60950 and CSA 22.2 #234 PRODUCT SELECTION CHART MODEL OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE TARGETED FOR OBSOLESCENCE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE VKA100LS02C VKA100LS02FC VKA100LS2V5FC VKA100LS03C VKA100LS03FC VKA100LS05C VKA100LS12C VKA100LS15C VKA100LS24C VKA100MS02C VKA100MS02FC VKA100MS2V5FC VKA100MS03C VKA100MS03FC VKA100MS05C VKA100MS12C VKA100MS15C VKA100MS24C INPUT VOLTAGE 24VDC (18-36) 48VDC (33-75) VOUT (VDC) 2.0V 2.0V 2.5V 3.3V 3.3V 5.0V 12.0V 15.0V 24.0V 2.0V 2.0V 2.5V 3.3V 3.3V 5.0V 12.0V 15.0V 24.0V IOUT (A) 20.0 30.0 30.0 20.0 30.0 20.0 8.3 6.7 4.2 20.0 30.0 30.0 20.0 30.0 20.0 8.3 6.7 4.2 MIN 75 73 75 80 80 85 87 88 89 76 74 77 81 81 86 88 89 89 EFFICIENCY TYP 76 74 76 81 81 86 88 89 90 77 75 78 82 82 87 89 90 90 For full details go to www.murata-ps.com/rohs www.murata-ps.com email: sales@murata-ps.com 04 May 2011 VKA100C.BO5 Page 1 of 4 VKA100 100 Watt Adjustable Output DC/DC Converter SPECIFICATIONS, ALL MODELS Specifications are at TCASE = +40C nominal input voltage unless otherwise specified. INPUT PARAMETER INPUT Voltage Range VKA100LS VKA100MS Maximum Input Current VKA100LS VKA100MS Reflected Ripple Current Input Ripple Rejection No Load Input Current LS/MS No Load Standby, Primary On/Off Disabled LS/MS Inrush Charge VKA100LS VKA100MS Quiescent Operating Current Primary On/Off Disabled OUTPUT PARAMETER Rated Power Set point Accuracy Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Temperature Drift Output Ripple, p-p Output Current Limit Inception Output Short-Circuit Current (2) Output Overvoltage Limit Transient Response Peak Deviation Settling Time GENERAL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VIN = 16VDC VIN = 27VDC Peak - Peak DC to 1KHz MIN TYP MAX UNITS 18 33 24 48 36 75 VDC VDC 7.4 4.4 20 60 140/80 A A mA dB mA 3.4/3.8 W 0.12/0.24 W 50 Power Dissipation LS/MS VIN = VINmax. 0.520 0.360 CONDITIONS MIN 5 12 mA TYP MAX UNITS 100 1 0.05 0.5 W % % % %/C VOUT, Nom lOUT, Nom lOUT, Nom V 0 High Line to Low Line No Load to Rated Load 0.02 0.2 .02 1% 130% 120% 125% DC to 20MHz BW test 50 to 100% Load Step di/dt = 0.1A/Sec VOUT, 1% of Nominal Output CONDITIONS ISOLATION Input to Output Peak Test for 2 Seconds Input to Baseplate Output to Baseplate Resistance Capacitance Leakage Current VISO = 240VAC, 60Hz GENERAL Efficiency, Line, Load, Temp. (3) Switching Frequency Remote Sense Compensation Output Voltage Adjust Range 12 V & higher(4) Remote On/Off Control Inputs Primary Open Collector/Drain Sink Current-Logic Low Vlow Vhigh0 Turn-on Time Within 1% of Rated Output Weight TEMPERATURE Operation/Specification Case Temperature Storage Case Temperature Shutdown Temperature Case Temperature Thermal Impedance, case-ambient Lead Solder Temperature 10 Seconds max mC mC 150% 150% 135% 2% 100 MIN TYP VOUT, Nom Sec MAX UNITS 1500 1500 500 10 VDC VDC VDC M pF A, rms 2000 180 400 420 440 0.5 KHz V VOUT, Nom 1.0 0.4 Open Collector 12.5 85 (3.0) mA V -50% / +25% 10.0 -40 -55 +100 +25 +25 +100 +125 +115 mSec g (oz.) C C C C/W C 7.1 +300 NOTES: (1) See Typical Performance Curves, page 3 (2) Continuous Mode (3) See graphs for Efficiency vs. Output Load, VIN, TCASE (4) 3.3V Models Limited in Trim Down Range (5) Consult Factory for Details www.murata-ps.com email: sales@murata-ps.com 04 May 2011 VKA100C.BO5 Page 2 of 4 VKA100 Power Dissipation (W) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES TCASE = +40C nominal input voltage unless otherwise specified. 100 Watt Adjustable Output DC/DC Converter Ambient Air Temperature (C) ORDERING INFORMATION VKA100 xSzz Device Family Indicates 100 Watt Regulated Unit Model Number Selected from Table of Electrical Characteristics Where: x = Input Voltage (L = 24VDC; M = 48VDC) zz = Output Voltage (03=3.3V, 05=5V, etc.) Lead Length 0.200" - No Number 0.145" - (6) 0.110" - (8) Remote On-Off Logic: Positive - No Number Negative - (1) www.murata-ps.com email: sales@murata-ps.com 04 May 2011 VKA100C.BO5 Page 3 of 4 VKA100 100 Watt Adjustable Output DC/DC Converter MECHANICAL NOTES: All dimensions are in inches (millimeters). PIN PLACEMENT TOLERANCE: 0.005" 0.530 MAX [13.46] MECHANICAL TOLERANCE: 0.015" 0.20 [5.1] Marked with: specific modeL ordered, date code, job code. .040 [1.02] DIA. 7 PLACES .081 [2.06] DIA. 2 PLACES 0.20 [5.1] 0.50 [12.7] MATERIAL: Units are encapsulated in a low thermal resistance molding compound which has excellent chemical resistance and electrical properties in high humidity environments and over a wide operating temperature range. The encapsulant and outer shell of the unit have UL94V-0 ratings. Lead material is solder plated to allow ease of solderability. .400 [10.16] 0.40 [10.16] 2.000 [50.80] 0.700 [17.78] 1.000 [25.40] 1.000 [25.40] 2.40 [61.0] MAX 1.400 [35.56] 1.400 [35.56] 1.900 [48.26] 0.19 [4.8] MOUNTING INSERTS M3 X 0.5 THRU, 4 PLACES MAX. TORQUE, 8 IN/LBS 2.28 [57.91] MAX OUTPUT ADJUST VOLTAGE OVP NOTE This feature allows the user to accurately adjust the module's output voltage set point to a specified level. This is achieved by connecting a resistor or potentiometer from the TRIM terminal to either the +Vout terminal (for increased Vout) or the -Vout terminal (for decreased Vout). The formulae below describe the trim resistor value to obtain a Vout change of %. VO is output voltage prior to adjustment (3.3V, 5V, 12V, 15V, or 24V). Radj - up = ( Radj - down = Vo(100 + %) 1.225% _ (100 + 2%) % Special attention should be given to the peak voltage deviation during a dynamic load step when trimming the output above the original set point to avoid tripping the overvoltage protection circuit. Should an OVP condition occur, the converter will go into a latch condition and must be externally reset before it will return to normal operation. ) k (100%- 2) k Murata Power Solutions, Inc. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A. ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED www.murata-ps.com/locations Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. (c) 2011 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. email: sales@murata-ps.com 04 May 2011 VKA100C.BO5 Page 4 of 4