- Preload generation
Preload is fed up when ΦPL is at low level. This process needs few time to be completed ( >35 ns). Then skimming is nee-
ded to calibrate Qb. This step needs as much as possible time. Therefore it is recommended to activate ΦPL as soon as
FL2 is at low level, in order to spend most of FL2 low level duration for skimming.
Qb depends on (VGL2 -V
GL1 ) difference, thus noise on Qb may result from differential fluctuations between VGL1 and VGL2.It
is therefore recommended to get VGL1 and VGL2 biases on each side (Odd or Even) from the same power supply line.
- Preload level adjustment
Preload level must be chosen so as to covered both expected maximum signal and dark current resulting signal. It must be noti-
ced that the “Vidicon mode” implies output signal has the largest amplitude in darkness (since most of Qb is to be readout).
Since output signal treatment difficulty may arise from its large amplitude it is better to reduce as much as possible its dyna-
mic, thus to reduce preload level to the minimum required.
From Figure 6, dark voltage can be deduced, photosignal is computed from Figures3&4andapplication data (light flux, in-
tegration time). Preload must be 200 mV in excess to dark voltage and maximum photosignal sum. Preload can be adjusted
with (VGL2 -V
GL1 ) biases, as indicated in Figure 7, however it is recommended to act first on VGL2. Direct read out of pre-
load level is possible in forcing ΦXat low level avoiding lateral transfer and photodiode read out.
TH7426A/27A maximum preload is about 2.5 V (corresponding to 107electrons).
- Photodiode information collection
As explained this operation needs two steps :
a). Qb injection into input nodes.
b). Skimming back into main register of extra charges.
Step a) needs at least 1 µs to be completed (TX1). However, step b) is a longer process, which duration influences lateral
transfer efficiency. It has been measured that 20 µs is needed for less than1%transfer non efficiency which raises to 2 %
for 4 µs skimming time (TX2).
Thus it is recommended to allow as long as possible skimming time, compatible with application requirement.
- Output signal format
Figures 1 and 2 give details on output signal. Each reset (ΦR) pulse pulls up the output at reset level related to VDR bias.
Using typical biases, reset level reaches about 12 volts with respect to Vss. Notice that FRmust be pulsed only when FL2
is at high level.
Just after reset pulse, output level is stabilizing to a steady level called “floating diode level”.This level is the very reset level
to be taken into account for useful signal amplitude measurement. It is about 200 mV lower than reset level.
Then on FL2 falling edge, charges coming from main register last stage arrive. Consequently, output signal drops down.
The new steady level reached, counted from “floating diode” level represents the useful information - Uos -
Uos amplitude is maximum when no lateral transfer has occurred, since it represents preload level. In darkness, after pho-
todiode read out (lateral transfer) Uos is reduced by dark voltage signal. Under illumination Uos is still smaller until satura-
tion occurs (whole preload consumption), in this situation “floating diode” level is maintained until next pixel readout.
- Read enable operation
RE input simplifies device operation since it allows to use continuous FL2 clocks. However, one can force RE at high level
and generate external FL2 interruption during FXtransfer. In this case, first pixel data will be read out at first falling edge of
FL2. After 150 FL2 periods all pixel data will have been read out, on 151st FL2 period, output will be unused preload and so
on until next FXcycle.
When using RE input, it must be noticed that RE duration must at least allow 150 main register transfers (FL2 periods) in
order to guaranty that all main register stages contain a preload (Qb) before next FXcycle. Otherwise all photodiodes will
not be properly reset at next FXcycle.
When RE is low, output signal is continuously at floating diode level, with FRtransparencies.
- Interlacing odd even
As odd and even sides are fully separated, it is possible to drive odd and even side with 180° phase shifted FL1 and FL2
(FPL ,FRwith same phase with respect to their FL2), FXbeing identicals. In this manner Odd output signals will be de-
layed by half a Tck period with respect to Even outputs allowing, after common sampling, natural multiplexing and double
pixel data rate. This opportunity is presented in application hints (Figures 10 to 12).
- Mechanical mounting
Accurate mechanical references are provided in N and P subvariant packages (see ordering information and outline dra-
wings). If optics are mechanically referred to these packages rear face, no tuning strategy could be implemented for scale