Functional Description
21450-DSH-001-L Mindspeed Technologies®20
Mindspeed Proprietary and Confidential
The two wire pro gramming interface is designed to drive 400 pF @ 100 kHz and 100 pF @ 400 kHz operation.
During a write operation, data is latched into the M21450 registers on the rising edge of SCL during the
ackno wledge phase (ACK) of communication. Refer to the I2C bus specification standard for more details on the
two wire programming interface.
4.16 Memory Interface Control Mode Operation
With the M21450 configured for Memory Interface Control (MIC ) operation, a single M21450 device or an array of
M21450 devices can self configure from a single EEPROM with a two wire serial programming interf ace upon
device power-up. After the M21450 has self configured, the device reverts to SIC operation to allow an optional
host controller to modify the register settings of the M21450.
If the M21450 is conf igured for MIC opera tion at po we r up, the lead M21450 interface oper ates as a tempor ary two
wire quasi-master operati ng at 100 kHz when downloading from external memory and 400 kHz when config uring
other M21450 devices. In an array of M21450 devices, only one device should be configured for MIC operation,
and subsequent de vices in the array should be configured f or SIC operation. All devices in an arra y will receive the
same configuration. As a quasi-master, the M21450 will drive pin MICSTR OBE low during power up to indicate that
the self configuration is in process. When the M21450 device begi ns to self configure, it will read the contents of an
external EEPROM and configure its registers accordingly. The expected EEPROM device address is 1010000b,
and the M21450 quasi master device address should be set to 0100000b. The EEPROM should be powered-up
and stable before t he M21450 is powered-up in MIC mode to ensure that the automati c register download occurs
without errors. Please refer to Figure 4-1 for the recommended po wer supply ramp up timing in MIC mode.
Register 1Fh is used to load t he chec ksum seed v alue . The chec ksum seed v alue should be selected such that the
8 LSB of the sum of th e regist er v a lues from address 0 0h throug h 2Fh is equal to 2Eh . After t he do wnload from the
EEPROM, the checksum value is computed and written into register address FCh. If the checksum value is equal
to 2Eh, then this is recognized as a valid checksum and the quasi-master device will continue to program other
device on the interf ace buss. If the checksum value is not equal to 2Eh, the quasi master device will repeat the
download process and look for the correct checksum value up to 512 times before timing out. If the correct
checksum value is not detected, the quasi-master device will not configure any additional devices on the interface
bus, but the quasi-master will be programed with the contents of the EEPROM.
Register address 0Ch is used to identify the number of M21450 that will be self configured by the quasi master in
MIC mode. When multiple M21450 devices are self configured in an array, the quasi master M21450 device will
copy its register contents into other d evices in the array sequentially using a 400 kHz interface bus. The devices in
the array must have sequential programming addresses, starting with 010 0000b for the quasi master device. After
the last device in the M21450 has been configured, the pin MICSTROBE on the quasi master M21450 will be
driven high, and the device will revert to SIC operation.
If the MIC mode is used in conj unction wit h an external host controller, the two wire interface on the host controller
must not interrupt the pro gr amming b uss while self con figura tion is taking place . This can be ensur ed b y timing out
the host controller for N x 0.8 seconds (N= number of M21450 devices in the self configure array), by mon itoring
the SDA/SCL buss for activity, or by monitoring the MICSTROBE pin on the quasi master device.
The de vice will issue a power on reset (POR) when VDDCORE reaches appro ximately 0.8V during the po wer supply
ramp. After the POR is complete, the device will poll the ADDR pins to determine which control mode the device is
configured for. If the de vice is configured for MIC operation, it will attempt to communicate with the onboard
EEPROM for register download immediately after the POR is complete. If there is no response from the EEPROM
within approximately 3 ms after the POR is complete, the M21450 will stop trying to communicate with the
EEPROM and the register download will fail. Please refer to Figure 4-1 for the recommended power supply ramp
up timing in MIC mode.