MITSUBISHI RF MOSFET MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RA08N1317M RoHS Compliance , 135-175MHz 8W 9.6V, 2 Stage Amp. For PORTABLE RADIO DESCRIPTION The RA08N1317M is a 8-watt RF MOSFET Amplifier Module for 9.6-volt portable radios that operate in the 135- to 175-MHz range. The battery can be connected directly to the drain of the enhancement-mode MOSFET transistors. Without the gate voltage (VGG=0V), only a small leakage current flows into the drain and the RF input signal attenuates up to 60 dB. The output power and drain current increase as the gate voltage increases. With a gate voltage around 2.5V (minimum), output power and drain current increases substantially. The nominal output power becomes available at 3V (typical) and 3.5V (maximum). At VGG=3.5V, the typical gate current is 1 mA. This module is designed for non-linear FM modulation, but may also be used for linear modulation by setting the drain quiescent current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power. FEATURES * Enhancement-Mode MOSFET Transistors (IDD0 @ VDD=9.6V, VGG=0V) * Pout>8W @ VDD=9.6V, VGG=3.5V, Pin=20mW BLOCK DIAGRAM 2 3 1 4 5 1 RF Input (Pin) 2 Gate Voltage (VGG), Power Control 3 Drain Voltage (VDD), Battery 4 RF Output (Pout) 5 RF Ground (Case) PACKAGE CODE: H46S * T>50% @ Pout=8W (VGG control), VDD=9.6V, Pin=20mW * Broadband Frequency Range: 135-175MHz * Low-Power Control Current IGG=1mA (typ) at VGG=3.5V * Module Size: 30 x 10 x 5.4 mm * Linear operation is possible by setting the quiescent drain current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power RoHS COMPLIANCE * RA08N1317M-101 is a RoHS compliant products. * RoHS compliance is indicate by the letter "G" after the Lot Marking. * This product include the lead in the Glass of electronic parts and the lead in electronic Ceramic parts. How ever,it applicable to the following exceptions of RoHS Directions. 1.Lead in the Glass of a cathode-ray tube, electronic parts, and fluorescent tubes. 2.Lead in electronic Ceramic parts. ORDERING INFORMATION: ORDER NUMBER SUPPLY FORM RA08N1317M-101 Antistatic tray, 25 modules/tray RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 1/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RA08N1317M RoHS COMPLIANCE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase=+25C, unless otherwise specified) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VDD Drain Voltage VGG=0V, Pin=0W RATING UNIT 16 V VDD Drain Voltage VGG<3.5V 13.2 V VGG Gate Voltage VDD<9.6V, Pin<20mW 4 V Pin Input Power 30 mW Pout Output Power f=135-175MHz, ZG=ZL=50 Tcase(OP) Tstg 10 W Operation Case Temperature Range -30 to +90 C Storage Temperature Range -40 to +110 C TYP MAX UNIT 175 MHz The above parameters are independently guaranteed. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase=+25C, ZG=ZL=50, unless otherwise specified) SYMBOL PARAMETER f CONDITIONS Frequency Range Pout Output Power T Total Efficiency nd Harmonic MIN 135 VDD=9.6V,VGG=3.5V, Pin=20mW 8 W 50 % Pout=8W (VGG control), VDD=9.6V, Pin=20mW 2fo 2 in Input VSWR IGG Gate Current -- Stability VDD=4.8-13.2V, Pin=10-30mW, Pout<8W (VGG control), Load VSWR=4:1 -- Load VSWR Tolerance VDD=13.2V, Pin=20mW, Pout=8W (VGG control), Load VSWR=20:1 -25 dBc 4:1 -- 1 mA No parasitic oscillation -- No degradation or destroy -- All parameters, conditions, ratings, and limits are subject to change without notice. RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 2/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RA08N1317M RoHS COMPLIANCE TYPICAL PERFORMANCE (Tcase=+25C, ZG=ZL=50, unless otherwise specified) rd 2nd, 3 HARMONICS versus FREQUENCY OUTPUT POWER, TOTAL EFFICIENCY, and INPUT VSWR versus FREQUENCY -20 140 100 T @Pout=8W 8 TOTAL EFFICIENCY T(%) 10 80 6 60 VDD=9.6V Pin=20mW 4 in @Pout=8W 2 40 20 0 0 130 140 150 160 170 FREQUENCY f(MHz) HARMONICS (dBc) 120 -30 -70 2 f=135MHz, VDD=9.6V, VGG=3.5V 1 0 OUTPUT POWER Pout(dBm) POWER GAIN Gp(dB) 20 IDD DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER Pout(dBm) POWER GAIN Gp(dB) 3 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 5 Gp Pout 40 4 30 3 20 2 IDD 10 0 -15 180 50 4 30 140 150 160 170 FREQUENCY f(MHz) OUTPUT POWER, POWER GAIN and DRAIN CURRENT versus INPUT POWER 5 10 rd 3 @Pout=8W -60 130 Pout @Pout=8W -50 180 50 Gp nd 2 -40 OUTPUT POWER, POWER GAIN and DRAIN CURRENT versus INPUT POWER 40 VDD=9.6V Pin=20mW f=160MHz, VDD=9.6V, VGG=3.5V 0 20 -15 INPUT POWER Pin(dBm) -10 -5 0 5 10 15 1 DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) Pout @VGG=3.5V 12 INPUT VSWR in (-) OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 14 0 20 INPUT POWER Pin(dBm) OUTPUT POWER, POWER GAIN and DRAIN CURRENT versus INPUT POWER 5 Pout Gp 40 4 30 3 20 2 IDD 10 f=175MHz, VDD=9.6V, VGG=3.5V 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 1 DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER Pout(dBm) POWER GAIN Gp(dB) 50 0 20 INPUT POWER Pin(dBm) 25 20 4 Pout 15 3 10 2 IDD 5 1 0 0 2 RA08N1317M 4 6 8 10 DRAIN VOLTAGE VDD(V) 12 OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 5 f=135MHz, VGG=3.5V, Pin=20mW DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 25 OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus DRAIN VOLTAGE 5 f=160MHz, VGG=3.5V, Pin=20mW 20 4 Pout 15 3 10 2 IDD 5 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 DRAIN VOLTAGE VDD(V) MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 3/8 DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus DRAIN VOLTAGE 12 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RoHS COMPLIANCE RA08N1317M TYPICAL PERFORMANCE (Tcase=+25C, ZG=ZL=50, unless otherwise specified) OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus DRAIN VOLTAGE 5 f=175MHz, VGG=3.5V, Pin=20mW 4 Pout 15 3 10 2 IDD 5 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 DRAIN VOLTAGE VDD(V) 12 OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus GATE VOLTAGE 7 10 6 Pout 5 8 4 6 3 IDD 4 2 2 1 0 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 GATE VOLTAGE VGG(V) 14 4 OUTPUT POWER P out(W) f=135MHz, VDD=9.6V, Pin=20mW 12 DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 14 OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus GATE VOLTAGE 7 f=160MHz, VDD=9.6V, Pin=20mW 12 10 6 Pout 5 8 4 6 3 IDD 4 2 2 1 0 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 GATE VOLTAGE VGG(V) DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) 20 DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 25 4 OUTPUT POWER and DRAIN CURRENT versus GATE VOLTAGE 7 f=175MHz, VDD=9.6V, Pin=20mW 12 10 6 Pout 5 8 4 6 3 IDD 4 2 2 1 0 0 1 RA08N1317M 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 GATE VOLTAGE VGG(V) DRAIN CURRENT IDD(A) OUTPUT POWER P out(W) 14 4 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 4/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RoHS COMPLIANCE RA08N1317M OUTLINE DRAWING (mm) 30.0 0.2 26.6 0.2 21.2 0.2 2 3 7.4 0.2 4 3.0 0.2 6.0 1 1 6.0 0.2 5 6.0 0.2 2-R1.5 0.1 3.0 0.2 (4.4) 10.0 0.2 (1.7) O0.45 0.15 6.1 1 13.7 1 18.8 1 (5.4) (19.2) 1.5 0.2 0.05 +0.04/-0 2.3 0.4 3.5 0.2 23.9 1 1 RF Input (Pin) 2 Gate Voltage (VGG) 3 Drain Voltage (VDD) 4 RF Output (Pout) 5 RF Ground (Case) RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 5/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RoHS COMPLIANCE RA08N1317M TEST BLOCK DIAGRAM Power Meter DUT 1 Signal Generator Attenuator Preamplifier Attenuator Directional Coupler 3 2 Directional Coupler Attenuator Power Meter C2 + DC Power Supply VGG C1, C2: 4700pF, 22uF in parallel Spectrum Analyzer 4 ZL=50 ZG=50 C1 5 + DC Power Supply VDD 1 RF Input (Pin) 2 Gate Voltage (VGG) 3 Drain Voltage (VDD) 4 RF Output (Pout) 5 RF Ground (Case) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 2 3 1 4 5 RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 6/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RoHS COMPLIANCE RA08N1317M PRECAUTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, and APPLICATION INFORMATION: Construction: This module consists of an alumina substrate soldered onto a copper flange. For mechanical protection, a plastic cap is attached with silicone. The MOSFET transistor chips are die bonded onto metal, wire bonded to the substrate, and coated with resin. Lines on the substrate (eventually inductors), chip capacitors, and resistors form the bias and matching circuits. Wire leads soldered onto the alumina substrate provide the DC and RF connection. Following conditions must be avoided: a) Bending forces on the alumina substrate (for example, by driving screws or from fast thermal changes) b) Mechanical stress on the wire leads (for example, by first soldering then driving screws or by thermal expansion) c) Defluxing solvents reacting with the resin coating on the MOSFET chips (for example, Trichlorethylene) d) Frequent on/off switching that causes thermal expansion of the resin e) ESD, surge, overvoltage in combination with load VSWR, and oscillation ESD: This MOSFET module is sensitive to ESD voltages down to 1000V. Appropriate ESD precautions are required. Mounting: Heat sink flatness must be less than 50 m (a heat sink that is not flat or particles between module and heat sink may cause the ceramic substrate in the module to crack by bending forces, either immediately when driving screws or later when thermal expansion forces are added). A thermal compound between module and heat sink is recommended for low thermal contact resistance and to reduce the bending stress on the ceramic substrate caused by the temperature difference to the heat sink. The module must first be screwed to the heat sink, then the leads can be soldered to the printed circuit board. M3 screws are recommended with a tightening torque of 0.4 to 0.6 Nm. Soldering and Defluxing: This module is designed for manual soldering. The lead (terminal) must be soldered after the module is screwed onto the heat sink. The temperature of the lead (terminal) soldering should be lower than 350C and shorter than 3 second. Ethyl Alcohol is recommend for removing flux. Trichloroethylene solvents must not be used (they may cause bubbles in the coating of the transistor chips which can lift off the bond wires). Thermal Design of the Heat Sink: At Pout=8W, VDD=9.6V and Pin=20mW each stage transistor operating conditions are: IDD @ T=50% VDD Pout Rth(ch-case) Pin Stage (W) (W) (V) (C/W) (A) st 0.02 1.5 4.0 0.28 1 9.6 2nd 1.5 8.0 2.4 1.38 The channel temperatures of each stage transistor Tch = Tcase + (VDD x IDD - Pout + Pin) x Rth(ch-case) are: Tch1 = Tcase + (9.6V x 0.28A - 1.5W + 0.02W) x 4.0C/W = Tcase + 4.8 C = Tcase + 16.2 C Tch2 = Tcase + (9.6V x 1.38A - 8.0W + 1.5W) x 2.4C/W For long-term reliability, it is best to keep the module case temperature (Tcase) below 90C. For an ambient temperature Tair=60C and Pout=8W, the required thermal resistance Rth (case-air) = ( Tcase - Tair) / ( (Pout / T ) - Pout + Pin ) of the heat sink, including the contact resistance, is: Rth(case-air) = (90C - 60C) / (8W/50% - 8W + 0.02W) = 3.74 C/W When mounting the module with the thermal resistance of 3.74 C/W, the channel temperature of each stage transistor is: Tch1 = Tair + 34.8 C Tch2 = Tair + 46.2 C The 175C maximum rating for the channel temperature ensures application under derated conditions. RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 7/8 24 Jan 2006 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS RoHS COMPLIANCE RA08N1317M Output Power Control: Depending on linearity, the following two methods are recommended to control the output power: a) Non-linear FM modulation: By the gate voltage (VGG). When the gate voltage is close to zero, the RF input signal is attenuated up to 60 dB and only a small leakage current flows from the battery into the drain. Around VGG=2.5V, the output power and drain current increases substantially. Around VGG=3V (typical) to VGG=3.5V (maximum), the nominal output power becomes available. b) Linear AM modulation: By RF input power Pin. The gate voltage is used to set the drain's quiescent current for the required linearity. Oscillation: To test RF characteristics, this module is put on a fixture with two bias decoupling capacitors each on gate and drain, a 4.700 pF chip capacitor, located close to the module, and a 22 F (or more) electrolytic capacitor. When an amplifier circuit around this module shows oscillation, the following may be checked: a) Do the bias decoupling capacitors have a low inductance pass to the case of the module? b) Is the load impedance ZL=50? c) Is the source impedance ZG=50? Frequent on/off switching: In base stations, frequent on/off switching can cause thermal expansion of the resin that coats the transistor chips and can result in reduced or no output power. The bond wires in the resin will break after long-term thermally induced mechanical stress. Quality: Mitsubishi Electric is not liable for failures resulting from base station operation time or operating conditions exceeding those of mobile radios. This module technology results from more than 20 years of experience, field proven in tens of millions of mobile radios. Currently, most returned modules show failures such as ESD, substrate crack, and transistor burnout, which are caused by improper handling or exceeding recommended operating conditions. Few degradation failures are found. Keep safety first in your circuit designs! Mitsubishi Electric Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of non-flammable material, or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap. RA08N1317M MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 8/8 24 Jan 2006