The INA169 cannot sense any differences across R greater than 500mV,
and the output error increases once the voltage across R dips below
35mV. If you include the voltage drop across the internal transistor, this
means that the default setup of the breakout board is limited to measuring a
current range of about 3.5mA to 35mA.
If you would like to change that range, R and R can be replaced with
resistors of different values. R can be removed and replaced with another
resistor fairly easily. R is a bit more difficult as it is a small, surface mount
resistor. Changing either of the resistors changes the equation from above.
With R at 10kΩ, changing R gives us the following ranges:
R Current Sense Range
10Ω3.5mA - 35mA
1Ω35mA - 350mA
0.1Ω350mA - 3.5A
IMPORTANT: Be careful with the power rating on the resistor! If you
choose a 0.1Ω resistor for R and expect to see 3.5A through it, this can
result in 1.2W of heat being generated - way too much for your average
¼W resistor! You will need a resistor that can handle at least 2W. The
following power resistors are recommended:
•Ohmite 1Ω 1% 3W
• Ohmite 0.1Ω 1% 3W
Hookup Example
You will need to solder either wires or straight male headers to the 5 header
holes on the board. If you need to measure over 35mA, you will need to
desolder the RS resistor and solder a lower value (e.g. 1Ω), higher power
(e.g. 3W) resistor to the holes around RS.
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