226 54193,/74193 Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter (Dual clock with clear) Schottky TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL __ Low-Power TTL Package Package Package Package P. ; . . . ackage Device Type Device Type |7, Device Type | g Device Type! ~7 g Device Type | + acKage Cc} P EMICF P\MICF Ci P| MCF C\PIMICF CIPI MICE TI SNSAL $193 Ja wit] SNS4193 Jay WHE SNS4L 193 fH | a SN74L S193 J OING)] SN74193 JIN) SN74L 193 Ji0INu Fws4tS193./Fugisi93 | OG FO | FM54193/F M9366 [D1 FAIRCHILD Foraisisa/Fcasiss | o@ | e& FO] FC74193/F C9366 [DuqPn | - MOTOROLA . 4 - OTOR SNT4LS193 Po MC 74193 Pa) NSC . DMS4L S193 & oe _] DMSaL 193 Jenny, [RS . DMT4L $193 OM74193 Nal OM74L 193 Jininen Fin] 4 PH 4 _ 4 LPS N74t $193 @ N74193 L $54193 Fa Wor} I SIGNETICS AG N74193 Fala - 44 a 4 SIEMENS Umi : FUJITSU 74L $193 Tom ~T : HTACH | _ HD7AL S193 Gro) HO2542 oP | MITSUBISHI M74L S193 Po M53393 T [pal _ 7 NEC 7aL $193 eo uPB2193_ Toa a TOSHIBA Tomes | feat y i Amssi_$ 193 _ a AMD _. AmT4L$193 | | Electrical Characteristics SN54LS |93/SN74LS193 Pin Assignment. (Top View) . , . . nurs INPUTS absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range OUTPUTS = DATA CLEAP aR CRY LOAD bata bark A Supply voltage. Vog v Operating free-air | SN5ALS - Z | Uf Via satya 9 Input voltage | 5.5Vv temperature range | SN74LS HS 0 I Storage temperature range 65C to 150C I if ] I ] I A CLEAR BORROW CARRY LOAD C recommended operating conditions re SN54LS193 SN74LS 193 UNIT j COUNT COUNT MIN NOM MAX | MIN NOM MAX G9 bone % o Supply voltage, Vo a5. 5 5s5|475 5 5.25| V TLE] fT i High-level output current, lo __7400 400) vA | wipetpsihafys 6fj7 a Low-level output current, lou 4 8] mA DATA Gi Qy COUNT COUNT Q. 0 GND DOWN UP ~ Count frequency. feount a 2s 0 25 MHZ UT OUTPUTS rn OUTPUTS Width of any input pulse, ty 20 20 ns Data setup time, tsetup 20 20 ns Data hold me, thola ao 0 ns Operating tree-air temperature, T 4 55 125 0 7} Cc electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range PARAMETER * TEST CONDITIONSt [MIN TYP MAX | UNIT Vin High-level input voltage 2 rv Vin. Low-level input voltage 0.8] Vv vi Input clamp voltage Vog=MIN, y= !8mA 1.5] V Vv High-level output voltage Yoo=MIN. Vin=2V. 27 3.4 bey lew : OH Mighrlevel outp a VL =0.8V, Igy = 400uA v Low-lovel output volta Voo=MIN, Vin=2V 035 0 v Lev OL P 9 Vit = 0.8V. fon = 8mA 5 f : h Input current at maximum Voc =MAX, v= Ww Oo: mA Input voltage ii High-level input current VOC =MAX. Vi=2.4V 20] #A he Low-level input current Vocg =MAX, Vj=0.4V -0.4] mA SNSALS | - 20 100 I Short- tput . =MAX A los oIrcUlt Output current Voc sn7as | 20 190 m Voc =MAX, SN5ALS 19 34 si A cc upply current | See Note | SN741S ig 34] tmax Maximum clock frequency y 25 32 _] MHz 1PLH trom Count-up to output Voo=5V. i 26 as PHL Carry |. 18 24 tpLH trom Count-down to outout Ty =25C. i624 ns PHL Borrow 1S 24 IPLH from E:ther Count to y= 1S0F, 27 38 ns tPHL. output Q 30 47 2a 'PLH | trom Load to outout Q Ay = 2k! 40) ns tPHL. [ 2 40 PHL from Clear to output O 23 35] ons NOTES: |. Igg 1s measured with ali outpuls open, clear and load inputs grounded, and all other inputs at 4.5V. A. Clear overrides load, data, and count inputs. B. When counting up, count-down input must be high; when counting down. count-up input must be hgh. tFor conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate vaive specified under recommended operating condi tions for the applicable type. TAI typical values are at Vog-=5V, Ta=25C- @Not more than one output should be shorted at a *tP_H=propagation detay time, low-to- high-level time output PHL propagation deiay time, iwgh-to-low-level output CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE (RAO) a