CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide
Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Cypress Semiconductor
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2 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
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CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 3
1. Introduction 5
1.1 Getting Started..........................................................................................................................6
1.2 Document Revision History .....................................................................................................7
1.3 Documentation Conventions.....................................................................................................7
2. Software Installation 9
3. Hardware Setup 11
4. Using the Clock Programmer Software 13
4.1 Starting the Clock Programmer ..............................................................................................13
4.2 Connecting to the I2C-USB Bridge .........................................................................................14
4.3 Selecting a Device ..................................................................................................................14
4.4 Selecting a JEDEC File ..........................................................................................................15
4.5 Connect/Disconnect................................................................................................................15
4.6 Programming ..........................................................................................................................16
4.7 Checksum...............................................................................................................................16
4.8 Read .......................................................................................................................................16
4.9 Save........................................................................................................................................16
4.10 Verify.......................................................................................................................................17
4.11 Firmware Updates ..................................................................................................................17
4.12 Advanced Information.............................................................................................................18
4.13 Error Codes ............................................................................................................................18
4 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 5
1. Introduction
This guide explains how to program a Cypress programmable clock device using the CY3675-
CLKMAKER1 kit. Step-by-step instructions and relevant images are included to help you use the
appropriate hardware and software to program your clock device.
The following diagram shows the necessary components to program a Cypress clock.
Figure 1-1. Components to Program a Cypress Clock
1. CY3675-CLKMAKER1 Clock Programming Kit
2. Socket Adapter for your specific clock device (available from Cypress Online Store). Refer Table
1-1 for the list of supported devices. For current updates on kits, visit
3. Cypress programmable clock device
4. JEDEC file to be programmed into your clock device (a JEDEC file is created using the Cyber-
Clocks™ Online software tool)
Note: Clock Programmer software runs on Windows-based PC.
6 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Table 1-1. Clock Programming Kits
(Latest kits are available at
Kit Name Description Supported Devices
CY3675-CLKMAKER1 Main Programming Board NA
Socket Adapters (Not included with CY3675-CLKMAKER1 kit. These are sold seperately)
CY3675-LCC4A Adapter Board for LCC4A Devices CY25701, CY25702
CY3675-QFN8A Adapter Board for QFN8A Devices CY22M1, CY22U1
CY3675-SOIC8A Adapter Board for SOIC8A Devices CY25402, CY25403, CY25422, CY25423,
CY25482, CY25483
CY3675-QFN24A Adapter Board for QFN24A Devices CY2544, CY2545, CY2548
CY3675-LCC6A Adapter Board for LCC6A Devices
CY2X013, CY2X014, CY2XF23,
CY2XF24, CY2XF32, CY2XF33,
CY3675-TSSOP20B Adapter Board for TSSOP20B Devices CY25404
Your CY3675-CLKMAKER1 Clock Programmer Kit contains:
CD with:
1.CY3675-CLKMAKER1 Clock Programming Kit Guide (you are reading this now)
2. Software installation file: PSoCProgrammer3.05.exe
Main programming board (CY3675-CLKMAKER1)
I2C-USB Bridge (CY3240-I2USB)
PSoC® MiniProg (CY3217)
Four power plug adapters
The MiniProg is used only for updating the firmware on the PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip™
on the main programming board. Refer to Section 4.11 for details.
USB cable
15V 400 mA power supply
The latest kit information and software are available at
1.1 Getting Started
1. Install the clock programmer software (Section 2)
2. Set-up the kit hardware (Section 3)
3. Run the clock programmer software (Section 4)
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 7
1.2 Document Revision History
1.3 Documentation Conventions
Table 1-2. Revision History
Description of Change
** 5/11/09 PRMV New Guide
*A 6/23/09 PRMV Updated Table 1-1, Figure 4-1, and table 4-4.
*B 05/22/2012 PURU No technical updates.
*C 06/16/2015 TAVA No technical updates.
Completing Sunset Review.
Table 1-3. Document Conventions for Guides
Convention Usage
Courier New Displays file locations, user entered text, and source code:
Italics Displays file names and reference documentation:
Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Designer User Guide.
[Bracketed, Bold]Displays keyboard commands in procedures:
[Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]
File > Open Represents menu paths:
File > Open > New Project
Bold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures:
Click the File icon and then click Open.
Times New Roman Displays an equation:
2 + 2 = 4
Text in gray boxes Describes Cautions or unique functionality of the product.
8 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 9
2. Software Installation
The PSoC Programmer™ installation file installs both the PSoC Programmer application and the
Clock Programmer application. PSoC Programmer is Cypress's flexible integrated programming
application for programming PSoC devices. Clock Programmer is bundled with this application.
The PSoC Programmer installation file is available in the kit CD (PSoCProgrammer3.05.exe) or it
can be downloaded directly from
1. Go to
2. Locate PSoCProgrammer3.05.exe and download the file
3. Use any ZIP compatible program to open the PSoC Programmer installation package
4. Click PSoCProgrammer.exe to start the setup wizard
5. Follow the on screen prompts to install PSoC Programmer
If an earlier version of PSoC Programmer is already installed, the Setup Wizard prompts you to
delete the older version. After you uninstall the previous version repeat steps 4 and 5 to install the
latest version.
10 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Software Installation
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 11
3. Hardware Setup
1. Connect the USB cable to the I2C-USB Bridge, and then connect the I2C-USB Bridge to the
5-pin connector located on the bottom of the main programming board.
I2C-USB Bridge
Main Programming
2. Attach a socket adapter to the top of the main programming board (socket adapter orientation is
dictated by three connectors) and then carefully insert the clock device into the socket adapter.
Socket Adapter Board
Socket Adapter for Clock Device
12 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Hardware Setup
3. Connect the external power supply to connector P1. LED D6 is the power indicator.
LED D1(on bottom)
Power Supply Connector
4. Attach the USB cable to your computer and the red LED D1 on the I2C-USB Bridge starts to blink
when the main board has established communications on the USB link.
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 13
4. Using the Clock Programmer Software
Use the Clock Programmer to open a JEDEC file (created using CyberClocks Online, Cypress’s
clock configuration software), connect to the I2C-USB Bridge, select target devices, program, read,
save, verify, and run a checksum.
4.1 Starting the Clock Programmer
You can start the Clock Programmer from the Microsoft® Windows Start menu. Set up all hardware,
including the device to program, before you start the Clock Programmer.
To open the Clock Programmer from the desktop, click Windows Start > Programs > Cypress >
Clock Programmer 1.2 > Clock Programmer
Figure 4-1. Clock Programmer Main Window
14 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Using the Clock Programmer Software
4.2 Connecting to the I2C-USB Bridge
The Clock Programmer automatically detects the I2C-USB Bridge if connected correctly (see Sec-
tion 3: Hardware Setup). The status bar, at the bottom right of the window changes from Not Con-
nected (RED) to Connected (GREEN). Additionally, the status text window displays messaging as
the Clock Programmer detects and opens the programming port.
Figure 4-2. Connection Status
4.3 Selecting a Device
The Clock Programmer allows you to select a target clock device from a Device List tree menu. To
expand a collapsed tree click the ‘+’ icon next to the device family name and click the ‘-‘ icon to col-
lapse a device family selection. From the expanded tree you can select a device by clicking to high-
light the desired device.
Figure 4-3. Device List
Additionally, under the Device Information display area, the selected clock device’s information is
displayed. This updates as you select new target clock devices.
Figure 4-4. Device Information
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 15
Using the Clock Programmer Software
4.4 Selecting a JEDEC File
You must load a JEDEC file into the Clock Programmer before programming a device. The Clock
Programmer programs devices using the JEDEC file format.
To select a file for programming:
1. Click File Load or press [F4]
2. In the Open dialog box, browse to the folder containing the file and select a file
3. Click Open
The status window will return with a successful message:
Active JEDEC file set at 1:47:18 PM| C:\Documents and Settings\wbz\Desk-
Frequency Information
(…additional data pertaining to the Jedec file.)
Load Jedec at 1:47:18 PM
After loading the JEDEC file, the display field “JEDEC Information” displays critical information
regarding the JEDEC file. This include the file name, checksum, and supported devices. These
fields are updated as new JEDEC files are loaded.
Figure 4-5. JEDEC Information
4.5 Connect/Disconnect
The Clock Programmer allows you to connect to the target device in order to program it (load the
JEDEC file into it). Use the buttons, Connect and Disconnect, to initiate this action. Prior to connect-
ing to the target device, connect the programmer to the PC and connect the programmer to the tar-
get device. Use the disconnect button to disconnect if required, after connecting the target clock
Figure 4-6. Device Information
16 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Using the Clock Programmer Software
4.6 Programming
You must load a JEDEC file into the Clock Programmer in order to program a clock device.
To program a device:
1. Open the Clock Programmer
2. Connect the programmer to the PC
3. Load the JEDEC file
4. Click connect
5. Click Program or press [F5]
4.7 Checksum
When you select the checksum button the Clock Programmer retrieves the checksum data from the
target board.
To read the checksum from the device:
1. Open the Clock Programmer
2. Connect the programmer to the PC
3. Load the JEDEC File
4. Click Connect
5. Click Checksum or press [F6]
4.8 Read
When the read button is pressed the Clock Programmer reads the contents of the target Clock
To read the data from the clock device:
1. Open the Clock Programmer
2. Connect the programmer to the PC
3. Load the JEDEC File
4. Click Connect
5. Click Read or press [F7]
4.9 Save
After reading the contents of the clock device you have the option to save that information into a text
To save the data read from the clock device:
1. Open the Clock Programmer
2. Connect the programmer to the PC
3. Load the JEDEC File
4. Click Connect
5. Click Save or press [F8]
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 17
Using the Clock Programmer Software
4.10 Verify
You have the option to verify the contents on a target clock device against a selected JEDEC file.
The verify function reads/verifies the contents of the target clock devices and compares the check-
sums against the loaded JEDEC file.
To verify the data read from the clock device:
1. Open the Clock Programmer
2. Connect the programmer to the PC
3. Load the JEDEC File
4. Click Connect
5. Click Verify or press [F9]
4.11 Firmware Updates
If the target clock device that you want to program is not listed in Table 1-1, you need to update the
firmware on your main programming board.
The latest firmware hex file can be downloaded at
Note Do not connect external power supply to the board.
1. Open PSoC Programmer from desktop Start > Programs > Cypress > PSoC Programmer >
PSoC Programmer.
2. Connect the MiniProg device to the main board.
Figure 4-7. MiniProg Connected to Mainboard
3. Select the MiniProg from 'Port'.
4. Click Connect.
5. From the Device Family dropdown menu, select 21x34.
6. Select CY8C21434-24LFXI from the Device dropdown menu.
7. Click File Load to load the firmware .hex file that you downloaded from
8. After the hex file is loaded, click Program.
18 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Using the Clock Programmer Software
The firmware programming progress is displayed
9. After you successfully upload the firmware, disconnect the MiniProg device
10.Close PSoC Programmer
4.12 Advanced Information
The Clock Programmer uses the shared architecture with PSoC Programmer. PSoC Programmer
provides you a COM interface to generate user specific applications by calling low level API func-
tions. In the PSoC Programmer root installation directory the folders, Examples and Documentation
contain all the information to create unique applications with the PSoC Programmer COM.
4.13 Error Codes
The Clock Programmer displays error messages on the status text window when there is any failure
during runtime. Error codes are appended to the error messages.
Table 4-1. Error Codes & Description
Error Code Description
-Communication error occurred while reset.
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while operating USB LED (D5).
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while operating ERR LED (D2).
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while operating Prog LED (D3).
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while operating Chk LED (D4).
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while checking daughter board.
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while validating device.
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while reading data.
- External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Read operation has failed.
-The device might be broken.
-The device in the socket might be placed in wrong direction.
-There might be no device in the socket.
CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C 19
Using the Clock Programmer Software
-Communication error occurred while shifting data.
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Write operation has failed.
-The device in the socket might be placed in wrong direction.
-There might be no device in the socket.
-In Flexo devices the commercial/industrial status in the
selected Jedec file may not match the selected device.
-Communication error occurred while programming data.
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Communication error occurred while verifying programmed
-External power supply might not be connected.
-USBIIC might not be connected to the CyClockMaker.
-Device Validation has failed.
-The device could have been programmed already.
-There could be no device in the socket.
-The device in the socket might be placed in wrong direction.
Table 4-1. Error Codes & Description
Error Code Description
20 CY3675 CYClockMaker Programming Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-52414 Rev. *C
Using the Clock Programmer Software