• Lithography
• Precision machining
• Advanced metrology
• R & D on multiaxis stage control
• Stage travel characterization
• Stage or tool alignment
Multiaxis measurements allow smaller
linewidths, wider fields, and higher
Small linewidths and stage motion
errors due to imperfect ways generally
require state-of-the-art wafer steppers
to control rotational misalignment
about the Z axis (Yaw). This has typi-
cally been done with two discrete
interferometers that require careful
alignment during installation.
Agilent now offers multiaxis interfer-
ometers that make linear and rotational
measurements in a single compact
package, conserving valuable space.
The interferometers were designed
for excellent built-in parallelism, pro-
viding an interaxis alignment superior
to a careful alignment of discrete
interferometers. This helps improve
the grid accuracy needed for smaller
Internal optics are referenced to their
housings, allowing the interferome-
ters to be kinematically located, then
bolted into a precision mount without
adjustment. Built-in parallelism and
referenced optics save the manufac-
ture and service time due to difficult
multiaxis alignments. These features
also help achieve better overlay accu-
racy than typically possible with dis-
crete interferometers.
Pitch and roll measurements enhance
wide field optical lithography
To reduce linewidths, optical lithogra-
phy systems such as i-line and deep
UV are moving toward larger numeri-
cal apertures. The shallower depth of
field resulting from a larger numeri-
cal aperture can require site-by-site
wafer leveling about the X and Y axis
(pitch and roll) to achieve focus over
a wide field. Unfortunately, X-Y align-
ment accuracy suffers because the
Abbé error, neutralized during the
global alignment, changes during
wafer leveling.
Agilent multiaxis interferometers can
measure the pitch and roll of the mul-
tiaxis stage due to leveling and stage
movement errors, making it possible
to calculate and compensate for the
change in Abbé error. The quick cor-
rection saves the time of performing
a site-by-site alignment, thus improv-
ing throughput.
Mirror mapping improves multiaxis stage
The yaw of a multiaxis stage is meas-
ured using a two- or three-axis inter-
ferometer located on either the X or
Y axis. When yaw is measured redun-
dantly (on both the X and Y axes), the
system has the additional capability
of mirror mapping. Mirror mapping
allows you to measure and compensate
the flatness deviations in the stage
mirrors. This improves total system
Multiaxis interferometric measurements of stage angles enhance the
accuracy and throughput of fine-line, wide-field lithography systems.