3/31/03, V 032003 Alliance Semiconductor P. 2 of 9
Functional description
The AS7C31024B is a high performance CMOS 1,048,576-bit Static Random Access M emor y (SRAM) device organized as 131,072 words x 8
bits. It is designed for memory applications where fast data access, low power, and simple interfacing are desired.
Equal address access and cycle times (tAA, tRC, tWC) of 8/10/12/15/20 ns with output enable access times (tOE) of 5, 5, 6, 7, 8 ns are ideal for
high performance applications. Active high and low chip enables (CE1, CE2) permit easy memory expansion with multiple-bank systems.
When CE1 is high or CE2 is low, the device enters standby mode. If inputs are still toggling, the device will consume ISB power. If the bus is
static, then full standby po wer is reached (ISB1). F or example , the AS7C31024B is guaranteed not to exceed 18 mW under nominal full standby
conditions. All devices in this family will retain data when VCC is reduced as low as 2.0 V.
A writ e cycle is accomplished by asserting write enable (WE) and both ch ip en ables (CE1, CE2). Data on the input pins I/O0 through I/O7 is
written on the rising edge of WE (write cycle 1) or the activ e-to-inactiv e edge of CE1 or CE2 (write cycle 2). To a v oid bus contention, external
devices should drive I/O pins only after outputs have been disabled with output enable (OE) or write enable (WE).
A read cycle is accomplished by asserting output ena ble (OE) and both chip enables (CE1, CE2), with write enab le (W E) high. The chip drives
I/O pins with the data word referenced by the input address. When either chip enable or output enable is inactive, or write enable is active,
output drivers stay in high-impedance mode.
Note: Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional oper-
ation of the device at these or any other conditions outside those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
Key: X = don’t care, L = low, H = high
Absolute maximum ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Voltage on VCC relative to GND Vt1 -0.50 +5.0 V
Voltage on any pin relative to GND Vt2 –0.50 VCC +0.50 V
P ower dissipation PD–1.0W
Storage temperature (plastic) Tstg –65 +150 °C
Ambient temperature with VCC applied Tbias –55 +125 °C
DC current into outputs (low) IOUT –20mA
Truth table
Data Mode
HXXX High Z Standby (I
XLXX High Z Standby (I
L H H H High Z Output disable (ICC)
OUT Read (ICC)
IN Write (ICC)