4NIC COMPONENTS CORP. www.niccomp.com www.lowESR.com www.RFpassives.com www.SMTmagnetics.com
Marking (No marking on 0201 & 0402 size).
1. For E-12 & E-24 Series (±5% = J) Tolerance In 0603, 0805, 1206 and 1210 sizes:
3 DIGIT SYSTEM - First two digits are signicant and third digit is multiplier, “R” indicates decimal on values under 10 ohms.
Examples: 1R0 = 1.0 ohms 102 = 1K ohms 470 = 47 ohms
103 = 10k ohms 101 = 100 ohms 104 = 100K ohms 105 = 1 Megohms
2. For E-12 & E-24 Series (±5% = J) Tolerance In 2010 and 2512 sizes:
4 DIGIT SYSTEM - First 3 digits are signicant and fourth digit is multiplier, “R” indicates decimal on values under 100 ohms.
Examples: 1R00 = 1.0 ohms 10R0 = 10 ohms 1003 = 100 Kohms
1000 = 100 ohms 1004 = 1 Megohms 1001 = 1K ohms
3. For E-96 Series (±1% Tolerance) in 0805, 1206, 1210, 2010 AND 2512 sizes:
4 DIGIT SYSTEM - First 3 digits are signicant and fourth digit is multiplier, “R” indicates decimal on values under 100 ohms.
Examples: 1R00 = 1.0 ohms 10R0 = 10 ohms 1003 = 100 Kohms
1000 = 100 ohms 1004 = 1 Megohms 1001 = 1K ohms
1052 = 10.5K ohms 1002 = 10K ohms 2213 = 221K ohms
4. For E-96 Series (±1% Tolerance) in 0603 size
3 DIGIT SYSTEM (Due to space restrictions)
NRCA Series
Examples of Resistance Code: 10R0 = 10 ohms 1004 = 1meg ohms
47R5 = 47.5 ohms 1050 = 105 ohms
1000 = 100 ohms 1501 = 1.5K ohms
1001 = 1K ohms 1052 = 10.5K ohms
1002 = 10K ohms 1153 = 115K ohms
1003 = 100K ohms 1214 = 1.21meg ohms
Examples of Resistance Code: 4R7 = 4.7 ohms 103 = 10K ohms
100 = 10 ohms 104 = 100K ohms
101 = 100 ohms 105 = 1 meg ohms
102 = 1K ohms 106 = 10meg ohms
NRCA12 J 103 TR 10 Q Y F
RoHS compliant
Q = AEC Q-200 Qualied
Optional 10,000 piece reel
Tape & Reel Packaging
Resistance Code: First 2 gures are signicant,
3rd digit is the multiplier, “R”
indicates a decimal point.
Tolerance Code: J=5%
Series and Size
"Y" denotes suitable for automotive equipment, sourced to special
production and inspection at TS-16949 certied production site
NRCA12 F 1003 TR 10 Q Y F
RoHS compliant
Q = AEC Q-200 Qualied
Optional 10,000 piece reel
Tape & Reel Packaging
Resistance Code: First 3 gures are signicant,
4th digit is the multiplier, “R”
indicates a decimal point.
Tolerance Code: F=1%
Series and Size
"Y" denotes suitable for automotive equipment, sourced to special
production and inspection at TS-16949 certied production site
Automotive Grade Thick Film Chip Resistors