Vishay Siliconix
www.vishay.com S FaxBack 408-970-5600
4-4 Document Number: 70038
S-52433—Rev. F, 06-Sep-99
Test Conditions
Unless Specified
A Suffix
–55 to 125_CD Suffix
–40 to 85_C
Parameter Symbol
+ =
V– = GND = 0 V
VIN = 3 V, 0.8 VfTempbTypcMindMaxdMindMaxdUnit
Analog Switch
Analog Signal RangeeVANALOG Full 0 V+ 0 V+ V
Drain-Source On-Resistance rDS(on) IS = –10 mA, VD = 8.5 V
V+ = 10.8 V Room
Full 65 90
120 90
120 W
Switch Off Leakage Current
IS(off) V+ = 16.5 V, VS = 0.5 V, 10 V
Full 0.1 –1
–60 1
60 –1
–20 1
VD = 10 V, 0.5 V Room
Full 0.1 –1
–60 1
60 –1
–20 1
20 nA
Channel On Leakage
Current ID(on) +
IS(on) V+ = 16.5 V, VD = 0.5 V, 10 V Room
Full 0.1 –1
–60 1
60 –1
–20 1
Digital Control
Input, High Voltage VINH Full 2.4 2.4
Input, Low V oltage VINL Full 0.8 0.8
Input Capacitance Cin Full 5 pF
Input Current IINL or IINH V+ = 16.5 V
VIN under test = 0.8 V, 3 V Full –1 1 –1 1 mA
Dynamic Characteristics
Turn-On Time tON
Full 50
70 50
T urn-Off Time tOFF1 RL = 1 kW, CL = 35 pF, VS = 2 V
V= 10.8 V, See Figure 2 Room
Full 50
70 50
70 ns
tOFF2 Room 150
Output Settling T ime to 0.1% tsRoom 180
Charge Injection Q CL = 1 nF, VS = 0 V
Vgen = 0 V, Rgen = 0 WRoom 10 pC
Off Isloation OIRR RL = 1 kW, CL = 10 pF
f = 100 kHz Room 85
(Channel-to-Channel) XTALK Any Other Channel Switches
RL = 1 kW, CL = 10 pF
f = 100 kHz Room 100 dB
Source Off Capacitance CS(off)
Room 10
Drain Off Capacitance CD(off)
Room 10 pF
Channel On Capacitance CD(on) VANALOG = 0 V Room 30
Power Supplies
Positive Supply Current I+
Full 10 10 mA
Power ConsumptioncPC
IN =
Full 150 150 mW
b. Room = 25_C, Full = as determined by the operating temperature suffix.
c. T ypical values are for DESIGN AID ONL Y, not guaranteed nor subject to production testing.
d. The algebraic convention whereby the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive a maximum, is used in this data sheet.
e. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test.
f. VIN = input voltage to perform proper function.