Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope — TDS5034B • TDS5054B • TDS5104B
Waveform Measurements
Characteristic Description
Automatic Measurements 53, of which 8 can be displayed on-screen at any one
Amplitude related Amplitude, High, Low, Maximum, Minimum,
Peak-to-Peak, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS,
Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot
Time relatedRise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width,
Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Period,
Frequency, Delay
Combination Area, Cycle Area, Phase, Burst Width
Histogram related Waveform Count, Hits in Box, Peak Hits, Median,
Maximum, Minimum, Peak-to-Peak, Mean (μ),
Standard Deviation (σ), μ±1σ,μ±2σ,μ±3σ
Extinction Ratio (abs, %, dB), Eye Height, Eye Width,
Eye Top, Eye Base, Crossing %, Jitter (P-P, RMS, 6σ),
Noise (P-P, RMS), Signal/Noise Ratio, Cycle Distortion,
Measurement Statistics Mean, Min, Max, Standard Deviation, Population
Reference Levels User definable for each of the eight measurements
Histograms Vertical or horizontal with linear or log scaling
Gating Isolate the specific occurrence within an acquisition to
take measurements on
Cursors Horizontal Bars, Vertical Bars, Waveform, and Screen
Waveform Processing/Math
Characteristic Description
Arithmetic Add, subtract, multiply, and divide waveforms
Algebraic Expressions Define extensive algebraic expressions including
waveforms, scalars, user-adjustable variables, and
results of parametric measurements e.g. (Integral
(Ch1 – Mean(Ch1)) × 1.414 × VAR1)
Math Functions Average, Invert, Integrate, Differentiate, Square Root,
Exponential, Log 10, Log e, Abs, Ceiling, Floor, Min,
Max, Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan, Sinh, Cosh,
Frequency Domain
Spectral magnitude and phase, real and imaginary
Vertical Units Magnitude: Linear, dB, dBm
Phase: degrees, radians, group delay
Window Functions Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Kaiser-Bessel,
Blackman-Harris, Gaussian, Flattop2, Tek Exponential
Limit Testing Compare live waveforms against a known “golden”
reference waveform with user-defined vertical and
horizontal tolerances
Display Characteristics
Characteristic Description
Display Type 10.4 in. Liquid-crystal active-matrix color display
Touch Screen Standard on TDS5054B and TDS5104B. Optional
touch screen on TDS5034B
Display Resolution 640 horizontal × 480 vertical pixels
Waveform Styles Vectors, Dots, Intensified Samples, Variable
Persistence, Infinite Persistence
Display Format YT, XY, XYZ
Color Palettes Individual color palettes for Record View and
FastAcq/WfmDB modes include Normal, Green, Gray,
Temperature, Spectral, and User Defined
Computer System and Peripherals
Characteristic Description
Operating System Windows 2000
CPU Intel Celeron Processor, 2.0 GHz
PC System Memory 512 MB
Internal Hard Disk Drive ≥80 GB capacity
CD-RW Drive Side-panel CD-RW drive, ≥24x read and write speed
Mouse Optical wheel mouse, USB interface
OpenChoice Features
Characteristic Description
TekVISA Application Programmers Interface (API) for Windows
developers. Documentation includes descriptions
and samples of programming test and measurement
applications on the unit in Visual BASIC, C, and C++
TekVISA Control (TVC) Active controls to make access to TekVISA easy for
integration into Microsoft Windows applications
VXI-11 Server An Application Programmers Interface (API) for LAN
connectivity from non-Windows environments
Plug-and-Play Drivers Provides support to run National Instrument’s LabVIEW
and LabWindows on an external PC connected to a
TDS5000B or on the oscilloscope itself. Instrument
drivers are version specific and might not support the
version of your software development tools
IVI Drivers Provides support for new and existing program
environments utilizing the IVI instrumentation standard,
such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, MATLAB, Visual
BASIC, and C/C++. Instrument drivers are version
specific and might not support the version of your
software development tools
Excel and Word Toolbars Provides direct access to screen images, waveform
data, and measurements on the oscilloscope from a
toolbar in Excel and/or Word
Report Generator Enables the ability to design and create customized
report templates that extract the oscilloscope’s
waveforms, settings, measurements, and other
on-screen information with a click of the mouse
www.tektronix.com 9