AFBR-3950xxRZ High Voltage Galvanic Insulation Link for DC to 50MBaud Data Sheet Description Features Avago Technolgies' AFBR-3950xxRZ is a high voltage galvanic insulation link for DC to 50 MBaud. The AFBR3950xxRZ consists of an optical transmitter and receiver operating at 650nm wavelength. Pin to pin distance of approximately 25 to 101 mm provides transient voltage suppression in the range of 15kV to 50kV. * Data transmission at signal rates of DC to 50MBaud Applications * RoHS compliant * Drives/Inverters * Transient voltage suppression in the range of 15kV up to 50kV according IEC 60644 * Galvanic insulation on one single PCB * Tested according to IEC-60747-5-5 * Regulated Distribution Transformers * Housing Material UL-V0 with CTI 600 * Smart Grid on-board Insulations * Optional 3.3V or 5V power supply Ordering Information Length AFBR-395025RZ AFBR-395050RZ * High noise immunity through receiver IC with integrated photodiode * Laser class 1 according to IEC-60825 * Medium Voltage Power Distributions Part Number * DC coupled transmitter and receiver with CMOS/TTL input-output for easy designs: no data encoding or digitizing circuitry required mm Voltage Suppression 1 inch 25 15kV 2 inch 50.4 27kV AFBR-395075RZ 3 inch 75.8 40kV AFBR-395000RZ 4 inch 101.2 50kV AFBR-3950xxRZ DC to 5MBaud Data Link Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Signaling Rate fs DC 50 MBd Storage and Operating Temperature TS,O -40 +85 C Receiver Supply Voltage VCCRx -0.5 +5.5 V Receiver Supply Current ICCRx 30 mA Receiver Output Current IOAV 10 mA Transmitter Supply Voltage VCCTx +5.5 V Transmitter Supply Current ICCTx 31 mA Transmitter Reverse Input Voltage VR 3 V Lead Soldering Cycle [1, 2] TSOL +260 C 10 sec Temp -0.5 Time Notes: 1. 1.6mm below seating plane; wave soldering only 2. MSL class 3 Attention Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Ambient Temperature TA -40 85 C Receiver Power Supply Voltage [1] VCCRx 3.135 4.75 3.465 5.25 V Transmitter Supply Voltage VCCTx 3.135 4.75 3.465 5.25 V Signaling Rate fS DC 50 MBd Notes: 1. <100mVp-p Noise All the data in this specification refers to the operating conditions above and over lifetime unless otherwise stated. 2 Insulation Characteristics Parameter Symbol Apparent charge at Sample Test stage and Type Test stage after subgroup 1 (method a) [1] Max. Units qpd 5 pC Apparent charge at Routine Test stage and Type Test stage, Preconditioning (method b) [2] qpd 5 pC Maximum Transient Voltage, peak [3] VIOTM_1inch VIOTM_2inch VIOTM_3inch VIOTM_4inch 15 27 40 50 kV Maximum Transient Voltage, effective [3] VISO_1inch VISO_2inch VISO_3inch VISO_4inch 10.5 19 28.1 35.2 kV Maximum Working Voltage, peak [4] VIORM_1inch VIORM_2inch VIORM_3inch VIORM_4inch 4.25 8.5 12.75 17.00 kV Maximum Working Voltage, effective [4] VIOWM_1inch VIOWM_2inch VIOWM_3inch VIOWM_4inch 3 6 9 12 kV Insulation Resistance @ Tamb,max , min.100C RIO 1011 Insulation Resistance @ TS RIO 109 Creepage Distance 1inch 2inch 3inch 4inch 25 50.4 75.8 101.2 mm Clearance Distance 1inch 2inch 3inch 4inch 25 50.4 75.8 101.2 mm Surge Isolation Voltage VIOSM 12 kV Comparative Tracking Index CTI 600 Pollution degree [5] Min. 2 Climatic category [6] 40/085/21 Maximum ambient Safety temperature TS 110 C Maximum input current ISI 60 mA Maximum output current ISO 30 mA Maximum input power dissipation PSI 330 mW Maximum output power dissipation PSO 165 mW Notes: 1. Vpd(m) = 1.6 x VIORM (=6.8kV for 1inch, =13.6kV for 2inch, =20.4kV for 3inch, =27.2kV for 4inch), Vini,a = VIOTM, tini,a = 60s ; tm = 10s 2. Vpd(m) = 1.875 x VIORM (=8kV for 1inch, =16kV for 2inch, =24kV for 3inch, =32kV for 4inch), Vini,b = VIOTM, tini,b = 1s ; tm = 1s 3. Altitude up to 2000m above sea level 4. Pollution degree 2; please note that inhomogeneous field conditions may lead to partial discharge through air for these voltages 5. According IEC-60064-1 6. According IEC-60068-1 3 Electrical Input Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Input Voltage Low VIL Input Voltage High [1] VIH Input Capacitance CIN Input Resistance RIN 10 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units High Level Output Voltage VOH 2.5 VCCRX VCCRX +0.3 V Low Level Output Voltage VOL 0.4 V Output Risetime (10-90%) [1] tr 5 ns Output Falltime (90-10%) [1] tf 5 ns Power Supply Noise Immunity PSNI Vcc level to deactivate POR [2] Vcc level to activate POR [2] POR deactivate delay time [2, 3] 2 Max. Units 0.8 V VCCTx V 7 pF k Notes: 1. Duty Cycle shall be 50% at 1.5V Electrical Output Signal Characteristics 0.1 0.4 Vpp VPOR_DEACT 2.8 V VPOR_ACT 2.6 V tPOR-DEACT_DEL 10 ms Notes: 1. CL = 15p, RL = 50kOhm F 2. A Power-on reset (POR) is both implemented at the Transmitter and the Receiver. It is active below VPOR_DEACT. Once VPOR_DEACT is reached the POR remains active for tPOR-DEACT_DEL. During power down POR starts at VPOR_ACT. During active POR the output signal is low. VPOR_DEACT and VPOR_ACT both apply to Tx and Rx, tPOR-DEACT_DEL POR applies only for the Rx. The delay time of the Tx is typically ~10s. POR Tx POR Rx Data_In (optical) Data_In (electrical) VCCTx POR disabled at ~ 2.8V ~10s delay POR enabled at ~ 2.6V ~10ms delay POR enabled at ~ 2.6V Data_Out (electrical) Data_Out (optical) Data_Out = Inverted Data_In 4 VCCRx POR disabled at ~ 2.8V time Data_Out = Inverted Data_In time Specified Link Performance, TA = -40C to +85C, DC to 5MBaud, unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Min. Typ Max. Unit Condition Signaling Rate fS Pulse Width Distortion [1] PWD DC 50 MBd NRZ -5 +8 ns Propagation Delay [2] 50MBaud tD Skew [3] 50 ns 50MBaud tS Supply Current Tx [4] ICCTx 20 5 ns 50MBaud 31 mA 50Mbaud Supply Current Rx [4] ICCRx 17 30 mA 50MBaud Notes: 1. Provided the following characteristics of the electrical input: a) no PWD at 1.5V input level b) dU/dt between 1V and 2V is less than 1V/ns 2. Determined from 1.5V of the rising edge of Data_In to 50% of the rising edge of Data_Out 3. The tD variation between multiple devices measured for same input conditions and same external signal delay 4. Depends on Supply Voltage and Signal Rate Block Diagram - AFBR-3950xxRZ RX TX PD Filter & Monitor V CCTx V CCRx Power on reset LED GND Rod TIA2 Output driver Data_out TIA1 Power on reset LED driver Data_in Gain Control etc. GND A low Input signal at Data_in results in a low output signal at Data_out. POR remains active during VCC power up, typically until 10s for Tx and 10ms for Rx after 2.8V is reached. For both Tx and Rx Data_out is low while POR active. Recommended chemicals for Cleaning/Degreasing Alcohols: methyl, isopropyl, isobutyl. Aliphatics: hexane, heptanes Other: soap solution, naphtha Do not use partially halogenated hydrocarbons such as 1.1.1 trichloroethane, ketones such as MEK, acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methylene dichloride, phenol, methylene chloride, or N-methylpyrolldone. Also, Avago does not recommend the use of cleaners that use halogenated hydrocarbons because of their potential environmental harm. 5 Recommended Drive Circuit (a) - Top View L1 V CC Tx GND GND Data_In C1 C2 C3 R1 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 Tx Value Tolerance Rx Value Tolerance C1 10F 20% C4 100nF 20% C2 10F 20% C5 10F 20% C3 L1 100nF 1H 20% 20% C6 10F 20% L2 1H 20% R1 4.7k 5% GND Pin number Transmitter Pin number Receiver 1 VCCTx 5 No function [1] 2 No function [1] 6 VCCRx 3 GND 7 GND 4 Data_in 8 Data_out 6 V CC Rx GND Pin Description Notes: 1. It is recommended to connect this pin to signal ground L2 C4 Data_Out C5 C6 Footprint (Top View) Dimensions in mm AFBR-395025RZ 22.08 2.54 (3x) 2.54 0.5 (8x) 0.44 (8x) ) (2x 75 5 . 1 7.62 10.04 1.14 (4x) 20.32 25.4 AFBR-395050RZ 47.48 2.54 (3x) 2.54 0.5 (8x) 0.44 (8x) ) (2x 575 . 1 7.62 10.04 1.14 (4x) 45.72 50.8 AFBR-395075RZ 72.88 2.54 (3x) 71.12 76.2 7 2.54 0.5 (8x) 0.44 (8x) ) (2x 575 . 1 7.62 10.04 1.14 (4x) Footprint (Top View) Dimensions in mm AFBR-395000RZ 98.28 2.54 (3x) 96.52 101.6 Mechanical Dimensions Dimensions in mm AFBR-395025RZ 1. 6 (2 x) 2.54 20.32 30.46 7.7 25.4 11.49 2.5 6.7 10.16 0.381 2.54 7.62 AFBR-395050RZ 2.54 45.72 ) (2x .6 1 7.7 10.16 2.5 11.49 6.7 55.86 2.54 0.44 50.8 8 7.62 2.54 0.5 (8x) 0.44 (8x) ) (2x 75 5 . 1 7.62 10.04 1.14 (4x) Mechanical Dimensions Dimensions in mm AFBR-395075RZ 2.54 71.12 ) (2x .6 1 81.26 2.5 7.7 11.49 6.7 10.16 2.54 0.44 7.62 76.2 AFBR-395000RZ 2.54 96.52 6 1. x) (2 106.66 2.5 7.7 11.49 6.7 10.16 2.54 0.44 7.62 101.6 IMPORTANT NOTE: AFBR-3950xxRZ devices must not be bent under any circumstances. For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-4884EN - April 2, 2015 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Avago Technologies: AFBR-395025RZ AFBR-395050RZ AFBR-395000RZ AFBR-395075RZ