ACA-20PC Series
Digital, LED-Display AC Ammeters with
Built-in Current Transformers
MPM_ACA_20PC.C01 Page 3 of 6
IMPORTANT! To ensure safe and reliable operation, ACA-20PC
ammeters must be installed and serviced by qualifi ed technical
personnel. Contact Murata Power Solutions if there is any doubt
regarding ammeter installation and/or operation.
1. Measurement Type: ACA-20PC ac ammeters employ a full-wave-
rectifi ed, average responding, rms-calibrated circuit to measure the
stepped-down output of their on-board, L1 current transformer (CT) .
Stated accuracy specifi cations are measured using a sine-wave cur-
rent at or close to the specifi ed full scale input level, at nominal line
2. Calibration: Periodic recalibration of ACA-20PC ammeters is not
required under normal, indoor operating environments. If user
calibration is necessary, it should be performed by qualifi ed technical
personnel. Calibration is performed with potentially lethal voltages
applied to the ACA-20PC and its associated wiring, with the specifi ed
full-scale current fl owing through the ammeter’s built-in current
A plastic, fully insulated adjusting tool must be used to access the
recessed calibration potentiometer located on the back of the meter
(see Mechanical Specifi cations). Contact Murata Power Solutions if
additional information is required regarding calibration, setup, or any
other technical issue pertaining to the ACA-20PC.
3. Wire Gauges and Fusing: Wires specifi ed in the Functional Specifi -
cations section must be used for making connections to ACA-20PC
Series ammeters. All power-supply and load wiring must be rated for
the supply voltages and currents they will conduct and must comply
with any code or application-mandated requirements pertaining to
the user’s specifi c installation.
ACA-20PC Series ammeters are not internally fused. Special attention
must be paid to ACA-20PC-1-AC1 (0-2A range) and ACA-20PC-2-AC1
(0-20A range) ac-powered models when their built-in auxiliary termi-
nal block connections on TB1 are used to supply power to an external
load. The input supply wires connected to both the ammeter and the
load must be fused according to the current rating of the wire gauge
being used, in accordance with applicable regulatory codes, but not
to exceed TB1’s maximum 20A rating. If TB1 is not used to supply
power to external loads, a 0.25A/250V time delay/time lag fuse must
be used.
ACA-20PC-3-AC1 (0-50A range, ac-powered) and ACA-20PC- 4-AC1
(0-100A, ac-powered) models’ TB1 is to be used only for powering
the ammeters’ internal circuitry; it must not be used to supply power
to external loads. The supply wires feeding these models must be
fused with a 0.25A time delay/time lag fuse, in accordance with
applicable regulatory codes.
Wire insulation must be stripped to within ±10% of the stated dimen-
sions, and wires should be inserted into TB1 such that their insulation
is not pinched by the screw terminal.
4. AC Supply Polarity and Grounding: The two ac supply inputs,
TB1-A and TB1-B, on ac-powered ammeters are not in themselves
polarity sensitive, that is, they have no internal "AC LO" or "AC HI"
TECHNICAL NOTES designations. Also, ac-powered ACA-20PC ammeters do not include
or require a connection to earth/chassis ground. However, in many
applications, external ac loads which are connected directly to the
ACA-20PC’s built-in auxiliary terminal blocks must be wired with
proper polarity and connected to earth/chassis ground.
5. Connector Torque Ratings: It is important to tighten TB1's screw
terminals to their rated torque specifi cations of 4.4 pound-inches
(0.5Nm) for four-terminal ammeters (ACA-20PC-1-AC1-RL and ACA-
20PC-2-AC1-RL), and 3.6 pound-inches (0.4Nm) for two-terminal
ammeters. Proper tightening will minimize connector losses and
ensure safe, reliable operation.
6. 100 Amp Model (ACA-20PC-4-XXX): This model’s built-in current
transformer requires a larger panel cutout width dimension. See
Mechanical Specifi cations for more information.
7. DC-Powered Models: DC-powered models draw minimal supply
currents and in most applications can be fused according to the
supply wire’s maximum amperage rating. However, be sure to check
and comply with all applicable codes and regulations to ensure
proper installation and operation.
8. Isolation: The on-board CT (L1) provides a minimum 2000Vdc
isolation between the current-carrying conductor passing through its
primary circuit and the ammeter supply voltage connected to TB1. Of
course, this isolation rating only applies to applications in which the
load wiring (i.e., the wire passing through the CT’s center hole) does
not connect directly or indirectly to TB1-A or TB1-B.
All connections to ACA-20PC Series ammeters must be made
after the ammeter is securely attached to the panel and with all
load and supply voltages de-energized (off).
Care should be exercised when passing the load-carrying conduc-
tor through the meter’s built-in CT— particularly when larger-gauge
conductors are used. The position of the installed wire should be
such that minimal forces are applied to the built-in CT, TB1, or to
the ammeter itself. In high-vibration environments, adequate strain
reliefs be used for all load and supply wiring.
To ensure a secure panel-mount installation, Murata Power Solutions
recommends using the DMS-BZL4 bezel assembly (with sealing
gasket) supplied with each ammeter. Also, please note that the ACA-
20PC-4-XXX 100A oversize CT requires a larger panel-cutout width
of 1.350" (34.3mm). See Mechanical Specifi cations for detailed
cutout and ammeter dimensions.
Following the four-step sequence shown in Figure 2 below—being
careful not to apply excessive force or twisting motions— insert the
ammeter into the panel opening. When using the DMS-BZL4 bezel
assembly, install its sealing gasket so it is positioned between the
ammeter’s front fl ange and panel front surface (see Mechanical
Specifi cations). Be sure to use and securely tighten all four screws
supplied with the bezel assembly.