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You are here:: Digilent Documentation / NI Academic Products and Accessories / Shield Adapter for NI myRIO Resource Center
/ Shield Adapter for myRIO
With the Shield Adapter for myRIO, you can now connect your myRIO to the expansive shield options offered by the Arduino™ ecosystem. The
Shield Adapter is designed to work with any shield that is compatible with the Arduino Uno using the 3.3 or 5V power from the myRIO MXP
connector. The silk screen is labeled on the shield pins to reflect the myRIO inputs.
Features include:
Uses the myRIO Expansion Port (MXP) connector
Signal and power lines adapted to the standard Arduino™ Uno footprint.
I2C is hardwired to A4 and A5 pins and adheres to the revised Arduino Leonardo standard
Standard 34-pin female breakout
Switch allows users to select between UART and DIO pins 0 and 1
No external power required for shields operating at 3.3V or 5V
Configuring the Adapter
Pin Connections
Arduino Pin Name myRIO Pin# myRIO Pin Function
IOREF NC No Connection
RESET NC No Connection
3.3V 33 3.3V
5V 15V
GND 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30
GND 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30
GND 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30
VIN NC No Connection
A0 3 AI0
A1 5 AI1
A2 7 AI2
A3 9 AI3
Shield Adapter for myRIO
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