. TAPE STRUCTURE Brothers laminated tapes both the TC and TX lines consist of six layers of materials, resulting in thin, yet extremely strong, labels. Characters formed with ther- mal transfer ink are actually printed onto the underside of a laminate. Sandwiched between two layers of PET INK ADHESIVE (ACRYLIC) BASE FILM (PET-polyathylene-) 124m COLOURING FOR BASE ADHESIVE (ACRYLIC) PROTECTIVE La MINATE (PET-polyethylene-) 50..m 103m} 1L70.m (polyethylene) film, the characters are virtually indestru- SePaRatoR ctible. LAMINATION Brother's 50 um of top lamination Protects the ink from the sorts of hazards which abound in industrial environments: abrasion, chemicals, oil and water. . . even general rough handling. BROTHER LAMINATED TAPR SPECIAL = FLUORESCENT TAPES INSTANT LETTERING TAPES IRON ON TRANSFER TAPES SAFE FOR USERS Brother had its tapes tested by an official Japanese government food research laboratory. For the Purpose of the tests, it was assumed that labels would be at- RESULTS tached to food containers, food packages, or to food Mead eee eeeeeeeeec eee, none detected Preparation equipment. The tapes met the food Cadmium: see . nee 4 sanitation law of Japan. Results can be seen at the right, fret irr tence screenees (ALD O Sppat P-Touch laminated tapes were found to meet all of the teary aecane ne PR) eee, none detected chemical limits in the standard. Though they passed the Caer ART heseia deiaj ene Maret) Consuaption of Potassium tees ao ae water} Permanganate tion 1. 4g/ml chemical tests, P-Touch tapes are strong, and not easily digested. For this reason, care should be taken to PeSolvent aTeeE ees om Stee e ween not more than 5Spyg/ml Prevent accidental ingestion by infants or the elderly. {Sotven: "TOE ery ePninai teen ee eeeeens not more than 5j/ml Residue on evaporation : ......,.. tobe eae Rot more than Sq/nl ys . (sol : wate Additional tests were performed to determine the effects Resides an .. ee . jut . . . * Stion : oe... eee ae hi a. of accidental affixation of tapes to ones skin. Again, the (Solvent : "WR U/ acecleaiaj nos nore shan 5 tapes caused no skin irritation in the tests and, therefore, MES TORY 248 O70 acatia aciay SED ooaepe%) - are described as safe according to OECD guidelines. SWsolvent | as" a7e acecic agiay ce none detected, Again, though the tapes passed the irritation tests, they Methyl methacryiate : none detested (Solvent : 2 v/V ethanolj {MLD Sw/ml) could have some effect on people with sensitive skin. Brother recommends that labels not be attached to ones skin.- ABRASION RESISTANCE Tapes were tested with a weighted (1kg) sand eraser device. After 50 return passes, Brothers tapes lamination was only slightly scratched. The characters underneath were completely unaffected. ABCDEFGHIJ ABRASION RESULT (after 50 passes) DIELECTRIC STRENGTH In tests performed by Brother, white P-Touch tapes with black characters began to lose their electric resistance at an applied voltage of 8kv, and lost their resistance entirely at 11kv. Most other colour variations will have a similar resistance. However, though they meet the majority of Japan Industrial Standards for electrical insulator tape, P-Touch tapes are not designed to be used as electrical insulation, and Brother recommends that they not be used as such. [It is important to note that TAKING. THE HEAT Brothers P-Touch tapes retain their integrity even at extremely high temperatures. Tapes were placed in an analysis chamber. Then, starting at room temperature, the chamber was heated at a rate of 20C increase per minute. Decomposition of the tapes did not begin until the temperature reached 365C. In other words, under general working environments the tapes will retain their form and readability. Tapes began to decompose more rapidly before and after temperature reached 415.5C. People often ask about using P-Touch tapes in conjunc- tion with Diazo copy machines and with laminators. Copying an original document with a tabel attached will not cause problems with a Diazo machine. However, attaching a label to Diazo output maybe difficult, due to the outputted document's wetness or coatings. As for tapes with metallic (gold, silver) backgrounds or char- acters contain aluminium, and that tapes with black backgrounds contain carbon, and therefore have lower dielectric strength than the standard colour styles. ) (a) 0) () () TAPES {mm) (kv} (kV/mm) (kV) BLACK ON WHITE 0.110 1h 100 8 BLACK ON Goup 0.110 6 55 4 BLACK ON SILVER a.110 8 55 5 (a) TAPE'S THICKNESS () DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (c) DIELECTRIC STRENGTH FOR 1MM IN THICKNESS (b)/{a) () THE MAXIMUM VOLTAGE WHICH CAN BE APPLIED BEFORE THE INSULATOR RUPTURES. lamination machines, extreme heat and pressure can cause the labels structure and printed characters to be damaged. For this reason, items with P-Touch labels attached should not be fed through a laminator. TEMPC Qo 9.41 1852 2822 37.83 TIME mia PERCENTAGE CHANGS OF TAPE WEIGHT UNDER HIGH TEMPERATURE a broul er- ADHESIVE STRENGTH A label that falls off ceases to perform its function. Anybody who has experience using embossed stiff films knows that their reduced surface adhesion area decreases the tapes ability to cling to items. ADHESION TO VARIOUS MATERIALS @-_____- First, Brother tested their tapes adhesive strength under ordinary conditions when applied to various materials. Though the exact forces required to remove the labels varied, the finding was that in a general working environment, even after handling, P-Touch tapes will remain affixed. ADHESION AFTER EXPOSURE TO HEAT AND COLD e Next, tapes attached to stainless steel slightly roughened with abrasive paper were heated and cooled. After two hours in 50C, a force of 710 gf was required to remove the P-Touch tape. No change in tape or adhesive colour had occured. Heating, on the other hand, actually increased the tapes adhesive Strength, due to a slight softening and spreading of adhesive. (After two hours in 200C though, the tapes white backing and adhesive had slightly discoloured.) ADHESION IN HIGH TEMPERATURE & HIGH HUMIDITY @ The combination of high temperature and high humidity was no problem for Brother's tapes. The highest adhe- sion strengths of any test were registered after the tapes exposure to 40C temperatures and 5% salt water baths, No change in ink colour occured, and no adhesive was left behind when tapes were removed. ~50;Cx2 HOURS 710 200T x2 HOURS oe oe ae a ADHESIVE STRENGTH (gt/l2mm) STAINLESS STERBL 780 GLASS 730 PYG aa0 ACRYLIC 700 POLYPROPYLENE 40 ADHESIVE STRENGTH gt/l2mm: required force POLYESTER- asa to remove 12mm wida COATED WOOD tapes, ADHESTIVS STRENGTH (gf/12mm) ADHESIVE STRENGTH (gf /l2mm) 40C DISTILLED 1440 WATER x 24 HOURS 40C 5% SALT WATER 24 HOURS 1860 ADHESION TO ROUNDED OBJECTS e Adhesion strength on rounded objects tightly-rounded, 8mm-diameter poles, slightly from the pole (up to 3mm), and in a few cases, the background tape remained attached while the laminate pulled up (i.e. some tape separation occured). In both normal and cold temperatures, even on the 8mm -diameter poles, no loss of adhesion was noted. More importantly, on all poles with larger diameters (from 12mm to 24mm), no loss of contact between label and pole resulted. ( OBJECTS: STAINLESS STEEL RUBBED) WITH ABRASIVE PAPER 4290 was also tested. Tapes were attached to Stainless diameters, prepared with +280 abrasive Paper. The poles were then after 24 hours in 65C and 80 steel poles of various placed in a variety of environments. On 7 humidity, some labels ends pulled up ENVIRONMENTAL restNOyr| 1 MM OR Less 1-3 MM 3. MM OR MORE CONDITION ee . (A.04" OR LESS) (0.04"-1/8) (1/8 OR MORE) SEPARATED : 20% 50% a 65Cx24 HOURS - DETACHED =: 20% 9 SEPARATED . 0 23C x24 HOURS DETACHED . 0 0 Q SEPARATED.* ~20'Cx24 HOURS = . DETACHED * a a 0 PERCENTAGE OF SUBSTRATE OR SEPA TAPES WHIGH DETACHED FROM RATED ON 8MM (1/3)}-DIAMBTER POLES ADHESION TO ROUGH SURFACE @ The last adhesion tests addressed the issue of surface roughness. Stainless steel samples were prepared using a variety of abrasive Paper weights. Roughening the surface actually increased the Brother tapes adhesion strengths. ADHESIVE STRENGTH (gt/12om)} SPRECULAR GLOas 540 STAINLESS STRRL STAINLESS STEEL 780 RUBARD WITH AP $260 STAINLESS STERL 750 RUBBED WITH AP, #240 STAINLESS STEEL no RUBBED WITH AP #100 STAINLESS STEEL 730 RUBBED WITH AP. $129 STAINLESS STEEL 880 RUBBED WITH AP. +80 In general, the adhesion strengths determined through the various tests demonstrate that Brothers tapes will remain affixed under all but the most extreme environments.CHEMICALS & WATER P-Touch tapes, attached to glass slides, were bathed in Slight adhesive swelling TOLUENE: a variety of materials for two hours. Despite some Slight puffing of tape and faminate changes in appearance and structure, all tapes remained HEXANE: No noticeable change affixed to their slides. As the photographs show, in a ETHANOL: Slight adhesive swelling Slight puffing of tape number of tests, Brother's laminated tapes fared re- markably well. Slight adhesive swelling ETHYL ACETATE: Slight puffing of laminate Some adhesive dissoiving Slight puffing of laminate ACETONE: Slight adhesive swelling 1.1.1 TRICHLOROETHANE: Slight puffing of laminate Slight adhesive swelling MINERAL SPIRITS: Slight puffing of laminate No noticeable change in structure WATER: Very slight weakening of adhesive . No noticeable change in structure 0.1N HCI: Very slight weakening of adhesive 0.1N NaOH: No noticeable change in structure Very slight weakening of adhesive CHANGES OF APPEARANCE AND STRUCTURE IN VARIOUS CHEMICALS Also, though soaking labels in chemicals for two hours caused some changes, rubbing P-Touch labels with cloths soaked in those same chemicals had no effect on the tapes. This implies that even if chemicals are spilled onthe P-Touch tapes, quick wiping should prevent damage. Here, Brothers laminated tape technology clearly protects the printed characters. ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ETHYL ACETATE BATH ETHYL ACETATE RUBBING RESULT RESULT FADING RESISTANCE Ga == _20 HOURS 50 HOURS 100 HOURS Brothers laminated tapes of various background colours . CLEAR *. aoe a068 * 028 were attached to coated metal plates (similar to a cars surface), and placed in a fade-inducing chamber at 83C. warTs as OL oe They were left for 100 hours to simulate a year in sunny RED " a30 ase ar surroundings. Afterwards, measurements of the change ~ : BLUS 0.60 82 as2 in reflective strength (4 E) were taken, with results as shown: YELLOW }- Lid. 22 423 Only yellow tape showed significant fading. The other came | came Pas = background films, though yielding measurable 4Es, -_ were not overly affected to the eye. Ink remained GREY ose fom | te basically unchanged, and all characters were still com- Buck fame fo oar | ose pletely legible. - BACKGROUNDS Next, tape samples were placed in a sunshine weather- . GLEAR o-meter at 63C for 400 hours. They were subjected to WHITE not only heat and light, but also water, to simulate a year of outdoor conditions. Again, yellow tapes were the BED most affected, with these results: GREY BLACKOME COMMONLY ASKED QUE 6 If the label is originally attached to a clean, dry surface, Can i use these it will be able to stand even harsh environments without . falling off. After prolonged exposure to the sun, some 3 labels outside ? fading of tape or print colours may occur. Readability will not be affected. 66 1 Water presents no problems for the tape. Motor oil, What happens if diluted acid and other chemicals, in time, will weaken . the tapes adhesive and/or laminate. If the spilled water /motor oil / chemicals are wiped within a reasonable amount of time, the tapes will remain affixed, and will not be 1 1 d ly affected. diluted acid gets adversely affecte on the labels ? ss NO DAMAGE TO BROTHER'S LAMINATED TAPE FROM SPILLED LACQUERWill the labels fall off if they are left in a refrigerator / freezer, or in a hot environment ? 7 n 3 : - SR ee 4 Tak Even at extremely low temperatures, labels will remain adhered to most materials. Many customers already use P-Touch tapes in refrigerated environments for a variety of applications and are satisfied with the results. Domestic refrigerator/freezers reach low temperatures of approximately 20C, while industrial models reach 30C. During adhesion tests, even at 50C, no adhesive strength problems, ink or tape changes were noted. High temperatures can even increase the labels adhesion. After two hours in 200C temperatures, tested labels did not fall off (though some discolouration may occur.) When I remove the label, will messy adhesive remain ? How can | remove it ? Does the label adversely affect the item to which _It is attached ? Tapes can be easily removed from most materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, fluoric resin, silicon process materials, etc. Unless subjected to extreme heat, humidity or certain chemicals, adhesive will not remain on the items surface after removal. On some other materials, portions of adhesive might remain after extended periods of affixation. If this occurs, the adhesive can --in most cases -- be removed by rubbing with Ethanol. P-Touch tapes are harmless for nearly all objects to which you might attach them. However, labels should not be affixed to copper, because corrosion is possible. This is especially true for copper plates of electrical circuits, whose components could be damaged.PRINTS IN VARIOUS COLOURS Not all models ara * i t PT-5000/20 _ PT-3000/15 PT-8000 = aveiabie nal ON WHITE ADHESIVE ON CLEAR ADHESIVE ON ULACK ADHESIVE BLACK ON FLUORESCENT BLACK RED BLUE BLACK} RED | BLUE GOLD | WHITE YELLOW GREEN 1 Tx.251 | Tx-262 | Tx-253 TX151 | TX-152 | THe153 | fi THI | T3855 Txast | Tost | TXDSt TH241 | Tx242 | Tx-243 Hat | ~ | | | =| oss - | | TX-231 | TX-232 | TX-233 TKA3t | 1X-132 | TX-133 TK | tags B31 | Txcat | TxD31 TX-221 _ __ _ __ _ _ TX-325 _ _ TX-211 _ _ _ _ THIS _= _. ~~ TC-102 TC-103 TC-104 TC-301 __ TC-Ba1 TC-CO1 TC-001 -_ TC-195 TC-~391 TC-395 __ __- BLACK ON COLOURS YELLOW GREY TX-451 TX-551 TX-651 TX-781 TX-A51 _ _- TX-441 TX-541 TX-641 TX-741 __ _ _ TX-431 TX-531 TX-634 TX-731 TX-A31 _ _ | | mon | | Poa j= | Ken | [| T_T TC-401 TC-501 TC-601 TC-701 __ __ _ TC-495 TC-491 TC-591 TC-691 TC-791 _ TC-891 TC-991 ON MATT FINISH IRON ON TRANSFER TAPE ON INSTANT LETTERING TAPE BLACK } RED! so BLUES BLACK | RED | BLUE BLACK | REO | BLUE %* Actual tape colours may differ a from the printed samples here. -M51 {| eee fo a 1081 % Some kinds of tapes are not - available in some countries. ft -_. __~ TX-031 = = %& Tape Width Variations: TX-M21 - _ _ _ - TX TAPE-~24mm (1) TRMI1 _ __. ~ ~~ _ _ 18mm (3/4") | | Te-Yor_ | tc-voe | tc-ves | | tc-o01 | tc002 | Too mm en TC-M91 | TC-M92 | TC-M93 _ = _ 6mm (1/4") TC TAPE-12mm (1/2") 9mm (3/8") All tests, with the exception of toxicity and skin irritation analyses, were performed by Brother Industries, Ltd. Though they were not performed by an independent research laboratory, their procedures conformed to Japanese Industrial Standards. Results published here could differ slightly from those conducted by different groups, under different circumstances. As a service to our customers, Brother will provide Material Safety Data Sheets for its tapes upon request. For addi- tional information on tapes, including available styles and pricing, please call Brother Customer Service Dept.Vue ot NU PT350 Jun-97 178(W) x 205(D) x 60(H) mm 700g (excl. batteries) Low Profile B900 WERTY. QWERTZ, AZERTY 51 Manual Dry Cell AA Batteries x 6 (inc.) / 12 Chrs x 2 Line 12mm Black on Clear, 6 x AA Batteries 180 dpi / 128 dot (available 98 dot) 10mm / sec TZ 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 mm Yes . AC Adapter t Type Width Feed -In Font e Font aracters and S Character H Print H aracter Size Helsinki, Brussels, Bermuda San Diego, Florida, US, Belgium, Istanbul 216 (UK, FRA, BEL) / 256 (GER) 12.4mm 13.5mm Auto, 10, 13, 19, 26, 38 (Normal or Wide) ormal, Outline, Shadow, Bold, Italic Ir +(Outlt Shadow, Bold) 4 Line - Yes (Also 7 No 255 Characters 2000 Characters Square, Round, Background shadow, back Background diagonal, Nameplate, Telepho Cat, Hands,Candy, Banner, Aeroplane, Vi Flower CODE39, CODE128, EAN8, EAN13, EANL CODABAR, I 2/5, UPC-E, UPC-A Yes (1-9) BackSpace, Line Out, All Clear Underline, Strike out Full, e, Middle, Small, None Horizontal, Left, Centre, Ri (Use "back ls t int) nt Styles (8) ulti-Line L ulti-Block er Set emo raming (15 kinds) e opy Printin ete nderline ext Patterno t, Justi tions in frame Yes Insert firror Prin ext Insert ertical Prin Yes umberin Yes (1-99) lit Prin No : Stamp Format Yes (Hidden Function) Calendar Prin Yes Yes Semi-Automatic uto Power Off Multi Colour Software Prepared Sy: Les Saggia. This is guaranteed at the time of printing, however, Page 1/1 10th February 97 specifications are subject to change without notice.PT220 SPECIFICATIONS Sn . - | q D + 5 | S PT220 Jul-97 Dimensions L09(W) x 190(D) x 68(H) mm Weight 570g (excl. batteries) Ho i e Hand Housing Colour B900 (With light middle) K WERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY Number of K 32 Cutter Manual Dry Cell LR66 Batteries x 6 (inc.) / Op. AC Power Adapter CD 12 Chrs x 2 Line l2mm Black on Clear, 6 x LR66 Batteries 180 dpi / 128 dot . 10mm / sec T TZ 6,9, 12,18 mm Feed Yes uilt-[n Font Helsinki itle Font No Characters and $ Is 175?? (UK, FRA, BEL) / 187 (GER) Character Height 12.4mm fax Print Hei 13.5mm. Character Size (dots) 24, 32 ,48 ,56 88 +BIG Normal, Outline, Shadow, Bold, Italic It+(Outline, ont Styles (8) Shadow, Bold) Multi-Line 4 Line Set Yes ulti-Block No Buffer _ 99 Characters emo 300 Characters F ing (15. kinds) R e, Ribbon, N late, Vine eet, CODE39, EAN8, EANI3, CODEBAR, [ 2/5, UPC Barcode E, UPC-A ett BackSpace, Line Out ?, All Clear Underline M Full, Middle, Small, None ext No Fill Pattern No Mirror i Yes ext Insert Insert Vertical Pri Yes N i Yes (1-9) Split Printi No uto Power Off Yes ai Multi Colour Software Semi-Automatic Prepared By: Les Boggia. This is guaranteed at the time of printing, hawever, Page 1/1 10th February 97 Specifications are subject to change without notice.Model SKLB SKMB SHLB SHMB Automatic: Manual Orother. More than Just features STAMP KIT ACCESSORIES FOR P-TOUCH LABEL PRINTERS Description Can be used with 24mm Large Stamp Kit Contains Stamp Holder - PT-350 Only Biack Ink Pad-Stencil Film = Automatic 18mm Medium Stamp Kit PT-350 Automatic Contains Stamp Holder - PT-220 Manual Black Ink Pad-Stencil Film PT-540C Manual 24mm Large Stamp Holder PT-350 Automatic and Black Ink Pad only 18mm Medium Stamp Holder PT-350 Automatic and Black Ink Pak PT-220 Manual PT-540C Manual Set-up for use of the Stamp Kit is automatic on PT-350 Requires manual set-up from special instructions supplied with all Stamp Kits when used with PT-220, PT-340, PT-340C & PT-540.