MS8607 MICROZED DRIVER Digital Pressure, Humidity and Temperature Sensor General Description The MS8607 peripheral module provides the necessary hardware to interface the MS8607 digital pressure, relative humidity and temperature sensor to any 2 system that utilizes Pmod compatible expansion ports configurable for I C communication. The MS8607 sensor is a self-contained pressure, humidity and temperature sensor that is fully calibrated during manufacture. The sensor can operate from 1.5V to 3.6V. The MS8607 is ideal for weather station applications embedded into compact devices and any applications in which pressure, humidity and temperature monitoring is required. Specifications * Operating pressure range: 300 to 1200 mbar * Measures relative humidity from 0% to 100% * Measures temperature from -40C to 125C * Extended pressure range 10 to 2000 mbar * Fast response time * I C communication * Very low power consumption 2 Reference Material * Detailed information regarding operation of the IC: MS8607 Datasheet * Detailed information regarding the Peripheral Module: MS8607 Peripheral Module * Complete software sensor evaluation kit for MicroZed: MS8607 MicroZed Software MS8607 MicroZed Driver Drivers and Software Detailed example software and drivers are available that execute directly, without modification, on a number of development boards that support an integrated or synthesized microprocessor. The download contains several source files intended to accelerate custom er evaluation and design. The source code is written in standard ANSI C format, and all development documentation including theory/operation, register description, and function prototypes are documented in the interface file. Functions Summary Enumerations enum ms8607_status { ms8607_status_ok, ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error, ms8607_status_crc_error, ms8607_status_heater_on_error } enum ms8607_humidity_resolution { ms8607_humidity_resolution_12b, ms8607_humidity_resolution_8b, ms8607_humidity_resolution_10b, ms8607_humidity_resolution_11b } enum ms8607_pressure_resolution { ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_256, ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_512, ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_1024, ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_2048, ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_4096, ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_8192 } enum ms8607_battery_status { ms8607_battery_ok, ms8607_battery_low } enum ms8607_heater_status { ms8607_heater_off, ms8607_heater_on } Functions void ms8607_init (u32) Initializes the AXI address of the AXI IIC Core, initializes the internal humidity resolution variable to 12b, and initializes the internal pressure resolution oversampling rate to 8192 in order to reflect the sensor's initial resolution value on reset. enum ms8607_status ms8607_reset (void) 2 Sends both I C reset commands to the MS8607 device. enum ms8607_status ms8607_read_prom (void) Reads the factory calibrated coefficients for use in temperature and pressure conversion. enum ms8607_status ms8607_set_humidity_resolution (enum ms8607_humidity_resolution) Read the user register from the device, modify its contents to reflect the resolution that is passed in to this function, and then write the updated user register value to the MS8607 device. enum ms8607_status ms8607_set_pressure_resolution (enum ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr) Set the over-sampling rate resolution for pressure measurements. enum ms8607_status ms8607_read_temperature_pressure_humidity (float* temperature, float* pressure, float* relative_humidity) 2 Send the I C commands to measure temperature, pressure, and humidity. enum ms8607_status ms8607_get_battery_status (ms8607_battery_status* batt_stat) 2 Send I C command to read battery status. enum ms8607_status ms8607_get_heater_status (ms8607_battery_status* heat_stat) 2 Send I C command to read heater status. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 2 MS8607 MicroZed Driver enum ms8607_status ms8607_enable_heater (void) 2 Send I C commands to perform a read/modify/write operation that will enable the on-chip heater. enum ms8607_status ms8607_disable_heater (void) 2 Send I C commands to perform a read/modify/write operation that will disable the on-chip heater. float ms8607_compute_dew_point (float Tamb, float RHamb) Compute dew point temperature in degrees C. Project Setup You will need: * MicroZED board * I/O Carrier Card * MS8607 Sensor * Micro SD card * I/O Carrier Card Power Adapter * USB-to-MicroUSB cable for UART communications * A computer with a card reader to write to the SD card and to host a terminal emulator The following steps will guide you through setting up the hardware platform: 1. First, if you have not connected your computer to a ZEDboard of MicroZED device before, you will likely need to download and install the Silicon Labs CP2104 USB-toUART driver. The setup guide for installing the driver can be found at the address below: 2. Next, attach the SD card to your computer via a card reader or through the built-in SD card slot. Download the "boot.bin" file that pertains to the MS8607 from the MicroZed Software link and copy it onto the SD card so that it is the only file present on the file system. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 3 MS8607 MicroZed Driver 3. Safely eject the micro SD card from your computer. Insert the micro SD card into the card slot on the back of the MicroZED board. 4. Carefully line up the MicroZED board with the I/O Carrier Card and push them together until snug. 5. Connect the MS8607 Digital Pressure and Humidity Sensor to the "JC" Pmod port of the I/O Carrier Card, ensure that jumpers J1, J2, and J3 are configure such that the MicroZED will boot from the SD card on start up, and connect the power adapter to the barrel jack on the I/O Carrier Card (shown on the bottom). Finally connect the micro-USB cable to the micro-USB port of the MicroZED (shown at the top). The USB cable will facilitate UART transmissions for the console application. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 4 MS8607 MicroZed Driver 6. Turn on the power to the board with the switch next to the barrel jack. When the board powers up, the MicroZED will briefly illuminate a red LED, which will then turn off after less than a second. Once the FPGA has been successfully programmed by t he boot image on the SD card, a blue "Done" LED will illuminate on both the MicroZED and the I/O Carrier Card. Your hardware should appear as shown below. If the board was powered on before this step, turn the power off and repeat this step. Launching the Console Application Now that you have successfully set up your hardware platform, you are ready to run the console application. 1. Upon power-on, the console application should already be running. It will be necessary to open a terminal and configure a serial connection to interact with the console application. Do this by opening Tera Term (which can be downloaded from or a similar terminal emulation software package. 2. Tera Term may display an error when it starts up if it tries to connect to a COM port where no device is present. It is safe to ignore this warning, so click OK. Next, open the "Setup" menu and click the "Serial Port..." option. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 5 MS8607 MicroZed Driver 3. Now select the appropriate COM port that your MicroZED setup is connected to. If you are not sure which this is, refer to the Device Manager. Configure your serial connection with 115200 Baud, 8 bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control, and then click OK. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 6 MS8607 MicroZed Driver 4. You should now have a live connection open to the console application running on the MicroZED. Press enter and the console application will display the main menu from which you can perform several tasks on the MS8607 digital temperature sensor. Running the Console Application The console application is intended to demonstrate the required operations when using the sensor. A. After startup, it is a good idea to reset the sensor. This puts it in a known state. Do this by selecting (1) in the consol e application. B. Each sensor is tested at the factory to determine the variation of the sensor due to fabrication. Calibration coefficients are st ored in the device at that time for later use in calculating the correct output. These coefficient values must be read from the d evice and stored in software variables before measurements can be taken. Do this by selecting (2) in the console application. Now the sensor and the software are setup and ready to use. These first two steps only need to be performed at power up. C. The console application option (3) displays a menu that allows the user to select from the four possible humidity resolution modes of the sensor. D. The console application option (4) displays a menu that allows the user to select from the six possible pressure over-sampling resolution modes of the sensor. E. The console application option (5) reads the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity values and displays each of them once. F. The console application option (6) reads the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity 20 times each at approximately two measurement triplets per second and displays them to the screen in real time. G. The console application option (7) computes the dew point from the last measured temperature and relative humidity values. H. The console application option (8) reads the MS8607's battery status and displays it to the console. I. The console application option (9) reads the MS8607's heater status and displays it to the console. J. The console application option (0) sends the I C command to the MS8607 device that enables the on-chip heater. K. The console application option (A) sends the I C command to the MS8607 device that disables the on-chip heater. 2 2 SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 7 MS8607 MicroZed Driver Application Code This section is intended to provide a basic example of functionality. /* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Xilinx, Inc. * XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" AS A * COURTESY TO YOU. * ONE POSSIBLE BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION AS IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION OR * STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION * IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE * FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. * XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO * THE ADEQUACY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO * ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE * FROM CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ /* * MEAS_MS8607_Main.c: Console Application for Testing the MS8607 * * This application configures UART 16550 to baud rate 9600. * PS7 UART (Zynq) is not initialized by this application, since * bootrom/bsp configures it to baud rate 115200 * * -----------------------------------------------* | UART TYPE BAUD RATE | * -----------------------------------------------* uartns550 9600 * uartlite Configurable only in HW design * ps7_uart 115200 (configured by bootrom/bsp) */ #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "xparameters.h" //#include "sleep.h" #include "ms8607.h" void ms8607_main_menu(void); int main() { char key_input; int i; SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 8 MS8607 MicroZed Driver ms8607_status stat; u8 prom_read_flag = 0; float temperature; float pressure; float relative_humidity; float dew_point; ms8607_battery_status batt_stat; ms8607_heater_status heat_stat; //Initialize the UART init_platform(); printf("Hello World\n"); // Set the AXI address of the IIC core ms8607_init(XPAR_AXI_IIC_JC_BASEADDR); // Display the main menu ms8607_main_menu(); // Infinite loop while(1){ // Get keyboard input read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); if(key_input == '1'){ //If the '1' key is pressed // Send the reset command to the MS8607 printf("\n"); printf("Resetting MS8607...\n"); stat = ms8607_reset(); // Display the status returned from the reset operation printf("MS8607 Reset Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok) printf("Ok.\n"); if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error) printf("Transfer Error.\n"); // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '2'){ // If the '2' key is pressed // Read the PROM coefficients from the MS8607 printf("\n"); SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 9 MS8607 MicroZed Driver printf("Reading PROM Coefficients...\n"); stat = ms8607_read_prom(); // Display status returned from read_prom operation // and display prom values if successful printf("Read PROM Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok){ prom_read_flag=1; printf("Ok.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("_________________________________________________\n"); printf("| PROM Addr |Coeff (Base 10)| Coeff (Hex) |\n"); printf("|---------------+---------------+---------------|\n"); for(i=0;i<7;i++){ printf("|\t%d\t| %5d\t| 0x%4X\t|\n",i,(unsigned int)ms8607_prom_coeffs[i],(unsigned int)ms8607_prom_coeffs[i]); } }else if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error){ printf("Transfer Error.\n"); } // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '3'){ // If the '3' key is pressed // Display humidity resolution selection menu printf("\n"); printf("Select a humidity resolution:\n"); printf(" (1) - 12-Bit Relative Humidity\n"); printf(" (2) - 11-Bit Relative Humidity\n"); printf(" (3) - 10-Bit Relative Humidity\n"); printf(" (4) - 8-Bit Relative Humidity\n"); // Get keyboard input ignoring keypresses that are not or '1' or '2' or '3' or '4' read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); while(key_input!='1' && key_input!='2' && key_input!='3' && key_input!='4'){ read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); } if(key_input == '1'){ // If the '1' key is pressed // Set humidity resolution to 12-bits stat = ms8607_set_humidity_resolution(ms8607_humidity_resolution_12b); printf("\nSetting MS8607 Humidity Resolution to 12-bits\n"); }else if(key_input == '2'){ // If the '2' key is pressed // Set humidity resolution to 11-bits stat = ms8607_set_humidity_resolution(ms8607_humidity_resolution_11b); printf("\nSetting MS8607 Humidity Resolution to 11-bits\n"); SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 10 MS8607 MicroZed Driver }else if(key_input == '3'){ // If the '3' key is pressed // Set humidity resolution to 10-bits stat = ms8607_set_humidity_resolution(ms8607_humidity_resolution_10b); printf("\nSetting MS8607 Humidity Resolution to 10-bits\n"); }else if(key_input == '4'){ // If the '4' key is pressed // Set humidity resolution to 8-bits stat = ms8607_set_humidity_resolution(ms8607_humidity_resolution_8b); printf("\nSetting MS8607 Humidity Resolution to 8-bits\n"); } // Display the status returned from the set resolution operation printf("MS8607 Set Humidity Resolution Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok) printf("Ok.\n"); if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error) printf("Transfer Error.\n"); // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '4'){ // If the '4' key is pressed // Display resolution selection menu printf("\n"); printf("Select a pressure/temperature resolution (over-sampling rate):\n"); printf(" (1) - 256\n"); printf(" (2) - 512\n"); printf(" (3) - 1024\n"); printf(" (4) - 2048\n"); printf(" (5) - 4096\n"); printf(" (6) - 8192\n"); // Get keyboard input ignoring keypresses that are not '1' or '2' or '3' or '4' or '5' or '6' read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); while(key_input!='1' && key_input!='2' && key_input!='3' && key_input!='4' && key_input!='5' && key_input!='6'){ read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); } if(key_input == '1'){ // If the '1' key is pressed // Set OSR to 256 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_256; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 256\n"); }else if(key_input == '2'){ // If the '2' key is pressed // Set OSR to 512 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_512; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 512\n"); SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 11 MS8607 MicroZed Driver }else if(key_input == '3'){ // If the '3' key is pressed // Set OSR to 1024 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_1024; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 1024\n"); }else if(key_input == '4'){ // If the '4' key is pressed // Set OSR to 2048 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_2048; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 2048\n"); }else if(key_input == '5'){ // If the '5' key is pressed // Set OSR to 4096 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_4096; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 4096\n"); }else if(key_input == '6'){ // If the '6' key is pressed // Set OSR to 8192 ms8607_pressure_res = ms8607_pressure_resolution_osr_8192; printf("\nSet MS8607 Over-Sampling Rate to 8192\n"); } // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '5'){ if(prom_read_flag==0){ // If the '5' key is pressed // PROM was not yet read--cannot read temperature, pressure, and humidity yet printf("PROM Coefficients have not yet been read. Cannot complete temperature/pressure read.\n"); }else{ // PROM has been read--continue on to read temperature, pressure, and humidity // Read Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity once printf("\n"); printf("Reading Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity...\n"); stat = ms8607_read_temperature_pressure_humidity(&temperature, &pressure, &relative_humidity); // Display the status returned from the read_temperature_pressure_humidity // operation and display the temperature, pressure, and humidity if successful printf("Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity Read Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok){ printf("Ok.\n"); printf("Temperature : %5.2f%cC, \tPressure : %5.1fhPa, \tRelative Humidity : %4.1f%%",temperature,248,pressure,relative_humidity); }else if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error){ printf("Transfer Error."); }else if(stat==ms8607_status_crc_error){ printf("CRC Error."); } printf("\n"); } SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 12 MS8607 MicroZed Driver // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '6'){ if(prom_read_flag==0){ // If the '6' key is pressed // PROM was not yet read--cannot read temperature, pressure, and humidity printf("PROM Coefficients have not yet been read. Cannot complete temperature/pressure/humidity read.\n"); }else{ // PROM has been read--continue on to read temperature, pressure, and humidity // Read 20 temperature and relative humidity values at ~2 per second printf("\n"); printf("Reading 20 Temperature and Relative Humidity Values...\n"); for(i=0;i<20;i++){ stat = ms8607_read_temperature_pressure_humidity(&temperature, &pressure, &relative_humidity); printf("%2d: ",i+1); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok){ printf("%5.2f%cC, \t%5.1fhPa, \t%4.1f%%",temperature,248,pressure,relative_humidity); }else if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error){ printf("Transfer Error."); }else if(stat==ms8607_status_crc_error){ printf("CRC Error."); } printf("\n"); usleep( (500-MS8607_OSR_8192_CONV_DELAY_MS)*1000 ); } } // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '7'){ //If the '7' key is pressed // Compute Dew Point from last read Temperature and Relative Humidity values printf("\n"); printf("Computing Dew Point from last read Temperature and Relative Humidity values...\n"); stat = ms8607_compute_dew_point(temperature, relative_humidity, &dew_point); if(stat == ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error){ printf("Could not read heater status.\n"); }else if(stat == ms8607_status_heater_on_error){ printf("Cannot calculate dew point while heater is on.\n"); }else if(stat == ms8607_status_ok){ printf("Dew Point : %5.2f%cC",dew_point,248); } SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 13 MS8607 MicroZed Driver // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '8'){ //If the '8' key is pressed // Get Battery Status printf("\n"); printf("Getting Battery Status...\n"); stat = ms8607_get_battery_status(&batt_stat); // Display the status returned from the battery status check operation printf("Get Battery Status Check Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok){ printf("Ok.\n"); printf("Battery "); if(batt_stat == ms8607_battery_ok){ printf("Ok.\n"); }else{ printf("Low.\n"); } } if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error){ printf("Transfer Error.\n"); } // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '9'){ //If the '9' key is pressed // Get Heater Status printf("\n"); printf("Getting Heater Status...\n"); stat = ms8607_get_heater_status(&heat_stat); // Display the status returned from the heater status check operation printf("Get Heater Status Check Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok){ printf("Ok.\n"); printf("Heater "); if(heat_stat == ms8607_heater_on){ printf("On.\n"); }else{ printf("Off.\n"); } SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 14 MS8607 MicroZed Driver }else if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error) printf("Transfer Error.\n"); // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == '0'){ //If the '0' key is pressed // Enable heater printf("\n"); printf("Enabling Heater...\n"); stat = ms8607_enable_heater(); // Display the status returned from the enable heater operation printf("Enable Heater Operation Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok) printf("Ok.\n"); if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error) printf("Transfer Error.\n"); // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == 'A' || key_input == 'a'){ //If the 'A' key is pressed // Disable heater printf("\n"); printf("Disabling Heater...\n"); stat = ms8607_disable_heater(); // Display the status returned from the disable heater operation printf("Disable Heater Operation Complete with status: "); if(stat==ms8607_status_ok) printf("Ok.\n"); if(stat==ms8607_status_i2c_transfer_error) printf("Transfer Error.\n"); // Wait for another key press and then display the main menu again printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); read(1, (char*)&key_input, 1); ms8607_main_menu(); }else if(key_input == 27){ // If the 'ESC' key is pressed // Print done and exit. SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 15 MS8607 MicroZed Driver printf("Done.\n"); break; }else{ // If some other key is pressed // Redisplay the main menu ms8607_main_menu(); } } return 0; } void ms8607_main_menu(void){ //Clear the screen printf("\033[2J"); //Display the main menu printf("*******************************************\n"); printf("**** Measurement Specialties ****\n"); printf("*******************************************\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" MS8607 - PTH Combined Sensor \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Select a task:\n"); printf(" (1) - Reset\n"); printf(" (2) - Read PROM Coefficients\n"); printf(" (3) - Set Humidity Resolution\n"); printf(" (4) - Set Temperature/Pressure Resolution\n"); printf(" (5) - Read Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity Once\n"); printf(" (6) - Read Temperature, Pressure, and Relative Humidity 20 Times\n"); printf(" (7) - Compute Dew Point\n"); printf(" (8) - Get Battery Status\n"); printf(" (9) - Get Heater Status\n"); printf(" (0) - Enable Heater\n"); printf(" (A) - Disable Heater\n"); printf(" (ESC) - Quit\n"); printf("\n"); return; } SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 16 MS8607 MicroZed Driver Ordering Information Description Part Number MS8607 PERIPHERAL MODULE DPP901Z000 Disclaimer Copyright (c) 2015 Measurement Specialties Inc., TE Connectivity Ltd. Company Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation fi les (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. TE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and Every Connection Counts are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners. The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity`s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity`s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application. (c) 2015 05/15 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies PRODUCT SHEET Contact us: Measurement Specialties Inc - MEAS France Impasse Jeanne Benozzi CS 83 163 31027 Toulouse Cedex 3, FRANCE Tel:+33 (0)5 820.822.02 Fax:+33 (0)5.820.821.51 Sales: MEAS Website: All Rights Reserved. Original SENSOR SOLUTIONS /// MS8607 MICROZED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Page 17