Demonstration Circuit 1863 is easy to set up to evaluate
the performance of the LTC3621. For proper measurement
equipment configuration, set up the circuit according to
the diagram in Figure 1. Before proceeding to test, check
that the shunts are inserted into the correct locations:
1.2V position of the output voltage header JP3, into the
BM (Burst Mode operation) position of MODE header JP2,
and into the ON position of RUN header JP1.
When measuring the input or output voltage ripple, care
must be taken to avoid a long ground lead on the oscil-
loscope probe. Measure the input or output voltage ripple
by touching the probe tip directly across the VIN or VOUT
and GND terminals. See Figure 2 for proper scope probe
measurement technique.
With the DC1863 set up according to the proper measure-
ment configuration and equipment in Figure 1, apply 5V at
VIN (Do not hot-plug VIN or increase VIN over the rated
maximum supply voltage of 17V, or the part may be dam-
aged.). Measure VOUT; it should read 1.2V (If desired, the
quiescent current of the circuit can be monitored now by
swapping the shunt in header JP1 into the OFF position).
The output voltage should be regulating. Draw 500mA out
of the output and measure VOUT—it should measure 1.2V
±2% (1.176V to 1.224V). Verify the switching frequency
is between 920kHz and 1.08MHz (T = 1.08μs and 926ns),
and that the switch node waveform is rectangular in shape.
Vary the input voltage from 2.7V to 17V and the load cur-
rent from 0 to 1A. VOUT should regulate around 1.2V ±3%
(1.164V to 1.236V). Measure the output ripple voltage; it
should measure less than 20mV AC.
Set the input voltage to 12V and the output current to than
100mA. Observe the Burst Mode operation at the switch
node (the pad of the inductor opposite from the output),
and measure the output ripple voltage. It should measure
less than 100mV. Change the shunt position on the MODE
header from BM to PS (pulse-skipping mode) and observe
the voltage waveform at the switch pins. To achieve forced
continuous operation, insert two 100k resistors at the
pads for R1 and R2. These resistors develop a voltage of
INTVCC/2 at the mode pin, which is the voltage setting for
forced continuous operation.
Insert the JP1 shunt into the OFF position and move the
shunt in the 1.2V output JP3 header into any of the re-
maining output voltage option headers: 1.8V (JP4), 2.5V
(JP5), 3.3V (JP6) or 5V (JP7). Just as in the 1.2V VOUT
test, the output voltage should read VOUT ±2% tolerance
under static line and load conditions and ±1% tolerance
under dynamic line and load conditions (±3% total). Also,
the circuit switch operation in Burst or pulse-skipping
mode will remain the same. There is an extra output volt-
age header, JP8, to allow the user to easily set the output
to their desired value
When finished, turn off the circuit by inserting the shunt
in header JP1 into the OFF position.
Figure 1. Proper Equipment Measurement Setup