INFORMATION ONLY NOTIFICATION PCN # 20123503 Revision B Title Of Change: Part Number Change for 19 duplicate parts Publish Date: 05/07/12 Revision History of PCN: Rev ---- Action Date ------------------- User ID --------- Action Name ----------------------------------------- B 05/04/2012 CJMKSC Create PCN Action Comments ---------------------------------------------------------- This is to inform you that a design and/or process change will be made to the following product(s). This notification is for your information and concurrence. If you have any questions concerning this change, please contact: For Americas : NAME : EMAIL : PHONE : Lakshmi Durbha 408-721-5488 For Europe : NAME : EMAIL : PHONE : Guenter Maier 49-8141-35-1433 For Asia Pacific : NAME : EMAIL : PHONE : Peter Namkung 82-2-3771-6945 For Japan : NAME : EMAIL : PHONE : Akira Yoshimoto 81-3-5639-7420 NSC Company Confidential Page 2 Printed: 5/8/2012 8:50 AM PCN Requestor : NAME : EMAIL : PHONE : Change Type: Kraintz, Jeff 1-408-721-5380 PART NUMBER CHANGE PROPOSED 1st SHIP DATE 04/16/12 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE AND PRODUCTS AFFECTED This Rev B publication corrects the typo for the LM139AJ/PB part number below as well as the customer specific device listing in at the end of this notice. The purpose of this Product Change Notification (PCN) is to inform you that National Semiconductor will be changing the orderable/manufacturing part number on a select set of products as follows: Old Part Number LF347N LP324N LP339N LF347BN LM124AJ LM139AJ LM2901N LM2902N LM324AN LM339AN LP2902N TL082CP LM124J LM139J LM148J LM324N LM339N LM348N ADC0820CCN New Part Number LF347N/PB LP324N/PB LP339N/PB LF347BN/PB LM124AJ/PB LM139AJ/PB LM2901N/PB LM2902N/PB LM324AN/PB LM339AN/PB LP2902N/PB TL082CP/PB LM124J/PB LM139J/PB LM148J/PB LM324N/PB LM339N/PB LM348N/PB ADC0820CCN/PB REASON FOR CHANGE As part of the integration process resulting from the acquisition of National Semiconductor by Texas Instruments this past September, it was discovered that both National Semiconductor and Texas Instruments have these 19 identical parts in their respective product portfolios. As these identical parts may not be pin to pin compatible, it is necessary for customers to start ordering by the new part numbers to assure receiving the "National Semiconductor" version of the product. Also, while all 19 of the National Semiconductor versions are leaded (Pb), the Texas Instruments versions in most cases are lead free. Customers can start ordering immediately by the new part number and must transition to the new ordering part number by 30th June 2012. NSC Company Confidential Page 3 Printed: 5/8/2012 8:50 AM ANTICIPATED IMPACT ON FORM, FIT, FUNCTION, QUALITY, OR RELIABILITY (POSITIVE / NEGATIVE) No impact to form, fit, function, quality, or reliability. The design, manufacturing, and testing of all these products remain unchanged. This is a part number change only. SAMPLE AVAILABILITY DATE SCHEDULE Not applicable. CHANGES TO PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION RESULTING FROM THIS PCN All supporting documentation and package containers will reflect the new part number as described above. Device top marking will remain the same. RELIABILITY REFERENCE REPORTS PART NUMBERS AFFECTED ADC0820CCN LM124AJ LM139J LM2902N LM339AN LP2902N TL082CP LF347BN LM124J LM148J LM324AN LM339N LP324N LF347N LM139AJ LM2901N LM324N LM348N LP339N ATTACHMENTS N/A NSC Company Confidential Page 4 Printed: 5/8/2012 8:50 AM