SHINDENGEN General Purpose Rectifiers S1NB60 DIL Bridges OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Case : 1N Unit : mm 600V 1A FEATURES Small Dual In-Line(:DIL) Package 5 mm pitch between terminals Applicable to Automatic Insertion APPLICATION Switching power supply Home Appliances, Office Equipment Telecommuication, Factory Automation RATINGS Absolute Maximum Ratings (If not specified Tl=25) Item Symbol Conditions Storage Temperature Tstg Operating Junction Temperature Tj VRM Maximum Reverse Voltage IO Average Rectified Forward Current 50Hz sine wave, R-load, On glass-epoxy substrate, Ta=25 I FSM Peak Surge Forward Current 50Hz sine wave, Non-repetitive 1 cycle peak value, Tj=25 I 2t Current Squared Time 1mst10ms@Tj=25 Ratings -40150 150 600 1 30 4.5 Unit V A A A 2s Electrical Characteristics (If not specified Tl=25) Item Symbol Conditions VF I F=0.5A, Pulse measurement, Rating of per diode Forward Voltage VR=VRM , Pulse measurement, Rating of per diode Reverse Current IR Thermal Resistance AEjl junction to lead AEja junction to ambient Ratings Max.1.05 Max.10 Max.15 Max.68 Unit V EA /W Copyright & Copy;2002 Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.,Ltd. S1NBx Forward Voltage 10 Forward Current IF [A] 1 Tl=150C [TYP] Tl=25C [TYP] 0.1 Pulse measurement per diode 0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Forward Voltage VF [V] 1.2 1.4 1.6 S1NBx Forward Power Dissipation Forward Power Dissipation PF [W] 3 SIN 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Average Rectified Forward Current IO [A] Tj = 150C Sine wave 1.4 S1NBx Average Rectified Forward Current IO [A] 1.4 Derating Curve Glass-epoxy substrate Soldering land 9mmx9mm Conductor layer 35m 1.2 SIN 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature Ta [C] Sine wave R-load Free in air 140 160 S1NBx Peak Surge Forward Capability IFSM 60 10ms 10ms 1 cycle Peak Surge Forward Current IFSM [A] 50 non-repetitive, sine wave, Tj=25C before surge current is applied 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 5 10 20 Number of Cycles [cycles] 50 100