Manual Handling Considerations
These capacitors are designed to be mounted with a standard SMT line, using solder printing step,
pick and place machine and a final reflow soldering step. In case of manual handling and mounting
conditions, please follow below recommendations:
xMinimize mechanical pressure on the capacitors (use of a vacuum nozzle is
xUse of organic tip instead of metal tip for the nozzle.
xMinimize temperature shocks (Substrate pre-heating is recommended).
xNo wire bonding on 0402 47nF, 0402 100nF, 1206 1ȝF and 1812 3,3µF
Process steps:
xOn substrate, form the solder meniscus on each land pattern targeting 100 µm
height after reflow (screen printing, dispensing solder paste or by wire soldering).
xPick the capacitor from the tape & reel or the Gel Pack keeping backside visible
using a vacuum nozzle and organic tip.
xTemporary place the capacitor on land pattern assuming the solder paste (Flux)
will stick and maintain the capacitor.
xReflow the assembly module with a dedicated thermal profile (see reflow
recommendation profile).
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