Test Conditions and Specifications for High Dielectric Type (X5R, X7R, Y5V)
Test Items Specifications Test Conditions
X7R/ X5R Y5V
Capacitance Value Within tolerance Do previous treatment (*8, *10)
Fire Vol
C≤10mF 1kHz±10% 1.0±0.2Vrms
C>10mF 120Hz±10% 0.5±0.2Vrms
tand (%)
2.5% max., 3.5% max.
, 5.0% max.
7.0% max.
, 7.5% max.
5.0% max., 7.0% max. (*5)
9.0% max. (*6), 12.5% max. (*7)
Insulation resistance (IR) (*11) 10,000MW or 500MW• mF min., whichever is less Measured after the rated voltage is applied for 1 minute
at normal room temperature and humidity. (*12)
Dielectric resistance (*11) No problem observed (*13)
Apply 2.5 times of the rated voltage for 1 to 5 seconds.
Appearance No problem observed Microscope (10×magnification)
Termination strength (*14) No problem observed Apply a sideward force of 500g (5N) (*15) to a
PCB−mounted sample.
Bending strength test (*14) No problem observed at 1mm bent
Glass epoxy PCB (*03, 05 type and CA Series: T=0.8mm);
fulcrum Spacing: 90mm; for 10 seconds.
Appearance No significant change is detected Vibration frequency: 10 to 55 (Hz)
Amplitude: 1.5mm
Sweeping condition: 10→55→10Hz/ min.
In X, Y and Z directions:
2 hours each Total 6 hours
DCWithin tolerance
tand (%) Satisfies the initial value
Appearance No significant change is detected Do previous treatment (*8)
Soak the sample in 260°C±5°C
solder for 10±0.5 seconds
and place in a room at normal temperature
and humidity; measure after 48±4 hours.
(Preheating Conditions)
Order Temperature Time
180 to 100°C 2 minutes
2150 to 200°C 2 minutes
DCWithin ±7.5% Within ±20%
tand (%) Satisfies the initial value
IR (*11) 10,000MW or 500MW• mF min., whichever is smaller
Withstand voltage
Resists without problem
Solderability Solder coverage: 90% min.
Soaking Condition
Sn63 Solder
235±5°C 2±0.5 sec.
245±5°C 3±0.5 sec.
Appearance No significant change is detected Do previous treatment (*8)
Normal room temperature (3 min.) →
Lowest operation temperature (30 min.) →
Normal room temperature (3 min.) →
Highest operation temperature (30 min.) →
After five cycles, measure after 48±4hours.
DCWithin ±7.5% Within ±20%
tand (%) Satisfies the initial value
IR (*11) 10,000MW or 500MW• mF min., whichever is smaller
Withstand voltage
Resists without problem
test (*16)
Appearance No significant change is detected Do previous treatment (*9)
After applying rated voltage at
40±2°C and humidty 90 to 95%RH,
for 500+24/ −0 hours and keep at room
condition for 48±4 hours then measure
and check the specification limits.
DCWithin ±12.5% Within ±30%
tand (%) 200% max. of initial value 150% max. of initial value
IR (*11) 500MW or 25MW• mF min., whichever is smaller
Appearance No significant change is detected Do previous treatment (*9)
After applying twice (*17) of the rated
voltage at the highest operating temperature
for 1000+48/ −0 hours, measure the sample
after storing 48±4 hours.
DCWithin ±12.5% Within ±30%
tand (%) 200% max. of initial value 150% max. of initial value
IR (*11) 1,000MW or 50MW• mF min., whichever is smaller
*1 X7R 16V/ 25V type.
*2 Apply to X5R16V/ 25V type, X7R 6.3V/ 10V type.
*3 Apply to X5R 10V type.
*4 Apply to X5R 4V and 6.3V type.
*5 Apply to 25V series of CM105Y5V154 over, CM21Y5V105 over, 316Y5V155 over.
*6 Apply to Y5V 16V type, CM32Y5V335 to 106 (25V Type).
*7 Apply to Y5V 6.3V/ 10V type. Apply 16% max. to CM21Y5V106/ CM316Y5V226.
*8 Keep specimen at 150°C+0/ −10°C for one hour, leave specimen at room ambient
for 48±4 hours.
*9 Apply the same test condition for one hour, then leave the specimen at room ambi-
ent for 48±4 hours.
*10 Measurement condition 1kHz, 1Vrms for Y5V, C<47mF type.
*11 The charge/ discharge current of the capacitor must not exceed 50mA.
*12 For the CF series over 630V, apply 500V for 1 minute at room ambient.
*13 Use 1.5 times when the rated voltage is 250V or over.
Use 1.2 times when the rated voltage is 630V or over.
*14 Exclude CT series with thickness of less than 0.66mm and CA series.
*15 2N at 0201 Size
*16 Except CF series.
*17 Use 1.5 times when the rated voltage is 4V/ 6.3V/ 10V/ 250V and 100V (32X7R474/
43X7R105/ 55X7R105).
Use 1.2 times when the rated voltage is 630V or over.
* The above test conditions and standards do not apply to products with optional specifications.
Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors
Test Conditions and Standards