Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Standard Product Table Type TYAH Series Rated Case Voltage Capacitance Capacitance Size V.DC F Code Dia x L Case Code Dissipation Ripple Factor Current (%)* (mA)* Part Number 6.3 100 107 6.3 x 13 B13 23 102 6.3 220 227 6.3 x 13 B13 23 167 TYAH0J107B13ML TYAH0J227B13ML 6.3 330 337 8 x 16 C16 23 236 TYAH0J337C16ML 6.3 470 477 8 x 16 C16 23 281 TYAH0J477C16ML 6.3 1000 108 10 x 17 D17 23 453 TYAH0J108D17ML 6.3 2200 228 13 x 22 E22 23 740 TYAH0J228E22ML 6.3 3300 338 13 x 22 E22 23 906 TYAH0J338E22ML leaded 6.3 4700 478 13 x 27 E27 23 1168 TYAH0J478E27ML aluminum electrolytic capacitors 10 33 336 5 x 12 A12 20 60 TYAH1A336A12ML are designed for through-hole PCB 10 47 476 5 x 12 A12 20 77 TYAH1A476A12ML population where mounting height 10 100 107 6.3 x 13 B13 20 110 TYAH1A107B13ML is restricted. Tyco Electronics axial 10 220 227 8 x 13 C13 20 180 TYAH1A227C13ML an 10 330 337 8 x 16 C16 20 253 TYAH1A337C16ML range 10 470 477 8 x 16 C16 20 302 TYAH1A477C16ML from -40C to +105C. 10 1000 108 10 x 17 D17 20 486 TYAH1A108D17ML Suitable for a broad range of 10 2200 228 13 x 22 E22 20 793 TYAH1A228E22ML filtering, bypassing, power supply 10 3300 338 13 x 27 E27 20 1015 TYAH1A338E27ML 10 4700 478 16 x 28 F28 20 1252 TYAH1A478F28ML 16 10 106 5 x 12 A12 17 35 TYAH1C106A12ML 16 22 226 5 x 12 A12 17 55 TYAH1C226A12ML 16 33 336 5 x 12 A12 17 73 TYAH1C336A12ML 16 47 476 6.3 x 13 B13 17 85 TYAH1C476B13ML 16 100 107 6.3 x 13 B13 17 145 TYAH1C107B13ML 16 220 227 8 x 13 C13 17 231 TYAH1C227C13ML 16 330 337 8 x 16 C16 17 323 TYAH1C337C16ML 16 470 477 10 x 17 D17 17 359 TYAH1C477D17ML 16 1000 108 10 x 21 D21 17 569 TYAH1C108D21ML 16 2200 228 13 x 24 E24 17 926 TYAH1C228E24ML The TYAH extended coupling series offers temperature / decoupling, tele- communications and audio-video applications requiring reliability under more demanding conditions. Key Features High temperature polarized aluminum foil electrolytic capacitors Axial leads Aluminum case with insulating sleeve 16 3300 338 16 x 28 F28 17 1173 TYAH1C338F28ML 16 4700 478 16 x 33 F33 17 1443 TYAH1C478F33ML 105C temperature rating 25 10 106 5 x 12 A12 15 39 TYAH1E106A12ML 2000 hours load life assured 25 22 226 5 x 12 A12 15 63 TYAH1E226A12ML 25 33 336 5 x 12 A12 15 75 TYAH1E336A12ML RoHS Compliant 25 47 476 6.3 x 13 B13 15 90 TYAH1E476B13ML 25 100 107 8 x 13 C13 15 166 TYAH1E107C13ML 25 220 227 8 x 16 C16 15 246 TYAH1E227C16ML 25 330 337 10 x 17 D17 15 345 TYAH1E337D17ML 25 470 477 10 x 21 D21 15 432 TYAH1E477D21ML 25 1000 108 13 x 22 E22 15 662 TYAH1E108E22ML 25 2200 228 16 x 28 F28 15 1024 TYAH1E228F28ML 25 3300 338 16 x 33 F33 15 1300 TYAH1E338F33ML 25 4700 478 18 x 36 G36 15 1638 TYAH1E478G36ML 35 10 106 5 x 12 A12 12 44 TYAH1V106A12ML 35 22 226 6.3 x 13 B13 12 65 TYAH1V226B13ML 35 33 336 6.3 x 13 B13 12 96 TYAH1V336B13ML 35 47 476 6.3 x 13 B13 12 114 TYAH1V476B13ML 35 100 107 8 x 16 C16 12 180 TYAH1V107C16ML 35 220 227 10 x 17 D17 12 305 TYAH1V227D17ML 35 330 337 10 x 21 D21 12 391 TYAH1V337D21ML 35 470 477 13 x 22 E22 12 490 TYAH1V477E22ML 35 1000 108 13 x 27 E27 12 721 TYAH1V108E27ML 35 2200 228 16 x 33 F33 12 1177 TYAH1V228F33ML 35 3300 338 18 x 36 G36 12 1449 TYAH1V338G36ML 35 4700 478 22 x 43 H43 12 1878 TYAH1V478H43ML * DF measured at 120Hz, 20C * RC measured at 120Hz, 105C Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. Specifications subject to change. Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Standard Product Table (continued) Rated Case Voltage Capacitance Capacitance Size V.DC F Code Dia x L Case Code Dissipation Ripple Factor Current (%)* (mA)* Part Number 50 0.1 104 5 x 12 A12 10 2.0 TYAH1H104A12ML 50 0.22 224 5 x 12 A12 10 3.5 TYAH1H224A12ML 50 0.33 334 5 x 12 A12 10 5.0 TYAH1H334A12ML 50 0.47 474 5 x 12 A12 10 6.0 TYAH1H474A12ML 50 1.0 105 5 x 12 A12 10 10 TYAH1H105A12ML 50 2.2 225 5 x 12 A12 10 20 TYAH1H225A12ML 50 3.3 335 5 x 12 A12 10 30 TYAH1H335A12ML 50 4.7 475 5 x 12 A12 10 34 TYAH1H475A12ML 50 10 106 5 x 12 A12 10 50 TYAH1H106A12ML 50 22 226 6.3 x 13 B13 10 75 TYAH1H226B13ML 50 33 336 6.3 x 13 B13 10 105 TYAH1H336B13ML 50 47 476 8 x 13 C13 10 140 TYAH1H476C13ML 50 100 107 10 x 17 D17 10 225 TYAH1H107D17ML 50 220 227 10 x 21 D21 10 349 TYAH1H227D21ML 50 330 337 13 x 22 E22 10 450 TYAH1H337E22ML 50 470 477 13 x 22 E22 10 561 TYAH1H477E22ML 50 1000 108 16 x 33 F33 10 875 TYAH1H108F33ML 50 2200 228 18 x 36 G36 10 1408 TYAH1H228G36ML 50 3300 338 22 x 43 H43 10 1724 TYAH1H338H43ML 50 4700 478 25 x 43 J43 10 1950 TYAH1H478J43ML 63 0.1 104 5 x 12 A12 9 3.0 TYAH1J104A12ML 63 0.22 224 5 x 12 A12 9 4.5 TYAH1J224A12ML 63 0.33 334 5 x 12 A12 9 7.5 TYAH1J334A12ML 63 0.47 474 5 x 12 A12 9 9.0 TYAH1J474A12ML 63 1.0 105 5 x 12 A12 9 15 TYAH1J105A12ML 63 2.2 225 5 x 12 A12 9 30 TYAH1J225A12ML 63 3.3 335 5 x 12 A12 9 32 TYAH1J335A12ML 63 4.7 475 5 x 12 A12 9 36 TYAH1J475A12ML 63 10 106 6.3 x 13 B13 9 55 TYAH1J106B13ML 63 22 226 6.3 x 13 B13 9 90 TYAH1J226B13ML 63 33 336 8 x 13 C13 9 123 TYAH1J336C13ML 63 47 476 8 x 16 C16 9 162 TYAH1J476C16ML 63 100 107 10 x 17 D17 9 248 TYAH1J107D17ML 63 220 227 13 x 22 E22 9 420 TYAH1J227E22ML 63 330 337 13 x 22 E22 9 495 TYAH1J337E22ML 63 470 477 13 x 27 E27 9 632 TYAH1J477E27ML 63 1000 108 16 x 36 F36 9 984 TYAH1J108F36ML 63 2200 228 22 x 43 H43 9 1540 TYAH1J228H43ML 63 3300 338 25 x 52 J52 9 1950 TYAH1J338J52ML 63 4700 478 25 x 52 J52 9 2290 TYAH1J478J52ML 100 0.1 104 5 x 12 A12 8 3.0 TYAH2A104A12ML 100 0.22 224 5 x 12 A12 8 5.0 TYAH2A224A12ML 100 0.33 334 5 x 12 A12 8 8.0 TYAH2A334A12ML 100 0.47 474 5 x 12 A12 8 9.0 TYAH2A474A12ML 100 1.0 105 5 x 12 A12 8 15 TYAH2A105A12ML 100 2.2 225 5 x 12 A12 8 30 TYAH2A225A12ML 100 3.3 335 5 x 12 A12 8 32 TYAH2A335A12ML 100 4.7 475 6.3 x 13 B13 8 37 TYAH2A475B13ML 100 10 106 6.3 x 13 B13 8 64 TYAH2A106B13ML 100 22 226 8 x 16 C16 8 106 TYAH2A226C16ML 100 33 336 10 x 17 D17 8 150 TYAH2A336D17ML 100 47 476 10 x 21 D21 8 180 TYAH2A476D21ML 100 100 107 13 x 22 E22 8 287 TYAH2A107E22ML * DF measured at 120Hz, 20C * RC measured at 120Hz, 105C Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. Specifications subject to change. Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Standard Product Table (continued) Rated Case Voltage Capacitance Capacitance Size V.DC F Code Dia x L Case Code Dissipation Ripple Factor Current (%)* (mA)* Part Number 100 220 227 16 x 28 F28 8 458 TYAH2A227F28ML 100 330 337 16 x 33 F33 8 582 TYAH2A337F33ML 100 470 477 16 x 36 F36 8 713 TYAH2A477F36ML 100 1000 108 18 x 42 G42 8 1096 TYAH2A108G42ML 100 2200 228 25 x 52 J52 8 2310 TYAH2A228J52ML 160 1.0 105 6.3 x 13 B13 12 7.0 TYAH2C105B13ML 160 2.2 225 6.3 x 13 B13 12 15 TYAH2C225B13ML 160 3.3 335 8 x 16 C16 12 21 TYAH2C335C16ML 160 4.7 475 8 x 16 C16 12 31 TYAH2C475C16ML 160 10 106 10 x 17 D17 12 60 TYAH2C106D17ML 160 22 226 10 x 21 D21 12 121 TYAH2C226D21ML 160 33 336 13 x 22 E22 12 154 TYAH2C336E22ML 160 47 476 13 x 27 E27 12 198 TYAH2C476E27ML 160 100 107 16 x 33 F33 12 345 TYAH2C107F33ML 160 220 227 18 x 42 G42 12 586 TYAH2C227G42ML 160 330 337 22 x 43 H43 12 632 TYAH2C337H43ML 200 1.0 105 6.3 x 13 B13 14 9.0 TYAH2D105B13ML 200 2.2 225 8 x 13 C13 14 16 TYAH2D225C13ML 200 3.3 335 8 x 16 C16 14 26 TYAH2D335C16ML 200 4.7 475 10 x 17 D17 14 33 TYAH2D475D17ML 200 10 106 10 x 21 D21 14 66 TYAH2D106D21ML 200 22 226 13 x 22 E22 14 121 TYAH2D226E22ML 200 33 336 13 x 27 E27 14 167 TYAH2D336E27ML 200 47 476 16 x 33 F33 14 214 TYAH2D476F33ML 200 100 107 16 x 36 F36 14 368 TYAH2D107F36ML 200 220 227 22 x 43 H43 14 609 TYAH2D227H43ML 250 1.0 105 6.3 x 13 B13 17 12 TYAH2E105B13ML 250 2.2 225 8 x 16 C16 17 17 TYAH2E225C16ML 250 3.3 335 8 x 21 C21 17 31 TYAH2E335C21ML 250 4.7 475 10 x 17 D17 17 38 TYAH2E475D17ML 250 10 106 10 x 21 D21 17 72 TYAH2E106D21ML 250 22 226 13 x 27 E27 17 126 TYAH2E226E27ML 250 33 336 16 x 28 F28 17 178 TYAH2E336F28ML 250 47 476 16 x 33 F33 17 241 TYAH2E476F33ML 250 100 107 16 x 42 F42 17 391 TYAH2E107F42ML 250 220 227 22 x 43 H43 17 632 TYAH2E227H43ML 350 1.0 105 8 x 16 C16 20 13 TYAH2V105C16ML 350 2.2 225 8 x 21 C21 20 19 TYAH2V225C21ML 350 3.3 335 8 x 21 C21 20 33 TYAH2V335C21ML 350 4.7 475 10 x 21 D21 20 44 TYAH2V475D21ML 350 10 106 13 x 22 E22 20 72 TYAH2V106E22ML 350 22 226 13 x 27 E27 20 132 TYAH2V226E27ML 350 33 336 16 x 33 F33 20 186 TYAH2V336F33ML 350 47 476 16 x 42 F42 20 253 TYAH2V476F42ML 350 100 107 22 x 43 H43 20 402 TYAH2V107H43ML * DF measured at 120Hz, 20C * RC measured at 120Hz, 105C Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. Specifications subject to change. Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Standard Product Table (continued) Rated Case Voltage Capacitance Capacitance Size V.DC F Code Dia x L Dissipation Ripple Factor Current (%)* (mA)* Case Code Part Number 400 1.0 105 8 x 16 C16 25 15 TYAH2G105C16ML 400 2.2 225 10 x 17 D17 25 23 TYAH2G225D17ML 400 3.3 335 10 x 17 D17 25 36 TYAH2G335D17ML 400 4.7 475 10 x 26 D26 25 46 TYAH2G475D26ML 400 10 106 13 x 22 E22 25 79 TYAH2G106E22ML 400 22 226 16 x 33 F33 25 143 TYAH2G226F33ML 400 33 336 16 x 42 F42 25 201 TYAH2G336F42ML 400 47 476 18 x 42 G42 25 253 TYAH2G476G42ML 400 100 107 25 x 43 J43 25 439 TYAH2G107J43ML 450 1.0 105 8 x 16 C16 25 15 TYAH2W105C16ML 450 2.2 225 10 x 21 D21 25 23 TYAH2W225D21ML 450 3.3 335 10 x 21 D21 25 36 TYAH2W335D21ML 450 4.7 475 10 x 26 D26 25 46 TYAH2W475D26ML 450 10 106 13 x 27 E27 25 82 TYAH2W106E27ML 450 22 226 16 x 36 F36 25 154 TYAH2W226F36ML 450 33 336 16 x 42 F42 25 201 TYAH2W336F42ML 450 47 476 18 x 42 G42 25 304 TYAH2W476G42ML 450 100 107 25 x 52 J52 25 448 TYAH2W107J52ML * DF measured at 120Hz, 20C * RC measured at 120Hz, 105C Characteristics Electrical Test Cond. JIS C5101-4, Characteristic W Operating Temp. Range -40C ~ +105C -- Rated Voltage DC 6.3 ~ 450V 105C Capacitance 0.1 ~ 4700F 105C Capacitance Tolerance 20% Leakage Current Rated Voltage 120Hz, 20C Time Leakage Current 100V >100V after 2 minutes after 5 minutes C = rated capacitance (F) I = 0.02CV or CV 1000 CV >1000 3 (A) whichever I = 0.03CV I = 0.02CV is greater + 15 (A) 35 50 Temperature = 20C Rated Voltage 6.3 10 (Tan) Tan max 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.25 Low Temperature Rated Voltage 6.3 10 Characteristics Impedance Ratio Shelf Life Test 25 + 25 (A) Dissipation Factor Load Life Test 16 V = rated DC working voltage (V) 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 Z(-25C)/ oD<16 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 Z(+20C) oD16 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 Z(-40C)/ oD<16 10 8 6 6 4 3 3 3 Z(+20C) oD16 18 16 12 10 8 8 6 6 Test Time 1000 Hrs Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial value Dissipation Factor Less than 200% of specified value Leakage Current Within specified value Test Time 1000 hrs 3 6 8 12 14 16 4 8 10 -- -- -- Dissipation Factor Less than 200% of specified value Leakage Current 6.3 ~ 100V - Within specified value Specifications satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after exposing them for 1000 hrs at 105C without voltage applied. The rated voltage shall be applied to the capacitors before the measurements for 160 ~ 450V (Refer to JIS C 5102) 60 ~ 450V - Less than 200% of specified value Ripple Current & Frequency (Hz) 60(50) 120 500 1k 10k Multipliers Frequency C (F) < 100 0.70 1.00 1.30 1.40 1.50 C (F) 100 0.75 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.35 Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. 120Hz Specification satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage applied with rated ripple current for 1000 hrs at 105C Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial value Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 120Hz, 20C Specifications subject to change. -- Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Product Availability Chart Rated Voltage (V.DC) Capacitance F 0.1 0.22 0.33 0.47 1.0 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 Code 104 224 334 474 105 225 335 475 106 226 336 476 107 227 337 477 108 228 338 478 Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 6.3x13 6.3x13 5x12 5x12 5x12 6.3x13 6.3x13 5x12 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 8x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 8x13 8x16 10x17 6.3x13 8x13 8x13 8x16 10x17 10x21 8x16 8x16 8x16 10x17 10x21 13x22 8x16 8x16 10x17 10x21 13x22 13x22 10x17 10x17 10x21 13x22 13x27 16x33 13x22 13x22 13x24 16x28 16x33 18x36 13x22 13x27 16x28 16x33 18x36 22x43 13x27 16x28 16x33 18x36 22x43 25x43 Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. 63 100 Dia x L Dia x L 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 5x12 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 8x16 8x13 10x17 8x16 10x21 10x17 13x22 13x22 16x28 13x22 16x33 13x27 16x36 16x36 18x42 22x43 25x52 25x52 25x52 160 200 250 350 400 450 Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L Dia x L 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 6.3x13 8x13 8x16 8x16 8x16 8x21 8x16 10x17 10x17 10x17 10x21 10x21 10x21 13x22 13x27 13x22 13x27 16x28 13x27 16x33 16x33 16x33 16x36 16x42 18x42 22x43 22x43 22x43 Specifications subject to change. 8x16 8x21 8x21 10x21 13x22 13x27 16x33 16x42 22x43 8x16 10x17 10x17 10x26 13x22 16x33 16x42 18x42 25x43 8x16 10x21 10x21 10x26 13x27 16x36 16x42 18x42 25x52 Axial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Type TYAH 105C Series Dimensions PVC Sleeve od Rubber and Seal 2.5 max 20 min L + a max 20 min oD + Max Dimensions (mm) Case Code Dia + max L + a max Lead dia +0.1max A12 5.0 +0.5 12 +1.5 0.6 B13 6.3 +0.5 13 +1.5 0.6 C13 8.0 +0.5 13 +1.5 0.6 C16 8.0 +0.5 16 +1.5 0.6 C21 8.0 +0.5 21 +1.5 0.6 D17 10 +1.0 17 +2.0 0.6 D21 10 +1.0 21 +2.0 0.6 D26 10 +1.0 26 +2.0 0.6 E22 13 +1.0 22 +2.0 0.6 E24 13 +1.0 24 +2.0 0.6 E27 13 +1.0 27 +2.0 0.6 F28 16 +1.0 28 +2.0 0.8 F33 16 +1.0 33 +2.0 0.8 F36 16 +1.0 36 +2.0 0.8 F42 16 +1.0 42 +2.0 0.8 G36 18 +1.0 36 +2.0 0.8 G42 18 +1.0 42 +2.0 0.8 H43 22 +1.0 43 +2.0 0.8 J43 25 +1.0 43 +2.0 0.8 J52 25 +1.0 52 +2.0 0.8 How to Order TYAH 0J 107 B13 M L Common Part Voltage Code Capacitance Case Code Tolerance Packaging e.g. 107 e.g. B13 M (20%) L = Loose (bulk) TYAH Literature No. 3-1773448-2 Issued: 11-07 0J (6.3V) 1A (10V) 1C (16V) 1E (25V) 1V (35V) 1H (50V) 1J (63V) 2A (100V) 2C (160V) 2D (200V) 2E (250V) 2V (350V) 2G (400V) 2W (450V) Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. Specifications subject to change.