Fuses SP 5x20
https://www.schurter.com /PG01_2
Miniature Fuse, 5 x 20 mm, Quick-Acting F, H, 250 VAC
Approvals and Compliances
IEC 60127-2 · 250 VAC · Quick-Acting F
- IEC Standard Fuse
- H = High Breaking Capacity (Ceramic Tube)
- Primary Protection in Equipment
Pigtail Type SP 5x20 Pigtail
Fuse Kit Fuse Kit FST 5x20 / SP 5x20; Fuse Kit SP 5x20 / SPT 5x20
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Technical Data
Rated Voltage 250 VAC
Rated current 0.5 - 16 A
Breaking Capacity 500 A - 1500 A
Characteristic Quick-Acting F
Admissible Ambient Air Temp. -55 °C to 125 °C
Climatic Category 55/125/21 acc. to IEC 60068-1
Material: Tube Ceramic
Material: Endcaps Nickel-Plated Copper Alloy
Unit Weight 1.18 g
Storage Conditions 0 °C to 60 °C, max. 70% r.h.
Product Marking , Rated current, Rated Voltage, Cha-
racteristic, Breaking Capacity, Approvals
Approvals and Compliances
Detailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about
The approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products.
Approval Reference Type: SP 5x20
Approval Logo Certificates Certification Body Description
VDE Approvals VDE VDE Certificate Number: 40009397
UL Approvals UL UL File Number: E41599
CQC Approvals CQC CCC File Number:
KTL Approvals KTL Korea Testing Laboratory
METI Approvals METI Japan Electrical Safety and Environment technology Laboratories
SP 5x20 https://www.schurter.com /PG01_2
Product standards
Product standards that are referenced
Organization Design Standard Description
Designed according to UL 248-14 Low voltage fuses - Part 14: Additional fuses
Designed according to CSA22.2 No. 248.14 Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 14: Supplemental Fuses
Application standards
Application standards where the product can be used
Organization Design Standard Description
Designed for applications acc. IEC/UL 60950 IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of information
The product complies with following Guide Lines
Identification Details Initiator Description
CE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicable
requirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation on
its affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.
RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EU
China RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March
2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.
REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as
"REACH") entered into force.
Dimension [mm] 20 mm
ø 5.2
Pre-Arcing Time
Rated Current In 1.5 x In min. 2.1 x In max. 2.75 x In min. 2.75 x In max. 4.0 x In min. 4.0 x In max. 10.0 x In max.
0.5 A - 4 A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 2 s 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
5 A - 6.3 A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 3 s 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
8 A - 10 A 30 min 30 min 40 ms 20 s 10 ms 1 s 30 ms
12.5 A - 16 A 15 min 30 min 40 ms 20 s 10 ms 1 s 30 ms
Fuses SP 5x20
https://www.schurter.com /PG01_2
Time in Seconds
4 A
5 – 6.3 A
> 8 A
Multiple of Rated Current In
All Variants
Rated Cur-
rent [A]
Rated Vol-
tage [VAC]
Voltage Drop
1.0 In max.
Voltage Drop
1.0 In typ.
Power Dissi-
pation 1.5 In
max. [mW]
Power Dissi-
pation 1.5 In
typ. [mW]
Melting I²t
10.0 Intyp.
Order Number
0.5 250 1) 1800 830 2500 2400 0.098 l l l l 0001.1001
0.63 250 1) 1500 800 2500 2400 0.207 l l l l 0001.1002
0.8 250 1) 1200 580 2500 2400 0.469 l l l l 0001.1003
1 250 1) 1000 600 2500 2500 0.75 lllll0001.1004
1.25 250 1) 800 270 4000 1000 0.538 lllll0001.1005
1.6 250 1) 600 350 4000 1600 0.755 lllll0001.1006
2 250 1) 500 260 4000 1600 2 lllll0001.1007
2.5 250 1) 400 260 4000 1900 3.28 lllll0001.1008
3.15 250 1) 350 210 4000 1900 6.78 lllll0001.1009
4 250 1) 300 200 4000 2400 12.6 lllll0001.1010
5 250 1) 250 160 4000 2400 30.8 lllll0001.1011
6.3 250 1) 200 150 4000 3200 36.7 lllll0001.1012
8 250 1) 200 140 4000 3900 81.9 lll l0001.1013
10 250 1) 200 130 4000 3000 141 lll l0001.1014
12.5 250 2) - 110 - 6900 203 l l 0001.1015
16 250 2) - 120 - 7400 461 l 0001.1016
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1) IEC: H = 1500 A @ 250 VAC, p.f. = 0.7 - 0.8
1) UL: 10 kA @ 125 VAC, p.f. = 0.7 - 0.8 / 1500 A @ 250 VAC, p.f. = 0.7 - 0.8
2) IEC: 1000 A @ 250 VAC
2) UL: 500 A @ 125 VAC, p.f. = 0.7 - 0.8 / 1000 A @ 125 VAC / 500 A @ 250 VAC
Packaging Unit xxxx.xxxx Small Box Pack (10 pcs.)
xxxx.xxxx.G Bulk 128 x 91 x 60 mm (1000 pcs.)
The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on current
information. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed
to be accurate and reliable. However, users should independently evaluate the suitability and test each
product selected for their own applications.
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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