Document #: 38-06033 Rev. *A Page 16 of 24
The CY7C451, CY7C453, and CY7C454 consist of an array
of 512/2048/4096 words of 9 bits each (implemented by an
array of dual-port RAM cells), a read pointer, a write pointer,
control s ignal s (CKR, CKW, ENR, ENW, MR, OE, FL/RT, XI,
XO), and flags (HF, E/F, PAFE ).
Resetting the FIFO
Upon power-up, the FIFO must be reset with a Master Reset
(MR) cy cle. This cause s th e FI FO t o en ter t he Empty con-
diti on s ig ni fie d by E /F and PAFE being LOW and HF being
HIGH . All d ata out puts ( Q0 − 8) go low at the rising edge of
MR. In order for the FIFO to reset to its default state, a
falling edge must occur on MR and the us er mu st no t r e ad
or write while MR is LOW (unless ENR and ENW are HIGH
or unle ss the dev ice is be ing p rogra mmed). Upon comp le-
tion of the Master Reset cycle, all data outputs will go LOW
tAMR after MR is de as se rte d. All fl ag s are gu ara nteed t o b e
valid t MRF after MR is take n HI GH.
FIFO Operation
When the ENW signal is active (LOW), data pr esent on the
D0 − 8 pins is written into the FIFO on each rising edge of
the CKW signal. Similarly, when the ENR signal is active,
data in the FIFO memory will be presented on the Q0 − 8
outputs. N ew d ata wil l b e p r es en te d on ea ch risi ng ed ge o f
CKR while ENR is active. ENR must be set up tSEN before
CKR for it to be a valid read function. ENW must occur tSEN
before CKW for it to be a valid write function.
An output enable (OE ) pin is provided to tri-state the Q0 − 8
outputs when OE is not asserted. When OE is enabled,
data in t he o utp ut regi s ter w i ll b e av ai la bl e to Q0 − 8 outputs
after tO E. If devi ces are cas caded, th e OE function will only
outpu t data on the F IFO th at is read enable d.
The FIFO contains overflow circuitry to disallow additional
writes when the FIF O is f ull, and unde rflow circuitry to disallow
additional reads when the FIFO is empty. An empty FIFO
maintains the data of the last valid read on its Q0 − 8 outputs
even af te r a ddi ti on al r ead s oc cur.
The CY7C451, CY7C453, and CY7C454 are programmed
during a master reset cycle. If MR and ENW are LOW, a
risin g edge on CKW wil l write D0 − 8 inpu ts into the pr ogram-
ming register. MR must be set up a minim um of tSMRP be-
fore the program write rising edge and held tHMRP after the
progr am wr it e fa ll in g e dg e. T he us er has t h e a bi li ty to a lso
perform a program read duri ng the ma ster reset c ycle. Th is
will o cc ur at the ris in g ed ge o f CK R w he n MR and EN R are
asserted. The program read must be performed a minimum
of tFTP after a program write, and the program word will be
available tAP after the read occurs. If a program write does
not occur, a program read may occur a minimum of tSMRP
after MR is asserted. This will read the default program
When free- running clocks are tied to CKW and CKR, program-
ming can still occur during a master reset cycle with the adher-
ence to a few additional timing parameters. The enable pins
must be se t-up tSEN before the rising edge of CKW or CKR.
Hold times of tHEN must also be met for ENW and EN R.
Dat a present o n D0 − 5 duri ng a p rog ra m w ri te will de te rm in e
the distance from Empty (Full) that the Almost Empty (Al-
most Full) flags will become active. See Table 1 for a
descri pt io n o f th e si x p oss ib le FIF O stat es . P in 1 re fe r s to
the decimal equivalent of the binary number represented
by D0 − 5. Programming options for the CY7C451 and
CY7C453 are listed in Tab le 5. Programming resolution is
16 words for either device.
The programmable PAFE function is only valid when the
CY7C451/453/454 are not cascaded. If the user elects not
to program the FIFO’s flag s, the defa ult ( P=1) i s a s fo llows :
Almost Empty condition (Almost Full condition) is activated
when the CY7C451/453/454 contain 16 or less words
(empt y locati ons) .
Parity is programmed with the D6 − 8 bits. See Table 6 for a
summar y of the various pari ty pr ogramming options. D ata
present on D6 − 8 during a program write will determine
whether the FIFO will generate or check even/odd parity for
the data present on D0−8 thereafter. If the user elects not
to program the FIFO, the parity function is disabled. Flag
operation and parity are described in greater detail in sub-
sequen t sect ions .
Flag Operation
The CY7C451/453/454 provide three status pins when not
casc ade d. Th e thr e e pi ns , E /F, PAFE, an d H F, allow deco d-
ing of si x FIF O st at es ( Table 1). PAFE is not avai labl e whe n
FIFOs are cascaded for depth expansion. All flags are syn-
chronous, meaning that the change of states is relative to
one of the clocks (CKR or CKW , as appropriate. See Figure
1). The synchronous architecture guarantees some mini-
mum valid time for the flags. The Empty and Almost Empty
flag stat es are exc lusively up dated by eac h rising ed ge of
the read clock (CKR). For example, when the FIFO con-
tains 1 word, the next read (rising edge of CKR while
ENR=LOW) causes the flag pins to output a state that rep-
resents Empty. The Half Full, Almost Full, and Full flag
states are updated exclusively by the write clock (CKW).
For example, if the CY7C453 FIFO contains 2047 words
(2048 words indicate Full for the CY7C453), the next write
(risin g edge of CKW whil e ENW=LOW) ca uses the f lag pins
to output a state that is decoded as Full.
Table 1. Flag Truth Table[46].
CY7C451 512 x 9
Number of Words
CY7C453 2K x 9
Number of Words
CY7C4 54 4K x 9
Number o f Words
0 0 1 Empty 0 0 0
1 0 1 Almost Empty 1⇒(16•P) 1 ⇒(16•P) 1 ⇒(16•P)
1 1 1 Less than or
Equal to Half Full (16•P)+1⇒256 (16•P)+1⇒1024 (16•P)+1⇒2048