RF Manual 14th edition Application and design manual for High Performance RF products May 2010 (c) 2010 NXP B.V. copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Date of release: May 2010 Document order number: 9397 750 16881 Printed in the Netherlands RF Manual 14th edition All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the High Performance RF for the most demanding applications NXP's RF Manual makes design work much easier NXP's RF Manual - one of the most important reference tools on the market for today's RF designers - features our complete range of RF products, from low to high power signal conditioning & high speed data converters. What's new? This RF Manual features new applications, such as: point-to-point communication, radar, VSAT, MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance), NIM (Network Interface Module for TV reception), Digital Satellite Set-top-box RF (Plasma) lighting, medical imaging, microwave furnaces and Mobile platforms. And we describe thoroughly new developments in our main technologies SiGe:C QUBiC and LDMOS. New products families have been added to our broad portfolio, like: Quad pin diodes, 6th and 7th generation SiGe:C wideband transistors, variable gain amplifiers, LNA's for wireless infrastructures, LNA's and MOSFETs for STB and a full line-up of high speed converters. And of course the latest additions and improvements are included: GPS LNA's, medium power amplifiers, LO generators and CATV modules. Our base station offering has grown extensively by e.g. a comprehensive set of best in class Doherty amplifier designs, a broad selection of medium power, variable gain and low noise amplifiers and our JESD204A-compliant, high speed DACs and ADCs. Last but not least, we expanded our cross reference list with 40% to over 1.200 items. A strong foundation in RF Shipping billions of RF products annually, NXP is a true industry leader in high performance RF. Our RF small signal products are widely installed in satellites, cellular base stations, mobile devices, cars, TV tuners and CATV. We're a leader in high power RF for cellular infrastructure, broadcast/ISM and Radar applications. With our new, serialized signal processing architectures with JESD204A-compliant high-speed converters, we are enabling a transition to more compact, higher performance systems. Our IP extends far beyond our packaged products to our patented high performance processes. From high-power LDMOS for power amplifiers, CMOS processes for our high-speed converters, and the most advanced SiGe:C (QUBiC4) for RF small signal transistors, MMICs and ICs. Our in-house process and technology portfolio sets us apart. What's more, producing over 65 million units per day, we control our front- and back-end manufacturing quality and cost structures with internal 8-inch IC fabs in the Netherlands and Singapore and assembly plants in Thailand, Taiwan and China. Our processses are all AEC100 certified for supply into the most quality-conscious customers and applications. 4 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition NXP's firsts in RF 1963 - First transistors and diodes on 0.75 inch wafers 1964 - First RF wideband transistor with 1.5 GHz max 1970 - BFR90, a 5 GHz RF wideband transistor 1978 - BFQ33, a 14 GHz RF wideband transistor 1989 - Output matching in common emitter base station transistors 1992 - Highest power broadcast bipolar devices 1996 - Highest performance 2 GHz LDMOS 2004 - Gen5 LDMOS which becomes the industry's most advanced process for power amplifiers 2006 - Fully integrated Doherty transistors 2007 - Industry's first fully integrated, silicon-based IC solution for satellite: TFF1004HN 2008 - High speed data converters based on JESD204A standard 2009 - 1kW single transistor (BLF578) power amplifier for FM radio (88 to 108 MHz) 2009 - State-of-the-art, next generation SiGe:C BiCMOS QUBiC4Xi technology "I'm proud to present the latest edition of our RF Manual. It covers NXP's entire range of RF products in one comprehensive manual, and I'm convinced that you'll find the 14th edition even more useful in your daily design work." Kind regards, John Croteau Sr. Vice President & General Manager Business Line High Performance RF RF Manual web page www.nxp.com/rfmanual NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 5 Contents 1.1 Mobile Communication Infrastructure_________________________________________________________________ 9 1.1.1 Base stations (all cellular standards and frequencies) ______________________________________________ 9 1.1.2 Point-to-point________________________________________________________________________________ 12 1.2 Microwave & mmWave_____________________________________________________________________________ 14 1.2.1 VSAT________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 1.2.2 Microwave products for Avionics, L- and S-band Radar applications _______________________________ 16 1.3 Fixed Communication Infrastructure_________________________________________________________________ 18 1.3.1 CATV optical (optical node with multiple out-ports) ______________________________________________ 18 1.3.2 CATV electrical (line extenders) ________________________________________________________________ 19 1.3.3 Broadcast / ISM (industrial, scientific & medical) _________________________________________________ 20 1.4 TV, NIM (STB) and Satellite_________________________________________________________________________ 21 1.4.1 Network interface module (NIM) for TV reception________________________________________________ 21 1.4.2 Basic TV tuner________________________________________________________________________________ 23 1.4.3 MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance)__________________________________________________________ 24 1.4.4 Satellite outdoor unit, low noise block (LNB) for multiple users_____________________________________ 25 1.4.5 Satellite Multi Switch Box - 4 x 4 (up to 16 x 16) / DiSEqC / SMATV_ ________________________________ 26 1.4.6 Digital Satellite Set Top Box (high definition)_____________________________________________________ 27 1.5 Consumer Mobile__________________________________________________________________________________ 28 1.5.1 Mobile Platforms (GPS / TV on mobile / FM radio / Reference clock / CMMB / LTE)____________________________ 28 1.5.2 A 2.4 & 5 GHz front-end for WLAN (802.11n Dual Concurrent) _____________________________________ 29 1.5.3 2-way radio / family radio system_______________________________________________________________ 30 1.5.4 DECT front-end / DECT in-house base station___________________________________________________ 31 1.6 Automotive & Industrial____________________________________________________________________________ 32 1.6.1 Active antenna_______________________________________________________________________________ 32 1.6.2 Remote keyless entry, RF generic front-end with dedicated antenna for reception and transmission_______ 33 1.6.3 Tire pressure monitoring system_______________________________________________________________ 34 1.6.4 Car radio receiver (CREST ICs: TEF6860HL, TEF6862HL) __________________________________________ 35 1.6.5 E-metering, RF generic front-end with a single antenna / ZigBee___________________________________ 36 1.6.6 RF Plasma Lighting___________________________________________________________________________ 37 1.6.7 Medical Imaging______________________________________________________________________________ 38 1.6.8 RF Microwave furnace application______________________________________________________________ 39 2. Technologies & focus products_____________________________________________________________________ 40 2.1 Get the fastest TTFF with GPS LNAs that use proven QUBiC4X SiGe:C_ ____________________________ 40 2.2 Always the right match with our latest 6th and 7th generation SiGe:C wideband transistors_____________ 41 2.3 NXP Medium-Power MMICs BGA7xxx for broadband applications_________________________________ 42 2.4 Low-noise LO generators for microwave & mmWave radios________________________________________ 43 2.5 Complete satellite portfolio for all LNB architectures_ ____________________________________________ 44 2.6 VSAT, 2-way communication via satellite_________________________________________________________ 46 2.7 NXP CATV C-family for the Chinese SARFT standard_ ____________________________________________ 48 2.7.1 NXP GaAs HFC CATV solutions CGY888C, CGD942C and CGD944C_______________________________ 51 2.8 Highly efficient line-up of 1 GHz GaAs modules for sustainable CATV networks _____________________ 52 2.9 Doherty amplifier technology for state-of-art wireless infrastructure________________________________ 54 2.10 Boost efficiency and lower system cost in wireless infrastructure with GaN__________________________ 56 2.11 Looking for the leader in SiGe:C? You've just found us!_ __________________________________________ 57 2.12 Microwave / Radar____________________________________________________________________________ 59 2.13 Digital broadcasting at its best_________________________________________________________________ 61 6 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Product portfolio__________________________________________________________________________________ 3.1 New products________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 RF diodes____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.1 Varicap diodes _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.2 PIN diodes __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.3 Band-switch diodes___________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.4 Schottky diodes______________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 RF Bipolar transistors _________________________________________________________________________ 3.3.1 Wideband transistors _________________________________________________________________________ 3.4 RF ICs_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.4.1 MMICs______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.4.2 Low noise LO generators for VSAT and general microwave applications_____________________________ 3.5 RF MOS transistors __________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.1 JFETs _ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.2 MOSFETs ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 RF Modules _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6.1 CATV Reverse Hybrids ________________________________________________________________________ 3.6.2 CATV Push-Pulls _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.6.3 CATV power doublers ________________________________________________________________________ 3.6.4 CATV optical receivers________________________________________________________________________ 62 62 64 64 65 67 67 68 68 71 71 73 74 74 76 78 78 78 79 79 3.7 RF power transistors _________________________________________________________________________ 80 3.7.1 Base Station transistors _ _____________________________________________________________________ 80 3.7.2 Broadcast / ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) RF power transistors _______________________________ 83 3.7.3 Microwave LDMOS RF power transistors ________________________________________________________ 84 3.8 High Speed Data Converters _ ________________________________________________________________ 85 3.8.1 High Speed ADCs ____________________________________________________________________________ 85 3.8.2 High Speed DACs ____________________________________________________________________________ 85 Design support_ __________________________________________________________________________________ 86 4.1 S-Parameters ________________________________________________________________________________ 86 4.2 Simulation models____________________________________________________________________________ 86 4.2.1 Spice models _ ______________________________________________________________________________ 86 4.2.2 RF Power device simulation models_____________________________________________________________ 87 4.3 Application notes_____________________________________________________________________________ 87 4.4 Demo boards_ _______________________________________________________________________________ 87 4.4.1 IC, MMIC and SiGe:C transistor demo boards____________________________________________________ 87 4.4.2 RF power transistor demo boards_ _____________________________________________________________ 87 4.4.3 High Speed Converter demo boards____________________________________________________________ 88 4.5 Samples of products in development ____________________________________________________________ 88 4.6 Samples of released products _________________________________________________________________ 88 4.7 Datasheets __________________________________________________________________________________ 88 4.8 Design-in support ____________________________________________________________________________ 88 4.9 NEW: interactive selection guides _ ____________________________________________________________ 88 Cross-references & replacements___________________________________________________________________ 89 5.1 Cross-references: Manufacturer types versus NXP types__________________________________________ 89 5.2 Cross-references: NXP discontinued types versus NXP replacement types__________________________ 98 Packing and packaging information________________________________________________________________ 100 6.1 Packing quantities per package with relevant ordering code______________________________________ 100 6.2 Marking codes list___________________________________________________________________________ 102 Abbreviations____________________________________________________________________________________ 104 Contacts and web links___________________________________________________________________________ 105 Product index____________________________________________________________________________________ 106 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 7 8 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 1.1 Mobile Communication Infrastructure 1.1.1 Base stations (all cellular standards and frequencies) See also brochure: 'Your partner in Mobile Communication Infrastructure design': document number: 9397 750 16837. Application diagram LPF SER I-DAC SIGNAL PROCESSING PLL PLL VCO IQ MIXER MIXER 0 VGA TX BPF RF POWER BOARD MPA HPA ISOLATOR 90 LPF INTERFACING SER Q-DAC MIXER BPF VGA SER ADC ANTENNA TX/RX mixer TOWER MOUNTED AMPLIFIER PLL VCO C LPF VGA SER I-ADC PLL PLL VCO LPF SER Q-ADC DUPLEXER IQ MIXER MIXER 0 C LNA RX BPF LNA 90 VGA MIXER Processing Dataconverters RF small signal RF power brb411 Above diagram shows a simplified base station block diagram with its two main branches: transmit (upper half, TX) and receive (lower half, RX). Walking along the transmit branch, after the interfacing into the signal processing part, one first encounters the digital to analog converters (DAC), which include a serial interface in our case (SER). The transmit signal then passes a low-pass filter block (LPF) and is being upconverted in the IQ mixer stage. Next follows a variable gain amplifier (VGA), a bandpass filter (TX BPF) and the power amplifier board with a medium power amplifier- (MPA) and the high power amplifier (HPA)stages. An isolater and duplexer are the last two basic blocks up to the antenna. A feedback line is provided to monitor the transmitted signal. The TX signal is "sampled", down-converted in a mixer, amplified (VGA), bandpassfiltered (BPF) and converted to digital by an analog to digital converter (SER ADC), with a high speed serial interface. The main RX branch of the base station starts at the duplexer, is amplified by a low noise amplifier (LNA) and band pass filtered (RX BPF) very close to the antenna in a "tower mounted amplifier". A further amplifier (LNA) then feeds into the down conversion mixer; the I and Q base band signals are further amplified (VGA) and via a low pass filter (LPF) fed into the respective ADC's (SER I-ADC and SER Q-DAC). The serial interface in turn connects to the base band signal processing unit. The synchronizing "heartbeats" in the diagram are controlled by phase locked loops (PLL) with or without a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). Microcontrollers (C) provide local control and monitoring functions within the building blocks. The colored building blocks can all be sourced by NXP and are discussed in the following paragraphs. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 9 Recommended products Function frange Sub function 10 - 2200 700 - 1000 700 - 1000 688 - 1000 1800 - 2000 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 2100 - 2200 2010 - 2025 2110 - 2170 driver MMIC driver final HPA (high power amplifier - single transistors) final final final final MMIC driver integrated Doherty driver final 2000 - 2200 final final driver 2110 - 2170 2300 - 2400 driver final HPA (high power amplifier - Doherty designs) BLF6G21-10G BLM6G10-30 BLF6G10-160RN BLF6G10-200RN BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20L(S)-200 BLF7G20L(S)-250P BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLM6G22-30 BLD6G21L-50 BLD6G22L-50 BLF7G22L-130 BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22-180RN BLF7G22L(S)-200 BLF7G24L(S)-100(G) BLF6G27-10 BLF6G27-135 BLF7G27L-200P BLF6G38-10 BLF6G38-100 2500 - 2700 final Function Type MHz 3400 - 3600 D Gp W % dB 0.6 2 32 40 65 50 70 85 2 8 8 30 50 40 55 24 2 20 20 2 18.5 15 11.5 27 28.5 32 30 30 30 9 42 38 32 27.5 25 17 18 20 22.5 25 20 21.5 18.5 29 22.5 20 17.5 17 17 17 29.5 13.5 13.3 18.5 17.5 16 28 28 19 16 16.5 14 13 Mode of operation WCDMA. TD-SCDMA. GSM. EDGE WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA TD-SCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX Freq band (MHz) PPEAK (dBm) POUT-AVG (dBm) VDS (V) Gain (dB) Drain Eff. (%) Type Main transistor Peak transistor 728-768 869-894 925-960 1805-1880 1930-1990 2110-2170 2300-2400 2500-2700 3400-3600 58 58 58.9 58.2 58 58 49.5 52.5 51 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 44.5 43 32 32 32 28 32 32 28 28 28 19 19 22 16 15.5 15 14.5 14 11.5 47 46 44 42 37 40 43 38 32 SYM SYM SYM / MMPP SYM / MPPM SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF6G10-200RN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF7G20LS-250P BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G22-180PN 1/2 BLF7G27-75P 1/2 BLF6G27-150P BLF6G38-50 BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF6G10-200RN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF7G20LS-250P BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G22-180PN 1/2 BLF7G27-75P 1/2 BLF7G27-150P BLF6G38-50 Product highlight: high power transistor BLF7G20L(S)-300P NXP's LDMOS Gen6 and Gen7 enable the world's most efficient base station designs by combining very high intrinsic (Si technology) and extrinsic (amplifier design) efficiencies. Gen7 is specifically designed for Doherty amplifiers. 10 PL(AV) NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features unrivalled ruggedness very consistent device performance highest Doherty amplifier efficiencies to date 300 W peak power; 35 W average power in push pull package low thermal resistance design for very reliable operation Function Discrete attenuator Function Product RF diode PIN diode Product RF transistor LNA (low noise amplifier) & Mixer Function VGA (variable gain amplifier) Function RF MMIC SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC Product MMIC SiGe:C MMIC Product MMIC Type BAP64Q BAP70Q BAP64 Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT650 BGU7051 BGU7052 BGU7053 BGU7054 Package MMIC MPA (medium power amplifier) Package SOT753 SOT753 Various^ SiGe:C MMIC SOT617 Package SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT908 Type BGA7202* BGA7203* BGA7204* BGA7350* BGA7351* Type BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = SOD523, SOD323, SOT23 & SOT323 Function Sub function Max. sampling frequency dual channel DAC Dataconverters single channel ADC dual channel ADC Type # of bits Interface 650 Msps DAC1405D650 14 LVCMOS 160 Msps DAC1405D160 14 LVCMOS 125 Msps DAC1401D125 14 LVCMOS 750 Msps DAC1408D750 14 JESD204A 80 Msps ADC1207S080 12 LVCMOS 125 Msps ADC1415S125 14 LVCMOS&LVDS DDR 125 Msps ADC1410S125 14 LVCMOS&LVDS DDR 125 Msps ADC1412D125 14 LVCMOS&LVDS DDR 125 Msps ADC1413D125 14 JES204A Product highlight: medium power amplifier BGA7124 MMIC The BGA7124 MMIC is a one-stage driver amplifier, offered in a low-cost ultra small SOT908 leadless package. It delivers 25 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression and a superior performance for various narrowband-tuned application circuits for frequencies up to 2700 MHz. Features 400 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency operating range 16 dB small signal gain at 2 GHz 27 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression Integrated active biasing 3.3 V / 5 V single supply operation Simple quiescent current adjustment 1 A shutdown mode NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 11 1.1.2 Point-to-point Application diagram INDOOR UNIT POWER SUPPLY OUTDOOR UNIT PLL VCO 0 IF MPA VGA1 VGA1 PA MPA BPF 90 BUF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR REF MPX PMU PLL VCO 0 90 ANALOG VGA VGA2 Product Function Product MMIC Package SiGe:C MMIC SOT617 Package MMIC SOT89 SiGe:C MMIC SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 MMIC SOT908 Product Package IF gain block SiGe:C MMIC MMIC General purpose wideband amplifiers IF Product RF MMIC LNA RF transistor SiGe:C MMIC Wideband transistor Product VGA 2 (variable gain amplifier) MMIC SOT363 Package SOT891 SiGe:C transistor Function PLL ANTENNA PLL IF1 VGA2 SiGe:C MMIC SOT650 SOT343F Type BGA7202* BGA7203* BGA7204* Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* Type BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGM1012 BGA2714 BGA2748 BGA2771 Type BGU7003 BGU7051* BGU7052* BGU7053* BGU7054* BFU725F/N1 SOT143R BFG425W BFG424W BFG325/XR Package Type SOT343R BGA7350* SOT617 BGA7351* * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. 12 PMU SYNTH LNA2 LNA1 VGA1 brb406 Function VGA 1 (variable gain amplifier) Function REF LNA Recommended products Indoor unit Function MPX LPF DATA INTERFACE MPA (medium power amplifier) to/from IDU NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Outdoor unit Function VGA 1 (variable gain amplifier) Function MPA (medium power amplifier) Product Package BGA7202* MMIC SiGe:C MMIC SOT617 Buffer Function Product Package MMIC SOT89 SiGe:C MMIC SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 MMIC Product RF transistor SiGe:C transistor Product RF transistor LNA 2 MMIC Function BGA7203* BGA7204* SOT908 Function Type SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC Product IF gain block Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT891 BGU7003 Package Type BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 BGM1014 BGM1013 BGM1012 BGA2714 SiGe:C MMIC SOT363 IF 1 MMIC Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* General purpose wideband amplifiers Product highlight: medium power amplifier BGA7124 MMIC The BGA7124 MMIC is a one-stage driver amplifier, offered in a lowcost ultra small SOT908 leadless package. It delivers 25 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression and a superior performance for various narrowband-tuned application circuits for frequencies up to 2700 MHz. Function VGA 2 (variable gain amplifier) Function PLL Function Oscillator Function Synth Product Package SiGe:C MMIC MMIC Product SOT617 Package RF IC SiGe:C IC Product SOT616 Package RF transistor Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor Product RF diode Varicap diode SOT343R SOT343F Type BGA7202* BGA7203* BGA7204* BGA7350* BGA7351* Type TFF1003HN TFF1007HN* TFF11xxxHN*^ Type BFG424W BFG425W BFU725F/N1 Package Type SOD523 BB202 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = 17 different types with LO ranges: 7-15 GHz, see 3.4.2 Features 400 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency operating range 16 dB small signal gain at 2 GHz 27 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression Integrated active biasing 3.3 V / 5 V single supply operation Simple quiescent current adjustment 1 A shutdown mode NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 13 1.2 Microwave & mmWave 1.2.1 VSAT Application diagram OUTDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNIT IF POWER SUPPLY PA IF1 MOD BUF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR REF MPX to/from IDU REF MPX PMU PMU LNA IF2 SYNTH PLL N PLL OMT ANTENNA BUF DATA INTERFACE IF1 DEMOD Product IF gain block SiGe:C MMIC MMIC General purpose wideband amplifiers IF Function Product LNA 14 LNA1 brb405 Recommended products VSAT Indoor unit Function LNA2 Package Type SOT363 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGM1012 BGA2714 BGA2748 BGA2771 Package Type SiGe:C transistor SOT343F Wideband transistor SOT343R BFU725F/N1 BFG425W BFG424W BFG325/XR RF transistor NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition SOT143R Recommended products VSAT Outdoor unit Function Product IF gain block Function Function RF transistor MMIC SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC Product PLL Function Oscillator Function Synth Function Buffer RF IC SiGe:C IC Product RF transistor Type BFU725F/N1 BGU7003 Package Type SOT616 TFF1003HN TFF1007HN* TFF11xxxHN*^ Package Type BFG424W BFG425W BFU725F/N1 SOT343F Package Type Varicap diode SOD523 BB202 Package Type SiGe:C transistor SOT343F BFU725F/N1 Product RF transistor Package SOT343F SOT891 Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor Product RF diode SOT363 General purpose wideband amplifiers Product LNA2 Type BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 BGM1014 BGM1013 BGM1012 BGA2714 SiGe:C MMIC IF MMIC Package SOT343R * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = 17 different types with LO ranges: 7-15 GHz, see 3.4.2 Product highlight: TFF1003HN The TFF1003HN is a Ku band frequency generator intended for low phase noise Local Oscillator (LO) circuits for Ku band VSAT transmitters and transceivers. The specified phase noise complies with IESS-308 from Intelsat. Features Phase noise compliant with IESS-308 (Intelsat) LO generator with VCO range from 12.8 GHz to 13.05 GHz Input signal 50 MHz to 815 MHz Divider settings 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 15 1.2.2 Microwave products for Avionics, L- and S-band Radar applications Application diagram RF signals video, timing, bias voltage, control and data I-f signals RF small signal ANTENNA DRIVE RF POWER BOARD RF power PLL VCO MPA mixer HPA ISOLATOR VGA local oscillator duplexer DISPLAY AND CONTROL WAVEFORM GENERATOR local oscillator signal PLL VCO control and timing video mixer DETECTOR LNA IF amplifier brb410 Recommended products Application 16 Function Name Package MHz W % dB V Avionics power transistors driver final final final BLL6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BLA6G1011-200R SOT467C SOT634A SOT539A SOT502A2 500 - 1400 960 - 1215 1030 - 1090 1030 - 1090 25 (min) 450 600 200 50 50 52 65 19 17 19 20 50 50 50 28 PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB L-Band power transistors driver final final final BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H1214-500 BLL6H1214L(S)-250 BLL6HL(S)0514-130 SOT467C SOT539A SOT502 SOT1135 500 - 1400 1200 - 1400 1200 - 1400 500 - 1400 25 (min) 500 (min) 250 130 50 50 55 50 19 17 17 18 50 50 50 50 PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB Pulsed RF Pulsed RF S-band power transistors driver driver driver final final final final final final final final BLS6G2731-6G BLS6G3135-20 BLS6G3135S-20 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731S-120 BLS6G2933S-130 BLS6G3135-120 BLS6G3135S-120 BLS7G2933P-200 BLS7G2731P-200 BLS6G2731S-130 SOT975C SOT608A SOT608B SOT502A SOT502B SOT922-1 SOT502A SOT502B pallet pallet SOT922 2700 - 3100 3100 - 3500 3100 - 3500 2700 - 3100 2700 - 3100 2900 - 3300 3100 - 3500 3100 - 3500 2900 - 3300 2700 - 3100 2700 - 3100 6 20 20 120 120 130 120 120 200 200 130 33 45 45 48 48 47 43 43 45 45 49 15 15.5 15.5 13.5 13.5 12.5 11 11 11 11 13 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB Pulsed RF NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Function Discrete attenuator Product RF diode PIN diode Package Type Various^ BAP64 Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 ^ = SOD523, SOD323, SOT23 & SOT323 Function LNA (low noise amplifier) & Mixer Function Product RF transistor SiGe:C transistor Product Package Type SOT363 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 BGM1014 BGM1013 BGM1012 SiGe:C MMIC IF amplifier MMIC General purpose wideband amplifiers Function PLL/VCO LO generator Function VGA (variable gain amplifier) Function MPA (medium power amplifier) Product RF IC SiGe:C IC Product MMIC Type SOT616 TFF1003HN TFF1007HN* TFF11xxxHN*^ Package SiGe:C MMIC Product MMIC Package SOT617 Type BGA7202* BGA7203* BGA7204* BGA7350* BGA7351* Package SiGe:C MMIC MMIC SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT908 SOT89 Type BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* BGA6589 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = 17 different types with LO ranges: 7-15 GHz, see 3.4.2 Product highlight: The BLS6G2933P-200 is the first LDMOS based, industry standard pallet available on the market. This pallet offers more than 40% efficiency includes the complete bias network and can be used as direct replacement for current solutions. Features P1 dB> 200 W Efficiency > 40% Industry standard footprint 50 in/out matched for entire bandwidth Lightweight heat sink included NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 17 1.3 Fixed Communication Infrastructure Note: looking for MoCA and Satellite Multi Switch Boxes? See chapter 1.4 TV, STB and Satellite. 1.3.1 CATV optical (optical node with multiple out-ports) Application diagram RF power amplifier duplex filter coax out port 1 RF forward receiver fiber in RF preamplifier splitter coax out port 2 coax out port 3 coax out port 4 bra852 Recommended products Function Product RF forward receiver Function Forward path receiver Product RF pre-amplifier Function RF power amplifier Frequency 870 MHz Frequency Push-Pulls 870 MHz Power doubler 870 MHz Product Power doublers Frequency 870 MHz Package SOT115 SOT115 SOT115 Type BGO807 BGO807CE BGO827 Gain (dB) 18 - 19 21 - 22 18.2 - 18.8 Type BGY885A BGY887 BGD812 Gain (dB) 20.5 - 22.5 23 - 25 Type CGD942C CGD944C Product highlight: BGO807CE BGO807CE is an integrated optical receiver module that provides high output levels and includes an integrated temperature compensated circuitry. In your optical node design, BGO807CE enables a high performance/ price ratio and ruggedness. When upgrading an HFC network from analog to digital our BGO807CE is the perfect fit. 18 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features E xcellent linearity Low noise E xcellent flatness Standard CATV outline Rugged construction Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability High optical input power range 1.3.2 CATV electrical (line extenders) Application diagram duplex filter RF preamplifier RF power amplifier duplex filter coax in coax out RF reverse amplifier bra505 Recommended products Function Product Frequency 550 MHz 600 MHz 750 MHz RF pre-amplifier Push-Pulls 870 MHz 1000 MHz Function RF reverse amplifier Product Reverse hybrids Frequency 5-75 MHz 5-120 MHz 5-200 MHz Gain (dB) 33.5 - 35.5 33.5 - 35.5 26.2 - 27.8 21 - 22 33.5 - 35.2 33.5 - 34.5 18 - 19 21 - 22 18 - 19 21 - 22 33.5 - 34.5 34.5 - 36.5 18 - 19 22 24 28 29 32 Type BGY588N BGY588C BGY587B BGY687 BGE788C BGE788 BGY785A BGY787 BGY885A BGY887 BGY888 CGY888C BGY1085A CGY1041* CGY1043* CGY1047 CGY1049* CGY1032* Gain (dB) 29.2 - 30.8 24.5 - 25.5 23.5 - 24.5 Type BGY68 BGY66B BGY67A Function Product Frequency 550 MHz 750 MHz RF power amplifier Power doublers 870 MHz 1000 MHz Gain (dB) 18-19 19.5 - 20.5 18.2 - 18.8 18.2 - 18.8 20 - 20.6 18 - 19 18.2 - 18.8 19.7 - 20.3 20.5 - 22.5 23 - 25 21 23 23 25 25 26 Type BGD502 BGD704 BGD712 BGD712C BGD714 BGD802 BGD812 BGD814 CGD942C CGD944C CGD1040Hi CGD1042H CGD1042Hi CGD1044H CGD1044Hi CGD1046Hi* All available in SOT115 package. * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Product highlight: CGD1046Hi CGD1046Hi* with a very high-output power level is primarily designed for use in fiber deep-optical-node applications (N+1/2/3). This 1 GHz hybrid amplifier solution offers an extended temperature range, high power overstress capabilities in case of surges and high ESD levels resulting in a low cost of ownership. It's designed for durability and offering superior ruggedness. Features High-output power High power gain for power doublers Extremely low noise Dark Green products GaAs HFET dies for high-end applications Rugged construction Superior levels of ESD protection Integrated ringwave protection Design optimized for digital channel loading Temperature compensated gain response Optimized heat management Excellent temperature resistance NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 19 1.3.3 Broadcast / ISM (industrial, scientific & medical) Application diagram typ. 0.5 kW DVB-T Driver stages harmonic filter TV exciter DVB-T typ. 5 kW DVB-T output power power monitor 8 x final amplifiers Recommended products Function Type driver BLF871(S) driver BLF881(S) driver final final BLF571 BLF573(S) BLF574 final BLF578 final BLF645 final BLF878 final BLF888 final BLF888A(S) final BLF177 BLF278 frange PL(AV) nD Gp MHz W % dB 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1400 0 - 1400 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 28 - 108 108 - 225 100 24 140 33 20 300 500 1200 1000 100 100 75 300 250 110 250 115 150 250 - 300 47 33 49 34 70 70 70 71 75 45 56 32 46 46 31 46 32 >35 50 - 80 21 22 21 21 27.5 27.2 26.5 24 26 18 18 21 21 19 19 19 19 20 14 - 20 Product highlight: NXP's 50 V high voltage LDMOS process enables highest power and unequalled ruggedness. BLF888A: delivers the highest power level for digital broadcasting available to date. 20 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Mode of operation 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T CW CW CW PULSED RF CW 2-TONE CW DVB-T DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T CW class AB CW class AB Best broadband efficiency Highest power devices Unrivalled ruggedness Low-thermal resistance design for very reliable operation Very consistent device performance 1.4 TV, NIM (STB) and Satellite Note: looking for TV on Mobile? See chapter 1.5.1 Handset. 1.4.1 Network interface module (NIM) for TV reception Application diagram RF input VGA surge CONVENTIONAL TUNER OR SILICON TUNER RF SW WB LNA RF output Make a high performance active splitter in a NIM tuner with BGU703x. Nowadays more flexibility in design and more complicated signal handling is required for a TV tuner. A front-end of a TV signal receiver is no longer just a tuned receiver, but has evolved into a RF Network Interface Module (NIM) with tuned demodulators, active splitters and re-modulators. The active splitter requires an LNA with excellent linearity. We have developed a new series of LNA/ VGA MMICs (BGU703x) designed specifically for high linearity (IP3O of 29 dBm) in low noise applications like an active splitter in a NIM tuner. brb403 Save energy with BF11x8 The BF11x8 series are small signal RF switching MOSFETs which can be used for switching RF signals up to 1 GHz. With the use of the BF11x8 series as a RF switch you can save a considerable amount of energy. When a recording device (DVD-R, HDD-R, VCR, DVR) is powered off people can remain watching TV, although the antenna is looped via the recording device. Without using BF11x8 the antenna signal is lost. At the moment the power of the recording device is on, the BF11x8 is open, so the RF signal travels via the recording device to the TV tuner. At the moment the power of the recording device is completely off, the BF11x8 closes. This ensures that the RF signal is looped through directly to the TV tuner and that TV reception is guaranteed. Energy is saved because the recording device can be powered off. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 21 Recommended products Function Product 5V Silicon RF switch RF Switch / PLT switch MOSFET 3.3V Silicon RF Switch Package SOT23 SOT143B SOT143R SOT343 SOT343R SOT143B SOT143R SOT343 SOT343R Type BF1107 BF1108 BF1108R BF1108W BF1108WR BF1118 BF1118R BF1118W BF1118WR Note: Using the BF1108 as passive loop through switch between the RF input and output of a NIM tuner can save considerable energy. For example, when the HDR is not in used, the TV signal can still be distributed to the TV without having to power up the active splitter circuit in the HDR. That is because the BF1108 RF switch is closed when no power is supplied to it, and is open when it is powered on. For 3.3 V applications, the BF1118 can be used instead. Function Product VGA RF BiMOS MMIC LNA RF bipolar transistor Package Type Wideband transistor with gain levels of 5 dB and 10 dB, plus a bypass mode. SOT363 BGU7033*^ Wideband transistor with gain level of 10dB and a bypass mode. SOT363 BGU7032*^ Wideband transistor with gain level of 10dB SOT363 BGU7031*^ SOT143 BFG520 BFG540 BFQ540 Wideband transistor SOT89 Function AGC control amplifier Product MOSFET 2 - in - 1 with band switch @ 5V 2 - in - 1 @ 5V 5V Package Type SOT363 BF1215 SOT363 BF1216 SOT343 BF1217 Note: given that there is now an LNA before the MOSFET, the gain of these MOSFETs is made slightly lower and the cross-modulation higher. That way, the MOSFET would not be constantly under AGC even under nominal RF input level. * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = this new series of LNA MMICs is designed specifically for high linearity (IP3O of 29 dBm), low noise application like those in an active splitter or NIM tuner. Housed in a 6-pin SOT363 plastic SMD package, these MMICs are equipped with internal bias and matched to 75 ohms internally. For the VGAs, current consumption is < 5mA during the bypass mode. Only 2 external components are needed, thus saving precious circuit board space! Product highlight: BF11x8 silicon RF switch, MOSFET This switch is a combination of a depletion type field-effect transistor and a band switching diode in an SOT143 or SOT343 package. The low insertion loss and high isolation capabilities of this device provide excellent RF switching functions. The gate of the MOSFET can be isolated from ground with the diode, resulting in low losses. Integrated diodes between gate and source and between gate and drain protect against excessive input voltage surges. 22 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Specially designed for low loss RF switching up to 1 GHz Easy to design-in Power ON: low losses Power OFF: high isolation ON or OFF, ZERO power consumption 1.4.2 Basic TV tuner Application diagram MOSFET RF input From antenna, cable, active splitter, etc. MOPLL IC IF VAGC bra500 Recommended products Function Product VHF low Input filter Varicap diode VHF high UHF Function Product 5V RF pre-amplifier MOSFET 2-in-1 @ 5 V V 2-in-1 @ 3 V Package SOD323 SOD523 SOD882T SOD323 SOD523 SOD523 SOD882T SOD882T SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD523 Type BB152 BB182 BB182LX BB153 BB178 BB187 BB178LX BB187LX BB149A BB179LX BB179 BB189 Function Package SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT666 SOT666 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT666 Type BF1201 BF1202 BF1105 BF1211 BF1212 BF1102R BF1203 BF1204 BF1205 BF1205C BF1206 BF1207 BF1208 BF1208D BF1210 BF1214 BF1218 BF1206F Function Product highlight: BF1206F dual gate mosfet double amplifier specified for low power applications The device consists of two dual gate mosfet amplifiers in a small SOT666 flatlead package. The BF1206F is a true low power device specified for low voltage and low currents, intended for use in mobile applications where power consumption is critical. Performance is suitable for application at supply voltages of 3 Volts and draincurrents of 4 mA. Product VHF low Bandpass filter Varicap diode VHF high UHF Product VHF low Oscillator Varicap diode VHF high UHF Function RF pre-amplifier Product MOSFET Package SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD523 Type BB152 BB182LX BB182 BB153 BB178LX BB178 BB187LX BB187 BB149A BB179LX BB179 BB189 Package SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD523 Type BB152 BB182LX BB182 BB153 BB178LX BB178 BB187LX BB187 BB149A BB179LX BB179 BB189 Package Type 2-in-1 with band switch @ 5V SOT363 BF1215 2-in-1 @ 5V SOT363 BF1216 5V SOT343 BF1217 Features Low power specified Two amplifiers in one small SOT666 package Shared gate 2 and Source leads Each amplifier is biased by an external bias resistor E xcellent noise and crossmodulation performance NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 23 1.4.3 MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance) Application diagram PA Cable Connection LPF BALUN Diplexer/ BPF T/R Tx ON/OFF Switched 1 Bit Attenuator 15 dB MoCA Chip BALUN Rx ON/OFF brb401 Recommended products Function Product SPDT switch Function RF diode PIN diode Product PA (power amplifier) MMIC SiGe:C MMIC Package SOD523 SOD323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOD822T Type BAP64-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-04W BAP64-05 BAP64-05W BAP64-06 BAP64-06W BAP64LX Package SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 Type BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 Product highlight: medium power amplifier BGA7124 MMIC The BGA7124 MMIC is a one-stage driver amplifier, offered in a lowcost ultra small SOT908 leadless package. It delivers 25 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression and a superior performance for various narrowband-tuned application circuits for frequencies up to 2700 MHz. 24 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features 400 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency operating range 16 dB small signal gain at 2 GHz 27 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression Integrated active biasing 3.3 V / 5 V single supply operation Simple quiescent current adjustment 1 A shutdown mode 1.4.4 Satellite outdoor unit, low noise block (LNB) for multiple users Application diagram horizontal 1st antenna stage LNA 2nd stage LNA 3rd stage LNA mixer H low IF amplifier oscillator low mixer BIAS IC V low mixer IF amplifier H high (4 x 2) IF SWITCH IF amplifier IF out 1 IF amplifier vertical antenna high oscillator IF amplifier V high 1st stage LNA 2nd stage LNA 3rd stage LNA mixer IF amplifier IF out 2 brb022 Recommended products Function Oscillator Product RF bipolar transistor RF transistor Function Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor Product General purpose amplifier 1st stage IF amplifier MMIC IF gain block RF bipolar transistor Function IF switch Wideband transistor Product RF diode PIN diode Package SOT343 SOT343F Type BFG424W BFG424F SOT343F BFU725F/N1 Package SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT343 SOT343F Type BGA2711 BGA2712 BGA2748 BGA2714 BGA2717 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 BFG424W BFG424F Package various various various various various Type BAP64^ BAP51^ BAP1321^ BAP50^ BAP63^ Function Product General purpose amplifier Output stage IF amplifier MMIC IF gain block# RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor Package SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Type BGA2709 BGA2776 BGM1014 BGM1012 BGA2716 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 SOT343 BFG325 # = When using one of our IF gain blocks (BGA28xx) as output stage IF amplifier, you do not need an output inductor anymore. Function Product 3 stage LNA RF transistor Function Product rd Mixer RF transistor SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C transistor Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 ^ = also available in ultra small leadless package SOD882T. Product highlight: BGA28xx-family, IF gain blocks The BGA28xx IF gain blocks are Silicon Monolitic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) wideband amplifiers with internal matching circuit in a 6-pin SOT363 plastic SMD package. Features Internally matched to 50 Reverse isolation > 30 dB up to 2 GHz Good linearity with low second order and third order products Unconditionally stable (K > 1) NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 25 1.4.5 Satellite Multi Switch Box - 4 x 4 (up to 16 x 16) / DiSEqC / SMATV Application diagram input terrestrial amplifier input terrestrial satellite dishe(s) input amplifiers LNB output amplifiers coax out to STB SWITCH MATRIX FOR 4 x 4, NEEDS 16 (SINGLE) PIN DIODES coax out to STB coax out to STB coax out to STB brb023 Recommended products Function Product Input amplifier terrestrial Function MMIC Package General purpose medium power amplifier Product MMIC Input amplifier LNB RF bipolar transistor General purpose amplifier Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor Function Product Switch matrix SOT89 SOT908 Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7024 BGA7124 Package SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT343 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 Type BGA2771 BGA2776 BGA2709 BGM1012 BFG325 BFG425W BFG520 BFG540 SOT343F BFU725F/N1 Package Type BAP50^ BAP51^ BAP63^ BAP64^ BAP70^ BAP1321^ RF diode PIN diode Various RF transistor SiGe:C transistor SOT343F Function Product MMIC Package General purpose medium power amplifier General purpose amplifier Output amplifier RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor SOT908 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT143 Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7024 BGA7124 BGM1011 BGM1013 BGM1014 BFG135 BFG 591 BFG198 BFG540 SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT89 BFU725F/N1 ^ = also available in ultra small leadless package SOD882T. Product highlight: PIN diodes for switching matrix Together with outstanding RF performance, this component simplify design-in because of its extremely low forward resistance, diode capacitance and series inductance. Significant board space saving by supplying a range of high compact package options - including SOD523, SOD323 and leadless SOD882T. 26 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features High isolation, low distortion, low insertion loss Low forward resistance (Rd) and diode capacitance (Cd) Ultra-small package options 1.4.6 Digital Satellite Set Top Box (high definition) Application diagram Coax-in (HD) Satellite System on Chip (SoC) Balun brb435 Recommended products Function LNA Product MMIC Package Medium Power Amplifier SOT89 Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 Product highlight: BGA6489 MMIC medium power amplifier Features 20 dBm output power Single supply voltage needed Silicon Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) wideband medium power amplifier with internal matching circuit in a 4-pin SOT89 plastic low thermal resistance SMD package. The BGA6489 provides high-quality performance in satellite applications from 250 MHz - 2.15 GHz. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 27 1.5 Consumer Mobile Note: looking for MoCA and Satellite Multi Switch Boxes? See chapter 1.4 TV, STB and Satellite. 1.5.1 Mobile Platforms (GPS / TV on mobile / FM radio / Reference clock / CMMB^ / LTE) ^ = Chinese Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting (CMMB) Application diagram LNA MULTI-BAND TRANSCEIVER LNA Vref FM RADIO TRANSCEIVER LNA VCTCXO CLK BUFFER GPS RECEIVER GPS RF BB PROCESSING GPS BB Vref LNA CMMB DECODER ANALOG TV RECEIVER LNA TUNER DECODER VIDEO PROCESSOR APPLICATION brb402 Recommended products Function Product LTE LNA Function MMIC SiGe:C MMIC Product FM radio LNA Function Transistor Product GPS LNA Function MMIC CMMB LNA MMIC Type BGU7003 Package Wideband transistor SiGe:C MMIC J-FET Frequency SiGe:C MMIC Product Transistor Package SOT891 Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC SOT891 SOT23 Type BFR93AW BFS505 BGU7003 BF510 Package SOT891 SOT886 SOT886 Type BGU7003 BGU7005 BGU7007* Package Type SOT343 BFG425W SOT323 SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT891 BGU7003 Function TV on Mobile LNA Product Transistor MMIC Function TV on Mobile tuning diode Function Reference clock Product RF diode Product CLK buffer VCTCXO Package Type SOT343 BFG425W Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT891 BGU7003 Frequency Package Varicap diode^ SOT882T Type BB202LX BB178LX BB179LX BB181LX BB182LX BB184LX BB187LX Frequency Wideband transistor Wideband transistor Package Type SOT323 BFR93AW SOT363A BFM520 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ^ = also in SOD523 Product highlight: BGU7003 SiGe:C MMIC Manufactured in NXP's latest SiGe:C process, this high-frequency RF MMIC delivers high-quality reception with extended battery life. It is a cost-effective, silicon based alternative to GaAs devices, and offers higher integration and easier design-in than discrete bipolar transistors. 28 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Low-noise, high-gain microwave MMIC Maximum stable gain = 19 dB at 1.575 GHz 110-GHz fT-Silicon Germanium technology Optimized performance at low (5-mA) supply current Extemely thin, leadless 6-pin SOT891 package Integrated biasing and shutdown for easy integration 1.5.2 A 2.4 & 5 GHz front-end for WLAN (802.11n Dual Concurrent) Application diagram low pass filter PActrl Tx antenna SPDT switch medium power amplifier APPLICATION CHIP SET Rx bandpass filter LNA SPDT bra502 Recommended products Function Medium power amplifier Function LNA Product MMIC Package Medium power amplifier Product RF Transistor SiGe:C transistor MMIC SiGe:C MMIC SOT89 SOT908 Type BGA7024 BGA7027 BGA7124 BGA7127 Package Type SOT343F BFU725F/N1 SOT891 BGU7003 Product highlight: medium power amplifier BGA7127 MMIC The BGA7127 MMIC is a one-stage driver amplifier, offered in a low-cost ultra small SOT908 leadless package. It delivers 28 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression and a superior performance for various narrowband-tuned application circuits for frequencies up to 2700 MHz. Features 400 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency operating range 13 dB small signal gain at 2 GHz 28 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression Integrated active biasing 3.3 V / 5 V single supply operation Simple quiescent current adjustment 1 A shutdown mode NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 29 1.5.3 2-way radio / family radio system Application diagram antenna filter LNA filter mixer buffer SPDT switch VCO filter PA driver LOW FREQUENCY CHIP SET VCO bra850 Recommended products Function Product SPDT Switch RF diode Bandswitch diode PIN diode Function Product RF bipolar transistor LNA MMIC Function Product RF bipolar transistor Driver MMIC Wideband transistor Package SOD523 SOD323 various various Type BA277 BA591 BAP51^ BAP1321^ Function Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 Type PBR951 PRF957 PRF947 Function SiGe:C SOT343F transistor SOT343R Low noise wideband ampl. SOT343R Package Wideband SOT323 transistor SOT23 Amplifier SOT363 Gen. purpose SOT363 wideband ampl. SOT363 BGA2001 BGA2003 Type PRF957 PBR951 BGA2031/1 BGA2771 BGA2776 Product highlight: PRF957 silicon NPN UHF wideband transistor Silicon NPN UHF wideband transistor in a surface mount 3-pin SOT323 package is primarily intended for wideband applications in the RF front end. The transistor is widely built as LNA, power amplifier, driver and buffer in the UHF band application. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Buffer RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor MMIC Linear mixer Product RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor BFU725F/N1 ^ = also available in ultra small leadless package SOD882T 30 Mixer Product Function Power amplifier Function VCO Features Product MMIC Product Varicap diodes Gen. purpose wideband ampl. VCO varicap diodes Package SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT363 Type BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W BGA2022 Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT416 Type PBR951 PRF957 PRF947 PRF949 Package Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7024 BGA7027 SOT89 Package SOD523 SOD323 Type BB198 BB156 Small 3-pin plastic surface mounted package Low noise (1.3 dB at 1 GHz) and high power gain (15 dB at 1 GHz) Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability 1.5.4 DECT front-end DECT in-house base station Application diagram Application diagram antenna LNA antenna LNA filter mixer filter buffer switch filter SPDT switch CHIPSET PA VCO filter PA driver CHIPSET VCO bra911 Recommended products Function RF Switch Recommended products Product RF diode bra910 PIN Diode Package various various various various various various Type BAP51^ BAP55^ BAP142^ BAP63^ BAP64^ BAP1321^ ^ = also available in ultra small leadless package SOD882T. Function Product RF diode RF Switch Function Mixer PIN Diode Product RF bipolar transistor MMIC Wideband transistor SiGe:C transistor Linear mixer Package various various various various various various Type BAP51^ BAP55^ BAP142^ BAP63^ BAP64^ BAP1321^ Package SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 Type BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W SOT343F BFU725F/N1# SOT363 BGA2022 # = also for 5.8 GHz Product highlight: BAP64xx PIN diode for RF switch Operating up to 3 GHz with high-voltage handling capabilities, NXP's PIN diodes are ideal for a wide range of wireless communication application. Together with outstanding RF performance, this component simplify design-in because of its extremely low forward resistance, diode capacitance and series inductance. Features Operate up to 3 GHz High isolation, low distortion, low insertion loss Low forward resistance (Rd) and diode capacitance (Cd) Ultra-small package options Significant board space saving by supplying a range of high compact package options - including SOD523, SOD323 and leadless SOD882T. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 31 1.6 Automotive & Industrial Note: looking for GPS? See chapter 1.5.1 Handset. 1.6.1 Active antenna Application diagram antenna 1st stage LNA 2nd stage LNA 3rd stage LNA CHIPSET brb215 Recommended products Function 1st stage LNA Product Function Product 2nd stage LNA Function 3 rd stage LNA MMIC MMIC Product RF transistor MMIC Low noise wideband amplifier General purpose wideband amplifier SiGe:C transistor SiGe:C MMIC Package SOT343R SOT343R Type BGA2001 BGA2003 Package SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Type BGM1013 BGM1011 BGA2715 BGA2748 Package SOT343F SOT891 Type BFU725F/N1 BGU7003 Product highlight: BGU7003 SiGe:C MMIC Manufactured in NXP's latest SiGe:C process, this high-frequency RF MMIC delivers high-quality reception with extended battery life. It is a cost-effective, silicon based alternative to GaAs devices, and offers higher integration and easier design-in than discrete bipolar transistors. 32 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Low-noise, high-gain microwave MMIC Maximum stable gain = 19 dB at 1.575 GHz 110-GHz fT-Silicon Germanium technology Optimized performance at low (5-mA) supply current Extemely thin, leadless 6-pin SOT891 package Integrated biasing and shutdown for easy integration 1.6.2 Remote keyless entry, RF generic front-end with dedicated antenna for reception and transmission Application diagram antenna filter receiver LNA filter mixer LOW FREQUENCY CHIP SET buffer VCO antenna filter transmitter PA driver VCO LOW FREQUENCY CHIP SET bra851 Recommended products Function Product RF bipolar transistor LNA MMIC Wideband transistor Low noise SOT343R wideband ampl. SiGe:C MMIC Function Product RF bipolar transistor Driver MMIC Function VCO SOT891 Package Wideband SOT323 transistor SOT23 Amplifier SOT363 Gen. purpose SOT363 wideband ampl. SOT363 Product Varicap diodes Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 VCO varicap diodes Package SOD323 SOD323 SOD523 SOD323 Type PBR951 PRF957 PRF947 BGA2001 BGA2002^ BGA2003 BGU7003 Type PRF957 PBR951 BGA2031/1 BGA2771 BGA2776 Type BB148 BB149A BB198 BB156 Function Mixer Function Buffer Function Power amplifier Product RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor MMIC Linear mixer Product RF bipolar transistor Product RF bipolar transistor MMIC Wideband transistor Wideband transistor Amplifier Gen. purpose wideband ampl. Package SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT363 Type BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W BGA2022 Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT416 Type PBR951 PRF957 PRF947 PRF949 Package SOT323 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT908 Type PRF957 PBR951 BGA2031/1 BGA2771 BGA2776 BGA7124 ^ = automotive qualified Product highlight: NXP varicap diodes for VCO Varicap diodes are principally used as voltage varicap capacitors with their diode function a secondary option. These devices are ideal for voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) in ISM band applications. Features E xcellent linearity E xcellent matching Very low series resistance High capacitance ratio NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 33 1.6.3 Tire pressure monitoring system Application diagram antenna filter PA driver VCO SENSOR brb216 Recommended products Function Product RF bipolar transistor PA Function Product RF bipolar transistor Driver MMIC Function VCO Wideband transistor Wideband transistor Amplifier Gen. pupose wideband ampl. Product Varicap diodes VCO varicap diodes Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 Type BFR92A BFR92AW BFR94A^ BFR93AW BFR94AW^ Package SOT323 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Type PRF957 PBR951 BGA2031/1 BGA2771 BGA2776 Package SOD523 SOD323 Type BB198 BB156 ^ = automotive qualified Product highlight: BFR94AW silicon NPN transistor It is designed for use in RF amplifiers, mixers and oscillators with signal frequencies up to 1 GHz. This silicon NPN transistor encapsulated in a plastic SOT323 (S-mini) package. The BFR92AW uses the same crystal as the SOT23 version, BFR92A. 34 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features High power gain Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability SOT323 (S-mini) package AUTOMOTIVE QUALIFIED 1.6.4 Car radio receiver (CREST ICs: TEF6860HL, TEF6862HL) Application diagram FM input filter & AGC 1st mixer IF bandpass filter 2nd mixer variable BW filter IF limiter FM deamplifier modulator f AGC & hum filter oscillator V FM MPX oscillator AM LNA DET RF input filter 1st mixer IF bandpass filter 2nd mixer IF bandpass filter AM audio IF AM deamplifier modulator bra501 Recommended products Function AM LNA Product RF transistor Function Product FM input filter & AGC RF diode JFET Varicap diode PIN diode Package SOT23 Type BF862 Package SOT23 SOT23 SOD523 SOD323 Type BB201^ BB207 BAP70-02 BAP70-03 Function AGC & hum filter Product Function Product Oscillator RF diode RF diode Package Type PIN diode SOT363 BAP70AM Varicap diode Package SOD323 SOD523 Type BB156 BB208-02 ^ = OIRT Note 1: All these recommended discrete products are applicable for NICEPACS, CCC and DDICE: NICE:TEA6840H,TEA6845H,TEA684 6H, NICEPACS:TEA6848H,TEA6849H; CCC:TEF6901H,TEF6903H; DDICE:TEA6721HL. All these recommended discrete products are applicable excluding AM LNA in: DICE2:TEF6730HWCE. Product highlight: BF862 Junction Field Effect Transistor Our Tuning component portfolio contains excellent products for car radio reception applications, playing a vital role for in-vehicle media platforms. The NXP devices for this application ensure excellent reception quality and ease of design in. Performance is demonstrated in reference designs. Note 2: Phone and portable radio (IC:TEA5767/68) use varicap BB202 as FM oscillator. Features High transition frequency and optimized input capacitance for excellent sensitivity High transfer admittance resulting in high gain Encapsulated in the versatile and easy to use SOT23 package High performance Junction Fet BF862, specially designed for car radio AM amplifiers. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 35 1.6.5 E-metering, RF generic front-end with a single antenna / ZigBee Application diagram antenna filter LNA filter mixer buffer SPDT switch filter VCO MPA driver E-METERING CHIP SET VCO bra850 Recommended products Function Product SPDT Switch Package SOD523 SOD323 various various Type BA277 BA591 BAP51^ BAP1321^ Function Product RF transistor SiGe:C transistor Low noise wideband ampl. MMIC SiGe:C MMIC Package SOT343F SOT343R SOT343R SOT891 Type BFU725F /N1 BGA2001 BGA2003 BGU7003 Function Product RF bipolar transistor Package Type Function SOT343 BFG425W SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 BGA2031/1 BGA2771 BGA2776 RF diode Bandswitch diode PIN diode Function LNA Function Driver MMIC Wideband transistor Amplifier Gen. purpose wideband ampl. Mixer Buffer Medium power amplifier Product RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor MMIC Linear mixer Product RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor Product RF bipolar transistor Wideband transistor MMIC ^ = also available in ultra small leadless package SOD882T. Function VCO Product highlight: BGA7127 MMIC medium power amplifier The BGA7127 MMIC is a one-stage driver amplifier, offered in a low-cost ultra small SOT908 leadless package. It delivers 27 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression and a superior performance for various narrowband-tuned application circuits for frequencies up to 2700 MHz. 36 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Product Varicap diodes Gen. purpose wideband ampl. VCO varicap diodes Package SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT363 Type BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W BGA2022 Package SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 SOT416 Type PBR951 PRF957 PRF947 PRF949 Package Type SOT343 BFG21W SOT908 SOT908 BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7127 Package SOD523 SOD323 Type BB198 BB156 SOT89 400 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency operating range 16 dB small signal gain at 2 GHz 27 dBm output power at 1 dB gain compression Integrated active biasing 3.3 V / 5 V single supply operation Simple quiescent current adjustment 1 A shutdown mode 1.6.6 RF Plasma Lighting Application diagram RF (plasma) bulb oscillator MPA HPA CONTROLLER brb436 Recommended products Function Type driver final final BLF571 BLF573S BLF574 final BLF578 final BLF645 final final BLF 278 BLF 177 Function frange (MHz) PL W Gp dB Mode of operation 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1300 0 - 1300 108 - 225 28 - 108 20 300 400 1200 1000 100 100 250 150 27.5 27.2 26.5 24 24 18 17 16 19 1-TONE; 2-TONE; CW 1-TONE; 2-TONE; CW 1-TONE; 2-TONE; CW 1-TONE; PULSED RF 1-TONE; CW 2-TONE CW class AB class B Product Package MMIC MPA (medium power amplifier) MMIC SiGe:C MMIC SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Product highlight: NXP's 50 V high voltage LDMOS process enables highest power at unprecedented ruggedness levels necessary for this kind of application. BLF578: 1000 W CW operation - highest power LDMOS Features Highest power device Unprecedented ruggedness Low-thermal resistance design for very reliable operation Very consistent device performance Broadband device for flexible use NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 37 1.6.7 Medical Imaging Application diagram Magnet X GRADIENT AMPLIFIER Gradient coils RF coils Y GRADIENT AMPLIFIER WAVEFORM GENERATOR Z GRADIENT AMPLIFIER RF amplifier RF ELECTRONICS ADC COMPUTER IMAGE DISPLAY brb434 Recommended products Function Type driver driver driver final final final final BLF871(S) BLF881 BLF571 BLF573S BLF574 BLF578 BLF645 frange (MHz) PL W Gp dB 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1300 100 120 20 300 400 1200 100 21 21 27.5 27.2 26.5 24 18 Product highlight: NXP's line of 50 V High voltage LDMOS devices enable highest power output and feature unequalled ruggedness for pulsed operation in MRI and NMR applications. The high power densities enable very compact amplifier design. 38 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Features Best broadband efficiency Highest power (density) devices Unrivalled ruggedness Very consistent device performance 1.6.8 RF Microwave furnace application Application diagram antenna oscillator MPA HPA isolator CONTROLLER brb418 Recommended products Function Driver Final Final Function Type BLF6G24-12 BLF6G24-180PN BLF7G24L (S)-250P frange MHz 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2500 - 2700 Product Package MMIC MPA (medium power amplifier) MMIC SiGe:C MMIC SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 SOT89 SOT908 PL(AV) W 40 50 20 nD % 27.5 27.5 25 GP dB 17 17.5 16.5 Availability Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA7124 BGA7024 BGA7127 BGA7027 BGA7130* BGA7133* * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Product highlight: NXP's 6th and 7th generation LDMOS technology together with advanced package concepts enable best in class performing power amplifiers. The unsurpassed ruggedness and low thermal resistance in connection with the high intrinsic efficiency make these transistors ideally suited for the furnace application. Features Excellent ruggedness Very consistent device performance Low thermal resistance design for unrivalled reliability Very easy to design with NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 39 2. Technologies & focus products 2.1 Get the fastest TTFF^ with GPS LNAs that use proven QUBiC4X SiGe:C ^ TTFF = Time-To-First-Fix NXP GPS LNAs BGU7003, BGU7005, BGU7006 and BGU7007 Manufactured in NXP's breakthrough QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology and available in the industry's smallest package, this highly integrated GPS LNAs reduce cost while delivering better sensitivity, greater immunity against jamming signals, and higher linearity. These LNAs designed for GPS receiver applications, are produced in NXP's industry-leading QUBiC4X process, a 0.25-m SiGe:C technology. They have very low noise figures and superior linearity performance, so they help to improve overall sensitivity, which in turn leads to faster Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) and better tracking. Features Requires only 4 external components (including decoupling) to build complete GPS front-end. Requires only one external matching component Low current consumption (5 mA) Low noise figure (NF): 0.8 - 0.9 dB at 1.575 GHz Low current consumption in power-down mode (<1 A) ESD protection on all pins Supply voltage: max 2.85 V, optimized for 1.8 V Proven, robust QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology (fT = 110 GHz) Type SOT891 SOT886 WLCSP*** SOT886 They restore sensitivity, provide greater immunity against out-of-band cellular signals, reduce filtering requirements, and lower overall cost. They can be placed close to the GPS antenna, minimizing the noise figure. Additional gain amplifies the GPS signal and raises the on-board signal-to-jammer ratio. The GPS receiver can be put close to the primary phone antenna, for the best GSM/UMTS performance, while the GPS antenna can be placed far away. This improves antenna-toantenna isolation and results in higher performance. @ 1.575 GHz insertion power noise input power at 1 dB gain compression gain figure supply voltage supply current Vcc Icc |s21| NF PI(1dB) IP3i V mA dB dB dBm dBm Typ Max Typ Package BGU7003 BGU7005 BGU7006* BGU7007* The proven QUBiC4X process improves overall RF performance and means the LNAs are less expensive and offer higher, more flexible performance than their GaAs counterparts. Min Max Min Typ 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 3 - 4.5 3.8 4.8 Max Min 15 - 16 - 2 18.3 16.5** 16.5** 18**** 20 - 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = Vcc = V = 2.5 V, V = 2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.8 V, cc 2.85 V, 2.85 V, 1.8 V, 1.8 V, cc 2.85 V, 2.85 V, Icc = 5 mA Icc = 5 mA Min Typ Min Typ Min Typ Min Typ -20 0 -14 -11 -11 -8 5 9 5 12 -14 -11 -12 -9 1 4 5 9 -14 -11 -11 -8 5 9 5 12 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. ** = 16.5 dB without jammer / 17.5 dB with jammer *** = 5 solder bumps, pitch 220 m **** = 18 dB without jammer / 19 dB with jammer 40 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition input third-order intercept point 2.2 Always the right match with our latest 6th and 7th generation SiGe:C wideband transistors Meet the trend towards higher frequencies. With NXP Semiconductors' latest SiGe:C microwave NPN transistors, you get high switching frequencies plus extremely high gain and low noise. All this in an easy-to-use SOT343F package. It's the ideal solution for applications up to 30 GHz. Benefits Plastic surface-mount SOT343F package SiGe:C process delivers high switching frequency from a silicon-based device Cost-effective alternative to GaAs devices RoHS compliant Applications Low noise amplifier (LNA) for microwave communications systems 2 stage LNA and mixer in direct broadcast satellite (DBS) low-noise blocks (LNBs) GPS systems Satellite radio WLAN/WiMAX and CDMA applications, LTE DVB, CMMB nd The NPN microwave transistors deliver an unbeatable blend of high switching frequency, high gain and very low noise. Thanks to the ultra-low noise figures, they are perfect for your sensitive RF receivers particularly those for high-performance cell phones. Alternatively, with the high cut-off frequencies, they are your ideal solution for microwave applications in the 10 GHz to 30 GHz range, such as satellite TV receivers and automotive collision avoidance radar. These new 6th and 7th generation SiGe:C wideband transistors get their outstanding performance from our innovative silicongermanium-carbon (SiGe:C) BiCMOS process. QUBiC4X was designed specifically to meet the needs of real-life, highfrequency applications and delivers an unrivalled fusion of high power gain and excellent dynamic range. It combines the performance of gallium-arsenide (GaAs) technologies with the reliability of a silicon-based process. In addition, with these transistors, you don't need a biasing IC or negative biasing voltage. So it's a much more cost-effective solution than GaAs pHEMT devices. Full portfolio overview of 6th and 7th generation RF wideband transistors at chapter 3.3.1 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 41 2.3 NXP Medium-Power MMICs BGA7xxx for broadband applications Broadband QUBiC4 MMICs for all 400-2700 MHz applications Produced in NXP's proven QUBiC4 Si BiCMOS process, these MMICs bring improved thermal performance and added-value features to all 400-2700 MHz applications - at a lower cost than GaAs versions. Features ESD protection at all pins Single-supply operation (3.3 or 5 V) Integrated active biasing Fast shutdown Quiescent current adjustment Two package options, smallest leadless package (3 x 3 mm) and leaded SOT-89 tailor gain or P1dB for specific platform requirements. Between 475-625 MHz and 1.15-1.5 GHz gain flatness is unrivalled. NXP Medium Power MMICs operate at low current consumption and offer a fast shut-down function to save as much power as possible. With ESD protection, active biasing and SOT89 package availability, design-in is simplified and requires a minimum of external components. Base station The high power level of these MMICs makes them an excellent choice for mobile-infrastructure applications. They offer the highest gain overall all base stations frequencies. The quiescentcurrent feature allows for high efficiency and linearity in Class-AB operation. The bias circuitry delivers a stable performance over temperature and supply variations. The integrated shutdown function is a power-saving feature and can be used for fast shutdown. The MMICs can be tuned for any band between VHF and 2.7 GHz.Unbeatable thermal performance (30 C/W) improves overall quality and reliability. Applications Wireless infrastructure (base station, repeater) eMetering Broadband CPE (MoCA) Satellite Master Antenna TV (SMATV) Industrial applications W-LAN / ISM / RFID Manufactured in NXP's breakthough QUBiC4 process, these MMICs deliver a comparable level of RF performance as their GaAs equivalents, but at a lower cost and with additional features, like thermal performance and ESD robustness. The QUBiC4 process makes it possible to support even more features, including active biasing, quiescent adjustment, VGA interfaces, and a power-saving shutdown mode. To increase design flexibility, all the MMICs support single-supply (3.3/5 V) operation. And, to save space, they are available in the smallest package size (3 x 3 mm) and with leadless options. eMetering These MMICs are also very well suited to eMetering applications in the 900-2400 MHz ISM band. High integration and singlesupply operation mean that the MMICs can be combined with just a few other components to create a full-featured solution. The MMICs can be operated on battery power (with an energysaving shutdown mode) and are tunable between Class A and AB. They can also work on a power-line network, so they support gas metering with or without a power connection. The builtin reliability and quality of a silicon-based process provides longevity, as does the improved ESD performance. MoCA These MMICs are exceptionally well-suited for use a MoCA (Multimedia over Cable Alliance) PA in both the STB and in PC dongles. The MMICs offer the system designer the ability to Supply Type Package f Vcc Typ Shutdown control Icc Typ VI(D)L(SHDN) Max Min Max VI(D)H(SHDN) Min Max II(D)L(SHDN) Typ (MHz) (V) (mA) (mA) (V) (V) (V) (V) (A) BGA7124 SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 130 200 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7024 SOT89 leaded 400 - 2700 5 110 BGA7127* SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 180 325 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7027* SOT89 leaded 400 - 2700 5 170 BGA7130* SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7133* SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 The specifications of the BGA7130 and BGA7133 are target specifications until development is completed. * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. 42 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition RF performance RF performance Typ @ f = 940 MHz Typ @ f = 1960 MHz Gp PL(1dB) OIP3 NF Gp PL(1dB) OIP3 NF dB 22 22 20 19 18 18 dBm 25 24 28 28 30 33 dBm 38 38 44 41 45 46 dB 5 3 3 3 4 4 dB 16 16 13 12 12 12 dBm 24 25 28 28 30 33 dBm 38 38 43 43 45 47 dB 5 4 5 4 4 4 2.4 Low-noise LO generators for microwave & mmWave radios NXP LO generators (integrated VCO/PLL) TFF11xxxHN Manufactured in NXP's breakthrough QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology, these highly integrated, alignment-free LO generators are low power consumption and low-spurious solutions that simplify design-in and lower the total cost of ownership. These low-noise local-oscillator (LO) generators, optimized for use in many different microwave applications between 7 and 15 GHz, deliver highly accurate performance in a small footprint. They require no alignment or frequency modification on the production line, so they simplify manufacturing. High integration saves board space and makes design-in easier, for lower overall cost and faster development, enabling quick time-to-market. Features TFF11xxxHN family: Lowest noise LO generators for a full family in range 7 to 15 GHz Maximum power consumption for all types, typical 330 mW Phase-noise compliant with IESS-308 (Intelsat) Proven QUBiC4X SiGe:C technology (120-GHz fT process) External loop filter Differential input and output Lock-detect output Internally stabilized voltage reference for loop filter 24-pin HVQFN (SOT616-1) package Applications : TFF11xxxHN family Industrial/Medical Test and Measurement Equipment Electronic Warfare (EW) Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Point to Point Point to Multi-Point Satellite Communication Since these ICs are manufactured in NXP's industry-leading QUBiC4X SiGe:C process, they offer better overall RF performance, are more robust than their GaAs equivalents, and consume much less power. The process technology also enables higher integration, for added features. NXP owns the industrial base for production (wafer fab, test, assembly), so volume supplies can be assured. The TFF1003HN is the basis for the entire family of LO generators. It has VCO coverage of 12.8 to 13.05 GHz and accepts input signals from 50 to 816 MHz. The divider can be set for 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256, and the output level is -5 dBm with a stability of 2 dB. The family of LO generators is completed by a range of 18 different devices operating in a center frequency ranging from 7 to 15 GHz. The RF performance of all these devices is consistent with the TFF1003HN. All the LO generators have very low power dissipation typical 330 mW, and all are available in a space-saving 24-pin HVQFN package. Full portfolio overview of low noise LO generators for general microwave applications at chapter 3.4.2 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 43 2.5 Complete satellite portfolio for all LNB architectures NXP satellite LNB devices BFU725F/N1 and BGA28xx Designed for use in LNAs, mixers, and IF amplifiers, these robust, small-footprint products are manufactured in NXP's groundbreaking QUBiC4X SiGe:C and QUBiC4+ process technology and are the latest additions to NXP's leading portfolio for satellite LNB. BFU725F/N1 RF transistor The BFU725F/N1 is a RF transistor that can be used in the LNA part and as a mixer for a DBS LNB. In either application, it delivers low power consumption, good noise and linearity, and the lowest cost compared to GaAs pHEMT solution. BFU725F/N1 as mixer in Ku-band LNB Power consumption: 2 mA at 5 V Single supply: 3, 5, or 6 V Noise, Single Side Band: 7 dB (including BPF) Linearity: better than 0 dBm OIP3 Gain, SSB: 2 dB (including BPF) RF/LO/IF Match: better than 12/15/18 dB Broadband unconditionally stable LO-RF isolation better than 18 dB BFU725F/N1 as 2nd or 3rd stage LNA in Ku-band LNB Power consumption: 11 mA at 5 V Single supply: 3, 5, or 6 V Noise, SSB: typically 1.3 dB Linearity: better than 10 dBm OIP3 Gain, SSB: typically 10.5 dB In/Out match: better than 7/12 dB Broadband unconditionally stable 44 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition BFU725F/N1 as LNA for C-band LNB Power consumption: 7 mA at 5 V Single supply: 5 or 6 V Noise: 0.65 dB Linearity: better than 10 dBm OIP3 Gain: 15 dB In/Out Match: better than 10 dB Broadband unconditionally stable BGA28xx MMICs as IF amplifiers (1st stage & output stage) For compatibility with existing designs, the series uses a market standard package, the SOT363 and the pin-compliant SOT363F package. The pinning is identical to NXP's current gain block family, and the blocks deliver similar noise figures. New features include flatter gain, a gain slope of 0.5 dB, improved P1dB vs. Icc, and no necessity of an output inductor (also not at high P1dB models). Internally matched at 50 Gain slope 0.5 dB Single supply current - At 3.3 V or 5 V Reverse isolation: >30 dB up to 2 GHz Best-in-class linearity vs current consumption Noise figure: 4 to 6 dB at 1 GHz Unconditionally stable (K > 1) High compression point models work without output inductor 6-pin SOT363 plastic SMD package These products - the BFU725F/N1 transistor for LNA and mixer applications, and the BGA28xx series of MMICs for IF amplifiers - are the most recent additions to NXP's leading portfolio for satellite LNB. They join the other discrete products, including oscillators, amplifiers, switches, and biasing, to provide complete coverage for all LNB architectures. they offer better overall RF performance and are more robust than their GaAs equivalents for the lowest cost. The process technology also enables higher integration, for added features. NXP owns the industrial base for production (wafer fab, test, assembly), so volume supplies can be assured. Since the transistor and the MMICs are manufactured in NXP's industry-leading QUBiC4X SiGe:C and QuBiC4+ process, Satellite outdoor unit, LNB for multiple users horizontal 1st antenna stage LNA 2nd stage LNA 3rd stage LNA mixer H low IF amplifier oscillator low mixer BIAS IC V low mixer IF amplifier H high (4 x 2) IF SWITCH IF amplifier IF out 1 IF amplifier vertical antenna high oscillator IF amplifier V high 1st stage LNA 2nd stage LNA 3rd stage LNA mixer IF amplifier IF out 2 brb022 NOTE: Also look at chapter 1.4.4 satellite outdoor unit. Quick reference satellite IF gain MMICs @ Type Package BGA2800 SOT363 Fu @ 1 GHz Gain (dB) @ Vs Is @-3dB NF Gain OIP3 250 950 1550 2150 (V) (mA) (GHz) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) 3.3 9.7 >3 3.4 20.2 11.5 20.0 20.2 20.6 20.6 BGA2801 SOT363 3.3 12.4 3.0 3.6 22.1 13.6 22.3 22.1 23.0 23.8 BGA2815 SOT363 3.3 16.4 >3 3.4 25.4 18.2 26.2 25.4 25.5 25.8 BGA2816 SOT363 3.3 19.6 2.3 2.8 31.2 16.1 32.0 31.2 30.6 28.7 BGA2850 SOT363 5.0 7.7 >3 3.9 23.3 8.7 22.9 23.2 23.9 24.0 BGA2865 SOT363 5.0 22.7 2.6 3.7 31.9 20.9 31.2 31.8 32.6 31.4 BGA2866 SOT363 5.0 15.4 >3 3.6 23.4 17.7 23.0 23.3 24.0 24.3 No output inductor necessary when using the new BGA28xx IF Gain blocks at the output stage. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 45 2.6 VSAT, 2-way communication via satellite Design a Ku-band VSAT transmitter or transceiver that meets IESS-308 NXP Ku-band RF LO Generator IC's for VSAT The TFF100xHN family are Ku-band RF PLLs, with integrated VCO intended for low phase-noise Local Oscillator (LO) circuits in Ku-band VSAT transmitters and transceivers. Manufactured in a highperformance SiGe:C process, it delivers extremely low phase noise and complies with the IESS-308 from Intelsat. VSAT networks are commonly used to transmit narrowband data, such as point-of-sale transactions for credit cards, or to transmit broadband data that supports satellite Internet access to a remote location, VoIP, or video. The network typically consists of a dish antenna, an outdoor unit, and an indoor unit. The outdoor unit is used for frequency translation between RF and IF, and usually includes a microwave-based uplink/downlink separator, a Low Noise Block (LNB) for receiving the downlink signals, and a Block Up Converter (BUC). The VSAT IC's can be used to create the LO generator for a linear BUC (meaning the IF or RF conversion is done by mixing with an LO). Features Phase noise compliant with IESS-308 (Intelsat) Differential input and output Divider settings at 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 Lock-detect output SiGe:C technology (120-GHz fT process) HVQFN24 (SOT616-1) package Applications VSAT block-up-converters VSAT down conversion Local oscillator signal generation 46 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition To enable precise frequency and time multiplexing, the downlink signal provides an accurate frequency reference of 10 MHz. The indoor unit frequency multiplexes this with the uplink IF signal, and the LO signal in the BUC needs to be frequency locked to the reference. The TFF100xHN IC's are housed in a 24-pin HVQFN (SOT616-1) package. The pins have been assigned for optimal performance. Three voltage domains are used to separate the block on the IC, and two pins for each output (OUT-P) and OUT-N) have been reserved to match a typical layout using a linewidth of Z = 50 microstrip on a 20-mil RO4003 board (1.1 mm). The ground pins have been placed next to the reference input and the output, and, to minimize crossings in the application, all the supply pins are on the same side of the IC. Satellite VSATs HUB Typical VSAT network mixer synchronized QPSK data on L band carrier in the range 0.95~1.45 GHz (extended range: 0.95~1.7 GHz) from indoor unit 13.05 GHz settings (12.8 GHz settings) 10 MHz /64 (/48) PFD LF PFD solid state power amp amp 12.8~13.05 on-chip VCO 203.90625 (200) MHz band pass filter LF band pass filter 156.25 kHz (208.83 kHz) /1305 (/960) /64 TFF1003HN 203.90625 (200) MHz > 13.05 (12.8) GHz TFF1003 @ DIV = 64 PLL with on-chip VCO clean up PLL build around VCXO narrow bandwidth brb200 Complete LO generator for linear BUC with TFF1003HN Type Package fIN(REF) VCC ICC Typ MHz V PLL phase noise @ N=64 @ 100 kHz Max mA PLL fo(RF) Output buffer Po RLout(RF) Input Si Typ Max Min dBc/Hz (GHz) dBm dB dBm TFF1003HN SOT616 50~815 3.3 100 -92 12.8~13.05 -5 -10 -10 TFF1007HN SOT616 230.46~234.38 3.3 100 -104 14.75~15 -3 -10 -10 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 47 2.7 NXP CATV C-family for the Chinese SARFT standard Connecting people, protecting your network Specially designed for the Chinese Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) infrastructure, NXP CATV C-family offers you a total solution for cable TV networks. It is both flexible enough for connecting rural communities as part of China's `Connecting every village' program and powerful enough for upgrading major cities from analog to high-end digital services. All C-type devices are compliant with the Chinese State Administration for Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) standard, and cover most HFC applications in the 550 - 870 MHz range. Further extending our high quality CATV portfolio, this new family lets you address an even wider range of HFC applications. Dedicated solutions for the implementation of CATV systems in China, our C-type devices deliver the performance you need for modern TV infrastructures. Products BGY588C, BGE788C, CGY888C and BGY835C push-pull amplifiers BGD712C, CGD944C and CGD942C power doublers BGO807C and BGO807CE optical receiver Features Excellent linearity, stability and reliability High power gain Extremely low noise Silicon Nitride passivity GaAs HFET dies for high end devices Benefits Compliant with Chinese SARFT HFC networks standard Transparent cap allows confirmation of product authenticity Rugged construction 48 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition The BGY588C, BGE788C and BGD712C devices cover the frequency range from 550 MHz to 750 MHz. Extending the C-family portfolio into the high-end segment, the CGD944C, CGD942C, CGY888C and BGO807C operate between 40 MHz and 870 MHz and have been specifically tested under Chinese raster conditions. Manufactured using our GaAs HFET die process, the CGD942C, and CGD944C are high-gain, highperformance 870 MHz power doublers. They are capable of satisfying the demanding requirements of top-end applications including high-power optical nodes. Our GaAs HFET MMIC dies are providing `by design' the best ESD protection levels with no needs for external TVS components normally used with GaAs pHEMT devices. All CATV C-type devices feature a see-through cap that makes it easy to distinguish them from counterfeit products. BGY588C, BGE788C, CGY888C and BGY835C The last stage of an HFC network structure is called a terminating amplifier or `user amplifier' as it is close to the subscribers. Each terminating amplifier requires a single module such as BGY588C for 550 MHz, BGE788C for 750 MHz and CGY888C for 860 MHz systems. These modules are fitting perfectly in the Chinese `Connecting to Every Village' projects. IN port PAD EQ BGY588C BGE788C BGY835C CGY888C BGD712C The BGD712C is a 750 MHz, 18 dB power doubler module. It has been designed for 750 MHz optical nodes including ordinary or optical receivers and distribution amplifiers. It can also be used in line extender amplifiers together with a 750 MHz push-pull module, such as BGY785A or BGY787. As such it can be used widely in Chinese `Connecting to Every Village' projects. IN port OUT port bra820 CGD944C and CGD942C Our full GaAs power doublers modules, CGD942C and CGD944C offer high output power and better CTB and CSO than other modules. Designed for high-end HFC networks containing optical nodes with multiple out-ports, these modules enable each port to directly cover at least 125 subscribers. These two devices are ideal when used in upgrading HFC networks to 860 MHz. PAD OUT port EQ BGY785A BGY787 BGD712C bra821 BGO807CE BGO807CE is an integrated optical receiver module that provides high output levels and includes an integrated temperature compensated circuitry. In your optical node design, BGO807CE enables a high performance/ price ratio and ruggedness. When upgrading an HFC network from analog to digital our BGO807CE is the perfect fit. CGD942C/CGD944C PAD H L OUT port 1 BGD812 CGD942C/CGD944C PAD EQ PAD BGO807CE (N + 1) RF switch BGY885A BGD812 BGY887 H L OUT port 2 PAD CGD942C/CGD944C PAD H L PAD BGO807CE OUT port 3 EQ BGY885A H L BGD812 PAD H L CGD942C/CGD944C BGO807CE PAD H L OUT port 1 OUT port 2 bra823 OUT port 4 bra822 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 49 C-family application information Application Optical node BGY588C BGE788C CGY888C BGD712C * BGO807C * * * * * * Optical receiver Distribution amplifier Line extender amplifier Terminating amplifier * * CGD944C * CGD942C * * * * * * * * * Push-pull amplifiers Parameters Power gain (dB) typ. BGY588C 34.5 BGE788C 34.2 CGY888C 35.5 BGY835C 34 Slope (dB) range 0.2 - 1.7 0.3 - 2.3 1.5 typ. 1.5 typ. Composite triple beat (dBc) max. -57 -49 -66 -60 Composite 2nd order distortion (dBc) max. -62 -52 -64 -55 Noise (@ f max ) (dB) max. 8 8 3 typ. 7 Total current comsumption (mA) typ. 325 305 280 340 range 40 - 550 40 - 750 40 - 870 40 - 870 Frequency range (MHz) Power doublers Parameters Power gain (dB) typ. BGD712C 18.5 CGD944C 25 CGD942C 23 Slope (dB) range 0.5 - 1.5 1-2 1-2 Composite triple beat (dBc) max. -62 -66 -66 Composite 2nd order distortion (dBc) max. -63 -67 -67 Noise (@ f max ) (dB) max. 7 5 5 Total current comsumption (mA) typ. 395 450 450 range 40 - 750 40 - 870 40 - 870 Frequency range (MHz) Optical receiver Parameters Responsivity (V/W) min. BGO807C 800 BGO807CE 800 0-2 Slope (dB) range 0-2 Third order intermodulation distortion (dB) max. -71 -71 Second order intermodulation distortion (dB) max. -54 -53 Noise (@ f max ) pA/Sqrt (Hz) max. 8.5 8.5 Total current consumption (mA) typ. 190 190 range 40 - 870 40 - 870 Frequency range (MHz) Connector 50 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition - / SCO / FCO 2.7.1 NXP GaAs HFC CATV solutions CGY888C, CGD942C and CGD944C Complete GaAs amplifier solutions for Chinese HFC networks These high-performance GaAs solutions, specially designed for the Chinese SARFT HFC standard, provide complete functionality in a format that reduces chip-count and lowers overall cost. Products 870-MHz push-pull amplifier: CGY888C 870-MHz power doublers: CGD942C (23-dB gain), CGD944C (25-dB gain) Features GaAs HFET process for best performance and lowest chip-count Excellent linearity, stability, and reliability High power gain Extremely low noise Excellent return-loss properties Benefits Fully compliant with Chinese SARFT HFC networks standard Transparent cap confirms product authenticity Rugged construction Unconditionally stable Thermally optimized design Applications Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) applications Line extenders Trunk amplifiers Fiber deep-optical-node (N+0/1/2) To support Chinese HFC CATV infrastructure applications as a single-source supplier, NXP offers the C-family, a complete line of dedicated RF amplifier modules that deliver the very high level of performance required for next-generation HFC TV networks. The family includes the 870-MHz push-pull amplifier CGY888C, a GaAs upgrade of NXP's industry-leading BGY888 and BGY835C products, and two 870-MHz power doublers: the CGD942C, which has a typical gain of 23 dB, and the CGD944C, with a typical gain of 25 dB. The modules are flexible enough to connect rural communities as part of China's `Connect Every Village' project, and powerful enough to upgrade major cities from analog to high-end digital services. The modules have been tested under Chinese raster conditions and fully comply with the Chinese SRAFT standard. They also cover most HFC applications in the range of 550 to 870 MHz and are compatible with previous generations of NXP HFC solutions, so they can be used to upgrade existing networks to a higher level of performance. Produced in NXP's advanced GaAs HFET die process, the modules deliver excellent linearity with extremely low noise, and work seamlessly together. The GaAs process improves performance and, by reducing chip count, saves overall cost. It offers stronger signal strength than Si, so there are fewer amplifiers required, and it provides superior ESD protection compared to GaAs pHEMT processes, so there's no need for external TVS components. The CGY888C is well suited for use in the last stage of an HFC network, which is known as a terminating amplifier or a user amplifier since it is close to subscribers. The CGD942C and the CGD944C offer higher output power and better CTB and CSO than other power doublers, so they are ideal for use in HFC networks that have optical nodes with multiple out-ports. The modules enable each port to cover at least 125 subscribers directly. All the C-family modules are delivered with transparent caps that make it easy to distinguish them from counterfeit products. Unmatched new ESD protection levels: All new standard NXP CATV SOT115 hybrids, power doublers or push pulls, released in 2009 and onwards will have a build-in extra protection on top of the existing one for very high level ESD surges. Those surge levels will leave our devices without any damage or destruction. Human body or biased ESD levels will increase respectively to 2000 V and 1500 V which is making now NXP CATV devices the most ESD robust product on the market today. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 51 2.8 Highly efficient line-up of 1 GHz GaAs modules for sustainable CATV networks NXP high-gain power doublers CGD104xHi and push-pulls CGY104x Designed for 1-GHz "sustainable networks," these high-performance GaAs devices enable extended bandwidth and higher data rates. They deliver increased network capacity and make way for high-end services like HDTV, VoIP, and digital simulcasting. Key features Excellent linearity, stability, and reliability High power gain for power doublers Extremely low noise Dark Green products GaAs HFET dies for high-end applications Rugged construction Superior levels of ESD protection Integrated ringwave protection Design optimized for digital channel loading Temperature compensated gain response Optimized heat management Excellent temperature resistance Key benefits Simple upgrade to 1-GHz capable networks Low total cost of ownership High power-stress capability Highly automated assembly Key applications Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) applications Line extenders Trunk amplifiers Fiber deep-optical-node (N+0/1/2) Bridgers 52 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition New CATV GaAs platform lay-out The NXP power doublers CGD104xH and CGD104xHi are ideal for use in line extenders and trunk amplifiers. They support fiber deep-optical-node applications (N+0/1/2), delivering the highest output power on the market today. The GaAs HFET die process delivers high gain, excellent CTB and CSO ratings, along with lower current. The new NXP CGY1047x push-pull family is the first line-up on the market combining very low noise, best-in-class distortion parameters, and low "carbon footprint" capabilities. It delivers the best performance for the lowest power consumption, so it reduces OPEX and CO2 emissions All of NXP's 1-GHz solutions are designed for durability and offer superior ruggedness, an extended temperature range, high power overstress capabilities, and extremely high ESD levels. As a result, they also reduce the cost of ownership. The GaAs die is inserted in a HVQFN package that is then mounted on thermal vias that manage heat transfer to the heat sink. Temperature-control circuitry keeps the module's high performance stable over a wide range of temperature. Assembly is fully automated and requires almost no human intervention, so repeatability remains very high. Upcoming products Additional push-pulls, currently under development, will extend the capabilities of the power doublers even further, supporting almost all modern HFC applications. The push-pull CGY1041 will deliver a gain of 21 dB, the CGY1043 a gain of 23 dB, the CGY1049 a gain of 29 dB and the CGY1032 a gain of 32 dB. NXP is also developing a new, highly integrated power doubler. The CGD1046Hi will deliver, in one IC, a 26-dB power gain with 60-dBmV output power and excellent ESD protection, for the ultimate in high-quality, distortionless devices. Quick reference data CATV 1 GHz power doublers and push pulls CATV 1- GHz power doublers Parameters CGD1040Hi CGD1042H CGD1042Hi CGD1044H CGD1044Hi CGD1046Hi* Power gain (dB) typ. 21 23 23 25 25 27 Slope cable equivalent (dB) typ. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 0.5 - 2.0 Composite triple beat (dB) typ. -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -73 Composite 2nd order distortion (dB) typ. -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 Noise (@fmax) (dB) max. 6 6 6 6 6 5 Total current consumption (mA) typ. 440 450 440 450 440 460 Frequency range (MHz) range 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 CGY1041 CGY1043 CGY1049* CATV 1-GHz push-pulls Parameters CGY1032* Power gain (dB) typ. 22 24 30 33 Slope cable equivalent (dB) typ. 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 Composite triple beat (dB) typ. -62 -64 -62 -62 Composite 2nd order distortion (dB) typ. -62 -64 -64 -64 Noise (@fmax) (dB) max. 5.5 5.5 4.5 4.5 Total current consumption (mA) typ. Frequency range (MHz) range 250 250 250 250 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 40 - 1003 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. CGD104xHi PAD H L OUT port 1 H L OUT port 2 H L OUT port 3 H L OUT port 4 CGD104xHi PAD PAD (N + 1) RF switch EQ CGD104xHi PAD CGD104xHi PAD bra822 An optical node with multiple out-ports using the CGD1040Hi / CGD1042Hi / CGD1044Hi / CGD1046Hi NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 53 2.9 Doherty amplifier technology for state-of-art wireless infrastructure Best in class PA designs enable considerable energy savings NXP's latest power amplifier designs enable wireless infrastructure to run with significantly higher energy efficiency - towards "Green Base Stations". In order to achieve the highest efficiencies currently possible, NXP combines its latest generations LDMOS technology (Gen6 & 7) with the Doherty concept. This way, the optimized intrinsic performance of our LDMOS technology combines perfectly with the extrinsic Doherty technology into very efficient, high gain, readily linearizable, and lower operation cost power amplifiers. Developed by W.H. Doherty in 1936, the Doherty amplifier remained largely dormant because the dominant mobile communication system modulation techniques (FM, GMSK and EDGE) did not require high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) signals. However, the high power added efficiency architecture of the Doherty amplifier has made it the preferred option for today's service providers for base stations transmitting 3G, 4G or multi-carrier standards. NXP's Doherty amplifiers ensure high-efficiency while maintaining a very similar peak power capability of two transistors combined. The input and output sections are internally matched, benefiting the amplifier designs with high gain and good gain flatness and phase linearity over a wide frequency band. Integrated Doherty NXP can even offer the world's first fully integrated Doherty designs: From the outside these devices look like an ordinary transistor. In fact, they are completely integrated Doherty amplifiers that deliver the highest efficiency levels for base station applications. With the ease of design-in of an ordinary class AB transistor, they also provide significant space and cost savings. 54 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Key features & benefits Contains splitter, main- and peak amplifier, delay lines and combiner in one package - 40% efficiency @ 10 W average power - no additional tuning in manufacturing Design is as easy as with a single class AB transistor Ideally suited for space-constrained applications (e.g. remote radio heads, antenna arrays) Currently available for TD-S-CDMA (BLD6G21L(S)-50) and W-CDMA (BLD22L(S)-50); see chapter for details Discrete Doherty amplifiers Next to the integrated versions, NXP also offers product demonstrators for very efficient, high power, discrete 2- and 3- way Doherty amplifiers. The 2 way designs based on the BLF7G22LS-130 device deliver 47.0 dBm (50 W) with 43% efficiency and 15.7 dB gain for W-CDMA applications. Key features & benefits Most efficient Doherty amplifier designs available to date Production proven, very consistent designs NXP's LDMOS provides unsurpassed ruggedness Currently available for the following frequency bands: - 728 - 821 MHz - 869 - 960 MHz - 1805 - 1880 MHz (DCS) - 1930 - 1990 MHz (PCS) - 1880 - 2025 MHz (TD-SCDMA) - 2110 - 2170 MHz (UMTS / LTE) - 2300 - 2400 MHz (WiBRO / LTE) - 2500 - 2700 MHz (WiMAX / LTE) - 3300 - 3800 MHz (WiMAX) All our product demonstrators are supported by comprehensive support documentation and hardware. Please see chapter for a complete list of available designs. Our flagship 3-way Doherty demonstrator even achieves 48% efficiency at 48 dBm (63 W) average output power and 15.0 dB gain with a 2 carrier W-CDMA signal. The current design covers the W-CDMA standard for band 1 operation and is tailored towards high yield, minimum tuning, volume manufacturing. Featured Doherty designs Freq band (MHz) PPEAK (dBm) POUT-AVG (dBm) VDS (V) Gain (dB) Drain Eff. (%) Type Main transistor Peak transistor 728-756 59.1 50.5 32 19 40 SYM BLF6G10-260PM BLF6G10-260PM 790-821 58 50 32 19 47 SYM BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF6G10LS-200RN 869-894 58 50 32 19 46 SYM BLF6G10-200RN BLF6G10-200RN 925-960 58.9 50 32 22 44 SYM / MMPP BLF6G10-260PRN BLF6G10-260PRN 1805-1880 58.2 50 28 16 42 SYM / MPPM BLF7G20LS-250P BLF7G20LS-250P 1930-1990 58 50 32 15.5 37 SYM BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G20-230PRN 2110-2170 58 50 32 15 40 SYM BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22-180PN 2300-2400 49.5 42 28 14.5 43 SYM 1/2 BLF7G27-75P 1/2 BLF7G27-75P 2500-2700 52.5 44.5 28 14 38 SYM 1/2 BLF6G27-150P 1/2 BLF7G27-150P 3400-3600 51 43 28 11.5 32 SYM BLF6G38-50 BLF6G38-50 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 55 2.10 Boost efficiency and lower system cost in wireless infrastructure with GaN NXP GaN technology for RF power This new gallium-nitride (GaN) technology, the result of a collaborative development effort, enables high-power amplifiers that deliver very high efficiency in next-generation wireless communication systems. Features Power density that is up to five times higher than Si LDMOS 50 V operation High gain High efficiency High reliability Low parasitics Benefits High frequency combined with high power Broadband operation that lets a single power amplifier function at multiple frequencies Enabling technology for next-generation, high-power, Switch Mode Power Amplifier (SMPA) architectures Lowers system costs and operational expenditures Ideal for tower-top base stations Applications Cellular base stations WiMAX Broadcast Radar Collaborating with United Monolithic Semiconductors and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics, NXP Semiconductors is developing a gallium-nitride (GaN) process technology that boosts performance of next-generation RF power amplifiers. Most of today's base station power amplifiers are limited to specific applications. The new GaN-based technology lets operators use a "universal transmitter" to switch between systems and frequencies, so they can instantly meet demands in the base station's coverage area. GaN transistors enable much more efficient power amplifiers and as a result drive down the operational costs of telecom operators. GaN transistors can operate at much higher junction temperatures than Si- and GaAs-based devices, so GaN is an ideal candidate for environments with reduced cooling capabilities, such as tower-top base stations. Also, with its high power densities, GaN has the potential to expand into other areas, including high-power broadcast applications, where solid-state power amplifiers built with vacuum tubes are still the norm. NXP's first GaN broadband power amplifiers are expected to be available in 2010, with Switch Mode Power Amplifiers (SMPAs) following quickly thereafter. Performance (targets) Saturated output power at 50 V 100 W Frequency 2.2 GHz Maximum PAE 68% Linear power gain 19 dB 2C-WCDMA linear efficiency with DPD 40% at -52 dBc IM3 at 8 dB OPBO The new GaN process, with its high frequency combined with high power, puts NXP in the ideal position of being able to support future applications while continuing to evolve its well-established LDMOS technology. The GaN technology delivers numerous benefits to manufacturers of infrastructure equipment. Using the GaN technology in a transmitter represents a significant cost savings in system manufacturing, along with major improvements in system performance and flexibility. Assembly of GaN power bar in standard ceramic package 56 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 2.11 Looking for the leader in SiGe:C? You've just found us! NXP QUBiC4 process technology NXP's innovative high performance SiGe:C QUBiC4 process allows customers to incorporate more functionality into devices with less space, competitive cost, superb reliability and significant manufacturing advantages. Our state-of-the-art QUBiC4 technology and extensive IP availability speeds the migration from GaAs components to silicon by enabling cutting-edge products with best in class low-noise performance, linearity, power consumption, immunity to out-of-band signals, spurious performance and output power. NXP's QUBiC is a mature process in mass production since 2002 with continuous performance upgrades since then. The QUBiC4 process is automotive qualified and dual sourced in two high volume NXP-owned 8 inch waferfabs providing flexible, low cost manufacturing with high yields and very low ppm in the field. QUBiC4 in 3 variants, each having it's benefits for specific application areas: QUBiC4+ The QUBiC4+ BiCMOS process features 0.25 m CMOS with 5 metal layers for integration of dense digital logic based smart functionality, a rich set of active and passive devices for high-frequency mixed-signal designs including thick top metal layers for high quality inductors. The device set; includinges a 37 GHz FT NPNs with 3.8 V breakdown voltage (BVce0) and low noise figure (NF < 1.1 @ 2 GHz), 7 GHz fT VPNPs, a 28 GHz high voltage NPN with 5.9 V breakdown voltage, differential and single ended varicaps with Q-factor>30, scalable inductors with Q-factor>20, 800 MHz FT lateral PNP's, 0.25 m CMOS, 137, 220 & 12 to 2000 ohm/sq. poly and active resistors, a 270 ohm/sq. SiCr thin film resistor, a 5.7 fF/m2 oxide capacitor and an 5 fF/m2 MIM capacitor, 1 to 6 fF/m2 oxide capacitors and various other devices including L-PNPs, isolated NMOS, 3.3 V CMOS and RF-CMOS transistorscapacitor. The QUBiC4+ process is: silicon based and , ideal for applications up to 5 GHz (Ft = 37 GHz , NF < 1.1 dB @ 1.2 GHz) and e.g. for medium power amplifiers up to 33 dBm. QUBiC4Xi The QUBiC4Xi BiCMOS process further enhances the QUBiC4X process and offers additionally a features a set of devices for high-frequency mixed-signal designs; including 180 GHz FT NPNs with 1.4 V breakdown voltage and ultra-low noise figure (NF < 0.7 @ 10 Ghz), 0.25 m CMOS, several resistors, a 5.7 fF/m2 oxide capacitor and a 5 fF/m2 MI capacitor. QUBiC4Xi is the: newest SiGe:C process improved on Ft (> 200 GHz) and even lower noise figure (NF < 0.5 7 dB @ 10 GHz) and is, ideal for applications beyond 30 GHz, e.g. LO generators. QUBiC4X The QUBiC4X BiCMOS process is a SiGe:C based extension of the QUBiC process for high-frequency mixed signal designs and offers on top of features the a rich set of devices for QUBiC high-frequency mixed-signal designs; including also a 140 GHz FT NPN with 2.5 V breakdown voltage and very low noise figure (NF < 1.0 @ 10GHz). s, 0.25 m CMOS, 220, a variety of resistors, a 5.7 fF/m2 oxide capacitor and a 5 fF/m2 MIM capacitor. The QUBiC4X: first SiGe:C process is, ideal for applications typically up to 30 GHz (Ft = 137 GHz , NF < 0.8dB @ 10 GHz) and ultra low noise applications, e.g. LNAs and mixers. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 57 QUBiC4Xi SiGe:C QUBiC4X SiGe ft/ fmax = 180/200 GHz ft/ fmax = 137/180 GHz +VPNP +TFR QUBiC4+ +DG +HVNPN BiCMOS ft/f max = 37/90 GHz Features -4ML QUBiC4/4+/4DG Release for production QUBiC4+ Baseline, 0.25um CMOS, single poly, 5 metal Digital gate density 26k gates/mm2 fT/fMAX= 37/90 GHz +TFR - Thin Film Resistor +DG - Dual Gate Oxide MOS +HVNPN - High Voltage NPN +VPNP - Vertical PNP -4ML - high density 5fF/m2 MIM capacitor Wide range of active and high quality passive devices Optimized for up to 5GHz applications QUBiC4X SiGe:C process fT/fMAX= 137/180 GHz optimized for up to 15 GHz applications QUBiC4Xi Improves fT/fMAX up to 180/200 GHz Optimized for ultra-low noise for microwave above 10 GHz QUBiC4X QUBiC4X 2002/2004/2006 2006 2008 CMOS 0.25um, Bipolar 0.4um, Double poly, Deep trench, Si CMOS 0.25um, Bipolar LV 0.4um, Double poly, Deep trench, SiGe:C CMOS 0.25um, Bipolar LV 0.3um, Double poly, Deep trench, SiGe:C 37/90 (Si) 137/180 (SiGe:C) 180/200 (SiGe:C) HV NPN Ft/Fmax (GHz) 28/70 (Si) 60/120 (SiGe:C) tbd (SiGe:C) NPN BVce0: HV/LV ** 5.9 / 3.8 V 3.2 / 2.0 V 2.5 / 1.4 V 7 / >9 planned planned 2.5 / 3.3 V 2.5 V 2.5 V CMOS/Bipolar LV NPN Ft/Fmax (GHz) V-PNP Ft / BVcb0 (GHz / V) CMOS Voltage / Dual Gate Noise figure NPN (dB) RFCMOS Ft (GHz) 2GHz: 1.1 10GHz: 1.0 10GHz: 0.7 NMOS 58, PMOS 19 NMOS 58, PMOS 19 NMOS 58, PMOS 19 Isolation (60 dB @ 10 GHz) STI and DTI STI and DTI STI and DTI Interconnection (AlCu with CMP W Plugs) 5 LM, 3 m top Metal 5 LM, 3 m top Metal 2 m M4 5 LM, 3 m top Metal NW, DN, Poly-Poly 5fF/um2 MIM NW, DN, Poly-Poly 5fF/um2 MIM NW, DN, Poly-Poly 5fF/um2 MIM Poly (64/220/330/2K), Active (12, 57), High Precision SiCr (270) Poly (64/220/330/2K), Active (12, 57), High Precision SiCr tbd Poly (64/220/330/2K), Active (12, 57), High Precision SiCr tbd Varicaps (single-ended & differential) 2x single ended, Q > 40 3x differential, Q 30-50 2x single ended, Q > 40 3x differential, Q 30-50 2x single ended, Q > 40 3x differential, Q 30-50 Inductors (1.5nH @ 2 Ghz) - scalable Q > 21, Thick Metal, Deep trench isolation, High R substrate Q > 21, Thick Metal, Deep trench isolation, High R substrate Q > 21, Thick Metal, Deep trench isolation, High R substrate Other devices LPNP, Isolated NMOS LPNP, Isolated-NMOS tbd LPNP, Isolated-NMOS tbd Mask count 31 / 32 (MIM) / 33 (DG) 35 (MIM) 35 (MIM) Capacitors Resistors (Ohm/sq) 58 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 2.12 Microwave / Radar NXP, your partner in High Performance microwave applications NXP has a 50+ years history in semiconductor technology and component design. For more than 3 decades we are leading in providing high performance RF technologies for microwave applications. The company has built a strong position in the field of RF small signal and power transistors for microwave amplifiers with a solid and growing, and best-in-class Si devices and processing technologies. We were the first semiconductor company to supply S-band transistors (2700 - 3500 MHz) based on laterally diffused metal-oxide-silicon (LDMOS). To further strengthen our position towards the future, we currently develop new high power and high-bandwidth technologies based on gallium nitride (GaN) material. Another enabling technology is NXP's BICMOS process QUBiC that is available in several variants with fT up to 200 GHz, each specialized to address specific small signal RF applications. The product portfolio encompasses: - Low noise amplifiers (LNA) - Variable gain amplifiers (VGA) - Mixers, - Local oscillators (LO) - LO Generators Coming from a component background, NXP now also focuses on architectural breakthroughs by highly integrated products for microwave and millimeter wave. One example is a family of LO Generators from 7G Hz to 15 GHz with integrated Phase-Locked Loop and Voltage Controlled Oscillator. Another example is an integrated RF power module in S-band (3.1-3.5 GHz) at 200 W. Both products are highlighted in the following: Features Lowest noise LO generators for 7 to 15 GHz range Maximum power consumption for all types, typical 330 mW Phase-noise compliant with IESS-308 (Intelsat) Proven QUBiC4X SiGe:C technology (120 GHz fT process) External loop filter Differential input and output Lock-detect output Internally stabilized voltage reference for loop filter RF Power product highlight ! The BLS6G2933P-200 is the first LDMOS based, industry standard pallet produced by NXP. This pallet offers more than 40% efficiency and includes the complete bias network for S-band applications. RF small signal product highlight: LO generators TFF11xxxHN Manufactured in NXP's breakthrough QUBiC4X SiGe:C process technology, these highly integrated, alignment-free LO generators are low-power, low-spurious solutions that simplify design-in and lower the total cost of ownership. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 59 Features: Reduces component count and considerably simplifies radar system design P1 dB output power 200 W Efficiency > 40% Industry standard footprint 50 in/out matched for entire bandwidth Lightweight heat sink included The advantages of LDMOS in comparison with Bipolar - Higher gain and better efficiency - Better ruggedness - overdrive without risk to 5 dB - Improved pulse droop and insertion phase - Very consistent performance - no tuning required - Improved thermal characteristics, no thermal runaway - Non-toxic packaging and ROHS compliance For a complete list of products see the respective small signal and power microwave pages 60 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Microwave applications and bands of operation System VHF and UHF L-Band Frequency <1 GHz 1200 - 1400 MHz S-Band 2700 - 3500 MHz X-band 8000 - 12000 MHz Commercial Avionics DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) 978 - 1215 MHz Transponders Mode A / Mode S / Mode C / TCAS 1030 - 1090 MHz Military Avionics IFF Transponders (Identification, Friend or Foe) 1030 - 1090 MHz TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation) 960 - 1215 MHz JTIDS / MIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution System) 960 - 1215 MHz Marine radar 9300 - 9500 MHz 2.13 Digital broadcasting at its best The BLF881 / BLF888 transistor line-up enables today's most powerful and efficient digital broadcast transmitter applications BLF881 The transistor is based on NXP's new 50V LDMOS technology, and features 140 W RF output power for broadcast transmitter and industrial applications. An unmatched device, the BLF881 can be used in the HF to 1 GHz range. The excellent ruggedness and broadband performance of this device makes it ideal for digital transmitter applications - either stand alone or as a driver in combination with the high-power transistor BLF888. The BLF881 is also available in an earless version: BLF881S, enabling an even more compact PCB design. BLF888 Also based on the new 50 V technology created by NXP, the BLF888 is the most powerful LDMOS broadcast transistor to date. The 500 W LDMOS device is specifically designed for digital broadcast transmitter applications. The transistor delivers 110 W average power for a DVB-T signal over the full UHF band from 470 MHz to 860 MHz. The excellent efficiency and ruggedness of this device makes it ideal as the final stage for advanced digital transmitter applications Key benefits 50 V operations to achieve highest power levels in the market Best-in-class ruggedness designed into all devices Best broadband efficiency Best-in-class design support Very low thermal resistance design for unrivalled reliability typ. 0.5 kW DVB-T Driver stages Key applications Analogue and digital TV transmitters Device BLF881(S) BLF888 frange PL(AV) nD Gp @VDS (MHz) W % dB V 8 x final Mode of operation 0 - 1000 120 48 21 50 2-TONE 0 - 1000 30 31 21 50 DVB-T 470 - 860 250 46 19 50 2-TONE 470 - 860 110 31 19 50 DVB-T TV exciter DVB-T harmonic filter typ. 5 kW DVB-T output power power monitor amplifiers brb339 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 61 3. Product portfolio NXP RF product catalog: http://www.nxp.com/rf 3.1 New products DEV = In development CQS = Customer qualification samples RFS = Release for supply Status May 2010 Planned release Chapter RFS RFS Released Released 3.2.2 3.2.2 NEW: SiGe:C transistors BFU610F 6st generation wideband transistor BFU630F 6st generation wideband transistor BFU660F 6st generation wideband transistor BFU690F 6st generation wideband transistor BFU710F 7th generation wideband transistor BFU730F 7th generation wideband transistor BFU760F 7th generation wideband transistor BFU790F 7th generation wideband transistor DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 Q4 2010 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 NEW: Automotive Qualified Wideband MMIC and transistors BGA2002 Low noise wideband amplifier MMIC BFR94A RF wideband transistor BFR94AW RF wideband transistor RFS RFS RFS Released Released Released 3.4.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 NEW: SiGe:C MMICs LNA's for GPS and STB BGU7005 SiGe:C MMIC, incl matching output for GPS LNA, 16.5 dB BGU7006 SiGe:C MMIC, GPS LNA in wafer level chip-scale package (WLCSP) BGU7007 SiGe:C MMIC, incl matching output for GPS LNA, 18 dB BGU7031 SiGe:C LNA for STB tuning BGU7032 SiGe:C LNA for STB tuning BGU7033 SiGe:C LNA for STB tuning RFS DEV DEV CQS CQS CQS Released Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 NEW: Mosfets BF1215 BF1216 BF1217 BF1218 BF1118 series RFS RFS RFS RFS RFS Released Released Released Released Released 3.5.2 3.5.2 3.5.2 3.5.2 3.5.2 NEW: Medium power amplifier MMICs BGA7124 Medium power amplifier, 24 dBm P1dB, leadless SOT908 BGA7024 Medium power amplifier, 24 dBm P1dB, leaded SOT89 BGA7127 Medium power amplifier, 27 dBm P1dB, leadless SOT908 BGA7027 Medium power amplifier, 27 dBm P1dB, leaded SOT89 BGA7130 Medium power amplifier, 30 dBm P1dB, leadless SOT908 BGA7133 Medium power amplifier, 33 dBm P1dB, leadless SOT908 RFS RFS RFS RFS DEV DEV Released Released Released Released Q1 2011 Q1 2011 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 NEW: Variable Gain Amplifiers (VGA) BGA7350 Dual IF VGA, control range 24 dB BGA7351 Dual IF VGA , control range 28 dB BGA7202 Tx RF VGA, 0.7 - 2.2 GHz BGA7203 Tx RF VGA , 2.1 - 2.8 GHz BGA7204 Tx RF VGA, 0.7 - 2.8 GHz DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q1 2011 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 NEW: SiGe:C LNA's for wireless infrastructures BGU7051 Low Noise Amplifier 900 MHz BGU7052 Low Noise Amplifier 1.9 GHz BGU7053 Low Noise Amplifier 2.5 GHz BGU7054 Low Noise Amplifier 3.5 GHz DEV DEV DEV DEV Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 Type NEW: RF diodes BAP64Q BAP70Q 62 Application / Description Quad pin diodes for e.g. discrete attenuators Quad pin diodes for e.g. discrete attenuators Double mosfet for STB tuning, world class cross modulation performance Double mosfet for STB tuning, world class cross modulation performance Single mosfet for STB tuning, world class cross modulation performance Double mosfet for TV tuning Mosfet RF switches for antenna loop through NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Status May 2010 Planned release Chapter NEW: RF IC's & MMICs for e.g. satellite, VCO/PLL BGA2800 Satellite IF gain block BGA2801 Satellite IF gain block BGA2815 Satellite IF gain block BGA2816 Satellite IF gain block BGA2850 Satellite IF gain block BGA2865 Satellite IF gain block BGA2866 Satellite IF gain block TFF1003HN Low noise LO generator for VSAT applications TFF1007HN Low noise LO generator for VSAT applications TFF11070HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11073HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11077HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11080HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11084HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11088HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11092HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11096HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11101HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11105HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11110HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11115HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11121HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11126HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11139HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11145HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications TFF11152HN Low noise LO generator for general microwave applications RFS RFS RFS RFS RFS RFS RFS RFS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS Released Released Released Released Released Released Released Released Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 3.4.2 NEW: RF CATV modules CGY1041 1 GHz, 21 dB gain Push Pull, GaAs HFET SOT115 CGY1043 1 GHz, 23 dB gain Push Pull, GaAs HFET SOT115 CGY1049 1 GHz, 29 dB gain Push Pull, GaAs HFET SOT115 CGY1032 1 GHz, 32 dB gain Push Pull, GaAs HFET SOT115 CGD1046Hi 1 GHz, 26 dB gain Power Doubler, GaAs HFET SOT115 BGO807CE 870 MHz, forward path optical receiver, SOT115 CQS CQS DEV DEV CQS RFS Q2 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q2 2010 Released 3.6.2 3.6.2 3.6.2 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 NEW: RF High Speed Data Converters ADC1613D series Dual 16-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface ADC1610S series Single 16-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps ADC1415S series Single 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer ADC1413D series Dual 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface ADC1412D series Dual 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps ADC1410S series Single 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps ADC1215S series Single 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer ADC1213D series Dual 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface ADC1212D series Dual 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps ADC1210S series Single 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps ADC1115S125 Single 11-bit ADC up to 125Msps with input buffer ADC1113D125 Dual 11-bit ADC up to 125Msps with serial interface ADC1015S series Single 10-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer ADC1010S series Single 10-bit ADC up to 125Msps DAC1408D series Dual 14-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps DAC1405D series Dual 14-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps DAC1208D series Dual 12-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps DAC1205D series Dual 12-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps DAC1008D series Dual 10-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps DAC1005D series Dual 10-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS CQS RFS CQS RFS CQS RFS Released Released Released Released Q3 2010 Released Released Released Q3 2010 Released Released Released Released Released Q3 2010 Released Q3 2010 Released Q3 2010 Released 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.2 3.8.2 3.8.2 3.8.2 3.8.2 NEW: RF Power cellular transistors BLF7G24L(S)-100(G) Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G27L(S)-75P Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G27L(S)-50BN Power LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G27L(S)-100 Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G27L(S)-140 Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G22L(S)-250P Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G20L(S)-300P Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G20L(S)-200 Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF7G20L(S)-250P Power Gen7 LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF6G10L(S)-40BRN Power LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN Power LDMOS transistor for base station applications BLF6G07L(S)-260PBM Power LDMOS transistor for base station applications DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV DEV Q4 2010 Q2 2010 Q2 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q3 2010 Q2 2010 Q2 2010 Q2 2010 NEW: RF Power Broadcast transistors BLF573 High Voltage RF Power transistor for broadcast/ISM BLF888A(S) High Voltage RF Power transistor for broadcast/ISM DEV DEV Q2 2010 Q3 2010 NEW: RF Power Microwave transistors BLS7G2729S-300P RF Power transistors for S band BLS6G2933P-200 High voltage RF Power pallet for S band BLS7G2731P-200 High voltage RF Power pallet for S band DEV DEV DEV Q4 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Type Application / Description NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 63 3.2 3.2.1 RF diodes Varicap diodes NEW : Varicap selection guide on www.nxp.com/varicaps Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right varicap for your design. Why choose NXP semiconductors' varicap diodes: Reference designs for TV and radio tuning Direct matching process Small tolerances Short leadtimes Complete portfolio covering broad frequency range and variety in package (including leadless) Reliable volume supply VCO and FM radio tuning varicap diodes @ f = 1 MHz Type Package Number of diodes BB145B BB156 BB198 BB199 BB201 BB202^^ BB202LX^^ BB207^ BB208-02^ BB208-03^ SOD523 SOD323 SOD523 SOD523 SOT23 SOD523 SOD882T SOT23 SOD523 SOD323 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Configuration SG SG SG SG CC SG SG CC SG SG Cd min Cd typ Cd max @ VR = Cd min Cd typ Cd max @ VR = (pF) (pF) (pF) 6.4 14.4 25 36.5 89 28.2 28.2 76 19.9 19.9 16 95 81 - 7.2 17.6 28.5 42.5 102 33.5 33.5 86 23.2 23.2 (V) (pF) (pF) (pF) 1 1 1 0.5 1 0.2 0.2 1 1 1 2.55 4.2 4.8 11.8 25.5 7.2 7.2 25.5 4.5 4.5 4.8 27.6 27.6 - 2.95 5.4 6.8 13.8 29.7 11.2 11.2 29.7 5.4 5.4 ^ = Including special design for FM car radio (CREST-IC:TEF6860). ^^ = Including special design for mobile phone tuner ICs. rs typ rs max @f= (V) () () (MHz) 4 7.5 2 7.5 2.3 2.3 7.5 7.5 7.5 0.4 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.2 0.35 0.35 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 470 470 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cd1/ Cd2 max @ V1 = @ V2 = (V) Cd1/ Cd2 min (V) 4 7.5 4 2 7.5 2.3 2.3 7.5 7.5 7.5 2.2 2.7 2.8 3.1 2.5 2.5 2.6 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.8 3.3 5.2 5.2 1 1 0.5 1 0.2 0.2 1 1 1 Type of connection: SG: Single CC: Common Cathode TV / VCR / DVD / HDD varicap diodes - UHF tuning @ f = 1 MHz Type Package Matched BB149 BB149A BB179 BB179B BB179BLX BB179LX BB184 BB189 Unmatched BB135 SOD323 SOD323 SOD523 SOD523 SOD882T SOD882T SOD523 SOD523 SOD323 Cd min Cd typ Cd max @ VR = (pF) (pF) (pF) (V) 1.9 1.951 1.951 1.9 1.9 1.95 1.87 1.89 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2 2.04 2.25 2.225 2.225 2.25 2.25 2.22 2.13 2.18 1.7 - 2.1 Bold = Highly recommended product 64 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition rs typ rs max @f= @ Cd = (V) () () (MHz) (pF) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 25 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.7 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 9 9 9 9 9 30 9 9 0.5 28 - 0.75 470 9 @ V1 = @ V2 = (V) 10 10.9 10.9 10 10.9 12 Cd1/Cd2 min Cd1/Cd2 typ Cd1/Cd2 max 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 25 8.2 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 6 6.3 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 7.3 28 8.9 - @ V1 = @ V2 = (V) (V) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.8 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 25 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 - - - - Cd/ Cd @ Ns = TV / VCR / DVD / HDD varicap diodes - VHF tuning @ f = 1 MHz Type Cd min Cd typ Cd max @ VR = (pF) (pF) (pF) SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOD523 SOD882T SOD523 SOD882T SOD523 SOD882T 2.4 2.48 2.361 2.361 2.36 2.48 2.48 2.57 2.57 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.75 2.75 SOD323 SOD523 SOD882T SOT23 0.7 0.7 0.7 4.3 - Package Matched BB148 BB152 BB153 BB178 BB178LX BB182 BB182LX BB187 BB187LX Unmatched BB131 BB181 BB181LX BBY40 rs typ rs max @f= @ Cd = (V) () () (MHz) (pF) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 1 0.65 0.65 0.7 1 1 - 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.75 0.75 100 100 100 100 470 100 100 470 470 12 30 30 30 30 30 30 - 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 28 28 28 25 2 - 3 3 0.7 470 470 470 200 9 9 9 25 Cd1/ Cd2 typ Cd1/ Cd2 max @ V1 = @ V2 = (V) Cd1/ Cd2 min (V) 2.75 2.89 2.754 2.754 2.75 2.89 2.89 2.92 2.92 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 14.5 20.6 13.5 13.5 13.5 20.6 11 11 15 22 15 15 15 22 22 - - 1.055 1.055 1.055 6 28 28 28 25 12 12 5 14 - 16 16 6.5 @ V1 = @ V2 = (V) (V) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 - - - - Cd/ Cd @ Ns = Bold = Highly recommended product 3.2.2 PIN diodes brb407 700 Freq = 100 MHz, Cd @ VR = 0 V rD @ 0.5 mA rD @ 10 mA Cd (fF) NEW : Pin diode selection guide on www.nxp.com/pindiodes Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right pin diode for your design. 600 BAP65LX BAP65LX 500 400 BAP50LX BAP63LX BAP63LX BAP1321LX BAP51LX BAP51LX BAP1321LX BAP142LX BAP142LX 300 Why choose NXP Semiconductors' PIN diodes: } Broad portfolio } Unrivalled performance } Short leadtimes } Low series inductance } Low insertion loss } Low capacitance 200 BAP50LX BAP64LX BAP70-02 BAP64LX BAP70-02 100 0 10-1 1 102 10 rD () brb408 25 Freq = 1800 MHz, Isolation @ VR = 0 V Insertion Loss @ 0.5 mA Insertion Loss @ 10 mA Isolation (dB) 20 BAP70-20 BAP50LX BAP64LX BAP51LX BAP142LX BAP1321LX BAP63LX 15 10 BAP65LX 5 0 10-2 BAP70-02 BAP50LX BAP64LX BAP51LX BAP142LX BAP1321LX BAP63LX BAP65LX 10-1 1 10 Insertion Loss (dB) Look for more graphs showing the Pin diode line-up at other frequencies on our web site: www.nxp.com/pindiodes PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA 2, switching diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type BAP65LX BAP65-02 BAP65-03 BAP65-05 BAP65-05W BAP63LX BAP63-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-05W Package SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOT23 SOT323 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOT323 Number of diodes Conf 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 SG SG SG CC CC SG SG SG CC VR max (V) IF max (mA) 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 @ IF = 0.5 mA @ IF = 1 mA @ f = 1 MHz @ IF = 10 mA @ VR =0V @ VR = 1 V @ VR = 20 V rD typ () rD max () rD typ () rD max () rD typ () rD max () Cd typ (pF) Cd typ (pF) Cd max (pF) Cd typ (pF) Cd max (pF) 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.94 1 1 1 1 1.87 1.95 1.95 1.95 3 3 3 3 0.49 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 1.19 1.17 1.17 1.17 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.61 0.65 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.34 0.36 0.4 0.4 0.48 0.55 0.55 0.575 0.575 0.29 0.32 0.35 0.35 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 - 0.37 0.375 0.375 0.425 0.425 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.3 0.3 0.32 0.32 0.35 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 65 PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA = 2.2 - 2.4, switching diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type Package BAP55LX BAP1321-02 BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BAP1321LX BAP142LX Number of diodes Conf VR max (V) IF max (mA) 1 1 1 2 1 1 SG SG SG SR SG SG 50 60 60 60 60 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOT23 SOD882T SOD882T @ IF = 0.5 mA rD typ () 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 rD max () 4.5 5 5 5 5 5 @ IF = 1 mA rD typ () 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 @ IF = 10 mA rD max () 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 rD typ () 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 rD max () 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 @ f = 1 MHz @ VR @ VR = 20 V @ VR = 1 V =0V Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd max typ typ max typ (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) 0.28 0.23 0.18 0.28 0.4 0.35 0.45 0.25 0.32 0.4 0.35 0.45 0.25 0.32 0.42 0.375 0.45 0.275 0.325 0.32 0.27 0.38 0.21 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.16 0.26 PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA = 3.2 - 3.6, switching diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type Package BAP51LX BAP51-02 BAP51-03 BAP51-04W BAP51-05W BAP51-06W Number of diodes Conf 1 1 1 2 2 2 SG SG SG SR CC CA SOD882T SOD523 SOD323 SOT323 SOT323 SOT323 VR max (V) IF max (mA) 60 60 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 @ IF = 0.5 mA rD typ () 4.9 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 rD max () 9 9 9 9 9 - @ IF = 1 mA rD typ () 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 @ f = 1 MHz @ IF = 10 mA rD max () 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 - rD typ () 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 rD max () 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 - @ VR =0V Cd typ (pF) 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 @ VR = 1 V Cd typ (pF) 0.22 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Cd max (pF) 0.4 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 - @ VR = 20 V Cd typ (pF) 0.17 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Cd max (pF) 0.3 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 - PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA = 10, attenuator/swithcing diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type Package BAP64Q BAP64-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-04W BAP64-05 BAP64-05W BAP64-06 BAP64-06W Number of diodes Conf 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 SR SG SG SR SR CC CC CA CA SOT753 SOD523 SOD323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 VR max (V) IF max (mA) 100 175 175 175 100 175 100 175 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 @ IF = 0.5 mA rD typ () 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 rD max () 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 @ f = 1 MHz @ IF = 1 mA rD typ () 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 @ VR = 0V Cd rD max typ () (pF) 3,8 0.52 3.8 0.48 3.8 0.48 3.8 0.52 3.8 0.52 3.8 0.52 3.8 0.52 3.8 0.52 3.8 0.52 @ IF = 10 mA rD max () 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 rD typ () 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 @ VR = 1 V Cd typ (pF) 0.37 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 Cd max (pF) - @ VR = 20 V Cd typ (pF) 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 Cd max (pF) 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA = 14 - 16, attenuator diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type Package Number of diodes BAP50-02 SOD523 1 BAP50-03 SOD323 1 BAP50-04 SOT23 2 BAP50-04W SOT323 2 BAP50-05 SOT23 2 BAP50-05W SOT323 2 BAP50LX SOD882T 1 BAP64LX^ SOD882T 1 ^ = attenuator / switching diode Conf VR max (V) IF max (mA) SG SG SR SR CC CC SG SG 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 @ IF = 0.5 mA rD typ () 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 31 rD max () 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 @ IF = 1 mA rD typ () 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 rD max () 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 @ f = 1 MHz @ VR = @ IF = 10 mA 0V Cd rD rD max typ typ () () (pF) 3 5 0.4 3 5 0.4 3 5 0.45 3 5 0.45 3 5 0.45 3 5 0.45 3 5 0.4 2.6 4.4 0.48 @ VR = 1 V Cd typ (pF) 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.35 0.3 0.35 0.28 0.34 Cd max (pF) 0.55 0.55 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.55 - Cd typ (pF) Cd max (pF) @ VR = (V) 0.22 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.3 0.19 0.17 0.35 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.35 0.3 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 20 PIN diodes : typical rD @ 1 mA = 40, attenuator diodes @ f = 100 MHz Type Package BAP70Q BAP70-02 BAP70-03 BAP70-04W BAP70-05 BAP70AM SOT753 SOD523 SOD323 SOT323 SOT23 SOT363 Number of diodes Conf VR max (V) IF max (mA) 4 1 1 2 2 4 SR SG SG SR CC SR 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 Bold = highly recommended product Bold Red = New, highly recommended product 66 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition SG = Single SR = Series @ IF = 0.5 mA rD typ () 77 77 77 77 77 77 rD max () 100 100 100 100 100 100 @ IF = 1 mA rD typ () 40 40 40 40 40 40 @ f = 1 MHz @ IF = 10 mA rD max () 50 50 50 50 50 50 CC = Common Cathode CA = Common Anode rD typ () 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 rD max () 7 7 7 7 7 7 @ VR =0V Cd typ (pF) 0.6 0.57 0.57 0.6 0.6 0.57 @ VR = 1 V Cd typ (pF) 0.43 0.4 0.4 0.43 0.43 0.4 Cd max (pF) - @ VR = 20 V Cd max (pF) 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 Cd typ (pF) 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.25 3.2.3 Band-switch diodes Why choose NXP Semiconductors' bandswitch diodes: Reliable volume supplier Short leadtimes Low series Inductance Low Insertion loss Low capacitance High reverse Isolation Type Package VR max (V) IF max (mA) rD max () @ IF = (mA) @f= (MHz) Cd max (pF) @ VR = (V) @f= (MHz) BA277 BA591 BA891 BAT18 SOD523 SOD323 SOD523 SOT23 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 100 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 2 3 3 5 100 100 100 200 1.2 0.9 0.9 1 6 3 3 20 1 1 1 1 Bold = Highly recommended product 3.2.4 Schottky diodes NEW : Schottky diode selection guide on www.nxp.com/rfschottkydiodes Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right schottky diode for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' schottky diodes (Very) low diode capacitance (Very) low forward voltage Single and triple-isolated diode (Ultra / very) small package Applications } Digital applications: - ultra high-speed switching - clamping circuits } RF applications: - diode ring mixer - RF detector - RF voltage doubler Low-capacitance Schottky diodes Type Package Configuration BAT17 PMBD353 PMBD354^ 1PS76SB17 1PS66SB17 1PS79SB17 1PS88SB82 1PS70SB82 1PS70SB84 1PS70SB85 1PS70SB86 1PS66SB82 1PS10SB82 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOD323 SOT666 SOD523 SOT363 SOT323 SOT323 SOT323 SOT323 SOT666 SOD882 single dual series dual series single triple isolated single triple isolated single dual series dual c.c dual c.a. triple isolated single VR max. (V) 4 4 4 4 4 4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 IF max. (mA) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 VF max. (mV) 450 @ IF = 1 mA 450 @ IF = 1 mA 450 @ IF = 1 mA 450 @ IF = 1 mA 450 @ IF = 1 mA 450 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA 340 @ IF = 1 mA CD max. (pF) 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V 1 @ VR = 0 V ^ Diodes have matched capacitance NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 67 3.3 3.3.1 RF Bipolar transistors Wideband transistors NEW : RF wideband transistor selection guide on www.nxp.com/rftransistors Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right RF wideband transistor for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' wideband transistors st th Broad portfolio (1 - 7 generation) Short leadtimes Smallest packages Volume delivery Wideband transistors The fT-IC curve represents Transition Frequency (fT) characteristics as a function of collector current (IC) for the six generations of RF wideband transistors. A group of transistors having the same collector current (IC) & similar transition frequencies (fT) represents a curve. The curve number matches products in the table, detailing their RF characteristics. Wideband transistors line-up per frequency bra510 100 (38) (39) (40) (33) fT (GHz) 7th generation (34) (35) (25) (37) 6th generation (29) (32) (31) (30) 10 (36) (27) (26) (21) (20) (19) (15) (14) (22) 3rd generation (11) (7) (9) (8) 2nd generation (1) 0.2 PIN 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0.5 1 (3) 2 DECRIPTION Type (see Fig.1) collector base emitter emitter Type/X (see Fig.1) collector emitter base emitter Type/XR (see Fig.2) collector emitter base emitter NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition (12) (10) (4) 1 0.1 5th generation 4th generation (23) (16) (18) 68 (41) 5 10 1st generation 20 50 4 1 100 200 500 IC (mA) 3 3 2 2 Figure 1 1000 4 1 Figure 2 Wideband transistors (RF small signal) GUM (typ) (dB) 400 400 400 2000 2100 2000 2000 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 7 7 7 - @ VCE = (V) Polarity 250 250 250 500 250 250 500 @ IC = (mA) P tot (max) (mW) 8 8 10 10 8 10 9.5 SOT143 SOT143 SOT343 SOT223 SOT223H SOT223 SOT223 @ f = (MHz) IC (max) (mA) BFG10 BFG10/X BFG10W/X BLT50 BLT70 BLT80 BLT81 VCEO (max) (V) Type Package RF power transistors for handheld equipment 1900 1900 1900 - 1 1 1 - 3.6 3.6 3.6 - @ IC = (mA) @ VCE = (V) 1 1 - - 1000 0.5 1 1.8 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 2 -70 -10 100 10 15 10 2 70 10 - 3.75 50 10 3.3 30 6 3.5 15 10 3 15 10 2 14 10 2.5 0.5 1 1.8 0.5 1 1.8 2.5 -15 -10 2.5 2.4 -30 -5 2.4 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 800 2000 1000 800 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 0.5 1 1 5 -50 50 30 5 5 2 1 0.5 -5 -5 -10 -10 1 1 1 10 -10 10 6 10 10 5 1 1 -10 -10 -5 -5 3 2.1 3 3 3 2000 1000 2000 1000 1000 5 5 5 -5 -10 10 10 10 -10 -5 800 800 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 100 50 80 80 70 15 15 30 30 45 70 15 30 30 30 30 30 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 15 15 5 5 45 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.3 3 2.7 3 3 3 2.1 2.1 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5 5 5 5 45 15 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 1 1.6 2.3 15 15 5 25 300 NPN 50 300 NPN 6.5 30 NPN BFG25A/X BFG25AW BFG25AW/X BFG31 BFG35 BFG92A/X BFG97 BFQ149 BFQ18A BFQ19 BFR106 BFR92A BFR92AW BFS17A BFS25A BFT25A BFT92 BFT92W BFT93 BFT93W 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 18 18 18 10 11 7 10 10 11 10 10 7 7 4 18 18 7 7 9 9 SOT143B 5 SOT343N 5 SOT343N 5 SOT223 5 SOT223 4 SOT143B 5 SOT223 5.5 SOT89 5 SOT89 4 SOT89 5.5 SOT23 5 SOT23 5 SOT323 5 SOT23 2.8 SOT323 5 SOT23 5 SOT23 5 SOT323 4 SOT23 5 SOT323 4 5 5 5 -15 18 15 15 -15 18 15 15 15 15 15 5 5 -15 -15 -12 -12 6.5 6.5 6.5 -100 150 25 100 -100 150 100 100 25 25 25 6.5 6.5 -25 -35 -35 -50 32 500 500 1000 1000 400 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 300 300 300 32 32 300 300 300 300 NPN NPN NPN 16 1000 0.5 PNP 16 500 -70 NPN 15 500 100 NPN 16 1000 15 NPN 16 500 70 PNP 12 500 -50 NPN NPN 11.5 500 50 NPN NPN 14 1000 15 NPN 14 1000 15 NPN NPN NPN PNP 18 500 -14 PNP 17 500 -15 PNP 16.5 500 -30 PNP 15.5 500 -30 18 16 1 8 -10 12 10 11 10 11 10 12 -10 10 7.5 - 11.5 10 8 10 8 - 13.5 13 15 -10 -10 11 -5 -5 10 1000 2000 2000 800 800 2000 800 800 800 2000 2000 800 1000 1000 1000 BFG135 BFG198 BFG590 BFG590/X BFG591 BFG67 BFG67/X BFG93A BFG93A/X BFG94 BFQ591 BFQ67W BFR93A BFR94A^ BFR93AR BFR93AW BFR94AW^ 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 16 15 22 22 22 14 14 8 8 8 22 14 8 8 8 8 8 SOT223 SOT223 SOT143B SOT143B SOT223 SOT143B SOT143B SOT143B SOT143B SOT223 SOT89 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT323 15 10 15 15 15 10 10 12 12 12 15 10 12 12 12 12 12 150 100 200 200 200 50 50 35 35 60 200 50 35 35 35 35 35 1000 1000 400 400 2000 380 380 300 300 700 2250 300 300 300 300 300 300 NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN 10 8 4 4 12 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 5 5 7 8 8 6 6 6 7 8 6 6 6 5 5 Polarity 3 3 1 Type 1st 1st 1st 16 18 13 13 13 17 17 16 16 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 500 500 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 50 80 80 70 15 15 30 30 70 15 30 30 30 30 30 12 15 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 13.5 5.5 8 7 7 7 8 8 10 8 4 4 12 8 8 8 8 10 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.7 1.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.5 NF (typ) (dB) - BFS17 BFS17W BFT25 NF (typ) (dB) - IC (max) (mA) 5 5 1 VCEO (max) (V) 2 2 1 f T (typ) (GHz) 500 500 500 Package 4.5 4.5 3.8 Curve @ VCE = (V) @ f = (MHz) 800 @ IC = (mA) GUM (typ) (dB) 12 @ f = (MHz) @ VCE = (V) 1 @ VCE = (V) @ IC = (mA) 1 @ IC = (mA) @ f = (MHz) 500 @ f = (MHz) GUM (typ) (dB) 18 Gemeration P tot (max) (mW) RF wideband transistors generation 1 - 3 Bold = Highly recommended product Bold Red = New, highly recommended product ^ = automotive qualified NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 69 @ IC = (mA) IP3 (typ) (dBm) @ IC = (mA) @ VCE = (V) 3 3 3 3 @ IC = (mA) @ VCE = (V) @ f = (MHz) 5 5 15 15 @ VCE = (V) PL(1dB) (typ) (dBmW) 8.5 8.5 19.4 19.4 @ VCE = (V) 60 60 210 210 @ IC = (mA) 10 10 35 35 @ f = (MHz) 6 6 6 6 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 10 9 8 10 10 9 9 7 10 9 8 9.5 8 10 10 9.2 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 20 15 5 5 20 20 40 5 20 40 15 30 15 15 30 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.9 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 1000 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 5 40 15 5 1.25 5 5 10 1.25 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.85 1.85 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.1 2 2 2.1 2.1 1.8 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 15 5 1.25 5 5 10 1.25 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 17 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 4 5 17 17 21 4 17 21 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 - 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 - NPN 18 NPN 18 NPN 18.3 NPN 18.3 1800 1800 1800 1800 5 5 15 15 3 3 3 3 - - - - 1 1 1.1 1.1 2000 2000 2000 2000 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.8 1.8 8.7 8.7 3 3 3 3 1800 5 1800 5 1800 15 1800 15 NF (typ) (dB) SOT143R SOT343R SOT143R SOT343R 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 - @ VCE = (V) 30 30 31 31 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 20 20 40 5 20 40 - @ IC = (mA) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 10 10 10 10 10 26 26 26 26 26 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 10 10 26 26 34 10 26 34 - @ f = (MHz) BFG310/XR BFG310W/XR BFG325/XR BFG325W/XR 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 20 20 40 5 20 40 - NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NF (typ) (dB) 150 150 500 500 500 300 300 300 500 500 400 400 400 500 500 500 650 500 1000 1,200 300 150 150 300 150 500 150 300 500 360 365 250 150 270 @ VCE = (V) 18 18 18 18 18 70 70 70 70 70 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 18 70 120 50 18 18 70 70 120 18 70 120 50 100 50 50 100 @ IC = (mA) P tot (max) (mW) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 8 8 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 @ f = (MHz) IC (max) (mA) SOT143B 9 SOT143B 9 SOT343N 9 SOT343N 9 SOT343R 9 SOT143B 9 SOT143B 9 SOT143R 9 SOT343N 9 SOT343N 9 SOT143B 9 SOT143B 9 SOT143R 9 SOT343N 9 SOT343N 9 SOT343R 9 SOT223 9 SOT363A 9 SOT363A 9 SOT89 9 SOT23 8 SOT23 9 SOT416 9 SOT23 9 SOT416 9 SOT23 9 SOT323 9 SOT323 9 SOT323 9 SOT23 8 SOT23 8 SOT323 8.5 SOT416 9 SOT323 8.5 GUM (typ) (dB) VCEO (max) (V) 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 19 20 21 14 19 19 20 20 21 19 20 21 20 21 20 20 21 Polarity Curve 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th 4th f T (typ) (GHz) Gemeration BFG505 BFG505/X BFG505W BFG505W/X BFG505W/XR BFG520 BFG520/X BFG520/XR BFG520W BFG520W/X BFG540 BFG540/X BFG540/XR BFG540W BFG540W/X BFG540W/XR BFG541 BFM505 BFM520 BFQ540 BFQ67 BFR505 BFR505T BFR520 BFR520T BFR540 BFS505 BFS520 BFS540 PBR941 PBR951 PRF947 PRF949 PRF957 Package Type RF wideband transistors generation 4 - 4.5 1 1 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1 1 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 5 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 20 3.6 900 1 6 1 2000 10 15 10 2000 25 22 25 2000 25 22 25 2000 25 22 25 2000 1 28 80 1 2 2 2 2 2 5800 2400 1500 1500 12000 5800 5800 2400 2400 8 25 60 90 8 25 25 60 90 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.75 0.58 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.47 0.56 0.5 0.56 2400 1500 1500 1500 5800 2400 2400 1500 1500 1 5 20 50 2 5 5 20 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.4 5800 1 0.73 2400 5 0.75 2400 20 0.9 2400 50 1.7 12000 2 0.7 5800 5 1 5800 5 0.6 2400 20 0.7 2400 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 - - 14 8 - 23 25 - 30 60 - 35 90 - 14.5 8 5800 25 19 25 - 20.5 25 - 23 60 - 24 90 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 2 - IP3 (typ) (dBm) 900 900 900 900 900 900 @ IC = (mA) 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.2 @ f = (MHz) 3.6 2 2 2 2 2 2 @ VCE = (V) 1 3 10 25 25 25 80 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold = Highly recommended product Bold Red = New, highly recommended product 70 PL(1dB) (typ) (dBmW) @ VCE = (V) 1900 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 NF (typ) (dB) 10 22 21 23 22 20 16 NF (typ) (dB) @ IC = (mA) NPN 21 NPN 28 NPN 28.5 NPN 25.6 NPN 16.5 NPN 18 NPN 20.3 NPN 25 NPN 20.4 @ f = (MHz) 50 130 200 300 30 136 130 200 250 @ VCE = (V) 5 10 5 30 5 70 5 100 2.8 10 2.8 40 2.8 30 2.8 70 2.8 100 @ IC = (mA) 40 40 40 40 70 70 70 70 70 @ f = (MHz) NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN @ VCE = (V) 600 16 54 135 135 135 360 @ IC = (mA) 4.5 500 4.5 3.6 4.5 12 4.5 30 4.5 30 4.5 30 4.5 250 @ f = (MHz) SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F 17 22 25 25 25 21 GUM (typ) (dB) 34 35 36 37 38 33 39 40 41 Polarity 6th 6th 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th P tot (max) (mW) BFU610F* BFU630F* BFU660F* BFU690F* BFU710F* BFU725F/N1 BFU730F* BFU760F* BFU790F* SOT343R SOT343R SOT343R SOT343F SOT343R SOT343R SOT343R IC (max) (mA) 32 25 26 27 27 27 29 VCEO (max) (V) Curve 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th f T (typ) (GHz) Gemeration BFG21W BFG403W BFG410W BFG424F BFG424W BFG425W BFG480W Package Type RF wideband transistors generation 5 - 7 3.4 3.4.1 RF ICs MMICs NEW : RF MMIC selection guide on www.nxp.com/mmics Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right zRF MMIC for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' MMICs Reduced RF component count Easy circuit design-in Reduced board size Short time-to-market Broad portfolio Volume delivery Short leadtimes Excellent gain flatness^ No output inductor necessary anymore^ ^ = only for new satellite IF gain blocks, BGA28xx-family. General-purpose wideband amplifiers (50 Ohm gain blocks) @ Type Package BGA2711 BGA2748 BGA2771 BGA2776 BGA2709 BGA2712 BGM1011 BGM1012 BGM1013 BGM1014 BGA2714 BGA2715 BGA2716 BGA2717 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Notes: (1) Vs (V) 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 Fu(1) Is @-3 dB (mA) (GHz) 12.6 3.6(2) 5.7 1.9 33.3 2.4 24.4 2.8 23.5 3.6 12.3 3.2 25.5 3.6 14.6(2) 27.5 2.1 2.5 21.0 (2) 4.58 2.7 3.3 4.3(2) 3.2 15.9(2) 8.0 3.2 Upper -3 dB point, to gain at 1 GHz. (2) NF (dB) 4.8 1.9(2) 4.5 4.9 4.0 3.9 4.7 4.8 4.6 4.2 2.2 2.6 5.3 2.3(2) Psat (dBm) 2.8 -2.3 13.2(2) 10.5 12.5 4.8 13.8 9.7 14.0 12.9 -3.4 -4.0 11.6 1.4 @ 1 GHz Gain(3) (dB) 13.1 21.8 21.4 23.2(2) 22.7 21.3 30 (2) 20.1 35.5(2) 32.3 20.4 21.7 22.9 23.9 Optimized parameter (3) P1dB OIP3 (dBm) (dBm) -0.7 8.3 -9.2 -1.9 12.1 21.9 7.2 18.6 8.3 22 0.2 11 12.2 23 5.6 18 12.0 22.7 11.2 20.5 -7.9 2.1 -8.0 2.3 8.9 22.2 -2.6 10.0 100 MHz 13.0 14.8 20.3 22.4 22.2 20.8 25.0 19.5 35.2 30.0 20.8 13.3 22.1 18.6 Gain(3) (dB) @ 2.2 2.6 GHz GHz 14.1 13.8 17.6 15.0 20.4 17.9 23.2 21.8 23.0 22.1 21.9 21.2 37.0 32.0 20.4 19.9 31.8 29.7 34.1 30.5 20.8 19.4 23.3 22.1 22.8 22.1 25.1 24.0 3.0 GHz 12.7 11.9 15.5 19.3 21.1 19.3 28.0 18.7 26.1 26.4 16.8 20.1 20.8 22.1 Vs (V) 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 6 Limits Is (mA) 20 15 50 34 35 25 35 50 35 30 10 8 25 15 P tot (mW) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Vs (V) 3.3 Limits Is (mA) 77 P tot (mW) 200 Gain = |S21|2 New general-purpose wideband amplifiers (50 Ohm gain blocks) @ Type Package BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Vs (V) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 Fu Is @-3 dB (mA) (GHz) 9.7 >3 12.4 3.0 16.4 >3 19.6 2.3 7.7 >3 22.7 2.6 15.4 >3 NF (dB) 3.4 3.6 3.4 2.8 3.9 3.7 3.6 @ 1 GHz Gain (dB) 20.2 22.1 25.4 31.2 23.3 31.9 23.4 OIP3 (dBm) 11.5 13.6 18.2 16.1 8.7 20.9 17.7 250 (MHz) 20.0 22.3 26.2 32.0 22.9 31.2 23.0 Gain (dB) @ 950 1550 (MHz) (MHz) 20.2 20.6 22.1 23.0 25.4 25.5 31.2 30.6 23.2 23.9 31.8 32.6 23.3 24.0 2150 (MHz) 20.6 23.8 25.8 28.7 24.0 31.4 24.3 No output inductor necessary when using the new BGA28xx IF Gain blocks at the output stage. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product 2-stage variable gain linear amplifier @ Type BGA2031/1 Notes: Vs (V) 3 Package (1) SOT363 Gain = GP, power gain. (2) Is (mA) 51 Frequency Range 800-2500 Gain(1) (dB) 24 @ 900 MHz DG(2) P1dB ACPR Gain(1) (dB) (dBm) (dBc) (dB) 62 11 49 23 @1900 MHz DG(2) P1dB ACPR (dB) (dBm) (dBc) 56 13 49 DG = Gain control range NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 71 Wideband linear mixer @ Type BGA2022 Notes: Vs (V) 3 Package (1) SOT363 Gain = GP, power gain. (2) RF Input Frequency Range 800 - 2500 Is (mA) 6 IF Output Frequency Range 50 - 500 NF (dB) 9 @ 880 MHz Gain(1) OIP3 (dB) (dBm) 5 4 @1900 MHz NF Gain(1) OIP3 (dB) (dB) (dBm) 9 6 10 Vs (V) 4 Limits Is (mA) 10 Ptot (mW) 40 Vs (V) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Limits Is (mA) 30 30 30 30 15 Ptot (mW) 135 135 135 135 70 DG = Gain control range Low-noise wideband amplifiers @ Type Package BGA2001 BGA2002^ BGA2003 BGA2011 BGA2012 SOT343R SOT343R SOT343R SOT363 SOT363 Vs (V) 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 Notes: (1) MSG (2) Adjustable bias ^ = Automotive qualified Is (mA) 4 4 10 (2) 15 7 (3) NF (dB) 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.5 - @ 900 MHz Gain IIP3 (dB) (dBm) -7.4 22(1) -7.4 22(1) 24 (1) -6.5 10 19(3) - @1800 MHz NF Gain IIP3 (dB) (dB) (dBm) 1.3 19.5(1) -4.5 1.3 19.5(1) -4.5 1.8 16(1) -4.8 1.7 16(3) 10 Gain(3) (dB) @ 1 2.6 GHz GHz 17.1 11.6 17.1 11.6 18.6 11.1 14.8 8 18.2 11.6 100 MHz 20 20 26 24 22 3.0 GHz 10.7 10.7 10.1 6.5 10.5 |S21|2 General-purpose, med. power ampl. (50 ohm gain blocks) @ Type BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 Notes: (1) @ 900 MHz Gain(2) OIP3 Package Vs (1) Is NF SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 (V) 4.1 5.1 4.8 (mA) 84 78 81 (dB) 3.5 3.1 3.0 Device voltage without bias resistor. (2) (dB) 15 20 22 (dBm) 31 33 33 P1dB NF (dBm) 17 20 21 (dB) 3.7 3.3 3.3 @1800 MHz Gain(2) OIP3 (dB) 13 16 17 (dBm) 28 30 32 P1 dB Gain(2) 2.5 Vs (1) Limits Is Ptot (dBm) 15 17 20 GHz 12 15 15 (V) 6 6 6 (mA) 120 120 120 (mW) 480 480 480 Gain = |S21|2 Medium power amplifier MMICs for all 400 - 2700 MHz applications supply Type Vcc f Package shutdown control Icc VI(D)L(SHDN) VI(D)H(SHDN) II(D)L(SHDN) Typ Typ Max Min Max Min Max Typ (MHz) (V) (mA) (mA) (V) (V) (V) (V) (A) BGA7124 SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 130 200 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7024 SOT89 leaded 400 - 2700 5 110 BGA7127 SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 180 325 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7027 SOT89 leaded 400 - 2700 5 170 BGA7130* SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 BGA7133* SOT908 leadless 400 - 2700 5 0 0.7 2.5 Vbias 4 The specifications of the BGA7130 and BGA7133 are target specifications until development is completed. RF performance RF performance Typ @ f = 940 MHz Typ @ f = 1960 MHz PL(1dB) OIP3 dBm dBm 25 38 24 38 28 44 28 41 30 45 33 46 Gp dB 22 22 20 19 18 18 NF dB 5 3 3 3 4 4 Gp dB 16 16 13 12 12 12 PL(1dB) OIP3 dBm dBm 24 38 25 38 28 43 28 43 30 45 33 47 NF dB 5 4 5 4 4 4 SiGe:C MMICs (for e.g. GPS): @ 1.575 GHz Supply voltage Type Package BGU7003 BGU7005 BGU7006* BGU7007* SOT891 SOT886 WLCSP*** SOT886 Supply current Insertion power gain Noise figure Input power at 1 dB gain compression Vcc Icc |s21|2 NF PI(1 dB) IP3i V mA dB dB dBm dBm Min Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Typ Vcc = 1.8 V, Min Vcc = 1.8 V, Typ Vcc = 2.5 V, Icc = 5 mA 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 3 - 4.5 3.8 4.8 15 - 16 - 18,3 16.5** 16.5** 18**** 20 - 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 -14 -14 -14 -11 -11 -11 -20 - Input third-order intercept point f1 = 1713 MHz, f2 = 1851 MHz Vcc = Vcc = 2.85 V, 2.85 V, Typ Min -11 -12 -11 Vcc = 1.8 V, Min Vcc = 1.8 V, Typ Vcc = 2.5 V, Icc = 5 mA Vcc = 2.85 V, Min Vcc = 2.85 V, Typ 5 1 5 9 4 9 0 - 5 5 5 12 9 12 -8 -9 -8 SiGe:C MMICs for Set-Top-Boxes Type Package Frequency range @ Mode (MHz) BGU7033* SOT363 40 - 1000 BGU7032* SOT363 40 - 1000 BGU7031* SOT363 40 - 1000 GP 10 dB GP 5 dB Bypass GP 10 dB Bypass GP 10 dB Gain (1) NF PL(1dB) OIP3 FL (2) RLout RLin (mA) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) (dB) (dB) 43 43 4 43 4 43 10 5 -2 10 -2 10 4.5 6 2.5 4.5 2.5 4.5 14 9 10 13 10 13 29 29 29 29 29 29 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 12 12 8 12 8 12 18 17 8 18 8 18 VCC ICC (V) 5 5 5 5 5 5 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product Notes: (1) Gain = GP, power gain, (2) Flatness of frequency response = FL 72 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition SiGe:C MMICs Variable Gain Amplifiers Type Package Control interface BGA7202* SOT617 Analog BGA7203* BGA7204* BGA7350* BGA7351* SOT617 SOT617 SOT617 SOT617 Analog Parallel, serial Parallel, digital Parallel, digital Vsup Isup frequency (V) (mA) 5 710 5 5 5 5 710 160 240 240 (MHz) 700 ... 1450 1450 ... 2200 2100 ... 2750 700 ... 2750 50 ... 250 Gain @ minimum attenuation @ maximum attenuation range Gain OIP3 NF Gain OIP3 NF (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dB) 27 24 45 6.5 -3 23.5 33.5 27 24 45 6.5 -3 23.5 33.5 27 24 45 6.5 -3 23.5 33.5 31.5 24 37 6.5 -7.5 19 38 24 18.5 6 -5.5 50 30 28 18.5 6 -9.5 50 34 BGA7350 and BGA7351 are dual VGA products. The VGA function is twice on the chip. BGA7350 and BGA7351 are designed for receiving. SiGe:C MMIC LNA's for wireless infrastructures Type Package BGU7051* BGU7052* BGU7053* BGU7054* SOT650 SOT650 SOT650 SOT650 Vsupply (typ) @ IC = @f= (V) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 (mA) 65 65 65 65 (MHz) 900 1900 2500 3500 Gass (typ) NF (typ) PL(1dB) (typ) OIP3 (typ) (dB) 20.9 20.1 20 20 (dB) 0.7 0.9 1 1.1 (dBmW) 17.8 18 18 18 (dBm) 34 35.5 35 35 IRL ORL (dB) 22 20 20 20 (dB) 15.8 15 15 15 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product 3.4.2 Low noise LO generators for VSAT and general microwave applications Why choose NXP Semiconductors' low noise LO generators Lowest total cost of ownership Alignment free concept Easy circuit design-in Improved LO stability Low noise LO generators for VSAT applications VCC fIN(REF) Type TFF1003HN TFF1007HN* ICC PLL phase noise @ N=64, @100 kHz Package SOT616 SOT616 PLL Output buffer fo(RF) Po RLout(RF) Input Si Typ Typ Max Typ Max Min MHz V mA dBc/Hz (GHz) dBm dB dBm 50~815 3.3 100 -92 12.8~13.05 -5 -10 -10 230.46~234.38 3.3 100 -104 14.75~15 -3 -10 -10 Low noise LO generators for general microwave applications Type TFF11070HN* TFF11073HN* TFF11077HN* TFF11080HN* TFF11084HN* TFF11088HN* TFF11092HN* TFF11096HN* TFF11101HN* TFF11105HN* TFF11110HN* TFF11115HN* TFF11121HN* TFF11126HN* TFF11139HN* TFF11145HN* TFF11152HN* Package SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 SOT616 fIN(REF) VCC ICC MHz 27 - 448 28 - 468 29 - 490 31 - 513 32 - 537 34 - 562 35 - 588 37 - 616 38 - 644 40 - 674 42 - 706 44 - 738 46 - 773 48 - 809 53 - 886 55 - 927 58 - 970 Typ V 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Typ mA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 PLL phase noise @ N=64 @ 100 kHz @ 10 MHz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 -95 -131 Min GHz 6.84 7.16 7.49 7.84 8.21 8.59 8.99 9.41 9.85 10.31 10.79 11.29 11.81 12.36 13.54 14.17 14.83 PLL fo(RF) Typ GHz 7.00 7.33 7.67 8.02 8.40 8.79 9.20 9.63 10.07 10.54 11.03 11.55 12.09 12.65 13.85 14.50 15.18 Max GHz 7.16 7.49 7.84 8.21 8.59 8.99 9.41 9.85 10.31 10.79 11.29 11.81 12.36 12.94 14.17 14.83 15.52 Output buffer Po RLout(RF) Typ Max dBm dB -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 -5 -10 Input Si Min dBm -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 73 3.5 3.5.1 RF MOS transistors JFETs NEW : JFET selection guide on www.nxp.com/rffets Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right junction field effect transistor for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' JFETs Reliable volume supplier Short leadtimes Broad portfolio N-channel junction field-effect transistors for switching Type Package BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 PMBFJ108 PMBFJ109 PMBFJ110 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 J108 J109 J110 J111 J112 J113 PMBF4391 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 VDS IG (V) max 40 40 40 25 25 25 40 40 40 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 (mA) max 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 I DSS (mA) min max 50 20 100 8 80 80 40 10 20 5 2 80 40 10 20 5 2 50 150 25 75 5 30 -Vgsoff (V) min max 4 10 2 6 0.8 4 3 10 2 6 0.5 4 3 10 1 5 0.5 3 3 10 2 6 0.5 4 3 10 1 5 0.5 3 4 10 2 5 0.5 3 CHARACTERISTICS RDSON C rs () (pF) max min max 25 5 40 5 60 5 8 15 12 15 18 15 30 typ.3 50 typ.3 100 typ.3 8 15 12 15 18 15 30 typ.3 50 typ.3 100 typ.3 30 3.5 60 3.5 100 3.5 t on (ns) typ 4 4 4 13 13 13 4 4 4 13 13 13 - t off (ns) max 15 15 15 typ 6 6 6 35 35 35 6 6 6 35 35 35 - max 25 50 100 20 35 50 P-channel junction field-effect transistors for switching Type Package PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ177 J174 J175 J176 J177 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 SOT54 74 VDS IG (V) max 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 (mA) max 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 I DSS (mA) min max 20 135 7 70 2 35 1.5 20 20 135 7 70 2 35 1.5 20 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition -Vgsoff (V) min max 5 10 3 6 1 4 0.8 2.25 5 10 3 6 1 4 0.8 2.25 CHARACTERISTICS RDSON C rs () (pF) max min max 85 typ.4 125 typ.4 250 typ.4 300 typ.4 85 typ.4 125 typ.4 250 typ.4 300 typ.4 t on (ns) typ 7 15 35 45 7 15 35 45 t off (ns) max - typ 15 30 35 45 15 30 35 45 max - N-channel junction field-effect transistors for general RF applications Type Package VDS IG (V) max (mA) max I DSS (mA) min max CHARACTERISTICS Vgsoff |Yfs| (V) (mS) min max min max DC, LF and HF amplifiers BF245A SOT54 30 10 2 6.5 <8 BF245B SOT54 30 10 6 15 <8 BF245C SOT54 30 10 12 25 <8 BF545A SOT23 30 10 2 6.5 0.4 7.5 BF545B SOT23 30 10 6 15 0.4 7.5 BF545C SOT23 30 10 12 25 0.4 7.5 BF556A SOT23 30 10 3 7 0.5 7.5 BF556B SOT23 30 10 6 13 0.5 7.5 BF556C SOT23 30 10 11 18 0.5 7.5 Pre-amplifiers for AM tuners in car radios BF861A SOT23 25 10 2 6.5 0.2 1.0 BF861B SOT23 25 10 6 15 0.5 1.5 BF861C SOT23 25 10 12 25 0.8 2 BF862 SOT23 20 10 10 25 0.3 2 RF stages FM portables, car radios, main radios & mixer stages SOT23 20 10 0.7 3 typ. 0.8 BF510 (1) SOT23 20 10 2.5 7 typ. 1.5 BF511(1) SOT23 20 10 6 12 typ. 2.2 BF512(1) SOT23 20 10 10 18 typ. 3 BF513 (1) Low-level general purpose amplifiers BFR30 SOT23 25 5 4 10 <5 BFR31 SOT23 25 5 1 5 <2.5 General-purpose amplifiers BFT46 SOT23 25 5 0.2 1.5 <1.2 AM input stages UHF/VHF amplifiers PMBFJ308 SOT23 25 50 12 60 1 6.5 PMBFJ309 SOT23 25 50 12 30 1 4 PMBFJ310 SOT23 25 50 24 60 2 6.5 PMBFJ620 SOT363 25 50 24 60 2 6.5 C rs (pF) min max 3 3 3 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 - Typ.=1.1 Typ.=1.1 Typ.=1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 - 12 16 20 35 20 25 30 - 2.1 2.1 2.1 typ=1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 - 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 - >1 1.5 - >10 >10 >10 10 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4 6 7 1 1.5 4 4.5 Bold = Highly recommended product Asymmetrical (1) NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 75 3.5.2 MOSFETs NEW : RF MOSFET selection guide on www.nxp.com/rffets Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right RF MOSFET for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' MOSFETs Reference designs for TV tuning Short leadtimes Broad portfolio Smallest packages 2-in-1 FETs for tuner applications Reliable volume supply Best performance MOSFETs for TV tuning N-channel, single MOSFETs for switching VDS Type Package BSS83 SOT143 Silicon RF Switches BF1107 SOT23 SOT143B BF11085) SOT143R BF1108R5) BF1108W SOT343 BF1108WR SOT343R BF1118 SOT143B BF1118R SOT143R BF1118W SOT343 BF1118WR SOT343R (V) max 10 ID (mA) max 50 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 I DSS (mA) min max - V(p)GS (V) min max 2(1) 0.1(2) - 100 (3) 100 (3) 100 (3) 100 100 100 100 100 100 CHARACTERISTICS C rs t on (pF) (ns) min max typ max typ.0.6 1 RDSON () max 45 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 7(4) 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 - - - t off (ns) typ - max 5 |S21(on)|2 (dB) max - - - 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - |S21(off)|2 (dB) min - MODE 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 depl. depl. depl. depl depl depl depl depl depl enh. Bold = Highly recommended product Bold Red = New, highly recommended product N-channel, dual-gate MOSFETs Type Package With external bias BF908 SOT143 BF908R SOT143R BF908WR SOT343R BF991 SOT143 BF992 SOT143 BF994S SOT143 BF996S SOT143 BF998 SOT143 BF998R SOT143R BF998WR SOT343R Fully internal bias BF1105 SOT143 BF1105R SOT143R BF1105WR SOT343R BF1109 SOT143 BF1109R SOT143R BF1109WR SOT343R Partly internal bias BF904A SOT143 BF904AR SOT143R BF904AWR SOT343R BF909A SOT143 BF909AR SOT143R BF909AWR SOT343R 76 CHARACTERISTICS |Yfs| C is C os (mS) (pF) (pF) min max typ typ VDS ID (V) max (mA) max 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 12 12 12 40 40 40 20 40 30 30 30 30 30 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 27 27 27 25 20 20 18 18 18 - -2 -2 -2 -2.5 -1.3 -2.5 -2.5 -2.0 -2.0 -2.5 36 36 36 10 20 15 15 21 21 22 50 50 50 - 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.1 4 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.1 7 7 7 11 11 11 30 30 30 30 30 30 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 25 25 25 24 24 24 - 7 7 7 7 7 7 30 30 30 40 40 40 8 8 8 12 12 12 13 13 13 20 20 20 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 22 22 22 36 36 36 30 30 30 50 50 50 I DSX (mA) min max NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition V(th)gs (V) min max (1) F @ 800 MHz (dB) typ VHF 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.1 2 1 0.8 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1.2(7) 1(7) 1.8 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2.2(9) 2.2(9) 2.2(9) 2.2(9) 2.2(9) 2.2(9) 1.2(8) 1.2(8) 1.2(8) 1.3 (8) 1.3 (8) 1.3 (8) 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 X X X X X X X X X X X X 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 3.6 3.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2 2 2 2 2 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X UHF (6) (2) (7) (3) (8) (4) (9) (5) Asymmetrical VGS (th) VGS(th) @ 200 MHz ID C OSS VSG C ig Depletion FET plus diode in one package N-channel, dual-gate MOSFETs Type Package Partly internal bias BF1100 SOT143 BF1100R SOT143R BF1100WR SOT343R BF1101 SOT143 BF1101R SOT143R BF1101WR SOT343R SOT363 BF1102(R)(10) BF1201 SOT143 BF1201R SOT143R BF1201WR SOT343R BF1202 SOT143 BF1202R SOT143R BF1202WR SOT343R SOT363 BF1203 (11) SOT363 BF1204(10) BF1205C (11)(12)(13) SOT363 BF1205(11)(12)(13) SOT363 BF1206(11) SOT363 BF1206F(11) SOT666 BF1207(11)(13)(14) SOT363 BF1208 (11)(12)(13) SOT666 BF1208D(11)(12)(13) SOT666 BF1210 (11)(12) SOT363 BF1211 BF1211R BF1211WR BF1212 BF1212R BF1212WR BF1214(10) SOT143 SOT143R SOT343 SOT143 SOT143R SOT343 SOT363 BF1218 (11/12/13) SOT363 VDS ID (V) max (mA) max min max V(th)gs (V) min max 14 14 14 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 10 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 301) 301) 301) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 11 11 11 8 8 8 11 8 8 14 9 8 8 14 9 3 3 13 9 14 9 14 10 14 9 11 11 11 8 8 8 13 14 10 13 13 13 16 16 16 20 19 19 19 16 16 16 19 16 16 24 17 16 16 23 17 6.5 6.5 23 19 24 17 24 20 24 17 19 19 19 16 16 16 23 24 20 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 I DSX (mA) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2(6) 1.2 1.2(6) 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 CHARACTERISTICS |Yfs| C is (mS) (pF) min max typ 24 24 24 25 25 25 36 23 23 23 25 25 25 23 25 25 26 28 26 26 33 29 17 17 25 26 26 28 26 25 26 28 25 25 25 28 28 28 25 26 25 33 33 33 35 35 35 40 40 40 35 40 40 41 43 40 40 48 44 32 32 40 41 41 43 41 40 41 43 40 40 40 43 43 43 35 41 40 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.8 (9) 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.6 1.7 1.7 2.2 2 1.8 2.0 2.4 1.7 2.4 1.7 2.2 1.8 2.2 2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.1 2.1 C os (pF) typ F @ 800 MHz (dB) typ VHF UHF 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2(8) 1.2(8) 1.2(8) 1.6(8) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.85 0.75 0.85 1.1 0.85 1.1 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.85 2 2 2 1.7 1.7 1.7 2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bold = Highly recommended product Bold Red = New, highly recommended product (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) Asymmetrcal VGS(th) ID VSG Depletion FET plus diode in one package @200 MHz C OSS (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) C ig Two equal dual gate MOSFETs in one package Two low noise gain amplifiers in one package Transistor A: fully internal bias, transistor B: partly internal bias Internal switching function Transistor A: partly internal bias, transistor B: fully internal bias N-channel, dual gate MOSFETs for Set-Top-Boxes CHARACTERISTICS Type Package BF1215 (1)(2)(3) SOT363 BF1216(1) SOT363 BF1217 SOT343 VDS ID (V) max 6 6 6 6 6 (mA) max 30 30 30 30 30 V(th)gs IDSX (mA) max 19.5 23 19.5 23 23 (V) min 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 max 1 1 1 1 1 |Yfs| Cis COS (mS) typ 27 27 27 27 27 (pF) typ 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 (pF) typ 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 F @ 800 MHz (dB) typ 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 X-Mod @ 40 dB gain reduction (dB) typ 107 107 107 107 107 Two low noise gain amplifiers in one package (2) Transistor A: fully internal bias, transistor B: partly internal bias (3) Internal switching function Bold Red = New, highly recommended product (1) NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 77 3.6 RF Modules NEW : CATV module selection guide on www.nxp.com/catv Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right CATV module for your design. Why choose NXP Semiconductors' RF Modules Excellent linearity, stability and reliability Rugged construction Extremely low noise High power gain Low total cost of ownership Both families will be extended in the following months to cover all of the twospecific market segments. CATV types for Chinese (C-types) and 1GHz GaAs HFET line ups New in our CATV Hybrid portfolio are two families of products. The C types are specially designed for the Chinese market, customized for two major governmental projects. And the GaAs HFET 1 GHZ complete line up for high end applications all around the world. 3.6.1 5 -200 MHz 5-200 MHz Type number BGY68 BGY66B BGY67 BGY67A BGR269 Gain (dB) 29.2 - 30.8 24.5 - 25.5 21.5 - 22.5 23.5 - 24.5 34.5 - 35.5 Slope (dB) -0.2 - 0.5 -0.2 - 0.5 -0.2 - 0.5 -0.2 - 0.5 0 - 0.6 FL RL IN /RL OUT CTB XMOD CSO @ Ch 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 -68 -66 -67 -67 -57 -60 -54 -60 -59 -50 -70 4 14 22 22 28 FL RL IN /RL OUT CTB XMOD CSO @ Ch 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 10/10 16/16 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 10/8 20/20 16/16 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 14/14 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 21/21 20/20 20/20 20/20 -45 -57 -59 -57 -57 -57 -55 -54 -43 -53 -49 -53 -50 -49 -61 -61 -55 -68 -60 -60 -60 -53 -62 -58 -60 -59 -60 -54 -56 -52 -54 -51 -61 -61 -61 -59 -60 -59 -54 -57 -62 -59 -54 -57 -62 -56 -52 -54 -53 -52 -53 -56 -52 -61 -61 -57 -66 -55 -60 -55 -56 77 77 77 77 77 77 85 85 110 110 110 110 110 110 49 129 129 49 129 112 49 49 49 150 @ Vo (dBmV) 50 48 50 50 50 NF @ fmax @ Vo (dBmV) 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 59 59 44 40 44 44 44 44 44 NF @ fmax 3.5 5 5.5 5.5 5.2 I tot (mA) 135 135 230 230 160 CATV Push-Pulls Frequency range 40 - 550 MHz 40 - 600 MHz 40 - 750 MHz 40 - 870 MHz 40 -1003 MHz 78 1GHz GaAs HFET very high end Hybrids CATV push pulls, chapter 3.6.2 : CGY1047, CGY1041, CGY1043 CATV power doublers, chapter 3.6.3: CGD1040Hi, CGD1042Hi, CGD1044Hi, CGD1046Hi, CGD1042H, CGD1044H CATV Reverse Hybrids Frequency range 5 -75 MHz 5 -120 MHz 3.6.2 C types (China) CATV push pulls, chapter 3.6.2: BGY588C, BGE788C, CGY888C CATV power doublers, chapter 3.6.3: BGD712C CATV optical receivers, chapter 3.6.4: BGO807C Type number OM7650 BGY588C BGY585A BGY587 BGY587B BGY588N BGY685A BGY687 OM7670 BGY785A BGE788C BGY787 BGE787B BGE788 BGY883 BGE885 BGX885N BGY885A BGY887 CGY888C BGY835C BGY887B BGY888 BGY1085A Gain (dB) 33.2 - 35.5 33.2 - 35.5 17.7 - 18.7 21.5 - 22.5 26.2 - 27.8 33.5 - 35.5 17.7 - 18.7 21 - 22 33.2 - 35.2 18 - 19 33.2 - 35.2 21 - 22 28.5 - 29.5 33.5 - 34.5 14.5 - 15.5 16.5 - 17.5 16.5 - 17.5 18 - 19 21 - 22 34.5 - 36.5 33.5 - 34.5 28.5 - 29.5 33.5 - 34.5 18 - 19 Slope (dB) 0.2 - 2 0.2 - 1.7 0.5 - 2 0.2 - 1.5 0.5 - 2.5 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 2.2 0.8 - 2.2 1/4 0-2 0.3 - 2.3 0 - 1.5 0.2 - 2.2 0.5 - 2.5 0-2 0.2 - 1.2 0.2 - 1.4 0-2 0.2 - 2 0.5 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 0-2 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 8 8 8 7 6.5 6 8.5 6.5 8 7 8 6.5 7 7 8.5 8 8 8 6.5 4.0 7.0 6.5 7 7.5 I tot (mA) 340 345 240 240 340 340 240 240 340 240 325 240 320 320 235 240 240 240 235 280 340 340 340 240 CATV Push-Pulls 1 GHz Freq range 40-1003 MHz 40-1003 MHz 40-1003 MHz 40-1003 MHz 40-1003 MHz 3.6.3 Type Gain Slope fl RL IN /RL OUT CTB Xmod CSO @ Ch @ Vout NF Itot CGY1041* CGY1043* CGY1047 CGY1049* CGY1032* 22 24 28 30 33 1.0 - 2.0 dB 1.0 - 2.0 dB 1.0 - 2.0 dB 1.5 - 2.5 dB 1.0 - 2.0 dB 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.8 20/18 dB 20/18 dB 20/18 dB 20/18 dB 20/18 dB -62 dBc -62 dBc -62 dBc -62 dBc -62 dBc -58 dBc -58 dBc -58 dBc -58 dBc -58 dBc -64 dBc -64 dBc -64 dBc -64 dBc -64 dBc 79NTSC+75digital 79NTSC+75digital 79NTSC+75digital 79NTSC+75digital 79NTSC+75digital 44 dBmV flat 44 dBmV flat 44 dBmV flat 44 dBmV flat 44 dBmV flat 5.5 dB 5.5 dB 4.5 dB 4.5 dB 4.5 dB 250 mA 250 mA 250 mA 250 mA 250 mA CATV power doublers Frequency range 40 - 550 MHz Type number BGD502 BGD702 BGD702N BGD712 40 -750 MHz BGD712C BGD704 BGD714 BGD885 BGD802 BGD812 BGD804 40 - 870 MHz BGD814 BGD816L CGD942C CGD944C CGD1040Hi CGD1042Hi CGD1044Hi 40 - 1003 MHz CGD1046Hi* CGD1042H CGD1044H ^ Gain (dB) 18 - 19 18 - 19 18 - 19 18.2 - 18.8 18.2 - 18.8 19.5 - 20.5 20 - 20.6 16.5 - 17.5 18 - 19 18.2 - 18.8 19.5 - 20.5 19.7 - 20.3 21.2 - 21.8 20.5 - 22.5 23 - 25 21 23 25 25 23 25 Slope (dB) 0.2 - 2.2 0.2 - 2 0.2 - 2 0.5 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 0-2 0.5 - 1.5 0.2 - 1.6 0.2 - 2 0.4 - 1.4 0.2 - 2 0.4 - 1.4 0.5 - 1.5 1-2 1-2 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 - 2.0 0 - 1.5 0-1 FL RL IN /RL OUT CTB XMOD CSO @ Ch 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.3 0.3 20/20 20/20 20/20 23/23 17/17 20/20 23/23 20/20 20/20 23/23 20/20 22/25 22/25 18/18 18/18 -20/-20 -20/-20 -20/-20 20/20 17.5/20 17.5/20 -65 -58 -58 -62 -62 -57 -61 -54 -58 -53 -57.5 -55 -66 -66 -65 -65 -65 -73 -70 -70 -68 -62 -62 -63 -61 -62 -59 -62 -61 -62 -58 -58 -58 -68 -68 -68 -74 -67 -67 -62 -58 -58 -63 -63 -56 -62 -56 -60 -54 -59 -56 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 77 110 110 112 112 110 112 129 129 132 129 132 129 132 132 79 channels 79 channels 79 channels 79NTSC+75^ 79 + 75^ 79 + 75^ @ Vo (dBmV) 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 59 44 44 44 44 44 48 48 50 50 50 44 59 59 NF @ fmax 8 8.5 8.5 7 7 8.5 7 8 9 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 3.5 3.5 <6 <6 <6 5.0 5.0 5.0 Itot (mA) 435 435 435 410 410 435 410 450 410 410 410 410 375 450 450 470 470 470 460 450 450 = digital channels 3.6.4 CATV optical receivers Frequency Type number range Forward Path Receiver BGO807 BGO807/FC0 BGO807/SC0 BGO807C BGO807CE 40 - 870 MHz BGO807C/FC0 BGO807C/SC0 BGO827 BGO827/FC0 BGO827/SC0 S (V/W) Slope (dB) FL SL RLout (dB) IMD3 IMD2 @fm (MHz) @Pi (mW) NF @ fmax 800 750 750 800 800 750 750 800 750 750 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -73 -73 -73 -55 -55 -55 -54 -53 -55 -55 -57 -57 -57 854.5 854.5 854.5 854.4 854.4 854.5 854.5 854.5 854.5 854.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Conn. FC SC FC SC FC SC Itot (mA) 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product Bold = Highly recommended product NOTES: This table is for reference only. For full data please refer to the latest datasheet. For availability please check the NXP Sales office. Description Frequency range: minimum and maximum frequency in MHz at which data are characterized @Ch/@Vo. The number of channels and the output voltage at which CTB, XMOD, CSO, IMD2 and IMD3 are characterized @fm. Measurement frequency is fm. Noise Figure is in dB or Noise in pA/Sqrt(Hz). FL SL is Flatness straight line. S is Minimum responsivity of optical receivers. NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 79 3.7 RF power transistors NEW : RF power transistor selection guide on www.nxp.com/rfpower Easy-to-use parametric filters help you to choose the right RF power transistor for your design. 3.7.1 Base Station transistors http://www.nxp.com/products/mosfets/rf_power_transistors_ldmos/basestations/index.html#preview Device naming conventions RF power base stations transistors B L F 6 G 22 L S -45 P R B N G gullwing-shaped leads specialty option: current sense lead enhanced ruggedness push-pull device P1dB power option: earless package option: low thermal resistivity operating frequency (in 100MHz; maximum) G: standard LDMOS LDMOS technology generation F: LDMOS transistor in ceramic package C: LDMOS transistor in air cavity plastic (ACP) package D: fully integrated Doherty amplifier M: MMIC module L: high frequency power transistor B: semiconductor die made of Si Why choose NXP Semiconductors` RF power transistors for base stations: B Leading 6 and 7 of LDMOS) L F 6 G technology 22 L S -45 P (generation R B N G gullwing-shaped leads Highest (system) efficiency specialty option: current sense lead Best ruggedness enhanced ruggedness push-pull device Advanced Doherty amplifier designs P1dB power option: earless package Industry's first 3.8 GHz resistivity Doherty option: low thermal operating frequency (in 100MHz; maximum) Industry's firstLDMOS fully integrated Doherty amplifier G: standard LDMOS technology generation F: LDMOS transistor in ceramic package C: LDMOS transistor in air cavity plastic (ACP) package D: fully integrated Doherty amplifier M: MMIC module L: high frequency power transistor B: semiconductor die made of Si NXP offers complete line-ups of RF power transistors operation from 800 MHz right up to 3.8 GHz for base stations, covering all cellular technologies (MC-GSM/EDGE, TDMA, (TD-S)CDMA, W-CDMA/UMTS) and WiMAX infrastructures. Function driver driver driver driver driver final final final final final 80 0.7 - 1.0 GHz line-up Type BLF6G21-10G BLM6G10-30 BLM6G10-30G BLF6G10(S)-45 BLF6G10L(S)-40BRN BLF6G10(LS)-135RN BLF6G10(LS)-160RN BLF6G10(LS)-200RN BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN BLF6G07L(S)-260PBM Package SOT538A SOT834-1 SOT822-1 SOT608 SOT1112A3/B3 SOT502 SOT502 SOT502 SOT539A3/B3 SOT1110A3/B3 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition frange PL(AV) D Gp MHz W % dB V 10 - 2200 700 - 1000 700 - 1000 700 - 1000 728 - 960 700 - 1000 700 - 1000 688 - 1000 728 - 960 728 - 810 0.7 2 2 1 2.5 26.5 32 40 40 60 15 11.5 11.5 7.8 15 28 27 28.5 27 31 18.5 29 29 22.5 15 21 22.5 20 27 21 28 28 28 28 23 28 32 28 22 28 @VDS 1.4 - 1.7 GHz line-up Function driver final Type Package BLF6G15L(S)-40BRN BLF6G15L(S)-250PBRN SOT1112A3/B3 SOT1110A3/B3 Type Package driver driver driver BLF6G21-10G BLF6G20-40 BLF6G20(S)-45 SOT538A SOT608A SOT608B final BLF6G20LS-75 SOT502 final final final final final final final final final final BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20LS-140 BLF6G20-180PN BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20L(S)-140P BLF7G20L(S)-90P BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLF7G20L(S)-200 BLF7G20L(S)-250P driver driver driver driver driver final final final final final SOT502 SOT502B SOT539A SOT502B SOT539A SOT1121B3 SOT1121A3/B3 SOT539A3/B3 SOT502A3/B3 SOT539A3/B3 Type driver driver driver driver driver final final final final final final final integrated Doherty integrated Doherty Function D Gp W % dB V 1475-1511 1475-1511 2,5 60 13 32.5 22 18 28 28 frange PL(AV) D Gp @VDS @VDS MHz W % dB V 10 - 2200 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1800 - 2000 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 1805 - 1880 0.7 2.5 2.5 29.5 63 25 35.5 50 40 65 20 84 85 50 70 15 15 14 37.5 52 32 30 29.5 27 32 31 56 30 30 30 18.5 18.8 19.2 19 19 19 16.5 18 17.2 17.5 17.5 19 17 17 17 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 30 28 28 28 28 28 28 2.0 - 2.2 GHz line-up Function PL(AV) 1.8 - 2.0 GHz line-up Function frange MHz BLF6G21-10G BLM6G22-30 BLM6G22-30G BLF6G22(S)-45 BLF6G22L(S)-40BN BLF6G22LS-75 BLF6G22LS-100 BLF6G22L(S)-130 BLF7G22LS-130 BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22(LS)-180RN BLF7G22L(S)-250PB BLD6G21L(S)-50 BLD6G22L(S)-50 Package SOT538A SOT834-1 SOT882-1 SOT608 SOT1112A3/B3 SOT502B SOT502B SOT502 SOT502B SOT539A SOT502 SOT1110A3/B3 SOT1130 SOT1130 frange PL(AV) D Gp MHz W % dB V 10 - 2200 2100 - 2200 2100 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2110 - 2170 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2200 2110 - 2171 2010 - 2025 2110 - 2170 0.7 2 2 2.5 2.5 17 25 30 30 50 40 70 8 8 15 9 9 13 16 30.5 29 28.5 32 27.5 25 >17 42 38 18.5 29.5 29.5 18.5 19 18.7 18.5 17 18.5 17.5 16 30 13.5 13.3 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 30 28 28 28 @VDS @VDS 2.3- 2.7 GHz line-up Type BLF6G27-10(G) BLF6G27(S)-45 BLF6G27(LS)-75 BLF7G27L(S)-75P BLF7G27L(S)-50BN BLF6G27(LS)-135 BLF7G27L(S)-100 BLF7G24L(S)-100(G) BLF7G27L(S)-140 BLF7G27L(S)-200P Package SOT975 SOT608 SOT502 SOT1121A3/B3 SOT1112A3/B3 SOT502 SOT502A3/B3 SOT 502 A SOT502A3/B3 SOT539 frange PL(AV) D Gp MHz W % dB V 2500 - 2700 2500 - 2700 2500 - 2700 2300 - 2400 2500 - 2700 2500 - 2700 2500 - 2700 2300 - 2400 2500 - 2700 2500 - 2700 2 7 9 10 3 20 14 14 20 20 20 24 23 26 15 22.5 24 24 22 25 19 18 17 17 17 16 17.5 18 17 16.5 28 28 28 28 28 32 28 28 28 28 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 81 3.5 - 3.8 GHZ line-up Function Type driver driver driver final BLF6G38-10(G) BLF6G38(S)-25 BLF6G38(LS)-50 BLF6G38(LS)-100 SOT975 SOT608 SOT502 SOT502 frange PL(AV) D Gp MHz W % dB V 3400 - 3600 3400 - 3800 3400 - 3800 3400 - 3600 2 4.5 9 18.5 20 24 23 21.5 14 15 14 13 28 28 28 28 @VDS Power LDMOS Doherty designs Freq band (MHz) PPEAK (dBm) POUT-AVG (dBm) 728-821 MHz 790-821 54.5 790-821 55.5 790-821 57.2 728-768 58 869-960 MHz 869-894 52 869-894 52.7 869-894 53 920-960 53 920-960 56.2 869-894 58 925-960 58.3 925-960 58.9 869-894 58 1476-1511 MHz 1476-1511 58 1476-1511 58.1 1805-1880 MHz (DCS) 1805-1880 52 1805-1880 52.5 1805-1880 55 1805-1880 55 1805-1880 55.5 1805-1880 57.5 1805-1880 57.9 1805-1880 58.2 1930-1990 MHz (PCS) 1930-1990 53 1930-1990 55.2 1930-1990 56 1930-1990 56 1930-1990 57.5 1930-1990 58 1930-1990 58.2 1880-2025 MHz (TD-SCDMA) 2010-2025 47 1880-2025 50 2010-2025 50 1880 - 1920 52.5 2110-2170 MHz (UMTS / LTE) 2110-2170 47 2110-2170 54.7 2110-2170 54.9 2110-2170 55 2110-2170 55.5 2110-2170 56 2110-2170 56.5 2110-2170 57 2110-2170 58 2110-2170 58.5 2110-2170 59 2110-2170 55 2300-2400 MHz (WiBRO / LTE) 2300-2400 49.5 2300-2400 52 2300-2400 52.5 2500-2700 MHz (WiMAX / LTE) 2570-2620 49.5 2500-2700 50 2500-2600 52 2600-2700 52 2600-2700 52 2500-2700 52.5 2300-2400 52.5 2500-2700 55 2500-2700 56.5 3300-3800 MHz (WiMAX) 3400-3600 49.5 3400-3600 51 3400-3600 52.5 82 Package VDS (V) Gain (dB) Drain Eff. (%) Type Main transistor Peak transistor 47.5 47 49.5 50 28 28 32 32 20 19 19 19 50 42 42 47 SYM SYM SYM SYM 1/2 BLF7G10-300P 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF6G10LS-200RN 1/2 BLF7G10-300P 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF6G10LS-200RN 44 44.5 45 45 48 50 50 50 tbd 28 28 28 25 28 32 32 32 28 20 15 tbd tbd 18.5 20.5 21 22 tbd 48 50 tbd tbd 40 46 39 44 tbd SYM 3-WAY SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM / MMPP SYM / MMPP ASYM BLF6G10S-45 BLF6G10S-45 1/2 BLF7G10LS-160P 1/2 BLF7G10LS-160P BLF6G10-135RN BLF6G10-200RN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF6G10-200RN BLF6G10S-45 2x BLF6G10S-45 1/2 BLF7G10LS-160P 1/2 BLF7G10LS-160P BLF6G10-135RN BLF6G10-200RN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN 1/2 BLF6G10-260PRN BLF7G10-300P tbd 49.6 28 28 tbd 16 tbd 42 ASYM ASYM BLF6G15-250PB BLF7G15LS-200 BLF6G15-250PB BLF7G15LS-300P 44 44.5 47 47 47 49.5 50 50 27 28 32 28 28 30 32 28 14.5 16 16 15 16 16 15.5 16 42 44 38 40 41 42 37 42 SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM / MMPP SYM / MPPM 1/2 BLC6G20-130PG 1/2 BLF7G20LS-160P 1/2 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G18-140 1/2 BLF7G20-250P BLF7G20LS-200 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20LS-250P 1/2 BLC6G20-130PG 1/2 BLF7G20LS-160P 1/2 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G18-140 1/2 BLF7G20-250P BLF7G20LS-200 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20LS-250P 45 46.4 48 49 49.5 50 50 28 28 31 31 28 32 28 16.5 16 15.3 17 tbd 15.5 16 40 39 38 41 tbd 37 40 SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM SYM BLF6G20-75 1/2 BLF7G20LS-250P BLF6G20-140 2x BLF6G20-75 BLF7G20LS-200 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20LS-250P BLF6G20-75 1/2 BLF7G20LS-250P BLF6G20-140 2x BLF6G20-75 BLF7G20LS-200 BLF6G20-230PRN BLF7G20LS-250P 39 42 42 44.5 28 28 28 28 14.4 17 17.2 16 41 46 47.2 44 SYM SYM SYM SYM BLD6G21-50 1/2 BLF7G20-90P 1/2 BLF7G20-90P 1/2 BLF7G20LS-160P BLF6G21-50 1/2 BLF7G20-90P 1/2 BLF7G20-90P 1/2 BLF7G20LS-160P 39 46.5 47 47 46.4 48 48.5 49 50 51 51 47 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 32 tbd tbd 28 13 16.5 17 15.5 15 15 16.2 14.5 15 tbd tbd 17 38 43 43 38 43 48 41 41 40 tbd tbd 43 SYM SYM SYM SYM ASYM 3-WAY SYM ASYM SYM SYM 3-WAY SYM BLD6G22-50 BLF6G22-100 BLF7G22-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF7G22LS-130 BLF7G22-130 BLF7G22-200 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G22LS-250P BLF7G22LS-160 1/2 BLF7G22LS-250P BLF6G22-50 BLF6G22-100 BLF7G22-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF7G22LS-200 7G22-130/7G22-130 BLF7G22-200 BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G22LS-250P BLF7G22LS-160 1/2 BLF7G22LS-250P 42 44.5 45 28 28 28 14.5 tbd tbd 43 tbd tbd SYM ASYM SYM 1/2 BLF7G27-75P BLF7G27S-50 1/2 BLF7G27LS-150P 1/2 BLF7G27-75P BLF7G27LS-100 1/2 BLF7G27LS-150P 42 42 44 44 44 44.5 45 47 tbd 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 tbd 15 15 14 14 14 14 tbd tbd tbd 43 37.5 40 40 40 38 tbd tbd tbd SYM SYM ASYM ASYM ASYM SYM SYM ASYM ASYM 1/2 BLF7G27-75P BLF6G27-45 BLF6G27-45 BLF6G27-45 BLF6G27-45 1/2 BLF6G27-150P 1/2 BLF7G27LS-150P BLF7G27LS-100 BLF7G27L-140B 1/2 BLF7G27-75P BLF6G27-45 2x BLF6G27-45 2x BLF6G27-45 BLC6G27-100 1/2 BLF7G27-150P 1/2 BLF7G27LS-150P BLF7G27LS-140 BLF7G27L-250PB 41.5 43 44.5 28 28 28 tbd 11.5 tbd tbd 32 tbd SYM SYM SYM 1/2 BLF7G38LS-75P BLF6G38-50 BLF7G38-75 1/2 BLF7G38LS-75P BLF6G38-50 BLF7G38-75 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 3.7.2 Broadcast / ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) RF power transistors http://www.nxp.com/products/mosfets/rf_power_transistors_ldmos/broadcast_ism/index.html#preview Why choose NXP Semiconductors' RF power transistors for broadcast / ISM applications: Highest power Best ruggedness Best broadband performance Best-in-class design support Very low thermal resistance design for unrivalled reliability NXP's leading LDMOS technologies together with advanced package concepts enable best in class performing power amplifiers. We offer industry's highest power and best ruggedness for all broadcast technologies. Our portfolio includes transistors for Ultra High Frequency (UHF), Very High Frequency (VHF) and High Frequency (HF) applications as well as covering ISM frequency bands. 0-1000 MHz (UHF/VHF/HF/ISM) LDMOS Line up Function driver Type frange PL(AV) D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1400 0 - 1400 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 100 24 100 24 140 33 140 33 100 100 20 300 300 500 1200 1000 47 33 47 33 49 34 49 34 45 56 70 70 70 70 71 75 21 22 21 22 21 21 21 21 18 18 27.5 27.2 27.2 26.5 24 26 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 32 32 50 50 50 50 50 50 frange PL(AV) D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 470 - 860 470 - 860 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 0 - 1000 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 470 - 860 100 24 100 24 300 75 120 30 120 30 250 110 250 110 255 115 47 33 47 33 32 46 48 31 48 31 46 31 46 31 47 32 21 22 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 19 19 19 19 19 19 40 40 40 40 42 42 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Package BLF871 SOT467C driver BLF871S SOT467B driver BLF881 SOT467C driver BLF881S SOT467C final BLF645 SOT540A driver final final final BLF571 BLF573 BLF573S BLF574 SOT467C SOT502A3 SOT502B SOT539A final BLF578 SOT539A Mode of operation 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE CW CW CW CW CW PULSED RF CW 470-876 MHz (UHF) LDMOS line up Function Type Package driver BLF871 SOT467C driver BLF871S SOT467B final BLF878 SOT979A driver BLF881S SOT467C driver BLF881 SOT467C final BLF888 SOT979A final BLF888AS SOT539B final BLF888A SOT539B Mode of operation 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T CW DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 2-TONE DVB-T 28-225 Mhz General purpose VDMOS Function final final Type BLF177 BLF278 Package SOT121B SOT262A1 frange PL(AV) D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 28-108 108-225 150 250-300 >35 50-80 20 14-20 50 50 Mode of operation CW class AB CW class AB NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 83 3.7.3 Microwave LDMOS RF power transistors http://www.nxp.com/products/mosfets/rf_power_transistors_ldmos/microwave_ldmos/index.html#preview Device naming conventions RF power microwave transistors B L S 6 G 2731 S -120 G option: gullwing shaped leads P1dB power S: earless package P: pallet frequency band (in 100MHz; here: 2700-3100) G: standard LDMOS (<=28V) H: high voltage LDMOS (50V) LDMOS technology generation A: avionics frequency band operation L: L-Band frequency operation S: S-Band frequency operation L: high frequency power transistor B: semiconductor die made of Si Why choose NXP Semiconductors' microwave RF power transistors High gain High efficiency Highest reliability Improved pulse droop and insertion phase Improved ruggedness - overdrive without risk to +5 dB Reduces component count and helps simplify L- and S-band radar design Uses non-toxic, ROHS compliant packages Avionics LDMOS transistors Function driver final final final Type BLL6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BLA6G1011-200R Package SOT467C SOT634A SOT539A SOT502A2 frange PL D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 500 - 1400 960 - 1215 1030 - 1090 1030 - 1090 25 (min) 450 600 200 50 50 52 65 19 17 19 20 50 50 50 28 Mode of operation PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB L-band LDMOS transistors Function driver final final final Type BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H1214-500 BLL6H1214L(S)-250 BLL6HL(S)0514-130 Package SOT467C SOT539A SOT502 SOT1135 frange PL D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 500 - 1400 1200 - 1400 1200 - 1400 1200 - 1400 25 (min) 500 (min) 250 130 50 50 55 50 19 17 17 18 50 50 50 50 frange PL D Gp @VDS MHz W % dB V 2700 - 3100 3100 - 3500 3100 - 3500 2700 - 3100 2700 - 3100 2900 - 3300 3100 - 3500 3100 - 3500 2900 - 3300 2700 - 3100 2700 - 3100 2700-2900 2700-2900 6 20 20 120 120 130 120 120 200 200 130 300 300 33 45 45 48 48 47 43 43 45 45 49 50 50 15 15.5 15.5 13.5 13.5 12.5 11 11 11 11 13 15 15 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Mode of operation PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB Pulsed RF Pulsed RF S-band LDMOS transistors Function driver driver driver final final final final final final final final final final 84 Type BLS6G2731-6G BLS6G3135-20 BLS6G3135S-20 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731S-120 BLS6G2933S-130 BLS6G3135-120 BLS6G3135S-120 BLS7G2933P-200 BLS7G2731P-200 BLS6G2731S-130 BLS7G2729-300P BLS7G2729S-300P Package SOT975C SOT608A SOT608B SOT502A SOT502B SOT922-1 SOT502A SOT502B pallet pallet SOT922 SOT539A SOT539B NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Mode of operation PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB PULSED RF; class AB Pulsed RF Pulsed RF Pulsed RF 3.8 High Speed Data Converters Analog performance, power optimization and ease of use are the perennial industry challenges for high-speed data converters used in communications. For many years NXP has been quietly developing data converters for captive applications. It is now opening it's high-speed data converters to the entire market, offering a broad portfolio of highly competitive ADCs and DACs featuring three different data interfaces, including the industry's first implementation of the JEDEC JESD204A serial data interface. 3.8.1 High Speed ADCs Type ADC1613D series ADC1610S series ADC1415S series ADC1413D series * ADC1412D series ADC1410S series ADC1215S series ADC1213D series ADC1212D series * ADC1210S series ADC1207S080 ADC1206S series ADC1115S125 ADC1113D125 ADC1015S series ADC1010S series ADC1006S series Supply Power SFDR SNR Voltage Dissipation Digital Interface Package (dBc) (dBFS) (V) (mW) Dual 16-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface 1.8 / 3.3 445 93 73.2 JESD204A HVQFN56 8x8 Single 16-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 93 73.2 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Single 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer 1.8 / 3.3/5 550 91 73.2 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Dual 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface 1.8 / 3.3 445 91 73.2 JESD204A HVQFN56 8x8 Dual 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 91 73.2 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN64 9x9 Single 14-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 91 73.2 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Single 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer 1.8 / 3.3/5 550 91 70.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Dual 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with serial interface 1.8 / 3.3 445 91 70.7 JESD204A HVQFN56 8x8 Dual 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 91 70.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN64 9x9 Single 12-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 91 70.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Single 12-bit ADC 80 Msps 5 840 90 71 parallel LVCMOS HTQFN48 7x7 Single 12-bit ADC 40/50/70 Msps 3.3 / 5.0 550 72 64 parallel CMOS and TTL QFP44 Single 11-bit ADC up to 125Msps with input buffer 1.8 / 3.3/5 790 90 66.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Dual 11-bit ADC up to 125Msps with serial interface 1.8 / 3.3 635 90 66.7 JESD204A HVQFN56 8x8 Single 10-bit ADC up to 65/80/105/125Msps with input buffer 1.8 / 3.3/5 550 91 61.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Single 10-bit ADC up to 125Msps 1.8 / 3.3 350 91 61.7 LVCMOS and LVDS/DRR HVQFN40 6x6 Single 10-bit ADC 50/70 Msps 3.3 / 5.0 550 71 59 parallel CMOS and TTL QFP44 Description 3.8.2 High Speed DACs Supply Power Voltage Dissipation (V) (mW) DAC1408D series * Dual 14-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 850 DAC1405D series Dual 14-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 550 DAC1403D160 Dual 14-bit DAC 160 Msps 3.3 210 DAC1401D125 Dual 14-bit DAC 125 Msps 3.3 105 DAC1208D series Dual 12-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 850 DAC1205D series Dual 12-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 550 DAC1203D160 Dual 12-bit DAC 160 Msps 3.3 210 DAC1201D125 Dual 12-bit DAC 125 Msps 3.3 105 DAC1008D series Dual 10-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 850 DAC1005D series Dual 10-bit DAC up to 650/750 Msps 1.8 / 3.3 550 DAC1003D160 Dual 10-bit DAC 160 Msps 3.3 210 Dual 10-bit DAC 125 Msps 3.3 105 DAC1001D125 * = check status at 3.1 new products, as this type has not been released yet for mass production. Bold Red = New, highly recommended product Type Description SFDR (dBc) Interpolation Package 77 77 80 88 77 80 77 65 77 77 80 65 2x, 4x, 8x 2x, 4x, 8x 2x 2x, 4x, 8x 2x, 4x, 8x 2x 2x, 4x, 8x 2x, 4x, 8x 2x - HVQFN64 9x9 HTQFP100 14x14 HTQFP80 12x12 LQFP48 HVQFN64 9x9 HTQFP100 14x14 HTQFP80 12x12 LQFP48 HVQFN64 9x9 HTQFP100 14x14 HTQFP80 12x12 LQFP48 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 85 4. Design support This chapter will make it easier to find and get hold of design-in information and materials, with web links or references to the NXP representative / authorized distributor. Streamline your RF design with leading RF EDA software Design kits of the NXP high performance RF small signal products. NXP offers it's RF small signal portfolio in leading RF Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software of: Ansoft Designer RF, AWR Microwave Office and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS), including installation manuals, on the NXP web: www.nxp.com/models. To predict the behavior of a design by performing simulations, RF EDA software enables design engineers to reduce the number of design cycles, lower the risks and make better RF component choice for RF applications. 4.1 S-Parameters S-Parameters help you to simulate the behaviour of our devices to your specific adjustments for e.g. voltage, current. Wideband transistors, FETs & MMICs First, click on the type number, which takes you directly to the corresponding product information page on the NXP Semiconductors internet. Second, scroll down on this product information page to find the S-Parameters. BF67 BFG135 BFG198 BFG21W BFG25A/X BFG31 BFG35 BFG310/XR BFG310W/XR BFG325/XR BFG325W/XR BFG403W BFG410W BFG424F BFG424W BFG425W BFG480W BFG505 BFG520 BFG520W BFG540 Wideband transistors BFG540W BFG541 BFG590 BFG591 BFG93A BFG94 BFG97 BFM505 BFM520 BFQ149 BFQ18A BFQ19 BFQ67 BFQ67W BFR106 BFR505 BFR520 BFR540 BFR92A BFR92AW BFR93A BFR93AW BFS17 BFS17A BFS17W BFS25A BFS505 BFS520 BFS540 BFT25 BFT25A BFT92 BFT92W BFT93 BFT93W BFU725F/N1 BRF505T PBR941 PBR951 PRF947 PRF949 PRF957 BF1211 BF1211R BF1211WR FETs BF1212 BF1212R BF1212WR BF511 BF513 BF862 BGA2001 BGA2003 BGA2711 BGA2748 BGA2771 BGA2776 BGA2709 BGU7003 BGA2712 BGM1011 MMICs BGM1012 BGM1013 BGM1014 BGM2011 BGA2715 BGA2716 BGA2717 BGA2011 BGA2012 BGA6289 86 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition BGA6489 BGA6589 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 4.2 Simulation models 4.2.1 Spice models Spice models help you to create the optimal performance and to understand which external components have a certain influence on that performance. Wideband transistors, FETs & Varicaps diodes First, click on the type number which takes you directly to the corresponding product information page on the NXP Semiconductors internet. Second, scroll down on this product information page to find the Spice models. BFG10 BFG10/X BFG10W/X BFG135 BFG198 BFG21W BFG25A/X BFG25AW/X BFG31 BFG310/XR BFG310W/XR BFG325/XR BFG325W/XR BFG35 BFG403W BFG410W BFG424F BFG424W BFG425W BFG480W Wideband transistors BFG505 BFG92A/X BFG505/X BFG93A BFG505W/X BFG94 BFG520 BFG97 BFG520/X BFM505 BFG520/XR BFM520 BFG520W BFQ149 BFG520W/X BFQ18A BFG540 BFQ19 BFG540/X BFQ540 BFG540/XR BFQ67 BFG540W BFQ67W BFG540W/X BFR106 BFG540W/XR BFR505 BFG541 BFR505T BFG590 BFR520 BFG590/X BFR540 BFG591 BFR92A BFG67 BFR92AW BFG67/X BFR93A BF862 BF904 BF908 BB145B BB149 BB149A BB156 BB179 BB179B FETs BF909 Varicap diodes BB201 BB202 BB207 BFR93AW BFS17 BFS17A BFS17W BFS25A BFS505 BFS520 BFS540 BFT25A BFT92 BFT92W BFT93 BFT93W PBR941 PBR951 PRF947 PRF949 PRF957 BF998 BB208-02 4.2.2 RF Power device simulation models 4.4.1 For easy design-in, NXP provides fully physics based, electrothermal models for the RF power transistors. These models are available for Advanced Design System (ADS)(R) from Agilent and for Microwave Office (MWO)(R) from Applied Wave Research (AWR). Newly developed models per product are based on the best in class RFLDMOS model, developed by NXP Research, a recognized leader in physics based models. This concept yields most reliable simulation results over a wide range of electrical conditions. The standard models fully support DC, AC, s-parameter (small signal), harmonic balance (large signal) and time domain simulations. NXP RF power models allow designers to assess the performance of complex PAsystems at an early stage of the development process. The available models come with all necessary libraries and documentation, and can be downloaded at NXP's website. Product Type BLF369 BLF3G21-6 BLF571 BLF573(S) BLF574 BLF578 BLF645 BLF6G10(LS)-135RN BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN BLF6G10(S)-45 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLF6G20(S)-230PRN BLF6G20S-45 BLF6G21-10G BLF6G22(LS)-180RN BLF6G27-10(G) 4.3 ADS MWO Product Type Model Model Y N BLF6G27(S)-45 Y N BLF6G27(LS)-135 Y Y BLF6G27(LS)-75 Y Y BLF6G38-10(G) Y Y BLF6G38(LS)-100 Y Y BLF6G38(LS)-50 Y N BLF6G38(S)-25 N Y BLF7G22L(S)-130 Y N BLF871(S) Y Y BLF878 Y Y BLF881(S) Y N BLF888 Y N BLL6H0514-25 Y Y BLL6H1214-500 Y N BLM6G22-30 Y N BLS6G3135(S)-120 Y N BLS6G3135(S)-20 ADS MWO Model Model Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Application notes http://www.nxp.com/products/all_appnotes/ IC, MMIC and SiGe:C transistor demo boards RF Small Signal demo boards are available (although limited) via your local NXP representative or authorized distributor (look at the last chapter: Web Links and Contacts). BFU725F/N1 BGA2001 BGA2003 BGA2011 BGA2012 BGA2031 BGA2709 BGA2711 BGA2712 BGA2714 BGA2715 BGA2716 BGA2748 BGA2771 RF small signal demo boards BGA2776 BGM1011 BGA2800 BGM1012 BGA2801 BGM1013 BGA2815 BGM1014 BGA2816 BGU7003 BGA2850 BGU7005 BGA2865 TFF1003HN BGA2866 TFF11070HN BGA6289 TFF11073HN BGA6489 TFF11077HN BGA6589 TFF11080HN BGA6589 TFF11084HN BGA7024 TFF11088HN BGA7124 TFF11092HN TFF11096HN TFF11101HN TFF11105HN TFF11110HN TFF11115HN TFF11121HN TFF11126HN TFF11132HN TFF11139HN TFF11145HN TFF11152HN BGU7005 demo board BGA7124 demo board 4.4.2 RF power transistor demo boards Demo boards are available (although limited) via your local NXP representative (see the last chapter: Web Links and Contacts). For the application notes we refer you to chapter 1 of this manual. For each application, we have given the recommended application notes which are available on the internet (with interactive link) or via your local NXP representative or authorized distributor (look at the last chapter: Web Links and Contacts). 4.4 Demo boards BGA2001 demo board NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 87 4.4.3 High Speed Converter demo boards High Speed Converter demo boards are available (although limited) via your local NXP representative or authorized distributor (look at the last chapter; Web Links and Contacts). ADC Demo Boards Type ADC1006S series ADC1010S series ADC1015S series ADC1113D125 ADC1115S125 ADC1206S series ADC1207S080 ADC1210S series ADC1212D series ADC1213D series ADC1215S series ADC1410S series ADC1412D series ADC1413D series ADC1415S series ADC1610S series ADC1613D series 4.5 DAC Demo Boards Type DAC1001D125 DAC1003D160 DAC1005D series DAC1201D125 DAC1203D160 DAC1401D125 DAC1403D160 DAC1405D series DAC1205D series DAC1408D series DAC1208D series DAC1008D series Different versions available via NXP sales representative Samples of products in development For development samples, please ask your local NXP representative or authorized distributor (see last chapter: Web Links and Contacts) to order the latest versions at the RF development team. 4.6 Samples of released products For all released and most non-released products for RF power, samples are available in the sample warehouse. Look on the home page of the NXP web site for the link to the online sample store: www.nxp.com 88 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 4.7 Datasheets For all released and most non-released products for RF power, datasheets are available on the NXP Semiconductors internet. Simply `clicking' on a product type (in this manual chapter 1 or 2) takes you to the corresponding product information page on the NXP Semiconductors website. 4.8 Design-in support If you need special design-in support from our design-in engineers, please ask your local NXP representative or authorized distributor (see last chapter: Web Links and Contacts), to pass on your request to the RF development teams. 4.9 NEW: interactive selection guides For all RF product groups, you can find easy-to-use parametric filters to help you to chose the right device for your design, e.g. www.nxp.com/mmics, click on selection guide. 5. Cross-references & replacements NXP cross-references: http://www.nxp.com/search/ NXP end-of-life: http://www.nxp.com/products/eol/ 5.1 Cross-references: Manufacturer types versus NXP types In alphabetical order of manufacturer type Abbreviations: BS diode CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PPA/HG CATV RA FET Standard MMIC Varicap WB trs 1-4 WB trs 5-7 Band Switch Diode CATV Power Doubler CATV Push Pull Amplifier CATV Push Pull Amplifier High Gain CATV Reverse Amplifier Field Effect Transistor Standard Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Varicap Diode Wideband Transistor 1-4 generation Wideband Transistor 5-7 generation Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family 10500 10502 0910-150M 0910-300M 0910-60M 0912-45 1011LD200 1011LD300 1015MP 1035MP 1214-30 1214-32L 1SS314 1SS356 1SS381 1SS390 1SV172 1SV214 1SV214 1SV215 1SV228 1SV231 1SV232 1SV233 1SV234 1SV239 1SV241 1SV246 1SV247 1SV248 1SV249 1SV250 1SV251 1SV252 Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Toshiba Rohm Toshiba Rohm Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Sanyo Sanyo Toshiba Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Toshiba BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLF871 BLF878 BLF878 BLL6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-26 BA591 BA591 BA277 BA891 BAP50-04 BB149 BB149A BB153 BB201 BB152 BB148 BAP70-03 BAP64-04 BB145B BAP64-02 BAP64-04W BAP70-02 BAP50-02 BAP50-04W BAP50-03 BAP50-04 BAP50-04W Microwave Microwave Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave BS diode BS diode BS diode BS diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap PIN diode PIN diode Varicap PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode 1SV254 1SV263 1SV264 1SV266 1SV267 1SV269 1SV270 1SV271 1SV278 1SV279 1SV282 1SV282 1SV283 1SV283 1SV284 1SV288 1SV290 1SV294 1SV305 1SV307 1SV308 1SV322 1T362 1T362A 1T363A 1T368A 1T369 1T379 1T397 1T399 1T402 1T403 1T404A 1T405A Toshiba Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Sanyo Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Sanyo Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC BB179 BAP50-02 BAP50-04W BAP50-03 BAP50-04 BB148 BB156 BAP50-03 BB179 BB179 BB178 BB187 BB178 BB187 BB156 BB152 BB182 BAP70-03 BB202 BAP51-03 BAP51-02 BB202LX BB149 BB149A BB153 BB148 BB152 BB131 BB152 BB148 BB179B BB178 BB187 BB187 Varicap PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap PIN diode Varicap PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 89 Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family 1T406 1T408 2729-125 2729-170 2731-100M 2931-150 2F1G20DS 2F1G20P 2F1G22DS 2F1G23P 2F1G24DS 2F722DS 2F8718P 2F8719DS 2F8720DS 2F8723P 2F8734P 2N3330 2N3331 2N4220 2N4856 2N4857 2N4858 2N5114 2N5115 2N5116 2N5432 2N5433 2N5434 2N5457 2N5458 2N5459 2N5653 2N5654 2SC4094 2SC4095 2SC4182 2SC4184 2SC4185 2SC4186 2SC4226 2SC4227 2SC4228 2SC4247 2SC4248 2SC4315 2SC4320 2SC4321 2SC4325 2SC4394 2SC4536 2SC4537 2SC4592 2SC4593 2SC4703 2SC4784 2SC4807 2SC4842 2SC4899 2SC4900 2SC4901 2SC4988 2SC5011 2SC5012 2SC5065 2SC5085 2SC5087 2SC5088 2SC5090 2SC5092 2SC5095 2SC5107 2SC5463 2SC5593 2SC5594 2SC5623 PEC PEC Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC RFHIC Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba NEC Renesas Renesas Renesas NEC Renesas Renesas Toshiba Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas NEC NEC Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Renesas Renesas Renesas BB182 BB187 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 CGD1042H CGY1041 CGD1042H CGY1043 CGD1044H BGD816L BGY885A BGD812 BGD814 BGY887 CGY888C J176 J176 BF245A BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 J174 J175 J175 J108 J108 J109 BF245A BF245A BF245B J112 J111 BFG520/XR BFG520/XR BFS17W BFS17W BFS17W BFR92AW PRF957 BFQ67W BFS505 BFR92AW BFR92AW BFG520/XR BFG520/XR BFQ67W BFS505 PRF957 BFQ19 BFR93AW BFG520/XR BFS520 BFQ19 BFS505 BFQ18A BFG540W/XR BFS505 BFG520/XR BFS520 BFQ540 BFG540W/XR BFG540W/XR PRF957 PRF957 BFG520/XR BFG540W/XR BFS520 BFG520/XR BFS505 BFS505 BFQ67W BFG410W BFG425W BFG410W Varicap Varicap Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave CATV PD CATV PP CATV PD CATV PP CATV PD CATV PD CATV PP CATV PD CATV PD CATV PP CATV PP FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 2SC5624 2SC5631 2SC6023 2SJ105GR 2SK163-K 2SK163-L 2SK163-M 2SK163-N 2SK210BL 2SK370BL 2SK370GR 2SK370V 2SK381 2SK43 2SK435 2SK508 3SK290 BA592 BA595 BA595 BA597 BA885 BA892 BA892-02V BA892-02V BA892V-02V-GS08 BA895 BAR14-1 BAR15-1 BAR16-1 BAR17 BAR50-02L BAR50-02V BAR50-02V BAR50-02V BAR50-03W BAR60 BAR61 BAR63 BAR63-02L BAR63-02L BAR63-02V BAR63-02W BAR63-03W BAR63-05 BAR63-05W BAR63V-02V-GS08 BAR63V-05W-GS08 BAR64-02LRH BAR64-02V BAR64-02W BAR64-03W BAR64-04 BAR64-04W BAR64-05 BAR64-05W BAR64-06 BAR64-06W BAR64V-02V-GS08 BAR64V-04-GS08 BAR64V-05-GS08 BAR64V-06-GS08 BAR64V-06W-GS08 BAR65-02L BAR65-02V BAR65-02W BAR65-03W BAR65V-02V-GS08 BAR66 BAR67-02W BAR67-03W BAT18-04 BB304C BB304M BB305C BB305M Renesas Renesas Sanyo Standard Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas BFG425W BFQ540 BFG424W J177 J113 J113 J113 J113 PMBFJ309 J109 J109 J109 J113 J113 J113 PMBFJ308 BF998WR BA591 BAP51-03 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BA891 BA277 BA891 BA891 BAP70-02 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP50-03 BAP50LX BAP50-02 BAP50-03 BAP50-05 BAP70-02 BAP50-03 BAP50-03 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP63LX BAP63-02 BAP63-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-05W BAP63-05W BAP63-02 BAP63-05W BAP64LX BAP64-02 BAP64-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-04W BAP64-05 BAP64-05W BAP64-06 BAP64-06W BAP64-02 BAP64-04 BAP64-05 BAP64-06 BAP64-06W BAP65LX BAP65-02 BAP65-02 BAP65-03 BAP65-02 BAP1321-04 BAP1321-02 BAP1321-03 BAT18 BF1201WR BF1201R BF1201WR BF1201R WB trs 5-7 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 5-7 FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET BS diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode BS diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode FET FET FET FET 90 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family BB403M BB501C BB501M BB502C BB502M BB503C BB503M BB535 BB545 BB555 BB565 BB601M BB639 BB639 BB640 BB641 BB659 BB664 BB664 BB669 BB814 BB831 BB833 BB835 BBY58-02V BBY65 BF1005S BF1009S BF1009SW BF2030 BF2030R BF2030W BF244A BF244B BF244C BF247A BF247B BF247C BF256A BF256B BF256C BF770A BF771 BF771W BF772 BF775 BF775A BF775W BF851A BF851B BF851C BF994S BF996S BF998 BF998 BF998-GS08 BF998R BF998R-GS08 BF998RW BF998W BFG135A BFG193 BFG194 BFG196 BFG19S BFG235 BFP180 BFP181 BFP181T-GS08 BFP182 BFP183 BFP183R BFP183T-GS08 BFP183TW-GS08 BFP193 BFP193W Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Renesas Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Standard Standard Standard Vishay Vishay Infineon Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon BF909R BF1202WR BF1202R BF1202WR BF1202R BF1202WR BF1202R BB149 BB149A BB179B BB179 BF1202 BB148 BB153 BB152 BB152 BB178 BB178 BB187 BB152 BB201 BB131 BB131 BB131 BB202 BB202 BF1105 BF1109 BF1109WR BF1101 BF1101R BF1101WR BF245A BF245B BF245C J108 J108 J108 BF245A BF245B BF245C BFR93A PBR951 BFS540 BFG540 BFR92A BFR92A BFR92AW BF861A BF861B BF861C BF994S BF996S BF998 BF998 BF998 BF998R BF998R BF998WR BF998WR BFG135 BFG198 BFG31 BFG541 BFG97 BFG135 BFG505/X BFG67/X BFG67/X BFG67/X BFG520/X BFG520/XR BFG520/X BFG520W/X BFG540/X BFG540W/XR FET FET FET FET FET FET FET Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap FET Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 BFP196T-GS08 BFP196TR-GS08 BFP196TRW-GS08 BFP196TW-GS08 BFP196W BFP280 BFP405 BFP420 BFP450 BFP67-GS08 BFP67R-GS08 BFP740 BFP740F BFP81 BFP92A-GS08 BFP93A BFP93A-GS08 BFQ193 BFQ19S BFQ67-GS08 BFR106 BFR180 BFR180W BFR181 BFR181T-GS08 BFR181TW-GS08 BFR181W BFR182 BFR182W BFR183 BFR183T-GS08 BFR183TW-GS08 BFR183W BFR193 BFR193TW-GS08 BFR193W BFR196T-GS08 BFR196TW-GS08 BFR35AP BFR92AL BFR92AW-GS08 BFR92P BFR92W BFR93A BFR93AL BFR93AW BFR93AW-GS08 BFR93-GS08 BFS17-GS08 BFS17-GS08 BFS17L BFS17P BFS17W BFS17W-GS08 BFS481 BFS483 BFT92 BFT93 BIC701C BIC701M BIC702C BIC702M BIC801M BSR111 BSR112 BSR113 BSR174 BSR175 BSR176 BSR177 CA901 CA901A CA922 CA922A CMY91 CMY91 Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Vishay Vishay Infineon Freescale Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Freescale Infineon Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Freescale Infineon Infineon Vishay Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Infineon Infineon BFG540/X BFG540/XR BFG540W/XR BFG540W/X BFG540W/XR BFG505/X BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W BFG67/X BFG67/X BFU725F BFU725F BFG92A/X BFG92A/X BFG93A/X BFG93A/X BFQ540 BFQ19 BFQ67W BFR106 BFR505 BFS505 BFR520 BFR520 BFS520 BFS520 PBR941 PRF947 PBR951 PBR951 PRF957 PRF957 PBR951 PRF957 PRF957 BFR540 BFS540 BFR92A BFR92A BFR92AW BFR92A BFR92AW BFR93A BFR93A BFR93AW BFR93AW BFR93A BFS17 BFS17A BFS17 BFS17A BFS17W BFS17W BFM505 BFM520 BFT92 BFT93 BF1105WR BF1105R BF1105WR BF1105R BF1105 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ177 BGX885N BGX885N BGD885 BGD885 BGA2022 BGA2022 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD MMIC WB trs 1-4 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 91 Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family CXE1089Z CXE1089Z D5540185 D7540185 D7540200 D8640185 DME500 EC2C03C F2046 F2048 F2247 FSD273TA FSD273TA HBFP0405 HBFP0420 HBFP0450 HSC277 HSMP3800 HSMP3802 HSMP3804 HSMP3810 HSMP3814 HSMP381B HSMP381C HSMP381F HSMP3820 HSMP3822 HSMP3830 HSMP3832 HSMP3833 HSMP3834 HSMP3860 HSMP3862 HSMP3864 HSMP386B HSMP386E HSMP386L HSMP3880 HSMP3890 HSMP3892 HSMP3894 HSMP3895 HSMP389B HSMP389C HSMP389F HVB14S HVC131 HVC132 HVC200A HVC200A HVC202A HVC202B HVC300A HVC300B HVC306A HVC306B HVC355B HVC359 HVC363A HVC376B HVC376B HVD132 HVU131 HVU132 HVU202(A) HVU202(A) HVU300A HVU307 HVU315 HVU316 HVU363A HVU363A HVU363B IB0810M100 IB0912L30 IB0912L70 RFMD RFMD Standard Standard Standard Standard Microsemi Sanyo POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET Skyworks Skyworks Agilent Agilent Agilent Renesas Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Agilent Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Renesas Integra Integra Integra BGA6489 BGA6589 BGD502 BGD702 BGD704 BGD802 BLAH0912-500 BB145B BLF542 BLF543 BLF522 BB148 BB178 BFG410W BFG425W BFG480W BA277 BAP70-03 BAP50-04 BAP50-05 BAP50-03 BAP50-05 BAP50-03 BAP50-05 BAP64-05W BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BAP64-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-06 BAP64-05 BAP50-03 BAP50-04 BAP50-05 BAP50-02 BAP50-04W BAP50-05W BAP51-03 BAP51-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-05 BAP51-02 BAP51-02 BAP64-04 BAP51-05W BAP50-04W BAP65-02 BAP51-02 BB178 BB187 BB179 BB179B BB182 BB182 BB187 BB187 BB145B BB202 BB178 BB198 BB202 BAP51-02 BAP65-03 BAP51-03 BB149 BB149A BB152 BB148 BB148 BB131 BB148 BB153 BB148 BLF871 BLA6H0514-25 BLA6H0514-25 MMIC MMIC CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD Microwave Varicap Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Varicap Varicap WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 BS diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Broadcast Microwave Microwave IB0912M210 IB0912M500 IB0912M600 IB1011L15 IB1011L220 IB1011L40 IB1011L470 IB1011M140 IB1011M190 IB1011M250 IB1011S190 IB1011S250 IB1012S10 IB1012S20 IB2729M5 IB2729M90 IB2731M110 IB2731MH110 IB2931MH155 IB3134M100 IB3135MH100 IBP1214M700 IBP1214M700 IBP3135M150 IDM175CW300 IDM500CW150 IDM500CW200 IDM500CW300 IDM500CW80 ILD1011M15 ILD1011M150 ILD1011M15HV ILD1011M160HV ILD1011M250 ILD1011M30 ILD1011M400 ILD1011M450HV ILD1011M550HV ILD1214M10 ILD2731M140 ILD3135M120 ILP1214EL200 INA-51063 J270 J308 J309 J310 JDP2S01E JDP2S01U JDP2S02AFS JDP2S02AS JDP2S02T JDP2S04E JDS2S03S JTDA150A KP2310R KTK920BT KTK920T KV1835E LC421 MA2S077 MA2S357 MA2S357 MA2S372 MA2S374 MA2SV01 MA357 MA366 MA368 MA372 MA372 MA4CP101A MA4P274-1141 MA4P275-1141 MA4P275CK-287 MA4P277-1141 Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Integra Agilent Standard Standard Standard Standard Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba Microsemi Toko KEC KEC Toko POLYFET Standard Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Renesas Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita BLA6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLA6H0514-25 BLA6H0514-25 BLS6G2731-6G BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G3135S-120 BLS6G3135S-120 BLL6H1214-500 BLL6H1214-500 BLS6G3135S-120 BLF278 BLF881 BLF888 BLF878 BLF871 BLL6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BLA6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BLL6H0514-25 BLS6G2731-120 BLS6G3135S-120 BLS7G2933P-200 BGA2001 J177 J108 J109 J110 BAP65-02 BAP65-03 BAP51-02 BAP51-03 BAP63-02 BAP50-02 BA891 BLF177 BAP64-04W BF1108 BF1108R BB199 BLF544 BA277 BB178 BB187 BB179 BB182 BB202 BB153 BB148 BB131 BB149 BB149A BAP65-03 BAP51-03 BAP65-03 BAP65-05 BAP70-03 Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave MMIC FET FET FET FET PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode BS diode Broadcast PIN diode FET FET Varicap Broadcast BS diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode 92 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family MA4P278-287 MA4P789-1141 MA4P789ST-287 MAX2659 MC7712 MC7716 MC7722 MC7726 MC-7831 MC-7831-HA MC-7832 MC-7832-HA MC-7833 MC-7836 MC-7836 MC-7845 MC-7846 MC-7847 MC7852 MC7866 MC-7881 MC-7882 MC-7883 MC-7884 MC-7891 MC-7893 MC-7894 MC-7896 MCH4009 MD7P19130 MD7P19130H MD7P19130H (2) MDS400 MDS800 MHW10186N MHW10236N MHW10247AN MHW10276N MHW1224 MHW1244 MHW1253LA MHW1254L MHW1254LA MHW1304L MHW1304LA MHW1304LAN MHW1346 MHW1353LA MHW1354LA MHW5182A MHW5185B MHW5222A MHW5272A MHW5342A MHW5342T MHW6182 MHW6182-6 MHW6182T MHW6185B MHW6185T MHW6205 MHW6222 MHW6222B MHW6222T MHW6272 MHW6272T MHW6342 MHW6342T MHW7182B MHW7182C MHW7185C2 MHW7185CL MHW7205C MHW7205CL MHW7205CLN MHW7222 Matsushita Matsushita Matsushita Maxim NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC Sanyo Freescale Freescale Freescale Microsemi Microsemi Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale BAP70-03 BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BGU7005 BGY785A BGY787 BGY785A BGY787 BGY885A BGY1085A BGY887 CGY1041 BGY887B BGY887B CGY1047 BGD802 CGD942C CGD944C BGY885A BGD816L BGD802 BGD814 CGD942C CGD944C CGD1042H CGD1042H CDG1044H CGD1044H BFG424F BLF6G20LS-110 BLF6G20LS-75 BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BGY1085A CGY1043 CGD1044H CGY1047 BGY67 BGY67A BGY67A BGY68 BGY68 BGY68 BGY68 BGY68 BGY67A BGY67A BGY68 BGY585A BGD502 BGY587 BGY587B BGY588N BGY588N BGY585A BGY685A BGY585A BGD502 BGD502 BGD704 BGY587 BGY687 BGY587 BGY587B BGY587B BGY588N BGY588N BGY785A BGY785A BGD712 BGD712 BGD714 BGD714 BGD714 BGY787 PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode MMIC CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PP CATV PP CATV PP CATV PP CATV PP CATV PP CATV PP CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD WB trs 5-7 Base Station Base Station Base station Microwave Microwave CATV PP CATV PP CATV PD CATV PP CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA MHW7222A MHW7222B MHW7242A MHW7272A MHW7292 MHW7292A MHW7292AN MHW7342 MHW8142 MHW8182B MHW8182C MHW8182CN MHW8185 MHW8185L MHW8188AN MHW8205 MHW820L MHW8222BN MHW8227A MHW8227AN MHW8247A MHW8247AN MHW8292 MHW8342 MHW8342N MHW9146 MHW9182B MHW9182C MHW9182CN MHW9186 MHW9186A MHW9187N MHW9188AN MHW9188N MHW9227AN MHW9242A MHW9247 MHW9247A MHW9247AN MHW9247N MHWJ5272A MHWJ7185A MHWJ7205A MHWJ7292 MHWJ9182 MMBF4391 MMBF4392 MMBF4393 MMBF4860 MMBF5484 MMBFJ113 MMBFJ174 MMBFJ175 MMBFJ176 MMBFJ177 MMBFJ308 MMBFJ309 MMBFJ310 MMBFU310 MMBR5031L MMBR5179L MMBR571L MMBR901L MMBR911L MMBR920L MMBR931L MMBR941BL MMBR941L MMBR951AL MMBR951L MMBV105GLT1 MMBV109LT1 MMG2001NT1 MMG2001T1 MPAL2731M15 MPAL2731M30 Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale ONSemicond. ONSemicond. Freescale Freescale Integra Integra BGY787 BGY787 BGE787B BGE787B BGE787B BGE787B BGE787B BGE788 BGY883 BGY885A BGY885A BGY885A BGD814 BGD812 CGD942C BGD814 BGD814 BGY887 CGD942C CGD942C CGD944C CGD944C BGY887B BGY888 CGY888C BGY883 BGY1085A BGY1085A BGY1085A BGY885A BGY885A CGD942C CGD942C CGD942C CGD942C CGD1042 CGD944C CGD944C CGD944C CGD944C BGY587B BGD712 BGD714 BGE787B BGY1085A PMBF4391 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 PMBFJ112 BFR31 PMBFJ113 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ177 PMBFJ308 PMBFJ309 PMBFJ310 PMBFJ310 BFS17 BFS17A PBR951 BFR92A BFR93A BFR93A BFT25A PBR941 PBR941 PBR951 PBR951 BB156 BB148 BGD816L BGD816L BLS6G2731-6G BLS6G2731-6G CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PP CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PP CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PP CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PP CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PPA/HG CATV PPA FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 Varicap Varicap CATV PD CATV PD Microwave Microwave NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 93 Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family MPAL3035M15 MPAL3035M30 MPF102 MPF970 MPF971 MRF10005 MRF1000MB MRF10031 MRF1004MB MRF10120 MRF10150 MRF10350 MRF10502 MRF1090MB MRF1150MA MRF1150MB MRF134 MRF136 MRF136Y MRF137 MRF140 MRF141 MRF141G MRF148A MRF150 MRF151 MRF151A MRF151G MRF154 MRF157 MRF158 MRF160 MRF166C MRF166W MRF171A MRF173 MRF173CQ MRF174 MRF175GU MRF175GV MRF175LU MRF176GU MRF176GV MRF177 MRF18030ALR3(1) MRF18030ALR3(1) MRF18030ALSR3(1) MRF18030ALSR3(1) MRF18030BLR3(1) MRF18030BLR3(1) MRF18030BLSR3(1) MRF18030BLSR3(1) MRF18060AL(2) MRF18060BL(2) MRF18085AL(2) MRF18085BL (2) MRF18085BL(2) MRF18090AR3(1) MRF18090B (2) MRF18090B(2) MRF19030L(2) MRF19030L(2) MRF19045L(2) MRF19060L(2) MRF19085LR3(1) MRF19085LSR3(1) MRF19090R3 (1) MRF19090R3(1) MRF19090SR3 (1) MRF19090SR3(1) MRF19125 (2) MRF19125(2) MRF21010LR1(1) MRF21010LSR1(1) MRF21030LR3(1) MRF21030LSR3(1) Integra Integra Standard Standard Standard M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale BLS6G2731-6G BLS6G2731-6G BF245A J174 J176 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF881 BLF177 BLF177 BLF278 BLF175 BLF177 BLF177 BLF177 BLF278 BLF574 BLF574 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF881 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF881 BLF278 BLF871 BLF881 BLF573S BLF871 BLF6G21-30 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G21-30 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G21-30 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G21-30 BLF6G20-45 BLC6G20-75 BLC6G20-75 BLC6G20-75 BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLC6G20-75 BLF6G20-110 BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLF6G20-110 BLF6G21-30 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G20-45 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20-110 BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLF6G20-110 BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20-140 BLF3G21-6 BLF3G21-6 BLF6G22-30 BLF6G22-45 Microwave Microwave FET FET FET Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station MRF21045LR3(1) MRF21045LSR3(1) MRF21060L(2) MRF21085L(2) MRF21090(2) MRF21120R6(1) MRF21125(2) MRF21125SR3(1) MRF21180R6(1) MRF275G MRF275L MRF281SR1(1) MRF281ZR1(1) MRF282SR1(1) MRF282ZR1(1) MRF284LR1(1) MRF284LSR1(1) MRF313 MRF314 MRF316 MRF317 MRF321 MRF323 MRF327 MRF372 (3) MRF373ALR1 (2) MRF374A (1) MRF377H (2) MRF377H(2) MRF392 MRF393 MRF421 MRF422 MRF426 MRF428 MRF429 MRF448 MRF454 MRF455 MRF577 MRF5811L MRF5P20180HR6(1) MRF5P21045NR1 (1) MRF5P21180HR6 (1) MRF5P21180HR6(1) MRF5S19060N(2) MRF5S19090HR3(1) MRF5S19090HSR3(1) MRF5S19100H (2) MRF5S19100H(2) MRF5S19130H (2) MRF5S19130H(2) MRF5S19150H (2) MRF5S19150H(2) MRF5S21045N (2) MRF5S21045N(2) MRF5S21090HR3(1) MRF5S21090HSR3(1) MRF5S21100HR3(1) MRF5S21100HSR3(1) MRF5S21130HR3(1) MRF5S21130HSR3(1) MRF5S21150H(2) MRF5S9150H (2) MRF6P18190HR6(1) MRF6P21190HR6 (1) MRF6P21190HR6(1) MRF6P3300H (2) MRF6P3300H(2) MRF6S18060N(2) MRF6S18100N(2) MRF6S18140H(2) MRF6S19060N(2) MRF6S19100H (2) MRF6S19100H(2) MRF6S19100N(2) Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale M/A- COM M/A- COM Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-75 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-180 BLF881 BLF871 BLF6G21-6 BLF6G21-6 BLF1822-10 BLF1822-10 BLF3G21-30 BLF3G21-30 BLF871 BLF881 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF878 BLF881 BLF878 BLF872 BLF881 BLF871 BLF871 BLF177 BLF871 BLF177 BLF177 BLF573S BLF871 BLF871 PRF957 BFG93A/X BLF6G20-180P BLD6G22L(S)-50 BLF6G22(LS)-180RN BLF6G20-180P BLF6G20-75 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20-110 BLF7G20L(S)-140P BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20-140 BLF6G20LS-140 BLF6G22-150P BLD6G22L(S)-50 BLF1822-10 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-150P BLF6G10(LS)-160RN BLF6G20-180P BLF7G22LS-130 BLF6G20-180P BLF888 BLF878 BLF6G20-75 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20-140 BLF6G20-75 BLF7G20L(S)-140P BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20-110 Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Broadcast Broadcast Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Base station Base station Base station Base station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 Base Station Base station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Broadcast Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station 94 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family MRF6S19120H (2) MRF6S19120H(2) MRF6S19140H (2) MRF6S19140H(2) Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Base station Base Station Base station Base Station MRF6S19200H (2) Freescale MRF6S20010 MRF6S20010 MRF6S20010N (2) MRF6S20010N(2) MRF6S20010N(2) MRF6S21050L(2) MRF6S21060N (2) MRF6S21060N(2) MRF6S21100H (2) MRF6S21100H(2) MRF6S21100N (2) MRF6S21100N(2) MRF6S21140H (2) MRF6S21140H(2) MRF6S21190H MRF6S21190H MRF6S21190H (2) MRF6S23100H (2) MRF6S23100H (2) MRF6S27015N MRF6S27015N (2) MRF6S27015N (2) MRF6S27050HR3 MRF6S27050HSR3 MRF6S27085H MRF6S27085H (2) MRF6S27085HR3 MRF6S27085HS MRF6S27085HSR3 MRF6V2010N (2) MRF6V2010N(2) MRF6V2010NBR1(18a) MRF6V2010NR1(18a) MRF6V2150N (2) MRF6V2150N(2) MRF6V2150NBR1(18a) MRF6V2150NR1(18a) MRF6V2300N (2) MRF6V2300N(2) MRF6V2300N(2) MRF6V4300N (2) MRF6VP11KH (1) MRF6VP21KH (1) MRF6VP2600H (1) MRF6VP2600HR6(18o) MRF6VP3450 MRF6VP3450H (4) MRF6VP41KH (2) Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale MRF7S15100H (2) Freescale MRF7S18125AHS MRF7S18170H (2) MRF7S18170H(2) MRF7S19080H (2) MRF7S19080H(2) MRF7S19080HS MRF7S19100 MRF7S19100N (2) MRF7S19100N(2) MRF7S19120N(1) MRF7S19120NR1 (1) Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale MRF7S19170H (2) Freescale MRF7S19170H(2) "MRF7S19210H PTFA192401F" MRF7S21080H (2) MRF7S21110H (2) MRF7S21110HS MRF7S21150H (2) Freescale BLF7G20L(S)-140P BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20LS-75 BLF6G20-140 BLF6G20-180PN, BLF7G20L(S)-200 BLM6G22-30 BLM6G22-30G BLM6G22-30 BLF6G21-6 BLF1822-10 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22LS-75 BLF6G22-75 BLF6G22LS-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22LS-100 BLF6G22-100 BLF6G22L(S)-130 BLF6G22-130 BLF6G22-180P BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G22L(S)-200 BLF7G27L(S)-75P BLF7G27L(S)-75P BLF6G27-10 BLF6G27-10(G) BLF6G27-10(G) BLF6G27-45 BLF6G27S-45 BLF6G27LS-135 BLF7G27L(S)-140 BLF6G27-135 BLF6G27LS-75 BLF6G27LS-135 BLF571 BLF244 BLF872 BLF871 BLF871 BLF177 BLF882 BLF881 BLF573S BLF369 BLF378 BLF573S BLF578 BLF578 BLF871 BLF881 BLF878 BLF878 BLF578 BLF6G15L(S)-40BRN/ BLF6G15L(S)-250PBRN BLF6G20LS-140 BLF7G20L(S)-200 BLF6G22-180 BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20LS-75 BLF6G20LS-110 BLF6G20LS-75 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20-110 BLF6G20LS-140 BLF6G20-180PN, BLF7G20L(S)-200 BLF6G20-180 Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale BLF6G20-230PRN BLF6G22LS-100 BLF6G22L(S)-130 BLF6G22LS-100 BLF7G22LS-130 MRF7S21170 MRF7S21170H (2) MRF7S21210H (2) MRF7S27130H (2) MRF7S38010H MRF7S38010H (2) MRF7S38040H MRF7S38040H (2) MRF7S38040HR3 MRF7S38040HSR3 MRF8S18120H (2) MRF9030L (2) MRF9030N (2) MRF9135L (2) MRF917 MRF9200L (2) MRF9210R3 (1) MRF927 MRF9411L MRF947 MRF947A MRF9511L MRF957 MRFE6P3300H MRFE6S9125N MRFE6S9125N (2) MRFE6S9130H (2) MRFE6S9135H (2) MRFE6S9135HS MRFE6S9160H (2) MRFE6S9201H (2) MRFE6S9205HS MS1003 MS1004 MS1007 MS1008 MS1011 MS1051 MS1076 MS1078 MS1079 MS1204 MS1277 MS1278 MS1279 MS1280 MS1329 MS1453 MS1503 MS1506 MS1507 MS1509 MS1511 MS1533 MS2001 MS2003 MS2003 MS2005 MS2010 MS2176 MS2200 MS2207 MS2210 MS2215 MS2267 MS2321 MS24221 MS2441 MS2472 MS2473 MS2553 MS2575 MS3024 MSC1015MP MSC1175M MSC1400M Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi BLF6G22LS-100 BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G22L(S)-250P BLF7G27L(S)-140 BLF6G38-10G BLF6G38(S)-25 BLF6G38LS-50 BLF6G38(LS)-50 BLF6G28-50 BLF6G28LS-51 BLF7G20L(S)-250P BLF6G10(LS)-160RN BLF6G10(LS)-160RN BLF6G10(LS)-135RN BFQ67W BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN BFS25A BFG520/X BFS520 PRF947 BFG540/X PRF957 BLF878 BLF6G10LS-135R BLF6G10(LS)-135RN BLF6G10(LS)-135RN BLF6G10(LS)-200RN BLF6G10LS-135R BLF6G10(LS)-160RN BLF6G10(LS)-200RN BLF6G10LS-200RN BLF645 BLF888 BLF871 BLF871 BLF888 BLF871 BLF888 BLF871 BLF888 BLF645 BLF888 BLF888 BLF888 BLF888 BLF878 BLF881 BLF871 BLF881 BLF881 BLF871 BLF878 BLF645 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-45 BLF6G22-45 BLF878 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6G1011-200R BLF177 BLA6G1011-200R BLL6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLAH0912-500 BLAH0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLF6G22-45 BLL6H0514-25 BLA6G1011-200R BLAH0912-500 Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station WB trs 1-4 Base station Base station WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 Broadcast Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base station Base Station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Base station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Base station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Base station Broadcast Broadcast Base station Base station Base station Base station Broadcast Broadcast Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base station Base Station Base Station Base station Base station Base Station Base Station Base station Base station Base Station Base station NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 95 Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family MSC1450M MT4S200T MT4S200U MT4S34U MV2109G MW6IC2240N (2) MW6S004NT1 (1) MW7IC2725GNR1 MW7IC2725N MW7IC2725N MW7IC2725NB MW7IC2725NR1 MW7IC2750GNR1 MW7IC2750N (3) MW7IC2750NR1 MW7IC3825GN MW7IC3825N MW7IC3825N (3) MW7IC3825NB MW7IC915N (1) NESG3032M14 NESG3032M14 PD55012-E PD55025-E PD55035-E PD57018-E PD57030-E PD57045-E PD57060-E PD57070-E PD85015-E PD85025C PD85025-E PD85035C PD85035-E PRF134 PRF134 PRF136 PRF136 PRF947B PRF947B PTF 180101S - 10 W PTF 191601E - 160 W PTF 210101M - 10 W PTF 210451E - 45 W PTF 210451F - 45 W PTF 240101S - 10 W PTF041501E-150W PTF041501E-150W PTF041501F-150W PTF041501F-150W PTF080101M-10W PTF080101M-10W PTF080101S-10W PTF080101S-10W PTF081301E-130W PTF081301E-130W PTF081301F-130W PTF081301F-130W PTF082001E-200W PTF082001E-200W PTF180101 PTF180101 PTFA 142401EL - 240 W PTFA 142401FL - 240 W PTFA 180701E - 70 W PTFA 180701F - 70 W PTFA 181001E - 100 W PTFA 181001F - 100 W PTFA 181001GL - 100 W PTFA 191001E - 100 W PTFA 191001F - 100 W PTFA 192001E - 200 W PTFA 192001F - 200 W PTFA 192401E - 240 W PTFA 192401F - 240 W Microsemi Toshiba Toshiba Toshiba ONSemicond. Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Infineon Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale Freescale NEC Infineon ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST POLYFET Infineon POLYFET Infineon Motorola Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Freescale Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon BLA6H0912-500 BFG424W BFG425W BFG410W BB182LX BLF6G22LS-75 BLF6G21-10G BLF6G27-10G BLF6G27-10G BLF6G27-10G BLF6G27-10 BLF6G27-10 BLF6G27LS-75 BLF6G27(LS)-75 BLF6G27-75 BLF6G38S-25 BLF6G38-25 BLF6G38(S)-25 BLF6G38-25 BLF6G10L(S)-260PRN BFU725F BFU725F BLF571 BLF571 BLF571 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLF571 BLF571 BLF571 BLF571 BLF571 BLF242 BLF242 BLF244 BLF244 PRF947 PRF947 BLF6G20-40 BLF7G20L(S)-300P BLD6G22L(S)-50 BLF7G22L(S)-200 BLF7G22L(S)-200 BLF7G27L(S)-100 BLF647 BLF647 BLF647 BLF647 BLF1043 BLF1043 BLF1043 BLF1043 BLF4G10-120 BLF4G10-120 BLF4G10-120 BLF4G10-120 BLF6G10-200 BLF6G10-200 BLF6G21-10G BLF6G21-10G BLF6G15L(S)-250PBRN BLF6G15L(S)-250PBRN BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLF6G20(LS)-180RN BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20(LS)-110 BLF6G20-180PN BLF6G20-180PN BLF6G20-180PN BLF6G20-180PN Microwave WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 Varicap Base station Base station Base station Base Station Base Station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station Base station WB trs 5-7 WB trs 5-7 Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Microwave Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast WB trs 1-4 WB trs 1-4 Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station PTFA 210301E - 30 W PTFA 210701E - 70 W PTFA 210701F - 70 W PTFA 211001E - 100 W PTFA 211801E - 180 W PTFA 211801F - 180 W PTFA 212001E - 200 W PTFA 212001F - 200 W PTFA 212002E - 200 W PTFA 212401E - 240 W PTFA 212401F - 240 W PTFA 240451E - 45 W PTFA 260451E - 45 W PTFA 260851E - 85 W PTFA 260851F - 85 W PTFA 261301E - 130 W PTFA 261301F - 130 W PTFA 261702E - 170 W PTFA043002E-300W PTFA043002E-300W PTFA080551E-55W PTFA080551F-55W PTFA081501E-150W PTFA081501F-150W PTFA091201E-120W PTFA091201F-120W PTMA 210452EL - 45 W PTMA 210452FL - 45 W PZFJ108 PZFJ109 PZFJ110 R0605250L R0605300L R2005240 RN142G RN142S RN242CS RN731V RN739D RN739F S505T S505TR S505TRW S5540220 S595T S595TR S595TRW S7540185 S7540215 S8740190 S8740220 S8740230 S949T S949TR S949TRW S974T S974T-GS08 S974TR S974TR-GS08 S974TRW S974TRW-GS08 SA701 SA701 SA741 SD1018 SD1018-06 SD1019-05 SD1422 SD1485 SD56120 SD56120M SD57030 SD57030-01 SD57120 SD702 SDV701Q Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Infineon Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Rohm Rohm Rohm Rohm Rohm Rohm Vishay Vishay Vishay Standard Vishay Vishay Vishay Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi ST ST ST ST ST POLYFET AUK BLD6G22L(S)-50 BLF6G22LS-75 BLF6G22LS-75 BLF6G22LS-100 BLF7G22L(S)-250P BLF7G22L(S)-250P BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G22LS-130 BLF6G22-180PN BLF6G22-180PN BLF7G27L(S)-100 BLF6G27(LS)-75 BLF6G27L(S)-45BN BLF6G27(LS)-135 BLF7G27L(S)-200P BLF7G27L(S)-100 BLF7G27L(S)-140 BLF878 BLF878 BLF6G10-45 BLF6G10-45 BLF6G10-160 BLF6G10-160 BLF4G10-120 BLF4G10-120 BLF6G22(S)-45 BLF6G22(S)-45 J108 J109 J110 BGY66B BGY68 BGY67A BAP1321-03 BAP1321-02 BAP51LX BAP50-03 BAP50-04 BAP50-04W BF1101 BF1101R BF1101WR BGY587 BF1105 BF1105R BF1105WR BGY785A BGY787 BGD812 BGD814 BGD816L BF1109 BF1109R BF1109WR BF1109 BF1109 BF1109R BF1109R BF1109WR BF1109WR BLF145 BLF245 BLF175 BLF881 BLF881 BLF645 BLF871 BLF888 BLF871 BLF881 BLL6H0514-25 BLL6H0514-25 BLF578 BLF246B BB179 Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Broadcast Broadcast Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station Base Station FET FET FET CATV RA CATV RA CATV RA PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode FET FET FET CATV PPA FET FET FET CATV PPA CATV PPA CATV PD CATV PD CATV PD FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Microwave Microwave Broadcast Broadcast Varicap 96 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family Manufacturer type Manufacturer NXP type Product family SDV704Q SDV705Q SE701 SGA8343Z SK701 SK701 SK702 SM341 SM704 SM704 SMP1302-004 SMP1302-005 SMP1302-011 SMP1302-074 SMP1302-075 SMP1302-079 SMP1304-001 SMP1304-011 SMP1307-001 SMP1307-011 SMP1320-004 SMP1320-011 SMP1320-074 SMP1321-001 SMP1321-005 SMP1321-011 SMP1321-075 SMP1321-079 SMP1322-004 SMP1322-011 SMP1322-074 SMP1322-079 SMP1340-011 SMP1340-079 SMP1352-011 SMP1352-079 SMV1235-004 SMV1236-004 SR341 SR341 SR401 SR401 SR401 SR703 SR704U SST111 SST112 SST113 SST174 SST175 SST176 SST177 SST201 SST202 SST203 SST308 SST309 SST310 SST4391 SST4392 SST4393 SST4856 SST4857 SST4859 SST4860 SST4861 AUK AUK POLYFET Sirenza POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks Skyworks POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard BB178 BB182 BLF245B BFG425W BLF544B BLF545 BLF546 BLF177 BLF147 BLF246 BAP50-05 BAP50-04 BAP50-03 BAP50-05W BAP50-04W BAP50-02 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP70-03 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BAP1321-02 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP65-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-02 BB181 BB156 BLF378 BLF278 BLF248 BLF348 BLF368 BLF547 BLF548 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ177 BFT46 BFR31 BFR30 PMBFJ308 PMBFJ309 PMBFJ310 PMBF4391 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 BSR56 BSR57 BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 Varicap Varicap Broadcast WB trs 5-7 Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET ST704 ST744 ST744 SVC201SPA TAN150 TAN250A TAN300 TBB1016 TCS450 TCS800 TMF3201J TMF3202Z TMPF4091 TMPF4092 TMPF4093 TMPF4391 TMPF4392 TMPF4393 TMPFB246A TMPFB246B TMPFB246C TMPFJ111 TMPFJ112 TMPFJ113 TMPFJ174 TMPFJ175 TMPFJ176 TMPFJ177 TPR400 TPR500 TPR500A TSDF54040 TSDF54040-GS08 TSDF54040X-GS08 TSDF54040XR-GS08 UF2805B UF28100H UF28100M UF28100V UF2810P UF28150J UF2815B UF2820P UF2820R UF2840G UF2840P UMIL100 UMIL100A UMIL60 UMIL80 uPC2709 uPC2711 uPC2712 uPC2745 uPC2746 uPC2748 uPC2771 uPC8112 UTV200 UTV8100B VAM80 VMIL100 VRF148A VRF150 VRF151 VRF151G POLYFET POLYFET POLYFET Sanyo Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Renesas Microsemi Microsemi AUK AUK Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM M/A- COM Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC NEC Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi Microsemi BLF346 BLF276 BLF277 BB187 BLF177 BLA6G1011-200R BLA6G1011-200R BF1204 BLA6H0912-500 BLA6H1011-600 BF1204 BF1202WR PMBF4391 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 PMBF4391 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ177 BLAH0912-500 BLA6H0912-501 BLA6H0912-502 BF1102 BF1102 BF1102 BF1102R BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF871 BLF871 BLF871 BLF881 BLF881 BLF871 BLF871 BLF878 BLF878 BGA2709 BGA2711 BGA2712 BGA2001 BGA2001 BGA2748 BGA2771 BGA2022 BLF571 BLF645 BLF878 BLF645 BLF881 BLF177 BLF177 BLF878 Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Varicap Broadcast Microwave Microwave FET Microwave Microwave FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET FET Microwave Microwave Microwave FET FET FET FET Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast MMIC MMIC MMIC MMIC MMIC MMIC MMIC MMIC Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 97 5.2 Cross-references: NXP discontinued types versus NXP replacement types In alphabetical order of manufacturer discontinued type Abbreviations: BS diode Band Switch Diode CATV Community Antenna Television System FET Field Effect Transistor Varicap Varicap Diode WB trs Wideband Transistor OM Optical Module NXP discontinued type Product family NXP Replacement type NXP NXP discontinued type Product family NXP Replacement type NXP BA277-01 BA792 BAP142L BAP51-01 BAP51L BAP55L BB132 BB145 BB145B-01 BB151 BB157 BB178L BB179BL BB179L BB181L BB182B BB182L BB187L BB190 BB202L BB804 BBY42 BF1203 BF689K BF763 BF851A BF851A BF851C BF851C BF992/01 BFC505 BFC520 BFET505 BFET520 BFG17A BFG197 BFG197/X BFG25AW/XR BFG410W/CA BFG425W/CA BFG425W/CA BFG505/XR BFG505W/XR BFG520W/XR BFG590/XR BFG590W BFG590W/XR BFG67/XR BFG92A BFG92A/XR BFG93A/XR BFQ34/01 BFR92 BFR92AR BFR92AT BFR93 BFR93AT BS diode BS diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode PIN diode Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap Varicap FET WB trs WB trs FET FET FET FET FET WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs BA277 BA591 BAP142LX BAP51LX BAP51LX BAP55LX BB152 BB145B BB145B BB135 BB187 BB178LX BB179BLX BB179LX BB181LX BB182 BB182LX BB187LX BB149 BB202LX BB207 BBY40 BF1203 BFS17 BFS17 BF861A BF861A BF861C BF861C BF992 BFM505 BFM520 BFM505 BFM520 BFS17A BFG198 BFG198 BFG25AW/X BFG410W BFG425W BFG425W BFG505/X BFG505 BFG520W/X BFG590/X BFG590 BFG590 BFG67 BFG92A/X BFG92A/X BFG93A/X BFG35 BFR92A BFR92A BFR92AW BFR92A BFR93AW BFR93R BFU510 BFU540 BGA2031 BGD102/02 BGD102/04 BGD104 BGD104/04 BGD502/01 BGD502/01 BGD502/01 BGD502/01 BGD502/03 BGD502/03 BGD502/05 BGD502/07 BGD502/6M BGD502/C7 BGD502/R BGD504 BGD504/01 BGD504/02 BGD504/09 BGD602 BGD602/02 BGD602/07 BGD602/09 BGD602/14 BGD602D BGD702D BGD702D/08 BGD704/01 BGD704/07S BGD704/S9 BGD704N BGD802/09 BGD802N BGD802N BGD802N/07 BGD802N/07 BGD804N BGD804N BGD804N/02 BGD804N/02 BGD902 BGD902/07 BGD902L BGD904 BGD904/02 BGD904/07 BGD904L BGD906 BGD906/02 BGE847BO BGE847BO BGE847BO BGE847BO/FC WB trs WB trs WB trs WB trs CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV BFR93A BFU725F/N1 BFU725F/N1 BGA2031/1 BGD502 BGD502 BGD704 BGD704 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD502 BGD702 BGD502 BGD502 BGD704 BGD704 BGD704 BGD704 BGD702 BGD702 BGD702 BGD702 BGD702 BGD712 BGD712 BGD712 BGD704 BGD704 BGD704 BGD714 BGD802 BGD812 BGD812 BGD812 BGD812 BGD814 BGD814 BGD814 BGD814 BGD812 BGD902 BGD812 BGD814 BGD904 BGD904 BGD814 CGD942C BGD906 BGO827 BGO827 BGO827 BGO827/SC0 98 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition NXP discontinued type Product family NXP Replacement type NXP NXP discontinued type Product family NXP Replacement type NXP BGE847BO/FC0 BGE847BO/FC0 BGE847BO/FC1 BGE847BO/SC BGE847BO/SC0 BGE847BO/SC0 BGE887BO BGE887BO/FC BGE887BO/FC1 BGE887BO/SC BGO847/01 BGO847/01 BGO847/FC0 BGO847/FC0 BGO847/FC01 BGO847/FC01 BGO847/SC0 BGQ34/01 BGU2003 BGX885/02 BGY1085A/07 BGY584A BGY585A/01 BGY586 BGY586/05 BGY587/01 BGY587/01 BGY587/02 BGY587/02 BGY587/07 BGY587/09 BGY587B/01 BGY587B/02 BGY587B/09 BGY588 BGY588/04 BGY66B/04 BGY67/04 BGY67/09 BGY67/14 BGY67/19 BGY67A/04 BGY67A/14 BGY68/01 BGY685A/07 BGY685AD BGY685AD BGY685AL BGY687/07 BGY687/14 BGY687B CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV WB WB trs CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO847 BGO847 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BGO827/SC0 BFG35 BGA2003 BGX885N BGY1085A BGY585A BGY585A BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587B BGY587B BGY587B BGY588N BGY588N BGY66B BGY67 BGY67 BGY67 BGY67 BGY67A BGY67A BGY68 BGY685A BGY785A BGY785A BGY785A BGY687 BGY687 BGE787B BGY687B/02 BGY785A/07 BGY785A/09 BGY785AD BGY785AD/06 BGY785AD/8M BGY785AD/8M BGY787/02 BGY787/07 BGY787/09 BGY847BO BGY847BO/SC BGY84A BGY84A/04 BGY84A/05 BGY85 BGY85A BGY85A/04 BGY85A/05 BGY85H/01 BGY86 BGY86/05 BGY87 BGY87/J1 BGY87B BGY88 BGY88/04 BGY88/04 BGY88/07 BGY887/02 BGY887BO BGY887BO/FC BGY887BO/SC CGD914 CGY887A CGY887B GD923 ON4520/09 ON4520/2 ON4594/M5 ON4749 ON4749 ON4831-2 ON4869 ON4876 ON4890 ON4890 ON4990 PMBT3640/AT PN4392 PN4393 CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV CATV WB trs FET FET BGE787B BGY785A BGY785A BGY785A BGY785A BGY885A BGY885A BGY787 BGY787 BGY787 BGO827 BGO827/SC0 BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY585A BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587 BGY587B BGY588N BGY588N BGY588N BGY588N BGY887 BGO827 BGO827/FC0 BGO827/SC0 CGD1042H CGY1043 CGY1047 CGD942C BGY687 BGY687 BGY585A BGY588N BGY588N BGY885A BGY587 BGY1085A BGD712 BGD712 BGD885 BFS17 PMBF4392 PMBF4393 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 99 6. Packing and packaging information 6.1 100 Packing quantities per package with relevant ordering code Package Package dimensions LxWxH Packing quantity Product 12NC ending Packing method SOD323/SC-76 1.7 x 1.25 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 115 135 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOD523/SC-79 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.6 3,000 10,000 8,000 20,000 115 135 315 335 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel 2 mm pitch tape and reel 2 mm pitch tape and reel SOD882T 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.4 15,000 315 8 mm tape and reel SOT23 2.9 x 1.3 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 215 235 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOT54 4.6 x 3.9 x 5.1 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 112 412 116 126 bulk, delta pinning bulk, straight leads tape and reel, wide pitch tape ammopack, wide pitch SOT89/SC-62 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 1,000 4,000 115 135 12 mm tape and reel 12 mm tape and reel SOT115 44.5 x 13.65 x 20.4 100 112 4 tray/box SOT121B 28.45 x 28.45 x 7.27 20 112 blister, tray SOT143(N/R) 2.9 x 1.3 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 215 235 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOT223/SC-73 6.7 x 3.5 x 1.6 1,000 4,000 115 135 12 mm tape and reel 12 mm tape and reel SOT307 10 x 10 x 1.75 1,500 96 480 518 551 557 13" tape and reel dry pack 1 tray dry pack 5 tray dry pack SOT323/SC-70 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 115 135 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOT341 5.3 x 10.2 1,000 658 118 112 13'' tape and reel tube SOT343(N/R) 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 115 135 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOT343F 2.1 x 1.25 x 0.7 3,000 115 8 mm tape and reel SOT360 6.5 x 4.4 x 0.9 2,500 118 16 mm tape and reel SOT363/SC-88 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.9 3,000 10,000 115 135 8 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel SOT401 5 x 5 x 1.4 2,000 360 118 151 13" tape and reel 1 tray SOT403 5.0 x 4.4 x 0.9 2,500 118 12 mm tape and reel SOT416/SC-75 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.75 3,000 115 8 mm tape and reel SOT467B 9.78 x 18.29 x 4.67 60 20 112 112 blister, tray blister, tray SOT467C 20.45 x 18.54 x 4.67 60 20 112 112 blister, tray blister, tray SOT502A 19.8 x 9.4 x 4.1 60 300 112 135 blister, tray reel SOT502B 19.8 x 9.4 x 4.1 60 100 112 118 blister, tray reel NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Package Package dimensions LxWxH Packing quantity Product 12NC ending Packing method SOT538A 5.1 x 4.1 x 2.6 160 112 blister, tray SOT539A 31.25 x 9.4 x 4.65 60 300 112 135 blister, tray reel SOT540A 21.85 x 10.2 x 5.4 60 112 blister, tray SOT608A 10.1 x 10.1 x 4.2 60 60 300 112 112 135 blister, tray blister, tray reel SOT608B 10.1 x 10.1 x 4.2 60 100 300 112 118 135 blister, tray reel reel SOT616 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.85 6,000 1,500 100 118 115 551 12 mm tape and reel 8 mm tape and reel tray SOT617 5 x 5 x 0.85 6,000 118 Tape and reel SOT618 6 x 6 x 0.85 4,000 1,000 490 2,450 118 515 551 157 13" tape and reel 7" tape and reel dry pack 1 tray dry pack 5 tray SOT638 14 x 14 x 1 1,000 90 450 518 551 557 13" tape and reel dry pack 1 tray dry pack 5 tray dry pack SOT666 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.7 4,000 115 8 mm tape and reel SOT684 8 x 8 x 0.85 1,000 260 260 1,300 518 151 551 157 13" tape and reel dry pack 1 tray 1 tray dry pack 5 tray dry pack SOT724 8.7 x 3.9 x 1.47 2,500 118 16 mm tape and reel SOT753 2.9 x 1.5 x 1.0 3,000 125 8 mm tape and reel SOT778 6.0 x 6.0 x 0.85 490 4,000 551 518 tray multiple trays SOT822-1 15.9 x 11 x 3.6 180 127 tube SOT834-1 15.9 x 11 x 3.15 180 127 tube SOT886 1.45 x 1.0 x 0.5 5000 115 8 mm tape and reel SOT891 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 5000 132 8 mm tape and reel SOT908 3.0 x 3.0 x 0.85 6000 118 12 mm tape and reel SOT922-1 17.4 x 9.4 x 3.88 60 112 blister, tray SOT975B 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.3 180 100 112 118 blister, tray Tape and reel SOT975C 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.3 180 100 112 118 blister, tray Tape and reel SOT979A 31.25 x 10.2 x 5.3 60 112 blister, tray SOT1110A 41.28 x 17.12 x 5.36 60 100 112 118 blister, tray reel SOT1121A 34.16 x 19.94 x 4.75 60 100 112 118 blister, tray reel SOT1121B 20.70 x 19.94 x 4.75 60 100 112 118 blister,tray reel SOT1130A 20.45 x 17.12 x 4.65 60 112 blister, tray SOT1130B 9.91 x 17.12 x 4.65 60 112 blister, tray SOT1135A 20.45 x 19.94 x 4.65 60 100 112 118 blister, tray reel NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 101 6.2 Marking codes list Search online on marking code: http://www.nxp.com/package/ In alphabetical order of marking code In case a `%' is given in the marking code, it means this type can be assembled at different assembly sites. Instead of a `%', you will find: p = made in Hong-Kong t = made in Malaysia W = made in China Marking code 10% 13% 20% 21% 22% 24% 25% 26% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33% 34% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 47% 48% 49% 50% 1 2 7 8 9 %1W %3A %4A %5A %6G %6J %6K %6K %6L %6S %6W %6X %6Y %AB %E7 %E8 %E9 %EA %EB %EC %ED %M1 %M2 %M3 %M4 %M5 %M6 102 Type BAT18 BB207 BF545A BF545B BF545C BF556A BF556B BF556C BF861A BF861B BF861C BFR505 BFR520 BFR540 BFT25A PMBFJ108 PMBFJ109 PMBFJ110 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 PMBFJ308 PMBFJ309 PMBFJ310 BA277 BB182 BA891 BB178 BB179 BAP51-05W BGA6289 BGA6489 BGA6589 PMBF4393 PMBF4391 BGA7024 PMBF4392 BGA7027 PMBFJ176 PMBFJ175 PMBFJ174 PMBFJ177 BF1210 BGA2800 BGA2801 BGA2815 BGA2816 BGA2850 BGA2865 BGA2866 BF908 BF908R BF909 BF909R BF909A BF909AR Package SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOT323 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT23 SOT23 SOT89 SOT23 SOT89 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition Marking code %M7 %M8 %M9 %MA %MB %MC %MD %ME %MF %MG %MH %MK %ML %MM %MN %MP %MR %MS %MT %MU %MV %MW %MX %MY %MZ 1B% 1C% 1N% 2A% 2L 2N 2R 4A 4K% 4L% 4W% 5K% 5W% 6F% 6K% 6W% 7K% 8K% A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2% A3 A3 A3 A3% Type BF904A BF904AR BSS83 BF991 BF992 BF904 BF904R BFG505 BFG520 BFG540 BFG590 BFG505/X BFG520/X BFG540/X BFG590/X BFG520/XR BFG540/XR BFG10 BFG10/X BFG25A/X BFG67/X BFG92A/X BFG93A/X BF1100 BF1100R BGA2717 BAP50-05 BAP70-04W BF862 BF1208 BF1206F BF1207F BF1208D BAP64-04 BAP50-04 BAP64-04W BAP64-05 BAP64-05W BAP1321-04 BAP64-06 BAP50-04W BAP65-05 BAP70-05 BA591 BB208-02 BGA2001 BAP64Q BAP70Q BAT18 BB184 BB208-03 BGA2022 BAP64-03 BB198 BGA2003 BGA2031/1 Package SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT363 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT666 SOT666 SOT666 SOT666 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOD323 SOD523 SOT343 SOT753 SOT753 SOT23 SOD523 SOD323 SOT363 SOD323 SOD523 SOT343 SOT363 Marking code A5 A5% A6% A7% A8 A8% A8% A9 AC B3 B6B6% B7% BC% BFG135 BFG198 BFG31 BFG35 BFG541 BFG591 BFG94 BFG97 BLT50 BLT70 BLT80 BLT81 C1% C2% C4% C5% D1 D2 D2 D3 D3 D4 D4% D5 D6 D7 D8 E1% E1% E1% E2% E2% E3% E6% FB FF FG G2 G2% G3% G4% G5% Type BAP51-03 BGA2011 BGA2012 BFG310W/XR BAP50-03 BFG325W/XR PMBFJ620 BAP70-03 BGU7005 BGU7003 BGA2715 BFU725F BGA2716 BFQ591 BFG135 BFG198 BFG31 BFG35 BFG541 BFG591 BFG94 BFG97 BLT50 BLT70 BLT80 BLT81 BGM1011 BGM1012 BGM1013 BGM1014 BFU610F BFU630F BAP63-03 BFU660F BAP65-03 BFU690F BFR30/B BFU710F BFU730F BFU760F BFU790F BFS17 BFS17/FD BFS17W BFS17A BGA2712 BGA2709 BFG17A BFQ19 BFQ18A BFQ149 BA278 BGA2711 BGA2748 BGA2771 BGA2776 Package SOD323 SOT363 SOT363 SOT343 SOD323 SOT343 SOT363 SOD323 SOT886 SOT891 SOT363 SOT343F SOT363 SOT89 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT223 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT343F SOT343F SOD323 SOT343F SOD323 SOT343F SOT23 SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT343F SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT23 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOD523 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 Marking code K1 K2 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 L1 L2 L2 L2% L3 L3% L4 L4% L5 L6 L6% L7 L8 L9% LA LA% LB% LD% LE LE% LF% LG% LH% LK% M08 M09 M1% M10 M2% M2% M3% M33 M34 M35 M4% M5% M6% M65 M66 M67 M7% M84 M85 M86 MB MC MD Type BAP51-02 BAP51-05W BAP50-02 BAP63-02 BAP65-02 BAP1321-02 BAP70-02 BB199 BB202LX BAP51LX BB202 BF1203 BB178LX BF1204 BB179LX BF1205 BB179BLX BB181LX BF1206 BB182LX BB187LX BF1208 BF1201WR BF1201 BF1201R BF1202 BF1202WR BF1202R BF1211 BF1212 BF1211R BF1212R PMBFJ308 PMBFJ309 BFR30 PMBFJ310 BF1207 BFR31 BFT46 BF861A BF861B BF861C BF1215 BF1216 BF1205C BF545A BF545B BF545C BF1218 BF556A BF556B BF556C BF998WR BF904WR BF908WR Package SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD523 SOD882T SOD882T SOD523 SOT363 SOD882T SOT363 SOD882T SOT363 SOD882T SOD882T SOT363 SOD882T SOD882T SOT363 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 Marking code ME MF MG MG% MH MH% MK ML MO% MO% N N0 N0% N0% N1 N2 N2% N2% N3 N4 N4 N4% N6% N7 N8 N9 N9% NA NA% NB NB% NC NC% ND ND% NE NE% NF% NG% NH% P08 P09 P1 P1 P10 P11 P12 P13 P2% P2% P3 P4 P5 P5 P6 Type BF909WR BF1100WR BF909AWR BF994S BF904AWR BF996S BF1211WR BF1212WR BF998 BF998R BB181 BFR505T BFM505 BFS505 BFG505W/X BFR520T BFM520 BFS520 BFG520W BFG520W/X BFQ540 BFS540 BFS25A BFG540W/X BFG540W/XR BFG540W BAP70AM BF1105WR BF1105R BF1109WR BF1109R BF1101WR BF1101R BFG424W BF1101 BFG424F BF1105 BF1109 BF1108 BF1108R PMBFJ108 PMBFJ109 BFG21W BB131 PMBFJ110 PMBFJ111 PMBFJ112 PMBFJ113 BFR92A BFR92AW BFG403W BFG410W BB135 BFG425W BFG480W Package SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 SOD523 SOT416 SOT363 SOT323 SOT343 SOT416 SOT363 SOT323 SOT343 SOT343 SOT89 SOT323 SOT323 SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT363 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT143 SOT23 SOT23 SOT343 SOD323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT343 SOT343 SOD323 SOT343 SOT343 Marking code P7 P8 P9 PB PC PE PF PL R2% R2% R5 R7% R8% S S1% S2% S2% S3% S6% S7% S8% S9% SB% SC% SC% SD% SE% T5 V1 V1% V10 V2% V2% V3% V4% V6% V8 VA VB VC VC% VD% W1 W1% W1% W2% W4% W6% W7% W9% X X1% X1% Type BB147 BB148 BB149 BB152 BB153 BB155 BB156 BB149A BFR93A BFR93AW BFR93AR BFR106 BFG93A BAP64-02 BFG310/XR BBY40 BFG325/XR BF1107 BF510 BF511 BF512 BF513 BF1214 BGU7031 BB201 BGU7032 BGU7033 BFG10W/X BFG25AW/X BFT25 BFT25A BFQ67 BFQ67W BFG67 BAP64-06W BAP65-05W BAP1321-03 BF1217WR BF1118W BF1118WR BF1118 BF1118R BF1102 BFT92 BFT92W BF1102R BAP50-05W BAP51-04W BAP51-06W BAP63-05W BB187 BFT93 BFT93W Package SOD523 SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOD323 SOT23 SOT323 SOT23 SOT23 SOT143 SOD523 SOT143 SOT23 SOT143 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT23 SOT363 SOT363 SOT343 SOT343 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT323 SOT143 SOT323 SOT323 SOD323 SOT343 SOT343 SOT343 SOT143 SOT143 SOT363 SOT23 SOT323 SOT363 SOT323 SOT323 SOT323 SOT323 SOD523 SOT23 SOT323 NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 103 7. Abbreviations 3-way AM ASIC ASYM BPF BUC CATV CDMA CMMB CMOS CQS DAB DECT DiSEqC DSB DVB EDGE ESD FET FM GaAs GaN Gen GPS GSM HBT HDTV HF HFC HFET HPA HVQFN IF ISM LDMOS LNA LNB LO LPF MESFET MMIC MMPP 104 Doherty design using 3 discrete transistors Amplitude Modulation Application Specific Integrated Circuit Asymmetrical design of Doherty (main and peak device are different) Band Pass Filter Block Up Converter Community Antenna Television Code Division Multiple Access Chinese Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Customer Qualification Samples Digital Audio Broadcasting Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications Digital Satellite Equipment Control Digital Signal Processor Digital Video Broadcasting Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution Electro Static Device Field Effect Transistor Frequency Modulation Gallium Arsenide Gallium Nitride Generation Global Positioning System Global System for Mobile communications Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor High Definition Television High Frequency (3-30 MHz) Hybrid Fiber Coax Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor High Power Amplifier Plastic thermally enHanced Very thin Quad Flat pack No leads Intermediate Frequency Industrial, Scientific, Medical - reserved frequency bands Laterally Diffused Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Low Noise Amplifier Low Noise Block Local Oscillator Low Pass Filter Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Main and peak devices realized separately in halves of push pull transistor NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition MPPM Main and peak device realized in same push pull transistor (2 times) MoCA Multimedia over Coax Alliance MOSFET Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MPA Medium Power Amplifier MRI Magnetic resonance imaging NF Noise Figure NIM Network Interface Module NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance PA Power Amplifier PAR Peak to Average Ratio PEP Peak Envelope Power pHEMT pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor PLL Phase Locked Loop QUBiC Quality BiCMOS RF Radio Frequency RFS Release for Supply RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances RX Receive SARFT State Administration for Radio, Film and Television SER Serializer SiGe:C Sillicon Germanium Carbon SMATV Satellite Master Antenna Television SMD Surface Mounted Device SPDT Single Pole, Double Throw SYM Symmetrical design of Doherty (main and peak device are the same type of transistor) TD-SCDMA Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems TMA Tower Mounted Amplifier TTFF Time to first fix TX Transmit UHF Ultra High Frequency (470-860MHz) UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator VGA Variable Gain Amplifier VHF Very High Frequency (30-300MHz) VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 8. Contacts and web links How to contact your authorized distributor or local NXP representative? Authorized distributors Asia Pacific: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/asia_pacific_dist Europe / Africa / Middle East: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/europe_dist North America: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/northamerica_dist South America: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/southamerica_dist Local NXP Offices Asia Pacific: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/asia_pacific Europe / Africa / Middle East: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/europe North America: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/northamerica South America: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales/southamerica NXP RF MMICs: http://www.nxp.com/mmics NXP RF wideband transistors: http://www.nxp.com/rftransistors NXP RF power & base stations: http://www.nxp.com/rfpower NXP RF FETs: http://www.nxp.com/rffets NXP RF CATV electrical & optical: http://www.nxp.com/catv NXP RF applications: http://www.nxp.com/rf NXP application notes: http://www.nxp.com/all_appnotes NXP cross-references: http://www.nxp.com/products/xref NXP green packaging: http://www.nxp.com/green_roadmap NXP end-of-life: http://www.nxp.com/products/eol Web links NXP Semiconductors: http://www.nxp.com NXP RF Manual web page: http://www.nxp.com/rfmanual NXP varicaps: http://www.nxp.com/varicaps NXP RF PIN diodes: http://www.nxp.com/pindiodes NXP RF Schottky diodes: http://www.nxp.com/rfschottkydiodes NXP Quality Handbook: http://www.standardics.nxp.com/quality/handbook NXP literature: http://www.nxp.com/products/discretes/documentation NXP packaging: http://www.nxp.com/package NXP sales offices and distributors: http://www.nxp.com/profile/sales NXP High Speed Converters http://www.nxp.com/dataconverters NXP Semiconductors RF Manual 14th edition 105 9. Product index Portfolio chapter Type ADC1006S series ADC1010S series ADC1015S series ADC1113D125 ADC1115S125 ADC1206S series ADC1207S080 ADC1210S series ADC1212D series ADC1213D series ADC1215S series ADC1410S series ADC1412D series ADC1413D series ADC1415S series ADC1610S series ADC1613D series BA277 BA591 BA792 BA891 BAP1321-02 BAP1321-03 BAP1321-04 BAP1321LX BAP142LX BAP50-02 BAP50-03 BAP50-04 BAP50-04W BAP50-05 BAP50-05W BAP50LX BAP51-02 BAP51-03 BAP51-04W BAP51-05W BAP51-06W BAP51LX BAP55LX BAP63-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-05W BAP63LX BAP64-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-04 BAP64-04W BAP64-05 BAP64-05W BAP64-06 BAP64-06W BAP64LX BAP64Q BAP65-02 BAP65-03 BAP65-05 BAP65-05W BAP65LX BAP70-02 BAP70-03 BAP70-04W BAP70-05 BAP70AM BAP70Q BAT17 BAT18 BB131 BB135 BB145B BB148 106 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.2.1 3.2.1 3.2.1 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 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The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Date of release: May 2010 Document order number: 9397 750 16881 Printed in the Netherlands RF Manual 14th edition All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the