MTC-20144 Integrated ADSL CMOS Analog Front-End Circuit Data Sheet Rev. 1 - December1998 Features General Description *Fully integrated AFE for ADSL * Overall 12 bit resolution, 1.1MHz signal bandwidth * 8.8 MS/s ADC * 8.8 MS/s DACs(One) * THD: - 60dB @ full scale * 1V full scale input * Differential analog I/O * Accurate continuous-time channel filtering * 3rd & 4th order tunable continuous time LP Filters * 64 pin TQFP package * 0.5 Watt at 3.3V The MTC-20144 is a fourth generation Analog Front End (AFE) designed for DMT based ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line) modems compliant with ANSI T1.413 category 2 standard. It includes one 12-bit DACs and one 13bit ADC. It is intended to be used with the MTC-20146 DMT/ATM processor as part of the MTK-20140 chipset, but may also be used to support other xDSL signal processors. filters to be switched from ATU-R mode to ATU-C mode. The pipeline ADC architecture provides 13 bit dynamic range and a signal bandwith of 1.1MHz. The device consumes only 0.5 Watt in full operation and has a power down mode for standby. It is housed in a compact 64 pin thin plastic quad flat pack. The MTC-20144 provides programmable low pass filters for each of the three channels and automatic gain control. A configuration pin allows the Applications *ADSL Front-end for full rate and Lite standards Ordering Information Part number Package Temp MTC-20144TQ-I 64 pin TQFP -40 to +85C MTC-20144TQ-C 64 pin TQFP 0 to +70C Can also be ordered using kit number MTK-20140 Fig. 1: MTC-20144 Block Diagram MTC-20144 Functional Description The MTC-20144 chip can be used on the ATU-C side (LT), and on the ATU-R (NT) side (defined by LTNT pin). The selection consists mainly of a filter interchange between the RX and TX path . The filters (with a programmable cutoff frequency) use automatic continuous time tuning to avoid time varying phase characteristics which can be of dramatic consequence for DMT modems. It requires few external components, uses a 3.3V supply and is packaged in a 64 pins TQFP in order to reduce PCB area. On the digital interface, a alternative mode with lower sampling rate (OSR=2; 4.4 Msamples/s) is provided. This allows support of xDSL digital components operating at different frequencies. The Receiver (RX) The DMT signal coming from the line to the MTC-20144 is first filtered by the two following external filters: - POTS HP filter: Attenuation of speech and POTS signalling. - Channel filter: Attenuation of echo signal to improve RX dynamic. An analog multiplexer allows the selection between two input ports which can be used to select an attenuated (0,10 dB for ex.) version of the signal in case of short loop or large echo. The signal is amplified by a low noise gain stage (0-31 dB) then low-pass filtered to avoid anti-aliasing and to ease further digital processing by removing unwanted high frequency out-of-band noise. A 12 bits A/D converter samples the data at 8.832 MS/s (a 4.416 Ms/s mode is also possible), transforms the signal into a digital representation and send it to the DMT signal processor via the digital interface. The Transmitter (TX/TXE) The 12 bits data at 8.832 Ms/s (or 4.416 Ms/s) coming from the DMT signal processor through the digital interface are transformed by a D/A converter into a analog signal. This signal is then filtered to decrease DMT sidelobes level and meet the ANSI transmitter spectral response but also to reduce the out-of-band noise (which can be echoed to the RX path) to an acceptable level. The pre-driver buffers the signal for the external line driver and in case on short loop provide attenuation provision (-15..0 dB). The Digital Interface The digital part of the MTC-20144 can be divided in 3 parts : The data interface converts the multiplexed data from/to the DMT signal processor into valid representation for the TX/TXE DAC and RX ADC. The control interface allows the board processor to configure the MTC-20144 paths (RX/TX gains, filter band, ...) or settings (OSR, vcodac enable, digital/analog loopback, ...). Package The MTC-20144 is housed in a 64-pin TQFP package. The VCXO The VCXO is divided in a XTAL driver and a auxilliary 8 bits DAC for timing recovery. The XTAL driver is able to operate at 35.328 MHz and provides an amplitude regulation mechanism to avoid temperature/supply/technology dependent frequency pulling. The DAC which is driven by the CTRLIN pin provides a current output with 8 bits resolution and can be used to tune the XTAL frequency with the help of external components. A time constant between DAC input and VCXO output can be introduced (via the CTLIN interface) and programmed with the help of an external capacitor (on VCOCAP pin). 2 MTC-20144 Pin Assignment Table 1 : Pinning Description MTC-20144 AFE Pin No Name Description PCB Connection Supply Decoupling network AVDD3 Analog Interface 24 VRAP positive voltage reference ADC 25 VREF ground reference ADC AVDD3 26 VRAN negative voltage reference ADC AVDD3 29 N/C no connection Open AVDD4 30 N/C no connection Open AVDD4 31 TXP pre driver output Line-driver input AVDD4 32 TXN pre driver output 38 AGND analog ground ( 1.65V=AVDD/2 ) Decoupling network AVDD5 44 VCOC VCODAC time constant capacitor VCODAC cap. AVDD5 45 GC0 External Gain control output LSB AVDD5 46 GC1 External Gain control output MSB AVDD5 47 RXIN0 analog receive negative input Gain 0 48 RXIP0 analog receive positive input Gain 0 AVDD5 49 RXIN1 analog receive negative input Gain 1 (most sensitive input) AVDD5 50 RXIP1 analog receive positive input Gain 1 (most sensitive input) AVDD5 53 IREF current reference TX DAC/DACE Decoupling network AVDD2 55 VCO current reference VCO DAC VCO bias network AVDD1 56 VCXO VXCO control current VCXO filter AVDD1 59 XTALI XTAL oscillator input pin Crystal + varicap AVDD1 60 XTALO XTAL oscillator output pin AVDD1 AVDD4 Echo filter output AVDD5 Digital Interface 1 TX1 digital transmit input, parallel data DVDD2 2 TX0 digital transmit input, parallel data DVDD2 3 N/U Ground 4 N/U Ground 5 N/U Ground 6 N/U Ground 7 CTRLIN serial data input ( settings) sync interface DVDD2 9 CLKM master clock output, f=35.328 MHz Load=CL<30pF DVDD2 10 CLNIB nibble clock output, f=17.664 MHz (OSR=2) or ground (OSR=4) DVDD2 11 CLWD word clock output , f=8.832/4.416 MHz DVDD2 12 RX3 digital receive output, parallel data 3 Load=CL<30pF DVDD2 MTC-20144 Pin No Name Description PCB Connection 13 RX2 digital receive output, parallel data DVDD2 14 RX1 digital receive output, parallel data DVDD2 15 RX0 digital receive output, parallel data DVDD2 18 PDOWN power down select, "1"= power down Power down input DVDD2 19 LTNT NT / LT select pin, NT=0/LT=1 VDD in LT-mode DVDD2 20 RESETN reset pin ( active low ) RC-reset DVDD2 22 GP0 General purpose output 0 (on AVDD !) Echo Filter output AVDD 33 GP1 General purpose output 1 (on AVDD !) Echo Filter output AVDD 43 GP2 General purpose output 2 (on AVDD !) Echo Filter output AVDD 63 TX3 digital transmit input, parallel data Load=CL<30pF DVDD2 64 TX2 digital transmit input, parallel data 57 XTALbypass DC coupling for XTAL DVDD2 AVSS Supply Voltages 8 DVSS1 DVSS 16 DVDD1 Digital I/O supply voltage DVDD 17 DVDD2 Digital internal supply voltage DVDD 23 AVSS3 27 AVDD3 ADC supply voltage AVDD 28 AVDD4 TX pre-drivers supply AVDD 34 AVSS4 AVSS 35 AVSS5 AVSS 41 AVDD5 CT filter supply AVDD 42 AVDD6 LNA supply AVDD 51 AVSS6 AVSS 52 AVSS2 AVSS 54 AVDD2 DAC and support circuit AVDD 58 AVDD1 XTAL oscillator supply voltage AVDD 61 AVSS1 AVSS 62 DVSS2 DVSS AVSS 4 Supply AVDD1 MTC-20144 See chapter `VCXO' for the external circuit related to the VCXO. MTC-20144 grounding and decoupling networks Fig. 2: MTC-20144 Grounding and Decoupling Networks Fig. 3: Package MTC-20144: 64-Pin TQFP 5 MTC-20144 Analog TX/RX Signals The reference impedance for all power calculation is 100 . DMT Signal A DMT signal is basically the sum of N independently QAM modulated signals, each carried over a distinct carrier. The frequency separation of each carrier is 4.3125 KHz with a total number of 256 carriers (ANSI). For N large, the signal can be modelled by a gaussian process with a certain amplitude probability density function. Since the maximum amplitude is expected to arise very rarely, the signal is clipped to trade-off the resulting SNR loss against AD/DA dynamic range. A clipping factor (Vpeek/Vrms = "crest factor") of 5 is used resulting in a maximum SNR of 75 dB. ADSL DMT signals are nominally sent at -40 dBm/Hz +/- 3 dB (-3.65 dBm/carrier) with a maximal power of 100 mW for downlink transmitter and 4.5 mW for uplink trasmitter. The minimum SNR+D needed for DMT carrier demodulation is about (3*N+20) dB with a minimum of 38 dB where N is the constellation size of a carrier (in bits). Table 2 : Signal Levels (on the line) Description Max level Max RMS level Min level Min RMS level LT side RX 839 mVpdif 168 Vrms 54 mVpdif 11 mVrms TX 15.8Vpdif 3.16Vrms 3.95 Vpdif 791mVrms NT side RX 3.95 Vpdif 791mVrms 42 mVpdif 8 mVrms Table 3 : Total Signal Level (on the line) Description Max level for receiver LT side RX 4 Vpdif (Long line) NT side RX 4.2 Vpdif (Short line) 6 TX 3.4Vpdif 671mVrms 839mVpdif 168mVrms MTC-20144 ATU_C Side Block Diagram The transformer at ATU_C-side has 1:2 ratio. The termination resistors are 12.5. in case of 100 lines. The hybrid bridge resistors should be < 2.5 k for low-noise. An HP filter must be used on the TX path to reduce DMT sidelobes and out of band noise influence on the receiver. On the RX path, a LP filter must be used in order to reduce the echo signal level and to avoid saturation of the input stage of the receiver. The POTS filter is used in both direction to reduce crosstalk between ADSL signals and POTS speech and signalling. Interface to MTC-20146 Fig. 4: ATU-C AFE Schematics (For detailed schematics request MTK-20140 reference design.) 7 MTC-20144 ATU_R Side Block Diagram The ATU-R-side block diagram is equal to the ATU_C-side block diagram with the following differences : - The transformer ratio is 1:1 - Termination resistors are 50 for 100 lines. An LP filter may be used on the TX path to reduce DMT sidelobes and out of band noise influence on the receiver. On the RX path, a HP filter must be used in order to reduce the echo signal level and to avoid saturation of the input stage of the receiver. The POTS filter is used in both direction to reduce crosstalk between ADSL signals and POTS speech and signalling. VCXO see fig 10 for full details Interface to MTC-20146 Fig. 5: ATU-R AFE Schematics 8 MTC-20144 MTC-20144 RX PATH Speech Filter Channel Filters An external bidirectional LC filter for up and downstream POTS service splits out the speech signal to the analog telephone circuit on both the NT and LT sides of the line. The ADSL analog front end Integrated circuit does not contain any circuitry for the POTS service but guarantees that the POTS bandwidth is not disturbed by spurious signals from the ADSLspectrum. The purpose of these external analog circuits is to provide partial echo cancellation by an analog filtering of the receive signal for both ATU_R (Reception of downstream channel) and ATU_C (Reception of upstream channel). This is feasible because the upstream and the downstream data can be modulated on separate carriers (FDM). RX Common-mode Voltage Description Value/Units Common mode signal VCM at RXIN1 and RXIN2 : 1.6V < VCM < 1.7V AGC of RX Path The AGC gain in the RX-path is controlled through a 5-bits digital code. Four inputs are provided for RX input and the selection is made with the RXMUX bits of the CTRLIN interface. This can be used to make lower gain paths in case of high input signal. The AGC characteristics are : Description Value/Units Input refered noise (max. gain) < 20 nVHz -1/2 (an external gain is needed) Max. input level 1 Vpd Gain range : 0 dB ... 31 dB with step = 1 dB Gain and step accuracy: +- 0.3 dB RX Filters The combination of the external filter (an LC ladder filter typically) with the integrated lowpass filter provides : - echo reduction to improve dynamic range - DMT sidelobe and out of band (antialiasing) attenuation. - Anti alias filter (60 dB rejection @ image freq.) 9 MTC-20144 ATU-R-RX filters The integrated filter has the following characteristics : Description Value/Units Type 3th order butterworth Frequency band 1.104 MHz (f0) Frequency tuning f0/1.4375 -> f0 Max. in-band ripple 1 dB Phase characteristic : Description Value/Units Total RX filter group delay < 50 us @ 138kHz < f < 1.104 MHz Total RX filter group delay distortion <15 us @ 138kHz < f < 1.104 MHz Fig 6:ATU-R-RX Filter Mask ATU-C-RX Filter Linearity of RX This filter is the same as the one used for ATU_R_TX. Linearity of the RX analog path is defined by the IM3 product of two sinusoidal signals with frequencies f1 and f2 and each with 0.5Vpd 10 amplitude (total _1Vpd) at the output of the RX-AGC amplifier (i.e: before the ADC) for the case of minimal AGC setting. MTC-20144 Linearity of ATU_R-RX f1 (0.5Vpd) 300kHz 500kHz 700kHz f2 (0.5Vpd) 200kHz 400kHz 600kHz S/IM3 59.5dB @100kHz 59.5dB @300kHz 48.0dB @500kHz (AGC=0dB) 53.5dB @400kHz 48.0dB @600kHz 42.5dB @800kHz 43.5dB @700kHz 42.5dB @800kHz Linearity of ATU-C-RX f1 (0.25Vpd) 80kHz f2 (0.25Vpd) 70kHz S/IM3 56.5dB @60kHz (AGC=20dB) 56.5dB @90kHz A/D Convertors A pipeline architecture is used for the A/D convertor. Number of bits : 13bits Minimum resolution of the A/D convertor 11bits Linearity error of the A/D convertor (range: -6dB FS) <4LSB (out of 13bits) Full scale input range : 1.1 Vpdif (+- 5% @ 3.3V) Sampling rate : 8.832MHz (or 4.416MHz in alternative mode) Maximum attenuation at 1.1 MHz : < 0.5 dB without in-band ripple Latency : 5 sampling clock periods Power Supply Rejection The noise on the power supplies for the RX-path must be lower than the followings : < 50mVrms in band white noise for any AVDD. 11 MTC-20144 MTC-20144 TX Path Transmitter spectral Response The two figures below show the ANSI spectral response mask for ATU_C and ATU_R transmitters Fig.7 : ATU_C PSD Mask Fig.8 : ATU_R PSD Mask AGC of TX Path (from filter output to TXO1 and TXO2) Input level (nominal) 1 Vpd Ouput level (nominal) 1.5 Vpd AGC range : 14.5 dB ... 0 dB AGC step : 0.97 dB Gain and step accuracy : +- 0.3 dB Minimal code (0000) stands for AGC=-15dB and maximal (1111) for AGC=0dB. 12 MTC-20144 TX Pre-driver Capability The pre-driver drives an external line power amplifier which transmits the required power to the line. TX drive level to the external line driver for max AGC setting External line driver input impedance : 1.5 Vpdif resistive >500 capacitive <30pF Pre-driver characteristics : closed loop gain : -15dB...0 dB with step=1dB output offset voltage (0 dB) : <10 mV input noise voltage (0 dB): <20 nVHz-1/2 @ f > 250k <50 nVHz-1/2 @ 34.5k 1.25*f0 1 dB Phase characteristic: Description Value/Units Total RX filter group delay <50 us @ 34.5kHz < f < 138kHz Total RX filter group delay distortion <8 us @ 34.5kHz < f < 138kHz Note: The total TX path (including DAC) group delay distortion is 8 s 13 MTC-20144 Fig. 9 : Filter Mask D/A Convertor Description Value/Units Number of bits : 12bits Minimum resolution of the D/A convertor 11bits Linearity error of the D/A convertor <1LSB (out of 12bits) Full scale output range : 1 Vpdif +- 5% Sampling Rate : 8.832MHz (or 4.416 in alternative mode) Latency : 1 sampling clock periode Linearity of ATU_C-TX Linearity of the TX is defined by the IM3 product of two sinusoidal signals with frequencies f1 and f2 and each with 0.25Vpd amplitude (-6dB FS) at the output of the pre-driver for the case of a total AGC=0dB. 14 MTC-20144 Linearity of ATU_C-TX f1 (0.25Vpd) 300kHz 500kHz 700kHz f2 (0.25Vpd) 200kHz 400kHz 600kHz S/IM3 59.5dB @100kHz 59.5dB @300kHz 48.0dB @500kHz (AGC=0dB) 53.5dB @400kHz 45.0dB @600kHz 42.5dB @800kHz 43.5dB @700kHz 42.5dB @800kHz Linearity of ATU_R-TX f1 (0.25Vpd) 80k f2 (0.25Vpd) 70k S/IM3 (AGC=0dB) 59.5dB(60k/90k) Power Supply Rejection The noise on the power supplies for the TX-path must be lower than the followings : < 50mVrms in band white noise for AVDD. < 15mVrms in band white noise for Predriver AVDD . 15 MTC-20144 VCXO A voltage controlled crystal oscillator driver is integrated in MTC-20144. Its nominal frequency is 35.328MHz. The quartz crystal is connected between the pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. The principle of the VCXO control is shown on the figure below. The information coming from the digital processor via the CTRLIN path is used to drive a 8 bits I-DAC which generate a control current. This current is externally converted and filtered to generates the required control voltage (range: -15 to 0.5V) for the varicap. The VCXO characteristics are given in Table 4. N.B: Frequency tuning range is proportional to the crystal dynamic capacitance Cm. The tuning is monotonic with 8-bit resolution with the worst-case tuning step of < 2ppm/LSB (8-bit). The time constant of the tuning can be selected through an external capacitor Ct. Table 4: VCXO Characteristics Parameters Absolute frequency accuracy Frequency tunning range VCXO output current Min -15ppm CTRLIN=010 bit3 Fig. 10: Principle of VCXO Control 16 Nominal 35.328Mhz 50ppm 100 A Max + 15ppm Note Rref=16,5 k AVDD=3.3V MTC-20144 Digital Interface Control Interface The digital code setting for the MTC20144 configuration is sent over a serial line (CTRLIN) using the word clock (CLWD). The data burst is composed of 16 bits from which the first bit is used as start bit ('0'), the three LSBs being used to identify the data contained in the 12 remaining bits. Test related data are latched but they are overuled by the normal settings if the TEST pin is low. Control Interface Bit Mapping CTRLIN[2:0] Description "000" RX settings 2 bit for external attenuation control (GC1, GC0) reset value = 00b 1 bit for RX input selection ("0"=IN0 .. "1"=IN1) reset value = 0b 5 bits for AGC RX - MSB first ("00000" = 0 dB, "11111" = 31 dB) reset value = 00000b 2 bits to force an HC filter selection for RX path used in LT configuration to use an HC filter as RX filter overloaded when test is active (direct selection) "00" & "11" "01" "10" Bits mapping b[14:13] b[12] b[11:7] b[6:5] normal mode HC2 -> RX, AGND -> TX, HC1 -> RX, AGND -> TXE power up HC1 if Echo not enabled ! reset value = "00" "001" "010" WARNING TX settings 4 bits for AGC TX - MSB first ("0000" = -15 dB, "1111" = 0 dB) reset value = 0000b 4 bit for AGC TXE - MSB first ("0000" = -15 dB, "1111" = 0 dB) reset value = 0000b 3 general purpose pins (GP2, GP1, GP0) reset value = 000b b[10:7] ADSLC configuration 1 bit for digital loopback ('1' enabled) reset value = 0b b[14] b[14:11] b[6:4] 1 bit for analog loopback ('1' enabled) reset value = 1b b[13] 1 bit for VCO DAC enable ('1' enabled) reset value = 1b b[12] Reserved b[11] 1 bit for OSR ('0'=4, '1'=2) reset value = 0b b[10] 17 MTC-20144 3 bit for SC frequency selection ("111"=138KHz=f0, "011"=f0/1.25 "100"=1.23*f0) reset value = 111b b[9:7] 3 bit for HC frequency selection b[6:4] ("100"=1.104MHz=f0, "011"=f0/1.4375) reset value = 100b 1 bit for filtered VCXO output ('1' = filtered) reset value = 0b "011" VCO DAC value 8 bits for VCO DAC current ("0..0" = Min, "1..1" = Max current) reset value = 1000_0000b "100" "101" "110" "111" b[3] TEST ONLY : power down states 12 bits for analog power down, each bit controls one block: TXD (b14), TXED, ADC, HCF2, HCF1, SCF2, SCF1, LNA, DAC, DACE, VCODAC, XTAL (b3) reset value = 0000_0000_0000b b[14:7] b[14:3] TEST ONLY : TO output selection/ TI input selection 4 bits for analog test output selection, each code controls 1 (or none) blocks: DACE ("0001", DAC, LNA, SC1, SC2, HC1, HC2, VTUNESC, VTUNEHC, TEMPDIODE ("1010") reset value = 0000b 1 bits for uncoded ADC output (3X6bits on RXi, LTNT, PDOWN) reset value 0b 1 bits for SC1 input selection: DACE(`0'), TIN (`1') reset vamue = 0b 2 bits for SC2 input selection: DAC ("00"), LNA, TIN, AGND ("11") reset value = 00b TEST ONLY : TIN input selection 2 bits for HC1 input selection: DACE ("00"), LNA, TIN, AGND ("11") reset value = 00b 2 bits for HC2 input selection: DAC ("00"), LNA, TIN, AGND ("11") reset value = 00b 2 bits for ADC input selection: SC2 ("00"), HC2, HC1, TIN ("11") reset value = 00b 2 bits for TXE input selection: HC1 ("00"), SC1, TIN, AGND ("11") reset value = 00b 2 bits for TX input selection: HC2 ("00"), SC2, TIN, AGND ("11") reset value = 00b 1 bits for external filter tuning frequency (onLTNT) reset value = 0b Not used. Reserved. 18 b[14:11] b[10] b[9] b[8:7] b[14:13] b[12:11] b[10:9] b[8:7] b[6:5] b[4] MTC-20144 Control Interface Timing The word clock (CLWD) is used to sample at negative going edges the control informations. The start bit b15 is transmitted first followed by b[14:0] and at least 16 stop bits need to be provided to validate the data. Data set up and hold time versus falling edge CLWD > 10nsec. Fig. 11: Control Interface Timing Receive / Transmit Interface Receive / Transmit Protocol The digital interface is based on a 4 * 8.832 MHz (35.328 MHz) clock. The 8.832MHz 12 bits A/D output signal or D/A input signal are SIPO multiplexed over 4 parallel 35.328 MHz data lines in the following table. If OSR=2 bit is selected, CLKNIB is used as nibble clock (17.664 MHz, disabled in normal mode), and all the RXi, TXi, CLKWD periods are twice as long as in normal mode. This ensure with lower frequencies digital chips. N0 N1 N2 N3 RXD0 / TXD0 will contain b0 b4 b8 b12 RXD1 / TXD1 will contain b1 b5 b9 b13 RXD2 / TXD2 will contain b2 b6 b10 b14 RXD3 / TXD3 will contain b3 b7 b11 b15 TX / TXE Signal Dynamic The dynamic of the signal for both DACs is 12 bits extracted from the available signed 16 bit representation coming from the digital processor. The maximal positive number is 214-1, the most negative number is -214, the 3 LSBs are ignored. Any signal exceeding these limits is clamped to the maximal value. Fig.12: TX/TXE Bit Map RX Signal Dynamic Range The dynamic range of the signal from the ADC is limited to 13 bits. Those bits are converted to a signed representation with a maximal positive number of 214-1 and a most negative number of 214. The 2 LSBs are filled with '0'. Fig.13: RX Bit Map 19 MTC-20144 Receive / Transmit Interface Timing This interface is a triple (RX,TX, TXE) nibble-serial interface running at 8.8 MHz sampling (normal mode). The data are represented in 16 bits format, and transferred in groups of 4 bits (nibbles). The LSBs are transferred first. The MTC20144 generates a nibble clock (= master clock in normal mode, CLKNIB in OSR=2 mode) and word signals shared by the three interfaces. Data is transmitted on the rising edge of the master clock (CLKM/CLKNIB) and sampled on the low going edge of CLKM/CLKNIB. This holds for the data stream from MTC-20144 and from the digital processor. Data, CLWD setup and hold times are 5 ns with reference to the falling edge of CLKM/CLKNIB. RXD is sampled with CLKM rising edge. Fig. 14: TX/TXE/RX Digital Interface Timing Power Down Reset Function When pin Pdown="1", the chip is set in power down mode. In this mode all analog functional blocks are deactivated except : preamplifiers (TX/TXE), clock circuits for output clock CLKM. PDown does not affect the digital part of the chip. The chip is activated when Pdown="0". The reset function is implied when the RESETN pin is at a low voltage input level. In this condition, the reset function can be easily used for power up reset conditions. Power Down Conditions During reset : - All clock outputs are deactivated and put to logical "1" - (except for the XTAL and masterclock CLKM) In power down mode the following conditions hold : - Output voltages at TX01/TX02=AGND - The XTAL output clock on pin CLKM keeps running. - All digital settings are retained. - Digital output on pins RXDx don't care ( not floating ). Following external conditions are added: - Clock pins CLWD is running. - CTRLIN signals can still be allowed. - AGND remains at AVDD/2 ( circuit is powered up ) - Input signals at TXDx inputs are not strobed. Detailed Description '0' (NT) RX : LNA -> HC2 -> ADC TX : DAC -> SC2 -> TX '1' (LT) RX : LNA -> SC2 -> ADC TX : DAC -> HC2 -> TX 20 After reset : - OSR = 4 - All analog gains (RX, TX, TXE) are set to minimum value. - Nominal filter frequency bands (138 KHz, 1.104MHz) - LNA input = "11" (max attenuation) - VCO dac and Echo path disabled - Depending of the LTNT pin value the following configuration is choosen: Digital outputs are placed in don't care condition (non-floating) MTC-20144 Electrical Ratings and Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Operation of the device beyond these limits may cause permanent damage. It is not implied that more than one of these conditions can be applied simultaneously. Symbol VDD Vin Tstg TL Pd Tj Parameter Description Any VDD supply voltage, related to substrate Voltage at any input pin Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (10 second soldering) Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Min -0,5 -0,5 -60 Max 4.8 VDD +0.5 150 300 600 150 Unit Vhh V C C mW C Min 3.0 2.7 0 -40 0 Max 3.6 3.6 VDD 85 70 Unit V V V C C Operating Conditions Unless specified, the characteristic limits of 'Static characteristics' in this document apply for the following operating conditions: Symbol AVDD DVDD Vin, Vout Ta Ta Parameter Description AVDD supply voltages, related to substrate DVDD supply voltages, related to substrate Voltage at any input and output pin Ambient Temperature - I version Ambient Temperature - C version 21 MTC-20144 Static Characteristics Digital Inputs Schmitt-trigger inputs : TXi, TXEi, CTRLIN, PDOWN, LTNT, RESETN, TEST Symbol VIL VIH VH Cinp Parameter Description Low level input voltage High level input voltage Hysteresis Input capacitance Min 0.8*DVDD 1.0 Max 0.2*DVDD 1.3 3 Unit V V V pF Digital Outputs Hard driven outputs : RXi Symbol VOL VOH Cload Parameter Description Low level output voltage High level output voltage Load capacitance Test conditions Iout=-4 mA Iout= 4mA Min Max .15*DVDD .85*DVDD 30 Unit V V pF Clock Driver output : CLKM Symbol VOL VOH Cload Dcycle IDDPD IDD Parameter Description Low level output voltage High level output voltage Load capacitance Duty cycle Supply current Supply current Test conditions Iout=-4 mA Iout= 4mA Min .85*DVDD 45 Power down mode Running 22 Max .15*DVDD 30 55 TBD 1650 Unit V V pF % mA mA Fig.15: Package 64 Lead TQFP 23 TYP 12 TYP 12 MAX .006(0.15) .057(1.45) .053(1.35) TYP .019(0.50) .011(0.27) .007(0.17) All dimensions are in inches and parenthetically in millimeters. Inches dimensions are approximated. .029(0.75) .020(0.50) MAX .063(1.60) Pin 1 .482(12.25) .463(11.75) .398(10.10) .390(9.90) 0- 7 .398(10.10) .390(9.90) 64 LEAD TQFP 10x10x1.4mm DWG.NR.90-0120 2- 10 .482(12.25) .463(11.75) .007(0.17) .005(0.12) Production package General dimensions Drawing revision: 11 Date: 07-06-95 MTC-20144 MTC-20144 Alcatel Microelectronics acknowledges the trademarks of all companies referred to in this document. This document contains information on a new product. Alcatel Microelectronics reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by Alcatel Microelectronics in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Alcatel Microelectronics for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use. No licence is granted under any patents or patent rights of Alcatel Microelectronics. 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(770) 632 9648, Fax (770) 486 4098 BOSTON, MA, 33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 270, Marlboro, MA 01752, Tel. (508) 460 1730, Fax (508) 460 1731 PORTLAND, OR, 5319 S.W. Westgate Dr. Suite 136, Portland, OR 97221, Tel. (503) 297 3956, Fax (503) 297 4956 AUSTIN, TX, 12148 Jollyville Road, Unit 422, Austin, TX 78759, Tel. (512) 257 8218, Fax (512) 257 1714 DALLAS, TX, 800 East Campbell Road, Suite 199, Richardson, TX 75081, Tel. (972) 680 5233, Fax (972) 680 5234 OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA, 43 Pretty Street, Stittsville, Ontario, K2S1A4 Canada, Tel. (613) 836 1779, Fax (613) 836 4459 12/98-DS254c USA