931F.401-00 - Keylock switch actuator 2 positions square
931F.401-00 - Keylock switch actuator 2 positions
Attention: The preview is based on a sample product. This can
differ from your current configuration.
Mounting cut-out Ø 16 mm
Design raised
Front dimension 24 mm x 24 mm
Front shape square
Other Attributes
Weight 0,024 kg
Operating-/Indication part
Switching angle
Front protection IP40
Connection Method
Terminal Solder 2.8 x 0.5 mm
Switching action Rest(a) - Momentary
Switching element
Rotary positions 2
Contacts 1 NC + 1 NO
Switching current 5 A
Switching system Snap-action switching element
Contact material
Switching voltage 250 V AC
Keylock switch
Stand: 03.01.2021
931F.401-00 - Keylock switch actuator 2 positions square
Mounting cut-outs
Wiring diagram
Switching positions
Additional information
Standard lock B2 300
Further lock numbers see «Technical data»
Use the location strip no. 260-0020-00 for anti-twisting of the front
bezel. At momentary position the overturning force is max. 60 Ncm.
Contacts: NC = Normally closed, NO = Normally open
Switching action: A = Rest, B = Momentary
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Stand: 03.01.2021