K0S Family Product BriefMarch 1998
Description The µP D7891xx microcontrollers are new members of NECs low-cost K0S 8-bit
microcontroller family. They offer a system clock choice of an RC circuit or resonator,
and are available with an 8- or 10-bit A/D converter. The µPD7891xx family is
fabricated using an 0.35-micron CMOS process for low power consumption and
minimal cost. With 28- or 30-pin package options, these devices are ideal for cost-
sensitive consumer applications needing analog interfaces.
These microcontroll ers are supported by an extensive tool chain, compatible across
NECs entire K Series® line of 8- and 16-bit microcontrollers. The tools contain a
software simulator, C compiler, relocatable assembler, screen debugger, and in-circuit
Figu re 1. Bl ock Di agram
98YL-0003B (1/98)
16-bit Timer
TM20 CPU &
System Registers
– PC
– Stack Pointer
Main Clock
4 Channel 8-bit
A/D Converter
Clocks and
System Control
2K, 4K & 8K
256 bytes
Eight 8-bit
GP Registers
Memory CPU Core
8-bit T/E
Counter 80
20 Port Pins Programmable
• • •
• • •
Timer/Event Counter
Timers and Counters
16-bit Timer
Serial Channels
8-Bit General-Purpose Microcontrollers
With 8- or 10-Bit A/D and RC or Ceramic Oscillator
Clock frequenc y
RC oscillator up to 4 MHz
Ce ra mic o s c illator up to 5 MH z
Minimum instruct ion execution time
RC oscillator –0. 5 µs
Ce ra mic os c illator –0 . 4 µ s
Operating voltage: 1.8 to 5.5 volts
Operating temperature: –40 to +85°C
0.35-micron CMOS proces s technology
Power consumption
3 .0 mW ( n ormal m ode)
2.7 mW (halt mode)
0.00015 mW (stop mode)
28-pin SDIP (400 mil)
30-pin SSOP (300 mil)
•8-bit CPU
B it, byte, or wor d in s t ru c t ion s et w it h 8 x 8 mult iply in s t r uc t io n
Minimum instruc tion execut ion tim e
400 ns using XTA L
500 ns using RC oscillation
Eight 8-bit registers
64K linear address space
2K to 16K internal ROM
16K flash version
Fully static 256-byt e internal RAM
Clock sources
Resonator: 1 to 5 MHz (µPD78910x/911x)
RC circuit: 0.4 to 4 MHz (µPD78912x/913x)
Three extern al maskable interrupts
Six internal maskable interrupts
Automatic release of halt and stop modes
Twenty general- purpose I/O pins
One 16-bit timer/counter
One 8-bit timer/ eve nt counter with PWM mode
One watchdog/interval timer
One serial channel
UA RT with baud rate generator
Three-wire synchronous mode
F our-channel 8- or 10-bit A/D converter
Note: Target speci ficat ion
Table 1. Power-Saving Features
Voltage Mode and Typical Power at 5 MHz Note
Normal Mode: Chip 100% On
(Main System Clock On) Halt Mode: CPU Clock Off
and Main Clock On Stop Mode: Main Clock
5 v olts 10.5 mW 8 mW 0.0005 mW
3 volts 3 mW 2.7 mW 0.0001 mW
Table 2. Ordering Informati on
Pa rt Number Internal ROM A/D Main Clock Source RAM
µPD7891 01CT/GS 2K mask ROM 8-bit Ceramic resonator 256
µPD 789102CT/GS 4K mask ROM 8-bit
µPD789104CT/GS 8K flash memo ry 8-bit
µPD7891 11CT/GS 2K mas k ROM 10-bit
µPD7891 12CT/GS 4K mas k ROM 10-bit
µPD789114CT/GS 8K flash memo ry 10-bit
µPD78F9 116CT/GS 16K fl ash memory 10-bit
µPD789121CT/GS 2K mask R O M 8-bit R C clock
µPD7891 22CT/GS 4K mas k ROM 8-bit
µPD789124CT/GS 8K flash memo ry 8-bit
µPD7891 31CT/GS 2K mas k ROM 10-bit
µPD7891 32CT/GS 4K mas k ROM 10-bit
µPD789134CT/GS 8K flash memo ry 10-bit
µPD78F9 136CT/GS 16K fl ash memory 10-bit
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