UHE Series
Isolated, High Effi ciency, 1.6" × 2"
2-10 Amp, 12-30 Watt DC/DC Converters
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28 Mar 2011 MDC_UHE_12-30W Series.B16 Page 5 of 16
Overvoltage Protection: Magnetic feedback
1.2V Outputs 1.5-2.1 Volts
1.5V Outputs 1.8-2.4 Volts
1.8V Outputs 2.2-2.8 Volts
2.5V Outputs 2.8 to 3.2 Volts
3.3V Outputs 4 to 4.8 Volts
5V Outputs 6.1-7.5 Volts
12V Outputs 12.7-13.5 Volts
15V Outputs 15.8-16.2 Volts
Maximum Capacitive Loading: 10,000μF (1.2-5VOUT)
(Low ESR capacitor) 2,000μF (12-15VOUT)
Dynamic Characteristics
Dynamic Load Response:
(50-100% load step to ±3% VOUT) 200μsec maximum
Start-Up Time: ➇ 8msec typical
IN to VOUT and On/Off to VOUT 15msec maximum
UHE-15/2000-Q12 30mS typ., 50mS max.
Switching Frequency 150-350kHz (model dependent)
MTBF➈ TBC million hours
Operating Temperature (Ambient): ➉ –40 to +85°C with Derating
(see Derating Curves)
Thermal Shutdown +115°C to +130°C
Storage Temperature –55 to +125°C
Flammability UL 94 V-0
Dimensions 1.6" x 2" x 0.40" (40.64 x 50.8 x 10.16mm)
Case Material Diallyl Phthalate
Pin Material Gold-plated copper alloy
Weight 1.51 ounces (46.9 grams)
Primary to Secondary Insulation Level Basic
Performance/Functional Specifi cations
Typical @ TA = +25°C under nominal line voltage and full-load conditions, unless noted. ➀ ➁
Input Voltage Range:
D12 Models (start up at 10V max.) 9-18 Volts (12V nominal)
Q12 Models (start up at 10V max.) 9-36 Volts (24V nominal)
D24 Models 18-36 Volts (24V nominal)
Q48 Models 18-75 Volts (48V nominal)
D48 Models 36-75 Volts (48V nominal)
Overvoltage Shutdown:
D12 Models 18.5-23 Volts
Q12/D24 Models 37-42 Volts
D48/Q48 Models Not applicable
Start-Up Threshold: ➁
D12/Q12 Models 9.4-10 Volts
D24/Q48 Models 15.5-18 Volts
D48 Models 33.5-36 Volts
Undervoltage Shutdown: ➁
D12/Q12 Models 7.0-8.8 Volts
D24/Q48 Models 15-17 Volts
D48 Models 32-35.5 Volts
Input Current:
Normal Operating Conditions See Ordering Guide
Standby Mode (Off, OV, UV) 5mA
Input Refl ected Ripple Current ➂ 2.5-10mAp-p
Input Filter Type LC or Pi type
Reverse-Polarity Protection Brief duration, 5A maximum
Remote On/Off Control (Pin 4): ➃
Positive Logic (Standard) On = open, open collector, or to +15V
applied. IIN = 2.6mA max.
Off = pulled low to 0-0.8V. IIN = 2mA max.
Negative Logic ("N" Suffi x Models) On = pulled low to 0-0.8V. IIN = 6mA max.
Off = open, open collector or to +15V
applied. IIN = 1mA max.
VOUT Accuracy (50% load):
Initial ±1.5%
Temperatue Coeffi cient ±0.02% per °C
Extreme(5) ±3%
Minimum Loading for Specifi cation: ➁ No load
Ripple/Noise (20MHz BW) ➀ See Ordering Guide
Line/Load Regulation See Ordering Guide
Effi ciency See Ordering Guide
VOUT Trim Range(6) ±5% minimum (±10% for T models)
Remote Sense Compensation ➁ ±5%
Isolation Voltage:
Input-to-Output 1500Vdc minimum (BASIC)
Isolation Capacitance 650pF
Isolation Resistance 100M:
Current Limit Inception (@98%VOUT): ➆
10 Amp Models 12-15 Amps
7.5 Amp Models 8.2-11.5 Amps
5/6 Amp Models 6.5-8.5 Amps
2.5 Amp Models 2.6-4 Amps
2.0 Amp Models 2.1-3 Amps
Short Circuit Current (Hiccup) 1.5-2.3 Amps
➀ All models are tested and specifi ed with a single, external, 0.47μF, multi-layer ceramic output
capacitor and no external input capacitors, unless otherwise noted. All models will effectively
regulate under no-load conditions (with perhaps a slight increase in output ripple/noise).
➁ See Technical Notes/Performance Curves for additional explanations and details.
➂ Input Ripple Current is tested/specifi ed over a 5-20MHz bandwidth with an external 33μF input
capacitor and a simulated source impedance of 220μF and 12μH. See I/O Filtering, Input Ripple
Current and Output Noise for details.
➃ The On/Off Control is designed to be driven with open-collector (or equivalent) logic or the applica-
tion of appropriate voltages (referenced to –Input (pin 2)). Applying a voltage to the On/Off Control
pin when no input voltage is applied to the converter can cause permanent damage. See Remote
On/Off Control for more details.
➄ Extreme Accuracy refers to the accuracy of either trimmed or untrimmed output voltages over all
normal operating ranges and combinations of input voltage, output load and temperature.
➅ Tie the Output Trim pin (pin 9) to +Output (pin 6) for maximum trim down or to –Output (Output
Return/Common, pin 7) for maximum trim up. See Output Trimming for detailed trim equations.
➆ The Current-Limit-Inception point is the output current level at which the converter's power-limiting
circuitry drops the output voltage 2% from its initial value. See Output Current Limiting and
Short-Circuit Protection for more details.
➇ For Start-Up-Time specifi cations, output settling time is defi ned as the output voltage having
reached ±1% of its fi nal value at maximum load current.
➈ MTBF’s are calculated using TELCORDIA SR-332 Method 1 Case, ground fi xed, +25°C ambient air
and full-load conditions. Contact MPS for demonstrated life-test data.
➉ All models are fully operational and meet all published specifi cations, including "cold start," at –40°C.
Use only as much output fi ltering as needed and no more. Larger caps (especially low-ESR ceramic
types) may slow transient response or degrade dynamic performance. Thoroughly test your system
with all components installed.