Agilent Technologies E2922B
PCI-X Master Target Card
Technical Overview
Key Specifications
· O to 133.4 MHz clock speed
· 64 bit data and addressing
· Fully PCI-X compliant
· 53 PCI-X protocol rules
· Controllable in-system through PCI-X
· Exerciser with full capabilities, including split-
transactions and 1MB data memory and real-time data
· Unidirectional data path verification
Agilent E2922B PCI-X
Master Target Test Card
The E2922B PCI-X Master Target
Test Card provides validation
engineers in the semiconductor
industry a fast and predictable
way to setup PCI-X traffic and
verify PCI-X protocol compliance
of first silicon.
The E2922B is a dedicated
validation solution for test setups
where full population of all
available PCI-X slots is required.
Operated by the C-API
(C Application Interface) through
the PCI-X interface itself, the
E2922B can be easily integrated
into existing test environments.
The optionally available Design
Verification Test Library offers
ready to use standard tests for
transaction level and data level
stress tests.
Verification of PCI-X protocol
The E2922B features a PCI-X protocol
checker, which runs constantly,
checking for PCI-X protocol rule
violations in real-time. In total, 53
protocol rules are checked
concurrently. All rules are derived
from the PCI-X specification. Thus,
just plugging the E2922B into a PCI-X
system and activating the protocol
rule checker allows you to check for
PCI-X protocol compliance. The
E2922B reports a list of all the errors
that have occurred. Each individual
protocol rule can be masked.
Logic Analyzer Link
The E2922B offers a connector,
allowing you to connect your Logic
Analyzer. Thus, all PCI-X related
signals can be easily acquired using
the Logic Analyzer. The connector is
compatible with the Future Plus
FS2104 logic analyzer link.
System benefits
· Fully programmable traffic behavior.
· Can be easily integrated into
existing test frames.
· Predictable setup of transactional
and data level test for PCI-X base
· Stresses corner cases predictably
and repeatedly.
· Over 1,000,000 test cases in less
than 5 seconds.1
· In-system programmable.
· C-Application Programming
· Porting support for Linux, HP-UX,
proprietary OS and DOS.
System overview
The E2922B is a short PCI-X card,
which can simply be plugged into the
system under test. A customer
specific C program controls the test
n Veri
ication Test Librar
Test Fram
Figure 1: Chip Set Validation using E2922A
11 test case @133MHz =
(50 clocks delay + avg. 250 clocks for 2k bursts) *7.5ns = 2.5us. Thus, 1,000,000 test cases need
= 2.5s + 2s setup time.
Target Application
The E2922B targets validation labs
where multiple PCI-X master and
targets are needed for validation, e.g.
of chip-sets or high-end systems. The
dedicated PCI-X exercising and
protocol check capabilities combined
with its in-system programmability,
make the E2922B the ideal test tool
for the computer's core logic.
Predictable system and chip
The E2922B features a fully
controllable master and target (PCI-X
Exerciser), real-time data compare
and the Agilent patented Protocol
Permutation and Randomizing
technique. This allows engineers to
validate and stress the PCI-X system
with specific and fully repeatable test
Ready to use stress tests
The optional available Design
Verification Test Library offers a
ready to use stress test, which can be
fully integrated into existing test
PCI-X Protocol Checker
The PCI-X protocol checker checks 53
PCI-X protocol rules in real-time (see
table 1 for a detailed list). Each rule
can be individually masked to
suppress the triggering of known
problems. The rules are derived from
the PCI-X specification2, and are
designed to find any possible
violations of the PCI-X protocol.
When a protocol violation is detected,
the protocol checker can:
· store the rule number of the first
(non-masked) violated rule
· list all found protocol errors
· accumulate the number of violated
· assert the protocol violation signal
on the expansion connector
Configuration space
The Agilent E2922B provides
configuration space, which is fully
programmable. Default values
(customizable) are stored in an
EEPROM on-board and are used to
initialize the configuration space
when the power is on. The
configuration space can be disabled,
making the card invisible to BIOS or
O/S configuration routines. Thus,
analysis test is possible without
having any effect on the device or the
system under test.
Figure 2: E2922B
2 PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 1.0, September/22/1999
This rule detects a bus hang. If the bus does not get idle once within 4095 clocks, it
Implementation note
: The counter can be programmed between 14095 clocks. A value of 0 for the counter turns the rule
Agilent Rule to detect potential
A master did not respond to a split transaction within 2
-1 clocks.
Implementation note
: The counter can be programmed
-1 clocks. A value of 0 for the counter turns the rule
Agilent Rule to detect potential
A delayed transaction (retries) has not yet been repeated within 2
PCI spec
A delayed transaction has not terminated within 2
Agilent Rule to detect potential
List of Protocol Rules and Description Reference
An initiator can terminate a transaction with master abort (deassert FRAME# and IRDY#) 8 clocks after the address phase(s). PCI-X Spec
If the target inserts wait states on burst write or Split Completion, the initiator must toggle between its first and second data values until the
target asserts TRDY# (or terminates the transaction).
PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 5
The initiator is required to terminate the transaction when the byte count is satisfied. PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 6
The initiator is permitted to disconnect a burst transaction (before the byte count is satisfied) only on an ADB. PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 7
Burst Write and Split Completion transactions must not be terminated with Split Response. All other target terminations are permitted. PCI-X Spec 2.6.1.
The target is permitted to signal Single Data Phase Disconnect on the first data phase only (with or without preceding Wait States). PCI-X Spec 1.10.3. Rule 6
The target is permitted to signal Split Response on the first data phase only (with or without preceding Wait States). PCI-X Spec
Once the target has signaled Disconnect on Next ADB, it must continue to do so (or signal Target Abort) until the end of the transaction. PCI-X Spec
The target deasserts DEVSEL#, STOP# and TRDY# one clock after the last data phase (if they are not already deasserted) and floats them
one clock after that.
PCI-X Spec 1.10.3. Rule 8
There must be an even number of target initial wait states for a burst write and Split Completion. PCI-X Spec 2.9.
If a PCI-X target signals Data Transfer (with or without preceding Wait States), the target is limited to disconnecting the transaction on an
ADB only (until the byte count is satisfied).
PCI-X Spec 1.10.3. Rule 5
FRAME# cannot be deasserted unless IRDY# was asserted. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 8c
When FRAME# has been deasserted, it cannot be reasserted during the same transaction. PCI spec Appendix C Rules 8b and 8d
IRDY# must be asserted two clocks after the attribute phase. PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 3b
Initiator Wait States are not permitted PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 3b
A transaction starts when FRAME# is asserted for the first time. IRDY# must not go low when FRAME# is high. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 7 and 8c
Once asserted IRDY# must stay asserted until the end of transaction or till the target signals a termination. PCI-X Spec 1.10.2. Rule 3b and PCI-X Spec 2.9.
TRDY# must not be asserted before the attribute phase, but two or more clocks later. PCI-X Spec 2.8. Table 2-6 and PCI Spec Appendix
C Rule 14
Once TRDY# has been asserted, it must not be deasserted and reasserted during the same transaction (no subsequent wait states). PCI-X Spec 1.10.3. Rule 4
DEVSEL# must be asserted prior to the edge at which the target asserts TRDY#. PCI-X Spec 2.8. and PCI-X Spec 2.9.1.
DEVSEL# must not be asserted during a special cycle or if a reserved command has been used. PCI-X Spec 2.4. and PCI-X Spec 2.7.3.
DEVSEL# must not be asserted 1, 5 or more than 6 clocks after the address phase. PCI-X Spec 2.8.
After a Target asserts DEVSEL#, it cannot be deasserted until the last data phase has completed, except to signal Data Transfer, Wait
States, Target Abort, Split Response, Retry and Single Data Phase Disconnect.
PCI-X Spec 1.10.3 Rule 3
DEVSEL# must be deasserted one clock after last transfer. PCI-X Spec 1.10.3 Rule 8
STOP# must not be asserted without DEVSEL# being asserted, except RST# being asserted. PCI-X Spec 1.10.1.Rule 12; PCI spec Appendix C,
Rule 14, spec 6
If the target signals Split Response, Target-Abort or Retry, the target must do so within eight clocks of the assertion of FRAME#. PCI-X Spec 1.10.3 Rule 4
If the target signals Single Data Phase Disconnect, Data Transfer or Disconnect on Next ADB, the target must do so within 16 clocks of the
assertion of FRAME#.
PCI-X Spec 1.10.3 Rule 4
ACK64# may only be asserted, when REQ64# was asserted before (ACK64# is a response to REQ64#). PCI Spec 3.8.
A 64-bit initiator asserts REQ64# with the same timing as FRAME# to request a 64-bit data transfer. It deasserts REQ64# with FRAME# at
the end of the transaction.
PCI-X Spec 2.12.3. Requirement 4
If a 64-bit target is addressed by a transaction that does have REQ64# asserted with FRAME#, the target asserts ACK64# with DEVSEL# to
complete the transaction as a 64-bit target. It deasserts ACK64# with DEVSEL# at the end of the transaction.
PCI-X Spec 2.12.3.
REQ64# must not be used with special cycle or interrupt the acknowledge command. Only burst transactions (memory commands other than
Memory read DWORD) use 64-bit data transfers.
PCI-X Spec 2.4. and 2.7.
For DWORD Transactions, REQ64# must be deasserted. PCI-X Spec 2.12.3. Requirement 2
PERR# may never be asserted three clocks after the address phase (or earlier in a transaction) or during a special cycle. During WRITE,
PERR# may be asserted three clocks after IRDY#, during READ, PERR# may be asserted three clocks after TRDY#.
PCI Spec 3.8.2
AD[31::0] address parity error. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 32 b
AD[63::32] address parity error. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 32 c
AD[31::0] data parity error occurred but was not signaled. PCI-X Spec 5.3.
AD[63::32] data parity error occurred but was not signaled. PCI-X Spec 5.3.
AD[31::0] data parity error occurred. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 32 b
AD[63::32] data parity error occurred. PCI Spec Appendix C, Rule 32 c
For I/O and DWORD memory transactions, AD [1:0] and byte enables coding must have a defined relationship in the PCI-X Spec See table 2.2 in the PCI-X Spec
Reserved commands are reserved for future use. PCI-X Spec 2.4
DAC is not allowed immediately after a DAC. PCI Spec 3.9. and PCI-X Spec 2.12.1.
During the data phases C/BE# bus must be driven high for all Burst Transactions except Memory Write. PCI-X Spec 2.6.
During a Dual Address Cycle, a 64-bit master has to drive the upper half of the address on AD[63::32] in the initial and in the second address
PCI-X Spec a i)
In the second address phase of a Dual Address Cycle, AD [63:32] and AD [31:0] contain duplicate copies of the upper half of the address. PCI-X Spec a i)
During a Dual Address Cycle, a 64-bit master has to drive the bus command on C/BE [7::4]# in the initial and the second address phase. PCI-X Spec a ii)
In the second address phase of a Dual Address Cycle, C/BE [7::4]# and C/BE [3::0]# contain duplicate copies of the transaction command. PCI-X Spec a ii)
DWORD Transactions only support a single data phase. PCI-X Spec 2.7.
A master that supports 64-bit addressing must generate a SAC instead of a DAC, when the upper 32 bits of the address are zero. PCI spec 3.9
PCI-X Exerciser
The Agilent E2922B features an
on-board 64 bit PCI-X exerciser. The
exerciser operates at 0 to 133.4 MHz,
and can emulate and force practically
any behavior of a PCI-X device
imaginable- except blatant protocol
violations. The exerciser is controlled
from a C-API.
The exerciser features:
· two master queues
· one target
· four completer queues to handle
independent split-transactions
· one requester-target handling up to
32 open requests
Master, target, completer and
requester-target are fully
programmable, operate independently
of each other and are able to handle:
· 32/64 bit data transfers
· 32/64 bit addressing
· programmable delays between
· block length up to 4Gbyte
· all 14 PCI-X command types
Architectural overview
The exerciser is based on two main
ideas. Firstly, defining requester
initiator data blocks, describing 'what'
data should be transferred and
secondly, defining a requester
initiator behavior, describing how the
transfer should be executed.
For the requester initiator, up to 256
blocks of data transfers can be set up
(see figure 3). In addition, requester
initiator behaviors are set up,
specifying how the requester initiator
intends to transfer the data blocks
over the PCI-X bus. If any completer
target replies to a transfer and
requests a split transaction, the
requester initiator data block
attributes are moved internally to a
split transaction maps for further
use. The transaction map can manage
up to 32 open split transactions.
When completing split transactions,
the requester target behaviors are
used to control the transfer.
The completer target behavior
attributes define how the completer
target of the E2922B acts. The
completer target can manage up to 4
split transaction queues. It is also
possible to fully control the initiation
of the completion of split
transactions. The completer initiator
behavior attributes are used to
program it. The programmable
transaction scheduler decides
whether completer or requester
transaction is performed.
All data comes or goes through the
on-board data memory or from the
on-board real-time data generator.
Requester Initiator data block
The requester initiator data block
settings define which address space is
accessed, and where data is moved.
Up to 256 block transfers can be
defined and performed in a linear
sequence by one of the two transfer
queues. Each block specifies:
· the bus command seen on
C/BE[3::0] in the address phase.
All valid PCI-X commands are
· the 64 bit bus address
· the byte enable value (C/BE[3::0] /
· the start address of the data
memory or if the data generator is
· the number of bytes to be
transferred (1 to 4GB)
· if the real-time data compare for
incoming data should be activated
· the start condition for the transfer
(immediately or wait for event)
· the transfer queue the data is
passed through
Data Bloc
lit Transactio
leter Initiat
Figure 3: E2922B PCI-X exerciser architecture
Requester Initiator behavior
The requester initiator behaviors are
set to specify the PCI-X transfer
behavior per address/data phase. Up
to 256 attribute entries, which can be
setup as linear sequence or repeat
loops, are allowed.
The attributes control:
· 32 or 64 bit data access
· insertion of 1 to 65535 clock cycle
delay between transactions
· the next data queue to be used
· if an automatic or customer defined
tag (0..31) is used
· the specific burst length for the
transfer ( 1 to 4096 byte)
automatically rounded up to the
next qword boundary
· the n-th ADB where the requester
initiator disconnects (1 to 32)
· perform 0 to 4 address steps
· how many clock cycles after the
address phase REQ# is de-asserted
(0 to 2047)
· how often the current transfer
attributes are used (repeat value 1
to 256)
Latencies between the requester
initiator transactions
The latencies between transactions
can be varied using requester
initiator behavior property. The
minimum latency is in general £1
clock cycle - including any sequences
of read/write where real-time data
compare is involved. The only
exception is if the most recent
transaction is a read/write transfer
into data memory and the subsequent
transaction is a write out of data
memory. In these particular cases,
the latency is 10 to 20 clock cycles.
Please note that it is assumed that
the master does not need to
disconnect before the byte count of
the current sequence is transferred
and that wait cycles are added if
required by the PCI-X specification.
Requester target behavior
The requester behavior attributes are
set to specify the PCI-X transfer
behavior per address/data phase if a
target requests the completion of a
split transaction from a requester
initiator. Up to 256 attribute entries,
which can be setup as linear
sequence or repeat loops,
are allowed.
The attributes control:
· the decode speed used (A3/B/C)
· acknowledgement of 64 bit data
· the number of initial latency clock
cycles (3 to 34)
· the behavior after initial latencies,
either accept transfer, disconnect,
signal retry or abort
· how often the current behavior is
applied (repeat value 1 to 65536)
Completer target behavior
The completer target behavior
attributes give full control over the
E2928B completer target behavior,
and define how the target reacts to a
request. Up to 256 attribute entries,
which can be setup as linear
sequences or repeat loops, are
allowed. The attributes control:
· the decode speed used (A3/B/C)
· acknowledgement of 64 bit data
· the number of initial latency clock
cycles (0 to 31)
· the behavior after initial
latencies, either accept transfer,
signal a single data phase, retry or
· the behavior in subsequent data
phases, either accept all subse-
quent data phases, disconnect
after 1 to 2047
· data phases or abort after 1 to
2047 data phases
· signaling a split response, either
by identifying an address value or
range in the address phase, the
decoder accessed, or by a subset of
all 16 possible PCI-X commands
· the split transaction queue to be
· how often the current behavior is
applied (repeat value 1 to 65536)
Configuration space and
In total, the E2922B features 5
· one standard configuration
space decoder, fully customer
· 3 programmable target decoders
(six bars) that can either hold up
to 3 memory spaces (64 bit) or 2
memory spaces and 2 I/O spaces
· one decoder to access the
64Kbyte expansion ROM
All decoders can be switched off by
a dip-switch on the E2929A, making
the card completely invisible to the
system under test.
Completer Initiator behavior
The completer behavior attributes
are set to specify the PCI-X transfer
behavior per address/data phase if
a target starts to complete a split
transaction. Up to 256 behavior
entries, which can be setup as
linear sequences or repeat loops,
are allowed.
The attributes control:
· the split transaction queue to be
· the start condition for this
· 32 or 64 bit data transfer
Figure 4: Unidirectional data path verification
3 Decode speed A is supported up to 66 MHz
· the number of clock cycles
inserted before REQ# is asserted
(1 to 65535)
· the number of clock cycles before
REQ# is de-asserted (1 to 2047)
· the number of address steps ( 2 to
· how often the current transfer
attributes are used (repeat value 1
to 256)
· disconnect at n-th ADB (2 to 63)
Target latencies
The initial latencies can be
programmed with the completer
target behavior attributes. Depending
on the selected decode speed and
address phases, the test card
automatically adds the needed
number of wait states to achieve the
defined initial latency. A minimum of
one wait cycles is always added when
using decode speed B, C, minimum
two wait cycles are needed with
decode speed A.
In case the subsequent target access
is a 'read from target' and the most
recent event was a 'write to target',
'read from other target address',
'master write' or 'master read', the
minimum initial latency is 15 clock
Data memory
The E2922B features a 1MB (128K x 2
dwords) programmable read/write
data memory. Master / requester and
target/ completer share the memory.
The address decoders can selectively
address it. The data memory can:
· store data from read/write
· be mapped to any PCI-X address
Data generator
Instead of using the data memory, the
on-board data generator can be used.
Without initial latencies, the
generator can generate a data
pattern, deterministically linked to
the data address. Combined with a
second exerciser card and the real-
time data compare feature, long-time
load stressing on any PCI-X to PCI-X
data path can be performed while
errors are detected in real-time
(figure 5).
The generator features the following
· walking ones or zeros
· ground bounce
· count up (unique data)
· pseudo random pattern (unique
The count up and pseudo random
pattern are unique up to the length of
1M quad words (4Mb). The data
uniqueness is derived out of the lower
bit 2 to 22 of the bus address.
Real-time data compare
Real-time data compare can be
performed either on:
· Memory:
when data is written to the
memory it is compared against the
actual memory content
· Data Generator :
based on the data address, the
generator calculates the expected
data and compares it with
incoming data.
The E2922B comes with a C-
Application Programming Interface
(C-API) which provides a
programming interface for setting up
and controlling the master target
The test program must run on the
system-under-test itself. The PCI-X
interface itself is used to control the
The library functions are divided into
groups, which allow you to set up and
control the various capabilities of the
Agilent E2922B.
Recommended development
environment: MS Visual C++ V. 6.0 or
Protocol Permutation and
Randomization (PPR)
The PPR library extends the C-API by
offering dedicated functions to setup
PCI-X protocol permutation in a
pseudo random sequence. It allows
easy to set up transfers of contiguous
blocks of data with as many protocol
variations as possible. Therefore, the
PPR software calculates which
variations are covered, and after how
many data transfers, by permutating
the possible protocol variations. It
determines whether the coverage,
within programmed constraints, can
be achieved under given test
circumstances, and calculates the test
time required to perform the data
Generating permutations
By specifying lists of protocol
variations, which must occur, the
user-defined protocol constraints can
be easily set. For example, which
different burst lengths, wait cycles,
memory read/write commands, etc.
Then, PPR automatically moves
simultaneously through the lists. With
each step, that is, with each
permutation, the next value in this
list is combined with the next values
in the other lists. The hardware based
permutation proceeds in this way
until each value of each list is
combined with all values of the other
list, and thus all combinations are
covered. In this way, the repetition or
omission of combinations is avoided.
Documented test coverage
A printable report tells you to which
protocol variation the device has
exposed. It explicitly reports which
protocol attributes are permutated
against which other protocol
attributes, and after how many data
Optimized test time
The values to be varied can be
specified for each master and target
attribute separately. Thus, focusing
on interesting cases can optimize
testing time.
By carrying out these protocol
permutations in real-time within the
exerciser hardware, these tests run
much more quickly than any other
CPU-based test program.
Effective test generation
The exhaustive C-library makes it
simple to focus on test structuring,
partitioning and the specification of
protocol constraints. This means that
an appropriate and valuable test for
protocol verification with
meaningful results can quickly be
Once started, the test can easily be
extended to incorporate newly gained
experiences or to address testing
needs of newly invented PCI-X
Deterministic test conditions
In contrast to PCI-X traffic generated
by other PCI-X cards, the generated
variations are completely
deterministic and reproducible.
Supported protocol variations
The exerciser and analyzer allows the
variation constraints for the PCI-X
transfer, PCI-X master/requester and
PCI-X target/completer behavior to be
specified. All specified constraints
can be permutated against each other
and up to 100 constraints can be
maintained per list.
PCI-X transfer variations
The generator features the following
· start address alignment; a list of
arbitrary address alignments to
start PCI-X transfers at given
offsets (e.g. 1 dword) relative to
the qword boundaries
· byte enables; a list of selected
values for the C/BE lines during
the address phase
· block size; a block describes a
contiguous range in memory
available to be transferred. A list of
up to 100 different block sizes
(from 1 to 4096 byte) can be
selected to be transferred
· bus commands; a list of selected
PCI-X bus commands. All selected
commands are permutated with
other selected constraints, as
appropriate, for the specified
transfer direction and PCI-X
· permutation of release ordering bit
· permutation of no snoop bit
Target behavior variations
The requester initiator allows for
the variation of:
· byte count (1 to 4096)
· disconnect/initiator termination
· delay
· address stepping
· REQ64
· release REQ
The completer initiator allows for
the variation of:
· Error message, yes/no
· partitioning
· delay
· address stepping
· REQ64
· release REQ
General Specifications
PCI-X specifications:
PCI-X bus: 32/64 bit
Addressing: 32/64 bit
PCI Clock range:
Exerciser: 0 to 133.4 MHz
Timing specifications:
Min. Max.
Tval 3.8 ns
Ton 0 ns
Toff 7 ns
Tsu 1.2 ns
Tsu(ppt) 1.2 ns
Th0.5 ns
@ temperatures of -40°C
to +55°C
The E2922A fully meets timing
specifications for 133 MHz PCI-X.
Electrical Specifications:
For 3.3V environment, complies with
PCI-X Spec. 1.0.
Decoupling: unused 3.3 V power pins
are decoupled.
Power requirements: consumes less
than 25 W from PCI-X slot.
Trace length limits:
meets PCI-X specifications.
Signal loading:
less than 10 pF, fully PCI-X
Operating temperature:
-40°C to +55°C.
Mechanical dimensions:
short card, occupying one slot.
Ordering Information
E2922B PCI-X Master Target Test
· 32/64 bit, 0..133.4 MHz PCI-X
protocol checker
· on-board 32/64 bit, 0..133 MHz
exerciser hardware
· PPR hardware
· C-API including drivers for
Windows NT
· Software media CD
When ordering without base product,
S/N of the existing E2922B must be
notified on purchase order.
Porting support is available to port C-
API to Linux, HP-UX or proprietary
operating systems. Contact your local
sales offices for detailed information.
FuturePlus Analysis Probe4
FS2104 for connection of the Agilent
logic analyzer. Available from Agilent
as resell part FSI 60042
4 The analysis probe is not an Agilent product. Agilent
works closely with Future Plus to ensure quality
products, but the vendor is responsible for functionality,
pre-sales and post sales support and warranty.
PCI Analyzer
-protocol checker -
64K state PCI logic
analyzer -4MB fast
host interface -
timing checker
measures -GUI -
RS-232 interface
compact PCI
32/64 bit 66MHz
32 bit
33 MHz
32/64 bit 66
32/64 bit
133 MHz
interface - GUI
Opt.100 PCI-X Analyzer
- 2M state PCI
logic analyzer
-4MB fast host
interface -real-
measures - GUI
Opt.200 PCI Performance
4M trace memory
recommended please order
32/64 bit
66 MHz
-post processed
and real-time
analyzer -
Opt.300 PCI Exerciser
- master and target
-512 KB on-board
32/64 bit
33 MHz
32 bit
33 MHz
32/64 bit
66 MHz
PCI-X Exerciser
- master -
target - GUI -
onboard data
Opt. 310 System validation
- peer-to-peer test -system memory test - system load test - protocol load test
- protocol check - GUI
Opt.320 C-API/PPR - C-programming interface library -protocol permutation and randomization
Overview PCI/PCI-X E2920 Series
PCI-PCI-X Bundle:
With the E2997A Agilent aslo offers a great price on the purchase of the E2928A PCI Card and the
E2929B PCI-X card.
Master Target Test Card
The E2922B PCI-X Master target Test card provides validation engineers in the semiconductor
industry a fast and predictable way to set up PCI-X protocl compliance of first silicon.
Accessories Agilent
E2940A E2925B E2928A E2929B
E2991A External
E2993A External
Agilent Logic
Analyzer Adapter
E2994A External
general purpose
Logic Analyzer
E2995A 155 x 4M
trace memory
E2996A 155 x 4M
trace memory
System test library
Agilent Technologies' Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance
Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems.
We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the
support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent
products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has
a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product.
Two concepts underlay Agilent's overall support policy: "Our Promise" and "Your Advantage."
Our Promise
Our Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance
and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information,
including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test
engineers. When you use Agilent
equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product
operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no
extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.
Your Advantage
Your Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement
services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve
problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost
upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system
integration, project management, and other professional services. Experienced Agilent engineers
and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment
of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for
the life of those products.
Related Agilent Literature
· Agilent E2925B 32bit, 33 MHz, PCI Exerciser & Analyzer,
technical specifications, p/n 5968-3501E
· Agilent E2928A 32/64bit, 66 MHz, PCI Exerciser & Analyzer, technical specifications,
p/n 5968-3506E
· Agilent E2940A CompactPCI Exerciser & Analyzer, technical specifications, P/n 5968-1915E
· Agilent E2929B PCI-X Exerciser & Analyzer, technical overview, p/n 5968-8984E
· Agilent System Validation Pack, Agilent System Test Library, technical overview,
p/n 5968-3500E
· Agilent E2920 Computer Verification Tools, PCI Series, brochure, p/n 5968-9694E
· Intel discusses basic concepts of PCI performance and efficient use of PCI with the Agilent E2920
series, case stuy, p/n 5988-0488E
· HP NSD stabilizes server designs quickly and completely with the Agilent E2920 PCI Series, case
study, p/n 5968-6948E
· HP HSTC speeds high-end server testing and reduces engineering costs with the Agilent E2920 PCI Series,
case study, p/n 5968-6949E
· Agilent E2920 Verification Tools, PCI Series gives Altera Corporation competitive Advantage, case study,
p/n 5968-4191E
You can find the current literature and software at:
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Product specifications and descriptions in this
document subject to change without notice.
Copyright ©2000 Agilent Technologies
Printed in Germany july 02 2002
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