CS5200: Optocoupler, 8 Pin Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Ceramic, Wide Supply Voltage High CMR (Datasheet) ISOCOM LTD: BSI9000 and CECC20000 Approved Manufacturer Hutton Close, Crowther Ind Est, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE38 0AH, England Email: enquiry@isocomoptocouplers.com - Tel: +44 (0)191 4166546 - Fax: +44 (0)191 4155055 Circuit and Package Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions Electrical Characteristics Reliability and Approvals Similar Optocouplers Home Page CS5200: Single Channel Wide Supply Voltage High CMR Hermetically Sealed Ceramic Optocoupler Circuit and Package Features Hermetically Sealed 8-Pin Ceramic Dual-in-Line Package Wide Vcc Range (4.5 to 20 V) Three State Output (no pull-up resistor required) 300 ns Propagation Delay Guaranteed over Temperature Range Performance Guaranteed over -55C to +125C Ambient Temperature Range. Withstand Test Voltage 1500 Vdc file:///I|/imaging/BITTING/mail_pdf/iscl/cs5200.html (1 of 4) [10/11/2001 9:41:49 AM] CS5200: Optocoupler, 8 Pin Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Ceramic, Wide Supply Voltage High CMR (Datasheet) Description The CS5200 consists of an IR light emitting diode, optically coupled to a corresponding integrated high gain photo detector. The detector has a three state output stage and has a detector threshold with hysteresis. The three state output eliminates the need for a pull-up resistor and allows for direct drive of data busses. The device is guaranteed to operate over a wide Vcc range of 4.5 to 20V. Surface Mount Option Available. Applications Military, high reliability system, isolation of high speed logic system, microprocessor system interface, computer peripheral interface, pulse transformer replacement, isolated bus driver, high speed line receiver, ground loop eliminator. Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature: Operating Temperature: Lead Soldering: -65C to +150C -55C to +125C 260C for 10s, 1.6mm below seating plane Input Diode Peak Forward Current: 20mA Reverse Voltage: 5V Average Forward Current: 8mA Output Detector Supply Voltage Vcc: Current Io: Output Voltage Vo: Enable Voltage Ve: 0V to 20V 15mA -0.3V to 20V -0.3V to 20V Total Power Dissipation: 200mW Recommended Operating Conditions SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT VCC Power Supply Voltage 4.5 20 V VEH High Level Enable Voltage 2.0 20 V VEL Low Level Enable Voltage 0 0.8 V IF(ON) Input Current High Level 8 mA 4 file:///I|/imaging/BITTING/mail_pdf/iscl/cs5200.html (2 of 4) [10/11/2001 9:41:49 AM] CS5200: Optocoupler, 8 Pin Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Ceramic, Wide Supply Voltage High CMR (Datasheet) IF(OFF) Input Voltage Low Level N Fan-out 0 0.8 V 4 TTL Loads Electrical Characteristics (Ta=-55C to +125C u.o.s.) *All typical values at Vcc=5V, Ta=25C, If(on)=5mA, for 4.5V<=Vcc<=20V, 4mA<=If(on)<=8mA, 0V<=Vf(off)<=0.8V, 2V<=Veh<=20V, 0<=Vel<=0.8V SYMBOL PARAMETER Low Level Output VOL Voltage TEST CONDITIONS IOL=6.4mA (4 TTL loads) VOH High Level Output Voltage IOH=-2.6mA IOHH Output Leakage Current IF=8mA, VCC=4.5V VEH High Level Enable Voltage Low Level Enable Voltage VEL IEH High Level Enable Current MIN TYP* MAX UNIT 0.5 2.4 IOH=-0.32mA V Vcc-2.1V V 3.1 V VO=5.5V 100 A VO=20V 500 A 2.0 V 0.8 V VEN=2.7V 20 A VEN=5.5V 100 A 250 A VEN=20V 0.004 IEL Low Level Enable Current VEN=0.4V ICCL Low Level Supply Current VF=0V, VE=anything VCC=5.5V 4.5 6 mA VCC=20V 5.3 7.5 mA ICCH High Level Supply Current IF=8mA, VE=anything VCC=5.5V 2.9 4.5 mA VCC=20V 3.3 6 mA VEN=2V, VF=0V VO=0.4V -20 A VO=2.4V 20 A VO=5.5V 100 A VO=20V 500 A IOZL IOZH IOSL High Impedance State Ouput Current VEN=2V, IF=8V Low Level Short VF=0.8V Circuit Output Current -0.32 mA VO=VCC=5.5V 20 mA VO=VCC=20V 35 mA file:///I|/imaging/BITTING/mail_pdf/iscl/cs5200.html (3 of 4) [10/11/2001 9:41:49 AM] CS5200: Optocoupler, 8 Pin Single Channel Hermetically Sealed Ceramic, Wide Supply Voltage High CMR (Datasheet) IOSH VCC=5.5V High Level Short IF=8mA, VO=GND Circuit Output Current VCC=20V VF Input Forward Voltage IF=8mA 1 VR Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage IR=10A 5 II-O Input-Output Insulation RH=45%, TA=25C, t=5s, VI-O=500Vdc tPHL Propagation Delay to Logic Low Output Propagation Delay to Logic High Output Common Mode Transient Immunity at TA=25C, Logic High Output VCM=50Vp-p Common Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output tPLH CMH CML 1.3 -10 mA -25 mA 1.8 V V 1 A ns 300 ns IF=4mA V/s 1000 IF=0mA V/s Reliability and Approvals As manufacturer of high reliability optocouplers Isocom Ltd's manufacturing plant at North Shields, England, has site approval to BS9000 (registered number 1294/M) and CECC20000 (registered number M/1084/CECC/UK) issued by the British Standards Institution. Together with CECC, BS9000 is a preferred standard for use in European military projects. Consequently, Isocom Ltd's approved devices are listed in the CECC "MUAHAG" preferred products list. The BS9000 approval is also recognised as meeting the equivalent criteria to those required by BS5750/IS09000/EN29000. The Company's customers can be assured of our commitment to stringent quality, reliability and inspection standards, as demonstrated by our existing approvals. Other customer specific options can also be offered. Isocom takes great effort to ensure accurate data, but regrettably cannot be held liable for any error on its website. Visit File Lists to confirm old printouts are up-to-date. Contents file:///I|/imaging/BITTING/mail_pdf/iscl/cs5200.html (4 of 4) [10/11/2001 9:41:49 AM]