Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd.
This material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Electric
Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent,
or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used
for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of
i Electric Device Technolo
・Although Fuji Electric is continually improving product quality and reliability, a small percentage of
semiconductor products may become faulty. When using Fuji Electric semiconductor products in your
equipment, you are requested to take adequate safety measures to prevent the equipment from
causing physical injury, fire, or other problem in case any of the products fail. It is recommended to
make your design fail-safe, flame ret ardant, and free of malfunction.
・The products described in this specification are intended for use in the following electronic and
electrical equipment which has normal reliability requirements.
・Computers ・OA equipment ・Communications equipment (Terminal devices)
・Measurement equipment ・Machine tools ・AV equipment
・Electrical home appliances ・Personal equipment ・Industrial robots etc.
・The products described in this specification are not designed or manufactured to be used in equipment
or systems used under life-threatening situations. If you are considering using these products in the
equipment listed below, first check the system construction and required reliability, and take adequate
safety measures such as a backup system to prevent the equipment from malfunctioning.
・Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.)
・Backbone network equipment ・Traffic-signal control equipment
・Gas alarms, leakage gas auto breakers ・Submarine repeater equipment
・Burglar alarms, fire alarms, emergenc y equipment ・Medical equipment
・Nuclear control equipment e t c.
・Do not use the products in this specification for equipment requiring strict reliability such as (but not
limited to):
・Aerospace equipment ・Aeronautical equipment
・The Diodes should be used in products within their absolute maximum rating (voltage, current,
temperature, etc. ). The diodes may be destroyed if used beyond the rating.
・The equipment containing Diodes should have adequate fuses or circuit breakers to prevent the
equipment from causing secondary destruction (ex. fire, explosion etc…).
・Use the Diodes within their reliability and lifetime under certain environments or conditions.
The Diodes may fail before the target lifetime of your products if used under certain reliability
・You must design the Diodes to be operated within the specified maximum ratings (voltage, current,
temperature, etc. ) to prevent possible failure or destruction of devices.
・Consider the possible temperature rise not only for the junction and case, but also for the outerleads.
・Do not directly touch the leads or package of the Diodes while power is supplied or during operation, to
avoid electric shock and bu rns.
・The Diodes are made of incombustible material. However, if a Diode fails, it may emit smoke of flame.
Also, operating the Diodes near any flammable place or material may cause the Diodes to emit smoke
or flame in case the Diodes become even hotter during operation.
Design the arrangement to prevent the spread of fire.
・The Diodes should not used in an environment in the presence of acid, organic matter, or corrosive gas.
(hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid gas.)
・The Diodes should not us ed in an irradiated field since they are not radiation proof.