E-Series RF 1:1 Transformer
0.3 - 200 MHz ET1-1T
M/A-COM, Inc.
North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 ■Asia/Pacific: Tel. +81 (03) 3226-1671 ■Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595
Fax (800) 618-8883 Fax +81 (03) 3226-1451 Fax +44 (1344) 300 020
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
1:1 Impedance Ratio
CT on Secondary
Specifications @ 25°C
Frequency Range 0.3 - 200 MHz
Insertion Loss Maximum
0.6 - 200 MHz 3 dB
0.8 - 150 MHz 2 dB
0.2 - 80 MHz 1 dB
Amplitude Imbalance Maximum
0.06 - 150 MHz 0.1 dB
0.3 - 200 MHz 0.5 dB
Phase Imbalance Maximum
0.3 - 80 MHz 1°
0.3 - 200 MHz 5°
Pin Configuration
Ordering Information
Part No. Packaging
ET1-1T-SM-1 SM-1 in Tubes
ET1-1T-SM-1TR SM-1 in Tape & Reel
ET1-1T-SM-5 SM-5 in Tubes
ET1-1T-SM-20 SM-20 in Tubes
ET1-1T-SM-20TR SM-20 in Tape & Reel
ET1-1T-SM-21 SM-21 in Tubes
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Function Pin No.
Primary dot 4
Primary 6
Secondary dot 3
Secondary 1
Secondary CT 2
Not Connected 5
S 0376 C
Dimensions in ( ) are in mm.
Unless Otherwise Noted: .x = ±0.04 (1.00)
.xx = ±0.02 (0.50)
.xxx = ±0.010 (0.250)
Parameter Absolute Maximum
RF Power 250 mW
DC Current 30 mA
Operating/Storage Temp. -20°C to +85°C