MOTOROU Orderth18 document by2N3WWD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA o 2N3634JTX, 2N3635JTX, 2N3636JTX, 2N3637JTX, JTXV JTXV, JANS JTXV, JANS JTXV, JANS Processed per MIL+-19500/357 PNP Silicon SmallSignal o General-Purpose Transistor Ic Collector Current,Maimurn Device Dwiwtion @ TA = 25C Derate above 25C @ TC = 25C Deratetive 25C ELECTRICAL ..;,> .,*.O " CHARACTERlST19&A~#*50C OFF CHARACTERISTICS ., I .it$:~ ..: ,,.,, `$$~:~' ,:.:,. B~@_ Voltage Symbol V(BR)CEO (1C= 10 mAdc) (IC = 10 mAdc) 2N3634, 2N3635 2N3636, 2N3637 Emitter-ese (1C= 100@&;'* (1C= lo&*)a$' 2N3634, 2N3635 2N3636, 2N3637 Mln M= 140 175 -- 140 175 -- -- Un[t Vdc Vdc V(BR)CBO Voltage *&i Cutoff Current *CB = 100 Vdc) WCB = 100 Vdc, TA = 1500C) . = I ~cE CollectorCutoff Current 100Vdc) m WaM mW/OC Watts mW/OC ,~?>:ii>~.l++$ Ccllectcr+mitter BreMo~%~e(l) Emitter Cutoff Current WEB = 3.0 Vdc) 1.0 5.71 5.0 28.8 Ado unlessothetise noted.) Chamc*.,+8 Emti*.$re*don (l~~$~t~dc) 1.0 pD ,,3: `*4,:,, ..{s,i~\JF12::\ ,,, ` 1.0 ,,:s~$:.>+ ,k:,~-,,+. ~.$,~, 5.71 ,'*,,t/,-i$r 5.0 .>,,*:F .;;&$\+:< wa+. .,", \ .!,,,$*, 28.8 .$.:,\.,`$,*\ `~ . ,,.&$ "':.t,:,, ..s?,, V(BR)EBO + 5.0 I Vdc I nAdo iCBO IEBO I ICEO -- -- 100 100 -- 50 -- 10 @dc (1) Pulsed. Pulse Wdth 250 to WO @, D@ @cle 1.0 to 2.0%. (continua RW O 9/93 @ Motorola,Ino.19M @do M-RO&A @ 2N3634 THRU 2N3637 SERIES lu~ llme(~&If) i %ff -- 600 (1) Pulsed.PulseWdth 250 to 350 W, DW @cle 1.0to 2.0%. (2) NoiseFigureshall be measuredusing a model 31OB QuanTe* Laboratories test se$ or quivalent COMMERCIAL PLUS AND MltiAERO SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DATA I ns (oontinued) 2N3634 THRU 2N3467 SERIES a COMMERCIAL PLUS AND Ml~AERO SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DATA 3-73 2N3634 THRU 2N3637 SERIES PACWGE DIMENSIONS 4. w& RN 1. 30UROE 2 SATE 3. DWN (Usq ,ei. ~\w ,\ !.,*. ..k;\i. ,:?) ... . ~ ` M@omlar-W@.~~&*eobg= tiWfunhernotiMto ~pdu@ herein. Motomlam*eenowarra~, representetionorguarenteeregting the su~i~i of bfor any parNoularpurpose, ~r doeB Motorola assume any liebi~i ~sing out of the @Wbn or use of any pmdw or cimuit, and-d~** enyend all fiti~i, inoludingwithoutlimiteNonmneequentid orinddsti dsnreges. 7ypi@ parametersaandtiver yindifferent SP@WOnS,.~*ng parameters, including ~ypid~ must bevdited foreech -tomer @ition by wstomer's t=hnW experts. Motorola does not w~~ I@nee utir b patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola produti are not designed, inteti, or authorized for use es mponem in vse~~,w forsu~~ Imdant into the body, or other -i Intended to suwrt or stin life, or for any other app~ion in whidr the failure of the@&o~pmduot wuld oreete a situ~on where persoti injury or death may Ooour. Should Buyer purohese or use Moto~a prod@ for any G unlwbr unauthorized ~oation, Buyer sheNindemnNyend hold Motorola end fi offioers, emdoyees, su~dities, effihatee,@ distributors harmless =~1 cl~msl ~~j ~a9=, ~ e~n=, ~ r_*le ti~ey fees arising out of, dirtiy or indirectly, any ddm of pereond injury or death e~ati Wh unintended orunauthotied use, even Ifsuoh ddm atlegesthet Motorolawae negfigent rqarding the design or menufadure of the m. M&orola end B are registered trademati of Motorola, Ino. Motorola Im. is en EqW Oprtunlty/Affirmetiie Ation Em@oyer. Literature DletdbuUM bntem USk Motorola Utemtura Distributio~ P.O. Box 2091Z PhoenM, Arizona m. EUROPE Motorok Md.; European Ltierature OentrW 66 Tanners Ddve, BIXelande, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN Nip~n Motorola Ltd.; M2-1, NishffioShins-u, To~o 141, Japan. ASIA PACIFl~ Motorola Semlmndutiors H.K. Ltd.; Silbn Harbour Oenter, No. 2 Dd King Street, T~ Po Industrid Estate, la PO)N.T., Hong KOW. @ M-ROLA 1PHW4101 1-2 PRINTED IN USA WW MPWPOO CPTO YOACAA 2N3WTWD lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll