Evaluation Board Document
Evaluation Board
o Bias and Matching Circuits
o Output Power Control
o PCB Information
o Typical Performance
o Schematic and Assembly Drawing
Matching and Bias Circuits
As shown in the circuit schematic on the next page, the uPG2314T5N requires relatively simple
matching circuits. The inductor L1 is for input matching and should be placed close to the
device. At the output essentially no matching circuit is required. L2 functions as an RF choke and
C2 is DC block capacitor.
The uPG2314T5N is a two stage PA. The first stage bias is through Vcc1. A small section of
transmission line between the device and the bypass capacitor, C1, is needed to provide enough
isolation between RF and DC paths.
Output Power Control
The output power of uPG2314T5N can be adjusted by the voltage on Vcont pin. The control
curve is shown on the data sheet. To turn off the PA, Vbias+Venable pin should be set to 0V.
PCB Information
The PCB is Getek two layer board. The board thickness is 28mil.
Typical Performance
Refer to the data sheet for typical performance curves.
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