1 5
1. Data bytes are shifted with Most Significant Bit first. Byte fields with data in parenthesis “()” indicate data being read from the device
on the IO pin.
2. SR = status register, The Status Register contents and Device ID will repeat continuously until CS terminates the instruction.
3. At least one byte of data input is required for Page Program, Quad Page Program and Program Security Register, up to 256 bytes
of data input. If more than 256 bytes of data are sent to the device, the addressing will wrap to the beginning of the page and
overwrite previously sent data.
4. See Manufacturer and Device Identification table for Device ID information.
5. Dual Input Address
IO0 = A22, A20, A18, A16, A14, A12, A10, A8, A6, A4, A2, A0, M6, M4, M2, M0
IO1 = A23, A21, A19, A17, A15, A13, A11, A9, A7, A5, A3, A1, M7, M5, M3, M1
6. Dual Output data
IO0 = (D6, D4, D2, D0)
IO1 = (D7, D5, D3, D1)
7. Quad Input Address
Set Burst with Wrap Input
IO0 = A20, A16, A12, A8, A4, A0, M4, M0 IO0 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W4, x
IO1 = A21, A17, A13, A9, A5, A1, M5, M1 IO1 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W5, x
IO2 = A22, A18, A14, A10, A6, A2, M6, M2 IO2 = x, x, x, x, x, x, W6, x
IO3 = A23, A19, A15, A11, A7, A3, M7, M3 IO3 = x, x, x, x, x, x, x x
8. Quad Input/ Output Data
IO0 = (D4, D0…)
IO1 = (D5, D1…)
IO2 = (D6, D2…)
IO3 = (D7, D3…)
9. Fast Read Quad I/O Data Output
IO0 = (x, x, x, x, D4, D0…)
IO1 = (x, x, x, x, D5, D1…)
IO2 = (x, x, x, x, D6, D2…)
IO3 = (x, x, x, x, D7, D3…)
10. SC = security register
7.2 Write Enable (06h)
Write Enable instruction is for setting the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in the Status Register. The WEL bit must be set prior to
every Program, Erase and Write Status Register instruction. To enter the Write Enable instruction, CS goes low prior to the
instruction “06h” into Data Input (SI) pin on the rising edge of SCK, and then driving CS high.
Read Security Register 2Bh (SC7-
Write Security Register 2Fh
Fast Read
Quad I/O
A23‐A16 A15‐A8 A7-A0 (M7-M0) dummy (D7‐D0)
>104MHz A23‐A16 A15‐A8 A7-A0
dummy dummy (D7-
Reset Enable 66h
Reset 99h
Disable QPI FFh
Read with
A23‐A16 A15‐A8 A7-A0 dummy dummy (D7‐D0)
>104MHz A23‐A16 A15‐A8 A7-A0 dummy dummy dummy
Set Read Parameter C0h P7-P0
Quad Page Program 33h A23‐A16 A15‐A8 A7-A0 (D7‐D0)
Table 7-5. Instruction Set Table 4 (QPI instruction)