Datasheet CMOS LDO Regulator Series for Portable Equipments Versatile Package FULL CMOS LDO Regulator BUxxTD2WNVX series General Description BUxxTD2WNVX series is high-performance FULL CMOS regulator with 200-mA output, which is mounted on versatile package SSON004X1010 (1.00mm x 1.00 mm x 0.60mm). It has excellent noise characteristics and load responsiveness characteristics despite its low circuit current consumption of 35A. It is most appropriate for various applications such as power supplies for logic IC, RF, and camera modules.ROHM's. Key Specifications Output voltage: Accuracy output voltage: Low current consumption: Operating temperature range: 1.0V to 3.4V 1.0% (25mV) 35A -40C to +85C Applications Battery-powered portable equipment, etc. Package SSON004X1010 : Features High accuracy detection low current consumption Compatible with small ceramic capacitor(Cin=Co=0.47uF) With built-in output discharge circuit High ripple rejection ON/OFF control of output voltage With built-in over current protection circuit and thermal shutdown circuit Low dropout voltage 1.00mm x 1.00mm x 0.60mm Typical Application Circuit STBY VIN VOUT STBY VOUT VIN GND GND GND Fig.1 Application Circuit Product structure:Silicon monolithic integrated circuit This product is not designed protection against radioactive rays. (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211114001 1/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Connection Diagram SSON004X1010 (TOP VIEW) 4 VIN 3 STBY LOT Number 1 2 Part Number Marking 1 VOUT 2 GND 1PIN MARK Pin Descriptions SSON004X1010 Symbol Function VOUT Output Voltage GND Grouding ON/OFF control of output voltage STBY (High: ON, Low: OFF) VIN Power Supply Voltage PIN No. 1 2 3 4 Ordering Information B U Part Number x x T Output Voltage 10 : 1.0V D 2 Low Dropout Voltage Maximum Output Current 200mA W N V X with Package output discharge NVX : SSON004X1010 - T Halogen Free G : compatible Blank : incompatible L Packageing and forming specification Embossed tape and reel TL : The pin number 1 is the lower left 34 : 3.4V SSON004X1010 1.00.1 0.6MAX 1.00.1 1PIN MARK 0.320.1 8 1 2 5000pcs (0.12) +0.03 0.02 -0.02 05 0.650.05 0. 4 0. Embossed carrier tape Quantity Direction of feed S 0.05 Tape TL The direction is the 1pin of product is at the lower left when you hold ( reel on the left hand and you pull out the tape on the left hand ) 3-C0.18 R0.05 45 0.070.1 05 0. 48 0.250.05 3 0.250.1 0. 4 1pin (Unit : mm) Reel (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 2/9 Direction of feed Order quantity needs to be multiple of the minimum quantity. TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Lineup Marking Output Voltage Part Number A 1.0V BU10 6 1.05V BU1A 2 1.15V BU1B B 1.2V BU12 3 1.25V BU1C C 1.5V BU15 D 1.8V BU18 E 1.85V BU1J F 1.9V BU19 G 2.0V BU20 r 2.05V BU2A 0 2.1V BU21 1 2.3V BU23 H 2.5V BU25 J 2.6V BU26 K 2.7V BU27 a 2.75V BU2H L 2.8V BU28 M 2.85V BU2J N 2.9V BU29 P 3.0V BU30 Q 3.1V BU31 R 3.2V BU32 U 3.3V BU33 Y 3.4V BU34 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25C) PARAMETER Symbol Power Supply Voltage Power Dissipation Maximum junction temperature Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Limit VMAX -0.3 Pd TjMAX Unit +6.5 V 560(*1) mW +125 Topr -40 +85 Tstg -55 +125 (*1)Pd deleted at 5.6mW/ at temperatures above Ta=25, mounted on 70x70x1.6 mm glass-epoxy PCB. RECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE (not to exceed Pd) PARAMETER Symbol Limit Unit Power Supply Voltage VIN 1.7~6.0 V Maximum Output Current IMAX 200 mA OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit Input Capacitor Cin 0.22(*2) 0.47 - F Output Capacitor Co 0.22(*2) 0.47 - F CONDITION Ceramic capacitor recommended (*2)Make sure that the output capacitor value is not kept lower than this specified level across a variety of temperature, DC bias, changing as time progresses characteristic. (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 3/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25, VIN=VOUT+1.0V (*3), STBY=VIN, Cin=0.47F, Co=0.47F, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER Limit Symbol MIN. Unit TYP. Conditions MAX. Overall Device Output Voltage VOUT VOUTx0.99 VOUT-25mV Operating Current Operating Current (STBY) VOUTx1.01 V IOUT=10A, VOUT2.5V IOUT=10A, VOUT2.5V VOUT+25mV IIN - 35 60 A IOUT=0mA ISTBY - - 1.0 A STBY=0V RR 45 70 - dB VRR=-20dBv, fRR=1kHz, IOUT=10mA - 280 540 mV 2.5VVOUT2.6V (VIN=0.98*VOUT, IOUT=200mA) - 260 500 mV 2.7VVOUT2.85V (VIN=0.98*VOUT, IOUT=200mA) - 240 460 mV 2.9VVOUT3.1V (VIN=0.98*VOUT, IOUT=200mA) - 220 420 mV 3.2VVOUT3.4V (VIN=0.98*VOUT, IOUT=200mA) Ripple Rejection Ratio Dropout Voltage VOUT VSAT Line Regulation VDL - 2 20 mV VIN=VOUT+1.0V to 5.5V (*4), IOUT=10A Load Regulation VDLO - 10 80 mV IOUT=0.01mA to 100mA Over Current Protection (OCP) Limit Current ILMAX 220 400 700 mA Vo=VOUT*0.95 Short Current ISHORT 20 70 150 mA Vo=0V RDSC 20 50 80 VIN=4.0V, STBY=0V, VOUT=4.0V Standby Block Discharge Resistor STBY Pin Pull-down Current STBY Control Voltage ISTB 0.1 0.6 2.0 A ON VSTBH 1.2 - 5.5 V OFF VSTBL -0.3 - 0.3 V STBY=1.5V This product is not designed for protection against radioactive rays. (*3) VIN=2.5V for VOUT1.5V (*4) VIN=2.5V to 3.6V for VOUT1.5V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS of each Output Voltage (Ta=25, STBY=VIN, Cin=0.47F, Co=0.47F, unless otherwise noted.) Output Voltage PARAMETER MIN. 80 200 60 200 200 1.0V,1.15V,1.2V,1.25V Maximum output current 1.5V 1.8V,1.85V,1.9V,2.0V,2.05V,2.1V,2.3V TYP. 160 120 - MAX. - Unit mA Conditions VIN=1.7V VIN=2.1V VIN=1.8V VIN=2.2V VIN=VOUT+0.6V Block Diagrams VIN VIN 4 VREF VOUT Cin VOUT 1 GND 2 OCP Co TSD STBY STBY 3 STBY Discharge Cin0.47F (Ceramic) Co 0.47F (Ceramic) Fig. 2 Block Diagrams (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 4/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Reference data BU18TD2WNVX (Ta=25C unless otherwise specified.) 1.85 Temp=25C 100 Temp=25C 1.84 1.6 Output Voltage (V) 1.4 1.2 1.0 Io=0uA Io=100uA Io=50mA Io=200mA 0.8 0.6 0.4 VIN=STBY 0.2 VIN=STBY 1.82 1.81 1.80 1.79 Io=0uA Io=100uA Io=50mA Io=200mA 1.78 1.77 1.76 0.0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 1.7 20 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Gnd Current (uA) Temp=85C 0.8 0.6 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 1.85 VIN=2.8V STBY=1.5V 80 VIN=2.8V STBY=1.5V 1.84 Temp=85C 60 40 Temp=-40C Temp=25C 20 Temp=-40C 2.5 Fig 5. Circuit Current IGND 100 1.4 1.2 2 Input Voltage (V) Fig 4. Line Regulation 1.6 Temp=25C Temp=25C 40 Input Voltage (V) Fig 3. Output Voltage 0.4 Temp=85C 60 0 Input Voltage (V) 1.0 VIN=STBY 80 Temp=-40C 1.75 0 STBY Pin Current (uA) Io=0uA 1.83 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 1.8 Gnd Current (uA) 2.0 0.2 1.83 Temp=25C 1.82 Temp=85C 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.78 1.77 Temp=-40C 1.76 0 0.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 1.75 0 5.5 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.05 Fig 6. VSTBY - ISTBY 0.1 0.15 0.2 Output Current (A) Output Current (A) Input Voltage (V) Fig 8. Load Regulation Fig 7. IOUT - IGND 1.85 2.0 2.0 VIN=5.5V 1.4 VIN=2.3V 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Temp=25C 0.2 STBY=1.5V 1.5 1.0 Temp=25C Temp=-40C Temp=85C 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.83 1.82 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.78 1.77 1.76 0.0 0.0 1.75 0 0.6 0.5 1 1.5 Fig 9. OCP Threshold -40 -15 10 35 60 85 Temp (C) STBY Voltage (V) Output Current (mA) Fig 11. VOUT - Temp Fig 10. STBY Threshold 1.0 60 VIN=2.8V STBY=1.5V Io=0mA 0.9 Gnd Current (uA) 50 Gnd Current (uA) Output Voltage (V) 1.6 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) VIN=2.8V VIN=2.8V STBY=1.5V Io=0.1mA 1.84 VIN=3.8V Io=0mA 1.8 40 30 20 VIN=2.8V STBY=0V 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 10 0.1 0 0.0 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 -40 -15 Temp (C) Fig 12. IGND - Temp 10 60 85 Fig 13. IGND - Temp (STBY) (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 35 Temp (C) 5/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Reference data BU18TD2WNVX (Ta=25C unless otherwise specified.) 0 100 50 IOUT=50mA0mA 0 Output Current (mA) 50 IOUT=0mA50mA Output Current (mA) 100 1.90 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 Fig 14. Load Response 50 0 100 50 IOUT=100mA0mA 1.90 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.85 1.80 1.75 Fig 16. Load Response Fig 17. Load Response 0 200 100 IOUT=200mA0mA 2.00 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.90 1.80 1.70 Fig 18. Load Response Fig 19. Load Response 0 100 IOUT=100mA50mA 50 0 Output Current (mA) 50 Output Current (mA) 100 IOUT=50mA100mA 1.85 Output Voltage (V) 1.90 Output Voltage (V) 0 Output Current (mA) 100 Output Current (mA) 200 IOUT=0mA200mA 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.80 1.75 1.70 Fig 21. Load Response Fig 20. Load Response (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 0 Output Current (mA) 100 Output Current (mA) IOUT=0mA100mA Fig 15. Load Response 6/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series Reference data BU18TD2WNVX (Ta=25C unless otherwise specified.) 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Fig 23. Start Up Time Fig 22. Start Up Time Iout=200mA Iout=0mA VIN=STBY=2.80V 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Fig 25. Start Up Time (VIN=STBY) Iout=200mA Fig 24. Start Up Time (VIN=STBY) Iout=0mA Iout=0mA 1.81 2.0 1.0 0.0 Fig 26. Discharge Time 1.80 1.79 1.78 Fig 27. VIN Response (c) 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 3.8 2.8 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 0.0 4.8 VIN=2.8V3.8V2.8V Input Voltage (V) 1.0 STBY Voltage (V) 2.0 STBY=1.50V 2.0 0.0 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 0.0 4.0 STBY Voltage (V) 2.0 STBY Voltage (V) 4.0 VIN=STBY=02.8V 1.0 0.0 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 0.0 2.0 STBY=01.5V STBY Voltage (V) 1.0 STBY Voltage (V) 2.0 STBY=01.5V 7/9 TSZ02201-0RBR0A300050-1-2 7.FEB.2013.Rev.001 Datasheet BUxxTD2WNVX series z About power dissipation (Pd) As for power dissipation, an approximate estimate of the heat reduction characteristics and internal power consumption of IC are shown, so please use these for reference. Since power dissipation changes substantially depending on the implementation conditions (board size, board thickness, metal wiring rate, number of layers and through holes, etc.), it is recommended to measure Pd on a set board. Exceeding the power dissipation of IC may lead to deterioration of the original IC performance, such as causing operation of the thermal shutdown circuit or reduction in current capability. Therefore, be sure to prepare sufficient margin within power dissipation for usage. Calculation of the maximum internal power consumption of IC (PMAX) PMAX=(VIN-VOUT)xIOUT(MAX.) (VIN: Input voltage VOUT: Output voltage IOUT(MAX): Maximum output current) { Measurement conditions Standard ROHM Board Evaluation Board 1 Top Layer (Top View) Top Layer (Top View) Layout of Board for Measurement IC Implementation Position Bottom Layer (Top View) Bottom Layer (Top View) Measurement State With board implemented (Wind speed 0 m/s) With board implemented (Wind speed 0 m/s) Board Material Glass epoxy resin (Double-side board) Glass epoxy resin (Double-side board) Board Size 70 mm x 70 mm x 1.6 mm 40 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm Top layer Wiring Bottom Rate layer Through Hole Metal (GND) wiring rate: Approx. 0% Metal (GND) wiring rate: Approx. 50% Metal (GND) wiring rate: Approx. 50% Metal (GND) wiring rate: Approx. 50% Diameter 0.5mm x 6 holes Diameter 0.5mm x 25 holes Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance 0.56W 0.39W ja=178.6C/W ja=256.4C/W 0.6 0.56W 0.5 Pd [W] 0.4 0.39W 0.3 * Please design the margin so that PMAX becomes is than Pd (PMAX