Technical Overview
characteristics of B-series CMOS integrated circuits. The
JEDEC standard (JEDEC Tentative Standard No. 13B)
defines B-series CMOS integrated circuits as a uniform fam-
ily of both buffered and unbuffered types that have an abso-
lute DC supply voltage rating of at least 18V.
Buffered CMOS Devices
These are types in which the output “on” impedance is inde-
pendent of any and all valid input logic conditions, both pre-
ceding and present. All such CMOS products are designated
by suffix “B” following the basic type number.
Unbuffered CMOS Devices
These are types that meet all B-series specifications except
that the logical outputs are not buffered and the noise-immu-
nity voltages, VIL and VIH, are specified as 20% and 80%,
respectively, of VDD for operation from 5V, 10V, and 17V and
83%, respectively, of VDD for operation from 15V. All such
CMOS product are designated by the suffix “UB”.
The JEDEC minimum standard also includes in the B-series,
CMOS types that have analog inputs or outputs and in addi-
tion, have maximum ratings and logical input and output
parameters that conform to B-series specifications wherever
applicable. These CMOS devices are also designated by the
suffix “B”.
All B-series CMOS devices can directly replace their A-series
counterparts in most applications. The UB types are high volt-
age versions of corresponding A-series (unbuffered) types.
Commercial A-series types have been obsoleted and
replaced by B-series counterparts with only a few exceptions
such as the continuing CD4059A types.
The Absolute Maximum Rating - JEDEC table lists the
minimum standards established for the maximum ratings
and recommended operating conditions for B-series CMOS
integrated circuits.
The DC Electrical Specification - JEDEC table shows the
JEDEC standards for the DC electrical specifications of
CMOS B-series integrated circuits.
Standardized Ratings and Static Characteristics
Harris B-series CMOS integrated circuits meet or exceed the
most stringent requirements of the JEDEC B-series specifi-
cations. The Absolute Maximum Ratings table shows the
standardized maximum ratings and recommended operating
supply voltage range for Harris B-series CMOS integrated
circuits. The standardized DC electrical specifications for
these devices are shown in the DC Electrical Specification
table. As with the JEDEC specifications, the Harris standard-
ized characteristics classify the B-series devices into three
leakage (quiescent device current) categories. Table 1 lists
the Harris types in each category and indicates types that,
although they are still B-series types, differ in one or more
static characteristics.
The Absolute Maximum Ratings table and the DC Electri-
cal Specification table show that in a number on important
respects, Harris has established new performance stan-
dards for B-series CMOS logic circuits.
• Tight Limits For All Packages
Harris devices used the same set of limits for all package
styles. The JEDEC standard establishes two sets of limits
for most DC parameters; a tight set for products having a
full operating temperature range of -55oC to +125oC (all
Harris devices), and a relaxed set for products having a
limited temperature range of -40oC to +85oC. Because
Harris supplies only one premium grade of B-series prod-
uct in all package styles (i.e., fall-out chips are not used),
all B-series CMOS devices are specified to the tight set of
limits only.
• Improved Voltage Rating
All Harris B-series devices are tested to voltages that
insure safe operation at the absolute maximum DC supply
voltage rating of 20V. This higher rating permits greater
derating for reliable 15V operation, permits greater 15V
supply tolerance and peak transients, and permits system
use to 18V with confidence.
• Wider Operating Range
All Harris B-series devices have a recommended maxi-
mum operating voltage of 18V. The higher limit permits
18V system supply operation, and also permits wider
power source tolerance and transients for supplies nor-
mally set up to 18V
• Lower Leakage Current
The JEDEC standard establishes three sets of limits for
quiescent device current (IDD) intended to match chip
complexity to device leakage current as realistically as
For all three levels of chip complexity, all Harris B-series
devices (regardless of package) conform to the tighter set
of limits established in the standard. In addition, a maxi-
mum rating is specified at 20V, as well as at 5V, 10V, and
15V. As a result:
- In current limited applications, CMOS users can depend
on one tight leakage limit independent of package style
- Customer use of CMOS product up through 18V is pro-
tected by a published tight leakage current specification at
20V (as well as by an input leakage specification at 18V).
• Symmetrical Output
Most Harris B-series devices have balanced complemen-
tary output drive (i.e., the output high current IOH rating is
the same as the output low current IOL rating specified to
the tighter set of limits established in the JEDEC standard.
The balanced output provides uniform rise and fall time
performance, improved system noise energy (dynamic)
immunity, optimum device speed for both output switching
low-to-high (tPLH) and output switching high-to-low (tPHL),
and in general the identical high and low DC and AC char-
acteristics normally associated with a good complemen-
tary output drive circuit. MOS system design, simulation,
and performance are significantly enhanced by equal high
and low DC and AC performance ratings and one tight
specification limit for all package styles.