D-Subminiature High Reliability Metal Shell 109 (2.77mm) Density Solder Cup Series | CINCH Features * Ideal for high temperature applications e Available in 5 connector sizes: 9, 15, 25, 37, and 50, with solder cup termina- tions, both plug and sacket styles Available with standard Zinc plated shells or with bright tin shells 50 mil gold contact versions are also available Monoblock insulator for improved electrical performance e Intermateable with all D-Subminiature Connectors of comparable pin count and complying dimensionally with MIL-C-24308 e UL Recognized file no. E1907 1 Performance Data Materials Insulation Material: UL 94V-0 rated glass fiber-filled, diallyl phthalate, monoblock construction: green Contact Material: Plug Contacts: Brass (machined) Socket Contacts: Phosphor bronze (machined) Contact Plating: 20 pinch gold over nickel Shell Material: Steel (for optional non- magnetic brass shells consult factory) Shell Plating: Zinc or cadmium, with yellow chromate coating or bright tin Ordering Information Electrical Characteristics Withstanding Voltage: 1250 VAC rms {@ sea level} Current Rating: 5 Amps Contact Resistance: 2.7 Millionms maximum insulation Resistance: 5000 Megohms minimum Mechanical Characteristics Individual Contact Insertion and Separation Force: 0.7 oz (20g) minimum, 12 oz (341g) maximum Environmental Characteristics Shock: Exceeds test requirements of MIL-STD-202D, Method 213, Condition G Operating Temperature: 65C to + 125C Vibration: Exceeds requirements of MIL-STD-202D, Method 204, Condition D Humidity: Exceeds requirements of MIL-STD-202D, Method 106 Accessories For metal shell D-Subminiature Connector accessories see pages 34 through 45. Dimensions 312 (7.92 ke 235 (5 971 no ea) For standard shell dimensions and panel cutouts, see pages 5 and 6 . . | L Contact Plating Series Prefix No. of (Optional) D-Subminiature Contacts No Entry = Std Plating Shell 09 A156 = 50 Mii Gold Size 5 {Not ea IM series designator E=09 25 9 , = oe a Contact Style i Modification C237 ; P = Plug (Optional) D=50 Mounting Method S = Socket | = Grounding indents . (Optional) (Available on plugs with _ Series No Entry = 120 (3 05mm) Hole tinned shells only) Designator F = Front Float Bushing {Not applicable with series M = Senes 1 R = Reverse Float Bushing designator MM) MM = Commercial Y = Dual Float Bushing ae Equrvalent to E = 4-40 Clinch Nut snr M24308 No Entry = Zinc/Yellow Chromate T = Tinned (Not applicable with series designator MM) Socket Mm 9005379 O0000eb 3bec 27 D-Subminiature Shells And Mounts [ Metal Shell Connectors pe L A > <__|_ BR > 1 SI yeh eL_Js|i ie P Lo ae, 120 + 005 (3 05 +0 13) Dia A => <e- CT} m Mating Side Termination Side Dimensions A+ 015 B+ .010 B, + .005 C +.005 D +.010 D, + .010 E+.015 Shell Connector _(2.38mm) (0.25mm) (0.13mm) (0.13mm)} (0.25mm)} (0.25mm) (0.38mm) Size Type in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm E Plug 4.213 30 81 _ _ 666 16 90 0 984 24 99 _ 840 329 _ 494 12.55 Socket 1.213 30 81 640 16 26 _ 0984 2499 308 _ _ 782 494 12 55 A Plug 1541 39 14 _ _ 994 25 30 1312 33 32 _ 8 40 329 _ 494 1255 Socket 1541 39 14 968 2459 _ 1312 33 32 308 _ _ 782 494 12 55 B Plug 2 088 53 04 _ _ 1 534 39 00 1 852 47 04 _ 840 329 494 12 55 Socket 2 088 53 04 1 508 38 30 _ _ 1 852 47 04 308 _ 782 494 12 55 C Plug 2729 6932 2 182 5540 2500 63 50 _ 8 40 329 494 12 55 Sacket 2729 89 32 2 156 54 76 _ _ 2500 63 50 308 _ 782 494 12 55 D Plug 2 635 66 93 _ _ 2.079 0280 =2 406 6111 _ 1107 436 _ 605 15.37 Socket 2 635 66 93 2.062 52 34 _ _ 2 406 6111 420 _ _ 10 67 605 13.37 G+.010 H +.010 J +.010 K +.010 L+.010 M +.010 Shell Connector {2-25mm) (0.25mm) (0.25mm) (0.25mm) (0.25mm) (0.25mm) Size Type in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm E Plug 759 19 28 422 1072 030 076 236 599 046 114 422 10 72 Socket 759 19 28 422 1072 030 076 243 617 045 114 429 10 92 A Plug 1083 2751 422 1072 030 076 236 599 045 114 422 10 72 Socket 1083 2751 422 1072 030 076 243 617 045 114 429 10 92 B Plug 1625 4127 422 1072 039 039 231 587 060 1 52 426 10 82 Socket 1625 4127 422 1072 030 076 243 617 045 114 429 10 92 C Plug 2272 5771 422 1072 039 099 231 587 060 152 426 10 82 Socket 2272 a7 71 422 1072 030 076 243 617 045 114 429 10 92 D Plug 2178 55 32 534 13 56 039 099 231 587 060 152 426 10.82 Socket 2178 55 32 534 13.56 030 076 243 617 045 114 429 10.92 B and D are outside dimensions for socket B, and D, are inside dimensions for plug Mm 9005379 OOO0O004 7Tl Shells And Mounts D-Subminiature Metal Shell Connectors On Panel Mounting Specifications | 10=2 (2 Pls) 120=.002Dia.| | c Typ (2Pls) \ ri | ) Pot ye? | HRadius (4 Pls) B Dimensions Dimensions (inches) Shell Mounting Method Size Front /Rear Panel A B C D E F H Front 098 049 087 0.44 0.51 026 0.08 E Rear 098 049 081 0490 0.45 023 013 Front 131 066 110 060 0.51 026 008 A Rear 131 0 66 113 057 0.45 0.23 013 Front 185 093 174 087 051 0.26 008 B Rear 185 093 167 084 045 023 013 Front 250 125 239 120 0.51 026 008 C Rear 2.50 125 233 116 045 023 013 Front 241 120 230 115 0.62 0.31 008 D Rear 241 120 222 111 0.56 0.28 013 Float Bushing 4-40 Clinch Nut 032 (0 81) Float A 10(0 25) For Misalignment E 003 (0 08) Anal Fat g 4-40NC-3B Thread i 129 031 (3-28) ogo + 015 (079) (229 +0 38) | 0911231) p., A 086 (2 18) Reverse Float Bushing Floating Dual Bushing 051 (2 31) ha Overall Free Float 031 (0 79) Float For 086 (2,18) 008 + 004 Misalignment . (0.20 +010) aoe) ots 130 a (0 79) EY KK yy 328 ZA 830 032 (0 81} Float 01010 25) 086 + .805-.000 031 +.005 For Misalignment 00310 08) *2! Float (218 +013-0 00) - (0794013) mm 9005379 g000005 635