MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire®
Microcontroller User’s Manual
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Document Number: MCF5282UM
Rev. 3
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Rev. 3
ColdFire Core
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
Static RAM (SRAM)
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Power Management
System Control Module (SCM)
Clock Module
Interrupt Controller Modules
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
Chip Select Module
External Interface Module (EIM)
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
DMA Controller Module
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
Watchdog Timer Module
Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) Modules
General Purpose Timer (GPT) Modules
FlexCAN Module
General Purpose I/O Module
I2C Module
DMA Timers
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface Module (QSPI)
UART Modules
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Reset Controller Module
Debug Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Mechanical Data
Electrical Characteristics
Memory Ma p B
Revision History
Signal Descriptions 14
ColdFire Core
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
Static RAM (SRAM)
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Power Management
System Control Module (SCM)
Clock Module
Interrupt Controller Modules
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
Chip Select Module
External Interface Module (EIM)
Signal Descriptions
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
DMA Controller Module
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
Watchdog Timer Module
Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) Modules
General Purpose Timer (GPT) Modules
FlexCAN Module
General Purpose I/O Module
I2C Module
DMA Timers
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface Module (QSPI)
UART Modules
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Reset Controller Module
Debug Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Mechanical Data
Electrical Characteristics
Memory Map
B Revision History
IND Index
Freescale Semiconductor v
Chapter 1
1.1 Key Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.1.1 Version 2 ColdFire Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 SRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Debug Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.1.2 System Control Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.1.3 External Interface Module (EIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.1.4 Chip Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.1.5 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.1.6 General Input/Output Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.1.7 Interrupt Controllers (INTC0/INTC1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.1.8 SDRAM Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1.1.9 Test Access Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1.1.10 UART Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1.1.11 DMA Timers (DTIM0-DTIM3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.12 General-Purpose Timers (GPTA/GPTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.13 Periodic Interrupt Timers (PIT0-PIT3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.14 Software Watchdog Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.15 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.16 DMA Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.1.17 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1.2 MCF5282-Specific Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1.2.1 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1.2.2 FlexCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1.2.3 I2C Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1.2.4 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
1.2.5 Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Chapter 2
ColdFire Core
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Memory Map/Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2.1 Data Registers (D0–D7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.2.2 Address Registers (A0–A6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.2.3 Supervisor/User Stack Pointers (A7 and OTHER_A7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.2.4 Condition Code Register (CCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2.2.5 Program Counter (PC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.2.6 Cache Control Register (CACR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.2.7 Access Control Registers (ACRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.2.8 Vector Base Register (VBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
vi Freescale Semiconductor
2.2.9 Status Register (SR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.2.10 Memory Base Address Registers (RAMBAR, FLASHBAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.3.1 Version 2 ColdFire Microarchitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.3.2 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA_A+) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.3.3 Exception Processing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Exception Stack Frame Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.3.4 Processor Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Access Error Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Address Error Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Illegal Instruction Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Divide-By-Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Privilege Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Trace Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Unimplemented Line-A Opcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Unimplemented Line-F Opcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Debug Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 RTE and Format Error Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 TRAP Instruction Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Unsupported Instruction Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Interrupt Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Fault-on-Fault Halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Reset Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.3.5 Instruction Execution Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 Timing Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 MOVE Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 Standard One Operand Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28 Standard Two Operand Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28 Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30 EMAC Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31 Branch Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Chapter 3
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Introduction to the MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.2.1 MAC Status Register (MACSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.2.2 Mask Register (MASK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.2.3 Accumulator Registers (ACC0–3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3.2.4 Accumulator Extension Registers (ACCext01, ACCext23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.3.1 Fractional Operation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor vii Saving and Restoring the EMAC Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 MULS/MULU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Scale Factor in MAC or MSAC Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.3.2 EMAC Instruction Set Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.3.3 EMAC Instruction Execution Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.3.4 Data Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.3.5 MAC Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.2 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.2.1 Cache Control Register (CACR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.2.2 Access Control Registers (ACR0, ACR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.3.1 Interaction with Other Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.3.2 Memory Reference Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.3.3 Cache Coherency and Invalidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.3.4 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4.3.5 Cache Miss Fetch Algorithm/Line Fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Chapter 5
Static RAM (SRAM)
5.1 SRAM Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2 SRAM Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.3 SRAM Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.3.1 SRAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.3.2 SRAM Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.3 SRAM Initialization Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.4 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Chapter 6
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.3 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.3.1 CFM Configuration Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.3.2 Flash Base Address Register (FLASHBAR ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.3.3 CFM Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
6.3.4 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 CFM Configuration Register (CFMCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 CFM Clock Divider Register (CFMCLKD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
viii Freescale Semiconductor CFM Security Register (CFMSEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 CFM Protection Register (CFMPROT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 CFM Supervisor Access Register (CFMSACC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 CFM Data Access Register (CFMDACC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 CFM User Status Register (CFMUSTAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 CFM Command Register (CFMCMD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
6.4 CFM Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
6.4.1 Read Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
6.4.2 Write Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
6.4.3 Program and Erase Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Setting the CFMCLKD Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Program, Erase, and Verify Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 Flash Valid Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19 Flash User Mode Illegal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
6.4.4 Stop Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
6.4.5 Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
6.5 Flash Security Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
6.5.1 Back Door Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6.5.2 Erase Verify Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6.6 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6.7 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
Chapter 7
Power Management
7.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2.1 Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2.2 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.2.3 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Low-Power Interrupt Control Register (LPICR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Low-Power Control Register (LPCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
7.3.1 Low-Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Run Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Wait Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Doze Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Stop Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Peripheral Shut Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
7.3.2 Peripheral Behavior in Low-Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 ColdFire Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 System Control Module (SCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 Chip Select Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
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Freescale Semiconductor ix DMA Controller (DMAC0–DMA3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 UART Modules (UART0, UART1, and UART2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 I2C Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 DMA Timers (DMAT0–DMAT3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Interrupt Controllers (INTC0, INTC1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 I/O Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Reset Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Chip Configuration Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Clock Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Edge Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Watchdog Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0, PIT1, PIT2 and PIT3) . . . . . 7-10 Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11 General Purpose Timers (GPTA and GPTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11 FlexCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11 ColdFire Flash Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 BDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 JTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
7.3.3 Summary of Peripheral State During Low-Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Chapter 8
System Control Module (SCM)
8.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
8.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
8.3 Memory Map and Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
8.4 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
8.4.1 Internal Peripheral System Base Address Register (IPSBAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
8.4.2 Memory Base Address Register (RAMBAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8.4.3 Core Reset Status Register (CRSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.4.4 Core Watchdog Control Register (CWCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.4.5 Core Watchdog Service Register (CWSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
8.5 Internal Bus Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
8.5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8.5.2 Arbitration Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Round-Robin Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Fixed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8.5.3 Bus Master Park Register (MPARK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8.6 System Access Control Unit (SACU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
8.6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
8.6.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
8.6.3 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 Master Privilege Register (MPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13 Peripheral Access Control Registers (PACR0–PACR8) . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13
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xFreescale Semiconductor Grouped Peripheral Access Control Registers
(GPACR0 & GPACR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15
Chapter 9
Clock Module
9.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.2 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.2.1 Normal PLL Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.2.2 1:1 PLL Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.2.3 External Clock Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.3 Low-power Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9.4 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9.5 Signal Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9.5.1 EXTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9.5.2 XTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.5.3 CLKOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.5.4 CLKMOD[1:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.5.5 RSTOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.6 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.6.1 Module Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9.6.2 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Synthesizer Control Register (SYNCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Synthesizer Status Register (SYNSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
9.7 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.7.1 System Clock Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.7.2 Clock Operation During Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
9.7.3 System Clock Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
9.7.4 PLL Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11 Phase and Frequency Detector (PFD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12 Charge Pump/Loop Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13 Voltage Control Output (VCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13 Multiplication Factor Divider (MFD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13 PLL Lock Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13 PLL Loss of Lock Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 PLL Loss of Lock Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 Loss of Clock Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 Loss of Clock Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 Alternate Clock Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 Loss of Clock in Stop Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Chapter 10
Interrupt Controller Modules
10.1 68K/ColdFire Interrupt Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
10.1.1 Interrupt Controller Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor xi Interrupt Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Interrupt Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Interrupt Vector Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10.2 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10.3 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10.3.1 Interrupt Pending Registers (IPRHn, IPRLn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10.3.2 Interrupt Mask Register (IMRHn, IMRLn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.3.3 Interrupt Force Registers (INTFRCHn, INTFRCLn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
10.3.4 Interrupt Request Level Register (IRLRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
10.3.5 Interrupt Acknowledge Level and Priority Register (IACKLPRn) . . . . . . . . . 10-11
10.3.6 Interrupt Control Register (ICRnx, (x = 1, 2,..., 63)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 Interrupt Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
10.3.7 Software and Lev el n IACK Registers (SWIACKR, L1IACK–L7IACK) . . . . . 10-16
10.4 Prioritization Between Interrupt Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
10.5 Low-Power Wakeup Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
Chapter 11
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
11.2 Low-Power Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
11.3 Interrupt/General-Purpose I/O Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
11.4 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
11.4.1 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
11.4.2 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 EPORT Pin Assignment Register (EPPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 EPORT Data Direction Register (EPDDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 Edge Port Interrupt Enable Register (EPIER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Edge Port Data Register (EPDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Edge Port Pin Data Register (EPPDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6 Edge Port Flag Register (EPFR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6
Chapter 12
Chip Select Module
12.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
12.2 Chip Select Module Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
12.3 Chip Select Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
12.3.1 General Chip Select Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3 8-, 16-, and 32-Bit Port Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3 External Boot Chip Select Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
12.4 Chip Select Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
12.4.1 Chip Select Module Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6 Chip Select Address Registers (CSAR0–CSAR6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6 Chip Select Mask Registers (CSMR0–CSMR6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6 Chip Select Control Registers (CSCR0–CSCR6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
xii Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 13
External Interface Module (EIM)
13.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
13.2 Bus and Control Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
13.3 Bus Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
13.4 Data Transfer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
13.4.1 Bus Cycle Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3
13.4.2 Data Transfer Cycle States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
13.4.3 Read Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6
13.4.4 Write Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
13.4.5 Fast Termination Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
13.4.6 Back-to-Back Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
13.4.7 Burst Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Line Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Line Read Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Line Write Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12
13.5 Misaligned Operands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
Chapter 14
Signal Descriptions
14.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
14.1.1 Single-Chip Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
14.1.2 External Boot Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18
14.2 External Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18
14.2.1 External Interface Module (EIM) Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18 Address Bus (A[23:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 Data Bus (D[31:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 Byte Strobes (BS[3:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 Output Enable (OE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 Transfer Acknowledge (TA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 Read/Write (R/W) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 Transfer Size(SIZ[1:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 Transfer Start (TS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-20 Transfer In Progress (TIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 Chip Selects (CS[6:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21
14.2.2 SDRAM Controller Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 SDRAM Row Address Strobe (SRAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 SDRAM Column Address Strobe (SCAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 SDRAM Write Enable (DRAMW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 SDRAM Bank Selects (SDRAM_CS[1:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-21 SDRAM Clock Enable (SCKE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
14.2.3 Clock and Reset Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 Reset In (RSTI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
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Freescale Semiconductor xiii Reset Out (RSTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 EXTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 XTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 Clock Output (CLKOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
14.2.4 Chip Configuration Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 RCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 CLKMOD[1:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22
14.2.5 External Interrupt Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 External Interrupts (IRQ[7:1]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23
14.2.6 Ethernet Module Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Management Data (EMDIO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Management Data Clock (EMDC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Transmit Clock (ETXCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Transmit Enable (ETXEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Transmit Data 0 (ETXD0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Collision (ECOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Receive Clock (ERXCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Receive Data Valid (ERXDV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Receive Data 0 (ERXD0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Carrier Receive Sense (ECRS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Transmit Data 1–3 (ETXD[3:1]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Transmit Error (ETXER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Receive Data 1–3 (ERXD[3:1]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-24 Receive Error (ERXER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
14.2.7 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 QSPI Synchronous Serial Output (QSPI_DOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 QSPI Synchronous Serial Data Input (QSPI_DIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 QSPI Serial Clock (QSPI_CLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 QSPI Chip Selects (QSPI_CS[3:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
14.2.8 FlexCAN Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 FlexCAN Transmit (CANTX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 FlexCAN Receive (CANRX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25
14.2.9 I2C Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Serial Clock (SCL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Serial Data (SDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26
14.2.10UAR T Module Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Transmit Serial Data Output (UTXD[2:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Receive Serial Data Input (URXD[2:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Clear-to-Send (UCTS[1:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Request-to-Send (URTS[1:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
14.2.11General Purpose Timer Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 GPTA[3:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 GPTB[3:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 External Clock Input (SYNCA/SYNCB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
14.2.12DMA Timer Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27
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xiv Freescale Semiconductor DMA Timer 0 Input (DTIN0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 DMA Timer 0 Output (DTOUT0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 DMA Timer 1 Input (DTIN1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 DMA Timer 1 Output (DTOUT1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 DMA Timer 2 Input (DTIN2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 DMA Timer 2 Output (DTOUT2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 DMA Timer 3 Input (DTIN3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 DMA Timer 3 Output (DTOUT3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28
14.2.13Analog-to-Digital Converter Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 QADC Analog Input (AN0/ANW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 QADC Analog Input (AN1/ANX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-28 QADC Analog Input (AN2/ANY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN3/ANZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN52/MA0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN53/MA1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN55/TRIG1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN56/TRIG2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29
14.2.14Debug Support Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 JTAG_EN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 Development Serial Clock/Test Reset (DSCLK/TRST) . . . . . . . . 14-30 Breakpoint/Test Mode Select (BKPT/TMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30 Development Serial Input/Test Data (DSI/TDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30 Development Serial Output/Test Data (DSO/TDO) . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30 Test Clock (TCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30 Debug Data (DDATA[3:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31 Processor Status Outputs (PST[3:0]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31
14.2.15Test Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31 Test (TEST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31
14.2.16Power and Reference Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 QADC Analog Reference (VRH, VRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 QADC Analog Supply (VDDA, VSSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 PLL Analog Supply (VDDPLL, VSSPLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 QADC Positive Supply (VDDH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 Power for Flash Erase/Program (VPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 Power and Ground for Flash Array (VDDF, VSSF) . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 Standby Power (VSTBY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 Positive Supply (VDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 Ground (VSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32
Chapter 15
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
15.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
15.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
15.1.2 Block Diagram and Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
15.2 SDRAM Controller Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
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15.2.1 DRAM Controller Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
15.2.2 Memory Map for SDRAMC Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4 DRAM Control Register (DCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4 DRAM Address and Control Registers (DACR0/DACR1) . . . . . . . . 15-6 DRAM Controller Mask Registers (DMR0/DMR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8
15.2.3 General Synchronous Operation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9 Address Multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9 SDRAM Byte Strobe Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Interfacing Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Burst Page Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Auto-Refresh Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15 Self-Refresh Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
15.2.4 Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Mode Register Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
15.3 SDRAM Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
15.3.1 SDRAM Interface Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
15.3.2 DCR Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
15.3.3 DACR Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
15.3.4 DMR Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22
15.3.5 Mode Register Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23
15.3.6 Initialization Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23
Chapter 16
DMA Controller Module
16.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
16.1.1 DMA Module Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
16.2 DMA Request Control (DMAREQC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
16.3 DMA Transfer Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
16.4 DMA Controller Module Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-4
16.4.1 Source Address Registers (SAR0–SAR3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5
16.4.2 Destination Address Registers (DAR0–DAR3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-6
16.4.3 Byte Count Registers (BCR0–BCR3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
16.4.4 DMA Control Registers (DCR0–DCR3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7
16.4.5 DMA Status Registers (DSR0–DSR3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-10
16.5 DMA Controller Module Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
16.5.1 Transfer Requests (Cycle-Steal and Continuous Modes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
16.5.2 Data Transfer Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12 Dual-Address Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12
16.5.3 Channel Initialization and Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12 Channel Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12 Programming the DMA Controller Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12
16.5.4 Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Auto-Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Bandwidth Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14
16.5.5 Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14
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Chapter 17
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1
17.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1
17.1.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1
17.1.3 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3
17.2 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
17.2.1 Full and Half Duplex Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
17.2.2 Interface Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps MII Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4 10 Mpbs 7-Wire Interface Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
17.2.3 Address Recognition Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
17.2.4 Internal Loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
17.3 External Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
17.4 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
17.4.1 MIB Block Counters Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-7
17.4.2 Ethernet Interrupt Event Register (EIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-9
17.4.3 Interrupt Mask Register (EIMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-10
17.4.4 Receive Descriptor Active Register (RDAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-11
17.4.5 Transmit Descriptor Active Register (TDAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-12
17.4.6 Ethernet Control Register (ECR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-12
17.4.7 MII Management Frame Register (MMFR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-13
17.4.8 MII Speed Control Register (MSCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-15
17.4.9 MIB Control Register (MIBC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-16
17.4.10Receive Control Register (RCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-16
17.4.11Transmit Control Register (TCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17
17.4.12Physical Address Lower Register (PALR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
17.4.13Physical Address Upper Register (PAUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19
17.4.14Opcode/Pause Duration Register (OPD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19
17.4.15Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register (IAUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20
17.4.16Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register (IALR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20
17.4.17Descriptor Group Upper Address Register (GAUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-21
17.4.18Descriptor Group Lower Address Register (GALR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-21
17.4.19Transmit FIFO Watermark Register (TFWR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-22
17.4.20FIFO Receive Bound Register (FRBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-22
17.4.21FIFO Receive Start Register (FRSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-23
17.4.22Receive Descriptor Ring Start Register (ERDSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-23
17.4.23Transmit Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Registers (ETSDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-24
17.4.24Receive Buffer Size Register (EMRBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-24
17.5 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-25
17.5.1 Buffe r Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-25 Driver/DMA Operation with Buffer Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-25 Ethernet Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-27 Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-29
17.5.2 Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-30
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Freescale Semiconductor xvii Hardware Controlled Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-30
17.5.3 User Initialization (Prior to Setting ECR[ETHER_EN]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-31
17.5.4 Microcontroller Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-32
17.5.5 User Initialization (After Setting ECR[ETHER_EN]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-32
17.5.6 Network Interface Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-32
17.5.7 FEC Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-33 Duplicate Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-34
17.5.8 FEC Frame Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-35
17.5.9 Ethernet Address Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-35
17.5.10Hash Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-38
17.5.11Full Duplex Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-41
17.5.12Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-42
17.5.13Collision Managing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-42
17.5.14MII Internal and External Loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-42
17.5.15Ether net Error-Managing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-42 Transmission Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-43 Reception Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-43
Chapter 18
Watchdog Timer Module
18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1
18.2 Low-Power Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1
18.3 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
18.4 Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
18.5 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
18.5.1 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
18.5.2 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3 Watchdog Control Register (WCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3 Watchdog Modulus Register (WMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-4 Watchdog Count Register (WCNTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-5 Watchdog Service Register (WSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-5
Chapter 19
Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1
19.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1
19.1.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1
19.1.3 Low-Power Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1
19.2 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
19.2.1 PIT Control and Status Register (PCSRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
19.2.2 PIT Modulus Register (PMRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
19.2.3 PIT Count Register (PCNTRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
19.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6
19.3.1 Set-and-Forget Timer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6
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19.3.2 Free-Running Timer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6
19.3.3 Timeout Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-7
19.3.4 Interrupt Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-7
Chapter 20
General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1
20.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
20.3 Low-Power Mode Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
20.4 Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
20.4.1 GPTn[2:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
20.4.2 GPTn3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
20.4.3 SYNCn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4
20.5 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4
20.5.1 GPT Input Capture/Output Compare Select Register (GPTIOS) . . . . . . . . . . 20-5
20.5.2 GPT Compare Force Register (GPCFORC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6
20.5.3 GPT Output Compare 3 Mask Register (GPTOC3M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6
20.5.4 GPT Output Compare 3 Data Register (GPTOC3D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-7
20.5.5 GPT Counter Register (GPTCNT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-7
20.5.6 GPT System Control Register 1 (GPTSCR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-8
20.5.7 GPT Toggle-On-Ov erflow Register (GPTT OV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-9
20.5.8 GPT Control Register 1 (GPTCTL1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-9
20.5.9 GPT Control Register 2 (GPTCTL2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
20.5.10GPT Interrupt Enable Register (GPTIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
20.5.11GPT System Control Register 2 (GPTSCR2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-11
20.5.12GPT Flag Register 1 (GPTFLG1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-12
20.5.13GPT Flag Register 2 (GPTFLG2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-12
20.5.14GPT Channel Registers (GPTCn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-13
20.5.15Pulse Accumulator Control Register (GPTPACTL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
20.5.16Pulse Accumulator Flag Register (GPTPAFLG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-15
20.5.17Pulse Accumulator Counter Register (GPTPACNT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-16
20.5.18GPT Port Data Register (GPTPORT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-16
20.5.19GPT Port Data Direction Register (GPTDDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
20.6 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
20.6.1 Prescaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
20.6.2 Input Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-17
20.6.3 Output Compare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-18
20.6.4 Pulse Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-18
20.6.5 Event Counter Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-18
20.6.6 Gated Time Accumulation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-19
20.6.7 General-Purpose I/O Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-19
20.7 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
20.8 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
20.8.1 GPT Channel Interrupts (CnF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
20.8.2 Pulse Accumulator Overflow (PAOVF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22
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20.8.3 Pulse Accumulator Input (PAIF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22
20.8.4 Timer Overflow (TOF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22
Chapter 21
DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
21.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-1
21.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-1
21.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-2
21.2 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-3
21.2.1 DMA Timer Mode Registers (DTMRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-3
21.2.2 DMA Timer Extended Mode Registers (DTXMRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-5
21.2.3 DMA Timer Event Registers (DTERn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-5
21.2.4 DMA Timer Reference Registers (DTRRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-7
21.2.5 DMA Timer Capture Registers (DTCRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-7
21.2.6 DMA Timer Counters (DTCNn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
21.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
21.3.1 Prescaler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
21.3.2 Capture Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
21.3.3 Reference Compare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-8
21.3.4 Output Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-9
21.4 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-9
21.4.1 Code Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-9
21.4.2 Calculating Time-Out Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-10
Chapter 22
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
22.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1
22.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1
22.1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
22.1.3 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
22.1.4 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
22.2 External Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-2
22.3 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-3
22.3.1 QSPI Mode Register (QMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-3
22.3.2 QSPI Delay Register (QDLYR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-5
22.3.3 QSPI Wrap Register (QWR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-6
22.3.4 QSPI Interrupt Register (QIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-6
22.3.5 QSPI Address Register (QAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-7
22.3.6 QSPI Data Register (QDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-8
22.3.7 Command RAM Registers (QCR0–QCR15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-8
22.4 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-9
22.4.1 QSPI RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-11 Receive RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-11 Transmit RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-12
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xx Freescale Semiconductor Command RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-12
22.4.2 Baud Rate Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-12
22.4.3 Transfer Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-13
22.4.4 Transfer Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-14
22.4.5 Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-14
22.5 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-15
Chapter 23
UART Modules
23.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-1
23.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-1
23.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-2
23.2 External Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-3
23.3 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-3
23.3.1 UART Mode Registers 1 (UMR1n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-5
23.3.2 UART Mode Register 2 (UMR2n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-6
23.3.3 UART Status Registers (USRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-8
23.3.4 UART Clock Select Registe rs (UCSRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-9
23.3.5 UART Command Registers (UCRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-9
23.3.6 UART Receive Buffers (URBn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-11
23.3.7 UART Transmit Buffers (UTBn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-12
23.3.8 UART Input Port Change Registers (UIPCRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-12
23.3.9 UAR T Auxiliary Control Register (UACRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-13
23.3.10UART Interrupt Status/Mask Registers (UISRn/UIMRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-13
23.3.11UAR T Baud Rate Generator Registers (UBG1n/UBG2n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-15
23.3.12UART Input Port Register (UIPn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-15
23.3.13UART Output Port Command Registers (UOP1n/UOP0n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-16
23.4 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-16
23.4.1 Transmitter/Receiver Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-16 Programmable Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-17 Calculating Baud Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-17
23.4.2 Transmitter and Receiver Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-18 Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-18 Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-20 FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-21
23.4.3 Looping Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-22 Automatic Echo Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-23 Local Loopback Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-23 Remote Loopback Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-23
23.4.4 Multidrop Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24
23.4.5 Bus Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26 Read Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26 Write Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26
23.5 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26
23.5.1 Interrupt and DMA Request Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26
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Freescale Semiconductor xxi Setting up the UART to Generate Core Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26 Setting up the UART to Request DMA Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-27
23.5.2 UART Module Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-29
Chapter 24
I2C Interface
24.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1
24.1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1
24.1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-2
24.1.3 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-2
24.2 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-3
24.2.1 I2C Address Register (I2ADR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-3
24.2.2 I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2FDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-3
24.2.3 I2C Control Register (I2CR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-4
24.2.4 I2C Status Register (I2SR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-5
24.2.5 I2C Data I/O Register (I2DR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-6
24.3 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-7
24.3.1 START Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-7
24.3.2 Slave Address Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-8
24.3.3 Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-8
24.3.4 Acknowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-9
24.3.5 STOP Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-9
24.3.6 Repeated START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-9
24.3.7 Clock Synchronization and Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-11
24.3.8 Handshaking and Clock Stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-12
24.4 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-12
24.4.1 Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-12
24.4.2 Generation of START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-12
24.4.3 Post-Transf er Software Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-13
24.4.4 Generation of STOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-13
24.4.5 Generation of Repeated START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-14
24.4.6 Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-14
24.4.7 Arbitration Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-14
Chapter 25
25.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-1
25.1.1 FlexCAN Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-2
25.1.2 External Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-3
25.2 The CAN System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4
25.3 Message Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4
25.3.1 Message Buffer Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4 Common Fields for Extended and Standard Format Frames . . . . . . 25-5 Fields for Extended Format Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-7
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xxii Freescale Semiconductor Fields for Standard Format Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-7
25.3.2 Message Buffer Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-7
25.4 Functional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-8
25.4.1 Transmit Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-8
25.4.2 Receive Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Self-Received Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10
25.4.3 Message Buffer Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Serial Message Buffers (SMBs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Transmit Message Buffer Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Receive Message Buffer Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Locking and Releasing Message Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11
25.4.4 Remote Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11
25.4.5 Overload Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12
25.4.6 Time Stamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12
25.4.7 Listen-Only Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12
25.4.8 Bit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12 Configuring the FlexCAN Bit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-13
25.4.9 FlexCAN Error Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-13
25.4.10FlexCAN Initialization Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-14
25.4.11Special Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-15 Debug Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-15 Low-Power Stop Mode for Power Saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-15 Auto-Power Save Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-17
25.4.12Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-17
25.5 Progr ammer’s Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-17
25.5.1 CAN Module Configuration Register (CANMCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-18
25.5.2 FlexCAN Control Register 0 (CANCTRL0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-20
25.5.3 FlexCAN Control Register 1 (CANCTRL1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-21
25.5.4 Prescaler Divide Register (PRESDIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-22
25.5.5 FlexCAN Control Register 2 (CANCTRL2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-22
25.5.6 Free Running Timer (TIMER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-23
25.5.7 Rx Mask Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-23 Receive Mask Registers (RXGMASK, RX14MASK, RX15MASK) . 25-24
25.5.8 FlexCAN Error and Status Register (ESTAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25
25.5.9 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-27
25.5.10Interrupt Flag Register (IFLAG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-28
25.5.11FlexCAN Receive Error Counter (RXECTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-29
25.5.12FlexCAN Transmit Error Counter (TXECTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-30
Chapter 26
General Purpose I/O Module
26.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-1
26.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-4
26.1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-4
26.1.3 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-4
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26.2 External Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-4
26.3 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-7
26.3.1 Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-7
26.3.2 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-10 Port Output Data Registers (PORTn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-10 Port Data Direction Registers (DDRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-11 Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers (PORTnP/SETn) . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-13 Port Clear Output Data Registers (CLRn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-14 Port B/C/D Pin Assignment Register (PBCDPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-16 Port E Pin Assignment Register (PEPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-17 Port F Pin Assignment Register (PFPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-19 Port J Pin Assignment Register (PJPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-20 Port SD Pin Assignment Register (PSDPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-21 Port AS Pin Assignment Register (PASPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-21 Port EH/EL Pin Assignment Register (PEHLPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-22 Port QS Pin Assignment Register (PQSPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-23 Port TC Pin Assignment Register (PTCPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-24 Port TD Pin Assignment Register (PTDPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-25 Port UA Pin Assignment Register (PUAPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-26
26.4 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27
26.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27
26.4.2 Port Digital I/O Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27
26.5 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28
Chapter 27
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-1
27.2 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-1
27.2.1 Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-1
27.2.2 Single-Chip Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-1
27.3 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-2
27.4 Signal Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-2
27.4.1 RCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-2
27.4.2 CLKMOD[1:0] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-2
27.4.3 D[26:24, 21, 19:16] (Reset Configuration Override) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3
27.5 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3
27.5.1 Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3
27.5.2 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3
27.5.3 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-4 Chip Configuration Register (CCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-4 Reset Configuration Register (RCON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-5 Chip Identification Register (CIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-6
27.6 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-6
27.6.1 Reset Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-7
27.6.2 Chip Mode Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-8
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27.6.3 Boot Device Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-9
27.6.4 Output Pad Strength Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-9
27.6.5 Clock Mode Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-9
27.6.6 Chip Select Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-10
27.7 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-10
27.8 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-10
Chapter 28
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-1
28.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-2
28.3 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-2
28.3.1 Debug Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-2
28.3.2 Stop Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-3
28.4 Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-3
28.4.1 Port QA Signal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-3 Port QA Analog Input Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-4 Port QA Digital Input/Output Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-4
28.4.2 Port QB Signal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-4 Port QB Analog Input Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-4 Port QB Digital I/O Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-5
28.4.3 External Trigger Input Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-5
28.4.4 Multiplexed Address Output Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-5
28.4.5 Multiplexed Analog Input Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-5
28.4.6 Voltage Reference Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-6
28.4.7 Dedicated Analog Supply Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-6
28.4.8 Dedicated Digital I/O Port Supply Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-6
28.5 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-6
28.6 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-7
28.6.1 QADC Module Configuration Register (QADCMCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-7
28.6.2 QADC Test Register (QADCTEST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-8
28.6.3 Port Data Registers (PORTQA & PORTQB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-8
28.6.4 Port QA and QB Data Direction Register (DDRQA & DDRQB) . . . . . . . . . . . 28-9
28.6.5 Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-10 QADC Control Register 0 (QACR0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-10 QADC Control Register 1 (QACR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-12 QADC Control Register 2 (QACR2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-14
28.6.6 Status Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-17 QADC Status Register 0 (QASR0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-17 QADC Status Register 1 (QASR1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-23
28.6.7 Conversion Command Word Table (CCW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-24
28.6.8 Result Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-27 Right-Justified Unsigned Result Register (RJURR) . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-27 Left-Justified Signed Result Register (LJSRR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-27 Left-Justified Unsigned Result Register (LJURR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-28
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28.7 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-28
28.7.1 Result Coherency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-28
28.7.2 External Multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 External Multiplexing Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Module Version Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31
28.7.3 Analog Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31 Analog-to-Digital Converter Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31 Conversion Cycle Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-32 Channel Decode and Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33 Sample Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33 Comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33 Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34 Successive Approximation Register (SAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34 State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34
28.8 Digital Control Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34
28.8.1 Queue Priority Timing Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34 Queue Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-34 Queue Priority Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-36
28.8.2 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-45
28.8.3 Scan Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-46
28.8.4 Disabled Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-47
28.8.5 Reserved Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-47
28.8.6 Single-Scan Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-47 Software-Initiated Single-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-48 Externally Triggered Single-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-48 Externally Gated Single-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-48 Interval Timer Single-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-49
28.8.7 Continuous-Scan Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-49 Software-Initiated Continuous-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-50 Externally Triggered Continuous-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-50 Externally Gated Continuous-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-51 Periodic Timer Continuous-Scan Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-51
28.8.8 QADC Clock (QCLK) Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-52
28.8.9 Periodic/Interval Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-52
28.8.10Conversion Command Word Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-53
28.8.11Result Word Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-55
28.9 Signal Connection Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-56
28.9.1 Analog Reference Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-56
28.9.2 Analog Power Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-56
28.9.3 Conversion Timing Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-58
28.9.4 Analog Supply Filtering and Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-61
28.9.5 Accommodating Positive/Negative Stress Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-62
28.9.6 Analog Input Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-64
28.9.7 Analog Input Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-66 Settling Time for the External Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-67
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xxvi Freescale Semiconductor Error Resulting from Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-67
28.10Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-68
28.10.1Interrupt Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-68
28.10.2Interrupt Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-68
Chapter 29
Reset Controller Module
29.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-1
29.2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-1
29.3 Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-2
29.3.1 RSTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-2
29.3.2 RSTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-2
29.4 Memory Map and Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-2
29.4.1 Reset Control Register (RCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-3
29.4.2 Reset Status Register (RSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-4
29.5 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-5
29.5.1 Reset Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-5 Power-On Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 External Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 Watchdog Timer Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 Loss-of-Clock Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 Loss-of-Lock Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 Software Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6 LVD Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-6
29.5.2 Reset Control Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-7 Synchronous Reset Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-9 Internal Reset Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-9 Power-On Reset/Low-Voltage Detect Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-9
29.5.3 Concurrent Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-9 Reset Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-9 Reset Status Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-10
Chapter 30
Debug Support
30.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1
30.2 Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-2
30.3 Real-Time Trace Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-2
30.3.1 Begin Execution of Taken Branch (PST = 0x5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-4
30.4 Progr amming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-5
30.4.1 Revision A Shared Debug Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-7
30.4.2 Address Attribute Trigger Register (AATR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-7
30.4.3 Address Breakpoint Registers (ABLR, ABHR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-9
30.4.4 Configuration/Status Register (CSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-10
30.4.5 Data Breakpoint/Mask Registers (DBR, DBMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-12
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30.4.6 Program Counter Breakpoint/Mask Registers (PBR, PBMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-13
30.4.7 Trigger Definition Register (TDR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-14
30.5 Background Debug Mode (BDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-16
30.5.1 CPU Halt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-16
30.5.2 BDM Serial Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-18 Receive Packet Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-18 Transmit Packet Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-19
30.5.3 BDM Command Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-19 ColdFire BDM Command Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-20 Command Sequence Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-21 Command Set Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-22
30.6 Real-Time Debug Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-37
30.6.1 Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-37 Emulator Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-38
30.6.2 Concurrent BDM and Processor Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-38
30.7 Processor Status, DDATA Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-39
30.7.1 User Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-39
30.7.2 Supervisor Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-43
30.8 Freescale-Recommended BDM Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-45
Chapter 31
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
31.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-2
31.2 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-2
31.3 External Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-2
31.3.1 Detailed Signal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-2 JTAG_EN — JTAG Enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-2 TCLK — Test Clock Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-3 TMS/BKPT — Test Mode Select / Breakpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-3 TDI/DSI — Test Data Input / Development Serial Input . . . . . . . . . . 31-3 TRST/DSCLK — Test Reset / Development Serial Clock . . . . . . . . 31-3 TDO/DSO — Test Data Output / Development Serial Output . . . . . 31-4
31.4 Memory Map/Register Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4
31.4.1 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4
31.4.2 Register Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4 Instruction Shift Register (IR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4 IDCODE Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-4 Bypass Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5 JTAG_CFM_CLKDIV Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5 TEST_CTRL Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5 Boundary Scan Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5
31.5 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5
31.5.1 JTAG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-5
31.5.2 TAP Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-6
31.5.3 JTAG Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-6
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
xxviii Freescale Semiconductor External Test Instruction (EXTEST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-7 IDCODE Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-7 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-7 TEST_LEAKAGE Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-8 ENABLE_TEST_CTRL Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-8 HIGHZ Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-8 LOCKOUT_RECOVERY Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-8 CLAMP Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-9 BYPASS Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-9
31.6 Initialization/Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-9
31.6.1 Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-9
31.6.2 Nonscan Chain Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-9
Chapter 32
Mechanical Data
32.1 Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-1
32.2 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-9
Chapter 33
Electrical Characteristics
33.1 Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-1
33.2 Thermal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-2
33.3 DC Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-3
33.4 Power Consumption Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-4
33.5 Phase Lock Loop Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-7
33.6 QADC Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-8
33.7 Flash Memory Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-10
33.8 External Interface Timing Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-11
33.9 Processor Bus Output Timing Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-12
33.10General Purpose I/O Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-18
33.11Reset and Configuration Override Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-19
33.12I2C Input/Output Timing Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-20
33.13Fast Ethernet AC Timing Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-21
33.13.1MII Receive Signal Timing (ERXD[3:0], ERXDV, ERXER, and ERXCLK) . . 33-21
33.13.2MII Transmit Signal Timing (ETXD[3:0], ETXEN, ETXER, ETXCLK) . . . . . 33-22
33.13.3MII Async Inputs Signal Timing (ECRS and ECOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-23
33.13.4MII Serial Management Channel Timing (EMDIO and EMDC) . . . . . . . . . . 33-23
33.14DMA Timer Module AC Timing Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-24
33.15QSPI Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-24
33.16JTAG and Boundary Scan Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-25
33.17Debug AC Timing Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-27
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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Appendix A
Register Memory Map
Appendix B
Revision History
B.1 Changes Between Rev. 0 and Rev. 0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
B.2 Changes Between Rev. 0.1 and Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
B.3 Changes Between Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5
B.4 Changes Between Rev. 2 and Rev. 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
B.5 Changes Between Rev. 2.1 and Rev. 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-7
B.6 Changes Between Rev. 2.2 and Rev. 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-7
B.7 Changes Between Rev. 2.3 and Rev. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
xxx Freescale Semiconductor
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor xxxi
About This Book
The primary objective of this users manual is to define the functionality of the MCF5282 processor for
use by software and hardware developers.
The information in this book, except for changes to the flash and Ethernet functionality, also applies to the
MCF5280, MCF5281, MCF5216, and MCF5214.
The information in this book is subject to change without notice, as described in the disclaimers on the title
page. As with any technical documentation, it is the readers responsibility to be sure he is using the most
recent version of the documentation.
To locate any published errata or updates for this document, refer to the world-wide web at
This manual is intended for system software and hardware developers and applications programmers who
want to develop products with the MCF5282. It is assumed that the reader understands operating systems,
microprocessor system design, basic principles of software and hardware, and basic details of the
ColdFire® architecture.
Suggested Reading
This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this manual as well as
general information about the ColdFire architecture.
General Information
The following documentation provides useful information about the ColdFire architecture and computer
architecture in general:
ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual, R1.0 (MCF5200PRM/AD)
Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family, William C. Wray, Ross
Bannatyne, Joseph D. Greenfield
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition, by John L. Hennessy and David
A. Patterson.
Computer Or ganization and Design: The Hardwar e/Software Interface, Second Edition, David A
. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.
ColdFire Documentation
ColdFire documentation is available from the sources listed on the back cover of this manual, as well as
our web site,
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
xxxii Freescale Semiconductor
User s manuals — These books provide details about individual ColdFire implementations and are
intended to be used in conjunction with the ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual.
Data sheets — Data sheets provide specific data regarding pin-out diagrams, bus timing, signal
behavior, and AC, DC, and thermal characteristics, as well as other design considerations.
Product briefs — Each device has a product brief that provides an overview of its features. This
document is roughly equivalent to the overview (Chapter 1) of an device’s reference manual.
Application notes — These short documents address specific design issues useful to programmers
and engineers working with Freescale Semiconductor processors.
Additional literature is published as new processors become available. For a current list of ColdFire
documentation, refer to
This document uses the following notational conventions:
MNEMONICS In text, instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase.
mnemonics In code and tables, instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 Prefix to denote binary number
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations for registers are shown in uppercase. Specific bits, fields, or ranges
appear in brackets. For example, RAMBAR[BA] identifies the base address field
in the RAM base address register.
nibble A 4-bit data unit
byte An 8-bit data unit
word A 16-bit data unit1
longword A 32-bit data unit
x In some contexts, such as signal encodings, x indicates a don’t care.
nUsed to express an undefined numerical value
~NOT logical operator
& AND logical operator
| OR logical operator
1The only exceptions to this appear in the discussion of serial communication modules that supp ort variable-length data
transmission units. To sim plify the discussion these units are referred to as words regardless of length.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 1-1
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of the microprocessor features, including the major functional
1.1 Key Features
A block diagram of the MCF528x and MCF521x is shown in Figure 1-1. The main features are as follows:
Static Version 2 ColdFire variable-length RISC processor
Static operation
On-chip 32-bit address and data path
Processor core and bus frequency up to 80 MHz
Sixteen general-purpose 32-bit data and address registers
ColdFire ISA_A with extensions to support the user stack pointer register, and four new
instructions for improved bit processing
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate (EMAC) unit with four 48-bit accumulators to support 32-bit
signal processing algorithms
Illegal instruction decode that allows for 68K emulation support
System debug support
Real-time trace for determining dynamic execution path
Background debug mode (BDM) for in-circuit debugging
Real time debug support, with one user-visible hardware breakpoint register (PC and address
with optional data) that can be configured into a 1- or 2-level trigger
On-chip memories
2-Kbyte cache, configurable as instruction-only, data-only, or split I-/D-cache
64-Kbyte dual-ported SRAM on CPU internal bus, accessible by core and non-core bus masters
(e.g., DMA, FEC) with standby power supply support
512 Kbytes of interleaved Flash memory supporting 2-1-1-1 accesses
(256 Kbytes on the MCF5281 and MCF5214, no Flash on MCF5280)
This product incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST.
Power management
Fully-static operation with processor sleep and whole chip stop modes
Very rapid response to interrupts from the low-power sleep mode (wake-up feature)
Clock enable/disable for each peripheral when not used
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) (not available on the MCF5214 and MCF5216)
10BaseT capability, half- or full-duplex
100BaseT capability, half- or limited-throughput full-duplex
On-chip transmit and receive FIFOs
Built-in dedicated DMA controller
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
1-2 Freescale Semiconductor
Memory-based flexible descriptor rings
Media-independent interface (MII) to transceiver (PHY)
FlexCAN 2.0B Module
Includes all existing features of the Freescale TouCAN module
Full implementation of the CAN protocol specification version 2.0B
S tandard data and remote frames (up to 109 bits long)
Extended data and remote frames (up to 127 bits long)
0–8 bytes data length
Programmable bit rate up to 1 Mbit/sec
Up to 16 message buffers (MBs)
Configurable as receive (Rx) or transmit (Tx)
Support standard and extended messages
Unused message buffer (MB) space can be used as general-purpose RAM space
Listen-only mode capability
Content-related addressing
No read/write semaphores
Three programmable mask registers
Global (for MBs 0-13)
Special for MB14
Special for MB15
Programmable transmit-first scheme: lowest ID or lowest buffer number
“Time stamp” based on 16-bit free-running timer
Global network time, synchronized by a specific message
Programmable I/O modes
Maskable interrupts
Three universal asynchronous/synchronous receiver transmitters (UARTs)
16-bit divider for clock generation
Interrupt control logic
Maskable interrupts
DMA support
Data formats can be 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits with even, odd, or no parity
Up to 2 stop bits in 1/16 increments
Error-detection capabilities
Modem support includes request-to-send (URTS) and clear-to-send (UCTS) lines for two
Transmit and receive FIFO buffers
2C module
Interchip bus interface for EEPROMs, LCD controllers, A/D converters, and keypads
Fully compatible with industry-standard I2C bus
Master or slave modes support multiple masters
Automatic interrupt generation with programmable level
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Queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI)
Full-duplex, three-wire synchronous transfers
Up to four chip selects available
Master mode operation only
Programmable master bit rates
Up to 16 pre-programmed transfers
Queued analog-to-digital converter (QADC)
8 direct, or up to 18 multiplexed, analog input channels
10-bit resolution +/- 2 counts accuracy
Minimum 7 μS conversion time
Internal sample and hold
Programmable input sample time for various source impedances
Two conversion command queues with a total of 64 entries
Sub-queues possible using pause mechanism
Queue complete and pause software interrupts available on both queues
Queue pointers indicate current location for each queue
Automated queue modes initiated by:
External edge trigger and gated trigger
Periodic/interval timer, within QADC module [Queue 1 and 2]
Software command
Single-scan or continuous-scan of queues
Output data readable in three formats:
Right-justified unsigned
Left-justified signed
Left-justified unsigned
Unused analog channels can be used as digital I/O
Low pin-count configuration implemented
Four 32-bit DMA timers
15-ns resolution at 80 MHz (66 MHz for MCF5214 and MCF5216)
Programmable sources for clock input, including an external clock option
Programmable prescaler
Input-capture capability with programmable trigger edge on input pin
Output-compare with programmable mode for the output pin
Free run and restart modes
Maskable interrupts on input capture or reference-compare
DMA trigger capability on input capture or reference-compare
Two 4-channel general purpose timers
Four 16-bit input capture/output compare channels per timer
16-bit architecture
Programmable prescaler
Pulse widths variable from microseconds to seconds
Single 16-bit pulse accumulator
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
1-4 Freescale Semiconductor
Toggle-on-overflow feature for pulse-width modulator (PWM) generation
One dual-mode pulse accumulation channel per timer
Four periodic interrupt timers (PITs)
16-bit counter
Selectable as free running or count down
Software watchdog timer
16-bit counter
Low-power mode support
Phase locked loop (PLL)
Crystal or external oscillator reference
2- to 10-MHz reference frequency for normal PLL mode
33- to 80-MHz (66 MHz for MCF5214/16) oscillator reference frequency for 1:1 mode
Low-power modes supported
Separate clock output pin
Two interrupt controllers
Support for up to 63 interrupt sources per interrupt controller (a total of 126), organized as
56 fully-programmable interrupt sources
7 fixed-level interrupt sources
Seven external interrupt signals
Unique vector number for each interrupt source
Ability to mask any individual interrupt source or all interrupt sources (global mask-all)
Support for hardware and software interrupt acknowledge (IACK) cycles
Combinatorial path to provide wake-up from low-power modes
DMA controller
Four fully programmable channels
Dual-address transfer support with 8-, 16- and 32-bit data capability along with support for
16-byte (4 x 32-bit) burst transfers
Source/destination address pointers that can increment or remain constant
24-bit byte transfer counter per channel
Auto-alignment transfers supported for efficient block movement
Bursting and cycle steal support
Software-programmable connections between the 1 1 DMA requesters in the UAR T s (3), 32-bit
timers (4) plus external logic (4) and the four DMA channels
External bus interface
Glueless connections to external memory devices (e.g., SRAM, Flash, ROM, etc.)
SDRAM controller supports 8-, 16-, and 32-bit wide memory devices
Glueless interface to SRAM devices with or without byte strobe inputs
Programmable wait state generator
32-bit bidirectional data bus
24-bit address bus
Up to seven chip selects available
Byte/write enables (byte strobes)
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Ability to boot from internal Flash memory or external memories that are 8, 16, or 32 bits wide
Separate reset in and reset out signals
Seven sources of reset:
Power-on reset (POR)
Loss of clock
Loss of lock
Low-voltage detection (LVD)
Status flag indication of source of last reset
Chip integration module (CIM)
System configuration during reset
Support for single chip, master, and test modes
Selects one of four clock modes
Sets boot device and its data port width
Configures output pad drive strength
Unique part identification number and part revision number
General purpose I/O interface
Up to 142 bits of general purpose I/O for MCF5280/1/2
Up to 134 bits of general purpose I/O for MCF5214/6
Coherent 32-bit control
Bit manipulation supported via set/clear functions
Unused peripheral pins may be used as extra GPIO
JTAG support for system-level board testing
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
1-6 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 1-1. MCF528x and MCF521x Block Diagram
ColdFire V2 Core
Debug Module
Clock Module
Edgeport Interrupt
Controller 0
Controller 1
Timer A
Internal Bus
Module (SCM)
Module 64K
Not present on
MCF5214 and
Not present
on MCF5 28 0
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 1-7
1.1.1 Version 2 ColdFire Core
The processor core is comprised of two separate pipelines that are decoupled by an instruction buf fer. The
two-stage instruction fetch pipeline (IFP) is responsible for instruction-address generation and instruction
fetch. The instruction buffer is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) buf fer that holds prefetched instructions awaiting
execution in the operand execution pipeline (OEP). The OEP includes two pipeline stages. The first stage
decodes instructions and selects operands (DSOC); the second stage (AGEX) performs instruction
execution and calculates operand effective addresses, if needed.
The V2 core implements the ColdFire instruction set architecture revision A with added support for a
separate user stack pointer register and four new instructions to assist in bit processing. Additionally, the
MCF5282 core includes the enhanced multiply-accumulate unit (EMAC) for improved signal processing
capabilities. The EMAC implements a 4-stage execution pipeline, optimized for 32 x 32 bit operations,
with support for four 48-bit accumulators. Supported operands include 16- and 32-bit signed and unsigned
integers, signed fractional operands, and a complete set of instructions to process these data types. The
EMAC provides superb support for execution of DSP operations within the context of a single processor
at a minimal hardware cost. Cache
The 2-Kbyte cache can be configured into one of three possible organizations: a 2-Kbyte instruction cache,
a 2-Kbyte data cache or a split 1-Kbyte instruction/1-Kbyte data cache. The configuration is
software-programmable by control bits within the privileged cache configuration register (CACR). In all
configurations, the cache is a direct-mapped single-cy cle memory , or ganized as 128 lines, each containing
16 bytes of data. The memories consist of a 128-entry tag array (containing addresses and control bits) and
a 2-Kbyte data array, organized as 512 x 32 bits. The tag and data arrays are accessed in parallel using the
following address bits:
If the desired address is mapped into the cache memory, the output of the data array is driven onto the
ColdFire core's local data bus, completing the access in a single cycle. If the data is not mapped into the
tag memory, a cache miss occurs and the processor core initiates a 16-byte line-sized fetch. The cache
module includes a 16-byte line fill buffer used as temporary storage during miss processing. For all data
cache configurations, the memory operates in write-through mode and all operand writes generate an
external bus cycle. SRAM
The SRAM module provides a general-purpose 64-Kbyte memory block that the ColdFire core can access
in a single cycle. The location of the memory block can be set to any 64-Kbyte boundary within the
4-Gbyte address space. The memory is ideal for storing critical code or data structures, for use as the
system stack, or for storing FEC data buffers. Because the SRAM module is physically connected to the
processor's high-speed local bus, it can quickly service core-initiated accesses or memory-referencing
commands from the debug module.
Table 1-1. Cache Configuration
Configuration Tag Address Data Array Address
2 Kbyte I-Cache [10:4] [10:2]
2 Kbyte D-Cache [10:4] [10:2]
Split I-/D-Cache 0
Instruction Fetches
Operand Accesses 0, [9:4]
1, [9:4] 0, [9:2]
1, [9:2]
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
1-8 Freescale Semiconductor
The SRAM module is also accessible by non-core bus masters, for example the DMA and/or the FEC. The
dual-ported nature of the SRAM makes it ideal for implementing applications with double-buffer schemes,
where the processor and a DMA device operate in alternate regions of the SRAM to maximize system
performance. As an example, system performance can be increased significantly if Ethernet packets are
moved from the FEC into the SRAM (rather than external memory) prior to any processing. Flash
This product incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST . The ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
is a non-volatile memory (NVM) module for integration with the processor core. The CFM is constructed
with eight banks of 32K x 16-bit Flash arrays to generate 512 Kbytes of 32-bit Flash memory
The CFM on the MCF5281 and MCF5214 is constructed with four banks of
32K x 16-bit Flash arrays to generate 256 Kbytes of 32-bit Flash memory.
The MCF5280 does not contain a CFM.
These arrays serve as electrically erasable and programmable, non-volatile program and data memory. The
Flash memory is ideal for program and data storage for single-chip applications allowing for field
reprogramming without requiring an external programming voltage source. The CFM interfaces to the
V2 ColdFire core through an optimized read-only memory controller which supports interleaved accesses
from the 2-cycle Flash arrays. A “backdoor” mapping of the Flash memory is used for all program, erase,
and verify operations. It also provides a read datapath for non-core masters (for example, DMA). Debug Module
The ColdFire processor core debug interface is provided to support system debugging in conjunction with
low-cost debug and emulator development tools. Through a standard debug interface, users can access
real-time trace and debug information. This allows the processor and system to be debugged at full speed
without the need for costly in-circuit emulators. The debug interface is a superset of the BDM interface
provided on Freescale’s 683xx family of parts.
The on-chip breakpoint resources include a total of 6 programmable registers—a set of address registers
(with two 32-bit registers), a set of data registers (with a 32-bit data register plus a 32-bit data mask
register), and one 32-bit PC register plus a 32-bit PC mask register . These registers can be accessed through
the dedicated debug serial communication channel or from the processors supervisor mode programming
model. The breakpoint registers can be configured to generate triggers by combining the address, data, and
PC conditions in a variety of single or dual-level definitions. The trigger event can be programmed to
generate a processor halt or initiate a debug interrupt exception.
To support program trace, the Version 2 debug module provides processor status (PST[3:0]) and debug
data (DDATA[3:0]) ports. These buses and the CLKOUT output provide execution status, captured
operand data, and branch target addresses defining the dynamic execution path of the processor at the
CPU’s clock rate.
1.1.2 System Control Module
This section details the functionality of the System Control Module (SCM) which provides the
programming model for the System Access Control Unit (SACU), the system bus arbiter, a 32-bit Core
Watchdog Timer (CWT), and the system control registers and logic. Specifically, the system control
includes the internal peripheral system base address register (IPSBAR), the processors dual-port RAM
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base address register (RAMBAR), and system control registers that include low-power and core watchdog
timer control.
1.1.3 External Interface Module (EIM)
The external interface module handles the transfer of information between the internal core and memory,
peripherals, or other processing elements in the external address space.
Programmable chip-select outputs provide signals to enable external memory and peripheral circuits,
providing all handshaking and timing signals for automatic wait-state insertion and data bus sizing.
Base memory address and block size are programmable, with some restrictions. For example, the starting
address must be on a boundary that is a multiple of the block size. Each chip select can be configured to
provide read and write enable signals suitable for use with most popular static RAMs and peripherals. Data
bus width (8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit) is programmable on all chip selects, and further decoding is available
for protection from user mode access or read-only access.
1.1.4 Chip Select
Programmable chip select outputs provide a glueless connection to external memory and peripheral
circuits, providing all handshaking and timing signals for automatic wait-state insertion and data bus
1.1.5 Power Management
The MCF5282 incorporates several low-power modes of operation which are entered under program
control and exited by several external trigger events. An integrated Power-On Reset (POR) circuit
monitors the input supply and forces an MCU reset as the supply voltage rises. The Low Voltage Detect
(LVD) section monitors the supply voltage and is configurable to force a reset or interrupt condition if it
falls below the LVD trip point. The RAM standby switch provides power to RAM when the supply voltage
is higher than the standby voltage. If the supply voltage to chip falls below the standby battery voltage, the
RAM is switched over to the standby supply.
1.1.6 General Input/Output Ports
All of the pins associated with the external bus inte rface may be used for several different functions. Their
primary function is to provide an external memory interface to access off-chip resources. When not used
for this function, all of the pins may be used as general-purpose digital I/O pins. In some cases, the pin
function is set by the operating mode, and the alternate pin functions are not supported.
The digital I/O pins on the MCF5282 are grouped into 8-bit ports. Some ports do not use all eight bits.
Each port has registers that configure, monitor, and control the port pins.
1.1.7 Interrupt Controllers (INTC0/INTC1)
There are two interrupt controllers on the MCF5282, each of which can support up to 63 interrupt sources
for a total of 126. Each interrupt controller is or ganized as 7 levels with 9 interrupt sources per level. Each
interrupt source has a unique interrupt vector, and 56 of the 63 sources of a given controller provide a
programmable level [1-7] and priority within the level.
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1.1.8 SDRAM Controller
The SDRAM controller provides all required signals for glueless interfacing to a variety of
JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices. SRAS/SCAS address multiplexing is software configurable for
different page sizes. To maintain refresh capability without conflicting with concurrent accesses on the
address and data buses, SRAS, SCAS, DRAMW, SDRAM_CS[1:0], and SCKE are dedicated SDRAM
1.1.9 Test Access Port
The MCF5282 supports circuit board test strategies based on the Test Technology Committee of IEEE and
the Joint T est Action Group (JTAG). The test logic includes a test access port (TAP) consisting of a 16-state
controller, an instruction register, and three test registers (a 1-bit bypass register, a 256-bit boundary-scan
register , and a 32-bit ID register). The boundary scan register links the device’s pins into one shift register.
Test logic, implemented using static logic design, is independent of the device system logic.
The MCF5282 implementation supports the following:
Perform boundary-scan operations to test circuit board electrical continuity
Sample MCF5282 system pins during operation and transparently shift out the result in the
boundary scan register
Bypass the MCF5282 for a given circuit board test by effectively reducing the boundary-scan
register to a single bit
Disable the output drive to pins during circuit-board testing
Drive output pins to stable levels
1.1.10 UART Modules
The MCF5282 contains three full-duplex UARTs that function independently. The three UARTs can be
clocked by the system clock, eliminating the need for an external crystal.
Each UART has the following features:
Each can be clocked by the system clock, eliminating a need for an external UART clock
Full-duplex asynchronous/synchronous receiver/transmitter channel
Quadruple-buffered receiver
Double-buffered transmitter
Independently programmable receiver and transmitter clock sources
Programmable data format:
5–8 data bits plus parity
Odd, even, no parity, or force parity
One, one-and-a-half, or two stop bits
Each channel programmable to normal (full-duplex), automatic echo, local loop-back, or remote
loop-back mode
Automatic wake-up mode for multidrop applications
Four maskable interrupt conditions
All three UARTs have DMA request capability
Parity, framing, and overrun error detection
False-start bit detection
Line-break detection and generation
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Detection of breaks originating in the middle of a character
Start/end break interrupt/status
1.1.11 DMA Timers (DTIM0-DTIM3)
There are four independent, DMA-transfer-generating 32-bit timers (DTIM0, DTIM1, DTIM2, DTIM3)
on the MCF5282. Each timer module incorporates a 32-bit timer with a separate register set for
configuration and control. The timers can be configured to operate from the system clock or from an
external clock source using one of the DTINx signals. If the system clock is selected, it can be divided by
16 or 1. The selected clock is further divided by a user-programmable 8-bit prescaler which clocks the
actual timer counter register (TCRn). Each of these timers can be configured for input capture or reference
compare mode. By configuring the internal registers, each timer may be configured to assert an external
signal, generate an interrupt on a particular event, or cause a DMA transfer.
1.1.12 General-Purpose Timers (GPTA/GPTB)
The two general-purpose timers (GPTA and GPTB) are 4-channel timer modules. Each timer consists of a
16-bit programmable counter driven by a 7-stage programmable prescaler. Each of the four channels for
each timer can be configured for input capture or output compare. Additionally, one of the channels,
channel 3, can be configured as a pulse accumulator.
A timer overflow function allows software to extend the timing capability of the system beyond the 16-bit
range of the counter. The input capture and output compare functions allow simultaneous input waveform
measurements and output waveform generation. The input capture function can capture the time of a
selected transition edge. The output compare function can generate output waveforms and timer software
delays. The 16-bit pulse accumulator can operate as a simple event counter or a gated time accumulator.
1.1.13 Periodic Interrupt Timers (PIT0-PIT3)
The four periodic interrupt timers (PIT0, PIT1, PIT2, PIT3) are 16-bit timers that provide precise interrupts
at regular intervals with minimal processor intervention. Each timer can either count down from the value
written in its PIT modulus register, or it can be a free-running down-counter.
1.1.14 Software Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer is a 16-bit timer that facilitates recovery from runaway code. The watchdog counter
is a free-running down-counter that generates a reset on underflow. To prevent a reset, software must
periodically restart the countdown.
1.1.15 Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
The clock module contains a crystal oscillator (OSC), phase-locked loop (PLL), reduced frequency divider
(RFD), status/control registers, and control logic. To improve noise immunity, the PLL and OSC have their
own power supply inputs, VDDPLL and VSSPLL. All other circuits are powered by the normal supply
pins, VDD and VSS.
1.1.16 DMA Controller
The Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller module provides an efficient way to move blocks of data
with minimal processor interaction. The DMA module provides four channels (DMA0–DMA3) that allow
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byte, word, longword or 16-byte burst line transfers. These transfers are triggered by software, explicitly
setting a DCRn[START] bit or the occurrence of a hardware event from one of the on-chip peripheral
devices, such as a capture event or an output reference event in a DMA timer (DTIMn) for each channel.
The DMA controller supports dual-address mode to on-chip devices.
1.1.17 Reset
The reset controller is provided to determine the cause of reset, assert the appropriate reset signals to the
system, and keep track of what caused the last reset. The power management registers for the internal
low-voltage detect (LVD) circuit are implemented in the reset module. There are seven sources of reset:
Power-on reset (POR)
Watchdog timer
Phase-locked loop (PLL) loss of lock
PLL loss of clock
Low-voltage detection (LVD) reset
External reset on the RSTO pin is software-assertable independent of chip reset state. There are also
software-readable status flags indicating the cause of the last reset, and LVD control and status bits for
setup and use of LVD reset or interrupt.
1.2 MCF5282-Specific Features
1.2.1 Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
The MCF5282’s integrated Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) performs the full set of IEEE 802.3/Ethernet
CSMA/CD media access control and channel interface functions. The FEC supports connection and
functionality for the 10/100 Mbps 802.3 media independent interface (MII). It requires an external
transceiver (PHY) to complete the interface to the media.
The MCF5214 and MCF5216 devices do not contain an FEC module.
1.2.2 FlexCAN
The FlexCAN module is a communication controller implementing the CAN protocol. The CAN protocol
can be used as an industrial control serial data bus, meeting the specific requirements of real-time
processing, reliable operation in a harsh EMI environment, cost-effectiveness, and required bandwidth.
FlexCAN contains 16 message buffers.
1.2.3 I2C Bus
The I2C bus is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data
exchange, minimizing the interconnection between devices. This bus is suitable for applications requiring
occasional communications over a short distance between many devices.
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1.2.4 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
The queued serial peripheral interface module provides a synchronous serial peripheral interface with
queued transfer capability. It allows up to 16 transfers to be queued at once, eliminating CPU intervention
between transfers.
1.2.5 Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
The QADC is a 10-bit, unipolar, successive approximation converter. A maximum of 8 analog input
channels can be supported using internal multiplexing. A maximum of 18 input channels can be supported
in the internal/external multiplexed mode.
The QADC consists of an analog front-end and a digital control subsystem. The analog section includes
input pins, an analog multiplexer, and sample and hold analog circuits. The analog conversion is performed
by the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) resistor-capacitor array and a high-gain comparator.
The digital control section contains queue control logic to sequence the conversion process and interrupt
generation logic. Also included are the periodic/interval timer, control and status registers, the 64-entry
conversion command word (CCW) table, and the 64-entry result table.
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Chapter 2
ColdFire Core
2.1 Introduction
This section describes the organization of the Version 2 (V2) ColdFire® processor core and an overview
of the program-visible registers. For detailed information on instructions, see the ISA_A+ definition in the
ColdFire Family Programmers Reference Manual.
2.1.1 Overview
As with all ColdFire cores, the V2 ColdFire core is comprised of two separate pipelines decoupled by an
instruction buffer.
Figure 2-1. V2 ColdFire Core Pipelines
The instruction fetch pipeline (IFP) is a two-stage pipeline for prefetching instructions. The prefetched
instruction stream is then gated into the two-stage operand execution pipeline (OEP), which decodes the
Decode & Select,
Instruction Buffer
Fetch Cycle
Operand Fetch
Address [ :0]
Read Data[31:0]
Write Data[31:0]
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instruction, fetches the required operands and then executes the required function. Because the IFP and
OEP pipelines are decoupled by an instruction buf fer serving as a FIFO queue, the IFP is able to prefetch
instructions in advance of their actual use by the OEP thereby minimizing time stalled waiting for
The V2 ColdFire core pipeline stages include the following:
Two-stage instruction fetch pipeline (IFP) (plus optional instruction buffer stage)
Instruction address generation (IAG) — Calculates the next prefetch address
Instruction fetch cycle (IC)—Initiates prefetch on the processor’s local bus
Instruction buffer (IB) — Optional buffer stage minimizes fetch latency effects using FIFO
Two-stage operand execution pipeline (OEP)
Decode and select/operand fetch cycle (DSOC)—Decodes instructions and fetches the
required components for effective address calculation, or the operand fetch cycle
Address generation/execute cycle (AGEX)—Calculates operand address or executes the
When the instruction buffer is empty, opcodes are loaded directly from the IC cycle into the operand
execution pipeline. If the buffer is not empty, the IFP stores the contents of the fetched instruction in the
IB until it is required by the OEP.
For register-to-register and register -to-memory store operations , the instruction passes through both OEP
stages once. For memory-to-register and read-modify-write memory operations, an instruction is
effectively staged through the OEP twice: the first time to calculate the effective address and initiate the
operand fetch on the processors local bus, and the second time to complete the operand reference and
perform the required function defined by the instruction.
The resulting pipeline and local bus structure allow the V2 ColdFire core to deliver sustained high
performance across a variety of demanding embedded applications.
2.2 Memory Map/Register Description
The following sections describe the processor registers in the user and supervisor programming models.
The programming model is selected based on the processor privilege level (user mode or supervisor mode)
as defined by the S bit of the status register (SR). Table 2-1 lists the processor registers.
The user-programming model consists of the following registers:
16 general-purpose 32-bit registers (D0–D7, A0–A7)
32-bit program counter (PC)
8-bit condition code register (CCR)
EMAC registers :
Four 48-bit accumulator registers partitioned as follows:
Four 32-bit accumulators (ACC0–ACC3)
Eight 8-bit accumulator extension bytes (two per accumulator). These are grouped into two
32-bit values for load and store operations (ACCEXT01 and ACCEXT23).
(described fully in Chapter 3, “Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC
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Accumulators and extension bytes can be loaded, copied, and stored, and results from EMAC
arithmetic operations generally affect the entire 48-bit destination.
One 16-bit mask register (MASK)
One 32-bit Status register (MACSR) including four indicator bits signaling product or
accumulation overflow (one for each accumulator: PAV0–PAV3)
The supervisor programming model is to be used only by system control software to implement res tricted
operating system functions, I/O control, and memory management. All accesses that affect the control
features of ColdFire processors are in the supervisor programming model, which consists of registers
available in user mode as well as the following control registers:
16-bit status register (SR)
32-bit supervisor stack pointer (SSP)
32-bit vector base register (VBR)
32-bit cache control register (CACR)
32-bit access control registers (ACR0, ACR1)
Table 2-1. ColdFire Core Programming Model
BDM1Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Written with
MOVEC Section/Page
Supervisor/User Access Registers
Load: 0x080
Store: 0x180 Data Register 0 (D0) 32 R/W 0xCF20_6080 No 2.2.1/2-4
Load: 0x081
Store: 0x181 Data Register 1 (D1) 32 R/W 0x13B0_1080 No 2.2.1/2-4
Load: 0x082–7
Store: 0x182–7 Data Register 2–7 (D2–D7) 32 R/W Undefined No 2.2.1/2-4
Load: 0x088–8E
Store: 0x188–8E Address Register 0–6 (A0–A6) 32 R/W Undefined No 2.2.2/2-4
Load: 0x08F
Store: 0x18F Supervisor/User A7 Stack Pointer (A7) 32 R/W Undefined No 2.2.3/2-5
0x804 MAC Status Register (MACSR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 No 3.2.1/3-3
0x805 MAC Address Mask Register (MASK) 32 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF No 3.2.2/3-5
0x806, 0x809,
0x80A, 0x80B MAC Accumulators 0–3 (ACC0–3) 32 R/W Undefined No 3.2.3/3-6
0x807 MAC Accumulator 0,1 Extension By te s
(ACCext01) 32 R/W Undefined No 3.2.4/3-7
0x808 MAC Accumulator 2,3 Extension By te s
(ACCext23) 32 R/W Undefined No 3.2.4/3-7
0x80E Condition Code Register (CCR) 8 R/W Undefined No 2.2.4/2-6
Two 32-bit memory base address registers (RAMBAR, FLASHBAR)
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2.2.1 Data Registers (D0–D7)
D0–D7 data registers are for bit (1-bit), byte (8-bit), word (16-bit) and longword (32-bit) operations; they
can also be used as index registers.
Registers D0 and D1 contain hardware configuration details afte r reset. See
Section, “Reset Exception” for more details.
2.2.2 Address Registers (A0–A6)
These registers can be used as software stack pointers, index registers, or base address registers. They ca n
also be used for word and longword operations.
0x80F Program Counter (PC) 32 R/W Contents of
No 2.2.5/2-7
Supervisor Access Only Registers
0x002 Cache Control Register (CACR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 Yes 2.2.6/2-7
0x004–5 Access Control Register 0–1 (ACR0–1) 32 R/W See Section Yes 2.2.7/2-7
0x800 User/Super visor A7 Stack Pointer
(OTHER_A7) 32 R/W Contents of
No 2.2.3/2-5
0x801 Vector Base Register (VBR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 Yes 2.2.8/2-7
0x80E Status Register (SR) 16 R/W 0x27-- No 2.2.9/2-8
0xC04 Flash Base Address Register
(FLASHBAR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 Yes 2.2.10/2-8
0xC05 RAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR) 32 R/W See Section Yes 2.2.10/2-8
1The values listed in this column represent the Rc field used when accessing the core registers via the BDM port. For more
information see Chapter 30, “Debug Support”.
BDM: Load: 0x080 + n; n = 0-7 (Dn)
Store: 0x180 + n; n = 0-7 (Dn)Access: User read/write
BDM read/wr ite
(D2-D7) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
(D0, D1) See Section, “Reset Exception”
Figure 2-2. Data Registers (D0–D7)
Table 2-1. ColdFire Core Programming Model (continued)
BDM1Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Written with
MOVEC Section/Page
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2.2.3 Super visor/User Stack Pointers (A7 and OTHER_A7)
This ColdFire architecture supports two independent stack pointer (A7) registers—the supervisor stack
pointer (SSP) and the user stack pointer (USP). The hardware implementation of these two
program-visible 32-bit registers does not identify one as the SSP and the other as the USP. Instead, the
hardware uses one 32-bit register as the active A7 and the other as OTHER_A7. Thus, the register contents
are a function of the processor operation mode, as shown in the following:
if SR[S] = 1
then A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
OTHER_A7 = User Stack Pointer
else A7 = User Stack Pointer
OTHER_A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
The BDM programming model supports direct reads and writes to A7 and OTHER_A7. It is the
responsibility of the external development system to determine, based on the setting of SR[S], the mapping
of A7 and OTHER_A7 to the two program-visible definitions (SSP and USP). This functionality is
enabled by setting the enable user stack pointer bit, CACR[EUSP]. If this bit is cleared, only a single stack
pointer (A7), defined for ColdFire ISA_A, is available. EUSP is cleared at reset.
To support dual stack pointers, the following two supervisor instructions are included in the ColdFire
instruction set architecture to load/store the USP:
move.l Ay,USP;move to USP
move.l USP,Ax;move from USP
These instructions are described in the ColdFire Family Programmers Reference Manual. All other
instruction references to the stack pointer, explicit or implicit, access the active A7 register.
The SSP is loaded during reset exception processing with the contents of
location 0x0000_0000.
BDM: Load: 0x088 + n; n =06 (An)
Store: 0x188 + n; n =06 (An)Access: User read/write
BDM read/wr ite
Figure 2 -3 . Addr es s Re gi st ers (A0–A 6 )
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2.2.4 Condition Code Register (CCR)
The CCR is the LSB of the processor status register (SR). Bits 4–0 act as indicator flags for results
generated by processor operations. The extend bit (X) is also an input operand during multiprecision
arithmetic computations. The CCR register must be explicitly loaded after reset and before any compare
(CMP), Bcc, or Scc instructions are executed.
BDM: Load: 0x08F (A7)
Store: 0x18F (A7)
0x800 (OTHER_A7)
Access: A7: User or BDM read/write
OTHER_A7: Supervisor or BDM read/write
Figure 2-4. Stack Pointer Registers (A7 and OTHER_A7)
BDM: LSB of Status Register (SR) Access: User read/write
BDM read/write
R 0 0 0 X N Z V C
Reset:0 0 0 —————
Figure 2-5. Condition Code Register (CCR)
Table 2-2. CCR Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–5 Reserved, must be cleared.
XExtend condition code bit. Set to the C-bit value f or arithmetic operations; otherwise not affected or set to a specified
NNegative condition code bit. Set if most significant bit of the result is set; otherwise cleared.
ZZero condition code bit. Set if result equals zero; otherwise cleared.
VOverflow condition code bit. Set if an arithmetic overflow occurs implying the result cannot be represented in operand
size; otherwise cleared.
CCarry condition code bit. Set if a carry out of the operand msb occurs for an addition or if a borrow occurs in a
subtraction; otherwise cleared.
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2.2.5 Program Counter (PC)
The PC contains the currently executing instruction address. During instruction execution and exception
processing, the processor automatically increments contents of the PC or places a new value in the PC, as
appropriate. The PC is a base address for PC-relative operand addressing.
The PC is initially loaded during reset exception processing with the contents of location 0x0000_0004.
2.2.6 Cache Control Register (CACR)
The CACR controls operation of the instruction/data cache memories. It includes bits for enabling,
freezing, and invalidating cache contents. It also includes bits for defining the default cache mode and
write-protect fields. The CACR is described in Section 4.2.1, “Cache Control Register (CACR).”
2.2.7 Access Control Registers (ACRn)
The access control registers define attributes for user-defined memory regions. These attributes include the
definition of cache mode, write protect, and buffer write enables. The ACRs are described in Section 4.2.2,
“Access Control Registers (ACR0, ACR1).”
2.2.8 Vector Base Register (VBR)
The VBR contains the base address of the exception vector table in memory. To access the vector table,
the displacement of an exception vector is added to the value in VBR. The lower 20 bits of the VBR are
not implemented by ColdFire processors. They are assumed to be zero, forcing the table to be aligned on
a 1 MB boundary.
BDM: 0x80F (PC) Access: User read/write
BDM read/wr ite
Figure 2-6. Program Counter Register (PC)
BDM: 0x801 (VBR) Access: Supervisor read/wr ite
BDM read/wr ite
RBase Address 00000000000000000 0 00
Figure 2-7. Vector Base Register (VBR)
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2.2.9 Status Register (SR)
The SR stores the processor status and includes the CCR, the interrupt priority mask, and other control
bits. In supervisor mode, software can access the entire SR. In user mode, only the lower 8 bits (CCR) are
accessible. The control bits indicate the following states for the process or: trace mode (T bit), supervisor
or user mode (S bit), and master or interrupt state (M bit). All defined bits in the SR have read/write access
when in supervisor mode. The lower byte of the SR (the CCR) must be loaded explicitly after reset and
before any compare (CMP), Bcc, or Scc instructions execute.
BDM: 0x80E (SR) Access: Supervisor read/write
BDM read/write
System Byte Condition Co de Register (CCR)
Figure 2-8. Status Register (SR)
Table 2-3. SR Field Descriptions
Field Description
TTrace enable. When set, the processor performs a trace exception after every instruction.
14 Reserved, must be cleared.
SSupervisor/user state.
0User mode
1 Supervisor mode
MMaster/interrupt state. Bit is cleared by an interrupt exception and software can set it during ex ecution of the RT E or
move to SR instructions.
11 Reserved, must be cleared.
IInterrupt level mask. Defines current interrupt lev el. Interrupt requests are inhibited for all priority le v els less than or
equal to current level, except edge-sensitive level 7 requests, which cannot be masked.
CCR Ref er to Section 2.2.4, “Condition Code Register (CCR)”.
2.2.10 Memory Base Address Registers (RAMBA R, FLASHBAR)
The memory base address registers are used to specify the base address of the internal SRAM and flash
modules and indicate the types of references mapped to each. Each base address register includes a base
address, write-protect bit, address space mask bits, and an enable bit. FLASHBAR determines the base
address of the on-chip flash, and RAMBAR determines the base address of the on-chip RAM. For more
information, refer to Section 5.3.1, “SRAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR)” and Section 6.3.2,
“Flash Base Address Register (FLASHBAR)”.
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2.3 Functional Description
2.3.1 Version 2 ColdFire Microarchitecture
From the block diagram in Figure 2-1, the non-Harvard architecture of the processor is readily apparent.
The processor interfaces to the local memory subsystem via a single 32-bit address and two unidirectional
32-bit data buses. This structure minimizes the core size without compromising performance to a large
A more detailed view of the hardware structure within the two pipelines is presented in Figure 2-9 and
Figure 2-10 below. In these diagrams, the internal structure of the instruction fetch and operand execution
pipelines is shown:
Figure 2-9. Version 2 ColdFire Processor Instruction Fetch Pipeline Diagram
Core Bus
Core Bus
Read Data
Extension 1
Extension 2
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Figure 2-10. Version 2 ColdFire Processor Operand Execution Pipeline Diagram
The instruction fetch pipe line prefet ches instructions from local memory using a two-stage structure. For
sequential prefetches, the next instruction address is generated by adding four to the last prefetch address.
This function is performed during the IAG stage and the resulting prefetch address gated onto the core bus
(if there are no pending operand memory accesses assigned a higher priority). After the prefetch address
is driven onto the core bus, the instruction fetch cycle accesses the appropriate local memory and returns
the instruction read data back to the IFP during the cycle. If the accessed data is not present in a local
memory (e.g., an instruction cache miss, or an external access cycle is required), the IFP is stalled in the
IC stage until the referenced data is available. As the prefetch data arrives in the IFP, it can be loaded into
the FIFO instruction buffer or gated directly into the OEP.
The V2 design uses a simple static conditional branch prediction algorithm (forward-assumed as
not-taken, backward-assumed as taken), and all change-of-flow operations are calculated by the OEP and
the target instruction address fed back to the IFP.
The IFP and OEP are decoupled by the FIFO instruction buffer, allowing instruction prefetching to occur
with the available core bus bandwidth not used for operand memory accesses. For the V2 design, the
instruction buffer contains three 32-bit locations.
Consider the operation of the OEP for three basic classes of non-branch instructions:
op Ry,Rx
Embedded load:
op <mem>y,Rx
Register-to-memory (store)
move Ry,<mem>x
For simple register-to-register instructions , the first stage of the OEP performs the instruction decode and
fetching of the required register operands (OC) from the dual-ported register file, while the actual
Extension 1
Extension 2
Core Bus
Read Data
Core Bus
Core Bus
Write Data
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instruction execution is performed in the second stage (EX) in one of the execute engines (e.g., ALU,
barrel shifter, divider, EMAC). There are no operand memory accesses associated with this class of
instructions, and the execution time is typically a single machine cycle. See Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11. V2 OEP Register-to-Register
For memory-to-register (embedded-load) instructions, the instruction is effectively staged through the
OEP twice with a basic execution time of three cycles. First, the instruction is decoded and the components
of the operand address (base register from the RGF and displacement) are selected (DS). Second, the
operand effective address is generated using the ALU execute engine (AG). Third, the memory read
operand is fetched from the core bus, while any required register operand is simultaneously fetched (OC)
from the RGF. Finally, in the fourth cycle, the instruction is executed (EX). The heavily-used 32-bit load
instruction (move.l <mem>y,Rx) is optimized to support a two-cycle execution time. The following example
in Figure 2-12 shows an effective address of the form <ea>y = (d16,Ay), i.e., a 16-bit signed displacement
added to a base register Ay.
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Figure 2-12. V2 OEP Embedded-Load Part 1
Figure 2-13. V2 OEP Embedded-Load Part 2
For register-to-memory (store) operations, the stage functions (DS/OC, AG/EX) are effectively performed
simultaneously allowing single-cycle execution. See Figure 2-14 where the effective address is of the form
<ea>x = (d16,Ax), i.e., a 16-bit signed displacement added to a base register Ax.
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For read-modify-write instructions, the pipeline effectively combines an embedded-load with a store
operation for a three-cycle execution time.
Figure 2-14. V2 OEP Register-to-Memory
The pipeline timing diagrams of Figure 2-15 depict the execution templates for these three classes of
instructions. In these diagrams, the x-axis represents time, and the various instruction operations are shown
progressing down the operand execution pipeline.
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Figure 2-15. V2 OEP Pipeline Execution Templates
2.3.2 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA_A+)
The original ColdFire Instruction Set Architecture (ISA_A) was derived from the M68000 family opcodes
based on extensive analysis of embedded application code. The ISA was optimized for code compiled
from high-level languages where the dominant operand size was the 32-bit integer declaration. This
approach minimized processor complexity and cost, while providing excellent performanc e for compiled
After the initial ColdFire compilers were created, developers noted there were certain ISA additions that
would enhance code density and overall performance. Additionally, as users implemented ColdFire-based
designs into a wide range of embedded systems, they found certain frequently-used instruction sequences
that could be improved by the creation of additional instructions.
The original ISA definition minimized support for instructions referencing byte- and word-sized operands.
Full support for the move byte and move word instructions was provided, but the only other opcodes
supporting these data types are CLR (clear) and TST (test). A set of instruction enhancements has been
implemented in subsequent ISA revisions, ISA_B and ISA_C. The new opcodes primarily addressed three
1. Enhanced support for byte and word-sized operands
2. Enhanced support for position-independent code
3. Miscellaneous instruction additions to address new functionality
Core clock
Core Bus
Core Bus
op read
Core Bus op write
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Table 2-4 summarizes the instructions added to revision ISA_A to form revision ISA_A+. For more details
see the ColdFire Family Programmers Reference Manual.
2.3.3 Exception Processing Overview
Exception processing for ColdFire processors is streamlined for performance. The ColdFire processors
differ from the M68000 family because they include:
A simplified exception vector table
Reduced relocation capabilities using the vector-base register
A single exception stack frame format
Use of separate system stack pointers for user and supervisor modes.
All ColdFire processors use an instruction restart exception model. However, Version 2 ColdFire
processors require more software support to recover from certain access errors. See Section,
“Access Error Exception” for details.
Exception processing includes all actions from fault condition detection to the initiation of fetch for first
handler instruction. Exception processing is comprised of four major steps:
1. The processor makes an internal copy of the SR and then enters supervisor mode by setting the S
bit and disabling trace mode by clearing the T bit. The interrupt exception also forces the M bit to
be cleared and the interrupt priority mask to set to current interrupt request level.
Table 2-4. Instruction Enhancements over Revision ISA_A
Instruction Description
BITREV The contents of the destination data register are bit-reversed; new Dn[31] equals old Dn[0], new
Dn[30] equals old Dn[1],..., new Dn[0] equals old Dn[31].
BYTEREV The contents of the destination data register are byte-reversed; new Dn[31:24] equals old
Dn[7:0],..., new Dn[7:0] equals old Dn[31:24].
FF1 The data register , Dn, is scanned, beginning from the most-significant bit (Dn[31]) and ending
with the least-significant bit (Dn[0]), searching for the first set bit. The data register is then
loaded with the offset count from bit 31 wher e the first set bit appears.
Move from USP USP Destination register
Move to USP Source register USP
STLDSR Pushes the contents of the status register onto the stack and then reloads the status register
with the immediate data value.
2. The processor determines the exception vector number. For all faults except interrupts, the
processor performs this calculation based on exception type. For interrupts, the processor
performs an interrupt-acknowledge (IACK) bus cycle to obtain the vector number from the
interrupt controller. The IACK cycle is mapped to special locations within the interrupt
controllers address space with the interrupt level encoded in the address.
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3. The processor saves the current context by creating an exception stack frame on the system stack.
The exception stack frame is created at a 0-modulo-4 address on top of the system stack pointed to
by the supervisor stack pointer (SSP). As shown in Figure 2-16, the processor uses a simplified
fixed-length stack frame for all exceptions. The exception type determines whether the program
counter placed in the exception stack frame defines the location of the faulting instruction (fault)
or the address of the next instruction to be executed (next).
4. The processor calculates the address of the first instruction of the exception handler . By definition,
the exception vector table is aligned on a 1 MB boundary. This instruction address is generated by
fetching an exception vector from the table located at the address defined in the vector base register .
The index into the exception table is calculated as (4 ×vector number). After the exception vector
has been fetched, the vector contents determine the address of the first instruction of the desired
handler. After the instruction fetch for the first opcode of the handler has initiated, exception
processing terminates and normal instruction processing continues in the handler.
The table contains 256 exception vectors; the first 64 are defined for the core and the remaining 192 are
device-specific peripheral interrupt vectors. See Chapter 10, “Interrupt Controller Modules” for details on
the device-specific interrupt sources.
Table 2-5. Exception Vector Assignments
Number(s) Vector
Offset (Hex)
Counter Assignment
0 0x000 Initial supervisor stack pointer
1 0x004 Initial program counter
2 0x008 Fault Access error
3 0x00C Fault Address error
4 0x010 Fault Illegal instruction
5 0x014 Fault Divide by ze ro
6–7 0x018–0x01C Reserved
8 0x020 Fault Privilege violation
9 0x024 Next Trace
10 0x028 Fault Unimplemented line-A opcode
11 0x02C Fault Unimplemented line-F opcode
12 0x030 Ne xt Debug interrupt
13 0x034 Reserved
14 0x038 Fault Format error
15–23 0x03C–0x05C Reserved
24 0x060 Next Spurious interrupt
25–31 0x064–0x07C Reserved
All ColdFire processors support a 1024-byte vector table aligned on any 1 Mbyte address boundary (see
Table 2-5).
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All ColdFire processors inhibit interrupt sampling during the first instruction of all exception handlers.
This allows any handler to disable interrupts effectively, if necessary, by raising the interrupt mask level
contained in the status register. In addition, the ISA_A+ architecture includes an instruction (STLDSR)
that stores the current interrupt mask level and loads a value into the SR. This instruction is specifically
intended for use as the first instruction of an interrupt service routine that services multiple interrupt
requests with different interrupt levels. For more details, see ColdFire Family Programmers Reference
Manual. Exception Stack Frame D efinition
Figure 2-16 shows exception stack frame. The first longword contains the 16-bit format/vector word (F/V)
and the 16-bit status register, and the second longword contains the 32-bit program counter address.
The 16-bit format/vector word contains three unique fields:
A 4-bit format field at the top of the system stack is always writte n with a value of 4, 5, 6, or 7 by
the processor, indicating a two-longword frame format. See Table 2-6.
There is a 4-bit fault status field, FS[3:0], at the top of the system stack. This field is defined for
access and address errors only and written as zeros for all other exceptions. See Table 2-7.
32–47 0x080–0x0BC Ne xt Trap # 0-15 instructions
48–63 0x0C0–0x0FC Reserved
64–255 0x100–0x3FC Next Device-specific interrupts
1F ault ref ers to the PC of the instruction that caused the e xception. Next ref ers to the PC
of the instruction that follows the instruction that caused the fault.
SSP Format FS[3:2] Vector FS[1:0] Status Register
+ 0x4 Program Counter
Figure 2-16. Exception Stack Frame Form
Table 2-6. Format Field Encodings
Original SSP @ Time
of Exception, Bits 1:0
SSP @ 1st
Instruction of
Handler Format Field
00 Original SSP - 8 0100
01 Original SSP - 9 0101
10 Original SSP - 10 0110
11 Original SSP - 11 0111
Table 2-5. Exception Vector Assignments (continued)
Number(s) Vector
Offset (Hex)
Counter Assignment
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The 8-bit vector number , vector[7:0], defines the exception type and is calculated by the processor
for all internal faults and represents the value supplied by the interrupt controller in case of an
interrupt. See Table 2-5.
2.3.4 Processor Exceptions Access Error Exception
The exact processor response to an access error depends on the memory reference being performed. For
an instruction fetch, the processor postpones the error rep orting until the faulted reference is needed by an
instruction for execution. Therefore, faults during instruction prefetches followed by a change of
instruction flow do not generate an exception. When the processor attempts to execute an instruction with
a faulted opword and/or extension words, the access error is sig naled and the instruction aborted. For this
type of exception, the programming model has not been altered by the instruction generating the access
If the access error occurs on an operand read, the processor immediately aborts the current instruction’s
execution and initiates exception processing. In this situation, any address register updates attributable to
the auto-addressing modes, (for example, (An)+,-(An)), have already been performed, so the programming
model contains the updated An value. In addition, if an access error occurs during a MOVEM instruction
loading from memory, any registers already updated before the fault occurs contain the operands from
The V2 ColdFire processor uses an imprecise reporting mechanism for access errors on operand writes.
Because the actual write cycle may be decoupled from the processors issuing of the operation, the
signaling of an access error appears to be decoupled from the instruction that generated the write.
Accordingly, the PC contained in the exception stack frame merely represents the location in the program
when the access error was signaled. All programming model updates associated with the write instruction
are completed. The NOP instruction can collect access errors for writes. This instruction delays its
Table 2-7. Fault Status Encodings
FS[3:0] Definition
00xx Reserved
0100 Error on instruction fetch
0101 Reserved
011x Reserved
1000 Error on operand write
1001 Attempted write to write-protected space
101x Reserved
1100 Error on operand read
1101 Reserved
111x Reserved
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execution until all previous operations, including all pending write operations, are complete. If any
previous write terminates with an access error, it is guaranteed to be reported on the NOP instruction. Address Error Exception
Any attempted execution transferring control to an odd instruction address (if bit 0 of the tar get address is
set) results in an address error exception.
Any attempted use of a word-sized index register (Xn.w) or a scale factor of eight on an indexed ef fective
addressing mode generates an address error, as does an attempted execution of a full-format indexed
addressing mode, which is defined by bit 8 of extension word 1 being set.
If an address error occurs on a JSR instruction, the Version 2 ColdFire processor calculates the target
address then the return address is pushed onto the stack. If an address error occurs on an RTS instruction,
the Version 2 ColdFire processor overwrites the faulting return PC with the address error stack frame. Illegal Instruction Exception
The ColdFire variable-length instruction set architecture supports three instruction sizes: 16, 32, or 48 bits.
The first instruction word is known as the operation word (or opword), while the optional words are known
as extension word 1 and extension word 2. The opword is further subdivided into three sections: the upper
four bits segment the entire ISA into 16 instruction lines, the next 6 bits define the operation mode
(opmode), and the low-order 6 bits define the effective address. See Figure 2-17. The opword line
definition is shown in Table 2-8.
Figure 2-17. ColdFire Instruction Operation Word (Opword) Format
Line OpMode Effective Address
Mode Register
Table 2-8. ColdFire Opword Line Definition
Opword[Line] Instruction Class
0x0 Bit manipulation, Ar ithmetic and Logical Immediate
0x1 Move Byte
0x2 Move Long
0x3 Move Word
0x4 Miscellaneous
0x5 Add (ADDQ) and Subtract Quick (SUBQ), Set according to Condition Codes (Scc)
0x6 PC-relative change-of-flow instructions
Conditional (Bcc) and unconditional (BRA) branches, subroutine calls (BSR)
0x7 Move Quick (MOVEQ), Move with sign extension (MVS) and zero fill (MVZ)
0x8 Logical OR (OR)
0x9 Subtract (SUB), Subtract Extended (SUBX)
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In the original M68000 ISA definition, lines A and F were effectively reserved for user -defined operations
(line A) and co-processor instructions (line F). Accordingly, there are two unique exception vectors
associated with illegal opwords in these two lines.
Any attempted execution of an illegal 16-bit opcode (except for line-A and line-F opcodes) generates an
illegal instruction exception (vector 4). Additionally , any attempted execution of any non-MAC line-A and
most line-F opcodes generate their unique exception types, vector numbers 10 and 11, respectively.
ColdFire cores do not provide illegal instruction detection on the extension words on any instruction,
including MOVEC. Divide-By-Zero
Attempting to divide by zero causes an exception (vector 5, offset equal 0x014). Privilege Violation
The attempted execution of a supervisor mode instruction while in user mode generates a privilege
violation exception. See ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual for a list of supervisor-mode
There is one special case involving the HALT instruction. Normally, this opcode is a supervisor mode
instruction, but if the debug module's CSR[UHE] is set, then this instruction can be also be executed in
user mode for debugging purposes. Trace Exception
To aid in program development, all ColdFire processors provide an instruction-by-instruction tracing
capability. While in trace mode, indicated by setting of the SR[T] bit, the completion of an instruction
execution (for all but the stop instruction) signals a trace exception. This functionality allows a debugger
to monitor program execution.
The stop instruction has the following effects:
1. The instruction before the stop executes and then generates a trace exception. In the exception stack
frame, the PC points to the stop opcode.
2. When the trace handler is exited, the stop instruction executes, loading the SR with the immediate
operand from the instruction.
0xA EMAC, Move 3-bit Quick (MOV3Q)
0xB Compare (CMP), Exclusive-OR (EOR)
0xC Logical AND (AND), Multiply Word (MUL)
0xD Add (ADD), Add Extended (ADDX)
0xE Arithmetic and logical shifts (ASL, ASR, LSL, LSR)
0xF Cache Push (CPUSHL), Write DDATA (WDDATA), Write Debug (WDEBUG)
Table 2-8. ColdFire Opword Line Def inition (continued)
Opword[Line] Instruction Class
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3. The processor then generates a trace exception. The PC in the exception stack frame points to the
instruction after the stop, and the SR reflects the value loaded in the previous step.
If the processor is not in trace mode and executes a stop instruction where the immediate operand sets
SR[T], hardware loads the SR and generates a trace exception. The PC in the exception stack frame points
to the instruction after the stop, and the SR reflects the value loaded in step 2.
Because ColdFire processors do not support any hardware stacking of multiple exceptions, it is the
responsibility of the operating system to check for trace mode after processing other exception types. As
an example, consider a TRAP instruction execution while in trace mode. The processor initiates the trap
exception and then passes control to the corresponding handler . If the system requires that a trace exception
be processed, it is the responsibility of the trap exception handler to check for this condition (SR[T] in the
exception stack frame set) and pass control to the trace handler before returning from the original
exception. Unimplemented Line-A Opcode
A line-A opcode is defined when bits 15-12 of the opword are 0b1010. This exception is generated by the
attempted execution of an undefined line-A opcode. Unimplemented Line-F Opcode
A line-F opcode is defined when bits 15-12 of the opword are 0b1111. This exception is generated when
attempting to execute an undefined line-F opcode. Debug Interrupt
See Chapter 30, “Debug Support,for a detailed explanation of this exception, which is generated in
response to a hardware breakpoint register trigger. The processor does not generate an IACK cycle, but
rather calculates the vector number internally (vector number 12). Additionally, SR[M,I] are unaffected by
the interrupt. RTE and Format Error Exception
When an RTE instruction is executed, the processor first examines the 4-bit format field to validate the
frame type. For a ColdFire core, any attempted R TE execution (where the format is not equal to {4,5,6,7})
generates a format error. The exception stack frame for the format error is created without disturbing the
original RTE frame and the stacked PC pointing to the RTE instruction.
The selection of the format value provides some limited debug support for porting code from M68000
applications. On M68000 family processors, the SR was located at the top of the stack. On those
processors, bit 30 of the longword addressed by the system stack p ointer is typically zero. Thus, if an RTE
is attempted using this old format, it generates a format error on a ColdFire processor.
If the format field defines a valid type, the processor: (1) reloads the SR operand, (2) fetches the second
longword operand, (3) adjusts the stack pointer by adding the format value to the auto-incremented address
after the fetch of the first longword, and then (4) transfers control to the instruction address defined by the
second longword operand within the stack frame.
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The TRAP #n instruction always forces an exception as part of its execution and is useful for implementing
system calls. The TRAP instruction may be used to change from user to supervisor mode. Unsupported Instruction Exception
If execution of a valid instruction is attempted but the required hardware is not present in the processor , an
unsupported instruction exception is generated. The instruction functionality can then be emulated in the
exception handler, if desired.
All ColdFire cores record the processor hardware configuration in the D0 register immediately after the
negation of RESET. See Section, “Reset Exception,” for details. Interrupt Exception
Interrupt exception processing includes interrupt recognition and the fetch of the appropriate vector from
the interrupt controller using an IACK cycle. See ,” for details on the interrupt controller. Fault-on-Fault Halt
If a ColdFire processor encounters any type of fault during the exception processing of another fault, the
processor immediately halts execution with the catastrophic fault-on-fault condition. A reset is required to
to exit this state. Reset Exception
Asserting the reset input signal (RESET) to the processor causes a reset exception. The reset exception has
the highest priority of any exception; it provides for system initialization and recovery from catastrophic
failure. Reset also aborts any processing in progress when the reset input is recognized. Processing cannot
be recovered.
The reset exception places the processor in the supervisor mode by setting the SR[S] bit and disables
tracing by clearing the SR[T] bit. This exception also clears the SR[M] bit and sets the processors SR[I]
field to the highest level (level 7, 0b1 1 1). Next, the VBR is initialized to zero (0x0000_0000). The control
registers specifying the operation of any memories (e.g., cache and/or RAM modules) connected directly
to the processor are disabled.
Other implementation-specific registers are also affected. Refer to each
module in this reference manual for details on these registers.
After the processor is granted the bus, it performs two longword read-bus cycles. The first longword at
address 0x0000_0000 is loaded into the supervisor stack pointer and the second longword at address
0x0000_0004 is loaded into the program counter. After the initial instruction is fetched from memory,
program execution begins at the address in the PC. If an access error or address error occurs before the first
instruction is executed, the processor enters the fault-on-fault state.
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ColdFire processors load hardware configuration information into the D0 and D1 general-purpose
registers after system reset. The hardware configuration information is loaded immediately after the
reset-in signal is negated. This allows an emulator to read out the contents of the se registers via the BDM
to determine the hardware configuration.
Information loaded into D0 defines the processor hardware configuration as shown in Figure 2-18.
BDM: Load: 0x080 (D0)
Store: 0x180 (D0) Access: User read-only
BDM read-only
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 2-18. D0 Hardware Configuration Info
Table 2-9. D0 Hardware Configuration Info Field Description
Field Description
PF Processor family. This field is fixed to a hex value of 0xCF indicating a ColdFire core is present.
VER ColdFire core version number. Defines the hardware microarchitecture v ersion of ColdFire core.
0001 V1 ColdFire core
0010 V2 ColdFire core (This is the value used for this device.)
0011 V3 ColdFire core
0100 V4 ColdFire core
0101 V5 ColdFire core
Else Reserved for future use
REV Processor revision number. The default is 0b0000.
MAC MAC present. This bit signals if the optional multiply-accumulate (MAC) execution engine is present in processor core.
0 MAC execute engine not present in core. (This is the value used for this device.)
1 MAC execute engine is present in co re.
DIV Divide present. This bit signals if the hardware divider (DIV) is present in the processor core.
0 Divide execute engine not present in core.
1 Divide execute engine is present in core.
EMAC EMA C present. This bit signals if the optional enhanced multiply-accumulate (EMA C) execution engine is present in
processor core.
0 EMAC execute engine not present in core.
1 EMAC execute engine is present in core. (This is the value used for this device.)
FPU FPU present. This bit signals if the optional floating-point (FPU) execution engine is present in processor core.
0 FPU execute engine not present in core. (This is the value used for this device.)
1 FPU execute engine is present in core.
(This is the value used for this device.)
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Information loaded into D1 defines the local memory hardware configuration as shown in the figure below.
11–8 Reserved.
ISA ISA revision. Defines the instruction-set architectu re (ISA) revision level implemented in ColdFire processor core.
0000 ISA_A
0001 ISA_B
0010 ISA_C
1000 ISA_A+ (This is the value used for this device.)
Else Reserved
DEBUG Debug module revision number. Define s revision level of the debug module used in the ColdFire processor core.
0000 DEBUG_A
0001 DEBUG_B
0010 DEBUG_C
0011 DEBUG_D
0100 DEBUG_E
1001 DEBUG_B+
1011 DEBUG_D+
1111 DEBUG_D+PST Buffer
Else Reserved
BDM: Load: 0x1 (D1)
Store: 0x1 (D1) Access: User read-only
BDM read-only
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Figure 2-19. D1 Hardware Configuration Info
Table 2-10. D1 Hardware Configuration Information Field Description
Field Description
CLSZ Cache line size. This field is fixed to a hex value of 0x0 indicating a 16-byte cache line size.
CCAS Configurable cache associativity.
00 Four-way
01 Direct mapped (This is the value used for this device)
Else Reserved for future use
Table 2-9. D0 Hardware Configuration Info Field Description (continued)
Field Description
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2.3.5 Instruction Execution Timing
This section presents p rocessor instruction execution times in terms of processor-core clock cycles. The
number of operand references for each instruction is enclosed in parentheses following the number of
processor clock cycles. Each timing entry is presented as C(R/W) where:
•C is the number of processor clock cycles, including all applicable operand fetches and writes, and
all internal core cycles required to complete the instruction execution.
CCSZ Configurable cache size. Indicates the amount of instruction/data cache. The cache configuration options
available are 50% instruction/50% data, 100% instruction, or 100% data, and are specified in the CA CR register.
0000 No configurable cache
0001 512B configurable cache
0010 1KB configurable cache
0011 2KB configurable cache (This is the value used for this device)
0100 4KB configurable cache
0101 8KB configurable cache
0110 16KB configurable cache
0111 32KB configurable cache
Else Reserved
FLASHSZ Flash bank size.
0000-0111 No flash
1000 64-KB flash
1001 128-KB flash
1010 256-KB flash
1011 512-KB flash (This is the value use d for this device )
Else Reserved for future use.
18–16 Reserved
MBSZ Bus size. Defines the width of the ColdFire master bus datapath.
00 32-bit system bus datapath (This is the v alue used f or this device)
01 64-bit system bus datapath
Else Reserved
13–8 Reserved, resets to 0b010000
SRAMSZ SRAM bank size.
00000 No SR AM
00010 512 bytes
00100 1 KB
00110 2 KB
01000 4 KB
01010 8 KB
01100 16 KB
01110 32 KB
10000 64 KB (This is th e value used for this device)
10010 128 KB
Else Reserved for future use
2–0 Reserved.
Table 2-10. D1 Hardware Configuration Information Field Description (continued)
Field Description
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R/W is the number of operand reads (R) and writes (W) required by the instruction. An operation
performing a read-modify-write function is denoted as (1/1).
This section includes the assumptions concerning the timing values and the execution time details. Timing Assumptions
For the timing data presented in this section, these assumptions apply:
1. The OEP is loaded with the opword and all required extension words at the beginning of each
instruction execution. This implies that the OEP does not wait for the IFP to supply opwords and/or
extension words.
2. The OEP does not experience any sequence-related pipeline stalls. The most common example of
stall involves consecutive store operations, excluding the MOVEM instruction. For all STORE
operations (except MOVEM), certain hardware resources within the processor are marked as busy
for two clock cycles after the final decode and select/operand fetch cycle (DSOC) of the store
instruction. If a subsequent STORE instruction is encountered within this 2-cycle window, it is
stalled until the resource again becomes available. Thus, the maximum pipeline stall involving
consecutive STORE operations is two cycles. The MOVEM instruction uses a different set of
resources and this stall does not apply.
3. The OEP completes all memory accesses without any stall conditions caused by the memory itself.
Thus, the timing details provided in this section assume that an infinite zero-wait state memory is
attached to the processor core.
4. All operand data accesses are aligned on the same byte boundary as the operand size; for example,
16-bit operands aligned on 0-modulo-2 addresses, 32-bit operands aligned on 0-modulo-4
The processor core decomposes misaligned operand references into a series of aligned access es as
shown in Table 2-11. MOVE Instruction Execut ion Times
Table 2-12 lists execution times for MOVE.{B,W} instructions; Table 2-13 lists timings for MOVE.L.
For all tables in this section, the execution time of any instruction using the
PC-relative effective addressing modes is the same for the comparable
An-relative mode.
Table 2-11. Misal igned Operand References
address[1:0] Size Bus
Operations Additional
01 or 11 Word Byte, Byte 2(1/0) if read
1(0/1) if write
01 or 11 Long Byte, Word,
Byte 3(2/0) if read
2(0/2) if write
10 Long Word, Word 2(1/0) if read
1(0/1) if write
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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Freescale Semiconductor 2-27
The nomenclature xxx.wl refers to both forms of absolute addressing, xxx.w
and xxx.l.
ET with {<ea> = (d16,PC)} equals ET with {<ea> = (d16,An)}
ET with {<ea> = (d8,PC,Xi*SF)} equals ET with {<ea> = (d8 ,An,Xi*SF)}
Table 2-12. MOVE Byte and Word Execution Times
Source Destination
Rx (Ax) (Ax)+ -(Ax) (d16,Ax) (d8,Ax,Xi*SF) xxx.wl
Dy 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
Ay 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
(Ay) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1)) 3(1/1)
(Ay)+ 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1)) 3(1/1)
-(Ay) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1)) 3(1/1)
(d16,Ay) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
(d8,Ay,Xi*SF) 4(1/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1)
xxx.w 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
xxx.l 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
(d16,PC) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
(d8,PC,Xi*SF) 4(1/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1))
#xxx 1(0/0) 3(0/1) 3(0/1) 3(0/1)
Table 2-13. MOVE Long Execution Times
Source Destination
Rx (Ax) (Ax)+ -(Ax) (d16,Ax) (d8,Ax,Xi*SF) xxx.wl
Dy 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
Ay 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
(Ay) 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 3(1/1) 2(1/1)
(Ay)+ 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 3(1/1) 2(1/1)
-(Ay) 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 3(1/1) 2(1/1)
(d16,Ay) 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1)
(d8,Ay,Xi*SF) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
xxx.w 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1)
xxx.l 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1)
(d16,PC) 2(1/0) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1) 2(1/1)
(d8,PC,Xi*SF) 3(1/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1)
#xxx 1(0/0) 2(0/1) 2(0/1) 2(0/1)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Core
2-28 Freescale Semiconductor Standard One Operand Instruction Execution Times Standard Two Operand Instruction Execution Times
Table 2-14. One Operand Instruction Executi on Times
Opcode <EA> Effect iv e A ddress
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,Xn*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
BITREVDx1(0/0)———— ——
BYTEREVDx1(0/0)———— ——
CLR.B <ea> 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
CLR.W <ea> 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
CLR.L <ea> 1(0/0) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 1(0/1) 2(0/1) 1(0/1)
EXT.WDx1(0/0)———— ——
EXT.LDx1(0/0)———— ——
EXTB.LDx1(0/0)———— ——
FF1Dx1(0/0)———— ——
NEG.LDx1(0/0)———— ——
NEGX.LDx1(0/0)———— ——
NOT.LDx1(0/0)———— ——
SCCDx1(0/0)———— ——
SWAPDx1(0/0)———— ——
TST.B <ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
TST.W <ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
TST.L <ea> 1(0/0) 2(1/0) 2(1/0) 2(1/0) 2(1/0) 3(1/0) 2(1/0) 1(0/0)
Table 2-15. Two Operand Instruction Execution Times
Opcode <EA>
Effective Address
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An)
(d16,PC) (d8,An,Xn*SF)
(d8,PC,Xn*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
ADD.L <ea>,Rx 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
ADD.L Dy,<ea> 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
ADDI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
ADDQ.L #imm,<ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
ADDX.L Dy,Dx 1(0/0)
AND.L <ea>,Rx 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
AND.L Dy,<ea> 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
ANDI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
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Freescale Semiconductor 2-29
ASL.L <ea>,Dx 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
ASR.L <ea>,Dx 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
BCHG Dy,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 5(1/1) 4(1/1)
BCHG #imm,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1)
BCLR Dy,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 5(1/1) 4(1/1)
BCLR #imm,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1)
BSET Dy,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 5(1/1) 4(1/1)
BSET #imm,<ea> 2(0/0) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1) 4(1/1)
BTST Dy,<ea> 2(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0)
BTST #imm,<ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0)
CMP.L <ea>,Rx 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
CMPI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
DIVS.W <ea>,Dx 20(0/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 24(1/0) 23(1/0) 20(0/0)
DIVU.W <ea>,Dx 20(0/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 23(1/0) 24(1/0) 23(1/0) 20(0/0)
DIVS.L <ea>,Dx 35(0/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0)
DIVU.L <ea>,Dx 35(0/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0)
EOR.L Dy,<ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
EORI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
LEA <ea>,Ax 1(0/0) 1(0/0) 2(0/0) 1(0/0)
LSL.L <ea>,Dx 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
LSR.L <ea>,Dx 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
MOVEQ.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
OR.L <ea>,Rx 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
OR.L Dy,<ea> 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
ORI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
REMS.L <ea>,Dx 35(0/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0)
REMU.L <ea>,Dx 35(0/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0) 38(1/0)
SUB.L <ea>,Rx 1(0/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0) 1(0/0)
SUB.L Dy,<ea> 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
SUBI.L #imm,Dx 1(0/0)
SUBQ.L #imm,<ea> 1(0/0) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 3(1/1) 4(1/1) 3(1/1)
SUBX.L Dy,Dx 1(0/0)
Table 2-15. Two Operand Instruction Execution Times (continued)
Opcode <EA>
Effective Address
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An)
(d16,PC) (d8,An,Xn*SF)
(d8,PC,Xn*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
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2-30 Freescale Semiconductor Miscellaneous Instruction Execution Times
Table 2-16. Miscellaneous Inst ruction Execution Times
Opcode <EA> Effect iv e Address
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,Xn*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
CPUSHL (Ax) 11(0/1)
LINK.W Ay,#imm 2(0/1)
MOVE.L Ay,USP 3(0/0)
MOVE.L USP,Ax 3(0/0)
MOVE.W CCR,Dx 1(0/0)
MOVE.W <ea>,CCR 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
MOVE.W SR,Dx 1(0/0)
MOVE.W <ea>,SR 7(0/0) 7(0/0) 2
MOVEC Ry,Rc 9(0/1)
MOVEM.L <ea>,and
list —1+n(n/0)— —1+n(n/0)
list,<ea> —1+n(0/n)— —1+n(0/n)
NOP 3(0/0)———— ——
PEA <ea> 2(0/1) 2(0/1) 43(0/1) 52(0/1)
PULSE 1(0/0)———— ——
STLDSR#imm————— 5(0/1)
STOP#imm————— 3(0/0)
TRAP#imm————— 15(1/2)
TPF 1(0/0)———— ——
TPF.W 1(0/0)———— ——
TPF.L 1(0/0)———— ——
UNLK Ax 2(1/0)
WDDATA <ea> 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 3(1/0) 4(1/0) 3(1/0)
WDEBUG<ea> —5(2/0)— —5(2/0)
1The n is the number of registers moved by the MOVEM opcode.
2If a MOVE.W #imm,SR instruction is executed and imm[13] equals 1, the execution time is 1(0/0).
3The execution time for STOP is the time required until the processor begins sampling continuously for interrupts.
4PEA execution times are the same for (d16,PC).
5PEA execution times are the same for (d8,PC,Xn*SF).
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Freescale Semiconductor 2-31 EMAC Instruction Execution Times
Table 2-17. EMAC Instruction Execution Times
Opcode <EA>
Effective Address
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,
Xn*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
MAC.L Ry, Rx, Raccx 1(0/0)
MAC.L Ry, Rx, <ea>, Rw, Raccx (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)1——
MAC.W Ry, Rx, Raccx 1(0/0)
MAC.W Ry, Rx, <ea>, Rw, Raccx (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)1
1Effective address of (d16,PC) not supported
MOVE.L <ea>y, Raccx 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
MOVE.L Raccy,Raccx 1(0/0)
MOVE.L <ea>y, MACSR 5(0/0) 5(0/0)
MOVE.L <ea>y, Rmask 4(0/0) 4(0/0)
MOVE.L <ea>y,Raccext01 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
MOVE.L <ea>y,Raccext23 1(0/0) 1(0/0)
MOVE.L Raccx,<ea>x 1(0/0)2
2Storing an accumulator requires one additional processor clock cycle when saturation is enabled, or fractional
rounding is performed (MACSR[7:4] equals 1---, -11-, --11)
——— ——
MOVE.L MACSR,<ea>x 1(0/0)
MOVE.L Rmask, <ea>x 1(0/0)
MOVE.L Raccext01,<ea.x 1(0/0)
MOVE.L Raccext23,<ea>x 1(0/0)
MSAC.L Ry, Rx, Raccx 1 (0/0)
MSAC.W Ry, Rx, Raccx 1(0/0)
MSAC.L Ry, Rx, <ea>, Rw, Raccx (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)1——
MSAC.W Ry, Rx, <ea>, Rw, Raccx (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)1——
MULS.L <ea>y, Dx 4(0/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)
MULS.W <ea>y, Dx 4(0/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) 4 ( 0/0)
MULU.L <ea>y, Dx 4 (0/0 ) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0)
MULU.W <ea> y, Dx 4 (0/0 ) (1/0) (1/0) (1/0) (1 /0) (1/0) (1/0) 4(0/0)
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2-32 Freescale Semiconductor
The execution times for moving the contents of the Racc, Raccext[01,23],
MACSR, or Rmask into a destination location <ea>x shown in this table
represent the best-case scenario when the store instruction is executed and
there are no load or M{S}AC instructions in the EMAC execution pipeline.
In general, these store operations require only a single cycle for execution,
but if preceded immediately by a load, MAC, or MSAC instruction, the
depth of the EMAC pipeline is exposed and the execution time is four
cycles. Branch Instruction Execution Times
Table 2-18. General Branch Instruction Execution Times
Opcode <EA>
Effecti ve Address
Rn (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An)
(d16,PC) (d8,An,Xi*SF)
(d8,PC,Xi*SF) xxx.wl #xxx
BRA 2(0/1)
BSR 3(0/1)
JMP <ea> 3(0/0) 3(0/0) 4(0/0) 3(0/0)
JSR <ea> 3(0/1) 3(0/1) 4(0/1) 3(0/1)
RTE 10(2/0)
RTS 5(1/0)———
Table 2-19. Bcc Instruction Execution Times
Opcode Forward
Taken Forward
Not Taken Backward
Taken Backward
Not Taken
Bcc 3(0/0) 1(0/0) 2(0/0) 3(0/0)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 3-1
Chapter 3
Enhanced Multipl y -Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the functionality, microarchitecture, and performance of the enhanced
multiply-accumulate (EMAC) unit in the ColdFire family of processors.
3.1.1 Overview
The EMAC design provides a set of DSP operations that can improve the performance of embedded code
while supporting the integer multiply instructions of the baseline ColdFire architecture.
The MAC provides functionality in three related areas:
1. Signed and unsigned integer multiplication
2. Multiply-accumulate operations supporting signed and unsigned integer operands as well as
signed, fixed-point, and fractional operands
3. Miscellaneous register operations
The ColdFire family supports two MAC implementations with different performance levels and
capabilities. The original MAC features a three-stage execution pipeline optimized for 16-bit operands,
with a 16x16 multiply array and a single 32-bit accumulator. The EMAC features a four-stage pipeline
optimized for 32-bit operands, with a fully pipelined 32 ×32 multiply array and four 48-bit accumulators.
The first ColdFire MAC supported signed and unsigned integer operands and was optimized for 16x16
operations, such as those found in applications including servo control and image compression. As
ColdFire-based systems proliferated, the desire for more precision on input operands increased. The result
was an improved ColdFire MAC with user-programmable control to optionally enable use of fractional
input operands.
EMAC improvements target three primary areas:
Improved performance of 32 ×32 multiply operation.
Addition of three more accumulators to minimize MAC pipeline stalls caused by exchanges
between the accumulator and the pipeline’s general-purpose registers
A 48-bit accumulation data path to allow a 40-bit product, plus 8 extension bits increase the
dynamic number range when implementing signal processing algorithms
The three areas of functionality are addressed in detail in following sections. The logic required to support
this functionality is contained in a MAC module (Figure 3-1).
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
3-2 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 3-1. Multiply-Accumulate Functionality Diagram Introduction to the MAC
The MAC is an extension of the basic multiplier in most microprocessors. It is typically implemented in
hardware within an architecture and supports rapid execution of signal processing algorithms in fewer
cycles than comparable non-MAC architectures. For example, small digital filters can tolerate some
variance in an algorithm’s execution time, but larger, more complicated algorithms such as orthogonal
transforms may have more demanding speed requirements beyond scope of any processor architecture and
may require full DSP implementation.
To balance speed, size, and functionality, the ColdFire MAC is optimized for a small set of operations that
involve multiplication and cumulative additions. Specifically, the multiplier array is optimized for
single-cycle pipelined operations with a possible accumulation after product generation. This functionality
is common in many signal processing applications. The ColdFire core architecture is also modified to
allow an operand to be fetched in parallel with a multiply, increasing overall performance for certain DSP
Consider a typical filtering operation where the filter is defined as in Equation 3-1.
Eqn. 3-1
Here, the output y(i) is determined by past output values and past input values. This is the general form of
an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter. A finite impulse response (FIR) filter can be obtained by setting
coefficients a(k) to zero. In either case, the operations involved in computing such a filter are multiplies
and product summing. To show this point, reduce Equation 3-1 to a simple, four-tap FIR filter, shown in
Equation 3-2, in which the accumulated sum is a past data values and coefficients sum.
Eqn. 3-2
Operand Y Operand X
Shift 0,1,-1
yi() ak()yi k()
bk()xi k()
yi() bk()xi k()
b0()xi() b1()xi 1()b2()xi 2()b3()xi 3()+++==
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
Freescale Semiconductor 3-3
3.2 Memory Map/Register Definition
The following table and sections explain the MAC registers:
3.2.1 MAC Status Register (MACSR)
The MAC status register (MACSR) contains a 4-bit operational mode field and condition flags.
Operational mode bits control whether operands are signed or unsigned and whether they are treated as
integers or fractions. These bits also control the overflow/saturation mode and the way in which rounding
is performed. Negative, zero, and multiple overflow condition flags are also provided.
Table 3-1. EMAC Memory Map
BDM1Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Section/Page
0x804 MAC Status Register (MACSR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 3.2.1/3-3
0x805 MAC Address Mask Register (MASK) 32 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 3.2.2/3-5
0x806 MA C Accum u lator 0 (ACC0) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.3/3-6
0x807 MAC Accumulator 0,1 Extension Bytes (ACC ext01) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.4/3-7
0x808 MAC Accumulator 2,3 Extension Bytes (ACC ext23) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.4/3-7
0x809 MA C Accum u lator 1 (ACC1) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.3/3-6
0x80A MAC Accumulator 2 (ACC2) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.3/3-6
0x80B MAC Accumulator 3 (ACC3) 32 R/W Undefined 3.2.3/3-6
1The values listed in this column represent the Rc field used when accessing the core registers via the BDM port. For more
information see Chapter 43, “Debug Module.
BDM: 0x804 (MA CSR) Access: Supervisor read/write
BDM read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R00000000000000000000 PAVnOMC S/U F/I R/T N Z VEV
Reset000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 3-2. MAC Status Register (MACSR)
Table 3-2. MACSR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–12 Reserved, must be clea re d .
PAVnProduct/accumulation ov erflow flags . Contains four flags , one per accumulator , that indicate if past MAC or
MSA C instructions generated an overflow during product calculation or the 48-bit accumulation. When a
MA C or MSA C instruction is e xecu ted, the PAVn flag associated with the destination accumulator f orms the
general ov erflow flag, MA CSR[V]. Once set, each flag remains set until V is cleared by a move.l, MACSR
instru ction or the accumulator is loaded directly.
Bit 11: Accumulator 3
Bit 8: Accumulator 0
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
3-4 Freescale Semiconductor
OMC Overflow saturation mode. Enables or disables saturation mode on overflow. If set, the accumulator is set
to the appropria te constant (see S/U field description) on any operation that overflows the accumulator.
After saturation, the accumulator remains unaffected by an y other MAC or MSAC instructions until the
overflow bit is cleared or the accumulator is directly loaded.
S/U Signed/unsigned operations.
In integer mode:
S/U determines whether operations performed are signed or unsigned. It also determines the accumulator
value during saturation, if enabled.
0 Signed numbers . On o verflow, if OMC is enab led, an accumulator saturates to the most positive
(0x7FFF_FFFF) or the most negative (0x8000_0000) number, depending on the instruction and the
product value that overflowed.
1 Unsigned numbers. On overflow, if OMC is enabled, an accumulator saturates to the smallest value
(0x0000_0000) or the largest value (0xFFFF_FFFF), depending on the instruction.
In fractional mode:
S/U controls rounding while storing an accumulator to a general-purpose register.
0 Move accumulator without rounding to a 16-bit value. Accumulator is moved to a general-purpose
register as a 32-bit value.
1 The accumulator is rounded to a 16-bit v alue using the round-to-nearest (even) method when moved to
a general-purpose register. See Section, “Rounding”. The resulting 16-bit value is stored in the
lower wo rd of the destination register. The upper word is zero-filled. This rounding procedure does not
affect the accumulator value.
F/I Fractional/integer mode. Determines whether input operands are treated as fractions or integers.
0 Integers can be represented in signed or unsigned notation, depending on the v alue of S/U.
1 Fractions are represented in signed, fixed-point, two’s complement notation. Values range from -1 to
-15 for 16-bit fractions and -1 to 1 - 2-31 for 32-bit fractions. See Section 3.3.4, “Data
R/T Round/truncate mode. Controls rounding procedure for move.l ACCx,Rx, or MSAC.L instructions when
in fracti on a l mode.
0 Truncate. The product’ s lsbs are dropped bef ore it is combined with the accumulator . Additionally, when
a store accumulator instruction is executed (move.l ACCx,Rx), the 8 lsbs of the 48-bit accumulator
logic are truncated.
1 Round-to-nearest (e v en). The 64-bit product of two 32-bit, fractional operands is rounded to the nearest
40-bit value . If the low-order 24 bits equal 0x80_0000, the upper 40 bits are rounded to the nearest e ven
(lsb = 0) value. See Section, “Rounding”. Additionally, when a store accumulator instruction is
e xecuted (move. l ACCx, Rx), the lsbs of the 48-bit accumulator logic round the resulting 16- or 32-bit
value. If MACSR[S/U] is cleared and MACSR[R/T] is set, the low-order 8 bits are used to round the
resulting 32-bit fraction. If MACSR[S/U] is set, the low-order 24 bits are used to round the resulting 16-bit
NNegative . Set if the msb of the result is set, otherwise cleared. N is affected only by MA C , MSA C , and load
operations; it is not affected by MULS and MULU instructions.
ZZero. Set if the result equals zero, otherwise cleared. This bit is affected only by MAC, MSAC, and load
operations; it is not affected by MULS and MULU instructions.
Table 3-2. MACSR Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Field Description
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Table 3-3 summarizes the interaction of the MACSR[S/U,F/I,R/T] control bits.
3.2.2 Mask Register (MASK)
The 32-bit MASK implements the low-order 16 bits to minimize the alignment complications involved
with loading and storing only 16 bits. When the MASK is loaded, the low-order 16 bits of the source
operand are actually loaded into the register. When it is stored, the upper 16 bits are all forced to ones.
This register performs a simple AND with the operand address for MAC instructions. The processor
calculates the normal operand address and, if enabled, that address is then ANDed with {0xFFFF,
MASK[15:0]} to form the final address. Therefore, with certain MASK bits cleared, the operand address
can be constrained to a certain memory region. This is used primarily to implement circular queues with
the (An)+ addressing mode.
This minimizes the addressing support required for filtering, convolution, or any routine that implements
a data array as a circular queue. For MAC + MOVE operations, the MASK contents can optionally be
included in all memory effective address calculations. The syntax is as follows: Ry,RxSF,<ea>yand ,Rw
VOverflow. Set if an arithmetic overflow occurs on a MAC or MSAC instruction, ind icating that the result
cannot be represented in the limited width of the EMAC. V is set only if a product overflow occurs or the
accumulation ov erflows the 48-bit structure. V is e v aluated on each MAC or MSA C operation and uses the
appropr iate PAVn flag in the next-state V evaluation.
EV Extension ov erflow . Signals that the last MAC or MSAC instruction overflowed the 32 lsbs in integer mode
or the 40 lsbs in fractional mode of the destination accumulator. However, the result remains accurately
represented in the combined 48-bit accumulator structure. Although an ov erflo w has occurred, the correct
result, sign, and magnitude are contained in the 48-bit accumulator . Subsequent MA C or MSAC oper ations
may return the accumulator to a valid 32/40-bit result.
Table 3-3. Summary of S/U, F/I, and R/T Control Bits
S/U F/I R/T Operational Modes
0 0 x Signed, integer
0 1 0 Signed, fractional
Truncate on MAC.L and MSAC.L
No round on accumulator stores
0 1 1 Signed, fractional
Round on MAC.L and MSAC.L
Round-to-32-bits on accumulator stores
1 0 x Unsigned, integer
1 1 0 Signed, fractional
Truncate on MAC.L and MSAC.L
Round-to-16-bits on accumulator stores
1 1 1 Signed, fractional
Round on MAC.L and MSAC.L
Round-to-16-bits on accumulator stores
Table 3-2. MACSR Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Field Description
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The and operator enables the MASK use and causes bit 5 of the extension word to be set. The exact
algorithm for the use of MASK is:
if extension word, bit [5] = 1, the MASK bit, then
if <ea> = (An)
oa = An and {0xFFFF, MASK}
if <ea> = (An)+
oa = An
An = (An + 4) and {0xFFFF, MASK}
if <ea> =-(An)
oa = (An - 4) and {0xFFFF, MASK}
An = (An - 4) and {0xFFFF, MASK}
if <ea> = (d16,An)
oa = (An + se_d16) and {0xFFFF0x, MASK}
Here, oa is the calculated operand address and se_d16 is a sign-extended 16-bit displacement. For
auto-addressing modes of post-increment and pre-decrement, the updated An value calculation is also
Use of the post-increment addressing mode, {(An)+} with the MASK is suggested for circular queue
Figure 3-3. Mask Register (MASK)
3.2.3 Accumulator Registers (ACC0–3)
The accumulator registers store 32-bits of the MAC operation result. The accumulator extension registers
form the entire 48-bit result.
BDM: 0x805 (MASK) Access: User read/write
BDM read/write
R1111111111111111 MASK
Table 3-4. MASK Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–16 Reserved, must be set.
MASK Performs a simple AND with the operand address for MA C instructions.
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Figure 3-4. Accumulator Registers (ACC0–3)
3.2.4 Accumulator Extension Registers (ACCext01, ACCext23)
Each pair of 8-bit accumulator extension fields are concatenated with the corresponding 32-bit
accumulator register to form the 48-bit accumulator. For more information, see Section 3.3, “Functional
Figure 3-5. Accumulator Extension Register (ACCext01)
BDM: 0x806 (ACC0)
0x809 (ACC1)
0x80A (ACC2)
0x80B (ACC3)
Access: User read/write
BDM read/write
Table 3-5. ACC0–3 Field Descriptions
Field Description
Accumulator Store 32-bits of the result of the MAC operation.
BDM: 0x807 (ACCext01) Access: User read/write
BDM read/write
Table 3-6. ACCext01 Field Descriptions
Field Description
ACC0U Accumulator 0 upper extension byte
ACC0L Accumulator 0 lower extension byte
ACC1U Accumulator 1 upper extension byte
ACC1L Accumulator 1 lower extension byte
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Figure 3-6. Accumulator Extension Register (ACCext23)
3.3 Functional Description
The MAC speeds execution of ColdFire integer-multiply instructions (MULS and MULU) and provides
additional functionality for multiply-accumulate operations. By executing MULS and MULU in the MAC,
execution times are minimized and deterministic compared to the 2-bit/cycle algorithm with early
termination that the OEP normally uses if no MAC hardware is present.
The added MAC instructions to the ColdFire ISA provide for the multiplication of two numbers, followed
by the addition or subtraction of the product to or from the value in an accumulator . Optionally , the product
may be shifted left or right by 1 bit before addition or subtraction. Hardware support for saturation
arithmetic can be enabled to minimize software overhead when dealing with potential overflow conditions.
Multiply-accumulate operations support 16- or 32-bit input operands in these formats:
Signed integers
Unsigned integers
Signed, fixed-point, fractional numbers
The EMAC is optimized for single-cycle, pipelined 32 ×32 multiplications. For word- and
longword-sized integer input operands, the low-order 40 bits of the product are formed and used with the
destination accumulator. For fractional operands, the entire 64-bit product is calculated and truncated or
rounded to the most-significant 40-bit result using the round-to-nearest (even) method before it is
combined with the destination accumulator.
For all operations, the resulting 40-bit product is extended to a 48-bit value (using sign-extension for
signed integer and fractional operands, zero-fill for unsigned integer operands) before being combined
with the 48-bit destination accumulator.
BDM: 0x808 (ACCext23) Access: User read/write
BDM read/write
Table 3-7. ACCext23 Field Descriptions
Field Description
ACC2U Accumulator 2 upper extension byte
ACC2L Accumulator 2 lower extension byte
ACC3U Accumulator 3 upper extension byte
ACC3L Accumulator 3 lower extension byte
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Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 show relative alignment of input operands, the full 64-bit product, the resulting
40-bit product used for accumulation, and 48-bit accumulator formats.
Figure 3-7. Fractional Alignment
Figure 3-8. Signed and Unsigned Integer Alignment
Therefore, the 48-bit accumulator definition is a function of the EMAC operating mode. Given that each
48-bit accumulator is the concatenation of 16-bit accumulator extension register (ACCextn) contents and
32-bit ACCn contents, the specific definitions are:
if MACSR[6:5] == 00 /* signed integer mode */
Complete Accumulator[47:0] = {ACCextn[15:0], ACCn[31:0]}
if MACSR[6:5] == 01 or 11 /* signed fractional mode */
Complete Accumulator [47:0] = {ACCextn[15:8], ACCn[31:0], ACCextn[7:0]}
if MACSR[6:5] == 10 /* unsigned integer mode */
Complete Accumulator[47:0] = {ACCextn[15:0], ACCn[31:0]}
The four accumulators are represented as an array, ACCn, where n selects the register.
Extended Product
Extension Byte Upper [7:0]
Extension Byte Lower [7:0 ]
Accumulator [31:0]
Extended Product
Extension Byte Upper [7:0]
Extension Byte Lower [7:0]
Accumulator [31:0]
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Although the multiplier array is implemented in a four-stage pipeline, all arithmetic MAC instructions
have an effective issue rate of 1 cycle, regardless of input operand size or type.
All arithmetic operations use register-based input operands, and summed values are stored in an
accumulator. Therefore, an additional MOVE instruction is needed to store data in a general-purpose
register. One new feature in EMAC instructions is the ability to choose the upper or lower word of a
register as a 16-bit input operand. This is useful in filtering operations if one data register is loaded with
the input data and another is loaded with the coefficient. Two 16-bit multiply accumulates can be
performed without fetching additional operands between instructions by alternating word choice during
The EMAC has four accumulator registers versus the MAC’s single accumulator . The additional registers
improve the performance of some algorithms by minimizing pipeline stalls needed to store an accumulator
value back to general-purpose registers. Many algorithms require multiple calculations on a given data set.
By applying different accumulators to these calculations, it is often possible to store one accumulator
without any stalls while performing operations involving a different destination accumulator.
The need to move large amounts of data presents an obstacle to obtaining high throughput rates in DSP
engines. Existing ColdFire instructions can accommodate these requirements. A MOVEM instruction can
efficiently move lar ge data blocks by generating line-sized burst references. The ability to load an operand
simultaneously from memor y into a register and ex ecute a MAC instruction makes some DSP operations
such as filtering and convolution more manageable.
The programming model includes a mask register (MASK), which can optionally be used to generate an
operand address during MAC + MOVE instructions. The register application with auto-increment
addressing mode supports efficient implementation of circular data queues for memory operands.
3.3.1 Fractional Operation Mode
This section describes behavior when the fractional mode is used (MACSR[F/I] is set). Rounding
When the processor is in fractional mode, there are two operations during which rounding can occur:
1. Execution of a store accumulator instruction (move.l ACCx,Rx). The lsbs of the 48-bit accumulator
logic are used to round the resulting 16- or 32-bit value. If MACSR[S/U] is cleared, the low-order
8 bits round the resulting 32-bit fraction. If MACSR[S/U] is set, the low-order 24 bits are used to
round the resulting 16-bit fraction.
2. Execution of a MAC (or MSAC) instruction with 32-bit operands. If MACSR[R/T] is zero,
multiplying two 32-bit numbers creates a 64-bit product truncated to the upper 40 bits; otherwise,
it is rounded using round-to-nearest (even) method.
To understand the round-to-nearest-even method, consider the following example involving the rounding
of a 32-bit number , R0, to a 16-bit number . Using this method, the 32-bit number is rounded to the closest
16-bit number possible. Let the high-order 16 bits of R0 be named R0.U and the low-order 16 bits be R0.L.
If R0.L is less than 0x8000, the result is truncated to the value of R0.U.
If R0.L is greater than 0x8000, the upper word is incremented (rounded up).
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If R0.L is 0x8000, R0 is half-way between two 16-bit numbers. In this case, rounding is based on
the lsb of R0.U, so the result is always even (lsb = 0).
If the lsb of R0.U equals 1 and R0.L equals 0x8000, the number is rounded up.
If the lsb of R0.U equals 0 and R0.L equals 0x8000, the number is rounded down.
This method minimizes rounding bias and creates as statistically correct an answer as possible.
The rounding algorithm is summarized in the following pseudocode:
if R0.L < 0x8000
then Result = R0.U
else if R0.L > 0x8000
then Result = R0.U + 1
else if lsb of R0.U = 0 /* R0.L = 0x8000 */
then Result = R0.U
else Result = R0.U + 1
The round-to-nearest-even technique is also known as convergent rounding. Saving and Restoring the EMAC Programming Model
The presence of rounding logic in the EMAC output datapath requires special care during the EMAC’s
save/restore process. In particular, any result rounding modes must be disabled during the save/restore
process so the exact bit-wise contents of the EMAC registers are accessed. Consider the memory structure
containing the EMAC programming model:
struct macState {
int acc0;
int acc1;
int acc2;
int acc3;
int accext01;
int accext02;
int mask;
int macsr;
} macState;
The following assembly language routine shows the proper sequence for a correct EMAC state save. This
code assumes all Dn and An registers are available for use, and the memory location of the state save is
defined by A7.
move.l macsr,d7 ; save the macsr
clr.l d0 ; zero the register to ...
move.l d0,macsr ; disable rounding in the macsr
move.l acc0,d0 ; save the accumulators
move.l acc1,d1
move.l acc2,d2
move.l acc3,d3
move.l accext01,d4 ; save the accumulator extensions
move.l accext23,d5
move.l mask,d6 ; save the address mask
movem.l #0x00ff,(a7) ; move the state to memory
This code performs the EMAC state restore:
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movem.l (a7),#0x00ff ; restore the state from memory
move.l #0,macsr ; disable rounding in the macsr
move.l d0,acc0 ; restore the accumulators
move.l d1,acc1
move.l d2,acc2
move.l d3,acc3
move.l d4,accext01 ; restore the accumulator extensions
move.l d5,accext23
move.l d6,mask ; restore the address mask
move.l d7,macsr ; restore the macsr
Executing this sequence type can correctly save and restore the exact state of the EMAC programming
model. MULS/MULU
MULS and MULU are unaff ected by fractional-mode operation; operands remain assumed to be integer s. Scale Factor in MAC or MSAC Instructions
The scale factor is ignored while the MAC is in fractional mode.
3.3.2 EMAC Instruction Set Summary
Table 3-8 summarizes EMAC unit instructions.
Table 3-8. EMAC Instruction Summary
Command Mnemonic Description
Multiply Signed muls <ea>y,Dx Multiplies two signed operands yielding a signed result
Multiply Unsigned mulu <ea>y,Dx Multiplies two unsigned operands yielding an unsigned result
Multiply Accumulate mac Ry,RxSF,ACCx
msac Ry,RxSF,ACCx
Multiplies two operands and adds/subtracts the product
to/from an accumulator
Multiply Accumulate
with Load mac Ry,Rx,<ea>y,Rw,ACCx
msac Ry,Rx,<ea>y,Rw,ACCx Multiplies two operands and combines the product to an
accumulator while loading a register with the memory operand
Load Accumulator move.l {Ry,#imm},ACCx Loads an accumulator with a 32-bit operand
Store Accumulator move.l ACCx,Rx Writes the contents of an accumulator to a CPU register
Copy Accumulator move.l ACCy,ACCx Copies a 48-bit accumulator
Load MACSR move.l {Ry,#imm},MACSR Writes a value to MACSR
Store MACSR move.l MACSR,Rx Write the contents of MACSR to a CPU register
Store MACSR to CCR move.l MACSR,CCR Write the contents of MACSR to the CCR
Load MAC Mask Reg move.l {Ry,#imm},MASK Writes a value to the MASK register
Store MAC Mask Reg move.l MASK,Rx Writes the co ntents of the MASK to a CPU register
Load Accumulator
Extensions 01 move.l {Ry,#imm},ACCext01 Loads the accumulator 0,1 extension bytes with a 32-bit
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3.3.3 EMAC Instruction Execution Times
The instruction execution times for the EMAC can be found in Section, “EMAC Instruction
Execution Times”.
The EMAC execution pipeline overlaps the AGEX stage of the OEP (the first stage of the EMAC pipeline
is the last stage of the basic OEP). EMAC units are designed for sustained, fully-pipelined operation on
accumulator load, copy, and multiply-accumulate instructions. However, instructions that store contents
of the multiply-accumulate programming model can generate OEP stalls that expose the EMAC execution
pipeline depth:
mac.w Ry, Rx, Acc0
move.l Acc0, Rz
The MOVE.L instruction that stores the accumulator to an integer register (Rz) stalls until the
program-visible copy of the accumulator is available. Figure 3-9 shows EMAC timing.
Figure 3-9. EMAC-Specific OEP Sequence Stall
In Figure 3-9, the OEP stalls the store-accumulator instruction for three cycles: the EMAC pipleline depth
minus 1. The minus 1 factor is needed because the OEP and EMAC pipelines overlap by a cycle, the
AGEX stage. As the store-accumulator instruction reaches the AGEX stage where the operation is
performed, the recently updated accumulator 0 value is available.
Load Accumulator
Extensions 23 move.l {Ry,#imm},ACCext23 Loads the accumulator 2,3 extension bytes with a 32-bit
Store Accumulator
Extensions 01 move.l ACCext01,Rx Writes the contents of accumulator 0,1 e xtension bytes into a
CPU register
Store Accumulator
Extensions 23 move.l ACCext23,Rx Writes the contents of accumulator 2,3 e xtension bytes into a
CPU register
Table 3-8. EMAC Instruction Summary (continued)
Command Mnemonic Description
regBusy stall
Accumulator 0 old new
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As with change or use stalls between accumulators and general-purpose registers, introducing intervening
instructions that do not reference the busy register can reduce or eliminate sequence-related store-MAC
instruction stalls. A major benefit of the EMAC is the addition of three accumulators to minimize stalls
caused by exchanges between accumulator(s) and general-purpose registers.
3.3.4 Data Representation
MACSR[S/U,F/I] selects one of the following three modes, where each mode defines a unique operand
1. Two’s complement signed integer: In this format, an N-bit operand value lies in the range -2(N-1)
< operand < 2(N-1) - 1. The binary point is right of the lsb.
2. Unsigned integer: In this format, an N-bit operand value lies in the range 0 < operand < 2N - 1. The
binary point is right of the lsb.
3. T wo’ s complement, signed fractional: In an N-bit number, the first bit is the sign bit. The remaining
bits signify the first N- 1 bits after the binary point. Given an N-bit number , aN-1aN-2aN-3... a2a1a0,
its value is given by the equation in Equation 3-3.
Eqn. 3-3
This format can represent numbers in the range -1 < operand < 1-2
For words and longwords, the largest negative number that can be represented is -1, whose internal
representation is 0x8000 and 0x8000_0000, respectively . The largest positive word is 0x7FFF or (1 - 2-15);
the most positive longword is 0x7FFF_FFFF or (1 - 2-31).
3.3.5 MAC Opcodes
MAC opcodes are described in the ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual.
Remember the following:
Unless otherwise noted, the value of MACSR[N,Z] is based on the result of the final operation that
involves the product and the accumulator.
The overflow (V) flag is managed differently . It is set if the complete product cannot be represented
as a 40-bit value (this applies to 32 ×32 integer operations only) or if the combination of the
product with an accumulator cannot be represented in the given number of bits. The EMAC design
includes an additional product/accumulation overflow bit for each accumulator that are treated as
sticky indicators and are used to calculate the V bit on each MAC or MSAC instruction. See
Section 3.2.1, “MAC Status Register (MACSR)”.
For the MAC design, the assembler syntax of the MAC (multiply and add to accumulator) and
MSAC (multiply and subtract from accumulator) instructions does not include a reference to the
single accumulator. For the EMAC, assemblers support this syntax and no explicit reference to an
accumulator is interpreted as a reference to ACC0. Assemblers also support syntaxes where the
destination accumulator is explicitly defined.
value 1 aN1
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The optional 1-bit shift of the product is specified using the notation {<< | >>} SF, where <<1
indicates a left shift and >>1 indicates a right shift. The shift is performed before the product is
added to or subtracted from the accumulator . W ithout this operator , the product is not shifted. If the
EMAC is in fractional mode (MACSR[F/I] is set), SF is ignored and no shift is performed. Because
a product can overflow, the following guidelines are implemented:
For unsigned word and longword operations, a zero is shifted into the product on right shifts.
For signed, word operations, the sign bit is shifted into the product on right shifts unless the
product is zero. For signed, longword operations, the sign bit is shifted into the product unless
an overflow occurs or the product is zero, in which case a zero is shifted in.
For all left shifts, a zero is inserted into the lsb position.
The following pseudocode explains basic MAC or MSAC instruction functionality. This example is
presented as a case statement covering the three basic operating modes with signed integers, unsigned
integers, and signed fractionals. Throughout this example, a comma-separated list in curly brackets, {},
indicates a concatenation operation.
switch (MACSR[6:5]) /* MACSR[S/U, F/I] */
{case 0: /* signed integers */
if (MACSR.OMC == 0 || MACSR.PAVn == 0)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 0
/* select the input operands */
if (sz == word)
then {if (U/Ly == 1)
then operandY[31:0] = {sign-extended Ry[31], Ry[31:16]}
else operandY[31:0] = {sign-extended Ry[15], Ry[15:0]}
if (U/Lx == 1)
then operandX[31:0] = {sign-extended Rx[31], Rx[31:16]}
else operandX[31:0] = {sign-extended Rx[15], Rx[15:0]}
else {operandY[31:0] = Ry[31:0]
operandX[31:0] = Rx[31:0]
/* perform the multiply */
product[63:0] = operandY[31:0] * operandX[31:0]
/* check for product overflow */
if ((product[63:39] != 0x0000_00_0) and and (product[63:39] != 0xffff_ff_1))
then { /* product overflow */
if (inst == MSAC and and MACSR.OMC == 1)
then if (product[63] == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0x0000_7fff_ffff
else result[47:0] = 0xffff_8000_0000
else if (MACSR.OMC == 1)
then /* overflowed MAC,
saturationMode enabled */
if (product[63] == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0xffff_8000_0000
else result[47:0] = 0x0000_7fff_ffff
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/* sign-extend to 48 bits before performing any scaling */
product[47:40] = {8{product[39]}} /* sign-extend */
/* scale product before combining with accumulator */
switch (SF) /* 2-bit scale factor */
{case 0: /* no scaling specified */
case 1: /* SF = “<< 1” */
product[40:0] = {product[39:0], 0}
case 2: /* reserved encoding */
case 3: /* SF = “>> 1” */
product[39:0] = {product[39], product[39:1]}
if (MACSR.PAVn == 0)
then {if (inst == MSAC)
then result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] - product[47:0]
else result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] + product[47:0]
/* check for accumulation overflow */
if (accumulationOverflow == 1)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 1
if (MACSR.OMC == 1)
then /* accumulation overflow,
saturationMode enabled */
if (result[47] == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0x0000_7fff_ffff
else result[47:0] = 0xffff_8000_0000
/* transfer the result to the accumulator */
ACCx[47:0] = result[47:0]
MACSR.N = ACCx[47]
if (ACCx[47:0] == 0x0000_0000_0000)
then MACSR.Z = 1
else MACSR.Z = 0
if ((ACCx[47:31] == 0x0000_0) || (ACCx[47:31] == 0xffff_1))
then MACSR.EV = 0
else MACSR.EV = 1
case 1,3: /* signed fractionals */
if (MACSR.OMC == 0 || MACSR.PAVn == 0)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 0
if (sz == word)
then {if (U/Ly == 1)
then operandY[31:0] = {Ry[31:16], 0x0000}
else operandY[31:0] = {Ry[15:0], 0x0000}
if (U/Lx == 1)
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then operandX[31:0] = {Rx[31:16], 0x0000}
else operandX[31:0] = {Rx[15:0], 0x0000}
else {operandY[31:0] = Ry[31:0]
operandX[31:0] = Rx[31:0]
/* perform the multiply */
product[63:0] = (operandY[31:0] * operandX[31:0]) << 1
/* check for product rounding */
if (MACSR.R/T == 1)
then { /* perform convergent rounding */
if (product[23:0] > 0x80_0000)
then product[63:24] = product[63:24] + 1
else if ((product[ 23:0] == 0x80_0000) and and (product[24] == 1))
then product[63:24] = product[63:24] + 1
/* sign-extend to 48 bits and combine with accumulator */
/* check for the -1 * -1 overflow case */
if ((operandY[31:0] == 0x8000_0000) and and (operandX[31:0] == 0x8000_0000))
then product[71:64] = 0x00 /* zero-fill */
else product[71:64] = {8{product[63]}} /* sign-extend */
if (inst == MSAC)
then result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] - product[71:24]
else result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] + product[71:24]
/* check for accumulation overflow */
if (accumulationOverflow == 1)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 1
if (MACSR.OMC == 1)
then /* accumulation overflow,
saturationMode enabled */
if (result[47] == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0x007f_ffff_ff00
else result[47:0] = 0xff80_0000_0000
/* transfer the result to the accumulator */
ACCx[47:0] = result[47:0]
MACSR.N = ACCx[47]
if (ACCx[47:0] == 0x0000_0000_0000)
then MACSR.Z = 1
else MACSR.Z = 0
if ((ACCx[47:39] == 0x00_0) || (ACCx[47:39] == 0xff_1))
then MACSR.EV = 0
else MACSR.EV = 1
case 2: /* unsigned integers */
if (MACSR.OMC == 0 || MACSR.PAVn == 0)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 0
/* select the input operands */
if (sz == word)
then {if (U/Ly == 1)
then operandY[31:0] = {0x0000, Ry[31:16]}
else operandY[31:0] = {0x0000, Ry[15:0]}
if (U/Lx == 1)
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then operandX[31:0] = {0x0000, Rx[31:16]}
else operandX[31:0] = {0x0000, Rx[15:0]}
else {operandY[31:0] = Ry[31:0]
operandX[31:0] = Rx[31:0]
/* perform the multiply */
product[63:0] = operandY[31:0] * operandX[31:0]
/* check for product overflow */
if (product[63:40] != 0x0000_00)
then { /* product overflow */
if (inst == MSAC and and MACSR.OMC == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0x0000_0000_0000
else if (MACSR.OMC == 1)
then /* overflowed MAC,
saturationMode enabled */
result[47:0] = 0xffff_ffff_ffff
/* zero-fill to 48 bits before performing any scaling */
product[47:40] = 0 /* zero-fill upper byte */
/* scale product before combining with accumulator */
switch (SF) /* 2-bit scale factor */
{case 0: /* no scaling specified */
case 1: /* SF = “<< 1” */
product[40:0] = {product[39:0], 0}
case 2: /* reserved encoding */
case 3: /* SF = “>> 1” */
product[39:0] = {0, product[39:1]}
/* combine with accumulator */
if (MACSR.PAVn == 0)
then {if (inst == MSAC)
then result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] - product[47:0]
else result[47:0] = ACCx[47:0] + product[47:0]
/* check for accumulation overflow */
if (accumulationOverflow == 1)
then {MACSR.PAVn = 1
if (inst == MSAC and and MACSR.OMC == 1)
then result[47:0] = 0x0000_0000_0000
else if (MACSR.OMC == 1)
then /* overflowed MAC,
saturationMode enabled */
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result[47:0] = 0xffff_ffff_ffff
/* transfer the result to the accumulator */
ACCx[47:0] = result[47:0]
MACSR.N = ACCx[47]
if (ACCx[47:0] == 0x0000_0000_0000)
then MACSR.Z = 1
else MACSR.Z = 0
if (ACCx[47:32] == 0x0000)
then MACSR.EV = 0
else MACSR.EV = 1
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Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes cache operation on the ColdFire processor.
4.1.1 Features
Features include the following:
Configurable as instruction, data, or split instruction/data cache
2-Kbyte direct-mapped cache
Single-cycle access on cache hits
Physically located on the ColdFire core's high-speed local bus
Nonblocking design to maximize performance
Separate instruction and data 16-Byte line-fill buffers
Configurable instruction cache miss-fetch algorithm
4.1.2 Introduction
The cache is a direct-mapped, single-cycle memory. It may be configured as an instruction cache, a
write-through data cache, or a split instruction/data cache. The cache storage is organized as 128 lines,
each containing 16 bytes. The memory storage consists of a 128-entry tag array (containing addresses and
a valid bit), and a data array containing 2 Kbytes, organized as 512 ×32 bits.
Cache configuration is controlled by bits in the cache control register (CACR), detailed later in this
chapter. For the instruction or data-only configurations, only the associated instruction or data line-fill
buffer is used. For the split cache configuration, one-half of the tag and storage arrays is used for an
instruction cache and one-half is used for a data cache. The split cache configur ation uses the instruc tion
and the data line-fill buffers. The core’s local bus is a unified bus used for instruction and data fetches.
Therefore, the cache can have only one fetch, instruction or data, active at one time.
For the instruction- or data-only configurations, the cache tag and storage arrays are accessed in parallel:
fetch address bits [10:4] addressing the tag array , and fetch address bits [10:2] addressing the storage array .
For the split cache configuration, the cache tag and storage arrays are accessed in parallel. The msb of the
tag array address is set for instruction fetches and cleared for operand fetches; fetch address bits [9:4]
provide the rest of the tag array address. The tag array outputs the address mapped to the given cache
location along with the valid bit for the line. This address field is compared to bits [31:11] for instruction-
or data-only configurations and to bits [31:10] for a split configuration of the fetch address from the local
bus to determine if a cache hit has occurred. If the desired address is mapped into the cache memory, the
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output of the storage array is driven onto the ColdFire core's local data bus, thereby completing the access
in a single cycle.
The tag array maintains a single valid bit per line entry. Accordingly, only entire 16-byte lines are loaded
into the cache.
The cache also contains separate 16-byte instruction and data line-fill buffers that provide temporary
storage for the last line fetched in response to a cache miss. W ith each fetch, the contents of the associated
line fill buf fer are examin ed. Thus, each fetch address ex amines the tag memory array and the asso ciated
line fill buffer to see if the desired address is mapped into either hardware resource. A cache hit in the
memory array or the associated line-fill buffer is serviced in a single cycle. Because the line fill buffer
maintains valid bits on a longword basis, hits in the buffer can be serviced immediately without waiting
for the entire line to be fetched.
If the referenced address is not contained in the memory array or the associated line-fill buffer, the cache
initiates the required external fetch operation. In most situations, this is a 16-byte line-sized burst
The hardware implementation is a nonblocking design, meaning the ColdFire core's local bus is released
after the initial access of a miss. Thus, the cache or the SRAM module can service subsequent requests
while the remainder of the line is being fetched and loaded into the fill buffer.
Figure 4-1. 2-Kbyte Cache Block Diagram
4.2 Memory Map/Register Definition
Three supervisor registers define the operation of the cache and local bus controller: the cache control
register (CACR) and two access control registers (ACR0, ACR1). Table 4-1 below shows the memory map
31 43 012 31 4
31 31 00
Local Address Bus
I or D Line Buffer
External Data[31:0]
I or D Line Buffer Storage
Fill Hit
Local Data BusTag Hit
127 511
Tag Inde x
Data Index
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 4-3
of these registers. The CACR and ACRs can only be accessed in supervisor mode using the MOVEC
instruction with an Rc value of 0x002, 0x004 and 0x005, respectively.
4.2.1 Cache Control Register (CACR)
The CACR controls the operation of the cache. The CACR provides a set of default memory access
attributes used when a reference address does not map into the spaces defined by the ACRs.
The CACR is a 32-bit, write-only supervisor control register. It is accessed in the CPU address space via
the MOVEC instruction with an Rc encoding of 0x002. The CACR can be read when in background debug
mode (BDM). Therefore, the register diagram, Figure 4-2, is shown as read/write. At system reset, the
entire register is cleared.
Table 4-1. Cache Memory Map
1The values listed in this column represent the Rc field used when accessing the core registers via the BDM port. For
more information see Chapter 30, “Debug Support.
Register Width
(bits) Access2
2Readable through debug.
Reset Value Section/P a ge
0x002 Cache Control Register (CACR) 32 W 0x0000_0000 4.2.1/4-3
0x004 Access Control Register 0 (ACR0) 32 W See Section 4.2.2/4-6
0x005 Access Control Register 1 (ACR1) 32 W See Section 4.2.2/4-6
BDM: 0x002 (CACR) Access: Supervisor write-only
Debug read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0000
Figure 4-2. Cache Control Register (CACR)
Table 4-2. CACR Field Descriptions
Field Description
CENB Cache enable. The memory array of the cache is enabled only if CENB is asserted. This bit, along with the DISI
(disable instruction caching) and DISD (disable data caching) bits, control the cache configuration.
0 Cache disabled
1 Cache enabled
Table 4-3 describes cache configuration.
30–29 Reserved, must be cleared.
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CPDI Disable CPUSHL in validation. When the privileged CPUSHL instruction is e xecuted, the cache entry defined by bits
[10:4] of the address is invali dated if CPDI is cleared. If CPDI is set, no operation is performed.
0 Enable invalidation
1 Disable invalidation
CFRZ Cache freeze. This field allows the user to freeze the contents of the cache. When CFRZ is asserted line f etches can
be initiated and loaded into the line-fill buff er , b ut a valid cache entry can not be ov erwritten. If a given cache location
is invalid , the contents of the line-fill buffer can be written into the memory array while CFRZ is asserted.
0 Normal Operation
1 Freeze valid cache lines
26–25 Reserved, must be cleared.
CINV Cache invalidate. The cache inv alidate operation is not a function of the CENB state (this operation is independent
of the cache being enabled or disabled). Setting this bit forces the cache to inv alidate all, half, or none of the tag array
entries depe nding on the state of the DISI, DISD, INVI, and INVD bits. The inval idation process requires several
cycles of overhead plus 128 machine cycles to clear all tag array entries and 64 cycles to clear half of the tag array
entries, with a single cache entry cleared per machine cycle. The state of this bit is always read as a zero. After a
hardware reset, the cache must be invalidated before it is enabled.
0 No operation
1 Invalidate all cache locations
Table 4-4 describes how to set the cache invalidate all bit.
DISI Disable instruction caching. When set, this bit disables instruction caching. This bit, along with the CENB (cache
enable) and DISD (disable data caching) bits, control the cache configuration. See the CENB definition f or a detailed
0 Enable instruction caching
1 Disable instruction caching
Table 4-3 describes cache configuration and Table 4-4 describes how to set the cache invalidate all bit.
DISD Disable data caching. When set, this bit disables data caching. This bit, along with the CENB (cache enable) and
DISI (disable instruction caching) bits, control the cache configuration. See the CENB definition for a detailed
0 Enable data caching
1 Disable data caching
Table 4-3 describes cache configuration and Table 4-4 describes how to set the cache invalidate all bit.
INVI CINV instruction cache only. This bit can not be set unless the cache configuration is split (DISI and DISD cleared).
F or instruction or data cache configurations this bit is a don’t-care. For the split cache configuration, this bit is part of
the control for the invalidate all operation. See the CINV definition for a detailed description
Table 4-4 describes how to set the cache invalidate all bit.
INVD CINV data cache only. This bit can not be set unless the cache configuration is split (DISI and DISD cleared). F o r
instruction or data cache configurations this bit is a don’t-care. F or the split cache configuration, this bit is part of the
control for the invalidate all operation. See the CINV definition for a detailed description
Table 4-4 describes how to set the cache invalidate all bit.
19–11 Reserved, must be cleared.
CEIB Cache enable non-cacheable instruction bursting. Setting this bit enables the line-fill buffer to be loaded with burst
transfers under control of CLNF[1:0] for non-cacheable accesses. Non-cacheable accesses are never written into
the memor y array. See Table 4-7.
0 Disable burst fetches on non-cacheable accesses
1 Enable burst fetches on non-cacheable accesses
Table 4-2. CACR Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
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Table 4-3 shows the relationship between CACR[CENB, DISI, & DISD] bits and the cache configuration.
Table 4-4 shows the relationship between CACR[DISI, DISD, INVI, & INVD] and setting the cache
invalidate all bit (CACR[CINV]).
DCM Def ault cach e mode . This bi t defines the de fault cache mode. For more inf ormation on the sele ction of the eff e ctive
memory attributes, see Section 4.3.2, “Memory Reference Attributes.
0 Caching enabled
1 C aching disabled
DBWE Default buffered write enable. This bit defines the default value for enabling buffered writes. If DBWE = 0, the
ter mination of an operand write cycle on the processor's local bus is delayed until the external bus cycle is
completed. If DBWE = 1, the write cycle on the local bus is terminated immediately and the operation b uff ered in the
bus controller. In this mode, operand write cycles are effectively decoupled between the processor's local bus and
the external bus. Generally, enabled buffered writes provide higher system performance but recovery from access
errors can be more difficult. For the ColdFire core, reporting access errors on opera nd writes is always imprecise
and enabling buffered writes further decouples the write instruction and the signaling of the fault
0 Disable buffered writes
1 Enable buffe r ed writes
7–6 Reserved, must be cleared.
DWP Default write protection
0 Rea d and write accesses permitted
1 Only read accesses permitted
EUSP Enable user stack pointer. See Section 2.2.3, “Supervisor/User Stack Pointers (A7 and OTHER_A7)”for more
information on the dual stack pointer implementation.
0 Disable the processor’s use of the User Stack Pointer
1 Enable the processor’s use of the User Stack Pointer
3–2 Reserved, must be cleared.
CLNF Cache line fill. These bits control the size of the memory request the cache issues to the bus controller fo r different
initial instruction line access offsets. See Table 4-6 for externa l fetch size based on miss address and CLNF.
Table 4-3. Cache Configuration as Defined by CACR
[DISD] Configuration Description
0 x x N/A Cache is completely disabled
1 0 0 Split Instruction/
Data Cache 1 KByte direct-mapped instruction cache (uses upper
half of tag and storage arrays) and 1 KByte
direct-mapped write-through data cache (uses low er
half of tag and storage arrays)
1 0 1 Instruction Cache 2 KByte direct-mapped instruction cache (uses all of
tag and storage arrays)
1 1 0 Data Cache 2 KByte direct-mapped write-through data cache
(uses all of tag and storage arrays)
Table 4-2. CACR Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
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4.2.2 Access Control Registers (ACR0, ACR1)
The ACRs provide a definition of memory reference attributes for two memory regions (one per ACR).
This set of ef fective attributes is defined for every memory reference using the ACRs or the set of default
attributes contained in the CACR. The ACRs are examined for every processor memory reference not
mapped to the flash or SRAM memories.
The ACRs are 32-bit, write-only supervisor control register. They are accessed in the CPU address space
via the MOVEC instruction with an Rc encoding of 0x004 and 0x005. The ACRs can be read when in
background debug mode (BDM). Therefore, the register diagram, Figure 4-3, is shown as read/write. At
system reset, both registers are disabled with ACRn[EN] cleared.
IPSBAR space should not be cached. The combination of the CACR
defaults and the two ACRn registers must define the non-cacheable attribute
for this address space.
Table 4-4. Cache Invalidate All as Defined by CACR
[INVD] Configuration Operation
0000Split Instruction/
Data Cache Invalidate all entries in 1-KByte instruction
cache and 1-KByte data cache
0001Split Instruction/
Data Cache Invalidate only 1 KByte data cache
0010Split Instruction
Data Cache Invalidate only 1 KByte instruction cache
0011Split Instruction/
Data Cache No invalidate
1 0 x x Instruction Cache Invalidate 2 KByte instruction cache
0 1 x x Data Cache Invalid ate 2 KByte data cache
BDM: 0x004 (ACR0)
0x005 (ACR1) Access: Supervisor write-only
BDM read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RAB AM EN SM 000000
CM BWE 00WP 0 0
Reset––––––––––––––––0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 4-3. Access Control Registers (ACRn)
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4.3 Functional Description
The cache is physically connected to the ColdFire core's local bus, allowing it to service all fetches from
the ColdFire core and certain memory fetches initiated by the debug module. T ypically , the debug module's
memory references appear as supervisor data accesses but the unit can be programmed to generate
user-mode accesses and/or instruction fetches. The cache processes any fetch access in the normal manner .
4.3.1 Interaction with Other Modules
Because the cache and high-speed SRAM module are connected to the ColdFire core's local data bus,
certain user-defined configurations can result in simultaneous fetch processing.
Table 4-5. ACRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
AB Address base. This 8-bit field is compared to address bits [31:24] from the processor's local bus under control of the
ACR address mask. If the address matches, the attributes for the memory reference are sourced from the given ACR.
AM Address mask. Masks an y AB bit. If a bit in the AM field is set, the corresponding bit of the address field comparison
is ignored.
EN A CR Enable. Hardware reset clears this bit, disab ling the ACR.
0ACR disabled
1 ACR enabled
SM Supervisor mode. Allows the given ACR to be applied to references based on operating privilege mode of the
ColdFire processor. The field uses the ACR for user references only, supervisor references only, or all accesses.
00 Match if user mode
01 Match if supervisor mode
1xMatch always—ignore user/supervisor mode
12–7 Reserved, must be cleared.
CM Cache mode.
0 Caching enabled
1 C aching disabled
BWE Buffered write enable. Defines the value for enabling buffered writes. If BWE is cleared, the termination of an operand
write cycle on the processor's local bus is dela y ed until the system bus cycle is completed. Setting BWE terminates
the write cycle on the local bus immediately and the operation is then buffered in the bus controller. In this mode,
operand write cycles are effectively decoupled between the processor's local bus and the system bus.
Generally, the enabling of buffered writes provides higher system performance but recov ery from access errors may
be more difficult.
For the V2 ColdFire core, the reporting of access errors on operand writes is always imprecise, and enabling buff ered
writes simply decouples the write instruction from the signaling of the fault even more.
0 Writes are not buffered.
1 Writes are buffered.
4–3 Reserved, must be cleared.
WP Write protect. Define s the write-protection attribute . If the effective memory attributes for a given access select the
WP bit, an access error term inates any attempted write with this bit set.
0 Rea d and write accesses permitted
1 Only read accesses permitted
1–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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If the referenced address is mapped into the SRAM module, that module services the request in a single
cycle. In this case, data accessed from the cache is simply discarded and no external memory references
are generated. If the address is not mapped into the SRAM space, the cache handles the request in the
normal fashion.
4.3.2 Memory Reference Attributes
For every memory reference the ColdFire core or the debug module generates, a set of ef fective attributes
is determined based on the address and the access control registers (ACRs). This set of attributes includes
the cacheable/non-cacheable definition, the precise/imprecise handling of operand write, and the
write-protect capability.
In particular , each address is compared to the values programmed in the ACRs. If the address matches one
of the ACR values, the access attributes from that ACR are applied to the reference. If the address does
not match either ACR, then the default value defined in the cache control register (CACR) is used. The
specific algorithm is as follows:
if (address == ACR0_address including mask)
Effective Attributes = ACR0 attributes
else if (address == ACR1_address including mask)
Effective Attributes = ACR1 attributes
else Effective Attributes = CACR default attributes
4.3.3 Cache Coherency and Invalidation
The cache does not monitor data references for accesses to cached instructions. Therefore, software must
maintain instruction cache coherency by invalidating the appropriate cache entries after modifying code
segments if instructions are cached.
The cache invalidation can be performed in several ways. For the instruction- or data-only configurations,
setting CACR[CINV] forces the entire cache to be marked as invalid. The invalidation operation requires
128 cycles because the cache sequences through the entire tag array, clearing a single location each cycle.
For the split configuration, CACR[INVI] and CACR[INVD] can be used in addition to CACR[CINV] to
clear the entire cache, only the instruction half, or only the data half. Any subsequent fetch accesses are
postponed until the invalidation sequence is complete.
The privileged CPUSHL instruction can invalidate a single cache line. When this instruction is executed,
the cache entry defined by bits [10:4] of the source address register is invalidated, provided CACR[CPDI]
is cleared. For the split data/instruction cache configuration, software directly controls bit 10 that selects
whether an instruction cache or data cache line is being accessed.
These invalidation operations can be initiated from the ColdFire core or the debug module.
4.3.4 Reset
A hardware reset clears the CACR and disables the cache. The contents of the tag array are not affected
by the reset. Accordingly, the system startup code must explicitly perform a cache invalidation by setting
CACR[CINV] before the cache can be enabled.
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4.3.5 Cache Miss Fetch Algorithm/Line Fills
As discussed in Section 4.1.2, “Introduction,” the cache hardware includes a 16-byte, line-fill buffer for
providing temporary storage for the last fetched line.
W ith the cache enabled as defined by CACR[CENB], a cacheable fetch that misses in the tag memory a nd
the line-fill buffer generates an external fetch. For data misses, the size of the external fetch is always 16
bytes. For instruction misses, the size of the external fetch is determined by the value contained in the 2-bit
CLNF field of the CACR and the miss address. Table 4-6 shows the relationship between the CLNF bits,
the miss address, and the size of the external fetch.
Depending on the runtime characteristics of the application and the memory response speed, overall
performance may be increased by programming the CLNF bits to values 00 or 01.
For all cases of a line-sized fetch, the critical longword defined by bits [3:2] of the miss address is accessed
first followed by the remaining three longwords that are accessed by incrementing the longword address
in a modulo-16 fashion as shown below:
if miss address[3:2] = 00
fetch sequence = 0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC
if miss address[3:2] = 01
fetch sequence = 0x4, 0x8, 0xC, 0x0
if miss address[3:2] = 10
fetch sequence = 0x8, 0xC, 0x0, 0x4
if miss address[3:2] = 11
fetch sequence = 0xC, 0x0, 0x4, 0x8
After an external fetch has been initiated and the data is loaded into the line-fill buffer , the cache maintains
a special most-recently-used indicator that tracks the contents of the associated line-fill buffer versus its
corresponding cache location. At the time of the miss, the hardware indicator is set, marking the line-fill
buffer as most recently used. If a s ubsequent access occurs to the cache location defined by bits [10:4] (or
bits [9:4] for split configurations of the fill buffer address), the data in the cache memory array is now most
recently used, so the hardware indicator is cleared. In all cas es, the indicator defines whether the contents
of the line-fill buf fer or the memory da ta array are most recently used. At the tim e of the next cache miss,
the contents of the line-fill buffer are written into the memory array if the entire line is present, and the
line-fill buffer data is most recently used compared to the memory array.
Generally, longword references are used for sequential instruction fetches. If the processor branches to an
odd word address, a word-sized instruction fetch is generated.
Table 4-6. Initial Fetch Offset vs. CLNF Bits
CLNF[1:0] Longword Address Bits[3:2]
00 01 10 11
00 Line Line Line Longword
01 Line Line Longword Longword
1X Line Line Line Line
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For instruction fetches, the fill buffer can also be used as temporary storage for line-sized bursts of
non-cacheable references under control of CACR[CEIB]. With this bit set, a non-cacheable instruction
fetch is processed, as defined by Table 4-7. For this condition, the line-fill buffer is loaded and subsequent
references can hit in the buffer, but the data is never loaded into the memory array.
Table 4-7 shows the relationship between CACR bits CENB and CEIB and the type of instruction fetch.
Table 4-7. Instruction Cache Operation as Defined by CACR
[CEIB] Type of
Instruction Fetch Description
0 0 N/A Cache is completely disabled; all instruction fetches
are word or longword in size.
0 1 N/A All instruction fetches are word or longword in size
1 X Cacheab le F etch size is defined b y Table 4-6 and contents of the
line-fill buffer can be written into the memory array
1 0 Non-cacheable All instruction fetches are word or longword in size,
and not loaded into the line-fill buffer
1 1 Non-cacheable Instruction fetch size is defined by Table 4-6 and
loaded into the line-fill buffer, but are never written into
the memory array.
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Chapter 5
Static RAM (SRAM)
5.1 SRAM Features
One 64-Kbyte SRAM
Single-cycle access
Physically located on processor's high-speed local bus
Memory location programmable on any 0-modulo-64 Kbyte address
Byte, word, longword address capabilities
5.2 SRAM Operation
The SRAM module provides a general-purpose memory block that the ColdFire processor can access in a
single cycle. The location of the memory block can be specified to any 0-modulo-64K address within the
4-GByte address space. The memory is ideal for storing critical code or data structures or for use as the
system stack. Because the SRAM module is physically connected to the processor's high-speed local bus,
it can service processor-initiated access or memory-referencing commands from the debug module.
Depending on configuration information, instruction fetches may be sent to both the cache and the SRAM
block simultaneously. If the reference is mapped into the region defined by the SRAM, the SRAM
provides the data back to the processor, and the cache data discarded. Accesses from the SRAM module
are not cached.
The SRAM is dual-ported to provide DMA access. The SRAM is partitioned into two physical memory
arrays to allow simultaneous access to both arrays by the processor core and another bus master. See
Chapter 8, “System Control Module (SCM)” for more information.
5.3 SRAM Programming Model
The SRAM programming model includes a description of the SRAM base address register (RAMBAR),
SRAM initialization, and power management.
5.3.1 SRAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
The configuration information in the SRAM base address register (RAMBAR) controls the operation of
the SRAM module.
The RAMBAR holds the base address of the SRAM. The MOVEC instruction provides write-only
access to this register.
The RAMBAR can be read or written from the debug module in a similar manner.
All undefined bits in the register are reserved. These bits are ignored during writes to the
RAMBAR, and return zeroes when read from the debug module.
The RAMBAR valid bit is cleared by reset, disabling the SRAM module. All other bits are
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Static RAM (SRAM)
5-2 Freescale Semiconductor
The RAMBAR contains several control fields. These fields are shown in Figure 5-1
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Field BA31 BA30 BA29 BA28 BA27 BA26 BA25 BA24 BA23 BA22 BA21 BA20 BA19 BA18 BA17 BA16
Reset Undefined
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset Undefined 0
Address CPU + 0xC05
Figure 5-1. SRAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
Table 5-1. SRAM Base Address Re gi st er
Bits Name Description
31–16 BA Base address. Defines the 0-modulo-64K base address of the SRAM module. By
programming this field, the SRAM may be located on any 64-Kbyte boundary within the
processor’s 4-Gbyte address space.
15–12 Reserved, should be cleared.
11–10 PRI1, PRI2 Priority bit. PRI1 determines if DMA or CPU has priority in upper 32k bank of memory . PRI2
determines if DMA or CPU has priority in lower 32k bank of memory. If bit is set, CPU has
priority. If bit is cleared, DMA has priority. Priority is determined according to the f ollowing
NOTE: The Freescale-recommended setti ng for the priority bits is 00.
9 SPV Secondary port valid. Allo ws access by DMA
0 DMA access to memory is disabled.
1 DMA access to memory is enabled.
NOTE: The BDE bit in the second RAMBAR register must also be set to allow dual port
access to the SRAM. For more information, see Section 8.4.2, “Memory Base Address
Register (RAMBAR).”
8 WP Write protect. Allows only read accesses to the SRAM. When this bit is set, any attempted
write access will generate an access error exception to the ColdFire processor core.
0 Allows read and wri te accesses to the SRAM module
1 Allows only read accesses to the SRAM module
7–6 Reserved, should be cleared.
PRI[1:2] Upper Bank
Priority Lower Bank
00 DMA Accesses DMA Accesses
01 DMA Accesses CPU Accesses
10 CPU Accesses DMA Accesses
11 CPU Accesses CPU Accesses
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Static RAM (SRAM)
Freescale Semiconductor 5-3
5.3.2 SRAM Initialization
After a hardware reset, the contents of the SRAM module are undefined. The valid bit of the RAMBAR
is cleared, disabling the module. If the SRAM requires initialization with instructions or data, the
following steps should be performed:
1. Load the RAMBAR mapping the SRAM module to the desired location within the address space.
2. Read the source data and write it to the SRAM. There are various instructions to support this
function, including memory-to-memory move instructions, or the MOVEM opcode. The
MOVEM instruction is optimized to generate line-sized burst fetches on 0-modulo-16 addresses,
so this opcode generally provides maximum performance.
3. After the data has been loaded into the SRAM, it may be appropriate to load a revised value into
the RAMBAR with a new set of attributes. These attributes consist of the write-protect and
address space mask fields.
The ColdFire processor or an external emulator using the debug module can perform these initialization
5.3.3 SRAM Initialization Code
The following code segment describes how to initialize the SRAM. The code sets the base address of the
SRAM at 0x20000000 and then initializes the SRAM to zeros.
RAMBASE EQU $20000000 ;set this variable to $20000000
RAMVALID EQU $00000001
move.l #RAMBASE+RAMVALID,D0 ;load RAMBASE + valid bit into D0.
movec.l D0, RAMBAR ;load RAMBAR and enable SRAM
5–1 C/I, SC, SD,
UC , UD Address space masks (ASn)
These five bit fields allow certain types of accesses to be “masked,” or inhibited from
accessing the SRAM module. The address space mask bits are:
C/I = CPU space/interrupt acknowledge cycle mask
SC = Supervisor code address space mask
SD = Supervisor data address space mask
UC = User code address space mask
UD = User data address space mask
For each address space bit:
0 An access to the SRAM module can occur for this address space
1 Disable this address space from the SRAM module. If a reference using th is address
space is made, it is inhibited from accessing the SRAM module, and is processed like
any other non-SRAM reference.
These bits are useful for power management as detailed in Section 5.3.4, “Power
0 V Valid. A hardware reset clears this bit. When set, this bit enables the SRAM module;
otherwise, the module is disabled.
0 Contents of RAMBAR are not valid
1 Contents of RAMBAR are valid
Table 5-1. SRAM Base Addre ss Register (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Static RAM (SRAM)
5-4 Freescale Semiconductor
The following loop initializes the entire SRAM to zero
lea.l RAMBASE,A0 ;load pointer to SRAM
move.l #16384,D0 ;load loop counter into D0
clr.l (A0)+) ;clear 4 bytes of SRAM
subq.l #1,D0 ;decrement loop counter
bne.b SRAM_INIT_LOOP ;if done, then exit; else continue looping
5.3.4 Power Management
As noted previously, depending on the configuration defined by the RAMBAR, instruction fetch and
operand read accesses may be sent to the SRAM and cache simultaneously. If the access is mapped to the
SRAM module, it sources the read data and the unified cache access is discarded. If the SRAM is used
only for data operands, asserting the ASn bits associated with instruction fetches can decrease power
dissipation. Additionally, if the SRAM contains only instructions, masking operand accesses can reduce
power dissipation. Table 5-2 shows some examples of typical RAMBAR settings.
Table 5-2. Typical RAMBAR Setting Examples
Data Contained in SRAM RAMBAR[7:0]
Code Only 0x2B
Data Only 0x35
Both Code And Data 0x21
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 6-1
Chapter 6
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
The MCF5282 incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST. The ColdFire Flash Module
(CFM) is constructed with eight banks of 32K x 16-bit Flash to generate a 512-Kbyte, 32-bit wide
electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory array. The CFM is ideal for program and data
storage for single-chip applications and allows for field reprogramming without external high-voltage
The voltage required to program and erase the Flash is generated internally by on-chip charge pumps.
Program and erase operations are performed under CPU control through a command-driven interface to
an internal state machine. All Flash physical blocks can be programmed or erased at the same time;
however, it is not possible to read from a Flash physical block while the same block is being programmed
or erased. The array used makes it possible to program or erase one pair of Flash physical blocks under the
control of software routines executing out of another pair.
The MCF5281 and MCF5214 implements only 256 Kbytes of Flash; half
that of the MCF5282 and MCF5216.
The MCF5280 does not contain a Flash module.
6.1 Features
Features of the CFM include:
512-Kbytes of Flash memory on the MCF5282 and MCF5216
256-Kbytes of Flash memory on the MCF5281 and MCF5214
Basic Flash access time of 2 clock cycles. Optimized processor Flash interface reduces basic Flash
access time through interleaving and speculative reads.
Automated program and erase operation
Concurrent verify, program, and erase of all array blocks
Read-while-write capability
Optional interrupt on command completion
Flexible scheme for protection against accidental program or erase operations
Access restriction controls for both supervisor/user and data/program space operations
Security for single-chip applications
Single power supply (system VDD) used for all module operations
Auto-sense amplifier timeout for low-power, low-frequency read operations
Enabling Flash security will disable BDM communications.
When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single-chip mode
regardless of the external reset configuration.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-2 Freescale Semiconductor
6.2 Block Diagram
The CFM module shown in Figure 6-1 contains the Flash physical blocks, the ColdFire Flash bus and IP
bus interfaces, Flash interface, register blocks, and the BIST engine.
Each 128-Kbyte Flash physical block is arranged as two 32,768-word (16 bits) memory arrays. Each of
these memory arrays is designated as xH or xL, where x represents one of the four Flash physical blocks
(0–3) and H/L represents the high or low 16 bits of each longword of logical memory. Each of these words
may be read as either individual bytes or aligned words. Aligned longword access is provided by
concatenating the outputs of the each of the two memory arrays within the Flash physical block. Simple
reads of bytes, aligned words, and aligned longwords require two 66-MHz clock cycles, although the
processor s Flash interface includes logic that reduces the effective access time through two-way longword
interleaving and speculative reads.
Flash physical blocks are interleaved on longword (4-byte) boundaries. Therefore, all Flash program,
erase, and verify commands operate on adjacent Flash physical blocks and are initiated with a single
aligned 32-bit write to the appropriate array location. Any other write operation will cause a cycle
termination transfer error. Page erase operates simu ltaneously on two interleavi ng erase pages in adjacent
Flash physical blocks. Each Flash physical block is organized as 1024 rows of 128 bytes with a single erase
page consisting of 8 rows (1024 bytes). Since page erase operates simultaneously on two interleaving and
adjacent physical Flash blocks, each erase row is comprised of four 16-bit entries in each of two memory
arrays within each of two Flash physical blocks. The first row of Flash is made up of 0H_0L_1H_1L [0]
through 0H_0L_1H_1L [31], where each [n] represents four 16-bit words from each memory array in each
of two physical blocks, for a total of 256 bytes. Since a single erase page consists of 8 rows of 256 bytes,
or 2048 bytes, the first erase page is physically located at 0H_0L_1H_1L [0] through 0H_0L_1H_1L
[255]. Mass erase operates simultaneously on two adjacent Flash physical blocks in their entirety and
erases a total of 256 Kbytes of Flash space. Therefore, it takes two mass erase operations, one on mass
erase block 0 and one on mass erase block 1, to erase the full 512K CFM Flash on the MCF5282 and
An erased Flash bit reads 1 and a programmed Flash bit reads 0. The CFM features a sense amplifier
timeout (SATO) block that automatically reduces current consumption during reads at low system clock
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-3
Figure 6-1. CFM Block Diagram
Flash Interface
Internal Bus
Memory Array
Backdoor Access
Flash Control Registers
Block 0H
32K x 16
Memory Array
Block 0L
32K x 16
Memor y Array
Block 3H
32K x 16
Memory Array
Block 3L
32K x 16
Flash Physical
Block 0 Flash Physical
Block 3
Mass Erase Block 0 (256 Kbytes) = Flash Physical Block 0 and Flash Physical Block 1.
Mass Erase Block 1 (256 Kb ytes) = Flash Ph ysical Block 2 and Flash Physical Bloc k 3 (MCF5282 and MCF5216 only)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-4 Freescale Semiconductor
6.3 Memory Map
Figure 6-2 shows the memory map for the CFM array. The CFM array can reside anywhere in the memory
space of the MCU. The starting address of the array is determined by the CFM array base address which
must reside on a natural size boundary; that is, the CFM array base address must be an integer multiple of
the array size. The CFM register space must reside on a 64 byte boundary as determined by the CFM
register base address. Figure 6-2 shows how multiple 32,768 by 16-bit Flash physical blocks interleave to
form a contiguous non-volatile memory space. Each pair of 32-bit blocks (even and odd) interleave every
4 bytes to form a 256-Kbyte section of memory.
The CFM on the MCF5281 and MCF5214 is constructed with four banks of
32K x 16-bit Flash arrays to generate 256 Kbytes of 32-bit Flash memory.
Figure 6-2. CFM Array Memory Map
The CFM module has hardware interlocks to protect data from accidental corruption. The <<BLOCK
NAME>> memory array is logically divided into 16-Kbyte sectors for the purpose of data protection and
access control. A flexible scheme allows the protection of any combination of logical sectors (see
Section, “CFM Protection Register (CFMPROT)”). A similar mechanism is available to control
supervisor/user and program/data space access to these sectors.
0x0007 FFFF
0x0004 000C
0x0000 0000
0x0000 0004
0x0000 0008
0x0000 000C
0x0003 FFFF
0x0004 0000
0x0004 0004
0x0004 0008
3H[1] 3L[1]
2H[1] 2L[1]
3H[0] 3L[0]
2H[0] 2L[0]
1H[1] 1L[1]
0H[1] 0L[1]
1H[1] 1L[1]
0H[0] 0L[0]
Logical Block 1 (256 Kbytes)
Array 2H
2H[31] 2L[31]
Array 2L
2H[0] 2L[0]
Flash Physical Block 2 Flash Physical Block 3
3H[31] 3L[31]
3H[0] 3L[0]
Array 3H Memory
Array 3L
Logical Block 0 (256 Kbytes)
Array 0H
0H[31] 0L[31]
Array 0L
0H[0] 0L[0]
Flash Physical Block 0 Flash Physical Block 1
1H[31] 1L[31]
1H[0] 1L[0]
Array 1H Memory
Array 1L
Each memory array = 64 Kbytes
(16 bits wide × 32K)
Each physical block = 128 Kbytes
(32 bits wide × 32K)
Configuration Field
1The MCF5281 and MCF5214 su pport only Logical Block 0.
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ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-5
6.3.1 CFM Configuration Field
The CFM configuration field comprises 24 bytes of reserved array memory space that determines the
module protection and access restrictions out of reset. Data to secure the Flash from unauthorized access
is also stored in the CFM configuration field. Table 6-1 describes each byte used in this field.
6.3.2 Flash Base Address Register (FLASHBAR)
The configuration information in the Flash base address register (FLASHBAR) controls the operation of
the Flash module.
The FLASHBAR holds the base address of the Flash. The MOVEC instruction provides write-only
access to this register.
The FLASHBAR can be read or written from the debug module in a similar manner.
All undefined bits in the register are reserved. These bits are ignored during writes to the
FLASHBAR, and return zeroes when read from the debug module.
The back door enable bit, FLASHBAR[BDE], is cleared at reset, disabling back door access to the
The FLASHBAR valid bit is programmed according to the chip mode selected at reset (see
Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM)” for more details). All other bits are unaffected.
The FLASHBAR register contains several control fields. These fields are shown in Figure 6-3
The default value of the FLASHBAR is determined by the chip
configuration selected at reset (see Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration
Module (CCM)” for more information). If external boot mode is used, then
the FLASHBAR located in the processor’ s CPU space will be invalid and it
must be initialized with the valid bit set before the CPU (or modules) can
access the on-chip Flash.
Table 6-1. CFM Configuration Field
Address Offset (from array
base address) Size
in Bytes Description
0x0000_0400–0x0000_0407 8 Back door comparison key
0x0000_0408–0x0000_040B 4 Flash program/erase sector protecti on
Blocks 0H/0L (see Section, “CFM Protection Register
0x0000_040C–0x0000_040F 4 Flash supervisor/user space restrictions
Blocks 0H/0L (see Section, “CFM Supervisor Access Register
0x0000_0410–0x0000_0413 4 Flash program/data space restrictions
Blocks 0H/0L (see Section, “CFM Data Access Register
0x0000_0414–0x0000_0417 4 Flash security longword (see Section, “CFM Security Register
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-6 Freescale Semiconductor
Flash accesses (reads/writes) by a bus master other than the core, (DMA
controller or Fast Ethernet Controller), or writes to Flash by the core during
programming must use the backdoor Flash address of IPSBAR plus an
offset of 0x0400_0000. For example, for a DMA transfer from the first
location of Flash when IPSBAR is still at its default location of
0x4000_0000, the source register would be loaded with 0x4400_0000.
Backdoor access to Flash for reads can be made by the bus master, but it
takes 2 cycles longer than a direct read of the Flash if using its FLASHBAR
The Flash is marked as valid on reset based on the RCON (reset
configuration) pin state. Flash space is valid on reset when booting in single
chip mode (RCON pin asserted and D[26]/D[17]/D[16] set to 1 10), or when
booting internally in master mode (RCON asserted and D[26]/D[17]/D[16]
are set to 111 and D[18] and D[19] are set to 00). See Chapter 27, “Chip
Configuration Module (CCM)” for more details. When the default reset
configuration is not overriden, the device (by default) boots in single chip
mode and the Flash space will be marked as valid at address 0x0. The Flash
configuration field is checked during the reset sequence to see if the Flash
is secured. If it is the part will always boot from internal Flash, since it will
be marked as valid, regardless of what is done for chip configuration.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 16
Field BA31 BA30 BA29 BA28 BA27 BA26 BA25 BA24 BA23 BA22 BA21 BA20 BA19
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 9876543210
Reset 0000_0001_0010_000 See
Address CPU + 0xC04
Note: The reset value f or the v alid bit is determined by the chip mode selected at reset (see Chapter 27,
“Chip Configuration Module (CCM) ”).
Figure 6-3. Flash Base Address Register (F LASHBAR)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-7
6.3.3 CFM Registers
The CFM module also contains a set of control and status registers. The memory map for these registers
and their accessibility in supervisor and user modes is shown in Table 6-3.
Table 6-2. FLASHBAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–19 BA[31:18] Base address field. Defines the 0-modulo-512K base address of the Flash
module . By pro gramming this field, the Fl ash may be located on any 512Kbyte
boundary within the processor’s four gigab yte address space.
18–9 Reserved, should be cleared.
8 WP Write protect. Read only. Allows only read accesses to the Flash. This bit is
always set and any attempted write access will generate an access error
exception to the ColdFire processor core.
0 Allows read and write accesses to the Flash module
1 Allows only read accesses to the Flash module
7–6 Reserved, should be cleared.
5–1 C/I, SC , SD, UC,
UD Address space masks (ASn).
These five bit fields allow certain types of accesses to be “masked,” or inhibited
from accessing the Flash module. The address space mask bi ts are:
C/I CPU space/interrupt acknowledge cycle mask
SC Supervisor code address space mask
SD Supervisor data address space ma sk
UC User code address space mask
UD User data address space mask
For each address space bit:
0 An access to the Flash module can occur for this address space
1 Disable this address space from the Flash module. If a reference using this
address space is made, it is inhibited from accessing the Flash module, and is
processed like any other non-Flash reference.
These bits are useful for power management as detailed in Chapter 7, “Power
0 V Valid. When set, this bit enables the Flash module; otherwise, the module is
0 Con te n ts of FLASHBAR are no t valid
1 Contents of FLASHBAR are valid
Table 6-3. CFM Register Address Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 31–24 Bits 23–16 Bits 15–8 Bits 7–0 Access1
0x1D_0000 CFMMCR CFMCLKD Reserved2S
0x1D_0004 Reserved2S
0x1D_0008 CFMSEC S
0x1D_000C Reserved2S
0x1D_0010 CFMPROT S
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-8 Freescale Semiconductor
6.3.4 Register Descriptions
The Flash registers are described in this subsection. CFM Configuration Register (CFMCR)
The CFMCR is used to configure and control the operation of the CFM array.
Bits 10 -5 in the CFMCR register are readable and writable with restrictions.
0x1D_0014 CFMSACC S
0x1D_0018 CFMDACC S
0x1D_001C Reserved2S
0x1D_0020 CFMUSTAT Reserved2S
0x1D_0024 CFMCMD Reserved2S
1S = Supervisor access only. User mode accesses to supervisor only addresses have no effect an d result in a
cycle termination transfer error.
2Addresses not assigned to a register and und efined register bits are reserved for expansion. Write accesses
to these reserved address spaces and reserved register bits have no effect.
15 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0000
Figure 6-4. CFM Module Configuration Register (CFMCR)
Table 6-4. CFMCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–11 Reserved, should be cleared.
10 LOCK Write lock control. The LOCK bit is always readable and is set once.
1 CFMPROT, CMFSACC, and CFMDACC register are write-locked.
0 CFMPROT, CMFSACC, and CFMDACC register are writable.
9 PVIE Protection violation interrupt enable. The PVIE bit is readable and writable. The
PVIE bit enables an interrupt in case the protection violation flag, PVIOL, is set.
1 An interrupt will be requested whenever the PVIOL flag is set.
0 PVIOL interrupts disabled.
8 AEIE Access error interrupt enable. The AEIE bit is readable and writable. The AEIE bit
enables an interrupt in case the access error flag, ACCERR, is set.
1 An interrupt will be requested whenever the ACCERR flag is set.
0 ACCERR interrupts disabled.
Table 6-3. CFM Register Address Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 31–24 Bits 23–16 Bits 15–8 Bits 7–0 Access1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-9 CFM Clock Divider Register (CFMCLKD)
The CFMCLKD is used to set the frequency of the clock used for timed events in program and erase
All bits in CFMCLKD are readable. Bit 7 is a read-only status bit, while bits 6–0 can only be written once.
7 CBEIE Command bu ffer empty interrupt enable. The CBEIE bit is readable and writable.
CBEIE enables an interrupt request when the command buff er for the Flash
physical blocks is empty.
1 Request an interrupt whenever the CBEIF flag is set.
0 Command buffer empty interrupts disabled
6 CCIE Command complete interrupt enable. The CCIE bit is readable and writable.
CCIE enables an interrupt when the command executing for the Flash is
1 Request an interrupt whenever the CCIF flag is set.
0 Command complete interrupts disabled
5 KEYACC Enable security key writing. The KEYACC bit is readable and only writable if the
KEYEN bit in the CFMSEC register is set.
1 Wr ites to the Flash array are interpreted as keys to open the back door.
0 Wr ites to the Flash array are interpreted as the start of a program, erase, or
verify sequence.
4–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
765 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0002
Figure 6-5. CFM Clock Divider Register (CFMCLKD)
Table 6-5. CFMCLKD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 DIVLD Clock divider loaded
1 CFMCLKD has been written since the last reset.
0 CFMCLKD has not been written.
6 PRDIV8 Enable prescaler divide by 8
1 Enables a prescaler that divides the CFM clock by 8 before it enters the
CFMCLKD divider .
0 The CFM clock is fed directly into the CFMCLKD divider.
5–0 DIV Clock divider field. The combination of PRDIV8 and DIV[5:0] effectiv ely divides the
CFM input clock down to a frequency between 150 kHz and 200 kHz. The
frequency range of the CFM clock is 150 kHz to 102.4 M Hz.
Table 6-4. CFMCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-10 Freescale Semiconductor
CFMCLKD must be written with an appropriate value before programming
or erasing the Flash array. Refer to Section, “Setting the CFMCLKD
Register.” CFM Security Register (CFMSEC)
The CFMSEC controls the Flash security features.
Enabling Flash security will disable BDM communications.
When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single-chip mode
regardless of the external reset configuration.
31 30 29 16
Reset See Note
15 0
Field SEC
Reset See Note
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0008
Note: The SECSTAT bit reset v alue is determined b y the security state of the Flash. All other bits in the register
are loaded at reset from the Flash Security longword stored at the array base address + 0x0000_0414.
Figure 6-6. CFM Security Register (CFMSEC)
Table 6-6. CFMSEC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31 KEYEN Enable back door key to security
1 Back door to Flash is enabled.
0 Back door to Flash is disabled.
30 SECSTAT Flash security status
1 Flash security is enabled
0 Flash security is disabled
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-11
The security features of the CFM are described in Section 6.5, “Flash Security Operation.”
29–16 Reserved. Should be cleared.
15–0 SEC[15:0] Security field. The SEC bits define the security state of the device; see below.
Table 6-6. CFMSEC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
SEC[15:0] Description
0x4AC8 Flash secured1
1The 0x4AC8 value was chosen because it represents the ColdFire Halt
instruction, making it unlikely that compiled code accidentally programmed
at the security longword in the Flash configuration field location would
unintentionally secure the device.
All other combin ations Flash unsecure d
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-12 Freescale Semiconductor CFM Protection Register (CFMPROT)
The CFMPROT specifies which Flash logical sectors are protected from program and erase operations.
The CFMPROT register is always readable and only writeable when LOCK = 0. To change which logical
sectors are protected on a temporary basis, write CFMPROT with a new value after the LOCK bit in
CFMCR has been cleared. To change the value of CFMPROT that will be loaded on reset, the protection
byte in the Flash configuration field must first be temporarily unprotected using the method just described
before reprogramming the protection bytes. Then the Flash Protection longword at offset 0x1D_0400 must
be written with the desired value.
The CFMPROT controls the protection of thirty-two 16-Kbyte Flash logical sectors in the 512-Kbyte
Flash array. Figure 6-8 shows the association between each bit in the CFMPROT and its corresponding
logical sector.
Since the MCF5281 and MCF5214 devices contain a 256-Kbyte Flash, only
CFMPROT[15:0] is used.
31 16
Field PROT
Reset See Note
15 0
Field PROT
Reset See Note
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0010
Note: The CFMPROT register is loaded at reset from the Flash Program/Erase Sector Protection longword
stored at the array base address + 0x0000_0400.
Figure 6-7. CFM Protection Register (CFMPROT)
Table 6-7. CFMPROT Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 PROT[31:0] Sector protection. Each Flash logical sector can be protected from program and
erase operations by setting its corresponding PROT bit.
1 Logical sector is protected.
0 Logical sector is not protected.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-13
Figure 6-8. CFMPROT Protection Diagram CFM Supervisor Access Register (CFMSACC)
The CFMSACC specifies the supervisor/user access permissions of Flash logical sectors.
31 16
Field SUPV
Reset See Note
15 0
Field SUPV
Reset See Note
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0014
Note: The CFMPROT register is loaded at reset from the Flash Supervisor/user Space Restrictions longword
stored at the array base address + 0x0000_040C.
Figure 6-9. CFM Supervisor Access Register (CFMSACC)
(ARRAY_BASE + 0x0000_0000)
16Kbyte Sector
(ARRAY_BASE + 0x0007_FFFF)
(ARRAY_BASE + 0x0000_4000)
(ARRAY_BASE + 0x0000_8000)
PROTECT[2] Protected Flash Logical Sectors
as defined by CFMPROT register
(ARRAY_BASE + 0x0007_C000)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-14 Freescale Semiconductor CFM Data Access Register (CFMDACC)
The CFMDACC specifies the data/program access permissions of Flash logical sectors.
Table 6-8. CFMSACC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 SUPV[31:0] Supervisor address space assignment. The SUPV[31:0] bits are always readable
and only writab le when LOCK = 0. Each Flash logical sector can be mapped into
supervisor or unrestricted address space. CFMSACC uses the same
correspondence between logical sectors and register bits as does CFMPRO T. See
Figure 6-8 for details.
When a logical sector is mapped into supe rvisor address space, only CPU
supervisor accesses will be allow ed. A CPU user access to a location in supervisor
address space will result in a cycle termination transfer error . When a logical sector
is mapped into unrestricted address space both supervisor and user accesses are
1 Logical sector is mapped in supervisor address space.
0 Logical sector is mapped in unrestricted address space.
31 16
Field DATA
Reset See Note
15 0
Field DATA
Reset See Note
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0018
Note: The CFMPROT register is loaded at reset from the Fl ash Program/Data Space Restrictions longword
stored at the array base address + 0x0000_0410.
Figure 6-10. CFM Data Access Register (CFMDACC)
Table 6-9. CFMDACC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 DATA[31:0] Data address space assignment. The DA TA[31:0] bits are always readable and only
writable when LOCK = 0. Each Flash logical sector can be mapped into data or
both data and program address space. CFMDACC uses the same correspondence
between logical sectors and register bits as does CFMPROT. See Figure 6-8 for
When a logical sector is mapped into data address space, only CPU data accesses
will be allowed. A CPU program access to a location in data address space will
result in a cycle termination transfer error. When an array sector is mapped into
both data and program address space both data and program accesses are
1 Logical sector is mapped in data address space.
0 Logical sector is mapped in data and program address space.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-15 CFM User Status Register (CFMUSTAT)
The CFMUSTAT reports Flash state machine command status, array access errors, protection violations,
and blank check status.
Only one CFMUSTAT bit should be cleared at a time.
765 10
Reset 1100_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0020
Figure 6-11. CFM User Status Register (CFMUSTAT)
Table 6-10. CFMUSTAT Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 CBEIF Command buff er empty interrupt flag. The CBEIF flag indicates that the command
buffer for the interleaved Flash physical blocks is empty and that a new command
sequence can be started. Clear CBEIF by writing it to 1. Writing a 0 to CBEIF has
no effect but can be used to abort a command sequence. The CBEIF bit can trigger
an interrupt request if the CBEIE bit is set in CFMMCR. While CBEIF is clear, the
CFMCMD register is not writable.
1 Command buffer is ready to accept a new command.
0 Command buffer is full.
6 CCIF Command complete interrupt flag. The CCIF flag indicates that no commands are
pending for the Flash ph ysical blocks. CCIF is set and cleared automatically upon
start and completion of a command. Writing to CCIF has no effect. The CCIF bit
can trigger an interrupt request if the CCIE bit is set in CFMCR.
1 All commands are complete d
0 Command in progress
5 PVIOL Protection violation flag. The PVIOL flag indicates an attempt was made to initiate
a program or erase operation in a Flash logical sector denoted as protected by
CFMPRO T. Clear PVIOL by writing it to 1. Writing a 0 to PVIOL has no effect. While
PVIOL is set in any this register, it is not possible to launch another command.
1 A protection violation has occurred
0 No failure
4 ACCERR Access error flag. The ACCERR flag indicates an illegal access to the CFM array
or registers caused by a bad program or erase sequence. ACCERR is cleared by
writing it to 1. Writing a 0 to ACCERR has no effect. While ACCERR is set in this
register , it is not possible to launch another command. See Section, “Flash
User Mode Illegal Operations,” for details on what sets the ACCERR fla g.
1 Access error has occurred
0 No failure
3 Reserved, should be cleared.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-16 Freescale Semiconductor CFM Command Register (CFMCMD)
The CFMCMD is the register to which Flash program, erase, and verify commands are written.
CFMCMD is readable and writable in all modes. Writes to bit 7 have no effect and reads return 0.
6.4 CFM Operation
The CFM registers, subject to the restrictions previously noted, can generally be read and written (see
Section 6.3.4, “Register Descriptions” for details). Reads of the CFM array occur normally and writes
behave according to the setting of the KEYACC bit in CFMCR. Program, erase, and verify operations are
2 BLANK Erase Verified Fla g. The BLANK flag indicates that the erase verify command
(RDARY1) has checked the two interleav ed Flash physical blocks and found them
to be blank. Clear BLANK by writing it to 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
1 Flash physical blocks verify as erased.
0 If an erase verify command has been requested, and the CCIF flag is set, then
the selected Flash physical b locks are not b lank.
1–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
76 0
Field CMD
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1D_0024
Figure 6-12. CFM Command Register (CFMCMD)
Table 6-11. CFMCMD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6–0 CMD[6:0] Command. Valid Flash us er mode commands are shown in Table 6-12. Writing a
command in user mode other than those listed in Table 6-12 will set the ACCERR
flag in CFMUSTAT.
Table 6-12. CFMCMD User Mode Command s
Command Name Description
0x05 RDARY1 Erase verify (all 1s)
0x20 PGM Longword program
0x40 PGERS Page erase
0x41 MASERS Mass erase
0x06 PGERSVER Page erase verify
Table 6-10. CFMUSTAT Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
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initiated by the CPU. Special cases of user mode apply when the CPU is in low-power or debug modes
and when the MCU boots in master mode or emulation mode.
6.4.1 Read Operations
A valid read operation occurs whenever a transfer request is initiated by the ColdFire core, the address is
equal to an address within the valid range of the CFM memory space, and the rea d/write control indicate s
a read cycle.
In order to reduce power at low system clock frequencies, the sense amplifier timeout (SATO) block
minimizes the time during which the sense amplifiers are enabled for r ead operations. The sense amplifier
enable signals to the Flash timeout after approximately 50 ns.
6.4.2 Write Operations
A valid write operation occurs whenever a transfer request is initiated by the ColdFire core, the address is
equal to an address within the valid range of the CFM memory space, and the rea d/write control indicate s
a write cycle.
The action taken on a valid CFM array write depends on the subsequent user command issued as part of a
valid command sequence. Only aligned 32-bit write operations are allowed to the CFM array. Byte and
word write operations will result in a cycle termination transfer error.
6.4.3 Program and Erase Operations
Read and write operations are both used for the program and erase algorithms described in this subsection.
These algorithms are controlled by a state machine whose timebase is derived from the CFM module clock
via a programmable counter.
The command register and associated address and data buffers operate as a two stage FIFO so that a new
command along with the necessary address and data can be stored while the previous command is still in
progress. This pipelining speeds when programming more than one longword on a specific row, as the
charge pumps can be kept on in between two programming commands, thus saving the overhead needed
to set up the charge pumps. Buf fer empty and command completion are indicated by flags in the CFM user
status register. Interrupts will be requested if enabled. Setting the CFMCLKD Register
Prior to issuing any program or erase commands, CFMCLKD must be written to set the Flash state
machine clock (FCLK). The CFM module runs at the system clock frequency ÷2, but FCLK must be
divided down from this frequency to a frequency between 150 kHz and 200 kHz. Use the following
procedure to set the PRDIV8 and DIV[5:0] bits in CFMCLKD:
1. If fSYS ÷ 2 is greater than 12.8 MHz, PRDIV8 = 1; otherwise PRDIV8 = 0.
2. Determine DIV[5:0] by using the following equation. Keep only the integer portion of the result
and discard any fraction. Do not round the result.
3. Thus the Flash state machine clock will be:
2 x 200kHz x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
DIV[5:0] =
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-18 Freescale Semiconductor
Consider the following example for fSYS = 66 MHz:
So, for fSYS = 66 MHz, writing 0x54 to CFMCLKD will set fCLK to 196.43 kHz which is a valid frequency
for the timing of program and erase operations.
For proper program and erase operations, it is critical to set fCLK between
150 kHz and 200 kHz. Array damage due to overstress can occur when fCLK
is less than 150 kHz. Incomplete programming and erasure can occur when
fCLK is greater than 200 kHz.
Command execution time increases proportionally with the period of fCLK.
When CFMCLKD is written, the DIVLD bit is set automatically. If DIVLD is 0, CFMCLKD has not been
written since the last reset. Program and erase commands will not execute if this register has not been
written (see Section, “Flash User Mode Illegal Operations”). Program, Erase, and Verify Sequences
A command state machine is used to supervise the write sequencing of program, erase, and verify
commands. To prepare for a command, the CFMUSTAT[CBEIF] flag should be tested to ensure that the
address, data, and command buffers are empty. If CBEIF is set, the command write sequence can be
This three-step command write sequence must be strictly followed. No intermediate writes to the CFM
module are permitted between these three steps. The command write sequence is:
1. Write the 32-bit longword to be programmed to its location in the CFM array. The address and data
will be stored in internal buffers. All address bits are valid for program commands. The value of
the data written for verify and erase commands is ignored. For mass erase or verify , the address can
be any location in the CFM array. For page erase, address bits [9:0] are ignored.
2 x (DIV[5:0] + 1) x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
fCLK =
2 x 200kHz x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
DIV[5:0] =
66 MHz
400 kHz x (1 + (1 x 7))
== 20
2 x (DIV[5:0] + 1) x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
fCLK =
66 MHz
2 x (20 + 1) x (1 + (1 x 7))
== 196.43 kHz
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The page erase command operates simultaneously on adjacent erase pages
in two interleaved Flash physical blocks. Thus, a single erase page is
effectively 2 Kbyte.
2. Write the program, erase, or verify command to CFMCMD, the command buffer. See
Section, “Flash Valid Commands.”
3. Launch the command by writing a 1 to the CBEIF flag. This clears CBEIF. When command
execution is complete, the Flash state machine sets the CCIF flag. The CBEIF flag is also set
again, indicating that the address, data, and command buffers are ready for a new command
sequence to begin.
The Flash state machine flags errors in command write sequences by means of the ACCERR and PVIOL
flags in the CFMUSTAT register. An erroneous command write sequence self-aborts and sets the
appropriate flag. The ACCERR or PVIOL flags must be cleared before commencing another command
write sequence.
By writing a 0 to CBEIF, a command sequence can be aborted after the
longword write to the CFM array or the command write to the CFMCMD
and before the command is launched. The ACCERR flag will be set on
aborted commands and must be cleared before a new command write
A summary of the programming algorithm is shown in Figure 6-13. The flow is similar for the erase and
verify algorithms with the exceptions noted in step 1 above. Flash Valid Commands
Table 6-13 summarizes the valid Flash user commands.
Table 6-13. Flash User Commands
CFMCMD Meaning Description
0x05 Erase
verify Verify that all 256 Kbytes of Flash from two interleaving physical
blocks are erased. If both bloc ks are erased, the BLANK bit will
be set in the CFMUSTAT register upon command completion.
0x20 Prog ram Prog ram a 32-bit lo ng word.
0x40 Page
erase Erase 2 Kbyte of Flash. Two 1024-byte pages from interleaving
physical blocks are erased in this operation.
0x41 Mass
erase Erase all 256 Kbytes of Flash from two interleaving physical
blocks. A mass erase is only possible when no PROTECT bits
are set for that block.
0x06 Page erase
verify Verify that the two 1024-byte pages are erased. If both pages
are erased, the BLANK bit will be set in the CFMUSTAT register
upon command completion.
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ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-20 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 6-13. Example Program Algorithm
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-21 Flash User Mode Illegal Operations
The ACCERR flag will be set during a command write sequence if any of the illegal operations below are
performed. Such operations will cause the command sequence to immediately abort.
1. Writing to the CFM array before initializing CFMCLKD.
2. Writing to the CFM array while in emulation mode.
3. Writing a byte or a word to the CFM array. Only 32-bit longword programming is allowed.
4. Writing to the CFM array while CBEIF is not set.
5. Writing an invalid user command to the CFMCMD.
6. Writing to any CFM other than CFMCMD after writing a longword to the CFM array.
7. Writing a second command to CFMCMD before executing the previously written command.
8. Writing to any CFM register other than CFMUSTAT (to clear CBEIF) after writing to the
command register.
9. Entering stop mode while a program or erase command is in progress.
10. Aborting a command sequence by writing a 0 to CBEIF after the longword write to the CFM
array or after writing a command to CFMCMD and before launching it.
The PVIOL flag will be set during a command write sequence after the longword write to the CFM array
if any of the illegal operations below are performed. Such operations will cause the command sequence to
immediately abort.
1. Writing to an address in a protected area of the CFM array.
2. Writing a mass erase command to CFMCMD while any logical sector is protected (see
Section, “CFM Protection Register (CFMPROT)”).
If a Flash physical block is read during a program or erase operation on that block (CFMUSTAT bit CCIF
= 0), the read will return non-valid data and the ACCERR flag will not be set.
6.4.4 Stop Mode
If a command is active (CCIF = 0) when the MCU enters stop mode, the command sequence monitor
performs the following:
1. The command in progress aborts
2. The Flash high voltage circuitry switches off and any pending command (CBEIF = 0) does not
executed when the MCU exits stop mode.
3. The CCIF and ACCERR flags are set if a command is active when the MCU enters stop mode.
The state of any longword(s) being programmed or any erase pages/physical
blocks being erased is not guaranteed if the MCU enters stop mode with a
command in progress.
Active commands are immediately aborted when the MCU enters stop
mode. Do not execute the STOP instruction during program and erase
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ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-22 Freescale Semiconductor
6.4.5 Master Mode
If the MCU is booted in master mode with an external memory selected as the boot device, the CFM will
not respond to the first transfer request out of reset. This will allow the external boot device to provide the
reset vector and terminate the bus cycle.
6.5 Flash Security Operation
The CFM array provides security information to the integration module and the rest of the MCU. A
longword in the Flash configuration field stores this information. This longword is read automatically after
each reset and is stored in the CFMSEC register.
Enabling Flash security will disable BDM communications.
When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single chip mode
regardless of the external reset configuration.
In user mode, security can be bypassed via a back door access scheme using an 8-byte long key. Upon
successful completion of the back door access sequence, the module output signal a nd status bit indicating
that the chip is secure are cleared.
The CFM may be unsecured via one of two methods:
1. Executing a back door access scheme.
2. Passing an erase verify check.
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ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Freescale Semiconductor 6-23
6.5.1 Bac k Door Access
If the KEYEN bit is set, security can be bypassed by:
1. Setting the KEYACC bit in the CFM configuration register (CFMMCR).
2. Wr iting the correct 8-byte back door comparison key to the CFM array at addresses 0x0000_0400
to 0x0000_0407. This operation must consist of two 32-bit writes to address 0x0000_0400 and
0x0000_0404 in that order. The two back door write cycles can be separated by any number of
bus cycles.
3. Clearing the KEYACC bit.
4. If all 8 bytes written match the array contents at addresses 0x0000_0400 to 0x0000_0407, then
security is bypassed until the next reset.
The security of the Flash as defined by the Flash security longword at
address 0x0000_0414 is not changed by the back door method of unsecuring
the device. After the next reset the device is again secured and the same back
door key remains in effect unless changed by program or erase operations.
The back door method of unsecuring the device has no effect on the program
and erase protections defined by the CFM protection register (CFMPROT).
6.5.2 Erase Verify Check
Security can be disabled by verifying that the CFM array is blank. If required, the mass erase command
can be executed for each pair of Flash physical blocks that comprise the array. The erase verify command
must then be executed for all Flash physical blocks within the array. The CFM will be unsecured if the
erase verify command determines that the entire array is blank. After the next reset, the security state of
the CFM will be determined by the Flash security longword, which, after being erased, will read
0xffff_ffff, thus unsecuring the module.
6.6 Reset
The CFM array is not accessible for any operations via the address and data buses during reset. If a reset
occurs while any command is in progress that command will immediately abort. The state of any longword
being programmed or any erase pages/physical blocks being erased is not guaranteed.
6.7 Interrupts
The CFM module can request an interrupt when all commands are completed or when the address, data,
and command buffers are empty. Table 6-14 shows the CFM interrupt mechanism.
Table 6-14. CFM Interrupt Sources
Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag Local Enable
Command, data and address
buf fers empty CBEIF
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ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
6-24 Freescale Semiconductor
All commands are completed CCIF
Access error ACCERR
Table 6-14. CFM Interrupt Sources (continued)
Interrupt Source Interrupt Flag Local Enable
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 7-1
Chapter 7
Power Management
The power management module (PMM) controls the device’s low-power operation.
7.1 Features
The following features support low-power operation.
Four modes of operation:
Ability to shut down most peripherals independently
Ability to shut down the external CLKOUT pin
7.2 Memory Map and Registers
This subsection provides a description of the memory map and registers.
7.2.1 Programming Model
The PMM programming model consists of one register:
The low-power control register (LPCR) specifies the low-power mode entered when the STOP
instruction is issued, and controls clock activity in this low-power mode.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Power Management
7-2 Freescale Semiconductor
7.2.2 Memory Map
7.2.3 Register Descriptions
The following subsection describes the PMM registers. Low-Power Interrupt Control Register (LPICR)
Implementation of low-power stop mode and exit from a low-power mode via an interrupt require
communication between the CPU and logic associated with the interrupt controller. The LPICR is an 8-bit
register that e nables entry into low-power stop mode, and includes the setting of the interrupt level needed
to exit a low-power mode.
The setting of the low-power mode select (LPMD) field in the power
management module’s low-power control register (LPCR) determines
which low-power mode the device enters when a STOP instruction is issued.
If this field is set to enter stop mode, then the ENBSTOP bit in the LPICR
must also be set.
Following is the sequence of operations needed to enable this functionality:
1. The LPICR is programmed, setting the ENBSTOP bit (if stop mode is the desired low-power
mode) and loading the appropriate interrupt priority level.
2. At the appropriate time, the processor executes the privileged STOP instruction. Once the
processor has stopped execution, it asserts a specific Processor S tatus (PST) encoding. Issuing the
STOP instruction when the LPICR[ENBSTOP] bit is set causes the SCM to enter stop mode.
3. The entry into a low-power mode is processed by the low-power mode control logic, and the
appropriate clocks (usually those related to the high-speed processor core) are disabled.
4. After entering the low-power mode, the interrupt controller enables a combinational logic path
which evaluates any unmasked interrupt requests. The device waits for an event to generate an
interrupt request with a priority level greater than the value programmed in
Table 7-1. Chip Configuration Module Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 31–24 Bits 23–16 Bits 15–8 Bits 7–0 Access1
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only. User mode accesses to supervisor only addresses have no effect and result in
a cycle termination transfer error .
0x0000_0010 Core Reset Status
Register (CRSR)2
2The CRSR, CWCR, and CWSR are describ ed in the System Integration Module. They are shown here only to warn
against accidental writes to these registers when accessing the LPICR.
Core W atchdog
Control Register
Interrupt Control
Register (LPICR)
Core Watchdo g
Service Register
0x0011_0004 Chip Configuration Register (CCR)3
3The CCR is described in the Chip Configuration Module. It is shown here only to warn against accidental writes to this
register when accessing the LPCR.
Reserved Low-Power Control
Register (LPCR) S
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Po wer Management
Freescale Semiconductor 7-3
Only fixed (external) interrupt can bring a device out of stop mode. To exit
from other low-power modes, such as doze or wait, either fixed or
programmable interrupts may be used; however, the module generating the
interrupt must be enabled in that particular low-power mode.
5. Once an appropriately-high interrupt request level arrives, the interrupt controller signals its
presence, and the SIM responds by asserting the request to exit low-power mode.
6. The low-power mode control logic senses the request signal and re-enables the appropriate
7. With the processor clocks enabled, the core processes the pending interrupt request.
76 43 0
Reset 1/0 0 1/0 0 Undefined
Address IPSBAR + 0x012
Figure 7-1. Low-Power Interrupt Control Register (LPICR)
Table 7-2. LPICR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 ENBSTOP Enable low-power stop mode.
0 Low-power stop mode disabled
1 Low-power stop mode enabled. Once the core is stopped and the signal to enter stop
mode is asserted, processor clocks can be disabled.
6–4 XLPM_IPL Exit low-power mode interrupt priority level. This field defines the interrupt priori ty level
needed to exit the low-power mode.Refer to Table 7-3.
3–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 7-3. XLPM_IPL Settings
XLPM_IPL[2:0] Interrupts Level Needed to Exit Low-Power Mode
000 Any interrupt request exits low-power mode
001 Interrupt request levels [2-7] exit low-power mode
010 Interrupt request levels [3-7] exit low-power mode
011 Interrupt request levels [4-7] exit low-power mode
100 Interrupt request levels [5-7] exit low-power mode
101 Interrupt request levels [6-7] exit low-power mode
11x Interrupt request level [7] exits low-power mode
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Power Management
7-4 Freescale Semiconductor Low-Power Control Register (LPCR)
The LPCR controls chip operation and module operation during low-power modes.
7 6543210
Reset 0000_0010
Address IPSBAR + 0x0011_0007
Figure 7-2. Low-Power Control Register (LPCR)
Table 7-4. LPCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–6 LPMD Low-power mode select. Used to select the low-power mode the chip
enters once the ColdFire CPU executes the STOP instruction. These bits
must be written prior to instr uctio n execution for them to take effect. The
LPMD[1:0] bits are readable and writable in all modes. Table 7-5 illustrates
the four different pow er modes that can be configured with the LPMD bit
5 Reser ved, should be cleared.
4–3 STPMD PLL/CLKOUT stop mode. Controls PLL and CLKOUT operation in stop
mode as shown in Table 7-6
2 Reser ved, should be cleared.
1 LVDSE LDV standby enable. Controls whether the PMM enters VREG Standby
Mode (LVD disabled) or VREG Pseudo-Standby (LVD enabled) mode when
the PMM receives a power down request. This bit has no effe ct if the
RCR[LVDE] bit is a logic 0.
1 VREG Pseudo-Standby mode (LVD enabled on power down request).
0 VREG Standby mode (LVD disabled on power down request).
0 Reser ved, should be cleared.
Table 7-5. Low-Power Modes
LPMD[1:0] Mode
00 RUN
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Freescale Semiconductor 7-5
If LPCR[LPMD] is cleared, then the device stops executing code upon issue
of a STOP instruction. However, no clocks are disabled.
7.3 Functional Description
The functions and characteristics of the low-power modes, and how each module is affected by, or af fects,
these modes are discussed in this section.
7.3.1 Low-Power Modes
The system enters a low-power mode by executing a STOP instruction. Which mode the device actually
enters (either stop, wait, or doze) depends on what is programmed in LPCR[LPMD]. Entry into any of
these modes idles the CPU with no cycles active, powers down the system and stops all internal clocks
appropriately. During stop mode, the system clock is stopped low.
For entry into stop mode, the LPICR[ENBSTOP] bit must be set before a STOP instruction is issued.
A wakeup event is required to exit a low-power mode and return to run mode. Wakeup events consist of
any of these conditions:
Any type of reset
Any valid, enabled interrupt request
The latter method of exiting from low-power mode, by a valid and enabled interrupt request, requires
several things:
An interrupt request whose priority is higher than the value programmed in the XLPM_IPL field
of the LPICR
An interrupt request whose priority higher than the value programmed in the interrupt priority
mask (I) field of the core’s status register
An interrupt request from a source which is not masked in the interrupt controller’ s interrupt mask
An interrupt request which has been enabled at the module of the interrupt’s origin Run Mode
Run mode is the normal system operating mode. Current consumption in this mode is related directly to
the system clock frequency.
Table 7-6. PLL/CLKOUT Stop Mode Operation
STPMD[1:0] Operation During Stop Mode
00 Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
01 Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
10 Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled Enabled
11 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Low-Power Option
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Power Management
7-6 Freescale Semiconductor Wait Mode
Wait mode is intended to be used to stop only the CPU and memory clocks until a wakeup event is
detected. In this mode, peripherals may be programmed to continue operating and can generate in terrupts,
which cause the CPU to exit from wait mode. Doze Mode
Doze mode affects the CPU in the same manner as wait mode, except that each peripheral defines
individual operational characteristics in doze mode. Peripherals which continue to run and have the
capability of producing interrupts may cause the CPU to exit the doze mode and return to run mode.
Peripherals which are stopped will restart operation on exit from doze mode as defined for each peripheral. Stop Mode
Stop mode affects the CPU in the same manner as the wait and doze modes, except that all clocks to the
system are stopped and the peripherals cease operation.
Stop mode must be entered in a controlled manner to ensure that any current operation is properly
terminated. When exiting stop mode, most peripherals retain their pre-stop status and resume operation.
The following subsections specify the operation of each module while in and when exiting low-power
Entering stop mode will disable the SDRAMC including the refresh counter .
If SDRAM is used, then code is required to insure proper entry and exit from
stop mode. See Section, “SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC)” for more
information. Peripheral Shut Down
Most peripherals may be disabled by software in order to cease internal clock generation and remain in a
static state. Each peripheral has its own specific disabling sequence (refer to each peripheral description
for further details). A peripheral may be disabled at any time and will remain disabled during any
low-power mode of operation.
7.3.2 Peripheral Behavior in Low-Power Modes ColdFire Core
The ColdFire core is disabled during any low-power mode. No recovery time is required when exiting any
low-power mode. Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM)
SRAM is disabled during any low-power mode. No recovery time is require d when exiting any low-power
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Freescale Semiconductor 7-7 Flash
The Flash module is in a low-power state if not being accessed. No recovery time is required after exit
from any low-power mode.
The MCF5280 does not have a Flash module. System Control Module (SCM)
The SCM’s core Watchdog timer can bring the device out of all low-power modes except stop mode. In
stop mode, all clocks stop, and the core Watchdog does not operate.
When enabled, the core Watchdog can bring the device out of low-power mode in one of two ways. If the
core Watchdog reset/interrupt select (CSRI) bit is set, then a core Watchdog timeout will cause a reset of
the device. If the CSRI bit is cleared, then a core Watchdog interrupt may be enabled and upon watchdog
timeout, can bring the device out of low-power mode. This system setup must meet the conditions
specified in Section 7.3.1, “Low-Power Modes” for the core Watchdog interrupt to bring the part out of
low-power mode. SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC)
SDRAMC operation is unaffected by either the wait or doze modes; however, the SDRAMC is disabled
by stop mode. Since all clocks to the SDRAMC are disabled by stop mode, the SDRAMC will not generate
refresh cycles.
To prevent loss of data the SDRAM should be placed in self-refresh mode by setting DCR[IS] before
entering stop mode. The SDRAM self-refresh mode allows the SDRAM to enter a low-power state where
internal refresh operations are used to maintain the integrity of the data stored in the SDRAM.
When stop mode is exited clearing the DCR[IS] bit will cause the SDRAM to exit the self-refresh mode
and allow bus cycles to the SDRAM to resume.
The SDRAM is inaccessible while in the self-refresh mode. Therefore, if
stop mode is used the vector table and any interrupt handlers that could
wake the processor should not be stored in or attempt to access SDRAM. Chip Select Module
In wait and doze modes, the chip select module continues operation but does not generate interrupts;
therefore it cannot bring a device out of a low-power mode. This module is stopped in stop mode. DMA Controller (DMAC0–DMA3)
In wait and doze modes, the DMA controller is capable of bringing the device out of a low-power mode
by generating an interrupt either upon completion of a transfer or upon an error condition. The completion
of transfer interrupt is generated when DMA interrupts are enabled by the setting of the DCR[INT] bit,
and an interrupt is generated when the DSR[DONE] bit is set. The interrupt upon error condition is
generated when the DCR[INT] bit is set, and an interrupt is generated when either the CE, BES or BED
bit in the DSR becomes set.
The DMA controller is stopped in stop mode and thus cannot cause an exit from this low-power mode.
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7-8 Freescale Semiconductor UART Modules (UART0, UART1, and UART2)
In wait and doze modes, the UART may generate an interrupt to exit the low-power modes.
Clearing the transmit en able bit (TE) or the receiver enable bit (RE) disables UART functions.
The UARTs are unaffected by wait mode and may generate an interrupt to exit this mode.
In stop mode, the UARTs stop immediately and freeze their operation, register values, state machines, and
external pins. During this mode, the UART clocks are shut down. Coming out of stop mode returns the
UARTs to operation from the state prior to the low-power mode entry. I2C Module
When the I2C Module is enabled by the setting of the I2CR[IEN] bit and when the device is not in stop
mode, the I2C module is operable and may generate an interrupt to bring the device out of a low-power
mode. For an interrupt to occur, the I2CR[IIE] bit must be set to enable interrupts, and the setting of the
I2SR[IIF] generates the interrupt signal to the CPU and interrupt controller. The setting of I2SR[IIF]
signifies either the completion of one byte transfer or the reception of a calling address matching its own
specified address when in slave receive mode.
In stop mode, the I2C Module stops immediately and freezes operation, register values, and external pins.
Upon exiting stop mode, the I2C resumes operation unless stop mode was exited by reset. Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
In wait and doze modes, the queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) may genera te an interrupt to exit the
low-power modes.
Clearing the QSPI enable bit (SPE) disables the QSPI function.
The QSPI is unaffected by wait mode and may generate an interrupt to exit this mode.
In stop mode, the QSPI stops immediately and freezes operation, register values, state machines, and
external pins. During this mode, the QSPI clocks are shut down. Coming out of stop mode returns the QSPI
to operation from the state prior to the low-power mode entry. DMA Timers (DMAT0–DMAT3)
In wait and doze modes, the DMA timers may generate an interrupt to exit a low-power mode. This
interrupt can be generated when the DMA Timer is in either input capture mode or reference compare
In input capture mode, where the capture enable (CE) field of the timer mode register (DTMR) has a
non-zero value and the DMA enable (DMAEN) bit of the DMA timer extended mode register (DTXMR)
is cleared, an interrupt is issued upon a captured input. In reference compare mode, where the output
reference request interrupt enable (ORRI) bit of DTMR is set and the DTXMR[DMAEN] bit is cleared,
an interrupt is issued when the timer counter reaches the reference value.
DMA timer operation is disabled in stop mode, but the DMA timer is unaf fected by either the wait or doze
modes and may generate an interrupt to exit these modes. Upon exiting stop mode, the timer will resume
operation unless stop mode was exited by reset.
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Freescale Semiconductor 7-9 Interrupt Controllers (INTC0, INTC1)
The interrupt controller is not affected by any of the low-power modes. All logic between the input sources
and generating the interrupt to the processor will be combinational to a llow the ability to wake up the CPU
processor during low-power stop mode when all system clocks are stopped.
An interrupt request will cause the CPU to exit a low-power mode only if that interrupt’s priority level is
at or above the level programmed in the interrupt priority mask field of the CPU’s status register (SR). The
interrupt must also be enabled in the interrupt controllers interrupt mask register as well as at the module
from which the interrupt request would originate. Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
In wait and doze modes, the FEC may generate an interrupt to exit the low-power modes.
Clearing the ECNTRL[ETHER_EN] bit disables the FEC function.
The FEC is unaffected by wait mode and may generate an interrupt to exit this mode.
In stop mode, the FEC stops immediately and freezes operation, register values, state machines, and
external pins. During this mode, the FEC clocks are shut down. Coming out of stop mode returns the FEC
to operation from the state prior to the low-power mode entry.
The MCF5214 and MCF5216 do not contain an FEC. I/O Ports
The I/O ports are unaffected by entry into a low-power mode. These pins may impact low-power current
draw if they are configured as outputs and are sourcing current to an external load. If low-power mode is
exited by a reset, the state of the I/O pins will revert to their default direction settings. Reset Controller
A power-on reset (POR) will always cause a chip reset and exit from any low-power mode.
In wait and doze modes, asserting the external RSTI pin for at least four clocks will cau se an external reset
that will reset the chip and exit any low-power modes.
In stop mode, the RSTI pin synchronization is disabled and asserting the external RSTI pin will
asynchronously generate an internal reset and exit any low-power modes. Registers will lose current
values and must be reconfigured from reset state if needed.
If the phase lock loop (PLL) in the clock module is active and if the appropriate (LOCRE, LOLRE) bits
in the synthesizer control register are set, then an y loss-of-clock or loss-of-lock will reset the chip and exit
any low-power modes.
If the watchdog timer is still enabled during wait or doze modes, then a watchdog timer timeout may
generate a reset to exit these low-power modes.
When the CPU is inactive, a software reset cannot be generated to exit any low-power mode. Chip Configuration Module
The Chip Configuration Module is unaffected by entry into a low-power mode. If low-power mode is
exited by a reset, chip configuration may be executed if configured to do so.
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7-10 Freescale Semiconductor Clock Module
In wait and doze modes, the clocks to the CPU, Flash, and SRAM will be stopped and the system clocks
to the peripherals are enabled. Each module may disable the module clocks locally at the module level. In
stop mode, all clocks to the system will be stopped.
During stop mode, there are several options for enabling/disabling the PLL and/or crystal oscillator (OSC);
each of these options requires a compromise between wakeup recovery time and stop mode power. The
PLL may be disabled during stop mode. A wakeup time of up to 200 μs is required for the PLL to re-lock.
The OSC may also be disabled during stop mode. The time required for the OSC to restart is dependent
upon the startup time of the crystal used. Power consumption can be reduced in stop mode by disabling
either or both of these functions via the SYNCR[STMPD] bits.
The external CLKOUT signal may be enabled during low-power stop (if the PLL is still enabled) to
support systems using this signal as the clock source.
The system clocks may be enabled during wakeup from stop mode without waiting for the PLL to lock.
This eliminates the wakeup recovery time, but at the risk of sending a potentially unstable clock to the
system. It is recommended, if this option is used, that the PLL frequency divider is set so that the tar geted
system frequency is no more than half the maximum allowed. This will allow for any frequency overshoot
of the PLL while still keeping the system clock within specification.
In external clock mode, there are no wait times for the OSC startup or PLL lock.
During wakeup from stop mode, the Flash clock will always clock through 16 cycles before the system
clocks are enabled. This allows the Flash module time to recover from the low-power mode. Thus,
software may immediately continue to fetch instructions from the Flash memory.
The external CLKOUT output pin may be disabled in the low state to lower power consumption via the
DISCLK bit in the SYNCR. The external CLKOUT pin function is enabled by default at reset. Edge Port
In wait and doze modes, the edge port continues to operate normally and may be configured to generate
interrupts (either an edge transition or low level on an external pin) to exit the low-power modes.
In stop mode, there is no system clock available to perform the edge detect function. Thus, only the level
detect logic is active (if configured) to allow any low level on the external interrupt pin to generate an
interrupt (if enabled) to exit the stop mode. Watchdog Timer
In stop mode (or in wait/doze mode, if so programmed), the watchdog ceases operation and freezes at the
current value. When exiting these modes, the watchdog resumes operation from the stopped value. It is the
responsibility of software to avoid erroneous operation.
When not stopped, the watchdog may generate a reset to exit the low-power modes. Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0, PIT1, PIT2 and PIT3)
In stop mode (or in doze mode, if so programmed), the programmable interrupt timer (PIT) ceases
operation, and freezes at the current value. When exiting these modes, the PIT resumes operation from the
stopped value. It is the responsibility of software to avoid erroneous operation.
When not stopped, the PIT may generate an interrupt to exit the low-power modes.
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Freescale Semiconductor 7-11 Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Setting the queued analog-to-digital converter (QADC) stop bit (QSTOP) will disable the QADC.
The QADC is unaff ected by either wait or doze mode and may generate an interrupt to exit these modes.
Low-power stop mode (or setting the QSTOP bit), immediately freezes operation, register values, state
machines, and external pins. This stops the clock signals to the digital electronics of the module and
eliminates the quiescent current draw of the analog electronics. Any conversion sequences in progress are
stopped. Exit from low-power stop mode (or clearing the QSTOP bit), returns the QADC to operation from
the state prior to stop mode entry, but any conversions in progress are undefined and the QADC requires
recovery time to stabilize the analog circuits before new conversions can be performed. General Purpose Timers (GPTA and GPTB)
When not stopped, the General Purpose Timers may generate an interrupt to exit the low-power modes.
Clearing the timer enable bit (TE) in the GPT system control register 1 (GPTSCR1) or the pulse
accumulator enable bit (PAE) in the GPT pulse accumulator control register (GPTPACTL) disables timer
functions. Timer and pulse accumulator registers are still accessible by the CPU and BDM interface, but
the remaining functions of the timer are disabled.
The timer is unaffected by either the wait or doze modes and may generate an interrupt to exit these modes.
In stop mode, the General Purpose Timers stop immediately and freeze their operation, register values,
state machines, and external pins. Upon exiting stop mode, the timer will resume operation unless stop
mode was exited by reset. FlexCAN
When enabled, the FlexCAN module is capable of generating interrupts and bringing the device out of a
low-power mode. The module has 35 interrupt sources (32 sources due to message buffers and 3 sources
due to Bus-off, Error and Wake-up).
When in stop mode, a recessive to dominant transition on the CAN bus causes the WAKE-INT bit in the
error & status register to be set. This event can cause a CPU interrupt if the WAKE-MASK bit in module
configuration register (MCR) is set.
When setting stop mode in the FlexCAN (by setting the MCR[STOP] bit), the FlexCAN checks for the
CAN bus to be either idle or waits for the third bit of intermission and checks to see if it is recessive. When
this condition exists, the FlexCAN waits for all internal activity other than in the CAN bus interface to
complete and then the following occurs:
The FlexCAN shuts down its clocks, stopping most of the internal circuits, to achieve maximum
possible power saving.
The internal bus interface logic continues operation, enabling CPU to access the MCR register.
The FlexCAN ignores its Rx input pin, and drives its Tx pins as recessive.
FlexCAN loses synchronization with the CAN bus, and STOP_ACK and NOT_RDY bits in MCR
register are set.
Exiting stop mode is done in one of the following ways:
Reset the FlexCAN (either by hard reset or by asserting the SOFT_RST bit in MCR).
Clearing the STOP bit in the MCR.
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Self-wake mechanism. If the SELF-WAKE bit in the MCR is set at the time the FlexCAN enters
stop mode, then upon detection of recessive to dominant transition on th e CAN bus, the FlexCAN
resets the STOP bit in the MCR and resumes its clocks.
Recommendations for, and features of, FlexCAN’s stop mode operation are as follows:
Upon stop/self-wake mode entry, the FlexCAN tries to receive the frame that caused it to wake;
that is, it assumes that the dominant bit detected is a start-of-frame bit. It does not arbitrate for the
CAN bus then.
Before asserting stop Mode, the CPU should disable all interrupts in the FlexCAN, otherwise it
may be interrupted while in stop mode upon a non-wake-up condition. If desired, the
WAKE-MASK bit should be set to enable the WAKE-INT.
If stop mode is asserted while the FlexCAN is BUSOFF (see error and status register), then the
FlexCAN enters stop mode and stops counting the synchronization sequence; it continues this
count once stop mode is exited.
The correct flow to enter stop mode with SELF-WAKE:
assert SELF-WAKE at the same time as STOP.
wait for STOP_ACK bit to be set.
The correct flow to negate STOP with SELF-WAKE:
negate SELF-WAKE at the same time as STOP.
wait for STOP_ACK negation.
SELF-WAKE should be set only when the MCR[STOP] bit is negated and the FlexCAN is ready;
that is, the NOT_RDY bit in the MCR is negated.
If STOP an d SELF_WAKE are set and if a recessive to dominant edge immediately follows on the
CAN bus, the STOP_ACK bit in the MCR may never be s et, and the STOP bit in the MCR is reset.
If the user does not want to have old frames sent when the FlexCAN is awakened (STOP with
Self-Wake), the user should disable all Tx sources, including remote-response, before stop mode
If halt mode is active at the time the STOP bit is set, then the FlexCAN assumes that halt mode
should be exited; hence it tries to synchronize to the CAN bus (1 1 consecutive recessive bits), and
only then does it search for the correct conditions to stop.
Trying to stop the FlexCAN immediately after reset is allowed only after basic initialization has
been performed.
If stop with self-wake is activated, and the FlexCAN operates with single system clock per time-quanta,
then there are extreme cases in which FlexCAN's wake-up upon recessive to dominant edge may not
conform to the standard CAN protocol, in the sense that the FlexCAN synchronization is shifted one time
quanta from the required timing. This shift lasts until the next recessive to dominant edge, which
re-synchronizes the FlexCAN back to conform to the protocol. The same holds for auto-power save mode
upon wake-up by recessive to dominant edge.
The auto-power save mode in the FlexCAN is intended to enable NORMAL operation with optimized
power saving. Upon setting the AUTO POWER SAVE bi t in the MCR register, the FlexCAN looks for a
set of conditions in which there is no need for clocks to run. If all these conditions are met, then the
FlexCAN stops its clocks, thus saving power. While its clocks are stopped, if any of the conditions below
is not met, the FlexCAN resumes its clocks. It then continues to monitor the conditions and stops/resumes
its clocks appropriately.
The following are conditions for the automatic shut-off of FlexCAN clocks:
No Rx/Tx frame in progress.
No moving of Rx/Tx frames between SMB and MB and no Tx frame is pending for transmission
in any MB.
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No host access to the FlexCAN module.
The FlexCAN is neither in halt mode (MCR bit 8), in stop mode (MCT bit 15), nor in BUSOFF. ColdFire Flash Module
The ColdFire Flash Control Module is capable of generating interrupts by the setting of the CBEIF or
CCIF bits in the CFMUSTAT. These interrupt sources, however, should not occur when the device is in a
low-power mode as long as no Flash operation was in progress when the low-power mode was entered.
When performing a program or erase operation on the Flash, if a command is active (CCIF = 0) when the
MCU enters a low-power mode, the command sequence monitor will perform the following:
1. The command in progress will be aborted.
2. The Flash high voltage circuitry will be switched off and any pending command (CBEIF = 0) will
not be executed when the MCU exits low-power mode.
3. The CCIF and ACCERR flags will be set if a command is active when the MCU enters
low-power mode.
The state of any longword(s) being programmed, or any erase
pages/physical blocks being erased, is not guaranteed if the MCU enters
stop mode with a command in progress. Active commands are immediately
aborted when the MCU enters stop mode. Do not execute the STOP
instruction during program and erase operations. BDM
Entering halt mode via the BDM port (by asserting the external BKPT pin) will cause the CPU to exit any
low-power mode. JTAG
The JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) controller logic is clocked using the TCLK input and is not affected
by the system clock. The JTAG cannot generate an event to cause the CPU to exit any low-power mode.
Toggling TCLK during any low-power mode will increase the system current consumption.
7.3.3 Summary of Peripheral State During Low-Power Modes
The functionality of each of the peripherals and CPU during the various low-power modes is summarized
in Table 7-7. The status of each peripheral during a given mode refers to the condition the peripheral
automatically assumes when the STOP instruction is executed and the LPCR[LPMD] field is set for the
particular low-power mode. Individual peripherals may be disabled by programming its dedicated control
bits. The wakeup capability field refers to the ability of an interrupt or reset by that peripheral to force the
CPU into run mode.
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Table 7-7. CPU and Peripherals in Low-Power Modes
Module Peripheral Status1 / Wakeup Capability
1“Program” Indicates that the peripheral function during the low-power mode is dependent on programmable bits in the
peripheral register map.
Wait Mode Doze Mode Stop Mode
CPU Stopped No Stopped No Stopped No
SRAM Stopped No Stopped No Stopped No
Flash Stopped No Stopped No Stopped No
Flash Control Module Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
System Integration Module Enabled Yes 3Enabled Yes 3Stopped No
SDRAM Controller Enabled No Enabled No Stopped No
Chip Select Module Enabled No Enabled No Stopped No
DMA Controller Enabled Yes Enabled Yes Stopped No
UART0, UART1 and UART2 Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
I2C Module Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
QSPI Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
DMA Timers Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
Interr upt controller Enabled Yes2
2These modules can generate a interrupt which will exit a low-power mode. The CPU will begin to service the interr upt
exception after wakeup.
Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2
Fast Ethernet Controller Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
I/O Ports Enabled No Enabled No Enabled No
Reset Controller Enabled Yes3
3These modules can generate a reset which will exit any low-power mode.
Enabled Yes3Enabled Yes3
Chip Configuration Module Enabled No Enabled No Stopped No
Power Management Enabled No Enabled No Stopped No
Clock Module Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Program Yes2
Edge port Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped Yes2
Watchdog timer Program Yes 3Program Yes 3Stopped No
Programmable Interrupt Timers Enabled Yes2Program Yes2Stopped No
QADC Enabled Yes2Program Yes2Stopped No
General Purpose Timers Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
FlexCAN Enabled Yes2Enabled Yes2Stopped No
BDM Enabled Yes4Enabled Yes4Enabled Yes4
JTAG Enabled No Enabled No Enabled No
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4The BDM logic is clocked by a separate TCLK clock. Entering halt mode via the BDM port exits any low-power mode.
Upon exit from halt mode, the previous low-power mode will be re-entered and changes made in halt mode will remain
in effect.
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Freescale Semiconductor 8-1
Chapter 8
System Control Module (SCM)
This section details the functionality of the System Control Module (SCM) which provides the
programming model for the System Access Control Unit (SACU), the system bus arbiter, a 32-bit core
watchdog timer (CWT), and the system control registers and logic. Specifically, the system control
includes the internal peripheral system (IPS) base address register (IPSBAR), the processor’s dual-port
RAM base address register (RAMBAR), and system control registers that include the core watchdog timer
8.1 Overview
The SCM provides the control and status for a variety of functions including base addressing and address
space masking for both the IPS peripherals and resources (IPSBAR) and the ColdFire core memory spaces
(RAMBAR). The CPU core supports two memory banks, one for the internal SRAM and the other for the
internal Flash.
The SACU provides the mechanism needed to implement secure bus transactions to the system address
The programming model for the system bus arbitration resides in the SCM. The SCM sources the
necessary control signals to the arbiter for bus mast er management.
The CWT provides a means of preventing system lockup due to uncontrolled software loops via a special
software service sequence. If periodic software servicing action does not occur , the CWT times out with a
programmed response (interrupt) to allow recovery or corrective action to be taken.
8.2 Features
The SCM includes these distinctive features:
IPS base address register (IPSBAR)
Base address location for 1-Gbyte peripheral space
User control bits
Processor-local memory base address register (RAMBAR)
System control registers
Core reset status register (CRSR) indicates type of last reset
Core watchdog control register (CWCR) for watchdog timer control
Core watchdog service register (CWSR) to service watchdog timer
System bus master arbitration programming model (MPARK)
System access control unit (SACU) programming model
Master privilege register (MPR)
Peripheral access control registers (PACRs)
Grouped peripheral access control registers (GPACR0, GPACR1)
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System Control Module (SCM)
8-2 Freescale Semiconductor
8.3 Memory Map and Register Definition
The memory map for the SCM registers is shown in Table 8-1. All the registers in the SCM are
memory-mapped as offsets within the 1 Gbyte IPS address space and accesses are controlled to these
registers by the control definitions programmed into the SACU.
8.4 Register Descriptions
8.4.1 Internal Peripheral System Base Address Register (IPSBAR)
The IPSBAR specifies the base address for the 1 Gbyte memory space associated with the on-chip
peripherals. At reset, the base address is loaded with a default location of 0x4000_0000 and marked as
valid (IPSBAR[V]=1). If desired, the address space associated with the internal modules can be moved by
loading a different value into the IPSBAR at a later time.
Accessing reserved IPSBAR me mory space could result in an unterminated
bus cycle that causes the core to hang. Only a hard reset will allow the core
to recover from this state. Therefore, all bus accesses to IPSBAR space
should fall within a module’s memory map space.
If an address “hits” in overlapping memory regions, the following priority is used to determine what
memory is accessed:
3. Cache
Table 8-1. SCM Register Map
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
0x00_0000 IPSBAR
0x00_0008 RAMBAR
0x00_0010 CRSR CWCR LPICR1
1The LPICR is described in Chapter 7, “Power Management."
0x00_001C MPARK
0x00_0020 MPR
0x00_0024 PACR0 PACR1 PACR2 PACR3
0x00_0028 PACR4 PACR5 PACR6
0x00_002c PACR7 PACR8
0x00_0030 GPACR0 GPACR1
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5. Chip Selects
This is the list of memory access priorities when viewed from the processor
See Figure 8-1 and Table 8-2 for descriptions of the bits in IPSBAR.
8.4.2 Memory Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
The processor supports dual-ported local SRAM memory. This processor-local memory can be accessed
directly by the core and/or other system bus masters. Since this memory provides single-cycle accesses at
processor speed, it is ideal for applications where double-buffer schemes can be used to maximize
system-level performance. For example, a DMA channel in a typical double-buffer (also known as a
ping-pong scheme) application may load data into one portion of the dual-ported SRAM while the
processor is manipulating data in another portion of the SRAM. Once the processor completes the data
calculations, it begins processing the just-loaded buffer while th e DMA moves out the just-calculated data
from the other buffer, and reloads the next data block into the just-freed memory region. The process
repeats with the processor and the DMA “ping-ponging” between alternate regions of the dual-ported
The processor design implements the dual-ported SRAM in the memory space defined by the RAMBAR
register. There are two physical copies of the RAMBAR register: one located in the processor core and
accessible only via the privileged MOVEC instruction at CPU space address 0xC05, and another located
in the SCM at IPSBAR + 0x008. ColdFire core accesses to this memory are controlled by the
processor-local copy of the RAMBAR, while module accesses are enabled by the SCM's RAMBAR.
31 30 29 16
Field BA31 BA30
Reset 0 1
15 10
Field V
Reset 1
Address IPSBAR + 0x000
Figure 8-1. IPS Base Address Register (IPSBAR)
Table 8-2. IPSBAR Field Description
Bits Name Description
31–30 BA Base address. Defines the base address of the 1-Gbyte internal peripheral space. This is the
starting address for the IPS registers when the valid bit is set.
29–1 Reser ved, should be cleared.
0 V Valid. Enables/disables the IPS Base address region. V is set at reset.
0 IPS Base address is not valid.
1 IPS Base address is valid.
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The physical base address programmed in both copies of the RAMBAR is typically the same value;
however, they can be programmed to different values. By definition, the base address must be a
0-modulo-size value.
The SRAM modules are configured through the RAMBAR shown in Figure 8-2.
RAMBAR specifies the base address of the SRAM.
All undefined bits are reserved. These bits are ignored during writes to the RAMBAR and return
zeros when read.
The back door enable bit, RAMBAR[BDE], is cleared at reset, disabling the module access to the
The RAMBAR default value of 0x0000_0000 is invalid. The RAMBAR
located in the processor s CPU space must be initialized with the valid bit
set before the CPU (or modules) can access the on-chip SRAM (see
Chapter 5, “Static RAM (SRAM)” for more information.
For details on the processor's view of the local SRAM memories, see Section 5.3.1, “SRAM Base Address
Register (RAMBAR).”
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Field BA31 BA30 BA29 BA28 BA27 BA26 BA25 BA24 BA23 BA22 BA21 BA20 BA19 BA18 BA17 BA16
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 10 9 8 0
Field BDE
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x008
Figure 8-2. Memory Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
Table 8-3. RAMBAR Field Description
Bits Name Description
31–16 BA Base address. Defines the memory module's base address on a 64-Kbyte boundary corresponding
to the physical array location within the 4 Gbyte address space supported by ColdFire.
15–10 Reserv ed, should be cleared.
9 BDE Back door enable. Qualifies the module accesses to the memory.
0 Disables module accesses to the memor y.
1 Enables module accesses to the memory.
NO TE: The SPV bit in the CPU’s RAMBAR must also be set to allow dual port access to the SRAM.
For more information, see Section 5.3.1, “SRAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR).”
8–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
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8.4.3 Core Reset Status Register (CRSR)
The CRSR contains a bit for two of the reset sources to the CPU. A bit set to 1 indicates the last type of
reset that occurred. The CRSR is updated by the control logic when the reset is complete. Only one bit is
set at any one time in the CRSR. The register reflects the cause of the most recent reset. To clear a bit, a
logic 1 must be written to the bit location; writing a zero has no effect.
The reset status register (RSR) in the reset controller module (see
Chapter 29, “Reset Controller Module”) provides indication of all reset
sources except the core watchdog timer.
8.4.4 Core Watchdog Control Register (CWCR)
The core watchdog timer prevents system lockup if the software becomes trapped in a loop with no
controlled exit. The core watchdog timer can be enabled or disabled through CWCR[CWE]. By default it
is disabled. If enabled, the watchdog timer requires the periodic execution of a core watchdog servicing
sequence. If this periodic servicing action does not occur , the timer times out, resulting in a watchdog timer
interrupt. If the timer times out and the core watchdog transfer acknowledge enable bit (CWCR[CWTA])
is set, a watchdog timer interrupt is asserted. If a core watchdog timer interrupt acknowledge cycle has not
occurred after another timeout, CWT TA is asserted in an attempt to allow the interrupt acknowledge cycle
to proceed by terminating the bus cycle. The setting of CWCR[CWTAVAL] indicates that the watchdog
timer TA was asserted.
The core watchdog timer is available to provide compatibility with the
watchdog timer implemented on previous ColdFire devices. However , there
is a second watchdog timer available that has new features. See Chapter 18,
“Watchdog Timer Module” for more information.
7654 0
Field EXT
Reset See Note
Address IPSBAR + 0x010
Note: The reset value of EXT and CWDR depend on the last reset
source. All other bits are initialized to zero.
Figure 8-3. Core Reset Status Register (CRSR)
Table 8-4. CRSR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 EXT External reset.
1 An external device driving RSTI caused the last reset. Assertion of reset by an external device
causes the processor core to initiate reset exception processing. All registers are forced to their
initial state.
6-0 Reserved.
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When the core watchdog timer times out and CWCR[CWRI] is programmed for a software reset, an
internal reset is asserted and CRSR[CWDR] is set. To prevent the core watchdog timer from interrupting
or resetting, the CWSR must be serviced by performing the following sequence:
1. Write 0x55 to CWSR.
2. Write 0xAA to the CWSR.
Both writes must occur in order before the time-out, but any number of instructions can be executed
between the two writes. This order allows interrupts and exceptions to occur , if necessary , between the two
writes. Caution should be exercised when changing CWCR values after the software watchdog timer has
been enabled with the setting of CWCR[CWE], because it is difficult to determine the state of the core
watchdog timer while it is running. The countdown value is constantly compared with the time-out period
specified by CWCR[CWT]. The following steps must be taken to change CWT:
1. Disable the core watchdog timer by clearing CWCR[CWE].
2. Reset the counter by writing 0x55 and then 0xAA to CWSR.
3. Update CWCR[CWT].
4. Re-enable the core watchdog timer by setting CWCR[CWE]. This step can be performed in step
The CWCR controls the software watchdog timer, time-out periods, and software watchdog timer transfer
acknowledge. The register can be read at any time, but can be written only if the CWT is not pending. At
system reset, the software watchdog timer is disabled.
765 32 1 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x011
Figure 8-4. Core Watchdog Contr ol Regis ter (CWCR)
Table 8-5. CWCR Field Description
Bits Name Description
7 CWE Core watchdog enable.
0 SWT disabled.
1 SWT enabled.
6 CWRI Core watchdog reset/interrupt select.
0 If a time-out occurs, the CWT generates an interrupt to the processor core. The interrupt le vel f or
the CWT is programmed in the interrupt control register 8 (ICR8) of INTC0.
1 Reserved; do not use.
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8.4.5 Core Watchdog Service Register (CWSR)
The software watchdog service sequence must be performed using the CWSR as a data register to prevent
a CWT time-out. The service sequence requires two writes to this data register: first a write of 0x55
followed by a write of 0xAA. Both writes must be performed in this order prior to the CWT time-out, but
any number of instructions or accesses to the CWSR can be exe cuted between the two writes. If the CWT
has already timed out, writing to this register has no effect in negating the CWT interrupt. Figure 8-5
illustrates the CWSR. At system reset, the contents of CWSR are uninitialized.
8.5 Internal Bus Arbitration
The internal bus arbitration is performed by the on-chip bus arbiter, which containing the arbitration logic
that controls which of up to four MBus masters (M0–M3 in Figure 8-6) has access to the external buses.
The function of the arbitration logic is described in this section.
5–3 CWT[2:0] Core watchdog timing delay. These bits select the timeout period for the CWT. At system reset, the
CWT field is cleared signaling the minimum time-out period but the watchdog is disabled
(CWCR[CWE] = 0).
2 CWTA Core watchdog transfer acknowledge enable.
0 CWTA Transfer acknowledge disabled.
1 CWTA Transfer Acknowledge enabled. After one CWT time-out period of the unacknowledged
assertion of the CWT interrupt, the transfer acknowledge asserts, which allows CWT to terminate
a bus cycle and allow the interrupt acknowledge to occur.
1 CWTAVAL Core watchdog transfer acknowledge valid.
0 CWTA Transfer Acknowledge has not occurred.
1 CWTA Transfer Acknowledge has occurred. Write a 1 to clear this flag bit.
0 CWTIF Core watchdog timer interrupt flag.
0 CWT interrupt has not occurred
1 CWT interrupt has occurred. Write a 1 to clear the interr upt request.
7 0
Field CWSR[7:0]
Reset Uninitialized
Address IPSBAR + 0x013
Figure 8-5. Core Watchdog Service Register (CWSR)
Table 8-5. CWCR Field Description (continued)
CWT CWT Time-Out Period CWT CWT Time-Out Period
000 29 Bus clock frequency 100 219 Bus clock frequency
001 211 Bus clock frequency 101 223 Bus clock frequency
010 213 Bus clock frequency 110 227 Bus clock frequency
011 215 Bus clock frequency 111 231 Bus clock frequency
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Figure 8-6. Arbiter Module Functions
8.5.1 Overview
The basic functionality is that of a 4-port, pipelined internal bus arbitration module with the following
The master pointed to by the current arbitration pointer may get on the bus with zero latency if the
address phase is available. All other requesters face at least a one cycle arbitration pipeline delay
in order to meet bus timing constraints on address phase hold.
If a requester will get an immediate address phase (that is, it is pointed to by the current arbitration
pointer and the bus address phase is available), it will be the current bus master and is ignored by
arbitration. All remaining requesting ports are evaluated by the arbitration algorithm to determine
the next-state arbitration pointer.
There are two arbitration algorithms, fixed and round-robin. Fixed arbitration sets the next-state
arbitration pointer to the highest priority requester. Round-robin arbitration sets the next-state
arbitration pointer to the highest priority requester (calculated by adding a requester's fixed priority
to the current bus masters fixed priority and then taking this sum modulo the number of possible
bus masters).
The default priority is FEC (M3) > DMA (M2) > internal mast er (M1) > CPU (M0), where M3 is
the highest and M0 the lowest priority. M3 is not used for the MCF5216 and MCF5214.
There are two actions for an idle arbitration cycle, either leave the current arbitration pointer as is
or set it to the lowest priority requester.
The anti-lock-out logic for the fixed priority scheme forces the arbitration algorithm to round-robin
if any requester has been held for longer than a specified cycle count.
“back door” to SRAM and Flash
*Not used on
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8.5.2 Arbitration Algorithms
There are two modes of arbitration: fixed and round-robin. This section discusses the diff erences between
them. Round-Robin Mode
Round-robin arbitration is the default mode after reset. This scheme cycles through the sequence of
masters as specified by MPARK[Mn_PRTY] bits. Upon completion of a transfer, the master is given the
lowest priority and the priority for all other masters is increased by one.
M3 = 11 M2 =01 M1 = 10 M0 = 00
next +1 M3 = 00 M2 =10 M1 = 11 M0 = 01
next +2 M3 = 01 M2 =11 M1 = 00 M0 = 10
next +3 M3 = 10 M2 =00 M1 = 01 M0 = 11
If no masters are requesting, the arbitration unit must “park”, pointing at one of the masters. There are two
possibilities, park the arbitration unit on the last active master, or park pointing to the highest priority
master. Setting MPARK[PRK_LAST] causes the arbitration pointer to be parked on the highest priority
master. In round-robin mode, programming the timeout enable and lockout bits MPARK[13,11:8] will
have no effect on the arbitration. Fixed Mode
In fixed arbitration the master with highest priority (as specified by the MPARK[Mn_PR TY] bits) will win
the bus. That master will relinquish the bus when all transfers to that master are complete.
If MPARK[TIMEOUT] is set, a counter will increment for each master for every cy cle it is denied access.
When a counter reaches the limit set by MPARK[LCKOUT_TIME], the arbitration algorithm will be
changed to round-robin arbitration mode until all locks are cleared. The arbitration will then return to fixed
mode and the highest priority master will be granted the bus.
As in round-robin mode, if no masters are requesting, the arbitration pointer will park on the highest
priority master if MPARK[PRK_LAST] is set, or will park on the master which last requested the bus if
8.5.3 Bus Master Park Register (MPA RK)
The MPARK controls the operation of the system bus arbitration module. The platform bus master
connections are defined as:
Master 3 (M3): Fast Ethernet Controller (Not used for the MCF5216 and MCF5214)
Master 2 (M2): 4-channel DMA
Master 1 (M1): Internal Bus Master (not used in normal user operation)
Master 0 (M0): V2 ColdFire Core
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31 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0011_0000_1110_0001
15 14 13 12 11 8 7 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x01C
Figure 8-7. Default Bus Master Park Register (MPARK)
Table 8-6. MPARK Field Description
Bits Name Description
31–26 Reserved, should be cleared.
25 M2_P_EN DMA bandwith control enable
0 disable the use of the DMA's bandwidth control to elev ate the priority of its bus requests.
1 enable the use of the DMA's bandwidth control to elev ate the priority of its b us requests.
24 BCR24BIT Enables the use of 24 bit byte count registers in the DMA module
0 DMA BCRs function as 16 bit counters.
1 DMA BCRs function as 24 bit counters.
23–22 M3_PRTY Master priority level for master 3 (Fast Ethernet Control ler)
00 fourth (lowest) priority
01 third priority
10 second priority
11 first (highest) priority
Note: Reserved on the MCF5214 and MCF5216
21–20 M2_PRTY Master priority level for master 2 (DMA Controller)
00 fourth (lowest) priority
01 third priority
10 second priority
11 first (highest) priority
19–18 M0_PRTY Master priority level for master 0 (ColdFire Core)
00 fourth (lowest) priority
01 third priority
10 second priority
11 first (highest) priority
17–16 M1_PRTY Master priority level for master 1 (Not used in user mode)
00 fourth (lowest) priority
01 third priority
10 second priority
11 first (highest) priority
15 Reserved, should be cleared.
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The initial state of the master priorities is M3 > M2 > M1 > M0. System software should guarantee that
the programmed Mn_PR TY fields are unique, otherwise the hardware defaults to the initial-state priorities.
The M1_PRTY field should not be set for a priority higher than third
8.6 System Access Control Unit (SACU)
This section details the functionality of the System Access Control Unit (SACU) which provides the
mechanism needed to implement secure bus transactions to the address space mapped to the internal
8.6.1 Overview
The SACU supports the traditional model of two privilege levels: supervisor and user. Typically, memory
references with the supervisor attribute have total accessibility to all the resources in the system, while user
mode references cannot access system control and configuration registers. In many systems, the operating
system executes in supervisor mode, while application software executes in user mode.
The SACU further partitions the access control functions into two parts: one control register defines the
privilege level associated with each bus master , and another set of control registers define the access levels
associated with the peripheral modules and the memory space.
The SACU’ s programming model is physically implemented as part of the System Control Module (SCM)
with the actual access control logic included as part of the arbitration controller. Each bus transaction
targeted for the IPS space is first checked to see if its privilege rights allow access to the given memory
space. If the privilege rights are correct, the access proceeds on the bus. If the privilege rights are
insufficient for the targeted memory space, the transfer is immediately aborted and terminated with an
exception, and the targeted module not accessed.
14 FIXED Fixed or round robin arbitration
0 round robin arbitration
1 fixed arbitration
13 TIMEOUT Timeout Enable
0 disable count for when a master is lock ed out b y other masters .
1 enable count for when a master is locked out by other masters and allow access when
LCKOUT_TIME is reache d.
12 PRKLAST Park on the last active master or highest priority master if no masters are active
0 park on last active master
1 park on highest priority master
11–8 LCKOUT_TIME Lock-out Time. Lock-out time for a maste r being denied the bus.
The lock out time is defined as 2^ LCKO UT_TIME[3:0].
7–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 8-6. MPARK Field Description (continued)
Bits Name Description
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8.6.2 Features
Each bus transfer can be classified by its privilege level and the reference type. The complete set of access
types includes:
Supervisor instruction fetch
Supervisor operand read
Supervisor operand write
User instruction fetch
User operand read
User operand write
Instruction fetch accesses are associated with the execute attribute.
It should be noted that while the bus does not implement the concept of reference type (code versus data)
and only supports the user/supervisor privilege level, the reference type attribute is supported by the
system bus. Accordingly, the access checking associated with both privilege level and reference type is
performed in the IPS controller using the attributes associated with the reference from the system bus.
The SACU partitions the access control mechanisms into three distinct functions:
Master privilege register (MPR)
Allows each bus master to be assigned a privilege level:
Disable the masters user/supervisor attribute and force to user mode access
Enable the masters user/supervisor attribute
The reset state provides supervisor privilege to the processor core (bus master 0).
Input signals allow the non-core bus masters to have their user/supervisor attribute enabled at
reset. This is intended to support the concept of a trusted bus master, and also controls the
ability of a bus master to modify the register state of any of the SACU control registers; that is,
only trusted masters can modify the control registers.
Peripheral access control registers (PACRs)
Nine 8-bit registers control access to 17 of the on-chip peripheral modules.
Provides read/write access rights, supervisor/user privilege levels
Reset state provides supervisor-only read/write access to these modules
Grouped peripheral access control registers (GPACR0, GPACR1)
One single register (GPACR0) controls access to 14 of the on-chip peripheral modules
One register (GPACR1) controls access for IPS reads and writes to the Flash module
Provide read/write/execute access rights, supervisor/user privilege levels
Reset state provides supervisor-only read/write access to each of these peripheral spaces
8.6.3 Memory Map/Register Definition
The memory map for the SACU program-visible registers within the System Control Module (SCM) is
shown in Figure 8-7. The MPR, PACR, and GPACRs are 8 bits in width.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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The MPR specifies the access privilege level associated with each bus master in the platform. The register
provides one bit per bus master , where bit 3 corresponds to master 3 (Fast Ethernet Controller , not used on
MCF5216 and MCF5214), bit 2 to master 2 (DMA Controller), bit 1 to master 1 (internal bus master), and
bit 0 to master 0 (ColdFire core).
Only trusted bus masters can modify the access control registers. If a non-trusted bus master attempts to
write any of the SACU control registers, the access is aborted with an error termination and the registers
remain unaffected.
The processor core is connected to bus master 0 and is always treated as a trusted bus master. Accordingly,
MPR[0] is forced to 1 at reset. Peripheral Access Control Registers (PACR0–PACR8)
Access to several on-chip peripherals is controlled by shared peripheral access control registers. A single
PACR defines the access level for each of the two modules. These modules only support operand reads
Table 8-7. SACU Register Memory Map
Offset [31:28] [27:24] [23:20] [19:16] [15:12] [11:8] [7:4] [3:0]
0x020 MPR —————
0x02c PACR7 PACR8
7 0
Field MPR[3:0]
Reset 0000_0011
Address IPSBAR + 0x020
Figure 8-8. Master Privilege Register (MPR)
Table 8-8. MPR[n] Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–4 Reserved. Should be cleared.
3–0 MPR Each 1-bit field defines the access privile ge level of the given bus master n.
0 All bus master accesses are in user mode.
1 All bus master accesses use the sourced user/supervisor attribute.
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and writes. Each PACR follows the format illustrated in Figure 8-9. For a list of PACRs and the modules
that they control, refer to Table 8-11.
76 432 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x24 + Offset
Figure 8 - 9. Peripheral Acce s s Cont rol Regist er (PACRn)
Table 8-9. PACR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 LOCK1 This bit, when set, prevents subsequent writes to ACCESSCTRL1. Any attempted
write to the P A CR generates an error termination and the contents of the register are
not affected. Only a system reset clears this flag.
6–4 ACCESS_CTRL1 This 3-bit field defines the access control for the given platf o rm peripheral.
The encodings for this field are shown in Table 8-10.
3 LOCK0 This bit, when set, prevents subsequent writes to ACCESSCTRL0. Any attempted
write to the P A CR generates an error termination and the contents of the register are
not affected. Only a system reset clears this flag.
2–0 ACCESS_CTRL0 This 3-bit field defines the access control for the given platf o rm peripheral.
The encodings for this field are shown in Table 8-10.
Table 8-10. PACR ACCESSCTRL Bit Encodings
Bits Supervisor Mode User Mode
000 Read/Write No Access
001 Read N o Access
010 Read Read
011 Read N o Access
100 Read/Write Read/Write
101 Read/Write Read
110 Read/Write Read/Write
111 No Access No Access
Table 8-11. Peripheral Access Control Registers (PACRs)
IPSBAR Offset Name Modules Controlled
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At reset, these on-chip modules are configured to have only supervisor read/write access capabilities. If an
instruction fetch access to any of these peripheral modules is attempted, the IPS bus cycle is immediately
terminated with an error. Grouped Peripheral Access Control Registers (GPACR0 & GPACR1)
The on-chip peripheral space starting at IPSBAR is subdivided into sixteen 64-Mbyte regions. Each of the
first two regions has a unique access control register associated with it. The other fourteen regions are in
reserved space; the access control registers for these regions are not implemented. Bits [29:26] of the
address select the specific GPACRn to be used for a given reference within the IPS address space. These
access control registers are 8 bits in width so that read, write, and execute attributes may be assigned to the
given IPS region.
The access control for modules with memory space protected by
PACR0–PACR8 are determined by the PACR0–PACR8 settings. The access
control is not affected by GPACR0, even though the modules are mapped in
its 64-Mbyte address space.
0x027 PACR3 UART2
0x028 PACR4 I2C QSPI
0x02e PACR8 FEC0
7643 0
Reset 0000_0000
Read/Write R/W R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x030, IPSBAR + 0x31
Figure 8-10. Grouped Peripheral Access Co nt rol Regist er (G PACR)
Table 8-11. Peripheral Access Control Registers (PACRs) (continued)
IPSBAR Offset Name Modules Controlled
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At reset, these on-chip modules are configured to have only supervisor read/write access capabilities. Bit
encodings for the ACCESS_CTRL field in the GPACR are shown in Table 8-13. Table 8-14 shows the
memory space protected by the GPACRs and the modules mapped to these spaces.
Table 8-12. GPACR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 LOCK This bit, once set, prevents subsequent writes to the GPACR. Any attempted wr ite to the
GPACR generates an error termination and the contents of the register are not affected.
Only a system reset clears this flag.
6–4 Reserved, should be cleared.
3–0 ACCESS_CTRL This 4-bit field defines the access control for the given memory region.
The encodings for this field are shown in Table 8-13.
Table 8-13. GPACR ACCES S_C TR L Bit Encodings
Bits Supervisor Mode User Mode
0000 Read / Write No Access
0001 Read No Access
0010 Read Read
0011 Read No Access
0100 Read / Write Read / Write
0101 Read / Write Read
0110 Read / Write Read / Write
0111 No Access No Access
1000 Read / Write / Execute No Access
1001 Read / Execute No Access
1010 Read / Execute Read / Execute
1011 Execute No Access
1100 Read / Write / Execute Read / Write / Execute
1101 Read / Write / Execute Read / Execute
1110 Read / Write Read
1111 Read / Write / Execute Execute
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Table 8-14. GPACR Address Space
Register Space Protected
(IPSBAR Offset) Modules Protected
GPACR0 0x0000_0000–
0x03FF_FFFF Ports, CCM, PMM, Reset controller , Cloc k ,
GPTB, FlexCAN, CFM (Control)
GPACR1 0x0400_0000–
0x07FF_FFFF CFM (Flash module’s backdoor access for
programming or access by a bus master other
than the core)
Note: Reserved for the MCF5280
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Chapter 9
Clock Module
The clock module configures the device for one of several clocking methods. Clocking modes include
internal phase-locked loop (PLL) clocking with either an external clock reference or an external crystal
reference supported by an internal crystal amplifier. The PLL can also be disabled and an external
oscillator can be used to clock the device directly. The clock module contains:
Crystal amplifier and oscillator (OSC)
Phase-locked loop (PLL)
Reduced frequency divider (RFD)
Status and control registers
Control logic
9.1 Features
Features of the clock module include:
2- to 10-MHz reference crystal oscillator
Support for low-power modes
Separate clock out signal
9.2 Modes of Operation
The clock module can be operated in normal PLL mode (default), 1:1 PLL mode, or external clock mode.
9.2.1 Normal PLL Mode
In normal PLL mode, the PLL is fully programmable. It can synthesize frequencies ranging from 2x to 9x
the reference frequency and has a post divider capable of reducing this synthesized frequency without
disturbing the PLL. The PLL reference can be either a crystal oscillator or an external clock.
9.2.2 1:1 PLL Mode
In 1:1 PLL mode, the PLL synthesizes a frequency equal to the external clock input reference frequency.
The post divider is not active.
9.2.3 External Clock Mode
In external clock mode, the PLL is bypassed, and the external clock is applied to EXTAL. The resulting
operating frequency is equal to the external clock frequency.
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9.3 Low-power Mode Operation
This subsection describes the operation of the clock module in low-power and halted modes of operation.
Low-power modes are described in Chapter 7, “Power Management.” Table 9-1 shows the clock module
operation in low-power modes.
Table 9-1. Clock Module Operation in Low-power Modes
During wakeup from a low-power mode, the Flash clock always clocks through at least 16 cycles before
the CPU clocks are enabled. This allows the Flash module time to recover from the low-power mode, and
software can immediately resume fetching instructions from memory.
In wait and doze modes, the system clocks to the peripherals are enabled, and the clocks to the CPU, Flash,
and SRAM are stopped. Each module can disable its clock locally at the module level.
In stop mode, all system clocks are disabled. There are several options for enabling or disabling the PLL
or crystal oscillator in stop mode, compromising between stop mode current and wakeup recovery time.
The PLL can be disabled in stop mode, but requires a wakeup period before it can relock. The oscillator
can also be disabled during stop mode, but requires a wakeup period to restart.
When the PLL is enabled in stop mode (STPMD[1:0]), the external CLKOUT signal can support systems
using CLKOUT as the clock source.
There is also a fast wakeup option for quickly enabling the system clocks during stop recovery. This
eliminates the wakeup recovery time but at the risk of sending a potentially unstable clock to the system.
To prevent a non-locked PLL frequency overshoot when using the fast wakeup option, change the RFD
divisor to the current RFD value plus one before entering stop mode.
In external clock mode, there are no wakeup periods for oscillator startup or PLL lock.
9.4 Block Diagram
Figure shows a block diagram of the entire clock module. The PLL block in this diagram is expanded in
detail in Figure 9-2.
Low-power Mode Clock Operatio n Mode Exit
Wa it Clocks sent to peripheral modules only Exit not caused by clock module, but normal
clocking resumes upon mode exit
Doze Clocks sent to peripheral modules only Exit not caused by clock module, but normal
clocking resumes upon mode exit
Stop All system clocks disabled Exit not caused by clock module, but clock
sources are re-enabled and normal clocking
resumes upon mode exit
Halted Normal Exit not caused by clock module
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Figure 9-1. Clock Module Block Diagram
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Figure 9-2. PLL Block Diagram
9.5 Signal Descriptions
The clock module signals are summarized in Table 9-2 and a brief description follows. For more detailed
information, refer to Chapter 14, “Signal Descriptions.”
9.5.1 EXTAL
This input is driven by an external clock except when used as a connection to the external crystal when
using the internal oscillator.
Table 9-2. Signal Properties
Name Function
EXTAL Oscillator or clock input
XTAL Oscillator output
CLKOUT System clock output
CLKMOD[1:0] Clock mode select inputs
RSTOUT Reset signal from reset controller
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9.5.2 XTAL
This output is an internal oscillator connection to the external crystal.
9.5.3 CLKOUT
This output reflects the internal system clock.
9.5.4 CLKMOD[1:0]
These inputs are used to select the clock mode during chip configuration.
9.5.5 RSTOUT
The RSTOUT pin is asserted by one of the following:
Internal system reset signal
FRCRSTOUT bit in the reset control status register (RCR); see Section 29.4.1, “Reset Control
Register (RCR).”
9.6 Memory Map and Registers
The clock module programming model consists of these registers:
Synthesizer control register (SYNCR), which defines clock operation
Synthesizer status register (SYNSR), which reflects clock status
9.6.1 Module Memory Map
Table 9-3. Clock Module Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Register Name Access1
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only.
0x0012_0000 Synthesizer Control Register (SYNCR) S
0x0012_0002 Synthesizer Status Register (SYNSR) S
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9.6.2 Register Descriptions
This subsection provides a description of the clock module registers. Synthesizer Control Register (SYNCR)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0010_0001
76 5 4 3210
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0012_0000
Figure 9-3. Synthesizer Control Register (SYNCR)
Table 9-4. SYNCR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 LOLRE Loss of lock reset enab le. Determines how the system handles a loss of lock
indication. When operating in normal mode or 1:1 PLL mode, the PLL must be loc ked
before setting the LOLRE bit. Otherwise reset is immediately asserted. To pre v ent an
immediate reset, the LOLRE bit must be cleared before writing the MFD[2:0] bits or
entering stop mode with the PLL disabled.
1 Reset on loss of lo ck
0 No reset on loss of lock
Note: In external clock mode, the LOLRE bit has no effect.
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14–12 MFD Multiplication Factor Divider. Contain the binary value of the divider in the PLL
f eedback loop. The MFD[2:0] value is the multiplication f actor applied to the reference
frequency. When MFD[2:0] are changed or the PLL is disabled in stop mode, the PLL
loses lock. In 1:1 PLL mode, MFD[2:0] are ignored, and the multiplication f actor is one.
Note: In external clock mode, the MFD[2:0] bits have no effect.
11 LOCRE Loss-of-clo ck reset enable. Deter m ines how the system handles a loss-of-clock
condition. When the LOCEN bit is clear, LOCRE has no effect. If the LOCS flag in
SYNSR indicates a loss-of-clock condition, setting the LOCRE bit causes an
immediate reset. To prevent an immediate reset, the LOCRE bit must be cleared
before entering stop mode with the PLL disabled.
1 Reset on loss-of-clock
0 No reset on loss-of-clock
Note: In external clock mode, the LOCRE bit has no effect.
10–8 RFD Reduced frequency divider field. The binary value written to RFD[2:0] is the PLL
frequency divisor. See table in MFD bit description. Changing RFD[2:0] does not affect
the PLL or cause a relock dela y. Changes in clock frequency are synchronized to the
next falling edge of the current system clock. To avoid surpassing the allowable system
operating frequency, write to RFD[2:0] only when the LOCK bit is set.
Table 9-4. SYNCR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
The f ollowing tab l e illustrates the system frequency multiplier of the reference
frequency1 in normal PLL mode.
where fsys(max) is the maximum system frequency f or the particular MCF5282
device (66 MHz or 80 MHz).
2MFD = 000 not valid for f ref < 3 MHz
(6x) 010
(8x)(3) 011
(10x) 100
(12x) 101
(14x) 110
(16x) 111
000 (÷ 1) 4 6 8 1012141618
001 (÷ 2)3
3Default value out of reset
010 (÷ 4) 1 3/2 2 5/2 3 7/2 4 9/2
011 (÷ 8) 1/2 3/4 1 5/4 3/2 7/4 2 9/4
100 (÷ 16) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 9/8
101 (÷ 32) 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16
110 (÷ 64) 1/16 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32
111 (÷ 128) 1/32 3/64 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 9/64
fsys fref 2MFD 2+()×
---------------------------------------------- fref 2MFD 2+()×fsys max()
fsys fsys max()
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9-8 Freescale Semiconductor Synthesizer Statu s Register (SYNSR)
The SYNSR is a read-only register that can be read at any time. Writing to the SYNSR has no effect and
terminates the cycle normally.
7 LOCEN Enables the loss-of-clock function. LOCEN does not affect the loss of lock function.
1 Loss-of-clock function enabled
0 Loss-of-clock function disabled
Note: In external clock mode, the LOCEN bit has no effect.
6 DISCLK Disable CLKOUT de termines whether CLKOUT is driven. Setting the DISCLK bit
holds CLKOUT low.
1 CLKOUT disabled
0 CLKOUT enabled
5 FWKUP Fast wakeup determines when the system clocks are enabled during wakeup from
stop mode.
1 System clocks enabled on wakeup regardless of PLL lock status
0 System clocks enabled only when PLL is locked or operating normally
Note: When FWKUP = 0, if the PLL or oscillator is enabled and unintentionally lost in
stop mode, the PLL wakes up in self-clocked mode or reference clock mode
depending on the clock that was lost. In external clock mode, the FWKUP bit has no
effect on the wakeup sequence.
4 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
3–2 STPMD Control PLL and CLKOUT operation in stop mode. The following table illustrates
STPMD operation in stop mode.
1–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
76 5 4 3210
Reset See note 1 See note 2 000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0012_0002
Note: 1. Reset state determined during reset configuration.
2. See the LOCKS and LOCK bit descriptions.
Figure 9-4. Synthesizer Status Register (SYNSR)
Table 9-4. SYNCR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
STPMD[1:0] Operation During Stop Mode
00 Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
01 Disabled Enabled Enabled Disabled
10 Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
11 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
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Table 9-5. SYNSR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 PLLMODE Clock mode bit. The PLLMODE bit is configured at reset and reflects the clock mode
as shown in Table 9-6.
1 PLL clock mode
0 External clock mode
6 PLLSEL PLL select. Config ured at reset and reflects the PLL mode as shown in Table 9-6.
1 Normal PLL mode
0 1:1 PLL mode
5 PLLREF PLL reference. Configured at reset and reflects the PLL reference source in norm al
PLL mode as shown in Table 9-6.
1 Crystal clock ref erence
0 External clock reference
4 LOCKS Sticky indication of PLL lock status.
1 No unintentional PLL loss of lock since last system reset or MFD change
0 PLL loss of loc k since last system reset or MFD change or currently not lock ed due
to exit from STOP with FWKUP set
The lock detect function sets the LOCKS bit when the PLL achieves lock after:
A system reset
A write to SYNCR that changes the MFD[2:0] bits
When the PLL loses lock, LOCKS is cleared. When the PLL relocks, LOCKS remains
cleared until one of the two listed events occurs.
In stop mode, if the PLL is intentionally disabled, then the LOCKS bit reflects the v alue
prior to entering stop mode. However, if FWKUP is set, then LOCKS is cleared until
the PLL regains lock. Once lock is regained, the LOCKS bit reflects the value prior to
enter ing stop mode. Furthermore, reading the LOCKS bit at the same time that the
PLL loses lock does not return the current loss of lock condition.
In e xternal clock mode, LOCKS remains cleared after reset. In normal PLL mode and
1:1 PLL mode, LOCKS is set after reset.
3 LOCK Set when the PLL is lock ed. PLL lock occurs when the synthesized frequency is within
approximately 0.75 percent of the programm ed frequency. The PLL loses lock when a
frequency deviation of greater than approximately 1.5 percent occurs. Reading the
LOCK flag at the same time that the PLL loses lock or acquires lock does not return
the current condition of the PLL. The power-on reset circuit uses the LOCK bit as a
condition for releasing reset.
If operating in external clock mode, LOCK remains cleared after reset.
1 PLL locked
0 PLL not locked
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9.7 Functional Description
This subsection provides a functional description of the clock module.
9.7.1 System Clock Modes
The system clock source is determined during reset (see Table 27-8). The values of CLKMOD[1:0] are
latched during reset and are of no importance after reset is negated. If CLKMOD1 or CLKMOD0 is
changed during a reset other than power -on reset, the internal clocks may glitch as the system clock source
is changed between external clock mode and PLL clock mode. Whenever CLKMOD1 or CLKMOD0 is
changed in reset, an immediate loss-of-lock condition occurs.
Table 9-7 shows the clockout frequency to clockin frequency relationships for the possible system clock
2 LOCS Sticky indication of whether a loss-of-clock condition has occurred at any time since
exiting reset in normal PLL and 1:1 PLL modes. LOCS = 0 when the system clocks
are operating normally. LOCS = 1 when system cloc ks hav e f ailed due to a reference
failure or PLL failure.
After entering stop mode with FWKUP set and the PLL and oscillator intentionally
disabled (STPMD[1:0] = 11), the PLL e xits stop mode in the SCM while the oscillator
starts up . During this time, LOCS is temporarily set regardless of LOCEN. It is cleared
once the oscillator comes up and the PLL is attempting to lock.
If a read of the LOCS flag and a loss-of-clock condition occur simultaneously, the flag
does not reflect the current loss-of-clock condition.
A loss-of-clock condition can be detected only if LOCEN = 1 or the oscill ator has not
yet returned from exit from stop mode with FWKUP = 1.
1 Loss-of-clock detected since exiting reset or oscillator not yet recovered from exit
from stop mode with FWKUP = 1
0 Loss-of-clock not detected since exiting reset
Note: The LOCS flag is always 0 in external clock mode.
1–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
Table 9-6. System Clock Modes
000 External clock mode
100 1:1 PLL mode
110 Normal PLL mode with external clock reference
111 Normal PLL mode with crystal reference
Table 9-7. Clock Out and Cloc k In Relationships
System Clock Mo de PL L Op tion s1
Nor m al PLL clock mode fsys = fref × 2(MFD + 2)/2RFD
1:1 PLL clock mode fsys = fref
External clock mode fsys = fref
Table 9-5. SYNSR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
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XTAL must be tied low in external clock mode when reset is asserted. If it
is not, clocks could be suspended indefinitely.
The external clock is divided by two internally to produce the system clocks.
9.7.2 Cloc k Operation During Reset
In external clock mode, the system is static and does not recognize reset until a clock is applied to EXTAL.
In PLL mode, the PLL operates in self-clocked mode (SCM) during reset until the input reference clock
to the PLL begins operating within the limits given in the electrical specifications.
If a PLL failure causes a reset, the system enters reset using the reference clock. Then the system clock
source changes to the PLL operating in SCM. If SCM is not functional, the system becomes static.
Alternately, if the LOCEN bit in SYNCR is cleared when the PLL fails, the system becomes static. If
external reset is asserted, the system cannot enter reset unless the PLL is capable of operating in SCM.
9.7.3 System Clock Generation
In normal PLL clock mode, the default system frequency is two times the reference frequency after reset.
The RFD[2:0] and MFD[2:0] bits in the SYNCR select the frequency multiplier.
When programming the PLL, do not exceed the maximum system clock frequency listed in the electrical
specifications. Use this procedure to accommodate the frequency overshoot that occurs when the MFD bits
are changed:
1. Determine the appropriate value for the MFD and RFD fields in the SYNCR. The amount of jitter
in the system clocks can be minimized by selecting the maximum MFD factor that can be paired
with an RFD factor to provide the required frequency.
2. Write a value of RFD (from step 1) + 1 to the RFD field of the SYNCR.
3. Write the MFD value from step 1 to the SYNCR.
4. Monitor the LOCK flag in SYNSR. When the PLL achieves lock, write the RFD value from step
1 to the RFD field of the SYNCR. This changes the system clocks frequency to the required
Keep the maximum system clock frequency below the limit given in the
Electrical Characteristics.
9.7.4 PLL Operation
In PLL mode, the PLL synthesizes the system clocks. The PLL can multip ly the reference clock frequency
by 2x to 9x, provided that the system clock frequency remains within the range listed in electrical
specifications. For example, if the reference frequency is 2 MHz, the PLL can synthesize frequencies of 4
MHz to 18 MHz. In addition, the RFD can reduce the system frequency by dividing the output of the PLL.
1fref = input reference frequency
fsys = CLKOUT frequency
MFD ranges from 0 to 7.
RFD ranges from 0 to 7.
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The RFD is not in the feedback loop of the PLL, so changing the RFD divisor does not affect PLL
Figure 9-5 shows the external support circuitry for the crystal oscillator with example component values.
Actual component values depend on crystal specifications.
The following subsections describe each major block of the PLL. Refer to Figure to see how these
functional sub-blocks interact.
Figure 9-5. Crystal Oscillator Example Phase and Frequency Detector (PFD)
The PFD is a dual-latch phase-frequency detector. It compares both the phase and frequency of the
reference and feedback clocks. The reference clock comes from either the crystal oscillator or an external
clock source.
C1 C2
C1 = C2 = 16 pF
RF = 1 MΩ
RS = 470 Ω
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The feedback clock comes from one of the following:
CLKOUT in 1:1 PLL mode
VCO output divided by two if CLKOUT is disabled in 1:1 PLL mode
VCO output divided by the MFD in normal PLL mode
When the frequency of the feedback clock equals the frequency of the reference clock, the PLL is
frequency-locked. If the falling edge of the feedback clock lags the falling edge of the reference clock, the
PFD pulses the UP signal. If the falling edge of the feedback clock leads the falling edge of the reference
clock, the PFD pulses the DOWN signal. The width of these pulses relative to the reference clock depends
on how much the two clocks lead or lag each other. Once phase lock is achieved, the PFD continues to
pulse the UP and DOWN signals for very short durations during each reference clock cycle. These short
pulses continually update the PLL and prevent the frequency drift phenomenon known as dead-banding. Charge Pump/Loop Filter
In 1:1 PLL mode, the charge pump uses a fixed current. In normal mode the current magnitude of the
charge pump varies with the MFD as shown in Table 9-8.
The UP and DOWN signals from the PFD control whether the charge pump applies or removes charge,
respectively, from the loop filter. The filter is integrated on the chip. Voltage Control Output (VCO)
The voltage across the loop filter controls the frequency of the VCO output. The frequency-to-voltage
relationship (VCO gain) is positive, and the output frequency is four times the target system frequency. Multiplication Factor Divider (MFD)
When the PLL is not in 1:1 PLL mode, the MFD divides the output of the VCO and feeds it back to the
PFD. The PFD controls the VCO frequency via the charge pump and loo p filter such that the reference and
feedback clocks have the same frequency and phase. Thus, the frequency of the input to the MFD, which
is also the output of the VCO, is the reference frequency multiplied by the same amount that the MFD
divides by. For example, if the MFD divides the VCO frequency by six, the PLL is frequency locked when
the VCO frequency is six times the reference frequency. The presence of the MFD in the loop allows the
PLL to perform frequency multiplication, or synthesis.
In 1:1 PLL mode, the MFD is bypassed, and the effective multiplication factor is one. PLL Lock Detection
The lock detect logic monitors the reference frequency and the PLL feedback frequency to determine when
frequency lock is achieved. Phase lock is inferred by the frequency relationship, but is not guaranteed. The
LOCK flag in the SYNSR reflects the PLL lock status. A sticky lock flag, LOCKS, is also provided.
Table 9-8. Charge Pump Current and MFD in Normal Mode Operation
Charge Pump Current MFD
1X 0 MFD < 2
2X 2 MFD < 6
4X 6 MFD
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The lock detect function uses two counters. One is clocked by the reference and the other is clocked by the
PLL feedback. When the reference counter has counted N cycles, its count is compared to that of the
feedback counter. If the feedback counter has also counted N cycles, the process is repeated for N + K
counts. Then, if the two counters still match, the lock criteria is relaxed by 1/2 and the system is notified
that the PLL has achieved frequency lock.
After lock is detected, the lock circuit continues to monitor the reference and feedback frequencies using
the alternate count and compare process. If the counters do not match at any comparison time, then the
LOCK flag is cleared to indicate that the PLL has lost lock. At this point, the lock criteria is tightened and
the lock detect process is repeated.
The alternate count sequences prevent false lock detects due to frequency aliasing while the PLL tries to
lock. Alternating between tight and relaxed lock criteria prevents the lock detect function from randomly
toggling between locked and non-locked status due to phase sensitivities. Figure 9-6 shows the sequence
for detecting locked and non-locked conditions.
In external clock mode, the PLL is disabled and cannot lock.
Figure 9-6. Lock Detect Sequence PLL Loss of Lock Conditions
Once the PLL acquires lock after reset, the LOCK and LOCKS flags are set. If the MFD is changed, or if
an unexpected loss of lock condition occurs, the LOCK and LOCKS flags are negated. While the PLL is
in the non-locked condition, the system clocks continue to be sourced from the PLL as the PLL attempts
to relock. Consequently , during the relocking process, the system clocks frequency is not well defined and
may exceed the maximum system frequency, violating the system clock timing specifications.
However, once the PLL has relocked, the LOCK flag is set. The LOCKS flag remains cleared if the loss
of lock is unexpected. The LOCKS flag is set when the loss of lock is caused by changing MFD. If the
PLL is intentionally disabled during stop mode, then after exit from stop mode, the LOCKS flag reflects
the value prior to entering stop mode once lock is regained.
Count N
Reference Cycles
and Compare
Number of Feedback
Cycles Elapsed
with Tight Lock
Criteria Reference Count
Feedback Count
Loss of Lock Detected
Set Tight Lock Criteria
and Notify System of Loss
of Lock Condition
Count N + K
Reference Cycles
and Compare Number
of Feedback Cycles
Lock Detected.
Set Relaxed Lock
Condition and Notify
System of Lock
Reference Count
Feedback Count
Reference Count =
Feedback Count = N
In Same Count/Compare Sequence
Reference Count =
Feedback Count = N + K
IN Same Count/Compare Sequence
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Freescale Semiconductor 9-15 PLL Loss of Lock Reset
If the LOLRE bit in the SYNCR is set, a loss of lock condition asserts reset. Reset reinitializes the LOCK
and LOCKS flags. Therefore, software must read the LOL bit in the reset status register (RSR) to
determine if a loss of lock caused the reset. See Section 29.4.2, “Reset Status Register (RSR).”
To exit reset in PLL mode, the reference must be present, and the PLL must achieve lock.
In external clock mode, the PLL cannot lock. Therefore, a loss of lock condition cannot occur, and the
LOLRE bit has no effect. Loss of Clock Detection
The LOCEN bit in the SYNCR enables the loss of clock detection circuit to monitor the input clocks to
the phase and frequency detector (PFD). When either the reference or feedback clock frequency falls
below the minimum frequency, the loss of clock circuit sets the sticky LOCS flag in the SYNSR.
In external clock mode, the loss of clock circuit is disabled. Loss of Clock Reset
The clock module can assert a reset when a loss of clock or loss of lock occurs. When a loss-of-clock
condition is recognized, reset is asserted if the LOCRE bit in SYNCR is set. The LOCS bit in SYNSR is
cleared after reset. Therefore, the LOC bit must be read in RSR to determine that a loss of clock condition
occurred. LOCRE has no effect in external clock mode.
To exit reset in PLL mode, the reference must be present, and the PLL must acquire lock.
Reset initializes the clock module registers to a known startup state as described in Section 9.6, “Memory
Map and Registers.” Alternate Clock Selection
Depending on which clock source fails, the loss-of-clock circuit switches the system clocks source to the
remaining operational clock. The alternate clock source generates the system clocks until reset is asserted.
As Table 9-9 shows, if the reference fails, the PLL goes out of lock and into self-clocked mode (SCM).
The PLL remains in SCM until the next reset. When the PLL is operating in SCM, the system frequency
depends on the value in the RFD field. The SCM system frequency stated in electrical specifications
assumes that the RFD has been programmed to binary 000. If the loss-of-clock condition is due to PLL
failure, the PLL reference becomes the system clocks source until the next reset, even if the PLL regains
and relocks.
Table 9-9. Loss of Clock Summary
Mode System Clock Source
Before Failure Reference Failure Alternate Clock
Selected by LOC Circuit1 Until Reset
1The LOC circuit monitors the reference and feedback inputs to the PFD. See Figure 9-5.
PLL Failure Alternate Clock
Selected by LOC Cir cuit Until Reset
PLL PLL PLL self-clocked mode PLL reference
External External clock None NA
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A special loss-of-clock condition occurs when both the reference and the PLL fail. The failures may be
simultaneous, or the PLL may fail first. In either case, the reference clock failure takes priority and the
PLL attempts to operate in SCM. If successful, the PLL remains in SCM until the next reset. If the PLL
cannot operate in SCM, the system remains static until the next reset. Both the reference and the PLL must
be functioning properly to exit reset. Loss of Clock in Stop Mode
Table 9-10 shows the resulting actions for a loss of clock in Stop Mode when the device is being clocked
by the various clocking methods.
Table 9-10. Stop Mode Operation (Sheet 1 of 5)
Action at
PLL Action
During Stop MODE
EXT X X X X X X EXT 0 0 0
Lose reference
clock Stuck ———
NRM 0 0 0 Off Off 0 Lose lock,
f.b. clock,
Regain NRM ‘LK 1 ‘LC
No regain Stuck
NRM X 0 0 Off Off 1 Lose lock,
f.b. clock,
Regain clocks, but
don’t regain lock SCM–>
CBlock LOCS and
LOCKS until
clock and lock
regain; enter
SCM regardless
of LOCEN bit
until reference
No reference
clock regain SCM–> 0–> 0–> 1–> Block LOCS and
LOCKS until
clock and lock
regain; enter
SCM regardless
of LOCEN bit
No f.b. clock
regain Stuck ———
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NRM 0 0 0 Off On 0 Lose lock Regain NRM ‘LK 1 ‘LC Block LOCKS
from being
Lose reference
clock or no lock
Stuck ———
Lose reference
from being
NRM 0 0 0 Off On 1 Lose lock No lock regain Unsta ble
NRM 0–>‘L
1‘LC Block LOCKS
until lock
Lose reference
clock or no f.b.
clock regain
Stuck ———
Lose reference
clock, regain Unstable
NRM 0–>‘L
1‘LC LOCS not set
NRM 000OnOn0 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose lock or clock Stuck
Lose lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC
Lose clock and
lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC LOCS not set
NRM 000OnOn1 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose lock Unstable
NRM 0 0–>
Lose lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC
Lose clock Stuck
Lose clock, regain
without lock Unstable
NRM 0 0–>
Lose clock, regain
with lock NRM 0 1 ‘LC
NRM X X 1 Off X X Lose lock,
f.b. clock,
Table 9-10. Stop Mode Operation (Sheet 2 of 5)
Action at
PLL Action
During Stop MODE
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Lose lock or clock RESET Reset
NRM 1 0 0 Off Off 0 Lose lock,
f.b. clock,
Regain NRM ‘LK 1 ‘LC REF not entered
during stop;
SCM entered
during stop only
during oscillator
No regain Stuck
NRM 1 0 0 Off On 0 Lose lock,
f.b. clock Regain NRM LK 1 ‘LC REF mode not
entered during
No f.b. clock or
lock regain Stuck ———
Lose reference
clock SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
NRM 1 0 0 Off On 1 Lose lock,
f.b. clock Regain f.b. clock Unstable
NRM 0–>‘L
1‘LC REF mode not
entered during
No f.b. clock
regain Stuck ———
Lose reference
clock SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
NRM 100OnOn0 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose reference
clock SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
Lose f.b. clock REF 0 X 1 Wakeup without
Lose lock Stuck
Lose lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC
NRM 100OnOn1 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose reference
clock SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
Lose f.b. clock REF 0 X 1 Wakeup without
Lose lock Unstable
NRM 0 0–>
Table 9-10. Stop Mode Operation (Sheet 3 of 5)
Action at
PLL Action
During Stop MODE
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Lose lock or clock RESET Reset
NRM 1 1 X Off X X L ose lock,
f.b. clock,
NRM 110OnOn0 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose clock RESET Reset
Lose lock Stuck
Lose lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC
NRM 110OnOn1 NRM LK 1 LC
Lose clock RESET Reset
Lose lock Unstable
NRM 0 0–>
Lose lock, regain NRM 0 1 ‘LC
Lose clock or lock RESET Reset
REF 100XXX REF 0 X 1
Lose reference
clock Stuck ———
SCM 100OffX 0PLL
disabled Regain SCM SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
SCM 100OffX 1PLL
disabled Regain SCM SCM 0 0 1
SCM 1 0 0 On On 0 SCM 0 0 1 Wakeup without
Lose reference
clock SCM
Table 9-10. Stop Mode Operation (Sheet 4 of 5)
Action at
PLL Action
During Stop MODE
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SCM 1 0 0 On On 1 SCM 0 0 1
Lose reference
clock SCM
PLL = PLL enabled during STOP mode. PLL = On when STPMD[1:0] = 00 or 01
OSC = Oscillator enabled during STOP mode. Oscillator is on when STPMD[1:0] = 00, 01, or 10
NRM = nor mal PLL crystal clock reference or nor mal PLL externa l reference or PLL 1:1 mode. During PLL 1:1 or
normal e xternal ref erence mode, the oscillator is ne ver enab led. Therefore, during these modes, refer to the OSC =
On case regardless of STPMD values.
EXT=e xternal clock mode
REF=PLL reference mode due to losing PLL clock or lock from NRM mode
SCM=PLL self-clocked mode due to losing reference clock from NRM mode
RESET= immediate reset
‘LK= expecting previous value of LOCKS before entering stop
0–>‘LK= current value is 0 until lock is regained which then will be the previous value before entering stop
0–> = current value is 0 until lock is regained but lock is never expected to regain
‘LC=expecting previous value of LOCS before entering stop
1–>‘LC= current value is 1 until clock is regained which then will be the previous value befo re entering stop
1–> =current value is 1 until clock is regained but CLK is never expected to regain
Table 9-10. Stop Mode Operation (Sheet 5 of 5)
Action at
PLL Action
During Stop MODE
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Chapter 10
Interrupt Controller Modules
This section details the functionality for the interrupt controllers (INTC0, INTC1). The general features of
each interrupt controller include:
63 interrupt sources, organized as:
56 fully-programmable interrupt sources
7 fixed-level interrupt sources
Each of the 63 sources has a unique interrupt control register (ICRnx) to define the
software-assigned levels and priorities within the level
Unique vector number for each interrupt source
Ability to mask any individual interrupt source, plus global mask-all capability
Supports both hardware and software interrupt acknowledge cycles
“Wake-up” signal from low-power stop modes
The 56 fully-programmable and seven fixed-level interrupt sources for each of the two interrupt controllers
handle the complete set of interrupt sources from all of the modules on the device. This section describes
how the interrupt sources are mapped to the interrupt controller logic and how interrupts are serviced.
10.1 68K/ColdFire Interrupt Architecture Overview
Before continuing with the specifics of the interrupt controllers, a brief review of the interrupt architecture
of the 68K/ColdFire family is appropriate.
The interrupt architecture of ColdFire is exactly the same as the M68000 family, where there is a 3-bit
encoded interrupt priority level sent from the interrupt controller to the core, providing 7 levels of interrupt
requests. Level 7 represents the highest priority interrupt level, while level 1 is the lowest priority. The
processor samples for active interrupt requests once per instruction by comparing the encoded priority
level against a 3-bit interrupt mask value (I) contained in bits 10:8 of the machine’s status register (SR). If
the priority level is greater than the SR[I] field at the sample point, the processor suspends normal
instruction execution and initiates interrupt exception processing. Level 7 interrupts are treated as
non-maskable and edge-sensitive within the processor, while levels 1-6 are treated as level-sensitive and
may be masked depending on the value of the SR[I] field. For correct operation, the ColdFire requires that,
once asserted, the interrupt source remain asserted until explicitly disabled by the interrupt service routine.
During the interrupt exception processing, the CPU enters supervisor mode, disables trace mode and then
fetches an 8-bit vector from the interrupt controller . This byte-sized operand fetch is known as the interrupt
acknowledge (IACK) cycle with the ColdFire implementation using a special encoding of the transfer type
and transfer modifier attributes to distinguish this data fetch from a “normal” memory access. The fetched
data provides an index into the exception vector table which contains 256 addresses, each pointing to the
beginning of a specific exception service routine. In particular, vectors 64 - 255 of the exception vector
table are reserved for user interrupt service routines. The first 64 exception vectors are reserved for the
processor to handle reset, error conditions (access, address), arithmetic faults, system calls, etc. Once the
interrupt vector number has been retrieved, the processor continues by creating a stack frame in memory.
For ColdFire, all exception stack frames are 2 longwords in length, and contain 32 bits of vector and status
register data, along with the 32-bit program counter value of the instruction that was interrupted (see
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Section, “Exception Stack Frame Definition” for more information on the stack frame format).
After the exception stack frame is stored in memory, the processor accesses the 32-bit pointer from the
exception vector table using the vector number as the offset, and then jumps to that address to begin
execution of the service routine. After the status register is stored in the exception stack frame, the SR[I]
mask field is set to the level of the interrupt being acknowledged, effectively masking that level and all
lower values while in the service routine. For many peripheral devices, the processing of the IACK cycle
directly negates the interrupt request, while other devices require that request to be explicitly negated
during the processing of the service routine.
For this device, the processing of the interrupt acknowledge cycle is fundamentally different than previous
68K/ColdFire cores. In the new approach, all IACK cycles are directly handled by the interrupt controller ,
so the requesting peripheral device is not accessed during the IACK. As a result, the interrupt request must
be explicitly cleared in the peripheral during the interrupt service routine. For more information, see
Section, “Interrupt Vector Determination.”
Unlike the M68000 family , all ColdFire processors guarantee that the first instruction of the service routine
is executed before sampling for interrupts is resumed. By making this initial instruction a load of the SR,
interrupts can be safely disabled, if required.
During the execution of the service routine, the appropriate actions must be performed on the peripheral
to negate the interrupt request.
For more information on exception processing, see the ColdFire Programmers Reference Manual at
10.1.1 Interrupt Contr oller Theory of Operation
To support the interrupt architecture of the 68K/ColdFire programming model, the combined 63 interrupt
sources are organized as 7 levels, with each level supporting up to 9 prioritized requests. Consider the
interrupt priority structure shown in Table 10-1, which orders the interrupt levels/priorities from highest
to lowest.
Table 10-1. Interrupt Priority Scheme
Supported Interrupt
— (Mid-point) #7 (IRQ7)
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The level and priority is fully programmable for all sources except interrupt sources 1–7. Interrupt source
1–7 (from the Edgeport module) are fixed at the corresponding level’ s midpoint priority. Thus, a maximum
of 8 fully-programmable interrupt sources are mapped into a single interrupt level. The “fixed” interrupt
source is hardwired to the given level, and represents the mid-point of the priority within the level. For the
fully-programmable interrupt sources, the 3-bit level and the 3-bit priority within the level are defined in
the 8-bit interrupt control register (ICRnx).
The operation of the interrupt controller can be broadly partitioned into three activities:
Vector Determination during IACK Interrupt Recognition
The interrupt controller continuously examines the request sources and the interrupt mask register to
determine if there are active requests. This is the recognition phase.
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #6 (IRQ6)
3–0 #8–63
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #5 (IRQ5)
3–0 #8–63
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #4 (IRQ4)
3–0 #8–63
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #3 (IRQ3)
3–0 #8–63
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #2 (IRQ2)
3–0 #8–63
7–4 #8–63
— (Mid-point) #1 (IRQ1)
3–0 #8–63
Table 10-1. Interru p t Priori ty Scheme (c ont inue d)
Supported Interrupt
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As an active request is detected, it is translated into the programmed interrupt level, and the resulting 7-bit
decoded priority level (IRQ[7:1]) is driven out of the interrupt controller . The decoded priority levels from
all the interrupt controllers a re logically summed toge ther and the highest enabled interrupt request is then
encoded into a 3-bit priority level that is sent to the processor core during this prioritization phase. Interrupt Vector Determination
Once the core has sampled for pending interrupts and begun interrupt exception processing, it generates
an interrupt acknowledge cycle (IACK). The IACK transfer is treated as a memory-mapped byte read by
the processor, and routed to the appropriate interrupt controller. Next, the interrupt controller extracts the
level being acknowledged from address bits[4:2], and then determines the highest priority interrupt request
active for that level, and returns th e 8-bit interrupt vector for that request to complete the cycle. The 8-bit
interrupt vector is formed using the following algorithm:
For INTC0, vector_number = 64 + interrupt source number
For INTC1, vector_number = 128 + interrupt source number
Recall vector_numbers 0 - 63 are reserved for the ColdFire processor and its internal exceptions. Thus, the
following mapping of bit positions to vector numbers applies for the INTC0:
if interrupt source 1 is active and acknowledged, then vector_number = 65
if interrupt source 2 is active and acknowledged, then vector_number = 66
if interrupt source 8 is active and acknowledged, then vector_number = 72
if interrupt source 9 is active and acknowledged, then vector_number = 73
if interrupt source 62 is active and acknowledged, then vector_number = 126
The net effect is a fixed mapping between the bit position within the source to the actual interrupt vector
If there is no active interrupt source for the given level, a special “spurious interrupt” vector
(vector_number = 24) is returned and it is the responsibility of the service routine to handle this error
Note this protocol implies the interrupting peripheral is not accessed during the acknowledge cycle since
the interrupt controller completely services the acknowledge. This means the interrupt source must be
explicitly disabled in the interrupt service routine. This design provides unique vector capability for all
interrupt requests, regardless of the “complexity” of the peripheral device.
Vector numbers 64-71, and 91-255 are unused.
10.2 Memory Map
The register programming model for the interrupt controllers is memory-mapped to a 256-byte space. In
the following discussion, there are a number of program-visible registers greater than 32 bits in size. For
these control fields, the physical register is partitioned into two 32-bit values: a register “high” (the upper
longword) and a register “low” (the lower longword). The nomenclature <reg_name>H and <reg_name>L
is used to reference these values.
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The registers and their locations are defined in Table 10-3. The offsets listed start from the base address
for each interrupt controller. The base addresses for the interrupt controllers are listed below:
Table 10-2. Interrupt Controller Base Addresses
Interrupt Controller Number Base Address
Global IACK Registers Space1
1This address space only contains the L1ACK-L7IA CK registers . See Section 10.3.7, “Software and Lev el n
IACK Registers (SWIACKR, L1IACK–L7IACK)" for more information
IPSBAR + 0xF00
Table 10-3. Interrupt Controller Memory Map
Module Offset Bits[31:24] Bits[23:16] Bits[15:8] Bits[7:0]
0x00 Interrupt P e nding Register High (IPRH), [63:32]
0x04 Interr upt Pending Register Low (IPRL), [31:1]
0x08 Interrupt Mask Register High (IMRH), [63:32]
0x0c Interr upt Mask Register Low (IMRL), [31:0]
0x10 Interrupt Force Register High (INTFRCH), [63:32]
0x14 Interrupt Force Register Low (INTFRCL), [31:1]
0x18 IRLR[7:1] IACKLPR[7:0] Reserved
0x1C–0x3C Reserved
0x40 Reserved ICR01 ICR02 ICR03
0x44 ICR04 ICR05 ICR06 ICR07
0x48 ICR08 ICR09 ICR10 ICR11
0x4C ICR12 ICR13 ICR14 ICR15
0x50 ICR16 ICR17 ICR18 ICR19
0x54 ICR20 ICR21 ICR22 ICR23
0x58 ICR24 ICR25 ICR26 ICR27
0x5C ICR28 ICR29 ICR30 ICR31
0x60 ICR32 ICR33 ICR34 ICR35
0x64 ICR36 ICR37 ICR38 ICR39
0x68 ICR40 ICR41 ICR42 ICR43
0x6C ICR44 ICR45 ICR46 ICR47
0x70 ICR48 ICR49 ICR50 ICR51
0x74 ICR52 ICR53 ICR54 ICR55
0x78 ICR56 ICR57 ICR58 ICR59
0x7C ICR60 ICR61 ICR62 ICR63
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10.3 Register Descriptions
10.3.1 Interrupt Pending Registers (IPRHn, IPRLn)
The IPRHn and IPRLn registers, Figure 10-1 and Figure 10-2, are each 32 bits in size, and provide a bit
map for each interrupt request to indicate if there is an active request (1 = active request, 0 = no request)
for the given source. The state of the interrupt mask register does not af fect the IPRn. The IPRn is cleared
by reset. The IPRn is a read-only register, so any attempted write to this register is ignored. Bit 0 is not
implemented and reads as a zero.
0x80–0xDC Reserved
0xE0 SWIACK Reserved
0xE4 L1IACK Reserved
0xE8 L2IACK Reserved
0xEC L3IACK Reserved
0xF0 L4IACK Reserved
0xF4 L5IACK Reserved
0xF8 L6IACK Reserved
0xFC L7IACK Reserved
31 16
Field INT[63:48]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 0
Field INT[47:32]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
IPSBAR + 0xC00, 0xD00
Figure 10-1. Interrupt Pending Register High (IPRHn)
Table 10-3. I nterrupt Controller Memo ry Map (continue d)
Module Offset Bits[31:24] Bits[23:16] Bits[15:8] Bits[7:0]
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10.3.2 Interrupt Mask Register (IMRHn, IMRLn)
The IMRHn and IMRLn registers are each 32 bits in size and provide a bit ma p for each interrupt to allow
the request to be disabled (1 = disable the request, 0 = enable the request). The IMRn is set to all ones by
reset, disabling all interrupt requests. The IMRn can be read and written. A write that sets bit 0 of the IMR
forces the other 63 bits to be set, disabling all interrupt sources, and providing a global mask-all capability.
Table 10-4. IPRHn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 INT Interrupt pending. Each bit corresponds to an interrupt source. The corresponding IMRHn bit
determ ines whether an interrupt condition can generate an interrupt. At every system clock, the
IPRHn samples the signal generated by the interrupting source. The corresponding IPRHn bit
reflects the state of the interr upt signal even if the corresponding IMRHn bit is set.
0 The corresponding interr upt source does not have an interrupt pending
1 The corresponding interr upt source has an interrupt pending
31 16
Field INT[31:16]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 10
Field INT[16:1]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
IPSBAR + 0xC04, 0xD04
Figure 10-2. Interrupt Pending Register Low (IPRLn)
Table 10-5. IPRLn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–1 INT Interrupt Pendi ng. Each bit corresp onds to an interrupt source. The corresponding IMRLn bit
determ ines whether an interrupt condition can generate an interrupt. At every system clock, the
IPRLn samples the signal generated by the interrupting source. The corresponding IPRLn bit
reflects the state of the interr upt signal even if the corresponding IMRLn bit is set.
0 The corresponding interr upt source does not have an interrupt pending
1 The corresponding interr upt source has an interrupt pending
0 Reserved, should be cleared.
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31 16
Field INT_MASK[63:48]
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111
15 0
Field INT_MASK[47:32]
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111
IPSBAR + 0xC08, 0xD08
Figure 10-3. Interrupt Mask Register High (IMRHn)
Table 10-6. IMRHn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 INT_MASK Interrupt mask. Each bit corresponds to an interrupt source. The corresponding IMRHn bit
determines whether an interrupt condition can generate an interrupt. The corresponding
IPRHn bit reflects the state of the interrupt signal even if the corresponding IMRHn bit is
0 The corresponding interrupt source is not masked
1 The corresponding interrupt source is masked
31 16
Field INT_MASK[31:16]
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111
15 10
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111
IPSBAR + 0xC0C, 0xD0C
Figure 10-4. Interrupt Mask Registe r Low (IMRLn)
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If an interrupt source is being masked in the interrupt controller mask
register (IMR) or a module’s interrupt mask register while the interrupt
mask in the status register (SR[I]) is set to a value lower than the interrupt’s
level, a spurious interrupt may occur. T his is because by the time the status
register acknowledges this interrupt, the interrupt has been masked. A
spurious interrupt is generated because the CPU cannot determine the
interrupt source. To avoid this situation for interrupts sources with levels
1-6, first write a higher level interrupt mask to the status register, before
setting the mask in the IMR or the module’s interrupt mask register. After
the mask is set, return the interrupt mask in the status register to its previous
value. Since level seven interrupts cannot be disabled in the status register
prior to masking, use of the IMR or module interrupt mask registers to
disable level seven interrupts is not recommended.
10.3.3 Interrupt Force Registers (INTFRCHn, INTFRCLn)
The INTFRCHn and INTFRCLn registers are each 32 bits in size and provide a mechanism to allow
software generation of interrupts for each possible source for functional or debug purposes. The system
design may reserve one or more sources to allow software to self-schedule interrupts by forcing one or
more of these bits (1 = force request, 0 = negate request) in the appropriate INTFRCn register. The
assertion of an interrupt request via the INTFRCn register is not affected by the interrupt mask register.
The INTFRCn register is cleared by reset.
Table 10-7. IMRLn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–1 INT_MASK Interrupt mask. Each bit corresponds to an interrupt source. The corresponding
IMRLn bit determines whether an interrupt condition can generate an interrupt.
The corresponding IPRLn bit reflects the state of the interrupt signal even if the
corresponding IMRLn bit is set.
0 The corresponding interrupt source is not masked
1 The corresponding interrupt source is masked
0 MASKALL Mask all interrupts. Setting this bit will force the other 63 bits of the IMRHn and
IMRLn to ones, disabling all interrupt sources, and providing a global mask-all
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31 16
Field INTFRCH[63:48]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 0
Field INTFRCH[47:32]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
IPSBAR + 0xC10, 0xD10
Figure 10-5. Interrupt Force Register High (INTFRCHn)
Table 10-8. INTFRCHn Field Descripti on s
Bits Name Description
31–0 INTFRC Interrupt force. Allows software generation of interrupts for each possible source for functional or
debug purposes .
0 No interrupt fo rced on corresponding interrupt source
1 Force an interrupt on the corresponding source
31 16
Field INTFRCL[31:16]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 10
Field INTFRCL[16:1]
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
IPSBAR + 0xC14, 0xD14
Figure 10-6. Interrupt Force Register Low (INTFRCLn)
Table 10-9. INTFRCLn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–1 INTFRC Interrupt force. Allows software generation of interrupts for each possible source for functional or
debug purposes .
0 No interrupt fo rced on corresponding interrupt source
1 Force an interrupt on the corresponding source
0 Reserved, should be cleared.
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10.3.4 Interrupt Request Level Register (IRLRn)
This 7-bit register is updated each machine cycle and represents the current interrupt requests for each
interrupt level, where bit 7 corresponds to level 7, bit 6 to level 6, etc. This register output is combined
with similar outputs from INTC1 and eventually encoded into the 3-bit priority interrupt level driven to
the processor core.
10.3.5 Interrupt Acknowledge Level and Priority Register (IACKLPRn)
Each time an IACK is performed, the interrupt controller responds with the vector number of the highest
priority source within the level being acknowledged. In addition to providing the vector number directly
for the byte-sized IACK read, this 8-bit register is also loaded with information about the interrupt level
and priority being acknowledged. This register provides the association between the acknowledged
“physical” interrupt request number and the programmed interrupt level/priority. The contents of this
read-only register are described in Figure 10-8 and Table 10-11.
7 210
Field IRQ[7:1]
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0xC18, 0xD18
Figure 10-7. Interrupt Request Level Register (IRLRn)
Table 10-10. IRQn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–1 IRQ Interrupt requests. Represents the prioritized active interrupts for each level.
0 There are no active interrupts at this level
1 There is an active interrupt at this level
76 43 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0xC19, 0xD19
Figure 10-8. IACK Level and Priority Register (IACKLPRn)
Table 1 0- 11. IACKL PR n Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
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10.3.6 Interrupt Control Register (ICRnx, (x = 1, 2,..., 63))
Each ICRnx specifies the interrupt level (1-7) and the priority within the level (0-7). All ICRnx registers
can be read, but only ICRn8 to ICR n63 can be written. It is the responsibility of the software to program
the ICRnx registers with unique and non-overlapping level and priority definitions. Failure to program the
ICRnx registers in this manner can result in undefined behavior . If a specific interrupt request is completely
unused, the ICRnx value can remain in its reset (and disabled) state.
6–4 L EVEL Interrupt level. Represents the interrupt level currently being acknowledged.
3–0 PRI I nterrupt Priority. Represents the priority within the interrupt level of the interrupt currently being
0 Priority 0
1 Priority 1
2 Priority 2
3 Priority 3
4 Priority 4
5 Priority 5
6 Priority 6
7 Priority 7
8 Mid-Poin t Priority associated with the fixed level interrupts only
Field IL IP
Reset 0000_0000
R/W R/W (Read only for ICRn1-ICRn7)
Address See Table 10-2 and Table 10-3 f or register offsets
Note: It is the responsibility of the software to program the ICRnx registers
with unique and non-overlapping level and priority definitio ns. Failure to
progr am the ICRnx registers in this manner can result in undefined behavior .
If a specific interrupt request is completely unused, the ICRnx value can
remain in its reset (and disabled) state.
Figure 10-9. Interrupt Control Register (ICRnx)
Table 10- 12 . ICRnx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–6 Reserved, should be cleared.
5–3 IL Interrupt level. Indicates the interrupt level assigned to each interrupt input.
2–0 IP Interrupt pri ority. Indicates the interrupt priority for inter nal modules within the interrupt-level
assignment. 000b represents the lowest priority and 111b represents the highest. F or the fixed le vel
interrupt sources, the priority is fix ed at the midpoint f or the le vel, and the IP field will alwa ys read as
Table 10- 11 . IACKLPRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
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Table 10-13 and Table 10-14 list the interrupt sources for each interrupt request line for INTC0 and
Table 10-13. Interrupt Source Assignment fo r INTC0
Source Module Flag Source Description Flag Clearing Mechanism
1 EPORT EPF1 Edge port flag 1 Write EPF1 = 1
2 EPF2 Edge port flag 2 Write EPF2 = 1
3 EPF3 Edge port flag 3 Write EPF3 = 1
4 EPF4 Edge port flag 4 Write EPF4 = 1
5 EPF5 Edge port flag 5 Write EPF5 = 1
6 EPF6 Edge port flag 6 Write EPF6 = 1
7 EPF7 Edge port flag 7 Write EPF7 = 1
8 SCM SWT1 Software watchdog timeout Cleared when serv ice complete
9 DMA DONE DMA Channel 0 transfer complete Write DONE = 1
10 DONE DMA Channel 1 transf er complete Write DONE = 1
11 DONE DMA Channel 2 transf er complete Write DONE = 1
12 DONE DMA Channel 3 transf er complete Write DONE = 1
13 UART0 Multiple UART0 interrupt Cleared when service complete
14 UART1 Multiple UART1 interrupt Cleared when service complete
15 UART2 Multiple UART2 interrupt Cleared when service complete
16 Not used
2C interrupt Write IIF = 0
18 QSPI Mu ltiple QSPI interrupt Se e QIR description
19 DTIM0 CAP/REF DTIM0 capture/reference event Write CAP = 1 or REF = 1
20 DTIM1 CAP/REF DTIM1 capture/reference event Write CAP = 1 or REF = 1
21 DTIM2 CAP/REF DTIM2 capture/reference event Write CAP = 1 or REF = 1
22 DTIM3 CAP/REF DTIM3 capture/reference event Write CAP = 1 or REF = 1
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23 FEC
Not used
X_INTF Transmit frame interrupt Write X_INTF = 1
24 X_INTB Transmit buffer interrupt Write X_INTB = 1
25 UN Transmit FIFO underrun Write UN = 1
26 RL Collision retry limit Write RL = 1
27 R_INTF Receive frame interrupt Write R_INTF = 1
28 R_INTB Receive buffer interrupt Write R_INTB = 1
29 MII MII interrupt Write MII = 1
30 LC Late collision Write LC = 1
31 HBER R Heartbeat error Write HBERR = 1
32 GRA Graceful stop complete Write GRA = 1
33 EBERR Ethernet bus error Write EBERR = 1
34 BABT Babbling transmit error Write BABT = 1
35 BABR Babbling receive error Write BABR = 1
36 PMM LVDF LVD Write LVDF = 1
37 QADC CF1 Queue 1 conversion complete Write CF1 = 0 after reading CF1 = 1
38 CF2 Queue 2 conversion complete Write CF2 = 0 after reading CF2 = 1
39 PF1 Queue 1 conv ersion pause Write PF1 = 0 after reading PF1 = 1
40 PF2 Queue 2 conv ersion pause Write PF2 = 0 after reading PF2 = 1
41 GPTA TOF Timer overflo w Write TOF = 1 or access TIMCNTH/L if TFFCA = 1
42 PAIF Pulse accumulator input Write PAIF = 1 or access PA C if TFFCA = 1
43 PAO VF Pulse accumulator overflow Write PAOVF = 1 or access PAC if TFFCA = 1
44 C0F Timer channel 0 Write C0F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
45 C1F Timer channel 1 Write C1F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
46 C2F Timer channel 2 Write C2F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
47 C3F Timer channel 3 Write C3F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
48 GPTB TOF Timer overflo w Write TOF = 1 or access TIMCNTH/L if TFFCA = 1
49 PAIF Pulse accumulator input Write PAIF = 1 or access PA C if TFFCA = 1
50 PAO VF Pulse accumulator overflow Write PAOVF = 1 or access PAC if TFFCA = 1
51 C0F Timer channel 0 Write C0F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
52 C1F Timer channel 1 Write C1F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
53 C2F Timer channel 2 Write C2F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
54 C3F Timer channel 3 Write C3F = 1 or access IC/OC if TFFCA = 1
55 PIT0 PIF PIT interrupt flag Write PIF = 1 of write PMR
Table 10-13. Interrupt So urce Assignment for INTC0 (continued)
Source Module Flag Source Description Flag Clearing Mechanism
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56 PIT1 PIF PIT interrupt flag Write PIF = 1 of write PMR
57 PIT2 PIF PIT interrupt flag Write PIF = 1 of write PMR
58 PIT3 PIF PIT interrupt flag Write PIF = 1 of write PMR
59 CFM CBEIF SGFM buffer empty W rite CBEIF = 1
60 CFM CCIF SGFM command complete Cleared automatically
61 CFM PVIF Protection violation Cleared automatically
62 CFM AEIF Access error Cleared automatically
63 Not Used
Table 10-13. Interrupt So urce Assignment for INTC0 (continued)
Source Module Flag Source Description Flag Clearing Mechanism
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10.3.7 Software and Level n IACK Registers (SWIACKR, L1IACK–L7IACK)
The eight IACK registers can be explicitly addressed via the CPU, or implicitly addressed via a
processor- generated interrupt acknowledge cycle during exception processing. In either case, the interrupt
controllers actions are very similar.
First, consider an IACK cycle to a specific le vel: that is , a level- n I ACK. When this type of IACK arrives
in the interrupt controller, the controller examines all the currently-active level n interrupt requests,
determines the highest priority within the level, and then responds with the unique vector number
corresponding to that specific interrupt source. The vector number is supplied as the data for the byte-sized
IACK read cycle. In addition to providing the vector number, the interrupt controller also loads the level
and priority number for the level into the IACKLPR register, where it may be retrieved later.
This interrupt controller design also supports the concept of a software IACK. A software IACK is a useful
concept that allows an interrupt service routine to determine if there are other pending interrupts so that
the overhead associated with interrupt exception processing (including machine state save/restore
functions) can be minimized. In general, the software IACK is performed near the end of an interrupt
Table 10-14. Interrupt Source Assignment fo r INTC1
Source Module Flag Source Description Flag Cleari ng Mechanism
1-7 Not Used
CAN BUF0I Message buffer 0 interrupt W rite BUF0I = 1 after reading BUF0I = 1
9 BUF1I Message buffer 1 interrupt Write BUF1I = 1 after reading B U F1I = 1
10 BUF2I Message buffer 2 interrupt Write BUF2I = 1 after reading BUF2I = 1
11 BUF3I Message buffer 3 interrupt Write BUF3I = 1 after reading BUF3I = 1
12 BUF4I Message buffer 4 interrupt Write BUF4I = 1 after reading BUF4I = 1
13 BUF5I Message buffer 5 interrupt Write BUF5I = 1 after reading BUF5I = 1
14 BUF6I Message buffer 6 interrupt Write BUF6I = 1 after reading BUF6I = 1
15 BUF7I Message buffer 7 interrupt Write BUF7I = 1 after reading BUF7I = 1
16 BUF8I Message buffer 8 interrupt Write BUF8I = 1 after reading BUF8I = 1
17 BUF9I Message buffer 9 interrupt Write BUF9I = 1 after reading BUF9I = 1
18 BUF10I Message buffer 10 interrupt Write BUF10I = 1 after reading BUF10I = 1
19 BUF11I Message buffer 11 interrupt Write BUF11I = 1 after reading BUF11I = 1
20 BUF12I Message buffer 12 interrupt Write BUF12I = 1 after reading BUF12I = 1
21 BUF13I Message buffer 13 interrupt Write BUF13I = 1 after reading BUF13I = 1
22 BUF14I Message buffer 14 interrupt Write BUF14I = 1 after reading BUF14I = 1
23 BUF15I Message buffer 15 interrupt Write BUF15I = 1 after reading BUF15I = 1
24 ERR_INT Error interrupt Write ERR_INT = 1 after reading ERR_INT = 1
25 BOFF_INT Bus-off interrupt Write BOFF_INT = 1 after reading BOFF_INT = 1
26 WAKE_INT Wake-up interrupt Write WAKE_INT = 1 after reading WAKE_INT = 1
27-63 Not used
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service routine, and if there are additional active interrupt sources, the current interrupt service routine
(ISR) passes control to the appropriate service routine, but without taking another interrupt exception.
When the interrupt controller receives a software IACK read, it returns the vector number associated with
the highest level, highest priority unmasked interrupt source for that interrupt controller. The IACKLPR
register is also loaded as the software IACK is performed. If there are no active sources, the interrupt
controller returns an all-zero vector as the operand. For this situation, the IACKLPR register is also
In addition to the IACK registers within each interrupt controller, there are global LnIACK registers. A
read from one of the global LnIACK registers returns the vector for the highest priority unmasked interrupt
within a level for all interrupt controllers. There is no global SWIACK register. However, reading the
SWIACK register from each interrupt controller returns the vector number of the highest priority
unmasked request within that controller.
10.4 Prioritization Between Interrupt Controllers
The interrupt controllers have a fixed priority, where INTC0 has the highest priority, and INTC1 has the
lowest priority. If both interrupt controllers have active interrupts at the same level and priority, then the
INTC0 interrupt will be serviced fi rst. If INTC1 has an active interrupt that has a higher level or priority
than the highest INTC0 interrupt, then the INTC1 interrupt will be serviced first.
10.5 Low-Po wer Wakeup Operation
The System Control Module (SCM) contains an 8-bit low-power interrupt control register (LPICR) used
explicitly for controlling the low-power stop mode. This register must explicitly be programmed by
software to enter low-power mode.
Each interrupt controller provides a special combinatorial logic path to provide a special wake-up signal
to exit from the low-power stop mode. This special mode of operation works as follows:
First, LPICR[6:4] is loaded with the mask level that will be specified while the core is in stop mode.
LPICR[7] must be set to enable this mode of operation.
76 43 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address See Table 10-2 and Table 10-3 f or register offsets
Figure 10-10. Software and Level n IACK Registers (SWIACKR, L1IACK–L7IACK)
Table 10-15. SWIACK and L1IACK-L7IACK Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–0 VECT OR Vector number . A read from the SWIACK register returns the vector n umber associated with the
highest lev el, highest priority unmasked interrupt source. A read from one of the LnACK registers
retur ns the highest prior ity unmasked interrupt source within the level.
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Interrupt Controller Modules
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The wakeup mask level taken from LPICR[6:4] is adjusted by hardware to
allow a level 7 IRQ to generate a wakeup. That is, the wakeup mask value
used by the interrupt controller must be in the range of 0–6.
Second, the processor executes a STOP instruction which places it in stop mode. Once the
processor is stopped, each interrupt controller enables a special logic path which evaluates the
incoming interrupt sources in a purely combinatorial path; that is, there are no clocked storage
elements. If an active interrupt request is asserted and the resulting interrupt level is greater than
the mask value contained in LPICR[6:4], then each interrupt controller asserts the wake-up output
signal, which is routed to the SCM where it is combined with the wakeup signals from the other
interrupt controller and then to the PLL module to re-enable the device’s clock trees and resume
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Chapter 11
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
11.1 Introduction
The edge port module (EPOR T) has seven external interrupt pins, IRQ7–IRQ1. Each pin can be configured
individually as a level-sensitive interrupt pin, an edge-detecting interrupt pin (rising edge, falling edge, or
both), or a general-purpose input/output (I/O) pin. See Figure 11-1.
Figure 11-1. EPORT Block Diagram
11.2 Low-Power Mode Operation
This section describes the operation of the EPORT module in low-power modes. For more information on
low-power modes, see Chapter 7, “Power Management.” Table 11-1 shows EPORT module operation in
low-power modes, and describes how this module may exit from each mode.
The low-power interrupt control register (LPICR) in the System Control
Module specifies the interrupt level at or above which is needed to bring the
device out of a low-power mode.
EPPAR[2n, 2n + 1]
Edge Detect
D1 QD0
D1 Q
To Interrupt
Rising Edge
of System Clock
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Edge Port Module (EPORT)
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Table 11-1. Edge Port Module Operation in Low-power Modes
In wait and doze modes, the EPORT module continues to operate as it does in run mode. It may be
configured to exit the low-power modes by generating an interrupt request on either a selected edge or a
low level on an external pin. In stop mode, there are no clocks available to perform the edge-detect
function. Only the level-detect logic is active (if configured) to allow any low level on the external
interrupt pin to generate an interrupt (if enabled) to exit stop mode.
The input pin synchronizer is bypassed for the level-detect logic since no
clocks are available.
11.3 Interrupt/General-Purpose I/O Pin Descriptions
All pins default to general-purpose input pins at reset. The pin value is synchronized to the rising edge of
CLKOUT when read from the EPOR T pin data register (EPPDR). The values used in the edge/level detect
logic are also synchronized to the rising edge of CLKOUT. These pins use Schmitt triggered input buf fers
which have built in hysteresis designed to decrease the probability of generating false edge-triggered
interrupts for slow rising and falling input signals.
When a pin is configured as an output, it is driven to a state whose level is determined by the corresponding
bit in the EPORT data register (EPDR). All bits in the EPDR are high at reset.
Low-power Mode EPORT Operation Mode Exit
Wait Normal Any IRQx Interrupt at or above level in LPICR
Doze Normal Any IRQx Interrupt at or above level in LPICR
Stop Level-sensing Only Any IRQx Interrupt set for level-sensing at or
above level in LPICR
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11.4 Memory Map and Registers
This subsection describes the memory map and register structure.
11.4.1 Memory Map
Refer to Table 11-2 for a description of the EPORT memory map. The EPORT has an IPSBAR offset for
base address of 0x0013_0000.
11.4.2 Registers
The EPORT programming model consists of these registers:
The EPORT pin assignment register (EPPAR) controls the function of each pin individually.
The EPORT data direction register (EPDDR) controls the direction of each one of the pins
The EPORT interrupt enable register (EPIER) enables interrupt requests for each pin individually.
The EPORT data register (EPDR) holds the data to be driven to the pins.
The EPORT pin data register (EPPDR) reflects the current state of the pins.
The EPORT flag register (EPFR) individually latches EPORT edge events. EPORT Pin Assignment Register (EPPAR)
Table 11-2. Edge Port Module Memory Map
Offset Bits 15–8 Bits 7–0 Access1
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only. S/U = CPU supervisor or user mode access. User mode accesses to
supervisor only addresses hav e no effect and result in a cycle termination transfer error.
0x0013_0000 EPORT Pin Assignment Register (EPPAR) S
0x0013_0002 EPORT Data Direction Register (EPDDR) EPORT Interrupt Enable Register (EPIER) S
0x0013_0004 EPORT Data Register (EPDR) EPORT Pin Data Register (EPPDR) S/U
0x0013_0006 EPORT Flag Register (EPFR) Reserved2
2Writing to reserved address locations has no effect, and reading returns 0s.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0000, 0x0013_0001
Figure 11-2. EPORT Pin Assignment Register (EPPAR)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
11-4 Freescale Semiconductor EPORT Data Direction Register (EPDDR)
Table 11-3. EPPAR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–2 EPPAx EPORT pin assignment select fields. The read/write EPPAx fields configure EPORT
pins for level detection and rising and/or falling edge detection.
Pins configu r e d a s level-se nsitive are inverted so that a logic 0 on the external pin
represents a valid interrupt request. Level-sensitive interrupt inputs are not latched. To
guarantee that a level-sensitive interrupt request is acknowledged, the interrupt
source must keep the signal asserted until acknowledged by software. Level
sensitivity must be selected to bring the device out of stop mode with an IRQx
Pins configured as edge-triggered are latched and need not remain asserted for
interrupt generation. A pin configured for edge detection can trigger an interrupt
regardless of its configuration as input or output.
Interrupt requests generated in the EPORT module can be masked by the interrupt
controller module. EPPAR functionality is independent of the selected pin direction.
Reset clears the EPPAx fields.
00 Pin IRQx leve l-sensitive
01 Pin IRQx r ising edge trigge red
10 Pin IRQx falling edge triggered
11 Pin IRQx both falling edge and risi ng edge triggered
1–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
765 43210
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0002
Figure 11-3. EPORT Data Direction Register (EPDDR)
Table 11-4. EPDD Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–1 EPDDx Setting any bit in the EPDDR configures the corresponding pin as an output. Clearing
any bit in EPDDR configures the corresponding pin as an input. Pin di rection is
independent of the level/edge detection configuration. Reset clears EPDD7-EPDD1.
To use an EPOR T pin as an e xternal interrupt request source, its corresponding bit in
EPDDR must be clear . Softw are can generate interrupt requests by programming the
EPORT data register when the EPDDR selects output.
1 Corresponding EPORT pin configured as output
0 Corresponding EPORT pin configured as input
0 Reserved, should be cleared.
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Edge Port Module (EPORT)
Freescale Semiconductor 11-5 Edge Port Interrupt Enable Register (EPIER) Edge Port Data Register (EPDR)
765 43210
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0003
Figure 11-4. EPORT Port Interrupt Enable Register (EPIER)
Table 11-5. EPIER Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–1 EPIEx Edge port interrupt enable bits enable EPORT interrupt requests. If a bit in EPIER is
set, EPORT generates an interrupt request when:
The corresponding bit in the EPORT flag register (EPFR) is set or later becomes
The corresponding pin level is low and the pin is configured for level-sensitive
Clearing a bit in EPIER negates any interrupt request from the corresponding EPORT
pin. Reset clears EPIE7-EPIE1.
1 Interr upt requests from corresponding EPORT pin enabled
0 Interr upt requests from corresponding EPORT pin disabled
0 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
765 43210
Reset 1111_1111
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0004
Figure 11-5. EPORT Port Data Register (EPDR)
Table 11-6. EPDR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–1 EPDx Edge port data bits. Data written to EPDR is stored in an internal register; if any pin of
the port is configured as an output, the bit stored for that pin is driven onto the pin.
Reading EDPR returns the data stored in the register. Reset sets EPD7-EPD1.
0 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
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Edge Port Module (EPORT)
11-6 Freescale Semiconductor Edge Port Pin Data Register (EPPDR) Edge Port Flag Register (EPFR)
765 43210
Reset Current pin state 0
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0005
Figure 11-6. EPORT Port Pin Data Register (EPPDR)
Table 11-7. EPPDR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–1 EPPDx Edge port pin data bits. The read-only EPPDR reflects the current state of the EPORT
pins IRQ7–IRQ1. Writing to EPPDR has no effect, and the write cycle terminates
nor mally. Reset does not affect EPPDR.
0 Reserv ed , should be cleared .
765 43210
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0013_0006
Figure 11-7. EPORT Por t Flag Register (EPFR)
Table 11-8. EPFR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–1 EPFx Edge port flag bits. When an EPORT pin is configured for edge triggering , its
corresponding read/write bit in EPFR indicates that the selected edge has be en
detected. Rese t clears EPF7-EPF1.
Bits in this register are set when the selected edge is detected on the corresponding
pin. A bit remains set until cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing 0 has no effect. If a pin
is configured as level-sensitive (EPPARx = 00), pin transitions do not aff ect this
1 Selected edge f or IRQx pin has been detected.
0 Selected edge f or IRQx pin has not been detected.
0 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
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Chapter 12
Chip Select Module
This chapter describes the chip select module, including the operation and programming model of the chip
select registers, which include the chip select address, mask, and control registers.
Unless otherwise noted, in this chapter , “clock” refers to the CLKOUT used
for the bus.
12.1 Overview
The following list summarizes the key chip select features:
Up to seven independent, user-progr ammable chip select signals (CS[6:0] ) that can interface with
external SRAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash, and peripherals
Address masking for 64-Kbyte to 4-Gbyte memory block sizes
12.2 Chip Select Module Signals
Table 12-1 lists signals used by the chip select module.
Table 12-2 shows the interaction of the byte-enable/byte-write enables with related signals.
Table 12-1. Chip Select Module Signals
Signal Description
Chip Selects
(CS[6:0]) Each CSn can be independently programmed for an address location as well as for masking, port
size, read/write burst capability, wait-state generation, and internal/e xternal termination. Only CS0 is
initialized at reset and ma y act as an external boot chip select to allow boot R OM to be at an external
address space. Port size for CS0 is configured by the logic le vels of D[19:18] when RSTO negates
and RCON is asserted.
Output Enable
(OE)Interfaces to memory or to peripheral de vices and enables a read transf er. It is asserted and negated
on the falling edge of the clock. OE is asserted only when one of the chip selects matches for the
current address decode.
Byte Strobes
BS[3:0] These signals are individually programmed through the byte-enable mode bit, CSCRn[BEM],
described in Section, “Chip Select Control Registers (CSCR0–CSCR6)”.
These generated signals provide byte data select signals, which are decoded from the transf er size ,
A1, and A0 signals in addition to the programmed port size and burstability of the memory accessed,
as Table 12-2 shows.
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Table 12-2. Byte Enables/Byte Write Enab le Signal Settings
Transfer Size Port Size A1 A0 BS3BS2 BS1 BS0
D[31:24] D[23:16] D[15:8] D[7:0]
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12.3 Chip Select Operation
Each chip select has a dedicated set of registers for configuration and control.
Chip select address registers (CSARn) control the base address of the chip select. See
Section, “Chip Select Address Registers (CSAR0–CSAR6)”.
Chip select mask registers (CSMRn) provide 16-bit address masking and access control. See
Section, “Chip Select Mask Registers (CSMR0–CSMR6)”.
Chip select control registers (CSCRn) provide port size and burst capability indication, wait-state
generation, and automatic acknowledge generation features. See Section, “Chip Select
Control Registers (CSCR0–CSCR6)”.
CS0 is a global chip select after reset and provides relocatable boot ROM capability.
12.3.1 General Chip Select Operation
When a bus cycle is initiated, the device first compares its address with the base address and mask
configurations programmed for chip selects 0–6 (configured in CSCR0–CSCR6) and DRAM blocks 0 and
1 (configured in DACR0 and DACR1). If the driven address matches a programmed chip select or DRAM
block, the appropriate chip select is asserted or the DRAM block is selected using the specifications
programmed in the respective configuration register. Otherwise, the following occurs:
If the address and attributes do not match in CSAR or DACR, the device runs an external
burst-inhibited bus cycle with a default of external termination on a 32-bit port.
Should an address and attribute match in multiple CSCRs, the matching chip select signals are
driven; however, the chip select signals are driven during an external burst-inhibited bus cycle with
external termination on a 32-bit port.
If the address and attribute match both DACRs or a DACR and a CSAR, the operation is undefined.
Table 12-3 shows the type of access as a function of match in the CSARs and DACRs. 8-, 16-, and 32-Bit Port Sizing
Static bus sizing is programmable through the port size bits, CSCR[PS]. See Section, “Chip Select
Control Registers (CSCR0–CSCR6)” for more information. Figure 12-1 shows the correspondence
Table 12-3. Accesses by Matches in CSARs and DACRs
Number of CSCR Matches Number of DACR Matches Type of Access
1 0 Defined by CSAR
Multiple 0 External, burst-inhibited, 32-bit
0 1 Defined by DACRs
1 1 Undefined
Multiple 1 Undefined
0 Multiple Undefined
1 Multiple Undefined
Multiple Multiple Undefined
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between the data bus and the external byte strobe control lines (BS[3:0]). Note that all byte lanes are
driven, although the state of unused byte lanes is undefined.
Figure 12-1. Connections for External Memory Port Sizes External Boot Chip Select Operation
CS0, the external boot chip select, allows address decoding for boot ROM before system initialization. Its
operation differs from other external chip select outputs after system reset.
After system reset, CS0 is asserted for every external access. No other chip select can be used until the
valid bit, CSMR0[V], is set, at which point CS0 functions as configured and CS[6:1] can be used. At reset,
the port size function of the external boot chip select is determined by the logic levels of the inputs on
D[19:18]. Table 12-4 and Table 12-4 list the various reset encodings for the configuration signals
multiplexed with D[19:18].
Provided the required address range is in the chip select address register (CSAR0), CS0 can be
programmed to continue decoding for a range of addresses after the CSMR0[V] is set, after which the
external boot chip select can be restored only by a system reset.
12.4 Chip Select Registers
Table 12-5 shows the chip select register memory map. Reading reserved locations returns zeros.
Table 12-4. D[19:18] External Boot Chip Select Configuration
D[19:18] Boot Device/Data Port Size
00 Internal (32-bit)
01 External (16-bit)
10 External (8-bit)
11 External (32-bit)
Byte 0
8-bit port
16-bit port
32-bit port
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1
Byte 2 Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
D[31:24] D[23:16] D[15:8] D[7:0]
data bus
Driven, undefined
Driven, undefined
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Table 12- 5. Chip Select Registers
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
0x00_0080 Chip select address register—bank 0 (CSAR0)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
1Addresses not assigned to a register and undefined register bits are reserved for expansion. Write access es to
these reserved address spaces and reserved register bits have no effect.
0x00_0084 Chip select mask register—bank 0 (CSMR0) [p. 12-6]
0x00_0088 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 0
(CSCR0) [p. 12-7]
0x00_008C Chip select address register—bank 1 (CSAR1)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_0090 Chip select mask register—bank 1 (CSMR1) [p. 12-6]
0x00_0094 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 1
(CSCR1) [p. 12-7]
0x00_0098 Chip select address register—bank 2 (CSAR2)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_009C Chip select mask register—bank 2 (CSMR2) [p. 12-6]
0x00_00A0 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 2
(CSCR2) [p. 12-7]
0x00_00A4 Chip select address register—bank 3 (CSAR3)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_00A8 Chip select mask register—bank 3 (CSMR3) [p. 12-6]
0x00_00AC Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 3
(CSCR3) [p. 12-7]
0x00_00B0 Chip select address register—bank 4 (CSAR4)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_00B4 Chip select mask register—bank 4 (CSMR4) [p. 12-6]
0x00_00B8 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 4
(CSCR4) [p. 12-7]
0x00_00BC Chip select address register—bank 5 (CSAR5)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_00C0 Chip select mask register—bank 5 (CSMR5) [p. 12-6]
0x00_00C4 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 5
(CSCR5) [p. 12-7]
0x00_00C8 Chip select address registe r —bank 6 (CSAR6)
[p. 12-6] Reserved1
0x00_00CC Chip select mask register—bank 6 (CSMR6) [p. 12-6]
0x00_00D0 Reserved1Chip select control register—bank 6
(CSCR6) [p. 12-7]
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12.4.1 Chip Select Module Registers
The chip select module is programmed through the chip select address registers (CSAR0–CSAR6), chip
select mask registers (CSMR0–CSMR6), and the chip select control registers (CSCR0–CSCR6). Chip Select Address Registers (CSAR0–CSAR6)
The CSARs, Figure 12-2, specify the chip select base addresses.
Table 12-6 describes CSAR[BA]. Chip Select Mask Registers (CSMR0–CSMR6)
The CSMRs, Figure 12-3, are used to specify the address mask and allowable access types for the
respective chip selects.
Table 12-7 describes CSMR fields.
15 0
Field BA
Reset Uninitialized
Address 0x080 (CSAR0); 0x08C (CSAR1); 0x098 (CSAR 2); 0x0A4 (CSAR3);
0x0B0 (CSAR4); 0x0BC (CSAR5); 0x0C8 (CSAR6)
Figure 12-2. Chip Select Address Registers (CSARn)
Table 12-6. CSARn Field Description
Bits Name Description
15–0 BA Base address. Defines the base address f or memory dedicated to chip select CS[6:0]. BA is compared
to bits 31–16 on the internal address bus to deter mine if chip select memory is being accessed.
31 1615 9876543210
Reset Unitialized 0
Addr 0x084 (CSMR0); 0x090 (CSMR1); 0x09C (CSMR2); 0x0A8 (CSMR3);
0x0B4 (CSMR4); 0x0C0 (CSMR5); 0x0CC (CSMR6)
Figure 12-3. Chip Select Mask Registers (CSMRn)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Select Module
Freescale Semiconductor 12-7 Chip Select Control Registers (CSCR0–CSCR6)
Each CSCR, shown in Figure 12-4, controls the auto-acknowledge, port size, burst capability, and
activation of each chip select. Note that to support the external boot chip select, CS0, the CSCR0 reset
values differ from the other CSCRs. CS0 allows address decoding for boot ROM before system
Table 12-7. CSMRn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–16 BAM Base address mask. Defines the chip select block b y masking address bits. Setting a BAM bit causes the
corresponding CSAR bit to be ignored in the decode.
0 Corresponding address bit is used in chip select decode.
1 Corresponding address bit is a don’t care in chip select decode.
The block siz e for CS[6:0] is 2n where n = (number of bits set in respective CSMR[BAM]) + 16.
So, if CSAR0 = 0x0000 and CSMR0[BAM] = 0x0001, CS0 addresses a 128-Kbyte (217 b yte) range from
Likewise, for CS0 to access 32 Mbytes (225 bytes) of address space starting at location 0x0000, and for
CS1 to access 16 Mbytes (224 bytes) of address space starting after the CS0 space, then CSAR0 =
0x0000, CSMR0[BAM] = 0x01FF, CSAR1 = 0x0200, and CSMR1[BAM] = 0x00FF.
8 WP Write protect. Controls write accesses to the address range in the correspondin g CSAR. Attempting to
write to the range of addresses for which CSARn[WP] = 1 results in the appropriate chip select not being
selected. No exception occurs.
0 Both read and write accesses are allowed.
1 Only read accesses are allowed.
7 Reser ved, should be cleared.
6 AM Alternate master. When AM = 0 during a DMA access, SC, SD, UC, and UD are don’t cares in the chip
select decode.
5–1 C/I,
Address space mask bits. These bits determine whether the specified accesses can occur to the address
space defined by the BAM for this chip select.
C/I CPU space and interrupt acknowledge cycle mask
SC Supervisor code address space mask
SD Supervisor data address space mask
UC User code address space mask
UD User data address space mask
0 The address space assigned to this chip select is available to the specified access type.
1 The address space assigned to this chip select is not av ailab le (masked) to the specified access type.
If this address space is accessed, chip select is not activated and a regular e xternal bus cycle occurs.
Note that if AM = 0, SC, SD, UC, and UD are ignored in the chip select decode on DMA access.
0 V V alid bit. Indicates whether the corresponding CSAR, CSMR, and CSCR contents are valid. Programmed
chip selects do not assert until V is set (e xcept f or CS0, which acts as the global chip select). Reset clears
each CSMRn[V].
0 Chip select invalid
1 Chip select valid
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Figure 12-4. Chip Select Control Registers (CSCRn)
Table 12-8 describes CSCRn fields.
15 14 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0
Reset: CSCR0 11_11 1 D19 D1 8
Reset: Other CSCRs Uninitialized
Address 0x08A (CSCR0); 0x096 (CSCR1); 0x0A2 (CSCR2); 0x0AE (CSCR3);
0x0BA (CSCR4); 0x0C6 (CSCR5); 0x0D2 (CSCR6)
Table 12-8. CSCRn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–14 Reserved, should be cleared.
13–10 WS Wait states. The number of wait states inserted before an internal transfer acknowledge is generated
(WS = 0 inserts zero wait states, WS = 0xF inserts 15 wait states). If AA = 0, TA must be asserted by
the external system regardless of the number of wait states generated. In that case, the external
transfer acknowledge ends the cycle. An external TA supercedes the generation of an internal TA.
9 Reserved, should be cleared.
8 AA Auto-acknowledge enable. Determines the assertion of the internal transfer acknowledge for accesses
specified by the chip select address.
0 No internal TA is asserted. Cycle is terminated externally.
1 Internal TA is asserted as specified by WS. Note that if AA = 1 fo r a corresponding CSn and the
e xternal system asserts an e xternal TA before the w ait-state countdown asserts the internal TA, the
cycle is terminated. Burst cycles increment the address bus between each internal termination.
7–6 PS P ort size. Specifies the width of the data associated with each chip select. It determines where data is
driven during write cycles and where data is sampled during read cycles. See Section, “8-,
16-, and 32-Bit Port Sizing”.
00 32-bit port size. Valid data sampled and driven on D[31:0]
01 8-bit port size. Valid data sampled and driven on D[31:24]
1x 16-bit port size. Val id data sampled and driven on D[31:16]
5 BEM Byte enable mode. Specifies the byte enable operation. Certain SRAMs have byte enables that mu st
be asserted during reads as well as writes. BEM can be set in the relevant CSCR to provide the
appropriate mode of byte enable in support of these SRAMs.
is not asserted for read. BS is asserted for data write only.
1BS is asserted for read and write accesses.
4 BSTR Burst read enable. Specifies whether burst reads are used for memory associ ated with each CSn.
0 Data exceeding the specified port size is broken into individual, port-sized non-burst reads. For
example, a longword read from an 8-bit port is broken into four 8-bit reads.
1 Enables data burst reads larger than the specified port size, including longword reads from 8- and
16-bit ports, word reads from 8-bit ports, and line reads from 8-, 16-, and 32-bit ports.
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3 BSTW Burst write enable. Specifies whether burst writes are used for memory associated with each CSn.
0 Break data larger than the specified port size into individual port-sized, non-burst writes. For
example, a longword write to an 8-bit port takes four byte write s.
1 Enables burst write of data larger than the specified port size, including longword writes to 8 and
16-bit ports, word writes to 8-bit ports and line writes to 8-, 16 -, and 32-bit ports.
2–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 12-8. CSCRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
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Chapter 13
External Interface Module (EIM)
This chapter describes data-transfer operations, error conditions, and reset operations. Chapter 15,
“Synchronous DRAM Controller Module,” describes DRAM cycles.
Unless otherwise noted, in this chapter , “clock” refers to the CLKOUT used
for the bus.
13.1 Features
The following list summarizes bus operation features:
Up to 24 bits of address and 32 bits of data
Access 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data port sizes
Generates byte, word, longword, and line-size transfers
Burst and burst-inhibited transfer support
Optional internal termination for external bus cycles
13.2 Bus and Control Signals
Table 13-1 summarizes the bus signals described in Chapter 14, “Signal Descriptions”.
Table 13-1. ColdFire Bus Signal Summary
Signal Name Description I/O CLKOUT Edge
A[23:0] Address bus O Rising
BS 1
1These signals change after the falling edge. In the Electrical Specifications, these signals are
specified off of the rising edge becau se CLKIN is squared up internally.
Byte selects O Falling
CS[6:0] 1Chip selects O Falling
D[31:0] Data bus I/O Rising
OE 1Output enable O Falling
R/W Read/write O Rising
SIZ[1:0] Transfer size O Rising
TA Transfer acknowledge I Rising
TIP Transfer in progress O Rising
TS Transfer start O Rising
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13.3 Bus Characteristics
The device uses its system clock to generate CLKOUT. Therefore, the external bus operates at the same
speed as the bus clock rate, where all bus operations are synchronous to the rising edge of CLKOUT, and
some of the bus control signals (BS, OE, and CSn,) are synchronous to the falling edge, shown in
Figure 13-1. Bus characteristics may differ somewhat for interfacing with external DRAM.
Figure 13-1. Signal Relationship to CLKOUT for Non-DRAM Acces s
13.4 Data Transfer Operation
Data transfers between the processor and other devices involve the following signals:
Address bus (A[23:0])
Data bus (D[31:0])
Control signals (TS and TA)
•CSn, OE, BS
Attribute signals (R/W, SIZ, and TIP)
The address bus, write data, TS, and all attribute signals change on the rising edge of CLKOUT. Read data
is latched into the processor on the rising edge of CLKOUT.
The bus supports byte, word, and longword operand transfers and allows accesses to 8-, 16-, and 32-bit
data ports. Aspects of the transfer, such as the port size, the number of wait states for the external slave
being accessed, and whether internal transfer termination is enabled, can be programmed in the chip-select
control registers (CSCRs) and the DRAM control registers (DACRs).
Figure 13-2 shows the byte lanes that external memory should be connected to and the sequential transfers
if a longword is transferred for three port sizes. For example, an 8-bit memory should be connected to
D[31:24] (BS3). A longword transfer takes four transfers on D[31:24], starting with the MSB and going
to the LSB.
tvo tho
tvo tho
tsi thi
tvo = Propagation delay of signal relative to CLKOUT edge
tho = Output ho ld time relative to CLKOUT edge
tsi = Required input setup time relative to CLKOUT edge
thi = Required input hold time relative to CLKOUT edge
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Figure 13-2. Connections for External Memory Port Sizes
The timing relationship of chip selects (CS[7:0]), byte selects (BS[3:0]), and output enable (OE) with
respect to CLKOUT is similar in that all transitions occur during the low phase of CLKOUT. However,
due to differences in on-chip signal routing, signals may not assert simultaneously.
Figure 13-3. Chip-Select Module Output Timing Diagram
13.4.1 Bus Cycle Execution
When a bus cycle is initiated, the device first compares the address of that bus cycle with the base address
and mask configurations programmed for chip selects 0–7 (configured in CSCR0–CSCR7) and DRAM
block 0 and 1 address and control registers (configured in DACR0 and DACR1). If the driven address
compares with one of the programmed chip selects or DRAM blocks, the appropriate chip select is asserted
or the DRAM block is selected using the specifications programmed by the user in the respective
configuration register. Otherwise, the following occurs:
If the address and attributes do not match in CSCR or DACR, the processor runs an external
burst-inhibited bus cycle with a default of external termination on a 32-bit port.
Should an address and attribute match in multiple CSCRs, the matching chip-select signals are
driven; however , the processor runs an external burst-inhibited bus cycle with external termination
on a 32-bit port.
Should an address and attribute match both DACRs or a DACR and a CSCR, the operation is
Table 13-2 shows the type of access as a function of match in the CSCRs and DACRs.
Data Bus
Byte 0
8-Bit Port
16-Bit Port
32-Bit Port
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1
Byte 2 Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
D[31:24] D[23:16] D[15:8] D[7:0]
Byte Enable BS3 BS2 BS1 BS0
Driven with
indeterminate values
Driven with
indeterminate values
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Basic operation of the bus is a three-clock bus cycle:
1. During the first clock, the address, attributes, and TS are driven.
2. Data and TA are sampled during the second clock of a bus-read cycle. During a read, the external
device provides data and is sampled at the rising edge at the end of the second bus clock. This data
is concurrent with TA, which is also sampled at the rising edge of the clock.
During a write, the ColdFire device drives data from the rising clock edge at the end of the first
clock to the rising clock edge at the end of the bus cycle. Wait states can be added between the first
and second clocks by delaying the assertion of TA. T A can be configured to be generated internally
through the CSCRs. If TA is not generated internally, the system must provide it externally.
3. The last clock of the bus cycle uses what would be an idle clock between cycles to provide hold
time for address, attributes and write data. Figure 13-6 and Figure 13-8 show the basic read and
write operations.
13.4.2 Data Transfer Cycle States
The data transfer operation is controlled by an on-chip state machine. Ea ch bus clock cycle is divided into
two states. Even states occur when CLKOUT is high and odd states occur when CLKOUT is low . The state
transition diagram for basic and fast termination read and write cycles are shown in Figure 13-4.
Table 13-2. Accesses by Matches in CSCRs and DACRs
Number of CSCR Matches Number of DACR Matches Type of Access
0 0 External
1 0 Defined by CSCR
Multiple 0 External, burst-inhibited, 32-bit
0 1 Defined by DACRs
1 1 Undefined
Multiple 1 Undefined
0 Multiple Undefined
1 Multiple Undefined
Multiple Multiple Undefined
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Figure 13-4. Data Transfer State Transition Diagram
Table 13-3 describes the states as they appear in subsequent timing diagrams.
Table 13-3. Bus Cycle States
State Cycle CLKOUT Description
S0 All High The read or write cycle is initiated in S0. On the rising edge of CLK OUT, the de vice
places a valid address on the address bus and drives R/W high f or a read and low
for a write, if it is not already in the appropriate state. The processor asserts TIP,
SIZ[1:0], and TS on the rising edge of CLK OUT.
S1 All Low The appropriate CSn, BS, and OE signals assert on the CLKOUT falling edge.
Termination TA must be asserted during S1. Data is made av ailab le by the e xternal device and
is sampled on the rising edge of CLKOUT with TA asserted.
S2 Read/write
(skipped fast
High TS is negated on the rising edge of CLKOUT in S2.
Write The data bus is driven out of high impedance as data is placed on the bus on the
rising edge of CLKOUT.
S3 Read/write
(skipped for
Low The processor waits for TA assertion. If TA is not sampled as asserted before the
rising edge of CLK OUT at the end of the first clock cycle, the processor inserts wait
states (full clock cycles) until TA is sampled as asserted.
Read Data is made available by the external device on the falling edge of CLKOUT and
is sampled on the rising edge of CLKOUT with TA asserted.
S4 All High The external device should negate TA.
The external device can stop driving data afte r the rising ed g e of CL KOUT.
However data could be driven through the end of S5.
Next Cycle
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An external device has at most two CLKOUT cycles afte r the start of S4 to
three-state the data bus. This applies to basic read cycles, fast termination
cycles, and the last transfer of a burst.
13.4.3 Read Cycle
During a read cycle, the device receives data from memory or from a peripheral device. Figure 13-5 is a
read cycle flowchart.
Figure 13-5. Read Cycle Flowchart
The read cycle timing diagram is shown in Figure 13-6.
In the following timing diagrams, TA waveforms apply for chip selects
programmed to enable either internal or external termination. TA assertion
should look the same in either case.
S5 S5 Low CS, BS, and OE are negated on the CLKOUT falling edge of S5. The processor
stops driving address lines and R/W on the rising edge of CLK OUT, terminating the
read or write cycle. At the same time, the processor negates TIP, and SIZ[1:0] on
the rising edge of CLK O UT.
Note that the rising edge of CLKO UT may be the star t of S0 for the next access
Read The external device stops driving data between S4 and S5.
Write The data b us returns to high impedance on the rising edge of CLK OUT. The rising
edge of CLKOUT may be the start of S0 for the next access.
Table 13-3. Bus Cycle States (continued)
State Cycle CLKOUT Description
External device
1. Set R/W to read
2. Place address on A[31:0]
3. Assert TIP, and SIZ[1:0]
4. Assert TS
5. Negate TS 1. Decode address and select the
appropriate sl ave device.
2. Drive data on D[31:0]
3. Assert TA
1. Sample TA low and latch data
1. Negate TA.
2. Stop driving D[31:0]
1. Start next cycle
ColdFire pr ocessor
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Figure 13-6. Basic Read Bus Cycle
Note the following characteristics of a basic read:
In S3, data is made available by the external device on the falling edge of CLKOUT and is sampled
on the rising edge of CLKOUT with TA asserted.
In S4, the external device can stop driving data after the rising edge of CLKOUT. However data
could be driven up to S5.
For a read cycle, the external device stops driving data between S4 and S5.
States are described in Table 13-3.
13.4.4 Write Cycle
During a write cycle, the processor sends data to the memory or to a peripheral device. The write cycle
flowchart is shown in Figure 13-7.
Figure 13-7. Write Cycle Flowchart
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
CSn, BSn, OE
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
External Device
1. Set R/W to write
2. Place address on A[31:0]
3. Assert TIP and SIZ[1:0]
4. Assert TS
5. Place data on D[31:0]
6. Negate TS
1. Decode address
2. Store data on D[31:0]
3. Assert TA
1. Sample TA low
2. Stop driving data from D[31:0] 1. Negate TA
1. Start next cycle
ColdFire processor
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The write cycle timing diagram is shown in Figure 13-8.
Figure 13-8. Basic Write Bus Cycle
Table 13-3 describes the six states of a basic write cycle.
13.4.5 Fast Termination Cycles
Two clock cycle transfers are supported on the external bus. In most cases, this is impractical to use in a
system because the termination must take place in the same half-clock during which TS is asserted. As this
is atypical, it is not referred to as the zero-wait-state case but is called the fast-termination case. Fast
termination cycles occur when the external device or memory asserts TA less than one clock after TS is
asserted. This means that the processor samples TA on the rising edge of the second cycle of the bus
transfer. Figure 13-9 shows a read cycle with fast termination. Note that fast termination cannot be used
with internal termination.
Figure 13-9. Read Cycle with Fast Termination
Figure 13-10 shows a write cycle with fast termination.
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
CSn, BSn
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
S0 S1 S4 S5
CSn, BSn, OE
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
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Figure 13-10. Write Cycle with Fast Termination
13.4.6 Back-to-Back Bus Cycles
The processor runs back-to-back bus cycles whenever possible. For example, when a longword read is
started on a word-size bus, the processor performs two back-to-back word read accesses. Back-to-back
accesses are distinguished by the continuous assertion of TIP throughout the cycle. Figure 13-11 shows a
read back-to-back with a write.
Figure 13-11. Back-to-Back Bus Cycles
Basic read and write cycles are used to show a back-to-back cycle, but there is no restriction as to the type
of operations to be placed back to back. The initiation of a back-to-back cycle is not user definable.
CSn, BSn
S0 S1 S4 S5
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
CSn, BSn
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
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13.4.7 Burst Cycles
The processor can be programmed to initiate burst cycles if its transfer size exceeds the size of the port it
is transferring to. For example, a word transfer to an 8-bit port would take a 2-byte burst cycle. A line
transfer to a 32-bit port would take a 4-longword burst cycle.
The external bus can support 2-1-1-1 burst cycles to maximize cache performance and optimize DMA
transfers. A user can add wait states by delaying termination of the cycle. The initiation of a burs t cycle is
encoded on the size pins. For burst transfers to smaller port sizes, SIZ[1:0] indicates the size of the entire
transfer. For example, if the processor writes a longword to an 8-bit port, SIZ[1:0] = 00 for the first byte
transfer and does not change.
The CSCRs can be used to enable bursting for reads, writes, or both. Processor memory space can be
declared burst-inhibited for reads and writes by clearing the appropriate CSCRn[BSTR,BSTW]. A line
access to a burst-inhibited region first accesses the processor bus encoded as a line access. The SIZ[1:0]
encoding does not exceed the programmed port size. The address changes if internal termination is used
but does not change if external termination is used, as shown in Figure 13-12 and Figure 13-13. Line Transfers
A line is a 16-byte-aligned, 16-byte value. Despite the alignment, a line access may not begin on the
aligned address; therefore, the bus interface supports line transfers on multiple address boundaries.
Table 13-4 shows allowable patterns for line accesses. Line Read Bus Cycles
Figure 13-12 and Figure 13-13 show a line access read with zero wait states. The access starts like a basic
read bus cycle with the first data transfer sampled on the rising edge of S4, but the next pipelined burst
data is sampled a cycle later on the rising edge of S6. Each subsequent pipelined data burst is single cycle
until the last one, which can be held for up to two CLKOUT cycles after TA is asserted. Note that CSn are
asserted throughout the burst transfer. This example shows the timing for external termination, which
differs from the internal termination example in Figure 13-13 only in that the address lines change only at
the beginning (assertion of TS and TIP) and end (negation of TIP) of the transfer.
Table 13-4. All owable Line Access Patterns
A[3:2] Longword Accesses
00 0–4–8–C
01 4–8–C–0
10 8–C–0–4
11 C–0–4–8
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Figure 13-12. Line Read Bur st (2-1-1-1), External Termination
Figure 13-13 shows timing when internal termination is used.
Figure 13-13. Line Read Burst (2-1-1-1), Internal Termination
Figure 13-14 shows a line access read with one wait state programmed in CSCRn to give the peripheral or
memory more time to return read data. This figure follows the same execution as a zero-wait state read
burst with the exception of an added wait state.
CSn, BSn, OE
Read Read
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S10S9S8S7S6 S11 S12 S13
Read Read
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
CSn, BSn, OE
Read Read
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S10S9S8S7S6 S11 S12 S13
Read Read
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
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Figure 13-14. Line Read Bur st (3-2-2-2), External Termination
Figure 13-15 shows a burst-inhibited line read access with fast termination. The external device executes
a basic read cycle while determining that a line is being transferred. The external device uses fast
termination for subsequent transfers.
Figure 13-15. Line Read Burst-Inhibited, Fast Termination, External Termination Line Write Bus Cycles
Figure 13-16 shows a line access write with zero wait states. It begins like a basic write bus cycle with data
driven one clock after TS. The next pipelined burst data is driven a cycle after the write data is registered
(on the rising edge of S6). Each subsequent burst takes a single cycle. Note that as with the line read
example in Figure 13-12, CSn remain asserted throughout the burst transfer. This example shows the
behavior of the address lines for both internal and external termination. Note that when external
termination is used, the address lines change with SIZ[1:0].
CSn, BSn, OE
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S10
S6 S11S12S13
Read Read Read
A[31:0], SIZ[1:0]
Line Longword
Basic Fast Fast Fast
A[3:2] = 00 A[3:2] = 01 A[3:2] = 10 A[3:2] = 11
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5 S7S6
Read Read Read Read
CSn, BSn, OE
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Figure 13-16. Line Write Burst (2-1-1-1), Internal/External Termination
Figure 13-17 shows a line burst write with one wait-state insertion.
Figure 13-17. Line Write Burst (3-2-2-2) with One Wait State
Figure 13-18 shows a burst-inhibited line write. The external device executes a basic write cycle while
determining that a line is being transferred. The external device uses fast termination to end each
subsequent transfer.
CSn, OE, BSn
WriteWrite Write Write
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S10S9S8S7S6 S11
Internal Termination
External Termination
CSn, OE, BSn
Write Write Write Write
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S10S9S8S7S6 S11
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Figure 13-18. Line Write Burst-Inhibited
13.5 Misaligned Operands
Because operands can reside at any byte boundary, unlike opcodes, they are allowed to be misaligned. A
byte operand is properly aligned at any address, a word operand is misaligned at an odd address, and a
longword is misaligned at an address not a multiple of four. Although the processor enforces no alignment
restrictions for data operands (including program counter (PC) relative data addressing), additional bus
cycles are required for misaligned operands.
Instruction words and extension words (opcodes) must reside on word boundaries. Attempting to prefetch
a misaligned instruction word causes an address error exception.
The processor converts misaligned, cache-inhibited operand accesses to multiple aligned accesses.
Figure 13-19 shows the transfer of a longword operand from a byte address to a 32-bit port. In this
example, SIZ[1:0] specify a byte transfer and a byte offset of 0x1. The slave device supplies the byte and
acknowledges the data transfer. When the processor starts the second cycle, SIZ[1:0] specify a word
transfer with a byte offset of 0x2. The next two bytes are transferred in this cycle. In the third cycle, byte
3 is transferred. The byte of fset is now 0x0, the port supplies the final byte, and the operation is complete.
Figure 13-19. Example of a Misaligned Longword Transfer ( 32-Bit Port)
If an operand is cacheable and is misaligned across a cache-line boundary, both lines are loaded into the
cache. The example in Figure 13-20 differs from that in Figure 13-19 in that the operand is word-sized and
the transfer takes only two bus cycles.
Line Longword
Basic Fast Fast Fast
A[3:2] = 00 A[3:2] = 01 A[3:2] = 10 A[3:2] = 11
Write Write Write Write
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5 S0 S1 S4 S5
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Transfer 3
Byte 3
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
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Figure 13-20. Example of a Misaligned Word Transfer (32-Bit Port)
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Byte 1
Byte 0
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
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Chapter 14
Signal Descriptions
This chapter describes the processor s external signals. It includes an alphabetical listing of signals that
characterizes each signal as an input or output, defines its state at reset, and identifies whether a pull-up
resistor should be used. Chapter 13, “External Interface Module (EIM),” describes how these signals
The terms ‘assertion’ and ‘negation’ are used to avoid confusion when
dealing with a mixture of active-low and active-high signals. The term
‘asserted’ indicates that a signal is active, independent of the voltage level.
The term ‘negated’ indicates that a signal is inactive.
Active-low signals, such as SRAS and TA, are indicated with an overbar.
14.1 Overview
Figure 14-1 shows the block diagram with the signal interface.
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Signal Descriptions
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Figure 14-1. MCF5282 Block Diagram with Signal Interfaces
CS[6:0] 7
Clock Module
Edgeport Interrupt
Controller 0
Controller 1
Timer A
GPTA[3:0] 4
GPTB[3:0] 4
Internal Bus
Module (SCM)
Not present
and MCF5216
on MCF5214
ColdFire V2 Core
Debug Modul e
Module 64K
Not present
on MCF5280
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Signal Descriptions
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Table 14-1 lists the external signals grouped by functionality.
The primary functionality of a pin is not necessarily its default functionality .
Pins that are muxed with GPIO will default to their GPIO functionality.
Table 14-1. MCF5282 Signal Description
Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O Page
External Memory Interface
Address A[23:0] Define the address of external byte,
word, longword, and 16-byte burst
I/O 14-19
Data D[31:0] Data bus. Provide the general purpose
data path between the MCU and all
other devices.
I/O 14-19
Byte strobes BS[3:0] Define the byte lane of data on the
data bus. I/O 14-19
Output enable OE Indicates when an e xternal device can
drive data on the bus. O 14-19
Transfer acknowledge TA Indicates that the external data
transfer is complete and should be
asserted for one clock.
I 14-19
Transfer error
acknowledge TEA Indicates that an error condition exists
for the bus transfer. I 14-20
Read/Write R/W Indicates the direction of the data
trans fer on the bus. I/O 14-20
Transfer size SIZ[1:0] Specify the data access size of the
current external bus reference. O 14-20
Transfer start TS Asserted during the first CLKOUT
cycle of a transfer when address and
attributes are valid.
O 14-20
Transfer in progress TIP Asserted to indicate that a bus transfer
is in progress. Negated during idle bus
O 14-21
Chip selects CS[6:0] Programmed for a base address
location and for masking addresses,
port size and burst capability
indication, wait state generation, and
internal/external termination.
O 14-21
SDRAM Controller Signals
address strobe SRAS SDRAM synchronous row address
strobe. O 14-21
SDRAM column
address strobe SCAS SDRAM synchronous column address
strobe. O 14-21
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-4 Freescale Semiconductor
SDRAM write enable DRAMW Asserted to signify that a DRAM write
cycle is underwa y. Negated to indicate
a read cycle.
O 14-21
SDRAM bank selects SDRAM_CS[1:0] Interface to the chip-select lines of the
SDRAMs within a memory block. O 14-21
SDRAM clock enable SCKE SDRAM clock enable. O 14-22
Clock and Reset Signals
Reset in RSTI Asserted to enter reset exception
processing. I 14-22
Reset out RSTO Automatically asserted with RSTI.
Negation indicates that the PLL has
regained its lock.
O 14-22
EXTAL EXTAL Driven by an external clock except
when used as a connection to the
external crystal.
I 14-22
XTAL XTAL Internal oscillator connection to the
external crystal. O 14-22
Clock output CLKOUT Reflects the system cloc k. O 14-22
Chip Configuration Module
Clock mode CLKMOD[1:0] Clock mode select I 14-22
Reset configuration RCON Reset configuration select I 14-22
External Interrupt Signals
Exter nal interrupts IRQ[7:1] External interrupt sources. I 14-23
Ethernet Module Signals
(not av ailab l e on MCF5214 and MCF5216)
Management data EMDIO Transfers control information between
the exter nal PHY and the media
access controller.
I/O 14-23
Management data clock EMDC Provides a timing reference to the PHY
for data transfers on the EMDIO signal. O 14-23
Transmit clock ETXCLK Provides a timing reference for
ETXEN, ETXD[3:0], and ETXER. I 14-23
Transmit enable ETXEN Indicates when valid nibbles are
present on the MII. O 14-23
Transmit data 0 ETXD0 Serial output Ethernet data. O 14-23
Collision ECOL Asserted to indicate a collision. I 1 4-24
Receive clock ERXCLK Provides a timing reference for
ERXDV, ERXD[3:0], and ERXER. I 14-24
Table 14-1. MCF5282 Signal Description (continued)
Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O Page
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-5
Receive data valid ERXDV Asserted to indicate that the PHY has
valid nibbles present on the MII. I 14-24
Receive data 0 ERXD0 Ethernet input data transferred from
the PHY to the media access controller
(when ERXDV is asserted).
I 14-24
Carrier receive sense ECRS Asserted to indicate that the transmit
or receive medium is not idle. I 14-24
Transmit data ETXD[3:1] Contain the serial output Ethernet
data. O 14-24
Transmit error ETXER Asserted (f or one or more E_TXCLKs
while ETXEN is also asserted) to
cause the PHY to send one or more
illegal symbols.
O 14-24
Receive data ERXD[3:1] Contain the Ethernet input data
transf erred from the PHY to the media
access controller (when ERXDV is
asserted in MII mode).
I 14-24
Receive error ERXER Indicates (when asserted with
ERXD V) that the PHY has detected an
error in the current frame.
I 14-25
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Signals
QSPI synchronous
serial da ta output QSPI_DOUT Provides serial data from the QSPI. O 14-25
QSPI synchronous
serial da ta input QSPI_DIN Provides serial data to the QSPI. I 14-25
QSPI serial clock QSPI_CLK Provides the serial clock from the
QSPI. O 14-25
QSPI chip selects QSPI_CS[3:0] Provide QSPI peripheral chip selects. O 14-25
FlexCAN Signals
FlexCAN transmit CANTX Controller area network transmit data. O 14-25
FlexCAN transmit CANRX Controller area network transmit data. I 14-25
I2C Signals
Serial clock SCL Clock signal for the I2C interface. I/O 14-26
Serial data SDA Data input/output for the I2C interface. I/O 14-26
UART Signals
Transmit serial
data output UTXD[2:0] Transmitter serial data outputs. O 14-26
Receive serial
data input URXD[2:0] Receiver serial data inputs. I 14-26
Table 14-1. MCF5282 Signal Description (continued)
Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O Page
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-6 Freescale Semiconductor
Clear-to-send UCTS[1:0] Signals UART that it can begin data
transmission. I 14-26
Request to send URTS[1:0] Automatic UART request to send
outputs. O 14-27
General Purpose Timer Signals
GPTA GPTA[3:0] Provide the external interface to the
timer A functions. I/O 14-27
GPTB GPTB[3:0] Provide the external interface to the
timer B functions. I/O 14-27
Exter nal clock input SYNCA/SYNCB Clear the timer’s clock, providing a
means of synchronization to externally
clocked or timed events.
I 14-27
DMA Timer Signals
DMA timer input DTIN[3:0] Clock the event counter or provide a
trigger to timer value capture logic. I/O 14-27
DMA timer output DTOUT[3:0] Pulse or toggle on timer events. I/O 14-27
Analog-to-Digital Con verter (QADC) Signals
QADC analog input AN[0:3]/AN[W:Z] Direct analog input ANn, or
multiplexed input ANx.I 14-28
QADC analog input AN[52:53]/MA[0:1] Direct anal og input ANn, or
multiplexed output MAn. MAn selects
the output of the external multiplexer.
I/O 14-29
QADC analog input AN[55:56]/
TRIG[1:2] Direct analog input ANn, or input
TRIGn. TRIGn causes one of the tw o
queues to execute.
I 14-29
Debug Support Signals
JTAG_EN JTAG_EN Sele cts between multiplexed debug
module and JTAG signals at reset. I 14-29
Development serial
clock/Test reset DSCLK/TRST Dev elopment serial clock fo r the serial
interf ace to debug module (DSCLK).
Asynchronously resets the internal
JTAG controller to the test logic reset
state (TRST ).
I 14-30
Test mode select BKPT/TMS Signals a hardware breakpoint in
debug mode (BKPT). Provides
information that determines JTA G test
operation mode (TMS).
I 14-30
Table 14-1. MCF5282 Signal Description (continued)
Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O Page
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-7
Table 14-2 lists signals in alphabetical order by abbreviated name.
Development serial
input/Test data DSI/TDI Provides single-bit communication for
debug module commands (DSI).
Provides serial data port for loading
JTAG boundary scan, bypass, and
instruction registers (TDI).
I 14-30
Development serial
output/Test data DSO/TDO Provides single-bit communication for
debug module responses (DSO).
Provides serial data port for outputting
JTAG logic data (TDO).
O 14-30
Test clock TCLK JTAG test logic clock. I 14-30
Debug data DDATA[3 :0] Display captured processor
addresses, data, and breakpoint
O 14-31
Processor status
outputs PST[3:0] Indicate core status. O 14-31
Test Signals
Test TEST Reserved, should be connected to
VSS. I 14-31
Power and Reference Signals
QADC analog reference VRH, VRL High (VRH) and low (VRL) reference
potentials for the analog converte r. Ground 14-32
QADC analog supply VDDA, VSSA Isolate the QADC analog circuitry from
digital power supply noise. I 14-32
PLL analog supply VDDPLL , VSSPLL Isolate the PLL analog circui try from
digital power supply noise. I 14-32
QADC positive supply VDDH Supplies positive power to the ESD
structures in the QADC pads. I 14-32
Flash erase/program
power VPP Used for Flash stress testing. I 14-32
Flash array power
and ground VDDF, VSSF Supply pow er and ground to Flash
array. I 14-32
Standby power VSTBY Provides standby voltage to RAM array
if VDD is lost. I 14-32
Positive supply VDD Supplies positive power to the core
logic and I/O pads. I 14-32
Ground VSS Negative supply. 14-32
Table 14-1. MCF5282 Signal Description (continued)
Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O Page
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-8 Freescale Semiconductor
Table 14-2. MCF5282 Alphabetical Signal Index
Abbreviation Function I/O
A[23:0] Define the address of external byte, word, longword, and
16-byte burst accesses. I/O
AN[0:3]/AN[W:Z] Direct analog input ANn, or multiplexed input ANx.I
AN[52:53]/MA[0:1] Direct analog input ANn, or multiplexed output MAn. MAn
selects the output of the external multiplexer. I/O
TRIG[1:2] Direct analog input ANn, or input TRIGn. TRIGn causes one of
the two queues to execute. I
Test mode select Signals a hardware breakpoint in debug mode (BKPT). Provides
information that determines JTAG test operation mode (TMS). I
BS[3:0] Define the byte lane of data on the data bus. I/O
CANRX Controller area network transmit data. I
CANTX Control l e r are a ne twork tran smit data. O
CLKMOD[1:0] Clock mode select I
CLKOUT Reflects the system clock. O
CS[6:0] Programmed for a base address location and for masking
addresses, port size and bu rst capability indication, wait state
generation, and internal/external termination.
D[31:0] Data bus. Provide the general purpose data path between the
MCU and all other devices. I/O
DDATA[3:0] Display captured processor addresses, data, and breakpoint
status. O
DSO/TDO Provides single-bit communication f or debug module responses
(DSO). Provides serial data port for outputting JTAG logic data
DSI/TDI Development serial clock for the serial interface to debug
module (DSCLK). Asynchronously resets the internal JTAG
controller to the test logic reset state (TRST).
DSCLK/TRST Provides single-bit communication for debug module commands
(DSI). Provides serial data port for loading JTA G boundary scan,
bypass, and instruction registers (TDI).
DRAMW Asserted to signify that a DRAM write cycle is unde rway.
Negated to indicate a read cycle. O
DTIN[3:0] Clock the event counter or provide a trigger to timer value
capture log i c. I/O
DTOUT[3:0] Pulse or toggle on timer events. I/O
ECOL Asserted to indicate a collision.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216 I
ECRS Asserted to indicate that the transmit or receive medium is not
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-9
EMDC Provides a timing ref erence to the PHY for data tr ansf ers on the
EMDIO signal.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
EMDIO Tr ansfers control inf ormation between the external PHY and the
media access controller.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ERXCLK Provides a timing ref erence for ERXDV, ERXD[3:0], and
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ERXD[3:1] Contain the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the
media access controller (when ERXD V is asserted in MII mode).
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ERXD0 Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media
access controller (when ERXDV is asserted).
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ERXDV Asserted to indicate that the PHY has valid nibbles present on
the MII.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ERXER Indicates (when asserted with ERXDV) that the PHY has
detected an error in the current frame.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
ETXCLK Provides a timing reference f or ETXEN, ETXD[3:0], and ETXER.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216 I
ETXD[3:1] Contain the serial output Ethernet data.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216 O
ETXD0 Serial outpu t Ethernet data.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216 O
ETXEN Indicates when valid nibbles are present on the MII.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216 O
ETXER Asserted (for one or more E_TXCLKs while ETXEN is also
asserted) to cause the PHY to send one or more illegal symbols.
Note: Not available on MCF5214 and MCF5216
EXTAL Driven by an external clock except when used as a connection
to the external crystal. I
VDDF, VSSF Sup ply power and ground to Flash array. I
VPP Used for Flash stress testing. I
GPTA[3:0] Provide the external interface to the timer A functions. I/O
GPTB[3:0] Provide the external interface to the timer B functions. I/O
Ground Negative supply.
IRQ[7:1] External interr upt sources. I
Table 14-2. MCF5282 Alphabeti cal Signal Inde x (continued)
Abbreviation Function I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-10 Freescale Semiconductor
JTA G_EN Selects between multiplexed debug module and JTA G signals at
reset. I
OE Indicates when an external device can drive data on the bus. O
VDDPLL Isolate the PLL analog circuitry from digital power supply noise. I
VDD Supplies positive power to the core logic and I/O pads. I
PST[3:0] Indicate core status. O
VRH, VRL High (VRH) and low (VRL) reference potentials for the analog
converter. I
VDDA, VSSA Isolate the QADC analog circuitry from digital power supply
noise. I
QADC analog sup ply Supplies positiv e power to the ESD structures in the QADC
pads. I
QSPI_CLK Provides the serial clock from the QSPI. O
QSPI_CS[3:0] Provide QSPI peripheral chip selects . O
QSPI_DIN Provides serial data to the QSPI. I
QSPI_DOUT Provides serial data from the QSPI. O
R/W Indicates the direction of the data transfer on the bus. I/O
RCON Reset configurati on select. I
RSTI Asserted to enter reset exception processing. I
RSTO Automatically asserted with RSTI. Negation indicates that the
PLL has regained its lock. O
SCAS SDRAM synchronous column address strobe. O
SCKE SDRAM clock enable. O
SCL Clock signal for the I2C interface. I/O
SDA Da ta input/output for the I2C interface. I/O
SDRAM_CS[1:0] Interface to the chip-select lines of the SDRAMs within a
memory block. O
SIZ[1:0] Specify the data access size of the current external bus
reference. O
SRAS SDRAM synchronous row address strobe. O
VSTBY Provides standb y voltage to RAM array if VDD is lost. I
SYNCA/SYNCB Clear the timer’ s cloc k, providing a means of synchronization to
externally clocked or timed events. I
TA Indicates that the external data transfer is complete and should
be asserted for one CLKOUT cycle. I
TEA Indicates that an error condition exists for the bus transfer. I
Table 14-2. MCF5282 Alphabeti cal Signal Inde x (continued)
Abbreviation Function I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-11
TEST Reserved, should be connected to VSS. I
TCK JTAG test logic clock. I
TIP Asserted to indicate that a bus transfe r is in pro gress. Negated
during idle bus cycles. O
TS Asserted during the first CLKOUT cycle of a transfer when
address and attributes are valid. O
UCTS[1:0] Signals UART that it can begin data transmission. I
URTS[1:0] Automatic UART request to send outputs. O
URXD[2:0] Rece iver serial data inputs. I
UTXD[2:0] Transmitter serial data outputs. O
XTAL Inter nal oscillator connection to the external crystal. O
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
R11 RSTI Reset in IYes
P11 RSTO Reset out O
T8 EXTAL External clock/crystal in I
R8 XTAL Crystal drive O
N7 CLKOUT Clock out O
Chip Configuration/Mode Selection
R14 CLKMOD0 Clock mode select IYes
T14 CLKMOD1 Clock mode select IYes
T11 RCON Reset configuration enable IYes
H1 D26 PA2 Chip mode I/O
K2 D17 PB1 Chip mode I/O
K3 D16 PB0 Chip mode I/O
J4 D19 PB3 Boot device/data port size I/O
K1 D18 PB2 Boot device/data port size I/O
J2 D21 PB5 Output pad drive strength I/O
Table 14-2. MCF5282 Alphabeti cal Signal Inde x (continued)
Abbreviation Function I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-12 Freescale Semiconductor
External Memory Inter f ace and Ports
C6:B6:A5 A[23:21] PF[7:5] CS[6:4] A ddress bus O Yes
C4:B4:A4:B3:A3 A[20:16] PF[4:0] Address bus O Yes
C2:C3:D1:D2 A[15:8] PG[7:0] Address bus O Yes
E3:E4:F1:F2 A[7:0] PH[7:0] Address bus O Yes
G4:H1:H2:H3 D[31:24] PA[7:0] Data bus I/O
J4:K1:K2:K3 D[23:16] PB[7:0] Data bus I/O
M1:M2:M3:M4 D[15:8] PC[7:0] Data bus I/O
N5:T6:R6:P6 D[7:0] PD[7:0] Data bus I/O
P14:T15:R15:R16 BS[3:0] PJ[7:4] Byte strobe I/O Yes
N16 OE PE7 Output enable I/O
P16 TA PE6 Transfer acknowledge I/O Yes
P15 TEA PE5 Transfer error acknowledge I/O Yes
N15 R/W PE4 Read/write I/O Yes
N14 SIZ1 PE3 SYNCA Transfer size I/O Yes3
M16 SIZ0 PE2 SYNCB Transfer size I/O Yes4
M15 TS PE1 SYNCA Transfer start I/O Yes
M14 TIP PE0 SYNCB Transfer in progress I/O Yes
Chip Selects
L16:L15:L14:L13 CS[3:0] PJ[3:0] Chip selects 3-0 I/O Yes
C6:B6:A5 A[23:21] PF[7:5] CS[6:4] Chip selects 6-4 O Yes
SDRAM Controller
H15 SRAS PSD5 SDRAM ro w address strobe I/O
H16 SCAS PSD4 SDRAM column address strobe I/O
G15 DRAMW PSD3 SDRAM write enable I/O
H13:G16 SDRAM_CS[1:0] PSD[2:1] SDRAM chip selects I/O
H14 SCKE PSD0 SDRAM clock enable I/O
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-13
External Interrupts Port
C16: D14:D15 IRQ[7:1] PNQ[7:1] External interrupt request I/O
For MCF5280, MCF5281 and MCF5282 only
C10 EMDIO PAS5 URXD2 Management channel
serial data I/O
B10 EMDC PAS4 UTXD2 Management channel clock I/O
A8 ETXCLK PEH7 MAC Transmit clock I/O
D6 ETXEN PEH6 MAC Transmit enable I/O
D7 ETXD0 PEH5 MAC Transmit data I/O
B11 ECOL PEH4 MAC Collision I/O
A10 ERXCLK PEH3 MAC Receive clock I/O
C8 ERXDV PEH2 MAC Receive enable I/O
D9 ERXD0 PEH1 MAC Receive data I/O
A11 ECRS PEH0 MAC Carrier sense I/O
A7:B7:C7 ETXD[3:1] PEL[7:5] MAC Transmit data I/O
D10 ETXER PEL4 MAC Transmit error I/O
A9:B9:C9 ERXD[3:1] PEL[3:1] MAC Receive data I/O
B8 ERXER PEL0 MAC Receive error I/O
For MCF5214 and MCF5216 only
C10 PAS5 URXD2 GPIO/serial data I/O
B10 NC No connect
D6 NC No connect
D7 NC No connect
B11 NC No connect
A10 PAS4 UTXD2 GPIO/serial data I/O
C8 NC No connect
D9 NC No connect
A11 NC No connect
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-14 Freescale Semiconductor
A7:B7:C7 PEL[7:5] GPIO I/O
A9:B9:C9 PEL[3:1] GPIO I/O
B8 NC No connect
D16 CANRX PAS3 URXD2 Flex CAN Receive data I/O
E13 CANTX PAS2 UTXD2 Flex CAN Transmit data I/O
E14 SDA PAS1 URXD2 I2C Serial data I/O Yes5
E15 SCL PAS0 UTXD2 I2C Serial clock I/O Yes6
F13 QSPI_DOUT PQS0 QSPI data out I/O
E16 QSPI_DIN PQS1 QSPI data in I/O
G14:G13:F16:F15 QSPI_CS[3:0] PQS[6:3] QSPI chip select I/O
R7 URXD1 PUA3 U1 receive data I/O
P7 UTXD1 PUA2 U1 transmit data I/O
N6 URXD0 PUA1 U0 receive data I/O
T7 UTXD0 PUA0 U0 transmit data I/O
D16 CANRX PAS3 URXD2 U2 receive data I/O
E13 CANTX PAS2 UTXD2 U2 transmit data I/O
E14 SDA PAS1 URXD2 U2 receive data I/O Yes5
E15 SCL PAS0 UTXD2 U2 transmit data I/O Yes6
URTS0 U1/U0 Request to Send I/O
URTS0 U1/U0 Request to Send I/O
UCTS0 U1/U0 Clear to Send I/O
UCTS0 U1/U0 Clear to Send I/O
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-15
URTS0 U1/U0 Request to Send I/O
URTS0 U1/U0 Request to Send I/O
UCTS0 U1/U0 Clear to Send I/O
UCTS0 U1/U0 Clear to Send I/O
Note: The below two pins are for the MCF5280, MCF5281, and MCF5282 only.
C10 EMDIO PAS5 URXD2 U2 receive data I/O
B10 EMDC PAS4 UTXD2 U2 transmit data I/O
Note: The below two pins are for the MCF5214 and MCF5216 only.
C10 PAS5 URXD2 U2 receive data I/O
B10 NC No connect I/O
General Purpose Timers
T13:R13:P13:N13 GPTA[3:0] PTA[3:0] Timer A IC/OC/PAI I/O Yes
T12:R12:P12:N12 GPTB[3:0] PTB[3:0] Timer B IC/OC/PAI I/O Yes
N14 SIZ1 PE3 SYNCA Timer A synchronization input I/O Yes3
M16 SIZ0 PE2 SYNCB Timer B synchronization input I/O Yes4
M15 TS PE1 SYNCA Timer A synchronization input I/O Yes
M14 TIP PE0 SYNCB Timer B syn c hronization input I/O Yes
DMA Timers
URTS0 Timer 3 in I/O
URTS0 Timer 3 out I/O
UCTS0 Timer 2 in I/O
UCTS0 Timer 2 out I/O
URTS0 Timer 1 in I/O
URTS0 Timer 1 out I/O
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-16 Freescale Semiconductor
UCTS0 Timer 0 in I/O
UCTS0 Timer 0 out I/O
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
T3 AN0 PQB0 ANW Analog channel 0 I/O
R2 AN1 PQB1 ANX Analog channel 1 I/O
T2 AN2 PQB2 ANY Analog channel 2 I/O
R1 AN3 PQB3 ANZ Analog channel 3 I/O
R4 AN52 PQA0 MA0 Analog channel 52 I/O
T4 AN53 PQA1 MA1 Analog channel 53 I/O
P3 AN55 PQA3 ETRIG1 Analog channel 55 I/O
R3 AN56 PQA4 ETRIG2 Analog channel 56 I/O
P4 VRH High analog reference I
T5 VRL Low analog reference I
Debug and JTAG Test Port Control
P9 DSCLK TRST Debug clock / TAP reset IYes7
T9 TCLK TAP clock IYes7
P10 BKPT TMS Breakpoint/TAP test mode select IYes7
R10 DSI TDI Debug data in / TAP data in IYes7
T10 DSO TDO Debug data out / TAP data out O
C12:D12:A13:B13 DDATA[3:0] PDD[7:4] Debug data I/O
C13:A14:B14:A15 PST[3:0] PDD[3:0] Processor status data I/O
N10 TEST Test mode pin I
Power Supplies
R5 VDDA Analog positive supply I
P5:T1 VSSA Analog ground I
P2 VDDH ESD positive supply I
N8 VDDPLL PLL positive supply I
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-17
14.1.1 Single-Chip Mode
In single-chip mode, signals default to GPIO inputs after a system reset. Table 14-4 is a listing of signals
that do not default to a GPIO function.
P8 VSSPLL PLL ground I
A6:C11 VPP Flash (stress) programming
voltage I
A12:C5:D5:D11 VDDF Fl ash positive supply I
B5:B12: VSSF Flash module ground I
N11 VSTBY Standby power I
VDD Positive supply I
VSS Ground I
1Pull-ups are not active when GPIO functions are selected for the pins.
2The primary functionality of a pin is not necessarily its default functionality. Pins that have GPIO functionality will default to
GPIO inputs.
3Pull-up is active only with the SYNCA function.
4Pull-up is active only with the SYNCB function.
5Pull-up is active only with the SDA functi on.
6Pull-up is active only with SCL function.
7Pull-up is active when JTAG_EN is driven high.
Table 14-4. Pin Reset States at Reset (Si ngle-Chip Mode)
Signal Reset I/O
Clock and Reset Signals
Table 14-3. MCF5282 Signals and Pin Numbers Sorted by Function (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions Description Primary
I/O Internal
Primary2Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-18 Freescale Semiconductor
14.1.2 External Boot Mode
When booting from external memory , the address bus, data bus, and bus control signals will default to their
bus functionalities as shown in Table 14-5. As in single-chip mode, the signals listed in Table 14-4 will
operate as described above. All other signals will default to GPIO inputs.
14.2 External Signals
The following sections describe the external signals on the device.
14.2.1 External Interface Module (EIM) Signals
These signals are used for doing transactions on the external bus.
Debug Support Signals
DDATA[3:0] DDATA{3:0] O
PST[3:0] PST[3:0] O
Table 14-5. Default Signal Functions After System Reset (External Boot Mode)
Signal Reset I/O
A[23:0] A[23:0] O
D[31:0] I/O
BS[3:0] High O
OE High O
R/W High O
SIZ[1:0] High O
TS High O
TIP High O
CS[6:0] High O
Table 14-4. Pin Reset States at Reset (Single-Chip Mode) (continued)
Signal Reset I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-19 Address Bus (A[23:0])
The 24 dedicated address signals, A[23:0], define the address of external byte, word, longword and
16-byte burst accesses. These three-state outputs are the 24 lsbs of the internal 32-bit address bus. The
address lines also serve as the SDRAM addressing, providing multiplexed row and column address
These pins are configured for GPIO ports F, G and H in single-chip mode. The A[23:21] pins can also be
configured for CS[6:4]. Data Bus (D[31:0])
These three-state bidirectional signals provide the general purpose data path between the MCU and all
other devices. Data is sampled by the processor on the rising CLKOUT edge. The data bus port width and
wait states are initially defined for the external boot chip select, CS0, by D[19:18] during chip
configuration at reset. The port width for each chip select and SDRAM bank is programmable. The data
bus uses a default configuration if none of the chip selects or SDRAM bank match the address decode. The
default configuration is a 32-bit port with external termination and burst-inhibited transfers. The data bus
can transfer byte, word, or longword data widths. All 32 data bus signals are driven during writes,
regardless of port width and operand size.
D[26:24, 21, 19:16] are used during chip configuration as inputs to configure the functions as described in
Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM).”
These pins are configured as GPIO ports A, B, C and D in single-chip mode. Byte Strobes (BS[3:0])
The byte strobes (BS[3:0]) define the byte lane of data on the data bus. During accesses, these outputs act
as the byte select signals that indicate valid data is to be latched or driven onto a byte lane when driven
low. For SRAM or Flash devices, the BS[3:0] outputs should be connected to individual byte strobe
signals. For SDRAM devices, the BS[3:0] should be connected to individual SDRAM DQM signals. Note
that most SDRAMs associate DQM3 with the MSB, in which case BS3 is connected to the SDRAM's
DQM3 input.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PJ[7:4]. Output Enable (OE)
This output signal indicates when an external device can drive data during external read cycles.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE7. Transfer Acknowledge (TA)
This signal indicates that the external data transfer is complete. During a read cycle, when the processor
recognizes TA, it latches the data and then terminates the bus cycle. During a write cycle, when the
processor recognizes TA , the bus cycle is terminated. If all bus cycles support fast termination, TA can be
tied low.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE6.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-20 Freescale Semiconductor Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)
This signal indicates an error condition exists for the bus transfer . The bus cycle is terminated and the CPU
begins execution of the access error exception. This signal is an input in master mode.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE5. Read/Write (R/W)
This output signal indicates the direction of the data transfer on the bus. A logic 1 indicates a read from a
slave device and a logic 0 indicates a write to a slave device.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE4. Transfer Size(SIZ[1:0])
When the device is in normal mode, static bus sizing lets the programmer change data bus width between
8, 16, and 32 bits for each chip select. The SIZ[1:0] outputs specify the data access size of the current
external bus reference as shown in Table 14-6.
Note that for misaligned transfers, SIZ[1:0] indicate the size of each transfer. For example, if a longword
access occurs at a misaligned offset of 0x1, a byte is transferred first (SIZ[1:0] = 01), a word is next
transferred at offset 0x2 (SIZ[1:0] = 10), then the final byte is transferred at offset 0x4 (SIZ[1:0] = 01).
For aligned transfers larger than the port size, SIZ[1:0] behaves as follows:
If bursting is used, SIZ[1:0] stays at the size of transfer.
If bursting is inhibited, SIZ[1:0] first shows the size of the transfer and then shows the port size.
For burst-inhibited transfers, SIZ[1:0] changes with each TS assertion to reflect the next transfer size. For
transfers to port sizes smaller than th e transfer size, SIZ[1:0] indicates the size of the entire transfer on the
first access and the size of the current port transfer on subsequent transfers. For example, for a longword
write to an 8-bit port, SIZ[1:0] = 00 for the first byte transfer and 01 for the next three.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PE[3:2] or SYNCA, SYNCB. Transfer Start (TS)
The device asserts TS during the first CLKOUT cycle of a transfer when address and attributes (TIP, R/W,
and SIZ[1:0]) are valid. TS is negated in the following CLKOUT cycle.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE1 or SYNCA.
Table 14-6. Transfer Size Encoding
SIZ[1:0] Transfer Size
00 Longword
01 Byte
10 Word
11 16-byte line
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-21 Transfer In Progress (TIP)
The TIP output is asserted indicating a bus transfer is in progress. It is negated during idle bus cycles. Note
that TIP is held asserted on back-to-back cycles.
TIP is not asserted during SDRAM accesses.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PE0 or SYNCB. Chip Selects (CS[6:0])
Each chip select can be programmed for a base address location and for masking addresses, port size and
burst-capability indication, wait-state generation, and internal/external termination.
Reset clears all chip select programming; CS0 is the only chip select initialized out of reset. CS0 is also
unique because it can function at reset as a global chip select that allows boot ROM to be selected at any
defined address space. The port size for boot CS0 is set during chip configuration by the levels on D[19:18]
on the rising edge of RSTI, as described in Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM).” The
chip-select implementation is described in Chapter 12, “Chip Select Module.”
These pins can also be configured as A[23:21] and GPIO PJ[3:0].
14.2.2 SDRAM Controller Signals
These signals are used for SDRAM accesses. SDRAM Row Address Strobe (SRAS)
This output is the SDRAM synchronous row address strobe.
This pin is configured as GPIO PSD5 in single-chip mode. SDRAM Column Address Strobe (SCAS)
This output is the SDRAM synchronous column address strobe.
This pin is configured as GPIO PSD4 in single-chip mode. SDRAM Write Enable (DRAMW)
The DRAM write signal (DRAMW) is asserted to signify that a DRAM write cycle is underway. A read
cycle is indicated by the negation of DRAMW.
This pin is configured as GPIO PSD3 in single-chip mode. SDRAM Bank Selects (SDRAM_CS[1:0])
These signals interface to the chip-select lines of the SDRAMs within a memor y block. Thus, there is one
SDRAM_CS line for each memory block (the processor supports two SDRAM memory blocks).
These pins is configured as GPIO PSD[2:1] in single-chip mode.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-22 Freescale Semiconductor SDRAM Clock Enable (SCKE)
This output is the SDRAM clock enable.
This pin is configured as GPIO PSD0 in single-chip mode.
14.2.3 Clock and Reset Signals
The clock and reset signals configure the device and provide interface signals to the external system. Reset In (RSTI)
Asserting RSTI causes the device to enter reset exception processing. When RSTI is recognized the
address bus, data bus, SIZ, R/W, AS, and TS are three-stated. RST O is asserted automatic ally when RSTI
is asserted. Reset Out (RSTO)
After RSTI is asserted, the PLL temporarily loses its lock, during which time RST O is asserted. When the
PLL regains its lock, RSTO negates again. This signal can be used to reset external devices. EXTAL
This input is driven by an external clock except when used as a connection to the external crystal when
using the internal oscillator. XTAL
This output is an internal oscillator connection to the external crystal. Clock Output (CLKOUT)
The internal PLL generates CLKOUT. This output reflects the internal system clock.
14.2.4 Chip Configuration Signals RCON
If the external RCON signal is asserted, then various chip functions, including the reset configuration pin
functions after reset, are configured according to the levels driven onto the external data pins (see
Section 27.6, “Functional Description”). The internal configuration signals are driven to reflect the levels
on the external configuration pins to allow for module configuration. CLKMOD[1:0]
The state of the CLKMOD[1:0] pins during reset determines the clock mode after reset.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-23
14.2.5 External Interrupt Signals External Interrupts (IRQ[7:1])
These inputs are the external interrupt sources. See Chapter 11, “Edge Port Module (EPORT)” for more
information on these interrupt sources and their corresponding registers.
These pins are configured as GPIO PNQ[7:1] in single-chip mode.
14.2.6 Ethernet Module Signals
The following signals are used by the Ethernet module for data and clock signals.
These signals are not available on the MCF5214 and MCF5216. Management Data (EMD IO)
The bidirectional EMDIO signal transfers control information between the external PHY and the
media-access controller. Data is synchronous to EMDC and applies to MII mode operation. This signal is
an input after reset. When the FEC is operated in 10 Mbps 7-wire interface mode, this signal should be
connected to VSS.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS5 or URXD2. Management Data Clock (EMDC)
EMDC is an output clock which provides a timing reference to the PHY for data transfers on the EMDIO
signal and applies to MII mode operation.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS4 or UTXD2. Transmit Clock (ETXCLK)
This is an input clock which provides a timing reference for ETXEN, ETXD[3:0] and ETXER.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH7. Transmit Enable (ETXEN)
The transmit enable (ETXEN) output indicates when valid nibbles are present on the MII. This signal is
asserted with the first nibble of a preamble and is negated before the first ETXCLK following the final
nibble of the frame.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH6. Transmit Data 0 (ETXD0)
ETXD0 is the serial output Ethernet data and is only valid during the assertion of ETXEN. This signal is
used for 10 Mbps Ethernet data. This signal is also used for MII mode data in conjunction with ETXD[3:1].
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH5.
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Signal Descriptions
14-24 Freescale Semiconductor Collision (ECOL)
The ECOL input is asserted upon detection of a collision and remains asserted while the collision persists.
This signal is not defined for full-duplex mode.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH4. Receive Clock (ERXCLK)
The receive clock (ERXCLK) input provides a timing reference for ERXDV, ERXD[3:0], and ERXER.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH3. Receive Data Valid (ERXDV)
Asserting the receive data valid (ERXDV) input indicates that the PHY has valid nibbles present on the
MII. ERXDV should remain asserted from the first recovered nibble of the frame through to the last
nibble. Assertion of ERXDV must start no later than the SFD and exclude any EOF.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH2. Receive Data 0 (ERXD0)
ERXD0 is the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media-access controller when ErXDV
is asserted. This signal is used for 10 Mbps Ethernet data. This signal is also used for MII mode Ethernet
data in conjunction with ERXD[3:1]. This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH1. Carrier Receive Sense (ECRS)
ECRS is an input signal which, when asserted, signals that transmit or receive medium is not idle, and
applies to MII mode operation.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PEH0. Transmit Data 1–3 (ETXD[3:1])
These pins contain the serial output Ethernet data and are valid only during assertion of ETXEN in MII
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PEL[7:5]. Transmit Erro r (ETXER)
When the ETXER output is asserted for one or more E_TXCLKs while ETXEN is also asserted, the PHY
sends one or more illegal symbols. ETXER has no effect at 10 Mbps or when ETXEN is negated, and
applies to MII mode operation.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PEL4. Receive Data 1–3 (ERXD[3:1])
These pins contain the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media-access controller when
ERXDV is asserted in MII mode operation.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PEL[3:1].
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Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-25 Receive Error (ERXER)
ERXER is an input signal which when asserted along with ERXDV signals that the PHY has detected an
error in the current frame. When ERXDV is not asserted ERXER has no effect, and applies to MII mode
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PEL0.
14.2.7 Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) Signals QSPI Synchronous Serial Output (QSPI_DOUT)
The QSPI_DOUT output provides the serial data from the QSPI and can be programmed to be driven on
the rising or falling edge of QSPICLK. Each byte is sent msb first.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQS0. QSPI Synchronous Serial Data Input (QSPI_DIN)
The QSPI_DIN input provides the serial data to the QSPI and can be programmed to be sampled on the
rising or falling edge of QSPICLK. Each byte is written to RAM lsb first.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQS1. QSPI Serial Clock (QSPI_CLK)
The QSPI serial clock (QSPI_CLK) provides the serial clock from the QSPI. The polarity and phase of
QSPI_CLK are programmable. The output frequency is programmed according to the following formula,
in which n can be any value between 2 and 255: QSPI_CLK = CLKOUT/(2n).
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQS2. QSPI Chip Selects (QSPI_CS[3:0])
The synchronous peripheral chip selects (QSPI_CS[3:0]) outputs provide QSPI peripheral chip selects that
can be programmed to be active high or low.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQS[6:3].
14.2.8 FlexCAN Signals FlexCAN Transmit (CANTX)
Controller Area Network Transmit data output.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS2. FlexCAN Receive (CANRX)
Controller Area Network Transmit data input.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS3.
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Signal Descriptions
14-26 Freescale Semiconductor
14.2.9 I2C Signals
The I2C module acts as a two-wire, bidirectional serial interface between the processor and peripherals
with an I2C interface (such as LCD controller , A-to-D conve rter , or D-to-A converter). Devices connected
to the I2C must have open-drain or open-collector outputs. Serial Clock (SCL)
This bidirectional open-drain signal is the clock signal for the I2C interface. Either it is driven by the I2C
module when the bus is in the master mode or it becomes the clock input when the I2C is in the slave mode.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS0 or UTXD2. Serial Data (SDA)
This bidirectional open-drain signal is the data input/output for the I2C interface.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PAS1 or URXD2.
14.2.10 UART Module Signals
The signals in the following sections are used to transfer serial data between three UART modules and
external peripherals. Transmit Serial Data Output (UTXD[2:0])
UTXD[2:0] are the transmitter serial data outputs for the UART modules. The output is held high (mark
condition) when the transmitter is disabled, idle, or in the local loopback mode. Data is shifted out, lsb
first, on this pin at the falling edge of the serial clock source.
The UTXD[1:0] pins can be configured as GPIO ports PUA2 and PUA0. The UTXD2 output is offered on
3 pins and is a secondary function of the EMDC/ GPIO port PA S4 pin, CANTX/GPIO port PAS2 pin, and
SCL/GPIO port PAS0 pin. Receive Serial Data Input (URXD[2:0])
URXD[2:0] are the receiver serial data inputs for the UART modules. Data received on these pins is
sampled on the rising edge of the serial clock source lsb first. When the UART clock is stopped for
power-down mode, any transition on this pin restarts it.
The URXD[1:0] pins can be configured as GPIO ports PUA3 and PUA1. The URXD2 input is of fered on
3 pins and is a secondary function of the EMDIO/GPIO port PAS5 pin, CANRX/GPIO port PAS3 pin, and
SDA/GPIO port PAS1 pin. Clear-to-Send (UCTS[1:0])
The UCTS[1:0] signals are the clear-to-send (CTS) inputs, indicating to the UART modules that they can
begin data transmission.
The UCTS[1:0] inputs are each offered as secondary functions on four pins--DTIN2, DTOUT2, DTIN0
and DTOUT0.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-27 Request-to-Send (URTS[1:0])
The URTS[1:0] signals are automatic request to send outputs from the UART modules. URTS[1:0] can
also be configured to be asserted and negated as a function of the Rx FIFO level.
The URTS[1:0] outputs are each offered as secondary functions on four pins: DTIN3, DTOUT3, DTIN1
and DTOUT1.
14.2.11 General Purpose Timer Signals
These pins provide the external interface to the general purpose timer functions. GPTA[3:0]
These pins provide the external interface to the timer A functions.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PTA[3:0]. GPTB[3:0]
These pins provide the external interface to the timer B functions.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PTB[3:0]. External Clock Input (SYNCA/SYNCB)
These pins are used to clear the clock for each of the two timers, and are provided as a means of
synchronization to externally clocked or timed events.
14.2.12 DMA Timer Signals
This section describes the signals of the four DMA timer modules. DMA Timer 0 Input (DTIN0)
The DMA timer 0 input (DTIN0) can be programmed to cause events to occur in DMA timer 0. It can
either clock the event counter or provide a trigger to the timer value capture logic.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PTD1, secondary function UCTS1, or secondary function
UCTS0. DMA Timer 0 Output (DTOUT0)
The programmable DMA timer output (DTOUT0) pulse or toggle on various timer events.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PTD0, secondary function UCTS1, or secondary function
UCTS0. DMA Timer 1 Input (DTIN1)
The DMA timer 1 input (DTIN1) can be programmed to cause events to occur in DMA timer 1. This can
either clock the event counter or provide a trigger to the timer value capture logic.
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Signal Descriptions
14-28 Freescale Semiconductor
This pin can also be configured as GPIO P TD3, secondary function UR TS1, or secondary function UR TS0. DMA Timer 1 Output (DTOUT1)
The programmable DMA timer output (DTOUT1) pulse or toggle on various timer events.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO P TD2, secondary function UR TS1, or secondary function UR TS0. DMA Timer 2 Input (DTIN2)
The DMA timer 2 input (DTIN2) can be programmed to cause events to occur in DMA timer 2. It can
either clock the event counter or provide a trigger to the timer value capture logic.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PTC1, secondary function UCTS1, or secondary function
UCTS0. DMA Timer 2 Output (DTOUT2)
The programmable DMA timer output (DTOUT2) pulse or toggle on various timer events.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PTC0, secondary function UCTS1, or secondary function
UCTS0. DMA Timer 3 Input (DTIN3)
The DMA timer 3 input (DTIN3) can be programmed as an input that causes events to occur in DMA timer
3. This can either clock the event counter or provide a trigger to the timer value capture logic. This pin can
also be configured as GPIO PTC3, secondary function URTS1, or secondary function URTS0. DMA Timer 3 Output (DTOUT3)
The programmable DMA timer output (DTOUT0) pulse or toggle on various timer events.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO P TC2, secondary function UR TS1, or secondary function URTS0.
14.2.13 Analog-to-Digital Converter Signals
These pins provide the analog inputs to the QADC.
The PQA and PQB pins may also be used as general purpose digital I/O. QADC Analog Input (AN0/ANW)
This PQB signal is the direct analog input AN0. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as multiplexed input ANW.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQB0. QADC Analog Input (AN1/ANX)
This PQB signal is the direct analog input AN1. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as multiplexed input ANX.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQB1.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-29 QADC Analog Input (AN2/ANY)
This PQB signal is the direct analog input AN2. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as multiplexed input ANY.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQB2. QADC Analog Input (AN3/ANZ)
This PQB signal is the direct analog input AN3. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as multiplexed input ANZ.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQB3. QADC Analog Input (AN52/MA0)
This PQA signal is the direct analog input AN52. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as an output signal, MA0, to select the output of the external multiplexer.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQA0. QADC Analog Input (AN53/MA1)
This PQA signal is the direct analog input AN53. When using external multiplexing this pin can also be
configured as an output signal, MA1, to select the output of the external multiplexer.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQA1. QADC Analog Input (AN55/TRIG1)
This PQA signal is the direct analog input AN55. This pin can also be configured as an input signal,
TRIG1, to trigger the execution of one of the two queues.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQA3. QADC Analog Input (AN56/TRIG2)
This PQA signal is the direct analog input AN56. This pin can also be configured as an input signal,
TRIG2, to trigger the execution of one of the two queues.
This pin can also be configured as GPIO PQA4.
14.2.14 Debug Support Signals
These signals are used as the interface to the on-chip JTAG controller and also to interface to the BDM
logic. JTAG_EN
This input signal is used to select between multiplexed debug module and JTAG signals at reset. If
JTAG_EN is low, the part is in normal and background debug mode (BDM); if it is high, it is in normal
and JTAG mode.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Signal Descriptions
14-30 Freescale Semiconductor Development Serial Clock/Test Reset (DSCLK/TRST)
Debug mode operation: DSCLK is selected. DSCLK is the development serial clock for the serial interface
to the debug module. The maximum DSCLK frequency is 1/5 CLKIN.
JTAG mode operation: TRST is selected. TRST asynchronously resets the internal JTAG controller to the
test logic reset state, causing the JTAG instruction register to choose the bypass instruction. When this
occurs, JTAG logic is benign and does not interfere with normal device functionality.
Although TRST is asynchronous, Freescale recommends that it makes an asserted-to-negated transition
only while TMS is held high. TRST has an internal pull-up resistor so if it is not driven low, it defaults to
a logic level of 1. If TRST is not used, it can be tied to ground or, if TCK is clocked, to VDD. Tying TRST
to ground places the JTAG controller in test logic reset state immediately. T ying it to VDD causes the JTAG
controller (if TMS is a logic level of 1) to eventually enter test logic reset state after 5 TCK clocks. Breakpoint/Test Mode Select (BKPT/TMS)
Debug mode operation: If JTAG_EN is low, BKPT is selected. BKP T signals a hardware breakpoint to the
processor in debug mode.
JTAG mode operation: TMS is selected. The TMS input provides information to determine the JTAG test
operation mode. The state of TMS and the internal 16-state JTAG controller state machine at the rising
edge of TCK determine whether the JTAG controller holds its current state or advances to the next state.
This directly controls whether JTAG data or instruction operations occur. TMS has an internal pull-up
resistor so that if it is not driven low, it defaults to a logic level of 1. But if TMS is not used, it should be
tied to VDD. Development Serial Input/Test Data (DSI/TDI)
Debug mode operation: If JTAG_EN is low, DSI is selected. DSI provides the single-bit communication
for debug module commands.
JTAG mode operation: TDI is selected. TDI provides the serial data port for loading the various JTAG
boundary scan, bypass, and instruction registers. Shifting in data depends on the state of the JTAG
controller state machine and the instruction in the instruction register . Shifts occur on the TCK rising edge.
TDI has an internal pull-up resistor, so when not driven low it defaults to high. But if TDI is not used, it
should be tied to VDD. Development Serial Output/Test Data (DSO/TDO)
Debug mode operation: DSO is selected. DSO provides single-bit communication for debug module
JTAG mode operation: TDO is selected. The TDO output provides the serial data port for outputting data
from JTAG logic. Shifting out data depends on the JTAG controller state machine and the instruction in
the instruction register. Data shifting occurs on the falling edge of TCK. When TDO is not outputting test
data, it is three-stated. TDO can be three-stated to allow bused or parallel connections to other devices
having JTAG. Test Clock (TCLK)
TCK is the dedicated JTAG test logic clock independent of the processor clock. Various JTAG operations
occur on the rising or falling edge of TCK. Holding TCK high or low for an indefinite period does not
cause JTAG test logic to lose state information. If TCK is not used, it must be tied to ground.
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Signal Descriptions
Freescale Semiconductor 14-31 Debug Data (DDATA[3:0])
Debug data signals (DDATA[3:0]) display captured processor addresses, data and breakpoint status.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PDD[7:4]. Processor Status Outputs (PST[3:0])
PST[3:0] outputs indicate core status, as shown below in Table 14-7. Debug mode timing is synchronous
with the processor clock; status is unrelated to the current bus transfer.
These pins can also be configured as GPIO PDD[3:0].
14.2.15 Test Signals Test (TEST)
This input signal is reserved for factory testing only and should be connected to VSS to prevent
unintentional activation of test functions.
Table 14-7. Processor Status Encoding
PST[3:0] Definition
0000 Continue execution
0001 Begin execution of an instruction
0010 Reserved
0011 Entry into user mode
0100 Begin execution of PULSE and WDDATA instruction
0101 Begin execution of taken branch
0110 Reserved
0111 Begin execution of RTE instruction
1000 Begin one-byte transfer on DDATA
1001 Begin two-byte transfer on DDATA
1010 Begin three-byte transfer on DDATA
1011 Begin four-b yte transfer on DDATA
1100 Exception Processing
1101 Emulato r-Mode Exception Processing
1110 Processor is stopped
1111 Processor is halted
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Signal Descriptions
14-32 Freescale Semiconductor
14.2.16 Power and Reference Signals
These signals provide system power, ground and references to the device. Multiple pins are provided for
adequate current capability. All power supply pins must have adequate bypass capacitance for
high-frequency noise suppression. QADC Analog Reference (VRH, VRL)
These signals serve as the high (VRH) and low (VRL) reference potentials for the analog converter in the
QADC. QADC Analog Supply (VDDA, VSSA)
These are dedicated power supply signals to isolate the sensitive QADC analog circuitry from the normal
levels of noise present on the digital power supply. PLL Analog Supply (VDDPLL, VSSPLL)
These are dedicated power supply signals to isolate the sensitive PLL analog circuitry from the normal
levels of noise present on the digital power supply. QADC Positive Supply (VDDH)
This pin supplies positive power to the ESD structures in the QADC pads. Power for Flash Erase/Program (VPP)
This pin is used for Flash stress testing and can be left unconnected in normal device operation. Power and Ground for Flash Array (VDDF, VSSF)
These signals supply a power and ground to the Flash array. Standby Power (VSTBY)
This pin is used to provide standby voltage to the RAM array if VDD is lost. Positive Supply (VDD)
This pin supplies positive power to the core logic and I/O pads. Ground (VSS)
This pin is the negative supply (ground) to the chip.
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Chapter 15
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
This chapter describes configuration and operation of the synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) controller. It
begins with a general description and brief glossary, and includes a description of signals involved in
DRAM operations. The remainder of the chapter describes the programming model and signal timing, as
well as the command set required for synchronous operations. It also includes extensive examples that the
designer can follow to better understand how to configure the DRAM controller for synchronous
15.1 Overview
The synchronous DRAM controller module provides glueless integration of SDRAM with the ColdFire
product. The key features of the DRAM controller include the following:
Support for two independent blocks of SDRAM
Interface to standard SDRAM components
Programmable SRAS, SCAS, and refresh timing
Support for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit wide SDRAM blocks
15.1.1 Definitions
The following terminology is used in this chapter:
SDRAM block: Any group of DRAM memories selected by one of the SRAS[1:0] signals. Thus,
the processor can support two independent memory blocks. The base address of each block is
programmed in the DRAM address and control registers (DACR0 and DACR1).
SDRAM: RAMs that operate like asynchronous DRAMs but with a synchronous clock, a
pipelined, multiple-bank architecture, and a faster speed.
SDRAM bank: An internal partition in an SDRAM device. For example, a 64-Mbit SDRAM
component might be configured as four 512K x 32 banks. Banks are selected through the SDRAM
component’s bank select lines.
15.1.2 Block Diagram and Major Components
The basic components of the SDRAM controller are shown in Figure 15-1.
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Figure 15-1. Synchronous DRAM Controller Block Diagram
The DRAM controllers major components are as follows:
DRAM address and control registers (DACR0 and DACR1)—The DRAM controller consists of
two configuration register units, one for each supported memory block. DACR0 is accessed at
IPSBAR + 0x048; DACR1 is accessed at IPSBAR + 0x050. The register information is passed on
to the hit logic.
Control logic and state machine—Generates all SDRAM signals, taking hit information and
bus-cycle characteristic data from the block logic in order to generate SDRAM accesses. Handles
refresh requests from the refresh counter.
DRAM control register (DCR)—Contains data to control refresh operation of the DRAM
controller. Both memory blocks are refreshed concurrently as controlled by DCR[RC].
Refresh counter—Determines when refresh should occur; controlled by the value of DCR[RC].
It generates a refresh request to the control block.
Hit logic—Compares address and attribute signals of a current SDRAM bus cycle to both DACRs
to determine if an SDRAM block is being accessed. Hits are passed to the control logic along with
characteristics of the bus cycle to be generated.
Address multiplexing—Multiplexes addresses to allow column and row addresses to share pins.
This allows glueless interface to SDRAMs.
Data Generation—Controls the data input and data output transmission between the on-platform
and off-platform data buses.
Memory Block 0 Hit Logic
DRAM Address/Control Register 0
Internal Address
Control Lo g ic
DRAM Controller Module
Refresh Counter
State Machine
DRAM Control
Register (DCR)
Memory Block 1 Hit Logic
DRAM Address/Control Register 1
D[31:0] internal
Q[31:0] internal D[31:0]
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15.2 SDRAM Controller Operation
By running synchronously with the system clock, SDRAM can (after an initial latency period) be accessed
on every clock; 5-1-1-1 is a typical burst rate to the SDRAM. Unlike the MCF5272, this processor does
not have an independent SDRAM clock signal. For this processor, the timing of the SDRAM controller is
controlled by the CLKOUT signal.
Note that because the processor cannot have more than one page open at a time, it does not support
SDRAM controllers are more sophisticated than asynchronous DRAM controllers. Not only must they
manage addresses and data, but they must send special commands for such functions as precharge, read,
write, burst, auto-refresh, and various combinations of these functions. Table 15-1 lists common SDRAM
SDRAMs operate differently than asynchronous DRAMs, particularly in the use of data pipelines and
commands to initiate special actions. Commands are issued to memory using specific encodings on
address and control pins. Soon after system reset, a command must be sent to the SDRAM mode register
to configure SDRAM operating parameters.
Table 15-1. SDRAM Commands
Command Definition
ACTV Activate. Executed before READ or WRITE executes; SDRAM registers and decodes row address.
MRS Mode register set.
NOP No-op. Does not affect SDRAM state machine; DRAM controller control signals negated;
SDRAM_CS[1:0] asserted.
PALL Precharge all. Precharges all internal banks of an SDRAM component; executed before new page is
READ Read access. SDRAM registers column address and decodes that a read access is occurring.
REF Refresh. Refreshes inter na l bank rows of an SDRAM component.
SELF Self refresh. Refreshes internal bank rows of an SDRAM component when it is in low-power mode.
SELFX Exit self refresh. This command is sent to the DRAM controller when DCR[IS] is cleared.
WRITE Write access. SDRAM registers column address and decodes that a write access is occurring.
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15.2.1 DRAM Controller Signals
Table 15-2 describes the behavior of DRAM signals in synchronous mode.
15.2.2 Memory Map for SDRAMC Registers
The DRAM controller registers memory map is shown in Table 15-3. DRAM Control Register (DCR)
The DCR, shown in Figure 15-2, controls refresh logic.
Table 15-2. Synchronous DRAM Signal Connections
Signal Description
SRAS Synchronous row address strobe. Indicates a v alid SDRAM row address is present and can be latched by
the SDRAM. SRAS should be connected to the corresponding SDRAM SRAS.
SCAS Synchronous column address strobe. Indicates a valid column address is present and can be latched b y
the SDRAM. SCAS should be connected to the corresponding SDRAM SCAS.
DRAMW DRAM read/wr ite. Asserted for write operations and negated for read operations.
] Row address strobe . Select each memory bloc k of SDRAMs connected to the processor. One
SDRAM_CS signal selects one SDRAM block and connects to the corresponding CS signals.
SCKE Synchronous DRAM clock enable. Connected directly to the CKE (clock enable) signal of SDRAMs.
Enables and disables the clock internal to SDRAM. When CKE is low, memory can enter a power-d own
mode in which operations are suspended or capable of entering self-refresh mode. SCKE functionality is
controlled by DCR[COC]. For designs using external multiplexing, setting COC allows SCKE to provide
command-bit functionality.
BS[3:0] Column address strobe. BS[3:0] function as b yte enab les to the SDRAMs . They connect to the BS signals
(or mask qualifiers) of the SDRAMs.
Table 15-3. DRAM Controller Registers
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
0x040 DRAM control register (DCR) [p. 15-4]
0x048 DRAM address and control register 0 (DACR0) [p. 15-6]
0x04C DRAM mask register block 0 (DMR0) [p. 15-8]
0x050 DRAM address and control register 1 (DACR1) [p. 15-6]
0x054 DRAM mask register block 1 (D MR 1) [p. 15-8]
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Table 15-4 describes DCR fields.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0
Reset Uninitialized
Addr IPSBAR + 0x040
Figure 15-2. DRAM Control Register (DCR)
Table 15-4. DCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15-14 Reserved, should be cleared.
13 NAM No address multiplexing. Some implementations require externa l multiplexing. For example, when
linear addressing is required, the SDRAM should not multiplex addresses on SDRAM accesses.
0 The SDRAM controller multiplexes the external address bus to provide column addresses.
1 The SDRAM controller does not multiplex the external address bus to provide column addresses.
12 COC Command on SDRAM clock enable (SCKE). Implementations that use external multiplexing (NAM = 1)
must support command inform ation to be multiplexed onto the SDRAM address bus.
0 SCKE functions as a clock enable; self-refresh is initiated by the SDRAM controller through
1 SCKE drives command information. Because SCKE is not a clock enable, self-refresh cannot be
used (setting DCR[IS]). Thus, external logic must be used if this functionality is desired. External
multiplexing is also responsible for putting the command information on the proper address bit.
11 IS Initiate self-refresh command.
0 Take no action or issue a SELFX command to exit self refresh.
1 If DCR[COC] = 0, the SDRAM controller sends a SELF command to both SDRAM bloc ks to put them
in low-power, self-refresh state where they remain until IS is cleared. When IS is cleared, the
controller sends a SELFX command for the SDRAMs to exit self-refresh. The refresh counter is
suspended while the SDRAMs are in self-refres h; the SDRAM controls the refresh period.
10–9 RTIM Refresh timing. Determines the timing operation of auto-refresh in the SDRAM controller. Specifically,
it determines the number of b us clocks inserted between a REF command and the next possible ACTV
command. This same timing is used f or both memory blocks controlled by the SDRAM controller . This
corresponds to tRC in th e SDRAM specifi c ations .
00 3 clocks
01 6 clocks
1x 9 clocks
8–0 RC Refresh count. Controls refresh frequency. The number of bus clocks between refresh cycles is
(RC + 1) x 16. Refresh can range from 16–8192 bus clocks to accommodate both standard and
low-power SDRAMs with bus clock operation from less than 2 MHz to greater than 50 MHz.
The following example calculates RC for an auto-refresh period for 40 96 rows to receive 64 ms of
refresh every 15.625 µs for each row (1031 bus clocks at 66 MHz). This operation is the same as in
asynchronous mode.
# of bus clocks = 1031 = (RC field + 1) x 16
RC = (1031 bus clocks/16) -1 = 63.44, which rounds to 63; therefore, RC = 0x3F.
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Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
15-6 Freescale Semiconductor DRAM Address and Control Registers (DACR0/DACR1)
The DACRn registers, shown in Figure 15-3, contain the base address compare value and the control bits
for memory blocks 0 and 1 of the SDRAM controller. Address and timing are also controlled by bits in
Table 15-5 describes DACRn fields.
31 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0
Reset Uninitialized 0 Uninitialized 0 Uninitialized
Address IPSBAR+0x048 (DACR0); 0x050 (DACR1)
Figure 15-3. DRAM Address and Control Register (DACRn)
Table 15-5. DACRn Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
31–18 BA Base address register. With DCMR[BAM], determines the address range in which the associated
DRAM block is located. Each BA bit is compared with the corresponding address of the current bus
cycle. If all unmasked bits match, the address hits in the associated DRAM block. BA functions the
same as in asynchronous operation.
17–16 Reserved, should be cleared.
15 RE Refresh enable. Determines when the DRAM controller generates a refresh cycle to the DRAM block.
0 Do not refresh asso ciated DRAM block
1 Refresh associated DRAM block
14 Reserved, should be cleared.
13–12 CASL CAS latency. Affects the following SDRAM timing specifications. Timing nomenclature varies with
manufacturers. Refer to the SDRAM specification for the appropriate timing nomenclature:
Parameter Number of Bus Clocks
CASL= 00 CASL = 01 CASL= 10 CASL= 11
tRCD—SRAS assertion to SCAS assertion 1 2 3 3
tCASL—SCAS assertion to data out 1 2 3 3
tRASACTV command to precharge command 2 4 6 6
tRP—Precharge command to ACTV command 1 2 3 3
tRWL,tRDL—Last data input to precharge
command 1111
tEP—Last data out to precharg e command 1 1 1 1
11 Reserved, should be cleared.
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10–8 CBM Command and bank MUX [2:0]. Because different SDRAM configurations cause the command and
bank select lines to correspond to different addresses, these resources are programmable. CBM
deter mines the addresses onto which these functions are multiplexed.
Note: It is important to set CBM according to the location of the command bit.
This encoding and the address multiplexing scheme handle common SDRAM organizations. Bank
select bits include a base bit and all address bits above for SDRAMs with multiple bank select bits.
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 IMRS Initiate mode register set (MRS) command. Setting IMRS generates a MRS command to the associated
SDRAMs. In initialization, IMRS should be set only after all DRAM controller registers are initialized
and PALL and REFRESH commands ha ve been issued. After IMRS is set, the next access to an SDRAM
bloc k prog rams the SDRAM’s mode register . Thus, the address of the access should be programmed
to place the correct mode information on the SDRAM address pins. Because the SDRAM does not
register this information, it doesn’t matter if the IMRS access is a read or a write or what, if an y, data is
put onto the data bus. The DRAM controller clears IMRS after the MRS command finishes.
0 Take no action
1 Initiate MRS command
5–4 PS P ort size . Indicates the port size of the associated block of SDRAM, which allows f or dynamic sizing of
associated SDRAM accesses. PS functions the same in asynchronous operation.
00 32-bit port
01 8-bit port
1x 16-bit port
3 IP Ini tiate precharge all (PALL) command. The DRAM controller clears IP after the PALL command is
finished. Accesses via IP should be no wider than the por t size programmed in PS.
0 Take no action.
PALL command is sent to the associated SDRAM block. During initialization, this command is
executed after all DRAM controller registers are programmed. After IP is set, th e next write to an
appropriate SDRAM address generates the PALL command to the SDRAM block.
2–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 15-5. DACRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit Name Description
CBM Command Bit Bank Select Bits
000 17 18 and up
001 18 19 and up
010 19 20 and up
011 20 21 and up
100 21 22 and up
101 22 23 and up
110 23 24 and up
111 24 25 and up
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15-8 Freescale Semiconductor DRAM Controller Mask Registers (DMR0/DMR1)
The DMRn, Figure 15-4, includes mask bits for the base address and for address attributes.
Table 15-6 describes DMRn fields.
31 1817 9876543210
Reset Uninitialized 0
Addr IPSBAR + 0x04C (DMR0), 0x054 (DMR1)
Figure 15-4. DRAM Controller Mask Registers (DMRn)
Table 15-6. DMRn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–18 BAM Base address mask. Masks the associated DACRn[BA]. Lets the DRAM controller connect to various
DRAM sizes. Mask bits need not be contiguous (see Section 15.3, “SDR AM Example .”)
0 The associated address bit is used in decoding the DRAM hit to a memory block.
1 The associated address bit is not used in the DRAM hit decode.
17–9 Reserved, should be cleared.
8 WP Write protect. Determines whether the associated block of DRAM is write protected.
0 Allow write accesses
1 Ignore write accesses. The DRAM controller ignores write accesses to the memory block and an
address exception occurs. Write accesses to a write-protected DRAM region are compared in the
chip select module for a hit. If no hit occurs, an external bus cycle is generated. If this external bus
cycle is not acknowledged, an access exception occurs.
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6–1 AMxAddress modifier masks. Determine which accesses can occur in a given DRAM block.
0 Allow access type to hit in DRAM
1 Do not allow access type to hit in DRAM
Bit Associated Access Type Access Definition
C/I CPU space/interrupt acknowledge MOVEC instruction or interrupt acknowledge cycle
AM Alternate master DMA master
SC Supervisor code Any supervisor-only instruction access
SD Supervisor data Any data fetche d during the instruction access
UC User code Any user instruction
UD User data Any user data
0 V Valid. Cleared at reset to ensure that the DRAM block is not erroneously decoded.
0 Do not decode DRAM accesses.
1 Registers controlling the DRAM block are initialized; DRAM accesses can be decoded.
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15.2.3 General Synchronous Operation Guidelines
To reduce system logic and to support a variety of SDRAM sizes, the DRAM controller provides SDRAM
control signals as well as a multiplexed row address and column address to the SDRAM. Address Multiplexing
Table 15-7 shows the generic address multiplexing scheme for SDRAM configurations. All possible
address connection configurations can be derived from this table.
Because the processor has 24 extermal address lines, the maximum
SDRAM address size is 128 Mbits.
The following tables provide a more comprehensive, step-by-step way to determine the correct address
line connections for interfacing the ColdFire processor to the SDRAM. To use the tables, find the one that
corresponds to the number of column address lines on the SDRAM and to the port size as seen by the
processor, which is not necessarily the SDRAM port size. For example, if two 1M x 16-bit SDRAMs
together form a 1M x 32-bit memory, the port size is 32 bits. Most SDRAMs likely have fewer address
lines than are shown in the tables, so follow only the connections shown until all SDRAM address lines
are connected.
Table 15-7. Generic Address Multiplexing Scheme
Address Pin Row Address Column Address Notes Relating to Por t Sizes
17 17 0 8-bit port only
16 16 1 8- and 16-bit ports only
15 15 2
14 14 3
13 13 4
12 12 5
11 11 6
10 10 7
99 8
17 17 16 32-bit port only
18 18 17 16-bit port only or 32-bit port with only 8 column address lines
19 19 18 16-bit port only when at least 9 column address lines are used
20 20 19
21 21 20
22 22 21
23 23 22
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Table 15-8. Processor to SDRAM Interface (8-Bit Port, 9-Column Address Lines)
or Pins A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 19 20 21 22 23
Column 012345678
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14
Table 15-9. Processor to SDRAM Interface (8-Bit Port,10-Column Address Lines)
or Pins A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 19 20 21 22 23
Column 01234567818
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
Table 15-10. Processor to SDRAM Interface (8-Bit Port,11-Column Address Lines)
r Pins A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A19 A21 A22 A23
Row 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 19 21 22 23
Column 0123456781820
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
Table 15-11. Processor to SDRAM Interface (8-Bit Port,12-Column Address Lines)
Pins A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A19 A21 A23
Row 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 19 21 23
Column 012345678182022
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11
Table 15-12. Processor to SDRAM Interface (8-Bit Port,13-Column Address Lines)
or Pins A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A19 A21 A23
Row 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 19 21 23
Column 012345678182022
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11
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Table 15-13. Processor to SDRAM Interface (16-Bit Port, 8-Column Address Lines)
or Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Column 12345678
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14
Table 15-14. Processor to SDRAM Interface (16-Bit Port, 9-Column Address Lines)
r Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 19 20 21 22 23
Column 1234567817
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
Table 15-15. Processor to SDRAM Interface (16-Bit Port, 10-Column Address Lines)
r Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 20 21 22 23
Column 123456781719
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
Table 15-16. Processor to SDRAM Interface (16-Bit Port, 11-Column Address Lines)
r Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A20 A22 A23
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 20 22 23
Column 12345678171921
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11
Table 15-17. Processor to SDRAM Interface (16-Bit Port, 12-Column Address Lines)
Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A20 A22
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 20 22
Column 12345678171921
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
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Table 15-18. Processor to SDRAM Inte rface (16-Bit Port, 13-Column-Address Lines)
r Pins A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A18 A20 A22
Row 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 18 20 22
Column 12345678171921
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
Table 15-19. Processor to SDRAM Interface (32-Bit Port, 8-Column Address Lines)
r Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 151413121110 9 17181920212223
Column 234567816
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
Table 15-20. Processor to SDRAM Interface (32-Bit Port, 9-Column Address Lines)
Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
Row 151413121110 9 171920212223
Column 23456781618
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
Table 15-21. Processor to SDRAM Interface (32-Bit Port, 10-Column Address Lines)
Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A19 A21 A22 A23
Row 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 19 21 22 23
Column 2345678161820
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11
Table 15-22. Processor to SDRAM Interface (32-Bit Port, 11-Column Address Lines)
Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A19 A21 A23
Row 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 19 21 23
Column 234567816182022
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
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Freescale Semiconductor 15-13 SDRAM Byte Strobe Connections
Figure 15-5 shows SDRAM connections for port sizes of 32, 16, or 8 bits.
Figure 15-5. Connections for External Memory Port Sizes Interfacing Example
The tables in the previous section can be used to configure the interface in the following example. To
interface one 2M x 32-bit x 4 bank SDRAM component (8 columns), use the connections shown in
Table 15-24. Burst Page Mode
SDRAM can efficiently provide data when an SDRAM page is opened. As soon as SCAS is issued, the
SDRAM accepts a new address and asserts SCAS every CLKOUT for as long as accesses occur in that
page. In burst page mode, there are multiple read or write operations for every ACTV command in the
SDRAM if the requested transfer size exceeds the port size of the associated SDRAM. The primary cycle
of the transfer generates the ACTV and READ or WRITE commands; secondary cycles generate only READ
or WRITE commands. As soon as the transfer completes, the PALL command is generated to prepare for the
next access.
Table 15-23. Processor to SDRAM Interface (32-Bit Port, 12-Column Address Lines)
Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A19 A21 A23
Row 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 17 19 21 23
Column 234567816182022
Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
Table 15-24. SDRAM Hardware Connections
SDRAM Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 = CMD BA0 BA1
Processor Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22
Data Bus
Byte 0
8-Bit Port
16-Bit Port
32-Bit Port
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1
Byte 2 Byte 3
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
D[31:24] D[23:16] D[15:8] D[7:0]
Byte Enable BS3 BS2 BS1 BS0
Driven with
indeterminate values
Driven with
indeterminate values
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Note that in synchronous operation, burst mode and address incrementing during burst cycles are
controlled by the DRAM controller. Thus, instead of the SDRAM enabling its internal burst incrementing
capability, the processor controls this function. This means that the burst function that is enabled in the
mode register of SDRAMs must be disabled when interfacing to the processor.
Figure 15-6 shows a burst read operation. In this example, DACR[CASL] = 01 for an SRAS-to-SCAS
delay (tRCD) of 2 system clock cycles. Because tRCD is equal to the read CAS latency (SCAS assertion to
data out), this value is also 2 system clock cycles. Notice that NOPs are executed until the last data is read.
A PALL command is executed one cycle after the last data transfer.
Figure 15-6. Burst Read SDRAM Access
Figure 15-7 shows the burst write operation. In this example, DACR[CASL] = 01, which creates an
SRAS-to-SCAS delay (tRCD) of 2 system clock cycles. Note that data is available upon SCAS assertion
and a burst write cycle completes two cycles sooner than a burst read cycle with the same tRCD. The next
bus cycle is initiated sooner, but cannot begin an SDRAM cycle until the precharge-to-ACTV delay
tCASL = 2
SDRAM_CS[0] or [1]
Row Column Column Column Column
tRCD = 2
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Figure 15-7. Burst Write SDRAM Access
Accesses in synchronous burst page mode always cause the following sequence:
1. ACTV command
2. NOP commands to assure SRAS-to-SCAS delay (if CAS latency is 1, there are no NOP
3. Required number of READ or WRITE commands to service the transfer size with the given port
4. Some transfers need more NOP commands to assure the ACTV-to-precharge delay.
5. PALL command
6. Required number of idle clocks inserted to assure precharge-to-ACTV delay. Auto-Refresh Operation
The DRAM controller is equipped with a refresh counter and control. This logic is responsible for
providing timing and control to refresh the SDRAM without user interaction. Once the refresh counter is
set, and refresh is enabled, the counter counts to zero. At this time, an internal refresh request flag is set
and the counter begins counting down again. The DRAM controller completes any active burst operation
and then performs a PALL operation. The DRAM controller then initiates a refresh cycle and clears the
refresh request flag. This refresh cycle includes a delay from any precharge to the auto-refresh command,
the auto-refresh command, and then a delay until any ACTV command is allowed. Any SDRAM access
initiated during the auto-refresh cycle is delayed until the cycle is completed.
SDRAM_CS[0] or [1]
tCASL = 2
Row Column Column Column Column
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Figure 15-8 shows the auto-refresh timing. In this case, there is an SDRAM access when the refresh
request becomes active. The request is delayed by the prechar ge to ACTV delay programmed into the active
SDRAM bank by the CAS bits. The REF command is then generated and the delay required by
DCR[RTIM] is inserted before the next ACTV command is generated. In this example, the next bus cycle
is initiated, but does not generate an SDRAM access until TRC is finished. Because both chip selects are
active during the REF command, it is passed to both blocks of external SDRAM.
Figure 15-8. Auto-Refresh Operation Self-Refresh Operation
Self-refresh is a method of allowing the SDRAM to enter into a low-power state, while at the same time
to perform an internal refresh operation and to maintain the integrity of the data stored in the SDRAM. The
DRAM controller supports self-refresh with DCR[IS]. When IS is set, the SELF command is sent to the
SDRAM. When IS is cleared, the SELFX command is sent to the DRAM controller. Figure 15-9 shows the
self-refresh operation.
SDRAM_CS[0] or [1]
tRCD = 2 tRC = 6
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Figure 15-9. Self-Refresh Operation
15.2.4 Initialization Sequence
Synchronous DRAMs have a prescribed initialization sequence. The DRAM controller supports this
sequence with the following procedure:
1. SDRAM control signals are reset to idle state. Wait the prescribed period after reset before any
action is taken on the SDRAMs. This is normally around 100 µs.
2. Initialize the DCR, DACR, and DMR in their operational configuration. Do not yet enable PALL
or REF commands.
3. Issue a PALL command to the SDRAMs by setting DACR[IP] and accessing a SDRAM location.
Wait the time (determined by tRP) before any other execution.
4. Enable refresh (set DACR[RE]) and wait for at least 8 refreshes to occur.
5. Before issuing the MRS command, determine if the DMR mask bits need to be modified to allow
the MRS to execute properly
6. Issue the MRS command by setting DACR[IMRS] and accessing a location in the SDRAM. Note
that mode register settings are driven on the SDRAM address bus, so care must be taken to change
DMR[BAM] if the mode register configuration does not fall in the address range determined by
the address mask bits. After the mode register is set, DMR mask bits can be restored to their
desired configuration.
SDRAM_CS[0] or [1]
SELF First
tRCD = 2 tRC = 6
(DCR[COC] = 0)
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Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
15-18 Freescale Semiconductor Mode Register Settings
It is possible to configure the operation of SDRAMs, namely their burst operation and CAS latency,
through the SDRAM components mode register. CAS latency is a function of the speed of the SDRAM
and the bus clock of the DRAM controller. The DRAM controller operates at a CAS latency of 1, 2, or 3.
Although the DRAM controller supports bursting operations, it does not use the bursting features of the
SDRAMs. Because the processor can burst operand sizes of 1, 2, 4, or 16 bytes long, the concep t of a fixed
burst length in the SDRAMs mode register becomes problematic. Therefore, the processor DRAM
controller generates the burst cycles rather than the SDRAM device. Because the processor generates a
new address and a READ or WRITE command for each transfer within the burst, the SDRAM mode register
should be set either not to burst or to a burst length of one. This allows bursting to be controlled by the
The SDRAM mode register is written by setting the associated block’s DACR[IMRS]. First, the base
address and mask registers must be set to the appropriate configuration to allow the mode register to be
set. Note that improperly set DMR mask bits may prevent access to the mode register address. Thus, the
user should determine the mapping of the mode register address to the processor address bits to find out if
an access is blocked. If the DMR setting prohibits mode register access, the DMR should be reconfigured
to enable the access and then set to its necessary configuration after the MRS command executes.
The associated CBM bits should also be initialized. After DACR[IMRS] is set, the next access to the
SDRAM address space generates the MRS command to that SDRAM. The address of the access should be
selected to place the correct mode information on the SDRAM address pins. The address is not multiplexed
for the MRS command. The MRS access can be a read or write. The important thing is that the address output
of that access needs the correct mode programming information on the correct address bits.
Figure 15-10 shows the MRS command, which occurs in the first clock of the bus cycle.
Figure 15-10. Mo d e Re gi st er Set (MRS) Command
15.3 SDRAM Example
This example interfaces a 512K x 32-bit x 4 bank SDRAM component to processor operating at 40 MHz.
Table 15-25 lists design specifications for this example.
SD_CS[1] or [0]
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Table 15-25. SDRAM Example Specifications
Parameter Specification
Speed grade (-8E) 40 MHz (25-ns per iod)
10 rows, 8 columns
Tw o bank-select lines to access four internal banks
ACTV-to-read/write delay (tRCD) 20 ns (min.)
Period between auto-refresh and ACTV command (tRC) 70 ns
ACTV command to precharge command (tRAS) 48 ns (min.)
Precharge command to ACTV command (tRP) 20 ns (min.)
Last data input to PALL command (tRWL) 1 bus clock (25 ns)
Auto-refresh period for 4096 rows (tREF)64 mS
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15.3.1 SDRAM Interface Configuration
To interface this component to the DRAM controller , use the connection table that corresponds to a 32-bit
port size with 8 columns (Table 15-24). Two pins select one of four banks when the part is functional.
Table 15-26 shows the proper hardware connections.
15.3.2 DCR Initialization
At power-up, the DCR has the following configuration if synchronous operation and SDRAM address
multiplexing are desired.
This configuration results in a value of 0x0026 for DCR, as shown in Table 15-27.
15.3.3 DACR Initialization
As shown in Figure 15-12, the SDRAM is programmed to access only the second 512-Kbyte block of each
1-Mbyte partition in the SDRAM (each 16 Mbytes). The starting address of the SDRAM is 0xFF88_0000.
Continuous page mode feature is used.
Table 15-26. SDRAM Hardware Connections
Processor Pins A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22
SDRAM Pins A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 = CMD BA0 BA1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0
Setting 0000_0000_0010_0110
(hex) 0026
Figure 15-11. Initialization Values for DCR
Table 15-27. DCR Initialization Values
Bits Name Setting Description
15 0 Reserved.
14 0 Reserved.
13 NAM 0 Indicating SDRAM controller multiple xes address lines internally
12 COC 0 SCKE is used as clock enable instead of command bit because user is not multiplexing
address lines externally and requires external command feed.
11 IS 0 At power-up , allowing power self-refresh state is not appropriate because registers are being
set up.
10–9 RTIM 00 Because tRC value is 70 ns, indicating a 3-clock refresh-to-ACTV timing.
8–0 RC 0x26 Specification indicates auto-refresh period for 4096 rows to be 64 mS or refresh every 15.625
µs for each row, or 625 bus clocks at 40 MHz. Because DCR[RC] is incremented by 1 and
multiplied by 16, RC = (625 bus clocks/16) -1 = 38.06 = 0x38
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Figure 15-12. SDRAM Configuration
The DACRs should be programmed as shown in Figure 15-13.
This configuration results in a value of DACR0 = 0xFF88_0300, as described in Table 15-28. DACR1
initialization is not needed because there is only one block. Subsequently, DACR1[RE, IMRS,IP] should
be cleared; everything else is a don’t care.
31 18 17 16
Field BA
Setting 1111_1111_1000_10xx
(hex) F F 8 8
151413121110 876543210
Setting 0000_x011_x000_0000
(hex) 0300
Figure 15-13. DACR Register Configuration
Table 15-28. DACR Initialization Values
Bits Name Setting Description
31–18 BA 1111_1111_
1000_10 Base address. So DACR0[31–16] = 0xFF88, placing the starting
address of the SDRAM accessible memory at 0xFF88_0000.
17–16 Reserved. Don’t care.
15 RE 0 Keeps auto-refresh disabled because registers are being set up
at this time.
14 Reserved. Don’t care.
13–12 CASL 00 Indi cates a delay of data 1 cycle afte r SCAS is asserted
11 Reserved. Don’t care.
10–8 CBM 011 Command bit is pin 20 and bank selects are 21 and up.
7 Re served. Don’t care.
6 IMRS 0 Indicates MRS command has not been initiated.
5–4 PS 00 32-bit port.
Bank 0
1 Mbyte 512 Kbyte
512 Kbyte
SDRAM Component Accessible
Bank 1
1 Mbyte 512 Kbyte
512 Kbyte
Bank 2
1 Mbyte 512 Kbyte
512 Kbyte
Bank 3
1 Mbyte 512 Kbyte
512 Kbyte
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15.3.4 DMR Initialization
Again, in this example only the second 512-Kb yte block of each 1 -Mbyte space is accessed in each bank.
In addition, the SDRAM component is mapped only to readable and writable supervisor and user data. The
DMRs have the following configuration.
With this configuration, the DMR0 = 0x0074_0075, as described in Table 15-29.
3 IP 0 Indicates precharge has not been initiated.
2–0 Reserved. Don’t care.
31 18 17 16
Field BAM
Setting 0000_0000_0111_01xx
(hex) 0 074
15 9876543210
Setting xxxx_xxx0_x111_0101
(hex) 0075
Figure 15-14. DMR0 Register
Table 15-29. DMR0 Initialization Values
Bits Name Setting Description
31–18 BAM With bits 17 and 16 as don’t cares, BAM = 0x0074, which leav es bank select bits and upper
512K select bits unmasked. Note that bits 22 and 21 are set because they are used as bank
selects; bit 20 is set because it controls the 1-Mbyte boundary address.
17–16 Reserved. Don’t care.
15–9 Reserved. Don’t care.
8 WP 0 Allow reads and writes
7 Reserved. Don’t care.
6 C/I 1 Disable CPU space access.
5 AM 1 Disable alternate master access.
4 SC 1 Disable supervisor code accesses.
3 SD 0 Enable supervisor data accesses.
2 UC 1 Disable user code accesses.
1 UD 0 Enable user data accesses.
0 V 1 Enable accesses.
Table 15- 28. DACR Initializat ion Valu es (continued)
Bits Name Setting Description
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15.3.5 Mode Register Initialization
When DACR[IMRS] is set, a bus cycle initializes the mode register. If the mode register setting is read on
A[10:0] of the SDRAM on the first bus cycle, the bit settings on the corresponding processor address pins
must be determined while being aware of masking requirements.
Table 15-30 lists the desired initialization setting:
Next, this information is mapped to an address to determine the hexadecimal value.
Although A[31:20] corresponds to the address programmed in DACR0, according to how DACR0 and
DMR0 are initialized, bit 19 must be set to hit in the SDRAM. Thus, before the mode register bit is set,
DMR0[19] must be set to enable masking.
15.3.6 Initialization Code
The following assembly code initializes the SDRAM example.
Table 15-30. Mode Register Initialization
Processor Pins SDRAM Pins Mode Register Initialization
A20 A10 Reserved X
A19 A9 WB 0
A18 A8 Opmode 0
A17 A7 Opmode 0
A9 A6 CASL 0
A10 A5 CASL 0
A11 A4 CASL 1
A12 A3 BT 0
A13 A2 BL 0
A14 A1 BL 0
A15 A0 BL 0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Setting xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_000x
(hex) 0000
Field V
Setting 0000_100x_xxxx_xxxx
(hex) 0800
Table 15-31. Mode Register Mapping to A[31:0]
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Power-Up Sequence:
move.w #0x0026, d0//Initialize DCR
move.w d0, DCR
move.l #0xFF880300, d0 //Initialize DACR0
move.l d0, DACR0
move.l #0x00740075, d0//Initialize DMR0
move.l d0, DMR0
Precharge Sequence:
move.l #0xFF880308, d0//Set DACR0[IP]
move.l d0, DACR0
move.l #0xBEADDEED, d0//Write and value to memory location to init. precharge
move.l d0, 0xFF880000
Refresh Sequence:
move.l #0xFF888300, d0//Enable refresh bit in DACR0
move.l d0, DACR0
Mode Register Initialization Sequence:
move.l #0x00600075, d0//Mask bit 19 of address
move.l d0, DMR0
move.l #0xFF888340, d0//Enable DACR0[IMRS]; DACR0[RE] remains set
move.l d0, DACR0
move.l #0x00000000, d0//Access SDRAM address to initialize mode register
move.l d0, 0xFF800800
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Chapter 16
DMA Controller Module
This chapter describes the direct memory access (DMA) controller module. It provides an overview of the
module and describes in detail its signals and registers. The latter sections of this chapter describe
operations, features, and supported data transfer modes in detail.
The designation “n” is used throughout this section to refer to registers or
signals associated with one of the four identical DMA channels: DMA0,
DMA1, DMA2 or DMA3.
16.1 Overview
The DMA controller module provides an efficient way to move blocks of data with minimal processor
interaction. The DMA module, shown in Figure 16-1, provides four channels that allow byte, word,
longword, or 16-byte burst data transfers. Each channel has a dedicated source address register (SARn),
destination address register (DARn), byte count register (BCRn), control register (DCRn), and status
register (DSRn). Transfers are dual address to on-chip devices, such as UART, SDRAM controller, and
Figure 16-1. DMA Signal Diagram
Bus Interface
Data Path Control
Data Path
Channel 0
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Current Master Attributes
Write Data BusRead Data Bus
System Bus Address
System Bus Size
Bus Signals
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Throughout this chapter “external request” and DREQ are used to refer to a
DMA request from one of the on-chip UARTS or DMA timers. For details
on the connections associated with DMA request inputs, see Section 16.2,
“DMA Request Control (DMAREQC).”
16.1.1 DMA Module Features
The DMA controller module features are as follows:
Four independently programmable DMA controller channels
Auto-alignment feature for source or destination accesses
Dual-address transfers
Channel arbitration on transfer boundaries
Data transfers in 8-, 16-, 32-, or 128-bit blocks using a 16-byte buffer
Continuous-mode or cycle-steal transfers
Independent transfer widths for source and destination
Independent source and destination address registers
16.2 DMA Request Control (DMAREQC)
The DMAREQC register provides a software-controlled connection matrix for DMA requests. It logically
routes DMA requests from the DMA timers and UARTs to the four channels of the DMA controller.
Writing to this register determines the exact routing of the DMA request to the four channels of the DMA
modules. If DCRn[EEXT] is set and the channel is idle , the assertion of the appropriate DREQn a ctivate s
channel n.
31 20 19 16
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
IPSBAR + 0x014
Figure 16-2. DMA Request Control Register (DMAREQC)
Table 16-1. DMAREQC Field Description
Bits Name Description
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31–16 Reserved. Should be cleared.
15–0 DMACnDMA Channel n. Each four bit field defines the logical connection between the DMA requestors and
that DMA channel. There are sev en possible requesters (4 DMA Timers and 3 U ARTs). Any request
can be routed to any of the DMA channels. Effectively, the DMAREQC provides a
software-controlled routing matrix of the 7 DMA request signals to the 4 channels of the DMA
module. DMA C3 controls DMA channel 3. DMA C2 controls DMA channel 2. DMA C1 controls DMA
channel 1. DMAC0 controls DMA channel 0.
1000 UART0.
1001 UART1.
1010 UART2.
0100 DMA Timer 0.
0101 DMA Timer 1.
0110 DMA Timer 2.
0111 DMA Timer 3.
All other values are reserved and will not generate a DMA request.
Table 16-1. DMAREQC Field Description (continued)
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16.3 DMA Transfer Overview
The DMA module can transfer data faster than the ColdFire core. The term “direct memory access” refers
to a fast method of moving data within system memory (including memory and peripheral devices) with
minimal processor intervention, greatly improving overall system performance. The DMA module
consists of four independent, functionally equivalent channels, so references to DMA in this chapter apply
to any of the channels. It is not possible to implicitly address all four channels at once.
The processor generates DMA requests internally by setting DCR[START]; the UAR T modules and DMA
timers can generate a DMA request by asserting internal DREQ signals. The processor can program bus
bandwidth for each channel. The channels support cycle-steal and continuous transfer modes; see
Section 16.5.1, “Transfer Requests (Cycle-Steal and Continuous Modes).”
The DMA controller supports dual-address transfers. The DMA channels support up to 32 data bits.
Dual-address transfers—A dual-address transfer consists of a read followed by a write and is
initiated by an internal request using the START bit or by asserting DREQ. Two types of transfer
can occur: a read from a source device or a write to a destination device. See Figure 16-3 for more
Figure 16-3. Dual-Address Transfer
Any operation involving the DMA module follows the same three steps:
1. Channel initialization—Channel registers are loaded with control information, address pointers,
and a byte-transfer count.
2. Data transfer—The DMA accepts requests for operand transfers and provides addressing and bus
control for the transfers.
3. Channel termination—Occurs after the operation is finished, either successfully or due to an error .
The channel indicates the operation status in the channel’s DSR, described in Section 16.4.5,
“DMA Status Registers (DSR0–DSR3).”
16.4 DMA Controller Module Programming Model
This section describes each internal register and its bit assignment. Note that modifying DMA control
registers during a DMA transfer can result in undefined operation. Table 16-2 shows the mapping of DMA
controller registers. Note the differences for the byte count registers depending on the value of
MPARK[BCR24BIT]. See Section 8.5.3, “Bus Master Park Register (MPARK)” for further information.
Control and Data
Control and Data
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16.4.1 Source Address Registers (SAR0–SAR3)
SARn, shown in Figure 16-4, contains the address from which the DMA controller requests data.
Table 16-2. Memory Map for DMA Controller Module Registers
Channel IPSBAR
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
0 0x100 Source address register 0 (SAR0) [p. 16-5]
0x104 Destination address re gister 0 (DAR0) [p. 16-6]
0x108 DMA control register 0 (DCR0) [p. 16-7]
0x10C Byte count register 0 (BCR24BIT = 0) 1
1The DMA module originally supported a left-justified 16-bit byte count register (BCR). This function was later
reimplemented as a right-justified 24-bit BCR. The operation of the DMA and the interpretation of the BCR is controlled
by the MPARK[BCR24BIT]. See Section 8.5.3, “Bus Master Park Register (MPARK)" for more details.
0x10C Reserved Byte count register 0 (BCR24BIT = 1) 1 (BCR0) [p. 16-7]
0x110 DMA status register 0
(DSR0) [p. 16-10] Reserved
1 0x140 Source address register 1 (SAR1) [p. 16-5]
0x144 Destination address re gi st er 1 (DAR1) [p. 16-6]
0x148 DMA control register 1 (DCR1) [p. 16-7]
0x14C Byte count register 1 (BCR24BIT = 0) 1Reserved
0x14C Reserved Byte count register 1 (BCR24BIT = 1) 1 (BCR1) [p. 16-7]
0x150 DMA status register 1
(DSR1) [p. 16-10] Reserved
2 0x180 Source address register 2 (SAR2) [p. 16-5]
0x184 Destination address re gister 2 (DAR2) [p. 16-6]
0x188 DMA control register 2 (DCR2) [p. 16-7]
0x18C Byte count register 2 (BCR24BIT = 0) 1Reserved
0x18C Reserved Byte count register 2 (BCR24BIT = 1) 1 (BCR2) [p. 16-7]
0x190 DMA status register 2
(DSR2) [p. 16-10] Reserved
3 0x1C0 Source address register 3 (SAR3) [p. 16-5]
0x1C4 Destination ad dr ess re gi st er 3 (DAR3) [p. 16-6]
0x1C8 DMA control register 3 (DCR3) [p. 16-7]
0x1CC Byte count register 3 (BCR24BIT = 0)1Reserved
0x1CC Rese rved Byte count register 3 (BCR24BIT = 1)1 (BCR3) [p. 16-7]
0x1D0 DMA status register 3
(DSR3) [p. 16-10] Reserved
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The backdoor enable bit must be set in both the core and SCM in order to
enable backdoor accesses from the DMA to SRAM. See Section 8.4.2,
“Memory Base Address Register (RAMBAR)” for more details.
Flash accesses (reads/writes) by a bus master other than the core (DMA
controller or Fast Ethernet Controller), or writes to Flash by the core during
programming, must use the backdoor Flash address of IPSBAR plus an
offset of 0x0400_0000. For example, for a DMA transfer from the first
Flash location when IPSBAR is still at its default location of 0x4000_0000,
the source register would be loaded with 0x4400_0000. Backdoor Flash
read accesses can be made with the bus master , but it takes two cycles longer
than a direct read of the Flash when using the FLASHBAR address.
16.4.2 Destination Address Registers (DAR0–DAR3)
DARn, shown in Figure 16-5, holds the address to which the DMA controller sends data.
Figure 16-5. Destination Address Registers (DARn)
The DMA does not maintain coherency with the cache. Therefore, DMAs
should not transfer data to cacheable memory unless software is used to
maintain the cache coherency.
The DMA should not be used to write data to the UART transmit FIFO in
cycle steal mode. When the UART interrupt is used as a DMA request it
does not negate fast enough to get a single transfer. The UART transmit
FIFO only has one entry so the data from the second byte would be lost.
31 0
Field SAR
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x100, 0x140, 0x180, 0x1C0
Figure 16-4. Source Address Registers (SARn)
31 0
Field DAR
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x104, 0x144, 0x184, 0x1C4
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16.4.3 Byte Count Register s (BCR0–BCR3)
BCRn, shown in Figure 16-6 and Figure 16-7, hold the number of bytes yet to be transferred for a given
block. The offset within the memory map is based on the value of MPARK[BCR24BIT]. BCRn
decrements on the successful completion of the address transfer of a write transfer. BCRn decrements by
1, 2, 4, or 16 for byte, word, longword, or line accesses, respectively.
Figure 16-6 shows BCRn for BCR24BIT = 1.
Figure 16-6. Byte Count Registers (BCRn)—BCR24BIT = 1
Figure 16-7 shows BCRn for BCR24BIT = 0.
Figure 16-7. Byte Count Registers (BCRn)—BCR24BIT = 0
DSRn[DONE], shown in Figure 16-9, is set when the block transfer is complete.
When a transfer sequence is initiated and BCRn[BCR] is not a multiple of 16, 4, or 2 when the DMA is
configured for line, longword, or word transfers, respectively , DSRn[CE] is set and no transfer occurs. See
Section 16.4.5, “DMA Status Registers (DSR0–DSR3).”
16.4.4 DMA Control Registers (DCR0–DCR3)
DCRn, shown in Figure 16-8, is used for configuring the DMA controller module. Note that DCRn[AT] is
available only if MPARK[BCR24BIT] is set. See Section 8.5.3, “Bus Master Park Register (MPARK)” for
more information.
31 24 23 0
Field BCR
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x10C, 0x14C , 0x18C, 0x1CC
15 0
Field BCR
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x10C, 0x14C, 0x18C, 0x1CC
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Table 16-3 describes DCRn fields.
31 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15 14 0
Field AT 1
1Available only if BCR24BIT = 1, otherwise reserved.
Reset 0 N/A
Address IPSBAR + 0x108, 0x148, 0x188, 0x1C8
Figure 16-8. DMA Control Registers (DCRn)
Table 16-3. DCRn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31 INT Interrupt on completion of transfer. Determines whether an interrupt is generated by completing a
transfer or by the occurrence of an error condition.
0 No interrupt is generated.
1 Internal interrupt signal is enabled.
30 EEXT Enable e xternal request. Care should be tak en because a collision can occur between the START bit
and DREQ when EEXT = 1.
0 External request is ignored.
1 Enables external request to initiate transfer. The internal request (initiated by setting the START
bit) is always enabled.
29 CS Cycle steal.
0 DMA continuously makes read/write transfers until the BCR decrements to 0.
1 Forces a single read/write transfer per request. The request may be internal by setting the STAR T
bit, or external by asserting DREQ.
28 AA Auto-align. AA and SIZE determine whether the source or destination is auto-aligned, that is,
transfers are optimized based on the address and size. See Section, “Auto-Alignment.”
0 Auto-align disabled
1 If SSIZE indicates a transfer no smaller than DSIZE, source accesses are auto-aligned; otherwise,
destination accesses are auto-aligned. Source alignment takes precedence over destination
alignment. If auto-alignment is enabled, the appropriate address register increments, regardless
of DINC or SINC.
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27–25 BWC Bandwidth control. Indicates the number of bytes in a bloc k tr ansf er . When the b yte count reaches a
multiple of the BWC value, the DMA releases the bus. For example, if BCR24BIT is 0, BWC is 001
(512 bytes or value of 0x0200), and BCR is 0x100 0, the bus is relinquished after BCR values of
0x0E00, 0x0C00, 0x0A00, 0x0800, 0x0600, 0x0400, and 0x0200. If BCR24BIT is 0, BWC is 110, and
BCR is 33000, the bus is released after 232 by tes because the BCR is at 32768, a multiple of 16384.
24–23 Reserved, should be cleared.
22 SINC Source increment. Controls whether a source address increments after each successful transfer.
0 No chang e to SAR after a successful transfer.
1 The SAR increments by 1, 2, 4, or 16, as determined by the transfer size.
21–20 SSIZE Source size. Determines the data size of the source bus cycle f or the DMA control module.
00 Longword
01 Byte
10 Word
11 Line (16-b y t e burst)
19 DINC Destination increment. Controls whether a destination address increments after each successful
0 No chang e to the DAR after a successful transfer.
1 The DAR increments by 1, 2, 4, or 16, depending upon the size of the transfer.
18–17 DSIZE Desti nation size. Determines the data size of the destination bus cycle for the DMA controller.
00 Longword
01 Byte
10 Word
11 Line (16-b y t e burst)
16 START Start transfer.
0DMA inactive
1 The DMA begins the transfer in accordance to the values in the control registers. START is cleared
automatically after one system clock and is always read as logic 0.
Table 16-3. DCRn Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Bits Name Description
Encoding BCR24BIT = 0 BCR24BIT = 1
000 DMA has priority and does not negate its
request until transfer completes.
001 512 16384
010 1024 32768
011 2048 65536
100 4096 131072
101 8192 262144
110 16384 524288
111 32768 1048576
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16.4.5 DMA Status Registers (DSR0–DSR3)
In response to an event, the DMA controller writes to the appropriate DSRn bit, Figure 16-9. Only a write
to DSRn[DONE] results in action.
Table 16-4 describes DSRn fields.
15 AT AT is available only if MPARK[BCR24BIT] = 1.
DMA acknowledge type. Controls whether acknowledge information is provided f or the entire transfer
or only the final transfer.
0 Entire transfer . DMA ackno wledge inf ormation is display ed anytime the channel is selected as the
result of an external request.
1 Final transfer (when BCR reaches zero). F or dual-address transfer, the ackno wledge information
is displayed for both the read and wr ite cycles.
14–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x110, 0x150, 0x190, 0x1D0
Figure 16 -9 . DMA Statu s Re gi st ers (DSRn)
Table 16-4. DSRn Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 CE Configuration error. Occurs when BCR, SAR, or DAR doe s not match the requested transfer size,
or if BCR = 0 when the DMA receives a start condition. CE is cleared at hardware reset or b y writing
a 1 to DSR[DONE].
0 No configuration error exists.
1 A configuration error has occurred.
5 BES Bus er ror on source
0 No bus error occurred.
1 The DMA channel terminated with a bus error during the read portion of a transfer.
4 BED Bus error on destination
0 No bus error occurred.
1 The DMA channel terminated with a bus error during the write por tion of a transfer.
3 Reserved, should be cleared.
2 REQ Request
0 No request is pending or the channel is currently active. Cleared when the channel is selected.
1 The DMA channel has a transf er remaining and the channel is not selected.
Table 16-3. DCRn Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Bits Name Description
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16.5 DMA Controller Module Functional Description
In the following discussion, the term “DMA request” implies that DCRn[START] or DCRn[EEXT] is set,
followed by assertion of DREQn. The START bit is cleared when the channel begins an internal access.
Before initiating a dual-address access, the DMA module verifies that DCRn[SSIZE,DSIZE] are
consistent with the source and destination addresses. If they are not consistent, the configuration error bit,
DSRn[CE], is set. If misalignment is detected, no transfer occurs, DSRn[CE] is set, and, depending on the
DCR configuration, an interrupt event is issued. Note that if the auto-align bit, DCRn[AA], is set, error
checking is performed on the appropriate registers.
A read/write transfer reads bytes from the source address and writes them to the destination address. The
number of bytes is the larger of the sizes specified by DCRn[SSIZE] and DCRn[DSIZE]. See
Section 16.4.4, “DMA Control Registers (DCR0–DCR3).”
Source and destination address registers (SARn and DARn) can be programmed in the DCRn to increment
at the completion of a successful transfer.
16.5.1 Transfer Requests (Cycle-Steal and Continuous Modes)
The DMA channel supports internal and external requests. A request is issued by setting DCRn[START]
or by asserting DREQn. Setting DCRn[EEXT] enables recognition of external DMA requests. Selecting
between cycle-steal and continuous modes minimizes bus usage for either internal or external requests.
Cycle-steal mode (DCRn[CS] = 1)—Only one complete transfer from source to destination occurs
for each request. If DCRn[EEXT] is set, a request can be either internal or external. An internal
request is selected by setting DCRn[START]. An external request is initiated by asserting DREQ n
while DCRn[EEXT] is set. Note that multiple transfers will occur if DREQn is continuously
Continuous mode (DCRn[CS] = 0)—After an internal or external request, the DMA continuously
transfers data until BCRn reaches zero or a multiple of DCRn[BWC] or until DSRn[DONE] is set.
If BCRn is a multiple of BWC, the DMA request signal is negated until the bus cycle terminates
to allow the internal arbiter to switch masters. DCRn[BWC] = 000 specifies the maximum transfer
rate; other values specify a transfer rate limit.
The DMA performs the specified number of transfers, then relinquishes bus control. The DMA
negates its internal bus request on the last transfer before BCRn reaches a multiple of the boundary
specified in BWC. On completion, the DMA reasserts its bus request to regain mastership at the
earliest opportunity. The DMA loses bus control for a minimum of one bus cycle.
1 BSY Busy
0 DMA channel is inactive . Cleared when the DMA has finished the last transaction.
1 BSY is set the first time the channel is enabled after a transfer is ini tia ted.
0 DONE Transactions done . Set when all DMA controller transactions complete, as determined by transfer
count or error conditions. When BCR reaches zero, DONE is set when the final transfer completes
successfully. DONE can also be used to abort a transf er by resetting the status bits. When a transfer
completes, software must clear DONE before reprogramming the DMA.
0 Writing or reading a 0 ha s no effect.
1 DMA transfer completed. Writing a 1 to this bit clears all DMA status bits and can be used in an
interrupt handler to clear the DMA interrupt and error bits.
Table 16-4. DSRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
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16.5.2 Data Transfer Modes
Each channel supports dual-address transfers, described in the next section. Dual-Address Transfers
Dual-address transfers consist of a source data read and a destination data write. The DMA controller
module begins a dual-address transfer sequence during a DMA request. If no error condition exists,
DSRn[REQ] is set.
Dual-address read—The DMA controller drives the SARn value onto the internal address bus. If
DCRn[SINC] is set, the SARn increments by the appropriate number of bytes upon a successful
read cycle. When the appropriate number of read cycles complete (multiple reads if the destination
size is larger than the source), the DMA initiates the write portion of the transfer.
If a termination error occurs, DSRn[BES,DONE] are set and DMA transactions stop.
Dual-address write—The DMA controller drives the DARn value onto the address bus. If
DCRn[DINC] is set, DARn increments by the appropriate number of bytes at the completion of a
successful write cycle. BCRn decrements by the appropriate number of bytes. DSRn[DONE] is set
when BCRn reaches zero. If the BCRn is greater than zero, another read/write transfer is initiated.
If the BCRn is a multiple of DCRn[BWC], the DMA reque st signal is negated until termination of
the bus cycle to allow the internal arbiter to switch masters.
If a termination error occurs, DSRn[BES,DONE] are set and DMA transactions stop.
16.5.3 Channel Initialization and Startup
Before a block transfer starts, channel registers must be initialized with information describing
configuration, request-generation method, and the data block. Channel Prioritization
The four DMA channels are prioritized in ascending order (channel 0 having highest priority and channel
3 having the lowest) or in an order determined by DCRn[BWC]. If the BWC encoding for a DMA channel
is 000, that channel has priority only over the channel immediately preceding it. For example, if
DCR3[BWC] = 000, DMA channel 3 has priority over DMA channel 2 (assuming DCR2[BWC] 000)
but not over DMA channel 1.
If DCR0[BWC] = DCR1[BWC] = 000, DMA0 still has priority over DMA1. In this case, DCR1[BWC] =
000 does not affect prioritization.
Simultaneous external requests are prioritized either in ascending order or in an order determined by each
channel’s DCRn[BWC] bits. Programming the DMA Controller Module
Note the following general guidelines for programming the DMA:
No mechanism exists within the DMA module itself to prevent writes to control registers during
DMA accesses.
•If the DCRn[BWC] value of sequential channels are equal, the channels are prioritized in
ascending order.
The SARn is loaded with the source (read) address. If the transfer is from a peripheral device to memory,
the source address is the location of the peripheral data register. If the transfer is from memory to either a
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peripheral device or memory, the source address is the starting address of the data block. This can be any
aligned byte address.
The DARn should contain the destination (write) address. If the transfer is from a peripheral device to
memory, or from memory to memory, the DARn is loaded with the starting address of the data block to be
written. If the transfer is from memory to a peripheral device, DARn is loaded with the address of the
peripheral data register. This address can be any aligned byte address.
SARn and DARn change after each cycle depending on DCRn[SSIZE,DSIZE, SINC,DINC] and on the
starting address. Increment values can be 1, 2, 4, or 16 for byte, word, longword, or 16-byte line transfers,
respectively. If the address register is programmed to remain unchanged (no count), the register is not
incremented after the data transfer.
BCRn[BCR] must be loaded with the number of byte transfers to occur. It is decremented by 1, 2, 4, or 16
at the end of each transfer, depending on the transfer size. DSRn[DONE] must be cleared for channel
As soon as the channel has been initialized, it is started by writing a one to DCRn[START] or asserting
DREQn, depending on the status of DCRn[EEXT]. Programming the channel for internal requests causes
the channel to request the bus and start transferring data immediately. If the channel is programmed for
external request, DREQn must be asserted before the channel requests the bus.
Changes to DCRn are effective immediately while the channel is active. To avoid problems with changing
a DMA channel setup, write a one to DSRn[DONE] to stop the DMA channel.
16.5.4 Data Transfer
This section describes auto-alignment and bandwidth control for DMA transfers. Auto-Alignment
Auto-alignment allows block transfers to occur at the optimal size based on the address, byte count, and
programmed size. T o use this feature, DCRn[AA] must be set. The source is auto-aligned if DCRn[SSIZE]
indicates a transfer size larger than DCRn[DSIZE]. Source alignment takes precedence over the
destination when the source and destination sizes are equal. Otherwise, the destination is auto-aligned. The
address register chosen for alignment increments regardless of the increment value. Configuration error
checking is performed on registers not chosen for alignment.
If BCRn is greater than 16, the address determines transfer size. Bytes, words, or longwords are transferred
until the address is aligned to the programmed size boundary, at which time accesses begin using the
programmed size.
If BCRn is less than 16 at the start of a transfer, the number of bytes remaining dictates transfer size. For
example, AA = 1, SARn = 0x0001, BCRn = 0x00F0, SSIZE = 00 (longword), and DSIZE = 01 (byte).
Because SSIZE > DSIZE, the source is auto-aligned. Error checking is performed on destination registers.
The access sequence is as follows:
1. Read byte from 0x0001—write 1 byte, increment SARn.
2. Read word from 0x0002—write 2 bytes, increment SARn.
3. Read longword from 0x0004—write 4 bytes, increment SARn.
4. Repeat longwords until SARn = 0x00F0.
5. Read byte from 0x00F0—write byte, increment SARn.
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If DSIZE is another size, data writes are optimized to write the largest size allowed based on the address,
but not exceeding the configured size. Bandwidth Control
Bandwidth control makes it possible to force the DMA off the bus to allow access to another device.
DCRn[BWC] provides seven levels of block transfer sizes. If the BCRn decrements to a multiple of the
decode of the BWC, the DMA bus request negates until the bus cycle terminates. If a request is pending,
the arbiter may then pass bus mastership to another device. If auto-alignment is enabled, DCRn[AA] = 1,
the BCRn may skip over the programmed boundary, in which case, the DMA bus request is not negated.
If BWC = 000, the request signal remains asserted until BCRn reaches zero. DMA has priority over the
core. Note that in this scheme, the arbiter can always force the DMA to relinquish the bus. See
Section 8.5.3, “Bus Master Park Register (MPARK).”
16.5.5 Termination
An unsuccessful transfer can terminate for one of the following reasons:
Error conditions—When the processor encounters a read or write cycle that terminates with an
error condition, DSRn[BES] is set for a read and DSRn[BED] is set for a write before the transfer
is halted. If the error occurred in a write cycle, data in the internal holding register is lost.
Interrupts—If DCRn[INT] is set, the DMA drives the appropriate internal interrupt signal. The
processor can read DSRn to determine whether the transfer terminated successfully or with an
error. DSRn[DONE] is then written with a one to clear the interrupt and the DONE and error bits.
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Chapter 17
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
17.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a feature-set overview, a functional block diagram, and transceiver connection
information for the 10 and 100 Mbps MII (media independent interface), as well as the 7-wire serial
interface. Additionally, detailed descriptions of operation and the programming model are included.
The MCF5214 and MCF5216 do NOT contain an FEC module.
17.1.1 Overview
The Ethernet media access controller (MAC) supports 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks.
An external transceiver interface and transceiver function are required to complete the interface to the
media. The FEC supports three different standard MAC-PHY (physical) interfaces for connection to an
external Ethernet transceiver. The FEC supports the 10/100 Mbps MII and the 10 Mbps-only 7-wire
The GPIO module must be configured to enable the peripheral function of
the appropriate pins (refer to Chapter 26, “General Purpose I/O Module”)
prior to configuring the FEC.
17.1.2 Block Diagram
Figure 17-1 shows the block diagram of the FEC. The FEC is implemented with a combination of
hardware and microcode. The off-chip (Ethernet) interfaces are compliant with industry and IEEE 802.3
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Figure 17-1. FEC Block Diagram
The descriptor controller is a RISC-based controller providing these functions in the FEC:
Initialization (those internal registers not initialized by you or hardware)
High level control of the DMA channels (initiating DMA transfers)
Interpreting buffer descriptors
Address recognition for receive frames
Random number generation for transmit collision backoff timer
DMA references in this section refer to the FEC’s DMA engine. This DMA
engine transfers FEC data only and is not related to the eDMA controller
described in Chapter 16, “DMA Controller Module, nor to the DMA timers
described in Chapter 21, “DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3).”
The RAM is the focal point of all data flow in the Fast Ethernet controller and divides into transmit and
receive FIFOs. The FIFO boundaries are programmable using the FRSR register. User data flows to/from
the DMA block from/to the receive/transmit FIFOs. Transmit data flows from the transmit FIFO into the
transmit block, and receive data flows from the receive block into the receive FIFO.
MII ReceiveTransmit
MII/7-Wire data
Internal Bus
Internal Bus
Crossbar Switch
Master Bus
Counter RAM
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You control the FEC by writing into control registers located in each block. The CSR (control and status
registers) block provides global control (Ethernet reset and enable) and interrupt managing registers.
The MII block provides a serial channel for control/status communication with the external physical layer
device (transceiver). This serial channel consists of the FEC_MDC (management data clock) and
FEC_MDIO (management data input/output) lines of the MII interface.
The FEC DMA block (not to be confused with the device’s eDMA controller) provides multiple channels
allowing transmit data, transmit descriptor, receive data and receive descriptor accesses to run
The transmit and receive blocks provide the Ethernet MAC functionality (with some assist from
The message information block (MIB) maintains counters for a variety of network events and statistics. It
is not necessary for operation of the FEC, but provides valuable counters for network management. The
counters supported are the RMON (RFC 1757) Ethernet Statistics group and some of the IEEE 802.3
counters. See Section 17.4.1, “MIB Block Counters Memory Map,” for more information.
17.1.3 Features
The FEC incorporates the following features:
Support for three different Ethernet physical interfaces:
100-Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII
10-Mbps IEEE 802.3 MII
10-Mbps 7-wire interface (industry standard)
IEEE 802.3 full duplex flow control
Programmable max frame length supports IEEE 802.1 VLAN tags and priority
Support for full-duplex operation (200 Mbps throughput) with a minimum internal bus clock rate
of 50 MHz
Support for half-duplex operation (100 Mbps throughput) with a minimum internal bus clock rate
of 50 MHz
Retransmission from transmit FIFO following a collision (no processor bus utilization)
Automatic internal flushing of the receive FIFO for runts (collision fragments) and address
recognition rejects (no processor bus utilization)
Address recognition
Frames with broadcast address may be always accepted or always rejected
Exact match for single 48-bit individual (unicast) address
Hash (64-bit hash) check of individual (unicast) addresses
Hash (64-bit hash) check of group (multicast) addresses
Promiscuous mode
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17.2 Modes of Operation
The primary operational modes are described in this section.
17.2.1 Full and Half Duplex Operation
Full duplex mode is for use on point-to-point links between switches or end node to switch. Half duplex
mode works in connections between an end node and a repeater or between repeaters. TCR[FDEN]
controls duplex mode selection.
When configured for full duplex mode, flow control may be enabled. Refer to the
TCR[RFC_PAUSE,TFC_PAUSE] bits, the RCR[FCE] bit, and Section 17.5.11, “Full Duplex Flow
Control,” for more details.
17.2.2 Interface Options
The following interface options are supported. A detailed discussion of the interface configurations is
provided in Section 17.5.6, “Network Interface Options.” 10 Mbps and 100 Mb ps MII Interface
The IEEE 802.3 standard defines the media independent interface (MII) for 10/100 Mbps operation. The
MAC-PHY interface may be configured to operate in MII mode by setting RCR[MII_MODE].
FEC_TXCLK and FEC_RXCLK pins driven by the external transceiver determine the operation speed.
The transceiver auto-negotiates the speed or software controls it via the serial management interface
(FEC_MDC/FEC_MDIO pins) to the transceiver . Refer to the MMFR and MSCR register descriptions, as
well as the section on the MII, for a description of how to read and write registers in the transceiver via
this interface. 10 Mpbs 7-Wire Interface Operation
The FEC supports 7-wire interface used by many 10 Mbps Ethernet transceivers. The RCR[MII_MODE]
bit controls this functionality. If this bit is cleared, MII mode is disabled and th e 10 Mbps 7-wire mode is
17.2.3 Address Recognition Options
The address options supported are promiscuous, broadcast reject, individual address (hash or exact match),
and multicast hash match. Address recognition options are discussed in detail in Section 17.5.9, “Ethernet
Address Recognition.”
17.2.4 Internal Loopback
Internal loopback mode is selected via RCR[LOOP]. Loopback mode is discussed in detail in
Section 17.5.14, “MII Internal and External Loopback.”
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17.3 External Signal Description
Table 17-1 describes the various FEC signals, as well as indicating which signals work in available modes.
17.4 Memory Map/Register Definition
The FEC is programmed by a combination of control/status registers (CSRs) and buffer descriptors. The
CSRs control operation modes and extract global status information. The descriptors pass data buffers and
related buffer information between the hardware and software.
Each FEC implementation requires a 1-Kbyte memory map space, which is divided into two sections of
512 bytes each for:
Table 17-1. FEC Signal Descriptions
Signal Name
FEC_COL X X A sserted upon detection of a collision and remains asserted while the collision persists. This
signal is not defined for full-duplex mode.
FEC_CRS X When asserted, indicates that transmit or receive medium is not idle.
FEC_MDC X Output clock which provides a timing reference to the PHY f or data transfers on the FEC_MDIO
FEC_MDIO X Transfers control information between the external PHY and the media-access controller. Data
is synchronous to FEC_MDC. This signal is an input after reset. When the FEC is operated in
10Mbps 7-wire interface mode, this signal should be connected to VSS.
FEC_RXCLK X X Provides a timing reference for FEC_RXDV, FEC_RXD[3:0], and FEC_RXER.
FEC_RXDV X X Asserting the FEC_RXDV input indicates that the PHY has valid nibbles present on the MII.
FEC_RXDV should remain asserted from the first recovered nibble of the frame through to the
last nibble. Assertion of FEC_RXDV must start no later than the SFD and exclude any EOF.
FEC_RXD0 X X This pin contains the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media-access
controller when FEC_RXDV is asserted.
FEC_RXD1 X This pin contains the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media access
controller when FEC_RXDV is asserted.
FEC_RXD[3:2] X These pins contain the Ethernet input data transferred from the PHY to the media access
controller when FEC_RXDV is asserted.
FEC_RXER X When asserted with FEC_RXDV, indicates that the PHY has detected an error in the curre nt
frame. When FE C _ RXDV is not asserted FEC_RXER has no effect.
FEC_TXCLK X X Input clock which provides a timing reference for FEC_TXEN, FEC_TXD[3:0] and FEC_TXER.
FEC_TXD0 X X The ser ial output Ethernet data and is only valid during the assertio n of FEC _TXEN.
FEC_TXD1 X This pin contains the serial output Ethernet data and is valid only during assertion of
FEC_TXD[3:2] X These pi ns contain the serial output Ethernet data and are valid only durin g asserti on of
FEC_TXEN X X Indicates when valid nibbles are present on the MII. This signal is asserted with the first nibble
of a preamble and is negated before the first FEC_TXCLK following the final nibble of the frame .
FEC_TXER X When asserted for one or more cloc k cycles while FEC_TXEN is also asserted, the PHY sends
one or more illegal symbols. FEC_TXER has no effect at 10 Mbps or when FEC_TXEN is
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Control/status registers
Event/statistic counters held in the MIB block
Table 17-2 defines the top level memory map.
Table 17-3 shows the FEC register memory map.
Table 17-2. Module Memory Map
Address Function
IPSBAR + 0x1000 11FF Control/Status Registers
IPSBAR + 0x1200 12FF MIB Block Counters
Table 17-3. FEC Register Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Registe r Width
(bits) Access Re set Value Section/Page
0x1004 Interrupt Event Register (EIR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.2/17-9
0x1008 Interrupt Mask Register (EIMR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.3/17-10
0x1010 Receive Descriptor Active Register (RDAR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.4/17-11
0x1014 Transmit Descriptor Active Register (TDAR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.5/17-12
0x1024 Ethernet Control Register (ECR) 32 R/W 0xF000_0000 17.4.6/17-12
0x1040 MII Management Frame Register (MMFR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.7/17-13
0x1044 MII Speed Control Register (MSCR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.8/17-15
0x1064 MIB Contro l/Status Register (MIBC) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.9/17-16
0x1084 Receive Control Register (RCR) 32 R/W 0x05EE_0001 17.4.10/17-16
0x10C4 Transmit Control Register (TCR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.11/17-17
0x10E4 Physical Address Low Register (PALR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.12/17-18
0x10E8 Physical Address High Register (PAUR) 32 R/W See Section 17.4.13/17-19
0x10EC Opcode/Pause Duration (OPD) 32 R/W See Section 17.4.14/17-19
0x1118 Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register (IAUR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.15/17-20
0x111C Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register (IALR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.16/17-20
0x1120 Descriptor Group Upper Address Register (GAUR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.17/17-21
0x1124 Descriptor Group Lower Address Register (GALR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.18/17-21
0x1144 Transmit FIFO Watermark (TFWR) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 17.4.19/17-22
0x114C FIFO Receive Bound Register (FRBR) 32 R 0x0000_0600 17.4.20/17-22
0x1150 FIFO Receive FIFO Start Register (FRSR) 32 R 0x0000_0500 17.4.21/17-23
0x1180 P ointer to Receive Descriptor Ring (ERDSR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.22/17-23
0x1184 Pointer to Transmit Descriptor Ring (ETDSR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.23/17-24
0x1188 Maximum Receive Buff er Siz e (EMRBR) 32 R/W Undefined 17.4.24/17-24
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17.4.1 MIB Block Counters Memory Map
The MIB counters memory map (Table 17-4) defines the locations in the MIB RAM space where
hardware-maintained counters reside. The counters are divided into two groups:
RMON counters include the Ethernet statistics counters defined in RFC 1757
A counter is included to count truncated frames since only frame lengths up to 2047 bytes are
The transmit and receive RMON counters are independent, which ensures accurate network statistics when
operating in full duplex mode.
The included IEEE counters support the mandatory and recommended counter packages defined in
Section 5 of ANSI/IEEE Std. 802.3 (1998 edition). The FEC supports IEEE Basic Package objects, but
these do not require counters in the MIB block. In addition, some of the recommended package objects
supported do not require MIB counters. Counters for transmit and recei ve full duplex flow control frames
are also included.
Table 17- 4. MIB Counters Memory Map
IPSB AR Offset Register
0x1200 Count of frames not counted correctly (RMON_T_DROP)
0x1204 RMON Tx pac ket count (RMON_T_PACK ETS)
0x1208 RMON Tx broadcast pack e ts (RMON_T_BC_PKT)
0x120C RMON Tx multicast packets (RMON_T_MC_PKT)
0x1210 RMON Tx packets with CRC/align error (RMON_T_CRC_ALIGN)
0x1214 RMON Tx packets < 64 bytes, good CRC (RMON_T_UNDERSIZE)
0x1218 RMON Tx pac kets > MAX_FL bytes, good CRC (RMON_T_O VERSIZE)
0x121C RMON Tx packets < 64 bytes, bad CRC (RMON_T_FRAG)
0x1220 RMON Tx pac kets > MAX_FL bytes, bad CRC (RMON_T_JAB)
0x1224 RMON Tx collision count (RMON_T_COL)
0x1228 RMON Tx 64 byte packets (RMON_T_P64)
0x122C RMON Tx 65 to 127 byte pac kets (RMON_T_P65TO127)
0x1230 RMON Tx 128 to 255 byte packets (RMON_T_P128TO255)
0x1234 RMON Tx 256 to 511 byte packets (RMON_T_P256TO511)
0x1238 RMON Tx 512 to 1023 byte packets (RMON_ T_P512TO1023)
0x123C RMON Tx 1024 to 2047 byte packets (RMON_T_P1024TO2047)
0x1240 RMON Tx packets with > 2048 bytes (RMON_T_P_GTE2048)
0x1244 RMON Tx Octets (RMON_T_OCTETS)
0x1248 Count of transmitted frames not counted correctly (IEEE_T_DROP)
0x124C Frames transmitted OK (IEEE_T_FRAME_OK)
0x1250 Frames transm itted with single collision (IEEE_T_1COL)
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0x1254 Frames transmitted with multiple collisions (IEEE_T_MCOL)
0x1258 Frames transmitted after deferral delay (IEEE_T_DEF)
0x125C Frames transmitted with late collision (IEEE_T_LCOL)
0x1260 Frames transm itted with excessive collisions (IEEE_T_EXCOL)
0x1264 Frames transm itted with Tx FIFO underrun (IEEE_T_MACERR)
0x1268 Frames transm itted with carrier sense error (IEEE_T_CSERR)
0x126C F rames transmitted with SQE error (IEEE_T_SQE)
0x1270 Flow control pause frames transmitted (IEEE_T_FDXFC)
0x1274 Octet count for frames transmitted without error (IEEE_T_OCTETS_OK)
0x1280 Count of received frames not counted correctly (RMON_R_DROP)
0x1284 RMON Rx packet count (RMON_R_PACKETS)
0x1288 RMON Rx broadcast packets (RMON_R_BC_PKT)
0x128C RMON Rx multicast packets (RMON_R_MC_PKT)
0x1290 RMON Rx packets with CRC/Align error (RMON_R_CRC_ALIGN)
0x1294 RMON Rx packets < 64 bytes, good CRC (RMON_R_UNDERSIZE)
0x1298 RMON Rx packets > MAX_FL bytes, good CRC (RMON_R_OVERSIZE)
0x129C RMON Rx packets < 64 bytes, bad CRC (RMON_R_FRAG)
0x12A0 RMON Rx packets > MAX_FL bytes, bad CRC (RMON_R_JAB)
0x12A4 Res erved (RMON_R_RESVD_0)
0x12A8 RMON Rx 64 byte packets (RMON_R_P64)
0x12AC RMON Rx 65 to 127 byte packets (RMON_R_P65 TO127)
0x12B0 RMON Rx 128 to 255 byte packets (RMON_R_P128TO255)
0x12B4 RMON Rx 256 to 511 byte packets (RMON_R_P256TO511)
0x12B8 RMON Rx 512 to 1023 byte packets (RMON_R_P512TO1023)
0x12BC RMON Rx 1024 to 2047 byte packets (RMON_R_P1024TO2047)
0x12C0 RMON Rx packets with > 2048 bytes (RMON_R_P_GTE2048)
0x12C4 RMON Rx octets (RMON_R_OCTETS)
0x12C8 Count of received frames not counted correctly (IEEE_R_DROP)
0x12CC Frames received OK (IEEE_R_FRAME_OK)
0x12D0 Frames received with CRC error (IEEE_R_CRC)
0x12D4 Frames received with alignment error (IEEE_R_ALIGN)
0x12D8 Receive FIFO overflow count (IEEE_R_MACERR)
Table 17-4. MIB Counters Memory Map (continued)
IPSB AR Offset Register
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17.4.2 Ethernet Interrupt Event Register (EIR)
When an event occurs that sets a bit in EIR, an interrupt occurs if the corresponding bit in the interrupt
mask register (EIMR) is also set. Writing a 1 to an EIR bit clears it; writing 0 has no effect. This register
is cleared upon hardware reset.
These interrupts can be divided into operational interrupts, transceiver/network error interrupts, and
internal error interrupts. Interrupts which may occur in normal operation are GRA, TXF , TXB, RXF, RXB,
and MII. Interrupts resulting from errors/problems detected in the network or transceiver are HBERR,
BABR, BABT, LC, and RL. Interrupts resulting from internal errors are HBERR and UN.
Some of the error interrupts are independently counted in the MIB block counters:
Software may choose to mask off these interrupts because these errors are visible to network management
via the MIB counters.
0x12DC Flow control pause frames received (IEEE_R_FDXFC)
0x12E0 Octet count for frames received without error (IEEE_R_OCTETS_OK)
Offset: 0x1004 Access: User read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 17-2. Ethernet Interrupt Event Register (EIR)
Table 17-4. MIB Counters Memory Map (continued)
IPSB AR Offset Register
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17.4.3 Interrupt Mask Register (EIMR)
The EIMR register controls which interrupt events are allowed to generate actual interrupts. All
implemented bits in this CSR are read/write. A hardware reset clears this register . If the corresponding bits
in the EIR and EIMR registers are set, an inte rrupt is generated. The interrupt signal remains asserted until
a 1 is written to the EIR bit (write 1 to clear) or a 0 is written to the EIMR bit.
Table 17-5. EIR Field Descriptions
Field Description
HBERR Heartbeat error. Indicates TCR[HBC] is set and that the COL input was not asserted within th e heartbeat window
follo w ing a transmi ssion.
BABR Babbling receive error. Indicates a frame was received with length in excess of RCR[MAX_FL] by tes.
BABT Babb ling transmit error . Indicates the transmitted frame length exceeds RCR[MAX_FL] b ytes. Usually this condition
is caused by a frame that is too long is placed into the transmit data buffer(s). Truncation doe s not occur.
GRA Graceful stop complete. Indicates the graceful stop is complete. During graceful stop the tr ansmitter is placed into a
pause state after completion of the frame currently being transmitted. This bit is set by one of three conditions:
1) A graceful stop initiated by the setting of the TCR[GTS] bit is now complete.
2) A graceful stop initiated by the setting of the TCR[TFC_PAUSE] bit is now complete.
3) A graceful stop initiated b y the reception of a valid full duple x flow control pause frame is now complete. Ref er
to Section 17.5.11, “Full Duplex Flow Control.
TXF Transmit frame interrupt. Indicates a frame has been transmitted and the last corresponding buffer descriptor has
been updated.
TXB Transmit buffer interrupt. Indicates a transmit buffer descriptor has been updated.
RXF Receive fr ame interrupt. Indicates a frame has been received and the last corresponding b uffer descriptor has been
RXB Receive buffer interrupt. Indicate s a receive buffer descri ptor not the last in the frame has been updated.
MII MII interrupt. Indicates th e MII has completed the data transfer requested.
EBERR Ethernet bu s error. Indicates a system b us error occurred when a DMA tr ansaction is underway. When the EBERR
bit is set, ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared, halti ng frame processing by the FEC. When this occurs, software needs to
ensure that the FIFO controller and DMA also soft reset.
LC Late collision. Indicates a collision occurred beyond the collision window (slot time) in half duplex mode. The fr ame
truncates with a bad CRC and the remainder of the frame is discarded.
RL Collision retry limit. Indicates a collision occurred on each of 16 successive attempts to transmit the frame. The frame
is discarded without being transmitted and transmission of the nex t fr am e co mmenc es . T h is er ror can onl y occu r in
half duplex mode.
UN Transmit FIFO underrun. Indicates the transmit FIFO became empty bef ore the complete frame w as transmitted. A
bad CRC is appended to the frame fragment and the remainder of the frame is discarded.
18–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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17.4.4 Receive Descriptor Active Register (RDAR)
RDAR is a command register, written by the user, indicating the receive descriptor ring is updated (the
driver produced empty receive buffers with the empty bit set).
When the register is written, the RDAR bit is set. This is independent of the data actually written by the
user. When set, the FEC polls the receive descriptor ring and processes receive frames (provided
ECR[ETHER_EN] is also set). After the FEC polls a receive descriptor whose empty bit is not set, FEC
clears the RDAR bit and ceases receive descriptor ring polling until the user sets the bit again, signifying
that additional descriptors are placed into the receive descriptor ring.
The RDAR register is cleared at reset and when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
Offset: 0x1008 Access: User read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 17-3. Ethernet Interrupt Mask Register (EIMR)
Table 17-6. EIMR Field Descriptions
Field Description
Figure 17-3
and Table 17-5
Interrupt mask. Each bit corresponds to an interrupt so urce defined by the EIR register. The corresponding
EIMR bit determines whether an interrupt condition can generate an interrupt. At every processor clock, the
EIR samples the signal generated by the interrupting source. The corresponding EIR bit reflects the state of
the interrup t signal even if the correspon ding EIMR bit is set.
0 The corresponding interrupt source is masked.
1 The corresponding interrupt source is not masked.
18–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset: 0x1010 Access: User read/wr ite
31302928272625 24 23222120191817161514131211109876543210
R0000000RDAR 000000 0 00000000000000000
Reset0000000 0 000000000000000000000000
Figure 17-4. Receive Descriptor Active Register (RDAR)
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17.4.5 Transmit Descriptor Active Register (TDAR)
The TDAR is a command register which the user writes to indicate the transmit descriptor ring is updated
(transmit buffers have been produced by the driver with the ready bit set in the buffer descriptor).
When the register is written, the TDAR bit is set. This value is independent of the data actually written by
the user. When set, the FEC polls the transmit descriptor ring and processes transmit frames (provided
ECR[ETHER_EN] is also set). After the FEC polls a transmit descriptor that is a ready bit not set, FEC
clears the TDAR bit and ceases transmit descriptor ring polling until the user sets the bit again, signifying
additional descriptors are placed into the transmit descriptor ring.
The TDAR register is cleared at reset, when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared, or when ECR[RESET] is set.
17.4.6 Ethernet Control Register (ECR)
ECR is a read/write user register, though hardware may alter fields in this register as well. The ECR
enables/disables the FEC.
Table 17-7. RDAR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–25 Reserved, must be cleared.
RDAR Set to 1 when this register is written, regardless of the value written. Cleared by the FEC de vice when no additional
empty descriptors remain in the receive ring. Also cleared when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
23–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset: 0x1014 Access: User read/wr ite
31302928272625 24 23222120191817161514131211109876543210
R0000000TDAR 000000 0 00000000000000000
Reset0000000 0 000000000000000000000000
Figure 17-5. Transmit Descriptor Active Register (TDAR)
Table 17-8. TDAR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–25 Reserved, must be cleared.
TDAR Set to 1 when this register is written, regardless of the value written. Cleared b y the FEC de vice when no additional
ready descriptors remain in the transmit ring. Also cleared when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
23–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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17.4.7 MII Management Frame Register (MMFR)
The MMFR is user-accessible and does not reset to a defined value. The MMFR register is used to
communicate with the attached MII compatible PHY device(s), providing read/write access to their MII
registers. Performing a write to the MMFR causes a management frame to be sourced unless the MSCR is
programmed to 0. If MSCR is cleared while MMFR is written and then MSCR is written with a non-zero
value, an MII frame is generated with the data previously written to the MMFR. This allows MMFR and
MSCR to be programmed in either order if MSCR is currently zero.
Offset: 0x1024 Access: User read/write
3130292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432 1 0
Reset111100000000000000000000000000 0 0
Figure 17-6. Ethernet Control Register (ECR)
Table 17-9. ECR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–2 Reserved, must be cleared.
ETHER_EN When this bit is set, FEC is enabled, and reception and transmission are possible. When this bit is cleared,
reception immediately stops and transmission stops after a bad CRC is appended to any currently transmitted
frame. The bu ffer descriptor(s) f o r an aborted transmit frame are not updated after clearing this bit. When
ETHER_EN is cleared, the DMA, bu ffer descriptor , and FIFO control logic are reset, including the buffer descriptor
and FIFO pointers. Hardware alters the ETHER_EN bit under the following conditions:
ECR[RESET] is set by software, in which case ETHER_EN is cleared
An error condition causes the EIR[EBERR] bit to set, in which case ETHER_EN is cleared
RESET When this bit is set, the equivalent of a hardware reset is performed but it is local to the FEC. ECR[ETHER_EN]
is cleared and all other FEC registers take their reset values. Also, any transmission/reception currently in progress
is abruptly aborted. This bit is automatically cleared by hardware during the reset sequence. The reset sequence
takes approximately eight internal bus clock cycles after this bit is set.
Offset: 0x1040 Access: User read/write
Figure 17-7. MII Management Frame Register (MMFR)
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To perform a read or write operation on the MII Management Interface, write the MMFR register. To
generate a valid read or write management frame, ST field must be written with a 01 pattern, and the TA
field must be written with a 10. If other patterns are written to these fields, a frame is generated, but does
not comply with the IEEE 802.3 MII definition.
To generate an IEEE 802.3-compliant MII Management Interface write frame (write to a PHY register),
the user must write {01 01 PHYAD REGAD 10 DATA} to the MMFR register . W riting this pattern causes
the control logic to shift out the data in the MMFR register following a preamble generated by the control
state machine. During this time, contents of the MMFR register are altered as the contents are serially
shifted and are unpredictable if read by the user. After the write management frame operation completes,
the MII interrupt is generated. At this time, contents of the MMFR register match the original value
To generate an MII management interface read frame (read a PHY register), the user must write {01 10
PHYAD REGAD 10 XXXX} to the MMFR register (the content of the DATA field is a don’t care). Writing
this pattern causes the control logic to shift out the data in the MMFR register following a preamble
generated by the control state machine. During this time, contents of the MMFR register are altered as the
contents are serially shifted and are unpredictable if read by the user. After the read management frame
operation completes, the MII interrupt is generated. At this time, the contents of the MMFR register match
the original value written except for the DATA field whose contents are replaced by the value read from
the PHY register.
If the MMFR register is written while frame generation is in progress, the frame contents are altered.
Software must use the MII interrupt to avoid writing to the MMFR register while frame generation is in
Table 17-10. MMFR Field Descriptions
Field Description
ST Start of frame delimiter. These bits must be programmed to 0b01 for a valid MII management frame.
OP Operation code.
00 Write frame op e ration, but no t MII comp l ia nt.
01 Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
10 Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
11 Read frame operation, but not MII compliant.
PA PHY address. This field specifies one of up to 32 attached PHY devices.
RA Register address. This field specifies one of up to 32 registers within the specified PHY device.
TA Turn around. This field must be programmed to 10 to generate a valid MII management frame.
DATA Management frame data. This is the field for data to be written to or read from the PHY register.
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17.4.8 MII Speed Control Register (MSCR)
The MSCR provides control of the MII clock (FEC_MDC pin) frequency and allows a preamble drop on
the MII management frame.
The MII_SPEED field must be programmed with a value to provide an FEC_MDC frequency of less than
or equal to 2.5 MHz to be compliant with the IEEE 802.3 MII specification. The MII_SPEED must be set
to a non-zero value to source a read or write management frame. After the management frame is complete,
the MSCR register may optionally be set to 0 to turn of f the FEC_MDC. The FEC_MDC generated has a
50% duty cycle except when MII_SPEED changes during operation (change takes effect following a rising
or falling edge of FEC_MDC).
If the internal bus clock is 25 MHz, programming this register to 0x0000_0005 results in an FEC_MDC
as stated the equation below.
Eqn. 17-1
A table showing optimum values for MII_SPEED as a function of internal bus clock frequency is provided
Offset: 0x1044 Access: User read/wr ite
3130292827262524232221201918171615141312111098 7 6543210
Reset000000000000000000000000 0 0000000
Figure 17-8. MII Speed Control Register (MSCR)
Table 17-11. MSCR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–8 Reserved, must be cleared.
DIS_PRE Setting this bit causes the preamble (32 ones) not to be prepended to the MII management frame. The MII
standard allows the preamble to be dropped if the attached PHY device(s) does not requir e it.
MII_SPEED Controls the frequency of the MII management interface clock (FEC_MDC) relative to the internal bus clock. A
value of 0 in this field turns off the FEC_MDC and leaves it in lo w v oltage state. An y non-zero v alue results in the
FEC_MDC frequency of 1/(MII_SPEED × 2) of the internal bus frequency.
0 Reserved, must be cleared.
Table 17-12. Programming Examples fo r MSCR
Internal FEC Clock
Frequency MSCR[MII_SPEED] FEC_MDC frequency
25 MHz 0 x5 2.50 MHz
33 MHz 0 x7 2.36 MHz
40 MHz 0 x8 2.50 MHz
25 MHz 1
×2.5 MHz=
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The MIBC is a read/write register controlling and observing the state of the MIB block. User software
accesses this register if there is a need to disable the MIB block operation. For example, to clear all MIB
counters in RAM:
1. Disable the MIB block
2. Clear all the MIB RAM locations
3. Enable the MIB block
The MIB_DIS bit is reset to 1. See Table 17-4 for the locations of the MIB counters.
17.4.10 Receive Control Register (RCR)
RCR controls the operational mode of the receive block and must be written only when ECR[ETHER_EN]
is cleared (initialization time).
50 MHz 0xA 2.50 MHz
66 MHz 0xE 2.36 MHz
Offset: 0x1064 Access: User read/write
31 30 29282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210
IDLE 000000000000000000000000000000
Reset 1 1 000000000000000000000000000000
Figure 17-9. MIB Control Register (MIBC)
Table 17-13. MIBC Field Descriptions
Field Description
MIB_DIS A read/write control bit. If set, the MIB logic hal ts and not update any MIB counters.
MIB_IDLE A read-only status bit. If set the MIB block is not currently updating any MIB counters.
29–0 Reserved.
Table 17-12. Programming Examples for MSCR (continued)
Internal FEC Clock
Frequency MSCR[MII_SPEED] FEC_MDC frequency
17.4.9 MIB Control Register (MIBC)
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17.4.11 Transmit Control Register (TCR)
TCR is read/write and configures the transmit block. This register is cleared at system reset. Bits 2 and 1
must be modified only when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
Offset: 0x1084 Access: User read/write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R00000 MAX_FL
Reset0000010111101 110
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R0000000000FCE BC_
Reset0000000000000 001
Figure 17-10. Receive Control Register (RCR)
Table 17-14. RCR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–27 Reserved, must be cleared.
MAX_FL Maximum frame length. Resets to decimal 1518. Length is measured starting at DA and includes the CRC at the
end of the frame. Transmit frames longer than MAX_FL causes the BABT interrupt to occur. Receive frames longer
than MAX_FL causes the BABR interrupt to occur and sets the LG bit in the end of frame receive buff er descriptor .
The recommended default valu e to be programmed is 1518 or 1522 if VLAN tags are supported.
15–6 Reserved, must be cleared.
FCE Flow control enable. If asserted, the receiver detects PA USE frames. Upon PA USE frame detection, the transmitter
stops transmitting data frames for a given duration.
BC_REJ Broadcast frame reject. If asserted, frames with DA (destination address) equal to FFFF_FFFF_FFFF are rejected
unless the PROM bit is set. If BC_REJ and PROM are set, frames with broadcast DA are accepted and the M
(MISS) is set in the receive buffer descriptor.
PROM Promiscuous mode. All frames are accepted regardless of address matching.
MII_MODE Media independent interface mode. Selects the external interface mode for transmit and receive blocks.
0 7-wire mode (used only for serial 10 Mbps)
1 MII mode
DRT Disable receive on transmit.
0 Receive path operates independently of transmit (use f or full duplex or to monitor transmit activity in half duplex
1 Disable reception of frames while transmitting (normally used f or half duplex mode).
LOOP Internal loopback. If set, tr ansmitted frames are looped back internal to the de vice and transmit output signals are
not asserted. The internal bus clock substitutes for the FEC_TXCLK when LOOP is asserted. DR T must be set to
0 when setting LOOP.
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17.4.12 Physical Address Lower Register (PALR)
PALR contains the lower 32 bits (bytes 0,1,2,3) of the 48-bit address used in the address recognition
process to compare with the DA (destination address) field of receive frames with an individual DA. In
addition, this register is used in bytes 0 through 3 of the 6-byte source address field when transmitting
PAUSE frames. This register is not reset and you must initialize it.
Offset: 0x10C4 Access: User read/write
3130292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765 4 3 2 1 0
Reset000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 17-11. Transmit Control Register (TCR)
Table 17-15. TCR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–5 Reserved, must be cleared.
RFC_PAUSE Receive frame control pause. This read-only status bit is asserted when a full duplex flow control pause frame is
received and the transmitter pauses for the duration defi ned in this pause frame. This bit automatically clears
when the pause duration is complete.
TFC_PAUSE Transmit frame control pa u s e. Transmits a PAUSE frame when asserted. When this bit is set, the MAC stops
transmission of data frames after the current transmission is complete. At this time, GRA interrupt in the EIR
register is asserted. With transmission of data frames stopped, MAC transmits a MAC Control PAUSE frame.
Next, the MAC clears the TFC_PAUSE bit and resumes transmitting data frames. If the transmitter pauses due
to user assertion of GTS or reception of a PAUSE frame, the MAC may continue transmitting a MAC Control
PAUSE frame.
FDEN Full duplex enable . If set, frames transmit independent of carrier sense and collision inputs. This bit should only
be modified when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
HBC Heartbeat control. If set, the heartbeat check perf orms following end of transmission and the HB bit in the status
register is set if the collision input does not assert within the heartbeat window. This bit should only be modified
when ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared.
GTS Graceful transmit stop. When this bit is set, MAC stops transmission after any frame currently transmitted is
complete and GRA interrupt in the EIR register is asserted. If frame transmission is not currently underwa y, the
GRA interrupt is asserted immediately. After transmission finishes, clear GTS to restart. The next frame in the
transmit FIFO is then transmitted. If an early collision occurs during transmission when GTS is set, transmission
stops after the collision. The frame is transmitted again after GTS is cleared. There may be old frames in the
transmit FIFO that transmit when GTS is reasserted. To avoid this, clear ECR[ETHER_EN] following the GRA
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17.4.13 Physical Address Upper Register (PAUR)
PAUR contains the upper 16 bits (bytes 4 and 5) of the 48-bit address used in the address recognition
process to compare with the DA (destination address) field of receive frames with an individual DA. In
addition, this register is used in bytes 4 and 5 of the 6-byte Source Address field when transmitting PAUSE
frames. Bits 15:0 of PAUR contain a constant type field (0x8808) for transmission of PAUSE frames. The
upper 16 bits of this register are not reset and you must initialize it.
17.4.14 Opcode/Pause Duration Register (OPD)
The OPD is read/write accessible. This register contains the 16-bit opcode and 16-bit pause duration fields
used in transmission of a PAUSE frame. The opcode field is a constant value, 0x0001. When another node
detects a PAUSE frame, that node pauses transmission for the duration specified in the pause duration
field. The lower 16 bits of this register are not reset and you must initialize them.
Offset: 0x10E4 Access: User read/write
Figure 17-12. Physical Address Lower Register (PALR)
Table 17-16. PALR Field Descriptions
Field Description
PADDR1 Bytes 0 (bits 31:24), 1 (bits 23:16), 2 (bits 15:8), and 3 (bits 7:0) of the 6-b yte individual address are used for exact
match and the source address field in PAUSE frames.
Offset: 0x10E8 Access: User read/write
Reset———————————————— 1 0 0 0100000001000
Figure 17-13. Physical Address Upper Register (PAUR)
Table 17-17. PAUR Field Descriptions
Field Description
PADDR2 Bytes 4 (bits 31:24) and 5 (bits 23:16) of the 6-b yte individual address used f or e xact match, and the source address
field in PAUSE frames.
TYPE Type field in PAUSE frames. These 16 read-only bits are a constant v alue of 0x8808.
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17.4.15 Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register (IAUR)
IAUR contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit individual address hash table. The address recognition
process uses this table to check for a possible match with the destination address (DA) field of receive
frames with an individual DA. This register is not reset and you must initialize it.
17.4.16 Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register (IALR)
IALR contains the lower 32 bits of the 64-bit individual address hash table. The address recognition
process uses this table to check for a possible match with the DA field of receive frames with an individual
DA. This register is not reset and you must initialize it.
Offset: 0x10EC Access: User read/write
Figure 17-14. Opcode/Pause Duration Register (OPD)
Table 17-18. OPD Field Descriptions
Field Description
OPCODE Opcode field used in PAUSE frames. These read-only bits are a constant, 0x0001.
PAUSE_DUR Pause Duration field used in PAUSE frames.
Offset: 0x1118 Access: User read/write
Figure 17-15. Descriptor Individual Upper Address Register (IAUR)
Table 17-19. IAUR Field Descriptions
Field Description
IADDR1 The upper 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process for receive fr ames with a unicast
address. Bit 31 of IADDR1 contains hash index bit 63. Bit 0 of IADDR1 contains hash index bit 32.
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17.4.17 Descriptor Group Upper Address Register (GAUR)
GAUR contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process for
receive frames with a multicast address. You must initialize this register.
17.4.18 Descriptor Group Lower Address Register (GALR)
GALR contains the lower 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process for
receive frames with a multicast address. You must initialize this register.
Offset: 0x111C Access: User read/write
Figure 17-16. Descriptor Individual Lower Address Register (IALR)
Table 17-20. IALR Field Descriptions
Field Description
IADDR2 The lower 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process f or receiv e frames with a unicast
address. Bit 31 of IADDR2 contains hash index bit 31. Bit 0 of IADDR2 contains hash index bit 0.
Offset: 0x1120 Access: User read/write
Figure 17-17. Descriptor Group Upper Address Register (GAUR)
Table 17-21. GAUR Field Descriptions
Field Description
GADDR1 The GADDR1 register contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process f or
receive frames with a multicast address. Bit 31 of GADDR1 contains hash index bit 63. Bit 0 of GADDR1 contains
hash index bit 32.
Offset: 0x1124 Access: User read/write
Figure 17-18. Descriptor Group Lower Address Register (GALR)
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17.4.19 Transmit FIFO Watermark Register (TFWR)
The TFWR controls the amount of data required in the transmit FIFO before transmission of a frame can
begin. This allows you to minimize transmit latency (TFWR = 00 or 01) or allow for larger bus access
latency (TFWR = 11) due to contention for the system bus. Setting the watermark to a high value
minimizes the risk of transmit FIFO underrun due to contention for the system bus. The byte counts
associated with the TFWR field may need to be modified to match a given system requirement (worst case
bus access latency by the transmit data DMA channel).
17.4.20 FIFO Receive Bound Register (FRBR)
FRBR indicates the upper address bound of the FIFO RAM. Drivers can use this value, along with the
FRSR, to appropriately divide the available FIFO RAM between the transmit and receive data paths.
Table 17-22. GALR Field Descriptions
Field Description
GADDR2 The GADDR2 register contains the lower 32 bits of the 64-bit hash table used in the address recognition process f or
receive frames with a multicast address. Bit 31 of GADDR2 contains hash index bit 31. Bit 0 of GADDR2 contains
hash index bit 0.
Offset: 0x1144 Access: User read/write
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
Reset0000000000000000000000000000000 0
Figure 17-19. Transmit FIFO Watermark Register (TFWR)
Table 17-23. TFWR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–2 Reserved, must be cleared.
TFWR Number of bytes written to transmit FIFO before transmission of a frame begins
00 64 bytes written
01 64 bytes written
10 128 bytes written
11 192 bytes written
Offset: 0x114C Access: User read-only
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
R0000000000000000000001 R_BOUND 0 0
Reset0000000000000000000001100000000 0
Figure 17-20. FIFO Receive Bound Register (FRBR)
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17.4.21 FIFO Receive Start Register (FRSR)
FRSR indicates the starting address of the receive FIFO. FRSR marks the boundary between the transmit
and receive FIFOs. The transmit FIFO uses addresses from the start of the FIFO to the location four bytes
before the address programmed into the FRSR. The receive FIFO uses addresses from FRSR to FRBR
Hardware initializes the FRSR register at reset. FRSR only needs to be written to change the default value.
17.4.22 Receive Descriptor Ring Start Register (ERDSR)
ERDSR points to the start of the circular receive buf fer descriptor queue in external memory. This pointer
must be 32-bit aligned; however, it is recommended it be made 128-bit aligned (evenly divisible by 16).
This register is not reset and must be initialized prior to operation.
Table 17-24. FRBR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–10 Reserved, read as 0 (except bit 10, which is read as 1).
R_BOUND Read-only. Highest valid FIFO RAM address.
1–0 Reserved, read as 0.
Offset: 0x1150 Access: User read/write
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
R0000000000000000000001 R_FSTART 00
Reset0000000000000000000001010000000 0
Figure 17-21. FIFO Receive Start Register (FRSR)
Table 17-25. FRSR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–11 Reserved, must be cleared.
10 Reserved, must be set.
R_FSTART Address of first receive FIFO location. Acts as delimiter between receive and transmit FIFOs. For proper
operation, ensure that R_FSTART is set to 0x48 or greater.
1–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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17.4.23 Transmit Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Registers (ETSDR)
ETSDR provides a pointer to the start of the circular transmit buffer descriptor queue in external memory.
This pointer must be 32-bit aligned; however, it is recommended it be made 128-bit aligned (evenly
divisible by 16). You should write zeros to bits 1 and 0. Hardware ignores non-zero values in these two bit
This register is undefined at reset and must be initialized prior to operation.
17.4.24 Receive Buffer Size Register (EMRBR)
The EMRBR is a user-programmable register that dictates the maximum size of all receive buffers. This
value should take into consideration that the receive CRC is always written into the last receive buffer. To
allow one maximum size frame per buffer, EMRBR must be set to RCR[MAX_FL] or larger. To properly
align the buffer, EMRBR must be evenly divisible by 16. To ensure this, bits 3–0 are forced low.
Offset: 0x1180 Access: User read/write
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
Figure 17-22. Ethernet Receive Descriptor Ring Start Register (ERDSR)
Table 17-26. ERDSR Field Descriptions
Field Description
R_DES_START Pointer to start of receive buffer descriptor queue.
1–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset: 0x1184 Access: User read/write
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
Figure 17-23. Transmit Buffer Descriptor Ring Start Register (ETDSR)
Table 17-27. ETDSR Field Descriptions
Field Description
X_DES_START Pointer to start of transmit buffer descriptor queue.
1–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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To minimize bus utilization (descriptor fetches), it is recommended that EMRBR be greater than or equal
to 256 bytes.
The EMRBR register is undefined at reset and must be initialized by the user.
17.5 Functional Description
This section describes the operation of the FEC, beginning with the buffer descriptors, the hardware and
software initialization sequence, then the software (Ethernet driver) interface for transmitting and
receiving frames.
Following the software initialization and operation sections are sections providing a detailed description
of the functions of the FEC.
17.5.1 Buffer Descriptors
This section provides a description of the operation of the driver/DMA via the buffer descriptors. It is
followed by a detailed description of the receive and transmit descriptor fields. Driver/DMA Operation with Buffer Descriptors
The data for the FEC frames res ides in one or more memory buf fers external to the FEC. Associated with
each buffer is a buffer descriptor (BD), which contains a starting address (32-bit aligned pointer), data
length, and status/control information (which contains the current state for the buffer). To permit
maximum user flexibility, the BDs are also located in external memory and are read by the FEC DMA
Offset: 0x1188 Access: User read/write
31302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 0
R000000000000000000000 R_BUF_SIZE 000 0
Figure 17-24. Receive Buffer Size Register (EMRBR)
Table 17-28. EMRBR Field Descriptions
Field Description
31–11 Reserved, must be cleared.
R_BUF_SIZE Maximum size of receive buffer size in bytes. To minimize bus utilization (descriptor fetches), set this field to 256
bytes (0x10) or larger.
0x10 256 + 15 bytes (minimum size recommended)
0x11 272 + 15 by te s
0x7F 2032 + 15 bytes. The FEC writes up to 2047 bytes in the receive buffer. If data larger than 2047 is
received, the FEC truncates it and shows 0x7FF in the receive descriptor
3–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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Software produces buffers by allocating/initializing memory and initializing buffer descriptors. Setting the
RxBD[E] or TxBD[R] bit produces the buffer. Software writing to TDAR or RDAR tells the FEC that a
buffer is placed in external memory for the transmit or receive data traffic, respectively. The hardware
reads the BDs and consumes the buffers after they have been produced. After the data DMA is complete
and the DMA engine writes the buffer descriptor status bits, hardware clears RxBD[E] or TxBD[R] to
signal the buffer has been consumed. Softwar e may poll the BDs to detect when the buffers are consumed
or may rely on the buffer/frame interrupts. The driver may process these buffers, and they can return to the
free list.
The ECR[ETHER_EN] bit operates as a reset to the BD/DMA logic. When ECR[ETHER_EN] is cleared,
the DMA engine BD pointers are reset to point to the starting transmit and receive BDs. The buffer
descriptors are not initialized by hardware during reset. At least one transmit and receive buffer descriptor
must be initialized by software before ECR[ETHER_EN] is set.
The buffer descriptors operate as two separate rings. ERDSR defines the starting address for receive BDs
and ETDSR defines the starting address for transmit BDs. The wrap (W) bit defines the last buffer
descriptor in each ring. When W is set, the next descriptor in the ring is at the location pointed to by
ERDSR and ETDSR for the receive and transmit rings, respectively. Buffer descriptor rings must start on
a 32-bit boundary; however, it is recommended they are made 128-bit aligned. Driver/DMA Operation with Transmit BDs
Typically, a transmit frame is divided between multiple buffers. An example is to have an application
payload in one buffer, TCP header in a second buffer , IP header in a third buffer , and Ethernet/IEEE 802.3
header in a fouth buffer. The Ethernet MAC does not prepend the Ethernet header (destination address,
source address, length/type field(s)), so the driver must provide this in one of the transmit buffers. The
Ethernet MAC can append the Ethernet CRC to the frame. TxBD[TC], which must be set by the driver,
determines whether the MAC or driver appends the CRC.
The driver (TxBD software producer) should set up Tx BDs so a complete transmit frame is given to the
hardware at once. If a transmit frame consists of three buf fers, the BDs should be initialized with pointer,
length, and control (W, L, TC, ABC) and then the TxBD[R] bit should be set in reverse order (third,
second, then first BD) to ensure that the complete frame is ready in memory before the DMA begins. If
the TxBDs are set up in order, the DMA controller could DMA the first BD before the second was made
available, potentially causing a transmit FIFO underrun.
In the FEC, the driver notifies the DMA that new transmit frame(s) are available by writing to TDAR.
When this register is written to (data value is not significant) the FEC, RISC tells the DMA to read the next
transmit BD in the ring. After started, the RISC + DMA continues to read and interpret transmit BDs in
order and DMA the associated buffers until a transmit BD is encountered with the R bit cleared. At this
point, the FEC polls this BD one more time. If the R bit is cleared the second time, RISC stops the transmit
descriptor read process until software sets up another transmit frame and writes to TDAR.
When the DMA of each transmit buffer is complete, the DMA writes back to the BD to clear the R bit,
indicating that the hardware consumer is finished with the buffer.
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Unlike transmit, the length of the receive frame is unknown by the driver ahead of time. Therefore, the
driver must set a variable to define the length of all receive buf fers. In the FEC, th is variable is written to
the EMRBR register.
The driver (RxBD software producer) should set up some number of empty buffers for the Ethernet by
initializing the address field and the E and W bits of the associated receive BDs. The hardware (receive
DMA) consumes these buffers by filling them with data as frames are received and clearing the E bit and
writing to the L bit (1 indicates last buf fer in frame), the frame status b its (if L is se t), and the length field.
If a receive frame spans multiple receive buffers, the L bit is only set for the last buffer in the frame. For
non-last buffers, the length field in the receive BD is written by the DMA (at the same time the E bit is
cleared) with the default receive buffer length value. For end-of-frame buffers, the receive BD is written
with L set and information written to the status bits (M, BC, MC, LG, NO, CR, OV, TR). Some of the status
bits are error indicators which, if set, indicate the receive frame should be discarded and not given to higher
layers. The frame status/length information is written into the receive FIFO following the end of the frame
(as a single 32-bit word) by the receive logic. The length field for the end of frame buffer is written with
the length of the entire frame, not only the length of the last buffer.
For simplicity, the driver may assign a large enough default receive buffer length to contain an entire
frame, keeping in mind that a malfunction on the network or out-of-spec implementation could result in
giant frames. Frames of 2K (2048) bytes or larger are truncated by the FEC at 2047 bytes so software never
sees a receive frame larger than 2047 bytes.
Similar to transmit, the FEC polls the receive descriptor ring after the driver sets up receive BDs and writes
to the RDAR register. As frames are received, the FEC fills receive buffers and updates the associated BDs,
then reads the next BD in the receive descriptor ring. If the FEC reads a receive BD and finds the E bit
cleared, it polls this BD once more. If RxBD[E] is clear a second time, FEC stops reading receive BDs
until the driver writes to RDAR. Ethernet Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
In the RxBD, the user initializes the E and W bits in the first longword and the pointer in the second
longword. When the buffer has been DMA’d, the Ethernet controller modifies the E, L, M, BC, MC, LG,
NO, CR, OV, and TR bits and writes the length of the used portion of the buffer in the first longword. The
M, BC, MC, LG, NO, CR, OV, and TR bits in the first longword of the buffer descriptor are only modified
by the Ethernet controller when the L bit is set.
Offset + 0 E RO1 W RO2 L M BC MC LG NO CR OV TR
Offset + 2 Data Leng th
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer - A[31:16]
Offset + 6 Rx Data Buffer Pointer - A[15:0]
Figure 17-25. Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
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Table 17-29. Receive Buffer Descriptor Field Definitions
Word Field Description
Offset + 0 15
EEmpty. Written by the FEC (=0) and user (=1).
0 The data buffer associated with this BD is filled with received data, or data reception has aborted
due to an error condition. The status and length fi elds have been updated as required.
1 The data buffer associated with this BD is empty, or reception is currently in progress.
Offset + 0 14
RO1 Receive software ownership. This field is reserved f or use b y software. This read/write bit is not
modified by hardware , nor does its value affect hardw are.
Offset + 0 13
WWrap. Written by user.
0 The next buffer descriptor is found in the consecutive location
1 The next b uffer descriptor is found at the location defined in ERDSR.
Offset + 0 12
RO2 Receive software ownership. This field is reserved f or use b y software. This read/write bit is not
modified by hardware , nor does its value affect hardw are.
Offset + 0 11
LLast in frame . Written by the FEC.
0 The buffer is not the last in a frame.
1 The buffer is the last in a frame.
Offset + 0 10–9 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset + 0 8
MMiss. Written by the FEC . This bit is set by the FEC f or frames accepted in promiscuous mode, b ut
flagged as a miss by the internal address recognition. Theref ore, while in promiscuous mode, you
can use the M-bit to quickly determine whether the frame was destined to this station. This bit is
valid only if the L-bit is set and the PROM bit is set.
0 The frame was received because of an address recognitio n hit.
1 The frame was received because of promiscuous mode.
Offset + 0 7
BC Set if the DA is broadcast (FFFF_FFFF_FFFF).
Offset + 0 6
MC Set if the DA is multicast and not BC.
Offset + 0 5
LG Rx frame length violation. Written by the FEC. A frame length greater than RCR[MAX_FL] was
recognized. This bit is v alid only if the L-bit is set. The receiv e data is not altered in any w a y unless
the length exceeds 2047 bytes.
Offset + 0 4
NO Receive non-octet aligned frame. Written by the FEC. A fr ame that contained a number of bits not
divisible by 8 was received, and the CRC check that occurred at the preceding byte boundary
generated an error. This bit is valid only if the L-bit is set. If this bit is set, the CR bit is not set.
Offset + 0 3 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset + 0 2
CR Receive CRC error . Written by the FEC. This frame contains a CRC error and is an integral n umber
of octets in length. This bit is valid only if the L-bit is set.
Offset + 0 1
OV Overrun. Written by the FEC . A receiv e FIFO o v errun occurred during frame reception. If this bit is
set, the other status bits, M, LG, NO, CR, and CL lose their normal meaning and are zero. This bit
is valid only if the L-bit is set.
Offset + 0 0
TR Set if the receive frame is truncated (frame length > 2047 bytes). If the TR bit is set, the frame m ust
be discarded and the other error bits must be ignored as they may be incorrect.
Offset + 2 15–0
Data length. Wr itten by the FEC. Data length is the number of octets written by the FEC into this
BD’s data buffer if L equals 0 (the va lue is equal to EMRBR), or the length of the frame including
CRC if L is set. It is written by the FEC once as the BD is closed.
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When the software driver sets an E bit in one or more receive descriptors,
the driver should follow with a write to RDAR. Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Data is presented to the FEC for transmission by arranging it in buffers referenced by the channel’ s TxBDs.
The Ethernet controller confirms transmission by clearing the ready bit (TxBD[R]) when DMA of the
buffer is complete. In the TxBD, the user initializes the R, W, L, and TC bits and the length (in bytes) in
the first longword and the buffer pointer in the second longword.
The FEC clears the R bit when the buf fer is transferred. Status bits for the buf fer/frame are not included in
the transmit buffer descriptors. Transmit frame status is indicated via individual interrupt bits (error
conditions) and in statistic counters in the MIB block. See Section 17.4.1, “MIB Block Counters Memory
Map,” for more details.
0ffset + 4 15–0
A[31:16] RX data buffer pointer, bits [31:16]1
Offset + 6 15–0
A[15:0] RX data buffer pointer, bits [15:0]
1The receive buffer pointer, containing the address of the associate d data buffer, must always be evenly divisible by 16. The
buffer must reside in memory external to the FEC. The Ethernet controller never modifie s this value.
Offset + 2 Data Leng th
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buff er Pointer - A[31:16]
Offset + 6 Tx Data Buffer Pointer - A[15:0]
Figure 17-26. Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 17-30. Transmit Buff er Descriptor Field Definitions
Word Field Description
Offset + 0 15
RReady. Written by the FEC and you.
0 The data buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. You are free to manipulate
this BD or its associated data buffer . The FEC clears this bit after the buff er has been transmitted
or after an error condition is encountered.
1 The data b uffer , prepared f or transmission b y you, has not been transmitted or currently transmits.
You may write no fields of this BD after this bit is set.
Offset + 0 14
TO1 Transmit software ownership. This field is reserved for software use. This read/write bit is not modified
by hardware nor does its value affect hardware.
Table 17-29. Receive Buffer Descriptor Field Definitions (continued)
Word Field Description
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After the software driver has set up the buf fers for a frame, it should set up
the corresponding BDs. The last step in setting up the BDs for a transmit
frame is setting the R bit in the first BD for the frame. The driver must
follow that with a write to TDAR that triggers the FEC to poll the next BD
in the ring.
17.5.2 Initialization Sequence
This section describes which registers are reset due to hardware reset, which are reset by the FEC RISC,
and what locations you must initialize prior to enabling the FEC. Hardware Controlled Initialization
In the FEC, hardware resets registers and control logic that generate interrupts. A hardware reset negates
output signals and resets general configuration bits.
Offset + 0 13
WWrap. Written by user.
0 The next buffer descriptor is found in the consecutive location
1 The next buffer descriptor is found at the location defined in ETDSR.
Offset + 0 12
TO2 Transmit software ownership. This field is reserved for use by software. This read/write bit is not
modified by hardware nor does its value affect hardware.
Offset + 0 11
LLast in frame. Written by user.
0 The buffer is not the last in the transmit frame
1 The buffer is the last in the transmit frame
Offset + 0 10
TC Transmit CRC. Written by user (only valid if L is set).
0 End transmission immediately after the last data byte
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte
Offset + 0 9
ABC Append bad CRC. Written by user (only valid if L is set).
0 No effect
1 Transmit the CRC sequence inverted after the last data byte (regardless of TC value)
Offset + 0 8–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset + 2 15–0
Data length, written by user.
Data length is the number of octets the FEC should transmit from this BD’s data buffer. It is never
modified by the FEC.
Offset + 4 15–0
A[31:16] Tx data buffer pointer, bits [31:16]1
Offset + 6 15–0
A[15:0] Tx data buffer pointer, bits [15:0]
1The transmit buffer pointer, containing the address of the associated data buffer, must always be evenly divisible by 4. The
buffer must reside in memory external to the FEC. This value is never modified by the Ether net controller.
Table 17-30. Transmit Buffer Descriptor Field Definitions (continued)
Word Field Description
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Other registers reset when the ECR[ETHER_EN] bit is cleared (which is accomplished by a hard reset o r
software to halt operation). By clearing ECR[ETHER_EN], configuration control registers such as the
TCR and RCR are not reset, but the entire data path is reset.
17.5.3 User Initialization (Prior to Setting ECR[ETHER_EN])
You need to initialize portions the FEC prior to setting the ECR[ETHER_EN] bit. The exact values depend
on the particular application. The sequence is not important.
Table 17-32 defines Ethernet MAC registers requiring initialization.
Table 17-33 defines FEC FIFO/DMA registers that require initialization.
Table 17-31. ECR[ETHER_EN] De- Assertion Effect on FEC
Register/Machine Reset Value
XMIT block Transmission is aborted (bad CRC
RECV block Receive activity is aborted
DMA block All DMA activity is terminated
RDAR Cleared
TDAR Cleared
Descriptor Controller block Halt operation
Table 17-32. User Initialization (Before ECR[ETHER_EN])
Initialize EIMR
Clear EIR (write 0xFFFF_FFFF)
TFWR (optional)
PALR / PAUR (only needed for fu ll duplex flow control)
OPD (only needed for full duplex flow control)
MSCR (optional)
Table 17-33 . FEC Use r Initial izati on (Be fore ECR[ETHER_EN])
Initialize FRSR (optional)
Initialize EMRBR
Initialize ERDSR
Initialize ETDSR
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17.5.4 Microcontroller Initialization
In the FEC, the descriptor control RISC initializes some registers after ECR[ETHER_EN] is asserted.
After the microcontroller initialization sequence is complete, hardware is ready for operation.
Table 17-34 shows microcontroller initialization operations.
17.5.5 User Initialization (After Setting ECR[ETHER_EN])
After setting ECR[ETHER_EN], you can set up the buffer/frame descriptors and write to TDAR and
RDAR. Refer to Section 17.5.1, “Buffer Descriptors,” for more details.
17.5.6 Network Interface Options
The FEC supports an MII interface for 10/100 Mbps Ethernet and a 7-wire serial interface for 10 Mbps
Ethernet. The RCR[MII_MODE] bit select the interface mode. In MII mode (RCR[MII_MODE] set),
there are 18 signals defined by the IEEE 802.3 standard and supported by the EMAC. Table 17-35 shows
these signals.
Initialize (Empty) Transmit Descriptor r ing
Initialize (Empty) Receive Descriptor ring
Table 17-34. Microcontroller Initialization
Initialize BackOff Random Number Seed
Activate Receiver
Activa te Transmitter
Clear Transmit FIFO
Clear Receive FIFO
Initialize Transmit Ring Pointer
Initialize Receive Ring Pointer
Initialize FIFO Count Registers
Table 17-35. MII Mode
Signal Description EMAC pin
Transmit Clock FEC_TXCLK
Transmit Enable FEC_TXEN
Transmit Data FEC _TXD[3:0]
Transmit Error FEC_TXER
Table 17-33. FEC User Initialization (Before ECR[ETHER_EN]) (continued)
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The 7-wire serial mode interface (RCR[MII_MODE] cleared) is generally referred to as AMD mode.
Table 17-36 shows the 7-wire mode connections to the external transceiver.
17.5.7 FEC Frame Transmission
The Ethernet transmitter is designed to work with almost no intervention from software. After
ECR[ETHER_EN] is set and data appears in the transmit FIFO, the Ethernet MAC can transmit onto the
network. The Ethernet controller transmits bytes least significant bit (lsb) first.
When the transmit FIFO fills to the watermark (defined by TFWR), MAC transmit logic asserts
FEC_TXEN and starts transmitting the preamble (PA) sequence, the start f rame delimiter (SFD), and then
the frame information from the FIFO. However, the controller defers the transmission if the network is
busy (FEC_CRS is asserted). Before transmitting, the controller waits for carrier sense to become inactive,
then determines if carrier sense stays inactive for 60 bit times. If so, transmission begins after waiting an
additional 36 bit times (96 bit times after carri er sense originally became inactive). See Section,
“Transmission Errors,” for more details.
Collision FEC_COL
Carrier Sense FEC_CRS
Receive Clock FEC_RXCLK
Receive Data Valid FEC_RXDV
Receive Data FEC_RXD[3:0]
Receive Error FEC_RXER
Management Data Cl ock FEC_MDC
Management Data
Input/Output FEC_MDIO
Table 17-36. 7-Wire Mode Configuration
Signal description EMAC Pin
Transmit Clock FEC_TXCLK
Transmit Enable FEC_TXEN
Tr ansmit Data FEC_TXD[0]
Collision FEC_COL
Receive Clock FEC_RXCLK
Receive Data Valid FEC_RXDV
Receive Data FEC_RXD[0]
Table 17-35. MII Mode (continued)
Signal Description EMAC pin
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
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If a collision occurs during transmission of the frame (half duplex mode), the Ethernet controller follows
the specified backoff procedures and attempts to retransmit the frame until the retry limit is reac hed. The
transmit FIFO stores at least the first 64 bytes of the transmit frame, so they do not have to be retrieved
from system memory in case of a collision. This improves bus utilization and latency in case immediate
retransmission is necessary.
When all the frame data is transmitted, FCS (frame check sequence) or 32-bit cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) bytes are appended if the TC bit is set in the transmit frame control word. If the ABC bit is set in
the transmit frame control word, a bad CRC is appended to the frame data regardless of the TC bit value.
Following the transmission of the CRC, the Ethernet controller writes the frame status information to the
MIB block. T ransmit logic automatically pads short frames (if the TC bit in the transmit buf fer descriptor
for the end of frame buffer is set).
Settings in the EIMR determine interrupts generated to the buffer (TXB) and frame (TFINT).
The transmit error interrupts are HBERR, BABT, LATE_COL, COL_RETRY_LIM, and XFIFO_UN. If
the transmit frame length exceeds MAX_FL bytes, BABT interrupt is asserted. However , the entire frame
is transmitted (no truncation).
To pause transmission, set TCR[GTS] (graceful transmit stop). The FEC transmitter stops immediately if
transmission is not in progress; otherwise, it continues transmission until the current frame finishes or
terminates with a collision. After the transmitter has stopped, the GRA (graceful stop complete) interrupt
is asserted. If TCR[GTS] is cleared, the FEC resumes transmission with the next frame. Duplicate Frame Transmission
The FEC fetches transmit buffer descriptors (TxBDs) and the corresponding transmit data continuously
until the transmit FIFO is full. It does not determine whether the TxBD to be fetched is already being
processed internally (as a result of a wrap). As the FEC nears the end of the transmission of one frame, it
begins to DMA the data for the next frame. To remain one BD ahead of the DMA, it also fetches the TxBD
for the next frame. It is possible that the FEC fetches from memory a BD that has already been processed
but not yet written back (it is read a second time with the R bit remains set). In this case, the data is fetched
and transmitted again.
Using at least three TxBDs fixes this problem for lar ge frames, but not for small frames. To ensure correct
operation for large or small frames, one of the following must be true:
The FEC software driver ensures that there is always at least one TxBD with the ready bit cleared.
Every frame uses more than one TxBD and every TxBD but the last is written back immediately
after the data is fetched.
The FEC software driver ensures a minimum frame size, n. The minimum number of TxBDs is
then (Tx FIFO Size ÷(n+ 4)) rounded up to the nearest integer (though the result cannot be less
than three). The default Tx FIFO size is 192 bytes; this size is programmable.
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
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17.5.8 FEC Frame Reception
The FEC receiver works with almost no intervention from the host and can perform address recognition,
CRC checking, short frame checking, and maximum frame length checking. The Ethernet controller
receives serial data lsb first.
When the driver ena bles the FEC receiver by se tting ECR[ETHER_EN], it immediately starts processing
receive frames. When FEC_RXDV is asserted, the receiver first checks for a valid PA/SFD header. If the
PA/SFD is valid, it is stripped and the receiver processes the frame. If a valid PA/SFD is not found, the
frame is ignored.
In serial mode, the first 16 bit times of RX_D0 following assertion of FEC_RXDV are ignored. Following
the first 16 bit times, the data sequence is checked for alternating 1/0s. If a 11 or 00 data sequence is
detected during bit times 17 to 21, the remainder of the frame is ignored. After bit time 21, the data
sequence is monitored for a valid SFD (1 1). If a 00 is detected, the frame is rejected. When a 11 is detected,
the PA/SFD sequence is complete.
In MII mode, the receiver checks for at least one byte matching the SFD. Zero or more PA bytes may occur ,
but if a 00 bit sequence is detected prior to the SFD byte, the frame is ignored.
After the first 6 bytes of the frame are received, the FEC performs address recognition on the frame.
After a collision window (64 bytes) of data is received and if address recognition has not rejected the
frame, the receive FIFO signals the frame is accepted and may be passed on to the DMA. If the frame is a
runt (due to collision) or is rejected by address recognition, the receive FIFO is notified to reject the frame.
Therefore, no collision fragments are presented to you except late collisions, which indicate serious LAN
During reception, the Ethernet controller checks for various error conditions and after the entire frame is
written into the FIFO, a 32-bit frame status word is written into the FIFO. This status word contains the
M, BC, MC, LG, NO, CR, OV, and TR status bits, and the frame length. See Section, “Reception
Errors,” for more details.
Receive buffer (RXB) an d frame interrupts (RFINT) may be generated if enabled by the EIMR register . A
receive error interrupt is a babbling receiver error (BABR). Receive frames are not truncated if they exceed
the max frame length (MAX_FL); however, the BABR interrupt occurs and the LG bit in the receive buffer
descriptor (RxBD) is set. See Section, “Ethernet Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD),” for more
When the receive frame is complete, the FEC sets the L- bit in the RxBD, writes the other fr ame status bits
into the RxBD, and clears the E-bit. The Ethernet controller next generates a maskable interrupt (RFINT
bit in EIR, maskable by RFIEN bit in EIMR), indicating that a frame is received and is in memory. The
Ethernet controller then waits for a new frame.
17.5.9 Ethernet Address Recognition
The FEC filters the received frames based on destination address (DA) type — individual (unicast), group
(multicast), or broadcast (all-ones group address). The difference between an individual address and a
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
17-36 Freescale Semiconductor
group address is determined by the I/G bit in the destination address field. A flowchart for address
recognition on received frames appears in the figures below.
Address recognition is accomplished through the use of the receive block and microcode running on the
microcontroller. The flowchart shown in Figure 17-27 illustrates the address recognition decisions made
by the receive block, while Figure 17-28 illustrates the decisions made by the microcontroller.
If the DA is a broadcast address and broadcast reject (RCR[BC_REJ]) is cleared, then the frame is
accepted unconditionally, as shown in Figure 17-27. Otherwise, if the DA is not a broadcast address, then
the microcontroller runs the address recognition subroutine, as shown in Figure 17-28.
If the DA is a group (multicast) address and flow control is disabled, then the microcontroller performs a
group hash table lookup using the 64-entry hash table programmed in GAUR and GALR. If a hash match
occurs, the receiver accepts the frame.
If flow control is enabled, the microcontroller does an exact address match ch eck between the DA and the
designated PAUSE DA (01:80:C2:00:00:01). If the receive block determines the received frame is a valid
PAUSE frame, the frame is rejected. The receiver detects a PAUSE frame with the DA field set to the
designated PAUSE DA or the unicast physical address.
If the DA is the individual (unicast) address, the microcontroller performs an individual exact match
comparison between the DA and 48-bit physical address that you program in the PALR and PAUR
registers. If an exact match occurs, the frame is accepted; otherwise, the microcontroller does an individual
hash table lookup using the 64-entry hash table programmed in registers, IAUR and IALR. In the case of
an individual hash match, the frame is accepted. Again, the receiver accepts or rejects the frame based on
PAUSE frame detection, shown in Figure 17-27.
If neither a hash match (group or individual) nor an exact match (group or individual) occur, and if
promiscuous mode is enabled (RCR[PROM] set), the frame is accepted and the MISS bit in the receive
buffer descriptor is set; otherwise, the frame is rejected.
Similarly , if the DA is a broadcast address, broadcast reject (RCR[BC_REJ]) is asserted, and promiscuous
mode is enabled, the frame is accepted and the MISS bit in the receive buffer descriptor is set; otherwise,
the frame is rejected.
In general, when a frame is rejected, it is flushed from the FIFO.
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Figure 17-27. Ethernet Address Recognition—Receive Bloc k Decisions
Broadcast Addr
PROM = 1
False BC_REJ = 1
Hash Match
Exact Match
Pause Frame
Receive Frame Receive Frame
Receive Frame Receive Frame
Reject Frame
Reject Frame
Set BC bit in RCV BD Set MC bit in RCV BD if multicast
Set M (Miss) bit in Rcv BD
Set MC bit in Rcv BD if multicast
Set BC bit in Rcv BD if broadcast
Flush from FIFO
Flush from FIFO
BC_REJ - field in RCR register (BroadCast REJect)
PROM - field in RCR register (PROMiscous mode)
Pause Frame - valid PAUSE frame received
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
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Figure 17-28. Ethernet Address Recognition—Microcode Decisions
17.5.10 Hash Algorithm
The hash table algorithm used in the group and individual hash filtering operates as follows. The 48-bit
destination address is mapped into one of 64 bits, represented by 64 bits stored in GAUR, GALR (group
address hash match), or IAUR, IALR (individual address hash match). This mapping is performed by
passing the 48-bit address through the on-chip 32-bit CRC generator and selecting the six most significant
bits of the CRC-encoded result to generate a number between 0 and 63. The msb of the CRC result selects
GAUR (msb = 1) or GALR (msb = 0). The five least significant bits of the hash result select the bit within
the selected register. If the CRC generator selects a bit set in the hash table, the frame is accepted;
otherwise, it is rejected.
For example, if eight group addresses are stored in the hash table and random group addresses are received,
the hash table prevents roughly 56/64 (87.5%) of the group address frames from reaching memory. Those
that do reach memory must be further filtered by the processor to determine if they truly contain one of the
eight desired addresses.
The effectiveness of the hash table declines as the number of addresses increases.
Receive Address
I/G Address
Exact Match
Hash Search
Group Table
Hash Search
Individual Table
False False
True True
Pause Address
Reject Frame
Flush from FIFO
Reject Frame
Flush from FIFO Receive Frame
Receive Frame
Receive Frame
Receive Frame
FCE - field in RCR register (flow control enable)
I/G - Individual/Group bit in destination address (lsb in first byte received in MAC frame)
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The user must initialize the hash table registers. Use this CRC32 polynomial to compute the hash:
Eqn. 17-2
Table 17-37 contains example destination addresses and corresponding hash values.
Table 17-37. Destination Address to 6-Bit Hash
48-bit DA 6-bit Hash
(in hex) Hash Decimal
65FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x0 0
55FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x1 1
15FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x2 2
35FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x3 3
95FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x5 5
27FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x10 16
07FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x11 17
57FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x12 18
77FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x13 19
F7FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x14 20
C7FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x15 21
97FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x16 22
A7FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x17 23
99FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x18 24
B9FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x19 25
X32 X26 X23 X22 X16 X12 X11 X10 X8X7X5X4X2X1+ + + + + + + +++++++
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59FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x1C 28
79FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x1D 29
29FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x1E 30
19FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x1F 31
D1FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x20 32
F1FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x21 33
B1FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x22 34
91FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x23 35
11FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x24 36
31FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x25 37
71FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x26 38
51FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x27 39
7FFF_FFFF_FFFF 0x28 40
4FFF_FFFF_FFFF 0x29 41
93FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x30 48
B3FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x31 49
F3FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x32 50
D3FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x33 51
53FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x34 52
73FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x35 53
23FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x36 54
13FF_FFFF_FFFF 0x37 55
3DFF_FFFF_FFFF 0x38 56
0DFF_FFFF_FFFF 0x39 57
Table 17-37. Destination Address to 6-Bit Hash (continued)
48-bit DA 6-bit Hash
(in hex) Hash Decimal
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
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17.5.11 Full Duplex Flow Control
Full-duplex flow control allows you to transmit pause frames and to detect received pause frames. Upon
detection of a pause frame, MAC data frame transmission stops for a given pause duration.
T o enable PAUSE frame detection, the FEC must operate in full-duplex mode (TCR[FDEN] set) with flow
control (RCR[FCE] set). The FEC detects a pause frame when the fields of the incoming frame match the
pause frame specifications, as shown in Table 17-38. In addition, the receive status associated with the
frame should indicate that the frame is valid.
The receiver and microcontroller modules perform PAUSE frame detection. The microcontroller runs an
address recognition subroutine to detect the specified pause frame destination address, while the receiver
detects the type and opcode pause frame fields. On detection of a pause frame, TCR[GTS] is set by the
FEC internally. When transmission has paused, the EIR[GRA] interrupt is asserted and the pause timer
begins to increment. The pause timer uses the transmit backof f timer hardware for tracking the appropriate
collision backoff time in half-duplex mode. The pause timer increments once every slot time, until
OPD[PAUSE_DUR] slot times have expired. On OPD[PAUSE_DUR] expiration, TCR[GTS] is cleared
allowing MAC data frame transmission to resume. The receive flow control pause status bit
(TCR[RFC_PAUSE]) is set while the transmitter pauses due to reception of a pause frame.
To transmit a pause frame, the FEC must operate in full-duplex mode and you must set flow control pause
(TCR[TFC_PAUSE]). After TCR[TFC_PAUSE] is set, the transmitter sets TCR[GTS] internally. When
the transmission of data frames stops, the EIR[GRA] (graceful stop complete) interrupt asserts and the
pause frame is transmitted. TCR[TFC_PAUSE,GTS] are then cleared internally.
You must specify the desired pause duration in the OPD register.
Table 17-38. PAUSE Frame Field Specification
48-bit Destination Address 0x0180_C200_0001 or Physical Address
48-bit Source Address Any
16-bit Type 0x8808
16-bit Opcode 0x0001
16-bit PAUSE Duration 0x0000 0xFFFF
Table 17-37. Destination Address to 6-Bit Hash (continued)
48-bit DA 6-bit Hash
(in hex) Hash Decimal
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
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When the transmitter pauses due to receiver/microcontroller pause frame detection, TCR[TFC_PAUSE]
may remain set and cause the transmission of a single pause frame. In this case, the EIR[GRA] interrupt
is not asserted.
17.5.12 Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) Time
The minimum inter-packet gap time for back-to-back transmission is 96 bit times. After completing a
transmission or after the backoff algorithm completes, the transmitter wa its for carrier sense to b e negated
before starting its 96 bit time IPG counter. Frame transmission may begin 96 bit times after carrier sense
is negated if it stays negated for at least 60 bit times. If carrier sense asserts during the last 36 bit times, it
is ignored and a collision occurs.
The receiver accepts back-to-back frames with a minimum spacing of at least 28 bit times. If an
inter-packet gap between receive frames is less than 28 bit times, the receiver may discard the following
17.5.13 Collision Managing
If a collision occurs during frame transmission, the Ethernet controller continues the transmission for at
least 32 bit times, transmitting a JAM pattern consisting of 32 ones. If the collision occurs during the
preamble sequence, a JAM pattern is sent after the end of the preamble sequence.
If a collision occurs within 512 bit times (one slot time), the retry process is initiated. The transmitter waits
a random number of slot times. If a collision occurs after 512 bit times, then no retransmission is performed
and the end of frame buffer is closed with a Late Collision (LC) error indication.
17.5.14 MII Internal and External Loopback
Internal and external loopback are supported by the Ethernet controller. In loopback mode, both of the
FIFOs are used and the FEC actually operates in a full-duplex fashion. Internal and external loopback are
configured using combinations of the RCR[LOOP, DRT] and TCR[FDEN] bits.
Set FDEN for internal and external loopback.
For internal loopback, set RCR[LOOP] and clear RCR[DRT]. FEC_TXEN and FEC_TXER do not assert
during internal loopback. During internal loopback, the transmit/receive data rate is higher than in normal
operation because the transmit and receive blocks use the internal bus clock instead of the clocks from the
external transceiver . This causes an increase in the required system bus bandwidth for transmit and receive
data being DMA’d to/from external memory. It may be necessary to pace the frames on the transmit side
and/or limit the size of the frames to prevent transmit FIFO underruns and receive FIFO overflows.
For external loopback, clear RCR[LOOP] and RCR[DRT], and configure the external transceiver for
17.5.15 Ethernet Error-Managing Procedure
The Ethernet controller reports frame reception and transmission error conditions using the MIB block
counters, the FEC RxBDs, and the EIR register.
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
Freescale Semiconductor 17-43 Transmission Errors Transmitter Underrun
If this error occurs, the FEC sends 32 bits that ensure a CRC error and stops transmitting. All remaining
buffers for that frame are then flushed and closed, and EIR[UN] is set. The FEC then continues to the next
transmit buffer descriptor and begin transmitting the next frame. The UN interrupt is asserted if enabled
in the EIMR register. Retransmission Attempts Limit Expired
When this error occurs, the FEC terminates transmission. All remaining buf fers for that frame are flushed
and closed, and EIR[RL] is set. The FEC then continues to the next tr ansmit buffer descriptor and begins
transmitting the next frame. The RL interrupt is asserted if enabled in the EIMR register. Late Collision
When a collision occurs after the slot time (512 bits starting at the Preamble), the FEC terminates
transmission. All remaining buffers for that frame are flushed and closed, and EIR[LC] is set. The FEC
then continues to the next transmit buffer descriptor and begin transmitting the next frame. The LC
interrupt is asserted if enabled in the EIMR register. Heartbeat
Some transceivers have a self-test feature called heartbeat or signal quality error. To signify a good
self-test, the transceiver indicates a collision to the FEC within four microseconds after completion of a
frame transmitted by the Ethernet controller. This indication of a collision does not imply a real collision
error on the network, but is rather an indication that the transceiver continues to function properly. This is
the heartbeat condition.
If TCR[HBC] is set and the heartbeat condition is not detected by the FEC after a frame transmission, a
heartbeat error occurs. When this error occurs, the FEC closes the buf fer , sets EIR[HB], and generates the
HBERR interrupt if it is enabled. Reception Errors Overrun Error
If the receive block has data to put into the receive FIFO and the receive FIFO is full, FEC sets RxBD[OV].
All subsequent data in the frame is discarded and subsequent frames may also be discarded until the
receive FIFO is serviced by the DMA and space is made available. At this point the receive frame/status
word is written into the FIFO with the OV bit set. The driver must discard this frame. Non-Octet Error (Dribbling Bits)
The Ethernet controller manages up to seven dribbling bits when the receive frame terminates past an
non-octet aligned boundary . Dribbling bits are not used in the CRC calculat ion. If there is a CRC error , the
frame non-octet aligned (NO) error is reported in the RxBD. If there is no CRC error, no error is reported.
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Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
17-44 Freescale Semiconductor CRC Error
When a CRC error occurs with no dribble bits, FEC closes the buffer and sets RxBD[CR]. CRC checking
cannot be disabled, but the CRC error can be ignored if checking is not required. Frame Length Violation
When the receive frame length exceeds MAX_FL bytes the BABR interrupt is generated, and RxBD[LG]
is set. The frame is not truncated unless the frame length exceeds 2047 bytes. Truncation
When the receive frame length exceeds 2047 bytes, frame is truncated and RxBD[TR] is set.
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Freescale Semiconductor 18-1
Chapter 18
Watchdog Timer Module
18.1 Introduction
The watchdog timer is a 16-bit timer used to help software recover from runaway code. The watchdog
timer has a free-running down-counter (watchdog counter) that generates a reset on underflow. To prevent
a reset, software must periodically restart the countdown by servicing the watchdog.
18.2 Low-Power Mode Operation
This subsection describes the operation of the watchdog module in low-power modes and halted mode of
operation. Low-power modes are described in Chapter 7, “Power Management.” Table 3-1 shows the
watchdog module operation in the low-power modes, and shows how this module may facilitate exit from
each mode.
In wait mode with the watchdog control register s WAIT bit (WCR[WAIT]) set, watchdog timer operation
stops. In wait mode with the WCR[WAIT] bit cleared, the watchdog timer continues to operate normally.
In doze mode with the WCR[DOZE] bit set, the watchdog timer module operation stops. In doze mode
with the WCR[DOZE] bit cleared, the watchdog timer continues to operate normally. Watchdog timer
operation stops in stop mode. When stop mode is exited, the watchdog timer continues to operate in its
pre-stop mode state.
In halted mode with the WCR[HALTED] bit set, watchdog timer module operation stops. In halted mode
with the WCR[HALTED] bit cleared, the watchdog timer continues to operate normally. When halted
mode is exited, watchdog timer operation continues from the state it was in before entering halted mode,
but any updates made in halted mode remain.
Table 18-1. Watchdog Module Operation in Low-power Modes
Low-power Mode Watchdog Operation Mode Exit
Wait Normal if WCR[WAIT] cleared,
stopped otherwise Upon Watchdog reset
Doze Normal if WCR[DOZE] cleared,
stopped otherwise Upon Watchdog reset
Stop Stopped No
Halted Normal if WCR[HALTED] cleared,
stopped otherwise Upon Watchdog reset
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Watchdog Timer Module
18-2 Freescale Semiconductor
18.3 Block Diagram
Figure 18-1. Watchdog Timer Block Diagram
18.4 Signals
The watchdog timer module has no off-chip signals.
18.5 Memory Map and Registers
This subsection describes the memory map and registers for the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer has
a IPSBAR offset for base address of 0x0014_0000.
18.5.1 Memory Map
Refer to Table 18-2 for an overview of the watchdog memory map.
16-bit WMR
16-bit Watchdog Counter Count = 0
System Divide by Reset
16-bit WCNTR 16-bit WSR
Load Counter
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18.5.2 Registers
The watchdog timer programming model consists of these registers:
Watchdog control register (WCR), which configures watchdog timer operation
Watchdog modulus register (WMR), which determines the timer modulus
reload value
Watchdog count register (WCNTR), which provides visibility to the watchdog counter value
Watchdog service register (WSR), which requires a service sequence to
prevent reset Watchdog Control Register (WCR)
The 16-bit WCR configures watchdog timer operation.
Table 18-2. Watchdog Timer Module Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 15–8 Bits 7–0 Access1
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only. S/U = CPU supervisor or user mo de access. User
mode accesses to supervisor only addresses hav e no effect and result in a cycle termination
transfer error.
0x0014_0000 Watchdog Control Register (WCR) S
0x0014_0002 Watchdog Modulus Register (WMR) S
0x0014_0004 Watchdog Count Register (WCNTR) S/U
0x0014_0006 Watchdog Service Register (WSR) S/U
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0000_0000
765 4 3210
Reset 0000_1111
Address IPSBAR + 0x0014_0000, 0x0014_0001
Figure 18-2. Watchdog Control Register (WCR)
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Watchdog Timer Module
18-4 Freescale Semiconductor Watchdog Modulus Register (WMR)
Table 18-3. WCR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–4 Reserv ed, should be cleared.
3 WAIT Wait mode bit. Controls the function of the watchdog timer in wait mode. Once written,
the WAIT bit is not affected by further writes e xcept in halted mode . Reset sets WAIT.
1 Watchdog timer stopped in wait mode
0 Watchdog timer not affected in wait mode
2 DOZE Doze mode bit. Controls the function of the watchdog timer in doze mode. Once
written, the DOZE bit is not affected by further writes except in halted mode. Reset
sets DOZE.
1 Watchdog timer stopped in doze mode
0 Watchdog timer not affected in doze mode
1 H ALTED Halted mode bit. Controls the function of the watchdog timer in halted mode. Once
written, the HALTED bit is not affected by further writes except in halted mode.
During halted mode, watchdog timer registers can be written and read normally. When
halted mode is exited, timer operation continues from the state it was in before
entering halted mode, b u t any updates made in halted mode remain. If a write-once
register is written for the first time in halted mode, the register is still writable when
halted mode is exited.
1 Watchdog timer stopped in halted mode
0 Watchdog timer not affecte d in halted mode
Note: Changing the HALTED bit from 1 to 0 dur ing halted mode starts the watchdog
timer. Changing the HALTED bit from 0 to 1 during halted mode stops the watchdog
0 EN Watchdog enable bit. Enables the watchdog timer. Once wr itten, the EN bit is not
affected by further writes except in halted mode. When the watchdog timer is disabled,
the watchdog counter and prescaler counter are held in a stopped state.
1 Watchdog timer enabled
0 Watchdog timer disabled
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field WM15 WM14 WM13 WM12 WM11 WM10 WM9 WM8
Reset 1111_1111
765 4 3210
Field WM7 WM6 WM5 WM4 WM3 WM2 WM1 WM0
Reset 1111_1111
Address IPSBAR + 0x0014_0002, 0x0014_0003
Figure 18-3. Watchdog Modulus Register (WMR)
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Watchdog Timer Module
Freescale Semiconductor 18-5 Watchdog Count Register (WCNTR) Watchdog Service Register (WSR)
When the watchdog timer is enabled, writing 0x5555 and then 0xAAAA to WSR before the watchdog
counter times out prevents a reset. If WSR is not serviced before the timeout, the watchdog timer sends a
signal to the reset controller module that sets the RSR[WDR] bit and asserts a system reset.
Both writes must occur in the order listed before the timeout, but any number of instructions can be
executed between the two writes. However, writing any value other than 0x5555 or 0xAAAA to WSR
resets the servicing sequence, requiring both values to be written to keep the watchdog timer from causing
a reset.
Table 18-4. WMR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–0 WM W atchdog modulus . Contains the modulus that is reloaded into the watchdog counter
by a service sequence. Once written, the WM[15:0] field is not affected by furth er
writes except in halted mode. Writing to WMR immediately loads the new modulus
value into the watchdog counter. The new value is also used at the next and all
subsequent reloads. Reading WMR returns the value in the modulus register.
Reset initializes the WM[15:0] field to 0xFFFF.
Note: The prescaler counter is reset anytime a new v alue is loaded into the watchdog
counter and also during reset.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field WC15 WC14 WC13 WC12 WC11 WC10 WC9 WC8
Reset 1111_1111
765 4 3210
Field WC7 WC6 WC5 WC4 WC3 WC2 WC1 WC0
Reset 1111_1111
Address IPSBAR + x0014_0004, 0x0014_0005
Figure 18-4. Watchdog Count Register (WCNTR)
Table 18-5. WCNTR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–0 WC W atchdog count field. Reflects the current value in the watchdog counter. Reading the
16-bit WCNTR with two 8-bit reads is not guaranteed to return a coherent value.
Writing to WCNTR has no effect, and write cycles are terminated nor mally.
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Watchdog Timer Module
18-6 Freescale Semiconductor
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field WS15 WS14 WS13 WS12 WS11 WS10 WS9 WS8
Reset 0000_0000
765 4 3210
Field WS7 WS6 WS5 WS4 WS3 WS2 WS1 WS0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x0014_0006, 0x0014_0007
Figure 18-5. Watchdog Service Register (WSR)
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Freescale Semiconductor 19-1
Chapter 19
Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
19.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the operation of the four programmable interrupt timer modules: PIT0–PIT3.
19.1.1 Overview
Each PIT is a 16-bit timer that provides precise interrupts at regular intervals with minimal processor
intervention. The timer can count down from the value written in the modulus register or it can be a
free-running down-counter.
19.1.2 Block Diagram
Figure 19-1. PIT Block Diagram
19.1.3 Low-Power Mode Operation
This subsection describes the operation of the PIT modules in low-power modes and debug mode of
operation. Low-power modes are described in the power management module, Chapter 7, “Power
Management.” Table 19-1 shows the PIT module operation in low-power modes and how it can exit from
each mode.
Internal Bus
Clock (fsys)
16-bit PMRn
16-bit PIT Counter COUNT = 0
Internal Bus
16-bit PCNTRn
Internal Bus
PRE[3:0] RLD
To Interrupt
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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The low-power interrupt control register (LPICR) in the system control
module specifies the interrupt level at or above which the device can be
brought out of a low-power mode.
In wait mode, the PIT module continues to operate as in run mode and can be configured to exit the
low-power mode by generating an interrupt request. In doze mode with the PCSRn[DOZE] bit set, PIT
module operation stops. In doze mode with the PCSRn[DOZE] bit cleared, doze mode does not affect PIT
operation. When doze mode is exited, PIT continues operating in the state it was in prior to doze mode. In
stop mode, the internal bus clock is absent and PIT module operation stops.
In debug mode with the PCSRn[DBG] bit set, PIT module operation stops. In debug mode with the
PCSRn[DBG] bit cleared, debug mode does not affect PIT operation. When debug mode is exited, the PIT
continues to operate in its pre-debug mode state, but any updates made in debug mode remain.
19.2 Memory Map/Register Definition
This section contains a memory map (see Table 19-2) and describes the register structure for PIT0–PIT3.
Table 19-1. PIT Module Operation in Low-power Modes
Low-power Mode PIT Operation Mode Exit
Wait Normal N/A
Doze Normal if PCSRn[D OZE] cleared,
stopped otherwise Any interrupt at or above level in LPICR, exit doze
mode if PCSRn[DOZE] is set. Otherwise
interrupt assertion has no effect.
Stop Stopped No
Debug Normal if PCSRn[DBG] cleared,
stopped otherwise No. Any interrupt is ser viced upon normal exit
from debug mode
Table 19-2. Program mable Interrupt Timer Modules Memory Map
Register Width
(bits) Access1Reset Value Section/Page
Supervisor Access Only Registers2
PIT Control and Status Register (PCSRn) 16 R/W 0x0000 19.2.1/19-3
PIT Modulus Register (PMRn) 16 R/W 0xFFFF 19.2.2/19-5
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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19.2.1 PIT Control and Status Register (PCSRn)
The PCSRn registers configure the corresponding timers operation.
User/Supervisor Access Registers
PIT Count Register (PCNTRn) 16 R 0xFFFF 19.2.3/19-5
1Accesses to reserved address locations have no eff ect and result in a cycle termination transfer error.
2User mode accesses to supervisor only addresses have no effect and result in a cycle termination transfer error.
Offset: 0x15_0000 (PCSR0)
0x16_0000 (PCSR1)
0x17_0000 (PCSR2)
0x18_0000 (PCSR3)
Access: Supervisor
Figure 19-2. PCSRn Register
Table 19-2. Programmable Interrupt Timer Modules Memory Map (continued)
Register Width
(bits) Access1Reset Value Section/Page
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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Table 19-3. PCSRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
15–12 Reserved, must be cleared.
PRE Prescaler . The read/write prescaler bits select the internal bus clock divisor to generate the PIT clock. To accurately
predict the timing of the next count, change the PRE[3:0] bits only when the enable bit (EN) is clear. Changing
PRE[3:0] resets the prescaler counter. System reset and the loading of a new value into the counter also reset the
prescaler counter. Setting the EN bit and writing to PRE[3:0] can be done in this same write cycle. Clearing the EN
bit stops the prescaler counter.
7 Reserved, must be cleared.
DOZE Doze Mode Bit. The read/write DOZE bit controls the function of the PIT in doze mode. Reset clears DOZE.
0 PIT function not affected in doze mode
1 PIT function stopped in doz e mode. When doze mode is e xited, timer operation continues from the state it was in
before entering doze mode.
DBG Debug mode bit. Controls the function of PIT in halted/debug mode. Reset clears DBG. During debug mode, register
read and write accesses function normally. When deb ug mode is exited, timer operation continues from the state it
was in before entering debug mode, but any updates made in debug mode remain.
0 PIT function not affected in debug mode
1 PIT function stopped in debug mode
Note: Changing the DBG bit from 1 to 0 during debug mode starts the PIT timer. Likewise, changing the DBG bit
from 0 to 1 during debug mode stops the PIT timer.
OVW Overwrite. Enables writing to PMRn to immediately overwrite the value in the PIT counter.
0 Value in PMRn replaces value in PIT counter when count reaches 0x0000.
1 Writing PMRn immediately replaces value in PIT counter.
PIE PIT interrupt enable. This read/write bit enables PIF flag to generate interrupt requests.
0 PIF interr upt requests disabled
1 PIF interrupt requests enabled
PIF PIT interrupt flag. This read/write bit is set when PIT counter reaches 0x0000. Clear PIF by writing a 1 to it or by
writing to PMR. Writing 0 has no effect. Reset clears PIF.
0 PIT count has not reached 0x0000.
1 PIT count has reached 0x000 0.
PRE Internal Bus Clock
Divisor Decimal
0000 201
0001 212
0010 224
... ... ...
1101 213 8192
1110 214 16384
1111 215 32768
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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19.2.2 PIT Modulus Register (PMRn)
The 16-bit read/write PMRn contains the timer modulus value loaded into the PIT counter when the count
reaches 0x0000 and the PCSRn[RLD] bit is set.
When the PCSRn[OVW] bit is set, PMRn is transparent, and the value written to PMRn is immediately
loaded into the PIT counter. The prescaler counter is reset (0xFFFF) anytime a new value is loaded into
the PIT counter and also during reset. Reading the PMRn returns the value written in the modulus latch.
Reset initializes PMRn to 0xFFFF.
19.2.3 PIT Count Register (PCNTRn)
The 16-bit, read-only PCNTRn contains the counter value. Reading the 16-bit counter with two 8-bit reads
is not guaranteed coherent. Writing to PCNTRn has no effect, and write cycl es are terminated normally.
RLD Reload bit. The read/write reload bit enables loading the value of PMRn into PIT counter when the count reaches
0 Counter rolls over to 0xFFFF on count of 0x0000
1 Counter reloaded from PMRn on count of 0x0000
EN PIT enable bit. Enables PIT operation. When PIT is disab led, counter and prescaler are held in a stopped state. This
bit is read anytime, write anytime.
0 PIT disabled
1 PIT enabled
Offset: 0x15_0002 (PMR0)
0x16_0002 (PMR1)
0x17_0002 (PMR2)
0x18_0002 (PMR3)
Access: Supervisor
Figure 19-3. PIT Modulus Register (PMRn)
Table 19-4. PMRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
PM Timer modulus. The value of this register is loaded into the PIT counter when the count reaches zero and the
PCSRn[RLD] bit is set. How ever, if PCSRn[OVW] is set, the value written to this field is immediately loaded into the
counter. Reading this field returns the value written.
Table 19-3. PCSRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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19.3 Functional Description
This section describes the PIT functional operation.
19.3.1 Set-and-Forget Timer Operation
This mode of operation is selected when the RLD bit in the PCSR register is set.
When PIT counter reaches a count of 0x0000, PIF flag is set in PCSRn. The value in the modulus register
loads into the counter, and the counter begins decrementing toward 0x0000. If the PCSRn[PIE] bit is set,
the PIF flag issues an interrupt request to the CPU.
When the PCSRn[OVW] bit is set, the counter can be directly initialized by writing to PMRn without
having to wait for the count to reach 0x0000.
Figure 19-5. Counter Reloading from the Modulus Latch
19.3.2 Free-Running Timer Operation
This mode of operation is selected when the PCSRn[RLD] bit is clear. In this mode, the counter rolls over
from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF without reloading from the modulus latch and continues to decrement.
When the counter reaches a count of 0x0000, PCSRn[PIF] flag is set. If the PCSRn[PIE] bit is set, PIF flag
issues an interrupt request to the CPU.
Offset: 0x15_0004 (PCNTR0)
0x16_0004 (PCNTR1)
0x17_0004 (PCNTR2)
0x18_0004 (PCNTR3)
Access: User read only
Figure 19-4. PIT Count Register (PCNTRn)
Table 19-5. PCNTRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
PC Counter value. Reading this field with two 8-bit reads is not guaranteed coherent. Writing to PCNTRn has no effect,
and write cycles are terminated normally.
0x0002 0x0001 0x0000 0x0005
PIT Clock
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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When the PCSRn[OVW] bit is set, counter can be directly initialized by writing to PMRn without having
to wait for the count to reach 0x0000.
Figure 19-6. Counter in Free-Running Mode
19.3.3 Timeout Specifications
The 16-bit PIT counter and prescaler supports dif ferent timeout periods. The prescaler divides the internal
bus clock period as selected by the PCSRn[PRE] bits. The PMRn[PM] bits select the timeout period.
Eqn. 19-1
19.3.4 Interrupt Operation
Table 19-6 shows the interrupt request generated by the PIT.
The PIF flag is set when the PIT counter reaches 0x0000. The PIE bit enables the PIF flag to generate
interrupt requests. Clear PIF by writing a 1 to it or by writing to the PMR.
Table 19-6. PIT Interrupt Requests
Interrupt Request Flag Enable Bit
Timeout PIF PIE
0x0002 0x0001 0x0000 0xFFFF
Timeout period 2PCSRn[PRE] (PMRn[PM] 1)+×fsys
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Programmable Interrupt Timers (PIT0–PIT3)
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Chapter 20
General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
The processor has two 4-channel general purpose timer modules (GPTA and GPTB). Each consists of a
16-bit counter driven by a 7-stage programmable prescaler.
A timer overflow function allows software to extend the timing capability of the system beyond the 16-bit
range of the counter. Each of the four timer channels can be configured for input capture, which can
capture the time of a selected transition edge, or for output compare, which can generate output waveforms
and timer software delays. These functions allow simultaneous input waveform measurements and output
waveform generation.
Additionally, one of the channels, channel 3, can be configured as a 16-bit pulse accumulator that can
operate as a simple event counter or as a gated time accumulator. The pulse accumulator uses the GPT
channel 3 input/output pin in either event mode or gated time accumulation mode.
20.1 Features
Features of the general-purpose timer include:
Four 16-bit input capture/output compare channels
16-bit architecture
Programmable prescaler
Pulse widths variable from microseconds to seconds
Single 16-bit pulse accumulator
Toggle-on-overflow feature for pulse-width modulator (PWM) generation
External timer clock input (SYNCA/SYNCB)
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.2 Block Diagram
Figure 20-1. GPT Block Diagram
Channel 0
16-Bit Counter
16-Bit Comparator
16-Bit Latch
16-Bit Comparator
16-Bit Latch
16-Bit Counter
Channel 2
16-Bit Comparator
16-Bit Latch
Channel 3 Output Compare
Clear Counter
CH. 3 Compare
CH.3 Capture
CH. 1 Capture
CH. 1 Compare
CH. 0 Compare
CH. 0 Capture
PA Input
by 2
by 2 System
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.3 Low-Power Mode Operation
This subsection describes the operation of the general purpose time module in low-power modes and
halted mode of operation. Low-power modes are described in the Power Management Module. Table 3-1
shows the general purpose timer module operation in the low-power modes, and shows how this module
may facilitate exit from each mode.
General purpose timer operation stops in stop mode. When stop mode is exited, the general purpose timer
continues to operate in its pre-stop mode state.
20.4 Signal Description
Table 20-2 provides an overview of the signal properties.
Throughout this section, an “n” in the pin name, as in “GPTn0,” designates
20.4.1 GPTn[2:0]
The GPTn[2:0] pins are for channel 2–0 input capture and output compare functions. These pins are
available for general-purpose input/output (I/O) when not configured for timer functions.
20.4.2 GPTn3
The GPTn3 pin is for channel 3 input capture and output compare functions or for the pulse accumulator
input. This pin is available for general-purpose I/O when not configured for timer functions.
Table 20-1. Watchdog Module Operation in Low-power Modes
Low-power Mode Watchdog Operation Mode Exit
Wait Normal No
Doze Normal No
Stop Stopped No
Halted Normal No
Table 20-2. Signal Properties
Register Bit Functi on Reset State Pull-up
GPTn0PORTTn0GPTn channel 0 IC/OC pin Input Active
GPTn1PORTTn1GPTn channel 1 IC/OC pin Input Active
GPTn2PORTTn2GPTn channel 2 IC/OC pin Input Active
GPTn3PORTTn3GPTn channel 3 IC/OC or PA pin Input Active
1SYNCA is av ailab le on either PORTE3 or PORTE1 ; SYNCB is av ailable on either PORTE2 or
GPTn counter synchronization Input Active
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20-4 Freescale Semiconductor
20.4.3 SYNCn
The SYNCn pin is for synchronization of the timer counter. It can be used to synchronize the counter with
externally-timed or clocked events. A high signal on this pin clears the counter.
20.5 Memory Map and Registers
See Table 20-3 for a memory map of the two GPT modules. GPTA has a base address of IPSBAR +
0x1A_0000. GPTB has a base address of IPSBAR + 0x1B_0000.
Reading reserved or unimplemented locations returns zeroes. Writing to
reserved or unimplemented locations has no effect.
Table 20-3. GPT Modules Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 7–0 Access1
0x1A_0000 0x1B_0000 GPT IC/OC Select Register (GPTIOS) S
0x1A_0001 0x1B_0001 GPT Compare Force Register (GPTCFORC) S
0x1A_0002 0x1B_0002 GPT Output Compare 3 Mask Register (GPTOC3M) S
0x1A_0003 0x1B_0003 GPT Output Compare 3 Data Register (GPTOC3D) S
0x1A_0004 0x1B_0004 GPT Counter Register (GPTCNT) S
0x1A_0006 0x1B_0006 GPT System Control Register 1 (GPTSCR1) S
0x1A_0007 0x1B_0007 Reserved2
0x1A_0008 0x1B_0008 GPT Toggle-on-Overflow Register (GPTTOV) S
0x1A_0009 0x1B_0009 GPT Control Register 1 (GPTCTL1) S
0x1A_000A 0x1B_000a Reserved(2)
0x1A_000B 0x1B_000b GPT Con trol Register 2 (GPTCTL2) S
0x1A_000C 0x1B_000c GPT Interrupt Enable Register (GPTIE) S
0x1A_000D 0x1B_000d GPT System Control Register 2 (GPTSCR2) S
0x1A_000E 0x1B_000e GPT Flag Register 1 (GPTFLG1) S
0x1A_000F 0x1B_000f GPT Flag Register 2 (GPTFLG2) S
0x1A_0010 0x1B_0010 GPT Channel 0 Register High (GPTC0H) S
0x1A_0011 0x1Bb_0011 GPT Channel 0 Register Low (GPTC0L) S
0x1A_0012 0x1B_0012 GPT Channel 1 Register High (GPTC1H) S
0x1A_0013 0x1B_0013 GPT Channel 1 Register Low (GPTC1L) S
0x1A_0014 0x1B_0014 GPT Channel 2 Register High (GPTC2H) S
0x1A_0015 0x1B_0015 GPT Channel 2 Register Low (GPTC2L) S
0x1A_0016 0x1B_0016 GPT Channel 3 Register High (GPTC3H) S
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.1 GPT Input Capture/Output Compare Select Register (GPTIOS)
0x1A_0017 0x1B_0017 GPT Channel 3 Register Low (GPTC3L) S
0x1A_0018 0x1B_0018 Pulse Accumulator Control Register (GPTPACTL) S
0x1A_0019 0x1B_0019 Pulse Accumulator Flag Register (GPTPAFLG) S
0x1A_001A 0x1B_001A Pulse Accumulator Counter Register High (GPTPACNTH) S
0x1A_001B 0x1B_001B Pulse Accumulator Counter Register Low (GPTPACNTL) S
0x1A_001C 0x1B_001C Reserved(2)
0x1A_001D 0x1B_001D GPT Port Data Register (GPTPORT) S
0x1A_001E 0x1B_001E GPT Port Data Direction Register (GPTDDR) S
0x1A_001F 0x1B_001 F GPT Test Register (GPTTST) S
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only.
2Writes have no effect, reads return 0s, and the access ter mi nates without a transfer error exception.
Field IOS
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x401A_0000, 0x401B_0000
Figure 20-2. GPT Input Capture/Output Compare Select Register (GPTIOS)
Table 20-4. GPTIOS Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 IOS I/O select. The IOS[3:0] bits enable input capture or output compare operation for the
corresponding timer channels. These bits are read an ytime (alwa ys read 0x00), write
1 Output compare enabled
0 Input capture enabled
Table 20-3. GPT Modules Memory Map (continued)
IPSBAR Offset Bits 7–0 Access1
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20-6 Freescale Semiconductor
20.5.2 GPT Compare Force Register (GPCFORC)
A successful channel 3 output compare overrides any compare on channels
2:0. For each OC3M bit that is set, the output compare action reflects the
corresponding OC3D bit.
20.5.3 GPT Output Compare 3 Mask Register (GPTOC3M)
Field FOC
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_00001, 0x1B_0001
Figure 20-3. GPT Input Compare Force Register (GPCFORC)
Table 20-5. GPTCFORC Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 FOC Force out put co mp are.Setting an FOC bit causes an immediate outpu t co mp are on
the corresponding channel. Forcing an output compare does not set the output
compare flag. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
1 Force output compare
0 No effect
Field OC3M
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0002, 0x1B_0002
Figure 20-4. GPT Output Compare 3 Mask Register (GPTOC3M)
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.4 GPT Output Compare 3 Data Register (GPTOC3D)
A successful channel 3 output compare overrides any channel 2:0 compares.
For each OC3M bit that is set, the output compare action reflects the
corresponding OC3D bit.
20.5.5 GPT Counter Register (GPTCNT)
Table 20-6. GPTOC3M Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 OC3M Output compare 3 mask. Setting an OC3M bit configures the corresponding POR TTn
pin to be an output. OC3Mn mak es the GPT port pin an output regardless of the data
direction bit when the pin is configured for output compare (IOSx = 1). The OC3Mn
bits do not change the state of the PORTTnDDR bits. These bits are read anytime,
write anytime.
1 Corresponding PORTTn pin configured as output
0 No effect
Field OC3D
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0003, 0x1B_0003
Figure 20-5. GPT Output Compare 3 Data Register (GPTOC3D)
Table 20-7. GPTOC3D Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 OC3D Output compare 3 data. When a successful channel 3 output compare occurs, these
bits transfer to the PORTTn data register if the corresponding OC3Mn bits are set.
These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
15 0
Field CNTR
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Read only
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0004, 0x1B_0004
Figure 20-6. GPT Counter Register (GPTCNT)
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.6 GPT System Control Register 1 (GPTSCR1)
Table 20-8. GPTCNT Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–0 CNTR Read-only field that provides the current count of the timer counter. To ensure
coherent reading of the timer counter, such that a timer rollover does not occur
between two back-to-back 8-bit reads, it is recommended that only word (16-bit)
accesses be used.
A write to GPTCNT ma y have an e xtra cycle on the first count because the write is not
synchronized with the prescaler clock. The write occurs at least one cycle bef ore the
synchronization of the prescaler clock.
These bits are read anytime. They should be written to only in test (special) mode;
writi ng to them has no effect in normal modes.
7 6543 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0006, 0x1B_0006
Figure 20-7. GPT System Control Register 1 (GPTSCR1)
Table 20-9. GPTSCR1 Fi el d De sc rip ti ons
Bit(s) Name Description
7 GPTEN Enables the general purpose timer. When the timer is disabled, only the registers are
accessible . Clearing GPTEN reduces power consumption. These bits are read
anytime , write anytime.
1 GPT enabled
0 GPT and GPT counter disabled
6–5 Reserved, should be clea re d .
4 TFFCA Timer fast flag clear all. Enab les f ast clearing of the main timer interrupt flag registers
(GPTFLG1 and GPTFLG2) and the PA flag register (GPTPAFLG). TFFCA eliminates
the software overhead of a separate clear sequence. See Figure 20-8.
When TFFCA is set:
An input captu re read or a write to an output compare channel clears the
corresponding channel flag, CxF.
Any access of the GPT count registers (GPTCNTH/L) clears the TOF flag.
Any access of the PA counter registers (GPTPACNT) clears both the PAOVF and
Writing logic 1s to the flags clears them onl y when TFFCA is clear.
1 Fast flag clearing
0 Normal flag clearing
3–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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Figure 20-8. Fast Clear Flag Logic
20.5.7 GPT Toggle-On-Overflow Register (GPTTOV)
20.5.8 GPT Control Register 1 (GPTCTL1)
7 6543 0
Field TOV
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0008, 0x1B_0008
Figure 20-9. GPT Toggle-On-Overflow Register (GPTTOV)
Table 20-10. GPTTOV Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 T O V Toggles the output compare pin on ov erflow fo r each channel. This f eature only takes
effect when in output compare mode. When set, it takes precedence over forced
output compare but not channel 3 override e vents. These bits are read anytime , write
1 Toggle output compare pin on overflow feature enabled
0 Toggle output compare pin on overflow feature disabled
7 654321 0
Field OM3 OL3 OM2 OL2 OM1 OL1 OM0 OL0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0009, 0x1B_0009
Figure 20-10. GPT Control Register 1 (GPTCTL1)
Write GPTCn Registers
Read GPTCn Registers
Data Bit n
Write GPTFLG1 Register
CnF Flag
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20-10 Freescale Semiconductor
20.5.9 GPT Control Register 2 (GPTCTL2)
20.5.10 GPT Interrupt Enable Register (GPTIE)
Table 20-11. GPTCL1 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–0 OMx/OLx Output mode/output lev el. Selects the output action to be taken as a result of a
successful output compare on each channel. When either OMn or OLn is set and the
IOSn bit is set, the pin is an output regardless of the state of the corresponding DDR
bit. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
00 GPT disconnected from output pin logic
01 Toggle OCn output line
10 Clear OCn output line
11 Set OCn line
Note: Channel 3 shares a pin with the pulse accumulator input pin. To use the PAI
input, clear both the OM3 and OL3 bits and clear the OC3M3 bit in the output compare
3 mask register.
7 654321 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_000B, 0x1B_000B
Figure 20-11. GPT Control Register 2 (GPTCTL2)
Table 20-12. GPTLCTL2 Fi eld Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–0 EDGn[B:A] Input capture edge control. Configures the input capture edge de tector circuits for
each channel. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
00 Input capture disabled
01 Input capture on rising edges only
10 Input capture on falling edges only
11 Input capture on any edge (rising or f a lling)
7 6543 0
Field CI
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_000C, 0x1B_000C
Figure 20-12. GPT Interrupt Enable Register (GPTIE)
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.11 GPT System Control Register 2 (GPTSCR2)
Table 20-13. GPTIE Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 CnI Channel interrupt enable. Enab les the C[3:0]F flags in GPT flag register 1 to generate
interrupt requests for each channel. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
1 Corresponding channel interrupt requests enabled
0 Corresponding channel interrupt requests disabl ed
7 65432 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_000D, 0x1B_000D
Figure 20-13. GP T Sys tem Control Register 2 (GPTSC R2 )
Table 20-14. GPTSCR2 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 TOI Enables timer overflow interrupt requests.
1 Overflow interrupt requests enabled
0 Overflow interrupt requests disabled
6 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
5 PUPT Enables pull-up resistors on the GPT ports when the ports are configured as inputs.
1 Pull-up resistors enabled
0 Pull-up resistors disabled
4 RDPT GPT drive reduction. Reduces the output dr iver size.
1 Output driv e reduction enabled
0 Output driv e reduction disabled
3 TCRE Enables a counter reset after a channel 3 compare.
1 Counter reset enabled
0 Counter reset disabled
Note: When the GPT channel 3 registers contain 0x0000 and TCRE is set, the GPT
counter registers remain at 0x0000 all the time. When the GPT channel 3 registers
contain 0xFFFF and TCRE is set, TOF does not get set e ven though the GPT counter
registers go from 0xFFFF to 0x0000.
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20.5.12 GPT Flag Register 1 (GPTFLG1)
20.5.13 GPT Flag Register 2 (GPTFLG2)
2–0 PRnPrescaler bits . Select the prescaler divisor for the GPT counter.
000 Prescaler divisor 1
001 Prescaler divisor 2
010 Prescaler divisor 4
011 Prescaler divisor 8
100 Prescaler divisor 16
101 Prescaler divisor 32
110 Prescaler divisor 64
111 Prescaler divisor 128
Note: The newly selected prescaled clock does not take effect until the next
synchronized edge of the prescaled clock when the clock count transitions to 0x0000.)
7 6543 0
Field CF
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_000E, 0x1B_000E
Figure 20-14. GPT Flag Register 1 (GPTFLG1)
Table 20-15. GPTFLG1 Fie ld Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 CnF Channel flags. A channel flag is set when an input capture or output compare event
occurs. These bits are read an ytime , write anytime (writing 1 clears the flag, writing 0
has no effect).
Note: When the fast flag clear all bit, GPTSCR1[TFFCA], is set, an input capture read
or an output compare wr ite clears the corresponding channel flag. When a channel
flag is set, it does not inhibit subsequent output compares or input captures.
76543 0
Field TOF
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_000F, 0x1B_000F
Figure 20-15. GPT Flag Register 2 (GPTFLG2)
Table 20-14. GPTSCR2 Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Bit(s) Name Description
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Note: When the fast flag clear all bit, GPTSCR1[TFFCA], is set, any access to the GPT counter registers clears GPT flag register
20.5.14 GPT Channel Registers (GPTCn)
Table 20-16. GPTFLG2 Fie ld Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 TOF Timer overflow flag. Set when the GPT counter rolls over from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. If
the T O I bit in GPT S CR2 is also set, TOF generates an interrupt request. This bit is
read anytime, write anytime (writing 1 clears the flag, and writing 0 has no effect).
1 Timer overflow
0 No timer overflow
Note: When the GPT channel 3 registers contain 0xFFFF and TCRE is set, TOF does
not get set even though the GPT counter registers go from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When
TOF is set, it does not inhibit subsequent overflo w events.
6–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
15 0
Field CCNT
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0010, 0x1A_0012, 0x1A_0014, 0x1A_0016,
0x1B_0010, 0x1B_0012, 0x1B_0014, 0x1B_0016
Figure 20-16. GPT Channel[0:3] Register (GPTCn)
Table 20-17. GPTCn Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–0 CCNT When a channel is configured for input capture (IOSn = 0), the GPT channel registers
latch the value of the free-running counter when a define d transition occurs on the
corresponding input capture pin.
When a channel is configured for output compare (IOSn = 1), the GPT channel
registers contain the output compare value.
To ensure coherent reading of the GPT counter, such that a timer rollover does not
occur between back-to-back 8-bit reads, it is recommended that only word (16-bit)
accesses be used. These bits are read anytime, write anytime (for the output compare
channel); writing to the input capture channel has no effect.
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20-14 Freescale Semiconductor
20.5.15 Pulse Accumulator Control Register (GPTPACTL)
7 6543 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0018, 0x1B_0018
Figure 20-17. Pulse Accumulator Control Register (GPTPACTL)
Table 20-18. GPTPACTL Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 Reserv ed, should be cleare d .
6 PAE Enables the pulse accumulator.
1 Pulse accumulator enabled
0 Pulse accumulator disab led
Note: The pulse accumulator can operate in e vent mode e v en when the GPT enable
bit, GPTEN, is clear.
5 PAMOD Pulse accumulator mode. Selects event counter mode or gated time accumulation
1 Gated time accumulation mode
0 Event counter mode
4 PEDGE Pulse accumulator edge. Selects falling or rising edges on the P AI pin to increment the
In event counter mode (PAMOD = 0):
1 Rising PAI edge increments counter
0 Falling PAI edge increments counter
In gated time accumulation mode (PAMOD = 1):
1 Low PAI input enables divide-by-64 clock to pulse accumulator and trailing rising
edge on PAI sets PAIF flag.
0 High PAI input enables divide-by-64 clock to pulse accumulator and trailing falling
edge on PAI sets PAIF flag.
Note: The timer prescaler generates the divide-by-64 cloc k. If the timer is not activ e,
there is no divide-by-64 clock.
To operate in gated time accumulation mode:
1. Apply logic 0 to RSTI pin.
2. Initialize registers for pulse accumulator mode test.
3. Apply appropriate level to PAI pin.
4. Enable GPT.
3–2 CLK Select the GPT counter input clock. Changing the CLK bits causes an immediate
change in the GPT counter clock input.
00 GPT prescaler clock (When PAE = 0, the GPT prescaler cloc k is alwa ys the GPT
counter clock.)
10 PACLK/256
11 PACLK/65536
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.16 Pulse Accumulat or Flag Register (GPTPAFLG)
When the fast flag clear all enable bit, GP TSCR1[TFFCA], is set, any access
to the pulse accumulator counter registers clears all the flags in GPTPAFLG.
1 PAOVI Pulse accumulator overflow interrupt enable. Enables the PAO VF flag to generate
interrupt requests.
1 PAOVF interrupt requests enabled
0 PAOVF interrupt requests disabled
0 PAI Pulse accumulator input interrupt enable. Enab les the PAIF flag to generate interrupt
1 PAIF interrupt requests enabled
0 PAIF interrupt requests disabled
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_0019, 0x1B_0019
Figure 20-18. Pulse Accumulator Flag Register (GPTPA FLG)
Table 20-19. GPTPAFLG Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–2 Reserved, should be clea re d .
1 PAOVF Pulse accumulator overflow flag. Set when the 16-bit pulse accumulator rolls over from
0xFFFF to 0x0000. If the GPTPACTL[PAOVI] bit is also set, PAOVF generates an
interrupt request. Clear PAOVF by writi ng a 1 to it. This bit is read anytime, write
anytime . (Writing 1 clears the flag; writing 0 has no effect.)
1 Pulse accumulator o verflow
0 No pulse accumulator overflow
0 PAIF Pulse accumulator input flag. Set when the selected edge is detected at the PAI pin.
In event counter mode, the event edge sets PAIF. In gated time accumulation mode,
the trailing edge of the gate signal at the PAI pin sets PAIF. If the PAI bit in GPTPA CTL
is also set, PAIF generates an interrupt request. Clear PAIF by writing a 1 to it.
1 Active PA I input
0 No active PAI input
Table 20-18. GPTPACTL Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
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20.5.17 Pulse Accumulator Counter Register (GPTPACNT)
20.5.18 GPT Port Data Register (GPTPORT)
15 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_001A, 0x1B_001B
Figure 20-19. Pulse Accumulator Counter Register (GPTPACNT)
Table 20-20. GPTPACR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–0 PACNT Contains the number of active input edges on the PAI pin since the last reset.
Note: Reading the pulse accumulator counter registers immediately after an active
edge on the P AI pin may miss the last count since the input first has to be synchronized
with the bus clock.
To ensure coherent reading of the PA counter, such that the counter does not
increment between back-to-back 8-bit reads, it is recommended that only word (16-bit)
accesses be used. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
7 6543 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_001D, 0x1B_001D
Figure 20-20. GPT Port Data Register (GPTPORT)
Table 20-21. GPTPORT Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 P ORTT GPT port input capture/output compare data. Data written to GPTPOR T is b uffered
and drives the pins only when they are configured as general-purpose outputs.
Reading an input (DDR bit = 0) reads the pin state; reading an output (DDR bit = 1)
reads the latched value. Writing to a pin configured as a GPT output does not change
the pin state. These bits are read anytime (read pin state when corresponding
PORTTn bit is 0, read pin driver state when corresponding GPTDDR bit is 1), write
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.5.19 GPT Port Data Direction Register (GPTDDR)
20.6 Functional Description
The General Purpose Timer (GPT) module is a 16-bit, 4-channel timer with input capture and output
compare functions and a pulse accumulator.
20.6.1 Prescaler
The prescaler divides the module clock by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. The GPTSCR2[PR] bits select the
prescaler divisor.
20.6.2 Input Capture
Clearing an I/O select bit, IOSn, configures channel n as an input capture channel. The input capture
function captures the time at which an external event occurs. When an active edge occurs on the pin of an
input capture channel, the timer transfers the value in the GPT counter into the GPT channel registers,
The minimum pulse width for the input capture input is greater than two module clocks.
The input capture function does not force data direction. The GPT port data direction register controls the
data direction of an input capture pin. Pin conditions such as rising or falling edges can trigger an input
capture only on a pin configured as an input.
An input capture on channel n sets the CnF flag. The CnI bit enables the CnF flag to generate interrupt
7 6543 0
Field DDRT
GPT Function IC/OC
Pulse Accumulator Function PAI
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1A_001E, 0x1B_001E
Figure 20-21. GPT Port Data Direction Register (GPTDDR)
Table 20-22. GPTDDR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be clea re d .
3–0 DDRT Control the port logic of PORTTn. Re set clears the PORTTn data direction register,
configuring all GPT port pins as inp uts. These bits are read anytime, write anytime.
1 Corresponding pin configured as output
0 Corresponding pin configured as input
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
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20.6.3 Output Compare
Setting an I/O select bit, IOSn, configures channel n as an output compare channel. The output compare
function can generate a periodic pulse with a programmable polarity, duration, and frequency. When the
GPT counter reaches the value in the channel registers of an output compare channel, the timer can set,
clear , or toggle the channel pin. An output compare on channel n sets the CnF flag. The CnI bit enables the
CnF flag to generate interrupt requests.
The output mode and level bits, OMn and OLn, select, set, clear, or toggle on output compare. Clearing
both OMn and OLn disconnects the pin from the output logic.
Setting a force output compare bit, FOCn, causes an output compare on channel n. A forced output
compare does not set the channel flag.
A successful output compare on channel 3 overrides output compares on all other output compare
channels. A channel 3 output compare can cause bits in the output compare 3 data register to transfer to
the GPT port data register, depending on the output compare 3 mask register. The output compare 3 mask
register masks the bits in the output compare 3 data register. The GPT counter reset enable bit, TCRE,
enables channel 3 output compares to reset the GPT counter. A channel 3 output compare can reset the
GPT counter even if the OC3/PAI pin is being used as the pulse accumulator input.
An output compare overrides the data direction bit of the output compare pin but does not change the state
of the data direction bit.
Writing to the PORTTn bit of an output compare pin does not affect the pin state. The value written is
stored in an internal latch. When the pin becomes available for general-purpose output, the last value
written to the bit appears at the pin.
20.6.4 Pulse Accumulator
The pulse accumulator (PA) is a 16-bit counter that can operate in two modes:
1. Event counter mode: counts edges of selected polarity on the pulse accumulator input pin, PAI
2. Gated time accumulation mode: counts pulses from a divide-by-64 clock
The PA mode bit, PAMOD, selects the mode of operation.
The minimum pulse width for the PAI input is greater than two module clocks.
20.6.5 Event Counter Mode
Clearing the PAMOD bit configures the PA for event counter operation. An active edge on the PAI pin
increments the PA. The PA edge bit, PEDGE, selects falling edges or rising edges to increment the PA.
An active edge on the PAI pin sets th e PA input flag, PAIF. The PA input interrupt enable bit, PAI, enables
the PAIF flag to generate interrupt requests.
The PAI input and GPT channel 3 use the same pin. To use the PAI input,
disconnect it from the output logic by clearing the channel 3 output mode
and output level bits, OM3 and OL3. Also clear the channel 3 output
compare 3 mask bit, OC3M3.
The PA counter register, GPTPACNT, reflects the number of active input edges on the PAI pin since the
last reset.
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The PA overflow flag, PAOVF, is set when the PA rolls over from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. The PA overflow
interrupt enable bit, PAOVI, enables the PAOVF flag to generate interrupt requests.
The PA can operate in event counter mode even when the GPT enable bit,
GPTEN, is clear.
20.6.6 Gated Time Accumulation Mode
Setting the PAMOD bit configures the PA for gated time accumulation operation. An active level on the
PAI pin enables a divide-by-64 clock to drive the PA. The PA edge bit, PEDGE, selects low levels or high
levels to enable the divide-by-64 clock.
The trailing edge of the active level at the PAI pin sets the PA input flag, PAIF. The PA input interrupt
enable bit, PAI, enables the PAIF flag to generate interrupt requests.
The PAI input and GPT channel 3 use the same pin. To use the PAI input,
disconnect it from the output logic by clearing the channel 3 output mode
and output level bits, OM3 and OL3. Also clear the channel 3 output
compare mask bit, OC3M3.
The PA counter register, GPTPACNT, reflects the number of pulses from the divide-by-64 clock since the
last reset.
The GPT prescaler generates the divide-by-64 clock. If the timer is not
active, there is no divide-by-64 clock.
Figure 20-22. Channel 3 Output Compare/Pulse Accumulator Logic
20.6.7 General-Purpose I/O Ports
An I/O pin used by the timer defaults to general-purpose I/O unless an internal function which uses that
pin is enabled.
The PORTTn pins can be configured for either an input capture function or an output compare function.
The IOSn bits in the GPT IC/OC select register configure the PORTTn pins as either input capture or
output compare pins.
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The PORTTn data direction register controls the data direction of an input capture pin. External pin
conditions trigger input captures on input capture pins configured as inputs.
To configure a pin for input capture:
1. Clear the pin’s IOS bit in GPTIOS.
2. Clear the pin’s DDR bit in PORTTnDDR.
3. Write to GPTCTL2 to select the input edge to detect.
PORTTnDDR does not affect the data direction of an output compare pin. The output compare function
overrides the data direction register but does not affect the state of the data direction register.
To configure a pin for output compare:
1. Set the pin’s IOS bit in GPTIOS.
2. Write the output compare value to GPTCn.
3. Clear the pin’s DDR bit in PORTTnDDR.
4. Write to the OMn/OLn bits in GPTCTL1 to select the output action.
Table 20-23 shows how various timer settings affect pin functionality.
Table 20-23. GPT Settings and Pin Functions
[B:A] OMx/
Function Comments
4X X X In Ext. Digital input GPT disabled by GPTEN = 0
0 1 X X X X Out Data reg . Digital output GPT disabl ed by GPTEN = 0
1 0 0 (IC) 0 (IC
X 0 In Ext. Digital input Input capture disa bled by EDGn
1 1 0 0 X 0 Out Data reg. Digital output Input capture disabled by EDGn
1 0 0 <> 0 X 0 In Ext. IC and
digital input Normal settings for input capture
1 1 0 <> 0 X 0 Out Data reg. Digital output Input capture of data driven to output
pin by CPU
1 0 0 <> 0 X 1 In Ext. IC and
digital input OC3M setting has no effect because
IOS = 0
1 1 0 <> 0 X 1 Out Data reg. Digital output OC3M setting has no effect because
IOS = 0; input capture of data driv en
to output pin by CPU
101 (OC)X
(3) 050 In Ext. Digital input Output compa r e takes place but
does not affect the pin because of
the OMn/OLn setting
1 1 1 X 0 0 Out Data reg . Digital output Output compare takes place but
does not affect the pin because of
the OMn/OLn setting
1 0 1 X <> 0 0 Out OC action Output compare P in readable only if DDR = 0(5)
1 1 1 X <> 0 0 Out OC action Output compare Pin driven by OC action(5)
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20.7 Reset
Reset initializes the GPT registers to a known startup state as described in Section 20.5, “Memory Map
and Registers.”
20.8 Interrupts
Table 20-24 lists the interrupt requests generated by the timer.
20.8.1 GPT Channel Interrupts (CnF)
A channel flag is set when an input capture or output compare event occurs. Clear a channel flag by writing
a 1 to it.
101 XX 1OutOC
Output compare
(ch 3) Pin readable only if DDR = 06
111 XX 1OutOC
(ch 3)
Pin driven by channel OC action and
OC3Dn via channel 3 OC(6)
1When DDR set the pin as input (0), reading the data register will return the state of the pin. When DDR set the pin as output (1),
reading the data register will return the content of the data latch. Pin conditions such as rising or falling edges can trigger an input
capture on a pin configured as an input.
2OMn/OLn bit pairs select the output action to be taken as a result of a successful output compare. When either OMn or OLn is
set and the IOSn bit is set, the pin is an output regardless of the state of the corresponding DDR bit.
3Setting an OC3M bit configures the corresponding PORTTn pin to be output. OC3Mn makes the PORTTn pin an output regardless
of the data direction bit when the pin is configured f or output compare (IOSn = 1). The OC3Mn bits do not change the state of the
4X = Don’t care
5An output compare overrides the data direction bit of the output compare pin but does not change the state of the data direction
bit. Enabling output compare disables data register drive of the pin.
6A successful output compare on channel 3 causes an output value determined b y OC3Dn v alue to temporarily ov erride the output
compare pin state of any other output compare channel.The ne xt OC action for the specific channel will still be output to the pin.
A channel 3 output comp are can cause bits in the output compare 3 data register to transfer to the GPT por t data register,
depending on the output compare 3 mask register.
Table 20-24. GPT Interrupt Requests
Interrupt Request Flag Enable Bit
Channel 3 IC/OC C3F C3I
Channel 2 IC/OC C2F C2I
Channel 1 IC/OC C1F C1I
Channel 0 IC/OC C0F C0I
PA overflow PA OVF PAOVI
Timer overflow TOF TOI
Table 20-23. GPT Settings and Pin Functions (continued)
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When the fast flag clear all bit, GPTSCR1[TFFCA], is set, an input capture
read or an output compare write clears the corresponding channel flag.
When a channel flag is set, it does not inhibit subsequent output compares
or input captures
20.8.2 Pulse Accumulator Overflow (PAOVF)
PAOVF is set when the 16-bit pulse accumulator rolls over from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. If the PAOVI bit in
GPTPACTL is also set, PAOVF generates an interrupt request. Clear PAOVF by writing a 1 to this flag.
When the fast flag clear all enable bit, GP TSCR1[TFFCA], is set, any access
to the pulse accumulator counter registers clears all the flags in GPTPAFLG.
20.8.3 Pulse Accumulator Input (PAIF)
PAIF is set when the selected edge is detected at the PAI pin. In event counter mode, the event edge sets
PAIF. In gated time accumulation mode, the trailing edge of th e gate signa l at the PA I pin sets PA IF. If the
PAI bit in GPTPACTL is also set, PAIF generates an interrupt request. Clear PAIF by writing a 1 to this
When the fast flag clear all enable bit, GP TSCR1[TFFCA], is set, any access
to the pulse accumulator counter registers clears all the flags in GPTPAFLG.
20.8.4 Timer Overflow (TOF)
T OF is set when the GPT counter rolls over from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. If the GPTSCR2[TOI] bit is also set,
TOF generates an interrupt request. Clear TOF by writing a 1 to this flag.
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When the GPT channel 3 registers contain 0xFFFF and TCRE is set, TOF
does not get set even though the GPT counter registers go from 0xFFFF to
When the fast flag clear all bit, GPTSCR1[TFFCA], is set, any access to the
GPT counter registers clears GPT flag register 2.
When TOF is set, it does not inhibit future overflow events.
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General Purpose Timer Modules (GPTA and GPTB)
20-24 Freescale Semiconductor
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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Chapter 21
DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
21.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the configuration and operation of the four direct memory access (DMA) timer
modules (DTIM0, DTIM1, DTIM2, and DTIM3). These 32-bit timers provide input capture and reference
compare capabilities with optional signaling of events using interrupts or DMA triggers. Additionally,
programming examples are included.
The designation n appears throughout this section to refer to registers or
signals associated with one of the four identical timer modules: DTIM0,
21.1.1 Overview
Each DMA timer module has a separate register set for configuration and control. The timers can be
configured to operate from the internal bus clock or from an external clocking source using the DTINn
signal. If the internal bus clock is selected, it can be divided by 16 or 1. The selected clock source is routed
to an 8-bit programmable prescaler that clocks the actual DMA timer counter register (DTCNn). Using the
DTMRn, DTXMRn, DTCRn, and DTRRn registers, the DMA timer may be configured to assert an output
signal, generate an interrupt, or request a DMA transfer on a particular event.
The GPIO module must be configured to enable the peripheral function of
the appropriate pins (refer to Chapter 26, “General Purpose I/O Module”)
prior to configuring the DMA Timers.
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
21-2 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 21-1 is a block diagram of one of the four identical timer modules.
Figure 21-1. DMA Timer Block Diagram
21.1.2 Features
Each DMA timer module has:
Maximum timeout period of 219,902 seconds at 80 MHz (~61 hours)
12.5-ns resolution at 80 MHz
Programmable sources for the clock input, including external clock
Programmable prescaler
Input-capture capability with programmable trigger edge on input pin
Programmable mode for the output pin on reference compare
Free run and restart modes
Programmable interrupt or DMA request on input capture or reference-compare
DMA Timer
DMA Timer Mode Register (DTMRn)
Prescaler Mode Bits
DMA Timer Counter Register (DTCNn)
31 0
DMA Timer Refer ence Register (DTRRn)
31 0
DMA Timer Capture Register (DTCRn)
31 0
DMA Timer Event Register (DTERn)
(contains incrementing value)
(reference value for comparison with DTCN)
(indicates capture or when DTCN = DTRRn)
Interrupt Request
DMA Timer Extended Mode
Register (DTXMRn)
DMA Request
15 7
Internal Bus Clock
(÷1 or ÷16)
DMA Timer
Internal Bus to/from DMA Timer Registers
(latches DTCN value when triggered byDTINn)
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
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21.2 Memory Map/Register Definition
The timer module registers, shown in Table 21-1, can be modified at any time.
21.2.1 DMA Timer Mode Registers (DTMRn)
The DTMRn registers program the prescaler and various timer modes.
Table 21-1. DMA Timer Module Memory Map
IPSB AR Offset
Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Section/Page
DMA Timer 0
DMA Timer 1
DMA Timer 2
DMA Timer 3
DMA Timer n Mode Register (DTMRn) 16 R/W 0x0000 21.2.1/21-3
DMA Timer n Extended Mode Register (DTXMRn) 8 R/W 0x00 21.2.2/21-5
DMA Timer n Event Register (DTERn)8R/W0x0021.2.3/21-5
DMA Timer n Reference Register (DTRRn) 32 R/W 0xFFFF_FFFF 21.2.4/21-7
DMA Timer n Capture Register (DTCRn) 32 R/W 0x0000_0000 21.2.5/21-7
DMA Timer n Counter Register (DTCNn) 32 R 0x0000_0000 21.2.6/21-8
Offset: 0x00_0400 (DTMR0)
0x00_0440 (DTMR1)
0x00_0480 (DTMR2)
0x00_04C0 (DTMR3)
Access: User read/write
Figure 21-2. DTMRn Registers
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
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Table 21-2. DTMRn Field Description s
Field Description
PS Prescaler value. Divides the clock input (internal bus clock/(16 or 1) or clock on DTINn)
0x00 1
0xFF 256
CE Captu r e ed ge.
00 Disable capture event outpu t. Timer in reference mode.
01 Capture on rising edge only
10 Capture on falling edge only
11 Capture on any edge
OM Output mode.
0 Active-low pulse for one internal bus clock cycle (12.5-ns resolution at 80 MHz)
1 Toggle output.
ORRI Output reference request, interrupt enable. If ORRI is set when DTERn[REF] is set, a DMA request or an interrupt
occurs, depending on the value of DTXMRn[DMAEN] (DMA request if set, interrupt if cleared).
0 Disable DMA request or interrupt for reference reached (does not affect DMA request or interrupt on capture
1 Enable DMA request or interrupt upon reaching the reference value.
FRR Free run/restart
0 Free run. Timer count continues incrementing after reaching the reference value.
1 Restart. Timer count is reset immediately after reaching the reference value.
CLK Input clock source for the timer. Avoid setting CLK when RST is already set. Doing so causes CLK to zero (stop
00 Stop count
01 Inte rnal bus clock divided by 1
10 Inte rnal bus clock divided by 16. This clock source is not synchronized with the time r; therefore, successive
time-outs may vary slightly.
11 DTINn pin (falling edge)
RST Reset timer. Performs a software timer reset similar to an external reset, although other register values can be written
while RST is cleared. A transition of RST from 1 to 0 resets register va lues. The timer counter is not clock ed unless
the timer is enabled.
0 Reset timer (software reset)
1 Enable timer
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
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21.2.2 DMA Timer Extended Mode Registers (DTXMRn)
The DTXMRn registers program DMA request and increment modes for the timers.
21.2.3 DMA Timer Event Registers (DTERn)
DTERn, shown in Figure 21-4, reports capture or reference events by setting DTERn[CAP] or
DTERn[REF]. This reporting happens regardless of the corresponding DMA request or interrupt enable
values, DTXMRn[DMAEN] and DTMRn[ORRI,CE].
W riting a 1 to DTERn[REF] or DTERn[CAP] clears it (writing a 0 does not affect bit value); bo th bits can
be cleared at the same time. If configured to generate an interrupt request, clear REF and CAP early in the
interrupt service routine so the timer module can negate the interrupt request signal to the interrupt
controller. If configured to generate a DMA request, processing of the DMA data transfer automatically
clears the REF and CAP flags via the internal DMA ACK signal.
Offset: 0x00_0402 (DTXMR0)
0x00_0442 (DTXMR1)
0x00_0482 (DTXMR2)
0x00_04C2 (DTXMR3)
Access: User read/write
RDMAEN 000000
Figure 21-3. DTXMRn Regist ers
Table 21-3. DTXMRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
DMAEN DMA request. Enables DMA request output on counter reference match or capture edge event.
0 DMA request disabled
1 DMA request enabled
6–1 Reserved, must be cleared.
MODE16 Selects the increment mode for the timer. Setting MODE16 is intended to exercise the upper bits of the 32-bit timer
in diagnostic software without requiring the timer to count through its entire dynamic range. When set, the counter’ s
upper 16 bits mirror its lower 16 bits. All 32 bits of the counter remain compared to the reference value.
0 Increment timer by 1
1 Increment timer by 65,537
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Offset: 0x00_0403 (DTER0)
0x00_0443 (DTER1)
0x00_0483 (DTER2)
0x00_04C3 (DTER3)
Access: User read/write
Ww1c w1c
Figure 21-4. DTERn Registers
Table 21-4. DTERn Field Descript ions
Field Description
7–2 Reserved, must be cleared.
REF Output reference event. The counter value (DTCNn) equals DTRRn. Writing a 1 to REF clears the ev ent condition.
Writing a 0 has no effect.
CAP Capture event. The counter value has been latched into DTCRn. Writing a 1 to CAP clears the event condition.
Writing a 0 has no effect.
0X X No event
1 0 0 No request asserted
1 0 1 No request asserted
1 1 0 Interrupt request asserted
1 1 1 DMA request asserted
0XX X No event
1 00 0 Disabl e ca pture event output
1 00 1 Disabl e ca pture event output
1 01 0 Capture on rising edge and trigger interrupt
1 01 1 Capture on rising edge and trigger DMA
1 10 0 Capture on falling edge and trigger interrupt
1 10 1 Captu re on falling edge and trigger DMA
1 11 0 Capture on any edge and trigger interrupt
1 11 1 Capture on any edge and trigger DMA
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
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21.2.4 DMA Timer Reference Registers (DTRRn)
As part of the output-compare function, each DTRRn contains the reference value compared with the
respective free-running timer counter (DTCNn).
The reference value is matched when DTCNn equals DTRRn. The prescaler indicates that DTCNn should
be incremented again. Therefore, the reference register is matched after DTRRn+ 1 time intervals.
21.2.5 DMA Timer Capture Registers (DTCRn)
Each DTCRn latches the corresponding DTCNn value during a capture operation when an edge occurs on
DTINn, as programmed in DTMRn. The internal bus clock is assumed to be the clock source. DTINn
cannot simultaneously function as a clocking source and as an input capture pin. Indeterminate operation
results if DTINn is set as the clock source when the input capture mode is used.
Offset: 0x00_0404 (DTRR0)
0x00_0444 (DTRR1)
0x00_0484 (DTRR2)
0x00_04C4 (DTRR3 )
Access: User read/write
RREF (32-bit re ference value)
Figure 21-5. DTRRn Registers
Table 21-5. DTRRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
REF Reference value compared with the respective free-running timer counter (DTCNn) as part of the output-compare
Offset: 0x00_0408 (DTCR0)
0x00_0448 (DTCR1)
0x00_0488 (DTCR2)
0x00_04C8 (DTCR3)
Access: User read-only
RCAP (32-bit capture counter v alue)
Figure 21-6. DTCRn Registers
Table 21-6. DTCRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
CAP Captures the corresponding DTCN n value during a capture operation when an edge occurs on DTINn, as
programmed in DTMRn.
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21.2.6 DMA Timer Counters (DTCNn)
The current value of the 32-bit timer counter can be read at anytime without af fecting counting. Writes to
DTCNn clear the timer counter. The timer counter increments on the clock source rising edge (internal bus
clock divided by 1, internal bus clock divided by 16, or DTINn).
21.3 Functional Description
21.3.1 Prescaler
The prescaler clock input is selected from the internal bus clock (fsys divided by 1 or 16) or from the
corresponding timer input, DTINn. DTINn is synchronized to the internal bus clock, and the
synchronization delay is between two and three internal bus clocks. The corresponding DTMRn[CLK]
selects the clock input source. A programmable prescaler divides the clock input by values from 1 to 256.
The prescaler output is an input to the 32-bit counter, DTCNn.
21.3.2 Capture Mode
Each DMA timer has a 32-bit timer capture register (DTCRn) that latches the counter value when the
corresponding input capture edge detector senses a defined DTINn transition. The capture edge bits
(DTMRn[CE]) select the type of transition that triggers the capture and sets the timer event register capture
event bit, DTERn[CAP]. If DTERn[CAP] and DTXMRn[DMAEN] are set, a DMA request is asserted. If
DTERn[CAP] is set and DTXMRn[DMAEN] is cleared, an interrupt is asserted.
21.3.3 Reference Compare
Each DMA timer can be configured to count up to a reference value. If the reference value is met,
DTERn[REF] is set.
•If DTMRn[ORRI] is set and DTXMRn[DMAEN] is cleared, an interrupt is asserted.
•If DTMRn[ORRI] and DTXMRn[DMAEN] are set, a DMA request is asserted.
Offset: 0x00_040C (DTCN0)
0x00_044C (DTCN1)
0x00_048C (DTCN2)
0x00_04CC (DTCN3)
Access: User read/write
RCNT (32-bit timer counter value count)
Figure 21-7. DMA Timer Counters (DTCNn)
Table 21-7. DTCNn Field Descriptions
Field Description
CNT Timer counter. Can be read at anytime without affecting counting and any write to this field clears it.
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If the free run/restart bit (DTMRn[FRR]) is set, a new count starts. If it is clear, the timer keeps running.
21.3.4 Output Mode
When a timer reaches the reference value selected by DTRR, it can send an output signal on DTOUTn.
DTOUTn can be an active-low pulse or a toggle of the current output, as selected by the DTMRn[OM] bit.
21.4 Initialization/Application Information
The general-purpose timer modules typically, but not necessarily, follow this program order:
The DTMRn and DTXMRn registers are configured for the desired function and behavior.
Count and compare to a reference value stored in the DTRRn register
Capture the timer value on an edge detected on DTINn
Configure DTOUTn output mode
Increment counter by 1 or by 65,537 (16-bit mode)
Enable/disable interrupt or DMA request on counter reference match or capture edge
The DTMRn[CLK] register is configured to select the clock source to be routed to the prescaler.
Internal bus clock (can be divided by 1 or 16)
—DTINn, the maximum value of DTINn is 1/5 of the internal bus clock, as described in the
device’s electrical characteristics
DTINn may not be configured as a clock source when the timer capture
mode is selected or indeterminate operation results.
The 8-bit DTMRn[PS] prescaler value is set.
Using DTMRn[RST], counter is cleared and started.
Timer events are managed with an interrupt service routine, a DMA request, or by a software
polling mechanism.
21.4.1 Code Example
The following code provides an example of how to initialize and use DMA Timer0 for co unting time-out
DTMR0 EQU IPSBARx+0x400 ;Timer0 mode register
DTMR1 EQU IPSBARx+0x440 ;Timer1 mode register
DTRR0 EQU IPSBARx+0x404 ;Timer0 reference register
DTRR1 EQU IPSBARx+0x444 ;Timer1 reference register
DTCR0 EQU IPSBARx+0x408 ;Timer0 capture register
DTCR1 EQU IPSBARx+0x448 ;Timer1 capture register
DTCN0 EQU IPSBARx+0x40C ;Timer0 counter register
DTCN1 EQU IPSBARx+0x44C ;Timer1 counter register
DTER0 EQU IPSBARx+0x403 ;Timer0 event register
DTER1 EQU IPSBARx+0x443 ;Timer1 event register
* TMR0 is defined as: *
*[PS] = 0xFF, divide clock by 256
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*[CE] = 00 disable capture event output
*[OM] = 0 output=active-low pulse
*[ORRI] = 0, disable ref. match output
*[FRR] = 1, restart mode enabled
*[CLK] = 10, internal bus clock/16
*[RST] = 0, timer0 disabled
move.w #0xFF0C,D0
move.w D0,TMR0
move.l #0x0000,D0;writing to the timer counter with any
move.l DO,TCN0 ;value resets it to zero
move.l #0xAFAF,DO ;set the timer0 reference to be
move.l #D0,TRR0 ;defined as 0xAFAF
The simple example below uses Timer0 to count time-out loops. A time-out occurs when the reference
value, 0xAFAF, is reached.
timer0_exclr.l DO
clr.l D1
clr.l D2
move.l #0x0000,D0
move.l D0,TCN0 ;reset the counter to 0x0000
move.b #0x03,D0 ;writing ones to TER0[REF,CAP]
move.b D0,TER0 ;clears the event flags
move.w TMR0,D0 ;save the contents of TMR0 while setting
bset #0,D0 ;the 0 bit. This enables timer 0 and starts counting
move.w D0,TMR0 ;load the value back into the register, setting TMR0[RST]
T0_LOOP move.b TER0,D1 ;load TER0 and see if
btst #1,D1 ;TER0[REF] has been set
beq T0_LOOP
addi.l #1,D2 ;Increment D2
cmp.l #5,D2 ;Did D2 reach 5? (i.e. timer ref has timed)
beq T0_FINISH ;If so, end timer0 example. Otherwise jump back.
move.b #0x02,D0 ;writing one to TER0[REF] clears the event flag
move.b D0,TER0
jmp T0_LOOP
T0_FINISHHALT ;End processing. Example is finished
21.4.2 Calculating Time-Out Values
Equation 21-1 determines time-out periods for various reference values:
Eqn. 21-1
When calculating time-out periods, add one to the prescaler to simplify calculating, because
DTMRn[PS] equal to 0x00 yields a prescaler of one, and DTMRn[PS] equal to 0xFF yields a prescaler of
Timeout period 1 clock frequency()1 or 16()×DTMRn[PS] 1+()×DTRRn[REF] 1+()×=
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For example, if a 80-MHz timer clock is divided by 16, DTMRn[PS] equals 0x7F, and the timer is
referenced at 0x1312C (78,124 decimal), the time-out period is:
Eqn. 21-2
Timeout period 1
80 106
-------------------- 16 127 1+()78124 1+()××× 2.00 seconds==
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DMA Timers (DTIM0–DTIM3)
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Chapter 22
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
22.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) module.
22.1.1 Block Diagram
Figure 22-1 illustrates the QSPI module.
Figure 22-1. QSPI Block Diagram
Queue Control
Pointer 4
End Queue
Control Logic
Divide by 2 Baud Rate
msb lsb
/16 Bit Shift Reg
Rx/Tx Data Reg.
Internal Bus
Internal Bus
Clock (fsys)
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Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
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22.1.2 Overview
The queued serial peripheral interface module provides a serial peripheral interface with queued transfer
capability. It allows users to queue up to 16 transfers at once, eliminating CPU intervention between
transfers. Transfer RAM in the QSPI is indirectly accessible using address and data registers.
The GPIO module must be configured to enable the peripheral function of
the appropriate pins (refer to Chapter 26, “General Purpose I/O Module”)
prior to configuring the QSPI module.
22.1.3 Features
Features include:
Programmable queue to support up to 16 transfers without user intervention
80 bytes of data storage provided
Supports transfer sizes of 8 to 16 bits in 1-bit increments
Four peripheral chip-select lines for control of up to 15 devices (All chip selects may not be
available on all devices. See Chapter 14, “Signal Descriptions,” for details on which chip-selects
are pinned-out.)
Baud rates from 156.9 Kbps to 20 Mbps at 80 MHz internal bus frequency
Programmable delays before and after transfers
Programmable QSPI clock phase and polarity
Supports wraparound mode for continuous transfers
22.1.4 Modes of Operation
Because the QSPI module only operates in master mode, the master bit in the QSPI mode register
(QMR[MSTR]) must be set for the QSPI to function properly. If the master bit is not set, QSPI activity is
indeterminate. The QSPI can initiate serial transfers but cannot respond to transfers initiated by other QSPI
22.2 External Signal Description
The module provides access to as many as 15 devices with a total of seven signals: QSPI_DOUT,
Peripheral chip-select signals, QSPI_CSn, are used to select an external device as the source or destination
for serial data transfer. Signals are asserted when a command in the queue is executed. More than one
chip-select signal can be asserted simultaneously.
Although QSPI_CSn signals function as simple chip selects in most applications, up to 15 devices can be
selected by decoding them with an external 4-to-16 decoder.
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22.3 Memory Map/Register Definition
Table 22-2 is the QSPI register memory map. Reading reserved locations returns zeros.
22.3.1 QSPI Mode Register (QMR)
The QMR, shown in Figure 22-2, determines the basic operating modes of the QSPI module. Parameters
such as QSPI_CLK polarity and phase, baud rate, master mode operation, and transfer size are determined
by this register.
Because the QSPI does not operate in slave mode , the master mode enable
bit (QMR[MSTR]) must be set for the QSPI module to operate correctly.
Table 22-1. QSPI Input and Output Signals and Functions
Signal Name Hi-Z or Actively Driven Function
Data output (QSPI_DOUT) Configurable Serial data output from QSPI
Data input (QSPI_DIN) N/A Serial data input to QSPI
Serial clock (QSPI_CLK) Activ ely driven Clock output from QSPI
Periphera l chip selects (QSPI_CSn) Actively driven Peripheral selects from QSPI
Table 22-2. QSPI Memory Map
1Addresses not assigned to a register and undefined register bits are reserved for expansion.
Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Section/Page
0x00_0340 QSPI Mode Register (QMR) 16 R/W 0x0104 22.3.1/22-3
0x00_0344 QSPI Delay Register (QDLYR) 16 R/W 0x0404 22.3.2/22-5
0x00_0348 QSPI Wrap Register (QWR) 16 R/W2
2See the register description for special cases. Some bits may be read- or write-only.
0x0000 22.3.3/22-6
0x00_034C QSPI Interrupt Register (QIR) 16 R/W20x0000 22.3.4/22-6
0x00_0350 QSPI Address Register (QAR) 16 R/W20x0000 22.3.5/22-7
0x00_0354 QSPI Data Register (QDR) 16 R/W 0x0000 22.3.6/22-8
Offset: 0x00_0340 (QMR) Access: User read/write
Reset0 0 00000100000100
Figure 22-2. QSPI Mode Register (QMR)
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Table 22-3. QMR Field Descriptions
Field Description
MSTR Master mode enable.
0 Reserved, do not use.
1 The QSPI is in master mode. Must be set for the QSPI module to operate correctly.
14 Reserved, must be cleared.
BITS Transfer size. Determines the number of bits to be transf erred for each entry in the queue.
CPOL Clock polarity. Defines the clock polarity of QSPI_CLK.
0 The inactive state value of QSPI_CLK is logic lev el 0.
1 The inactive state value of QSPI_CLK is logic lev el 1.
CPHA Clock phase. Defines the QSPI_CLK clock-phase.
0 Data captured on the leading edge of QSPI_CLK and changed on the following edge of QSPI_CLK.
1 Data changed on the leading edge of QSPI_CLK and captured on the following edge of QSPI_CLK.
BAUD Baud rate divider . The baud rate is selected by writing a value in the r ange 2–255. A v alue of zero disables the QSPI.
A value of 1 is an invalid setting. The desired QSPI_CLK baud rate is related to th e internal bus clock and
QMR[BAUD] by the following expression:
QMR[BAUD] = fsys/ /([desired QSPI_CLK baud rate])
BITS Bits per Transfer
0000 16
0001–0111 Reserved
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
1101 13
1110 14
1111 15
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Figure 22-3 shows an example of a QSPI clocking and data transfer.
Figure 22-3. QSPI Clocking and Data Transfer Example
22.3.2 QSPI Delay Register (QDLYR)
The QDLYR is used to initiate master mode transfers and to set various delay parameters.
Offset: 0x00_0344 (QDLYR) Access: User read/write
Reset0 0 00010000000100
Figure 22-4. QSPI Delay Register (QDLYR)
Table 22-4. QDLYR Field Descriptio ns
Field Description
SPE QSPI enable . When set, the QSPI initiates transf ers in master mode by e xecuting commands in the command RAM.
The QSPI clears this bit automatically when a transfer completes. The user can also clear this bit to abort transfer
unless QIR[ABRTL] is set. The recommended method for aborting transfe rs is to set QWR[HALT].
QCD QSPI_CLK delay. When the DSCK bit in the command RAM is set this field determines the length of the dela y from
assertion of the chip selects to valid QSPI_CLK transition. See Section 22.4.3, “Tr ansf e r D e lays” for information on
setting this bit field.
DTL Delay after transfer. When th e DT bit in the command RAM is set th is field determines the length of delay after the
serial transfer.
Chip selects are active low
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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22.3.3 QSPI Wrap Register (QWR)
The QSPI wrap register provides halt transfer control, wraparound settings, and queue pointer locations.
22.3.4 QSPI Interrupt Register (QIR)
The QIR contains QSPI interrupt enables and status flags.
Offset: 0x00_0348 (QWR) Access: User read/write
Reset0 0 00000000000000
Figure 22-5. QSPI Wrap Register (QWR)
Table 22-5. QWR Fiel d Descriptions
Field Description
HALT Halt transf ers. Assertion of this bit causes the QSPI to stop e xecution of commands after it has completed ex ecution
of the current command.
WREN Wraparound enable. Enables wraparound mode.
0 Execution stops after executing the command pointed to by QWR[ENDQP].
1 After executin g command pointed to by QWR[ENDQP], wrap back to entry zero, or the entry pointed to by
QWR[NEWQP] and continue execution.
WRTO Wraparound location. Determines where the QSPI wraps to in wraparound mode.
0 Wrap to RAM entry zero.
1 Wrap to RAM entry pointed to by QWR[NEWQP].
CSIV QSPI_CS inactive level.
0 QSPI chip select outputs return to zero when not driven from the value in the current command RAM entry during
a transfer (that is, inactive state is 0, chip selects are active high).
1 QSPI chip select outputs return to one when not driven from the v alue in the current command RAM entry during
a transfer (that is, inactive state is 1, chip selects are active low).
ENDQP End of queue pointer. Points to the RAM entry that contains the last transfer description in the queue.
CPTQP Completed queue entry pointer. Points to the RAM entry that contains the last command to have been completed.
This field is read only.
NEWQP Start of queue pointer. This 4-bit field points to the first entry in the RAM to be executed on initiating a transfer.
Offset: 0x00_034C (QIR) Access: User read/write
15 141312 11 109876543 210
Ww1c w1c w1c
Reset0 000 0 00000000000
Figure 22-6. QSPI Interrupt Register (QIR)
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22.3.5 QSPI Address Register (QAR)
The QAR is used to specify the locatio n in the QSPI RAM that read and write operations affect. As shown
in Section 22.4.1, “QSPI RAM”, the transmit RAM is located at addresses 0x0 to 0xF, the receive RAM
is located at 0x10 to 0x1F, and the command RAM is located at 0x20 to 0x2F. (These addresses refer to
the QSPI RAM space, not the device memory map.)
A read or write to the QSPI RAM causes QAR to incr ement. However, the
QAR does not wrap after the last queue entry within each section of the
RAM. The application software must manage address range errors.
Table 22-6. QIR Field Descriptions
Field Description
WCEFB Write collision access error enable. A write collision occurs during a data transfer when the RAM entry containing
the current command is written to by the CPU with the QDR. When this bit is asserted, the write access to QDR
results in an access error.
ABRTB Abort access error enable . An abort occurs when QDLYR[SPE] is cleared during a transfer. When set, an attempt to
clear QDLYR[SPE] during a transfer results in an access error.
13 Reserved, must be cleared.
ABRTL Abort lock-out. When set, QDLYR[SPE] cannot be cleared by writing to the QDLYR. QDLYR[SPE] is only cleared by
the QSPI when a transfer completes.
WCEFE Write collision (WCEF) interrupt enable.
0 Write collision interrupt disabled
1 Write collision interrupt enabled
ABRTE Abort (ABRT) interrupt enable.
0 Abort interrupt disabled
1 Abort interrupt enabled
9 Reserved, must be cleared.
SPIFE QSPI finished (SPIF) interrupt enable.
0 SPIF interrupt disabled
1 SPIF interrupt enabled
7–4 Reserved, must be cleared.
WCEF Write collision error flag. Indicates that an attempt has been made to write to the RAM entry that is currently being
executed. Writing a 1 to this bit (w1c) clears it and writing 0 has no effect.
ABRT Abort flag. Indicates that QDLYR[SPE] has been cleared by the user writing to the QDLYR rather than b y completion
of the command queue by the QSPI. Writing a 1 to this bit (w1c) clears it and writing 0 has no effect.
1 Reserved, must be cleared.
SPIF QSPI finished flag. Asserted when the QSPI has completed all the commands in the queue. Set on completion of
the command pointed to by QWR[ENDQP], and on completion of the current command after asser tion of
QWR[HALT]. In wraparound mode, this bit is set e very time the command pointed to by QWR[ENDQP] is completed.
Writing a 1 to this bit (w1c) clears it and writing 0 has no effect.
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22.3.6 QSPI Data Register (QDR)
The QDR is used to access QSPI RAM indirectly. The CPU reads and writes all data from and to the QSPI
RAM through this register.
A write to QDR causes data to be written to the RAM entry specified by QAR[ADDR]. This also causes
the value in QAR to increment. Correspondingly , a read at QDR returns the data in the RAM at the address
specified by QAR[ADDR]. This also causes QAR to increment. A read access requires a single wait s tate.
22.3.7 Command RAM Re gisters (QCR0–QCR15)
The command RAM is accessed using the upper byte of the QDR; the QSPI cannot modify information in
command RAM. There are 16 bytes in the command RAM. Each byte is divided into two fields. The chip
select field enables external peripherals for transfer. The command field provides transfer operations.
Offset: 0x00_0350 (QAR) Access: User read/write
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R0000000000 ADDR
Figure 22-7. QSPI Address Register (QAR)
Table 22-7. QAR Field Descriptions
Field Description
15–6 Reserved, must be cleared.
ADDR Address used to read/write the QSPI RAM. Ranges are as follows:
0x00–0x0F Transmit RAM
0x10–0x1F Receive RAM
0x20–0x2F Command RAM
0x30–0x3F Reserved
Offset: 0x00_0354 (QDR) Access: User read/write
Figure 22-8. QSPI Data Register (QDR)
Table 22-8. QDR Field Descriptions
Field Description
DATA A write to this field causes data to be written to the Q SPI RAM entry specified by QAR[ADDR]. Similarly, a read of
this field returns the data in the QSPI RAM at the add ress specified by QAR[ADDR]. Dur ing command RAM
accesses (QAR[ADDR] = 0x20–0x2F), only the most significant byte of this field is used.
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The command RAM is accessed only using the most significant byte of
QDR and indirect addressing based on QAR[ADDR].
22.4 Functional Description
The QSPI uses a dedicated 80-byte block of static RAM accessible to the module and CPU to perform
queued operations. The RAM is divided into three segments:
16 command control bytes (command RAM)
32 transmit data bytes (transmit data RAM)
Address: QAR[ADDR] Access: CPU write-only
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Figure 22-9. Command RAM Registers (QCR0–QCR15)
Table 22-9. QCR0–QCR15 Field Descriptions
Field Description
CONT Continuous.
0 Chip selects return to inactive level defined by QWR[CSIV] when a single word transfer is complete.
1 Chip selects return to inactive le vel defined by QWR[CSIV] only after the transfer of the queue entries (max of 16
Note: To keep the chip selects asserted for transfers beyond 16 words, the QWR[CSIV] bit must be set to control
the level th at the chip selects return to after the first transfer.
BITSE Bits per transfer enable.
0 Eight bits
1 Number of bits set in QMR[BITS]
DT Delay after transfer enable.
0 Default reset value.
1 The QSPI provides a variable dela y at the end of serial transfer to facilitate interfacing with peripherals that hav e
a latency requirement. The delay between transfers is determined by QDLYR[DTL].
DSCK Chip select to QSPI_CLK delay enable.
0 Chip select valid to QSPI_CLK transition is one-half QSPI_CLK period.
1 QDLYR[QCD] specifies the delay from QSPI_CS valid to QSPI_CLK.
QSPI_CS P e ripheral chip selects. Used to select an external device f or serial data transfer. More than one chip select ma y be
active at once, and more than one device can be connected to each chip select. Bits 11-8 map directly to the
corresponding QSPI_CSn pins. If more than four chip selects are needed, then an external demultiplexor can be
used with the QSPI_CSn pins.
0 Enable chip select.
1 Mask chip select.
Note: Not all chip selects may be av ailable on all device pac kages. See Chapter 14, “Signal Descriptions, f or details
on which chip selects are pinned-out.
7–0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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32 receive data bytes (receive data RAM)
The RAM is organized so that 1 byte of command control data, 1 word of transmit data, and 1 word of
receive data comprise 1 of the 16 queue entries (0x0–0xF).
Throughout ColdFire documentation, the term word is used to designate a
16-bit data unit. The only exceptions to this appear in discussions of serial
communication modules such as QSPI that support variable-length data
units. To simplify these discussions, the functional unit is referred to as a
word regardless of length.
The user initiates QSPI operation by loading a queue of commands in command RAM, writing transmit
data into transmit RAM, and then enabling the QSPI data transfer. The QSPI executes the queued
commands and sets the completion flag in the QSPI interrupt register (QIR[SPIF]) to signal their
completion. As another option, QIR[SPIFE] can be enabled to generate an interrupt.
The QSPI uses four queue pointers. The user can access three of them through fields in QSPI wrap register
New queue pointer (QWR[NEWQP])—points to the first command in the queue
Internal queue pointer—points to the command currently being executed
Completed queue pointer (QWR[CPTQP])—points to the last command executed
End queue pointer (QWR[ENDQP]) —points to the final command in the queue
The internal pointer is initialized to the same value as QWR[NEWQP]. During normal operation, the
following sequence repeats:
1. The command pointed to by the internal pointer is executed.
2. The value in the internal pointer is copied into QWR[CPTQP].
3. The internal pointer is incremented.
Execution continues at the internal pointer address unless the QWR[NEWQP] value is changed. After each
command is executed, QWR[ENDQP] and QWR[CPTQP] are compared. When a match occurs,
QIR[SPIF] is set and the QSPI stops unless wraparound mode is enabled. Setting QWR[WREN] enables
wraparound mode.
QWR[NEWQP] is cleared at reset. When the QSPI is enabled, execution begins at address 0x0 unless
another value has been written into QWR[NEWQP]. QWR[ENDQP] is clea red at reset but is changed to
show the last queue entry before the QSPI is enabled. QWR[NEWQP] and QWR[ENDQP] can be written
at any time. When the QWR[NEWQP] value changes, the internal pointer value also changes unless a
transfer is in progress, in which case the transfer completes normally. Leaving QWR[NEWQP] and
QWR[ENDQP] set to 0x0 causes a single transfer to occur when the QSPI is enabled.
Data is transferred relative to QSPI_CLK, which can be generated in any one of four combinations of
phase and polarity using QMR[CPHA,CPOL]. Data is transferred with the most significant bit (msb) first.
The number of bits transferred defaults to 8, but can be set to any value between 8 and 16 by writing a
value into the BITSE field of the command RAM (QCR[BITSE]).
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22.4.1 QSPI RAM
The QSPI contains an 80-byte block of static RAM that can be accessed by the user and the QSPI. This
RAM does not appear in the device memory map, because it can only be accessed by the user indirectly
through the QSPI address register (QAR) and the QSPI data register (QDR). The RAM is divided into
three segments with 16 addresses each:
Receive data RAM—the initial destination for all incoming data
Transmit data RAM—a buffer for all out-bound data
Command RAM—where commands are loaded
The transmit data and command RAM are user write-only. The receive RAM is user read-only.
Figure 22-10 shows the RAM configuration. The RAM contents are undefined immediately after a reset.
The command and data RAM in the QSPI are indirectly accessible with QDR and QAR as 48 separate
locations that comprise 16 words of transmit data, 16 words of receive data, and 16 bytes of commands.
A write to QDR causes data to be written to the RAM entry specified by QAR[ADDR] and causes the
value in QAR to increment. Correspondingly, a read from QDR returns the data in the RAM at the address
specified by QAR[ADDR]. This also causes QAR to increment. A read access requires a single wait s tate. Receive RAM
Data received by the QSPI is stored in the receive RAM segment located at 0x10 to 0x1F in the QSPI RAM
space. Read this segment to retrieve data from the QSPI. Data words with less than 16 bits are stored in
Address Register Function
0x00 QTR0 Transmit RAM
0x01 QTR1
... ... 16 bits wide
0x0F QTR15
0x10 QRR0 Receiv e RAM
0x11 QRR1
... ... 16 bits wide
0x1F QRR15
0x20 QCR0 Command RAM
0x21 QCR1
... ... 8 bits wide
0x2F QCR15
Figure 22-10. QSPI RAM Model
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the least significant bits of the RAM. Unused bits in a receive queue entry are set to zero upon completion
of the individual queue entry. Receive RAM is not writeable.
QWR[CPTQP] shows which queue entries have been executed. The user can query this field to determine
which locations in receive RAM contain valid data. Transmit RAM
Data to be transmitted by the QSPI is stored in the transmit RAM segment located at addresses 0x0 to 0xF.
The user normally writes 1 word into this segment for each queue command to be executed. The user
cannot read data in the transmit RAM.
Outbound data must be written to transmit RAM in a right-justified format. The unused bits are ignored.
The QSPI copies the data to its data serializer (shift register) for transmission. The data is transmitted most
significant bit first and remains in transmit RAM until overwritten by the user. Command RAM
The CPU writes one byte of control information to this segment for each QSPI command to be executed.
Command RAM, referred to as QCR0–15, is write-only memory from a users perspective.
Command RAM consists of 16 bytes, each divided into two fields. The peripheral chip select field controls
the QSPI_CS signal levels for the transfer. The command control field provides transfer options.
A maximum of 16 commands can be in the queue. Queue execution proceeds from the address in
QWR[NEWQP] through the address in QWR[ENDQP].
The QSPI executes a queue of commands defined by the control bits in each command RAM entry that
sequence the following actions:
Chip-select pins are activated.
Data is transmitted from the transmit RAM and received into the receive RAM.
The synchronous transfer clock QSPI_CLK is generated.
Before any data transfers begin, control data must be written to the command RAM, and any out-bound
data must be written to the transmit RAM. Also, the queue pointers must be initialized to the first and last
entries in the command queue.
Data transfer is synchronized with the internally generated QSPI_CLK, whose phase and polarity are
controlled by QMR[CPHA] and QMR[CPOL]. These control bits determine which QSPI_CLK edge is
used to drive outgoing data and to latch incoming data.
22.4.2 Baud Rate Selection
The maximum QSPI clock frequency is one-fourth the clock frequency of the internal bus clock (fsys).
Baud rate is selected by writing a value from 2–255 into QMR[BAUD]. The QSPI uses a prescaler to
derive the QSPI_CLK rate from the internal bus clock divided by two. Table 22-10 shows the QSPI_CLK
frequency as a function of internal bus clock and baud rate.
A baud rate value of zero turns off the QSPI_CLK.
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The desired QSPI_CLK baud rate is related to the internal bus clock and QMR[BAUD] by the following
Eqn. 22-1
22.4.3 Transfer Delays
The QSPI supports programmable delays for the QSPI_CS signals before and after a transfer. The time
between QSPI_CS assertion and the leading QSPI_CLK edge, and the time between the end of one transfer
and the beginning of the next, are both independently programmable.
The chip select to clock delay enable bit in the command RAM, QCR[DSCK], enables the programmable
delay period from QSPI_CS assertion until the leading edge of QSPI_CLK. QDLYR[QCD] determines the
period of delay before the leading edge of QSPI_CLK. The following expression determines the actual
delay before the QSPI_CLK leading edge:
Eqn. 22-2
QDLYR[QCD] has a range of 1–127.
When QDLYR[QCD] or QCR[DSCK] equals zero, the standard delay of one-half the QSPI_CLK period
is used.
The command RAM delay after transmit enable bit, QCR[DT], enables the programmable delay period
from the negation of the QSPI_CS signals until the start of the next transfer. The delay after transfer can
be used to provide a peripheral deselect interval. A delay can also be inserted between consecutive
transfers to allow serial A/D converters to complete conversion. There are two transfer delay options: the
user can choose to delay a standard period after serial transfer is complete or can specify a delay period.
Writing a value to QDLYR[DTL] specifies a delay period. QCR[DT] determines whether the standard
delay period (DT = 0) or the specified delay period (DT = 1) is used. The following expression is used to
calculate the delay when DTequals 1:
Eqn. 22-3
Table 22-10. QSPI_CLK Frequency as Function of Internal Bus Clock and Baud Rate
Internal Bus Clock = 80 MHz
16 2.5 MHz
32 1.25 Hz
255 156.9 kHz
QMR[BAUD] fsys
2 [desired QSPI_CLK baud rate]×
Delay after transfer 32 QDLYR[DTL]×fsys
------------------------------------------------ (DT = 1)=
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where QDLYR[DTL] has a range of 1–255. A zero value for DTL causes a delay-after-transfer value of
8192/fsys. Standard delay period (DT = 0) is calculated by the following:
Eqn. 22-4
Adequate delay between transfers must be specified for long data streams because the QSPI module
requires time to load a transmit RAM entry for transfer. Receiving devices need at least the standard delay
between successive transfers. If the internal bus clock is operating at a slower rate, the delay between
transfers must be increased proportionately.
22.4.4 Transfer Length
There are two transfer length options. The user can choose a default value of 8 bits or a programmed value
of 8 to 16 bits. The programmed value must be written into QMR[BITS]. The command RAM bits per
transfer enable field, QCR[BITSE], determines whether the default value (BITSE = 0) or the BITS[3–0]
value (BITSE = 1) is used. QMR[BITS] indicates the required number of bits to be transferred, with the
default value of 16 bits.
22.4.5 Data Transfer
The transfer operation is initiated by setting QDLYR[SPE]. Shortly after QDLYR[SPE] is set, the QSPI
executes the command at the command RAM address pointed to by QWR[NEWQP]. Data at the pointer
address in transmit RAM is loaded into the data serializer and transmitted. Data that is simultaneously
received is stored at the pointer address in receive RAM.
When the proper number of bits has been transferred, the QSPI stores the working queue pointer value in
QWR[CPTQP], increments the working queue pointer, and loads the next data for transfer from the
transmit RAM. The command pointed to by the incremented working queue pointer is executed next
unless a new value has been written to QWR[NEWQP]. If a new queue pointer value is written while a
transfer is in progress, the current transfer is completed normally.
When the CONT bit in the command RAM is set, the QSPI_CSn signals are asserted between transfers.
When CONT is cleared, QSPI_CSn are negated between transfers. The QSPI_CSn signals are not high
When the QSPI reaches the end of the queue, it asserts the SPIF flag, QIR[SPIF]. If QIR[SPIFE] is set, an
interrupt request is generated when QIR[SPIF] is asserted. Then the QSPI clears QDLYR[SPE] and stops,
unless wraparound mode is enabled.
Wraparound mode is enabled by setting QWR[WREN]. The queue can wrap to pointer address 0x0, or to
the address specified by QWR[NEWQP], depending on the state of QWR[WRTO].
In wraparound mode, the QSPI cycles through the queue continuously, even while requesting interrupt
service. QDLYR[SPE] is not cleared when the last command in the queue is executed. New receive data
overwrites previously received data in the receive RAM. Each time the end of the queue is reached,
Standard delay after transfer 17
------- (DT = 0)=
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QIR[SPIFE] is set. QIR[SPIF] is not automatically reset. If interrupt driven QSPI service is used, the
service routine must clear QIR[SPIF] to abort the current request. Additional inte rrupt requests during
servicing can be prevented by clearing QIR[SPIFE].
There are two recommended methods of exiting wraparound mode: clearing QWR[WREN] or setting
QWR[HALT]. Exiting wraparound mode by clearing QDLYR[SPE] is not recommended because this may
abort a serial transfer in progress. The QSPI sets SPIF, clears QDLYR[SPE], and stops the first time it
reaches the end of the queue after QWR[WREN] is cleared. After QWR[HALT] is set, the QSPI finishes
the current transfer, then stops executing commands. After the QSPI stops, QDLYR[SPE] can be cleared.
22.5 Initialization/Application Information
The following steps are necessary to set up the QSPI 12-bit data transfers and a QSPI_CLK of 5 MHz. The
QSPI RAM is set up for a queue of 16 transfers. All four QSPI_CS signals are used in this example.
1. Wr ite the QMR with 0xB308 to set up 12-bit data words with the data shifted on the falling clock
edge, and a QSPI_CLK frequency of 5 MHz (assuming a 80-MHz internal bus clock).
2. Write QDLYR with the desired delays.
3. Write QIR with 0xD00F to enable write collision, abort bus errors, and clear any interrupts.
4. Write QAR with 0x0020 to select the first command RAM entry.
5. Write QDR with 0x7E00, 0x7E00, 0x7E00, 0x7E00, 0x7D00, 0x7D00, 0x7D00, 0x7D00, 0x7B00,
0x7B00, 0x7B00, 0x7B00, 0x7700, 0x7700, 0x7700, and 0x7700 to set up four transfers for each
chip select. The chip selects are active low in this example.
6. Write QAR with 0x0000 to select the first transmit RAM entry.
7. Write QDR with sixteen 12-bit words of data.
8. Write QWR with 0x0F00 to set up a queue beginning at entry 0 and ending at entry 15.
9. Set QDLYR[SPE] to enable the transfers.
10. Wait until the transfers are complete. QIR[SPIF] is set when the transfers are complete.
11. Write QAR with 0x0010 to select the first receive RAM entry.
12. Read QDR to get the received data for each transfer.
13. Repeat steps 5 through 13 to do another transfer.
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Chapter 23
UART Modules
23.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the use of the three universal asynchronous receiver/transmitters (UARTs) and
includes programming examples.
The designation n appears throughout this section to refer to registers or
signals associated with one of the three identica l UART modules: UART0,
UART1, or UART2.
23.1.1 Overview
The internal bus clock can clock each of the three independent UAR T s, eliminating the need for an external
UART clock. As Figure 23-1 shows, each UART module interfaces directly to the CPU and consists of:
Serial communication channel
Programmable clock generation
Interrupt control logic and DMA request logic
Internal channel control logic
Figure 23-1. UART Block Diagram
Interrupt Control
Internal Channel
Control Logic
Internal Bus Clock (fsys)
or Exter na l Clock (DTINn)
DMA Request
Transmit DMA Request
Receive DMA Request
Interrupt Request
(to Interrupt Controller)
(To DMA Controller)
External Signals
UART Registers
Internal Bus
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The DTINn pin can clock UARTn. However , if the timers are operating and
the UAR T uses DTINn as a clock source, input capture mode is not available
for that timer.
The serial communication channel provides a full-duplex asynchronous/synchronous receiver and
transmitter deriving an operating frequency from the internal bus clock or an external clock using the timer
pin. The transmitter converts parallel data from the CPU to a serial bit stream, inserting appropriate start,
stop, and parity bits. It outputs the resulting stream on the transmitter serial data output (UTXDn). See
Section, “Transmitter.”
The receiver converts serial data from the receiver serial data input (URXDn) to parallel format, checks
for a start, stop, and parity bits, or break conditions, and transfers the assembled character onto the bus
during read operations. The receiver may be polled, interrupt driven, or use DMA requests for servicing.
See Section, “Receiver.”
The GPIO module must be configured to enable the peripheral function of
the appropriate pins (refer to Chapter 26, “General Purpose I/O Module”)
prior to configuring the UART module.
23.1.2 Features
The device contains three independent UART modules with:
Each clocked by external clock or internal bus clock (eliminates need for an external UAR T clock)
Full-duplex asynchronous/synchronous receiver/transmitter
Quadruple-buffered receiver
Double-buffered transmitter
Independently programmable receiver and transmitter clock sources
Programmable data format:
5–8 data bits plus parity
Odd, even, no parity, or force parity
One, one-and-a-half, or two stop bits
Each serial channel programmable to normal (full-duplex), automatic echo, local loopback, or
remote loopback mode
Automatic wake-up mode for multidrop applications
Four maskable interrupt conditions
All three UARTs have DMA request capability
Parity, framing, and overrun error detection
False-start bit detection
Line-break detection and generation
Detection of breaks originating in the middle of a character
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Start/end break interrupt/status
23.2 External Signal Description
Table 23-1 briefly describes the UART module signals.
Figure 23-2 shows a signal configuration for a UART/RS-232 interface.
Figure 23-2. UART/RS-232 Interface
23.3 Memory Map/Register Definition
This section contains a detailed description of each register and its specific function. Flowcharts in
Section 23.5, “Initialization/Application Information,” describe basic UART module programming.
Writing control bytes into the appropriate registers controls the operation of the UART module.
UART registers are accessible only as bytes.
Interrupt can mean an interrupt request asserted to the CPU or a DMA
Table 23-1. UART Module External Signals
Signal Description
UTXDnTransmitter Serial Data Output. UTXDn is held high (mark con dition) when the transmitter is
disabled, idle, or operating in the local loopback mode. Data is shifted out on UTXDn on the
falling edge of the clock source, with the least significant bit (lsb) sent first.
URXDnReceiver Serial Data Input. Data received on URXDn is sampled on the rising edge of the clock
source, with the lsb received first.
UCTSnClear-to- Send. This input can generate an interrupt on a change of state.
URTSnRequest-to-Send. This output can be programmed to be negated or asserted automatically b y
the receiver or the transmitter. When connected to a transmitter’s UCTSn, URTSn can control
serial data flow.
RS-232 TransceiverUART
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Table 23-2. UART Module Memory Map
Register Width
(bit) Access Reset Value Section/PageUART0
UART Mode Registers1 (UMR1n), (UMR2n)
1UMR1n, UMR2n, and UCSRn must be changed only after the receiver/transmitter is issued a software reset command. If
operation is not disabled, undesirable results may occur.
8 R/W 0x00 23.3.1/23-5
UART Status Register (USRn)8R0x0023.3.3/23-8
UART Clock Select Register1(UCSRn) 8 W See Section 23.3.4/23-9
UART Command Registers (UCRn)8W0x0023.3.5/23-9
UART Receive Buffers (URBn) 8 R 0xFF 23.3.6/23-11
UART Transmit Buff ers (UTBn)8W0x0023.3.7/23-12
UART Input Port Change Register (UIPCRn) 8 R See Section 23.3.8/23-12
UART A uxiliary Control Register (UACRn)8W0x0023.3.9/23-13
UART Interrupt Status Register (UISRn)8R0x0023.3.10/23-13
UART Interrupt Mask Register (UIMRn)8W0x00
UART Baud Rate Generator Register (UBG1n)8W
2Reading this register results in undesired effects and possible incorrect transmission or reception of characters. Register
contents may also be changed.
0x00 23.3.11/23-15
UART Baud Rate Generator Register (UBG2n)8W
20x00 23.3.11/23-15
UART Input P ort Register (UIPn) 8 R 0xFF 23.3.12/23-15
UART Output Port Bit Set Command Register (UOP1n)8W
20x00 23.3.13/23-16
UART Output Port Bit Reset Command Register (UOP0n)8W
20x00 23.3.13/23-16
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23.3.1 UART Mode Registers 1 (UMR1n)
The UMR1n registers control UAR T module configuration. UMR1n can be read or written when the mode
register pointer points to it, at RESET or after a RESET MODE REGISTER POINTER command using
UCRn[MISC]. After UMR1n is read or written, the pointer points to UMR2n.
Offset: 0x00_0200 (UMR10)
0x00_0240 (UMR11)
0x00_0280 (UMR12)
Access: User read/write1
1After UMR1n is read or written, the pointer points to UMR2n
Figure 23-3. UART Mode Registers 1 (UMR1n)
Table 23-3. UMR1n Field Descriptions
Field Description
RXRTS Receiver request-to-send. Allows the UR TSn output to control the UCTSn input of the transmitting de vice to prev ent
receiver overrun. If the receiver and transmitter ar e in co rre ctl y pro gramme d for URTSn control, URTSn control is
disabled for both. Transmitter R TS control is configured in UMR2n[TXRTS].
0 The receiver has no effect on URTSn.
1 When a valid start bit is received, URTSn is negated if the UART's FIFO is full. URTSn is reasserted when the
FIFO has an empty position avail able.
Receiver interrupt select.
0 RXRDY is the source generating interrupt or DMA requests.
1 FFULL is the source generating interrupt or DMA requests.
ERR Error mode. Configures the FIFO status bits, USRn[RB,FE,PE].
0 Character mode. The USRn values reflect the status of the character at the top of the FIFO. ERR must be 0 for
correct A/D flag information when in multidrop mode.
1 Block mode. The USRn values are the logical OR of the status for all characters reaching the top of the FIFO since
the last RESET ERROR STATUS comma nd for the UART was issued. See Section 23.3.5, “UART Command
Registers (UCRn).”
PM P arity mode. Selects the parity or multidrop mode for the UART. The parity bit is added to the transmitted character ,
and the receiver performs a parity check on incoming data. The value of PM affects PT, as sh own below.
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23.3.2 UART Mode Register 2 (UMR2n)
The UMR2n registers control UAR T module configuration. UMR2n can be read or written when the mode
register pointer points to it, which occurs after any access to UMR1n. UMR2n accesses do not update the
PT Parity type. PM and PT together select parity type (PM = 0x) or determine whether a data or address character is
transmitted (PM = 11).
B/C Bits per character. Selects the number of data bits per character to be sent. The values sho wn do not include start,
parity, or stop bits.
00 5 bits
01 6 bits
10 7 bits
11 8 bits
Offset: 0x00_0200 (UMR20)
0x00_0240 (UMR21)
0x00_0280 (UMR22)
Access: User read/write1
1After UMR1n is read or written, the pointer points to UMR2n
Figure 23-4. UART Mode Registers 2 (UMR2n)
Table 23-3. UMR1n Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
PM Parity Mode Parity Type (PT= 0) Parity Type (PT= 1)
00 With parity Ev en parity Odd parity
01 Force parity Low parity High parity
10 No parity N/A
11 Multidrop mode Data character Address character
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Table 23-4. UMR2n Field Descriptions
Field Description
CM Channel mode. Selects a channel mode. Section 23.4.3, “Looping Modes,” describes individual modes.
00 Normal
01 Automatic echo
10 Local loopback
11 Remote loopba ck
TXRTS Transmitter ready-to-send. Controls negation of URTSn to automatically terminate a message transmission.
Attempting to program a receiver and transmitter in the same U AR T f or URTSn control is not permitted and disab les
URTSn control for both.
0 The transmitter has no effect on URTSn.
1 In applications where the transmitter is disabled after transmission completes, setting this bit automatically clears
UOP[RTS] one bit time after any characters in the transmitter shift and holding registers are complete l y sen t,
including the programmed number of stop bits.
TXCTS Transmitter clear-to-send. If TXCTS and TXRTS are set, TXCTS controls the ope ration of the transmitter.
0 UCTSn has no effect on the transmitter.
1 Enables clear-to-send operation. The transmitter checks the state of UCTSn each time it is ready to send a
character. If UCTSn is asserted, the character is sent; if it is deasserted, the signal UTXDn remains in the high
state and transmission is delayed until UCTSn is asserted. Changes in UCTSn as a character is being sent do
not affect its transmission.
SB Stop-bit length control. Selects length of stop bit appended to the transmitted character. Stop-bit lengths of 9/16 to
2 bits are programmable f or 6–8 bit characters. Lengths of 1-1/16 to 2 bits are programmable for 5-bit characters . In
all cases, the receiver checks only f or a high condition at the center of the first stop-bit position, one bit time after the
last data bit or after the parity bit, if parity is enab led. If an external 1x clock is used for the transmitter , clearing bit 3
selects one stop bit and setting bit 3 selects two stop bits for transmission.
SB 5 Bits 6–8 Bits SB 5–8 Bits
0000 1.063 0.563 1000 1.563
0001 1.125 0.625 1001 1.625
0010 1.188 0.688 1010 1.688
0011 1.250 0.750 1011 1.750
0100 1.313 0.813 1100 1.813
0101 1.375 0.875 1101 1.875
0110 1.438 0.938 1110 1.938
0111 1.500 1.000 1111 2.000
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23.3.3 UART Status Registers (USRn)
The USRn registers show the status of the transmitter, the receiver, and the FIFO.
Offset: 0x00_0204 (USR0)
0x00_0244 (USR1)
0x00_0284 (USR2)
Access: User read-only
Figure 23-5. UART Status Registers (USRn)
Table 23-5. USRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
RB Received break. The received break circuit detects breaks originating in the middle of a received character . However ,
a break in the middle of a character must persist until the end of the next detected character time.
0 No break was received.
1 An all-zero character of the programmed length was received without a stop bit. Only a single FIFO position is
occupied when a break is received. Further entries to the FIFO are inhibited until URXDn returns to the high stat e
for at least one-half bit time, which equals two successive edges of the UART clock. RB is valid only when RXRD Y
is set.
FE Framing error.
0 No framing error occurred.
1 No stop bit was detected when the corresponding data character in the FIFO was received. The stop-bit check
occurs in the middle of the first stop-bit position. FE is valid only when RXRDY is set.
PE Parity error. Valid only if RXRDY is set.
0 No par ity error occurred.
1 If UMR1n[PM] equals 0x (with pari ty or force parity), the corresponding character in the FIFO was received with
incorrect parity. If UMR1n[PM] equals 11 (multidrop), PE stores the receiv ed address or data (A/D) bit. PE is valid
only when RXRDY is set.
OE Overrun error. Indicates whether an overrun occurs.
0 No overrun occurred.
1 One or more characters in the received data stream have been lost. OE is set upon receipt of a new character
when the FIFO is full and a character is already in the shift register w aiting for an empty FIFO position. When this
occurs, the character in the receiv er shift register and its break detect, framing error status, and parity error , if any,
are lost. The RESET ERROR STATUS command in UCRn clears OE.
TEMP Tr ansmitter em pty.
0 The transmit buffer is not empty. A character is shifted out, or the transmitter is disabled. The transmitter is
enabled/disabled by programming UCRn[TC].
1 The transmitter has underrun (the transmitter holding register and transmitter shift registers are empty). This bit
is set after transmission of the last stop bit of a character if there are no characters in the transmitter holding
register awaiting transmission.
TXRDY Transmitter ready.
0 The CPU loaded the transmitter holding register, or the transmitter is disabled.
1 The transmitter holding register is empty and ready for a character. TXRDY is set when a character is sent to the
transmitter shift register or when the transmitter is first enabled. If the transmitter is disabled, characters loaded
into the transmitter holding register are not sent.
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23.3.4 UART Clock Select Registers (UCSRn)
The UCSRs select an external clock on the DTIN input (divided by 1 or 16) or a prescaled internal bus
clock as the clocking source for the transmitter and receiver. See Section 23.4.1, “Transmitter/Receiver
Clock Source.” The transmitter and receiver can use dif ferent clock sources. To use the internal bus clock
for both, set UCSRn to 0xDD.
23.3.5 UART Command Registers (UCRn)
The UCRs supply commands to the UART. Only multiple commands that do not conflict can be specified
in a single write to a UCRn. For example, RESET TRANSMITTER and ENABLE TRANSMITTER cannot be
specified in one command.
0 The FIFO is not full but may hold up to two unread characters.
1 A character was received and the receiv er FIFO is now full. Any characters received when the FIFO is full are lost.
RXRDY Receiver ready.
0 The CPU has read the receive buffer and no characters remain in the FIFO after this read.
1 One or more characters were received and are waiting in the receive buffer FIFO.
Offset: 0x00_0204 (UCSR0)
0x00_0244 (UCSR1)
0x00_0284 (UCSR2)
Access: User write-only
Reset: See Note See Note
Note: The RCS and TCS reset values are set so the receiver and transmiter use the prescaled internal bus
clock as their clock source.
Figure 23-6. UART Clock Select Registers (UCSRn)
Table 23-6. UCSRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
RCS Receiver clock select. Selects the clock source for the receiver.
1101 Prescaled internal bus clock (fsys)
1110 DTINn divided by 16
1111 DTINn
TCS Tr ansmitter clock select. Selects the clock source for the transmitter.
1101 Prescaled internal bus clock (fsys)
1110 DTINn divided by 16
1111 DTINn
Table 23-5. USRn Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
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Table 23-7 describes UCRn fields and commands. Examples in Section 23.4.2, “Transmitter and Receiver
Operating Modes,” show how these commands are used.
Offset: 0x00_0208 (UCR0)
0x00_0248 (UCR1)
0x00_0288 (UCR2)
Access: User write-only
Figure 23-7. UART Command Registers (UCRn)
Table 23-7. UCRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
7 Reserved, must be cleared.
MISC MISC Field (this field selects a single command)
Command Description
REGISTER POINTER Causes the mode register pointer to point to UMR1n.
010 RESET RECEIVER Immediately disables the receiver, clears USRn[FFULL,RXRDY], and reinitializes
the receiver FIFO pointer. No other registers are altered. Because it places the
receiver in a known state, use this command instead of RECEIVER DISABLE when
reconfiguring the receiver.
TRANSMITTER Immediately disables the transmitter and clears USRn[TXEMP,TXRDY]. No other
registers are altered. Because it places the transmitter in a known state, use this
command instead of TRANSMITTER DISABLE when reconfiguring the transmitter.
STATUS Clears USRn[RB,FE,PE,OE]. Also used in block mode to clear all error bits after
a data block is received.
CHANGE INTERRUPT Clears the delta break bit, UISRn[DB].
110 START BREAK Forces UTXDn low . If the transmitter is empty, break ma y be delayed up to one bit
time. If the transmitter is active, break starts when character transmission
completes. Break is delayed until any character in the transmitter shift register is
sent. Any character in the transmitter holding register is sent after the break.
Transmitter must be enabled for the command to be accepted. This command
ignores the state of UCTSn.
111 STOP BREAK Causes UTXDn to go high (mark) within two bit times. Any characters in the
transmit buffer are sent.
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23.3.6 UART Receive Buffers (URBn)
The receive buffers contain one serial shift register and three receiver holding registers, which act as a
FIFO. URXDn is connected to the serial shift register. The CPU reads from the top of the FIFO while the
receiver shifts and updates from the bottom when the shift register is full (see Figure 23-18). RB contains
the character in the receiver.
TC Transmit command field. Selects a single transmit command.
RC Receive command field. Selects a single receive command.
Table 23-7. UCRn Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Field Description
Command Description
00 NO ACTION TAKEN Causes the transmitter to stay in its cu rrent mode: if the transmitter is enabled, it
remains enabled; if the transmitter is disabled, it remains disabled.
ENABLE Enables operation of the U ART’ s transmitter. USRn[TXEMP,TXRD Y] are set. If the
transmitter is already enabled, this command has no effect.
DISABLE Terminates transmitter operation and clears USRn[TXEMP,TXRD Y]. If a character
is being sent when the transmitter is disabled, tr ansmission completes bef ore the
transmitter becomes inactive. If the transmitter is already disabled, the command
has no effect.
11 Reserved, do not use.
Command Description
00 NO ACTION TAKEN Causes the receiv er to stay in its current mode. If the receiver is enabled, it
remains enabled; if disabled, it remains disabled.
01 RECEIVER ENABLE If the U AR T module is not in multidrop mode (UMR1n[PM] 11), RECEIVER ENABLE
enables the UART's receiver and forces it into search-for-star t-bit state. If the
receiver is already enabled, this command has no effect.
10 RECEIVER DISABLE Disables the receiver immediately. Any character being received is lost. The
command does not affect receiver status bits or other control registers. If the
UART module is programmed for local loopback or multidrop mode, the receiver
operates even though this command is selected. If the receiver is already
disabled, the command has no effect.
11 Reserved, do not use.
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23.3.7 UART Transm it Buffers (UTBn)
The transmit buffers consist of the transmitter holding register and the transmitter shift register. The
holding register accepts characters from the bus master if UART’s USRn[TXRDY] is set. A write to the
transmit buffer clears USRn[TXRDY], inhibiting any more characters until the shift register can accept
more data. When the shift register is empty, it checks if the holding register has a valid character to be sent
(TXRDY = 0). If there is a valid character , the shift register loads it and sets USRn[TXRDY] again. W rites
to the transmit buffer when the UART’s TXRDY is cleared and the transmitter is disabled have no effect
on the transmit buffer.
Figure 23-9 shows UTBn. TB contains the character in the transmit buffer.
23.3.8 UART Input Port Change Registers (UIPCRn)
The UIPCRs hold the current state and the change-of-state for UCTSn.
Offset: 0x00_020C (URB0)
0x00_024C (URB1)
0x00_028C (URB2)
Access: User read-only
Figure 23-8. UART Rec eive Buffer (URBn)
Offset: 0x00_020C (UTB0)
0x00_024C (UTB1)
0x00_028C (UTB2)
Access: User write-only
Figure 23-9. UART Transmit Buffer (UTBn)
Offset: 0x00_0210 (UIPCR0)
0x00_0250 (UIPCR1)
0x00_0290 (UIPCR2)
Access: User read-only
R 0 0 0 COS 1 1 1 CTS
Figure 23-10. UART Input Port Changed Registers (UIPCRn)
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23.3.9 UART Auxiliary Control Register (UACRn)
The UACRs control the input enable.
23.3.10 UART Interrupt Status/Mask Registers (UISRn/UIMRn)
The UISRs provide status for all potential interrupt sources. UISRn contents are masked by UIMRn. If
corresponding UISRn and UIMRn bits are set, internal interrupt output is asserted. If a UIMRn bit is
cleared, state of the corresponding UISRn bit has no effect on the output.
The UISRn and UIMRn registers share th e same space in memory. Reading this register provides the user
with interrupt status, while writing controls the mask bits.
Table 23-8. UIPCRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–5 Reserved
COS Change of state (high-to-low or low-to-high transition).
0 No change-of-state since the CPU last read UIPCRn. Reading UIPCRn clears UISRn[COS].
1 A change-of-state longer than 25–50 μs occurred on the UCTSn input. UACRn can be progr ammed to generate
an interrupt to the CPU when a change of state is detected.
3–1 Reserved
CTS Current state of clear-to-send. Starting two serial clock periods after reset, CTS reflects the state of UCTSn. If
UCTSn is detected asserted at that time, COS is set, which initiates an interrupt if UACRn[IEC] is enabled.
0 The current state of the UCTS n input is asserted.
1 The current state of the UCTSn input is deasserted.
Offset: 0x00_0210 (UACR0)
0x00_0250 (UACR1)
0x00_0290 (UACR2)
Access: User write-only
Figure 2 3- 11 . UART Auxiliary Control Registers (UAC Rn)
Table 23-9. UACRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–1 Reserved, must be cleared.
IEC Input enable control.
0 Setting the corresponding UIPCRn bit has no effect on UISRn[COS].
1UISRn[COS] is set and an interrupt is generated when the UIPCRn[COS] is set by an external transition on the
UCTSn input (if UIMRn[COS] = 1).
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T rue status is prov ided in the UISRn regardless of UIMRn settings. UISRn
is cleared when the UART module is reset.
Offset: 0x00_0214 (UISR0)
0x00_0254 (UISR1)
0x00_0294 (UISR2)
Access: User read/write
(UISRn)COS 0 0 0 0 DB FFULL/
(UIMRn)COS 0 0 0 0 DB FFULL/
Figure 23-12. UART Interrupt Status/Mask Registers (UISRn/UIMRn)
Table 23- 10 . UISRn/UIMRn Field Descriptions
Field Description
COS Change-of-state.
0UIPCRn[COS] is not selected.
1 Change-of-state occurred on UCTSn and was programmed in UACRn[IEC] to cause an interrupt.
6–3 Reserved, must be cleared.
DB Delta break.
0 No new break-change condition to report. Section 23.3.5, “UART Command Registers (UCRn),” describes the
1 The receiver detected the beginn i n g or en d of a re cei ved break.
Status of FIFO or receiver, depending on UMR 1[FFULL/RXRDY] bit. Duplicate of USRn[FIFO] and USRn[RXRDY]
TXRDY Transmitter ready. This bit is the duplication of USRn[TXRDY].
0 The transmitter holding register was loaded by the CPU or the transmitter is disabled. Characters loaded into the
transmitter holding register when TXRDY is cleared are not sent.
1 The transmitter holding register is empty and ready to be loaded with a character.
0 (RXRDY) 1 (FIFO)
0 0 Receiver not ready FIFO not full
1 0 Receiver not ready FIFO not full
0 1 Receiver is ready,
Do not interr upt FIFO is full,
Do not interrupt
1 1 Receiver is ready,
interrupt FIFO is full,
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23.3.11 UART Baud Rate Generator Registers (UBG1n/UBG2n)
The UBG1n registers hold the MSB, and the UBG2n registers hold the LSB of the preload value. UBG1n
and UBG2n concatenate to provide a divider to the internal bus clock for transmitter/receiver operation,
as described in Section, “Internal Bus Clock Baud Rates.”
The minimum value loaded on the concatenation of UBG1n with UBG2n is
0x0002. The UBG2n reset value of 0x00 is invalid and must be written to
before the UART transmitter or receiver are enabled. UBG1n and UBG2n
are write-only and cannot be read by the CPU.
23.3.12 UART Input Port Register (UIPn)
The UIPn registers show the current state of the UCTSn input.
Offset: 0x00_0218 (UBG10)
0x00_0258 (UBG11)
0x00_0298 (UBG12)
Access: User write-only
WDivider MSB
Figure 23-13. UART Baud Rate Generator Registers (UBG1n)
Offset: 0x00_021C (UBG20)
0x00_025C (UBG21)
0x00_029C (UBG22)
Access: User write-only
WDivider LSB
Figure 23-14. UART Baud Rate Generator Registers (UBG2n)
Offset: 0x00_0234 (UIP0)
0x00_0274 (UIP1)
0x00_02B4 (UIP2)
Access: User read-only
Figure 23-15. UART Input Port Registers (UIPn)
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23.3.13 UART Output Port Command Registers (UOP1n/UOP0n)
The URTSn output can be asserted by writing a 1 to UOP1n[RTS] and negated by writing a 1 to
23.4 Functional Description
This section describes operation of the clock source generator, transmitter, and receiver.
23.4.1 Transmitter/Receiver Clock Source
The internal bus clock serves as the basic timing reference for the clock source generator logic, which
consists of a clock generator and a programmable 16-bit divider dedicated to each UART. The 16-bit
divider is used to produce standard UART baud rates.
Table 23- 11 . UIPn Field Descrip tions
Field Description
7–1 Reserved
CTS Current state of clear-to-send. The UCTSn value is latched and reflects the state of the input pin when UIPn is read.
Note: This bit has the same function and value as UIPCRn[CTS].
0 The current state of the UCTSn input is logic 0.
1 The current state of the UCTSn input is logic 1.
Offset: 0x00_0238 (UOP10)
0x00_023C (UOP00)
0x00_0278 (UOP11)
0x00_027C (UOP01)
0x00_02B8 (UOP12)
0x00_02BC (UOP02)
Access: User write-only
Figure 23-16. UART Output Port Command Registers (UOP1n/UOP0n)
Table 23- 12 . UO P1n/UOP0n Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–1 Reserved, must be cleared.
RTS Ou tput por t outpu t. Controls assertion (UOP1)/negation (UOP0) of URTSn output.
0 Not affected.
1 Asserts URTSn in UOP1. Negates URTSn in UOP0.
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As Figure 23-17 shows, the UARTn transmitter and receiver can use the following clock sources:
An external clock signal on the DTINn pin. When not divided, DTINn provides a synchronous
clock; when divided by 16, it is asynchronous.
The internal bus clock supplies an asynchronous clock source divided by 32 and then divided by
the 16-bit value programmed in UBG1n and UBG2n. See Section 23.3.11, “UART Baud Rate
Generator Registers (UBG1n/UBG2n).”
The choice of DTIN or internal bus clock is programmed in the UCSR.
Figure 23-17. Cloc king Source Diagram
If DTINn is a clocking source for the timer or UART, that timer module
cannot use DTINn for timer input capture. Calculating Baud Rates
The following sections describe how to calculate baud rates. Internal Bus Clock Baud Rates
When the internal bus clock is the UART clocking source, it goes through a divide-by-32 prescaler and
then passes through the 16-bit divider of the concatenated UBG1n and UBG2n registers. The baud-rate
calculation is:
Eqn. 23-1
÷ 1
÷ 16
Divider ÷ 32
Clocking sources programmed in UCSR
Timer Module
Rx Buffer
Tx Buff er
Bus Clock
Baudrate fsys
32 x Divider[]
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Using a 80-MHz internal bus clock and letting baud rate equal 9600, then
Eqn. 23-2
Therefore, UBG1n equals 0x01 and UBG2n equals 0x04. External Clock
An external source clock (DTINn) passes through a divide-by-1 or 16 prescaler . If fextc is the external clock
frequency, baud rate can be described with this equation:
Eqn. 23-3
23.4.2 Transmitter and Receiver Operating Modes
Figure 23-18 is a functional block diagram of the transmitter and receiver showing the command and
operating registers, which are described generally in the following sections. For detailed descriptions, refer
to Section 23.3, “Memory Map/Register Definition.”
Figure 23-18. Transmitter and Receiver Functional Diagram Transmitter
The transmitter is enabled through the UART command register (UCRn). When it is ready to accept a
character, UART sets USRn[TXRDY]. The transmitter converts parallel data from the CPU to a serial bit
stream on UTXDn. It automatically sends a start bit followed by the programmed number of data bits, an
Divider 80MHz
32 x 9600[]
------------------------------- 260 decimal()0x0104 hexadecimal()== =
Baudrate fextc
(16 or 1)
Receiver Shift Register
UART Command Register (UCR n)W
UART Status Register (USRn)R
Transmitter Shift Register
UART Mode Register 1 (UMR1n)R/W
UART Mode Register 2 (UMR2n)R/W
Transmitter Holding Register W
Receiver Holding Register 3
Receiver Holding Register 2
Receiver Holding Register 1 R
UART Receive
Buffer (URBn)
(4 Registers)
Transmit Buffer
(2 Registers)
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optional parity bit, and the programmed number of stop bits. The lsb is sent first. Data is shifted from the
transmitter output on the falling edge of the clock source.
After the stop bits are sent, if no new character is in the transmitter holding register, the UTXDn output
remains high (mark condition) and the transmitter empty bit (USRn[TXEMP]) is set. Transmission
resumes and TXEMP is cleared when the CPU loads a new character into the UART transmit buffer
(UTBn). If the transmitter receives a disable command, it continues until any character in the transmitter
shift register is completely sent.
If the transmitter is reset through a software command, operation stops immediately (see Section 23.3.5,
“UART Command Registers (UCRn)”). The transmitter is reenabled through the UCRn to resume
operation after a disable or software reset.
If the clear-to-send operation is enabled, UCTSn must be asserted for the character to be transmitted. If
UCTSn is negated in the middle of a transmission, the character in the shift register is sent and UTXDn
remains in mark state until UCTSn is reasserted. If transmitter is forced to send a continuous low condition
by issuing a SEND BREAK command, transmitter ignores the state of UCTSn.
If the transmitter is programmed to automatically negate UR TSn when a message transmission completes,
URTSn must be asserted manually before a message is sent. In applications in which the transmitter is
disabled after transmission is complete and URTSn is appropriately programmed, URTSn is negated one
bit time after the character in the shift register is completely transmitted. The transmitter must be manually
reenabled by reasserting URTSn before the next message is sent.
Figure 23-19 shows the functional timing information for the transmitter.
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Figure 23-19. Transmitter Timing Diagram Receiver
The receiver is enabled through its UCRn, as described in Section 23.3.5, “UART Command Registers
When the receiver detects a high-to-low (mark-to-space) transition of the start bit on URXD n, the state of
URXDn is sampled eight times on the e dge of the bit time clock starting one-half clock after the transition
(asynchronous operation) or at the next rising edge of the bit time clock (synchronous operation). If
URXDn is sampled high, start bit is invalid and the search for the valid start bit begins again.
If URXDn remains low, a valid start bit is assumed. The receiver continues sampling the input at one-bit
time intervals at the theoretical center of the bit until the proper number of data bits and parity, if any, is
assembled and one stop bit is detected. Data on the URXDn input is sampled on the rising edge of the
programmed clock source. The lsb is received first. The data then transfers to a receiver holding register
and USRn[RXRDY] is set. If the character is less than 8 bits, the most significant unused bits in the
receiver holding register are cleared.
After the stop bit is detected, receiver immediately looks for the next start bit. However, if a non-zero
character is received without a stop bit (framing error) and URXDn remains low for one-half of the bit
period after the stop bit is sampled, receiver operates as if a new start bit were detected. Parity error,
C2 C3 Break C4 C6
Manually asse rted
command Manually
break C5
C6C4 Stop
C1 in transmission
UMR2n[TXCTS] = 1
Cn = tra ns m it characters
W = write
[TXRTS] = 1
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framing error, overrun error, and received break conditions set the respective PE, FE, OE, and RB error
and break flags in the USRn at the received character boundary. They are valid only if USRn[RXRDY] is
If a break condition is detected (URXDn is low for the entire character including the stop bit), a character
of all 0s loads into the receiver holding register and USRn[RB,RXRDY] are set. URXD n must return to a
high condition for at least one-half bit time before a search for the next start bit begins.
The receiver detects the beginning of a break in the middle of a character if the break persists through the
next character time. The receiver places the damaged character in the Rx FIFO and sets the corresponding
USRn error bits and USRn[RXRDY]. Then, if the break lasts until the next character time, the receiver
places an all-zero character into the Rx FIFO and sets USRn[RB,RXRDY].
Figure 23-20 shows receiver functional timing.
Figure 23-20. Receiver Timing Diagram FIFO
The FIFO is used in the UAR T’s receive buffer logic. The FIFO consists of three receiver holding registers.
The receive buffer consists of the FIFO and a receiver shift register connected to the URXDn (see
Figure 23-18). Data is assembled in the receiver shift register and loaded into the top empty receiver
holding register position of the FIFO. Therefore, data flowing from the receiver to the CPU is
In addition to the data byte, three status bits—parity error (PE), framing error (FE), and received break
(RB)—are appended to each data character in the FIFO; overrun error (OE) is not appended. By
C1 C2 C4 C6 C7 C8
C3 C5
C6, C7, and C8 is lost
Data (C3)
Data (C4)
C5 is
Reset by
Automatically asserted
when ready to receive
Manually asserted first time,
automatically negated if overrun occurs
UOP0[RTS] = 1
[RXRTS] = 1
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programming the ERR bit in the UART’ s mode register (UMR1n), status is provided in character or block
USRn[RXRDY] is set when at least one character is available to be read by the CPU. A read of the receive
buffer produces an output of data from the top of the FIFO. After the read cycle, the data at the top of the
FIFO and its associated status bits are popped and the receiver shift register can add new data at the bottom
of the FIFO. The FIFO-full status bit (FFULL) is set if all three positions are filled with data. The RXRDY
or FFULL bit can be selected to cause an interrupt and TXRDY or RXRDY can be used to generate a DMA
The two error modes are selected by UMR1n[ERR]:
In character mode (UMR1n[ERR] = 0), status is given in the USRn for the character at the top of
the FIFO.
In block mode, the USRn shows a logical OR of all characters reaching the top of the FIFO since
the last RESET ERROR STATUS command. Status is updated as characters reach the top of the
FIFO. Block mode offers a data-reception speed advantage where the software overhead of
error-checking each character cannot be tolerated. However , errors are not detected until the check
is performed at the end of an entire message—the faulting character is not identified.
In either mode, reading the USRn does not affect the FIFO. The FIFO is popped only when the receive
buffer is read. The USRn should be read before reading the receive buffer. If all three receiver holding
registers are full, a new character is held in the receiver shift register until space is available. However, if
a second new character is received, the contents of the character in the receiver shift register is lost, the
FIFOs are unaffected, and USR n[OE] is set when the receiver detects the start bit of the new overrunning
To support flow control, the receiver can be programmed to automatically negate and assert URTSn, in
which case the receiver automatically negates URTSn when a valid start bit is detected and the FIFO is
full. The receiver asserts URTSn when a FIFO position becomes available; therefore, connecting URTSn
to the UCTSn input of the transmitting device can prevent overrun errors.
The receiver continues reading characters in the FIFO if the receiver is
disabled. If the receiver is reset, the FIFO, UR TSn control, all receiver status
bits, interrupts, and DMA requests are reset. No more characters are
received until the receiver is reenabled.
23.4.3 Looping Modes
The UART can be configured to operate in various looping modes. These modes are useful for local and
remote system diagnostic functions. The modes are described in the following paragraphs and in
Section 23.3, “Memory Map/Register Definition.”
The UART’s transmitter and receiver should be disabled when switching between modes. The selected
mode is activated immediately upon mode selection, regardless of whether a character is being received
or transmitted.
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Freescale Semiconductor 23-23 Automatic Echo Mode
In automatic echo mode, shown in Figure 23-21, the UART automatically resends received data bit by bit.
The local CPU-to-receiver communication continues normally, but the CPU-to-transmitter link is
disabled. In this mode, received data is clocked on the receiver clock and re-sent on UTXDn. The receiver
must be enabled, but the transmitter need not be.
Figure 23-21. Automatic Echo
Because the transmitter is inactive, USRn[TXEMP,TXRDY] is inactive and data is sent as it is received.
Received parity is checked but not recalculated for transmission. Character framing is also checked, but
stop bits are sent as they are received. A received break is echoed as rece ived until the next valid start bit
is detected. Local Loopback Mode
Figure 23-22 shows how UTXDn and URXDn are internally connected in local loopback mode. This
mode is for testing the operation of a UART by sending data to the transmitter and checking data
assembled by the receiver to ensure proper operations.
Figure 23-22. Local Loopback
Features of this local loopback mode are:
Transmitter and CPU-to-receiver communications continue normally in this mode.
•URXDn input data is ignored.
•UTXDn is held marking.
The receiver is clocked by the transmitter clock. The transmitter must be enabled, but the receiver
need not be. Remote Loopback Mode
In remote loopback mode, shown in Figure 23-23, the UART automatically transmits received data bit by
bit on the UTXDn output. The local CPU-to-transmitter link is disabled. This mode is useful in testing
receiver and transmitter operation of a remote UART. For this mode, transmitter uses the receiver clock.
Because the receiver is not active, received data cannot be read by the CPU and all status conditions are
inactive. Received parity is not checked and is not recalculated for transmission. S top bits are sent as they
are received. A received break is echoed as received until next valid start bit is detected.
Disabled Disabled
URXDn InputURXDn Input
UTXDn Output
CPU Disabled
Rx URXDn Input
UTXDn Output
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Figure 23-23. Remote Loopback
23.4.4 Multidrop Mode
Setting UMR1n[PM] programs the UART to operate in a wake-up mode for multidrop or multiprocessor
applications. In this mode, a master can transmit an address character followed by a block of data
characters targeted for one of up to 256 slave stations.
Although slave stations have their receivers disabled, they continuously monitor the masters data stream.
When the master sends an address character, the slave receiver notifies its respective CPU by setting
USRn[RXRDY] and generating an interrupt (if programmed to do so). Each slave station CPU then
compares the received address to its station address and enables its receiver if it wishes to receive the
subsequent data characters or block of data from the master station. Unaddressed slave stations continue
monitoring the data stream. Data fields in the data stream are separated by an address character. After a
slave receives a block of data, its CPU disables the receiver and repeats the process. Functional timing
information for multidrop mode is shown in Figure 23-24.
CPU Disabled
UTXDn Output
URXDn Input
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Figure 23-24. Multidrop Mode Timing Diagram
A character sent from the master station consists of a start bit, a programmed number of data bits, an
address/data (A/D) bit flag, and a programmed number of stop bits. A/D equals 1 indicates an address
character; A/D equals 0 indicates a data character. The polarity of A/D is selected through UMR1n[PT].
UMR1n should be programmed before enabling the transmitter and loading the corresponding data bits
into the transmit buffer.
In multidrop mode, the receiver continuously monitors the received data stream, regardless of whether it
is enabled or disabled. If the receiver is disabled, it sets the RXRDY bit and loads the character into the
receiver holding register FIFO provided the received A/D bit is a 1 (address tag). The character is
discarded if the received A/D bit is 0 (data tag). If the receiver is enabled, all received characters are
transferred to the CPU through the receiver holding register during read operations.
In either case, data bits load into the data portion of the FIFO while the A/D bit loads into the status portion
of the FIFO normally used for a parity error (USRn[PE]).
Framing error, overrun error, and break detection operate normally. The A/D bit takes the place of the
parity bit; therefore, parity is neither calculated nor checked. Messages in this mode may continues
containing error detection and correction information. If 8-bit characters are not required, one way to
provide error detection is to use software to calculate parity and append it to the 5-, 6-, or 7-bit character.
C0 ADD211
C0 ADD211
Status Data (ADD 2)
Status DataADD 1
Peripheral Station
Master Station
UMR1n[PM] = 11
UMR1n[PM] = 11
UMR1n[PT] = 1 ADD 1
UMR1n[PT] = 0
C0 UMR1n[PT] = 1
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23.4.5 Bus Operation
This section describes bus operation during read, write, and interrupt acknowledge cycles to the UART
module. Read Cycles
The UART module responds to reads with byte data. Reserved registers return zeros. Write Cycles
The UART module accepts write data as bytes only. Write cycles to read-only or reserved registers
complete normally without an error termination, but data is ignored.
23.5 Initialization/Application Information
The software flowchart, Figure 23-25, consists of:
UAR T module initialization—These routines consist of SINIT and CHCHK (See Sheet 1 p. 23-30
and Sheet 2 p. 23-31). Before SINIT is called at system initialization, the calling routine allocates
2 words on the system FIFO. On return to the calling routine, SINIT passes UART status data on
the FIFO. If SINIT finds no errors, the transmitter and receiver are enabled. SINIT calls CHCHK
to perform the checks. When called, SINIT places the UART in local loopback mode and checks
for the following errors:
Transmitter never ready
Receiver never ready
Parity error
Incorrect character received
I/O driver routine—This routine (See Sheet 4 p. 23-33 and Sheet 5 p. 23-34) consists of INCH, the
terminal input character routine which gets a character from the receiver, and OUTCH, which
sends a character to the transmitter.
Interrupt handling—This consists of SIRQ (See Sheet 4 p. 23-33), which is executed after the
UART module generates an interrupt caused by a change-in-break (beginning of a break). SIRQ
then clears the interrupt source, waits for the next change-in-break interrupt (end of break), clears
the interrupt source again, then returns from exception processing to the system monitor.
23.5.1 Interrupt and DMA Request Initialization Setting up the UART to Generate Core Interrupts
The list below provides steps to properly initialize the UART to generate an interrupt request to the
processors interrupt controller. See Section, “Interrupt Sources,” for details on interrupt
assignments for the UART modules.
1. Initialize the appropriate ICRx register in the interrupt controller.
2. Unmask appropriate bits in IMR in the interrupt controller.
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3. Unmask appropriate bits in the core’s status register (SR) to enable interrupts.
4. If TXRDY or RXRDY generates interrupt requests, verify that DMAREQC (in the SCM) does not
also assign the UART’s TXRDY and RXRDY into DMA channels.
5. Initialize interrupts in the UART, see Table 23-13. Setting up the UART to Request DMA Service
The UART is capable of generating two internal DMA request signals: transmit and receive.
The transmit DMA request signal is asserted when the TXRDY (transmitter ready) in the UART interrupt
status register (UISRn[TXRDY]) is set. Whe n the transmit DMA request signal is asserted, the DMA can
initiate a data copy, reading the next character transmitted from memory and writing it into the UART
transmit buffer (UTBn). This allows the DMA channel to stream data from memory to the UART for
transmission without processor intervention. After the entire message has been moved into the UART, the
DMA would typically generate an end-of-data-transfer interrupt request to the CPU. The resulting
interrupt service routine (ISR) could query the UART programming model to determine the
end-of-transmission status.
Similarly, the receive DMA request signal is asserted when the FIFO full or receive ready
(FFULL/RXRDY) flag in the interrupt status register (UISRn[FFULL/RXRDY]) is set. When the rec eive
DMA request signal is asserted, the DMA can initiate a data move, reading the appropriate characters from
the UART receive buffer (URBn) and storing them in memory. This allows the DMA channel to stream
data from the UART receive buffer into memory without processor intervention. After the entire message
has been moved from the UART, the DMA would typically generate an end-of-data-transfer interrupt
request to the CPU. The resulting interrupt service routine (ISR) should query the UART programming
model to determine the end-of-transmission status. In typical applications, the receive DMA request
should be configured to use RXRDY directly (and not FFULL) to remove any complications related to
retrieving the final characters from the FIFO buffer.
The implementation described in this section allows independent DMA processing of transmit and receive
data while continuing to support interrupt notification to the processor for CTS change-of-state and delta
break error managing.
Table 23-13. UART Interrupt s
Register Bit Interrupt
UIMRn7 Change of State (COS)
UIMRn2 Delta Break
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To configure the UART for DMA requests:
1. Initialize the DMAREQC in the SCM to map the desired UAR T DMA requests to the desired DMA
channels. For example, setting DMAREQC[7:4] to 1000 maps UART0 receive DMA requests to
DMA channel 1, setting DMAREQC[1 1:8] to 1101 maps UAR T1 transmit DMA requests to DMA
channel 2, and so on. It is possible to independently map transmit-based and receive-based UART
DMA requests in the DMAREQC.
2. Disable interrupts using the UIMR register. The appropriate UIMR bits must be cleared so that
interrupt requests are disabled for those conditions for which a DMA request is desired. For
example, to generate transmit DMA requests from UART1, UIMR1[TXRDY] should be cleared.
This prevents TXRDY from generating an interrupt request while a transmit DMA request is
3. Enable DMA access to the UARTn registers by setting the corresponding PACR register in the
SCM for read/write in supervisor and user modes.
4. Enable DMA access to SRAM by setting the SPV bit in the core RAMBAR, and the BDE bit in
5. Initialize the DMA channel. The DMA should be configured for cycle steal mode and a source and
destination size of one byte. This causes a single byte to be transferred for each UART DMA
request. Set the disable request bit (DCRn[D_REQ] to disable external requests when the BCR
reaches zero.
6. For a transmit process:
Set the DMA SAR register to the address of the source data
—Set DCRn[SINC] to increment the source pointer
Set DAR to the address if the UART transmit buffer (UTB)
—Clear DCRn[DINC]
Set BCR to the number of bytes to transmit.
7. For a receive process:
Set the DMA SAR register to the address of the UART receive buffer (URB)
—Clear DCRn[SINC]
Set DAR to the address of the source data
—Set DCRn[DINC] to increment the destination pointer
Set BCR to the number of bytes to transmit.
8. Start the data transfer by setting DCRn[EEXT], which enables the UART channel to issue DMA
Table 23-14 shows the DMA requests.
Table 23-14. UART DMA Requests
Register Bit DMA Request
UISRn1 Receive DMA request
UISRn0 Transmit DMA request
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23.5.2 UART Module Initialization Sequence
The following shows the UART module initialization sequence.
1. UCRn:
a) Reset th e receiver and transmitter.
b) Reset the mode pointer (MISC[2–0] = 0b001).
2. UIMRn: Enable the desired interrupt sources.
3. UACRn: Initialize the input enable control (IEC bit).
4. UCSRn: Select the receiver and transmitter clock. Use timer as source if required.
5. UMR1n:
a) If preferred, program operation of receiver ready-to-send (RXRTS bit).
a) Select receiver-ready or FIFO-full notification (RXRDY/FFULL bit).
b) Select character or block error mode (ERR bit).
c) Select parity mode and type (PM and PT bits).
d) Select number of bits per character (B/Cx bits).
6. UMR2n:
a) Select the mode of operation (CM bits).
b) If preferred, program operation of transmitter ready-to-send (TXRTS).
c) If preferred, program operation of clear-to-send (TXCTS bit).
d) Select stop-bit length (SB bits).
7. UCRn: Enable transmitter and/or receiver.
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Figure 23-25. UART Mo de Programming Flowchart (Sheet 1 of 5)
Serial Module
Save Channel
Errors? Y
Enable Receiver
Request To Send
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Figure 23-25. UART Mo de Programming Flowchart (Sheet 2 of 5)
Place Channel In
Local Loopback
Transmitter Clear
Status Word
Send Character
To Transmitter
Character Been
Too Long?
Too Long?
Set Transmitter-
Never-ready Flag
Set Receiver-
Never-ready Flag
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Figure 23-25. UART Mo de Programming Flowchart (Sheet 3 of 5)
Framing Error?
Set Framing
Error Flag
Parity Error?
Set Parity
Error Flag
Get Character
From Receiver
Same As
Set Incorrect
Character Flag
To Original Mode
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Figure 23-25. UART Mo de Programming Flowchart (Sheet 4 of 5)
IRQ Caused
By Beginning
Of A Break?
Clear Change-in-
Break Status Bit
IRQ Arrived
Clear Change-in-
Break Status Bit
Remove Break
Character From
Receiver FIFO
Replace Return
Address On System
Stack And Monitor
Warm Start Address
Channel A
Receiver Have A
Place Character
In D0
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Figure 23-25. UART Mo de Programming Flowchart (Sheet 5 of 5)
Ready? N
Send Character
To Transmitter
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Chapter 24
I2C Interface
24.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the I2C module, clock synchronization, and I2C programming model registers. It
also provides extensive programming examples.
24.1.1 Block Diagram
Figure 24-1 is a I2C module block diagram, illustrating the interaction of the registers described in
Section 24.2, “Memory Map/Register Definition”.
Figure 24-1. I2C Module Block Diagram
Start, Stop,
Registers and Slave Interface Address Decode
I2C Address
Data MUX
AddressIRQ Data
Internal Bus
I2C Frequency
Divider Register I2C Data
I/O Register
I2C Status
I2C Control
(I2FDR) (I2CR) (I2SR) (I2DR) (I2ADR)
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I2C Interface
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24.1.2 Overview
I2C is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange,
minimizing the interconnection between devices. This bus is suitable for applications that require
occasional communication between many devices over a short distance. The flexible I2C bus allows
additional devices to connect to the bus for expansion and system development.
The interface operates up to 100 Kbps with maximum bus loading and timing. The device is capable of
operating at higher baud rates, up to a maximum of the internal bus clock divided by 20, with reduced bus
loading. The maximum communication length and the number of devices connected are limited by a
maximum bus capacitance of 400 pF.
The I2C system is a true multiple-master bus; it uses arbitration and collision detection to prevent data
corruption in the event that multiple devices attempt to control the bus simultaneously. This feature
supports complex applications with multiprocessor control and can be used for rapid testing and alignment
of end products through external connections to an assembly-line computer.
The I2C module is compatible with the Philips I2C bus protocol. For
information on system configuration, protocol, and restrictions, see The I2C
Bus Specification, Version 2.1.
The GPIO module must be configured to enable the peripheral function of
the appropriate pins (refer to Chapter 26, “General Purpose I/O Module”)
prior to configuring the I2C module.
24.1.3 Features
The I2C module has these key features:
Compatibility with I2C bus standard version 2.1
Multiple-master operation
Software-programmable for one of 50 different serial clock frequencies
Software-selectable acknowledge bit
Interrupt-driven, byte-by-byte data transfer
Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
Calling address identification interrupt
START and STOP signal generation/detection
Repeated START signal generation
Acknowledge bit generation/detection
Bus-busy detection
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24.2 Memory Map/Register Definition
The below table lists the configuration registers used in the I2C interface.
24.2.1 I2C Address Register (I2ADR)
I2ADR holds the address the I2C responds to when addressed as a slave. It is not the address sent on the
bus during the address transfer when the module is performing a master transfer.
24.2.2 I2C Frequency Divider Register (I2FDR)
The I2FDR, shown in Figure 24-3, provides a programmable prescaler to configure the I2C clock for
bit-rate selection.
Table 24-1. I2C Module Memory Map
Offset Register Access Reset Value Section/Page
0x00_0300 I2C Address Register (I2ADR) R/W 0x0 0 24.2.1/24-3
0x00_0304 I2C Fr equency Divider Register (I2FDR) R/W 0x00 24.2.2/24-3
0x00_0308 I2C Control Register (I2CR) R/W 0x00 24.2.3/24-4
0x00_030C I2C Status Register (I2SR) R/W 0x81 24.2.4/24-5
0x00_0310 I2C Data I/O Register (I2DR) R/W 0x00 24.2.5/24-6
Offset: 0x00_0300 (I2ADR) Access: User read/write
Figure 24-2. I2C Address Register (I2ADR)
Table 24-2. I2ADR Field Descriptions
Field Description
ADR Slave address. Contains the specific slave address to be used by the I2C module. Slav e mode is the def ault I2C mode
for an address match on the bus.
0 Reserved, must be cleared.
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24.2.3 I2C Control Register (I2CR)
I2CR enables the I2C module and the I2C interrupt. It also contains bits that govern operation as a slave or
a master.
Offset: 0x00_0304 (I2FDR) Access: User read/write
R 0 0 IC
Figure 24-3. I2C Frequency Divide r Register (I2FDR)
Table 24-3. I2FDR Field Descriptions
Field Description
7–6 Reserved, must be cleared.
IC I2C clock rate. Prescales the clock fo r bit-rate selection. The serial bit clock frequency is equal to the internal bus
clock divided by the divider shown below. Due to potentially slow I2C_SCL and I2C_SDA rise and fall times, bus
signals are sampled at the prescaler frequency.
IC Divider IC Divider IC Divider IC Divider
0x00 28 0x10 288 0x20 20 0x30 160
0x01 30 0x11 320 0x21 22 0x31 192
0x02 34 0x12 384 0x22 24 0x32 224
0x03 40 0x13 480 0x23 26 0x33 256
0x04 44 0x14 576 0x24 28 0x34 320
0x05 48 0x15 640 0x25 32 0x35 384
0x06 56 0x16 768 0x26 36 0x36 448
0x07 68 0x17 960 0x27 40 0x37 512
0x08 80 0x18 1152 0x28 48 0x38 640
0x09 88 0x19 1280 0x29 56 0x39 768
0x0A 104 0x1A 1536 0x2A 64 0x3A 896
0x0B 128 0x1B 1920 0x2B 72 0x3B 1024
0x0C 144 0x1C 2304 0x2C 80 0x3C 1280
0x0D 160 0x1D 2560 0x2D 96 0x3D 1536
0x0E 192 0x1E 3072 0x2E 112 0x3E 1792
0x0F 240 0x1F 3840 0x2F 128 0x3F 2048
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24.2.4 I2C Status Register (I2SR)
I2SR contains bits that indicate transaction direction and status.
Offset: 0x00_0308 (I2CR) Access: User read/write
Figure 24-4. I2C Control Register (I2CR)
Table 24-4. I2CR Field Descriptions
Field Description
IEN I2C enable. Controls the software reset of the entire I2C module. If the module is enabled in the middle of a byte
transfer, slave mode ignores the current bus transfer and starts operating when the next START condition is detected.
Master mode is not aw are that the bus is busy; initiating a start cycle may corrupt the current bus cycle, ultimately
causing the current master or the I2C module to lose arbitration, after which bus operation returns to normal.
0The I
2C module is disabled, but registers can be accessed.
1The I
2C module is enabled. This bit must be set before any other I2CR bits have any effect.
IIEN I2C interrupt enable.
2C module interrupts are di sabled, but currently pending interrupt condition is not cleare d.
2C module interrupts are en abled. An I2C interrupt occurs if I2SR[IIF] is also set.
MSTA Master/slave mode select bit. If the master loses arbitration, MSTA is cleared without generating a STOP signal.
0 Slave mode. Changing MSTA from 1 to 0 generates a STOP and se lects slave mode.
1 Master mode. Changing MSTA from 0 to 1 signals a START on the bus and selects master mode.
MTX Transmit/receive mode select bit. Selects the direction of master and slave transfers.
0 Receive
1 Transmit. When the device is addressed as a slave, software must set MTX according to I2SR[SRW]. In master
mode, MTX must be set according to the type of transfer required. Therefore, when the MCU addresses a slave
de vice, MTX is always 1.
TXAK Transmit acknowledge enable. Specifies the v alue driven onto I2C_SDA during ackno wledge cycles for master and
slave receiv ers. Writing TXAK applies only when the I2C bus is a receiver.
0 An acknowledge signal is sent to the bus at the ninth clock bit after receiving one byte of data.
1 No acknowledge signal response is sent (acknowledge bit = 1).
RSTA Repeat start. Always read as 0. Attempting a repeat start without b us mastership causes loss of arbitration.
0 No repeat start
1 Generates a repeated START condition.
1 Reserved, must be cleared.
Offset: 0x00_030C (I2SR) Access: User read/write
Figure 24-5. I2C Status Register (I2SR)
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24.2.5 I2C Data I/O Register (I2DR)
In master -receive mode, reading I2DR allows a read to occur and for the next data byte to be received. In
slave mode, the same function is available after the I2C has received its slave address.
Table 24-5. I2SR Field Descriptions
Field Description
ICF I2C Data transferring bit. While one byte of data is transferred, ICF is cleared.
0 Transfer in progress
1 Transfer complete. Set b y falling edge of ninth clock of a byte transfer.
IAAS I2C addressed as a slave bit. The CPU is interrupted if I2CR[IIEN] is set. Next, the CPU must check SRW and set
its TX/RX mode accordingly. Wr iting to I2CR clears this bit.
0 Not addressed.
1 Addressed as a slave . Set when its own address (IADR) matches the calling address.
IBB I2C bus busy bi t. Indicates th e status of the bus.
0 Bus is idle. If a STOP signal is detected, IBB is cleared.
1 Bus is busy. When START is detected, IBB is set.
IAL I2C arbitration lost. Set by hardware in the f ollowing circumstances. (IAL must be cleared b y software b y writing zero
to it.)
I2C_SDA sampled low when the master drives high during an address or data-transmit cycle.
I2C_SDA sampled low when the master drives high during the acknowledge bit of a data-receive cycle.
A start cycle is attempted when the bus is busy.
A repeated start cycle is requested in slave mode.
A stop condition is detected when the master did not request it.
3 Reserved, must be cleared.
SRW Slave read/write. When IAAS is set, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address sent
from the master. SRW is valid onl y when a complete transfer has occurred, no other transfers have been initiated,
and the I2C module is a slave and has an address match.
0 Slave receive, master writing to slave.
1 Slave transmit, master reading from slave.
IIF I2C interrupt. Must be cleared by software by writing a 0 in the interru pt routi ne.
0No I
2C interrupt pending
1 An interr upt is pending, which causes a processor interrupt request (if IIEN = 1). Set when one of the following
Complete one byte transfer (set at the falling edge of the ninth clock)
Reception of a calling address that matches its own specific address in slave-rece ive mode
Arbitration lost
RXAK Received acknowledge. The value of I2C_SDA during the ac k nowledge bit of a bus cycle.
0 An acknowledge signal was received after the completion of 8-bit data transmission on the bus
1 No acknowledge signal was detected at the ninth clock.
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24.3 Functional Description
The I2C module uses a serial data line (I2C_SDA) and a serial clock line (I2C_SCL) for data transfer. For
I2C compliance, all devices connected to these two signals must have open drain or open collector outputs.
The logic AND function is exercised on both lines with external pull-up resistors.
Out of reset, the I2C default state is as a slave receiver. Therefore, when not programmed to be a master or
responding to a slave transmit address, the I2C module should return to the default slave receiver state. See
Section 24.4.1, “Initialization Sequence,” for exceptions.
Normally , a standard communication is composed of four parts: ST AR T signal, slave address transmission,
data transfer, and STOP signal. These are discussed in the following sections.
24.3.1 START Signal
When no other device is bus master (I2C_SCL and I2C_SDA lines are at logic high), a device can initiate
communication by sending a START signal (see A in Figure 24-7). A START signal is defined as a
high-to-low transition of I2C_SDA while I2C_SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a data
transfer (each data transfer can be several bytes long) and awakens all slaves.
Offset: 0x00_0310 (I2DR) Access: User read/write
Figure 24-6. I2C Data I/O Register (I2DR)
Table 24-6. I2DR Fi eld Description
Field Description
DATA I2C data. When data is written to this register in master transmit mode, a data transfer is initiated. The most significant
bit is sent first. In master receiv e mode, reading this register initiates the reception of the next b yte of data. In slave
mode, the same functions are available after an address match has occurred.
Note: In master transmit mode, the first byte of data written to I2DR following assert ion of I2CR[MSTA] is used for
the address transfer and should comprise the calling address (in position D7–D1) concatenated with the
required R/W bit (in position D0). This bit (D0) is not automatically appended by the hardware, softw are must
provide the appropriate R/W bit.
Note: I2CR[MSTA] generates a start when a master does not already own the bus. I2CR[RSTA] generates a star t
(restart) without the master first issuing a stop (i.e., the master already owns the bus). To start the read of data,
a dummy read to this register starts the read process from the slav e. The next read of the I2DR register
contains the a c tu al da ta .
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Figure 24-7. I2C Standard Communication Protocol
24.3.2 Slave Address Transmission
The master sends the slave address in the first byte after the START signal (B). After the se ven-bit calling
address, it sends the R/W bit (C), which tells the slave data transfer direction (0 equals write transfer, 1
equals read transfer).
Each slave must have a unique address. An I2C master must not transmit its own slave address; it cannot
be master and slave at the same time.
The slave whose address matches that sent by the master p ulls I2C_SDA low at the ninth serial clock (D)
to return an acknowledge bit.
24.3.3 Data Transfer
When successful slave addressing is achieved, data transfer can proceed (see E in Figure 24-7) on a
byte-by-byte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master.
Data can be changed only while I2C_SCL is low and must be held stable while I2C_SCL is high, as
Figure 24-7 shows. I2C_SCL is pulsed once for each data bit, with the msb being sent first. The receiving
device must acknowledge each byte by pulling I2C_SDA low at the ninth clock; therefore, a data byte
transfer takes nine clock pulses. See Figure 24-8.
Figure 24-8. Data Transfer
12345678 123456789 9
AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 R/W XXX D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Calling Address R/W ACK
Bit Data Byte No
Interrupt bit set
(Byte complete)
I2C_SCL held low while
Interrupt is serviced
Bit6 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1Bit5Bit7 Bit0 Bit6 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1Bit5 Bit0Bit7
Signal ACK from
Receiver STOP
Data Byte
Slave Address
Interrupt Bit Set
(Byte Complete)
I2C_SCL held low while
Interr u p t is serv ic ed
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24.3.4 Acknowledge
The transmitter releases the I2C_SDA line high during the acknowledge clock pulse as shown in
Figure 24-9. The receiver pulls down the I2C_SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse so that it
remains stable low during the high period of the clock pulse.
If it does not acknowledge the master , the slave receiver must l eave I2C_SDA high. The master can then
generate a STOP signal to abort data transfer or generate a START signal (repeated start, shown in
Figure 24-10 and discussed in Section 24.3.6, “Repeated START”) to start a new calling sequence.
Figure 24-9. Acknowledgement by Receiver
If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a byte transmission, it means
end-of-data to the slave. The slave releases I2C_SDA for the master to generate a ST OP or START signal
(Figure 24-9).
24.3.5 STOP Signal
The master can terminate communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. A STOP signal is
defined as a low-to-high transition of I2C_SDA while I2C_SCL is at logical high (see F in Figure 24-7).
The master can generate a STOP even if the slave has generated an acknowledgment, at which point the
slave must release the bus. The master may also generate a START signal following a calling address,
without first generating a STOP signal. Refer to Section 24.3.6, “Repeated START.”
24.3.6 Repeated START
A repeated STAR T signal is a START signal generated without first generating a STOP signal to terminate
the communication, as shown in Figure 24-10. The master uses a repeated START to communicate with
another slave or with the same slave in a dif ferent mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus.
Bit6 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1Bit5Bit7 Bit0
START Signal
I2C_SDA by Transmitter
I2C_SDA by Receiver
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Figure 24-10. Repeated START
Various combinations of read/write formats are then possible:
The first example in Figure 24-11 is the case of master-transmitter transmitting to slave-receiver.
The transfer direction is not changed.
The second example in Figure 24-11 is the master reading the slave immediately after the first byte.
At the moment of the first acknowledge, the master-trans mitter becomes a master -receiver and the
slave-receiver becomes slave-transmitter.
In the third example in Figure 24-11, START condition and slave address are repeated using the
repeated START signal. This is to communicate with same slave in a different mode without
releasing the bus. The master tr ansmits data to the slave first, and then the master reads data from
slave by reversing the R/W bit.
Figure 24-11. Data Transfer, Combined Format
12345678 12 5 67834
New Calling Address R/W No
Calling Address
msb lsb msb lsb
Signal A
7bit Slave Address 0A
Data Data A/A
From Master to Slave
From Slave to Master
7bit Slave Address 1AData A
Rept A
7-bit Slave 0A
Data Data A/A
ST Address
7-bit Slave
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Master Reads from Slave Master Writes to Sl ave
Note: No acknowledge on the last byte
ST = Start
SP = Stop
A = Acknowledge (I2C_SDA low)
A = Not Ackno wledge (I2C_SDA high)
Rept ST = Repeated Start
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24.3.7 Clock Synchronization and Arbitration
I2C is a true multi-master bus that allows more than one master connected to it. If two or more master
devices simultaneously request control of the bus, a clock synchronization procedure determines the bus
clock. Because wire-AND logic is performed on the I2C_SCL line, a high-to-low transition on the
I2C_SCL line affects all the devices connected on the bus. The devices start counting their low period and
after a device’s clock has gone low, it holds the I2C_SCL line low until the clock high state is reached.
However, change of low to high in this device’s clock may not change the state of the I2C_SCL line if
another device clock remains within its low period. Therefore, synchronized clock I2C_SCL is held low
by the device with the longest low period.
Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time (see Figure 24-12). When all
devices concerned have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock (I2C_SCL) line is released
and pulled high. At this point, the device clocks and the I2C_SCL line are synchronized, and the devices
start counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period pulls the I2C_SCL line low
Figure 24-12. Clock Synchronization
A data arbitration procedure determines the relative priority of the contending masters. A bus master loses
arbitration if it transmits logic 1 while another master transmits logic 0. The losing masters immediately
switch over to slave receive mode and stop driving I2C_SDA output (see Figure 24-13). In this case,
transition from master to slave mode does not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, hardware sets
I2SR[IAL] to indicate loss of arbitration.
Figure 24-13. Arbitration Procedure
Internal Counter Reset
Wait Start counting high period
Master 2 Loses Arbitration,
and becomes slave-receiver
I2C_SDA by
I2C_SDA by
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24.3.8 Handshaking and Clock Stretching
The clock synchronization mechanism can acts as a handshake in data transfers. Slave devices can hold
I2C_SCL low after completing one byte transfer. In such a case, the clock mechanism halts the bus clock
and forces the master clock into wait states until the slave releases I2C_SCL.
Slaves may also slow down the transfer bit rate. After the master has driven I2C_SCL low, the slave can
drive I2C_SCL low for the required period and then release it. If the slave I2C_SCL low period is longer
than the master I2C_SCL low period, the resulting I2C_SCL bus signal low period is stretched.
24.4 Initialization/Application Information
The following examples show programming for initialization, signaling START, post-transfer software
response, signaling STOP, and generating a repeated START.
24.4.1 Initialization Sequence
Before the interface can transfer serial data, registers must be initialized:
1. Set I2FDR[IC] to obtain I2C_SCL frequency from the system bus clock. See Section 24.2.2, “I2C
Frequency Divider Register (I2FDR).”
2. Update the I2ADR to define its slave address.
3. Set I2CR[IEN] to enable the I2C bus interface system.
4. Modify the I2CR to select or deselect master/slave mode, transmit/receive mode, and
interrupt-enable or not.
If I2SR[IBB] is set when the I2C bus module is enabled, execute the
following pseudocode sequence before proceeding with normal
initialization code. This issues a STOP command to the slave device,
placing it in idle state as if it were power-cycled on.
I2CR = 0x0
I2CR = 0xA0
dummy read of I2DR
I2SR = 0x0
I2CR = 0x0
I2CR = 0x80 ; re-enable
24.4.2 Generation of START
After completion of the initialization procedure, serial data can be transmitted by selecting the master
transmitter mode. On a multiple-master bus system, I2SR[IBB] must be tested to determine whether the
serial bus is free. If the bus is free (IBB is cleared), the STAR T signal and the first byte (the slave address)
can be sent. The data written to the data register comprises the address of the desired slave and the lsb
indicates the transfer direction.
The free time between a ST OP and the next START condition is built into the hardware that generates the
START cycle. Depending on the relative frequencies of the system clock and the I2C_SCL period, the
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processor may need to wait until the I2C is busy after writing the calling address to the I2DR before
proceeding with the following instructions.
The following example signals START and transmits the first byte of data (slave address):
1. Check I2SR[IBB]. If it is set, wait until it is clear.
2. After cleared, set to transmit mode by setting I2CR[MTX].
3. Set master mode by setting I2CR[MSTA]. This generates a START condition.
4. Transmit the calling address via the I2DR.
5. Check I2SR[IBB]. If it is clear, wait until it is set and go to step #1.
24.4.3 Post-Transfer Software Response
Sending or receiving a byte sets the I2SR[ICF], which indicates one byte communication is finished.
I2SR[IIF] is also set. An interrupt is generated if the interrupt function is enabled during initialization by
setting I2CR[IIEN]. Software must first clear I2SR[IIF] in the interrupt routine. Reading from I2DR in
receive mode or writing to I2DR in transmit mode can clear I2SR[ICF].
Software can service the I2C I/O in the main program by monitoring the IIF bit if the interrupt function is
disabled. Polling should monitor IIF rather than ICF, because that operation is different when arbitration
is lost.
When an interrupt occurs at the end of the address cycle, the master is always in transmit mode; the address
is sent. If master receive mode is required, I2CR[MTX] should be toggled.
During slave-mode address cycles (I2SR[IAAS] = 1), I2SR[SRW] is read to determine the direction of the
next transfer. MTX is programmed accordingly. For slave-mode data cycles (IAAS = 0), SRW is invalid.
MTX should be read to determine the current transfer direction.
The following is an example of a software response by a master transmitter in the interrupt routine (see
Figure 24-14).
1. Clear the I2CR[IIF] flag.
2. Check if acknowledge has been received, I2SR[RXAK].
3. If no ACK, end transmission. Else, transmit next byte of data via I2DR.
24.4.4 Generation of STOP
A data transfer ends when the master signals a STOP, which can occur after all data is sent, as in the
following example.
1. Check if acknowledge has been received, I2SR[RXAK]. If no ACK, end transmission and go to
step #5.
2. Get value from transmitting counter, TXCNT. If no more data, go to step #5.
3. Transmit next byte of data via I2DR.
4. Decrement TXCNT and go to step #1
5. Generate a stop condition by clearing I2CR[MSTA].
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For a master receiver to terminate a data transfer, it must inform the slave transmitter by not
acknowledging the last data byte. This is done by setting I2CR[TXAK] before reading the next-to-last
byte. Before the last byte is read, a STOP signal must be generated, as in the following example.
1. Decrement RXCNT.
2. If last byte (RXCNT = 0) go to step #4.
3. If next to last byte (RXCNT = 1), set I2CR[TXAK] to disable ACK and go to step #5.
4. This is last byte, so clear I2CR[MSTA] to generate a STOP signal.
5. Read data from I2DR.
6. If there is more data to be read (RXCNT 0), go to step #1 if desired.
24.4.5 Generation of Repeated START
If the master wan ts the bus af ter the data transf er, it can signal another START followed by another slave
address without signaling a STOP, as in the following example.
1. Generate a repeated START by setting I2CR[RSTA].
2. Transmit the calling address via I2DR.
24.4.6 Slave Mode
In the slave interrupt service routine, software must poll the I2SR[IAAS] bit to determine if the controller
has received its slave address. If IAAS is set, software must set the transmit/receive mode select bit
(I2CR[MTX]) according to the I2SR[SRW]. Writing to I2CR clears IAAS automatically. The only time
IAAS is read as set is from the interrupt at the end of the address cycle where an address match occurred;
interrupts resulting from subsequent data transfers have IAAS cleared. A data transfer can now be initiated
by writing information to I2DR for slave transmits, or read from I2DR in slave-receive mode. A dummy
read of I2DR in slave/receive mode releases I2C_SCL, allowing the master to send data.
In the slave transmitter routine, I2SR[RXAK] must be tested before sending the next byte of data. Setting
RXAK means an end-of-data signal from the master receiver, after which software must switch it from
transmitter to rece iver mode . Reading I 2DR relea ses I2C_SCL so the master can generate a STOP signal.
24.4.7 Arbitration Lo st
If several devices try to engage the bus at the same time, one becomes master. Hardware immediately
switches devices that lose arbitration to slave receive mode. Data output to I2C_SDA stops, but I2C_SCL
continues generating until the end of the byte during which arbitration is lost. An interrupt occurs at the
falling edge of the ninth clock of this transfer with I2SR[IAL] set and I2CR[MSTA] cleared.
If a non-master device tries to transmit or execute a START, hardware inhibits the transmission, clears
MSTA without signaling a STOP, generates an interrupt to the CPU, and sets IAL to indicate a failed
attempt to engage the bus. When considering these cases, slave service routine should first test IAL and
software should clear it if it is set.
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Figure 24-14. Flow-Chart of Typical I2C Interrupt Routine
Last Byte
End of
ADDR Cycle
(Master RX)
Write Ne xt
Byte to I2DR
Switch to
Rx Mode
Dummy Read
from I2DR Generate
STOP Signal Read Data
from I2DR
And Store
Set TXAK =1 Generate
STOP Signal
2nd Last
Byte to be
Byte to be
Clear IAL
SR W=1
Set TX
Write Data
to I2DR
Set RX
Dummy Read
from I2DR
ACK from
Tx Next
Byte Read Data
from I2DR
and Store
Switch to
Rx Mode
Dummy Read
from I2DR
Cycle Data
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Chapter 25
The FlexCAN module is a communication controller implementing the controller area network (CAN)
protocol, an asynchronous communications protocol used in automotive and industrial control systems. It
is a high speed (1 Mbit/sec), short distance, priority based protocol which can communicate using a variety
of mediums (for example, fiber optic cable or an unshielded twisted pair of wires). The FlexCAN supports
both the standard and extended identifier (ID) message formats specified in the CAN protocol
specification, revision 2.0, part B.
The CAN protocol was primarily, but not only, designed to be used as a vehicle serial data bus, meeting
the specific requirements of this field: real-time processing, reliable operation in the EMI environment of
a vehicle, cost-effectiveness and required bandwidth. A general working knowledge of the CAN protocol
revision 2.0 is assumed in this document. For details, refer to the CAN protocol revision 2.0 specification.
25.1 Features
Based on and includes all existing Freescale TouCAN module features
Freescale IP interface architecture
Full implementation of the CAN protocol specification version 2.0
Standard data and remote frames (up to 109 bits long)
Extended data and remote frames (up to 127 bits long)
0–8 bytes data length
Programmable bit rate up to 1Mbit/sec
Up to 16 flexible message buffers of 0–8 bytes data length, each configurable as Rx or Tx, all
supporting standard and extended messages
Listen-only mode capability
Content-related addressing
No read/write semaphores
Three programmable mask registers: global (for MBs 0-13), special for MB14, and special for
Programmable transmit-first scheme: lowest ID or lowest buffer number
“Time Stamp”, based on 16-bit free-running timer
Global network time, synchronized by a specific message
Programmable I/O modes
Maskable interrupts
Independent of the transmission medium (external transceiver is assumed)
Open network architecture
Multimaster bus
High immunity to EMI
Short latency time for high-priority messages
Low-power “sleep” mode, with programmable “wake up” on bus activity
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A block diagram describing the various submodules of the FlexCAN module is shown in Figure 25-1.
Each submodule is described in detail in subsequent sections.
Figure 25-1. FlexCAN Block Diagram and Pinout
25.1.1 FlexCAN Memory Map
The FlexCAN module address space is split into 128 bytes starting at the base address, and then an extra
256 bytes starting at the base address +128. The upper 256 are fully used for the message buf fer structures,
as described in Section 25.3.2, “Message Buffer Memory Map.” Out of the lower 128 bytes, only part is
occupied by various registers.
Table 25-1. FlexCAN Memory Map
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
0x1C_0000 Module Configuration Register (MCR) Reserved
0x1C_0004 Reserved Contro l Register 0
(CANCTRL0) Control Register 1
Bus Interface Unit
MB #
Control CANTX
Internal Bus
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25.1.2 External Signals
The FlexCAN module/CAN transceiver is composed of two signals: CANTX, which is the serial
transmitted data, and CANRX, which is the serial received data.
0x1C_0008 Prescale r Divider (PRESDIV) Control Register 2
(CANCTRL2) Free Running Timer (TIMER)
0x1C_000C Reserved Reserved
0x1C_0010 Rx Global Mask (RXGMASK)
0x1C_0014 Rx Buff er 14 Mask (RX14MASK)
0x1C_0018 Rx Buff er 15 Mask (RX15MASK)
0x1C_0020 Error and Status (ESTAT) Interrupt Masks (IMASK)
0x1C_0024 Interrupt Flags (IFLAG) Rx Error Counter
(RXECTR) Tx Error Counter
0x1C_007F Reserved Reserved
0x1C_017F Messa ge Buffers 0–15
Table 25-1. FlexCAN Memory Map (continued)
Offset [31:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:0]
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25.2 The CAN System
A typical CAN system is shown below in Figure 25-2.
Figure 25-2. Typical CAN system
Each CAN station is connected physically to the CAN bus through a transceiver. The transceiver provides
the transmit drive, waveshaping, and receive/compare functions required for communicating on the CAN
bus. It can also provide protection against damage to the FlexCAN caused by a defective CAN bus or
defective stations.
25.3 Message Buffers
25.3.1 Message Buffer Structure
Figure 25-3 shows the extended (29 bit) ID message buf fer structure. Figure 25-4 displays the standard (11
bit) ID message buffer structure.
CAN Station 1 CAN Station 2 CAN Station n
ColdFire Processor
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Figure 25-3. Extended ID Message Buffer Structure
Figure 25-4. Standard ID Message Buffer Structure Common Fields for Extended and Standard Format Frames
Table 25-2 describes the message buffer fields that are common to both extended and standard identifier
format frames.
15–8 7–4 3–0
0x2 ID[28:18] SRR IDE ID[17-15] ID_HIGH
0x4 ID[14-0] RTR ID_LOW
0xE Reserved
15–8 7–4 3–0
0x2 ID[28:18] RTR 0000ID_HIGH
0xE Reserved
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Table 25-2. Common Extended/Standa rd Format Frames
Field Description
Time Stamp Contains a copy of the high byte of the free running timer, which is captured at the beginning of the
identifier field of the frame on the CAN bus.
Code Refer to Table 25-3 and Table 25-4.
Rx Length Length (in bytes) of the Rx data stored in offset 0x6 through 0xD of the b uffer. This field is written b y
the FlexCAN module, copied from the data length code (DLC) field of the received frame.
Tx Length Length (in bytes) of the data to be transmitted, located in offset 0x6 through 0xD of the buffer. This
field is written by the CPU , and is used as the DLC field value. If remote transmission request (R TR))
= 1, the frame is a remote frame and will be transmitted without the data field, regardless of the value
in Tx length.
Data This fi eld can store up to eight data bytes for a frame. For Rx frames, the data is stored as it is
received from the b us . F or Tx fr ames , the CPU provides the data to be transmitted within the frame .
Reserved This word entry field (16 bits) should not be accessed by the CPU.
Table 25-3. Message Buffer Codes for Receive Bu ffers
Rx Code
Before Rx
New Frame Description Rx Code
After Rx
New Frame Comment
0000 NOT ACTIVE — message buffer is not active.
0100 EMPTY — message buffer is active and empty. 00 10
0010 FULL — message buffer is full. 0110 If a CPU read occurs bef ore
the new frame , ne w receiv e
code is 0010.
0110 OVERRUN — second frame was received into a full
buffer before the CPU read the first one.
1For transmit message buffers, upon read, the BUSY bit should be ignored.
BUSY — message buff er is now being filled with a new
receive frame. This condition will be cleared within 20
0010 An empty buffer was filled.
001110110 A full buffer was filled.
011110110 An overrun buffer was filled.
Table 25-4. Message Buffer Codes for Transmit Buffers
RTR Initial Tx Code Description Code After
X 1000 Message bu ffer not ready for transmit.
0 1100 Data frame to be transmitted once, unconditionally. 1000
1 1100 Remote frame to be transmitted once, and message buffer
becomes an Rx message buffer for data frames. 0100
0 10101
1When a matching remote request frame is detected, the code for such a message buffer is changed to be 1110.
Data frame to be transmitted only as a response to a remote
frame. 1010
0 1110 Data frame to be transmitted only once, unconditionally, and
then only as a response to remote frame. 1010
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Freescale Semiconductor 25-7 Fields for Extended Format Frames
Table 25-5 describes the message buffer fields used only for extended identifier format frames. Fields for Standard Format Frames
Table 25-6 describes the message buffer fields used only for standard identifier format frames.
25.3.2 Message Buffer Memory Map
The message buffer memory map starts at an offset of 0x80 from the FlexCAN’s base address
(0x1C_0000). The 256-byte message buffer space is fully used by the 16 message buffer structures.
Table 25-5. Extended Format Frames
Field Description
ID[28:18]/[17:15] Contains the 14 most significant bits of the extended identifier, located in the ID HIGH word of the
message buffer.
Remote Request
Contains a fix ed recessive bit, used only in e xtended f ormat. Should be set to one by the user for
Tx buff ers . It will be stored as received on the CAN bus f or Rx buff ers. This is a bit in the ID HIGH
word of the message buffer.
ID Extended
(IDE) If e xtended format frame is used, this field should be set to one. If zero, standard format frame
should be used. This is a bit in the ID HIGH word of the message buffer.
ID[14:0] Bits [14:0] of the extended identifier, locate d in the ID LOW word of the message buffer.
Request (RTR)
This bit is located in the least significant bi t of the ID LOW word of the message buffer;
0 Data Frame
1 Remote Frame.
Table 25-6. Standard Format Frames
Field Description
ID[28:18] Contains bits [28:18] of the identifier , located in the ID HIGH word of the message buffer . The f our
least significant bits in this register (corresponding to the IDE bit and ID[17:15] for an extended
identifier message) must all be written as logic zeros to ensure proper operation of the Fle xCAN.
RTR Remote Transmission Request. This bit is located in the ID HIGH word of the message buffer.
0 data frame
1 remote frame.
If the FlexCAN transmits this bit as a one and receives it as a zero, an “arbitration loss” is
indicated. If the Flex CAN transmits this bit as a zero and receives it as a one, a bit error is
If the FlexCAN transmits a value and receives a matching response, a successful bit transmission
is indicated.
16-Bit Time
Stamp The 16-bit time stamp, located in the ID LOW word of the message buffer, is not needed for
standard format, and is used in a standard format buffer to store the 16-bit value of the
free-running timer . The timer v alue is captured at the beginning of the identifier field of the frame
on the CAN bus.
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Figure 25-5. FlexCAN Memory Map
25.4 Functional Overview
The FlexCAN module is flexible in that each one of its 16 message buffers (MBs) can be assigned either
as a transmit buffer or a receive buffer. Each MB, which is up to 8 bytes long, is also assigned an interrupt
flag bit that indicates successful completion of either transmission or reception.
Note that for both processes, the first CPU action in preparing a MB should
be to deactivate it by setting its code field to the proper value. This
requirement is mandatory to assure proper operation.
25.4.1 Transmit Pro cess
The CPU prepares or changes an MB for transmission by executing the following steps:
Writing the Control/Status word to hold Tx MB inactive (code = 1000).
Writing the ID_HIGH and ID_LOW words.
8 bytes Data field
0x86 Message Buffer 0
Message Buffer 1
Message Buffer 2
Message Buffer 15
Message Buffers
FlexCAN Base
Address Offset
Message Buffer 3
Message Buffer 14
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Writing the Data bytes
Writing the Control/Status word (active Code, Length)
The first and last steps are mandatory!
Starting from the last step, this MB will participate in the internal arbitration process, which takes place
every time the CAN bus is sensed as free by the receiver or at the inter-frame space, and there is at least
one MB ready for transmission. This internal arbitration process is intended to select the MB from which
the next frame is transmitted.
When this process is over , and there is a ‘winner’ MB for transmission, the frame is transferred to the serial
message buffer (SMB) for transmission (Move Out).
While transmitting, the FlexCAN transmits up to eight data bytes, even if the DLC is bigger in value.
At the end of the successful transmission, the value of the free-running timer (which was captured at the
beginning of the Identifier field on the CAN bus), is written into the “Time Stamp” field in the MB, the
Code field in the Control/Status word of the MB is updated and a status flag is set in the IFLAG register.
25.4.2 Receive Process
The CPU prepares or changes an MB for frame reception by executing the following steps:
Writing the control/status word to hold Rx MB inactive (code = 0000).
Writing the ID_HIGH and ID_LOW words.
Writing the control/status word to mark the Rx MB as active and empty.
The first and last steps are mandatory!
S tarting from the last step, this MB is an active receive buf fer and will pa rticipate in the internal matching
process, which takes place every time the receiver receives an error-free frame. In this process, all active
receive buffers compare their ID value to the newly received one, and if a match occurs, the frame is
transferred (Move In) to the first (that is, lowest entry) matching MB. The value of the free-running timer
(which was captured at the beginning of the Identifier field on the CAN bus) is written into the “Time
Stamp” field in the MB, the ID field, data field (8 bytes at most) and the LENGTH field are stored, the
Code field is updated and a status flag is set in the IFLAG register.
The CPU should read a receive frame from its MB in the following way:
Control/status word (mandatory—activates internal lock for this buffer).
ID (Optional—needed only if a mask was used).
Data field word(s).
Free-running timer (Releases internal lock —optional).
The read of the free-running timer is not mandatory. If not executed, the MB remains locked, unless the
CPU starts the read process for another MB. Note that only a single MB is locked at a time. The only
mandatory CPU read operation is of the Control/Status word, to assure data coherency. If the BUSY bit is
set in the MB code, then the CPU should defer until this bit is negated.
The CPU should synchronize to frame reception by the status flag for the specific MB (see
Section 25.5.10, “Interrupt Flag Register (IFLAG)”), and not by the control/status word code field for that
MB. This is because polling the control/status word may lock the MB (see above), and the Code may
change before the full frame is received into the MB.
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Note that the received identifier field is always stored in the matching MB, thus the contents of the
identifier field in a MB may change if the match was due to mask. Self-Received Frames
The FlexCAN receives self-transmitted frames if there exists a matching rec eive MB.
25.4.3 Message Buffer Handling
To maintain data coherency and proper FlexCAN operation, the CPU must obey the rules listed in
Section 25.4.1, “Transmit Process” and in Section 25.4.2, “Receive Process.” Deactivation of a message
buffer (MB) is a host action that causes that message buffer to be excluded from FlexCAN transmit or
receive processes. Any CPU write access to a control/status word of MB structure deactivates that MB,
thus excluding it from Rx/Tx processes. Any form of CPU MB structure access within the FlexCAN (other
than those specified in Section 25.4.1, “T ransmit Process ” and in Section 25.4.2, “Receive Process”) may
cause the FlexCAN to behave in an unpredictable manner.
The match/arbitration processes are performed only during one period by the FlexCAN. Once a winner or
match is determined, there is no re-evaluation whatsoever, in order to ensure that a receive frame is not
lost. Two receive MBs or more that hold a matching ID to a received frame do not assure reception in the
FlexCAN if the user has deactivated the matching MB after FlexCAN has scanned the second. Serial Messag e Buffers (SMBs)
To allow double buffering of messages, the FlexCAN has two shadow buffers called serial message
buffers. These two buffers are used by the FlexCAN for buffering both received messages and messages
to be transmitted. Only one SMB is active at a time, and its function depends upon the operation of the
FlexCAN at that time. At no time does the user have access to or visibility of these two buffers. Transmit Message Buffer Deactiva tion
Any write access to the control/status word of a transmit message buffer during the process of selecting a
message buffer for transmission immediately deactivates that message buffer, removing it from the
transmission process.
If the user deactivates the transmit MB while a message is being transferred from a transmit message buffer
to a SMB the message will not be transmitted.
If the user deactivates the transmit message buffer after the message is transferred to the SMB, the message
will be transmitted, but no interrupt will be requested and the transmit code will not be updated.
If a message buffer containing the lowest ID is deactivated while that message is undergoing the internal
arbitration process to determine which message should be sent, then that message may not be transmitted. Receive Message Buffer Deactivation
Any write access to the control/status word of a receive message buffer during the process of selecting a
message buffer for reception immediately deactivates that messa ge buf fer, removing it from the reception
If a receive message buffer is deactivat ed while a message is being transferred into it, the transfer is halted
and no interrupt is requested. If this occurs, that receive message buffer may contain mixed data from two
different frames.
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Data should never be written into a receive message buffer. If this is done while a message is being
transferred from an SMB, the control/status word will reflect a full or overrun condition, but no interrupt
will be requested. Locking and Releasing Message Buffers
The lock/release/busy mechanism is designed to guarantee data coherenc y during the receive process. The
following examples demonstrate how the lock/release/busy mechanism will affect FlexCAN operation.
1. Reading a control/status word of a message buffer triggers a lock for that message buffer. A new
received message frame which matches the message buffer cannot be written into this message
buffer while it is locked.
2. To release a locked message buffer, the CPU either locks another message buffer (by reading its
control/status word) or globally releases any locked message buffer (by reading the free-running
3. If a receive frame with a matching ID is received during the time the message buffer is locked, the
receive frame will not be immediately transferred into that message buffer, but will remain in the
SMB. There is no indication when this occurs.
4. When a locked message buffer is released, if a frame with a matching identifier exists within the
SMB, then this frame will be transferred to the matching message buffer.
5. If two or more receive frames with matching IDs are received while a message buffer with a
matching ID is locked, the last received frame with that ID is kept within the serial message
buffer, while all preceding ones are lost. There is no indication when this occurs.
6. If the user reads the control/status word of a receive message buffer while a frame is being
transferred from a serial message buffer, the BUSY code will be indicated. The user should wait
until this code is cleared before continuing to read from the message buffer to ensure data
coherency. In this situation, the read of the control/status word will not lock the message buffer.
Polling the control/status word of a receive message buffer can lock it, preventing a message from being
transferred into that buffer. If the control/status word of a receive message buf fer is read, it should then be
followed by a read of the control/status word of another buffer, or by reading the free-running timer, to
ensure that the locked buffer is unlocked.
25.4.4 Remote Frames
The remote frame is a message frame which is transmitted to request a data frame. The FlexCAN can be
configured to transmit a data frame automatically in response to a remote frame, or to transmit a remote
frame and then wait for the responding data frame to be received.
When transmitting a remote frame , the use r initializes a message buffer as a transmit message buf fer with
the RTR bit set to one. Once this remote frame is transmitted successfully, the transmit message buffer
automatically becomes a receive message buffer, with the same ID as the remote frame which was
When a remote frame is received by the FlexCAN, the remote frame ID is compared to the IDs of all
transmit message buffers programmed with a code of 1010. If there is an exact matching ID, the data frame
in that message buffer is transmitted. If the RTR bit in the matching transmit message buffer is set, the
FlexCAN will transmit a remote frame as a response.
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A received remote frame is not stored in a receive message buffer. It is only used to trigger the automatic
transmission of a frame in response. The mask registers are not used in remote frame ID matching. All ID
bits (except RTR) of the incoming received frame must match for the remote frame to trigger a response
25.4.5 Overload Frames
Overload frame transmissions are not initiated by the FlexCAN unless certain conditions are detected on
the CAN bus. These conditions include:
Detection of a dominant bit in the first or second bit of intermission.
Detection of a dominant bit in the seventh (last) bit of the end-of-frame (EOF) field in receive
Detection of a dominant bit in the eighth (last) bit of the error frame delimiter or overload frame
25.4.6 Time Stamp
The value of the free-running 16-bit timer is sampled at the beginning of the identifier field on the CAN
bus. For a message being received, the time stamp will be stored in the time stamp entry of the receive
message buffer at the time the message is written into that buffer . For a message being transmitted, the time
stamp entry will be written into the transmit message buffer once the transmission has completed
The free-running timer can optionally be reset upon the reception of a frame into message buffer 0. This
feature allows network time synchronization to be performed.
25.4.7 Listen-Only Mode
In listen-only mode, the FlexCAN module is able to receive messages without giving an acknowledgment.
Whenever the module enters this mode the status of the Error Counters is frozen and the FlexCAN module
operates like in error passive mode. Since the module does not influence the CAN bus in this mode the
host device is capable of functioning like a monitor or for automatic bit-rate detection.
25.4.8 Bit Timing
The FlexCAN module uses three 8-bit registers to set up the bit timing parameters required by the CAN
protocol. Control registers 1 and 2 (CANCTRL1, CANCTRL2) contain the PROPSEG, PSEG1, PSEG2,
and the RJW fields which allow the user to configure the bit timing parameters. The prescaler divide
register (PRESDIV) allows the user to select the ratio used to derive the S-clock from the system clock.
The time quanta clock operates at the S-clock frequency. Table 25-7 provides examples of system clock,
CAN bit rate, and S-clock bit timing parameters.
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Freescale Semiconductor 25-13 Configuring the FlexCAN Bit Timing
The following considerations must be observed when programming bit timing functions.
If the programmed PRESDIV value results in a single system clock per one time quantum, then the
PSEG2 field in CANCTRL1 register should not be programmed to zero.
If the programmed PRESDIV value results in a single system clock per one time quantum, then the
information processing time (IPT) equals three time quanta, otherwise it equals two time quanta.
If PSEG2 equals two, then the FlexCAN transmits one time quantum late relative to the scheduled
sync segment.
If the prescaler and bit timing control fields are programmed to values that res ult in fewer than ten
system clock periods per CAN bit time and the CAN bus loading is 100%, anytime the rising edge
of a start-of-frame (SOF) symbol transmitted by another node occurs during the third bit of the
intermission between messages, the FlexCAN may not be able to prepare a message buffer for
transmission in time to begin its own transmission and arbitrate against the message which
transmitted the early SOF.
The FlexCAN bit time must be programmed to be greater than or equal to nine system clocks, or
correct operation is not guaranteed.
25.4.9 FlexCAN Error Counters
There are two error counters in the FlexCAN: transmit error counter (TXECTR), and receive error counter
(RXCTR). The rules for increasing and decreasing these counters are described in the CAN protocol, and
are fully implemented in the FlexCAN. Each counter comprises the following:
8 bit up/down counter
Increment by 8 (Rx_Err_Counter also by 1)
Decrement by 1
Avoid decrement when equal to zero
Rx_Err_Counter preset to a value 119 x 127
Value after reset = zero
Detect values for Error Passive, Bus Off and Error Active transitions and for alerting the host.
Both counters are read only (except for Test/Freeze/Halt modes).
Table 25-7. Examples of Syste m Clock/CAN Bit-Rate/S-Clock
System Clock
Freq (Mhz) Can bit-rate
S-Clock Freq
numb er of
value + 1 Comments
48 1 8,12,24 8,12,24 3,2,1
Min 8 time-quan ta
Max 25 time-quanta
40 1 10,20 10,20 2,1
32 1 8,16 8,16 2,1
48 0.125 1,1.5,2,3 8,12,16,24 24,16,12,8
40 0.125 1,2,2.5 8,16,20 20,10,8
32 0.125 1,2 8,16 16,8
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The FlexCAN responds to any bus state as described in the protocol, e.g. transmit error active or error
passive flag, delay its transmission start time (Error Passive) and avoid any influence on the bus when in
Bus Off state. The following are the basic rules for FlexCAN bus state transitions:
If the value of TXCTR or RXCTR increases to be greater than or equal to 128, the FCS field in the
error status register is updated to reflect it (set Error Passive state).
If the FlexCAN state is Error Passive, and either TXCTR counter or RXCTR then decrements to a
value less than or equal to 127 while the other already satisfies this condition, the ESTAT[FCS]
field is updated to reflect it (set Error Active state).
If the value of the TXCTR increases to be greater than 255, the ESTAT[FCS] field is updated to
reflect it (set Bus Off state) and an interrupt may be issued. The value of TXCTR is then reset to
If the FlexCAN state is Bus_Off, then TXCTR, together with an internal counter are cascaded to
count the 128 occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits on the bus. Hence, TXCTR is reset to
zero, and counts in a manner where the internal counter counts 1 1 such bits and then wraps around
while incrementing the TXCTR. When TXCTR reaches the value of 128, ESTAT[FCS] is updated
to be Error Active, and both error counters are reset to zero. At any instance of dominant bit
following a stream of less than 11 consecutive recessive bits, the internal counter resets itself to
zero, but does NOT affect the TXCTR value.
If during system start-up, only one node is operating, then its TXCTR increases with each message
it’s trying to transmit as a result of ACK_ERROR. A transition to bus state Error Passive should
be executed as described, while this device never enters the Bus_Off state.
If the RXCTR increases to a value greater than 127, it is no longer incremented, even if more errors
are detected while being a receiver. At the next successful message reception, the counter is set to
a value between 119 and 127, in order to return to Error Active state.
25.4.10 FlexCAN Initialization Sequence
Initialization of the FlexCAN includes the initial configuration of the message buffers and configuration
of the CAN communication parameters following a reset, as well as any reconfiguration which may be
required during operation. The following is a generic initialization sequence for the FlexCAN:
1. Initialize all operation modes
a) Initialize the transmit and receive pin modes in control register 0 (CANCTRL0).
b) Initialize the bit timing parameters PROPSEG, PSEGS1, PSEG2, and RJW
in control registers 1 and 2 (CANCTRL[1:2]).
c) Select the S-clock rate by programming the PRESDIV register.
d) Select the internal arbitration mode (LBUF bit in CANCTRL1).
2. Initialize message buffers
a) The control/status word of all message buffers must be written either as an active or inactive
message buffer.
b) All other entries in each message buffer should be initialized as required.
3. Initialize mask registers for acceptance mask as needed
4. Initialize FlexCAN interrupt handler
a) Initialize the interrupt configuration register (ICRn) with a specific request level and vector
base address.
b) Set the required mask bits in the IMASK register (for all message buffer interrupts), in
CANCTRL0 (for bus off and error interrupts), and in CANMCR for the WAKE interrupt.
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5. Negate the HALT bit in the module configuration register
a) At this point, the FlexCAN will attempt to synchronize with the CAN bus.
In both the transmit and receive processes, the first action in preparing a
message buffer should be to deactivate the buf fer by setting its code field to
the proper value. This requirement is mandatory to assure data coherency.
25.4.11 Special Operating Modes Debug Mode
Debug mode is entered by setting the HALT bit in the CANMCR, or by assertion of the BKP T line. In both
cases, the FRZ bit in CANMCR must also be set to allow HALT or BKPT to place the FlexCAN in debug
Once entry into debug mode is requested, the FlexCAN waits until an intermission or idle condition exists
on the CAN bus, or until the FlexCAN enters the error passive or bus off state. Once one of these
conditions exists, the FlexCAN waits for the completion of all internal activity. When this happens, the
following events occur:
The FlexCAN stops transmitting/receiving frames.
The prescaler is disabled, thus halting all CAN bus communication.
The FlexCAN ignores its Rx pins and drives its Tx pins as recessive.
The FlexCAN loses synchronization with the CAN bus and the NOTRDY and FRZACK bits in
CANMCR are set.
The CPU is allowed to read and write the error counter registers.
After engaging one of the mechanisms to place the FlexCAN in debug mode, the user must wait for the
FRZACK bit to be set before accessing any other registers in the FlexCAN, otherwise unpredictable
operation may occur.
To exit debug mode, the BKPT line must be negated or the HALT bit in CANMCR must be cleared.
Once debug mode is exited, the FlexCAN will resynchronize with the CAN bus by waiting for 11
consecutive recessive bits before beginning to participate in CAN bus communication. Low-Power Stop Mode for Power Saving
Before entering low-power stop mode, the FlexCAN will wait for the CAN bus to be in an idle state, or
for the third bit of intermission to be recessive. The FlexCAN then waits for the completion of a ll internal
activity (except in the CAN bus interface) to be complete. Afterwards, the following events occur:
The FlexCAN shuts down its clocks, stopping most internal circuits, thus achieving maximum
power savings.
The bus interface unit continues to operate, allowing the CPU to access the module configuration
The FlexCAN ignores its Rx pins and drives its Tx pins as recessive.
The FlexCAN loses synchronization with the CAN bus, and the ST OPACK and NOTRDY bits in
the module configuration register are set.
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To exit low-power stop mode:
Reset the FlexCAN either by asserting RSTI or by setting the SOFTRST bit CANMCR.
Clear the STOP bit in CANMCR.
The FlexCAN module can optionally exit low-power stop mode via the self-wake mechanism. If
the SELFWAKE bit in CANMCR was set at the time the FlexCAN entered stop mode, then upon
detection of a recessive to dominant transition on the CAN bus, the FlexCAN clears the ST OP bit
in CANMCR and its clocks begin running.
When in low-power stop mode, a recessive to dominant transition on the CAN bus causes the WAKEINT
bit in the error and status register (ESTAT) to be set. This event can generate an interrupt if the WAKEMSK
bit in CANMCR is set.
Consider the following notes regarding low-power stop mode:
When the self-wake mechanism activates, the FlexCAN tries to receive the frame that woke it up.
(It assumes that the dominant bit detected is a start-of-frame bit). It will not arbitrate for the CAN
bus at this time.
The CPU should disable all interrupts in the FlexCAN before entering low-power stop mode.
Otherwise it may be interrupted while in STOP mode upon a non wake-up condition; If desired,
the WAKEMASK bit should be set to enable the WAKEINT.
If the STOP bit is set while the FlexCAN is in the bus off state, then the FlexCAN will enter
low-power stop mode and stop counting recessive bit times. The count will continue when STOP
is cleared.
To place the FlexCAN in low-power stop mode with the self-wake mechanism engaged, write to
CANMCR with both STOP and SELFWAKE set, then wait for the FlexCAN to set the ST OPACK
T o take the FlexCAN out of low-power stop mode when the self-wake mechanism is enabled, write
to CANMCR with both STOP and SELFWAKE clear, then wait for the FlexCAN to clear the
The SELFWAKE bit should not be set after the FlexCAN has already entered low-power stop
If both STOP and SELFWAKE are set and a recessive to dominant edge immediately occurs on the
CAN bus, the FlexCAN may never set the STOPACK bit, and the STOP bit will be cleared.
To prevent old frames from being sent when the FlexCAN awakes from low-power stop mode via
the self-wake mechanism, disable all transmit sources, including transmit buffers configured for
remote request responses, before placing the FlexCAN in low-power stop mode.
If the FlexCAN is in debug mode when the STOP bit is set, the FlexCAN will assume that debug
mode should be exited. As a result, it will try to synchronize with the CAN bus, and only then will
it await the conditions required for entry into low-power stop mode.
Unlike other modules, the FlexCAN does not come out of reset in low-power stop mode. The basic
FlexCAN initialization procedure (see Section 25.4.10, “FlexCAN Initialization Sequence”)
should be executed before placing the module in low-power stop mode.
If the FlexCAN is in low-power stop mode with the self-wake mechanism engaged and is operating
with a single system clock per time quantum, there can be extreme cases in which FlexCAN
wake-up on recessive to dominant edge may not conform to the CAN protocol. FlexCAN
synchronization will be shifted one time quantum from the wake-up event. This shift lasts until the
next recessive to dominant edge, which resynchronizes the FlexCAN to be in conformance with
the CAN protocol. The same holds true when the FlexCAN is in auto-power save mode and
awakens on a recessive to dominant edge.
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Freescale Semiconductor 25-17 Auto-Power Save Mode
Auto-power save mode enables normal operation with optimized power savings. Once the auto-power
save (APS) bit in CANMCR is set, the FlexCAN looks for a set of conditions in which there is no need for
its clocks to be running. If these conditions are met, the FlexCAN stops its clocks, thus saving power. The
following conditions will activate auto-power save mode.
No Rx/Tx frame in progress.
No transfer of Rx/Tx frames to and from an SMB, and no Tx frame awaiting transmission in any
message buffer.
No CPU access to the FlexCAN module.
The FlexCAN is not in debug mode, low-power stop mode, or the bus off state.
While its clocks are stopped, if the FlexCAN senses that any one of the aforementioned conditions is no
longer true, it restarts its clocks. The FlexCAN then continues to monitor these conditions and
stops/restarts its clocks accordingly.
25.4.12 Interrupts
The module can generate up to 19 interrupt sources (16 interrupts due to message buffers and 3 interrupts
due to Bus-off, Error and Wake-up). Each one of the message buffers can be an interrupt source, if its
corresponding IMASK bit is set.
There is no distinction between Tx and Rx interrupts for a particular buf fer, under the assumption that the
buffer is initialized for either transmission or reception, and thus its interrupt routine can be fixed at
compilation time. Each of the buffers is assigned a bit in the IFLAG register. The bit is set when the
corresponding buffer completes a successful transmission or reception, and cleared when the CPU reads
the interrupt flag register (IFLAG) while the associated bit is set, and then writes it back as ‘1’ (and no new
event of the same type occurs between the read and the write actions).
The other 3 interrupt sources (Bus-off, Error and Wake-up) act in the same way, and are located in the Error
& Status register. The Bus-off and Error interrupt mask bits are located in the CANCTRL0 register, and
the Wake-up interrupt mask bit is located in the CANMCR.
25.5 Programmer’s Model
This section describes the registers in the FlexCAN module.
The FlexCAN has no hard-wired protection against invalid bit/field
programming within its registers. Specifically, no protection is provided if
the programming does not meet CAN protocol requirements.
Programming the FlexCAN control registers is typically done during system initialization, prior to the
FlexCAN becoming synchronized with the CAN bus. The configuration registers can be changed after
synchronization by halting the FlexCAN module. This is done when the user sets the HALT bit in the
FlexCAN module configuration register (CANMCR). The FlexCAN responds by setting the
CANMCR[NOTRDY] bit. Additionally, the control registers can be modified while the MCU is in
background debug mode.
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25.5.1 CAN Module Configuration Register (CANMCR)
Table 25-8 describes the CANMCR fields.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0101_1001
76543 0
Reset 1000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0000
Figure 25-6. CAN Module Configuration Register (CANMCR)
Table 25-8. CANMCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
Low-power stop mode enable. The STOP bit may only be set by the CPU. It may be cleared either
by the CPU or by the FlexCAN, if the SELFWAKE bit is set.
0 Enabl e Fl exCAN clocks
1 Disable Fle xCAN clocks
14 FRZ
FREEZE assertion response. When FRZ = 1, the FlexCAN can enter debug mode when the BKPT
line is asserted or the HALT bit is set. Clearing this bit field causes the FlexCAN to exit debug
mode. Refer to Section, “Debug Mode” for more info rmation.
0 FlexCAN ignores the BKPT signal and the HALT bit in the module configuration register.
1 FlexCAN module enabled to enter debug mode.
13 Reserved
Halt FlexCAN S-Clock. Setting the HALT bit has the same effect as assertion of the BKPT signal
on the FlexCAN without requiring that BKPT be asserted. This bit is set to one after reset. It should
be cleared after initi alizing the message buffers and control register s. FlexCAN message buffer
receive and transmit functions are ina c tive until this bit is cleared.
When HALT is set, write access to certain registers and bits that are normally read-only is allowed.
0 The FlexCAN operates normally
1 FlexCAN enters debug mode if FRZ = 1
FlexCAN not ready. This bit indicates that the FlexCAN is either in low-power stop mode or debug
mode. This bit is read-only and is set only when the FlexCAN enters low-powe r stop mode or
debug mode. It is cleared once the FlexCAN exits either mode, either by synchronization to the
CAN bus or by the self-wake mechanism.
0 FlexCAN has exited low-power stop mo de or debug mode.
1 FlexCAN is in low-power stop mode or debug mode.
Wakeup interrupt mask. The WAKEMSK bit enables wake-up interrupt requests.
0 Wake up interrupt is disabled.
1 Wake up interrupt is enabled.
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Soft reset. When this bit is asserted, the FlexCAN resets its internal state machines (sequencer,
error counters, error flags, and timer) and the host interface registers (CANMCR, CANICR,
The configuration registers that control the interface with the CAN bus are not changed (CAN-
CTRL[0:2] and PRESDIV). Message buffers and receive message masks are also not changed.
This allows SOFTRST to be used as a debug feature while the system is running.
Setting SOFTRST also clears the STOP bit in CANMCR.
After setting SOFTRST, allow one complete bus cycle to elapse for the internal FlexCAN circuitry
to completely reset befo re executing another access to CANMCR.
The FlexCAN clears this bit once the internal reset cycle is completed.
0 Soft reset cycle completed
1 Soft reset cycle initiated
FlexCAN disable. When the FlexCAN enters debug mode, it sets the FRZACK bit. This bit should
be polled to determine if the FlexCAN has entered debug mode. When debug mode is exited, this
bit is negated once the FlexCAN prescaler is enabled. This is a read-only bit.
0 The FlexCAN has exited debug mode and the prescaler is enabled.
1 The FlexCAN has entered debug mode, and the prescaler is disabled.
Supervisor/user data space. The SUPV bit places the FlexCAN registers in either supervisor or
user data space.
0 Registers with access controlled by the SUPV bit are accessible in either user or supervisor
privile ge mode.
1 Registers with access controlled by the SUPV bit are restricted to super v isor mode.
Self wake enable. This bit allows the FlexCAN to wake up when bus activity is detected after the
STOP bit is set. If this bit is set when the FlexCAN enters low-power stop mode, the FlexCAN will
monitor the bus for a recessive to dominant transition. If a recessive to dominant transition is
detected, the FlexCAN immediately clears the STOP bit and restarts its clocks.
If a write to CANMCR with SELFWAKE set occurs at the same time a recessive-to-dominant edge
appears on the CAN bus, the bit will not be set, and the module clocks will not stop. The user
should verify that this bit has be en set by reading CANMCR. Refer to Section,
“Low-Power Stop Mode for Power Saving” for more information on entry into and exit from
low-power stop mode.
0 Self wake disabled.
1 Self wake enabled.
Auto-power save. The APS bit allows the FlexCAN to automatically shut off its clocks to save
power when it has no process to execute, and to automatically restart these clocks when it has a
task to execute without any CPU intervention.
0 Auto-po wer save mode disabled; clocks run normally.
1 Auto-power save mode enabled; clocks stop and restart as needed.
Stop acknowledge. When the FlexCAN is placed in low -power stop mode and shuts down its
clocks, it sets the STOPACK bit. This bit should be polled to determine if the FlexCAN has entered
low-power stop mode. When the FlexCAN exits low-power stop mode, the STOPACK bit is
cleared once the FlexCAN’s clocks are running.
0 The FlexCAN is not in low-power stop mode and its clocks are running.
1 The FlexCAN has entered low-power stop mode and its clocks are stopped
3–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 25-8. CANMCR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
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25.5.2 FlexCAN Control Register 0 (CANCTRL0)
Table 25-9 describes the CANCTRL0 fields.
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0006
Figure 25-7. FlexCAN Control Register 0 (CANCTRL0)
Table 25-9. CANCTRL0 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
Bus off interrupt mask. The BOFF MASK bit provides a mask for the bus off interrupt.
0 Bus off interrupt disabled.
1 Bus off interrupt enabled.
6 ERRMSK Err or interr upt mask. The ERRMSK bit provides a mask for the error interrupt.
0 Error interrupt disabled.
1 Error interrupt enabled.
5–3 Reserved
Receive pin configuration control. This bit determines the polarity of the CANRX pin.
0 A logical ‘0’ is interpreted as a dominant bit; a logical ‘1’ is interpreted as a recessive bit.
1 A logical ‘1’ is interpreted as a dominant bit; a logical ‘0’ is interpreted as a recessive bit.
1–0 TXMODE Transmit pin configuratio n control. Thi s bit field controls the configuration of the CANTX pin. See
Table 25-10.
Table 25-10. Transmit Pin Configuration
TXMODE[1:0] Tr ansmit Pin Configuration
00 Full CMOS1; positive polarity (CANTX= 0 is a dominant level)
1Full CMOS drive indicates that both dominant and recessive levels are driven by the chip.
01 Full CMOS 1; negative polarity (CANTX = 1 is a dominant level)
1X Open drain2; positive polarity
2Open drain drive indicates that only a dominant level is driven by the chip. During a recessive
level, the CANTX pin is disabled (three stated), and the electrical level is achieved by exter nal
pull-up/pull-down devices. The assertion of both Tx mode bits causes the polarity inversion to be
cancelled (open drain mode forces the polarity to be positive).
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25.5.3 FlexCAN Control Register 1 (CANCTRL1)
Table 25-11 describes the CANCTRL1 fields.
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0007
Figure 25-8. FlexCAN Control Register 1 (CANCTRL1)
Table 25-11. CANCTRL1 Field Descrip tions
Bits Name Description
Sampling mode. The SAMP bit determines whether th e FlexCAN module will sample each
received bit one time or three times to determine its value.
0 One sample, taken at the end of phase buffer segment 1, is used to determine the value of the
received bit.
1 Three samples are used to determine the value of the received bit. The samples are taken at the
norm al sample point and at the two preceding periods of the S-clock.
6 Reserved, should be cleared.
Timer synchronize mode. The TSYNC bit enables the mechanism that resets the free-running timer
each time a message is received in Message Buffer 0. This feature provides the means to synchro-
nize multiple FlexCAN sta tions with a special “SYNC” message (global network time).
0 Timer synchronization disabled.
1 Timer synchronization enabled.
Note: there can be a bit clock skew of four to five counts between different FlexCAN modules that
are using this feature on th e same network.
Lowest buffer transmitted first. The LBUF bit defines the tran smit-first scheme.
0 Message buffer with low e st ID is tr ansmit ted first.
1 Lowest numbered buffer is transmitted first.
Listen Only Mode. In this mode the FlexCAN is able to receive messages without giving an
acknowledg me n t or be i ng active on the bus.
0 Regular operation (listen only mode off).
1 Enable listen only mode.
Propagation segment time. PROPSEG defines the length of the propagation segment in the bit
time. The valid programmed values are 0 to 7. The propagation segment time is calculated as
Propagation Segment Time = (PROPSEG + 1) Time Quanta
1 Time Quantum = 1 Serial Clock (S-Clock) Period
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25.5.4 Prescaler Divide Register (PRESDIV)
Table 25-12 describes the PRESDIV fields.
25.5.5 FlexCAN Control Register 2 (CANCTRL2)
Table 25-13 describes the CANCTRL2 fields.
7 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0008
Figure 25-9. Prescaler Divide Register (PRESDIV)
Table 25-12. PRESDIV Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–0 PRES_DIV Prescaler divide factor. PRESDIV determines the ratio between the system clock frequency and
the serial clock (S-clock). The S-clock is determined by the following calculation:
The reset value of PRESDIV is 0x00, which forces the S-cloc k to default to the same frequency
as the system clock. The v alid programmed v alues are 0 through 255. See Section 25.4.8, “Bit
Timing” for more information.
765 32 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0009
Figure 25-10. FlexCAN Control Register 2 (CANCTRL2)
Table 25-13. CANCTRL2 Field Descrip tions
Bits Name Description
7–6 RJW Resynchronization jump width. The RJW field defines the maximum number of time quanta a bit time
may be changed during resynchronization. The valid programmed values are 0 through 3.
The resynchronization jump width is calculated as follows:
Resynchronizaton Jump Width = (RJW + 1) Time Quanta
S-clock fsys
2 PRESDIV + 1()
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25.5.6 Free Running Timer (TIMER)
Table 25-14 describes the TIMER fields.
25.5.7 Rx Mask Registers
These registers are used as acceptance masks for received frame IDs . 3 masks are defined: A global mask,
used for Rx buffers 0-13, and 2 more separate masks for buffers 14 and 15.
Mask bit = 0: The corresponding incoming ID bit is “don’t care”.
Mask bit = 1: The corresponding ID bit is checked against the incoming ID bit, to see if a match exists.
Note that these masks are used both for Standard and Extended ID formats. The value of mask registers
should NOT be changed while in normal operation, as locked frames which matched a MB through a mask,
may be transferred into the MB (upon release) but may no longer match.
5–3 PSEG
1PSEG1[2:0] — Phase buff er segment 1. The PSEG1 field defines the length of phase b uff er segment
1 in the bit time. The valid programmed values are 0 through 7.
The length of phase buffer segment 1 is calculated as follows:
Phase Buffer Segment 1 = (PSEG1 + 1) Time Quanta
2–0 PSEG
2PSEG2 — Phase Buffer Segment 2. The PSEG2 field defines the length of phase buffer segment 2
in the bit time. The valid programmed values are 0 through 7.
The length of phase buffer segment 2 is calculated as follows:
Phase Buffer Segment 2 = (PSEG2 + 1) Time Quanta
15 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_000A
Figure 25-11. Free Running Timer (TIMER)
Table 25-14. TIMER Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–0 TIMER The fre e running timer counter can be read and written by the CPU. The timer starts from zero after
reset, counts linearly to 0xFFFF, and wraps around.
The timer is clocked by the FlexCAN bit-clock. During a message, it increments by one fo r each bit
that is received or transmitted. When there is no message on the b us, it increments at the nominal bit
The timer value is captured at the beginning of the identifier field of any frame on the CAN bus. The
captured value is written into the “time stamp” entry in a message buff er after a successful reception
or transmission of a message.
Table 25- 13 . CANCTRL2 Field Descrip tio ns (co n tinue d)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
25-24 Freescale Semiconductor Receive Mask Registers (RXGMASK, RX14MASK, RX15MASK)
The Rx global mask register (RXGMASK) is composed of 4 bytes. The mask bits are applied to all
Rx-Identifiers excluding Rx-buffers 14-15, that have their specific Rx-mask registers (RX14MASK and
Table 25-15. Mask examples for Normal/Extended Messages
Base ID
Extended ID
ID17......................................ID0 Match
MB2-Id 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
MB3-Id 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
MB4-Id 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
MB5-Id 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
MB14-Id 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
k1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rx_Msg in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 31
1Match for Extended Format (MB3).
Rx_Msg in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 22
2Match for Standard Format. (MB2).
Rx_Msg in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3
3Un-Match for MB3 because of ID0.
Rx_Msg in 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
4 Un-Match for MB2 because of ID28.
Rx_Msg in 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 5
5Un-Match for MB3 because of ID28, Match for MB14.
Rx_14_Mask 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rx_Msg in 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6
6Un-Match for MB14 because of ID27.
Rx_Msg in 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 147
7Match for MB14.
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25.5.8 FlexCAN Error and Status Register (ESTAT)
ESTAT reflects various error conditions, some general status of the device, and is the source of three
interrupts to the host. The reported error conditions (bits 15:10) are those occurred since the last time the
host read this register. The read action clears these bits to 0.
All the bits in this register are read only, except for BOFF_INT, WAKE_INT and ERR_INT, which are
interrupt sources and can be written by the host to ‘1’. Section 25.4.12, “Interrupts.”
31 21 20 19 18 17 16
Field MID[28:18] MID[17:15]
Reset 1111_1111_1110_1111
15 10
Field MID[14:0]
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1110
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0010 (RXGMASK), 0x1C_0014 (RX14MASK), 0x1C_0018 (RX15MASK)
Figure 25-12. Rx Mask Registers (RXGMASK, RX14MASK, and RX15MASK)
Table 25-16. RXGMASK, RX14MASK , and RX15MASK Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–21 MID Mask ID. MID[28:18] are used to mask standard or extended forma t frames.
0 corresponding incoming ID bit is “don’t care”.
1 corresponding ID bit is checked against the incoming ID bit, to see if a match exists.
20 Reserved. The IDE bit of a received frame is always compared. Its location in the mask (bit 19) is
always 1, regardl ess of any CPU write to this bit.
19 Reserved. The R TR/SRR bit of a received frame is ne v e r compared to the corresponding bit in the
MB ID field. Note, how ever , that remote request frames (R TR = 1) are ne ver received into MBs. R TR
mask bits locations in the mask (bits 20 and 0) are always read as ’0’, regardless of any CPU write
to these bits.
18–1 MID Mask ID. MID[17:0] are only used to mask extended format frames.
0 corresponding incoming ID bit is “don’t care”.
1 corresponding ID bit is checked against the incoming ID bit, to see if a match exists.
0 Reserved. The RTR/SRR bit of a received frame is ne ver compared to the corresponding bit in the
MB ID field. Note, how ever , that remote request frames (R TR = 1) are ne ver received into MBs. R TR
mask bits locations in the mask (bits 20 and 0) are always read as ’0’, regardless of any CPU write
to these bits.
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25-26 Freescale Semiconductor
Table 25-17 describes the ESTAT fields.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0000_0000
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0020
Figure 25-13. FlexCAN Error and Status Regist er (ESTAT)
Table 25-17. ESTAT Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–14 BITERR Transmit bit error. The BITERR[1:0] field is used to indicate when a transmit bit error occurs.
00 No transmit bit error
01 At least one bit sent as dominant was received as recessive
10 At least one bit sent as recessive was received as dominant
11 Reserved
NOTE: The transmit bit error field is not modified during the arbitration field or the ACK slot
bit time of a message, or by a tr ansmitter that detects dominant bits while sending a passive
error frame.
13 ACKERR Acknowledge error. The ACKERR bit indicates whether an acknowledgment has been
correctly received for a transmitted message.
0 No ACK error was detected since the last read of this register.
1 An ACK error was detected since the last read of this register.
12 CRCERR Cyclic redundancy check error. The CRCERR bit indicates whether or not the CRC of the
last transmitted or received message was valid.
0 No CRC error w a s de te cte d si nce the last read of this regi ste r.
1 A CRC error was detected since the last read of this register.
11 FORMERR Message format error. The FORMERR bit indicates whether or not th e message form at of
the last transmitted or received message was correct.
0 No format error was detected since the last read of this register.
1 A format error was detected since the last read of this register.
10 STUFERR Bit stuff error. The STUFFERR bit indicates whether or not the bit stuffing that occurred in
the last transmitted or received message was correct.
0 No bit stuffing error was detected since the last read of this register .
1 A bit stuffing error was detected since the last read of this register.
9 TXWARN Transmit error status flag. The TXWARN status flag reflects the status of the FlexCAN
transmit error counter.
0 Transmit error counter < 96.
1 Transmit error counter 96.
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25.5.9 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK)
IMASK contains one interrupt mask bit per buffer. It enables the CPU to determine which buffer will
generate an interrupt after a successful transmission/reception (that is, when the corresponding IFLAG bit
is set).
8 RXWARN Receiver error status flag. The RXWARN status flag reflects the status of the FlexCAN
receive error counter.
0 Receive error counter < 96.
1 Receive error counter 96.
7 IDLE Idle status. The IDLE bit indicates when there is activity on the CAN bus.
0 The CAN bus is not idle.
1 The CAN bus is idle.
6 TX/RX Transmit/receive status. The TX/RX bit indicates when the FlexCAN module is transmitting
or receiving a message. TX/RX has no meaning when IDLE = 1.
0 The FlexCAN is receiving a message if IDLE = 0.
1 The FlexCAN is transmitting a message if IDLE = 0.
5–4 FCS Fau lt confinement state. The FCS[1:0] field describes the state of the FlexCAN. If the
SOFTRST bit in CANMCR is asserted while the FlexCAN is in the bus off state , the error and
status register is reset, including FCS[1:0]. However, as soon as the FlexCAN exits reset,
FCS[1:0] bits will again reflect the bus off state . Refer to Section 25.5.11, “FlexCAN Receiv e
Error Counter (RXECTR)” fo r more information on entry into and exit from the various fault
confinement states.
00 Error active
01 Error passive
1X Reserved
3 Reserved, should be cleared.
2 BOFFINT Bus off interrupt. The BOFFINT bit is used to request an interrupt when the Fle xCAN enters
the bus off state . To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write a one. Writing zero has no
0 No bus off interrupt requested.
1 When the FlexCAN state changes to bus off, this bit is set, and if the BOFFMSK bit in
CANCTRL0 is set, an interrupt request is generated. This interrupt is not requested after
1 ERRINT Error interrupt. The ERRINT bit is used to request an interrupt when the FlexCAN detects a
transmit or receive error. To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write a one. Writing zero
has no effect.
0 No error interrupt request.
1 If an event which causes one of the error bits in the error and status register to be set
occurs, the error interrupt bit is set. If the ERRMSK bit in CANCTRL0 is set, an interrupt
request is generated.
0 WAKEINT Wake interrupt. The WAKEINT bit indicates that bus activity has been detected while the
Fle xCAN module is in low-pow er stop mode. To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write
a one. Writing zero has no effect.
0 No wake interrupt requested.
1 When the FlexCAN is in low-power stop mode and a recessive to dominant transition is
detected on the CAN bus, this bit is set. If the WAKEMSK bit is set in CANMCR, an
interrupt request is generated.
Table 25-17. ESTAT Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
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The interrupt mask register contains two 8-bit fields: bits 15-8 (IMASK_H) and bits 7-0 (IMASK_L). The
register can be accessed by the master as a 16-bit register, or each byte can be accessed individually using
an 8-bit (byte) access cycle.
Table 25-18 describes the IMASK fields.
25.5.10 Interrupt Flag Register (IFLAG)
IFLAG contains one interrupt flag bit per buffer. Each successful transmission/reception sets the
corresponding IFLAG bit and, if the corresponding IMASK bit is set, will generate an interrupt.
This register contains two 8-bit fields: bits 15-8 (IFLAG_H) and bits 7-0 (IFLAG_L). The register can be
accessed by the master as a 16-bit re gister, or each byte can be accessed individually using an 8-bit (byte)
access cycle.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0000_0000
76543 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0022
Figure 25-14. Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK)
Table 25-18. IMASK Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–0 BUFn
MIMASK contains one interrupt mask bit per buffer. It allows the CPU to designate which buffers will
generate interrupts after successful transmission/reception.
0 The interrupt for the corresponding buffer is disabled.
1 The interr upt for the corresponding buffer is enabled.
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Table 25-19 describes the IFLAG fields.
25.5.11 FlexCAN Receive Error Counter (RXECTR)
Table 25-20 describes the RXECTR fields.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0000_0000
R/W R/w
76543 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0024
Figure 25-15. Interrupt Flag Register (IFLAG)
Table 25-19. IFLAG Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–0 BUFnI IFLAG contains one interrupt flag bit per buffer. Each successful transmission/reception sets the
corresponding IFLAG bit and, if the corresponding IMASK bit is set, an interrupt request will be
To clear an interrupt flag, first read the flag as a one, and then write it as a one. Should a new flag
setting event occur between the time that the CPU reads the flag as a one and writes the flag as a
zero, the flag is not cleared. This register ca n be written to zeros only.
0 The interr upt for the corresponding buffer is disabled.
1 The interr upt for the corresponding buffer is enabled.
7 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0026
Figure 25-16. FlexCAN Receive Error Counter (RXECTR)
Table 25-20. RXECTR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
RReceive error counter. Indicates the current receive error count as defined in the CAN protocol. See
Section 25.4.9, “FlexCAN Error Counters” for more details.
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25.5.12 FlexCAN Transmit Error Counter (TXECTR)
Table 25-21 describes the TXECTR fields.
7 0
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x1C_0028
Figure 25-17. FlexCAN Transmit Error Counter (TXECTR)
Table 25-21. TXECTR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
RTransmit error counter. Indicates the current transmit error count as defined in the CAN protocol. See
Section 25.4.9, “FlexCAN Error Counters” for more details.
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Chapter 26
General Purpose I/O Module
26.1 Introduction
Many of the pins associated with the external interface may be used for several different functions. Their
primary function is to provide an external memory interface to access off-chip resources. When not used
for their primary function, many of the pins may be used as general-purpose digital I/O pins. In some cases,
the pin function is set by the operating mode, and the alternate pin functions are not supported.
The digital I/O pins are grouped into 8-bit ports. Some ports do not use all eight bits. Each port has registers
that configure, monitor, and control the port pins. Figure 26-1 and Figure 26-2 are block diagrams of the
ports for the MCF521x and MCF528x.
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General Purpose I/O Module
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1. Although ports NQ, QA, QB, TA, and TB are not part of the ports module, they are included here for comprehensiveness.
Figure 26-1. MCF5214 and MCF5216 Ports Module Block Diagram
R/W / PE4
OE / PE7
D[7:0] / PD[7:0]
D[15:8] / PC[7:0]
D[23:16] / PB[7:0]
D[31:24] / PA[7:0]
BS[3:0] / PJ[7:4]
CS[3:0] / PJ[3:0]
A[7:0] / PH[7:0]
A[15:8] / PG[7:0]
A[23:21] / PF[7:5] /
DDATA[3:0] / PDD[7:4]
PST[3:0] / PDD[3:0]
QSPI_CS[3:0] / PQS[6:3]
SDRAM_CS[1:0] /
DTIN3 / PTC[3] / URTS1 / URTS0
DTIN2 / PTC[1] / UCTS1 / UCTS0
DTIN1 / PTD[3] / URTS1 / URTS0
DTIN0 / PTD[1] / UCTS1 / UCTS0
URXD1 / PUA[3]
UTXD1 / PUA[2]
URXD0 / PUA[1]
UTXD0 / PUA[0]
A[20:16] / PF[4:0]
CS[6:4] PSD[2:1]
AN3 / PQB3 / ANZ
AN2 / PQB2 / ANY
AN1 / PQB1 / ANX
AN0 / PQB0 / ANW
AN56 / PQA4 / ETRIG2
AN55 / PQA3 / ETRIG1
AN53 / PQA1 / MA1
AN52 / PQA0 / MA0
IRQ[7:1] / PNQ[7:1]
GPTA[3:0] / PTA[3:0]
GPTB[3:0] / PTB[3:0]
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-3
1. Although ports NQ, QA, QB, TA, and TB are not part of the ports module, they are included here for comprehensiveness.
Figure 26-2. MCF5280, MCF5281, and MCF5282 Ports Module Block Diagram
R/W / PE4
OE / PE7
D[7:0] / PD[7:0]
D[15:8] / PC[7:0]
D[23:16] / PB[7:0]
D[31:24] / PA[7:0]
BS[3:0] / PJ[7:4]
CS[3:0] / PJ[3:0]
A[7:0] / PH[7:0]
A[15:8] / PG[7:0]
A[23:21] / PF[7:5] /
DDATA[3:0] / PDD[7:4]
PST[3:0] / PDD[3:0]
ETXD[0] / PEH[5]
ERXD[0] / PEH[1]
ETXD[3] / PEL[7]
ETXD[2] / PEL[6]
ETXD[1] / PEL[5]
ERXD[3] / PEL[3]
ERXD[2] / PEL[2]
ERXD[1] / PEL[1]
QSPI_CS[3:0] / PQS[6:3]
SDRAM_CS[1:0] /
DTIN3 / PTC[3] / URTS1 / URTS0
DTIN2 / PTC[1] / UCTS1 / UCTS0
DTIN1 / PTD[3] / URTS1 / URTS0
DTIN0 / PTD[1] / UCTS1 / UCTS0
URXD1 / PUA[3]
UTXD1 / PUA[2]
URXD0 / PUA[1]
UTXD0 / PUA[0]
A[20:16] / PF[4:0]
CS[6:4] PSD[2:1]
AN3 / PQB3 / ANZ
AN2 / PQB2 / ANY
AN1 / PQB1 / ANX
AN0 / PQB0 / ANW
AN56 / PQA4 / ETRIG2
AN55 / PQA3 / ETRIG1
AN53 / PQA1 / MA1
AN52 / PQA0 / MA0
IRQ[7:1] / PNQ[7:1]
GPTA[3:0] / PTA[3:0]
GPTB[3:0] / PTB[3:0]
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-4 Freescale Semiconductor
26.1.1 Overview
The ports module controls the configuration for various external pins, including those used for:
External bus accesses
Chip selects
Debug data
Processor status
Ethernet data and control (not present on the MCF5214 and MCF5216)
FlexCAN transmit/receive data
2C serial control
SDRAM control
32-bit DMA timers
UART transmit/receive
26.1.2 Features
The ports includes these distinctive features:
Control of primary function use on all ports
Digital I/O support for all ports
Registers for storing output pin data
Registers for controlling pin data direction
Registers for reading current pin state
Registers for setting and clearing output pin data registers
26.1.3 Modes of Operation
The operational modes for the ports are listed below. For more detailed descriptions of each mode, refer
to Section 26.4, “Functional Description.”
Single-chip mode
All pins are configured as digital I/O by default, except for debug data pins (DDATA[3:0]) and
processor status pins (PST[3:0]).
Master mode
Ports A and B function as the upper external data bus. Ports C and D can function as the lower
external data bus. Ports E–J are configured to support external memory.
26.2 External Signal Description
The ports control the functionality of several external pins. These pins are listed in Table 26-1.
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General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-5
Table 26-1. Ports External Signals
(Pin Name)1
Function) Alternate
Function 1 Alternate
Function 2 Description
D[31:0]2PA, PB,
PC , PD External data bus / Ports A, B, C, D
OE1PE[7] Output enable for external reads / Port E[7]
TA1PE[6] Transfer acknowledge for external data transfer / Port E[6]
TEA1PE[5] Transfer error acknowledge for external data transfer / Port E[5]
R/W1PE[4] Read/Write indication for external data transfer / Port E[4]
SIZ11PE[3] SYNCA Size of the external data transfer / Port E[3] / Timer A sync
SIZ01PE[2] SYNCB Size of the external data transfer / Port E[3:2] / Timer B sync
TS1PE[1] SYNCA Transfer start indication for external data transfer / Port E[1] /
Timer A sync
TIP1PE[0] SYNCB Transfer in progress indication for external data transfer / Port
E[0] / Timer B sync
A[23:21]1PF[7:5] CS[6:4] Exter nal address bus [23:21] / Port F[7:5] / Chip selects 6–4
PG, PH External addre s s bus [20:0] / Ports F[4:0], G, H
BS[3:0]1PJ[7:4] Byte strobes for external data transfer / Port J[7:4] / SDRAM
column address strobes
CS[3:0]1PJ[3:0] Chip selects 3 - 0 / Port J[3:0]
DDATA[3:0] PDD[7:4] Debug data / Port DD[7:4]
PST[3:0] PDD[7:4] Processor status / Port DD[3:0]
CANRX PAS[3] URXD2 FlexCAN receive data / Port AS[3] / URXD2
CANTX PAS[2] UTXD2 FlexCAN transmit data / Port AS[2] / UTXD2
SDA PAS[1] URXD2 I2C serial data / Port AS[1] / URXD 2
SCL PAS[0] UTXD2 I2C serial clock / Port AS[0] / UTXD2
IRQ[7:1]3PNQ[7:1] Edge Port external interrupt pins / Port NQ[7:1]
[4:3:1:0] ETRIG[2:1],
MA[1:0] QADC analog inpu ts / Port QA[4:3:1:0] / external triggers /
external multiplex control
AN[3:0] 2 PQB[3:0] ANZ, ANY,
ANX, ANW QADC analog inputs / Port QB[3:0] / multiplexed analog inputs
[3:0] PQS[6:3] QSPI synchronous peripheral chip selects / Port QS[3:6]
QSPI_CLK PQS[2] QSPI serial clock / Port QS[2]
QSPI_DIN PQS[1] QSPI serial data input / Port QS[1]
QSPI_DOUT PQS[0] QSPI serial data output / Port QS[0]
SRAS PSD[5] SDRAM synchronous row address strobe / Port SD[5]
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General Purpose I/O Module
26-6 Freescale Semiconductor
SCAS PSD[4] SDRAM synchronous column address strobe / Port SD[4]
DRAMW PSD[3] SDRAM write enable / Port SD[3]
SDRAM_CS[1:0] PSD[2:1] SDRAM row address strobes 1, 0 / Port SD[2:1]
SCKE PSD[0] SDRAM clock enable / Port SD[0]
GPTA[3:0] 2 PTA[3:0] Ge neral purpose timer A input/output / Port TA[3:0]
GPTB[3:0] 2 PTB[3:0] General purpose timer B input/output / Port TB[3:0]
DTIN3 PTC[3] URTS1 URTS0 DMA timer 3 input / Port TC[3] / UART1 request to send / UART0
request to send
DTOUT3 PTC[2] URTS1 URTS0 DMA timer 3 output / Port TC[2] / UART1 request to send /
UART0 request to send
DTIN2 PTC[1] UCTS1 UCTS0 DMA timer 2 input / P o rt TC[1] / UART1 clear to send / UART0
clear to send
DTOUT2 PTC[0] UCTS1 UCTS0 DMA timer 2 output / P ort TC[0] / U AR T1 clear to send / U AR T0
clear to send
DTIN1 PTD[3] URTS1 URTS0 DMA timer 1 input / Port TD[3] / UART1 request to send / UART0
request to send
DTOUT1 PTD[2] URTS1 URTS0 DMA timer 1 output / Port TD[2] / UART1 request to send /
UART0 request to send
DTIN0 PTD[1] UCTS1 UCTS0 DMA timer 0 input / P o rt TD[1] / UART1 clear to send / UART0
clear to send
DTOUT0 PTD[0] UCTS1 UCTS0 DMA timer 0 output / P ort TD[0] / U AR T1 clear to send / U AR T0
clear to send
URXD1 PUA[3] UART1 receive serial data / Port UA[3]
UTXD1 PUA[2] UART1 transmit serial data / Port UA[2]
URXD0 PUA[1] UART0 receive serial data / Port UA[1]
UTXD0 PUA[0] UART0 transmit serial data / Port UA[0]
The following signals apply to the MCF5280, MCF5281, and MCF5282
ETXCLK PEH[7] Ethernet transmit clock / PEH[7]
ETXEN PEH[6] Ethernet transmit enable / PEH[6]
ETXD[0] PEH[5] Ethernet transmit data [0] / PEH[5]
ECOL PEH[4] Ethernet collision / PEH[4]
ERXCLK PEH[3] Ethernet receive clock / PEH[3]
ERXDV PEH[2] Ethernet receiv e data valid / PEH[2]
ERXD[0] PEH[1] Ethernet receive data [0] / PEH[1]
Table 26-1. Ports External Signals (continued)
(Pin Name)1
Function) Alternate
Function 1 Alternate
Function 2 Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-7
Refer to Chapter 14, “Signal Descriptions” for more detailed descriptions of these pins. The function of
the pins (primary function, GPIO, etc.) is determined by the various ports registers and the mode of
operation. Refer to Table 14-1 for detailed descriptions of pin functions.
26.3 Memory Map/Register Definition
26.3.1 Register Overview
Table 26-2 summarizes all the registers in the ports address space.
ECRS PEH[0] Ethernet carrier receive sense / PEH[0]
ETXD[3:1] PEL[7:5] Ethernet transmit data / Port EL[7:5]
ETXER PEL[4] Ethernet transmit error / Port EL[4]
ERXD[3:1] PEL[3:1] Ethernet receive data [3:1] / Port EL[3:1]
ERXER PEL[0] Ethernet receive error / Port EL[0]
EMDIO PAS[5] URXD2 Ethernet management data control / Port AS[5] / URXD2
EMDC PAS[4] UTXD2 Ethernet management data clock / Port AS[4] / UTXD2
The following signals apply to MCF5214 and MCF5216 only
PEL[0] Port EL[0]
PAS[4] UTXD[2] Port AS[4] / UTXD2
PEL[7:5] Port EL[7:5]
PEL[4] Port EL[4]
PEL[3:1] Port EL[3:1]
PAS[5] URXD2 Port AS[5] / URXD2
1The primary functionality of a pin is not necessarily the default function of the pin after reset. Pins that have muxed GPIO
functionality will default to GPIO inputs.
2Function available in master mode only
3Pins not actually part of Port Module, but included here for complete listing of available I/O ports. See separate section for
description of this port.
Table 26-2. Ports Module Memory Map
Offset 31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0 Access1
Port Output Data Registers
Table 26-1. Ports External Signals (continued)
(Pin Name)1
Function) Alternate
Function 1 Alternate
Function 2 Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-8 Freescale Semiconductor
(Reserved on MCF 5 21 x) PORTEL S/U
0x10_0010 PORTTD PORTUA Reserved2S/U
Table 26-2. Ports Module Memory Map (continued)
Offset 31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0 Access1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-9
Port Data Direction Registers
(Reserved on MCF 5 21 x) DDREL S/U
0x10_0024 DDRTD DDRUA Reserved2S/U
Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers
(Reserved on MCF 5 21 x) PORTELP/SETEL S/U
Port Clear Output Data Registers
(Reserved on MCF 5 21 x) CLREL S/U
0x10_004C CLRTD CLRUA Reserved2S/U
Port Pin Assignment Registers
0x10_005C PUAPAR Reserved2S/U
1S/U = supervisor or user mode access. User mode accesses to supervisor-only addresses have no effect and cause a cycle
termination transfer error.
2Writing to reserved address locations has no effect and reading returns 0s.
Table 26-2. Ports Module Memory Map (continued)
Offset 31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0 Access1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-10 Freescale Semiconductor
26.3.2 Register Descriptions Port Output Data Registers (PORTn)
The PORTn registers store the data to be driven on the corresponding port n pins when the pins are
configured for digital output.
Most PORTn registers have a full 8-bit implementation, as shown in Figure 26-3. The remaining PORTn
registers use fewer than eight bits. Their bit definitions are shown in Figure 26-4, Figure 26-5, and
Figure 26-6.
At reset, all bits in the PORTn registers are set.
Reading a PORTn register returns the current values in the register, not the port n pin values.
PORTn bits can be set by setting the PORTn register, or by setting the corresponding bits in the
PORTnP/SETn register. They can be cleared by clearing the PORTn register, or by clearing the
corresponding bits in the CLRn register.
Reset 1111_1111
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0000 (PORTA), 0x10_0001 (PORTB), 0x10_0002 (PORTC), 0x10_0003 (PORTD),
0x10_0004 (PORTE), 0x10_0005 (PORTF), 0x10_0006 (POR TG), 0x10_0007 (PORTH),
0x10_0008 (PORTJ), 0x10_0009 (PORTDD), 0x10_000A (PORTEH), 0x10_000B (PORTEL)
Figure 26-3. Port Output Data Registers (8-bit)
Reset 0011_1111
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_000D (PORTQS)
Figure 26-4. Port Output Data Register (7-bit)
Reset 0011_1111
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_000 C (PORTAS), 0x10_000E (PORTSD)
Figure 26-5. Port Output Data Registers (6-bit)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-11
PORTn bits are described in Table 26-3. Port Data Direction Registers (DDRn)
The DDRs control the direction of the port n pin drivers when the pins are configured for digital I/O.
Most DDRs have a full 8-bit implementation, as shown in Figure 26-7. The remaining DDRs use fewer
than eight bits. Their bit definitions are shown in Figure 26-8, Figure 26-9, and Figure 26-10.
The DDRs are read/write. At reset, all bits in the DDRs are cleared.
Setting any bit in a DDRn register configures the corresponding port n pin as an output. Clearing any bit
in a DDRn register configures the corresponding pin as an input.
7 43210
Reset 0000_1111
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_000F (PORTTC), 0x10_0010 (PORTTD), 0x10_ 0011 (PORTUA)
Figure 26-6. Port Output Data Registers (4-bit)
Table 26-3. PORTn (8-bit, 7-bit, 6-bit, and 4-bit) Field Descriptions
Register Bits Name Description
8-bit 7–0 PORTnx Port output data bits.
1 Drives 1 when the port n pin is a digital output
0 Drives 0 when the port n pin is a digital output
7-bit 6–0
6-bit 5–0
4-bit 3–0
7-bit 7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6-bit 7–6
4-bit 7–4
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0014 (DDRA), 0x10_0015 (DDRB), 0x10_0016 (DDRC), 0x10_0017 (DDRD),
0x10_0018 (DDRE), 0x10_0019 (DDRF), 0x10_001A (DDRG), 0x10_001B (DDRH),
0x10_001C (DDRJ), 0x10_001D (DDRDD), 0x10_001E (DDREH), 0x10_001F (DDREL)
Figure 26-7. Port Data Direction Registers (8-bit)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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26-12 Freescale Semiconductor
76 0
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0021(DDRQS)
Figure 26-8. Port Data Dire ct io n Re gi st er (7 -b it )
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0020 (D DRAS), 0x10_0022 (DDRSD)
Figure 26-9. Port Data Direction Registers (6-bit)
7 43210
Field DDRn3DDRn2DDRn1DDRn0
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0023 (DDRTC), 0x10_0024 (DDRTD), 0x10_0025 (DDRUA)
Figure 26-10. Port Data Direction Registers (4-bit)
Table 26-4. DDRn (8-bit, 6-bit, and 4-bit) Field Descriptions
Register Bits Name Description
8-bit 7–0 DDRnx Port n data direction bits.
1Port n pin configured as an output
0Port n pin configured as an input
7-bit 6–0
6-bit 5–0
4-bit 3–0
7-bit 7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6-bit 7–6
4-bit 7–4
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-13 Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers (PORTnP/SETn)
The PORTnP/SETn registers reflect the current pin states and control the setting of output pins when the
pin is configured for digital I/O.
Most PORTn registers have a full 8-bit implementation, as shown in Figure 26-11. The remaining PORTn
registers use fewer than eight bits. Their bit definitions are shown in Figure 26-12, Figure 26-13, and
Figure 26-14.
The PORTnP/SETn registers are read/write. At reset, the bits in the PORTnP/SETn registers are set to the
current pin states.
Reading a PORTnP/SETn register returns the current state of the port n pins.
Setting a PORTnP/SETn register sets the corresponding bits in the PORTn register. Writing 0s has no
7 6543210
Field PORTnP7/
Reset Current Pin State
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0028 (PORTAP/SETA), 0x10_0029 (PORTBP/SETB), 0x10_002A (POR TCP/SETC),
0x10_002B (PORTDP/SETD), 0x10_002C (PORTEP/SETE), 0x10_002D (PORTFP/SETF),
0x10_002E (PORTGP/SETG), 0x10_002F (PORTHP/SETH), 0x10_0030 (PORTJP/SETJ), 0x10_0031
Figure 26-11. Port Pin Data/Set Data Register s (8-bit)
76 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field PORTnP6/S
Reset 0 Current Pin State
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0035 (PORTQSP/SETQS)
Figure 26-12. Port Pin Data/Set Data Register (7-bit)
Field PORTnP5/
Reset 00 Current Pin State
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0034 (PORTASP/SETAS), 0x10_0036 (PORTSDP/SETSD)
Figure 26-13. Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers (6-bit)
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26-14 Freescale Semiconductor
PORTnP/SETn bits are described in Table 26-5. Port Clear Output Data Registers (CLRn)
Clearing a CLRn register clears the corresponding bits in the PORTn register. Setting it has no effect.
Reading the CLRn register returns 0s.
Most PORTn registers have a full 8-bit implementation, as shown in Figure 26-15. The remaining PORTn
registers use fewer than eight bits. Their bit definitions are shown in Figure 26-16, Figure 26-17, and
Figure 26-18.
The CLRn registers are read/write accessible.
7 43210
Field PORTnP3/
Reset 000 0 Current Pin State
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0037 (PORTTCP/SETTC), 0x10_0038 (PORTTDP/SETTD),
0x10_0039 (PORTUAP/SETUA)
Figure 26-14. Port Pin Data/Set Data Registers (4-bit)
Table 26-5. PORTnP/SETn (8-bit, 6-bit, and 4- bit) Field Descriptions
Register Bits Name Description
8-bit 7–0 PORTxnP/SETxnPort x Pin Data/Set Data Bits
1 Port x pin state is 1 (read); set corresponding
PORTx bit (write)
0 Port x pin state is 0 (read)
7-bit 6–0
6-bit 5–0
4-bit 3–0
7-bit 7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6-bit 7–6
4-bit 7–4
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_003C (CLRA), 0x10_003D (CLRB), 003E (CLRC), 0x10_003F (CLRD), 0x10_0040
(CLRE), 0x10_0041 (CLRF), 0x10_0042 (CLRG), 0x10_0043 (CLRH), 0x10_0044 (CLRJ),
0x10_0045 (CLRDD), 0x10_0046 (CLREH), 0x10_0047 (CLREL)
Figure 26-15. Port Clear Output Data Registers (8-bit)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-15
CLRn register bits are described in Table 26-6.
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0049 (CLRQS)
Figure 26-16. Port Clear Output Data Register (7-bit)
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0048 (CLRAS), 0x10_004A (CLRSD)
Figure 26-17. Port Clear Output Data Registers (6-bit)
7 43210
Field CLRn3CLRn2CLRn1CLRn0
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_004B (CLR TC), 0x10_004C (CLR TD), 0x10_004D (CLRUA)
Figure 26-18. Port Clear Output Data Registers (4-bit)
Table 26-6. CLRn (8-bit,7-bit, 6-bit, and 4-bit) Field Descriptions
Register Bits Name Description
8-bit 7–0 CLRnx Port n clear output data register bits.
1 Ne ver returned for reads; no ef fect fo r writes
0 Always returned for reads; clears corresponding
PORTn bit for writes
7-bit 6–0
6-bit 5–0
4-bit 3–0
7-bit 7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6-bit 7–6
4-bit 7–4
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-16 Freescale Semiconductor Port B/C/D Pin Assignment Register (PBCDPAR)
The PBCDPAR controls the pin function of ports B, C, and D.
The PBCDPAR register is read/write.
765 0
Reset See Note 11
1Reset state determined during reset configuration as shown in Table 26-8.
See Note 1 00_0000
R/W: R/W R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0050
Figure 26-19. Port B/C/D Pin Assignment Register (PBCDPAR)
Table 26-7. PBCDPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 PBPA Port B pin assign ment. Configures the port B pins for their primary
function (D[23:16]) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt B pins configur ed for primary function (D[23:16])
0 Por t B pins configured for digital I/O
6 PCDPA Ports C ,D pin assignment. Configures the port C and D pins for their
primary functions (D[15:8], D[7:0]) or digital I/O.
1 Port C, D pins co nfigured for primary function (D[15:8], D[7:0])
0 Port C,D pins configured for digital I/O
5–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 26-8. Reset Values for PBCDPAR Bits
Mode of
Port Size of
External Boot
1Note if the port size of the external boot device is less than the port size
of the external SDRAM, the PBCDPAR register must be written after reset
to enable the primary function(s) on ports B,C, and D , bef ore any SDRAM
accesses are attempted.
PBPA Reset
Value PCDPA Reset
Master mode 8-bit 0 0
16-bit 1 0
32-bit 1 1
Single chip mode N/A 0 0
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-17 Port E Pin Assignment Register (PEPAR)
The PEPAR controls the pin function of port E.
The PEPAR register is read/write.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0 See Note 110See Note 1
10See Note 1
10 See Note 11
R/W: R R/W R R/W R R/W R R/W
7 6 5 4 3210
Reset 0 See Note 11
1Reset state determined during reset configuration as shown in Table 26-10.
0 See Note 11See Note 11See Note 11
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0052
Figure 26-20. Port E Pin Assignment Register (PEPAR)
Table 26-9. PEPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
14 PEPA7 Port E pin assignment 7.
This bit configures the port E7 pin for its primary function (OE ) or
digital I/O.
1 Port E7 pin configured for primary function (OE)
0 Port E7 pin configured for digital I/O
12 PEPA6 Port E pin assignment 6.
This bit configures the port E6 pin for its primary function (TA) or
digital I/O.
1 Port E6 pin configured for primary function (TA)
0 Port E6 pin configured for digital I/O
10 PEPA5 Port E pin assignment 5.
This bit configures the port E5 pin for its primary function (TEA) or
digital I/O.
1 Port E5 pin configured for primary function (TEA)
0 Port E5 pin configured for digital I/O
8 PEPA4 Port E pin assignment 4.
This bit configures the port E4 pin for its primary function (R/W) or
digital I/O.
1 Port E4 pin configured for primary function (R/W)
0 Port E4 pin configured for digital I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-18 Freescale Semiconductor
The reset values for all bits and fields in PEPAR are shown in Table 26-10.
6 PEPA3 Port E pin assignment 3
This bit configures the port E3 pin for its alternate function
(SYNCA) or digital I/O.
1 Port E3 pin configured for alternate function (SYNCA)
0 Port E3 pin configured for digital I/O
NO TE: The SIZ1 primary function on the port E3 pin is enabled by
the SZEN bit in the CCR register. Please refer to the Chapter 27,
“Chip Configuration Module (CCM) for more inf o rmation on chip
configuration and the SZEN bit.
4 PEPA2 Port E pin assignment 2
This bit configures the port E2 pin for its alternate function
(SYNCB) or digital I/O.
1 Port E2 pin configured for alternate function (SYNCB)
0 Port E2 pin configured for digital I/O
NO TE: The SIZ0 primary function on the port E2 pin is enabled by
the SZEN bit in the CCR register. Please refer to the Chapter 27,
“Chip Configuration Module (CCM),” for more information on chip
configuration and the SZEN bit.
3–2 PEPA1 Port E pin assignment 1.
This two-bit field in PEPAR[3:2] configures the port E1 pin for its
primary function (TS), alternate function (SYNCA), or digital I/O.
0x Port E1 pin configured f or digital I/O
10 Port E1 pin configured for alternate function (SYNCA)
11 Port E1 pin configured for primary function (TS)
1-0 PEPA0 Port E pin assignment 0.
This two-bit field in PEPAR[1:0] configures the port E0 pin for its
primary function (TIP), alternate function (SYNCB), or digital I/O.
0x Port E0 pin configured for digital I/O
10 Port E0 pin configured for alternate function (SYNCB)
11 Port E0 pin configured for primary function (TIP)
Table 26-10. Reset Values for PEPAR Bits and Fields
Mode of
Operation Reset Values
for PEPAn Bits
(n = 2,3,4,5,6, 7)
Reset Values for
PEPAn Fields
(n = 0,1)
Master mode 1 11
Single chip mode 0 00
Table 26-9. PEPAR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-19 Port F Pin Assignment Register (PFPAR)
The PFPAR controls the pin function of port F[7:5].
7654 0
Reset See Note 11
1Reset state determined during reset configuration. PFPA n = 1 in master mode and 0 in all other modes.
R/W: R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0051
Figure 26-21. Port F Pin Assignment Register (PFPAR)
Table 26-11. PFPAR Field De sc r iptio n s
Bits Name Description
7 PFPA7 Port F pin assign ment 1. Th e PFPA7 bit configures the port F7 pin f or its
primary function (A23), alternate function (CS6), or digital I/O.
1 P ort F7 pin configured for primary function (A23) or alternate function
(CS6), depending on the chip configuration.
0 Port F7 pin configured for digital I/O
Refer to Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM)” for more
information on reset configuration.
6 PFPA6 Port F pin assign ment 6. Th e PFPA6 bit configures the port F6 pin f or its
primary function (A22), alternate function (CS5), or digital I/O.
1 P ort F6 pin configured for primary function (A22) or alternate function
(CS5), depending on the chip configuration.
0 Port F6 pin configured for digital I/O
Refer to Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM)” for more
information on reset configuration.
5 PFPA5 P o rt F pin assignment 5. The PFPAR bit configures the port F5 pin for its
primary function (A21), alternate function (CS4), or digital I/O.
1 P ort F5 pin configured for primary function (A21) or alternate function
(CS4), depending on the chip configuration.
0 Port F5 pin configured for digital I/O
Refer to Chapter 27, “Chip Configuration Module (CCM)” for more
information on reset configuration.
4–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-20 Freescale Semiconductor Port J Pin Assignment Register (PJPAR)
The PJPAR controls the pin function of port J.
Reset See Note 11
1Reset state determined during reset configuration. PJPAn = 1 in master mode and 0 in all other modes.
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0054
Figure 26-22. Port J Pin Assignment Register (PJPAR)
Table 26-12. PJPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 PJPA7 Port J pin assignment 7. This bit configures the port J7 pin for its
primary function (BS3) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J7 pin configured for its primary function (BS3)
0 Port J7 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
6 PJPA6 Port J pin assignment 6. This bit configures the port J6 pin for its
primary function (BS2) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J6 pin configured for its primary function (BS2)
0 Port J6 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
5 PJPA5 Port J pin assignment 5. This bit configures the port J5 pin for its
primary function (BS1) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J5 pin configured for its primary function (BS1)
0 Port J5 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
4 PJPA4 Port J pin assignment 4. This bit configures the port J4 pin for its
primary function (BS0) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J4 pin configured for its primary function (BS0)
0 Port J4 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
3 PJPA3 Port J pin assignment 3. This bit configures the port J3 pin for its
primary function (CS3) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J3 pin configured for its primary function (CS3)
0 Port J3 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
2 PJPA2 Port J pin assignment 2. This bit configures the port J2 pin for its
primary function (CS2) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J2 pin configured for its primary function (CS2)
0 Port J2 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
1 PJPA1 Port J pin assignment 1. This bit configures the port J1 pin for its
primary function (CS1) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J1 pin configured for its primary function (CS1)
0 Port J1 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
0 PJPA0 Port J pin assignment 0. This bit configures the port J0 pin for its
primary function (CS0) or digital I/O.
1 Po rt J0 pin configured for its primary function (CS0)
0 Port J0 pin con fig ured for digital I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-21 Port SD Pin Assignment Register (PSDPAR)
The PSDPAR controls the pin function of port SD. Port AS Pin Assignment Register (PASPAR)
The PASPAR controls the pin function of port AS.
76 0
Reset See Note 11
1Reset state determined during reset configuration. PJPAn = 1 in master mode and 0 in all other modes.
R/W: R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0055
Figure 26-23. Port SD Pin Assignment Register (PSDPAR)
Table 26-13. PSDPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 PSDPA Port SD pin assignment. This bit configures the port SD[5:0] pins
for their primary functions (SR AS, SCAS, DRAMW,
SDRAM_CS[1:0], SCKE) or digital I/O .
1 Port SD[5:0] pins configured for primary functions (SRAS,
0 Por t SD[5:0] pin configured for digital I/O
6–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
15 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0056
Figure 26-24. Port AS Pin As signment Register (PASPAR)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-22 Freescale Semiconductor Port EH/EL Pin Assignment Register (PEHLPAR)
The PEHLPAR controls the pin function of ports EH and EL.
Port EH is not available on the MCF5214 and MCF5216.
The PEHLPAR is read/write accessible.
Table 26-14. PASPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–12 Rese rved, should be cleared.
11–10 PASPA5 Port AS pin assignment 5. These bits configure the AS5 pin for its
primary function (EMD IO), alternate function (URXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS5 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS5 pin configured for alternate function (URXD2)
11 Port AS5 pin configured for primar y function (EMDIO)
Note: Setting 11 is reserved for the MCF5214 and MCF5216.
9-8 PASPA4 Port AS pin assignment 4. These bits configure the AS4 pin for its
primary function (EMDC), alternate function (UTXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS4 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS4 pin configured for alternate function (UTXD2)
11 Port AS4 pin configured for primar y function (EMDC)
Note: Setting 11 is reserved for the MCF5214 and MCF5216.
7-6 PASPA3 Port AS pin assignment 3. These bits configure the AS3 pin for its
primary function (CANRX), alternate function (URXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS3 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS3 pin configured for alternate function (URXD2)
11 Port AS3 pin configured for primary fu nction (CANRX)
5-4 PASPA2 Port AS pin assignment 2. These bits configure the AS2 pin for its
primary function (CANTX), alternate function (UTXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS2 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS2 pin configured for alternate function (UTXD2)
11 Port AS2 pin configured for primary fu nction (CANTX)
3-2 PASPA1 Port AS pin assignment 1. These bits configure the AS1 pin for its
primary function (SDA), alternate function (URXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS1 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS1 pin configured for alternate function (URXD2)
11 Port AS1 pin configured for primary fu nction (SDA)
1-0 PASPA0 Port AS pin assignment 0. These bits configure the AS0 pin for its
primary function (SCL), alternate function (UTXD2), or digital I/O.
0x Port AS0 pin configured for digital I/0
10 Port AS0 pin configured for alternate function (UTXD2)
11 Port AS0 pin configured for primary fu nction (SCL)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-23 Port QS Pin Assignment Register (PQSPAR)
The PQSPAR controls the pin function of port QS.
765 0
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0058
Figure 26-25. Port EH/EL Pin Assignment Register (PEHLPAR)
Table 26-15. PEHLPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7 PEHPA Port EH pin assignment. This bit configures th e port EH pins for its primary functions (ETXCLK,
0 Port EH pins configured for digital I/O
1 Port EH pins configured for primary functions (ETXCLK, ETXEN, ETXD[0], ECOL, ERXCLK,
Note: This bit is reserved for the MCF5214 and MCF5216.
6 PELPA Port EL pin assignment. This bit configures the port EL pins for their primary functions (ETXD[3],
ETXD[2], ETXD[1], ETXER, ERXD[3], ERXD[2], ERXD[1], ERXER) or digital I/O.
0 Port EL pins configured for digital I/O
1 Port EL pins configured for primary functions (ETXD[3], ETXD[2], ETXD[1], ETXER, ERXD[3],
Note: Setting 1 is reserved for the MCF5214 and MCF5216.
5–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_0059
Figure 26-26. Port QS Pin Assignment Register (PQSPAR)
Table 26-16. PQSPAR Field Description
Bits Name Description
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 PQSPA6 Port QS pin assignment 6. This bit configures the port QS6 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_CS3) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS6 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_CS3)
0 Port QS6 pin configured for digital I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-24 Freescale Semiconductor Port TC Pin Assignment Register (PTCPA R)
The PTCPAR controls the pin function of port TC.
5 PQSPA5 Port QS pin assignment 5. This bit configures the port QS5 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_CS2) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS5 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_CS2)
0 Port QS5 pin configured for digital I/O
4 PQSPA4 Port QS pin assignment 4. This bit configures the port QS4 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_CS1) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS4 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_CS1)
0 Port QS4 pin configured for digital I/O
3 PQSPA3 Port QS pin assignment 3. This bit configures the port QS3 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_CS0) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS3 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_CS0)
0 Port QS3 pin configured for digital I/O
2 PQSPA2 Port QS pin assignment 2. This bit configures the port QS2 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_CLK) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS2 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_CLK)
0 Port QS2 pin configured for digital I/O
1 PQSPA1 Port QS pin assignment 1. This bit configures the port QS1 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_DIN) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS1 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_DIN)
0 Port QS1 pin configured for digital I/O
0 PQSPA0 Port QS pin assignment 0. This bit configures the port QS0 pin for its
primary function (QSPI_DOUT) or digital I/O.
1 Port QS0 pin configured for primary function (QSPI_DOUT)
0 Port QS0 pin configured for digital I/O
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_005A
Figure 26-27. Port TC Pin Assignment Register (PTCPAR)
Table 26-16. PQSPAR Field Description (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-25 Port TD Pin Assignment Register (PTDPA R)
The PTDPAR controls the pin function of port TD.
Table 26-17. PTCPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–6 PTCPA3 Port TC pin assignment 3. This field configure s the port TC3 pin for its primary function
(DTIN3), alter nate 1 function (URTS1), alter nate 2 function (URTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TC3 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TC3 pin configured for alternate 2 function (URTS0)
10 Port TC3 pin configured for alternate 1 function (URTS1)
11 Port TC3 pin configured for primary function (DTIN3)
5-4 PTCPA2 Port TC pin assignment 2. This field configures the port TC2 pin for its primary function
(DTOUT3), alterna te 1 function (URTS1), alternate 2 function (URTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TC2 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TC2 pin configured for alternate 2 function (URTS0)
10 Port TC2 pin configured for alternate 1 function (URTS1)
11 Port TC2 pin configured for primary function (DTOUT3)
3-2 PTCPA1 Port TC pin assignment 1. This field configures the port TC1 pin for its primary function
(DTIN2), alter nate 1 function (UCTS1), alternate 2 function (UCTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TC1 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TC1 pin configured for alternate 2 function (UCTS0)
10 Port TC1 pin configured for alternate 1 function (UCTS1)
11 Port TC1 pin configured for primary function (DTIN2)
1-0 PTCPA0 Port TC pin assignment 0. This field configures the port TC0 pin for its primary function
(DTOUT2), alternate 1 function (UCTS1 ), alternate 2 function (UCTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TC0 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TC0 pin configured for alternate 2 function (UCTS0)
10 Port TC0 pin configured for alternate 1 function (UCTS1)
11 Port TC0 pin configured for primary function (DTOUT2)
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_005B
Figure 26-28. Port TD Pin Assignment Register (PTDPAR)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-26 Freescale Semiconductor Port UA Pin Assignment Register (PUAPAR)
The PUAPAR controls the pin function of port UA.
Table 26-18. PTDPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–6 PTDPA3 Port TD pin assignment 3. This field configures the port TD3 pin for its primar y function
(DTIN1), alter nate 1 function (URTS1), alternate 2 function (URTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TD3 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TD3 pin configured for alternate 2 function (URTS0)
10 Port TD3 pin configured for alternate 1 function (URTS1)
11 Port TD3 pin configured for primary function (DTIN1)
5-4 PTDPA2 Po rt TD pin assignment 2. This field configures the port TD2 pin for its primary function
(DTOUT1), alternate 1 function (URTS1), alternate 2 function (URTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TD2 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TD2 pin configured for alternate 2 function (URTS0)
10 Port TD2 pin configured for alternate 1 function (URTS1)
11 Port TD2 pin configured for primary function (DTOUT1)
3-2 PTDPA1 Po rt TD pin assignment 1. This field configures the port TD1 pin for its primary function
(DTIN0), alter nate 1 function (UCTS1), alternate 2 function ( UCTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TD1 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TD1 pin configured for alternate 2 function (UCTS0)
10 Port TD1 pin configured for alternate 1 function (UCTS1)
11 Port TD1 pin configured for primary function (DTIN0)
1-0 PTDPA0 Po rt TD pin assignment 0. This field configures the port TD0 pin for its primary function
(DTOUT0), alternate 1 function (U CTS1), alternate 2 function (UCTS0) or digital I/O.
00 Port TD0 pin configured for digital I/O
01 Port TD0 pin configured for alternate 2 function (UCTS0)
10 Port TD0 pin configured for alternate 1 function (UCTS1)
11 Port TD0 pin configured for primary function (DTOUT0)
7 43210
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x10_005C
Figure 26-29. Port UA Pin Assignment Register (PUAPAR)
Table 26-19. PUAPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
7–4 Reserved, should be cleared.
3 PUAPA3 Port UA pin assignment 3. This bit configures the port UA3 pin for its primary function
(URXD1) or digital I/O.
1 Port UA3 pin configured for primary function (URXD1)
0 Port UA3 pin configured for digital I/O
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
Freescale Semiconductor 26-27
26.4 Functional Description
26.4.1 Overview
The initial pin function is determined during reset configuration. The pin assignment registers allow the
user to select between digital I/O or another pin function after reset.
In single-chip mode, all pins are configured as digital I/O by default, except for debug data pins
(DDATA[3:0]) and processor status pins (PST[3:0]). These pins are configured for their primary functions
by default in all modes.
Every digital I/O pin is individually configurable as an input or an output via a data direction register
Every port has an output data register (PORTn) and a pin data register (PORTnP/SETn) to monitor and
control the state of its pins. Data written to a PORTn register is stored and then driven to the corresponding
port n pins configured as outputs.
Reading a PORTn register returns the current state of the register regardless of the state of the
corresponding pins.
Reading a PORTnP/PSETn register returns the current state of the corresponding pins when configured as
digital I/O, regardless of whether the pins are inputs or outputs.
Every port has a PORTnP/SETn register and a clear register (CLRn) for setting or clearing individual bits
in the PORTn register.
In master mode, port A and B function as the upper external data bus, D[31:16]. When the PCDPA bit is
set, ports C and D function as the lower external data bus, D[15:0]. Ports E–J are configured to support
external memory functions.
The ports module does not generate interrupt requests.
26.4.2 Port Digital I/O Timing
Input data on all pins configured as digital I/O is synchronized to the rising edge of CLKOUT, as shown
in Figure 26-30.
2 PUAPA2 Port UA pin assignment 2. This bit configures the port UA2 pin for its primary function
(UTXD1) or digital I/O .
1 Port UA2 pin configured for primary function (UTXD1)
0 Port UA2 pin configured for digital I/O
1 PUAPA1 Port UA pin assignment 1. This bit configures the port UA1 pin for its primary function
(URXD0) or digital I/O.
1 Port UA1 pin configured for primary function (URXD0)
0 Port UA1 pin configured for digital I/O
0 PUAPA0 Port UA pin assignment 0. This bit configures the port UA0 pin for its primary function
(UTXD0) or digital I/O .
1 Port UA0 pin configured for primary function (UTXD0)
0 Port UA0 pin configured for digital I/O
Table 26-19. PUAPAR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
General Purpose I/O Module
26-28 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 26-30. Digital Input Timing
Data written to the PORTn register of any pin configured as a digital output is immediately driven to its
respective pin, as shown in Figure 26-31.
Figure 26-31. Digital Output Timing
26.5 Initialization/Application Information
The initialization for the ports module is done during reset configuration. Some of the registers are reset
to a predetermined state, and others are reset according to which mode of operation is chosen by reset
configuration. Refer to Section 26.3, “Memory Map/Register Definition,” for more details on reset and
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 27-1
Chapter 27
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
The chip configuration module (CCM) controls the chip configuration and operating mode.
27.1 Features
The CCM performs these operations.
Selects the chip operating mode:
Master mode
Single-chip mode
Selects external clock or phase-lock loop (PLL) mode with internal or external reference
Selects output pad drive strength
Selects boot device and data port size
Selects bus monitor configuration
Selects low-power configuration
Selects transfer size function of the external bus
Selects processor status (PSTAT) and processor debug data (DDATA) functions
Selects BDM or JTAG mode
27.2 Modes of Operation
The CCM configures the chip for two modes of operation:
Master mode
Single-chip mode
The operating mode is determined at reset and cannot be changed thereafter.
27.2.1 Master Mode
In master mode, the central processor unit (CPU) can access external memories and peripherals. The
external bus consists of a 32-bit data bus and 24 address lines. The available bus control signals include
R/W, TS, TIP, TSIZ[1:0], TA, TEA, OE, and BS[3:0]. Up to seven chip selects can be programmed to
select and control external devices and to provide bus cycle termination. When interfacing to 16-bit ports,
the port C and D pins and PJ[5:4] (BS[1:0]) can be configured as general-purpose input/output (I/O), and
when interfacing to 8-bit ports, the ports B, C and D pins and PJ[7:5] (BS[3:1]) can be configured as
general purpose input/output (I/O).
27.2.2 Single-Chip Mode
In single-chip mode, all memory is internal to the chip. All external bus pins are configured as general
purpose I/O.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27-2 Freescale Semiconductor
27.3 Block Diagram
Figure 27-1. Chip Configuration Module Block Diagram
27.4 Signal Descriptions
Table 27-1 provides an overview of the CCM signals.
27.4.1 RCON
If the external RCON pin is asserted during reset, then various chip functions, including the reset
configuration pin functions after reset, are configured according to the levels driven onto the external data
pins. (see Section 27.6, “Functional Description”). The internal configuration signals are driven to reflect
the levels on the external configuration pins to allow for module configuration.
27.4.2 CLKMOD[1:0]
The state of the CLKMOD[1:0] pins during reset determines the clock mode.
Table 27-1. Signal Properties
Name Function Reset State
RCON Reset configuration select Internal weak
pull-up device
CLKMOD[1:0] Clock mode select
D[26:24, 21, 19:16] Reset configuration o verride pins
Chip Mode
Boot Device / Port
Size Selection
Output Pad
Strength Selection
Clock Mode
Chip Select
Reset Configuration Register
Chip Configuration Register
Chip Identification Register
Chip Test Register
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Freescale Semiconductor 27-3
27.4.3 D[26:24, 21, 19:16] (Reset Configuration Override)
If the external RCON pin is asserted during reset, then the states of these data pins during reset determine
the chip mode of operation, boot device, clock mode, and certain module configurations after reset.
27.5 Memory Map and Registers
This subsection provides a description of the memory map and registers.
27.5.1 Programming Model
The CCM programming model consists of these registers:
The chip configuration register (CCR) controls the main chip configuration.
The reset configuration register (RCON) indicates the default chip configuration.
The chip identification register (CIR) contains a unique part number.
Some control register bits are implemented as write-once bits. These bits are always readable, but once the
bit has been written, additional writes have no effect, except during debug and test operations.
Some write-once bits can be read and written while in debug mode. When debug mode is exited, the chip
configuration module resumes operation based on the current register values. If a write to a write-once
register bit occurs while in debug mode, the register bit remains writable on exit from debug or test mode.
Table 27-2 shows the accessibility of write-once bits.
27.5.2 Memory Map
Table 27 - 2. Write- Onc e Bits Re ad/Wri te Accessi bilit y
Configuration Read/Write Access
All configurations Read-alw ays
Debug operation (all modes) Write-always
Master mode Write-once
Single-chip mode Write-once
Table 27-3. Chip Configuration Module Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 31–16 Bits 15–0 Access1
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only. User mode accesses to supervisor only addresses hav e no eff ect and result in a cycle
term ination transfer error.
0x0011_0004 Chip Configuration Register (CCR) Low-Power Control Register (LPCR)2
2See Chapter 7, “P ow er Management,” for a description of the LPCR. It is shown here only to warn against accidental writes to
this register.
0x0011_0008 Reset Configuration Registe r (RCON) Chip Identificati on Register (CIR) S
0x0011_000c Reserved3
3Writing to reserved addresses with values other than 0 could put the device in a test mode; reading returns 0s.
0x0011_0010 Unimplemented4
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27-4 Freescale Semiconductor
27.5.3 Register Descriptions
The following subsection describes the CCM registers. Chip Configuration Register (CCR)
4Accessing an unimplemented address has no effect and causes a cycle termination transfer error.
To safeguard against unintentionally activating test logic, write 0x0000 to
the above reserved location during initialization (immediately after r eset) to
lock out test features. Setting any bits in the CCR may lead to unpredictable
15 14 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0
Reset See Note
R/W R/W Read Only R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x11_0004
Note: The reset value of the LOAD and MODE fields is determined during reset configuration. The SZEN is
set for master mode and cleared for all other configurations. The BME bit is set to enable the bus monitor and
all other bits in the register are cleared at reset.
Figure 27-2. Chip Configuration Register (CCR)
Table 27-4. CCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15 LOAD Pad driver load. The LOAD bit selects full or partial drive strength for selected pad output drivers.
For maximum capacitive load, set the LOAD bit to select full drive strength. Fo r reduced power
consumption and reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI), clear the LO AD bit to select partial
drive stre n gt h .
0 Default drive strength.
1 Full drive strength.
Table 27-2 shows the read/write accessibility of this write-once bit.
14–11 Reserved, should be cleared.
10–8 MODE Chip configuration mode. This read-only field reflects the chip configuration mode.
000-101 Reserved.
110 Single-chip mode.
111 Master mode.
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 SZEN SIZ[1:0] enable. This read/write bit enables the SIZ[1:0] function of the external pins.
0 SIZ[1:0] function disabled.
1 SIZ[1:0] function enabled.
5 PSTEN PST[3:0]/DDATA[3:0] enable. This read/write bit enables the Processor Status (PST) and Debug
Data (DDATA)n functions of the external pins.
0 PST/DDATA function disabled.
1 PST/DDATA function enabled.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Freescale Semiconductor 27-5 Reset Configuration Register (RCON)
At reset, RCON determines the default operation of certain chip functions. All default functions defined
by the RCON values can only be overridden during reset configuration (see Section 27.6.1, “Reset
Configuration”) if the external RCON pin is asserted. RCON is a read-only register.
4 Reserved, should be cleared.
3 BME Bus monitor enable. This read/write bit enables the bus monitor to operate during external bus
0 Bus monitor disabled for external bus c ycle s.
1 Bus monitor enabled for external bus cycles.
Table 27-2 shows the read/write accessibility of this write-once bit.
2–0 BMT Bus monitor timing. This field selects the timeout period (in system clocks) for the bus monitor.
000 65536
001 32768
010 16384
011 8192
100 4096
101 2048
110 1024
111 512
Table 27-2 shows the read/write accessibility of this write-once bit.
15 109876 5 43 2 1 0
Reset 0000_0000_1110_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x11_0008
Figure 27-3. Reset Configuration Register (RCON)
Table 27-5. RCON Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15–10 Reserved, should be cleared.
9–8 RCSC Chip select configuration. Reflects the def ault chip select configuration. The default function
of the chip select configuration can be overridden during reset configuration.
00 PF[7:5] = A[23:21] (This is the value used for this device.)
01 PF[7] = CS6 / PF[6:5] = A[22:21]
10 PF[7:6] = CS6, CS5 / PF[5] = A[21]
11 PF[7:5] = CS6, CS5, CS4
7–6 Reserved, should be cleared.
5 RLOAD Pad driver load. Reflects the default pad driver strength configuration.
0 Partial drive strength
1 Full dr ive strength (This is the value used for this device.)
Table 27-4. CCR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27-6 Freescale Semiconductor Chip Identification Register (CIR)
27.6 Functional Description
Six functions are defined within the chip configuration module:
1. Reset configuration
2. Chip mode selection
3. Boot device selection
4. Output pad strength configuration
4–3 BOOTPS Boot port size. Reflects the default selection for the boot port size if the boot device is
configured to be external.
00 Internal (32 bits) (This is the value used for this device.)
01 16 bits
10 8 bits
11 32 bits
The default function of the boot port size can be overridden during reset configu ration.
2 BOOTSEL Boot select. Reflects the default selection for the boot device.
0 Boot from internal boot device (This is the value used for this device.)
1 Boot from external boot device
1 Reserved, should be cleared.
0 MODE Chip configuration mode. Reflects the default chip configuration mode.
0 Single-chip mo de (This is the val ue used for this device.)
1 Master mode
The default mode can be overridden during reset configuration. If the default is overridden,
the CCR[MODE0] reflects the mode configuration.
15 8 7 0
Reset 0010_0000_0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x11_000a
Figure 27-4. Chip Identification Register (CIR)
Table 27-6. CIR Field Description
Bits Name Description
15–8 PIN Part identification number. Contains a unique identification number for the
7–0 PRN Part revision number. This number is increased by one for each new
full-layer mask set of this part. The revision numbers are assigned in
chronological order.
Table 27-5. RCON Field Descriptions (continued)
Bits Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Freescale Semiconductor 27-7
5. Clock mode selections
6. Chip select configuration
These functions are described here.
27.6.1 Reset Configuration
During reset, the pins for the reset override functions are immediately configured to known states.
Table 27-7 shows the states of the external pins while in reset.
If the RCON pin is not asserted during reset, the chip configuration and the reset configuration pin
functions after reset are determined by the RCON register or fixed defaults, regardless of the states of the
external data pins. The internal configuration signals are driven to levels specified by the RCON register s
reset state for default module configuration.
If the RCON pin is asserted during reset, then various chip functions, including the reset configuration pin
functions after reset, are configured according to the levels driven onto the external data pins. (See
Table 27-8) The internal configuration signals are driven to reflect the levels on the external configuration
pins to allow for module configuration.
During reset, the CLKMOD pins always determine the clock mode,
regardless of the RCON pin state.
Table 27-7. Reset Configuration Pin States During Reset
Pin Pin
1If the external RCON pin is not asserted during reset, pin functions are determined by the
default operation mode defined in the RCON register . If the external RCON pin is asserted, pin
functions are determined by the override values driven on the external data b us pins.
I/O Output
State Input
D[26:24, 21, 19:16],
PA[2:0], PB[5, 3:0] Digital I/O or primary
function Input Must be driven
by external logic
RCON RCON function for all
2During reset, the external RCON pin assumes its RCON pin function, but this pin changes to
the function defined by the chip operation mode immediately after reset. See Table 27-8.
Input Internal weak
pull-up device
CLKMOD1, CLKMOD0 Not affected Input Must be driven by
external logic
Table 27-8. Configuration During Reset1
Pin(s) Affected Default
Configuration Override Pins
in Reset2,34 Function
D[31:0], R/W, TA, TEA,
TSIZ[1:0], TS, TIP, OE,
A[23:0], BS[3:0], CS[3:0]
RCON0 = 0 D[26,17:16] Chip Mode Selected
111 Master mode
110 Single-chip mode5
100 or 0xx Reserved
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Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27-8 Freescale Semiconductor
27.6.2 Chip Mode Selection
The chip mode is selected during reset and reflected in the MODE field of the chip configuration register
(CCR). See Section, “Chip Configuration Register (CCR).” Once reset is exited, the operating
mode cannot be changed. Table 27-9 shows the mode selection during reset configuration.
CS0 RCON[4:3] = 00
RCON2 = 0 D[19:18] Boot Device
00 Internal with 32-bit port5
10 Exter nal with 8-bit port
01 External with 16-bit port
11 External with 32-bit port
All output pins RCON5 = 1 D21 Output Pa d Dri ve Strength
0 Partial strength
1 Full strength5
Clock mode N/A CLKMOD1, CLKMOD0 Clock Mode
00 External clock mode (PLL disabled)
01 1:1 PLL mode
10 Normal PLL mode with external
clock reference
11 Normal PLL mode w/crystal reference
A[23:21]/CS[6:4] RCON[9:8] = 00 D[25:24] Chip Select Configuration
00 PF[7:5] = A[23:21]5
10 PF[7] = CS6 / PF[6:5] = A[22:21]
01 PF[7:6] = CS6, CS5 / PF[5] = A[21]
11 PF[7:6] = CS6, CS 5, CS4
1Modifying the default configurations is possible only if the external RCON pin is asserted.
2The D[31:27, 23:22, 20, 15:0] pins do not affect reset configuration.
3The external reset override circuitry drives the data bus pins with the override values while RSTO is asserted. It must stop
driving the data b us pins within one CLKOUT cycle after RST O is negated. To prevent contention with the external reset
override circuitry, the reset override pins are forced to inputs during reset and do not become outputs until at leas t one
CLKOUT cycle after RSTO is negated.
4RCON[0] has higher priority than RCON[3:2]. When RCON[0] is configured to boot the chip in single chip mode, the part will
boot internally with a 32-bit port overriding any configuration set by RCON[3:2].
5Default configuration
Table 27-8. Configuration During Reset1 (c ontinued)
Pin(s) Affected Default
Configuration Override Pins
in Reset2,34 Function
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Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Freescale Semiconductor 27-9
When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single chip mode
regardless of the external reset configuration.
During reset, certain module configurations depend on whether emulation mode is active as determined
by the state of the internal emulation signal.
27.6.3 Boot Device Selection
During reset configuration, the CS0 chip select pin is optionally configured to select an external boot
device. In this case, the V (valid) bit in the CSMR0 register is ignored, and CS0 is enabled after reset. CS0
is asserted for the initial boot fetch accessed from address 0x0000_0000 for the S tack Pointer and address
0x0000_0004 for the program counter (PC). It is assumed that the reset vector loaded from address
0x0000_0004 causes the CPU to start executing from external memory space decoded by CS0.
27.6.4 Output Pad Strength Configuration
Output pad strength is determined during reset configuration as shown in Table 27-10. Once reset is exited,
the output pad strength configuration can be changed by programming the LOAD bit of the chip
configuration register.
27.6.5 Clock Mode Selection
The clock mode is selected during reset by the CLKMOD pins and reflected in the PLLMODE, PLLSEL,
and PLLREF bits of SYNSR. After reset is exited, the clock mode cannot be changed.
Table 27-11 summarizes clock mode selection during reset configuration.
Table 27-9. Chip Configuration Mode Selection1
1Modifying the default configurations is possible only if the external RCON pin is asserted low.
Chip Configuration
CCR Register MODE Field
Master mod e D26 driven high D17 driv en hi gh D16 driven hig h
Single-chip mode D26 driven high D17 driv en high D16 driven low
Reserved D26 driven high D17 driven low D16 driven high
Reserved D26 driven low D17 don’t care D16 don’t care
Table 27-10. Output Pad Driver Strength Selection1
1Modifying the default configurations is possible only if the external RCON pin is asserted low.
Optional Pin Function Selection CCR Register LOAD Bit
Output pads configured for partial strength D21 driven low
Output pads configured for full strength D21 driven high
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Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
27-10 Freescale Semiconductor
27.6.6 Chip Select Configuration
The chip select configuration (CS[6:4]) is selected during reset and reflected in the RCSC field of the CCR.
Once reset is exited, the chip select configuration cannot be changed. Table 27-8 shows the dif ferent chip
select configurations that can be implemented during reset configuration.
27.7 Reset
Reset initializes CCM registers to a known startup state as described in Section 27.5, “Memory Map and
Registers.” The CCM controls chip configuration at reset as described in Section 27.6, “Functional
27.8 Interrupts
The CCM does not generate interrupt requests.
Table 27-11. Clock Mode Selection
Clock Mode CLKMOD[1:0] Synthesizer Status Register (SYNSR)
External clock mode (PLL disa bled) 00 0 0 0
1:1 PLL mode 01 0 0 1
Normal PLL mode, external clock reference 10 1 0 1
Normal PLL mode, crystal oscillator reference 11 1 1 1
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Freescale Semiconductor 28-1
Chapter 28
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
The queued analog-to-digital converter (QADC) is a 10-bit, unipolar , successive approximation converter.
Up to eight analog input channels can be supported using internal multiplexing. A maximum of 18 input
channels can be supported in the expanded, externally multiplexed mode.
The QADC consists of an analog front-end and a digital control subsystem. The analog section includes
input pins, an analog multiplexer, and sample and hold analog circuits.
The digital control section contains queue control logic to sequence the conversion process and interrupt
generation logic. Also included are the periodic/interval timer, control and status registers, the conversion
command word (CCW) table, random-access memory (RAM), and the result table RAM.
The bus interface unit (BIU) provides access to registers that configure the QADC, control the
analog-to-digital converter and queue mechanism, and present formatted conversion results.
28.1 Features
Features of the QADC module include:
Internal sample and hold
Up to eight analog input channels using internal multiplexing
Up to four external analog multiplexers directly supported
Up to 18 total input channels with internal and external multiplexing
Programmable input sample time for various source impedances
Two conversion command word (CCW) queues with a total of 64 entries for setting conversion
parameters of each A/D conversion
Subqueues possible using pause mechanism
Queue complete and pause interrupts available on both queues
Queue pointers indicating current location for each queue
Automated queue modes initiated by:
External edge trigger and gated trigger
Periodic/interval timer, within QADC module (queues 1 and 2)
Software command
Single scan or continuous scan of queues
64 result registers
Output data readable in three formats:
Right-justified unsigned
Left-justified signed
Left-justified unsigned
Unused analog channels can be used as discrete input/output pins.
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-2 Freescale Semiconductor
28.2 Block Diagram
Figure 28-1. QADC Block Diagram
28.3 Modes of Operation
This subsection describes the two modes of operation in which the QADC does not perform conversions
in a regular fashion:
Debug mode
Stop mode
28.3.1 Debug Mode
The QDBG bit in the module configuration register (QADCMCR) governs behavior of the QADC when
the CPU enters background debug mode. When QDBG is clear, the QADC operates normally and is
unaffected by CPU background debug mode. See Section 28.6.1, “QADC Module Configuration Register
When QDBG is set and the CPU enters background debug mode, the QADC finishes any conversion in
progress and then freezes. This is QADC debug mode. Depending on when debug mode is entered, the
three possible queue freeze scenarios are:
When a queue is not executing, the QADC freezes immediately.
When a queue is executing, the QADC completes the current conversion and then freezes.
Analog Power
64-Entry Queue
of 10-bit
Command Words
Analog Input MUX
and Digital
Signal Functions
64-Entry Table
of 10-bit
10-bit to 16-bit
Result Alignment
(18 with External MUXing)
MUX Address
Triggers Inputs
(CCWs) Results
8 Analog Channels
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-3
If during the execution of the current conversion, the queue operating mode for the active queue is
changed, or a queue 2 abort occurs, the QADC freezes immediately.
When the QADC enters debug mode while a queue is active, the current CCW location of the queue
pointer is saved.
Debug mode:
Stops the analog clock
Holds the periodic/interval timer in reset
Prevents external trigger events from being captured
Keeps all QADC registers and RAM accessible
Although the QADC saves a pointer to the next CCW in the current queue, software can force the QADC
to execute a different CCW by reconfiguring the QADC. When the QADC exits debug mode, it looks at
the queue operating modes, the current queue pointer, and any pending trigger events to decide which
CCW to execute.
28.3.2 Stop Mode
The QADC enters a low-power idle state whenever the QSTOP bit is set or the CPU enters low-power stop
QADC stop:
Disables the analog-to-digital converter, effectively turning off the analog circuit
Aborts the conversion sequence in progress
Makes the data direction register (DDRQA), port data registers (PORTQA and POR TQB), control
registers (QACR2, QACR1, and QACR0) and the status registers (QASR1 and QASR0) read-only .
Only the module configuration register (QADCMCR) remains writable.
Makes the RAM inaccessible, so that valid data cannot be read from RAM (result word table and
CCW) or written to RAM (result word table and CCW)
Resets QACR1, QACR2, QASR0, and QASR1
Holds the QADC periodic/interval timer in reset
Because the bias currents to the analog circuit are turned off in stop mode, the QADC requires some
recovery time (tSR) to stabilize the analog circuits.
28.4 Signals
The QADC uses the external signals shown in Figure 28-2. There are eight channel/port signals that can
support up to 18 channels when external multiplexing is used (including internal channels). All of the
channel signals also have some general-purpose input or input/output (GPIO) functionality. In addition,
there are also two analog reference signals and two analog submodule power signals.
The QADC has external trigger inputs and multiplexer outputs that are shared with some of the analog
input signals.
28.4.1 Port QA Signal Functions
The four port QA signals can be used as analog inputs or as a bidirectional 4-bit digital input/output port.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-4 Freescale Semiconductor Port QA Analog Input Signals
When used as analog inputs, the four port QA signals are referred to as AN[56:55, 53:52].
Figure 28-2. QADC Input and Output Signals Port QA Digital Input/Output Signals
Port QA signals are referred to as PQA[4:3, 1:0] when used as a bidirectional 4-bit digital input/output
port. These four signals may be used for general-purpose digital input or digital output.
Port QA signals are connected to a digital input synchronizer during reads and may be used as
general-purpose digital inputs when the applied voltages meet high-voltage input (VIH) and low-voltage
input (VIL) requirements.
Each port QA signal is configured as an input or output by programming the port data direction register
(DDRQA). The digital input signal states are read from the port QA data register (PORTQA) when
DDRQA specifies that the signals are inputs. The digital data in PORTQA is driven onto the port QA
signals when the corresponding bits in DDRQA specify output. See Section 28.6.4, “Port QA and QB Data
Direction Register (DDRQA & DDRQB).
28.4.2 Port QB Signal Functions
The four port QB signals can be used as analog inputs or as a 4-bit digital I/O port. Port QB Analog Input Signals
When used as analog inputs, the four port QB signals are referred to as AN[3:0].
Analog Power and Ground
Internal Digital Power
Converter Results
Mux and
Port QB Analog Inputs
External MUX Inputs
Digital Inputs
Port QA Analog Inputs
External Trigger Inputs
External MUX Address Outputs
Analog References
Shared with Other Modules
Digital I/O
Port Logic
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-5 Port QB Digital I/O Signals
Port QB signals are referred to as PQB[3:0] when used as a 4-bit digital input/output port. In addition to
functioning as analog input signals, the port QB signals are also connected to the input of a synchronizer
during reads and may be used as general-purpose digital inputs when the applied voltages meet VIH and
VIL requirements.
Each port QB signal is configured as an input or output by programming the port data direction register
(DDRQB). The digital input signal states are read from the port QB data register (PORTQB) when
DDRQB specifies that the signals are inputs. The digital data in PORTQB is driven onto the port QB
signals when the corresponding bits in DDRQB specify output. See Section 28.6.4, “Port QA and QB Data
Direction Register (DDRQA & DDRQB).
28.4.3 External Trigger Inpu t Signals
The QADC has two external trigger signals, ETRIG2 and ETRIG1. Each external trigger input is
associated with one of the scan queues, queue 1 or queue 2. The assignment of ETRIG[2:1] to a queue is
made by the TRG bit in QADC control register 0 (QACR0). When TRG = 0, ETRIG1 triggers queue 1 and
ETRIG2 triggers queue 2. When TRG = 1, ETRIG1 triggers queue 2 and ETRIG2 triggers queue 1. See
Section 28.6.5, “Control Registers “Control Registers.”
28.4.4 Multiplexed Address Output Signals
In non-multiplexed mode, the QADC analog input signals are connected to an internal multiplexer which
routes the analog signals into the internal A/D converter.
In externally multiplexed mode, the QADC allows automatic channel selection through up to four external
4-to-1 multiplexer chips. The QADC provides a 2-bit multiplexed address output to the external
multiplexer chips to allow selection of one of four inputs. The multiplexed address output signals, MA1
and MA0, can be used as multiplexed address output bits or as general-purpose I/O when external
multiplexed mode is not being used.
MA[1:0] are used as the address inputs for up to four 4-channel multiplexer chips. Because the MA[1:0]
signals are digital outputs in multiplexed mode, the state of their corresponding data direction bits in
DDRQA is ignored.
28.4.5 Multiplexed Analog Input Signals
In external multiplexed mode, four of the port QB signals are redefined so that each represent four analog
input channels. See Table 28-1.
Table 28-1. Multiplexed Analog Input Channels
Analog Input Channels
ANW Even numbered channels from 0 to 6
ANX Odd numbered channels from 1 to 7
ANY Even numbered channels from 16 to 22
ANZ Odd numbered channels from 17 to 23
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-6 Freescale Semiconductor
28.4.6 Voltage Reference Signals
VRH and VRL are the dedicated input signals for the high and low reference voltages. Separating the
reference inputs from the power supply signals allows for additional external filtering, which increases
reference voltage precision and stability, and subsequently contributes to a higher degree of conversion
VRH and VRL must be set to VDDA and VSSA potential, respectively. For
more information, refer to Section 28.9, “Signal Connection
28.4.7 Dedicated Analog Supply Signals
The VDDA and VSSA signals supply power to the analog subsystems of the QADC module. Dedicated
power is required to isolate the sensitive analog circuitry from the normal levels of noise present on the
digital power supply.
28.4.8 Dedicated Digital I/O Port Supply Signal
VDDH provides 5-V power to the digital I/O functions of QADC port QA and port QB. This allows those
signals to tolerate 5 volts when configured as inputs and drive 5 volts when configured as outputs.
28.5 Memory Map
The QADC occupies 1 Kbyte, or 512 half-word (16-bit) entries, of address space. Ten half-word registers
are control, port, and status registers, 64 half-word entries are the CCW table, and 64 half-word entries are
the result table which occupies 192 ha lf-word address locations because the result data is readable in three
data alignment formats. Table 28-2 is the QADC memory map.
Table 28-2. QADC Memory Map
Offset MSB LSB Access1
0x19_0000 QADC Module Confi guration Register (QADCMCR) S
0x19_0002 QADC Test Register (QADCTEST)2S
0x19_0004 Reserved3
0x19_0006 Port QA Data Register (PORTQA) Port QB Data Register (PORTQB) S/U
0x19_0008 Port QA Data Direction Register
(DDRQA) Port QB Data Direction Register
0x19_000a QADC Control Register 0 (QACR0) S/U
0x19_000c QADC Control Register 1 (QA CR1) S/U
0x19_000e QADC Control Register 2 (QACR2) S/U
0x19_0010 QADC Status Register 0 (QASR0) S/U
0x19_0012 QADC Status Register 1 (QASR1) S/U
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-7
28.6 Register Descriptions
This subsection describes the QADC registers.
28.6.1 QADC Module Configuration Register (QADCMCR)
The QADCMCR contains bits that control QADC debug and stop modes and determine the privilege level
required to access most registers.
0x19_01fe Reserved(3)
0x19_027e Conversion Command Word Table (CCW) S/U
0x19_02fe Right Justified, Unsigned Result Register (RJURR) S/U
0x19_037e Left Justified, Signed Result Register (LJSRR) S/U
0x19_03fe Left Justified, Unsig ned Result Register (LJURR) S/U
1S = CPU supervisor mode access only. S/U = CPU supervisor or user mode access. User mode accesses to
supervisor only addresses have no effect an d result in a cycle terminatio n transfer error.
2Access results in the module generating an access termination transfer error if not in test mode.
3Read/wr ites have no effect and the access terminates with a transf er error exception.
15 14 13 8
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W R
76 0
Field SUPV
Reset 1000_0000
R/W: R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0000, 0x19_0001
Figure 28-3. QADC Module Configuration Regist er (QADCMCR)
Table 28-2. QADC Memory Map (continued)
Offset MSB LSB Access1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-8 Freescale Semiconductor
28.6.2 QADC Test Register (QADCTEST)
The QADCTEST is a reserved register. Attempts to access this register outside of factory test mode will
result in access privilege violation.
28.6.3 Port Data Registers (PORTQA & PORTQB)
QADC ports QA and QB are accessed through the 8-bit PORTQA and PORTQB.
Port QA signals are referred to as PQA[4:3, 1:0] when used as a bidirectional, 4-bit, input/output port. Port
QA can also be used for analog inputs (AN[56:55, 53:52]), external trigger inputs (ETRIG[2:1]), and
external multiplexer address outputs (MA[1:0]).
Port QB signals are referred to as PQB[3:0] when used as a 4-bit, digital input-only port. Port QB can also
be used for non-multiplexed (AN[3:0]) and multiplexed (ANZ, ANY, ANX, ANW) analog inputs.
PORTQA and PORTQB are not initialized by reset.
Table 28-3. QADCMCR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 QSTOP Stop enable.
1 Force QADC to idle state.
0 QADC operates normally.
14 QDBG Debug enable.
1 Finish any conversion in progress, then freeze in debug mode
0 QADC operates normally.
13–8 Reserv ed, should be cleared.
7 SUPV Supervisor/unrestricted data space.
1 All QADC registers are accessible in supervisor mode only; user mode accesses
have no effect and result in a cycle termination error.
0 Only QADCMCR and QADC TEST require supervisor mode acce ss; access to all
other QADC registers is unrestricted
6–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
Field PQA4
Reset 000 See Note 0 See Note
R/W: R R/W R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0006
Figure 28-4. QADC Port QA Data Register (POR TQA)
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-9
Note: The reset value for these fields is the current signal state if DDR is an input; otherwi se, they are undefined.
28.6.4 Port QA and QB Data Direction Register (DDRQA & DDRQB)
DDRQA and DDRQB are associated with port QA and QB digital I/O signals. Setting a bit in these
registers configures the corresponding signal as an output. Clearing a bit in these registers configures the
corresponding signal as an input. During QADC initialization, port QA and QB signals that will be used
as direct or multiplexed analog inputs must have their corresponding data direction register bits cleared.
When a port QA or QB signal that is programmed as an output is selected for analog conversion, the
voltage sampled is that of the output digital driver as influenced by the load.
When the MUX (externally multiplexed) bit is set in QACR0, the data direction register settings are
ignored for the bits corresponding to PQA[1:0], and the two multiplexed address (MA[1:0]) output signals.
The MA[1:0] signals are forced to be digital outputs, regardless of their data direction setting, and the
multiplexed address outputs are driven. The data returned during a port data register read is the value of
the MA[1:0] signals, regardless of their data direction setting.
Similarly, when the external trigger signals are assigned to port signals and external trigger queue
operating mode is selected, the data direction setting for the corresponding signals, PQA3 and/or PQA4,
is ignored. The port signals are forced to be digital inputs for ETRIG1 and/or ETRIG2. The data returned
during a port data register read is the value of the ETRIG[2:1] signals, regardless of their data direction
Use caution when mixing digital and analog inputs. They should be isolated
as much as possible. Rise and fall times should be as large as possible to
minimize ac coupling effects.
Field PQB3
Reset 0000 See Note
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0007
Figure 28-5. QADC Port QB Data Register (POR TQB)
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R R/W R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0008
Figure 28-6. QADC Port QA Data Direction Register (DDRQA)
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-10 Freescale Semiconductor
28.6.5 Control Registers
This subsection describes the QADC control registers. QADC Control Register 0 (QACR0)
QACR0 establishes the QADC sampling clock (QCLK) with prescaler parameter fields and defines
whether external multiplexing is enabled. Typically, these bits are written once when the QADC is
initialized and not changed thereafter. The bits in this register are read anytime, write anytime (except
during stop mode).
Reset 0000_0000
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0009
Figure 28-7. Port QB Data Direction Register (DDRQB)
15 14 13 12 11 8
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W R R/W R
7 6 5 4 3210
Reset 0001_0011
R/W: R R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_000a, 0x19_000b
Figure 28-8. QADC Control Register 0 (QACR0)
Table 28-4. QACR0 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 MUX Externally multiplexed mode. Configures the QADC for operation in e xternally
multiple xed mode , which aff ects the interpretation of the channel numbers and forces
the MA[1:0] signals to be outputs.
1 Externally multiplexed, up to 18 possible channels
0 Internally multiplexed, up to 8 possible channels
14–13 Reserved, should be cleared.
12 TRG Trigger assignmen t. Determines the queue assignment of the ETRIG[2:1] signals.
1 ETRIG1 triggers queue 2; ETRIG2 triggers que ue 1.
0 ETRIG1 triggers queue 1; ETRIG2 triggers que ue 2.
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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11–7 Reserv ed, should be cleared.
6–0 QPR Prescaler clock divider. Selects the system clock divisor to generate the QADC clock
as Table 28-5 shows. The resulting QADC clock rate can be given as:
1 QPR[6:0] 127.
If QPR[6:0] = 0, then the QPR register field value is read as a 1 and the prescaler
divisor is 2.
The prescaler should be selected so that the QADC clock rate is within the required
fQCLK range. See Chapter 33, “Electrical Cha racteristics”.
Table 28-5. Prescaler fSYS Divide-by Values
QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
0000000 4 0100000 66 1000000 130 1100000 194
0000001 4 0100001 68 1000001 132 1100001 196
0000010 6 0100010 70 1000010 134 1100010 198
0000011 8 0100011 72 1000011 136 1100011 200
0000100 10 0100100 74 1000100 138 1100100 202
0000101 12 0100101 76 1000101 140 1100101 204
0000110 14 0100110 78 1000110 142 1100110 206
0000111 16 0100111 80 1000111 144 1100111 208
0001000 18 0101000 82 1001000 146 1101000 210
0001001 20 0101001 84 1001001 148 1101001 212
0001010 22 0101010 86 1001010 150 1101010 214
0001011 24 0101011 88 1001011 152 1101011 216
0001100 26 0101100 90 1001100 154 1101100 218
0001101 28 0101101 92 1001101 156 1101101 220
0001110 30 0101110 94 1001110 158 1101110 222
0001111 32 0101111 96 1001111 160 1101111 224
0010000 34 0110000 98 1010000 162 1110000 226
0010001 36 0110001 100 1010001 164 1110001 228
0010010 38 0110010 102 1010010 166 1110010 230
0010011 40 0110011 104 1010011 168 1110011 232
0010100 42 0110100 106 1010100 170 1110100 234
Table 2 8- 4. QACR0 Field Description s (co n ti nued )
Bit(s) Name Description
2(QPR[6:0] + 1)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-12 Freescale Semiconductor QADC Control Register 1 (QACR1)
QACR1 is the mode control register for queue 1. This register governs queue operating mode and the use
of completion and/or pause interrupts. Typically, these bits are written once when the QADC is initialized
and are not changed thereafter.
Stop mode resets this register.
0010101 44 0110101 108 1010101 172 1110101 236
0010110 46 0110110 110 1010110 174 1110110 238
0010111 48 0110111 112 1010111 176 1110111 240
0011000 50 0111000 114 1011000 178 1111000 242
0011001 52 0111001 116 1011001 180 1111001 244
0011010 54 0111010 118 1011010 182 1111010 246
0011011 56 0111011 120 1011011 184 1111011 248
0011100 58 0111100 122 1011100 186 1111100 250
0011101 60 0111101 124 1011101 188 1111101 252
0011110 62 0111110 126 1011110 190 1111110 254
0011111 64 0111111 128 1011111 192 1111111 256
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field CIE1 PIE1 SSE1 MQ112 MQ111 MQ110 MQ19 MQ18
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
7 0
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_000c, 0x19_000d
Figure 28-9. QADC Control Register 1 (QACR1)
Table 28-5. Prescaler fSYS Divide-by Values (continued)
QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
Divisor QPR[6:0] fSYS
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-13
Table 28-6. QACR1 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 CIE1 Queue 1 completion interrupt enable. Enables an interrupt request upon completion
of queue 1. The interrupt request is initiated when the conversion is complete for the
last CCW in queue 1.
1 Enable queue 1 completion interrupt.
0 Disable queue 1 completion interrupt.
14 PIE1 Queue 1 pause interrupt enable. Enables an interrupt request when queue 1 enters
the pause state. The interrupt request is initiated when conversion is complete for a
CCW that has the pause bit set.
1 Enable the queue 1 pause interrupt.
0 Disable the queue 1 pause interrupt.
13 SSE1 Queue 1 single-scan enable . Enables a single-scan of queue 1 after a trigger ev ent
occurs. SSE1 may be set during the same write cycle that sets the MQ1 bits for one
of the single-scan queue operating modes . The single-scan enable bit can be written
to 1 or 0, but is always read as a 0, unless the QADC is in test mode. The QADC clears
SSE1 when the single-scan is complete.
1 Allow a trigger event to start queue 1 in a single-scan mode.
0 Trigger events are ignored for queue 1 single-scan modes.
12–8 MQ1nSelects the operating mode for queue 1. Table 28-7 shows the bits in the MQ1 field
which enable different queue 1 operating modes .
7–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
Table 28-7. Queue 1 Ope ra t in g Mo d e s
MQ1[12:8] Operating Mode
00000 Disabled mode, conversions do not occur
00001 Software-triggered single-scan mode (started with SSE1)
00010 External-tri gger rising-edge single-scan mode
00011 External-tr igger falling-edge single-scan mode
00100 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 27
00101 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 28
00110 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 29
00111 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 210
01000 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 211
01001 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 212
01010 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 213
01011 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 214
01100 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 215
01101 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 216
01110 Interval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 217
01111 Exter nally gat ed single-scan mode (started with SSE1)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-14 Freescale Semiconductor QADC Control Register 2 (QACR2)
QACR2 is the mode control register for queue 2. This register governs queue operating mode and the use
of completion and/or pause interrupts. Typically, these bits are written once when the QADC is initialized
and not changed thereafter.
QACR2 also includes a resume feature that selects the resumption point for queue 2 after its operation is
suspended by a queue 1 trigger event. The primary reason for selecting re-execution of the entire queue or
subqueue is to guarantee that all samples are taken consecutively in one scan (coherency).
When subqueues are not used, queue 2 execution restarts after suspension with the first CCW in queue 2.
When a pause has previously occurred in queue 2 execution, queue execution restarts after suspension with
the first CCW in the current subqueue.
A subqueue is considered to be a stand-alone sequence of conversions. Once a pause flag has been set to
report subqueue completion, that subqueue is not repeated until all CCWs in queue 2 are executed.
For example, the RESUME bit can be used when the frequency of queue 1 trigger events prohibit queue
2 completion. If the rate of queue 1 execution is too high, it is best for queue 2 execution to continue with
the CCW that was being converted when queue 2 was suspended. This allows queue 2 to eventually
complete execution.
The beginning of queue 2 is defined by programming the BQ2 field in QACR2. BQ2 is usually set before
or at the same time as the queue operating mode for queue 2 is selected. If BQ2[6:0] 64, queue 2 has no
entries, the entire CCW table is dedicated to queue 1, and CCW63 is the end-of-que ue 1. If BQ2[6:0] is 0,
the entire CCW table is dedicated to queue 2. A special case occurs when an operating mode is selected
10000 Reserved mode
10001 Software-triggered continuous-scan mode
10010 External-trigger rising-edge continuous-scan mode
10011 External-trigger falling-edge continuous-scan mode
10100 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 27
10101 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 28
10110 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 29
10111 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 210
11000 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 211
11001 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 212
11010 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 213
11011 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 214
11100 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 215
11101 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 216
11110 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period × 217
11111 Externally gated continuous-scan mode
Table 28-7. Queue 1 Operating Modes (continued)
MQ1[12:8] Operating Mode
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-15
for queue 1 and a trigger event occurs for queue 1 with BQ2 set to 0. Queue 1 execution starts momentarily ,
but is terminated after CCW0 is read. No conversions occur.
The BQ2[6:0] pointer may be changed dynamically to alternate between queue 2 scan sequences. A
change in BQ2 after queue 2 has begun or when queue 2 has a trigger pending does not affect qu eue 2 until
it is started again. For example, two scan sequences could be defined as follows: The first sequence starts
at CCW10, with a pause after CCW11 and an end of queue (EOQ) programmed in CCW15; the second
sequence starts at CCW16, with a pause after CCW17 and an EOQ programmed in CCW39.
With BQ2[6:0] set to CCW10 and the continuous-scan mode selected, queue execution begins. When the
pause is encountered in CCW11, an interrupt service routine can retar get BQ2[6:0] to CCW16. When the
end-of-queue is recognized in CCW15, an internal retrigger event is generated and execution restarts at
CCW16. When the pause software interrupt occurs again, BQ2 can be changed back to CCW10. After the
end-of-queue is recognized in CCW39, an internal retrigger event is created and execution now restarts at
If BQ2[6:0] is changed while queue 1 is active, the effect of BQ2[6:0] as an end-of-queue indication for
queue 1 is immediate. However , beware of the risk of losing the end-of-queue 1 when changing BQ2[6:0].
Using EOQ (channel 63) to end queue 1 is recommended.
If BQ2[6:0] was assigned to the CCW that queue 1 is currently working on,
then that conversion is completed before the change to BQ2[6:0] takes
Each time a CCW is read for queue 1, the CCW location is compared with the current value of the
BQ2[6:0] pointer to detect a possible end-of-queue condition. For example, if BQ2[6:0] is changed to
CCW3 while queue 1 is converting CCW2, queue 1 is terminated after the conversion is completed.
However, if BQ2[6:0] is changed to CCW1 while queue 1 is converting CCW2, the QADC would not
recognize a BQ2[6:0] end-of-queue condition until queue 1 execution reached CCW1 again, presumably
on the next pass through the queue.
Stop mode resets this register (0x007f)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field CIE2 PIE2 SSE2 MQ212 MQ211 MQ210 MQ29 MQ28
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W
7 6 5 4 3210
Field RESUME BQ26 BQ25 BQ24 BQ23 BQ22 BQ21 BQ20
Reset 0111_1111
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_000e, 0x19_000f
Figure 28-10. QADC Control Register 2 (QACR2)
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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Table 28-8. QACR2 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 CIE2 Queue 2 completion software interrupt enable. Enables an interrupt request upon
completion of queue 2. The interru pt request is initiated when the conversion is
complete for the last CCW in queue 2.
1 Enable queue 2 completion interrupt.
0 Disable queue 2 completion interrupt.
14 PIE2 Queue 2 pause interrupt enable. Enables an interrupt request when queue 2 enters
the pause state. The interrupt request is initiated when conversion is complete for a
CCW that has the pause bit set.
1 Enable the queue 2 pause interrupt.
0 Disable the queue 2 pause interrupt.
13 SSE2 Queue 2 single-scan enable . Enables a single-scan of queue 2 after a trigger ev ent
occurs. SSE2 may be set during the same write cycle that sets the MQ2 bits for one
of the single-scan queue operating modes . The single-scan enable bit can be written
to 1 or 0, but is always read as a 0, unless the QADC is in test mode. The QADC clears
SSE2 when the single-scan is complete.
1 Allow a trigger event to start queue 2 in a single-scan mode.
0 Trigger events are ignored for queue 2 single-scan modes.
12–8 M Q2 Selects the operating mode for queue 2. Table 28-9 shows the bits in the MQ1 field
which enable different queue 2 operating modes .
7 RESUME Selects the resumption point for queue 2 after its operation is suspended due to a
queue 1 trigger event. If RESUME is changed during the execution of queue 2, the
change is not recognized until an end-of-queue condition is reached or the operating
mode of queue 2 is changed.
1 After suspension, begin execution with the aborted CCW in queue 2.
0 After suspension, begin execution with the first CCW of queue 2 or the current
subqueue of queue 2.
6–0 BQ2 Beginning of queue 2. Denotes the CCW location where queue 2 begins. This allo ws
the length of queue 1 and queue 2 to vary. The BQ2 field also serves as an
end-of-queue condition for queue 1.
Table 28-9. Queue 2 Ope ra t in g Mo d e s
MQ2[12:8] Operating Modes
00000 Disabled mode, conversions do not occur
00001 Software triggered single-scan mode (started with SSE2)
00010 Externally triggered rising edge single-scan mode
00011 Externally triggered falling edge single-scan mode
00100 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 27
00101 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 28
00110 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 29
00111 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 210
01000 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 211
01001 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 212
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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28.6.6 Status Register s
This subsection describes the QADC status registers. QADC Status Register 0 (QASR0)
QASR0 contains information about the state of each queue and the current A/D conversion. The bits in
this register are read anytime. For flag bits (CF1, PF1, CF2, PF2, TO R1, TOR2), writing a 1 has no ef fect;
writing a 0 clears the bit. For QS[9:6] and CWP, writes have no effect. Stop mode resets this register.
The end of a queue is identified in the following cases:
When execution is complete on the CCW in the location prior to the one
pointed to by BQ2
When the current CCW contains the end-of-queue code (channel 63) instead of a valid channel
01010 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 213
01011 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 214
01100 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 215
01101 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 216
01110 Inte rval timer single-scan mode: time = QCLK per iod x 217
01111 Reserved mode
10000 Reserved mode
10001 Software triggered continuous-scan mode
10010 Externally triggered rising edge continuous-scan mode
10011 Externally tr iggered falling edge continuous-scan mode
10100 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 27
10101 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 28
10110 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 29
10111 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 210
11000 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 211
11001 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 212
11010 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 213
11011 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 214
11100 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 215
11101 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 216
11110 Periodic timer continuous-scan mode: time = QCLK period x 217
11111 Reserved mode
Table 28-9. Queue 2 Operating Modes (continued)
MQ2[12:8] Operating Modes
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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When the currently completed CCW is in the last location of the CCW RAM.
Once PFn is set, the queue enters the paused state and waits for a trigger event to allow queue execution
to continue. However, a special case occurs when the CCW with the pause bit set is the last CCW in a
queue; queue execution is complete. The queue status becomes idle, not paused, and both the pause and
completion flags are set.
Another special case occurs when the queue is operating in software-initiated single-scan or
continuous-scan mode and a CCW pause bit is set. The QADC will set PFn and will also automatically
generate a retrigger event that restarts execution after two QCLK cycles. Pause mode is never entered.
In externally gated single-scan and continuous-scan mode, the behavior of PFn has been redefined. When
the gate closes before the end of the queue is reached, PFn is set to indicate that an incomplete scan has
occurred. In single-scan mode, a resultant interrupt can be used to determine if the queue should be enabled
again. In either externally gated mode, setting PFn indicates that the results for the queue have not been
collected during one scan (coherently).
If a set CCW pause bit is encountered in either externally gated mode, the
pause flag will not set, and execution continues without pausing. This has
allowed for the modified behavior of PF1 in the externally gated modes.
PFn is maintained by the QADC regardless of whether the corresponding
interrupt is enabled. PFn may be polled to determine if the QADC has
reached a pause in scanning a queue.
A trigger event generated by a transition on the external trigger signal or by the periodic/interval timer may
be captured as a trigger overrun. TORn cannot be set when the software-initiated single-scan mode or the
software-initiated continuous-scan mode is selected.
TORn is set when a trigger event is received while a queue is executing and before the scan has completed
or paused. TORn has no effect on queue execution.
After a trigger event has occurred for queue 1, and before the scan has completed or paused, additional
queue 1 trigger events are not retained. Such trigger events are considered unexpected, and the QADC sets
the TORn error status bit. An unexpected trigger event may denote a system overrun situation.
In externally gated continuous-scan mode, the behavior of TORn has been redefined. In the case that the
queue reaches an end-of-queue condition for the second time during an open gate, TORn is set. This is
considered an overrun condition. In this case, CF1 has been set for the first end-of-queue condition and
TORn sets for the second end-of-queue condition. For TOR1 to set, CF2 must not be cleared before the
second end-of-queue.
The QS field indicates the status of queue 1 and queue 2. Following are the five queue status conditions:
Trigger pending
The idle state occurs when a queue is disabled, when a queue is in a res erved mo de, or when a queue is in
a valid queue operating mode awaiting a trigger event to initiate queue execution. One or both queues may
be in the idle state. When a queue is idle, CCWs are not being executed for that queue, the queue is not in
the pause state, and no trigger is pending.
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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A queue is in the active state when a valid queue operating mode is selected, when the selected trigger
event has occurred, or when the QADC is performing a conversion specified by a CCW from that queue.
Only one queue can be active at a time.
One or both queues can be in the paused state. A queue is paused when the previous CCW executed from
that queue had the pause bit set. The QADC does not execute any CCWs from the paused queue until a
trigger event occurs. Consequently, the QADC can service queue 2 while queue 1 is paused.
Only queue 2 can be in the suspended state. When a trigger event occurs on queue 1 while queue 2 is
executing, the current queue 2 conversion is aborted and the queue 2 status is reported as suspended. Queue
2 transitions back to the active state when queue 1 becomes idle or paused.
A trigger pending state is required because both queues cannot be active at the same time. The status of
queue 2 is changed to trigger pending when a trigger event occurs for queue 2 while queue 1 is active. In
the opposite case, when a trigger event occurs for queue 1 while queue 2 is active, queue 2 is aborted and
the status is reported as queue 1 active, queue 2 suspended. So due to the priority scheme, only queue 2
can be in the trigger pending state.
Two transition cases cause the queue 2 status to be trigger pending before queue 2 is shown to be in the
active state. When queue 1 is active and there is a trigger pending on queue 2, after queue 1 completes or
pauses, queue 2 continues to be in the trigger pending state for a few clock cycles. The fleeting status
conditions are:
Queue 1 idle with queue 2 trigger pending
Queue 1 paused with queue 2 trigger pending
Figure 28-12 displays the status conditions of the QS field as the QADC goes through the transition from
queue 1 active to queue 2 active.
When a queue enters the paused state, CWP points to the CCW with the pause bit set. While in pause, the
CWP value is maintained until a trigger event occurs on either queue. Usually, the CWP is updated a few
clock cycles before the queue status field shows that the queue has become active. For example, a read of
CWP may point to a CCW in queue 2, while the queue status field shows queue 1 paused and queue 2
trigger pending.
When the QADC finishes a queue scan, the CWP points to the CCW where the end-of-queue condition
was detected. Therefore, when the end-of-queue condition is a CCW with the EOQ code (channel 63), the
CWP points to the CCW containing the EOQ.
When the last CCW in a queu e is the las t CCW table location (CCW63), and it does not contain the EOQ
code, the end-of-queue is detected when the following CCW is read, so the CWP points to word CCW0.
Finally, when queue 1 operation is terminated after a CCW is read that is pointed to by BQ2, the CWP
points to the same CCW as BQ2.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field CF1 PF1 CF2 PF2 TOR1 TOR2 QS9 QS8
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R/W R
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-20 Freescale Semiconductor
7 6 5 4 3210
Reset 0000_0000
R/W: R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0010, 0x19_0011
Figure 28-11. QADC Status Register 0 (QASR0)
Table 28-10. QASR0 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15, 13 CFnQueue completion flag. Indicates that a que ue scan has been completed. CF[1:2] is
set by the QADC when the input channel sample requested by the last CCW in the
queue is converted, and the result is stored in the result table.
When CFn is set and queue completion interrupts are enabled (QACRn[CIEn] = 1),
the QADC requests an interrupt. Th e interrupt request is cleared when a 0 is written
to the CF1 bit after it has been read as a 1. Once set, CF1 can be cleared only by a
reset or by writing a 0 to it.
CF[1:2] is updated by the QADC regardless of whether the corresponding interrupt is
enabled. This allows polled recognition of the queue scan completion.
14, 12 PFnQueue pause flag. Indicates that a queue scan has reached a pause. PF[1:2] is set by
the QADC when the current queue 1 CCW has the pause bit set, the selected input
channel has been converted, and the result has been stored in the result table.
When PFn is set and interrupts are enabled (QACRn[PIEn] = 1), the QADC requests
an interrupt. The interrupt request is cleared when a 0 is written to PFn, after it has
been read as a 1. Once set, PFn can be cleared only by reset or by writing a 0 to it.
1 Queue 1 has reached a pause or gate closed bef ore end-of-queue in gated mode.
0 Queue 1 has not reached a pause or gate has not closed before end-of-queue in
gated mode.
1 Queue 2 has reached a pause.
0 Queue 2 has not reached a pause.
See Table 28-11 for a summary of CCW pause bit response in all scan mode s.
11–10 TORnQueue trigger overrun flag. Indicates that an unexpected trigger event has occurred
for queue 1. TOR[1:2] can be set only while the queue is in the active state.
Once set, TOR[1:2] is cleared onl y by a reset or by writing a 0 to it.
1 At least one une xpected queue 1 trigger ev ent has occurred or queue 1 reaches an
end-of-queue condition for the second time in externally gated continuous scan.
0 No unexpected queue 1 trigger events have occurred.
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Freescale Semiconductor 28-21
9–6 QS Queue status. Indicates the current condition of queue 1 and queue 2. The two most
significant bits are associated primarily with queue 1, and the remaining two bits are
associated with queue 2. Because the priority scheme between the two queues
causes the status to be interlinked, the status bits must be considered as one 4-bit
field. Table 28-12 shows the bits in the QS field and how they denote the status of
queue 1 and queue 2.
The queue status field is affected by QADC stop mode. Because all of the analog logic
and control registers are reset, the queue status field is reset to queue 1 idle, queue
2 idle.
During debug mode, the queue status field is not modified. The queue status field
retains the status it held prior to freezing. As a result, the queue status can show
queue 1 active, queue 2 idle, even though neither queue is being executed during
5–0 CWP Command word pointer. De notes which CCW is executing at present or was last
completed. CWP is a read-only field with a valid range of 0 to 63; write operations have
no effect.
During stop mode, CWP is reset to 0 because the control re gisters and the analog
logic are reset. When debug mode is entered, CWP is not changed; it points to the last
executed CCW.
Table 28-11. CCW Pause Bit Response
Scan Mode Queue Operation PF Asserts?
Exter nally triggered single-scan Pauses Yes
Exter nally triggered continuous-scan Pauses Yes
Interval timer trigger single-scan Pauses Yes
Interval timer continuous-scan Pauses Yes
Softw are-initiat ed single-s can Continues Yes
Software-initiated continuous-scan Continues Yes
Exter nally gated single-scan Continues No
Exter nally gated continuous-scan Continues No
Table 28- 12 . Qu e ue Stat us
QS[9:6] Queue 1/Queue 2 States
0000 Queue 1 idle, queue 2 idle
0001 Queue 1 idle, queue 2 paused
0010 Queue 1 idle, queue 2 active
0011 Queue 1 idle, queue 2 trigger pending
0100 Queue 1 paused, queue 2 idle
0101 Queue 1 paused, queue 2 paused
0110 Queue 1 paused, queue 2 active
Table 28-10. QASR0 Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
28-22 Freescale Semiconductor
0111 Queue 1 paused, queue 2 trigger pending
1000 Queue 1 active, queue 2 idle
1001 Queue 1 active, queue 2 paused
1010 Queue 1 active, queue 2 suspended
1011 Queue 1 active, queue 2 trigger pending
1100 Reserved
1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 Reserved
Table 28-12. Queue Status (continued)
QS[9:6] Queue 1/Queue 2 States
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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Figure 28-12. Queue Status Transition QADC Status Register 1 (QASR1)
Stop mode resets this register .
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset 0011_1111
R/W: R
Q1 Idle/
Q2 Active
Q1 Idle/
Q2 Idle
Q1 Active/
Q2 Idle
Q1 Paused/
Q2 Idle
Q1 Active/
Q2 Suspended
Q1 Active/
Q2 Paused
Q1 Paused/
Q2 Active
Q1 Idle/
Q2 Paused
Q1 Paused/
Q2 Paused
Q1 Active/
Q2 Trigger
Q1 Paused/
Q2 Trigger
Q2 Complete
Delayed Transition
Q1 Pause Bit Set
Q2 Trigger Event
Q1 Trigger Event
Q1 Pause Bit Set
Q1 Complete
Q1 Trigger Event
Q1 Complete
Delayed Transition
Q1 Complete
Q1 Pause Bit Set
Q1 Trigger Event
Q2 Complete
Q2 Pause Bit Set
Q2 Trigger Event
Q1 Trigger Event
Q1 Complete
Q1 Trigger Event
Q1 Pause Bit Set
Q2 Pause Bit Set
Q2 Trigger Event
Q1 Idle/
Q2 Trigger
Q1 Trigger Event
Q2 Trigger Event
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Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
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28.6.7 Conversion Command Word Table (CCW)
The CCW table is 64 half-word (128 byte) long RAM with 10 bits of each entry implemented. The CCW
table is written by the user and is not modified by the QADC. Each CCW requests the conversion of one
analog channel to a digital result. The CCW specifies the analog channel number, the input sample time,
and whether the queue is to pause after the current CCW. The bits in this register are read anytime (except
during stop mode), write anytime (except during stop mode).
7 6 5 4 3210
Reset 0011_1111
R/W: R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0012, 0x19_0013
Figure 28-13. QADC Status Register 1 (QASR1)
Table 28-13. QASR1 Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–14 Reserved, should be cleared.
13–8 CWPQ1 Queue 1 command word pointer. P oints to the last queue 1 CCW ex ecuted. This is a
read-only field with a valid range of 0 to 63; writes have no effect. CWPQ1 always
points to the last executed CCW in queue 1, regardless of which queue is active.
In contrast to CWP, CPWQ1 is updated when a conv ersion result is written. When the
QADC finishes a conversion in queue 1, both the result register is written and CWPQ1
is updated.
When queue 1 operation is terminated after a CCW is read that is pointed to by BQ2,
CWP points to BQ2 while CWPQ1 points to the last queue 1 CCW.
During stop mode, CWPQ1 is reset to 63, because the control registers and the
analog logic are reset. When debug mode is entered, CWPQ1 is not changed; it points
to the last executed CCW in queue 1.
7–6 Reserved, should be clea re d .
5–0 CWPQ Queue 2 command word pointer. P oints to the last queue 2 CCW executed. This is a
read-only field with a valid range of 0 to 63; writes have no effect. CWPQ2 always
points to the last executed CCW in queue 2, regardless which queue is active.
In contrast to CWP, CPWQ2 is updated when a conv ersion result is written. When the
QADC finishes a conversion in queue 2, both the result register is written and CWPQ2
is updated.
During stop mode, CWPQ2 is reset to 63 because the control registers and the analog
logic are reset. When debug mode is entered, CWPQ2 is not changed; it points to the
last executed CCW in qu eue 2.
15 10 9 8
Field P BYP
Reset 0000_00 Unaffected
R/W: R R/W
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7 6 5 4 3210
Reset Undefined
R/W: R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0200, 0x19_027e
Figure 28-14. Conversion Co mma nd Word Table (CCW)
Table 28-14. CCW Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–10 Reserved, should be cleared.
9 P Pause. Allows subqueues to be created within queue 1 and queue 2. The QADC
performs the conversion specified by the CCW with the pause bit set and then the
queue enters the pause state. Another trigger event causes execution to continue from
the pause to the next CCW.
1 Enter pause state after execution of current CCW.
0 Do not enter pause state after execution of current CCW.
NOTE: The P bit does not cause the queue to pause in software-initiated modes or
externally gated modes.
8 BYP Sample amplifier by pass. Enables the amplifier bypass mode for a conversion and
subsequently changes the timing. The initia l sample time is eliminated, reducing the
potential conversion time by two QCLKs. However, due to internal RC effects, a
minimum final sample time of four QCLKs must be allowed. When using this mode,
the external circuit should be of low source impedance. Loading effects of the external
circuitry need to be considered because the benefits of the sample amplifier are not
1 Amplifier bypass mode enabled
0 Amplifier bypass mode disabled
NOTE: BYP is maintained for software compatibility but has no functional benefit on
this version of the QADC.
7–6 IST Input sample time. Specifies the length of the sample window. The input sample time
can be varied, under software control, to accommodate various input channel source
impedances. Longer sample times permit more accurate A/D conversions of signals
with higher source impedances.
Table 28-15 shows the four selectable input sample times.
The programmable sample time can also be used to adjust queue execution time or
sampling rate by increasing the time interval between conversions.
5–0 CHAN Selects the input channel number. The CCW channel field is programmed with the
channel number corresponding to the anal og input signal to be sampled and
converted. The analog input signal channel number assignments and the signal
definitions vary depending on whether the QADC multiplexed or non-multiplexed
mode is used by the application. As f ar as queue scanning operations are concerned,
there is no distinction between an internally or externally multiplexed analog input.
Table 28-16 shows the channel number assignments for non-multiplexed mode.
Table 28-17 shows the channel number assignments for multiplexed mode.
Programming the channel field to channel 63 denotes the end of the queue. Channels
60 to 62 are special internal channels. When one of the special channels is selected,
the sampling amplifier is not used. The value of VRL, VRH, or (VRH–VRL)/2 is converted
directly. Programming any input sample time other than two has no benefit for the
special internal channels except to lengthen the overall conversion time.
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Table 28-15. Input Sample Times
IST[1:0] Input Sample Times
00 Input sample time = QCLK period × 2
01 Input sample time = QCLK period × 4
10 Input sample time = QCLK period × 8
11 Input sample time = QCLK period × 16
Table 28-16. Non-Multiplexed Channel Assignments and Signal Designations
Non-Multiplexed Input Signals Channel Number1
in CCW CHAN Field
1All channels not listed are reserved or unimplemented and return undefined results.
Port Signal Name Analog Signal Name Other
Functions Signal Type Binary Decimal
Input/Output 110100
110101 52
ETRIG2 Input/Output
Input/Output 110111
111000 55
Low reference
High reference
End- of-Queue Code 11111 1 63
Table 28-17. Multiplexed Channel Assignments and Signal Designations
Multiplexed Input Sig nals Channel Number1
in CCW CHAN Field
Port Signal
Name Analog
Signal Name Other
Functions Signal Type Binary Decimal
0, 2, 4, 6
1, 3, 5, 7
16, 18, 20, 22
17, 19, 21, 23
MA1 Output
Output —52
ETRIG2 Input/Output
Input/Output 110111
111000 55
Low Refe rence
High Reference
End-of-Queue Code 111111 63
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28.6.8 Result Registers
The result word table is a 64 half-word (128 byte) long by 10-bit wide RAM. An entry is written by the
QADC after completing an analog conversion specified by the corresponding CCW table entry. Right-Justified Unsigned Result Register (RJURR) Left-Justified Signed Result Register (LJSRR)
1All channels not listed are reserved or unimplemented and return undefined results.
15 10 9 8
Reset 0000_00 Undefined
R/W: R R/W
7 0
Reset Undefined
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0280, 0x1 9_02fe
Figure 28-15. Right-Justified Unsigned Result Register (RJURR)
Table 28-18. RJURR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–10 Reserved, should be cleared.
9–0 RESULT The conversion result is unsigned, right-justified data.
15 14 8
Reset Undefined
R/W: R/W
7 0
Reset Undefined
R/W: R/W
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0300, 0x19_037e
Figure 28-16. Left-Justified Signed Result Register (LJSRR)
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28-28 Freescale Semiconductor Left-Justified Unsigned Result Register (LJURR)
28.7 Functional Description
This subsection provides a functional description of the QADC.
28.7.1 Result Coherency
The QADC supports byte and half-word reads and writes across a 16-bit data bus interface. All conversion
results are stored in half-word registers, and the QADC does not allow more than one result register to be
read at a time. For this reason, the QADC does not guarantee read coherency.
Table 28-19. LJSRR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15 S The left justified, signed format corresponds to a half-scale, offset binary, two’s
complement data format. Conversion values corresponding to 1/2 full scale, 0x0200,
or higher are interpreted as positiv e values and have a sign bit of 0. An unsigned, right
justified conversion of 0x0200 would be represented as 0x0000 in this signed register,
where the sign = 0 and the result = 0. For an unsigned, right justified conversion of
0x3FF (full range or VRH), the signed equivalent in this register would be 0x7FC0, sign
= 0 and result = 0x1FF. For an unsigned, right justified conversion of 0x0000 (VRL), the
signed equivalent in this register would be 0x8000, sign = 1 and result = 0x000, a two’s
complement value representing –512.
14–6 RESULT The conversion result is signed, left-justified data.
5–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
15 8
Reset Undefined
R/W: R/W
765 0
Reset Undefined
R/W: R/W R
Address IPSBAR + 0x19_0380, 0x1 9_03fe
Figure 28-17. Left-Justified Unsigned Result Register (LJURR)
Table 28-20. LJURR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
15–6 RESULT The conversion result is unsigned, left-justified data.
5–0 Reserved, should be clea re d .
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Specifically, this means that while the QADC is operating, the data in the result registers can change from
one read to the next. Simply initiating a read of one result register will not prevent another from being
updated with a new conversion result.
Thus, to read any given number of result registers coherently, the queue or queues capable of modifying
these registers must be inactive. This can be guaranteed by system operating conditions (such as, known
completion of a software-initiated queue single-scan or no possibility of an externally triggered/gated
queue scan) or by simply disabling the queues (writing MQ1 and/or MQ2 to 0).
28.7.2 External Multiplexing
External multiplexer chips concentr ate a number of analog signals onto a few QADC inputs. This is useful
for applications that need to convert more analog signals than the QADC converter can normally support.
External multiplexing also puts the multiplexed chip closer to the signal source. This minimizes the
number of analog signals that need to be shielded due to the proximity of noisy high speed digital signals
at the microcontroller chip.
For example, four 4-input multiplexer chips can be put at the connector where the analog signals first
arrive on the printed circuit board. As a result, only four analog signals need to be shielded from noise as
they approach the microcontroller chip, rather than having to protect 16 analog signals. However , external
multiplexer chips may introduce additional noise and errors if not properly utilized. Therefore, it is
necessary to maintain low “on” resistance (the impedance of an analog switch when active within a
multiplexed chip) and insert a low pass filter (R/C) on the input side of the multiplexed chip. External Multiplexing Operation
The QADC can use from one to four external multiplexer chips to expand the number of analog signals
that may be converted. Up to 16 analog channels can be converted through external multiplexer selection.
The externally multiplexed channels are automatically selected from the channel field of the CCW, the
same as internally multiplexed channels. The QADC is configured for the externally multiplexed mode by
setting the MUX bit in control register 0 (QACR0).
Figure 28-18 shows the maximum configuration of four external multiplexer chips connected to the
QADC. The external multiplexer chips select one of four analog inputs and connect it to one analog output,
which becomes an input to the QADC. The QADC provides two multiplexed address signals, MA[1:0], to
select one of four inputs. These inputs are connected to all four external multiplexer chips. The analog
output of the four multiplexer chips are each connected to separate QADC inputs (ANW, ANX, ANY, and
ANZ) as shown in Figure 28-18
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Figure 28-18. External Multiplexing Configuration
When externally multiplexed mode is selected, the QADC automatically drives the MA output signals
from the channel number in each CCW. The QADC also converts the proper input channel (ANW, ANX,
ANY, and ANZ) by interpreting the CCW channel number. As a result, up to 16 externally multiplexed
channels appear to the conversion queues as directly connected signals. User software simply puts the
channel number of externally multiplexed channels into CCWs.
Port QBPort QA
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Figure 28-18 shows that the two MA signals may also be analog input signals. When external multiplexing
is selected, none of the MA signals can be used for analog or digital inputs. They become multiplexed
address outputs and are unaffected by DDRQA[1:0]. Module Version Options
The number of available analog channels varies, depending on whether external multiplexing is used. A
maximum of eight analog channels are supported by the internal multiplexing circuitry of the converter.
Table 28-21 shows the total number of analog input channels supported with 0 to 4 external multiplexer
28.7.3 Analog Subsystem
This section describes the QADC analog subsystem, which includes the front-end analog multiplexer and
analog-to-digital converter. Analog-to-Digital Con verter Operation
The analog subsystem consists of the path from the input signals to the A/D converter block. Signals from
the queue control logic are fed to the multiplexer and state machine. The end-of-conversion (EOC) signal
and the successive approximation register (SAR) reflect the result of the conversion. Figure 28-19 shows
a block diagram of the QADC analog subsystem.
Table 28-21. Analog Input Channels
Number of Analog Input Channels Available
Directly Connected + External Multiplexed = Total Channels1, 2
1The external trigger inputs are not shared with two analog input signals.
2When external multiplexing is used, two input channels are configured as multiple xed address
outputs, and for each external multiplex er chip , one input channel is a multiplex ed analog input.
No External Mux One External
Mux Two External
Muxes Three External
Muxes Four External
8 5 + 4 = 9 4 + 8 = 12 3 + 12 = 15 2 + 16 = 18
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Figure 28-19. QADC Analog Subsystem Block Diagram Conversion Cycle Times
Total conversion time is made up of initial sample time, final sample time, and resolution time. Initial
sample time refers to the time during which the selected input channel is coupled through the sample buffer
amplifier to the sample capacitor. The sample buffer is used to quickly reproduce its input signal on the
sample capacitor and minimize charge sharing errors. During the final sampling period the amplifier is
bypassed, and the multiplexer input charges the sample capacitor array directly for improved accuracy.
During the resolution period, the voltage in the sample capacitor is converted to a digital value and stored
in the SAR as shown in Figure 28-20.
Initial sample time is fixed at two QCLK cycles. Final sample time can be 2, 4, 8, or 16 QCLK cycles,
depending on the value of the IST field in the CCW. Resolution time is 10 QCLK cycles.
A conversion requires a minimum of 14 QCLK cycles (7 μs with a 2.0-MHz QCLK). If the maximum final
sample time period of 16 QCLKs is selected, the total conversion time is 28 QCLKs or 14 μs (with a
2.0-MHz QCLK).
Star t Conv
End OF Conv
10-bit A/D Converter Input
Compar- Successive
Bias Circuit
Chan. Decode & MUX
Signals From/to Queue Control Logic
State Machine & Logic
SAR Timing
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Figure 28-20. Conversion Timing
If the amplifier bypass mode is enabled for a conversion by setting the amplifier bypass (BYP) field in the
CCW, the timing changes to that shown in Figure 28-21. See Section 28.6.7, “Conversion Command W ord
Table (CCW) for more information on the BYP field. The initial sample time is eliminated, reducing the
potential conversion time by two QCLKs. When using the bypass mode, the external circuit should be of
low source impedance (typically less than 10 kΩ). Also, the loading ef fects on the external circuitry of the
QADC need to be considered, because the benefits of the sample amplifier are not present.
Because of internal RC time constants, use of a two QCLK sample time in
bypass mode will cause serious errors when operating the QADC at high
Figure 28-21. Bypass Mode Conversion Timing Channel Decode and Multiplexer
The internal multiplexer selects one of the eight analog input signals for conversion. The selected input is
connected to the sample buf fer amplifier or to the sample capacitor . The multiplexer also includes positive
and negative stress protection circuitry, which prevents deselected channels from affecting the selected
channel when current is injected into the deselected channels. Sample Buffer
The sample buffer is used to raise the effective input impedance of the A/D converter, so that external
factors (higher bandwidth or higher impedance) are less critical to accuracy. The input voltage is buffered
onto the sample capacitor to reduce crosstalk between channels. Comparator
The comparator output feeds into the SAR, which accumulates the A/D conversion result sequentially,
beginning with the MSB.
Sample Time Successive Approximation Resolution Sequence
2 Cycles
n Cycles
10 Cycles
Sample Time Successive Approximation Resolution Sequence
10 Cycles
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The bias circuit is controlled by the STOP signal to power-up and power-down all the analog circuits. Successive Approximation Register (SAR)
The input of the SAR is connected to the comparator output. The SAR sequentially receives the conversion
value one bit at a time, starting with the MSB. After accumulating the 10 bits of the conversion result, the
SAR data is transferred to the appropriate result location, where it may be read by user software. State Machine
The state machine generates all timing to perform an A/D conversion. An internal start-conversion signal
indicates to the A/D converter that the desired channel has been sent to the MUX. CCW[IST[1:0]] denotes
the desired sample time. CCW[BYP] determines whether to bypass the sample amplifier. Once the end of
conversion has been reached a signal is sent to the queue control logic indicating that a result is available
for storage in the result RAM.
28.8 Digital Control Subsystem
The digital control subsystem includes the control logic to sequence the conversion activity, the system
clock and periodic/interval timer, control and status registers, the conversion command word table RAM,
and the result word table RAM.
The central element for control of QADC conversions is the 64-entry conversion command word (CCW)
table. Each CCW specifies the conversion of one input channel. Depending on the application, one or two
queues can be established in the CCW table. A queue is a scan sequence of one or more input channels.
By using a pause mechanism, subqueues can be created in the two queues. Each queue can be operated
using one of several different scan modes. The scan modes for queue 1 and queue 2 are programmed in
control registers QACR1 and QACR2. Once a queue has been started by a trigger event (any of the ways
to cause the QADC to begin executing the CCWs in a queue or subqueue), the QADC performs a sequence
of conversions and places the results in the result word table.
28.8.1 Queue Priority Timing Examples
This subsection describes the QADC priority scheme when trigger events on two queues overlap or
conflict. Queue Priority
Queue 1 has priority over queue 2 execution. These cases show the conditions under which queue 1 asserts
its priority:
When a queue is not active, a trigger event for queue 1 or queue 2 causes the corresponding queue
execution to begin.
When queue 1 is active and a trigger event occurs for queue 2, queue 2 cannot begin execution until
queue 1 reaches completion or the paused state. The status register records the trigger event by
reporting the queue 2 status as trigger pending. Additional trigger events for queue 2, which occur
before execution can begin, are flagged as trigger overruns.
When queue 2 is active and a trigger event occurs for queue 1, the current queue 2 conversion is
aborted. The status register reports the queue 2 status as suspended. Any trigger events occurring
for queue 2 while it is suspended are flagged as trigger overruns. Once queue 1 reaches the
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completion or the paused state, queue 2 begins executing again. The programming of the RESUME
bit in QACR2 determines which CCW is executed in queue 2.
When simultaneous trigger events occur for queue 1 and queue 2, queue 1 begins execution and
the queue 2 status is changed to trigger pending.
When subqueues are paused
The pause feature can be used to divide queue 1 and/or queue 2 into multiple subqueues. A subqueue is
defined by setting the pause bit in the last CCW of the subqueue.
Figure 28-22 shows the CCW format and an example of using pause to create subqueues. Queue 1 is
shown with four CCWs in each subqueue and queue 2 has two CCWs in each subqueue.
The operating mode selected for queue 1 determines what type of trigger event causes the execution of
each of the subqueues within queue 1. Similarly, the operating mode for queue 2 determines the type of
trigger event required to execute each of the subqueues within queue 2.
For example, when the external trigger rising edge continuous-scan mode is selected for queue 1, and there
are six subqueues within queue 1, a separate rising edge is required on the external trigger signal after
every pause to begin the execution of each subqueue (refer to Figure 28-22).
The choice of single-scan or continuous-scan applies to the full queue, and is not applied to each subqueue.
Once a subqueue is initiated, each CCW is executed sequentially until the last CCW in the subqueue is
executed and the pause state is entered. Execution can only continue with the next CCW, which is the
beginning of the next subqueue. A subqueue cannot be executed a second time before the overall queue
execution has been completed.
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Figure 28-22. QADC Queue Operation with Pause
Trigger events which occur during the execution of a subqueue are ignored, but the trigger overrun flag is
set. When a continuous-scan mode is selected, a trigger event occurring after the completion of the last
subqueue (after the queue completion flag is set), causes the execution to continue with the first subqueue,
starting with the first CCW in the queue.
When the QADC encounters a CCW with the pause bit set, the queue enters the paused state after
completing the conversion specified in the CCW with the pause bit. The pause flag is set in QASR0, and
a pause interrupt may be requested. The status of the queue is shown to be paused, indicating completion
of a subqueue. The QADC then waits for another trigger event to again begin execution of the next
subqueue. Queue Priority Schemes
Because there are two conversion command queues and only one A/D converter, a priority scheme
determines which conversion occurs. Each queue has a variety of trigger events that are intended to initiate
conversions, and they can occur asynchronously in relation to each other and other conversions in
progress. For example, a queue can be idle awaiting a trigger event; a trigger event can have occurred, but
the first conversion has not started; a conversion can be in progress; a pause condition can exist awaiting
another trigger event to continue the queue; and so on.
Beginning of Queue 1 00
Channel Select,
Sample, Hold,
A/D Conversion
Conversion Command Result Word Table
Word (CCW) Table
00 P
End of Queue 1
Beginning of Queue 2
End of Queue 2
063 63
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The following paragraphs and figures outline the prioritizing criteria used to determine which conversion
occurs in each overlap situation.
Each situation in Figure 28-23 through Figure 28-33 is labeled S1 through
S19. In each diagram, time is shown increasing from left to right. The
execution of queue 1 and queue 2 (Q1 and Q2) is shown as a string of
rectangles representing the execution time of each CCW in the queue. In
most of the situations, there are four CCWs (labeled C1 to C4) in both queue
1 and queue 2. In some of the situations, CCW C2 is presumed to have the
pause bit set, to show the similarities of pause and end-of-queue as
terminations of queue execution.
Trigger events are described in Table 28-22.
When a trigger event causes a CCW execution in progress to be aborted, the aborted conversion is shown
as a ragged end of a shortened CCW rectangle.
The situation diagrams also show when key status bits are set.
Table 28-23 describes the status bits.
Below the queue execution flows are three sets of blocks that show the status information that is made
available to the user. The first two rows of status blocks show the condition of each queue as:
Suspended (queue 2 only)
Trigger pending
The third row of status blocks shows the 4-bit QS status register field that encodes the condition of the two
queues. Two transition status cases, QS = 001 1 and QS = 01 1 1, are not shown because they exist only very
briefly between stable status conditions.
Table 28-22. Trigger Events
Trigger Events
T1 Events that trigger queue 1 execution (external trigger , software-initiated single-scan
enable bit, or completion of the previous continuous loop)
T2 Events that trigger queue 2 execution (external trigger , software-initiated single-scan
enable bit, timer period/interval expired, or completion of the previous continuous
Table 28-23. Status Bits
Bit Function
CF flag Set when the end of the queue is reached
PF flag Set when a queue comp letes execution up through a pause bit
Trigger overrun
error (TOR) Set when a new trigger event occurs before the queue is finished
servicing the previous trigger ev ent
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The first three examples in Figure 28-23 through Figure 28-25 (S1, S2, and S3) show what happens when
a new trigger event is recognized before the queue has completed servicing the previous trigger event on
the same queue.
In situation S1 (Figure 28-23), one trigger event is being recognized on each queue while that queue is still
working on the previously recognized trigger event. The trigger overrun error status bit is set, and the
premature trigger event is otherwise ignored. A trigger event that occurs before the servicing of the
previous trigger event is through does not disturb the queue execution in progress.
Figure 28-23. CCW Priority Situation 1
In situation S2 (Figure 28-24), more than one trigger event is recognized before servicing of a previous
trigger event is complete. The trigger overrun bit is again set, but the additional trigger events are otherwise
ignored. After the queue is complete, the first newly detected trigger event causes queue execution to begin
again. When the trigger event rate is high, a new trigger event can be seen very soon after completion of
the previous queue, leaving little time to retrieve the previous results. Also, when trigger events are
occurring at a high rate for queue 1, the lower priority queue 2 channels may not get serviced at all.
Figure 28-24. CCW Priority Situation 2
Situation S3 (Figure 28-25) shows that when the pause feature is used, the trigger overrun error status bit
is set the same way and that queue execution continues unchanged.
0000 1000 0000 0010 0000
T1 T1
Q1: C1 C2 C3 C4
CF1 C1 C2 C3 C4
T2 T2
1000 1000 0000 0010 0000
C1 C2 C3 C4
T2 T2
C1 C2 C3 C4
C1 C2 C3 C4
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Figure 28-25. CCW Priority Situation 3
The next two situations consider trigger events that occur for the lower priority queue 2, while queue 1 is
actively being serviced.
Situation S4 (Figure 28-26) shows that a queue 2 trigger event is recognized while queue 1 is active is
saved, and as soon as queue 1 is finished, queue 2 servicing begins.
Figure 28-26. CCW Priority Situation 4
Situation S5 (Figure 28-27) shows that when multiple queue 2 trigger events are detected while queue 1 is
busy, the trigger overrun error bit is set, but queue 1 execution is not disturbed. Situation S5 also shows
that the effect of queue 2 trigger events during queue 1 execution is the same when the pause feature is
used for either queue.
1000 0110 0001 0010
C1 C2
T1 T1
C1 C2
T2 T2
C3 C4
T1 T1
C3 C4
T2 T2
0000 1000 0010
C1 C2 C3 C4
Q2: C1 C2 C3 C4
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Figure 28-27. CCW Priority Situation 5
The remaining situations, S6 through S11, show the impact of a queue 1 trigger event occurring during
queue 2 execution. Because queue 1 has higher priority, the conversion taking place in queue 2 is aborted
so that there is no variable latency time in responding to queue 1 trigger events.
In situation 6 (Figure 28-28), the conversion initiated by the second CCW in queue 2 is aborted just before
the conversion is complete, so that queue 1 execution can begin. Queue 2 is considered suspended. After
queue 1 is finished, queue 2 starts over with the first CCW, when the RESUME control bit is set to 0.
Situation S7 (Figure 28-29) shows that when pause operation is not used with queue 2, queue 2 suspension
works the same way.
Figure 28-28. CCW Priority Situation 6
0000 1000 0010
C1 C2
C1 C2
C3 C4
C3 C4
T2T2 PF1
T2T2 CF1
0101 1001 1011
0000 1000
C1 C2
C3 C4
0110 1010
C1 C2 C3 C4
0010 0000
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Figure 28-29. CCW Priority Situation 7
Situations S8 and S9 (Figure 28-30 and Figure 28-31) repeat the same two situations with the RESUME
bit set to a 1. When the RESUME bit is set, following suspension, queue 2 resumes execution with the
aborted CCW, not the first CCW, in the queue.
Figure 28-30. CCW Priority Situation 8
0010 0110 1010 0010
C1 C2
0000 1010
C3 C4
C1 C3
0000 1000 0010
C1 C2
C3 C4
0110 1010
C2 C3 C4
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Figure 28-31. CCW Priority Situation 9
Situations S10 and S11 (Figure 28-32 and Figure 28-33) show that when an additional trigger event is
detected for queue 2 while the queue is suspended, the trigger overru n error bit is set, the same as if queue
2 were being executed when a new trigger event occurs. Trigger overrun on queue 2 thus allows the user
to know that queue 1 is taking up so much QADC time that queue 2 trigger events are being lost.
Figure 28-32. CCW Priority Situation 10
0010 0110 1010 0010
C1 C2
0000 1010 0101
C3 C4
C2 C4
T1 T1
0010 0110 1010 0010
C1 C2
0000 1010 0101
C1 C2
C3 C4
C3 C4
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Figure 28-33. CCW Priority Situation 11
The previous situations cover normal overlap conditions that arise with asynchronous trigger events on the
two queues. An additional conflict to consider is that the freeze condition can arise while the QADC is
actively executing CCWs. The conventional use for the debug mode is for software/hardware debugging.
When the CPU enters background debug mode, peripheral modules can cease operation. When freeze is
detected, the QADC completes the conversion in progress, unlike the abort that occurs when queue 1
suspends queue 2. After the freeze condition is removed, the QADC continues queue execution with the
next CCW in sequence.
Trigger events that occur during freeze are not captured. When a trigger event is pending for queue 2 before
freeze begins, that trigger event is remembered when the freeze is passed. Similarly, when freeze occurs
while queue 2 is suspended, after freeze, queue 2 resumes execution as soon as queue 1 is finished.
Situations 12 through 19 (Figure 28-34 to Figure 28-41) show examples of all of the freeze situations.
Figure 28-34. CCW Freeze Situation 12
T1 T1
C3 C4
0010 0110 1010 0010
C1 C2
0000 1010 0101
C2 C4 RESUME = 1
C3 C4
C1 C2
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Figure 28-35. CCW Freeze Situation 13
Figure 28-36. CCW Freeze Situation 14
Figure 28-37. . CCW Freeze Situation 15
Figure 28-38. CCW Freeze Situation 16
C1 C2
C3 C4
C1 C2
C3 C4
T1 T1
T2 T2
C1 C2
C3 C4
T2 T2
T1 T1
C1 C2
C3 C4
T1 T1
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Figure 28-39. CCW Freeze Situation 17
Figure 28-40. CCW Freeze Situation 18
Figure 28-41. CCW Freeze Situation 19
28.8.2 Boundary Conditions
The queue operation boundary conditions are:
The first CCW in a queue specifies channel 63, the end-of-queue (EOQ) code. The queue becomes
active and the first CCW is read. The end-of-queue is recognized, the completion flag is set, and
the queue becomes idle. A conversion is not performed.
BQ2 (beginning of queue 2) is set at the end of the CCW table (63) and a trigger event occurs on
queue 2. The end-of-queue condition is recognized, a conversion is performed, the completion flag
is set, and the queue becomes idle.
BQ2 is set to CCW0 and a trigger event occurs on queue 1. After reading CCW0, the end-of-queue
condition is recognized, the completion flag is set, and the queue becomes idle. A conversion is not
C1 C2
C3 C4
T2 T2
C1 C2
C3 C4
C1 C2
Q2: C3
C1 C2
C1 C2
Q2: C3
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BQ2 (beginning of queue 2) is set beyond the end of the CCW table (64–127) and a trigger event
occurs on queue 2. The end-of-queue condition is recognized immediately, the completion flag is
set, and the queue becomes idle. A conversion is not performed.
Multiple end-of-queue conditions may be recognized simultaneously,
although there is no change in QADC behavior. For example, if BQ2 is set
to CCW0, CCW0 contains the EOQ code, and a trigger event occurs on
queue 1, the QADC reads CCW0 and detects both end-of-queue conditions.
The completion flag is set and queue 1 becomes idle.
Boundary conditions also exist for combinations of pause and end-of-queue. One case is when a pause bit
is in one CCW and an end-of-queue condition is in the next CCW. The conversion specified by the CCW
with the pause bit set completes normally. The pause flag is set. However, because the end-of-queue
condition is recognized, the completion flag is also set and the queue status becomes idle, not paused.
Examples of this situation include:
The pause bit is set in CCW5 and the channel 63 (EOQ) code is in CCW6.
The pause is in CCW63.
During queue 1 operation, the pause bit is set in CCW20 and BQ2 points to CCW21.
Another pause and end-of-queue boundary condition occurs when the pause and an end-of-queue
condition occur in the same CCW. Both the pause and end-of-queue conditions are recognized
simultaneously . The end-of-queue condition has precedence so a conversion is not performed for the CCW
and the pause flag is not set. The QADC sets the completion flag and the queue status becomes idle.
Examples of this situation are:
The pause bit is set in CCW10 and EOQ is programmed into CCW10.
During queue 1 operation, the pause bit set in CCW32, which is also BQ2.
28.8.3 Scan Modes
The QADC queuing mechanism allows application software to utilize different requirements for
automatically scanning input channels.
In single-scan mode, a single pass through a sequence of conversions defined by a queue is performed. In
continuous-scan mode, multiple passes through a sequence of conversions defined by a queue are
The possible modes are:
Disabled mode and reserved mode
Software-initiated single-scan mode
Externally triggered single-scan mode
Externally gated single-scan mode
Interval timer single-scan mode
Software-initiated continuous-scan mode
Externally triggered continuous-scan mode
Externally gated continuous-scan mode
Periodic timer continuous-scan mode
The following paragraphs describe single-scan and continuous-scan operations.
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28.8.4 Disabled Mode
When disabled mode is selected, the queue is not active. Trigger events cannot initiate queue execution.
When both queue 1 and queue 2 are disabled, there is no possibility of encountering wait states when
accessing CCW table and result RAM. When both queues are disabled, it is safe to change the QCLK
prescaler values.
28.8.5 Reserved Mode
Reserved mode is available for future mode definitions. When reserved mode is selected, the queue is not
active. The behavior is the same as disabled mode.
28.8.6 Single-Scan Modes
A single-scan queue operating mode is used to execute a single pass through a sequence of conversions
defined by a queue. By programming the MQ1 field in QACR1 or the MQ2 field in QACR2, these modes
can be selected:
Software-initiated single-scan mode
Externally triggered single-scan mode
Externally gated single-scan mode
Interval timer single-scan mode
Queue 2 cannot be programmed for externally gated single-scan mode.
In all single-scan queue operating modes, queue execution is enabled by writi ng the single-scan enable bit
to a 1 in the queue’s control register. The single-scan enable bits, SSE1 and SSE2, are provided for queue
1 and queue 2, respectively.
Until a queue’s single-scan enable bit is set, any trigger events for that queue are ignored. The single-scan
enable bit may be set to a 1 during the same write cycle that selects the single-scan queue operating mode.
The single-scan enable bit can be written only to 1, but will always read 0. Once set, writing the single-scan
enable bit to 0 has no effect. Only the QADC can clear the single-scan enable bit. The completion flag,
completion interrupt, or queue status is used to determine when the queue has completed.
After the single-scan enable bit is set, a trigger event causes the QADC to begin execution with the first
CCW in the queue. The single-scan enable bit remains set until the queue is completed. After the queue
reaches completion, the QADC resets the single-scan enable bit to 0. Writing the single-scan enable bit to
a 1 or a 0 before the queue scan is complete has no effect; however, if the queue operating mode is changed,
the new queue operating mode and the value of the single-scan enable bit are recognized immediately. The
conversion in progress is aborted, and the new queue operating mode takes effect.
In software-initiated single-scan mode, writing a 1 to the single-scan enable bit causes the QADC to
generate a trigger event internally , and queue execution begins immediately. In the other single-scan queue
operating modes, once the single-scan enable bit is written, the selected trigger event must occur before
the queue can start. The single-scan enable bit allows the entire queue to be scanned once. A trigger
overrun is captured if a trigger event occurs during queue execution in an edge-sensitive external trigger
mode or a periodic/interval timer mode.
In the interval timer single-scan mode, the next expiration of the timer is the trigger event for the queue.
After queue execution is complete, the queue status is shown as idle. The queue can be restarted by setting
the single-scan enable bit to 1. Queue execution begins with the first CCW in the queue.
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Software can initiate the execution of a scan sequence for queue 1 or 2 by selecting software-initiated
single-scan mode and writing the single-scan enable bit in QACR1 or QACR2. A trigger event is generated
internally and the QADC immediately begins execution of the first CCW in the queue. If a pause occurs,
another trigger event is generated internally, and then execution continues without pausing.
The QADC automatically performs the conversions in the queue until an end-of-queue condition is
encountered. The queue remains idle until the single-scan enable bit is again set. While the time to
internally generate and act on a trigger event is very short, the queue status field can be read as
momentarily indicating that the queue is paused. The trigger overrun flag is never set while in
software-initiated single-scan mode.
The software-initiated single-scan mode is useful when:
Complete control of queue execution is required
There is a need to easily alternate between several queue sequences Externally Triggered Single-Scan Mode
The externally triggered single-scan mode is available on both queue 1 and queue 2. Both rising and falling
edge triggered modes are available. A scan must be enabled by setting the single-scan enable bit for the
The first external trigger edge causes the queue to be executed one time. Each CCW is read and the
indicated conversions are performed until an end-of-queue condition is encountered. After the queue is
completed, the QADC clears the single-scan enable bit. The single-scan enable b it can be written a gain to
allow another scan of the queue to be initiated by the next external trigger edge.
The externally triggered single-scan mode is useful when the input trigger rate can exceed the queue
execution rate. Analog samples can be taken in sync with an external event, even though application
software does not require data taken from every edge. Externally triggered single-scan mode can be
enabled to get one set of data and, at a later time, be enabled again for the next set of samples.
When a pause bit is encountered during externally triggered single-scan mode, another trigger event is
required for queue execution to continue. Software involvement is not required for queue execution to
continue from the paused state. Externally Gated Single-Scan Mode
The QADC provides external gating for queue 1 only . When externally gated single-scan mode is selected,
the input level on the associated external trigger signal enables and disables queue execution. The polarity
of the external gate signal is fixed so that only a high level opens the gate and a low level closes the gate.
Once the gate is open, each CCW is read and the indicated conversions are performed until the gate is
closed. Queue scan must be enabled by setting the single-scan enable bit for queue 1. If a pause is
encountered, the pause flag does not set, and execution continues without pausing.
While the gate is open, queue 1 executes one time. Each CCW is read and the indicated conversions are
performed until an end-of-queue condition is encountered. When queue 1 completes, the QADC sets the
completion flag (CF1) and clears the single-scan enable bit. Set the single-scan enable bit again to allow
another scan of queue 1 to be initiated during the next open gate.
If the gate closes before queue 1 completes execution, the current CCW completes, execution of queue 1
stops, the single-scan enable bit is cleared, and the PF1 bit is set. The CWPQ1 field can be read to
determine the last valid conversion in the queue. The single-scan enable bit must be set again and the PF1
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bit should be cleared before another scan of queue 1 is initiated during the next open gate. The start of
queue 1 is always the first CCW in the CCW table.
Because the gate level is only sampled after each conversion during queue execution, closing the gate for
a period less than a conversion time interval does not guarantee the closure will be captured. Interval Timer Single-Scan Mode
Both queues can use the periodic/interval timer in a single-scan queue operating mode. The timer inte rval
can range from 27 to 217 QCLK cycles in binary multiples. When the interval timer single-scan mode is
selected and the single-scan enable bit is set in QACR1 or QACR2, the timer begins counting. When the
time interval elapses, an internal trigger event is generated to start the queue and the QADC begins
execution with the first CCW.
The QADC automatically performs the conversions in the queue until a pause or an end-of-queue
condition is encountered. When a pause occurs, queue execution stops until the timer interval elapses
again, and queue execution continues. When queue execution reaches an end-of-queue situation, the
single-scan enable bit is cleared. Set the single-scan enable bit again to allow another scan of the queue to
be initiated by the interval timer.
The interval timer generates a trigger event whenever the time interval elapses. The trigger event may
cause queue execution to continue following a pause or may be considered a trigger overrun. Once queue
execution is completed, the single-scan enable bit must be set again to allow the timer to count again.
Normally, only one queue is enabled for interval timer single-scan mode, and the timer will reset at the
end-of-queue. However, if both queues are enabled for either single-scan or continuous interval timer
mode, the end-of-queue condition will not reset the timer while the other queue is active. In this case, the
timer will reset when both queues have reached end-of-queue. See Section 28.8.9, “Periodic/Interval
Timer for a definition of interval timer reset conditions.
The interval timer single-scan mode can be used in applications that need coherent results. For example:
When it is necessary that all samples are guaranteed to be taken during the same scan of the analog
When the interrupt rate in the periodic timer continuous-scan mode would be too high
In sensitive battery applications, where the interval timer single-scan mode uses less power than
the software-initiated continuous-scan mode
28.8.7 Continuous-Scan Modes
A continuous-scan queue operating mode is used to execute multiple passes through a sequence of
conversions defined by a queue. By programming the MQ1 field in QACR1 or the MQ2 field in QACR2,
these modes can be selected:
Software-initiated continuous-scan mode
Externally triggered continuous-scan mode
Externally gated continuous-scan mode
Periodic timer continuous-scan mode
Queue 2 cannot be programmed for externally gated continuous-scan mode.
When a queue is programmed for a continuous-scan mode, the single-scan enable bit in the queue control
register does not have any meaning or effect. As soon as the queue operating mode is programmed, the
selected trigger event can initiate queue execution.
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In the case of software-initiated continuous-scan mode, the trigger event is generated internally and queue
execution begins immediately. In the other continuous-scan queue operating modes, the selected trigger
event must occur before the queue can start. A trigger overrun is captured if a trigger event occurs during
queue execution in the externally triggered continuous-scan mode or the periodic timer continuous-scan
After queue execution is complete, the queue status is shown as idle. Because the continuous-scan queue
operating modes allow the entire queue to be scanned multiple times, software involvement is not needed
for queue execution to continue from the idle state. The next trigger event causes queue execution to begin
again, starting with the first CCW in the queue.
In continuous-scan modes, all samples are guaranteed to be taken during
one pass through the queue (coherently), except when a queue 1 trigger
event halts queue 2 execution. The time between consecutive conversions
has been designed to be consistent. However, for queues that end with a
CCW containing the EOQ code (channel 63), the time between the last
queue conversion and the first queue conversion requires one additional
CCW fetch cycle. Continuous samples are not coherent at this boundary.
In addition, the time from trigger to first conversion cannot be guaranteed,
because it is a function of clock synchronization, programmable trigger
events, queue priorities, and so on. Software-Initiated Continuous-Scan Mode
When software-initiated continuous-scan mode is selected, the trigger event is generated automatically by
the QADC. Queue execution begins immediately. If a pause is encountered, another trigger event is
generated internally, and execution continues without pausing. When the end-of-queue is reached, another
internal trigger event is generated and queue execution restarts at the beginning of the queue.
While the time to internally generate and act on a trigger event is very short, the queue status field can be
read as momentarily indicating that the queue is idle. The trigger overrun flag is never set while in
software-initiated continuous-scan mode.
The software-initiated continuous-scan mode keeps the result registers updated more frequently than any
of the other queue operating modes. The result table can always be read to get the latest converted value
for each channel. The channels scanned are kept up to date by the QADC without software involvement.
The software-initiated continuous-scan mode may be chosen for either queue, but is normally used only
with queue 2. When software-initiated continuous-scan mode is chosen for queue 1, that queue operates
continuously and queue 2, being lower in priority, never gets executed. The short interval of time between
a queue 1 completion and the subsequent trigger event is not sufficient to allow queue 2 execution to begin.
The software-initiated continuous-scan mode is a useful choice with queue 2 for converting channels that
do not need to be synchronized to anything or for slow-to-change analog channels. Interrupts are normally
not used with the software-initiated continuous-scan mode. Rather , the latest conversion results can be read
from the result table at any time. Once initiated, software action is not needed to sustain conversions of
channel. Externally Triggered Continuous-Scan Mode
The QADC provides external trigger signals for both queues. When externally triggered continuous-scan
mode is selected, a transition on the associated external trigger signal initiates queue execution. The
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polarity of the external trigger signal is programmable, so that a mode which begins queue execution on
the rising or falling edge can be selected. Each CCW is read and the indicated conversions are performed
until an end-of-queue condition is encountered. When the next external trigger edge is detected, queue
execution begins again automatically. Software involvement is not needed between trigger events.
When a pause bit is encountered in externally triggered continuous-scan mode, another trigger event is
required for queue execution to continue. Software involvement is not needed for queue execution to
continue from the paused state.
Some applications need to synchronize the sampling of analog channels to external events. There are cases
when it is not possible to use software initiation of the queue scan sequence, because interrupt response
times vary. Externally triggered continuous-scan mode is useful in these cases. Externally Gated Contin uous-Scan Mode
The QADC provides external gating for queue 1 only. When externally gated continuous-scan mode is
selected, the input level on the associated external trigger signal enables and disables queue execution. The
polarity of the external gate signal is fixed so that a high level opens the gate and a low level closes the
gate. Once the gate is open, each CCW is read and the indicated conversions are performed until the gate
is closed. When the gate opens again, queue execution automatically restarts at the beginning of the queue.
Software involvement is not needed between trigger events. If a pause in a CCW is encountered, the pause
flag does not set, and execution continues without pausing.
The purpose of externally gated continuous-scan mode is to continuously collect digitized samples while
the gate is open and to have the most recent samples available. It is up to the programmer to ensure that
the gate is not opened so long that an end-of-queue is reached.
In the event that the queue completes before the gate closes, the CF1 flag will set, and the queue will roll
over to the beginning and continue conversions until the gate closes. If the gate remains open and the CF1
flag is not cleared, when the queue completes a second time the TOR1 flag will set and the queue will
roll-over again. The queue will continue to execute until the gate closes or the mode is disabled.
If the gate closes before queue 1 completes execution, the QADC stops and sets the PF1 bit to indicate an
incomplete queue. The CWPQ1 field can be read to determine the last valid conversion in the queue. If the
gate opens again, execution of queue 1 restarts. The start of queue 1 is always the first CCW in the CCW
table. The condition of the gate is only sampled after each conversion during queue execution, so closing
the gate for a period less than a conversion time interval does not guarantee the closure will be captured. Periodic Timer Continuous-Scan Mode
The QADC includes a dedicated periodic timer for initiating a scan sequence on queue 1 and/or queue 2.
A programmable timer interval ranging from 27 to 217 times the QCLK period in binary multiples can be
selected. The QCLK period is prescaled down from the MCU clock.
When a periodic timer continuous-scan mode is selected, the timer begins counting. After the programmed
interval elapses, the timer generated trigger event starts the appropriate queue. The QADC automatically
performs the conversions in the queue until an end-of-queue condition or a pause is encountered. When a
pause occurs, the QADC waits for the periodic interval to expire again, then continues with the queue.
Once EOQ has been detected, the next trigger event causes queue execution to restart with the first CCW
in the queue.
The periodic timer generates a trigger event whenever the time interval elapses. The trigger event may
cause queue execution to continue following a pause or queue completion or may be considered a trigger
overrun. As with all continuous-scan queue operating modes, software action is not needed between
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trigger events. Because both queues may be triggered by the periodic/interval timer, see Section 28.8.9,
“Periodic/Interval Timer for a summary of periodic/interval timer reset conditions.
28.8.8 QADC Cloc k (QCLK) Generation
Figure 28-42 is a block diagram of the QCLK subsystem. The QCLK provides the timing for the A/D
converter state machine which controls the timing of the conversion. The QCLK is also the input to a
17-stage binary divider which implements the periodic/interval timer. To retain the specified analog
conversion accuracy, the QCLK frequency (fQCLK) must be within the tolerance specified in Chapter 33,
“Electrical Characteristics”.
Before using the QADC, the prescaler must be initialized with values that put the QCLK within the
specified range. Though most applications initialize the prescaler once and do not change it, write
operations to the prescaler fields are permitted.
Figure 28-42. QADC Clock Subsystem Functions
A change in the prescaler value while a conversion is in progress is likely to
corrupt the result. Therefore, any prescaler write operation should be done
only when both queues are in the disabled modes.
To accommodate the wide range of the system clock frequency, QCLK is generated by a programmable
prescaler which divides the system clock. To allow the A/D conversion time to be maximized across the
spectrum of system clock frequencies, the QADC prescaler permits the QCLK frequency to be software
selectable. The frequency of QCLK is set with the QPR field in QACR0.
28.8.9 Periodic/Interval Timer
The QADC periodic/interval timer can be used to generate trigger events at a programmable interval,
initiating execution of queue 1 and/or queue 2. The periodic/interval timer stays reset under these
ATD Converter
State Machine
272829210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
Periodic Timer/Interval Timer
Binary Counter
Queue 1 and Queue 2 Timer
Mode Rate Selection
Input Sample Time
from CCW SAR
SAR Control
Periodic/Interval Trigger
Event for Q1 and Q2
System Clock
by 2
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Both queue 1 and queue 2 are programmed to any mode which does not use the periodic/interval
System reset is asserted.
Stop mode is enabled.
Debug mode is enabled.
Interval timer single-scan mode does not start the periodic/interval timer
until the single-scan enable bit is set.
These conditions will cause a pulsed reset of the periodic/interval timer during use:
A queue 1 operating mode change to a mode which uses the periodic/interval timer, even if queue
2 is already using the timer
A queue 2 operating mode change to a mode which uses the periodic/interval timer, provided queue
1 is not in a mode which uses the periodic/interval timer
Roll over of the timer
During stop mode, the periodic/interval timer is held in reset. Because stop mode causes QACR1 and
QACR2 to be reset to 0, a valid periodic o r interval timer mode must be written after leaving stop mode to
release the timer from reset.
When QADC debug mode is entered and a periodic or interval timer mode is selected, the timer counter
is reset after the conversion in progress completes. When the periodic or interval timer mode has been
enabled (the timer is counting), but a trigger event has not been issued, debug mode takes effect
immediately, and the timer is held in reset. Removal of the QADC debug condition restarts the counter
from the beginning. Refer to Section 28.3.1, “Debug Mode for more information.
28.8.10 Conversion Command Word Table
The conversion command word (CCW) table is 64 half-word (128 byte) long RAM with 10 bits of each
entry implemented. The CCW table is written by the user and is not modified by the QADC. Each CCW
requests the conversion of one analog channel to a digital result. The CCW specifies the analog channel
number, the input sample time, and whether the queue is to pause after the current CCW. The 10
implemented bits of the CCW can be read and written. The remaining six bits are unimplemented and read
as 0s; write operations have no effect. Each location in the CCW table corresponds to a location in the
result word table. When a conversion is completed for a CCW entry, the 10-bit result is written in the
corresponding result word entry.
The beginning of queue 1 is the first location in the CCW table. The first location of queue 2 is specified
by the beginning of queue 2 pointer field (BQ2) in QACR2. To dedicate the entire CCW table to queue 1,
place queue 2 in disabled mode and write BQ2 to 64 or greater . To dedicate the entire CCW table to queue
2, place queue 1 in disabled mode and set BQ2 to the first location in the CCW table (CCW0).
Figure 28-43 illustrates the operation of the queue structure.
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Figure 28-43. QADC Conversion Queue Operation
To prepare the QADC for a scan sequence, write to the CCW table to specify the desired channel
conversions. The criteria for queue execution is established by selecting the queue operating mode. The
queue operating mode determines what type of trigger event starts queue execution. A trigger event refers
to any of the ways that cause the QADC to begin executing the CCWs in a queue or subqueue. An external
trigger is only one of the possible trigger events.
A scan sequence may be initiated by:
A software command
Expiration of the periodic/interval timer
An external trigger signal
An external gated signal (queue 1 only)
The queue can be scanned in single pass or continuous fashion. When a single-scan mode is selected, the
scan must be engaged by setting the single-scan enable bit. When a continuous-scan mode is selected, the
queue remains active in the selected queue operating mode after the QADC completes each queue scan
During queue execution, the QADC reads each CCW from the active queue and executes conversions in
three stages:
Initial sample
Final sample
Beginning of Queue 1 00
Channel Select,
Sample, Hold,
A/D Conversion
Conversion Command Result Word Table
Word (CCW) Table
End of Queue 1
Beginning of Queue 2
End of Queue 263 63
89 [7:6] [5:0]
P — Pause after Conversion
until Next Trigger
BYP — Bypass Buffer Amplifier
IST — Input Sample Time
CHAN — Channel Number and
End-of-Queue Code
10-bit Conversion Command
Word Format
10-bit Result, Readable in
Three 16-BIT Formats
15 14 13 12 11 10
RESULT 00000
Right-Justified, Unsigned Result
Left-Justified, Unsigned Result
Left-Justified, Signed Result
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During initial sample, a buffered version of the selected input channel is connected to the sample capacitor
at the input of the sample buffer amplifier.
During the final sample period, the sample buffer amplifier is bypassed, and the multiplexer input charges
the sample capacitor directly. Each CCW specifies a final input sample time of 2, 4, 8, or 16 QCLK cycles.
When an analog-to-digital conversion is complete, the result is written to the corresponding location in the
result word table. The QADC continues to sequentially execute each CCW in the queue until the end of
the queue is detected or a pause bit is found in a CCW.
When the pause bit is set in the current CCW, the QADC stops execution of the queue until a new trigger
event occurs. The pause status flag bit is set, and an interrupt may optionally be requested. After the trigger
event occurs, the paused state ends, and the QADC continues to execute each CCW in the queue until
another pause is encountered or the end of the queue is detected.
An end-of-queue condition occurs when:
The CCW channel field is programmed with 63 to specify the end of the queue.
The end-of-queue 1 is implied by the beginning of queue 2, which is specified by the BQ2 field in
The physical end of the queue RAM space defines the end of either queue.
When any of the end-of-queue conditions is recognized, a queue completion flag is set, and if enabled, an
interrupt is requested. These situations prematurely terminate queue execution:
Queue 1 is higher in priority than queue 2. When a trigger event occurs on queue 1 during queue 2
execution, the execution of queue 2 is suspended by aborting the execution of the CCW in progress,
and queue 1 execution begins. When queue 1 execution is complete, queue 2 conversions restart
with the first CCW entry in queue 2 or the first CCW of the queue 2 subqueue being executed when
queue 2 was suspended. Alternately, conversions can restart with the aborted queue 2 CCW entry.
The RESUME bit in QACR2 selects where queue 2 begins after suspension. By choosing to
re-execute all of the suspended queue 2 CCWs (RESUME = 0), all of the samples are guaranteed
to have been taken during the same scan pass. However, a high trigger event rate for queue 1 can
prevent completion of queue 2. If this occurs, execution of queue 2 can begin with the aborted
CCW entry (RESUME = 1).
Any conversion in progress for a queue is aborted when that queue’s operating mode is changed to
disabled. Putting a queue into the disabled mode does not power down the converter.
Changing a queue’s operating mode to another valid mode aborts any conversion in progress. The
queue restarts at its beginning once an appropriate trigger event occurs.
For low-power operation, the stop bit can be set to prepare the module for a loss of clocks. The
QADC aborts any conversion in progress when stop mode is entered.
When the QADC debug bit is set and the CPU enters background debug mode, the QADC freezes
at the end of the conversion in progress. After leaving debug mode, the QADC resumes queue
execution beginning with the next CCW entry. Refer to Section 28.3.1, “Debug Mode” for more
28.8.11 Result Word Table
The result word table is a 64 half-word (128 byte) long by 10-bit wide RAM. An entry is written by the
QADC after completing an analog conversion specified by the corresponding CCW table entry. The result
word table can be read or written, but in normal operation is only read to obtain analog conversions from
the QADC. Unimplemented bits read as 0s and writes have no effect.
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Although the result RAM can be written, some write operations, like bit
manipulation, may not operate as expected because the hardware cannot
access a true 16-bit value.
While there is only one result word table, the half-word (16-bit) data can be accessed in three dif ferent data
Right justified with 0s in the higher order unused bits
Left justified with the most significant bit inverted to form a sign bit, and 0s in the unused lower
order bits
Left justified with 0s in the lower order unused bits
The left justified, signed format corresponds to a half-scale, of fset binary, two’s complement data format.
The address used to read the result table determines the data alignment format. All write operations to the
result word table are right justified.
28.9 Signal Connection Considerations
The QADC requires accurate, noise-free input signals for proper operation. This section discusses the
design of external circuitry to maximize QADC performance.
28.9.1 Analog Reference Signals
No A/D converter can be more accurate than its analog reference. Any noise in the reference can result in
at least that much error in a conversion. The reference for the QADC, supplied by signals VRH and VRL,
should be low-pass filtered from its source to obtain a noise-free, clean signal. In many cases, simple
capacitive bypassing may suf fice. In extreme cases, inductors or ferrite beads may be necessary if noise or
RF energy is present. External resistance may intr oduce error in this architecture under certain conditions.
Any series devices in the filter network should contain a minimum amount of DC resistance.
For accurate conversion results, the analog reference voltages must be within the limits defined by VDDA
and VSSA, as explained in this subsection.
28.9.2 Analog Power Signals
The analog supply signals (VDDA and VSSA) define the limits of the analog reference voltages (VRH and
VRL) and of the analog multiplexer inputs. Figure 28-44 is a diagram of the analog input circuitry.
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Figure 28-44. Equivalent Analog Input Circuitry
Because the sample amplifier is powered by VDDA and VSSA, it can accurately transfer input signal levels
up to but not exceeding VDDA and down to but not below VSSA. If the input signal is outside of this range,
the output from the sample amplifier is clipped.
In addition, VRH and VRL must be within the range defined by V DDA and VSSA. As long as VRH is less
than or equal to VDDA, and VRL is greater th an or equal to V SSA, and the sample amplifier has accurately
transferred the input signal, resolution is ratiometric within the limits defined by VRL and VRH. If VRH is
greater than VDDA, the sample amplifier c an never transfer a full-scale value. If V RL is less than VSSA, the
sample amplifier can never transfer a 0 value.
Figure 28-45 shows the results of reference voltages outside the range defined by VDDA and VSSA. At the
top of the input signal range, VDDA is 10 mV lower than VRH. This results in a maximum obtainable 10-bit
conversion value 0x03fe. At the bottom of the signal range, VSSA is 15 mV higher than VRL, resulting in
a minimum obtainable 10-bit conversion value of 0x0003.
16 Channels Total
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Figure 28-45. Errors Resulting from Clipping
28.9.3 Conversion Timing Schemes
This section contains some conversion timing examples. Figure 28-46 shows the timing for basic
conversions where it is assumed that:
Q1 begins with CCW0 and ends with CCW3.
CCW0 has pause bit set.
CCW1 does not have pause bit set.
External trigger rising edge for Q1
CCW4 = BQ2 and Q2 is disabled.
Q1 RES shows relative result register updates.
Recall that when QS = 0, both queues are disabled; when QS = 8, queue 1 is active and queue 2 is idle;
and when QS = 4; queue 1 is paused and queue 2 is disabled.
0 .020 5.100 5.110
.010 .030 5.120 5.130
10-bit Result (Hexadecimal)
Inputs in Volts (VRH = 5.120 V, VRL = 0 V)
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Figure 28-46. External Positive Edge Trigger Mode Timing with Pause
A time separator is provided between the triggers and the end of conversion (EOC). The relationship to
QCLK displayed is not guaranteed.
CWPQ1 and CWPQ2 typically lag CWP and only match CWP when the associated queue is inactive.
Another way to view CWPQ1 and CWPQ2 is that these registers update when EOC triggers the write to
the result register.
For the CCW with the pause bit set (CCW0), CWP does not incr emen t until triggered. For the CCW with
the pause bit clear (CCW1), the CWP increments with the EOC.
The conversion results Q1 RESx show the result associated with CCWx, such that R0 represents the result
associated with CCW0.
Figure 28-47 shows the timing for conversions in externally gated single-scan with same assumptions in
example 1 except:
No pause bits set in any CCW
Externally gated single scan mode for Q1
Single scan enable bit (SSE1) is set.
When the gate closes and opens again, the conversions start with the first CCW in Q1.
When the gate closes, the active conversion completes before the queue goes idle.
When Q1 completes, both the CF1 bit sets and the SSE bit clears.
In this mode, the PF1 bit sets to reflect that a gate closing occurred before the queue completed.
Figure 28-48 shows the timing for conversions in externally gated continuous scan mode with the same
assumptions as in Figure 28-47.
84 8
= 14 QCLKS
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At the end of Q1,the completion flag CF1 sets and the queue restarts. If the queue starts a second time and
completes, the trigger overrun flag TOR1 sets.
Figure 28-47. Gated Mode, Single Scan Timing
Figure 28-48. Gated Mode, Continuous Scan Timing
08 0 8 0
R0 R1 R2 R3 R2
Queue Restart
Queue Restart
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28.9.4 Analog Supply Filtering and Grounding
Two important factors influencing performance in analog integrated circuits are supply filtering and
grounding. Generally, digital circuits use bypass capacitors on every VDD/VSS signal pair. This applies to
analog subsystems and submodules also. Equally important as bypassing is the distribution of power and
Analog supplies should be isolated from digital supplies as much as possible. This necessity stems from
the higher performance requirements often associated with analog circuits. Therefore, deriving an analog
supply from a local digital supply is not recommended. However, if for cost reasons digital and analog
power are derived from a common regulator, filtering of the analog power is recommended in addition to
the bypassing of the supplies already mentioned. For example, an RC low pass filter could be used to
isolate the digital and analog supplies when generated by a common regulator. If multiple high precision
analog circuits are locally employed (for example, two A/D converters), the analog supplies should be
isolated from each other as sharing supplies introduces the potential for interference between analog
Grounding is the most important factor influencing analog circuit performance in mixed signal systems (or
in standalone analog systems). Close attention must be paid not to introduce additional sources of noise
into the analog circuitry. Common sources of noise include ground loops, inductive coupling, and
combining digital and analog grounds together inappropriately.
The problem of how and when to combine digital and analog grounds arises from the large transients
which the digital ground must handle. If the digital ground is not able to handle the large transients, the
associated current can return to ground through the analog ground. It is this excess current overflowing
into the analog ground which causes performance degradation by developing a differential voltage
between the true analog ground and the microcontroller s ground pins. The end result is that the ground
observed by the analog circuit is no longer true ground and thus skews converter performance.
Two similar approaches to improving or eliminating the problems associated with grounding excess
transient currents involve star-point ground systems. One approach is to star -point the dif ferent grounds at
the power supply origin, thus keeping the ground isolated. Refer to Figure 28-49.
Another approach is to star-point the different grounds near the analog ground signal on the
microcontroller by using small traces for connecting the non-analog grounds to the analog ground. The
small traces are meant only to accommodate dc differences, not ac transients.
This star-point scheme still requires adequate grounding for digital and
analog subsystems in addition to the star-point ground.
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Figure 28-49. Star-Ground at the Point of Power Supply Origin
Other suggestions for PCB layout in which the QADC is employed include:
Analog ground must be low impedance to all analog ground points in the circuit.
Bypass capacitors should be as close to the power pins as possible.
The analog ground should be isolated from the digital ground. This can be done by cutting a
separate ground plane for the analog ground.
Non-minimum traces should be utilized for connecting bypass capacitors and filters to their
corresponding ground/power points.
Minimum distance for trace runs when possible.
28.9.5 Accommodating Positive/Negative Stress Conditions
Positive or negative stress refers to conditions which exceed nominally defined operating limits. Examples
include applying a voltage exceeding the normal limit on an input (for example, voltages outside of the
suggested supply/reference ranges) or causing currents into or out of the pin which exceed normal limits.
QADC specific considerations are voltages greater than VDDA or less than VSSA applied to an analog input
which cause excessive currents into or out of the input. Refer to Chapter 33, “Electrical Characteristics
for more information on exact magnitudes.
Either stress conditions can potentially disrupt conversion results on neighboring input s. Parasitic devices,
associated with CMOS processes, can cause an immediate disruptive influence on neighboring pins.
Common examples of parasitic devices are diodes to substrate and bipolar devices with the base terminal
tied to substrate (VSS/VSSA ground). Under stress conditions, current injected on an adjacent signal can
cause errors on the selected channel by developing a voltage drop across the selected channel’s
Analog Power Supply
+5 V
Digital Power Supply
+5 V
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Figure 28-50 shows an active parasitic bipolar NPN transistor when an input signal is subjected to negative
stress conditions. Figure 28-51 shows positive stress conditions can activate a similar PNP transistor.
Figure 28-50. Input Signal Subjected to Negative Stress
Figure 28-51. Input Signal Subjected to Positive Stress
The current into the signal (IINJN or IINJP) under negative or positive stress is determined by these equations:
Eqn. 28-1
Eqn. 28-2
VStress = Adjustable voltage source
VEB = Parasitic PNP emitter/base voltage
VBE= Parasitic NPN base/emitter voltage
RStress= Source impedance (10 kΩ resistor in Figure 28-50 and Figure 28-51 on stressed channel)
RSelected = Source impedance on channel selected for conversion
The current into (IIn) the neighboring pin is determined by the KN (current coupling ratio) of the parasitic
bipolar transistor (KN ‹‹ 1). The IIn can be expressed by this equation:
IIn = – KN * IINJ
IINJ is either IINJN or IINJP.
A method for minimizing the impact of stress conditions on the QADC is to strategically allocate QADC
inputs so that the lower accuracy inputs are adjacent to the inputs most likely to see stress conditions.
Also, suitable source impedances should be selected to meet design goals and minimize the ef fect of stress
10 kΩ
Signal Under
10 kΩ
Signal Under
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28.9.6 Analog Input Considerations
The source impedance of the analog signal to be measured and any intermediate filtering should be
considered whether external multiplexing is used or not. Figure 28-52 shows the connection of eight
typical analog signal sources to one QADC analog input signal through a separate multiplexer chip. Also,
an example of an analog signal source connected directly to a QADC analog input channel is displayed.
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Figure 28-52. External Multiplexing of Analog Signal Sources
Analog Signal Source Filtering and
Interconnect Typical MUX Chip Interconnect QADC
0.01 μF1
(MC54HC4051, MC74HC4051,
MC54HC4052, MC74HC4052,
MC54HC4053, etc.)
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
0.01 μF1
1. Typical Value
2. RFilter, Typically 10 kΩ–20 kΩ
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28.9.7 Analog Input Pins
Analog inputs should have low AC impedance at the pins. Low AC impedance can be realized by placing
a capacitor with good high frequency characteristics at the input signal of the device. Ideally, that capacitor
should be as large as possible (within the practical range of capacitors that still have good high-frequency
characteristics). This capacitor has two effects:
It helps attenuate any noise that may exist on the input.
It sources char ge during the sample period when the analog signal source is a high-impedance
Series resistance can be used with the capacitor on an input signal to implement a simple RC filter. The
maximum level of filtering at the input pins is application dependent and is based on the bandpass
characteristics required to accurately track the dynamic characteristics of an input. Simple RC filtering at
the pin may be limited by the source impedance of the transducer or circuit supplying the analog signal to
be measured. (See Section, “Error Resulting from Leakage.”) In some cases, the size of the
capacitor at the pin may be very small.
Figure 28-53 is a simplified model of an input channel. Refer to this model in the following discussion of
the interaction between the external circuitry and the circuitry inside the QADC.
Figure 28-53. Electrical Model of an A/D Input Signal
In Figure 28-53, RF, RSRC, and CF comprise the external filter circuit. CP is the internal parasitic capacitor.
CSAMP is the capacitor array used to sample and hold the input voltage. VI is an internal voltage source
used to provide charge to CSAMP during sample phase.
The following paragraphs provide a simplified description of the interaction between the QADC and the
user's external circuitry. This circuitry is assumed to be a simple RC low-pass filter passing a signal from
a source to the QADC input signal. These paragraphs make the following assumptions:
The external capacitor is perfect (no leakage, no significant dielectric absorption characteristics,
All parasitic capacitance associated with the input signal is included in the value of the external
Inductance is ignored.
The “on” resistance of the internal switches is 0 ohms and the “off” resistance is infinite.
Internal Circuit ModelExternal Filter
VSRC = Source Voltage = Internal Parasitic Capacitance
CSAMP = Sample Capacitor
= Filter Impedance
= Filter Capacitor = Internal Voltage Source During Sample and Hold
RSRC = Source Impedance
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The values for RSRC, RF, and CF in the user's external circuitry determine the length of time required to
charge CF to the source voltage level (VSRC). At time t = 0, VSRC changes in Figure 28-53 while S1 is
open, disconnecting the internal circuitry from the external circuitry. Assume that the initial voltage a cross
CF is 0. As CF charges, the voltage across it is determined by the equation, where t is the total charge time:
As t approaches infinity, VCF will equal VSRC. (This assumes no internal leakage.) W ith 10-bit resolution,
1/2 of a count is equal to 1/2048 full-scale value. Assuming worst case (VSRC = full scale), Table 28-24
shows the required time for CF to char ge to within 1/2 of a count of the actual source voltage during 10-bit
conversions. Table 28-24 is based on the RC network in Figure 28-53.
The following times are completely independent of the A/D converter
architecture (assuming the QADC is not affecting the charging).
The external circuit described in Table 28-24 is a low-pass filter. Measurements of an AC component of
the external signal must take the characteristics of this filter into account. Error Resulting from Leakage
A series resistor limits the current to a signal; therefore, input leakage acting through a large source
impedance can degrade A/D accuracy. The maximum input leakage current is specified in Chapter 33,
“Electrical Characteristics”. Input leakage is greater at higher operating temperatures. In the temperature
range from 125°C to 50°C, the leakage current is halved for every 8°C to 12°C reduction in temperature.
Assuming VRH–VRL = 5.12 V, 1 count (with 10-bit resolution) corresponds to 5 mV of input voltage. A
typical input leakage of 200 nA acting through 10 kΩ of external series resistance res ults in an error of 0.4
count (2.0 mV). If the source impedance is 100 kΩ and a typical leakage of 100 nA is present, an error of
2 counts (10 mV) is introduced.
In addition to internal junction leakage, external leakage (for example, if external clamping diodes are
used) and charge sharing effects with internal capacitors also contribute to the total leakage current.
Table 28-25 illustrates the effect of different levels of total leakage on accuracy for different values of
source impedance. The error is listed in terms of 10-bit counts.
Table 28-24. External Circuit Settling Time to 1/2 LSB
Filter Capacitor (CF) Source Resistance (RF + RSRC)
100 Ω1 kΩ10 kΩ100 kΩ
1 μF760 μs 7.6 ms 76 ms 760 ms
0.1 μF 76 μs 760 μs 7.6 ms 76 ms
0.01 μF7.6 μs76 μs 760 μs 7.6 ms
0.001 μF 760 ns 7.6 μs76 μs 760 μs
100 pF 76 ns 760 ns 7.6 μs76 μs
VCF = VSRC (1 –e–t/(RF + RSRC) CF)
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Leakage below 200 nA is obtainable only within a limited temperature
28.10 Interrupts
The four interrupt lines are outputs of the module and have no priority or arbitration within the module.
28.10.1 Interrupt Operation
QADC inputs can be monitored by polling or by using interrupts. When interrupts are not needed, the
completion flag and the pause flag for each queue can be monitored in the status register (QASR0). In other
words, flag bits can be polled to determine when new results are available.
Table 28-26 shows the status flag and interrupt enable bits which correspond to queue 1 and queue 2
If interrupts are enabled for an event, the QADC requests interrupt service when the event occurs. Using
interrupts does not require continuously polling the status flags to see if an event has taken place; however ,
status flags must be cleared after an interrupt is serviced, in order to remove the interrupt request
In both polled and interrupt-driven operating modes, status flags must be re-enabled after an event occurs.
Flags are re-enabled by clearing the appropriate QASR0 bits in a particular sequence. QASR0 must first
be read, then 0s must be written to the flags that are to be cleared. If a new event occurs between the time
that the register is read and the time that it is written, the associated flag is not cleared.
28.10.2 Interrupt Sources
The QADC includes four sources of interrupt requests, each of which is separately enabled. Eac h time the
result is written for the last conversion command word (CCW) in a queue, the completion flag for the
corresponding queue is set, and when enabled, an interrupt is requested. In the same way, each time the
Table 28-25. Error Resulting from Input Leakage (IOff)
Source Impedance Leakage Value (10-Bit Conversions)
100 nA 200 nA 500 nA 1000 nA
1 kΩ 0.1 counts 0.2 counts
10 kΩ0.2 counts 0.4 counts 1 counts 2 counts
100 kΩ2 counts 4 count 10 counts 20 counts
Table 28-26. QADC Status Flags and Interrupt Sources
Queue Queue Activity Status
Flag Interrupt
Enable Bit
Queue 1 Result written for last CCW in queue 1 CF1 CIE1
Result written for a CCW with pause bit set in queue 1 PF1 PIE1
Queue 2 Result written for last CCW in queue 2 CF2 CIE2
Result written for a CCW with pause bit set in queue 2 PF2 PIE2
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result is written for a CCW with the pause bit set, the queue pause flag is set, and when enabled, an
interrupt is requested. Refer to Table 28-26.
The pause and complete interrupts for queue 1 and queue 2 have separate interrupt vector levels, so that
each source can be separately serviced.
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Chapter 29
Reset Controller Module
The reset controller is provided to determine the cause of reset, assert the appropriate reset signals to the
system, and then to keep a history of what caused the reset. The Low Voltage Detection module, which
generates low-voltage detect (LVD) interrupts and resets, is implemented within the reset controller
29.1 Features
Module features include:
Seven sources of reset:
Power-on reset (POR)
Watchdog timer
Phase locked-loop (PLL) loss of lock
PLL loss of clock
LVD reset
Software-assertable RSTO pin independent of chip reset state
Software-readable status flags indicating the cause of the last reset
LVD control and status bits for setup and use of LVD reset or interrupt
29.2 Block Diagram
Figure 29-1 illustrates the reset controller and is explained in the following sections.
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Figure 29-1. Reset Controller Block Diagram
29.3 Signals
Table 29-1 provides a summary of the reset controller signal properties. The signals are described in the
following paragraphs.
29.3.1 RSTI
Asserting the external RSTI for at least four ris ing CLKOUT edges causes the external reset request to be
recognized and latched.
29.3.2 RSTO
This active-low output signal is driven low when the internal reset controller module resets the chip. When
RSTO is active, the user can drive override options on the data bus.
29.4 Memory Map and Registers
The reset controller programming model consists of these registers:
Reset control register (RCR), which selects reset controller functions
Reset status register (RSR), which reflects the state of the last reset source
See Table 29-2 for the memory map and the following paragraphs for a description of the registers.
Table 29-1. Reset Controller Signal Properties
Name Direction Input
Hysteresis Input
1RSTI is always synchroniz ed except when in low-po w er stop mode .
Timer Timeout
Loss of Clock
Loss of Lock
To Internal Resets
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29.4.1 Reset Control Register (RCR)
The RCR allows software control for requesting a reset, for independently asserting the external RSTO
pin, and for controlling low-voltage detect (LVD) functions.
Table 29-2. Reset Con troller Memory Map
IPSBAR Offset Bits 7:0 Access1
1S/U = supervisor or user mode access.
0x11_0000 RCR S/U
0x11_0001 RSR S/U
0x11_0002 Reserved2
0x11_0003 Reserved2
2Writes to reserved address locations have no effect and reads return 0s.
7654 0
Reset 0000_0101
Address IPSBAR + 0x11_0000
Figure 29-2. Reset Control Register (RCR)
Table 29-3. RCR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 SOFTRST Allows software to request a reset. The reset caused by setting this bit clears this bit.
1 Software reset request
0 No software reset request
6 FRCRSTOUT Allows software to assert or negate the e xternal RSTO pin.
1 Assert RSTO pin
0 Negate RSTO pi n
CAUTION: External logic driving reset configuration data during reset needs to be
considered when asserting the RSTO pin when setting FRCRSTOUT.
5 Reserved, should be cleared.
4 LVDF LVD flag. Indicates the low-vo ltage detect status if LVDE is set. Write a 1 to clear the
LVDF bit.
1 Low voltage has been detected
0 Low voltage has not been detected
NO TE: The setting of this flag causes an LVD interrupt if LVDE and LVDIE bits are set
and LVDRE is cleared when the supply voltage VDD drops below VDD (minimu m). The
vector f or this interrupt is shared with INT0 of the EPOR T module . Interrupt arbitr ation
in the interrupt service routin e is necessary if both of these interrupts are enabled.
Also, LVDF is not cleared at reset, however it will always initialize to a zero since the
part will not come out of reset while in a low-power state (LVDE/LVDRE bits are
enabled out of reset).
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29.4.2 Reset Status Register (RSR)
The RSR contains a status bit for every reset source. When reset is entered, the cause of the reset condition
is latched along with a value of 0 for the other reset sources that were not pending at the time of the reset
condition. These values are then reflected in RSR. One or more status bits may be set at the same time.
The cause of any subsequent reset is also recorded in the register , overwriting status from the previous reset
RSR can be read at any time. Writing to RSR has no effect.
3 LVDIE LVD interrupt enable . Controls the LVD interrupt if LVDE is set. This bit has no eff ect if
the LVDE bit is a logic 0.
1 LVD interrupt enabled
0 LVD interrupt disabled
2 LVDRE LVD reset enable. Controls the LVD reset if LVDE is set. This bit has no effect if the
LVDE bit is a logic 0. LVD reset has priority over LVD interrupt, if both are enabled.
1 LVD reset enabled
0 LVD reset disabled
1 Reserved, should be cleared.
0 LVDE Controls whether the LVD is enabled.
1 LVD is enabled
0LVD is disabled
Reset Reset Dependent
Address IPSBAR + 0x11_0001
Figure 29-3. Reset Status Register (RSR)
Table 29-4. RSR Field Descriptions
Bit(s) Name Description
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 LVD Low voltage detect. Indicates that the last reset state was caused by an LVD reset.
1 Last reset state was caused by an LVD reset
0 Last reset state was not caused by an LVD reset
5 SOFT Software reset flag. Indicates that the last reset was caused by software.
1 Last reset caused by software
0 Last reset not caused by software
4 WDR Watchdog timer reset flag. Indicates that the last reset was caused by a watchdog
timer timeout.
1 Last reset caused by watchdog timer timeout
0 Last reset not caused by watchdog timer timeout
Table 29-3. RCR Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit(s) Name Description
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29.5 Functional Description
29.5.1 Reset Sources
Table 29-5 defines the sources of reset and the signals driven by the reset controller.
To protect data integrity, a synchronous reset source is not acted upon by the reset control logic until the
end of the current bus cycle. Reset is then asserted on the next rising edge of the system clock after the
cycle is terminated. Whenever the reset control logic must synchronize reset to the end of the bus cycle,
the internal bus monitor is automatically enabled regard less of the BME bit state in the chip conf iguration
register (CCR). Then, if the current bus cycle is not terminated normally the bus monitor terminates the
cycle based on the length of time programmed in the BMT field of the CCR.
Internal byte, word, or longword writes are guaranteed to complete without data corruption when a
synchronous reset occurs. External writes, including longword writes to 16-bit ports, are also guaranteed
to complete.
3 POR Power-on reset flag. Indicates that the last reset was caused by a power-on reset.
1 Last reset caused by power-on reset
0 Last reset not caused by power-on reset
2 EXT External reset flag. Indicates that the last reset was caused by an external device
asserting the external RSTI pin.
1 Last reset state caused by external reset
0 Last reset not caused by external reset
1 LOC Lo ss-of-clock reset flag. Indicates that the last reset state was caused by a PLL loss
of clock.
1 Last reset caused by loss of clock
0 Last reset not caused by loss of clock
0 LOL Loss-of-lock reset flag. Indicates that the last reset state was caused b y a PLL loss of
1 Last reset caused by a loss of lock
0 Last reset not caused by loss of lock
Table 29-5. Reset Source Summary
Source Type
Power on Asynchronous
External RSTI pin (not sto p mode) Synchronous
External RSTI pin (during stop mode) Asynchronous
Wa tchdog timer Synchronous
Loss of clock Asynchronous
Loss of lock Asynchronous
Software Synchronous
LVD reset Asynchronous
Table 29-4. RSR Fiel d Descriptions (contin ued)
Bit(s) Name Description
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Asynchronous reset sources usually indicate a catastrophic failure. Therefore, the reset control logic does
not wait for the current bus cycle to complete. Reset is asserted immediately to the system. Power-On Reset
At power up, the reset controller asserts RSTO. RSTO continues to be asserted until VDD has reached a
minimum acceptable level and, if PLL clock mode is selected, until the PLL achieves phase lock. Then
after approximately another 512 cycles, RSTO is negated and the part begins operation. External Reset
Asserting the external RSTI for at least four ris ing CLKOUT edges causes the external reset request to be
recognized and latched. The bus monitor is enabled and the current bus cycle is completed. The reset
controller asserts RSTO for approximately 512 cycles after RSTI is negated and the PLL has acquired lock.
The part then exits reset and begins operation.
In low-power stop mode, the system clocks are stopped. Asserting the external RSTI in stop mode causes
an external reset to be recognized. Watchdog Timer Reset
A watchdog timer timeout causes timer reset request to be recognized and latched. The bus monitor is
enabled and the current bus cycle is completed. If the RSTI is negated and the PLL has acquired lock, the
reset controller asserts RSTO for approximately 512 cycles. Then the part exits reset and begins operation. Loss-of-Clock Reset
This reset condition occurs in PLL clock mode when the LOCRE bit in the SYNCR is set and either the
PLL reference or the PLL itself fails. The reset controller asserts RSTO for approximately 512 cycles after
the PLL has acquired lock. The part then exits reset and begins operation. Loss-of-Lock Reset
This reset condition occurs in PLL clock mode when the LOLRE bit in the SYNCR is set and the PLL
loses lock. The reset controller asserts RSTO for approximately 512 cycles after the PLL has acquired
lock. The part then exits reset and resumes operation. Software Reset
A software reset occurs when the SOFTRST bit is set. If the RSTI is negated and the PLL has acquired
lock, the reset controller asserts RST O for approximately 512 cycles. Then the part exits reset and re sumes
operation. LVD Reset
The LVD reset will occur when the supply input voltage, VDD, drops below VLVD (minimum).
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29.5.2 Reset Control Flow
The reset logic control flow is shown in Figure 29-4. In this figure, the control state boxes have been
numbered, and these numbers are referred to (within parentheses) in the flow description that follows. All
cycle counts given are approximate.
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Figure 29-4. Reset Control Flow
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In this discussion, the reference in parentheses refer to the state numbers in Figure 29-4. All cycle counts
given are approximate.
If the external RSTI signal is asserted by an extern al device for at least four rising CLKOUT edges (3), if
the watchdog timer times out, or if software requests a reset, the reset control logic latches the reset request
internally and enables the bus monitor (5). When the current bus cycle is completed (6), RST O is asserted
(7). The reset control logic waits until the RSTI signal is negated (8) and for the PLL to attain loc k (9, 9A)
before waiting 512 CLKOUT cycles (1). The reset control logic may latch the configuration according to
the RCON signal level (11, 11A) before negating RSTO (12).
If the external RSTI signal is asserted by an external device for at least four rising CLKOUT edges during
the 512 count (10) or during the wait for PLL lock (9A), the reset flow switches to (8) and waits for the
RSTI signal to be negated before continuing. Internal Reset Request
If reset is asserted by an asynchronous internal reset source, such as loss of clock (1) or loss of lock (2),
the reset control logic asserts RSTO (4). The reset control logic waits for the PLL to attain lock (9, 9A)
before waiting 512 CLKOUT cycles (1). Then the reset control logic may latch the configuration
according to the RCON pin level (11, 11A) before negating RSTO (12).
If loss of lock occurs during the 512 count (10), the reset flow switches to (9A) and waits for the PLL to
lock before continuing. Power-On Reset/Low-Voltage Detect Reset
When the reset sequence is initiated by power-on reset (0), the same reset sequence is followed as for the
other asynchronous reset sources.
29.5.3 Concurrent Resets
This section describes the concurrent resets. As in the previous discussion references in parentheses refer
to the state numbers in Figure 29-4. Reset Flow
If a power-on reset or low-voltage detect condition is detected during any reset sequence, the reset
sequence starts immediately (0).
If the external RSTI pin is asserted for at least four rising CLKOUT edges while waiting for PLL lock or
the 512 cycles, the external reset is recognized. Reset processing switches to wait for the external RSTI
pin to negate (8).
If a loss-of-clock or loss-of-lock condition is detected while waiting for the current bus cycle to complete
(5, 6) for an external reset request, the cycle is terminated. The reset status bits are latched (7) and reset
processing waits for the external RSTI pin to negate (8).
If a loss-of-clock or loss-of-lock condition is detected during the 512 cycle wait, the reset sequence
continues after a PLL lock (9, 9A).
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29-10 Freescale Semiconductor Reset Status Flags
For a POR reset, the POR and LVD bits in the RSR are set, and the SOFT, WDR, EXT, LOC, and LOL
bits are cleared even if another type of reset condition is detected during the reset sequence for the POR.
If a loss-of-clock or loss-of-lock condition is detected while waiting for the current bus cycle to complete
(5, 6) for an external reset request, the EXT, SOFT, and/or WDR bits along with the LOC and/or LOL bits
are set.
If the RSR bits are latched (7) during the EXT, SOFT, and/or WDR reset sequence with no other reset
conditions detected, only the EXT, SOFT, and/or WDR bits are set.
If the RSR bits are latched (4) during the internal reset sequence with the RSTI pin not asserted and no
SOFT or WDR event, then the LOC and/or LOL bits are the only bits set.
For a LVD reset, the LVD bit in the RSR is set, and the SOFT, WDR, EXT, LOC, and LOL bits are cleared
to 0 even if another type of reset condition is detected during the reset sequence for LVD.
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Chapter 30
Debug Support
This chapter describes the Revision A enhanced hardware debug support.
30.1 Overview
The debug module is shown in Figure 30-1.
Figure 30-1. Processor/Debug Module Interface
Debug support is divided into three areas:
Real-time trace support—The ability to determine the dynamic execution path through an
application is fundamental for debugging. The ColdFire solution implements an 8-bit parallel
output bus that reports processor execution status and data to an external emulator system. See
Section 30.3, “Real-Time Trace Support.”
Background debug mode (BDM)—Provides low-level debugging in the ColdFire processor
complex. In BDM, the processor complex is halted and a variety of commands can be sent to the
processor to access memory and registers. The external emulator uses a three-pin, serial,
full-duplex channel. See Section 30.5, “Background Debug Mode (BDM),” and Section 30.4,
“Programming Model.”
Real-time debug support—BDM requires the processor to be halted, which many real-time
embedded applications cannot do. Debug interrupts let real-time systems execute a unique service
routine that can quickly save the contents of key registers and variables and return the system to
normal operation. External development systems can access saved data because the hardware
supports concurrent operation of the processor and BDM-initiated commands. See Section 30.6,
“Real-Time Debug Support.”
Enabling Flash security disables BDM communications.
ColdFire CPU Core
Debug Module
Communication Port
local bus
Trace Port
PST[3:0], DDATA[3:0]
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30.2 Signal Description
Table 30-1 describes debug module signals. All ColdFire debug signals are unidirectional and related to a
rising edge of the processor s clock signal. The standard 26-pin debug connector is shown in Section 30.8,
“Freescale-Recommended BDM Pinout.”
Figure 30-2 shows CLKOUT timing with respect to PST and DDATA.
Figure 30-2. CLKOUT Timing
30.3 Real-Time Trace Support
Real-time trace, which defines the dynamic execution path, is a fundamental debug function. The ColdFire
solution is to include a parallel output port providing encoded processor status and data to an external
development system. This port is partitioned into two 4-bit nibbles: one nibble allows the processor to
transmit processor status, (PST), and the other allows operand data to be displayed (debug data, DDATA).
The processor status may not be related to the current bus transfer.
External development systems can use PST outputs with an external image of the program to completely
track the dynamic execution path. This tracking is complicated by any change in flow, especially when
Table 30-1. Debug Module Signals
Signal Description
Development Serial
Clock (DSCLK) Internally synchronized input. (The logic level on DSCLK is validated if it has the same value on
two consecutive rising CLKOUT edges .) Clocks the serial communication port to the debug
module during pack et transfers. Maximum frequency is 1/5 the processor status clock (CLKOUT)
speed. At the synchronized rising edge of DSCLK, the data input on DSI is sampled and DSO
changes state.
Development Serial
Input (DSI) Internally synchronized input that provides data input for the serial communication port to the
debug module.
Development Serial
Output (DSO) Provides serial output communication f or debug module responses. DSO is registered internally.
Breakpoint (BKPT) Input used to request a manual breakpoint. Assertion of BKPT puts the processor into a halted
state after the current instruction completes. Halt status is reflected on processor status signals
(PST[3:0]) as the value 0xF.
CLKOUT See Figure 30-2. CLKOUT indicates when the development system should sample PST and
DDATA v alues .
Debug Data
(DDATA[3:0]) These output signals display the register breakpoint status as a default, or optionally, captured
address and operand values. The capturing of data values is controlled by the setting of the CSR.
Additionally , e xecution of the WDD ATA instruction by the processor captures operands which are
displayed on DDATA. These signals are updated each proc essor cycle.
Processor Status
(PST[3:0]) These output signals report the processor status. Table 30-2 shows the encoding of these
signals. These outputs indicate the current status of the processor pipeline and, as a result, are
not related to the current bus transfer. The PST value is updated each processor cycle.
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branch target address calculation is based on the contents of a program-visible register (variant
addressing). DDATA outputs can be configured to display the target address of such instructions in
sequential nibble increments across multiple processor clock cycles, as described in Section 30.3.1,
“Begin Execution of Taken Branch (PST = 0x5).” Two 32-bit storage elements form a FIFO buffer
connecting the processor s high-speed local bus to the external development system through PST[3:0] and
DDATA[3:0]. The buffer captures branch target addresses and certain data values for eventual display on
the DDATA port, one nibble at a time starting with the least significant bit (lsb).
Execution speed is affected only when both storage elements contain valid data to be dumped to the
DDATA port. The core stalls until one FIFO entry is available.
Table 30-2 shows the encoding of these signals.
Table 30-2. Processor Status Encoding
PST[3:0] Definition
Hex Binary
0x0 0000 Continue e xecution. Many instructions execute in one processor cycle. If an instruction requires more
processor clock cycles, subsequent clock cycles are indicated by driving PST outputs with this encoding.
0x1 0001 Begin ex ecution of one instruction. For most instructions, this encoding signals the first processor clock
cycle of an instruction’s e xecution. Certain change-of-flow opcodes, plus the PULSE and WDDATA
instructions, generate different encodings.
0x2 0010 Reserved
0x3 0011 Entry into user-mode. Signaled after execution of the instruction that caused the ColdFire processor to
enter user mode.
0x4 0100 Begin ex ecution of PULSE and WDD ATA instructions. PULSE defines logic analyzer triggers for deb ug
and/or performance analysis. WDDATA lets the core write any operand (byte, w ord, or longword) directly
to the DD ATA port, independent of debug module configuration. When WDDATA is ex ecuted, a value of
0x4 is signaled on the PST port, followed by the appropriate marker, and then the data transfer on the
DDATA port. Transfer length depends on the WDDATA operand size.
0x5 0101 Begin exe c ution of taken branch. For some opcodes, a branch target address may be displayed on
DDATA depending on the CSR settings. CSR also controls the number of address bytes displayed,
indicated by the PST mark er value preceding the DDATA nibble that begins the data output. See
Section 30.3.1, “Begin Exec ution of Taken Branch (PST = 0x5).”
0x6 0110 Reserved
0x7 0111 Begin execution of return from exception (R TE) instruction.
0xB 1000–
1011 Indicates the number of bytes to be displa yed on the DD ATA port on subsequent processor clock cycles .
The value is driven onto the PST port one CLKOUT cycle before the data is displayed on DDATA.
0x8 Begin 1-byte transfer on DDATA.
0x9 Begin 2-byte transfer on DDATA.
0xA Begin 3-byte transfer on DDATA.
0xB Begin 4-byte transfer on DDATA.
0xC 1100 Exception processing. Exceptions that enter emulati on mode (debug interrupt or optionally trace)
generate a different encoding, as described below. Because the 0xC encoding defines a multiple-cycle
mode, PST outputs are driven with 0xC until exception processing completes.
0xD 1101 Entry int o emulator mode. Displayed during emulation mode (debug interrupt or optionally trace).
Because this encoding defines a multiple-cycle mode, PST outputs are driven with 0xD until exception
processing completes.
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30.3.1 Begin Execution of Taken Branch (PST = 0x5)
PST is 0x5 when a taken branch is executed. For some opcodes, a branch target address may be displayed
on DDATA depending on the CSR settings. CSR also controls the number of address bytes displayed,
which is indicated by the PST marker v alue immediately preceding the DDATA nibble that begins the data
Bytes are displayed in least-to-most-significant order. The processor captures only those target addresses
associated with taken branches which use a variant addressing mode, that is, RTE and RTS instructions,
JMP and JSR instructions using address register indirect or indexed addressing modes, and all exception
The simplest example of a branch instruction using a variant address is the compiled code for a C language
case statement. Typically, the evaluation of this statement uses the variable of an expression as an index
into a table of offsets, where each offset points to a unique case within the structure. For such
change-of-flow operations, the processor uses the debug pins to output the following sequence of
information on successive processor clock cycles:
1. Use PST (0x5) to identify that a taken branch was executed.
2. Using the PST pins, optionally signal the target address to be displayed sequentially on the
DDATA pins. Encodings 0x9–0xB identify the number of bytes displayed.
3. The new target address is optionally available on subsequent cycles using the DDATA port. The
number of bytes of the target address displayed on this port is configurable (2, 3, or 4 bytes).
Another example of a variant branch instruction would be a JMP (A0) instruction. Figure 30-3 shows the
PST and DDATA outputs that indicate a JMP (A0) execution (assuming the CSR was programmed to
display the lower 2 bytes of an address).
Figure 30-3. Example JMP Instruction Output on PST/DDATA
PST 0x5 indicates a taken branch and the marker value 0x9 indicates a 2-byte address. Thus, the
subsequent 4 nibbles of DDATA display the lower 2 bytes of address register A0 in
least-to-most-significant nibble order . The PST output after the JMP instruction completes depends on the
0xE 1110 Processor is stopped. Appears in multiple-cycle format whe n the processor executes a STOP
instruction. The ColdFire processor remains stopped until an interrupt occurs, thus PST outputs display
0xE until the stopped mode is exited.
0xF 1111 Processor is halted. Bec ause this encoding defines a multiple-cycle mode, the PS T outputs display 0xF
until the processor is restarted or reset. (see Section 30.5.1, “CPU Halt”)
Table 30-2. Processor Status Encoding (continued)
PST[3:0] Definition
Hex Binary
0x0 0x0 A[3:0]
0x5 0x9 default
A[7:4] A[11:8] A[15:12]
default default default
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target instruction. The PST can continue with the next instruction before the address has completely
displayed on DDAT A because of the DDAT A FIFO. If the FIFO is full and the next instruction has captured
values to display on DDATA, the pipeline stalls (PST = 0x0) until space is available in the FIFO.
30.4 Programming Model
In addition to the existing BDM commands that provide access to the processor’s registers and the memory
subsystem, the debug module contains 19 registers to support the required functionality. These registers
are also accessible from the processor’s supervisor programming model by executing the WDEBUG
instruction (write only). Thus, the breakpoint hardware in the debug module can be written by the external
development system using the debug serial interface or by the operating system running on the processor
core. Software is responsible for guaranteeing that accesses to these resources are serialized and logically
consistent. Hardware provides a locking mechanis m in the CSR to allow the external development system
to disable any attempted writes by the processor to the breakpoint registers (setting CSR[IPW]). BDM
commands must not be issued if the device is using the WDEBUG instruction to access debug module
registers or the resulting behavior is undefined.
These registers, shown in Figure 30-4, are treated as 32-bit quantities, regardless of the number of
implemented bits.
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Figure 30-4. Debug Programming Model
These registers are accessed through the BDM port by the commands, WDMREG and RDMREG, described
in Section, “Command Set Descriptions.” These commands contain a 5-bit field, DRc, that
specifies the register, as shown in Table 30-3.
PC breakpoint mask register
PC breakpoint register
Data breakpoint register
Data breakpoint mask register
Trigger definition register
Configuration/status register
Note: Each debug register is accessed as a 32-bit register; shaded fields above are not used (don’t care).
All debug control registers are writab le from the e xternal development system or the CPU via the WDEB UG
instruction. CSR is write-only from the programming model. It can be read or written through the BDM port
using the RDMREG and WDMREG commands.
Address attribute trigger register
Address low br eakpoint registe r
Address high breakpoint registe r
31 15 7 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
PC breakpoint mask register
PC breakpoint register
Data breakpoint register
Data breakpoint mask register
Trigger definition register
Configuration/status register
BDM address attribute register
Note: Each debug register is accessed as a 32-bit register; shaded fields above are not used (don’t care).
All debug control registers are writab le from the e xternal development system or the CPU via the WDEB UG
CSR is write-only from the programming model. It can be read or written through the BDM port us ing the
RDMREG and WDMREG commands.
Address attribute trigger register
Address low br eakpoint registe r
Address high breakpoint registe r
31 15 7 0
31 15 7 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
31 15 0
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Debug control registers can be written by the external development system
or the CPU through the WDEBUG instruction.
CSR is write-only from the programming model. It can be read or written
through the BDM port using the RDMREG and WDMREG commands.
30.4.1 Revision A Shared Debug Resources
In the Revision A implementation of the debug module, certain hardware structures are shared between
BDM and breakpoint functionality as shown in Table 30-4.
Thus, loading a register to perform a specific function that shares hardware resources is destructive to the
shared function. For example, a BDM command to access memory overwrites an address breakpoint in
ABHR. A BDM write command overwrites the data breakpoint in DBR.
30.4.2 Address Attribute Trigger Register (AATR)
The AATR, shown in Figure 30-5, defines address attributes and a mask to be matched in the trigger. The
register value is compared with address attribute signals from the processors local high-speed bus, as
defined by the setting of the trigger definition register (TDR).
Table 30-3. BDM/Breakpoint Registers
DRc[4–0] Register Name Abbreviation Initial State Page
0x00 Configuration/status register CSR 0x00010_0000 p. 30-10
0x01–0x05 Reserved
0x06 Address attribute trigger register AATR 0x0000_0005 p. 30-7
0x07 Trigger definition register TDR 0x0000_0000 p. 30-14
0x08 Program counter breakpoint register PBR p. 30-13
0x09 Program counter breakpoint mask register PBMR p. 30-13
0x0A–0x0B Reserved
0x0C Address breakpoint high register ABHR p. 30-9
0x0D Address breakpoint low register ABLR p. 30-9
0x0E D ata breakpoint register DBR p. 30-12
0x0F Data breakpoint mask register DBMR p. 30-12
Table 30-4. Rev. A Shared BDM/Breakpoint Hardware
Register BDM Function Breakpoint Function
AATR Bus attributes for all memory commands Attributes for address breakpoint
ABHR Address for all memor y commands Address for address breakpoint
DBR Data for all BDM write commands Data for data breakpoint
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Table 30-5 describes AATR fields.
151413121110 8765432 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0101
R/W Write only. AATR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x06 using the WDEBUG
instr uction and through the BDM port using the WDMREG command.
DRc[4–0] 0x06 (AATR)
Figure 30-5. Address Attribute Trigger Register (AATR)
Table 30-5. AATR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
15 RM Read/write mask. Setting RM masks R in address compar isons.
14–13 SZM Size mask. Setting an SZM bit masks the corresponding SZ bit in address comparisons.
12–11 TTM Transfer type mask. Setting a TTM bit masks the corresponding TT bit in address comparisons.
10–8 TMM Transfer modifier mask. Setting a TMM bit masks the corresponding TM bit in address comparisons.
7 R Read/wr ite. R is compared with the R/W signal of the processor’s local bus.
6–5 SZ Size. Compared to the processor’s local bus size signals.
00 Longword
01 Byte
10 Word
11 Reserved
4–3 TT Transfer type. Compared with the local bus transfer type signals.
00 Normal processor access
01 Reserved
10 Emulator mode access
11 Acknowledge/CPU space access
These bits also define the TT encoding for BDM memory commands. In this case, the 01 encoding
indicates an external or DMA access (for backward compatibility). These bits affect the TM bits.
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30.4.3 Address Breakpoint Registers (ABLR, ABHR)
The ABLR and ABHR, shown in Figure 30-6, define regions in the processor s data address space that can
be used as part of the trigger. These register values are compared with the address for each transfer on the
processor s high-speed local bus. The trigger definition register (TDR) identifies the trigger as one of three
1. Identical to the value in ABLR
2. Inside the range bound by ABLR and ABHR inclusive
3. Outside that same range
2–0 TM Transfer modifier. Compare d with the local bus transfer modifier signals, which give supplemental
infor m ation for each transfer type.
TT = 00 (normal mode):
000 Explicit cache line push
001 User data access
010 User code access
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Supervisor data access
110 Super v isor code access
111 Reserved
TT = 10 (emulator mode):
0xx–100 Reserved
101 Emulator mode data access
110 Emulator mode code access
111 Reserved
TT = 11 (acknowledge/CPU space transfers):
000 CPU space access
001–111 Interrupt acknowledge levels 1–7
These bits also define the TM encoding for BDM memory commands (f or backward compatibility).
31 0
Field Address
R/W Write only. ABHR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x0C using the WDEBUG
instruction and via the BDM port using the RDMREG and WDMREG commands.
ABLR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x0D using the WDEBUG instruction and
via the BDM port using the WDMREG command.
DRc[4–0] 0x0D (ABLR); 0x0C (ABHR)
Figure 30-6. Address Breakpoint Registers (ABLR, ABHR)
Table 30-5. AATR Field Descripti ons (continued)
Bits Name Description
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Table 30-6 describes ABLR fields.
Table 30-7 describes ABHR fields.
30.4.4 Configuration/Status Register (CSR)
The CSR defines the debug configuration for the processor and memory subsystem and contains status
information from the breakpoint logic. CSR is write-only from the programming model. It can be read
from and written to through the BDM port. CSR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register
0x00 using the WDEBUG instruction and through the BDM port using the RDMREG and WDMREG
Table 30-6. ABLR Field Description
Bits Name Description
31–0 Address Low address. Holds the 32-bit address marking the low er bound of the address breakpoint range.
Breakpoints for specific addresses are programmed into ABLR.
Table 30-7. ABHR Field Description
Bits Name Description
31–0 Address Hig h address. Holds the 32-bit address marking the upper bound of the address breakpoint range.
31 28 27 26 25 24 23 20 19 17 16
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
1514131211109 8 76543 0
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
DRc[4–0] 0000_0000_0000_0000
Figure 30-7. Configuration/Status Register (CSR)
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Table 30-8 describes CSR fields.
Table 30-8. CSR Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
31–28 BSTAT Breakpoint status. Provides read-only status information concerning hardware breakpoints. BSTAT
is cleared by a TDR write or by a CSR read when either a le vel-2 breakpoint is triggered or a le vel-1
breakpoint is triggered and the level-2 breakpoint is disabled.
0000 No breakpoints enabled
0001 Waiting for level-1 breakpoint
0010 Level-1 breakpoint triggered
0101 Waiting for level-2 breakpoint
0110 Level-2 breakpoint triggered
27 FOF Fault-on-fault. If FOF is set, a catastrophic halt occurred and f orced entry into BDM. FOF is cleared
whenever CSR is read.
26 TRG Hardware breakpoint trigger. If TRG is set, a hardware breakpoint halted the processor core and
f orced entry into BDM. Reset, the debug GO command, or reading CSR will clear TRG.
25 HALT Processor halt. If HAL T is set, the processor executed a HALT and f orced entry into BDM. Reset, the
debug GO command, or reading CSR will clear HALT.
24 BKPT Breakpoint assert. If BKPT is set, BKPT was asserted, forcin g th e processor into BDM. Reset, the
debug GO command, or reading CSR will clear BKPT.
23–20 HRL Hardware revision lev el. Indicates the level of debug module functionality. An emulator could use this
infor m ation to identify the level of functionality supported.
0000 Initial debug functionality (Revision A) (This is the only valid value for this device.)
19–17 Reserved, should be cleared.
16 IPW Inhibit processo r writes. Setting IPW inhibits processor-initiated writes to the debug module’s
programming model registers. IPW can be modified only by commands from the external
development system.
15 MAP Force processor references in emulator mode.
0 All emulator-mode references are mapped into superv isor code and data spaces.
1 The processor maps all ref erences while in emulator mode to a special address space, TT = 10,
TM = 101 or 110.
14 TRC Force emulation mode on trace e xception. If TRC = 1, the processor enters emulator mode when a
trace exception occurs. If TRC=0, the processor enters su pe rvisor mode .
13 EMU Force emulation mode. If EMU = 1, the processor begins executing in emulator mode. See
Section, “Emulator Mode.”
12–11 DDC Debug data control. Controls operand data capture f or DDATA, which displays the number of b ytes
defined by the operand ref erence size before the actual data; b yte displa ys 8 bits , word displa ys 16
bits, and long displays 32 bits (one nibble at a time across multiple PSTCLK cycles). See Table 30-2.
00 No operand data is displayed.
01 Capture all write data.
10 Capture all read da ta.
11 Capture all read an d write data.
10 UHE User halt enable. Selects the CPU privileg e level required to execute the HALT instruction.
0 HALT is a supervisor-only instruction.
1 HALT is a supervisor/user instruction.
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30.4.5 Data Breakpoint/Mask Registers (DBR, DBMR)
The DBR, shown in Figure 30-8, specifies data patterns used as part of the trigger into debug mode. DBR
bits are masked by setting corresponding DBMR bits, as defined in TDR.
9–8 BTB Branch target bytes . Defines the number of bytes of branch target address DDATA displays.
00 0 bytes
01 Lower 2 bytes of the target address
10 Lower 3 bytes of the target address
11 Entire 4-byte target address
See Section 30.3 .1, “Begin Execution of Taken Branch (PST = 0x5).”
7 Reserved, should be cleared.
6 NPL Non-pipelined mode. Determines whether the core operates in pipelined or mode or not.
0 Pipelined mode
1 Nonpipelined mode. The processor effectively e x ecutes one instruction at a time with no overlap .
This adds at least 5 cycles to the execution time of each instruction. Giv en an a v er age e x ecution
latency of 1.6 cycles/instruction, throughput in non-pipeline mode would be 6.6 cycles/instruction,
approximately 25% or less of pipelined performance.
Regardless of the NPL state, a triggered PC breakpoint is always reported before the triggering
instruction executes. In no rmal pipel i n e operation, the occurrence of an address and/or data
breakpoint trigger is imprecise. In non-pipeline mode, triggers are always report ed before the next
instruction begins execution and trigger reporting can be considered pre c ise.
5 IPI Ignore pe nding interrupts.
1 Core ignores any pending interrupt requests signalled while in single-instruction-step mode.
0 Core services any pending interrup t requests that were signalled while in single-step mode.
4 SSM Single-step mode. Setting SSM puts the processor in single-step mode.
0 Normal mode.
1 Single-step mode. The processor halts after execution of each instruction. While halted, any BDM
command can be executed. On receipt of the GO command, the processor executes the next
instruction and halts aga in. This process continues until SSM is cleared.
3–0 Reserved, should be cleared.
31 0
Field Data (DBR); Mask (DBMR)
Reset Uninitialized
R/W DBR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x0E, using the WDEBUG instruction and
through the BDM port using the RDMREG and WDMREG commands.
DBMR is accessible in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x0F,using the WDEBUG instruction and
via the BDM port using the WDMREG command.
DRc[4–0] 0x0E (DBR), 0x0F (DBMR)
Figure 30-8. Data Breakpoint/Mask Registers (DBR/DBMR)
Table 30-8. CSR Fiel d Descriptions (contin ued)
Bit Name Description
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Table 30-9 describes DBR fields.
Table 30-10 describes DBMR fields.
The DBR supports both aligned and misaligned references. Table 30-11 shows relationships between
processor address, access size, and location within the 32-bit data bus.
30.4.6 Program Counter Breakpoint/Mask Registers (PBR, PBMR)
The PBR defines an instruction address for use as part of the trigger. This register s contents are compared
with the processor s program counter register when TDR is configured appropriately . PBR bits are masked
by setting corresponding PBMR bits. Results are compared with the processors program counter register ,
as defined in TDR. Figure 30-9 shows the PC breakpoint register.
Table 30-9. DBR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 Data Data breakpoint value. Contains the value to be compared with the data value from the processor’ s
local bus as a breakpoint trigger.
Table 30-10. DBMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 Mask Data breakpoint mask. The 32-bit mask for the data breakpoint trigger . Clearing a DBR bit allows the
corresponding DBR bit to be compared to the appropriate bit of the processor’s local data bus. Setting
a DBMR bit causes that bit to be ignored.
Table 30-11. Access Size and Operand Data Location
A[1:0] Access Size Operand Location
00 Byte D[31:24]
01 Byte D[23:16]
10 Byte D[15:8]
11 Byte D[7:0]
0x Word D[31:16]
1x Word D[15:0]
xx Longword D[31:0]
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Table 30-12 describes PBR fields.
Figure 30-9 shows PBMR.
Table 30-13 describes PBMR fields.
30.4.7 Trigger Definition Register (TDR)
The TDR, shown in Table 30-11, configures the operation of the hardware breakpoint logic that
corresponds with the ABHR/ABLR/AATR, PBR/PBMR, and DBR/DBMR registers within the debug
module. The TDR controls the actions taken under the defined conditions. Breakpoint logic may be
configured as a one- or two-level trigger. TDR[31–16] define the second-level trigger and bits 15–0 define
the first-level trigger.
31 0
Field Program Counter
R/W Write. PC breakpoint register is accessible in supervisor mode using the WDEBUG instruction and through
the BDM port using the RDMREG and WDMREG commands using values shown in Section, “Command
Set Descriptions.”
DRc[4–0] 0x08 (PBR)
Figure 30-9. Program Counter Breakpoint Register (PBR)
Table 30-12. PBR Field Descript ions
Bits Name Description
31–0 Address PC breakpoint address. The 32-bit address to be compared with the PC as a breakpoint trigger.
31 0
Field Mask
R/W Write. PBMR is accessibl e in supervisor mode as debug control register 0x09 using the WDEBUG
instruction and via the BDM port using the wdmreg command.
DRc[4–0] 0x09
Figure 30-10. Program Counter Breakpoint Mask Register (PBMR)
Table 30-13. PBMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–0 Mask PC breakpoint mask. A zero in a bit position causes the corresponding PBR bit to be compared to the
appropriate PC bit. Set PBMR bits cause PBR bits to be ignored.
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The debug module has no hardware interlocks, so to prevent spurious
breakpoint triggers while the breakpoint registers are being loaded, disable
TDR (by clearing TDR[29,13]) before defining triggers.
A write to TDR clears the CSR trigger status bits, CSR[BSTAT].
Table 30-14 describes TDR fields.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
15141312 11 10 9 8 7 6 543210
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Write only. Accessible in supervisor mode as de bug control register 0x07 using the WDEBUG instruction and
through the BDM po rt using the WDMREG command.
DRc[4–0] 0x07
Figure 30-11. Trigger Definition Register (TDR)
Table 30-14. TDR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
31–30 TRC Trigger response control. Determines how the processor responds to a completed trigger condition.
The trigger response is always displayed on DDATA.
00 Display on DDATA only
01 Processor halt
10 Debu g i nterrupt
11 Reserved
15–14 LxT Level-x trigger. This is a Rev. B function only. The Level-x Trigger bit determines the logic operation
for the trigger between the PC_condition and the (Address_range & Data_condition) where the
inclusion of a Data condition is optional. The ColdFire deb ug architecture supports the creation of
single or double-level triggers.
0 Level-2 trigger = PC_condition & Address_range & Data_condition
1 Level-2 trigger = PC_condition | (Address_range & Data_condition)
0 Level-1 trigger = PC_condition & Address_range & Data_condition
1 Level-1 trigger = PC_condition | (Address_range & Data_condition)
29/13 EBL Enable breakpoint. Global enable for the breakpoint trigger. Setting TDR[EBL] enab les a breakpoint
trigger. Clearing it disables all breakpoints at that level.
Second-Level Trigger
First-Level Trigger
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30.5 Background Debug Mode (BDM)
The ColdFire Family implements a low-level system debugger in the microprocessor hardware.
Communication with the development system is handled through a dedicated, high-speed serial command
interface. The ColdFire architecture implements the BDM controller in a dedicated hardware module.
Although some BDM operations, such as CPU register accesses, require the CPU to be halted, other BDM
commands, such as memory accesses, can be executed while the processor is running.
30.5.1 CPU Halt
Although most BDM operations can occur in parallel with CPU operations, unrestricted BDM operation
requires the CPU to be halted. The sources that can cause the CPU to halt are listed below in order of
12–6 EDxSetting an EDx bit enables the corresponding data breakpoint condition based on the size and
placement on the processor’s local data bus. Clearing all EDx bits disables data breakpoints.
28/12 EDLW Data longword. Entire processor’s local data bus.
27/11 EDWL Lower data word.
26/10 EDWU Upper data word.
25/9 EDLL Lower lower data byte. Low-order byte of the low-order word.
24/8 EDLM Lower middle data byte. High-order byte of the low-order word.
23/7 EDUM Upper middle data byte. Low-order byte of the high-order word.
22/6 EDUU Upper upper data byte. High-order byte of the high-order word.
21/5 DI Data breakpoin t invert. Provides a way to invert the logical sense of all the data brea kp oi n t
comparators. This can de velop a trigger based on the occurrence of a data v alue other than the DBR
4–2 EAxEnable address bits. Setting an EA bit enables the corresponding address breakpoint. Clearing all
three bits disables the breakpoint.
20/4 EAI Enable address breakpoint inverted. Breakpoint is based outside the range between ABLR
and ABHR.
19/3 EAR Enable address breakpoint range. The breakpoint is based on the inclusive range defined
by ABLR and ABHR.
18/2 EAL Enable address breakpoint low. The breakpoint is based on the address in the ABLR.
17/1 EPC Enable PC breakpoint. If set, this bit enables the PC breakpoint.
16/0 PCI Breakpoint invert. If set, this bit allows execution outside a given region as defined by PBR and PBMR
to enable a trigger. If cleared, the PC breakpoint is define d within the regi on defined by PBR and
Table 30-14. TDR Field Descriptions (contin ued)
Bits Name Description
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1. A catastrophic fault-on-fault condition automatically halts the processor.
2. A hardware breakpoint can be configured to generate a pending halt condition similar to the
assertion of BKPT. This type of halt is always first made pending in the processor. Next, the
processor samples for pending halt and interrupt conditions once per instruction. When a pending
condition is asserted, the processor halts execution at the next sample point. See Section 30.6.1,
“Theory of Operation.”
3. The execution of a HALT instruction immediately suspends execution. Attempting to execute
HALT in user mode while CSR[UHE] = 0 generates a privilege violation exception. If
CSR[UHE] = 1, HALT can be executed in user mode. After HALT executes, the processor can be
restarted by serial shifting a GO command into the debug module. Execution continues at the
instruction after HALT.
4. The assertion of the BKPT input is treated as a pseudo-interrupt; that is, the halt condition is
postponed until the processor core samples for halts/interrupts. The processor samples for these
conditions once during the execution of each instruction. If there is a pending halt condition at the
sample time, the processor suspends execution and enters the halted state.
The assertion of BKPT should be considered in the following two special cases:
After the system reset signal is negated, the processor waits for 16 processor clock cycles before
beginning reset exception processing. If the BKPT input is asserted within eight cycles after RSTI
is negated, the processor enters the halt state, signaling halt status (0xF) on the PST outputs. While
the processor is in this state, all resources accessible through the debug m odule can be referenced.
This is the only chance to force the processor into emulation mode through CSR[EMU].
After system initialization, the processors response to the GO command depends on the set of
BDM commands performed while it is halted for a breakpoint. Specifically, if the PC register was
loaded, the GO command causes the processor to exit halted state and pass control to the instruction
address in the PC, bypassing normal reset exception processing. If the PC was not loaded, the GO
command causes the processor to exit halted state and continue reset exception processing.
The ColdFire architecture also handles a special case of BKPT being asserted while the processor
is stopped by execution of the STOP instruction. For this case, the processor exits the stopped mode
and enters the halted state, at which point, all BDM commands may be exercised. When re started,
the processor continues by executing the next sequential instruction, that is, the instruction
following the STOP opcode.
CSR[27–24] indicates the halt source, showing the highest priority source for multiple halt conditions.
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30.5.2 BDM Serial Interface
When the CPU is halted and PST reflects the halt status, the development system can send unrestricted
commands to the debug module. The debug module implements a synchronous protocol using two inputs
(DSCLK and DSI) and one output (DSO), where DSO is specified as a delay relative to the risin g edge of
the processor clock. See Table 30-1. The development system serves as the serial communication channel
master and must generate DSCLK.
The serial channel operates at a frequency from DC to 1/5 of the CLKOUT frequency. The channel uses
full-duplex mode, where data is sent and received simultaneously by both master and slave devices. The
transmission consists of 17-bit packets composed of a status/control bit and a 16-bit data word. As shown
in Figure 30-12, all state transitions are enabled on a rising edge of CLKOUT when DSCLK is high; that
is, DSI is sampled and DSO is driven.
Figure 30-12. BDM Serial Interface Timing
DSCLK and DSI are synchronized inputs. DSCLK acts as a pseudo clock enable and is sampled on the
rising edge of the processor clock as well as the DSI. DSO is delayed from the DSCLK-enabled CLK rising
edge (registered after a BDM state machine state change). All events in the debug module’s serial state
machine are based on the processor clock rising edge. DSCLK must also be sampled low (on a positive
edge of CLK) between each bit exchange. The MSB is transferred first. Because DSO changes state based
on an internally-recognized rising edge of DSCLK, DSDO cannot be used to indicate the start of a serial
transfer. The development system must count clock cycles in a given transfer. C1–C4 are described as
C1—First synchronization cycle for DSI (DSCLK is high).
C2—Second synchronization cycle for DSI (DSCLK is high).
C3—BDM state machine changes state depending upon DSI and whether the entire input data
transfer has been transmitted.
C4—DSO changes to next value.
A not-ready response can be ignored except during a memory-referencing
cycle. Otherwise, the debug module can accept a new serial transfer after 32
processor clock periods. Receive P acket Format
The basic receive packet, Figure 30-13, consists of 16 data bits and 1 status bit
Next State
BDM State
Current State
Current Next
Past Current
C1 C2 C3 C4
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Table 30-15 describes receive BDM packet fields. Transmit Packet Format
The basic transmit packet, Figure 30-14, consists of 16 data bits and 1 control bit.
Table 30-16 describes transmit BDM packet fields.
30.5.3 BDM Command Set
Table 30-17 summarizes the BDM command set. Subsequent paragraphs contain detailed descriptions of
each command. Issuing a BDM command when the processor is accessing debug module registers using
the WDEBUG instruction causes undefined behavior.
16 15 0
S Data Field [15:0]
Figure 30-1 3. Rece iv e BDM Packet
Table 30-15. Receive BDM Packet Field Description
Bits Name Description
16 S Status. Indicates the status of CPU-generated messages listed below . The not-ready response can be
ignored unless a memory-referencing cycle is in progress. Otherwise, the debug module can accept a
new serial transfer after 32 processor clock periods.
0 xxxxValid data transfer
0 0xFFFFStatus OK
1 0x0000 Not ready with response; come again
1 0x0001Error—Terminated bus cycle; data invalid
1 0xFFFFIllegal command
15–0 D Data. Contains the message to be sent from the debug module to the development system. The
response message is always a single word, with the data field encoded as shown above.
16 15 0
Figure 30-14. Transmit BDM Packet
Table 30-16. Transmit BDM Packet Field Description
Bits Name Description
16 C Control. This bit is reserv ed. Command and data transf ers initiated by the dev elopment system should
clear C .
15–0 D Data bits 15–0. Contains the data to be sent from the development system to the debug module .
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Unassigned command opcodes are reserved by Freescale. All unused command formats within any
revision level perform a NOP and return the illegal command response. ColdFire BDM Command Format
All ColdFire Family BDM commands include a 16-bit operation word followed by an optional set of one
or more extension words, as shown in Figure 30-15.
Table 30-17. BDM Command Summary
Command Mnemonic Description CPU
1General command effect and/or requirements on CPU operation:
- Halted. The CPU must be halted to perform this command.
- Steal. Command generates bus cycles that can be interleaved with bus accesses.
- Parallel. Command is executed in parallel with CPU activity.
Section Command
Read A/D
register RAREG/
RDREG Read the selected ad dress or data register and
retur n the results through the serial interface. Halted 0x218 {A/D,
Write A/D
register WAREG/
WDREG Write the data operand to the specified address or
data register. Halted 0x208 {A/D,
READ Read the data at the memory location specified by
the longword address. Steal 0x1900—byte
WRITE Write the operand data to the memory location
specified by the longword address. Steal 0x1800—byte
DUMP Used with READ to dump large blocks of memory. An
initial READ is executed to set up the starting address
of the block and to retr ieve the first result. A DUMP
command retriev es subsequent operands.
Steal 0x1D00—byte
Fill memory
block FILL Used with WRITE to fill large blocks of memor y. An
initial WRITE is executed to set up the star ting
address of the block and to supply the first operand.
A FILL command writes subsequent operands.
Steal 0x1C00—byte
execution GO The pipeline is flushed and refilled bef ore resuming
instruction execution at the current PC. Halted 0x0C00
No operation NOP Perform no operation; may be used as a null
command. Parallel 0x0000
Read control
register RCREG Read the system control register. Halted 0x2980
Write control
register WCREG Write the operand data to the system control
register. Halted 0x2880
Read debug
RDMREG Read the debug module re gister. Parallel 0x2D {0x42
20x4 is a three-bit field.
Write debug
WDMREG Write the operand data to the debug module
register. Parallel 0x2C {0x42
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Table 30-18 describes BDM fields. Extension Wor ds as Required
Some commands require extension words for addresses and/or immediate data. Addresses require two
extension words because only absolute long addressing is permitted. Longword accesses are forcibly
longword-aligned and word accesses are forcibly word-aligned. Immediate data can be 1 or 2 words long.
Byte and word data each requires a single extension word and longword data requires two extension words.
Operands and addresses are transferred most-significant word first. In the following descriptions of the
BDM command set, the optional set of extension words is defined as address, data, or operand data. Command Sequence Diagrams
The command sequence diagram in Figure 30-16 shows serial bus traffic for commands. Each bubble
represents a 17-bit bus transfer. The top half of each bubble indicates the data the development system
sends to the debug module; the bottom half indicates the debug module’s response to the previous
development system commands. Command and result transactions overlap to minimize latency.
15 1098765432 0
Operation 0 R/W Op Size 0 0 A/D Register
Extension Word(s)
Figure 30-15. BDM Command Format
Table 30-18. BDM Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
15–10 Operation Specifies the command. These values are listed in Table 30-17.
9 0 Reserved, shoul d be clea re d .
8 R/W Direction of operand transfer.
0 Data is written to the CPU or to memory from the development system.
1 The transfer is from the CPU to the development system.
7–6 Op Size Operand data size f or sized operations. Addresses are expressed as 32-bit absolute values. Note
that a command performing a byte-sized memory read leaves the upper 8 bits of the response
data undefined. Referenced data is returned in the lower 8 bits of the response.
Operand Size Bit Values
00 Byte 8 bits
01 Word 16 bits
10 Longword 32 bits
11 Reserved
5–4 00 Reserved, should be cleared.
3 A/D Addr ess/data. Determ ines whether the register field specifies a data or address register.
0 Indicates a data register.
1 Indicates an address register.
2–0 Register Contains the register number in commands that operate on processor registers.
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Figure 30-16. Command Sequence Diagram
The sequence is as follows:
In cycle 1, the development system command is issued (READ in this example). The debug module
responds with either the low-order results of the previous command or a command complete status
of the previous command, if no results are required.
In cycle 2, the development system supplies the high-order 16 address bits. The debug module
returns a not-ready response unless the received command is decoded as unimplemented, which is
indicated by the illegal command encoding. If this occurs, the development system should
retransmit the command.
A not-ready response can be ignored except during a memory-referencing
cycle. Otherwise, the debug module can accept a new serial transfer after 32
processor clock periods.
In cycle 3, the development system supplies the low-order 16 address bits. The debug module
always returns a not-ready response.
At the completion of cycle 3, the debug module initiates a memory read operation. Any serial
transfers that begin during a memory access return a not-ready response.
Results are returned in the two serial transfer cycles after the memory access completes. For any
command performing a byte-sized memory read operation, the upper 8 bits of the response data are
undefined and the referenced data is returned in the lower 8 bits. The next command’s opcode is
sent to the debug module during the final transfer . If a memory or register access is terminated with
a bus error, the error status (S = 1, DATA = 0x0001) is returned instead of result data. Command Set Descriptions
The following sections describe the commands summarized in Table 30-17.
Commands transmitted to the debug module
Command code transmitted during this cycle
High-order 16 bits of memory address
Low-order 16 bits of memory address
Sequence taken if operation
has not completed
Responses from the debug module
Results from previous command
Sequence taken if illegal command
is received by debug module
Data used from this transfer
Sequence taken if bus error
occurs on memory access
High- and low-order 16 bits of result
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The BDM status bit (S) is 0 for normally completed commands; S = 1 for
illegal commands, not-ready responses, and transfers with bus-errors.
Section 30.5.2, “BDM Serial Interface,” describes the receive packet
Freescale reserves unassigned command opcodes for future expansion. Unused command formats in any
revision level perform a NOP and return an illegal command response. Read A/D Register (RAREG/RDREG)
Read the selected address or data register and return the 32-bit result. A bus error response is returned if
the CPU core is not halted.
Command/Result Formats:
Command Sequence:
Figure 30-18. RAREG/RDREG Command Sequence
Operand Data: None
Result Data: The contents of the selected register are returned as a longword value,
most-significant word first. Write A/D Register (WAREG/WDREG)
The operand longword data is written to the specified address or data register. A write alters all 32 register
bits. A bus error response is returned if the CPU core is not halted.
Command Format:
15 1211 87 432 0
Command 0x2 0x1 0x8 A/D Register
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-17. RAREG/RDREG Command Format
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 2 0
0x2 0x0 0x8 A/D Register
Figure 30-19. WAREG/WDREG Command Format
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Command Sequence
Figure 30-20. WAREG/WDREG Command Sequence
Operand Data Longword data is written into the specified address or data register. The data is
supplied most-significant word first.
Result Data Command complete status is indicated by returning 0xFFFF (with S cleared)
when the register write is complete. Read Memory Location (READ)
Read data at the longword address. Address space is defined by BAAR[TT,TM]. Hardware forces
low-order address bits to zeros for word and longword accesses to ensure that word addresses are
word-aligned and longword addresses are longword-aligned.
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Command/Result Formats:
Command Sequence:
Figure 30-22. READ Command Sequence
Operand Data The only operand is the longword address of the requested location.
Result Data Word results return 16 bits of data; longword results return 32. Bytes are returned
in the LSB of a word result; the upper byte is undefined. 0x0001 (S = 1) is returned
if a bus error occurs.
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Command 0x1 0x9 0x0 0x0
ResultXXXXXXXX D[7:0]
Word Command 0x1 0x9 0x4 0x0
Result D[15:0]
Longword Command 0x1 0x9 0x8 0x0
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-21. READ Command/Result Formats
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Write data to the memory location specified by the longword address. The address space is defined by
BAAR[TT,TM]. Hardware forces low-order address bits to zeros for word and longword accesses to
ensure that word addresses are word-aligned and longword addresses are longword-aligned.
Command Formats:
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 1
Byte 0x1 0x8 0x0 0x0
Word 0x1 0x8 0x4 0x0
Longword 0x1 0x8 0x8 0x0
Figure 30-23. WRITE Command Format
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-24. WRITE Command Sequence
Operand Data This two-operand instruction requires a longword absolute address that specifies
a location to which the data operand is to be written. Byte data is sent as a 16-bit
word, justified in the LSB; 16- and 32-bit operands are sent as 16 and 32 bits,
Result Data Command complete status is indicated by returning 0xFFFF (with S cleared)
when the register write is complete. A value of 0x0001 (with S set) is returned if
a bus error occurs. Dump Memory Block (DUMP)
DUMP is used with the READ command to access large blocks of memory. An initial READ is executed to
set up the starting address of the block and to retrieve the first result. If an initial READ is not executed
before the first DUMP, an illegal command response is returned. The DUMP command retrieves subsequent
operands. The initial address is incremented by the operand size (1, 2, or 4) and saved in a temporary
register. Subsequent DUMP commands use this address, perform the memory read, increment it by the
current operand size, and store the updated address in the temporary register.
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DUMP does not check for a valid address; it is a valid command only when
preceded by NOP, READ, or another DUMP command. Otherwise, an illegal
command response is returned. NOP can be used for intercommand padding
without corrupting the address pointer.
The size field is examined each time a DUMP command is processed, allowing the operand size to be
dynamically altered.
Command/Result Formats:
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Byte Command 0x1 0xD 0x0 0x0
Result XXXXXXXX D[7:0]
Word Command 0x1 0xD 0x4 0x0
Result D[15:0]
Longword Command 0x1 0xD 0x8 0x0
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-25. DUMP Command/Result Formats
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-26. DUMP Command Sequence
Operand Data: None
Result Data: Requested data is returned as either a word or longword. Byte data is returned in
the least-significant byte of a word result. W ord results return 16 bits of significant
data; longword results return 32 bits. A value of 0x0001 (with S set) is returned if
a bus error occurs. Fill Memory Block (FILL)
A FILL command is used with the WRITE command to access large blocks of memory. An initial WRITE is
executed to set up the starting address of the block and to supply the first operand. The FILL command
writes subsequent operands. The initial address is incremented by the operand size (1, 2, or 4) and saved
in a temporary register after the memory write. Subsequent FILL commands use this address, perform the
write, increment it by the current operand size, and store the updated address in the temporary register.
If an initial WRITE is not executed preceding the first FILL command, the illegal command response is
The FILL command does not check for a valid address—FILL is a valid
command only when preceded by another FILL, a NOP, or a WRITE command.
Otherwise, an illegal command response is returned. The NOP command can
be used for intercommand padding without corrupting the address pointer.
The size field is examined each time a FILL command is processed, allowing the operand size to be altered
Command Formats:
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-28. FILL Command Sequen ce
Operand Data: A single operand is data to be written to the memory location. Byte data is sent as
a 16-bit word, justified in the least-significant byte; 16- and 32-bit operands are
sent as 16 and 32 bits, respectively.
Result Data: Command complete status (0xFFFF) is returned when the register write is
complete. A value of 0x0001 (with S set) is returned if a bus error occurs.
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Byte 0x1 0xC 0x0 0x0
Word 0x1 0xC 0x4 0x0
Longword 0x1 0xC 0x8 0x0
Figure 30-27. FILL Command Format
??? DATA
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The pipeline is flushed and refilled before normal instruction execution resumes. Prefetching begins at the
current address in the PC and at the current privilege level. If any register (such as the PC or SR) is altered
by a BDM command while the processor is halted, the updated value is used when prefetching resumes.
If a GO command is issued and the CPU is not halted, the command is ignored.
Command Sequence:
Figure 30-30. GO Command Sequence
Operand Data: None
Result Data: The command-complete response (0xFFFF) is returned during the next shift
operation. No Operation (NOP)
NOP performs no operation and may be used as a null command where required.
Command Formats:
Command Sequence:
Figure 30-32. NOP Command Sequence
Operand Data: None
Result Data: The command-complete response, 0xFFFF (with S cleared), is returned during the
next shift operation. Read Control Register (RCREG)
Reads the selected control register and returns the 32-bit result. Accesses to the processor/memory control
registers are always 32 bits wide, regardless of register width. The second and third words of the command
form a 32-bit address, which the debug module uses to generate a special bus cycle to access the specified
control register. The 12-bit Rc field is the same as that used by the MOVEC instruction.
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
0x0 0xC 0x0 0x0
Figure 30-29. GO Command Format
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Figure 30-31. NOP Command Format
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Command/Result Formats:
Rc encoding:
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Command 0x2 0x9 0x8 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 Rc
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-33. RCREG Command/Result Formats
Table 30-19. Control Register Map
Rc Register Definition
0x002 Cache Control Register (CACR)
0x004 Access Control Register (ACR0)
0x005 Access Control Register (ACR1)
0x800 Other Stack Pointer (OTHER_A7)
0x801 Vector Base Register (VBR)
0x804 MAC Status Register (MACSR)
0x805 MAC Mask Register (MASK)
0x806 MAC Accumulator 0 (ACC0)
0x807 MAC Accumulator 0,1 Extension Bytes (ACCEXT01)
0x808 MAC Accumulator 2,3 Extension Bytes (ACCEXT23)
0x809 MAC Accumulator 1 (ACC1)
0x80A MAC Accumulator 2 (ACC2)
0x80B MAC Accumulator 3 (ACC3)
0x80E Status Register (SR)
0x80F Program Register (PC)
0xC04 Flash Base Address Register 0 (FLASHBAR )
(Not on MCF5280)
0xC05 RAM Base Address Register (RAMBAR)
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-34. RCREG Command Sequence
Operand Data: The only operand is the 32-bit Rc control register select field.
Result Data: Control register contents are returned as a longword, most-significant word first.
The implemented portion of registers smaller than 32 bits is guaranteed correct;
other bits are undefined.
BDM Accesses of the Stack Pointer Registers (A7: SSP, USP)
The processors Version 2 ColdFire core supports two unique stack pointer (A7) registers: the supervisor
stack pointer (SSP) and the user stack pointer (USP). The hardware implementation of these two
programmable-visible 32-bit registers does not uniquely identify one as the SSP and the other as the USP.
Rather, the hardware uses one 32-bit register as the currently-active A7 and the other register is named
simply the “other_A7”. Thus, the contents of the two hardware registers is a function of the operating mode
of the processor:
if SR[S] = 1
then A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
other_A7 = User Stack Pointer
else A7 = User Stack Pointer
other_A7 = Supervisor Stack Pointer
The BDM programming model supports reads and writes to the A7 and other_A7 registers directly. It is
the responsibility of the external development system to determine the mapping of the two hardware
registers (A7, other_A7) to the two program-visible definitions (supervisor and user stack pointers), based
on the Supervisor bit of the status register.
BDM Accesses of the EMAC Registers
The presence of rounding logic in the output datapath of the EMAC requires that special care be taken
during any BDM-initiated reads and writes of its programming model. In particular , it is necessary that any
result rounding modes be disabled during the read/write process so the exact bit-wise contents of the
EMAC registers are accessed.
As an example, any BDM read of an accumulator register (ACCn) must be preceded by two commands
accessing the MAC status register. Specifically, the following BDM sequence is required:
BdmReadACCn (
rcreg macsr; // read macsr contents & save
wcreg #0,macsr; // disable all rounding modes
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rcreg accn; // read the desired accumulator
wcreg #saved_data,macsr;// restore the original macsr
Likewise, the following BDM sequence is needed to write an accumulator register:
BdmWriteACCn (
rcreg macsr; // read macsr contents & save
wcreg #0,macsr; // disable all rounding modes
wcreg #data,accn; // write the desired accumulator
wcreg #saved_data,macsr;// restore the original macsr
Additionally, it is required that writes to the accumulator extension registers be performed after the
corresponding accumulators are updated. This is needed since a write to any accumulator alters the
contents of the corresponding extension register.
For more information on saving and restoring the complete EMAC programming model, see
Section, “Saving and Restoring the EMAC Programming Model”. Write Control Register (WCREG)
The operand (longword) data is written to the specified control register . The write alters all 32 register bits.
Command/Result Formats:
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Command 0x2 0x8 0x8 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 Rc
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-35. WCREG Command/Result Formats
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-36. WCREG Command Sequence
Operand Data: This instruction requires two longword operands. The first selects the register to
which the operand data is to be written; the second contains the data.
Result Data: Successful write operations return 0xFFFF. Bus errors on the write cycle are
indicated by the setting of bit 16 in the status message and by a data pattern of
0x0001. Read Debug Module Register (RDMREG)
Read the selected debug module register and return the 32-bit result. The only valid register selection for
the RDMREG command is CSR (DRc = 0x00). Note that this read of the CSR clears CSR[FOF , TRG, HALT,
BKPT]; as well as the trigger status bits (CSR[BSTAT]) if either a level-2 breakpoint has been triggered
or a level-1 breakpoint has been triggered and no level-2 breakpoint has been enabled.
Command/Result Formats:
Table 30-20 shows the definition of DRc encoding.
15 12 11 8 7 5 4 0
Command 0x2 0xD 100 DRc
Result D[31:16]
Figure 30-37 . RDMREG Command/Result Formats
Table 30-20. Definition of DRc Encoding—Read
DRc[4:0] Deb ug Register Definition Mnemonic Initial State Page
0x00 Configuration/Status CSR 0x0 p. 30-10
0x01–0x1F Reserved
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Command Sequence:
Figure 30-38. RDMREG Command Sequence
Operand Data: None
Result Data: The contents of the selected debug register are returned as a longword value. The
data is returned most-significant word first. Write Debug Module Register (WDMREG)
The operand (longword) data is written to the specified debug module register. All 32 bits of the register
are altered by the write. DSCLK must be inactive while the debug module register writes from the CPU
accesses are performed using the WDEBUG instruction.
Command Format:
Table 30-3 shows the definition of the DRc write encoding.
Command Sequence:
Figure 30-40. WDMREG Command Sequence
Operand Data: Longword data is written into the specified debug register. The data is supplied
most-significant word first.
Result Data: Command complete status (0xFFFF) is returned when register write is complete.
15 12 11 8 7 5 4 0
0x2 0xC 100 DRc
Figure 30-39. WDMREG BDM Command Format
??? XXX
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30.6 Real-Time Debug Support
The ColdFire Family provides support debugging real-time applications. For these types of embedded
systems, the processor must continue to operate during debug. The foundation of this area of debug support
is that while the processor cannot be halted to allow debugging, the system can generally tolerate small
intrusions into the real-time operation.
The debug module provides three types of breakpoints—PC with mask, operand address range, and data
with mask. These breakpoints can be configured into one- or two-level triggers with the exact trigger
response also programmable. The debug module programming model can be written from either the
external development system using the debug serial interface or from the processors supervisor
programming model using the WDEBUG instruction. Only CSR is readable using the external
development system.
30.6.1 Theory of Operation
Breakpoint hardware can be configured to respond to triggers in several ways. The response desired is
programmed into TDR. As shown in Table 30-21, when a breakpoint is triggered, an indication
(CSR[BSTAT]) is provided on the DDATA output port when it is not displaying captured processor status,
operands, or branch addresses.
The breakpoint status is also posted in the CSR. Note that CSR[BSTAT] is cleared by a CSR read when
either a level-2 breakpoint is triggered or a level-1 breakpoint is triggered and a level-2 breakpoint is not
enabled. Status is also cleared by writing to TDR.
BDM instructions use the appropriate registers to load and configure breakpoints. As the system operates,
a breakpoint trigger generates the response defined in TDR.
PC breakpoints are treated in a precise manner—exception recognition and processing are initiated before
the excepting instruction is executed. All other breakpoint events are recognized on the processor s local
bus, but are made pending to the processor and sampled like other interrupt conditions. As a result, these
interrupts are imprecise.
In systems that tolerate the processor being halted, a BDM-entry can be used. With TDR[TRC] =01, a
breakpoint trigger causes the core to halt (PST = 0xF).
If the processor core cannot be halted, the debug interrupt can be used. With this configuration,
TDR[TRC] = 10, the breakpoint trigger becomes a debug interrupt to the processor, which is treated higher
than the nonmaskable level-7 interrupt request. As with all interrupts, it is made pending until the
processor reaches a sample point, which occurs once per instruction. Again, the hardware forces the PC
breakpoint to occur before the target ed instruction executes. This is possible because the PC breakpoint is
Table 30-21. DDATA[3:0]/CSR[BSTAT] Breakpoint Response
1Encodings not shown are reserved for future use.
Breakpoint Status
0000/0000 No breakp oints enabled
0010/0001 Waiting for level-1 breakpoint
0100/0010 Level-1 breakpoint triggered
1010/0101 Waiting for level-2 breakpoint
1100/0110 Level-2 breakpoint triggered
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enabled when interrupt sampling occurs. For address and data breakpoints, reporting is considered
imprecise because several instructions may execute after the triggering address or data is detected.
As soon as the debug interrupt is recognized, the processor aborts execution and initiates exception
processing. This event is signaled externally by the assertion of a unique PST value (PST = 0xD) for
multiple cycles. The core enters emulator mode when exception processing begins. After the standard
8-byte exception stack is created, the processor fetches a unique exception vector, 12, from the vector
Execution continues at the instruction address in the vector corresponding to the breakpoint triggered. All
interrupts are ignored while the processor is in emulator mode. The debug interrupt handler can use
supervisor instructions to save the necessary context such as the state of all program-visible registers into
a reserved memory area.
When debug interrupt operations complete, the RTE instruction executes and the processor exits emulator
mode. After the debug interrupt handler completes execution, the external development system can use
BDM commands to read the reserved memory locations.
If a hardware breakpoint such as a PC trigger is left unmodified by the debug interrupt service routine,
another debug interrupt is generated after the completion of the RTE instruction. Emulator Mode
Emulator mode is used to facilitate non-intrusive emulator functionality . This mode can be entered in three
different ways:
Setting CSR[EMU] forces the processor into emulator mode. EMU is examined only if RSTI is
negated and the processor begins reset exception processing. It can be set while the processor is
halted before reset exception processing begins. See Section 30.5.1, “CPU Halt.”
A debug interrupt always puts the processor in emulation mode when debug interrupt exception
processing begins.
Setting CSR[TRC] forces the processor into emulation mode when trace exception processing
While operating in emulation mode, the processor exhibits the following properties:
All interrupts are ignored, including level-7 interrupts.
If CSR[MAP] = 1, all caching of memory and the SRAM module are disabled. All memory
accesses are forced into a specially mapped address space signaled by TT = 0x2, TM = 0x5 or 0x6.
This includes stack frame writes and the vector fetch for the exception that forced entry into this
The RTE instruction exits emulation mode. The processor status output port provides a unique encoding
for emulator mode entry (0xD) and exit (0x7).
30.6.2 Concurrent BDM and Processor Operation
The debug module supports concurrent operation of both the processor and most BDM commands. BDM
commands may be executed while the processor is running, except those following operations that access
processor/memory registers:
Read/write address and data registers
Read/write control registers
For BDM commands that access memory, the debug module requests the processors local bus. The
processor responds by stalling the instruction fetch pipeline and waiting for current bus activity to
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complete before freeing the local bus for the debug module to perform its access. After the debug module
bus cycle, the processor reclaims the bus.
Breakpoint registers must be carefully configured in a development system if the processor is executing.
The debug module contains no hardware interlocks, so TDR should be disabled while breakpoint registers
are loaded, after which TDR can be written to define the exact trigger. This prevents spurious breakpoint
Because there are no hardware interlocks in the debug unit, no BDM operations are allowed while the CPU
is writing the debug’s registers (DSCLK must be inactive).
Note that the debug module requires the use of the internal bus to perform BDM commands. In Revision
A, if the processor is executing a tight loop that is contained within a single aligned longword, the
processor may never grant the internal bus to the debug module, for example:
label1: nop
bra.b label1
label2: bra.w label2
The processor grants the internal bus if these loops are forced across two longwords.
30.7 Processor Status, DDATA Definition
This section specifies the ColdFire processor and debug module’s generation of the processor status (PST)
and debug data (DDATA) output on an instruction basis. In general, the PST/DDATA output for an
instruction is defined as follows:
PST = 0x1, {PST = [0x89B], DDATA= operand}
where the {...} definition is optional operand information defined by the setting of the CSR.
The CSR provides capabilities to display operands based on reference type (read, write, or both). A PST
value {0x8, 0x9, or 0xB} identifies the size and presence of valid data to follow on the DDATA output {1,
2, or 4 bytes}. Additionally, for certain change-of-flow branch instructions, CSR[BTB] provides the
capability to display the target instruction address on the DDATA output {2, 3, or 4 bytes} using a PST
value of {0x9, 0xA, or 0xB}.
30.7.1 User Instruction Set
Table 30-22 shows the PST/DDATA specification for user-mode instructions. Rn represents any {Dn, An}
register. In this definition, the ‘y’ suffix generally denotes the source and ‘x’ denotes the destination
operand. For a given instruction, the optional operand data is displayed only for those effective addresses
referencing memory. The ‘DD’ nomenclature refers to the DDATA outputs.
Table 30-22. PST/DDATA Specification for User-Mode Instructions
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
add.l <ea>y,Rx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
add.l Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
addi.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
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addq.l #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
addx.l Dy,Dx PST = 0x1
and.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
and.l Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
andi.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
asl.l {Dy,#imm},Dx PST = 0x1
asr.l {Dy,#imm},Dx PST = 0x1
bitrev.l Dx PST = 0x1
byterev.l Dx PST = 0x1
bcc.{b,w} if taken, then PST = 0x5, else PST = 0x1
bchg #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bchg Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bclr #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bclr Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bra.{b,w} PST = 0x5
bset #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bset Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
bsr.{b,w} PST = 0x5, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination operand}
btst #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source operand}
btst Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source operand}
clr.b <ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination operand}
clr.l <ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination operand}
clr.w <ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = destination operand}
cmp.l <ea>y,Rx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
cmpi.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
divs.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = so urce operand}
divs.w <ea>y, Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand}
divu.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = s ource operand}
divu.w <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand}
eor.l Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
eori.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
ext.l Dx PST = 0x1
ext.w Dx PST = 0x1
Table 30-22. PST/DDATA Specification for User-Mode Instructions (continued)
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
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extb.l Dx PST = 0x1
ff1.l Dx PST = 0x1
jmp <ea>x PST = 0x5, {PST = [0x9AB], DD = target address} 1
jsr <ea>x PST = 0x5, {PST = [0x9AB], DD = target address},
{PST = 0xB , DD = destination operand}1
lea <ea>y,Ax PST = 0x1
link.w Ay,#imm PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB , DD = destination operand}
lsl.l {Dy,#imm},Dx PST = 0x1
lsr.l {Dy,#imm},Dx PST = 0x1
move.b <ea>y,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source}, {PST = 0x8, DD = destination}
move.l <ea>y,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
move.w <ea>y,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source}, {PST = 0x9, DD = destination}
move.w CCR,Dx PST = 0x1
move.w {Dy,#imm},CCR PST = 0x1
movem.l #list,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination},... 2
movem.l <ea>y,#list PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source},... 2
moveq #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
muls.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
muls.w <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand}
mulu.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
mulu.w <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand}
neg.l Dx PST = 0x1
negx.l Dx PST = 0x1
nop PST = 0x1
not.l Dx PST = 0x1
or.l <ea>y,Dx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
or.l Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
ori.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
pea <ea>y PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination operand}
pulse PST = 0x4
rems.l <ea>y,Dx:Dw PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
remu.l <ea>y,Dx:Dw PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
Table 30-22. PST/DDATA Specification for User-Mode Instructions (continued)
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
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Exception ProcessingPST = 0xC,{PST = 0xB,DD = destination},// stack frame
{PST = 0xB,DD = destination},// stack frame
{PST = 0xB,DD = source},// vector read
PST = 0x5,{PST = [0x9AB],DD = target}// handler PC
The PST/DDATA specification for the reset exception is shown below:
Exception ProcessingPST = 0xC,
PST = 0x5,{PST = [0x9AB],DD = target}// handler PC
The initial references at address 0 and 4 are never captured nor displayed since these accesses are treated
as instruction fetches.
rts PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = s ource operand},
PST = 0x5, {PST = [0x9AB], DD = target address}
scc Dx PST = 0x1
sub.l <ea>y,Rx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
sub.l Dy,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
subi.l #imm,Dx PST = 0x1
subq.l #imm,<ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source}, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination}
subx.l Dy,Dx PST = 0x1
swap Dx PST = 0x1
trap #imm PST = 0x13
trapf PST = 0x1
tst.b <ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x8, DD = source operand}
tst.l <ea >x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
tst.w <ea>x PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand}
unlk Ax PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = destination operand}
wddata.b <ea>y PST = 0x4, {PST = 0x8, DD = source operand
wddata.l <ea>y PST = 0x4, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand
wddata.w <ea>y PST = 0x4, {PST = 0x9, DD = source operand
1For JMP and JSR instructions, the option al target instruction address is displayed only for those effective address
fields defining variant addressing modes. This includes the following <ea>x values: (An), (d16,An), (d8,An,Xi),
2For Move Multiple instructions (MOVEM), the processor automatically generates line-sized transf ers if the operand
address reaches a 0-modulo-16 boundary and there are four or more registers to be transf erred. For these line-sized
transf ers, the operand data is ne ver captured nor displayed, regardless of the CSR value.
The automatic line-sized burst transfers are provided to maximize performance during these sequential memory
access operations.
3During normal exception processing, the PST output is driven to a 0xC indicating the e xception processing state. The
exception stack write operands, as well as the vector read and target address of the exception handler may also be
Table 30-22. PST/DDATA Specification for User-Mode Instructions (continued)
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
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Debug Support
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For all types of exception processing, the PST = 0xC value is driven at all times, unless the PST output is
needed for one of the optional marker values or for the taken branch indicator (0x5).
Table 30-23 shows the PST/DDATA specification for multiply-accumulate instructions.
30.7.2 Supervisor Instruction Set
The supervisor instruction set has complete access to the user mode instructions plus the opcodes shown
below. The PST/DDATA specification for these opcodes is shown in Table 30-24.
Table 30-23. PST/DDATA Specification for MAC Instructions
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
mac.l Ry,Rx,Accx PST = 0x1
mac.l RyRx,<ea>,Rw,Accx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
mac.w Ry,Rx,Accx PST = 0x1
mac.w Ry,Rx,<ea>,Rw,Accx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
move.l <ea>y,Accx PST = 0x1
move.l Accy,Accx PST = 0x1
move.l <ea>y,MACR PST = 0x1
move.l <ea>y,MASK PST = 0x1
move.l <ea>y,Accext01 PST = 0x1
move.l <ea>y,Accext23 PST = 0x1
move.l Accy,Rx PST = 0x1
move.l MACSR,CCR PST = 0x1
move.l MACSR,Rx PST = 0x1
move.l MASK,Rx PST = 0x1
move.l Accext01,Rx PST = 0x1
move.l Accext23,Rx PST = 0x1
msac.l Ry,Rx,Accx PST = 0x1
msac.l Ry,Rx,<ea>,Rw,Accx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
msac.w Ry,Rx,Acc x PST = 0x1
msac.w Ry,Rx,<ea>,Rw,Accx PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}
Table 30-24 . PST/DDATA Specification for Supervisor-Mode Instructions
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
cpushl PST = 0x1
halt PST = 0x1,
PST = 0xF
move.w SR,Dx PST = 0x1
move.w {Dy,#imm},SR PST = 0x1, {PST = 0x3}
movec Ry,Rc PST = 0x1
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Debug Support
30-44 Freescale Semiconductor
The move-to-SR, STLDSR, and R TE instructions include an optional PST = 0x3 value, indicating an entry
into user mode. Additionally, if the execution of a R TE instruc tion returns the processor to emulator mode,
a multiple-cycle status of 0xD is signaled.
Similar to the exception processing mode, the stopped state (PST = 0xE) and the halted state (PST = 0xF)
display this status throughout the entire time the ColdFire processor is in the given mode.
rte PST = 0x7, {PST = 0xB, DD = source operand}, {PST = 3}, {PST=0xB,
DD =source operand},
PST = 0x5, {[PST = 0x9AB], DD = target address}
stldsr.w #imm PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xA, DD = destination operand, PST = 0x3}
stop #imm PST = 0x1,
PST = 0xE
wdebug <ea>y PST = 0x1, {PST = 0xB, DD = source, PST = 0xB, DD = source}
Table 30-24 . PST/DDATA Specification for Supervisor-Mode Instructions
Instruction Operand Syntax PST/DDATA
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Debug Support
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30.8 Freescale-Recommended BDM Pinout
The ColdFire BDM connector, Figure 30-41, is a 26-pin Berg connector arranged 2 x 13.
Figure 30-41. Recommended BDM Connector
Developer reserved 1
Freescale reserved
Developer reserved 1
Freescale reserved
2Supplied by target
1Pins reserved for BDM developer use.
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Debug Support
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Freescale Semiconductor 31-1
Chapter 31
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
The Joint Test Action Group, or JTAG, is a dedicated user-accessible test logic, that complies with the
IEEE 1149.1 standard for boundary-scan testability, to help with system diagnostic and manufacturing
This architecture provides access to all data and chip control pins from the board-edge connector through
the standard four-pin test access port (TAP) and the JTAG reset pin, TRST.
Figure 31-1 shows the block diagram of the JTAG module.
Figure 31-1. JTAG Block Diagram
JTAG Module
to Debug Modul e
Disable DSCLK
Force BKPT = 1
DSI = 0
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
31-2 Freescale Semiconductor
31.1 Features
The basic features of the JTAG module are the following:
Performs boundary-scan operations to test circuit board electrical continuity
Bypasses instruction to reduce the shift register path to a single cell
Sets chip output pins to safety states while executing the bypass instruction
Samples the system pins during operation and transparently shift out the result
Selects between JTAG TAP controller and Background Debug Module (BDM) using a dedicated
31.2 Modes of Operation
The JTAG_EN pin can select between the following modes of operation:
JTAG mode
BDM - background debug mode (For more information, refer to Section 30.5, “Background Debug
Mode (BDM)).”
31.3 External Signal Description
The JTAG module has five input and one output external signals, as described in Table 31-1.
31.3.1 Detailed Signal Description JTAG_EN — JTAG Enable
The JTAG_EN pin selects between Debug module and JTAG. If JTAG_EN is low, the Debug module is
selected; if it is high, the JTAG is selected. Table 31-2 summarizes the pin function selected depending
upon JTAG_EN logic state.
Table 31-1. Signal Properties
Name Direction Function Reset State Pull up
JTAG_EN Input JTAG/BDM selector input
TCLK Input JTAG Test clock input Active
TMS/BKPT Input JTAG Test mode select / BDM Breakpoint Active
TDI/DSI Input J TAG Test data input / BDM Development serial input Active
TRST/DSCLK Input JTAG Test reset input / BDM Development serial clock Active
TDO/DSO Output JTA G Test data output / BDM Dev elopment serial output Hi-Z / 0
Table 31-2. Pin Function Selected
JTAG_EN = 0 JTAG_EN = 1 Pin Name
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IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Freescale Semiconductor 31-3
When one module is selected, the inputs into the other module are disabled or forced to a known logic level
as shown in Table 31-3, in order to disable the corresponding module.
The JTAG_EN does not support dynamic switching between JTAG and
BDM modes. TCLK — Test Clock Input
The TCLK pin is a dedicated JTAG clock input to synchronize the test logic. Pulses on TCLK shift data
and instructions into the TDI pin on the rising edge and out of the TDO pin on the falling edge. TCLK is
independent of the processor clock. The TCLK pin has an internal pull-up resistor and holding TCLK high
or low for an indefinite period does not cause JTAG test logic to lose state information. TMS/BKPT — Test Mode Select / Breakpoint
The TMS pin is the test mode select input that sequences the TAP state machine. TMS is sampled on the
rising edge of TCLK. The TMS pin has an internal pull-up resistor.
The BKP T pin is used to request an external breakpoint. Assertion of BKP T puts the processor into a halted
state after the current instruction completes. TDI/DSI — Test Data Input / Development Serial Input
The TDI pin is the LSB-first data and instruction input. TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCLK. The
TDI pin has an internal pull-up resistor.
The DSI pin provides data input for the debug module serial communication port. TRST/DSCLK — Test Reset / Development Serial Clock
The TRST pin is an active low asynchronous reset input with an internal pull-up resistor that forces the
TAP controller to the test-logic-reset state.
Module selected BDM JTAG
Pin Function
Table 31-3. Signal State to the Di sable Module
Disabling JTAG TRST = 0
TMS = 1
Disabling BDM Disable DSCLK
DSI = 0
BKPT = 1
Table 31-2. Pin Function Selected
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
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The DSCLK pin clocks the serial communication port to the debug module. Maximum frequency is 1/5
the processor clock speed. At the rising edge of DSCLK, the data input on DSI is sampled and DSO
changes state. TDO/DSO — Test Data Output / Development Serial Output
The TDO pin is the LSB-first data output. Data is clocked out of TDO on the falling edge of TCLK. TDO
is tri-stateable and is actively driven in the shift-IR and shift-DR controller states.
The DSO pin provides serial output data in BDM mode.
31.4 Memory Map/Register Definition
31.4.1 Memory Map
The JTAG module registers are not memory mapped and are only accessible through the TDO/DSO pin.
31.4.2 Register Descriptions
All registers are shift-in and parallel load. Instruction Shift Register (IR)
The JTAG module uses a 4-bit shift register with no parity. The IR transfers its value to a parallel hold
register and applies an instruction on the falling edge of TCLK when the TAP state machine is in the
update-IR state. To load an instruction into the shift portion of the IR, place the serial data on the TDI pin
before each rising edge of TCLK. The MSB of the IR is the bit closest to the TDI pin, and the LSB is the
bit closest to the TDO pin. IDCODE Register
The IDCODE is a read-only register; its value is chip dependent. For more information, see
Section, “IDCODE Instruction.”
31 28 27 22 21 16
Field PRN[[3:0] DC[5:0] PIN[9:0]
Reset PRN[3] PRN[2] PRN[1] PRN[0] 0111_01 PIN[9] PIN[8] PIN[7] PIN[6] PIN[5] PIN[4]
R/W Read on ly
15 12 11 10
Field PIN[9:0] JEDEC[10] ID
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Read on ly
Figure 31-2. IDCODE Register
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IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Freescale Semiconductor 31-5 Bypass Register
The bypass register is a single-bit shift register path from TDI to TDO when the BYPASS instruction is
selected. JTAG_CFM_CLKDIV Register
The JTAG_CFM_CLKDIV register is a 7-bit clock divider for the CFM that is used with the
LOCKOUT_RECOVER Y instruction. It controls the period of the clock used for timed events in the CFM
erase algorithm. The JTAG_CFM_CLKDIV register must be loaded before the lockout sequence can
begin. TEST_CTRL Register
The TEST_CTRL register is a 3-bit shift register path from TDI to TDO when the
ENABLE_TEST_CTRL instruction is selected. The TEST_CTRL transfers its value to a parallel hold
register on the rising edge of TCLK when the TAP state machine is in the update-DR state. Boundary Scan Register
The boundary scan register is connected between TDI and TDO when the EXTEST or
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction is selected. It captures input pin data, forces fixed values on output pins,
and selects a logic value and direction for bidirectional pins or high impedance for tri-stated pins.
The boundary scan register contains bits for bonded-out and non bonded-out signals excluding JTAG
signals, analog signals, power supplies, compliance enable pins, and clock signals.
31.5 Functional Description
31.5.1 JTAG Module
The JTAG module consists of a TAP controller state machine, which is responsible for generating all
control signals that execute the JTAG instructions and read/write data registers.
Table 31-4. IDCODE Register Fiel d De sc rip tio n s
Bits Name Description
31–28 PRN Part revision number. Indicate the revision number of the proje c t.
27–22 DC Design center.
21–12 PIN Part identification number. Indicate the device number.
11–1 JEDEC Joint electron device engineering council ID bits. Indicate the reduced JEDEC ID for Freescale.
0 ID IDCODE register ID. This bit is set to 1 to identify the register as the IDCODE register and not the
bypass register according to the IEEE standard 1149.1.
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IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
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31.5.2 TAP Controller
The TAP controller is a state machine that changes state based on the sequence of logical values on the
TMS pin. Figure 31-3 shows the machine’s states. The value shown next to each state is the value of the
TMS signal sampled on the rising edge of the TCLK signal.
Asserting the TRST signal asynchronously resets the TAP controller to the test-logic-reset state. As
Figure 31-3 shows, holding TMS at logic 1 while clocking TCLK through at least five rising edges also
causes the state machine to enter the test-logic-reset state, whatever the initial state.
Figure 31-3. TAP Controller State Machine Flow
31.5.3 JTAG Instructions
Table 31-5 describes public and private instructions.
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IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Freescale Semiconductor 31-7 External Test Instruction (EXTEST)
The EXTEST instruction selects the boundary scan register. It forces all output pins and bidirectional pins
configured as outputs to the values preloaded with the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction and held in the
boundary scan update registers. EXTEST can also configure the direction of bidirectional pins and
establish high-impedance states on some pins. EXTEST asserts internal reset for the MCU system logic to
force a predictable internal state while performing external boundary scan operations. IDCODE Instruction
The IDCODE instruction selects the 32-bit IDCODE register for connection as a shift path between the
TDI and TDO pin. This instruction allows interrogation of the MCU to determine its version number and
other part identification data. The shift register LSB is forced to logic 1 on the rising edge of TCLK
following entry into the capture-DR state.Therefore, the first bit to be shifted out after selecting the
IDCODE register is always a logic 1. The remaining 31 bits are also forced to fixed values on the rising
edge of TCLK following entry into the capture-DR state.
IDCODE is the default instruction placed into the instruction register when the TAP resets. Thus, after a
TAP reset, the IDCODE register is selected automatically. SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction
The SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction has two functions:
SAMPLE - obtain a sample of the system data and control signals present at the MCU input pins
and just before the boundary scan cell at the output pins. This sampling occurs on the rising edge
of TCLK in the capture-DR state when the IR contains the $2 opcode. The sampled data is
Table 31-5. JTAG Instructions
Instruction IR[3:0] Instruction Summary
EXTEST 0000 Selects boundary scan register while applying fixed values to output pins and
asserting functional reset
IDCODE 0001 Selects IDCODE registe r for shift
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0010 Selects boundary scan register for shifting, sampling, and preloading without
disturbing functional operation
1Instruction for manufacturing purposes only
2TRST pin assertion or power-on reset is requi red to exit this instruction.
0101 Selects bypass register while tri-stating all output pins and assert to high the
jtag_leakage signal
ENABLE_TEST_CTRL 0110 Selects TEST_CTRL register
HIGHZ 1001 Selects bypass register while tri-stating all output pins and asserting functional reset
LOCKOUT_RECOVERY 1011 Allows for the erase of the TFM flash when the part is secure
CLAMP 1100 Selects bypass while applying fixed values to output pins and asserting functional
BYPASS 11 11 Selects bypass register for data operations
Reserved all others Decoded to select bypass register3
3Freescale reserves the right to change the decoding of the unused opcodes in the future.
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IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
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accessible by shifting it through the boundary scan register to the TDO output by using the
shift-DR state. Both the data capture and the shift operation are transparent to system operation.
External synchronization is required to achieve meaningful results because
there is no internal synchronization between TCLK and the system clock.
PRELOAD - initialize the boundary scan register update cells before selecting EXTEST or
CLAMP. This is achieved by ignoring the data shifting out on the TDO pin and shifting in
initialization data. The update-DR state and the falling edge of TCLK can then transfer this data to
the update cells. The data is applied to the external output pins by the EXTEST or CLAMP
instruction. TEST_LEAKAGE Instruction
The TEST_LEAKAGE instruction forces the jtag_leakage output signal to high. It is intended to tri-state
all output pad buffers and disable all of the part’s pad input buffers except TEST and TRST. The
jtag_leakage signal is asserted at the rising edge of TCLK when the TAP controller transitions from
update-IR to run-test/idle state. Once asserted, the part disables the TCLK, TMS, and TDI inputs into
JTAG and forces these JTAG inputs to logic 1. The TAP controller remains in the run-test/idle state until
the TRST input is asserted (logic 0). ENABLE_TEST_CTRL Instruction
The ENABLE_TEST_CTRL instruction selects a 3-bit shift register (TEST_CTRL) for connection as a
shift path between the TDI and TDO pin. When the user transitions the TAP controller to the UPDATE_DR
state, the register transfer s its value to a parallel hold register. It allows the control chip to test functions
independent of the JTAG TAP controller state. HIGHZ Instruction
The HIGHZ instruction eliminates the need to backdrive the output pins during circuit-board testing.
HIGHZ turns off all output drivers, including the 2-state drivers, and selects the bypass register. HIGHZ
also asserts internal reset for the MCU system logic to force a predictable internal state. LOCKOUT_RECOVERY Instruction
If a user inadvertently enables security on a MCU, the LOCKOUT_RECOVERY instruction allows the
disabling of security by the complete erasure of the internal flash contents including the configuration
field. This does not compromise security as the entire contents of the user s secured code stored in flash
gets erased before security is disabled on the MCU on the next reset or power-up sequence.
The LOCKOUT_RECOVERY instruction selects a 7-bit shift register for connection as a shift path
between the TDI pin and the TDO pin. When the user transitions the TAP controller to the UPDATE-DR
state, the 7-bit shift register is loaded into the 7-bit JTAG_TFM_CLKDIV register and this value is output
to the TFM’s clock divider circuit. When the user transitions the TAP controller to the RUN-TEST/IDLE
state, the erase signal to the TFM asserts and the lockout sequence starts. The controller must remain in
that state until the erase sequence has completed. Once the lockout recovery sequence has completed, the
user must reset both the JTAG TAP controller and the MCU to return to normal operation.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Freescale Semiconductor 31-9 CLAMP Instruction
The CLAMP instruction selects the bypass register and asserts internal reset while simultaneously forcing
all output pins and bidirectional pins configured as outputs to the fixed values that are preloaded and held
in the boundary scan update register. CLAMP enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path
to a single bit (the bypass register) while conducting an EXTEST type of instruction through the boundary
scan register. BYPASS Instruction
The BYPASS instruction selects the bypass register, creating a single-bit shift register path from the TDI
pin to the TDO pin. BYPASS enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path when a device
other than the ColdFire processor is the device under test on a board design with multiple chips on the
overall boundary scan chain. The shift register LSB is forced to logic 0 on the rising edge of TCLK after
entry into the capture-DR state. Therefore, the first bit shifted out after selecting the bypass register is
always logic 0. This diff erentiates parts that support an IDCODE register from parts that support only the
bypass register.
31.6 Initialization/Application Information
31.6.1 Restrictions
The test logic is a static logic design, and TCLK can be stopped in either a high or low state without loss
of data. However, the system clock is not synchronized to TCLK internally. Any mixed operation using
both the test logic and the system functional logic requires external synchronization.
Using the EXTEST instruction requires a circuit-board test environment that avoids device-destructive
configurations in which MCU output drivers are enabled into actively driven networks.
Low-power stop mode considerations:
The TAP controller must be in the test-logic-reset state to either ente r or remain in the low- power
stop mode. Leaving the test-logic-reset state negates the ability to achieve low-power , but does not
otherwise affect device functionality.
The TCLK input is not blocked in low-power stop mode. To consume minimal power, the TCLK
input should be externally connected to VDD.
The TMS, TDI, and TRST pins include on-chip pull-up resistors. For minimal power consumption
in low-power stop mode, these three pins should be either connected to VDD or left unconnected.
31.6.2 Nonscan Chain Operation
Keeping the TAP controller in the test-logic-reset state ensures that the scan chain test logic is transpa rent
to the system logic. It is recommended that TMS, TDI, TCLK, and TRST be pulled up. TRST could be
connected to ground. However, since there is a pull-up on TRST, some amount of current results. The
internal power-on reset input initializes the TAP controller to the test-logic-reset state on power -up without
asserting TRST.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
31-10 Freescale Semiconductor
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Freescale Semiconductor 32-1
Chapter 32
Mechanical Data
This chapter contains drawings showing the pinout and the packaging and mechanical characteristics of
the MCF528x and MCF521x.
32.1 Pinout
Figure 32-1 is the pinout for the MCF5280, MCF5281, and MCF5282. The shaded cells illustrate the
differences between the MCF5214 and MCF5216 pinout.
On the MCF5280 device, which does not contain any flash memory, the
VSSF and VDDF pins must be connected to VSS and VDD respectively.
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Mechanical Data
32-2 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 32-1. MCF528x Pinout (256 MAPBGA)
123456 7 8 910111213 14 1516
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Figure 32-2 is the pinout for the MCF5214 and MCF5216. The shaded cells illustrate the differences
between the MCF5280, MCF5281, and MCF5282 pinout.
Figure 32-2. MCF521x Pinout (256 MAPBGA)
123456 7 8 910111213 14 1516
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Table 32-1 lists the MCF521x and MCF528x signals in pin number order for the 256 MAPBGA package.
The shaded cells illustrate the difference signals between the two device families.
Table 32-1. Signal Description by Pin Number
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
A1 VSS J1 D22 PB6
A2 A15 PG7 J2 D21 PB5
A3 A16 PF0 J3 D20 PB4
A4 A18 PF2 J4 D19 PB3
A5 A21 PF5 CS4 J5 VDD
A7 (MCF521x)PEL7 J7 VSS
A8 (MCF521x)PEL0 J8 VSS
A9 (MCF521x)PEL3 J9 VSS
A9 (MCF528x)ERXD3 PEL3
A10 (MCF521x)PAS4 UTXD2 J10 VSS
A11 (MCF521x)NC1—J11VDD
A11 (MCF528x)ECRS PEH0
B1 A14 PG6 K1 D18 PB2
B2 A13 PG5 K2 D17 PB1
B3 A17 PF1 K3 D16 PB0
B4 A19 PF3 K4 NC
B6 A22 PF6 CS5 K6 VDD
B7 (MCF521x)PEL6 K7 VSS
B7 (MCF528x)ETXD2 PEL6
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Mechanical Data
Freescale Semiconductor 32-5
B8 (MCF521x)NC K8 VSS
B9 (MCF521x)PEL2 K9 VSS
B9 (MCF528x)ERXD2 PEL2
B10 (MCF521x) NC K10 VSS
B11 (MCF521x)NC —K11VDD
B11 (MCF528x)ECOL PEH4
C1 A12 PG4 L1 D15 PC7
C2 A11 PG3 L2 D14 PC6
C3 A10 PG2 L3 D13 PC5
C4 A20 PF4 L4 D12 PC4
C6 A23 PF7 CS6 L6 VSS
C7 (MCF521x)PEL5 —L7VDD
C7 (MCF528x)ETXD1 PEL5
C8 (MCF521x)NC —L8VDD
C9 (MCF521x)PEL1 —L9VDD
C9 (MCF528x)ERXD1 PEL1
C10 (MCF521x)PAS5 URXD2 L10 VDD
C13 PST3 PDD3 L13 CS0 PJ0
C14 IRQ5 PNQ5 L14 CS1 PJ1
C15 IRQ4 PNQ4 L15 CS2 PJ2
Table 32-1. Signal Description by Pin Number (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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32-6 Freescale Semiconductor
C16 IRQ3 PNQ3 L16 CS3 PJ3
D1 A9 PG1 M1 D11 PC3
D2 A8 PG0 M2 D10 PC2
D3 A7 PH7 M3 D9 PC1
D4 A6 PH6 M4 D8 PC0
D6 (MCF521x)NC —M6VDD
D7 (MCF521x)NC —M7VDD
D7 (MCF528x)ETXD0 PEH5
D9 (MCF521x)NC —M9VDD
D9 (MCF528x)ERXD0 PEH1
D10 (MCF521x)PEL4 —M10VDD
D13 NC M13 NC
E1 A5 PH5 N1 D7 PD7
E2 A4 PH4 N2 D6 PD6
E3 A3 PH3 N3 D5 PD5
E4 A2 PH2 N4 NC
E5 VSS N5 D3 PD3
Table 32-1. Signal Description by Pin Number (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Mechanical Data
Freescale Semiconductor 32-7
F1 A1 PH1 P1 D4 PD4
F3 D31 PA7 P3 AN55 PQA3 ETRIG1
F6 VSS P6 D0 PD0
F11 VSS P11 RSTO ——
G1 D30 PA6 R1 AN3 PQB3 ANZ
G2 D29 PA5 R2 AN1 PQB1 ANX
G3 D28 PA4 R3 AN56 PQA4 ETRIG2
G4 D27 PA3 R4 AN52 PQA0 MA0
G6 VDD R6 D1 PD1
G11 VDD R11 RSTI ——
Table 32-1. Signal Description by Pin Number (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Mechanical Data
32-8 Freescale Semiconductor
H1 D26 PA2 T1 VSSA
H2 D25 PA1 T2 AN2 PQB2 ANY
H3 D24 PA0 T3 AN0 PQB0 ANW
H4 D23 PB7 T4 AN53 PQA1 MA1
H6 VDD T6 D2 PD2
H11 VDD T11 RCON ——
1NC = no connect
Table 32-1. Signal Description by Pin Number (continued)
MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions MAPBGA Pin Pin Functions
Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
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Freescale Semiconductor 32-9
Figure 32-3. 256 MAPBGA Package Dimensions
32.2 Ordering Information
Table 32-2. Orderable Part Numbers
Freescale Part
Number Description Package Speed Temperature
MCF5214CVF66 MCF5214 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 66.67 MHz -40° to +85° C
MCF5216CVF66 MCF5216 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 66.67 MHz -40° to +8 5 ° C
MCF5280CVF66 MCF5280 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 66.67 MHz -40° to +8 5 ° C
MCF5280CVF80 MCF5280 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 80 MHz -40° to +85° C
MCF5281CVF66 MCF5281 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 66.67 MHz -40° to +8 5 ° C
MCF5281CVF80 MCF5281 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 80 MHz -40° to +85° C
MCF5282CVF66 MCF5282 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 66.67 MHz -40° to +8 5 ° C
MCF5282CVF80 MCF5282 RISC Microprocessor 256 MAPBGA 80 MHz -40° to +85° C
e15X b256X
0.25 YZ
DIM Min Max
A1.25 1.60
A1 0.27 0.47
A2 1.16 REF
b 0.40 0.60
D 17.00 BSC
E 17.00 BSC
e 1.00 BSC
S 0.50 BSC
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Mechanical Data
32-10 Freescale Semiconductor
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 33-1
Chapter 33
Electrical Characteristics
This chapter contains electrical specification tables and reference timing diagrams for the MCF528x and
MCF521x microcontroller units. This section contains detailed information on power considerations,
DC/AC electrical characteristics, and AC timing specifications.
The parameters specified in this MCU document supersede any values
found in the module specifications.
33.1 Maximum Ratings
Table 33-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings1, 2
1Functional operating conditions are given in DC Electrical Specifications. Absolute Maximum
Ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maxima is not guaranteed.
Stress beyond those listed may affect device reliability or cause permanent damage to the
Rating Symbol Value Unit
Supply Voltage VDD – 0.3 to +4.0 V
Clock Synthesizer Supply Voltage VDDPLL – 0.3 to +4.0 V
RAM Memory Standby Supply Voltage VSTBY – 0.3 to + 4.0 V
Flash Memory Supply Voltage3VDDF – 0.3 to +4.0 V
Flash Memory Program / Erase Supply Voltage3VPP – 0.3 to + 6.0 V
Analog Supply Voltage VDDA – 0.3 to +6.0 V
Analog Reference Supply Voltage VRH – 0.3 to +6.0 V
Analog ESD Protection Voltage VDDH – 0.3 to +6.0 V
Digital Input Voltage4VIN – 0.3 to + 6.0 V
Analog Input Voltage VAIN – 0.3 to + 6.0 V
EXTAL pin voltage VEXTAL 0 to 3.3 V
XTA L pi n voltage VXTAL 0 to 3.3 V
Instantaneous Maximum Current
Single pin limit (applies to all pins) 3, 5, 6 ID25 mA
Maximum Power Supply Current6IDD 300 mA
Operating Temperature Range (Packaged) TA– 40 to 85 °C
Storage Temperature Range Tstg – 65 to 150 °C
Maximum operating junction te mperatu r e Tj105 oC
ESD Target for Human Body Model7HBM 2000 V
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Electrical Characteristics
33-2 Freescale Semiconductor
33.2 Thermal Characteristics
Table 33-2 lists thermal resistance values.
2This device contains circuitry protecting against damage due to high static voltage or electrical
fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be ta ken to avoid application of any
voltages higher than maximum-rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. Reliability of
operation is enhanced if unused inputs are tied to an appropriate logic voltage le vel (e.g., either
VSS or VDD).
3Not applicable f or MCF5280.
4Input must be current limited to the value specified. To determine the value of the required
current-limiting resistor, calculate resistance values for positive and negative clamp voltages,
then use the larger of the two values. 6.0V voltage excludes XTAL and EXTAL pads.
5All functional non-supply pins are internally clamped to V SS and VDD.
6Power supply must maintain regulation within ope rating VDD range during instantaneous and
operating maximum current conditions. If positive injection current (Vin > VDD) is greater than
IDD, the injection current may flow out of VDD and could result in external power supply going
out of regulation. Insure external VDD load will shunt current greater than maximum injection
current. This will be the greatest risk when the MCU is not consuming power (ex; no
clock).P ower supply must maintain regulation within operating VDD range during instantaneous
and operating maximum current conditions.
7All ESD testing methodology is in conf ormity with CDF-AEC-Q100 Stress Test Qualification for
Automotive Grade Integrated Circuits.
It is crucial during power-up that VDD never
exceeds VDDH by more than 0.3 V. There are
diode devices between the two voltage domains,
and violating this rule can lead to a latch-up
Table 33-2. Thermal Characteristics
Characteristic Symbol Value Unit
Junction to ambient, natural convection Four layer board (2s2p) θJMA 261,2
1θJMA and Ψjt parameters are simulated in accordance with EIA/JESD Standard 51-2 for natural convection.
Freescale recommends the use of θJA and power dissipation specifications in the system design to prevent device
junction temperatures from exceeding the rated specification. System designers should be aware that device
junction temperatures can be significantly influenced by board la yout and surrounding devices . Conf ormance to the
device junction temperature specification can be verified b y physical measurement in the customer’s system using
the Ψjt parameter, the device power dissipation, and the method described in EIA/JESD Standard 51-2.
2Per JEDEC JESD51-6 with the board horizontal.
Junction to ambient (@200 ft/min) Four layer board (2s2p) θJMA 231,2 °C/W
Junction to board θJB 153
3Ther mal resistance between the die and the printed circuit board per JEDEC JESD51-8. Board temperature is
measured on the top surface of the board near the package.
Junction to case θJC 104
4Thermal resistance between the die and the case top surface as measured by the cold plate method (MIL SPEC-883
Method 1012.1).
Junction to top of package Natural convection Ψjt 21,5 °C/W
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
Freescale Semiconductor 33-3
33.3 DC Electrical Specifications
5Ther mal characterization parameter indicating the temperature difference between package top and the junction
temperature per JEDEC JESD51-2. When Greek letters are not availab le, the thermal characterization parameter is
written as Psi-JT.
The average chip-junction temperature (TJ) in °C can be obtained from:
TA= Ambient Temperature, ×C
QJMA = Package Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient, ×C/W
PINT = IDD × VDD, Watts - Chip Internal Power
PI/O = Power Dissipation on Input and Output Pins — User Determined
For most applications PI/O < PINT and can be neglected. An approximate relationship
between PD and TJ (if PI/O is neglected) is:
Solving equations 1 and 2 for K gives:
K = PD × (TA + 273 × C) + QJMA × PD 2 (3)
where K is a constant pertaining to the particular part. K can be determined from equation
(3) by measuring PD (at equilibrium) for a known TA. Using this value of K, the values of
PD and TJ can be obtained by solving equations (1) and (2) iteratively for any value of TA.
Table 33-3. DC Electrical Specifications1
Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
Input High Voltage VIH 0.7 x VDD 5.25 V
Input Low Voltage VIL VSS – 0.3 0.35 x VDD V
Input Hysteresis VHYS 0.06 x
Input Leakage Current
Vin = VDD or VSS, Input-only pins Iin -1.0 1.0 μA
High Impedance (Off-State) Leakage Current
Vin = VDD or VSS, All input/o utput and output pins IOZ -1.0 1.0 μA
Output High Vol tage (All input/output and all output pins)
IOH = –5.0 mA VOH VDD - 0.5 __ V
Output Low Voltage (All input/output and all output pins )
IOL = 5.0mA VOL __ 0.5 V
W e ak Internal Pull Up Device Current, tested at VIL Max. IAPU -10 -130 μA
Input Capacitance 2
All input-only pins
All input/output (three-state) pins
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
33-4 Freescale Semiconductor
33.4 Power Consumption Specifications
Figure 33-1 shows typical WAIT/DOZE and RUN mode power consumption for both master and single
chip mode as measured on an M5282EVB.
For master mode the RUN mode current was measured executing a continuous loop that performs no
operation while running from the on-chip SRAM.
For WAIT/DOZE mode measurements the peripherals on the device are in their default power savings
mode, so the WAIT and DOZE power consumption are the same. Some modules can be programmed to
shutdown in WAIT and/or DOZE modes. Refer to module chapters for more information.
All single chip mode measurements were taken with all pins in general purpose input mode except for the
UART0 and FEC pins that are enabled for their module functionality; however, neither module is being
accessed at the time of the current measurement. Single chip RUN mode current was measured executing
a continuous loop that performs no operation while running from the on-chip Flash.
Load Capacitance3
(50% Pa rti al Drive)
(100% Full Dr ive) CL25
Supply Voltage (includes core modules and pads) VDD 2.7 3.6 V
RAM Memor y Standby Supply Voltage
Normal Operation: VDD > VSTBY - 0.3 V
Standby Mode: VDD < VSTBY - 0.3 V
1.8 3.6
Flash Memory Supply Voltage
(not applicable to MCF5280) VDDF 2.7 3.6 V
1Refer to Table 33-8 through Table 33-12 for additional PLL, QADC, and Flash specifications.
2This parameter is characterized before qualification rather than 100% tested.
3Refer to the chip configuration section for more information. Drivers for the SDRAM pins are at 25pF
drive strength.Drivers for the QADC pins are at 50pF drive stren gth.
Table 33-4. STOP Mode Current Consumption Specifications
Characteristic Symbol Typical–
Master Mode
Single Chip
1Single chip mode current measured with all pins in general purpose input mode except f or the UART0 and FEC pins that are enabled
for their module functionality.
2Maximum values can vary dependin g on th e system’s state and signal loading.
System clocks disabled (LPCR[STPMD] = 00) IDD 25 7.9 mA
System clocks and CLKOUT disabled (LPCR[STPMD] =
01) IDD 7.3 5.6 mA
System clocks , CLKOUT, and PLL disabled
(LPCR[STPMD] = 10) IDD 4.5 4.7 mA
System clocks, CLKOUT, PLL, and OSC disabled
(LPCR[STPMD] = 11) IDD 400 750 1000 μA
Table 33-3. DC Electrical Specifications1 (continued)
Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
Freescale Semiconductor 33-5
Figure 33-1. Typical WAIT/DOZE Mode Curren t Consumption
Table 33-5 lists the estimated power consumption for individual modules. The current consumption is for
the module itself and does not include power for I/O.
Table 33-5. Estimated Module Power Cons umption
Module Estimated Power Unit
EIM 20 μA/MHz
FEC 60 μA/MHz
Watchdog 1.5 μA/MHz
PIT 1 μA/MHz
FlexCAN 15 μA/MHz
QSPI, UART, I2C, and
Timers 75 μA/MHz
8 162432404856647280
Fre que ncy (MHz)
Idd (mA)
Mas ter mode - RUN
Mas ter mode - W AIT
S ingle c hip - RUN
S ingle c hip - WA IT
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
33-6 Freescale Semiconductor
Table 33-7 lists the maximum power consumption specifications.
Table 33-6. Typical Application Power Consumption
Application Current
Dhr ystone benchmark running from cache and
on-chip SRAM (running at 64 MHz fsys)181.6 mA
dBUG R OM monitor running from external flash and
SDRAM (run ning at 64 MHz fsys)155 mA
Table 33-7. Maximum Power Consumption Specifications
Characteristic Symbol Typical Max Unit
Operati n g Sup p l y Curre nt 1
Master Mode
• 66 MHz
• 80 MHz (MCF528x only)
Single Chip Mode
• 66 MHz
• 80 MHz (MCF528x only)
1Current measured at maximum system clock frequency, all modules active, and default drive
strength with matching load.
Clock Synthesizer Supply Current
Normal Operation 8.25 MHz crystal, VCO on, Max fsys
STOP (OSC and PLL enabled)
STOP (OSC enable, PLL disabled)
STOP (OSC and PLL disabled)
RAM Memory Standby Supply Current
Normal Operation: VDD > VSTBY - 0.3 V
Transient Condition: VSTBY - 0.3 V > VDD > VSS + 0.5 V
Standby Operation: VDD < VSS + 0.5 V
Flash Memor y Supply Current
Program or Erase2
2Programming and erasing all 8 blocks of the Flash.
IDDF 16.53
3Measured with fsys of 64 MHz.
4Measured with fsys of 32 MHz and fclk of 187.5 kHz.
Analog Supply Current
Normal Operation
Low-Power Stop
10.0 mA
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33.5 Phase Lock Loop Electrical Specifications
Table 33-8. PLL Electrical Specifications
(VDD and VDDPLL = 2.7 to 3.6 V, VSS = VSSPLL = 0 V)
Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
66MHz 80MHz
PLL Reference Frequency Range
Crystal reference
External reference
1:1 Mode
System Frequency 1
External Clock Mode
On-Chip PLL Frequency
1All internal registers retain data at 0 Hz.
fsys 0
fref / 32
Loss of Reference Frequency 2, 4
2“Loss of Reference Frequency” is the reference frequency detected internally, which transitions the PLL into self
clocked mode.
fLOR 100 1000 kHz
Self Clock ed Mode Frequency 3, 4
3Self clocked mode frequency is the frequency that the PLL operates at when the reference frequency falls below
fLOR with default MFD/RFD settings.
fSCM 15MHz
Cr ystal Start-up Time 4, 5
4This parameter is characterized before qualification rather than 100% tested.
5Proper PC board layout procedures must be followed to achieve specifications.
tcst —10ms
EXTAL Input High Voltage
Cr ystal Mode
All other modes (1:1, Bypass, External)
2.0 VDD
EXTAL Input Low Voltage
Cr ystal Mode
All other modes (1:1, Bypass, External)
VXTAL - 0.4
XTAL Output High Voltage
IOH = 1.0 mA VOL VDD- 1.0 V
XTAL Output Low Voltage
IOL = 1.0 mA VOL —0.5
XTAL Load Capacitance6——pF
PLL Lock Time4,7 tlpll 500 μs
Power-up To Lock Time 4, 5,8
With Cr ystal Reference
Without Crystal Reference
500 ms
1:1 Clock Skew (between CLKOUT and EXTAL) 9tskew -2 2 ns
Duty Cycle of reference 4 tdc 40 60 % fsys
Frequency un-LOCK Range fUL - 1.5 1.5 % fsys
Frequency LOCK Range fLCK - 0.75 0.75 % % fsys
CLKOUT Period Jitter 4, 5, 7, 10,11 , Measured at fSYS Max
Peak-to-peak (Clock edge to clock edge) — MCF521x
Peak-to-peak (Clock edge to clock edge) — MCF528x
Long Term Jitter (Averaged over 2 ms interval)
% fsys
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
33-8 Freescale Semiconductor
33.6 QADC Electrical Characteristics
6Load Capacitance determined from crystal manufacturer specifications and will include circuit board parasitics.
7This specification applies to the period required for the PLL to relock after changing the MFD frequency control bits in the
synthesizer control register (SYNCR).
8Assuming a reference is available at power up, lock time is measured from the time VDD and VDDPLL are valid to
RSTO negating. If the crystal oscillator is being used as the reference for the PLL, then the crystal start up time
must be added to the PLL lock time to determine the total start-up time.
9PLL is operating in 1:1 PLL mode.
10 Jitter is the average deviation from the programmed frequency measured over the specified interval at maximum fsys.
Measurements are made with the device powered by filtered supplies and clocked by a stable external clock signal.
Noise injected into the PLL circuitry via VDDPLL and VSSPLL and variation in crystal oscillator frequency increase the
Cjitter percentage for a given interval
11 Based on slow system clock of 40 MHz measured at fsys max.
Table 33-9. QADC Absolute Maxim um Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Analog Supply, with reference to VSSA VDDA –0.3 6.0 V
Inter nal Digital Supply 1, with reference to VSS
1For internal digital supply of VDD = 3.3V typical.
VDD –0.3 4.0 V
Reference Supply, with reference to VRL VRH –0.3 6.0 V
VSS Differential Voltage VSS – VSSA –0.1 0.1 V
VDD Differential Voltage 2
2Refers to allowed random sequencing of power supplies.
VDD – VDDA –6.0 4.0 V
VREF Differential Voltage VRH – VRL –0.3 6.0 V
VRH to VDDA Differential Voltage 3
3Refers to allowed random sequencing of power supplies.
VRH – VDDA –6.0 6.0 V
VRL to VSSA Differential Voltage VRL – VSSA –0.3 0.3 V
VDDH to VDDA Differential Voltage VDDH – VDDA –1.0 1.0 V
Maximum Input Current 4, 5, 6
4Transitions within the limit do not affect device reliability or cause permanent damage. Exceeding limit may cause
permanent conversion error on stressed channels and on unstressed chan nels.
5Input must be current limited to the value specified. To determine the value of the required current-limiting resistor,
calculate resistance values using VPOSCLAMP = VDDA + 0.3V and VNEGCLAMP = –0.3 V, then use the larger of the
calculated values.
6Condition applies to one pin at a time.
IMA –25 25 mA
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Electrical Characteristics
Freescale Semiconductor 33-9
Table 33-10. QADC Electrical Specifications (Operating) 1
(VDDH and VDD A = 5.0 Vdc ± 0.5V, VDD = 2.7-3 .6V, VSS and VSSA = 0 Vdc, FQCLK = 2.0 MHz, TA within operating temperature
1QADC converter specifications are only guaranteed for VDDH and VDDA = 5.0V +/- 0.5V. VDDH and VDDA may be
powered down to 2.7V with only GPIO functions supported.
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Analog Supply — MCF521x
Analog Supply — MCF528xVDDA 4.5
3.3 5.5
5.5 V
VSS Differential Voltage VSS VSSA -100 100 mV
Reference Voltage Low 2
2To obtain full-scale, full-range results, VSSA VRL VINDC VRH VDDA
Reference Voltage High 2 VRH VDDA – 0.1 VDDA V
VREF Differential Voltage — MCF521x
VREF Differential Voltage — MCF528xVRH – VRL 4.5
3.3 5.5
5.5 V
Input Volt age VINDC VSSA–0.3 VDDA + 0.3 V
Input High Voltage, PQA and PQB VIH 0.7 (VDDA)V
DDA + 0.3 V
Input Low Voltage, PQA and PQB VIL VSSA – 0.3 0.4(VDDA)V
Input Hysteresis, PQA, PQB 3
3Parameter applies to the following pins:
Port A: PQA[4:3]/AN[56:55]/ETRIG[2:1], PQA[1:0]/AN[53:52]/MA[1:0]
Port B: PQB[3:0]/AN[3:0]/AN[Z:W]
VHYS 0.5 V
Output High Voltage, PQA/PQB 3
Analog Supply Current
Normal Operation 4
Low-Power Stop
4Current measured at maximum system clock frequency with QADC active.
10.0 mA
Reference Supply Current, DC
Reference Supply Current, Transient IREF
2.0 µA
Load Capacitance, PQA/PQB CL—50pF
Input Current, Channel Of f 5
5Maximum leakage occurs at maximum operating temperature. Current decreases by approximately one-half for each 8
to 12° C, in the ambient temperature range of 50 to 125 °C.
IOFF -200 200 nA
Total Input Capacitance 6
PQA Not Sampling
PQB Not Sampling
Incremental Capacitance added during sampling
6This parameter is characterized before qualification rather than 100% tested.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
33-10 Freescale Semiconductor
33.7 Flash Memory Characteristics
The Flash memory characteristics are shown in Table 33-12 and Table 33-13.
The MCF5280 does not contain Flash memory.
Table 33-11. QADC Conversion Specifications (Operating)
(VDDH and VDDA = 5.0 Vdc ± 0.5V, VDD= 2.7-3.6V, VSS and VSSA= 0 Vdc, VRH – VRL = 5 Vdc ± 0.5V, TA within operating
temperature range, fsys = 16 MHz)
Num Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
1 QADC Clock (QCLK) Frequency1
1Conversion characteristics vary with FQCLK rate. Reduced conversion accuracy occurs at max FQCLK rate. Using the
QADC pins as GPIO functions during conversions may result in degraded results. Best QADC conversion accuracy is
achieved at a frequency of 2 MHz.
FQCLK 0.5 2.1 MHz
2Conversion Cycles CC 14 28 QCLK
Conversion Time
FQCLK = 2.0 MH z1
Min = CCW/IST =%00
Max = CCW/IST =%11 TCONV 7.0 14.0 μs
4 Stop Mode Recovery Time TSR —10μs
5 Resolution2
2At VRH – VRL = 5.12 V, one count = 5 mV
6Absolute (total unadjusted) error 3, 4, 5
FQCLK = 2.0 MHz 2, 2 clock input sample time
3Accuracy tested and guaranteed at VRH – VRL = 5.0V ± 0.5V
4Current Coupling Ratio, K, is defined as the ratio of the output current, Iout, measured on the pin under test to the
injection current, Iinj, when both adjacent pins are overstressed with the specified injection current. K = Iout/Iinj. The
input voltage error on the channel under test is calculated as Verr = Iinj * K * RS.
5Performance expected with production silicon.
AE -2 2 Counts
7Absolute (total unadjusted) error 3, 4, 5
FQCLK = 2.0 MHz 2, 2 clock input sample time -3 3 Counts
Table 33-12. SGFM Flash Program and Erase Characteristics
(VDDF = 2.7 to 3.6 V)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
System clock (read only) — MCF521x
System clock (read only) — MCF528xfsys(R) 0
80 MHz
System clock (prog ram/erase)1 — MCF521x
System clock (prog ram/erase)1 — MCF528x
1Refer to the Flash section for more information
fsys(P/E) 0.15 66.67
80 MHz
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Electrical Characteristics
Freescale Semiconductor 33-11
33.8 External Interface Timing Characteristics
Table 33-14 lists processor bus input timings.
All processor bus timings are synchronous; that is, input setup/hold and
output delay with respect to the rising edge of a reference clock. The
reference clock is the CLKOUT output.
All other timing relationships can be derived from these values.
Timings listed in Table 33-14 are shown in Figure 33-2.
Table 33-13. SGFM Flash Module Life Characteristics
(VDDF = 2.7 to 3.6 V)
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Maximum number of guaranteed program/erase cycles1 before failure
1A program/erase cycle is defined as switching the bits from 1 0 1.
P/E 10,0002
2Reprogramming of a Flash array block prior to erase is not required.
Data retention at average operating temperature of 85°C Retention 10 Years
Table 33-14. Pr ocessor Bus Input Timing Specifica tions
Name Characteristic1
1Timing specifications have been indicated taking into account the full drive strength for the pads.
Symbol Min Max Unit
CLKOUT — MCF528xtCYC 15.15
12.5 —ns
Control Inputs
B1a Control input valid to CLKOUT high2
2TEA and TA pins are being referred to as control inputs.
tCVCH 10 ns
B1b BKPT valid to CLKOUT high3
3 Refer to figure A-19.
tBKVCH 10 ns
B2a CLKOUT high to control inputs invalid2tCHCII 0—ns
B2b CLKOUT high to asynchronous control input BKPT invalid3tBKNCH 0—ns
Data Inputs
B4 Data input (D[31:0]) valid to CLKOUT high tDIVCH 6—ns
B5 CLKOUT high to data input (D[31:0]) invalid tCHDII 0—ns
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Electrical Characteristics
33-12 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 33-2. General Input Timing Requirements
33.9 Processor Bus Output Timing Specifications
Table 33-14 lists processor bus output timings.
Table 33-15. External Bus Output Timing Specifications
Name Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
Contro l Outputs
B6a CLKOUT high to chip selects valid 1tCHCV —0.5t
CYC +10 ns
B6b CLKOUT high to byte enables (BS[3:0]) valid2tCHBV —0.5t
CYC +10 ns
B6c CLKOUT high to output enable (OE) valid3tCHOV —0.5t
CYC +10 ns
B7 CLKOUT high to control output (BS[3:0], OE) invalid tCHCOI 0.5tCYC + 2 ns
B7a CLKOUT high to chip selects invalid tCHCI 0.5tCYC + 2 ns
Address and Attribute Outputs
Invalid Invalid
Input Setup And Hold
trise = 1.5 ns
Vh = VIH
Vl = VIL
1.5V1.5V Valid
tfall = 1.5 ns
Vh = VIH
Vl = VIL
Input Rise Time
Input Fall Time
* The timings are also valid for inputs sampled on the negative clock edge.
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Electrical Characteristics
Freescale Semiconductor 33-13
Read/write bus timings listed in Table 33-15 are shown in Figure 33-3, Figure 33-4, and Figure 33-5.
B8 CLKOUT high to address (A[23:0]) and control (TS,
SIZ[1:0], TIP, R/W) valid tCHAV —10ns
B9 CLKOUT high to address (A[23:0]) and control (TS,
SIZ[1:0], TIP, R/W) invali d tCHAI 2—ns
Data Outputs
B11 CLKOUT high to data output (D[31:0]) valid tCHDOV —10ns
B12 CLKOUT high to data output (D[31:0]) invalid tCHDOI 2—ns
B13 CLKOUT high to data output (D[31:0]) high impedance tCHDOZ —6ns
1 CSn transitions after the falling edge of CLKOUT.
2 BS transitions after the falling edge of CLKOUT.
3 OE transitions after the falling edge of CLKOUT.
Table 33-15. External Bus Output Timing Specifications (continued)
Name Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
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Electrical Characteristics
33-14 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 33-3. Read/Write (Internally Terminated) Timing
Figure 33-4 shows a bus cycle terminated by TA showing timings listed in Table 33-15.
S2 S3
S1 S4 S5 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
B11 B12
B8 B9
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Freescale Semiconductor 33-15
Figure 33-4. Read Bus Cycle Terminated by TA
Figure 33-5 shows a bus cycle terminated by TEA; it displays the timings listed in Table 33-15.
S0 S2 S3
S1 S4 S5 S0 S1
B6b B7
D[31:0] B4
B8 B9
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33-16 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 33-5. Read Bus Cycle Terminated by TEA
Figure 33-6 shows an SDRAM read cycle.
S2 S3
S1 S4 S5 S0 S1
B6c B7
B6b B7
B8 B9
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Freescale Semiconductor 33-17
Figure 33-6. SDRAM Read Cycle
Table 33-16. SDRAM Timing
NUM Characteristic1
1All timing specifications are based on taking into account, a 25pF load on the SDRAM output pins.
Symbol Min Max Unit
D1 CLKOUT high to SDRAM address valid tCHDAV —10ns
D2 CLKOUT high to SDRAM control valid tCHDCV —10ns
D3 CLKOUT high to SDRAM address invalid tCHDAI 2—ns
D4 CLKOUT high to SDRAM control invalid tCHDCI 2—ns
D5 SDRAM data valid to CLKOUT high tDDVCH 6—ns
D6 CLKOUT high to SDRAM data invalid tCHDDI 1—ns
2D7 and D8 are for write cycles only.
CLKOUT high to SDRAM data valid tCHDDVW —10ns
D82CLKOUT high to SDRAM data invalid tCHDDIW 2—ns
12345678910 11 12 13
1 DACR[CASL] = 2
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Figure 33-7 shows an SDRAM write cycle.
Figure 33-7. SDRAM Write Cycle
33.10 General Purpose I/O Timing
Table 33-17. GPIO Timing1, 2
(VDD = 2.7 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0 V, VDDH = 5 V)
NUM Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
G2 CLKOUT High to GPIO Outp ut Valid tCHPOV —12ns
CLKOUT High to GPIO Output Invalid tCHPOI 2—ns
G4 GPIO Input Valid to CLKOUT High tPVCH 10 ns
CLKOUT High to GPIO Input Invalid tCHPI 2—ns
G2a CLKOUT High to PQA/PQB Outpu t Valid tCHPAOV —12ns
CLKOUT High to PQA/PQB Output Invalid tCHPAOI 2—ns
G4a PQA/PQB Input Valid to CLKOUT Low tPAVCH 10 ns
CLKOUT Low to PQA/PQB Input Invalid tCHPAI 2—ns
Row Column
012345678910 11 12
1 DACR[CASL] = 2
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Freescale Semiconductor 33-19
Figure 33-8. GPIO Timing
33.11 Reset and Configuration Override Timing
1GPIO pins include: Ports A-I, INT, SPI, SCI1/2 (including SCI functions), FlexCAN and Timer.
2Because of long delays associated with the PQA/PQB pads, signals on the PQA/PQB pins will be updated on the
following edge of the clock.
Table 33-18. Reset and Configuration Override Timing
(VDD = 2.7 to 3.6 V, VSS = 0 V)1
1All AC timing is shown with respect to 50% VDD levels unless otherwise noted.
NUM Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
R1 RSTI Input valid to CLKOUT High tRVCH 10 ns
R2 CLKOUT High to RSTI Input invalid tCHRI 2—ns
R3 RSTI Input valid Time 2
2During low-power STOP, the synchronizers for the RSTI input are bypassed and RSTI is asserted asynchronously to
the system. Thus, RSTI must be held a minimum of 100 ns.
tRIVT 5—t
R4 CLKOUT High to RSTO Valid tCHROV —12ns
R5 RSTO valid to Config. Overrides valid tROVCV 0—ns
R6 Configuration Override Setup Time to RSTO invalid tCOS 20 tCYC
R7 Configuration Override Hold Time after RSTO invalid t COH 0—ns
R8 RSTO invalid to Configuration Override High Impedance tROICZ —1t
GPIO Outputs
PQA/PQB Outputs
G3a G4a
PQA/PQB Inputs
G3 G4
GPIO Inputs
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Figure 33-9. RSTI and Configuration Override Timing
33.12 I2C Input/Output Timing Specifications
Table 33-19 lists specifications for the I2C input timing parameters shown in Figure 33-10.
Table 33-20 lists specifications for the I2C output timing parameters shown in Figure 33-10.
Table 33-19. I2C Input Timing Specifications between SCL and SDA
Num Characteristic Min Max Units
I1 Start condition hold time 2 Bus clocks
I2 Clock low period 8 Bus clocks
I3 SCL/SDA rise time (VIL = 0.5 V to VIH = 2.4 V) 1 mS
I4 Data hold time 0 ns
I5 SCL/SDA fall time (VIH = 2.4 V to VIL = 0.5 V) 1 mS
I6 Clock high time 4 Bus clocks
I7 Data setup time 0 ns
I8 Start condition setup time (for repeated start condition only) 2 Bus clocks
I9 Stop condition setup time 2 Bus clocks
Table 3 3- 2 0. I2C Output Timing Specifications between SCL and SDA
Num Characteristic Min Max Units
I11Start condition hold time 6 Bus clocks
I21Clock low period 10 Bus clocks
I3 2SCL/SDA rise time (VIL = 0.5 V to VIH = 2.4 V) µS
I4 1Data hold time 7 Bus clocks
I5 3SCL/SDA fall time (VIH = 2.4 V to VIL = 0.5 V) 3 ns
I6 1Clock high time 10 Bus clocks
I7 1Data setup time 2 Bus clocks
R1 R2
Configuration Overrides:
(RCON, Override pins)
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Freescale Semiconductor 33-21
Figure 33-10 shows timing for the values in Table 33-19 and Table 33-20.
Figure 33-10. I2C Input/Output Timings
33.13 Fast Ethernet AC Timing Specifications
MII signals use TTL signal levels compatible with devices operating at either 5.0 V or 3.3 V.
The MCF5214 and MCF5216 do not contain an FEC module.
33.13.1 MII Receive Signal Timing (ERXD[3:0], ERXDV, ERXER, and ERXCLK)
The receiver functions correctly up to a ERXCLK maximum frequency of 25 MHz +1%. There is no
minimum frequency requirement. In addition, the processor clock frequency must exceed twice the
ERXCLK frequency.
Table 33-21 lists MII receive channel timings.
I8 1Start condition setup time (for repeated start
condition only) 20 Bus clocks
I9 1Stop condition setup time 10 Bus clocks
1Note: Output numbers depend on the value programmed into the IFDR; an IFDR programmed
with the maximum frequency (IFDR = 0x20) results in minimum output timings as shown in
Table 33-20. The I2C interface is designed to scale the actual data transition time to move it to
the middle of the SCL low period. The actual position is affected by the prescale and division
values programmed into the IFDR; however, the numbers given in Table 33-20 are minimum
2Because SCL and SDA are open-collector-type outputs, which the processor can only actively
drive low , the time SCL or SD A take to reach a high lev el depends on external signal capacitance
and pull-up resistor values.
3Specified at a nominal 50-pF load.
Table 33-20. I2C Output Timing Specifications between SCL and SDA (continued)
Num Characteristic Min Max Units
I2 I6
I1 I4 I7 I8 I9
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33-22 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 33-11 shows MII receive signal timings listed in Table 33-21.
Figure 33-11. MII Receive Signal Timing Diagram
33.13.2 MII Transmit Signal Timing (ETXD[3:0], ETXEN, ETXER, ETXCLK)
The transmitter functions correctly up to a ETXCLK maximum frequency of 25 MHz +1%. In addition,
the processor clock frequency must exceed twice the ETXCLK frequency.
Table 33-22 lists MII transmit channel timings.
Figure 33-12 shows MII transmit signal timings listed in Table 33-22.
Table 33-21. MII Receive Signal Timing
Num Characteristic 1
1ERXDV, ERXCLK, and ERXD[0] have same timing in 10 Mbps 7-wire interface mode.
Min Max Unit
M1 ERXD[3:0], ERXDV, ERXER to ERXCLK setup 5 ns
M2 ERXCLK to ERXD[3:0], ERXDV, ERXER hold 5 ns
M3 ERXCLK pulse width high 35% 65% ERXCLK period
M4 ERXCLK pulse width low 35% 65% ERXCLK period
Table 33-22. MII Transmit Signal Timing
Num Characteristic1
1ETXCLK, ETXD0, and ETXEN have the same timing in 10 Mbit 7-wire interface mode.
Min Max Unit
M5 ETXCLK to ETXD[3:0], ETXEN, ETXER invalid 5 ns
M6 ETXCLK to ETXD[3:0], ETXEN, ETXER valid 25 ns
M7 ETXCLK pulse width high 35% 65% ETXCLK period
M8 ETXCLK pulse width low 35% 65% ETXCLK period
M1 M2
ERXCLK (input)
ERXD[3:0] (inputs)
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Freescale Semiconductor 33-23
Figure 33-12. MII Transmit Signal Timing Diagram
33.13.3 MII Async Inputs Signal Timing (ECRS and ECOL)
Table 33-23 lists MII asynchronous inputs signal timing.
Figure 33-13 shows MII asynchronous input timings listed in Table 33-23.
Figure 33-13. MII Async Inputs Timing Diagram
33.13.4 MII Serial Management Channel Timing (EMDIO and EMDC)
The FEC functions correctly with a maximum MDC frequency of 2.5 MHz. Table 33-24 lists MII serial
management channel timings.
Figure 33-14 shows MII serial management channel timings listed in Table 33-24.
Table 33-23. MII Async Inputs Signal T iming
Num Characteristic Min Max Unit
1ECOL has the same timing in 10 Mbit 7-wire inte rface mode.
ECRS, ECOL minimum pulse width 1.5 ETXCLK period
Table 33-24. MII Serial Management Channel Timing
Num Characteristic Min Max Unit
M10 EMDC fa lling edge to EMDIO output invalid (minimum propagation
delay) 0— ns
M11 EMDC fa lling edge to EMDIO output valid (max prop delay) 25 ns
M12 EMDIO (input) to EMDC rising edge setup 10 ns
M13 EMDIO (input) to EMDC rising edge hold 0 ns
M14 EMDC pulse width high 40% 60% MDC period
M15 EMDC pulse width low 40% 60% MDC period
ETXCLK (input)
ETXD[3:0] (outputs)
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33-24 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 33-14. MII Serial Management Channel Timing Diagram
33.14 DMA Timer Module AC Timing Specifications
Table 33-25 lists timer module AC timings.
33.15 QSPI Electrical Specifications
Table 33-26 lists QSPI timings.
The values in Table 33-26 correspond to Figure 33-15.
Table 33-25. Timer Module AC Timing Specifications
Name Characteristic 1
1All timing references to CLKOUT are given to its rising edge when bit 3 of the SDRAM control register is 0.
Min Max Unit
T1 DTIN0 / DTIN1 / DTIN2 / DTIN3 cycle time 3 tCYC
T2 DTIN0 / DTIN1 / DTIN2 / DTIN3 pulse width 1 tCYC
Table 33-26. QSPI Modules AC Timing Specifications
Name Characteristic Min Max Unit
QS1 QSPI_CS[3:0] to QSPI_CLK 1 × tcyc 510 × tcyc ns
QS2 QSPI_C LK high to QSPI_DOUT valid. 12 ns
QS3 QSPI_C LK high to QSPI_DOUT invalid. (Output hold) 2 ns
QS4 Q SPI_DIN to QSPI_CLK (Input setup) 10 ns
QS5 QSPI_DIN to QSPI_CLK (Input hold) 10 ns
EMDC (output)
EMDIO (output)
M12 M13
EMDIO (input)
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Figure 33-15. QSPI Timing
33.16 JTAG and Boundary Scan Timing
Table 33-27. JTAG and Boundary Scan Timing
Num Characteristics1
1JTAG_EN is expected to be a static signal. Hence, it is not associated with any timing
Symbol Min Max Unit
1TCLK Frequency of Operation fJCYC DC 1/4 fsys
2TCLK Cycle Period tJCYC 4—t
3TCLK Clock Pulse Width tJCW 25.0 ns
4TCLK Rise and Fall Times tJCRF 0.0 3.0 ns
5Boundary Scan Input Data Setup Time to TCLK Rise tBSDST 5.0 ns
6Boundary Scan Input Data Hold Time after TCLK Rise tBSDHT 25.0 ns
7TCLK Low to Boundary Scan Output Data Valid tBSDV 0.0 30.0 ns
8TCLK Low to Boundary Scan Output High Z tBSDZ 0.0 30.0 ns
9TMS, TDI Input Data Setup Time to TCLK Rise tTAPBST 5.0 ns
10 TMS, TDI Input Data Hold Time after TCLK Rise tTAPBHT 10.0 ns
11 TCLK Low to TDO Data Valid tTDODV 0.0 25.0 ns
12 TCLK Low to TDO High Z tTDODZ 0.0 8.0 ns
13 TRST Assert Time tTRSTAT 100.0 ns
14 TRST Setup Time (Negation) to TCLK High tTRSTST 10.0 ns
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Figure 33-16. Test Clock Input Timing
Figure 33-17. Boundary Scan (JTAG) Timing
Figure 33-18. Test Access Port Timing
Input Data Valid
Output Data Valid
Output Data Valid
Data Inputs
Data Outputs
Data Outputs
Data Outputs
Input Data Valid
Output Data Valid
Output Data Valid
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Figure 33-19. TRST Timing
Figure 33-20. BKPT Timing
33.17 Debug AC Timing Specifications
Table 33-28 lists specifications for the debug AC timing parameters shown in Figure 33-22.
Figure 33-21 shows real-time trace timing for the values in Table 33-28.
Table 33-28. Debug AC Timing Specification
Num Characteristic Min Max Units
D1 PST, DDATA to TCLK setup 5 ns
D2 TCLK to PST, DDATA hold 2 ns
D3 DSI-to-DSCLK setup 1 CLKOUT
D4 1
1DSCLK and DSI are synchronized internally. D4 is measured from the
synchronized DSCLK input relative to the rising edge of CLKOUT.
D5 DSCLK cycle time 5 CLKOUT
D6 BKPT input data setup time to
CLKOUT Rise 5.0 ns
D7 BKPT input data ho ld time to
CLKOUT Rise 2.0 ns
D8 CLKOUT high to BKPT high Z 0.0 10.0 ns
Input Data Valid
15 16
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Figure 33-21. Real-Time Trace AC Timing
Figure 33-22 shows BDM serial port AC timing for the values in Table 33-28.
Figure 33-22. BDM Serial Port AC Timing
Current Next
Past Current
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor A-1
Appendix A
Register Memory Map
Table A-1 summarizes the address, name, and byte assignment for registers within the CPU space.
Table A-2 lists an overview of the memory map for the on-chip modules, and Table A-3 is a detailed
memory map including all of the registers for on-chip modules.
Table A-1. CPU Space Register Memory Map
Address Name Mnemonic Size
CPU @ 0x002 Cache Control Registe r CACR 32
CPU @ 0x004 Access Control Register 0 ACR0 32
CPU @ 0x005 Access Control Register 1 ACR1 32
CPU @ 0x800 Other Stack Pointer OTHER_A7 32
CPU @ 0x801 Vector Base Register VBR 32
CPU @ 0x804 MAC Status Register MACSR 8
CPU @ 0x805 MAC Mask Register MASK 16
CPU @ 0x806 MAC Accumulator 0 ACC0 16
CPU @ 0x807 MAC Accumulator 0, 1 extension bytes ACCext01 16
CPU @ 0x808 MAC Accumulator 2, 3 extension bytes ACCext23 16
CPU @ 0x809 MAC Accumulator 1 ACC1 16
CPU @ 0x80A MAC Accumulator 2 ACC2 16
CPU @ 0x80B MAC Accumulator 3 ACC3 16
CPU @ 0x80E Status Register SR 16
CPU @ 0x80F Program Counter PC 32
CPU @ 0xC04 Flash Base Address Register FLASHBAR 32
CPU @ 0xC05 RAM Base Address Register RAMBAR 32
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-2 Freescale Semiconductor
Table A-2. Modul e Memory Map Overview
Address Module Size
IPSBAR + 0x00_0000 System Control Module 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0040 SDRAM Controller 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0080 Chip Selects 128 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0100 DMA (Channel 0) 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0140 DMA (Channel 1) 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0180 DMA (Channel 2) 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_01C0 DMA (Channel 3) 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0200 UART0 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0240 UART1 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0280 UART2 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0300 I2C64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0340 QSPI 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0400 DMA Timer 0 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0440 DMA Timer 1 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0480 DMA Timer 2 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_04C0 DMA Timer 3 64 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0C00 Interrupt Controller 0 256 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0D00 Interrupt Controller 1 256 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_0F00 Global Interrupt Acknowle dge Cycles 256 bytes
IPSBAR + 0x00_1000 Fast Ethernet Controller (Registers and MIB RAM)
(Reserved for MCF5214 and MCF5216) 1 K
IPSBAR + 0x00_1400 Fast Ethernet Controller (FIFO Memory )
(Reserved for MCF5214 and MCF5216) 1K
IPSBAR + 0x10_0000 Ports 64K
IPSBAR + 0x11_0000 Reset Controller, Chip Configuration, and Power Management 64K
IPSBAR + 0x12_0000 Clock Module 64K
IPSBAR + 0x13_0000 Edge Port 64K
IPSBAR + 0x14_0000 Watchdog Timer 64K
IPSBAR + 0x15_0000 Programmab le Interval Timer 0 64K
IPSBAR + 0x16_0000 Programmab le Interval Timer 1 64K
IPSBAR + 0x17_0000 Programmab le Interval Timer 2 64K
IPSBAR + 0x18_0000 Programmab le Interval Timer 3 64K
IPSBAR + 0x19_0000 QADC 64K
IPSBAR + 0x1A_0000 General Purpose Timer A 64K
IPSBAR + 0x1B_0000 General Purpose Timer B 64K
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Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-3
IPSBAR + 0x1C_0000 FlexCAN 64K
IPSBAR + 0x1D_0000 CFM (Flash) Control Registers 64K
IPSBAR + 0x400_0000 CFM (Flash) Memory for IPS Reads and Writes 512K
Table A-3. Register Memory Map
Address Name Mnemonic Size
SCM Registers
IPSBAR + 0x000 Internal Peripheral System Base Address Register IPSBAR 32
IPSBAR + 0x008 Copy of RAMBAR RAMBAR 32
IPSBAR + 0x00C Reserved
IPSBAR + 0x010 Core Reset Status Register CRSR 8
IPSBAR + 0x011 Core Watchdog Control Register CWCR 8
IPSBAR + 0x012 Low-Power Interrupt Control Register LPICR 8
IPSBAR + 0x013 Core Watchdog Service Register CWSR 8
IPSBAR + 0x014 DMA Request Control Register DMAREQC 32
IPSBAR + 0x01C Bus Master Park Register MPARK 32
IPSBAR + 0x020 Master Privilege Register MPR 32
IPSBAR + 0x024 Peripheral Access Control Register 0 PACR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x025 Peripheral Access Control Register 1 PACR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x026 Peripheral Access Control Register 2 PACR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x027 Peripheral Access Control Register 3 PACR3 8
IPSBAR + 0x028 Peripheral Access Control Register 4 PACR4 8
IPSBAR + 0x02A Peripheral Access Control Register 5 PACR5 8
IPSBAR + 0x02B Peripheral Access Control Register 6 PACR6 8
IPSBAR + 0x02C Peripheral Access Control Register 7 PACR7 8
IPSBAR + 0x02E Peripheral Access Control Register 8 PACR8 8
IPSBAR + 0x030 Grouped Peripheral Access Control Register 0 GPACR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x031 Grouped Peripheral Access Control Register 1 GPACR1 8
SDRAMC Registers
IPSBAR + 0x040 DRAM Control Register DCR 16
IPSBAR + 0x048 DRAM Address and Control Register 0 DACR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x04C DRAM Mask Register Block 0 DMR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x050 DRAM Address and Control Register 1 DACR1 32
Table A-2. Module Memory Map Overview (continued)
Address Module Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-4 Freescale Semiconductor
IPSBAR + 0x054 DRAM Mask Register Block 1 DMR1 32
Chip Sele ct Re gisters
IPSBAR + 0x080 Chip Select Address Register 0 CSAR0 16
IPSBAR + 0x084 Chip Select Mask Register 0 CSMR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x08A Chip Select Control Register 0 CSCR0 16
IPSBAR + 0x08C Chip Select Address Register 1 CSAR1 16
IPSBAR + 0x090 Chip Select Mask Register 1 CSMR1 32
IPSBAR + 0x096 Chip Select Control Register 1 CSCR1 16
IPSBAR + 0x098 Chip Select Address Register 2 CSAR2 16
IPSBAR + 0x09C Chip Select Mask Register 2 CSMR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x0A2 Chip Select Control Register 2 CSCR2 16
IPSBAR + 0x0A4 Chip Select Address Register 2 CSAR3 16
IPSBAR + 0x0A8 Chip Select Mask Register 3 CSMR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x0AE Chip Select Control Register 3 CSCR3 16
IPSBAR + 0x0B0 Chip Select Address Register 4 CSAR4 16
IPSBAR + 0x0B4 Chip Select Mask Register 4 CSMR4 32
IPSBAR + 0x0BA Chip Select Control Register 4 CSCR4 16
IPSBAR + 0x0BC Chip Select Address Register 5 CSAR5 16
IPSBAR + 0x0C0 Chip Select Mask Register 5 CSMR5 32
IPSBAR + 0x0C6 Chip Select Control Register 5 CSCR5 16
IPSBAR + 0x0C8 Chip Select Address Register 6 CSAR6 16
IPSBAR + 0x0CC Chip Select Mask Register 6 CSMR6 32
IPSBAR + 0x0D2 Chip Select Control Register 6 CSCR6 16
DMA Registers
IPSBAR + 0x100 Source Address Register 0 SAR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x104 Destination Address Register 0 DAR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x108 DMA Control Register 0 DCR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x10C Byte Count Register 0 BCR01 32
IPSBAR + 0x110 DMA Status Register 0 DSR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x140 Source Address Register 1 SAR1 32
IPSBAR + 0x144 Destination Address Register 1 DAR1 32
IPSBAR + 0x148 DMA Control Register 1 DCR1 32
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-5
IPSBAR + 0x14C Byte Count Register 1 BCR1132
IPSBAR + 0x150 DMA Status Register 1 DSR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x180 Source Address Register 2 SAR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x184 Destination Address Register 2 DAR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x188 DMA Control Register 2 DCR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x18C Byte Count Register 2 BCR2132
IPSBAR + 0x190 DMA Status Register 2 DSR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x1C0 Source Address Register 3 SAR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x1C4 Destination Address Register 3 DAR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x1C8 DMA Control Register 3 DCR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x1CC Byte Count Register 3 BCR3132
IPSBAR + 0x1D0 DMA Status Register 3 DSR3 8
UART Registers
IPSBAR + 0x200 UART Mode Register 02UMR10,
UMR20 8
IPSBAR + 0x204 (Read) UART Status Register 0 USR0 8
(Write) UART Clock Select Register 01UCSR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x208 (Re ad) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Command Register 0 UCR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x20C (Read) UART Receive Buffer 0 URB0 8
(Write) UART Transmit Buffer 0 UTB0 8
IPSBAR + 0x210 (Read) UART Input Port Change Register 0 UIPCR0 8
(Write) UART Auxiliary Control Register 01UACR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x214 (Read) UART Interrupt Status Register 0 UISR0 8
(Write) UART Interrupt Mask Register 0 UIMR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x218 (Re ad) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 10 UBG10 8
IPSBAR + 0x21C (Read) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 20 UBG20 8
IPSBAR + 0x234 (Read) UART Input Port Register 0 UIP0 8
(Write) Reserved 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-6 Freescale Semiconductor
IPSBAR + 0x238 (Re ad) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Port Bit Set Command Register
0UOP10 8
IPSBAR + 0x23C (Read) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Po rt Bit Reset Command
Register 0 UIP00 8
IPSBAR + 0x240 UART Mode Registers 12UMR11,
UMR21 8
IPSBAR + 0x244 (Read) UART Status Register 1 USR1 8
(Write) UART Clock Select Register 11UCSR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x248 (Re ad) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Command Register 1 UCR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x24C (UART/Read) UART Receive Buffer 1 URB1 8
(UART/Write) UART Transmit Buffer 1 UTB1 8
IPSBAR + 0x250 (Read) UART Input Port Change Register 1 UIPCR1 8
(Write) UART Auxiliary Control Register 11UACR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x254 (Read) UART Interrupt Status Register 1 UISR1 8
(Write) UART Interrupt Mask Register 1 UIMR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x258 (Re ad) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 11 UBG11 8
IPSBAR + 0x25C (Read) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 21 UBG21 8
IPSBAR + 0x274 (Read) UART Input Port Register 1 UIP1 8
(Write) Reserved 8
IPSBAR + 0x278 (Re ad) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Port Bit Set Command Register
1UOP11 8
IPSBAR + 0x27C (Read) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Po rt Bit Reset Command
Register 1 UIP01 8
IPSBAR + 0x280 UART Mode Register 22UMR12,
UMR22 8
IPSBAR + 0x284 (Read) UART Status Register 2 USR2 8
(Write) UART Clock Select Register 21UCSR2 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-7
IPSBAR + 0x288 (Re ad) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Command Register 2 UCR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x28C (Read) UART Receive Buffer 2 URB2 8
(Write) UART Transmit Buffer 2 UTB2 8
IPSBAR + 0x290 (Read) UART Input Port Change Register 2 UIPCR2 8
(Write) UART Auxiliary Control Register 21UACR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x294 (Read) UART Interrupt Status Register 2 UISR2 8
(Write) UART Interrupt Mask Register 2 UIMR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x298 (Re ad) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 12 UBG12 8
IPSBAR + 0x29C (Read) Reserved 8
UART Baud Rate Generator Register 22 UBG22 8
IPSBAR + 0x2B4 (Read) UART Input Port Register 2 UIP2 8
(Write) Reserved 8
IPSBAR + 0x2B8 (Read) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Port Bit Set Command Register
2UOP12 8
IPSBAR + 0x2BC (Read) Reserved 8
(Write) UART Output Po rt Bit Reset Command
Register 2 UIP02 8
I2C Registers
IPSBAR + 0x300 I2C Address Register I2ADR 8
IPSBAR + 0x304 I2C Frequency Divider Register I2FDR 8
IPSBAR + 0x308 I2C Control Register I2CR 8
IPSBAR + 0x30C I2C Status Register I2SR 8
IPSBAR + 0x310 I2C Data I/O Register I2DR 8
QSPI Registers
IPSBAR + 0x340 QSPI Mode Register QMR 16
IPSBAR + 0x344 QSPI Delay Register QDLYR 16
IPSBAR + 0x348 QSPI Wrap Register QWR 16
IPSBAR + 0x34C QSPI Interrupt Register QIR 16
IPSBAR + 0x350 QSPI Address Register QAR 16
IPSBAR + 0x354 QSPI Data Register QDR 16
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-8 Freescale Semiconductor
DMA Timer Registers
IPSBAR + 0x400 DMA Timer Mode Register 0 DTMR0 16
IPSBAR + 0x402 DMA Timer Extended Mode Register 0 DTXMR0 8
IPSBAR + 0x403 DMA Timer Event Register 0 DTER0 8
IPSBAR + 0x404 DMA Timer Reference Re gister 0 DTRR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x408 DMA Timer Capture Regi ste r 0 DTCR0 32
IPSBAR + 0x40C DMA Timer Counter Register 0 DTCN0 32
IPSBAR + 0x440 DMA Timer Mode Register 1 DTMR1 16
IPSBAR + 0x442 DMA Timer Extended Mode Register 1 DTXMR1 8
IPSBAR + 0x443 DMA Timer Event Register 1 DTER1 8
IPSBAR + 0x444 DMA Timer Reference Re gister 1 DTRR1 32
IPSBAR + 0x448 DMA Timer Capture Regi ste r 1 DTCR1 32
IPSBAR + 0x44C DMA Timer Counter Register 1 DTCN1 32
IPSBAR + 0x480 DMA Timer Mode Register 2 DTMR2 16
IPSBAR + 0x482 DMA Timer Extended Mode Register 2 DTXMR2 8
IPSBAR + 0x483 DMA Timer Event Register 2 DTER2 8
IPSBAR + 0x484 DMA Timer Reference Re gister 2 DTRR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x488 DMA Timer Capture Regi ste r 2 DTCR2 32
IPSBAR + 0x48C DMA Timer Counter Register 2 DTCN2 32
IPSBAR + 0x4C0 DMA Timer Mode Register 3 DTMR3 16
IPSBAR + 0x4C2 DMA Timer Extended Mode Register 3 DTXMR3 8
IPSBAR + 0x4C3 DMA Timer Event Register 3 DTER3 8
IPSBAR + 0x4C4 DMA Timer Reference Register 3 DTRR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x4C8 DMA Timer Capture Register 3 DTCR3 32
IPSBAR + 0x4CC DMA Timer Counter Register 3 DTCN3 32
Interrupt Controller 0
IPSBAR + 0xC00 Interrupt Pending Register High 0 IPRH0 32
IPSBAR + 0xC04 Interrupt Pending Register Low 0 IPRL0 32
IPSBAR + 0xC08 I nterrupt Mask Register High 0 IMRH0 32
IPSBAR + 0xC0C Interrupt Mask Register Lo w 0 IMRL0 32
IPSBAR + 0xC10 Interrupt Force Register High 0 INTFRCH0 32
IPSBAR + 0xC14 Interrupt Force Register Low 0 INTFRCL0 32
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-9
IPSBAR + 0xC18 Interrupt Level Request Register 0 I LRR0 8
IPSBAR + 0XC19 Interrupt Ac knowledge Level and Priority Register 0 IACKLPR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xC41 Interrupt Control Register 0-01 ICR001 8
IPSBAR + 0xC42 Interrupt Control Register 0-02 ICR002 8
IPSBAR + 0xC43 Interrupt Control Register 0-03 ICR003 8
IPSBAR + 0xC44 Interrupt Control Register 0-04 ICR004 8
IPSBAR + 0xC45 Interrupt Control Register 0-05 ICR005 8
IPSBAR + 0xC46 Interrupt Control Register 0-06 ICR006 8
IPSBAR + 0xC47 Interrupt Control Register 0-07 ICR007 8
IPSBAR + 0xC48 Interrupt Control Register 0-08 ICR008 8
IPSBAR + 0xC49 Interrupt Control Register 0-09 ICR009 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4A Interrupt Control Register 0-10 ICR010 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4B Interrupt Control Register 0-11 ICR011 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4C Interrupt Control Register 0-12 ICR012 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4D Interrupt Control Register 0-13 ICR013 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4E Interrupt Control Register 0-14 ICR014 8
IPSBAR + 0xC4F Interrupt Control Register 0-15 ICR015 8
IPSBAR + 0xC51 Interrupt Control Register 0-17 ICR017 8
IPSBAR + 0xC52 Interrupt Control Register 0-18 ICR018 8
IPSBAR +0xC53 Interrupt Control Register 0-19 ICR019 8
IPSBAR + 0xC54 Interrupt Control Register 0-20 ICR020 8
IPSBAR + 0xC55 Interrupt Control Register 0-21 ICR021 8
IPSBAR + 0xC56 Interrupt Control Register 0-22 ICR022 8
IPSBAR + 0xC57 Interrupt Control Register 0-23 ICR023 8
IPSBAR + 0xC58 Interrupt Control Register 0-24 ICR024 8
IPSBAR + 0xC59 Interrupt Control Register 0-25 ICR025 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5A Interrupt Control Register 0-26 ICR026 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5B Interrupt Control Register 0-27 ICR027 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5C Interrupt Control Register 0-28 ICR028 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5D Interrupt Control Register 0-29 ICR029 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5E Interrupt Control Register 0-30 ICR030 8
IPSBAR + 0xC5F Interrupt Control Register 0-31 ICR031 8
IPSBAR + 0xC60 Interrupt Control Register 0-32 ICR032 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-10 Freescale Semiconductor
IPSBAR + 0xC61 Interrupt Control Register 0-33 ICR033 8
ISPBAR + 0xC62 Interrupt Control Register 0-34 ICR034 8
IPSBAR + 0xC63 Interrupt Control Register 0-35 ICR035 8
IPSBAR + 0xC64 Interrupt Control Register 0-36 ICR036 8
IPSBAR + 0xC65 Interrupt Control Register 0-37 ICR037 8
IPSBAR + 0xC66 Interrupt Control Register 0-38 ICR038 8
IPSBAR + 0xC67 Interrupt Control Register 0-39 ICR039 8
IPSBAR + 0xC68 Interrupt Control Register 0-40 ICR040 8
IPSBAR + 0xC69 Interrupt Control Register 0-41 ICR041 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6A Interrupt Control Register 0-42 ICR042 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6B Interrupt Control Register 0-43 ICR043 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6C Interrupt Control Register 0-44 ICR044 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6D Interrupt Control Register 0-45 ICR45 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6E Interrupt Control Register 0-46 ICR046 8
IPSBAR + 0xC6F Interrupt Control Register 0-47 ICR047 8
IPSBAR + 0xC70 Interrupt Control Register 0-48 ICR048 8
IPSBAR + 0xC71 Interrupt Control Register 0-49 ICR049 8
IPSBAR + 0xC72 Interrupt Control Register 0-50 ICR050 8
IPSBAR + 0xC73 Interrupt Control Register 0-51 ICR051 8
IPSBAR + 0xC74 Interrupt Control Register 0-52 ICR052 8
IPSBAR + 0xC75 Interrupt Control Register 0-53 ICR053 8
IPSBAR + 0xC76 Interrupt Control Register 0-54 ICR054 8
IPSBAR + 0xC77 Interrupt Control Register 0-55 ICR055 8
IPSBAR + 0xC78 Interrupt Control Register 0-56 ICR056 8
IPSBAR + 0xC79 Interrupt Control Register 0-57 ICR057 8
IPSBAR + 0xC7A Interrupt Control Register 0-58 ICR058 8
IPSBAR + 0xC7B Interrupt Control Register 0-59 ICR059 8
IPSBAR + 0xC7C Interrupt Control Register 0-60 ICR060 8
IPSBAR + 0xC7D Interrupt Control Register 0-61 ICR061 8
IPSBAR + 0xC7E Interrupt Control Register 0-62 ICR062 8
IPSBAR + 0xCE0 Software Interrupt Acknowledge Register 0 SWACKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCE4 Lev el 1 Interrupt Ackno wledge Register 0 L1IACKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCE8 Lev el 2 Interrupt Ackno wledge Register 0 L2IACKR0 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-11
IPSBAR + 0xCEC Level 3 Interrupt Acknowledge Register 0 L3IA CKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCF0 Level 4 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 0 L4IACKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCF4 Level 5 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 0 L5IACKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCF8 Level 6 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 0 L6IACKR0 8
IPSBAR + 0xCFC Level 7 Interrupt Acknowledge Register 0 L7IACKR0 8
Interrupt Controller 1
IPSBAR + 0xD00 Interrupt Pending Register High 1 IPRH1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD04 Interrupt Pending Register Low 1 IPRL1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD08 I nterrupt Mask Register High 1 IMRH1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD0C Interrupt Mask Register Lo w 1 IMRL1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD10 Interrupt Force Register High 1 INTFRCH1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD14 Interrupt Force Register Low 1 INTFRCL1 32
IPSBAR + 0xD18 Interrupt Level Request Register 1 I LRR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xD19 Interrupt Acknowledge Level and Priority Register 1 IACKLPR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xD48 Interrupt Control Register 1-08 ICR108 8
IPSBAR + 0xD49 Interrupt Control Register 1-09 ICR109 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4A Interrupt Control Register 1-10 ICR110 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4B Interrupt Control Register 1-11 ICR111 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4C Interrupt Control Register 1-12 ICR112 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4D Interrupt Control Register 1-13 ICR113 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4E Interrupt Control Register 1-14 ICR114 8
IPSBAR + 0xD4F Interrupt Control Register 1-15 ICR115 8
IPSBAR + 0xD50 Interrupt Control Register 1-16 ICR116 8
IPSBAR + 0xD51 Interrupt Control Register 1-17 ICR117 8
IPSBAR + 0xD52 Interrupt Control Register 1-18 ICR118 8
IPSBAR + 0xD53 Interrupt Control Register 1-19 ICR119 8
IPSBAR + 0xD54 Interrupt Control Register 1-20 ICR120 8
IPSBAR + 0xD55 Interrupt Control Register 1-21 ICR121 8
IPSBAR + 0xD56 Interrupt Control Register 1-22 ICR122 8
IPSBAR + 0xD57 Interrupt Control Register 1-23 ICR123 8
IPSBAR + 0xD58 Interrupt Control Register 1-24 ICR124 8
IPSBAR + 0xD59 Interrupt Control Register 1-25 ICR125 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-12 Freescale Semiconductor
IPSBAR + 0xD5A Interrupt Control Register 1-26 ICR126 8
IPSBAR + 0xDE0 Software Interrupt Acknowledge Register 1 SWACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDE4 Lev el 1 Interrupt Ackno wledge Register 1 L1IACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDE8 Lev el 2 Interrupt Ackno wledge Register 1 L2IACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDEC Level 3 Interrupt Acknowledge Register 1 L3IA CKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDF0 Level 4 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 1 L4IACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDF4 Level 5 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 1 L5IACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDF8 Level 6 Interrupt Ac knowledge Register 1 L6IACKR1 8
IPSBAR + 0xDFC Level 7 Interrupt Acknowledge Register 1 L7IACKR1 8
Global Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle Registers
IPSBAR + 0xFE0 Global Software Interrupt Acknowledge Register GSWACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFE4 Global Level 1 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL1IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFE8 Global Level 2 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL2IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFEC Global Level 3 Interr upt Acknowledge Register GL3IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFF0 Global Level 4 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL4IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFF4 Global Level 5 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL5IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFF8 Global Level 6 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL6IACKR 8
IPSBAR + 0xFFC Global Level 7 Interrupt Acknowledge Register GL7IACKR 8
FEC Registers
(Reserved for MCF5214 and MCF5216)
IPSBAR + 0x1004 Interrupt Ev ent Register EIR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1008 Interrupt Mask Register EIMR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1010 Receive Descriptor Active Register RDAR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1014 Transmit Descriptor Active Register XDAR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1024 Ethernet Control Register ECR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1040 MII Data Register MDATA 32
IPSBAR + 0x1044 MII Speed Control Register MSCR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1064 MIB Control/Status Register MIBC 32
IPSBAR + 0x1084 Receive Control Register RCR 32
IPSBAR + 0x10C4 Transmit Control Register TCR 32
IPSBAR + 0x10E4 Ph ysical Address Lo w PALR 32
IPSBAR + 0x10E8 Physical Address High+ Type Field PAUR 32
IPSBAR + 0x10EC Opcode + Pause Duration OPD 32
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-13
IPSBAR + 0x1118 Upper 32 bits of individual hash table IAUR 32
IPSBAR + 0x111C Lower 32 bits of individual hash table IALR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1120 Upper 32-bits of group hash table GAUR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1124 Lower 32-bits of group hash table GALR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1144 Transmit FIFO Watermark TFWR 32
IPSBAR + 0x114C FIFO Receive Bound Register FRBR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1150 FIFO Receive Start Address FRSR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1180 Pointer to Receive Descriptor Ring ERDSR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1184 Pointer to Transmit Descriptor Ring ETDSR 32
IPSBAR + 0x1188 Maximum Receive Buffer Size EMRBR 32
0x1200-0x13FF RAM used to store management counters MIB_RAM 32
GPIO Registers
0x10_0000 Port A Output Data Register PORTA 8
0x10_0001 Port B Output Data Register PORTB 8
0x10_0002 Port C Output Data Register PORTC 8
0x10_0003 Port D Output Data Register PORTD 8
0x10_0004 Port E Output Data Register PORTE 8
0x10_0005 Port F Output Data Register PORTF 8
0x10_0006 Port G Output Data Register PORTG 8
0x10_0007 Port H Output Data Register PORTH 8
0x10_0008 Port J Output Data Register PORTJ 8
0x10_0009 Port DD Output Data Register PORTDD 8
0x10_000A Port EH Output Data Register
(Reserv ed for MCF5214 and MCF5216) PORTEH 8
0x10_000B Port EL Output Data Register PORTEL 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-14 Freescale Semiconductor
0x10_000C Port AS Output Data Register PORTAS 8
0x10_000D Port QS Output Data Register PORTQS 8
0x10_000E Port SD Output Data Register PORTSD 8
0x10_000F Port TC Output Data Register PORTTC 8
0x10_0010 Port TD Output Data Register PORTTD 8
0x10_0011 Port UA Output Data Register PORTUA 8
0x10_0014 Port A Data Direction Register DDRA 8
0x10_0015 Port B Data Direction Register DDRB 8
0x10_0016 Port C Data Direction Register DDRC 8
0x10_0017 Port D Data Direction Register DDRD 8
0x10_0018 Port E Data Direction Register DDRE 8
0x10_0019 Port F Data Direction Register DDRF 8
0x10_001A P ort G Data Direction Register DDRG 8
0x10_001B Port H Data Di rection Register DDRH 8
0x10_001C Port J Data Direction Register DDRJ 8
0x10_001D P ort DD Data Direction Register DDRDD 8
0x10_001E Port EH Data Direction Register
(Reserv ed for MCF5214 and MCF5216) DDREH 8
0x10_001F Port EL Data Direction Register DDREL 8
0x10_0020 Port AS Data Direction Register DDRAS 8
0x10_0021 Port QS Data Direction Register DDRQS 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-15
0x10_0022 Port SD Data Direction Register DDRSD 8
0x10_0023 Port TC Data Direction Register DDRTC 8
0x10_0024 Port TD Data Direction Register DDRTD 8
0x10_0025 Port UA Data Direction Register DDRUA 8
0x10_0028 Port A Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTAP/
0x10_0029 Port B Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTBP/
0x10_002A Port C Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTCP/
0x10_002B Port D Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTDP/
0x10_002C Port E Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTEP/
0x10_002D Port F Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTFP/
0x10_002E Port G Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTGP/
0x10_002F Port H Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTHP/
0x10_0030 Port J Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTJP/
0x10_0031 Port DD Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTDDP/
0x10_0032 Port EH Pin Data/Set Data RegisterPort EH Data
Direction Register
(Reserv ed for MCF5214 and MCF5216)
0x10_0033 Port EL Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTELP/
0x10_0034 Port AS Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTASP/
0x10_0035 Port QS Pin Data/Set Data Regi ster PORTQSP/
0x10_0036 Port SD Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTSDP/
0x10_0037 Port TC Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTTCP/
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-16 Freescale Semiconductor
0x10_0038 Port TD Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTTDP/
0x10_0039 Port UA Pin Data/Set Data Register PORTUAP/
0x10_003C Port A Clear Output Data Register CLRA 8
0x10_003D Port B Clear Output Data Register CLRB 8
0x10_003E Port C Clear Output Data Register CLRC 8
0x10_003F Port D Clear Output Data Register CLRD 8
0x10_0040 Port E Clear Output Data Registe r CLRE 8
0x10_0041 Port F Clear Output Data Register CLRF 8
0x10_0042 Port G Clear Output Data Register CLRG 8
0x10_0043 Port H Clear Output Data Register CLRH 8
0x10_0044 Port J Clear Output Data Register CLRJ 8
0x10_0045 Port DD Clear Output Data Register CLRDD 8
0x10_0046 Port EH Clear Output Data RegisterPort EH Data
Direction Register
(Reserv ed for MCF5214 and MCF5216)
0x10_0047 Port EL Clear Output Data Register CLREL 8
0x10_0048 Port AS Clear Output Data Register CLRAS 8
0x10_0049 Port QS Clear Output Data Register CLRQS 8
0x10_004A Port SD Clear Output Data Register CLRSD 8
0x10_004B Port TC Clear Output Data Register CLRTC 8
0x10_004C Port TD Clear Output Data Register CLRTD 8
0x10_004D Port UA Clear Output Data Register CLRUA 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-17
0x10_0050 Port B, C, and D Pin Assignment Regi ster PBC DPAR 8
0x10_0051 Port F Pin Assignment Register PFPAR 8
0x10_0052 Port E Pin Assignment Register PEPAR 16
0x10_0054 Port J Pin Assi gnment Register PJPAR 8
0x10_0055 Port SD Pin Assignment Register PSDPAR 8
0x10_0056 Port AS Pin Assignment Register PASPAR 16
0x10_0058 Port EH and EL Pin Assignment Register
(Port EH is not present on MCF5214 and MCF5216) PEHLPAR 8
0x10_0059 Port QS Pin Assignment Register PQSPAR 8
0x10_005A Port TC Pin Assignment Register PTCPAR 8
0x10_005B Port TD Pin Assignment Register PTDPAR 8
0x10_005C Port UA Pin Assignment Register PUAPAR 8
Reset Control, Chip Configuration, and Power Management Reg isters
0x11_0000 Reset Control Register RCR 8
0x11_0001 Reset Status Register RSR 8
0x11_0004 Chip Configuration Register CCR 16
0x11_0007 Low-Power Control Register LPCR 8
0x11_0008 Reset Configuration Register RCON 16
0x11_000A Chip Identification Register CIR 16
Clock Module Registers
0x12_0000 Synthesizer Control Register SYNCR 16
0x12_0002 Synthesizer Status Register SYNSR 16
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-18 Freescale Semiconductor
Edge Port Registers
0x13_0000 EPORT Pin Assignment Register EPPAR 16
0x13_0002 EPOR T Da ta Direction Re gi ste r EPDDR 8
0x13_0003 EPORT Interrupt Enable Register EPIER 8
0x0013_0004 EPORT Data Register EPDR 8
0x13_0005 EPORT Pin Data Register EPPDR 8
0x0013_0006 EPORT Flag Register EPFR 8
Watchdog Timer Registers
0x14_0000 Watchdog Control Register WCR 16
0x14_0002 Watchdog Mo du l u s Regi ster WMR 16
0x14_0004 W atchdog Count Register WCNTR 16
0x14_0006 W atchdog Service Register WSR 16
Programmable Interrupt Timer 0 Registers
0x15_0000 PIT Control and Status Register 0 PCSR 0 16
0x15_0002 PIT Modulus Register 0 PMR 0 16
0x15_0004 PIT Count Register 0 PCNTR 0 16
Programmable Interrupt Timer 1 Registers
0x16_0000 PIT Control and Status Register 1 PCSR 1 16
0x16_0002 PIT Modulus Register 1 PMR 1 16
0x16_0004 PIT Count Register 1 PCNTR 1 16
Programmable Interrupt Timer 2 Registers
0x17_0000 PIT Control and Status Register 2 PCSR 2 16
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-19
0x17_0002 PIT Modulus Register 2 PMR 2 16
0x17_0004 PIT Count Register 2 PCNTR 2 16
Programmable Interrupt Timer 3 Registers
0x18_0000 PIT Control and Status Register 3 PCSR 3 16
0x18_0002 PIT Modulus Register 3 PMR 3 16
0x18_0004 PIT Count Register 3 PCNTR 3 16
QADC Registers
0x19_0000 QADC Module Configuration Register QADCMCR 16
0x19_0006 Port QA Data Register PORTQA 8
0x19_0007 Port QB Data Register PORTQB 8
0x19_0008 Port QA Data Direction Register DDRQA 8
0x19_0009 Port QB Data Direction Register DDRQB 8
0x19_000A QADC Control Register 0 QACR0 16
0x19_000C QADC Control Register 1 QACR1 16
0x19_000E QADC Control Register 2 QACR2 16
0x19_0010 QADC Status Register 0 QASR0 16
0x19_0012 QADC Status Register 1 QASR1 16
0x19_027E Conversion Command Word Table CCW0–
CCW63 64x16
0x19_02FE Right Justified, Unsigned Result Register RJURR0–
RJURR63 64x16
0x19_037E Left Justified, Signed Result Register LJSRR0–
LJSRR63 64x16
0x19_03FE Left Justified, Unsigned Result Register LJURR0–
LJURR63 64x16
General Purpose Timer A Registers
0x1A_0000 GPTA IC/OC Select Register GPTAIOS 8
0x1A_0001 GPTA Compare Force Register GPTACFORC 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-20 Freescale Semiconductor
0x1A_0002 GPTA Output Compare 3 Mask Register GPTAOC3M 8
0x1A_0003 GPTA Output Compare 3 Data Register GPTAOC3D 8
0x1A_0004 GPTA Counter Register GPTACNT 16
0x1A_0006 GPTA System Control Register 1 GPTASCR1 8
0x1A_0008 GPTA Toggle-on-Overflow Register GPTATOV 8
0x1A_0009 GPTA Control Register 1 GPTACTL1 8
0x1A_000B GPTA Control Register 2 GPTACTL2 8
0x1A_000C GPTA Interrupt Enab le Register GPTAIE 8
0x1A_000D GPTA System Control Register 2 GPTASCR2 8
0x1A_000E GPTA Flag Register 1 GPTAFLG1 8
0x1A_000F GPTA Flag Register 2 GPTAFLG2 8
0x1A_0010 GPTA Channel 0 Register GPTAC0 16
0x1A_0012 GPTA Channel 1 Register GPTAC1 16
0x1A_0014 GPTA Channel 2 Register GPTAC2 16
0x1A_0016 GPTA Channel 3 Register GPTAC3 16
0x1A_0018 Pulse Accumulator Control Register GPTAPACTL 8
0x1A_0019 Pulse Accumulator Flag Register GPTPAFLG 8
0x1A_001a Pulse Accumulator Counter Register GPTAPACNT 8
0x1A_001D GPTA Port Data Register GPTAPORT 8
0x1A_001E GPTA Port Data Direction Register GPTADDR 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-21
General Purpose Timer B Registers
0x1B_0000 GPTB IC/OC Select Register GPTBIOS 8
0x1B_0001 GPTB Compare Force Register GPTBCFORC 8
0x1B_0002 GPTB Output Compare 3 Mask Register GPTBOC3M 8
0x1B_0003 GPTB Output Compare 3 Data Register GPTBOC3D 8
0x1B_0004 GPTB Counter Register GPTBCNT 16
0x1B_0006 GPTB System Control Register 1 GPTBSCR1 8
0x1B_0008 GPTB Toggle-on-Overflow Register GPTBTOV 8
0x1B_0009 GPTB Control Register 1 GPTBCTL1 8
0x1B_000B GPTB Control Register 2 GPTBCTL2 8
0x1B_000C GPTB Interrupt Enable Register GPTBIE 8
0x1B_000E GPTB System Control Register 2 GPTBSCR2 8
0x1B_000E GPTB Flag Register 1 GPTBFLG1 8
0x1B_000F GPTB Flag Register 2 GPTBFLG2 8
0x1B_0010 GPTB Channel 0 Reg ister GPTBC0 16
0x1B_0012 GPTB Channel 1 Reg ister GPTBC1 16
0x1B_0014 GPTB Channel 2 Reg ister GPTBC2 16
0x1B_0016 GPTB Channel 3 Reg ister GPTBC3 16
0x1B_0018 Pulse Accumulator Control Register GPTBPACTL 8
0x1B_0019 Pulse Accumulator Flag Register GPTBPAFLG 8
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-22 Freescale Semiconductor
0x1B_001A Pulse Accumulator Counter Registe r GPTBPACNT 16
0x1B_001D GPTB P ort Data Register GPTBPORT 8
0x1B_001E GPTB Port Data Direction Register GPTBDDR 8
FlexCAN Registers
0x1C_0000 Module Configuration Register CANMCR 16
0x1C_0006 Control Register 0 CANCTRL0 8
0x1C_0007 Control Register 1 CANCTRL1 8
0x1C_0008 Prescaler Divider PRESDIV 8
0x1C_0009 Control Register 2 CANCTRL2 8
0x1C_000A Free Running TImer TIMER 16
0x1C_0010 Rx Global Mask RXGMASK 32
0x1C_0014 Rx Buffer 14 Mask RX14MASK 32
0x1C_0018 Rx Buffer 15 Mask RX15MASK 32
0x1C_0020 Error and Status ESR 16
0x1C_0022 Interrupt Masks IMASK 16
0x1C_0024 Interrupt Flags IFLAG 16
0x1C_0026 Rx Error Counters RXERRCNT 8
0x1C_0027 Tx Error Counter TXERRCNT 8
0x1C_0080 Message Buffer 0 - Message Buff er 15 MBUFF0–
MBUFF15 16x16bytes
Flash Registers
0x1D_0000 CFM Configuration Register CFMMCR 16
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
Freescale Semiconductor A-23
0x1D_0002 CFM Clock Divider Register CFMCLKD 8
0x1D_0008 CFM Security Register CFMSEC 32
0x1D_0010 CFM Protection Register CFMPROT 32
0x1D_0014 CFM Supervisor Access Register CFMSACC 32
0x1D_0018 CFM Data Access Register CFMDACC 32
0x1D_0020 CFM User Status Register CFMUSTAT 8
0x1D_0024 CFM Command Register CFMCMD 8
1The DMA module originally supported a left-justified 16-bit byte count register (BCR). This function was
later reimplemented as a right-justified 24-bit BCR. The operation of the DMA and the interpretation of
the BCR is controlled by the MPARK[BCR24BIT]. See Chapter 8, “System Control Module (SCM)” for
more details.
2UMR1n, UMR2n, and UCSRn should be changed only after the receiver/transmitter is issued a software
reset command. That is, if channel operation is not disabled, undesirable results may occur.
Table A-3. Register Memory Map (continued)
Address Name Mnemonic Size
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Register Memory Map
A-24 Freescale Semiconductor
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor B-1
Appendix B
Revision History
This appendix lists major changes between versions of the MCF5282UM document.
B.1 Changes Between Rev. 0 and Rev. 0.1
Table B-1. Rev. 0 to Rev. 0.1 Changes
Location Description
Title page Change d title from “MCF5282 ColdFire® Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual” to “MCF5282
ColdFire® Microcontroller User’s Manual.
33.1/33-1 Added “This product incorporates SuperFlash® technology licensed from SST.
Tab le 9-4 on page
9-6 Changed equation in f ootnote to fsys = fref × 2(MFD + 2)/2 e xp RFD; fref × 2(MFD + 2) 80 MHz, fsys 66
Tab le 9-4 on page
9-6 Multiplied all PLL frequencies in table by 2.
Table 10-13 on
page 10-13 Changed DTMRx to DTIMx.
Figure 10-1 on
page 10-6 Ch anged bit numbers from 63–32 to 31–0.
Figure 10-3 on
page 10-8 Ch anged bit numbers from 63–32 to 31–0.
Figure 10-5 on
page 10-10 Changed bit numbers from 63–32 to 31–0.
14.2.4/14-22 Added Section 14.2.4, “Chip Configuration Signals.”
Table 14-3 on
page 14-11 Added Table 14-3.
15.2/15-3 Added “Unlike the MCF5272, the MCF5282 does not hav e an independent SDRAM clock signal. For the
MCF5282, the timing of the SDRAM controller is controlled b y the CLKOUT signal. Added Section, “SDRAM Byte Strobe Connections.” Added “Note: Because the MCF5282 has 24 external address lines, the maximum SDRAM address size
is 128 Mbits.
Figure 27-4 on
page 27-6 Changed reset value to 0010_0000_0000_0000.
Chapter 30,
“Debug SupportChanged “PSTCLK” references to “CLKOUT.
Figure 30- 41 on
page 30-45 Changed “TEA” to “TA.”
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-2 Freescale Semiconductor
B.2 Changes Between Rev. 0.1 and Rev. 1
Figure 32-1 on
page 32-2 Ch anged “RAS0” and “RAS1” to “SDRAM_CS0” and “SDRAM_CS1.
Table 32-1 on
page 32-4 Added Table 32-1.
Table 33-3 on
page 33-3 Ch anged max input high voltage to 5.25 V.
Appendix A,
“Register Memory
Changed “System Integration Module” to “System Control Module.
Table B-2. Rev. 0.1 to Rev. 1 Chan ges
Location Description
Figure 6-1 on page
6-3 Replaced Figure 6-1 with a more accurate bloc k d iagram.
6.2/6-2 Enhanced discussion of Flash blocks. Added “Note: Enabling Flash security will disable BDM communications. Added “Note: When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single chip mode regardless
of the external reset configuration. Changed text in Step 1 to read “If fSYS ÷ 2 is greater than 12.8 MHz, PRDIV8 = 1; otherwise PRDIV8 = 0. Changed equation in Ste p 2 to the following: Changed equation in Ste p 3 to the following: Changed equations in example to reflect revisions above. Changed text to read “So , for fSYS = 66 MHz, writing 0x54 to CFMCLKD will set FCLK to 196.43 kHz which
is a valid frequency for the ti ming of program and erase functions. Changed text to read “Consider the follwoing example for fSYS = 66 MHz.
Table 6-12 on page
6-16 Added “Page erase verify” category.
Table 6-13 on page
6-19 Added “Page erase verify” category and description.
Table 6-14 on page
6-23 Added “Access error” row.
Table B-1. Rev. 0 to Rev. 0.1 Changes (continued)
Location Description
2 x 200kHz x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
DIV[5:0] =
2 x (DIV[5:0] + 1) x (1 + (PRDIV8 x 7))
fCLK =
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
Freescale Semiconductor B-3
Chapter 8, “System
Control Module
(SCM) and
Moved information in Section 8.4.6, “DMA Request Control Register,” to Section 16.2, “DMA Request
Control (DMAREQC).”
Figure 8-2 on page
8-4 Changed offset for the cop y of RAMBAR to “0x008.
Table 8-5 on pa ge
8-6 Changed CWTIC to CWTIF. Changed text to read “Setting MPARK[PRK_LAST] causes the arbitration pointer to be parked on the
highest priority master.
Figure 9-2 on page
9-4 Changed “÷ MFD (2–9)” to ÷ MFD (4–18).
Table 9-7 on pa ge
9-10 Changed equation in “Normal PLL Clock Mode” row to the following:
fsys = fref × 2(MFD + 2)/2RFD
Chapter 12, “Chip
Select Module Eliminated Section, “Code Example.
Figure 12-4 on page
12-8 In “Reset: CSCR0” row, changed “D7, D6, D5” to “—, D19, D18.
Table 14-1 on page
14-3 Replaced “SCKE” with “SCKE.
17.4.21/17-23 Changed text to read “The transmit FIFO uses addresses from the start of the FIFO to the location four
bytes before the address programmed into the FRSR.
T able 17-29 on page
17-28 Added the following footnote: “The receive buffer pointer, which contains the address of the associated
data buff er , must alwa ys be e venly divisible b y 16. The buffer m ust reside in memory external to the FEC.
This value is never modified by the Ethernet controller.
T able 17-30 on page
17-29 Added the follo wing footnote: “The transmit b uffer pointer , which contains the address of the associated
data buff er, must always be ev enly divisible b y 4. The b uffer must reside in memory external to the FEC.
This value is never modified by the Ethernet controller.
Figure 18-1 on page
18-2 Changed value in “Divide by” block to 8192.
Table 19-3 on page
19-4 Multiplied all system clock divisor values in PRE field description by 2.
19.3.3/19-7 Changed equation in text to the following:
Timeout period = PRE[3:0] × (PM[15:0] + 1) × system clock ÷ 2
Figure 23- 12 on
page 23-14 In “UISR Field” row, changed bit 6 to a reserved bit.
T able 23-10 on page
23-14 Changed bit 6 to a reserved bit.
Table B-2. Rev. 0.1 to Rev. 1 Changes (continued)
Location Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-4 Freescale Semiconductor
T able 25-12 on page
25-22 Changed equatio n in PRES_DIV field description to the following:
27.6.2/27-8 Added “Note: When Flash security is enabled, the chip will boot in single chip mode regardless
of the external reset configuration.
Table 28-4 on page
28-10 Changed equatio n in QPR field description to the following:
Table 28-5 on page
28-11 Multiplied all fSYS divisor values in this table by 2.
30.1/30-1 Adde d “Note: Enabling Flash security will disable BDM communications.
Figure 32-1 on page
32-2 Replaced “SCKE” with “SCKE.
Table 32-1 on page
32-4 Replaced “PEL2” with “PEL6, ” “PNQ6” with “PNQ7,” “PNQ5” with “PNQ6,” “PEL5” with “PEL1,” “PNQ4”
with “PNQ5,” “PNQ3” with “PNQ4,” “PNQ2” with “PNQ3,” “PNQ1” with “PNQ2,” “PNQ0” with “PNQ1,
“PQS0” with “PQS1,” “PQS1” with “PQS0,” “PJ6” with “PJ7,” “RAS0” with “SDRAM_CS0,” “RAS1” with
“SDRAM_CS1,” and “SCKE” with “SCKE.
Table 33-1 on page
33-1 Changed value f or “ESD Target for Human Body Model” to “2000” and “ESD Target for Machine Model”
to “200.
T able 33-13 on page
33-11 Changed value in “Maximum number of guaranteed program/erase cycles bef ore f ailure” row to “10,000.
T able 33-15 on page
33-12 Changed the max value in specs B6a–B6c to “0.5tCYC + 10.
T able 33-15 on page
Figure 33-3 on page
Figure 33-4 on page
Figure 33-5 on page
Changed the min value in spec B7a to “0.5tCYC + 2” and reflected the change in Figure 33-3, Figure 33-4,
and Figure 33-5.
T able 33-16 on page
33-17 Changed the min value in spec D8 to “2” and the max value to”'—”.
T able 33-17 on page
33-18 Changed the max value in spec G1a to “12.
T able 33-17 on page
33-18 Added the following f ootnote: “Because of long delays associated with the PQA/PQB pads, signals on the
PQA/PQB pins will be updated on the following edge of the clock.
Table B-2. Rev. 0.1 to Rev. 1 Changes (continued)
Location Description
S-clock fSYS
2 PRESDIV + 1()
2(QPR[6:0] + 1)
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
Freescale Semiconductor B-5
B.3 Changes Between Rev. 1 and Rev. 2
33.13/33-21 Added timing diagrams and tables to Section 33.13, “F ast Ethernet AC Timing Specifications.”
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the max value in spec 1 to “1/4.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the min value in spec 2 to “4.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the min value in spec 3 to “25.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the min value in spec 6 to “25.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the max value in spec 7 to “30.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the max value in spec 8 to “30.
T able 33-27 on page
33-25 Changed the max value in spec 11 to “25.
T able 33-28 on page
33-27 Changed the min value in spec D1 to “5.
T able 33-28 on page
33-27 Changed the min value in spec D2 to “2.
Table A-3 on page
A-3 Changed offset for the cop y of RAMBAR to “0x008.
Table B-3. Rev. 1 to Rev. 2 Changes
Location Description
Throughout Manual Added MCF5281 device to manual. The MCF5281 implements half the Flash of the MCF5282.
1.1/1-1 Changed the description of real time debug support. It has only one user-visible hardware breakpoint
Table 2-2/2-7 Change the I field description to read: “Interrupt level mask. Defines the current interrupt level. Interru pt
requests are inhibited for all priority lev els less than or equal to the current level, except the edge-sensitive
level 7 request, which cannot be masked.
Table 5-1/5-2 Replaced the descr iption of PRI1 and PRI2.
Tab le 5-1/5-3 Added note to the SPV bit description, “The BDE bit in the second RAMBAR register must also be set to
allow dual port access to the SRAM. For more information, see Section 8.4.2, ‘Memory Base Address
Register (RAMBAR).’”
Figure 6-2/6-4 Replaced Figure 6-2, “CFM 512K Array Memory Map” and renamed it “CFM Array Memory Map”
Table 6-12/6-16 Change value for page erase verify command to 0x06.
Table 6-13/6-20 Change value for page erase verify command to 0x06.
Table B-2. Rev. 0.1 to Rev. 1 Changes (continued)
Location Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-6 Freescale Semiconductor
Table 8-3/8-5 Add the following note to the BDE bit description: “The SPV bit in the CPU’ s RAMBAR m u st also be set
to allow dual port access to the SRAM. For more information, see Section 5.3.1, ‘SRAM Base Address
Register (RAMBAR).’”
Figure 9-1/9-3 Remove ÷ 2 from CLKGEN block.
10.3.6/10-11 Add this text to the end of the first paragraph: “If a specific interrupt request is completely unused, the
ICRnx value can remain in its reset (and disabled) state.
10.5/10-17 Added the following note: “The wakeup mask level taken from LPICR[6:4] is adjusted by hardware to allow
a le vel 7 IRQ to generate a w akeup . That is, the w akeup mask v alue used by the interrupt controller must
be in the range of 0–6.
Figure 12-4/12-8 Changed CSCRn to reflect that AA is set at reset.
13.5/13-15 Removed final paragraph. The paragraph incorrectly states that the MCF5282 does not have a bus
Table 14-3/14-11 Changed pull-up indications in the ‘Internal Pull-Up’ column.
Table 17-13/17-26 Change encodings for bits 31–9 to:
0 The corresponding interrupt source is masked.
1The corresponding interr upt source is not masked.
Chapter 19 Chan ge PIT1–PIT4 to PIT0–PIT3 throughout chapter. When a timer is referenced individually, PIT1
should be PIT0, PIT2 should be PIT1, PIT3 should be PIT2, and PIT4 should be PIT3. Other chapters in
the user’s manual use the co rrect nomenclature: PIT0–PIT3.
19.6.3/19-7 Change timeout period equation to the equation below.
Figure 23-11 Change UISR bits 5–3 to reserved bits
24.6.1/24-11 Change ‘I2CR = 0xA’ to ‘I2CR = 0xA0.
27.2.1/27-2 Changed ‘When interfacing to 16-bit ports, the port C and D pins and PJ[5:4] (BS[1:0]) can be configured
as general-purpose input/output (I/O)’
32.2/32-7 Added additional device number order information to Table 32-2 f or MCF5280 and MCF5281 at 66- and
80-MHz, and MCF5282 at 80 MHz.
Chapter 33 Delete references to ‘TA = TL to TH’.
Table 33-1/33-1 Replace Vin row with the row below, in which the maximum value has been changed to 6.0 V.
Table 33-6/33-8 Replace IDDA row with the ro w below , in which the maximum value in normal operation has been changed
to 5.0 mA.
Figure 33-5/33-16 Replaced figure, “SDRAM Read Cycle”
Table B-3. Rev. 1 to Rev. 2 Changes (continued)
Location Description
Timeout period PRE[3:0] (PM[15:0] 1)+2××
system clock
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
Freescale Semiconductor B-7
B.4 Changes Between Rev. 2 and Rev. 2.1
B.5 Changes Between Rev. 2.1 and Rev. 2.2
B.6 Changes Between Rev. 2.2 and Rev. 2.3
Table B-4. Rev. 2 to Rev. 2.1 Changes
Location Description
Title Page Ad ded MCF5280 to “Devices Supported” list on the title page.
Table 33-8/33-9 Deleted reference to “TA=TL to TH”
Table B-5. Rev. 2.1 to Rev. 2.2 Changes
Location Description
Chapter 33 Added Power Spec info to Electricals chapter
Table B-6. Rev. 2.2 to Rev. 2.3 Changes
Location Description
Figure 4-2/4-6 Changed bit 23 from DIDI to DISI
Table 4-6/4-9 Under ‘Configuration’ f or ‘Instruction Cache’ the ‘Operation’ entry changed to “Invalidate 2 KByte data
Table 4-6/4-9 Under ‘Configuration’ for ‘Data Cache’ the ‘Operation’ entry changed to “Invalidate 2 KByte instruction
Figure 6-3/6-6 Changed bit 8 to wr ite-only instead of read/write
Table 6-10/6-15 Removed “selected by BKSL[1:0]” as these are internal signal names not necessary for end-user.
10.3.2/10-8 Added note after register descriptions: ‘If an interrupt source is being masked in the interrupt contro ller
mask register (IMR) or a module’s interrupt mask register whi le the interrupt mask in the status register
(SR[I]) is set to a value lower than the interrupt’ s lev el, a spurious interrupt may occur . This is because by
the time the status register acknowledges this interrupt, the interrupt has been masked. A spurious
interrupt is generated because the CPU cannot determine the interrupt source. To a v oid this situation for
interrupts sources with le vels 1-6, first write a higher level interrupt mask to the status register, before
setting the mask in the IMR or the module’s interrupt mask register. After the mask is set, return the
interrupt mask in the status register to its previous v alue. Since le v el se ven interrupts cannot be disabled
in the status register prior to masking, use of the IMR or module interrupt mask registers to disable lev el
se ven interrupts is not recommended.
Table 17-2/17-5 In PALR/PAUR entry, deleted “(only needed for full duplex flow control)”
17-23/17-39 Changed FRSR to read/write instead of read-only
25.4.10/25-16 Changed CANICR to ICRn
Tab le 25-17/25-29 Added the f ollowing inf ormation to BITERR and A CKERR descriptions: “To clear this bit, first read it as a
one, then write it as a one. Writing zero has no effect.
Table 25-17/25-30 Changed bit ordering: ERRINT should be bit 2 and BOFFINT shoul d be bit 1.
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-8 Freescale Semiconductor
B.7 Changes Between Rev. 2.3 and Rev. 3
Table 25-19/25-32 Changed B UFnI field description from “To clear an interrupt flag, first read the flag as a one, then write it
as a zero” to “To clear an interrupt flag, first read the flag as a one, then write it as a one.”
Chapter 33 Updated power consumption tables.
Table B-7. Rev. 2.3 to Rev. 3 Chan ges
Location Description
Throughout Added MCF5214 and MCF5216 to list of the devices supported in this document. These two de vices are
the same as the MCF5282 except they do not have an FEC and have a rated freque ncy of 66 MHz.
Changed title of document.
Preface Moved revision history to this appendix
Table 2-1/Page 2-4 Remove last sentence in C bit field description.
Table 2-3/Page 2-7 Change PC’s Written with MOVEC entr y to “No”.
Section 2.5/Page
2-8 Change last bullet to “Use of separate system stack pointers for user and supervisor modes”
Section 2.5/Page
2-9 Change last sentence in four th paragraph (step 2) to “The IACK cycle is mapped to special locations
within the interrupt controller's address space with the interrupt level encoded in the address."
Figure 3-6/Page
3-8 Add minus sign to the exponent so that it is “–(i + 1 N)”.
Table 4-3/Page 4-5 Change rese t value of ACR0, ACR1 to “See Section” since some of the bits are undefined after reset.
Figure 4-2/Page
4-6 Change CACR fields to R/W, since they may be read via the debug module.
Tab le 4-5/Page 4-8 For split instruction/data cache entry, sw ap text in parantheses in the description field. Instruction cache
uses the upper half of the arrays, while data cache uses the lower half.
Figure 4-3/Page
4-9 Change reset value of ACR: Bits 31-16, 14-13, 6-5, and 2 are undefined, and other bits are cleared.
Change ACR fields to R/W, since they may be read via the debug module.
Section 4-9 Change note to:
P eripheral (IPSBAR) space should not be cached. The combination
of the CACR defaults and the two ACRn registers must define the
non-cacheable attribute for this address space.
Figure 5-1/Page
5-2 Change RAMBAR fields to R/W, since they may be read via the debug module.
Table 5-1/Page 5-2 The PRI1/PRI2 text description does not match the ta ble below it. It should be: “If a bit is set, CPU has
priority. If a bit is cleared, DMA has priority.
Figure 6-3/Page
6-6 Changed FLASHBAR[WP] to read-onl y.
Table 6-2/Page 6-7 Changed bit description of FLASHBAR[WP] to read-only and that this bit is always set.
Table B-6. Rev. 2.2 to Rev. 2.3 Changes (continued)
Location Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
Freescale Semiconductor B-9
Chapter 8 Remove any references to the core watchdog timer being able to reset the device. It is only able to
interrupt the processor. Use the peripheral watchdog timer described in Chapter 18 if needing a
watchdog timer to reset the device.
Table 8-5/Page 8-6 CWCR[CWRI] bit description, change “ programmed in the interrupt control register 7 (ICR7)... ” to “
programmed in the interrupt control register 8 (ICR8)...
Table 9-4/Page 9-7 In the table for MFD bit definition, footno te (1) equation should read:
Where fsys(max) is the maximum system frequency f or the particular MCF5282 device (66MHz or 80MHz)
10.3.6/Page 10-11 Include the following text in the section description and as a note in Figure 10-9.
“It is the responsibility of the software to program the ICRnx registers with unique and non-overlapping
level and priority definitio ns. Failure to program the ICRnx registers in this manner can result in
undefined behavior. If a specific interrupt request is completely unused, the ICRnx value can remain
in its reset (and disabled) state.
Figure 10-6/P age
10-9 Interrupt Force Register Low (INTFRCLn) is illustrated as read-only in the figure. How ever, this register
should be read/write.
Table 10-14/Page
10-15 Change flag clearing mechanism for sources 24-26. They should read as follows:
Write ER R_INT = 1 after reading ERR_INT = 1
Write BOFF_INT = 1 after reading BOFF_INT = 1
Write WAKE_INT = 1 after reading WAKE_INT = 1
Table 12-7/Page
12-7 BAM bit field description, the first example should read “So, if CSAR0 = 0x0000 and CSMR0[BAM] =
0x0001” instead of “So, if CSAR0 = 0x0000 and CSMR0[BAM] = 0x0008”.
Table 10-2/Page
10-4 In footnote, remove mention of the SWIACK register, as it is not supported in the global IACK space.
10.3.7/Page 10-16 Change last paragraph to: “In addition to the IACK registers within each interrupt controller, there are
global LnIACK registers . A read from one of the global LnIA CK registers returns the vector f or the highest
priority unmasked interrupt within a le vel for all interrupt controllers. There is no global SWIA CK register.
However, reading the SWIACK register from each interrupt controller returns the ve ctor number of the
highest priority unmasked request within that controller.
Figure 15-1/P age
15-1 Change SDRAM address lines from A[31:0] to A[23:0].
Table 15-1/Page
15-3 NOP command entry. Replace “SRAS assert ed” with “SDRAM_CS[1:0] asserted”
Table 15-5/Page
15-7 Add the following note to the DACRn[CBM] field description:
Note: It is important to set CBM according to the location of the command bit.
Section 16.5/Page
16-11 Remove last sentence in this section starting with “BCRn decrements...” since SAA bit is not supported.
Table B-7. Rev. 2.3 to Rev. 3 Changes (continued)
Location Description
fsys fref 2MFD 2+()×
--------------------------------------------- fref 2MFD 2+()×fsys max()
fsys fsys max()
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-10 Freescale Semiconductor
17.4.6/Page 17-7 Add the following subsection entitled “Duplicate Frame Transmissi on”:
The FEC fetches transmit buffer descriptors (TxBDs) and the corresponding transmit data continuously
until the transmit FIFO is full. It does not determine whether the TxBD to be fetched is already being
processed internally (as a result of a wrap). As the FEC nears the end of the transmission of one frame,
it begins to DMA the data f or the next frame . In order to remain one BD ahead of the DMA, it also f etches
the TxBD for the ne xt frame. It is possible that the FEC will fetch from memory a BD that has already been
processed but not y et written bac k (that is, it is read a second time with the R bit still set). In this case, the
data is fetched and transmitted again.
Using at least three TxBDs fixes this problem f or large frames, b ut not for small frames. To ensure correct
operation for either large or small frames, one of the fol lowing must be true:
The FEC software driver ensures that there is always at least one TxBD with the ready bit cleared.
Every frame uses more than one TxBD and every TxBD but the last is written back immediately after
the data is fetched.
The FEC software driver ensures a minimum frame size, n. The minimum number of TxBDs is then
(Tx FIFO Size ÷(n+ 4)) rounde d up to the nearest integer (though the result cannot be less than
three). The default Tx FIFO size is 192 bytes; this size is programmable.
Table 17-9/Page
17-17 Correct MIB block counters end addresses to IPSBAR + 0x12FF.
Table 17-11/Page
17-19 Add RMON_R_DROP with an IPSBAR Offset of 0x1280 and a description of ‘Count of frames not
counted correctly’.
Figure 17-26/Page
17-41 Change EMRBR register address from “IPSBAR + 0x11B8” to “IPSBAR + 0x1188”.
Deleted reference to nonexistent CF bits in the figure and bit descriptions for the GPTFLG2 register.
Figure 23-18/Page
23-18 Remove the tw o 16-bit divider b loc ks from timer input, as the divider is not a vailab le using e xternal cloc k
Remove 16-bit divider from equation, as the divider is not available using external clock sources.
25.5.8/Page 25-25 Change end of last sentence from “...and can be written by the host to ‘0’.to “...and can be written by the
host to ‘1’.
Table 25-17/Page
25-29 Remove the following information fro m the BITERR and ACKERR descriptions as these fields are read
only: “To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write it as a one. Writing zero has no effect.” (This is
a rescindment of a previous documentation errata.)
Change last sentence in ERRINT description from: “To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write as a
zero. Writing a one has no eff ect.” to “To clear this bit, first read it as a one, then write a one. Writing a
zero has no effect.
Add the following information to the BOFFINT and WAKEINT descriptions: “To clear this bit, first read it
as a one, then write it as a one. Writing zero has no effect.
Table 25-17/Page
25-27 Definition of bits ERRINT and BOFFINT are incorrect for register ESTAT: ERRINT should be bit 1,
BOFFINT should be bit 2. They should be cleared by writing a one instead of a zero.
Table B-7. Rev. 2.3 to Rev. 3 Changes (continued)
Location Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
Freescale Semiconductor B-11
Table 26-1/Page
26-5 Change description field for DTOUT1 fro m “DMA timer 1 output / Port TD[3]...” to “DMA time r 1 output /
Port TD[2]...
Change description field f or DTIN0 from “DMA timer 0 input / Port TD[3]...” to “DMA timer 1 output / Port
Change description field for DTOUT0 fro m “DMA timer 0 output / Port TD[3]...” to “DMA time r 1 output /
Port TD[0]...
Chapter 27 The CLKMOD pins determine the clock mode regardless of RCON assertion during reset. Because of
this, the following were done f or clarity:
Removed the RCON[RPLLREF, RPLLSEL] bit fields and descriptions.
Added the f ollowing note in the Reset Configuration section: “The CLKMOD pins alwa ys determine the
clock mode, regardless of the RCON pin value.
In the Configuration During Reset table, Clock Mode section, changed the Def ault Configuration from
“RCON[7:6]” to “N/A”
In Clock Mode Selection section, changed “The clock mode is selected during reset and reflected... ” to
“The clock mode is selected during reset by the CLKMOD pins and reflected...
In Clock Mode Selection table, added CLKMOD[1:0] column showing the corresponding CLKMOD
settings for each mode.
Table 30-12/Page
30-14 Add the following note to the PBR[Address] field description:
Note: PBR[0] should alwa ys be loaded with a 0.
Table 30-20/Page
30-35 Change CSR’s initial state to 0x0000_0000 .
Chapter 33 Add the following note:
“It is crucial during power-up that VDD never exceeds VDDH by more that ~0.3V. There are diode
devices between the two voltage domains, and violating this rule can lead to a latch-up condition.
Table 33-3/Page
33-3 In the VOH and VOL entries, change the respective IOH and IOL specs from “IOH = -2.0mA” to
“IOH = -5.0mA” and “IOL = +2.0mA” to “IOL = +5.0mA”
Table 33-8/Page
33-7 In the PLL Electrical Specifications table, only specs for the 80MHz MCF5282 device were listed. Insert
specs for the 66MHz device in the first 2 rows and also declare symbol fsys(max), as shown below:
Table 33-8/Page
33-7 Change EXTAL Input High Voltage (VIHEXT) Crystal Mode minimum spec from “VDD -1.0 to
“VXTAL +0.4.
Change EXTAL Input Low Voltage (VILEXT) Crystal Mode maximum spec from “1.0” to “VXTAL -0.4.
Remove second sentence:
“There is no minimum frequency requirement.
Table B-7. Rev. 2.3 to Rev. 3 Changes (continued)
Location Description
Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
66MHz 80MHz
PLL Reference Frequency Range
Crystal reference
Exter nal reference
1:1 Mode
System Freque ncy 1
Exter nal Clock Mode
On-Chip PLL Frequency
fsys 0
fref / 32
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Revision History
B-12 Freescale Semiconductor
Remove second sentence:
“There is no minimum frequency requirement.
Remove second paragraph as this feature is not supported on this device:
“The transmit outputs (ETXD[3:0], ETXEN, ETXER) can be programmed to transition from either
the rising or falling edge of ETXCLK, and the timing is the same in either case. This options
allows the use of non-compliant MII PHYs. Refer to the Ethernet chapter for details of this option
and how to enable it.
Table A-3/Page
A-4 The CSMR1 and CSCR1 register addresses are incorrect. They should be IPSBAR + 0x090 and
IPSBAR + 0x096 respectively
Table B-7. Rev. 2.3 to Rev. 3 Changes (continued)
Location Description
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-1
Appendix C
A/D converter
bias 28-34
block diagram 28-32
channel decode 28-33
comparator 28-33
cycle times 28-32
multiplexer 28-33
operation 28-31
sample buffer 28-33
state machine 28-34
successive approximation register (SAR) 28-34
Acknowledge error (ACKERR) 25-26
Address variant 30-4
Analog inputs 28-66
Analog power signals 28-56
Analog reference signals 28-56
Analog supply
filtering 28-61
grounding 28-61
Async inputs signal timing 33-23
see debug
DUMP 30-27
FILL 30-29
format 30-20
GO 30-31
NOP 30-31
RCREG 30-31
RDMREG 30-35
READ 30-24
sequence diagrams 30-21
summary 30-19
WCREG 30-34
WDMREG 30-36
WRITE 30-26
CPU halt 30-16
operation with processor 30-38
packet format
receive 30-18
transmit 30-19
recommended pinout 30-45
register accesses
EMAC 30-33
stack pointer 30-33
serial interface 30-18
timing diagrams
BDM serial port AC timing 33-28
real-time trace AC timing 33-28
Bit error (BITERR) 25-26
Bit stuff error (STUFFERR) 25-26
branch instruction execution times
BRA, Bcc instruction execution times (table 3-16) 2-32
table 3-15 2-32
access by matches in CSCR and DACR 13-4
characteristics 13-2
data transfer
back-to-back cycles 13-9
burst cycles 13-10
allowable line access patterns 13-10
line read bus cycles 13-10
line transfers 13-10
line write bus cycles 13-12
cycle execution 13-3
cycle states 13-4
fast termination cycle 13-8
read cycle 13-6
write cycle 1 3-7
electrical characteristics
input timing specifications 33-11
output timing specifications 33-12
features 13-1
arbitration 8-7
algorithms 8-9
fixed mode 8-9
overview 8-8
round-robin mode 8-9
operands, misaligned 13-14
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-2 Freescale Semiconductor
SACU 8-11
Bus off interrupt (BOFFINT) 25-27
BUSY 25-11
BYPASS instruction 31-9
block diagram 4-2
coherency 4-8
fill buffer 4-2 , 4-9
invalidation 4-8
miss fetch algorithm 4-9
organization 4-1
access control 0–1 (ACRn)2-7
, 4-6
control (CACR) 2-7, 4-3
SRAM interaction 4-7
Channel flags 20-21
Chip configuration module
block diagram 27-2
boot device selection 27-9
chip mode selection 27-8
chip select 27-10
clock mode selection 27-9
features 27-1
interrupts 27-10
memory map 27-3
low-power modes 7-9
master mode 27-1
output pad strength 27-9
programming model 27-3
chip configuration (CCR) 27-4
chip identification (CIR) 27-6
reset configuration register (RCON) 27-5
reset configuration 27-7
single-chip mode 27-1
Chip select modul e
8-, 16-, and 32-bit port sizing 12-3
memory map 12-4
external boot 12-4
general 12-3
low-power modes 7-7
port sizing 12-3
overview 12-1
address (CSARn) 12-6
control (CSCRn) 12-7
mask (CSMRn)12-6
CLAMP 31-9
Clock module
block diagram 9-2
features 9-1
memory map 9-5
1-1 PLL mode 9-1
during reset 9-11
external clock mode 9-1
low-power modes 7-10, 9-2
normal PLL mode 9-1
charge pump/loop filter 9-12, 9-13
lock detection 9-13
alternate clock selection 9-15
detection 9-15
reset 9-15
stop mode 9-16
conditions 9-14
reset 9-15
multiplication factor divider (MFD) 9-13
operation 9-11
phase and frequency detector (PFD) 9-12
voltage control output (VCO) 9-13
synthesizer control (SYNCR) 9-6
synthesizer status (SYNSR) 9-8
system clock
generation 9-11
modes 9-10
ColdFire Core
branch instruction execution times 2-32
instruction set summary
MOVE instruction executino times
MOVE long execution times 2-27
MOVE instruction execution times 2-26
MOVE byte and word execution times table 3-9 2-27
timing assumption s 2-25
misaligned operand references table 3-8 2-26
ColdFire Flash module
block diagram 6-2
configuration field 6-5
electrical characteristics
module life 33-11
program and erase 33-10
features 6-1
interrupts 6-23
memory map 6-4, 6-7
low-power modes 7-7, 7-13
master mode 6-22
program and erase 6-17, 6-18
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-3
reads 6-17
setting CFMCLKD 6-17
stop mode 6-21
verify 6-18
writes 6-17
clock divider (CFMCLKD) 6-9
setting 6-17
command (CFMCMD) 6-16
configuration (CFMCR) 6-8
data access (CFMDACC) 6-14
protection (CFMPROT) 6-12
security (CFMSEC) 6-10
supervisor access (CFMSACC) 6-13
user status (CFMUSTAT) 6-15
reset 6-23
back door access 6-23
erase verify check 6-23
Collision handling 17-42
block diagram 2-1
low-power modes 7-6
address (An)2-4
condition code (CCR) 2-6
data (Dn)2-4
program counter (PC) 2-7
stack pointer (A7) 2-5
status register (SR) 2-8
vector base (VBR) 2-7
Cyclic redundancy check error (CRCERR) bit 25-26
DC characteristics 33-3
see BDM
functions 30-7
operation 30-37
data 30-39
electrical characteristics
AC timing specificatio ns 33-27
emulator mode 30-38
interrupt 30-37
low-power modes 7-13
operation 30-37
overview 30-1
processor status 30-2, 30-39
programming model 30-5
address attribute trigger (AATR) 30-7
address breakpoint (ABLR, ABHR) 30-9
configuration/statu s (C SR) 30-10
data breakpoint/mask (DBR, DBMR) 30-12
program counter breakpoint/mask (PBR, PBMR) 30-13
trigger definition (TDR ) 30-14
support, real-time 30-37
taken bran ch 30-4
trace, real-time 30-2
Debug interrupt 30-37
DMA controller
channel prioritization 16-12
data transfer
auto alignment 16-13
bandwidth control 16-14
dual-address 16-12
overview 16-4
requests 16-11
termination 16-14
functional description 16-11
low-power modes 7-7
overview 16-1
programming 16-12
byte count (BCRn) 16-7
control (DCRn)16-7
destination address (DARn) 16-6
request control (DMAREQC) 16-2
source address (SARn) 16-5
status (DSRn) 16-10
signal diagram 16-1
DMA timers
electrical characteristics
AC timing specifications 33-24
low-power modes 7-8
Doze mode 7-6
Electrical characteristics
external output timing specifications 33-12
processor input timing specifications 33-11
ColdFire Flash module
module life characteristics 33-1 1
program and erase characteristics 33-10
DC specifications 33-3
debug AC timing specifi cations 33-27
DMA timer AC timing specifications 33-24
FEC AC timing specifications 33-21
GPIO timing 33-18
I2C input timing between SCL and SDA 33-20
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-4 Freescale Semiconductor
I2C input/output timin g specifications 33-20
I2C output timing between SCL and SDA 33-20
JTAG and boundary scan timing 33-25
maximum ratings 33-1
MII async inputs signal timing 33-23
MII receive signal timing 33-21
MII serial management channel timing 33-23
MII transmit signal timing 33-22
PLL specifications 33-4
QADC absolute maximum ratings 33-8
QADC operating conversion specifications 33-10
QADC operating electrical specifications 33-9
QSPI AC timing specifications 33-24
QSPI specifications 33-24
reset and configuration override ti mi ng 33-19
SDRAM timing 33-17
thermal 33-2
data representation 3-14
execution timing 3-13
summary 3-12
memory map 3-3
opcodes 3-14
fractional 3-10
BDM accesses 30-33
mask (MASK) 3-5
status (MACSR) 3-3
ENABLE_TEST_CTRL instruction 31-8
End-of-frame (EOF) 25-12
low-power modes 7-10, 11-1
memory map 11-3
overview 11-1
programming model 7-1
data direction (EPDDR) 11-4
flag (EPFR) 11-6
pin assignment (EPPAR) 11-3
pin data (EPPDR) 11-6
port data (EPDR) 11-5
port interrupt enable (EPIER) 11-5
Error counters 25-13
Error interrupt (ERRINT) bit 25-27
address recognition 17-35
block diagram 17-2
buffer descriptors
receive (RxBD) 17-27
transmit (TxBD) 17-29
collision handling 17-42
electrical characteristics
MII receive signal timing 33-21
MII serial management channel timin g 33-23
MII transmit signal timin g 33-22
handling 17-42
CRC 17-44
frame length 17-44
non-octet 17-43
overrun 17-43
truncation 17-44
attempts limit expired 17-43
heartbeat 17-43
late collision 17-43
underrun 17-43
frame reception 17-35
frame transmission 17-33
hash table 17-38
initialization 17-30
10 Mbps 7-Wire 17-4, 17-32
10 Mbps and 100 Mbps MII 17-32
full duplex 17-4, 17-41
half duplex 17-4
loopback 17-42
low-power modes 7-9
control (ECR) 17-12
descriptor group upper/low er address
(GAUR/GALR) 17-21
descriptor individual upper/lower (IAUR/IALR) 17-20
descriptor individual upper/lower address
(IAUR/IALR) 17-20
FIFO receive bound (FRBR) 17-22
FIFO receive start (FRSR) 17-23
FIFO transmit FIFO watermark (TFWR) 17-22
interrupt event (EIR) 17-9
interrupt mask (EIMR) 17-10
MIB control (MIBC) 17-16
MII management frame (MMFR) 17-13
MII speed control (MSCR) 17-15
opcode/pause duration (OPD) 17-19
physical address low (PALR n) 17-18
physical address low/high (PALR, PAUR) 17-18
receive buffer size (EMRBR) 17-24
receive control (RCR) 17-16
receive descriptor active (RDAR) 17-11
receive descriptor ring start (ERDSR) 17-23
transmit buffer descriptor ring start (ETSDR) 17-24
transmit control (TCR) 17 -17
transmit descriptor active (TDAR) 17-12
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-5
access error 2-18
divide-by-zero 2-20
exception stack frame 2-17
format error 2-21
illegal instruction 2-19
overview 2-15
privilege violation 2-20
reset 2-22
trace 2-20
TRAP instruction 2-22
External interface module (EIM), seebus
EXTEST instruction 31-7
Fault confinement state (FCS) 25-27
Fault-on-fault 2-22
Fault-on-fault halt 30-17
FEC, see Ethernet
Flash, see ColdFire Flash module
bit timing 25-12
CAN system overview 25-4
error counters 25-13
features 25-1
format frames 25-525-7
IDLE bit 25-27
initialization sequence 25-14
interrupts 25-17
memory map 25-2
message buffers
BUSY 25-6
EMPTY 25-6
FULL 25-6
handling 25-10
locking and releasing 25-11
receive deactivation 25-10
serial message buffers 25-10
transmit deactivation 25-10
overload frames 25-12
codes 25-6
error status flag (RXWARN) 25-27
pin configuration control (RX M ODE) 25-20
remote frames 25-11
self-received frames 25-10
status 25-27
structure 25-4
time stamp 25-12
codes 25-6
error status flag (TXWARN) 25-26
length 25-6
pin configuration control (TXMODE) 25-20
NOTRDY bit 25-17
auto power save mode 25-17
bit timing configuratio n 25-13
debug mode 25-15
listen-only mode 25-12
low-power modes 7-11, 25-15
overview 25-1
receive process 25-9
bit timing 25-12
control 0–2 (CANCTRLn) 25-2025-22
error and status (ESTAT) 25-25
free running timer (TIMER) 25-23
interrupt flag (IFLAG) 25-28
interrupt mask (IMASK) 25-27
module configuration (CANMCR) 25-18
prescaler divide (PRESDIV) 25-22
receive error counter (RXECTR) 25-29
receive mask (RXGMASK, RXnMASK) 25-24
transmit error counter (TXECTR) 25-30
SAMP bit 25-21
transmit process 25-8
Frame reception, FlexCAN 25-9
Frame transmission, FlexCAN 25-8
General purpose timers
block diagram 20-2
features 20-1
functional description 20-17
GPIO ports 20-19
input capture 20-17
channel flags 20-21
pulse accumulator input 20-22
pulse accumulator overflow 20-22
timer overflow 20-22
low-power modes 7-11
memory map 20-4
event counter mode 20-18
gated time accumulation mode 20-19
low-power modes 20-3
output compare 20-18
prescaler 20-17
pulse accumulator
event counter mode 20-18
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-6 Freescale Semiconductor
gated time accumulation 20-19
channel (GPTCn)20-13
compare force (GPCFORC) 20-6
control 1–2 (GPTCTLn) 20-9
counter (GPTCNT) 20-7
flag 1–2 (GPTFLGn) 20-12
input capture/output compare select (GPTIOS) 20-5
interrupt enable (GPTIE) 20-10
output compare 3 data (GPTOC3D) 20-7
output compare 3 mask (GPTOC3M) 20-6
port data (PORTTn) 20-16
port data direction (GPTDDR) 20-17
pulse accumulator control (GPTPAC TL) 20-14
pulse accumulator counter (GPTPACNT) 20-16
pulse accumulator flag (GPTPAFLG) 20-15
system control 1–2 (GPTSCRn)20-8
, 20-11
toggle-on-overflow (GPTTOV) 20-9
reset 20-21
block diagram 26-2, 26-3
electrical characteristics
timing 33-18
features 26-4
initialization 26-28
memory map 26-7
operation 26-4
low-power modes 7-9
overview 26-1, 26-4
port AS pin assignment (PASPAR) 26-21
port B/C/D pin assignment (PBCDPAR) 26-16
port clear output data (CLRn) 26-14
port data direction (DDRn) 26-11
port E pin assignment (PEPAR) 26-17
port EH/EL pin assignment (PEHLPAR) 26-22
port F pin assignment (PFPAR) 26-19
port J pin assignment (PJPAR) 26-20
port output data (PORTn)26-10
port pin data/set data (PORTnP/SETn)26-13
port QS pin assignment (PQSPAR) 26-23
port SD pin assignment (PSDPAR) 26-21
port TC pin assignment (PTCPAR) 26-24
port TD pin assignment (PTDPAR) 26-25
port UA pin assignment (PUAPAR) 26-26
timing diagrams 33-19
digital input 26-28
digital output 26-28
Halt, fault-on-fault 30-17
HIGHZ instruction 31-8
arbitration procedure 24-11
arbitration 24-11
stretching 24-12
synchronization 24-11
electrical characteristics
input timing between SCL and SDA 33-20
output timing between SCL and SDA 33-20
handshaking 24-12
memory map 24-3
operation 24-7
low-power modes 7-8
programming examples
initialization 24-12
repeated START generation 24-14
START generation 24-12
STOP generation 24-13
address (I2ADR) 24-3
control (I2CR) 24-4
data I/O (I2DR) 24-6
frequency divider (I2FDR) 24-3
status (I2SR) 24-5
slave mode 24-14
timing diagrams
input/output timing 33-21
IDCODE instruction 31-7
Identifier (ID) bits 25-7
IDLE bit 25-27
Informatio n processing time (I PT) 25-13
Input capture 20-17
additions 2-14
execution timing
miscellaneous 2-30
one-operand 2-28
two-operand 2-28
CLAMP 31-9
HIGHZ 31-8
RTE 2-21
Intermission 25-12
Interrupt controller
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-7
ColdFire Flash module 6-23
debug 2-21, 30-37
FlexCAN 25-17
overview 10-1
PIT 19-7
prioritization 10-4
operation 28-68
sources 28-68
recognition 10-3
sources 10-13
vector determination 10-4
memory map 10-4
general 10-2
low-power modes 7-9
(IACKLPRn) 10-11
interrupt control (ICRnx) 10-12
interrupt force high/low (INTFRCHn, INTFRCLn) 10-9
interrupt pending high/low (IPRHn, IPRLn) 10-6
interrupt request level (IRLRn)10-11
mask high/low (IMRHn, n) 10-7
block diagram 31-1
electrical characteristics
boundary scan timing 33-25
features 31-2
initialization 31-9
nonscan chain operation 31-9
restrictions 31-9
CLAMP 31-9
HIGHZ 31-8
low-power modes 7-13
memory map 31-4
overview 31-1
boundary scan 31-5
bypass 31-5
instruction shift (IR) 31-4
TAP controller 31-6
timing diagrams
BKPT timing 33-27
boundary scan 33-26
test access port 33-26
test clock input 33-26
TRST timing 33-27
Listen-only mode 25-12
LOCKOUT_RECOVERY instruction 31-8
Lowest buffer transmitted first (LBUF) 25-21
Low-power modes
doze 7-6
peripheral behavior
chip configuration module 7-9
chip select modul e 7-7
clock module 7-10
ColdFire Flash module 7-7, 7-13
core 7-6
debug 7-13
DMA controller 7-7
DMA timers 7-8
EPORT 7-10
Ethernet 7-9
FlexCAN 7-11
general purpose timers 7-11
GPIO 7-9
interrupt controller 7-9
JTAG 7-13
modules 7-8
programmable interrupt tim e rs 7-10
QADC 7-11
QSPI 7-8
reset controller 7-9
SCM 7-7
SDRAM controller 7-7
SRAM 7-6
watchdog timer 7-10
run 7-5
stop 7-6
summary 7-13
wait 7-6
MAPGA package 32-9
Memory map
chip configuration module 27-3
clock module 9-5
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-8 Freescale Semiconductor
ColdFire Flash module 6-4, 6-7
EMAC 3-3
EPORT 11-3
FlexCAN 25-2
general purpose timers 20-4
GPIO 26-7
I2C 24-3
interrupt controller 10-4
JTAG 31-4
PIT 19-2
power management 7-2
QADC 28-6
QSPI 22-3
reset controller 29-2
SCM 8-2, 8-12
SDRAM controller 15-4
UART modules 2 3-3
watchdog timer 18-2
Message buf fers
extended format frames 25-5, 25-7
handling 25-10
overload frames 25-12
codes 25-6
deactivation 25-10
error status flag (RXWARN) 25-27
pin configuration control (RXMODE) 25-20
remote frames 25-11
self-received frames 25-10
standard format frames 25-5, 25-7
structure 25-4
time stamp 25-12
codes 25-6
deactivation 25-10
error status flag (TXWARN) 25-26
pin configuration control (TXMODE) 25-2 0
Message format error (FORMERR) bit 25-26
serial management channel timin g 33-23
transmit signal timing 33-22
Ordering information 32-9
Output compare 20-18
Overload frames 25-12
Phase buffer segment 1, 2 (PSEGn) bits 25-23
Pinout 32-1
charge pump/loop filter 9-12, 9-13
electrical specifications 33-4
lock detection 9-13
alternate clock selection 9-15
detection 9-15
reset 9-15
stop mode 9-16
conditions 9-14
reset 9-15
multiplication factor divider (MFD) 9-13
operation 9-11
1-1 mode 9-1
normal mode 9-1
phase and frequency detector (PFD) 9-12
voltage control output (VCO) 9-13
Power management
features 7-1
low-power modes 7-5
doze 7-6
peripheral behavior
chip configuration module 7-9
chip select module 7-7
clock module 7-10
ColdFire Flash module 7-7, 7-13
core 7-6
debug 7-13
DMA controller 7-7
DMA timers 7-8
EPORT 7-10
Ethernet 7-9
FlexCAN 7-11
general purpose timers 7-11
GPIO 7-9
interrupt controller 7-9
JTAG 7-13
programmable interrupt timers 7-10
QADC 7-11
QSPI 7-8
reset controller 7-9
SCM 7-7
SDRAM controller 7-7
SRAM 7-6
UART modules 7-8
watchdog timer 7-10
run 7-5
stop 7-6
summary 7-13
wait 7-6
memory map 7-2
programming model 7-1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-9
low-power control (L P CR) 7-4
low-power interrupt control (LPICR) 7-2
Prescaler divide (PRESDIV) bits 25-22
Processor status 30-2, 30-39
Program counter 2-7
Programmable interrupt timers
low-power modes 7-10
Programming model
chip configuration module 27-3
debug 30-5
power management 7-1
Pulse accumulator
event counter mode 20-18
gated time accumulation 20-19
input interrupt 20-22
overflow interrupt 20-22
PULSE instructi o n 30-3
A/D converter
bias 28-34
block diagram 28-32
channel decode 28-33
comparator 28-33
cycle times 28-32
multiplexer 28-33
operation 28-31
sample buffer 28-33
state machine 28-34
analog inputs 28-66
analog subsystem 28-31
analog supply
filtering 28-61
grounding 28-61
block diagram 28-2
boundary conditions 28-45
digital control subsystem 28-34
electrical characteristics
absolute maximum rating s 33-8
operating conversion specifications 33-10
operating electrical specifications 33-9
external multiplexing 28-29
operation 28-29
options 28-31
features 28-1
operation 28-68
sources 28-68
leakage 28-67
memory map 28-6
continuous-scan 28-49
externally gated 28-51
externally triggered 28-50
periodic timer 28-51
software-initiated 28-50
debug mode 28-2
disabled 28-47
low-power modes 7-11
reserved 28-47
single-scan 28-47
externally gated 28-48
externally triggered 28-48
interval timer 28-49
software-initiated 28-48
stop mode 28-3
overview 28-1
periodic/interval timer 28-52
QCLK generation 28-52
queue priority 28-34, 28-36
control 2–0 (QACRn)28-10
conversion command word (CCW) 28-24, 28-53
left-justified signed result (LJSRR) 28-27
left-justified unsigned result (LJURR) 28-28
module configuration (QADCMCR) 28-7
port data (PORTQA and PO RTQB) 28-8
port QA and QB data direction (DDRQA,
DDRQB) 28-9
result word table 28-55
right-justified unsigned result (RJURR) 28-27
status 0–1 (QASRn)28-17
, 28-23
successive approximation (SAR) 28-34
test (QADCTEST) 28-8
result coherency 28 -28
stress conditions 28-62
timing diagrams
conversion in gated mode, continuous scan 28-60
conversion in gated mode, single scan 28-60
conversion timing 28-33
conversion timing, by pass m ode 28-33
baud rate 22-12
electrical characteristics
AC timing specifications 33-24
memory map 22-3
low-power modes 7-8
master mode 22-2
programming example 22-15
command 22-12
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-10 Freescale Semiconductor
model 22-11
receive 22-11
transmit 22-12
address (QAR) 22-7
command RAM (QCRn)22-8
data (QDR) 22-8
delay (QD LYR) 22-5
interrupt (QIR) 22-6
mode (QMR) 22-3
wrap (QWR) 22-6
RAM 22-11
signals 22-2
timing diagram 33-25
delays 22-13
length 22-14
RAM 22-12
access control 0–1 (ACRn)2-7
, 4-6
control (CACR) 2-7, 4-3
chip configuration module
chip configuration (CCR) 27-4
chip identification (CIR) 27-6
reset configuration (RCON) 27-5
chip select module
address (CSARn) 12-6
control (CSCRn) 12-7
mask (CSMRn)12-6
clock module
synthesizer control (SYNCR) 9-6
synthesizer status (SYNSR) 9-8
ColdFire Flash module
clock divider (CFMCLKD) 6-9
command (CFMCMD) 6-16
configuration (CFMCR) 6-8
data access (CFMDACC) 6-14
protection (CFMPROT) 6-12
security (CFMSEC) 6-10
supervisor access (CFMSACC) 6-13
user status (CFMUSTAT) 6-15
address (An)2-4
condition code (CCR) 2-6
data (Dn)2-4
program counter (PC) 2-7
stack pointer (A7) 2-5
status register (SR) 2-8
vector base (VBR) 2-7
address attribute trigger (AATR) 30-7
address breakpoint (ABLR, ABHR) 30-9
configuration/statu s (C SR) 30-10
data breakpoint/mask (DBR, DBMR) 30-12
program counter breakpoint/mask (PBR/PBMR) 30-13
trigger definition (TDR ) 30-14
DMA controller
byte count (BCRn) 16-7
control (DCRn)16-7
destination address (DARn) 16-6
request control (DMAREQC) 16-2
source address (SARn) 16-5
status (DSRn) 16-10
mask (MASK) 3-5
status (MACSR) 3-3
data direction (EPDDR) 1 1-4
flag (EPFR) 11-6
pin assignment (EPPAR) 11-3
pin data (EPPDR) 11-6
port data (EPDR) 11-5
port interrupt enable (EPIER) 11 -5
control (ECR) 17-12
descriptor group upper/low er address
(GAUR/GALR) 17-21
descriptor individual upper/lower (IAUR/IALR) 17-20
descriptor individual upper/lower address
(IAUR/IALR) 17-20
FIFO receive bound (FRBR) 17-22
FIFO receive start (FRSR) 17-23
FIFO transmit FIFO watermark (TFWR) 17-22
interrupt event (EIR) 17-9
interrupt mask (EIMR) 17-10
MIB control (MIBC) 17-16
MII management frame (MMFR) 17-13
MII speed control (MSCR) 17-15
opcode/pause duration (OPD) 17-19
physical address low (PALR n) 17-18
physical address low/high (PALR, PAUR) 17-18
receive buffer size (EMRBR) 17-24
receive control (RCR) 17-16
receive descriptor active (RDAR) 17-11
receive descriptor ring start (ERDSR) 17-23
transmit buffer descriptor ring start (ETSDR) 17-24
transmit control (TCR) 17 -17
transmit descriptor active (TDAR) 17-12
control 0–2 (CANCTRLn) 25-2025-22
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-11
error and status (ESTAT) 25-25
free running timer (TIMER) 25-23
interrupt flag (IFLAG) 25-28
interrupt mask (IMASK) 25-27
module configuration (CANMCR) 25-18
prescaler divide (PRESDIV) 25-22
receive error counter (RXECTR) 25-29
receive mask (RXGMASK, RXnMASK) 25-24
transmit error counter (TXECTR) 25-30
general purpose timers
channel (GPTCn)20-13
compare force (GPCFORC) 20-6
control 1–2 (GPTCTLn) 20-9
counter (GPTCNT) 20-7
flag 1–2 (GPTFLGn) 20-12
input capture/output compare select (GPTIOS) 20-5
interrupt enable (GPTIE) 20-10
output compare 3 data (GPTOC3D) 20-7
output compare 3 mask (GPTOC3M) 20-6
port data (PORTTn) 20-16
port data direction (GPTDDR) 20-17
pulse accumulator control (GPTPAC TL) 20-14
pulse accumulator counter (GPTPACNT) 20-16
pulse accumulator flag (GPTPAFLG) 20-15
system control 1–2 (GPTSCRn)20-8
, 20-11
toggle-on-overflow (GPTTOV) 20-9
port AS pin assignment (PASPAR) 26-21
port B/C/D pin assignment (PBCDPAR) 26-16
port clear output data (CLRn) 26-14
port data direction (DDRn) 26-11
port E pin assignment (PEPAR) 26-17
port EH/EL pin assignment (PEHLPAR) 26-22
port F pin assignment (PFPAR) 26-19
port J pin assignment (PJPAR) 26-20
port output data (PORTn)26-10
port pin data/set data (PORTnP/SETn)26-13
port QS pin assignment (PQSPAR) 26-23
port SD pin assignment (PSDPAR) 26-21
port TC pin assignment (PTCPAR) 26-24
port TD pin assignment (PTDPAR) 26-25
port UA pin assignment (PUAPAR) 26-26
address (I2ADR) 24-3
control (I2CR) 24-4
data I/O (I2DR) 24-6
frequency divider (I2FDR) 24-3
status (I2SR) 24-5
interrupt controller
interrupt acknowledge level and priority
(IACKLPRn) 10-11
interrupt control (ICRnx) 10-12
interrupt force high/low (INTFRCHn, INTFRCLn) 10-9
interrupt pending high/low (IPRHn, IPRLn) 10-6
interrupt request level (IRLRn)10-11
mask high/low (IMRHn, n) 10-7
boundary scan 31-5
bypass 31-5
instruction shift (IR) 31-4
power management
low-power control (LPCR) 7-4
low-power interrupt control (LPICR) 7-2
control 2–0 (QACRn)28-10
conversion command word (CCW) 28-24, 28-53
left-justified signed (LJSRR) 28-27
left-justified unsigned (LJURR) 28-28
module configuration (QADCMCR) 28-7
port data (PORTQA and PO RTQB) 28-8
port QA and QB data direction (DDRQA,
DDRQB) 28-9
result word table 28-55
right-justified unsigned result (RJURR) 28-27
status 0–1 (QASRn)28-17
, 28-23
successive approximation (SAR) 28-34
test (QADCTEST) 28-8
address (QAR) 22-7
command RAM (QCRn) 22-8
data (QDR) 22-8
delay (QDLYR) 22-5
interrupt (QIR) 22-6
mode (QMR) 22-3
wrap (QWR) 22-6
reset controller
control (RCR) 29-3
status (RSR) 29-4
bus mast e r pa rk (MPARK) 8-9
core reset status (CRSR) 8-5
core watchdog control (CWCR) 8-5
core watchdog service (CWSR) 8-7
grouped peripheral access control (GPACRn)8-15
master privilege (MPR) 8-13
peripheral access control (PACRn)8-13
RAMBAR 5-1, 8-3
SDRAM controller
address and control 1–0 (DACRn) 15-6
control (DCR) 15-4
mask (DMRn) 15-8
mode register
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-12 Freescale Semiconductor
initialization 15-23
settings 15-18
capture (DTCRn) 21-7
counters (DTCNn)21-8
event (DTERn)21-5
mode (DTMRn) 21-3
reference (DTRRn)21-7
control and status (PCSR) 19-3
count (PCNTR) 19-5
modulus (PMR) 19-5
UART modules
auxiliary control (UACRn)23-13
baud rate generator (UBG1n/UBG2n) 23-15
clock select (UCSRn) 23-9
command (UCRn)23-9
input port (UIPn)23-15
input port change (UIPCRn)23-12
interrupt status/mask (UISRn/UIMRn)23-13
mode 1 (UMR1n) 23-5
mode 2 (UMRn)23-6
output port command (UOP1n/UOP0n) 23-16
receive buffers (URBn)23-11
status (USRn)23-8
transmit buffers (UTBn) 23-12
watchdog timer
control (WCR) 18-3
count (WCNTR) 18-5
modulus (WMR) 18-4
service (WSR) 18-5
Remote frames 25-11
Reset controller
block diagram 29-1
control flow 29-7
electrical characteristics
reset and configuration override ti mi ng 33-19
features 29-1
low-power modes 7-9
memory map 29-2
overview 29-1
control (RCR) 29-3
status (RSR) 29-4
internal 29-9
synchronous 29-9
sources of reset 29-5
external reset 29-6
LDV reset 29-6
loss-of-clock reset 29-6
loss-of-lock reset 29-6
power-on reset 29-6
software reset 29-6
watchdog timer reset 29-6
status flags 29-10
timing diagrams
RSTI and configuration override 33-20
Run mode 7-5
Rx/Tx frames 25-6
features 8-12
overview 8-11
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions 31-7
Sampling mode (SAMP) 25-21
S-clock 25-12
features 8-1
low-power modes 7-7
memory map 8-2, 8-12
overview 8-1
bus mast e r pa rk (MPARK) 8-9
core reset status (CRSR) 8-5
core watchdog control (CWCR) 8-5
core watchdog service (CWSR) 8-7
grouped peripheral access control (GPACRn)8-15
master privilege (MPR) 8-13
peripheral access control (PACRn)8-13
RAMBAR 5-1, 8-3
SACU 8-11
features 8-12
overview 8-11
SDRAM controller
auto-refresh 15-15
block diagram 15-1
burst page mode 15-13
definitions 15-1
DACR initialization 15-20
DCR initialization 15-20
DMR initialization 15-22
initialization code 15-2 3
interface configuration 15-20
initialization 15-17
interfacing 15-13
memory map 15-4
general 15-3
low-power modes 7-7
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-13
address multiplexing 15-9
general guidelines 15-9
overview 15-1
address and control 1–0 (DACRn)15-6
control (DCR) 15-4
mask (DMRn) 15-8
mode register
initialization 15-23
settings 15-18
self-refresh 15-16
timing diagrams
read cycle 33-17
write cycle 33-18
timing specification s 33-17
Self-received frames 25-10
block diagram 14-2
address bus (A23–0) 14-19
byte strobes (BS3–0) 14-19
chip select (CS6–0) 14-21
data (D31–0) 14-19
output enable (OE) 14-19
read/write (R/W)14-20
summary 13-1
transfer acknowledge (TA)14-19
transfer error acknowledge (TEA) 14-20
transfer in progress (TIP) 14-21
transfer size (SIZ1–0) 14-20
transfer start (TS)14-20
chip configuration
CLKMOD1–0 9-5
chip configuration module
CLKMOD1–0 14-22, 27-2
RCON 14-22, 27-2
reset configuration override (D26–2 4, 21, 19–16) 27-3
chip select module
byte strobes (BS3–0) 12-1
chip select (CS6–0) 12-1
output enable (OE) 12-1
clock module
CLKMOD1–0 9-5
clock outp ut (CLKOUT) 9-5, 14-22
EXTAL 9-4, 14-22
XTAL 9-5, 14-22
breakpoint (BKPT) 30-2
breakpoint/test mode select (BKPT/TMS) 14-30
debug data (DDATA3–0) 14-31, 30-2
development serial clock (DSCLK) 30-2
development serial clock/test reset
(DSCLK/TRST) 14-30
development serial input (DSI) 30-2
development serial input/test data (DSI/TDI) 14-30
development serial output (DSO) 30-2
development serial output/test data (DSO/TDO) 14-30
JTAG_EN 14-29
processor status (PST3–0) 30-2
processor status output (PST3–0) 14-31
test clock (TCLK) 14-30
description by pin 32-4
DMA timers
timer 0 input (DTIN0) 14-27
timer 0 out put (DTOUT0) 14-27
timer 1 input (DTIN1) 14-27
timer 1 out put (DTOUT1) 14-28
timer 2 input (DTIN2) 14-28
timer 2 out put (DTOUT2) 14-28
timer 3 input (DTIN3) 14-28
timer 3 out put (DTOUT3) 14-28
carrier receive sense (ECRS) 14-24
collision (ECOL) 14-24
management data (EMDIO) 14-23
management data clock (EMDC) 14-23
receive clock (ERXCLK) 14-24
receive data 0 (ERXDO) 14-24
receive data 3–1 (ERXD3–1) 14-24
receive data valid (ERXDV) 14-24
receive error (ERXER) 14-25
transmit clock (EXTCLK) 14-23
transmit data 0 (ETXD0) 14-23
transmit data 1–3 (ETXD3–1) 14-24
transmit enable (ETXEN) 14-23
transmit error (ETXER) 14-24
external boot mode 14-18
receive (CANRX) 14-25
transmit (CANTX) 14-25
general purpose timers
external clock input (SYNCx) 14-27, 20-4
GPTB3–0 14-27
GPTn2–0 20-3
GPTx3–0 14-27
serial clock (SCL) 14-26
serial data (SDA) 14-26
IRQ7–1 14-23
JTAG_EN 31-2
TCLK 31-3
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-14 Freescale Semiconductor
test data input/development serial input (TDI/DSI) 31-3
test data output/development serial output
(TDO/DSO) 31-4
test mode select/breakpoint (TMS/BKPT) 31-3
test reset/development serial clock
overview 14-1
power and reference
VDD 14-32
VDDA, VSSA 14-32
VDDF, VSSF 14-32
VDDH 14-32
VPP 14-32
VRH, VRL 14-32
VSS 14-32
VSTBY 14-32
analog input (ANn/ANx) 14-2814-29
analog power (VDDA, VSSA) 28-56
analog reference (VRH, VRL) 28-56
dedicated digital I/O port supply (VDDH) 28-6
external trigger input (ETRIG2–1) 28-5
multiplexed address output (MA1–0) 28-5
multiplexed analog input (ANx) 28-5
port QA analog input (AN56–55, 53–52) 28-4
port QA digital input/outpu t (PQA4–3, 1–0) 28-4
port QB analog input (AN3–0) 28-4
port QB digital I/O (PQB3–0) 28-5
chip select (QSPI_CS3–0) 14-25
serial clock (QSPI_CLK) 14-25
summary 22-2
synchronous serial data input (QSPI_DIN) 14-25
synchronous serial data output (QSPI_DOUT) 14-25
reset controller
reset in (RSTI)14-22, 29-2
reset out (RSTO)29-2
SDRAM controller
bank select (SDRAM_CS1–0) 14-21
clock enable (SCKE) 14-22
column address strobe (SCAS) 14-21
row address strobe (SRAS)14-21
summary 15-4
write enable (DRAMW)14-21
single-chip mode 14-17
TEST 14-31
UART modules
clear-to-send (UCTS1–0) 14-26
receive serial data input (URXD2–0) 14-26
request-to-send (URTS1–0) 14-27
transmit serial data output (UTXD2–0) 14-26
cache, interaction 4-7
features 5-1
initialization 5-3
low-power modes 7-6
overview 5-1
power management 5-4
programming model 5-1
timing diagrams
bus cycle terminated by TA 33-15
bus cycle terminated by TEA 33-16
Stack pointer 2-5
Stack pointer registers
BDM accesses 30-33
Start-of-frame (SOF) 25-13
STOP instruction 3 0-4 , 30-17
Stop mode 7-6
System clock
generation 9-11
modes 9-10
TAP controller 31-6
Time quanta clock 25-12
Time stamp 25-6, 25-12
Timer overflow interrupt 20-22
capture mode 21-8
code example 21-9
general 21-9
output mode 21-9
prescaler 21-8
reference compare 21-8
capture (DTCRn)21-7
counters (DTCNn) 21-8
event (DTERn) 21-5
mode (DTMRn)21-3
reference (DTRRn) 21-7
time-out values 21-10
general purpose, see general purpose timers
block diagram 19-1
interrupts 19-7
memory map 19-2
free-running 19-6
low-power modes 19-1
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor Index-15
set-and-forget 19-6
control and status (PCSR) 19-3
count (PCNTR) 19-5
modulus (PMR) 19-5
timeout 19-7
watchdog, see watchdog timer 18-2
Timing diagrams
BDM serial port AC timing 33-28
real-time trace AC timing 33-28
MII async input signal 33-23
general input timing requirem ents 33-12
GPIO 33-19
digital input 26-28
digital output 26-28
input/output timing 33-21
BKPT timing 33-27
boundary scan 33-26
test access port 33-26
test clock input timing 33-26
TRST timing 33-27
bypass mode conversion timi ng 28-33
conversion in external positive edge trigger mode 28-59
conversion in gated mode, continuous scan 28-60
conversion in gated mode, single scan 28-60
conversion timing 28-33
QSPI timing 33-25
reset controller
RSTI and configuration override timing 33-20
SDRAM controller
read cycle 33-17
write cycle 33-18
bus cycle terminated by TA 33-15
bus cycle terminated by TEA 33-16
Transmit bit error (BITERR) 25-26
UART modules
clock select registers (UCSRn) 23-9
clock source
baud rates 23-17
divider 23-17
external 23-18
command registers (UCRn)23-9
core interrupts 23-26
DMA service 23-27
FIFO stack 23-21
initialization 23-29
input port change (UIPCRn)23-12
memory map 23-3
looping modes
automatic echo 23-23
local loop-back 23-23
remote loop-back 23-23
low-power modes 7-8
multidrop mode 23-24
receiver 23-20
transmitter 23-18
auxiliary control (UACRn)23-13
baud rate generator (UBG1n/UBG2n) 23-15
input port (UIPn) 23-15
interrupt status/mask (UISRn/UIMRn) 23-13
mode 1 (UMR1n) 23-5
mode 2 (UMR2n) 23-6
output port command (UOP1n/UOP0n) 23-16
receive buffers (URBn) 23-11
status (USRn) 23-8
transmit buffers (UTBn)23-12
Variant address 30-4
Wait mode 7-6
Wake interrupt (WAKEINT) 25-16, 25-27
Watchdog timer
block diagram 18-2
memory map 18-2
low-power 7-10, 18-1
overview 18-1
control (WCR) 18-3
count (WCNTR) 18-5
modulus (WMR) 18-4
service (WSR) 18-5
WDDATA execution 30-3
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
Index-16 Freescale Semiconductor
MCF5282 and MCF5216 ColdFire Microcontroller User’s Manual, Rev. 3
ColdFire Core
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
Static RAM (SRAM)
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Power Management
System Control Module (SCM)
Clock Module
Interrupt Controller Modules
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
Chip Select Module
External Interface Module (EIM)
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
DMA Controller Module
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
Watchdog Timer Module
Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) Modules
General Purpose Timer (GPT) Modules
FlexCAN Module
General Purpose I/O Module
I2C Module
DMA Timers
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface Module (QSPI)
UART Modules
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Reset Controller Module
Debug Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Mechanical Data
Electrical Characteristics
Memory Ma p B
Revision History
Signal Descriptions 14
ColdFire Core
Enhanced Multiply-Accumulate Unit (EMAC)
Static RAM (SRAM)
ColdFire Flash Module (CFM)
Power Management
System Control Module (SCM)
Clock Module
Interrupt Controller Modules
Edge Port Module (EPORT)
Chip Select Module
External Interface Module (EIM)
Signal Descriptions
Synchronous DRAM Controller Module
DMA Controller Module
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC)
Watchdog Timer Module
Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) Modules
General Purpose Timer (GPT) Modules
FlexCAN Module
General Purpose I/O Module
I2C Module
DMA Timers
Queued Serial Peripheral Interface Module (QSPI)
UART Modules
Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
Queued Analog-to-Digital Converter (QADC)
Reset Controller Module
Debug Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port (JTAG)
Mechanical Data
Electrical Characteristics
Memory Map
B Revision History
IND Index