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The 32 bit processor brings a few other features to the table as well, such as multiple channels of Direct Memory Access, several high-resolution ADCs and even an I2S digital audio interface! There are also 4 separate interval timers plus a delay timer! Oh yeah, and all pins have interrupt capability. Also, it can provide system voltage of 3.3V to other devices at up to 250mA. All of this functionality is jammed into a 1.4 x 0.7 inch board with all headers on a 0.1" grid so you can slap in on a breadboard and get to work! The Teensy 3.2 adds a more powerful 3.3 volt regulator, with the ability to directly power an ESP8266 Wifi, WIZ820io Ethernet, and other 3.3V add-on boards that require a little more power. Additionally, if it is used within the Teensy 3.1 limits of operation, the Teensy 3.2 and 3.1 are interchangeable! images are CC BY 2.0 SHARE Previous Versions Note: This does not come with a USB cable, please check below for an appropriate one. Tags ARDUINO Teensy 3.2 Product Help and Resources TUTORIALS SKILLS NEEDED Boss Alarm MARCH 30, 2016 Build a Boss Alarm that alerts you of anyone walking into your office and automatically changes your computer screen. Vox Imperium: Stormtrooper Voice Changer OCTOBER 25, 2016 Add some flair to your Imperial uniform by changing your voice using a Teensy 3.2 and Prop Shield. ARM DEVELOPMENT TEENSY TEENSY 3.2 COMMENTS 8 REVIEWS 57 Customer Reviews 4.6 out of 5 Based on 57 ratings: 5 star 39 4 star 16 3 star 0 2 star 1 1 star 1 Currently viewing all customer reviews. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Simply the best 'duino in the world about 2 years ago by Member #409463 verified purchaser These have flawless software improvements to the arduino standard libraries. Things that are obvious. Tons of memory, crazy fast (even loading code to the teensy is faster too). More pins, multiple serial arrangements, better ADC and PWM and faster UART and +++. It's just better in every way. I can't think of a single complaint. 2 of 2 found this helpful: Very Impressive about 2 years ago by Member #63553 verified purchaser I am building an instrument which must log one analogue channel and one axis of acceleration at about 100 to 1000 samples per second (s/s) for about a day. It must fit inside a 1" diameter tube (batteries as well). I bought a Teensy 3.2 (I had previously used a Teensy LC), and Sparkfun Accelerometer, RTC and microSD cards. I also bought a couple of 400 mAHr Lipo's and a charger/boost board. I have it working and tested to 1k s/s and it could probably go about 10 times faster. It draws about 50 mA. There is plenty of room for data on the 16 GByte microSd. My main problems were due the Arduino IDE or (more probably) my lack of understanding of it. I have been programming for 50 years and developing microprocessor systems for 40. But I am just starting to use the Arduino IDE. It seems It is much less powerful than Visual Studio, Eclipse, Netbeans or even PSoC Designer, all of which I have used in recent years. But there is a lot of sample sample code available with a little searching and it is all open for view. The Teensy board itself is very powerful for and is physically small. It integrates well with other Arduino components and with the Arduino IDE. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Amazing about 2 years ago by Member #722560 verified purchaser It's a flexible and powerful board, with huge capacity and small size, for me it is the best option for make projects. 1 of 1 found this helpful: A bit of a crank to get to running with arduino but it works about a year ago by kewakl verified purchaser Some say that the keyboard-HID doesn't work, Why would you say that? You probably need to select the proper USB Type from the teensy section of the arduino Tools menu AND add a significant delay to allow time for the OS to enumerate the board. I have one pumping my WINXP password to an old laptop! The teensy-helper install will only install with SUPPORTED arduino versions. I am not a fan of this board's USB connector (TIGHT SMD connector with substantial shear force applied to the solder pads during the cable un/plug cycle), but I fault the USB cartel for that, NOT Paul or Robin. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Huge "bang for the buck" about 2 years ago by Elecdonia verified purchaser MUCH faster than 8-bit AVR Arduino boards. I recommend combining the Teensy 3.2 with the Sparkfun Teensy shield board. The result can be used as a direct alternative to several Arduino models. The Teensyduino extension to the standard Arduino IDE is superb. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Super product; fit my requirements to a T about a year ago by Member #832841 verified purchaser Size was not so much a factor but I/O pins and memory were. The board lived up to expectations. The Teensyduino devel addon worked as advertised. So we were up and running in no time. Having 70+mhz processing was also delightful. The use of the backside pins did take a little working around, but we got access wires soldered in and epoxied down. And we found enough info to make some circuit boards to hold it after we tried the Sparkfun breakout board. All in all a great part. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Tiny, inexpensive, extremely capable about a year ago by Madbodger verified purchaser This is a very powerful board for the size and money. It is easy to program, using the Teensyduino add-on to Arduino (it's not quite as smooth as some other board integrations, but it's not difficult, works well, and comes with a heap of useful libraries). I've built a few of these into projects (24-channel dimmer, robot controller, replica props). Works great in a breadboard if you solder male or stacking headers to it (leave off the ones on the narrow end, as they make it tricky to plug into a breadboard). Paired with a Prop Shield, it has enough horsepower to run a full Kalman filter (code is installed the NXPMotionSense library with Teensyduino and is also available on the prop shield page on the web site) and serve as a very smooth, stable, and responsive IMU. 1 of 1 found this helpful: Quickest project turnaround I've ever managed about a year ago by Member #409359 verified purchaser I had a client that wanted to tie a series of RS-232 commands to a list of keyboard shortcuts to allow automation of a specialized application that ran on custom developed computer hardware. Due to support and manufacturer limitations, installing software on the target system was not an option. I was able to add a Sparkfun RS-232 to TTL level shifter (PRT-00449) to this Teensy, mount everything in a nice enclosure, and provide a finished product that simply appeared as a HID USB keyboard to the target system within three days despite never having developed for the Teensy platform before. The Arduino IDE plugin made development a breeze. 1 of 1 found this helpful: The Teensy 3.2 is now my goto board! about 2 years ago by Member #499845 verified purchaser 3 UARTS, high res ADC's, 7 timers and built like a tank! 1 of 1 found this helpful: about 2 years ago by Fred4 verified purchaser Lots of pins for everything I need plus it has a 12 bit ADC for better resolution. Super happy with the Teensy and this has started to become my go-to micro. 2 of 2 found this helpful: Fast - loaded with IO about 2 years ago by DeweyOxberger verified purchaser I've been using Teensy since the 3.0 kickstarter. I've rolled them out into several projects. They work well. They are well support with the Arduino Libraries. I recommend them. 6 of 7 found this helpful: Just Awesome about 2 years ago by Member #395742 verified purchaser First, the specs and price on these little boards couldn't be better. But the main reason I love Teensy so much is that the "bootloader" is contained in a separate chip from the main MCU. The loader is placed in RAM from the secondary chip when you press the programming button, but otherwise isn't even in flash on the main MCU. This means that if you drop the Arduino stuff, you have access to 100% of the resources of the MCU completely under your control. That might not be your cup of tea, but it's refreshing to find hobbiest dev boards unencumbered by hobbiest bootloaders. 1 of 2 found this helpful: I'd have it's babies about 2 years ago by Member #123644 verified purchaser Best dev board ever. Audio applications for days! I'm going to stick one of these in everything that's not moving! So incredibly versatile and easy! about 2 years ago by Member #834610 verified purchaser This is one of the most straight forward dev boards I've ever used. So easy to use. Really well documented. I have been using the MIDI over USB functionality and it's a dream. I'll be using PWM, CAN, and RS232 as well as breaking out some I/Os. Seriously, there is no reason not to buy this thing. Teensy 3.2 and Prop Shield about a year ago by Member #85439 verified purchaser Both working great no issues using them. 0 of 2 found this helpful: not exactly what I expected about a year ago by Member #507582 verified purchaser First it was slow to get here. slower than snail mail. second there was no USB cable provided with the board and hence it is useless unless you buy a cable for it. the board is poorly supported. could not get the boot loader to work with windows 10 and there seems very little support for it at prj website. Single T replied on October 3, 2016: Looking over the shipping records, it appears that you have used FedEx Economy. This is the slowest method for domestic shipping because FedEx carries the package to your city, then passes it off to the US Postal Service for final delivery. This method can take a number of extra days. If delivery time is important, FedEx ground is the preferred shipping method. There is a note on the product page clarifying that the USB cable is not included. But this is a standard USB micro B cable that is common with many smart phones and modern devices. Likely you may already have one in your home that you can use. There is plenty of support (both covering Win10 and others) that can be found here. Also the PJRC forums are a good resource for additional information. Great little unit. about a year ago by Member #848177 verified purchaser This thing is perfect for small projects but still powerful. Programming is simple and it fit's into small units where others don't. Combined with the Teensy Prop it's all you need for simple animatronics with high quality sound. Amazing work by Paul!!! about a year ago by Member #369112 Amazing how powerful this tiny thing is verified purchaser Excellent Cortex Based MCU about a year ago by Member #62545 verified purchaser The Teensy add-on to Arduino is easy and quick to install. The Teensy itself is easy to code and very very powerful. I can poll IMU data and run kalman filters at 1kHz! Great all around product about a year ago by Member #606728 verified purchaser Needs addition ESD protection, but other than than it is extremely powerful and capable Nano on steroids. about a year ago by Ashley verified purchaser The tweensy 3.2 has great pwm features and also a great ADC or should I say 2 ADC's. This unit is a arduino nano on steroids. It has many additional functions to the standard arduino which are just functions that should be there, eg setting the pwm freq, ADC resolution, ADC sampling average count, pwm resolution the list goes on and on. Not to mention it is upto 7 times faster and has much bigger memory. Easy to use with Arduino and super fast! about a year ago by Member #194599 verified purchaser The reason that for me this board is awesome is: - Interrupts on all the digital pins - Being able to be a USB joystick/ keyboard, and a whole lot more with just a click (no having to reflash the usb chip) Plus there are a ton of peripherals and really good arduino libraries built around them (the pjrc site does a good job documenting this). Awesome product and thank you Sparkfun for the Quickstart guide! 0 of 1 found this helpful: Overall it is good about a year ago by Member #901705 verified purchaser Teensy is with good design. If we can have more examples on using Arduino IDE to program teensy, it would be better. We encountered some problems on rs232 serial communication with teensy. Easy to Use about a year ago by Member #489077 verified purchaser Solder in the headers and your off and running. I bought this to use for the Sparkfun Proto-8 project. So far all is working well. Very nice!! last year by Member #578023 verified purchaser I had trouble knowing when to push the button, but RTFM cleared that up!! I had overlooked the USB configuration file, which was missing. I made the Hand Pan or Space Drum out of mine, very nice!!! Makes a spectacular, cool, creepy display. about 10 months ago by Member #294816 verified purchaser Used a Teensy 3.2 to make animated eyes with "Uncanny Eyes" code. Makes a spectacular display for a robotic face! Video of it is at . Worked great controlling the eyes, but burned through two Teensy's trying to also control the servos for the mouth and eyebrows. Reason for failures unknown. Switched the same servos and wiring to an Arduino Uno with no problems. Powerfull Arduino compatable processor about 8 months ago by Member #819136 verified purchaser 32 bit instructions instead of 8 for Arduino (Efficient, mostly one clock cycle instructions) IDE overlay Arduino compatible (easy to use) One true digital to analog channel output (sound and music) 96 MHz clock rate (ovderclocked but works well) 3.3VDC operation (low power requirements) Real Time Clock option on-board (requires a crystal and battery) Good support online Amazing Platform about 7 months ago by Member #815726 verified purchaser I wanted to build high quality chiming clocks. I needed a platform with an accurate real time clock, a powerful DSP to synthesize chimes and bells, and good power management capabilities so I could run on batteries for a year. Check (with optional crystal), check (with add on audio board), and check (with some very nice power libraries)! Lots of memory, I/O, and processing power. The audio board has a very useful design tool so you can easily put together all kinds of mixers, filters, delays, and other audio effects. A little more complicated than your basic Arduino, but a joy to use. Serial Ports about 7 months ago by Member #841961 verified purchaser I work extensively with low speed asynchronous communications. Usually, I can't get enough ports. This thing has plenty. Wish the analog input code wasn't quite so cumbersome but it is blazingly fast. Good little processor about 7 months ago by Member #1093296 verified purchaser I have used the Teensy 3.2 on another project to replace an Arduino UNO, with some success. This time I had an Arduino in an older project, but found I needed more RAM and substituted in the Teensy. A little rewiring and everything worked out fine. love my teensies about 3 months ago by Isdale verified purchaser I've been using Teensy 3 since they were introduced. It is the smallest, most powerful arduino compatible, with awesome support from PJRC. There are a number of daughter boards (shields, hats, whatever) including adapters for regular arduino shields and the Adafruit Feather series. Most versatile little microcontroller about 2 months ago by matt pinner verified purchaser I love the beefy 3.3v regulator on this board. i love having the 250ma of 3.3vdc ready to power auxiliary parts, sensors, and even a radio. Not DOA but close to. about a month ago by jjdaybr verified purchaser I was able to use the Teensy provided loader application to load the slow blink program successfully and was able to watch it blink. I was then able to load the fast blink program successfully and was able to watch it blink fast successfully. After that I installed the Teensy Teensyduino software. After that point the entire Teensy was no longer recognized by my system (Windows 10) as a valid USB device and the device no longer lights up at all. Following that the Teensy loader will also not recognize it. After prolonged periods of being plugged in the device will attempt to appear to boot with a blinking light and the system does attempt to recognize it again but will fail. Teensy support suggests using high quality USB cables. My cables I'm using I have used for years programming Arduino Micro boards and the same cables (as of trying this product) still work fine with my Arduino Micros, so I do not suspect the cable of being the issue. I have tried this same process with a system that has not seen the Teensy before and its behavior is non functional (not recognized). Nice little board about a month ago by Member #29524 verified purchaser Teensy combines a much more powerful processor with the Arduino libraries. I'm an experienced C/C++ programmer and am used to having to talk to microprocessor peripherals and offboard chips, on PIC and AVR, but it's nice to be able to suck down a library and have it just work. I've been using these with the Labview Lynx library, doing user interface on a windows machine running labview, and putting the low-level data acquisition and control on the Teensy. I found that works fine to have multiple Teensys plugged into a USB hub hanging off of my laptop. It seems each chip automatically gets assigned a distinct virtual serial port. I read through the CPU chip manual, and it has all kinds of features, many of which are supported by Teensyspecific libraries. So far I've only used the ADC library, which allows access to higher resolution than is available through the standard Arduino routines. My goto board about 3 weeks ago by Member #66988 verified purchaser Over the past two years, I have completely switched over to using Teensy boards due to the increased specifications and capabilities they have over the Arduino boards. This is my third Teensy 3.2. Not your grandfather's Arduino about 2 years ago by Member #29816 verified purchaser My video review: Cheers Joe Good upgrade about 2 years ago by Member #532475 verified purchaser Teensy isthe ideal product for most of my projects. I'm happy to see this update and the possibility to work more easily with the ESP8266 wify module. Just as easy as an Arduino about 2 years ago by Member #40697 verified purchaser I was up and running within minutes with Teensy. It's also very cute. Great platform! about 2 years ago by Alfredo Rius verified purchaser Cheap, powerful and easy to prototype! Lots of memory, speed, and I/O about 2 years ago by Member #740506 verified purchaser Everything this hardware hacker and professional software developer needs. A Good One about 2 years ago by Member #264317 verified purchaser Love it! Easy to use and code examples for interrupts are available. Unlike the Feather and SAMD21 which are just about useless except for blinking some LED's. Some distrib's are spiking the price + 30% or more. Nice board, needs SWD connector about 2 years ago by Member #31162 verified purchaser Really nice board, size, features, and processor. I need some kind of debug however so I need SWD connected. Had to put one on myself. I'd use board more but this is too much hassle. Especially since the SAM21D mini is about the same thing but with cortex M connector layout on the board. Amazing Little Board about 2 years ago by Member #710396 verified purchaser I bought two of these to just for testing purpose and I'm impressed with their speed and features. I'm going to migrate my old Arduino Nano projects to this one :) A single Teensy 3.2 is almost equivalent to six of my Arduino Nano (of course with some pros and cons). 0 of 2 found this helpful: about 2 years ago by Member #758883 verified purchaser If you're getting this for a custom keyboard, don't. It doesn't work. 0 of 1 found this helpful: very good module about 2 years ago by Member #759638 verified purchaser It is very simple but very powerfull. I like more than arduino srandard board START SOMETHING. SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER In 2003, CU student Nate Seidle blew a power supply in his dorm room and, in lieu of a way to order easy replacements, decided to start his own company. Since then, SparkFun has been committed to sustainably helping our world achieve electronics literacy from our headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. No matter your vision, SparkFun's products and resources are designed to make the world of electronics more accessible. In addition to over 2,000 open source components and widgets, SparkFun offers curriculum, training and online tutorials designed to help demystify the wonderful world of embedded electronics. We're here to help you start something. 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