UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
The Si5332-8IX-EVB is used for evaluating the Si5332-GM2 grade E, F, G or H embed-
ded crystal Low Jitter Any-Frequency Clock Generator. The Si5332-GM2 grade E, F, G
or H embedded crystal uses the patented MultisynthTM technology to generate up to
eight independent clock frequencies each with 0 ppm synthesis error. The Si5332-8IX-
EVB has two independent input clocks. The Si5332-8IX-EVB can be controlled and con-
figured using the Clock Builder Pro (CB Pro) software tool.
Powered from USB port or external power
Embedded 50 MHz XTAL allows free-run
mode of operation on the Si5332 or up to 2
input clocks for synchronous clocking.
CBPro GUI programmable VDD supply
allows device to operate from 3.3, 2.5, or
1.8 V.
CBPro GUI programmable VDDO supplies
allow each of the 10 outputs to have its
own power supply voltage selectable from
3.3, 2.5, or 1.8 V.
CBPro GUI-controlled voltage, current, and
power measurements of VDD and all
VDDO supplies.
SMA connectors for input and output
clocks. | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2
1. Functional Block Diagram
Below is a functional block diagram of the Si5332-8IX-EVB. This EVB can be connected to a PC via the main USB connector for pro-
gramming, control and monitoring. See section 5. Installing ClockBuilderPro (CBPro) Desktop Software for more information.
Main USB
Ext +5 V
Ext +5 V
GPIO inputs
Input clock
Output clocks
I2C i/f
Figure 1.1. Si5332-8IX-EVB Functional Block Diagram
UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
Functional Block Diagram | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2 | 2
2. Si5332 CBPro
The Si5332 is intended to be part of the CBPro software and this initial software release “showcases” that trait. This software contains:
1. An EVB GUI that communicates and controls the EVB by allowing the user to set VDD supplies.
2. The ability to modify frequency plan (from the starting point CBPro file provided with this limited release) from an existing CBPro
Figure 2.1. CBPro Start Screen
UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
Si5332 CBPro™ | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2 | 3
3. Si5332-8IX-EVB Schematics
The schematic and layout files are provided here: schematics and layouts.
Please review the files, especially the DUT page, in order to get familiar with using the EVB through CBPro.
UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
Si5332-8IX-EVB Schematics | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2 | 4
4. Si5332 CBPro EVB GUI
The EVB GUI can be used to communicate the part for register access:
The first page shows the board's identity.
Figure 4.1. Board ID Page
The other pages for for register access, VDD control, and GPIO control.
Figure 4.2. Register Access
UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
Si5332 CBPro™ EVB GUI | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2 | 5
5. Installing ClockBuilderPro (CBPro) Desktop Software
To install the CBOPro software on any Windows 7 (or above) PC:
Go to and download ClockBuilderPro software.
Both installation instructions and User’s Guide for ClockBuilderPro can be found at this link. Follow the instructions as indicated.
UG329: Si5332-8IX-EVB User's Guide
Installing ClockBuilderPro (CBPro) Desktop Software | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.2 | 6
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
400 West Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX 78701
ClockBuilder Pro
One-click access to Timing tools,
documentation, software, source
code libraries & more. Available for
Windows and iOS (CBGo only).
Timing Portfolio
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Silicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®,
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