Many Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) are
used to measure the level or magnitude of static
signals. Applications include the measurement of
weight, pressure, and temperature. These appli-
cations involve low-level signals which require
high resolution and accuracy. An example is a
weigh-scale that can handle up to a 5 kilogram
load and yet resolve the measurement to 10 mil-
ligrams. The ratio of maximum load to lowest
resolvable unit is five hundred thousand to one.
This req uires the weigh -scale’s ADC to digitize a
load cell’s signal with a resolution of 500,000
When working with high resolution ADCs, an
understanding of the error and noise associated
with the conversion process is required. The goal
for this application note is to show how histo-
gram analysis is used to quantify static
performance. Sample sets of data are collected
and used to measure noise and offset. Statistical
techniques are used to determine the "goodness"
and confidence interval associated with the esti-
mates. Averaging is addressed as a means of
decreasing unce rtainty and improving resolution.
In an ideal situation, the output of an ADC
would be exact with no offset error, gain error,
nor noise. However, the actual output from the
ADC includes error and noise. Static testing
methods can be used to evaluate the ADC’s per-
formance. A dc signal is applied to the ADC’s
input and the digital output words are collected.
The signal’s level is adjusted to measure offset
and gain errors associated with deviations in the
slope and intercept of the ADC’s transfer func-
tion. Noise is measured as the variability of the
output for a constant input.
Statistical techniques can be used to acquire per-
formance measurements, assess the effects of
noise, as well as compensate for the noise. An
ADC’s output varies for a constant input due to
noise. The noise is defined by a Probability Den-
sity Function (PDF), which represents the prob-
ability of discrete events. Statistical parameters
can be calculated from the PDF. The PDF’s
shape describes the certainty of the ADC’s out-
put a nd its noise cha racteristi cs.
Noise histogram analysis assumes that the noise
is random with a Gaussian distribution. This
means that the noise amplitude at a given instant
is uncorrelated with the output amplitude at any
other instant. A sample set of random noise pro-
duces a normal distribution which is used to
estimate the PDF. If the noise is not random and
does not have a normal distribution, the follow-
ing histogram analysis would not apply.
Examples of non-Gaussian noise include 1/f
noise, clock coupling, switching power supply
noise, and power line interference.
The ensuing sections discuss noise histogram
analysis and the estimation of unknown parame-
ters. The discussion addresses sampling
requirements, statistics, and performance trade-
offs. Statistical methods are used to determine
"goodness" and confidence intervals of parame-
ters estimated from sampled data. Goodness
relates to how well the sample set parameters
correlate to the actual system. Averaging is dis-
cussed as a method of reducing uncertainty and
improving resolution. This paper will lead to an
understanding of sampling issues and the trade-
offs that can be made to improve performance
and the consequences of the various choices
among sample size, confidence level, and
Usually the PDF descri bing the ADC noi se is not
specified. The PDF can be estimated by static
testing. This estimated PDF is actually a histo-
gram plot of the occurrences of a random
variable versus the individual variations. For an
ADC, the random variable is the resulting digital
codes, so the frequency at which each code oc-
curs is plotted against e ach discrete code.
Noise Histogram Analysis