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Surface Mount GaAs Tuning Varactors
Rev. V6
MA46 Series
ADVANCED: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology Solutions
is considering for development. Performance is based on target specifications, simulated results,
and/or prototype measurements. Commitment to develop is not guaranteed.
PRELIMINARY: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology
Solutions has under development. Performance is based on engineering tests. Specifications are
typical. Mechanical outline has been fixed. Engineering samples and/or test data may be available.
Commitment to produce in volume is not guaranteed.
• Constant Gamma Abrupt Junction: 0.5
Hyperabrupt Junctions: 0.75, 1.25 and 1.5
• Low Cost
• Surface Mount Packages
• Very High Quality Factor
• Capacitance Ratio to 10:1
• Case Style 1056 is Hermetic and may be
Screened to JANTX levels
• Tape and Reel Packaging Available
Description Applications
M/A-COM offers four families of low cost surface
mount gallium arsenide tuning varactors. All fami-
lies have silicon nitride protected junctions for low
leakage current and high reliability.
The MA46H500 through MA46H504 family has
hyperabrupt junctions with constant gamma of 1.5
from 2 to 12 volts and high quality factor.
The MA46H200 through MA46H204 family has
hyperabrupt junctions with constant gamma of 1.25
from 2 to 20 volts and higher quality factor.
The MA46H070 through MA46H073 family has
hyperabrupt junctions with constant gamma of 0.75
from 0 to20 volts and very high quality factor.
The MA46504 through MA46506 family has
abrupt junctions with constant gamma of 0.5 from 0
to 30 volts and the highest quality factor.
The MA46H500 through MA46H504 (gamma 1.5)
family of constant gamma hyperabrupt GaAs tuning
varactors is designed for wide bandwidth VCOs
and voltage tuned filters where limited bias voltage
is available. These varactors have lower quality
factor than the other families of GaAs varactors.
The MA46H200 through M46H204 (gamma 1.25)
family of constant gamma hyperabrupt GaAs tuning
varactors has the largest capacitance ratio of the
families of GaAs varactors and high quality factor.
These diodes are very well suited for wide band-
width VCOs and VTFs where the optimum combi-
nation of very wide tuning range and high quality
factor is required.
Absolute Maximum Ratings1 @ TA=+25 °C
1. Operation of this device above any one of these parameters
may cause permanent damage.
Parameter Case 1056 Case 1088
Operating Temperature -65°C to +150°C -65°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature -65°C to +200°C -65°C to +125°C
Reverse Voltage Breakdown Voltage
Forward Current 50mA @ 25°C
Power Dissipation 50mW @ 25°C , derate linearly to
0mW at maximum operating
Absolute Maximum
Common Case styles
The MA46H070 through MA46H073 (gamma
0.75) family of constant gamma hyperabrupt GaAs
tuning varactors has quality factor approaching that
of abrupt junction varactors, but higher capacitance
change versus tuning voltage.These diodes are
very well suited for narrowerbandwidth VCOs and
VTFs where wide tuning range and very high qual-
ity factor are required.
The MA46504 through MA46506 (gamma 0.5)
family ofconstant gamma abrupt GaAs tuning
varactors has the highest quality factor. These di-
odes are very well suited for narrower bandwidth
VCOs and VTFs where highest quality factor is of
paramount concern.
*Specification s are subject to change without prior notice